Strauss works. Biography Strauss.

Strauss works. Biography Strauss.
Strauss works. Biography Strauss.

Johann Strauss, whose biography causes sincere interest among lovers of classical music - the famous Austrian composer, violinist, conductor, the largest master of Vienna operetta and Vienna Waltz. His account is about five hundred works in the genre of dance music (Mazurki, Polka, Waltz and Others), which the author managed to raise a high art level.

In his creations, Johann Strauss relied on the traditions of his native Father, F. Schubert, I. Lanner, K. M. Weber. Due to the symphony, the composer gave an individual drawing of Walsa, whose popularity was determined by melodic beauty and flexibility, romantic spirituality, support on the city Austrian folklore and the practice of domestic muscy.

Family of Johann Strauss Jr.

Strauss-Sr., Father Johann, in due time tried not one profession to find himself in music.

Talented violinist organized his own orchestra, who having worked out the dance music of the rich Austrians, he himself was written by writing, toured a lot with his musical team and honored the title "King Waltz". It was applauded by Brussels, London, Paris and Berlin; His waltzes had a magical impact on the public.

Family Music Strausss

For almost a decade, the composer's family changed the place of residence, moving from one apartment to another, and the walls of each of them became witnessed to the birth of a new child. The eldest son of Johann Strauss, also Johann, was born in Vienna on October 25, 1825. In total, the family had seven sons - they were all subsequently became musicians. And it is logical, because in the home atmosphere of the Strausss there was always attended by music. The orchestra rehearsals were often held in the home environment, which gave the children the opportunity to observe how real musical masterpieces are born. For some of them confirm that Joseph became a conductor in the Strauss Orchestra since 1853 and the author of popular orchestral plays, Eduard - violinist, conductor and the author of dance writings, and in 1870, the successor of Johann as a conductor of the court of court Viennese balls.

Children's Yogan Strauss

The eldest son sang in the church choir, and in his father saw the idol, which sooner or later wanted to surpass. At the six-year-old age, the boy has already played his own essays, which did not meet the interests of the parents, because none of them wanted the musical future to their Chadam.

Johann Jr. studied at the Polytechnic School and secretly mastered the musical literacy. The future composer Strauss, whose biography has many takeoffs and repeated falls, began to earn the game on the piano, right there by paying them for the lessons of the game on the violin. Parental attempts to attract young people to the banking was unsuccessful.

Straights: Senior and Junior

Strauss-Senior Meanwhile, started a new family, in which another seven children appeared. The fact of the departure of the father allowed Johann to open up his passion, so he began to take lessons, no longer hiding. In 1844, Johann was awarded the right to conduct in the Viennese magistrate and at the age of 19, created his own concert ensemble, who performed his works. In the first speech, which became sensational for the Vienna public, the younger Strauss, whose biography only took its beginning on Music Olympus, proved that his music can compete with the music of the Father, who was at that time 40 years. The act of his son led Strauss-Elder to rage, and he, having a large number of connections in the highest circles, tried to complicate life as much as possible to his freight, which led to the emergence between native people of cruel struggle. Father still played in secular events at the courtyard, the son remained to realize his talent in a cafe and casino (two small places in Vienna). At the same time, Strauss-Sr. began a marriage process with the first wife, which led to the inconsistency of the eldest son and his public attacks on his father. The result of the trial was the winnings of the Strauss-senior in a broken-separated process: he left his family without inheritance and any means of existence. At the concert suspension, the Johann-Sr. also triumphant, while his son's orchestra pledged a pitiful existence. Moreover, the Johnn-younger was closely interested in the police that had information about him as a man was wasteful, frivolous and immoral.

Strauss Biography: Summary

Suddenly, for everyone in 1849, his father died than he opened a strauss-younger way to the musical world of Vienna, besides the famous orchestra of the eminent composer, without words, chose him with his conductor, and their contracts with him resumed almost all the fishering institutions of the city. The Career of the composer sharply began to climb up: at the court of a young emperor in 1852, Strauss had already played. Biography is briefly described in many music textbooks.

