Text jokes on April 1st. Laughter's day: ideas of jokes and draws

Text jokes on April 1st. Laughter's day: ideas of jokes and draws

It is probably the most kind holiday in the year - the day of laughter. The main task of April 1 is to successfully play acquaintances and not get caught on this fishing rod. If the latest vigilance is reset, then interesting jokes on April 1 will need for friends. Consider the options for drawing.

Jokes on April 1 for friends by phone

A telephone joke is a great way to congratulate a friend from the first of April. So that everything worked, consider that the "victim" is ready for draws. Therefore, act suddenly.

Note: Throw out draws that affect the personal life of a person and his relatives. At first glance, such jokes seem funny, but if the price of laughter is resentment, then it is bad humor.

So, how to play a friend by phone:

  • And you sleep?

This joke is good because the person will not even think that he is played out. Wait three nights, and then call a friend.

- Hello. Hello, how are you?

- Hello, what do you?

- You probably slept?

- Of course, slept!

"Sorry, I'll pick up in the morning."

This is a rather hard joke, so at a personal "meeting" with a friend, be prepared to listen to the tirade of discontent.

  • Start with water.

Pretty old joke, but it is still underway. The main thing is to call with an unfamiliar for the "victim" and preferably to change the voice. Type a friend and say Similar text:

- Good morning (day, evening). Is it Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich?

- Hello. Yes it's me.

- You are bothering you from the Gorodokanal. During the day, we start out the unscheduled repair of the main systems. Therefore, the water supply will be disconnected in your area. Repair can delay, so we recommend stock water. Fill out all available containers.

- Okay. Thanks for the warning.

Say goodbye and leav for a few hours. Then call back.

- Hello. This is a redrawal. Have you scored in a bath of water?

- Yes thank you.

- It's my pleasure. Now go and let the boats. Happy first of April!

  • Telephone terrorist.

Call the "victim" and talk for several minutes to the abstract topics or in the case. Then, no matter, tell me that now there is a telephonist on the line, which browsing subscribers and advise a few minutes not to take the phone.

Say goodbye and leav for 2-3 minutes. Then call him, but from another number. If a friend answers a call, refer to the microphone. Emotional reaction is provided.

  • Not available.

This draw does not imply calls to anyone. In this case, you need to call you. At the same time, the joke will affect everyone who gains your room on this day.

Put forwarding to your number. Choose any organization: school, hairdresser, travel agency or bath. What will be the perplexity of callers when they, instead of your "hello," will hear an unfamiliar voice, which convinces they did not go there.

It will be doubly more interesting if friends are thinking that at that end of the wire you are and try to play them.

Note: It is not necessary to call forwarding to the police, firefighters and ambulance services. First, they will not be asked for jokes, and secondly, their line should be free for target calls.

Jokes on April 1 for friends at school

I did not chew over friends at school for the first of April - spent a day in vain. Do not do it this way. Categories fantasy - and go ahead for a good mood. To do this, take on the arms of the draws described below:

  • Why skiing?

You will need four matches and a calm face. Go to a classmate or classmate and tell me: "Want to show a joke?"

If the "victim" agrees, ask to keep hands on the sides bent in the elbows. Next, give a friend on a match in every hand, and the two remaining snapped under the shoes so that the head is sticking out.

After that, ask the question: "What month now?" After an obvious answer, ask: "Why are you then skiing?"

A discouraged friend will understand that he was played, but it will be too late.

  • Something on the ceiling.

Sitting at the lesson, you imperceptibly write a note of such a content - "on the ceiling of the mop" - and pass the class. Most who will read it, no, no, let it look at the ceiling.

Absurd: how mop can lie on the ceiling. But they will still check. It's funny to observe how curiosity takes the top over common sense.

If you are lucky, the chain reaction will reach the teacher, which is doubly funnier.

  • Arrange?

Choose a gambling person for this, who likes to make bets. So that everything goes as it should, it is necessary to own the minimum acting skills.

