What to do if VORD lags. Internal and external customization of the game World of Tanks

What to do if VORD lags. Internal and external customization of the game World of Tanks
What to do if VORD lags. Internal and external customization of the game World of Tanks

Lags, brakes, phrases and low FPS permanent satellites of most World of Tanks players. In this article we will tell the most important and current solutions to increase the performance of tanks, as the game settings are very flexible, and mods to enhance the FPS came out a lot, which allows you to adjust the game and PC for a comfortable game.

Of course, for maximum speed and 60 fps you need a powerful and expensive computer, but it is possible to play normally without lags and on a relatively weak hardware. To optimize the World of Tanks and a computer, there are several methods and we will consider each, as well as describe the principles of action.

1) Update Video Card Driver
2) PC optimization
3) Thin setting WOT graphics
4) programs to disable effects
5) Fashion for WOT Rapid FPS

Driver Update WOT

This method will not save you from friezes (periodic hangs), but it is possible to raise the FPS especially if you have not been updated a long time, but it happens that the difference is not noticeable at all, but in any case it will definitely not be worse, so the first thing you need to upgrade the drivers to the actual versions.
For video cards Radeon.
For nvidia video cards

Configuring computer performance

This is a very important step, most of the friezes and lags occur due to insufficient RAM and processor loading, but not only the World of Tanks it all consumes, but also Windows itself + processes running in the background. If you have less than 4GB RAM, before running the game, be sure to close Skype, antivirus, browser and similar applications, as all this can consume more than 1GB. In addition, we recommend using PC optimization programs, such as AUSLOGICS Boostspeed - excellent and very easy to learn the prog that improves the performance of your computer.

Thin Configuring World Of Tanks Graphics

Also not a unavailable item (or even the main one), because most of the players do not understand what the various settings are responsible, and in some cases, it is possible to remove lags in World of Tanks and enlarge FPS. In fact, if the game has a lot slowly slows down, then you need to set everything to a minimum, except for the screen resolution and 3D render. Of course these features are added to the FPS, but the image quality will suffer very much.

Programs to disable effects in WOT

Unfortunately, not all effects can be disabled in the WORLD OF TANKS options, and some are quite a lot of FPS and interfere with a comfortable game on weak gland, but here they come to the rescue utilities with which you can turn off the resource-intensive effects, such as smoke, fire, hot air effect other. Wt Tweaker Plus can best be right with it, all you need to run it, specify the path to WOT and turn off all unnecessary effects. Be sure the FPS is guaranteed.

Fashion to enhance FPS

To all of the above, you can still add some modifications, the first thing you need to put compressed textures, they weigh fewer and on this weigh your video card. By the way, you can squeeze the textures themselves through the WOT TWEAKER Plus program.

We listed the most basic and efficient ways to increase the FPS in World of Tanks and eliminate lags, of course you can buy a new computer and do not bother, just the world of tanks is very poorly optimized, on this, even on modern and top PCs can work with lags.

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The World of Tanks game project exists on the game space for a long time and for all this period this game was able to achieve good success and development. Starting from improving content, ending with graphic innovations. After improving games, especially from graphic design, you need to pay attention to your technical equipment of the computer to avoid the brakes of the game. But is the technical side of the tanks alone? No, has a lot of different reasons that do not allow the project to fully comply with expectations. Today we will examine moments, because of which the game brakes, and we will try to find out if it is possible to avoid this.

Technical Equipment of the Gaming Platform

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the technical equipment of its gaming platform, which every new update requires more and more resources. It should be borne in mind that the game has improved significantly in terms of graphic design and is now a powerful computer in order to conquer virtual battlefields. Now in order to play stably in this virtual entertainment, you must carefully examine the technical requirements of the game on the site.

You can use our article in terms of the system requirements of the game on laptops, which can be equated yet to personal computers, and you can read special articles where users move the equipment to find the most optimal and cheap way to start the game at maximum settings. And in order not to mess with all these nuances and get rid of the brakes, it is enough to lower the level of graphics and then you will definitely get rid of this negative point.