In 1854, representatives of the Railway company of Russia who invited him to speak to a luxurious Palace station and the Palace, which housed the Tsarist Palaces, was the composer with the business proposal that implied the payment of a considerable monetary amount. Johann Strauss, a brief biography of which is described in many textbooks on the history of music, immediately agreed and conquered the local public with his polgas and walts. His performances attended even members of the imperial family.

Personal life of the composer

Johann Strauss, whose biography was connected with music all his life, survived a lot of love novels in Russia, but found his family happiness in Vienna. In 1862, he married ETTI Trefz, a woman older than His 7, the years had from the "King Waltz" at that time four sons and three daughters.

This woman was not only his wife. ETTI (former opera diva Henrietta Hallupetski) became for a composer secretary, nurse, business counselor and the muse at the same time; With her, the Strauss ascended even higher and believed in his forces. In 1863, the spouse, together with her husband, visited Russia, while in Vienna reached the fruit of popularity Brother Josef, who also became dying, and the crown of His fame, like his father, adopt Johann Strauss.

Biography briefly: the time of glory

These were the heyday of the composer's creativity. At this time, Johann Strauss, the biography and creativity of which are closely intertwined among themselves, creates its famous works of "Tales of the Vienna Forest" and "Blue Danube", who expressed veins musical soul and woven from the melodies of various peoples, her inhabiting. Operetta composer began writing in the 70s of the XIX century under the influence of J. Offenbach. However, unlike French operetta with brightly saturated drama, the element of dance is dominated in the works of the Strauss. The first operetta "Indigo and forty robbers" was perceived by the Austrian public with a bang.

The vertices of the Strauss Creativity in this genre - "Gypsy Baron", "Bat". Strauss music highly appreciated P. I. Tchaikovsky, I. Brams, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. World success behind the author secured the speeches in the UK, France and the United States; The composer was controlled by the twenty thousand orchestra with the support of a hundred-speaker-assistants. Despite the universal recognition, Johann Strauss (biography and creativity are briefly described in many music textbooks) has always been full of doubts and unhappy with itself, although the pace of his work can be called feverish, very tense.

Worldwide confession

Refusing a courtiering, Johann Strauss, a brief biography of which describes the key points of his work, continued to touring various countries, successfully perform in Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Paris, New York, Boston. The size of its income contributed to the construction of his own "urban palace" and a luxurious life. For a while, from the usual rhythm of the life of Johann Strauss, the death of his beloved wife and failed the second marriage with actress Angelica Dietrich, who was the younger composer for 25 years. The marriage for the third time - on Adelie Doych, a 26-year-old young widow, the marriage with which was happy, returned the composer into the familiar lifestyle for him. His third spouse Johann Strauss, whose biography causes sincere interest among the modern generation, devoted Waltz "Adele".

In 1885, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the composer, a loud premiere of Operettes "Gypsy Baron" took place, which became a real holiday for veins inhabitants, and then for the rest of the planet. Strains, meanwhile, carefully followed musical trends in the musical world, studied at the classics, supported friendship with such a maestro, like Johann Brahms.

Johann Strauss, whose biography causes the interest of the younger generation, decided to try himself in the opera; In 1892, the premiere of the Opera "Knight Emann" was presented, and the preliminary version of the ballet "Cinderella" was added at the end of 1898. Before her premiere, the composer no longer lived.

Last years of composer's life

The success of the Strauss was not always on top of the take-off: there were falls. So, the operetta "Vienna Blood" did not have such success as previous works, and withstood only a small number of ideas. The last years of life Strauss, whose biography is interesting to many of his admirers, spent in privacy, he hid in his own mansion and played from time to time with friends to billiards. On the occasion of the 25-year anniversary, the Operetta "Bat" of the composer persuaded to conduct an overture. It turned out to be his last speech, Johann Strauss was cold and fell ill with inflammation of the lungs. Perhaps the composer premeditated his death, in the moments of the consciousness of his spouse heard, as he heard a little heard: "Nice, friends, must come and end." This song was written by a teacher Johann by Josef Drexler. Strauss died in the hands of Adeli on June 3, 1899. Vienna arranged to him, like the Strauss-senior once, grand funeral. The grave of the composer is located among the graves of other geniuses of music: Brahms, Schubert and Beethoven.

