Interesting facts of dancing for children. Curious facts about dancing

Interesting facts of dancing for children. Curious facts about dancing
Interesting facts of dancing for children. Curious facts about dancing

Interesting Facts about dancing the word "dance" happened from the German "Tanz", but since it was borrowed from polish languageThe characteristic suffix "-ets" was attached to him. In Russian, the word "dance" entered only in the XVII century. As long as the general Slavonic word "dance" was used. Christian religion at first recognized and allowed sacred dances. Even in Old Testament It was said: "Increase the Lord's sounds of pipes, glorify it with harps and tympans, glorify it in the songs, glorify his dacha!" Initially, Christians depicted Mystery in the temples, danced in honor of God, even danced in cemeteries, wanting to honor the memory of the dead. But gradually most religious dance disappears, although some of them are preserved and still. The dancing of the Renaissance often was often performed during the feasts and crowned closely with the menu. For example, a dance telling about the ancient Greek hero of the Yazon and the Golden Rove preceded the fried lamb. The first academy of dances in Europe opened the king in Paris Louis Xiv., former passionate dancer, in 1661. And it was at the time that the first professional dancers appeared. At the same time, he received his full development and ballet, despite the fact that his birth happened in the XV century in Italy. In the XVI - XVII centuries Recognized sample salon dance Art Menuet, the main feature of which was ceremoniality, halanery and solemnity. Historians of dance art consider Menuet dance of kings and king of dancing. " At the turn of the 18th century, in the aristocratic society, it was believed that who had a well dancing Menuet, he did everything well. Polonaise - solemn dance march in moderate Tempehaving a Polish origin. Performed, usually, at the beginning of the balls, emphasizing the elevated character of the holiday. In the XVII century, Polonaise became popular throughout Europe and received his current name. It was Polonais that was the first European dance, going down in Boyarskaya Rus. He became the first dance, which Peter I was learned in German Sloboda. Polka dance to Poland has nothing to do. This is Czech dance, and its name happened from the Czech word "half", since polka size is 2/4. In Italy, the Tarantella dance was considered the best and even the only means of cure "Tarantism" - madness caused by Tarantula bite. In connection with this in XVI-XVII centuries In Italy, there were even special orchestras, for whose game was dancing patients with tarantism. The Ta-Cha Cha Cha Cha Chase dance is called "Dance of the coquette", since it is characterized, first of all, expressive movements of the hips. Michael Jackson made dancing an important element of modern pop music. Jackson's movements have already become a standard vocabulary in pop and hip-hop dance. Hip-Hop appeared in South Bronx, in New York in the 1980s. TO musical direction Hip-hop includes rap, funk and bitbox, to fine graffiti, and to a dance - break dance, cramp, c-waving. The first championship of the World Balnal Dance, organized by Kamil de Rinalem held in 1909 in Paris. Modern competitive ballroom dancing In their composition, two main programs: European and Latin American. Each of them contains five standard dances. The European Program (Standard) includes five classic European dances: slow waltz, tango, vienna Waltz, Slow Foxtrot and Quikstep .. The Latin American program includes Samba, Cha-Cha-cha, Rumba, Pasodobl and Jiv. Among wedding traditions In many countries there is a "money dance". In Greece, for example, during the "dance of money", guests dancing and with the bride and with the bridegroom, attach money to their clothes, in other countries there is a custom to dance with the bride, pre-laying money in the exhibited shoe. We are captured dancing and dancers and cash bills and coins. Dance on bills and coins So in 2011, a series of new banknotes was released in Sri Lanka, which is called "Development, prosperity and Sri Lanka dancers". Dancers are captured at the 1997 Portuguese coin in 1000 Escudo. A group of three dancers is depicted on Cambodian coin in 50000 Reals (1974). Coins and pictures of ballet, for example, a Ukrainian ballet gold coin was released by the Ukrainian mint of the courtyard. A similar coin is in Belarus. In Russia, a series of coins "Russian ballet" was released. And this is not a complete list ... In the operetta "Wedding in Malinovka" one of the heroes jokingly distorted the name of the dance Tustep, calling him "in that steppe." From here, the people have spread the expression "not in that step" in the meaning "to drive not in the direction" or "speak the nepopad". Tweed dance appeared in 1961. Checkbi Checker showed on television new danceinvented by him personally. For this dance, a partner was not required, it was possible to dance alone, and the movements seemed simple and easily accessible. Hit Checkby Checker "Let" S Twist Again "eclipsed with his appearance all the other Rhythms of America, and after a while she fell on the countries of Europe. The dance of Sitaka, symbolizing Greece for us, is not a Greek folk dance for us. It appeared only in 1964 in The shooting time of the film "Greek Zorba". Music composer Mikis Teodorakis composer. The world record for the longest line of the Kong dancers was installed in Miami in 1988 when 119,986 people were lined up. Kong - incendiary Cuban dance. Dancing is built up long ranks. In 2008, the first In the world, the innova dance floor opened at the Watt Club in Rotterdam, Sweden. Springs connected to generators were built into the floor tile. Than stronger people Dancing, the more the springs were compressed, producing energy that entered the LED lights in the floor. The largest fadless dance hall of Europe is located in St. Petersburg. According to dreams, see the dance hall or be in it in a dream - to good news or pleasant meeting. See in a dream the training hall or be there in the classroom - to the news. One of the most important divisions French cinema is a dance cinema. The formation of the dance section began in the late 1930s, the official discovery took place in 1982 on the wave of rapid development modern dance in France. Cinema dance has a unique collection Movies and video documents, starting from the very first images of dance and movement in a Movie Movie to those who appeared in the late eighties - the beginning of the nineties in the genre of video and video. Cinema dance not only collects a film archive, but also creates new dance projects in cooperation with French television. There was a popular silent disco or silent disco (Silent Disco), that is, a disco, where people dance to music in wireless headphones, and the music itself is broadcast through the FM transmitter for wireless receivers embedded in headphones. In Russian there is winged phrase "The second part of the marlevion ballet", indicating the unexpected development of events, or the development of which they speak with irony. It originated from television film "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer." Sometimes the expression "Marlevon ballet" is used in figurative sense To indicate a series of grotesque events. Sometimes this expression uses for denoting a long and boring event. In 1953, a dance museum was opened in Stockholm, Sweden. Now there are several museums of dance, including Tango museums, Flamenco, belly dance, irish dance And Ave. On April 29, the International Dance Day marks. His holidays are also dancing drkgich - International Tango Day, Phanevrithmy dance holiday, etc. Every year on International Dance Day on the scene Big Theater. Award "Benoa Dance", established in 1991 by the International Association of Choreography Workers. In early 2006, the Russian version of the British Program of the Air Force "STRICTLY COME DANCING" program started on Channel Russia, and in the same year dance Show It became very popular and received the Thafi Prize. World Dance Meetings (International Dance Games) are held annually, the competition takes place once a year, moving from the country to the country. In June 2012, worldwide dance meetings started in Spain on the famous La Siesta scene. In 2013, the competition was held in Italy, in 2014 the competition will be held in Paris, France. On online role-playing game world Of Warcraft Trolls after the Dance Team (Dance) begin to perform the movements of capoeira, Brazilian martial artwhich combines elements of acrobatics, dance and games.