Tip: Try to believe in what you say not to give yourself ahead of time.

Go to a friend and stretching 100 tenge, tell me: "Imagine, today slipped in the store. We argue, you do not distinguish her from this bill? " - And stretch the second banknote of the same nominal.

Note: It is desirable that both bills are in perfect condition.

The first proposal you hint that fake snapped in the store, but do not talk about it directly. The second offer challenge to a friend. To warm up excitement, say on "real" 100 tenge.

No matter how many people have compared banknotes, he will not find differences, since they are both real. When the "victim" surrenders, discover the secret and try to remember the expression of her face at this moment.

  • Draws with food.

These are primitive, but from this no less funny draws. That's what you can do:

  1. On the way to school, buy a liter bottle of cola. Test or pour a piece of drink. Tightly tighten the lid, shake and put in the portfolio. On the change, place the bottle on the prominent place and wait until someone is asking for a sip. What will happen when the "victim" opens a bottle, not to explain.
  2. To prepare this draw, you will need 100-200 g of cookies with vanilla stuffing and toothpaste. The most insteps guessed that on the part of the treats it is necessary to replace the cream toothpaste.

Note: Do not overdo it. It is impossible that the toothpaste spread out, otherwise the characteristic smell will spoil your plan.

Fold everything into a transparent package and go to school. At the change, lay out the treat for a prominent place and demonstratively eat a couple of cookies. If no one wants to treat, offer themselves.

I wonder who will be lucky to pull out this cookie, and who will get a dessert with a surprise?

Planning draws on April 1, the main thing is to have the appropriate attitude and take into account the possible development of events. For example, the person may not appreciate the humor, therefore it is better to replace it with mineral water. Although who wants to drink it?! In any case, fun is provided, and on the consequences should not be too looped.

If you think about how it is better to play colleagues, friends and relatives on April 1, then this topic is for you.

Here are little-known and popular jokes on April 1, the best primary rally collected.

1. Propelle telephone draw

Call any familiar person who does not know your voice very well by phone. Speak that call him on the announcement of the sale of a rare crocodile / lizard. Man says you are mistaken. And you continue to talk about what is willing to pay good money and begin to call the amounts of increasing. A person denies what announcement posted, but you are impregnable and begging you to sell that wonderful crocodile with a photo. The main thing is not to allow pauses and not to give the interlocutor to quit the phone. Congratulate at the end of the dialogue from the first of April.)

2. Eating washing powder. Play passersby.

Take an empty pack of any washing powder, pour a children's mixture there and eat it in front of everyone. You definitely not be not observed)

3. Best Propelle Draws for Colleagues

  • Especially the joke is good for those who are not very versed in computers. Just swipe it a computer mouse from below with a tape)) they will think for a long time, and even it is also possible to call IT a specialist to solve such a complex task).
  • Also, in some mice for the computer there is an opportunity to swap the function of the buttons (mode for the left).

4. Relevant joke

This year you can convince everyone that the transition to summer time will be! After all, March 31 falls on Sunday)

5. How to play a husband or wife of the first of April?

Take his bundle in the evening on March 31 and smoothed into a saucepan with ice (deeply), so as not to quickly eliminated)). As a rule, people pay attention to the keys in a hurry, already running out of the house and then the spouse will expect a surprise. As an option, he will have to take a saucepan with him).

6. How to play on the first of April your favorite guy or your favorite girl?

  • Make a screenshot of the desktop of the laptop of your favorite or loved one. Save in any graphic program and set the setting to display a picture of the desktop background. All shortcuts that were there, copy to the daddy (so that later the played could quickly restore everything and did not swear). Daddle to remove from the desktop in "My Documents" for example. First, the person will not understand anything, to poke the screenshot for a long time, I think that they are real)))). Congratulate on April and tell me how to quickly return everything to your places.
  • More as an option, for not connoisseurs of cooking (more often these are your favorite men) Call and ask you to buy a cure for "Tiramisu" or "Pan of Cota". Your MCh will see for a long time on pharmacies)).