On the violin secretly from the father, who wanted to see the son of a banker and satisfied the scandals when I found the Son with a violin in my hands. Soon, his father gave Johann junior to the Higher Commercial School, and in the evenings made working as a bill.

The conductor Johanna's debut with a new chapel Strauss took place at the home restaurant in Hitzing on October 15, 1844 and brought him a reputation as the future king of Waltz.

The repertoire of the Strauss-Son orchestra consisted of a large extent consisted of his own works. The first time, his father listed in a blacklist, those institutions where the son spoke, did not allow him to the court balls and on other prestigious activities that he considered his victim.

In 1848, Strauss-Jr. in the days of the French revolution played "Marcelesu" and wrote a number of revolutionary marches and waltz. After the suppression of the revolution, he was attracted to the court, but then justified.

After the death of the Father in 1949, Strauss-Jr. dedicated his memory Waltz "Ealar Harp" and issued a complete collection of e-stusted essays at his own expense.

Strauss-son adopted his orchestra, but he received the father's title of "court droplets" he received only in 1863 - the imperial yard recalled him sympathy for the revolution. This honorable post Strauss occupied until 1871.

The composer was invited to Russia to strengthen concerts and balls in the building of Pavlovsky Station. The success was so great that the next ten years, up to 1865, Strauss took every summer with concerts in Pavlovsk.

Huge melodic strauss talent, its innovation in rhythm and orchestra, its outstanding theatrical drama talent is captured in almost 500 essays. Among them - Walves "Acceleration" (1860), "Morning Newspapers" (1864), "Artist's Life" (1867), "Tales of the Vienna Forest" (1869), "Wine, Women and Songs" (1869), "Vienna Blood "(1872)," Spring Voices "(1882) and" Imperial Waltz "(1888). The polika "Anna", Tritch-Traach and written together with Brother Joseph "Pizzikato", as well as the Persian March and Polka "Eternal Movement" and written together with Brother Joseph Polka Marsh.

Waltz "Blue Danube" was widely fame - an unofficial anthem of Austria. Initially, the melody was written as a choral work for a Vienna choir society. On February 15, 1867, his premiere was held, which caused an unimaginable delight among the public. Soon after the premiere of the Johann Strauss, an orchestral version was written, which is considered synonymous with the Waltz.

In the 1870s, Strauss on the Council of Composer Jacques Offenbach turned to the genre of operetta. In 1871, the premiere of his first operetta "Indigo and forty robbers" took place in the An der Wine Theater. The most executed operetta in the world became a "bat", the premiere of which in 1874 was timed to the 30th anniversary of the first open speech of the Strauss.

Also, Peru Johanna Strauss belongs to such lovely operetta as "Night in Venice" (1883) and "Gypsy Baron" (1885).

Like the Father, the Strauss traveled with his orchestra in Europe, in 1872 he conducted four concerts in New York and 14th in Boston, as well as with the support of 100 Assistant conductors performed the "Blue Danube" with a 20-thousand orchestra and choir.

At the end of his life, the composer wrote his only comic opera "Knight Easter" (1892). The preliminary version of his ballet "Cinderella" was completed in the late autumn of 1898, he did not live up to the premiere.

A total of 168 waltz, 117 poles, 73 Cadryli, 43 Marsha, 31 Mazurka, 15 operetta, comic opera and ballet were created.

June 3, 1899, Johann Strauss died from pneumonia. He was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery.

The composer was married three times. In 1862, Strauss married Opera singer Iretti Halepetsk, who spent under the pseudonym "Treftz". In 1878, after the death of Yettti, Strauss was combined with a young German singer Angelina Dietrich, but soon this marriage was collapsed.

In 1882, Strauss married Adelie Doych (1856-1930), the widow of the son of Banker. Strauss dedicated Waltz "Adele". Despite three marriage, there were no finussed children.

Johanna Strauss-younger had four brothers, two of them (Josef and Eduard) also became famous composers.