Weak game optimization

What to do if the game slows down even on the top-level assembly of the computer? Surely you know that the game has not yet has perfect optimization.Therefore, you can often find people who confidently convince that the game slows down, although the computer is quite good compraced. Yes, the game optimization is not the best. But you should not dump all the negative moments.

It is enough to wait a bit and developers will figure it out with this situation. In addition, at the moment the optimization is actively improving and makes it possible to play comfortably and without any unpleasant moments. Currently the brakes that occur due to weak optimization are not so significant as it was before.

Bad connection to the Internet

Now it is worth noting that the cause of the brake may be a bad connection with the Internet and should not deny it. A similar problem is quite relevant, since at the moment there are practically all Internet providers there are some failures that do not allow to play comfortably and enjoy the gameplay. Failures are primarily caused by loss of information by the flow, which becomes the cause of friezes that terribly spoil the entire gameplay. If you accidentally start losing information streams, it is easy to see on ping jumps, which can sometimes reach the values \u200b\u200bin 200-300 unitsthat no longer allows you to play normally. The threshold for a comfortable game is a value of 50-100 unitsThe indicators above can cause the appearance of inadequate behaviors of the tank and the gameplay.

How to improve this indicator?

If you have alternative providers, it is better to analyze who provides a better connection if there is no one, then find out what the problem with providers. But it is not necessary to immediately panic about this, sometimes the game server themselves are overloaded and do not allow to have a good ping. But this problem is eliminated during the day. As for problems with providers, the elevated ping should achieve critical marks for several days in a row, only then your provider is to blame for this issue.

Let's summarize

Here is the actual and all the problems that can affect your gameplay in a negative plan. They are actually not so much, but it is worth carefully considering and analyze your situation. Only such an approach will determine exactly what your problem is connected with. Any problem associated with brakes is solved, so do not be lazy and better to carefully treat this case. Especially pay attention to the drivers of your equipment, which can adversely affect the entire process, but this situation occurs solely because you have outdated drivers.

Now you can deal with the problem, try to fulfill everything you need to high quality and accurately determine the information. Read various articles and recommendations, use special programs that allow you to set various settings in the game, optimizing performance and much more. Do not miss any information and be open to any comments and recommendations. We wish you good luck in this matter!

Being an avid player World of Tanks, as a rule, the bulk of personal time in online. But when, something prevents to enjoy the exciting battles or distracts something during the attack, when it seems about and the enemy will be defeated - it is very leading out of himself. One reason for this, to put it mildly, disorder is the braking of the game.

If braking, hanging or temporary stop of the gameplay is observed, then the question arises - why the tanks in the World of Tanks are inhibited.

It may be the following answers.

Low Internet speed or reduced it in some points, for technical reasons. Therefore, at first it is necessary to check the network connection data rate.

The gaming rating is a lot of affects the course of the gameplay, in 50 it is the most convenient for battles, but with its growth there may be some braking in reproduction. This question is solved directly through the appeal to the administrators of the game.

The reason can also walk and the computer itself. You can very easily play your favorite game, not knowing the troubles, but after the update, but especially with the acquisition of new techniques, braking.

The fact is that World of Tanks had initial system requirements for installation, but every update requires more and more memory.

So the shortage memory may cause no less discomfort

Such a problem can be temporarily resolved by a decrease in playback quality or certain special effects, and subsequently change or add memory. Also before downloading and installing the update, compare system update requirements with computer parameters.

Also, if two vidyuhi is installed on the computer, then try to switch the tanks from one to another one, one of them can simply begin to "die."

As you can see a quick answer to the question why the tanks in World of Tanks are slowing down, no one can give.

So try to view all the above causes and eliminate the problem itself. In extreme case, if nothing helps, try scanning a computer for viruses, and Potto reinstall the game application.

→ Internal and external customization of the game World of Tanks

What if you have a powerful computer not enough, and because of this, the World of Tanks is buggy? You need to make a competent inner and external setup of the World of Tanks.