7. Want to play a former guy / husband, pump a kid?

The draw is relevant, for those who recently broke up or temporarily quietly with their half.

From an unknown number, starting from 6 am on April 1, they shlit him in style: "Remove the hands from under the blanket." (You can come up with something other).

8. How to play the neighbors of the first of April? The best draws for neighbors.

  • You can smear the door handle from the inside of the toothpaste (only so that it is not visible))
  • There is a much more interesting way. On March 31, hang in the entrance door announcement that from July 1 to April 3 will be disabled and cold and hot water in connection with repair work. Warn what need to stock water in buckets, basins, saucepans). On April 1, you can report on the same place that it was a joke and congratulate everyone!)
  • If you have neighbors on a hostel, with whom it is customary to share, then you taste together wonderful oriental sweetness. To do this, you need: crushed cookies, a glorious soap with a lot of strawberry jam. The soap naturally especially from the cookie does not differ in mind (you can distinguish them for ourselves the size of large and slightly smaller). It is necessary to eager to eat yummy)) and say what kind of cool oriental dessert you sent you parents / aunt. (Naturally choose cookies, and do not confuse it with soap)). Neighbor asks to treat - feel free to treat)). Seconds five neighbor does not feel anything - but then what effect!
  • Especially the draw is suitable for teachers of physics and chemistry. Take a large three-liter jar, fill it with water or lemonade sticky and bright)). Put on top of the fine but a thick sheet of paper / cardboard and quickly turn over the bank over the teacher's table, so as not to shed anything)) leave carefully - leave the bank)))). The main rule so that nothing sheds is a flat surface!
  • If on the first of April you have an important control, or the test, or the exam, then prepare a cheat sheet in advance with the meaning in style: "Ji and Shi write through the letter and" and regularly look at it to attract the attention of the teacher or teacher. When it is suitable and asks "that you have it there," feel free to show and try loudly over his face)).

10. The best draw for students of the first April

During the draw, it is important for a serious lecture. So, anyone from the first or last part of the party launches the note with the inscription "Look at the ceiling - panties hang there. Then pass to the other. " The whole audience begins to look up, teachers are perplexed).

Stop the crowd of students is not possible)). Then you can safely transfer this note to the teacher in response to his questions))) and smoke together!

Congratulations on April 1!

Good draw for school. Write a note during the lesson with the words "on the mop ceiling" and transfer the neighbor in the desk. To tell him that after reading the note altered on. The effect will be stunning when everyone who reads a note will look up, and with him and teacher!

And you can still risen your favorite guy, changing it with a glove to your (of course, a smaller size).

You need to ask a friend to become in the middle of the room, stretching your hands forward. Further in the hands (between the index and thumbs), bother two matches, heads to the bottom. The following two matches are placed under the shoes of the friend, barely stuck them. At the end, ask him the question of what a month in the yard. Of course, in response to hear: "April". And then the attribution: "Why then are you skiing?" Warranty in the room we guarantee!

The draw is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It is that you are talking to a person that today the news transferred information that from the Sun, with the next outbreak, a piece was broken off and he flies towards land. On our planet, he will reach the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can apply, but most likely - a colossal one. So far, the details are unknown, in such a short sentence scientists are unlikely to be able to do something.

For such a draw, you should find out when there is no man and then returns home. Throw up the door decorated box with the inscription "Your Surprise from the company" with a note inside - "Your Prize for Stubborn Work." Inside the box to put on the choice - a turtle, a lizard, snail or someone else, of course, it is necessary to make the beast to have air access. Also insert a business card with the number of the phone "Firms". If there is a surprise, it will at the same time will be a gift. If not - will return to the "firm".