In Vienna in the house, where Johann Strauss wrote an unofficial anthem of Austria Waltz "Blue Danube", a composer memorial museum was opened.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

To the "foot music" at all times treated at best condescending. Symphonies, Oratoria, Opera were considered noble genres, and waltzi, kadrili, polka - entertaining, and hence second-rate. Such a state of affairs forever changed the Johann Strauss, who deservedly "King Waltz". An outstanding composer, the author of popular operetta managed to raise dance music on the symphonic heights deficiently. Being the founder of the Vienna Waltz, he created such charming musical "pearls", which will never lose their attractiveness.

A brief biography of Johanna Strauss and many interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Brief biography Strauss

Johann Strauss was born in Vienna on October 25, 1825. His father and complete thesed was the famous Austrian composer. Strauss-Sr. did not want for the sons of a musical career, forbade them to compose music and learn to play on violin. Ironically, all three of his sons from Anna Stretim became composers, despite his fierce resistance. So, the little Johann secretly from his father, who often toured abroad, took his violin and studied on her on his own. Mother supported the passion of the Son.

Even enrolling in the Higher Commercial School and working around the bill, Johann did not stop learning to music. According to the Strauss biography in 1844, he, having brilliant recommendations of his teachers, decided to obtain a license for the right to conduct the orchestra. In order for an influential father to prevent the career of the Son, Anna filed for a divorce - by that time the Strauss-older had a second family for several years. Against the background of this drama, Johann collected his own orchestra, and when 5 years later, his father died suddenly, he invited his musicians to work.

Tours in Europe with their works, Strauss becomes so popular that it connects to the concert activity of both of his brothers, Joseph and Eduard. In Austria, the young composer gets all the courtestine powers of his father. Since 1856, he has a permanent guest in Russia. The traditional his summer entry at Pavlovsky railway station becomes traditional. Our country is connected with the first serious sense of the composer. Olga Smirnitskaya became his chief, he asked her hands, but did not receive the consent of the girl's parents. Broken heart of the king waltza Herrietta Halupetskaya's singer heal, having had seven children from different men to the moment of a wedding with a fin massee. The marriage brought the composer not only happiness and mutual understanding, but also the comprehensive support of his work, which the spouse provided.

In 1870, Strauss reports all the court duties to Eduard to release the time for writing operett. It was a difficult period in his life - his mother died in winter, and in the summer, the younger brother Josef. In 1878, the spouse of the composer died, and he, with a barely percentage of one and a half months later, married the singer Angelica Dietrich. Not five years old, as this marriage ended in divorce. The last time the Strauss went under the crown in 62 years. His chosen was Adelie Doych, for the sake of the union with which the Great Austrian changed citizenship and religion. There was no children from the composer.

In 1889, Strauss issued works by his father in seven volumes. It was he who considered him the main distributor of classical Vienna dance music, which became popular far beyond his homeland. He is always without the shadow of the envy of the talent and the merits of his father, supported the work of the brothers. Maestro died in 73 years old, the reason for this was the pneumonia, which he fell ill, having witned on the road from honoring the 25-year-old anniversary " Battle" At this memorial performance, he was last standing for the conductor console. June 3, 1899 King Waltz did not.

Interesting Facts about Strauss

  • To contain a huge orchestra, finding outlines, planning work with two brothers - all this required an incredible organizational talent, and Johann Strauss, undoubtedly possessed by them. He felt the trends of time and always tried to fit them. Even by starting to give most of their strength to operetta, the composer did not forget about dancing, processing the best tunes from their performances for them. "Bat", for example, provided material for 6 dance numbers.
  • Two ballet was created on the music of a strauss: Blue Danube B. Fenster, delivered in Leningrad in 1956, and the Bat Mouse R. Petit - for Marseille Ballet in 1979.
  • The Russian libretto of the "bat" is radically different from the original. In the original version, a Falk was in the bat of a bat on the ball, over which he fought Eisenstein. In the version of N. Erdman and M. Wolpina, the spouse of Aisenstein, Rosallada, was dressed in a bat.