Briton H. Ellis, specializing in sexual relationship, believes that the dance is just a way to convey to each other a powerful physiological impulse. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that the true movement of the soul is hidden behind the movements of the body.

1. It was officially represented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalent Dancer from India. folk dance 123 hours and 15 minutes. As Hemalent said, that went to such a record due to national dance Her countries were in a decent place and to always remember about him.

2. Such a dance as " belly dance"Appeared in the Middle East due to the same India, approximately in the 10th century Roma Gavazi brought it there. And today there are more than 50 different styles Oriental dance.

3. Dance " Tango"Communicated from African communities in Buenos Aires. The word name of the dance, came from the Nigerian people Ibibo, which was the meaning of the" dance for the sounds of the drum ". And the originally danced this dance is only men who have sought the location of women.

4. Dancing in the barn " Barn Dancing"" There were always in the US in fashion. Your idea is that there is a barn dance dance "Barn Dancing" you can watch the clip of the Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. improvised dance in all famous name Salsa- This is when the partner all the dance improvises, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and receives pleasure from it. If you believe the legend about this dance, then to dance Salsa began after the revolution in Cuba, while it was dancing her in game establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder triblajamila Salimpur is considered, as well as her student Masha Archer and Carolina Nerikkio. They developed a style that later received the name American Tribal Style. On the formation of this eastern dance The Indian dance, Flamenco, African dance, the participation of yoga, modern, even hip-hop. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, sometimes Indian transient.

7. The main dance movements merenge.- Reminds the chromatic gait. And the most important highlight of this dance is the easiest presence of erotic movements. You can learn to dance Merenge right on the dance floor.