The call at 6 am a friend - native, help, robbed at night, beat, woke up in the morning outside the city - not even something to get on, there is no money, the phone in the mushroom painted (better at all, so that the mushroom mark began to be a conversation - here, here your friend is supposedly - All beaten, etc.). He says where to drive up ... by such a highway, bring money. The friend is lucky and hits the holiday, where the table is covered and all his friends.

Wonderful joke for drawing in the institution with a huge number of visitors. Plate pointing to the toilet, place on the doors of one of the offices. It will be better if his employees will come out infrequently from the Cabinet. It will give time for a joke until the plate is removed. Imagine office staff watching the following picture, very fun. "The door to the office opens rapidly, almost runs the next visitor and with a surprised look quickly goes out."

On April 1, you can make such a draw at work to play colleagues. Take at home glass bottle with a capacity of 250 grams from under vodka. Pour water there. Bottle with water to fit into the bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, while delivering this bottle and drink water from it. You could also offer to drink from this bottle to someone from colleagues. Especially ridiculous, if you drink a person who did not drink before.

The method is hopelessly dilapidated, but surprisingly effective. If you have a good company of friends and you need to play "the sullen himself" - then there is a good way to raise the mood. On ordinary gatherings, you offer to smoke new, presented by some distant shared familiar, cigarettes. A few minutes you can do anything: run 10-current chickens into the room, turn paint, or even turn on some melody quietly. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The expression of confusion on your friend's face is to raise you for a long time.

In our article you can find the firsta-mail draws, jokes, jokes and cool congratulations on April 1 in verse.

A witty and fun holiday that comes at the beginning of the second month of spring - April 1, although it is not considered state, but is one of the most revered. On this day, the nerves of those surrounding, check the sense of humor with loved ones, friends and colleagues - the sacred business.

And so that on the day of the fool, do not look like that, it is best to prepare primarial draws in advance and fun jokes for others, cool poems and comic SMS for loved ones.

Important! In order not to offend someone with his jokes, try to pick up the draws without packs and humiliations. "Black" Propoarel humor should be surprised only of those people who will understand you and will not be offended.

Funny SMS greetings from April 1

For people who do not understand jokes and draws, it is best to choose cool SMS greetings. The joking primary message will be nice even the most avid skeptics.

Hooray! Today is April 1: a white back day, stitched socks and sour cream in a toothpaste tube. Behold! Joolds everywhere! Happy April Fool's Day!

Hello Buddy! I hope you remember what day today? Right, April 1st. And depends on you - it will be a day of laughter or a fool's day! Dare! Time went ...

Glorious Day today will be. Behold ... Ho-ho ho

Hello! With the beginning of the second month of spring you. Let the fun and joy burst into your house, and the rainbow mood will not leave even in the most extreme cases ...

Hello! I decided to warn you, I myself found out about it only today. You are on the fly. The world conspiracy began, called "Jobs". Someone is trying to play you. Be careful! Happy April, 1!

Help! They are everywhere ... they grow in your pockets, leave you messages on the back, throw the buttons to the chair, senten your cat ... Be careful. Around one jokers! Happy April, 1!

This day is not dull,
Do not but do not suffer!
Happy Merry Hurry
To congratulate everyone from the soul!

Nice day today. Truth?
Day fun and inappropriate
Jokes, laughter and doubt!
Drawings and luck!

Let on April 1,
Curiosities will be less
And joyful moments
Which will not forget!

Lose In this firstaaprelsky day nothing will spoil your mood! Neither a white back, nor sour cream, instead of toothpaste, nor a barbed button on the stool! Happy April Fool's Day!

Love today I do not want
But only joy and laughter,
Propelle jokes. I know -
Fun feelings are not a hindrance!

The first of April on the threshold,
You have fun and joke.
After all, laughter - accelerates the alarm,
Adds happiness in the life path!

How to play on April 1 with SMS?

Even if a person is too far, it can be played with SMS. The main thing in this business is to buy a new SIM card so that the draw is plausible.

Respected subscriber. We are forced to disable your phone number for non-payment. And also turn off the gas, water and light in your home until you extend the debt in the amount of 76 rubles. Sincerely, the company Vodafone.