  • The biography of the Strauss says that for the silent trip to the US, the composer ruined the contract with the Tsarskoye railways, which agreed with him about holding the 11th summer season in Pavlovsk. In Boston, Strauss took part in a grand concert, where he conducted an orchestra from 1000 musicians.
  • For the versions of Operetta "Vienna Blood", delivered in 2015 at the St. Petersburg Theater of the Musical Comedy, the text wrote Satir Semyon Altov.

Popular Strauss Melodies

  1. « Beautiful Blue Danube", 1867.

This waltz was created by order of the Vienist Society of Horists and was performed jointly with a male choir. The text for him wrote Joseph Waile. 23 years later, a second version of the poems of Franz von Hernet appeared. Today the Waltz is a visiting card of Vienna and an informal anthem of Austria.

  1. Waltz " Tales of the Vienna Forest", 1868.

On the first execution of this Waltz, the public demanded four times to fulfill him on bis. It is one of several works of the composer, where the citrate is used - the People's Austrian Tool.

  1. Waltz " Artist's life", 1867.

One of the most melodically generous chants of the Strauss, the themes of which were used even in the revised Russian version of the "volatile mouse". Executed three days after the premiere of the Waltz "At the beautiful Blue Danube," he was not only not lost in the shadow of a brilliant opponent, and rightly took a place next to him.

  1. Waltz " Spring voice", 1882.

This vocal waltz is written for Soprano Bianca Bianca, the text to Him created Richard Wife. Performance of the singer, the work was a great success, and she included him even in their parties in Delibia and Rossini operations. Thus, the "spring voices" began to sound from the scene of the imperial Vienna opera, accommodated inaccessible to dance music.

  1. Polka " Backgammon", 1858.

The premiere of polka turned out to be a sensation, so the notes of its piano arrangement were printed in a hurry order - after 4 days. The circulation was literally sideways from the counters, as well as several subsequent reprints.

Creativity Johann Strauss

Your earliest waltz " First thought"Johann Strauss wrote in 6 years, and, no matter how surprisingly, his notes have reached the present day. The first official product of the composer is the waltz " Epigram"Who first sounded at the debut speech of the Strauss as a conductor of his own orchestra on October 15, 1844. The newspapers swelled an incredible hype, also because the evening was arranged in a casino, where Straus-Father often opposed. Its writings were also included in the concert program, the main intrigue of which was 4 works of young Johann. The father on his son's debut did not appear, and after a while he was at all deprived of the inheritance of all his children-musicians. However, the audience, which came much more than even could accommodate the hall, remained delighted with the speech of the new orchestra and the young composer. All rooms are bicked, and "epigram" were executed 20 times! Could it be less brilliant career of a musician who received such a successful start?

Already in the next, 1845, Strauss accepts a proposal to become a conductor of the 2nd regiment of Viennese citizens. This is even more glowing confrontation with the father, the conductor of the 1st regiment. It was the son that the Society was entrusted to the solemn opening of the largest Vienna ballroom "Odeon". However, Strauss-Sr. At the same time becomes a manager of music and dance at the court, which strengthens his position on the most prestigious and fashionable dance evenings of Vienna. Son remains invitations to the small halls, and he takes the first tour in Hungary. At the concert in Buda, he presented to the court of the audience " Peshtsky Chardash", Launches all listeners in absolute delight due to a subtle understanding by composer of Hungarian national music.

Strauss orchestra was often invited to play in the evenings organized by Slavician earthly. Therefore, several works on Eastern European motives appeared in the composer repertoire: " Czech Polka.», « Serbian Kadril", Kadril" Alexander», « Slavic Popourry" The success of these works was consolidated by Balkan touring 1847.

1848 was marked by the European Revolution and Strauss, who returned to May from Romania, supported the side of the rebels, writing Revolutionary march", Polka" Ligurian sigra" The revolution was suppressed, the emperor Franz Joseph I came to power, and Strauss wrote in response to these events Waltz "Music Unity", reconcile him with the current political situation, despite the previous revolutionary views. Of these considerations, the composer created Kadril " Nikolai"In honor of the Russian emperor, supporting the claim of Austria during the revolution in Hungary," Marsh Emperor Franz Joseph», « Triumphal march».