8. The Ta-Cha-Cha Chase dance, which was mandatory in many soviet schools, called the "dance of the coquette" because it is characterized, first of all, expressive motions of the beer.

9. Dance reggetontakes his beginning in Panama and Puerto Rico. For the performance of this dance requires a good physical form. Dance Movement Reggeton can resemble a marriage courtship of some animal species.

10. Hip-hop Aged in South Bronx, in New York in the 1980s. To the musical direction of hip-hop belongs to rap, funk and bitbox, to the visual - graffiti, and to dance - break dance, Krapm, C-Walk and Waving.

11. They say that if you never danced bachata, you did not dance at all. the main objective In this dance - the close contact of the partners. There are few turns in dance, but a lot of lateral passes and "cropping" ladies from side to side.

12. If you at least once heard the name of the Italian dance Tarantella, then surely noted the similarity of this word with the word " tarantula" They are really "relatives". In the 15th century, the Italian Lekari "invented" such a disease as Tarantism - a person who branched a tarantula. It was believed that it is possible to cure from the illness with the help of special televitations accompanied by music. Later they were dance.

13. Dance sirtakiwhich we are firmly associated with Greece, was actually invented american actor Anthony Qine. In 1964, he starred in the film "Greek Zorba" and decided not to stop the work, even when I broke the leg outside the set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to be danced. The resourceful Anthony came up with PA, allowing him to move naturally, and asked the composer M. Theodorakis to write music for them memorized. So if the sirts can be called greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to the well-known Vienna Christmas ball, or charitable Ball, it is necessary to be able to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

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As it is known to everyone, dancing can burn great amount Calories. As studies have shown, one hour of vigorous dance can burn from 500 to 700 calories. Actually, ballet performanceswhich lasts for three hours equivalent to a 30-kilometer jogging or two football matches 9 90 minutes each. On the other hand, if a person loves Saturday parties, he should choose social dances. One such dance is equivalent to a 6-7 kilometer walk. It is worth thinking about how effective the dancing is. In addition, they bring much more pleasure than grueling workouts in gym or daily jogging on schedule.

Dancing - not just work, but also great pleasure

Fractures are one of the most common problems in ballet dancers. About 31% of all ballerinas have broken themselves. Ballet dancers spend a lot of money on their suits and shoes. Each week, almost every ballerina has two or three pairs of pointes. And only one pack can cost up to $ 2,000, which is equivalent to salary for several months.

Dancing - not just work, but also great pleasure

The lumbering of the hip joint is common to ballet artists. Ninety percent ballerinas suffer them. Male dancers raise on average 1 ton of dancers during ballet production.

Dancing - not just work, but also great pleasure

Dancers are better developed peripheral vision than ordinary people. Even if the ballerina does not turn their heads, they can clearly see what is from them on the sides. Dancers are primarily athletes. They are just as basketball players and swimmers, hard workouts are needed. They train almost every day to improve flexibility, strength and endurance, for which other people are engaged in sports.

Dancing - not just work, but also great pleasure

Most dancers stop dancing in 30-35 years, because health no longer allows them to maintain the former exhaustive rhythm. These people often begin to work with coaches, choreographers or dance teachers in dance collectives. Others completely finish their career and begin to deal with something else. True, some dancers that continue to perform up to 50-55 years old. Break arose in the 1970s in Bronx, New York. Then he suddenly disappeared and again became popular in the 1990s, won the whole world.

Interesting facts about dancing June 19th, 2017

Briton H. Ellis, specializing in sexual relationship, believes that the dance is just a way to convey to each other a powerful physiological impulse. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that the true movement of the soul is hidden behind the movements of the body.
1. It was officially represented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as a 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalent Dancer from India had a 123-hour folk dance and 15 minutes. As Hemalent spoke, he went to such a record due to the National Dance of her country in a decent place and to always remember about him.

2. Such a dance as " belly dance"Appeared in the Middle East due to the same India, approximately in the 10th century Roma Gavazi brought it there. And today there are already more than 50 different styles of eastern dances.

3. Dance " Tango"Communicated from African communities in Buenos Aires. The word name of the dance, came from the Nigerian people Ibibo, which was the meaning of the" dance for the sounds of the drum ". And the originally danced this dance is only men who have sought the location of women.