Second... the second ... The first calls the second ... Tomorrow, exactly at 15:37 waiting in the same place. Password "Tushkanchik", the answer "Strecking". In the evening I will be on the secret hut! The operation is called "Tuna". End of communication! Turn off the phone and call the rail!

Congratulations! Your room participated in a win-win lottery and won the bonus - the girl Gypsy. We offer for 14 days to pick it up in the "Lochetolotere" office, otherwise for 15 days - you have to pick up a whole Tabor!

Sonchoch, urgently call. We have disabled all phones. Urgently type. Mum.

Son. Well, run home. You got a big strap here.

Respected subscriber! For diluting the secrets of the Corporation and public secrets over the Beeline network, your room will be forever turned off and added to the black list of state enemies. Employees of the NKVD went to the address of your location.

I'm already three I'm waiting for your call! If you immediately call me back, I'll give your wife now and tell you everything about us. I already barely restrain!

Respected The subscriber, there was a failure in the system, and for a gift primary bonus, a 500 rubles have been reduced from your account. Thank you!

kind Day, sir. Sawn out, please raise up your man. Very difficult to aim. With respect, sniper.

SMS for guy: Good day! Congratulations! You have successfully tested, and your profile has been successfully posted on the site gay.ru! With us you will definitely find your color having toolate.

good day. You activated our new service "Pleasant Awakening". Ding Din ... Stop up. The new message will come every three minutes. To refuse the service, send SMS with the word laughter to this number. Cost shutdown Services 525 rub. with PDV. Vodafone - We think about you!

For Sending a message failed. Discovered virus. Do not click anything, otherwise the phone will be blocked ... Blind phone number ;!% :? * ... .. Bath. ... .. haha. Happy April, 1.

Hello, This is Ivan. Let's go - we will pass. I do not promise drinking, but we walk to glory. Susanin.

Everything, I'm tired! I want to rest. I left for a long time. Your roof!

Jokes, jokes on April 1

According to the established primary tradition, on the day of laughter, you can congratulate not only close, but also unfamiliar people. On this day there are no borders in communication and jokes!

  • Joke

In order to beat the joke correctly, you need to sit on ground transport, the route of which passes through the bridge. While moving along the bridge, you need to look out the window and shout: "Look! Dolphins, dolphins! ". There are few people who hold on curiosity.

  • Joke "Doll Bird"

The joke is ideal for realization on the day of the fool. Walking in the company of friends, look at the sky and exclaim: "Shook-look! Dark bird flies! "

  • School joke "On the ceiling ..."

In the class, in time of the lesson, pass a note by a class with the text: "On the ceiling of mop (or socks)" and enjoy the reaction of classmates.

  • Joke with thread

The coil of white thread will need. With the help of a needle, make a thread through preferably dark clothes, having it on the shoulder or chest (to be noticeable). The coil will place under the clothes so that it is easily spinning when pulling the thread. There is a lot of familiar who want to remove this thread.

  • Comic announcement

On the information plate, hang an ad: "Dear employees! Everyone who has not passed the mabilizer, go to the labor protection engineer. " From the bottom, please write: "The laborization is to utter sounds with elongated rounded lips." Those who wish to find out what it is, to fold the sponge camp and say: "On April 1, I do not believe anyone."

Video: 5 jokes by April 1

Draws on April 1

In order to properly celebrate the universal day of laughter, it should be prepared as you should prepare: pick up cheerful draws for friends, loved ones, classmates and strangers.

Draws in the supermarket

  • To make fun in the supermarket, put alarm clock on the clock, with an interval of 5 minutes.
  • Throw unnecessary products to buyers. Women are condoms, men - gaskets or diapers.
  • Go to the fitting room, and after some time, chose and tell me: "Sorry please, but you have toilet paper here."