The death of his father left the rivalry of two strays in history. The younger began a heyday - he was invited everywhere, where his father reigned. The first work created in a new period of creativity was waltz " Our people" By 1856, Strauss had already become a "first violin" Vienna. At that moment he received a very tempting proposal from Russia, from the leadership of the Tsarsko Selo Railway - to hold a summer musical season with performances at Pavlovsky railway station. From such an opportunity and so generous fees, the composer could not refuse to refuse, and from May 18 to October 13, 1856 gave daily concerts in the suburb of the Russian capital. For his debut summer in Russia, Strauss wrote 8 new works. During the 10 subsequent years, the Russian audience had the pleasure of every year to see King Waltz in Pavlovsk.

In 1863, Strauss received the position of music and dance regimen at the courtyard - the one who once occupied his father. His orchestra played at all court balas - it was the highest career point of any Austrian musician. Perhaps this particular success gave the composer a new creative energy, which took place at the end of the 60s the most brilliant melodies: " Beautiful Blue Danube», « Artist's life», « Tales of the Vienna Forest».

It would seem, for such a grand and concentrated climax, the inevitable decline should follow, but not at the Strauss. Waltza, really, has become less. But only because the maestro completely devoted himself to a new genre - operette. The far-sighted Henrietta has long inclined her husband to try himself in the theater. The initial three attempts to write operetta did not reach its completion. The first full work of the Strauss " Indigo and forty robbers"It turned out very impermanent, mainly because of a vague libretto. However, this did not prevent her to pass only in 1871 more than 40 times on the scene of the Vienna theater "An der Win". In 1873 he comes out the second operetta " Carnival in Rome" And a year later - the authentic masterpiece of this genre " Bat"Presented on April 5, 1874 in the" An der Win "theater. The author stood behind the conductor console, each number ended with bulk applause - the Viennese audience adored her maestro!

In the next 10 years, he will write another 6 operetta, in varying degrees of successful, but not repeating the fate of the "bat". The composer always understood the Hungarian culture very deeply and put out the idea of \u200b\u200boperetta to the Hungarian national plot. Such a plot and became Novella M. Yokai "Suffy". I. Schniter wrote libretto, and in 1885, on the stage "An der Win" appeared " Gypsy Baron"Who became the second unconditional hit of a strauss over the next centuries. The only comic opera of the Knight Pupman composer was created on the Hungarian theme, set in the court of the Vienna in 1892. In the last years of life, 4 Operettes and ballet " Cinderella"He did not have time to finish. During his life, the Strauss agreed by A. Muller to create operetta from different melodies. V. Leon and L. Stein prepared a brilliant libretto, and the work, the premiere of which was held 5 months after the death of the composer, got the name "Vienna Blood".

Unsurpassed King Waltz Johann Strauss

To dance melodies who called music music, in any era were condescending. Opera, Osra, and Symphonies have always considered noble genres, but all sorts of cadryli, waltzes and polika attributed to second-rate creations due to their entertainment nature. And only one Austrian composer managed to change this musical hierarchy, raising the tunes for dances to the symphonic heights inaccessible. His name is Johann Strauss. He wrote almost half a thousand work. The writings of a talented strauss junior sounded in all corners of the world and continue to occupy a leading place in the repertoire of many theaters.


The founders of the "Waltse dynasty" are taken to be Joseph Lanner and Johann Strauss-senior. Their art seemed unattainable many. But so it was until their main opponent appeared on the horizon. Ironically, they became Son Strauss - Johann Strauss Jr.which was born in Vienna 1825.

Senior Son Johann Father read the future in the commercial sphere, the second one - Josef - defined for military service. Everything went according to the plan until the Father found Karmol (in his opinion) the passion of siblings to music. Wife was worth a big job to persuade him to resolve the sons to play the game on the piano.