4. Dancing in the barn " Barn Dancing"" There were always in the US in fashion. Your idea is that there is a barn dance dance "Barn Dancing" you can watch the clip of the Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

5. improvised dance for all known name Salsa- This is when the partner all the dance improvises, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and receives pleasure from it. If you believe the legend about this dance, then to dance Salsa began after the revolution in Cuba, while it was dancing her in game establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder triblajamila Salimpur is considered, as well as her student Masha Archer and Carolina Nerikkio. They developed a style that later received the name American Tribal Style. The influence of this Eastern dance was influenced by the Indian dance, Flamenco, African dance, the participation of yoga, modern, even hip-hop. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, sometimes Indian transient.

7. The main dance movements merenge.- Reminds the chromatic gait. And the most important highlight of this dance is the easiest presence of erotic movements. You can learn to dance Merenge right on the dance floor.

8. The Ta-Cha-Cha Cha Chase, the training of which was mandatory in many Soviet schools, is called "the dance of the coquette" because it is characterized, first of all, by expressive movements of the beer.

9. Dance reggetontakes his beginning in Panama and Puerto Rico. To fulfill this dance, a good physical form is required. Dance Movement Reggeton can resemble a marriage courtship of some animal species.

10. Hip-hop Aged in South Bronx, in New York in the 1980s. To the musical direction of hip-hop belongs to rap, funk and bitbox, to the visual - graffiti, and to dance - break dance, Krapm, C-Walk and Waving.

11. They say that if you never danced bachata, you did not dance at all. The main goal in this dance is the close contact of the partners. There are few turns in dance, but a lot of lateral passes and "cropping" ladies from side to side.

12. If you at least once heard the name of the Italian dance Tarantella, then surely noted the similarity of this word with the word " tarantula" They are really "relatives". In the 15th century, the Italian Lekari "invented" such a disease as Tarantism - a person who branched a tarantula. It was believed that it is possible to cure from the illness with the help of special televitations accompanied by music. Later they were dance.

13. Dance sirtakiWe are firmly associated with Greece, in fact, was invented by the American actor Anthony Qine. In 1964, he starred in the film "Greek Zorba" and decided not to stop the work, even when I broke the leg outside the set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to be danced. The resourceful Anthony came up with PA, allowing him to move naturally, and asked the composer M. Theodorakis to write music for them memorized. So if the sirts can be called a Greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to all the well-known Vienna Christmas ball, or the charity ball, it is necessary to be able to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

1. Mering.

In this style of dance, the main movements are similar to the lame gait. But the main highlight of this dance is light erotic movements. Mering can be learned in any club on the dance floor.

2. Salsa.

The girl must fully improvise, following his partner. The head of Salsa is the partner, the girl should just enjoy the dance. There is a legend that staining that Salsa Casino began to dance in gaming establishments that closed the authorities. It happened after the Cuban Revolution. And now this dance is gaining very popular popularity, which is minted a large number.

From the African communities in Buenos Aires and this dance occurred. The name began to start from the dance to the sounds of the drum. And the word "tango" is attributed to the Nigerian people of Iibio. Initially, tango danced only men. Thus, they attracted the attention of women.

4. Belly dance.

In the years this dance Brought Tsygan Gavazi from India to the Middle East. To date, experts have about 50 styles of the east dance of the abdomen.


Barn Dancing is translated as "Dancing in the barn". This kind of dance has never come out of fashion in the United States of America. It is possible to understand what Barn Dancing is, looking at the clip, shot under the song of the Rednex Cotton Eye Joe.

6. Hip-Hop.

Motherland Hip-hop - South Bronx, in New York. Started him in the 1980s of the last century. Hip-hop includes areas such as cramps, waving, break Dance and C-Walk.

7. Bachata.

Among the dancers there is a statement that if you have never danced Bachata, then you did not dance at all. The purpose of the dance is the contact of the partners, and the more closely it is, the better. As such turns, the dance has not much. But the partner eating from side to side, as well as side passages are used very often. This dance refers to the species that you should see our own eyes. And it will be better to try to dance.

8. Reggeton.

Dance takes its beginning from Puerto Rico and Panama. If you are not enough good physical form, alas, but this species Dance is not available to you. By the way, many people, seeing the execution of the dance, he resembles the marriage courtship of some species from the kingdom of animals.

In order to take part in a noble meeting or get to the Vienna Christmas ball, you just need to be able to dance Waltz. Whether you will be taken to such events, decide on special rehearsals.

10. Cha-cha-cha.

Also, this dance is known as "the dance of the coquette." By the way: in many Soviet schools were trained in obligatory Dance cha-cha-cha. The second name dance received due to the fact that the expressive movements of the thighs are required.