Telephone draw "Electric"

Call any city number, introduce your own electrician who spends work in the house and ask for 10 minutes not to respond to phone calls, because it is dangerous on the telephone line, it can rip the current. After a few minutes, call themselves on the same number and, if you raise the phone, make a heartbreaking cry.

Telephone Distribution "TV"

Call any phone number and tell me:
- Good day, you are worried from a television store. Do you need a TV?
- No - answer.
- Then the brigade leaves!
- Where to? What for? - The answer will follow.
- Break TV!

Public transport

For such a draw, you will need assistants. It is best to hold a similar event in the subway. Go to the car, sit on a free space. As soon as the wagons come down, go to the scoreboard with a driver, pretend that you have pressed the button and say: "Be kind! Middle Cola, Hamburger and Great Potatoes with Tartar Sauce. At the next station, an accomplice comes in the delivery form and presents the order.
To combat out the surrounding, go to the board of communication again, and "clicking" the button, say: "Thank you for promptness. Now, be kind, to the ultimate, without stops. "

Draw "dog food"

In a box of dog or cat food, pour a dry breakfast flakes. Going to transport, get the box, expand and "fly" a treat under a close view of surprised people.

Draw a bottle of vodka

This draw is suitable for those who have gathered on a babble with unfamiliar comrades and should be driving all day. It should be prepared in advance: buy a bottle of vodka, pour the contents and dial ordinary water. Hide props best under the driver's seat or in a glove compartment.

When the company is assembled and sits in the car, lead the car very slowly and when hear the outrageous questions of comrades and their calls to go back to shout: "Good! You yourself wanted this! " Remove the harvested bottle of vodka, open and penetrate the pollock and press the gas sharply. Enjoy the reaction through the rearview mirror.

How to joke on April 1 at work, at home?

Play your relatives more difficult, especially if they know your love for jokes.

  • Hide one-room slippers of all residents at home or get them on the ceiling with double-sided tape.
  • Stick all the toothbrushes of households among themselves. But note that after the draw, you will need to give everyone a new toothbrush.
  • Translate all the alarms of tenants for 30-40 minutes ago.
  • Cook your nails with the most discerning residents and transfer the alarm ahead for 30 minutes so that the furious person does not have time to come to come and "nail" you.

Raffle colleagues by fax

This draw will be held with that colleague, which has a fax on its desktop. Send a fax employee of approximate content: " Respected, (initial colleagues). Our employees identified errors in your tax liabilities, and the debt in the amount of 700 rubles is listed. If the specified amount is not paid by you until April 1, there will be a penalty in the amount of 200 rubles daily. Head of Tax Inspectorate Chabas G.V. For questions, please call (Specify the number of the local mental hospital). "

Draw for a colleague "Naughty mice"

In colleagues, who have tables are located next to each other, you need to change the mouse. That will be surprise when the owner of the computer detects the suspicious activity of his mouse.

Draw "Office Trouble"

To carry out a joke, you will need bilateral scotch, with which glue stationery and colleagues all over the office. For consuming effect, can
Wrap monitors of colleagues in foil, wrapping paper or food film.

Draw for the authorities or his secretary.

Very good way to rush the nerves by the secretary or her boss. To do this, call the reception, and to the question of the secretary "Who is calling?" Reply:
- Describe that my husband is worried. He knows whose!

Draw "Someone"

This is a long-playing joke. In Word, with the help of the auto-transfer function, replace the most consumable words with some specific phrases. For example, "Of course" - "But how", "something" - "some kind of garbage".

Propelle draw with signs

In a large company or institution with a large number of visitors, you need to place signs "Buffet", "Toilet", "Masseur", "Kitchen" on staff cabinets (for example, personnel department, laboratory, marketing department). You can place the pointer arrows.

Funny poems by April 1

Propelle congratulations may consist of a beautiful poem, without joking draws.

Stupid this day to be offended
Better joke and laugh
Fooling and having fun -
And your life will last longer.