Let's start with the inner. What does this mean? We need to make the game as much as possible, that is, to make the following actions:

Download Compressed Texture. The author laid out a lot of options, from 50% compression and up to 3%. Of course, 3% will turn the former 10 FPS in 30, or even more, but the type of game will leave to desire the best. Although some players like this on the contrary. They say that if the game looks as schematic as possible, it allows them to be not distracted for anything, and the game does not slow down in World of Tanks. Be sure to try, suddenly you like it. I remembered one funny case - I have a friend who bought Type 59 in the game store, and the statistics of victories on it rolls over 60%. I asked him how he could succeed, and he replied that, playing with compressed textures, he plays not in the World of Tanks, but in CS.

If you have the game World of Tanks inhibits, then you need to reset the graphics settings for the minimum. The game will look markedly worse, but it will become much smooth, which will allow the fighting actions much more efficiently.

If in World of Tanks, the game slows down, then you should think about installing WOT TWEAKER. This program removes the effects, such as smoke from a shot, smoke from the exhaust pipe, dust from the caterpillars or effects from the objects of I.T.D. And since additional effects will load the computer just awful, then with this program you can increase the FPS at least 1.5 times.

Turn off the server sight. In a recent patch, the developers canceled the call of the server traverse by pressing Caps + 0 and displayed it in the game menu. But I noticed that when you turn on the server, the FPS is terribly falling, especially if you play artillery in the company. So we turn off and do not think.

External optimization

We have finished working with the game by the Customer ourselves, and if the Wot is inhibits so far, then it's time to proceed to external optimization. First of all, in order not to bug the World of Tanks, it is necessary to make a defragment of a hard disk. On this, the World of Tanks game is not completed:

During the game, you need to disable absolutely all running programs such as Skype, torrent trackers, etc.. Thanks to this, you will free up the operational memory of the computer and allow the game to use more resources.

Using some programs, you can activate the so-called "game profile". Turning it on, the program will turn off unnecessary processes and services, which will benefit the game.

If you still bug the World of Tanks game, I advise you to work with processor kernels. Competent configuration of the WORLD OF TANKS cores is possible using the CPU-Z program. As it has long been known - the old engine engine does not support work with two or more nuclei, which means that all the load falls only on one core. CPU-Z corrects this misunderstanding and allows the game forced to use both kernels.

If in the World of Tanks the game is buggy until now, then I have only one advice left, and if it does not help, I can advise only one faithful way - buying a new computer or an update of the current one. So, we go to the address of the USERS \\ username \\ appdata \\ roaming \\ wargaming.net \\ WORLDOFTANKS, we find the settings file called Preferences in the folder, we are looking for a line in it And change the value from zero to two. This line allows you to customize the game World of Tanks, namely affect the detailing of the landscape. Thus, I raised the FPS 1.5 times.

The World of Tanks game has long acquired a lot of fame, spreading literally around the world. This game is available almost to everyone, but she has, like all applications, has its own minimum requirements.

If your instrument does not match them, then you, like many others, ask a simple question "Warld of the game World of Tanks What to do?"

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer here, since the problems of each arise individual. But, mostly, all problems are based on the fact that your PC is simply not pulling on some of the requirements.

The game uses the engine that is called Big World. Although it has a finest server part, which, due to its structure, is able to withstand just colossal loads, while eliminating dishonest users the ability to use cheat codes, but the client part of the engine is a little bit seed. Especially in the issues that relate to optimization, use and distribute resources on computers with a large number of cores, as well as in graphics issues. And here the question is raised again: "WORLD OF TANKS" hangs what to do? ".

Of course, in the first place, it is necessary to identify the essence of your problem and figure out why you have become uncomfortable to play.

Basically, the game hangs and slows down due to a banal lack of system resources you use the technique

If you have a sufficient number of finances in your wallet, then, of course, ideally acquire a new powerful PC, or at least replace such details such as a processor, RAM and a video card on an old device. These parts are responsible for all major performance.

The processor is the so-called "head" of your technology.
RAM is the place where the necessary temporary files and important data are stored.
The video card is what is responsible for the graphics component of the games.

If at least one of the listed components does not reach - it will already be a reason for the weak job of the game.

If there is no possibility of acquisition and upgrade PC, then you can, of course, try to eliminate problems from the inside. To begin with, it is worth checking the game settings and try to lower them. Yes, the game will look no longer as aesthetically, but still it will work fine. Also, you can try to clean the cache. And the same - free on the disk with the game more space, if there is little.