Johann fascinated friends with his ability to improvise on a musical instrument. And later, the Father found out that the eldest son secretly learns to play and on the violin. And besides, the lessons gave him Franz Amon himself, which was one of the best musicians of the Strauss-senior orchestra. Johann trained neighboring children to the piano and thereby earned himself on Amon's lessons.

Best teachers

Soon, the seven Strausss overtook a serious test - the father went to one of his young fans, and the content of the relatives had to take the johann-younge. So he it turned out to be the head of the family at 18 years old. Fortunately, Mother supported his son and most importantly - cared for his musical education, despite financial difficulties. Mother gently kept the notes of the first Strauss Waltz, who wrote in 6 years. Thanks to the efforts, Anna Johann studied at the tutor of the Ballet of the Vienna Opera Theater and the leading teacher of the Conservatory in the class of composition. But his chief teacher Johann considered Kappelmester of one of the Viennese churches - the Abbot Josef Drexler, who was an expert in counterpoint and harmony. This he forced the young composer to compose spiritual works. Strauss-junior at that time dreamed of "earthly" music, but the teachers did not disappear, and soon his cantata was publicly executed in one of the temples of Vienna.

Wise Drexler found a stimulus for Johann so that he was engaged in church music. He allowed him to play the organ and violin in that church where he was regent.

Good morning, Strauss Son

Once the Abbot heard the Waltz on the body in the execution of the Strauss, when he went into an empty temple. Johann was firmly on his own - he wanted to lead the dance drop and compose dance music. The case was for the "small" - the young man remained to find qualified musicians. He could not allow his team to be worse than his father. And here in one of the Sunday days of October 1844, the posters and the press of the city were announced about the upcoming concert of the young Johanna Strauss. The public was intrigued, because the older Strauss was barely 40 years old, he was still full of creative energy, and here the son is already on the heels. After the concert, the newspaper was sent to enthusiastic reviews. Critics wrote: "Good night, Lanner, Good evening, Strauss Father, Good morning, Strauss Son.!».

Revolutionary sympathy

The young composer did not just take, but snatched the relay stick from his predecessors. And at least his first works differ little in the form from the melodies of the Father and Lanner, but they already felt the power of talent.

When the revolutionary 1848 year came, Johann was hotly responded to political events and supported the people. He created the "march of the revolution", which sounded like a call for the fight. This music quickly became the most popular work of the rebels, having received the second name - "Vienna Marselyza". However, the Vienna uprising was suppressed, and the new government did not forget the Strauss-younger of his revolutionary sympathies. Johann was not invited to the court for a long time, and his waltz did not sound on the emperor's balas.

Family in a row

In 1849, Johann Strauss-senior died from Scarletna. Recently, he was not easy for his son's popularity, he was very hard for the loss of victims of fame. He died alone, but the composer's funeral was held with all the honors.

The orchestra of the Father lost the head and the same friend of the Scripper Franz Amon instantly insisted that the Senior Strauss Place would take His Son. All the artists of the orchestra came to Johann and solemnly passed his father's conductor wand. Since then Strauss jn The daily tense concert and composer activity began.

Such intensive work quickly undermined the health of the young musician. From the overwork he seriously fell ill. Colleagues knew what kind of exhaustive work is to lead a chapel. Johann handed over to the management of the team to his brother Josef, and when that Zalenor, another brother came to the rescue - Eduard. Family Strauss has become the idol of the entire vein. Satiriki of that time nicknamed their music merchants Wholesale and retail.

New Vienna Waltz

The wals of the early period of the Strauss reminded the works His father at the peak of a career. But very quickly, the son felt like a cured form of traditional Vienna Waltz and sent his energy to creating a new type melody, showing all his talent. He decided on a bold step and doubled the volume of the Waltz with 8 and 16 clocks to 16 and 32, turning it from ordinary dance music into an independent genre, which now also sounded at concerts.

Strauss tours secured his international fame and contributed to the spread of Vienna Waltz. In St. Petersburg, he was offered an argezhent for the entire summer of 1856, from which he could not refuse. Strauss Spent in the Russian Empire with small breaks for a decade.