Today you are probably
Make a feast of fool.
Let the burdens, your fun,
Run in life sorry.

Without a good and fun joke,
We and the day do not live, friends,
Without drawing will be sad
Without laughing, it is absolutely impossible.

Laughter is useful to man,
Like a miracle preparation.
Who laughs, that in the pharmacy,
Less often walks, they say.

We have a laughter's holiday today
Here is fun, here are fun.
Manage to play today
All. And in the trap, not to get.

The holiday laughter goes to us
And the fun is waiting for us.
Loves the people on this day
Play ... and vice versa.

Today, naply slightly,
On the day of laughter or fool?
Then not to be a fool,
You have fun, laugh all the house.

Well, here, the long-awaited April came!
You first play your friends!
And try in a bright and spring day!
Cheer and adults and children!

In April, cheerful,
All laughs: and kindergartens, schools,
And educators, and teachers,
Merry today all the earth.
Let it be a fool in this holiday
Does not go with your mouth smile.

Everywhere hears laughter and fun,
Let them give joy and zador,
And those who are old and those who are young.

Full jokes every home
In the door knocks fun,
Try to play
Everyone who joke will be happy.

Video: The best draws on April 1st. How to play friends relatives

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April 1, as is known - this is the day of laughter, which means a wonderful positive holiday, when it is not only possible, but also needed. After all, as wise people say, laughter prolongs life, and jokes on April 1 - especially.

On April 1, 2018, it falls on a weekend Sunday day, which means that the impact dose of all jokes and jokes will bypass the colleagues on work, but it will fall on family and friends.

So come on with tochka.net I'll start the day from the original congratulations on April 1 and make the life of our relatives and loved ones, happy and cheerful. So, how to play on April 1? Look for ideas in our article.

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Such a joke is made harmless, but it looks very impressive. Prepare for him in advance. Take nail polish or tube with thick PVA and spin content on wax paper. When the liquid dries, it neatly separated this spot from paper. Such a varnish or glue dusting together with the bottle can be used more than once with many impressionable people. In the morning, throw it into a new husband's shirt, and in the afternoon - my mother's favorite blouse ...

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Prepare a unprecedented cool treat in advance. Take some small and the same apples, lemons, bulbs, potatoes, you can even raw eggs, and generously fooling them into a melted chocolate. When frozen chocolate smoothes irregularities and disguises the product in itself. Offer such a treat on April 1 to colleagues and friends. There is something to come ...

Grozen in slaps of her husband, moms and children bilateral scotch. Such a joke on April 1 is absolutely simple and harmless, but it gives a lot of laughter and positive emotions.

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A plastic tube of toothpaste is inexhaustible capabilities with a syringe to fill it with anything - from sour creed or curd mass before ... You will not be too cruel with your relatives?

A little serious joke with a toothbrush may look a little, but it is not dangerous for health. If your relatives use toothbrushes with multi-colored bristles - add to it a few drops of the food dye of the same color as the bristles. Their dazzling smile will delight many on this day!

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Is there a cooler with drinking water? Perfect - there is a reason to laugh. Please add to it to choose from: food dye, chicken broth, salt, sugar, soda ...

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If you have at the same time there is a small technical room, which often use - not be labeled and on the eve of fill it with inflatable balls. You imagine, in the morning, colleagues cause an elevator, it opens, and balls fall out of it ...

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If on the door in the male toilet "identification" sign is not the appearance of the letter "M", but the pictures depicting a male silhouette - then the primary joke can be made as follows. Cut out a skirt out of the paper of the appropriate color and shoot it on the male figure ... a simpler and all familiar option of the same joke - change the plates in places or stick new ones - for example, "dining room", "buffet", "gym".

Well, of course, leading cheap toilet paper and scotch rolls in prudent cool toilets. So it's only for your fantasy and creativity - where that, whiche, what to hide or stick to whom. For example, in the workplace of the colleague, wrap the monitor and all stationery, and the mouse, handles, a cup and scissors tape.