During one of the walks in the city in 1858, Johann presented a 21-year-old Olga Smirnitskaya, which took possession of the composer's heart. But the mother of the girl opposed their relationship. Strauss dedicated to his beloved several works, wrote touching messages, but the separation turned out to be inevitable. In 1862, Olga married the military, and Johann decided to tie his life with the opera singer Henrietta Hupuetskaya, who was older than him and had seven children from previous marriages.

Blue Danube Johann Strauss

The middle of the 1860s is considered a heyday period of creativity Strauss jn. He wrote waltzes "On the beautiful Blue Danube", "Tales of the Vienna Forest", "Life of the Artist", "New Vienna". Any of these works could make his name is immortal. Thanks to these walts, dance music climbed to the highest stage of poetry. New dance Johanna Strauss Reminds the symphonic miniature, which is combined with the limit romantization of the dance genre. The waltzes of the composer featured an elevated mood, they are alien to the high polhood, they are heartly and simple.

When "on the beautiful Blue Duna", to the great surprise of the author, became the most popular of his waltz, Strauss decided to thank the conductor of Johann Gerbek. He was obliged to the success of this work. The composer dedicated herbler Waltz "Wine, Love and Song", and "Vienna Blood" and "New Vienna" only secured for Johann Strauss Jun Knowledge of the King Waltz.

Pearls in the crown of the composer

Creative flusted flusted continued with operettas, "Prince Mafusail", "Carnival in Rome", "Night in Venice", "Gypsy Baron" and other works, which became pearls in the corona crown. By the way, the Straus appealed to Operette after acquaintance with the ancestor of the genre - Jacques Offenbach. However, Johann did not go through his French colleague. The first steps of the Strauss at this field emphasized his innovative approach to everything, for which he was taken. Johann created a new type of dance operetta. This genre was entirely subject to the element of dance, of course, Vienna Waltz. The classic of this genre was the "bat" (for the first time delivered in the spring of 1874), which still does not come off with theatrical scenes and popular among the most different public.

From dancing to opera

In 1878, Strauss was widowed. A shocked composer who was panicked all his life, left the house, having ordained his wife's funeral to engage in his brother. Johann went to Italy. Soon he met a young singer from Germany Angelica Dietrich and married her, but this marriage was extremely unsuccessful. Survive a gap with a woman who made him a woman helped his beloved job.

His new operetta "Queen's lace handkerchief" was waiting for success. Past On October 1, 1880, the premiere made the An der Wine theater such a cash collection, which he had not seen for many years.

During the creation of the operetta "Night in Venice", Johann became interested in a widow of his long-standing name-one-nameman. Adele answered his feeling of reciprocity. This time the King of Waltz was not mistaken in the choice, Adel became a caring and devoted wife, which all his friends appreciated.

Over time, another dream came true Johanna Strauss - He proved to the world that along with dance can write and serious music. In 1892, he presented to the public Opera "Knight Puman". In another 6 years, she completed the preliminary version of the ballet "Cinderella", to the premiere of which the composer, unfortunately, did not live. 1899 he died of lung inflammation. He was buried near the grave, Brahms and.


Operetta "Gypsy Baron" struck admirers Johanna Strauss. German composer Johannes Brahms he said that after the "magic flute", no musician achieved in the comic opera of those heights that the Strauss took off.

For the silent trip to the United States of America Johann Strauss Ripped a contract with Russian Tsarskoye railways. It was assumed that the composer will hold the eleventh summer season in Pavlovsk. However, the Strauss went to Boston to participate in the Grand Concert. There he was given the opportunity to conduct an orchestra from thousands of musicians!

Updated: April 7, 2019 by the author: Elena

, Austria-Hungary

Johann Strauss Son (October 25, 1825, Vienna - June 3, 1899, Vienna) - Austrian composer, conductor and violinist recognized by the "King of Waltza", the author of numerous dance works and several popular operetta.

Born in the family of the famous Austrian composer Johann Strauss-senior. His great-grandfather Johann Michael Strauss (1720-1800) from Buda (part of Budapest) was a Jew who adopted Catholicism. Two of the four strauss brothers-junior (Joseph and Eduard) also became famous composers.

The boy learned to play a violin secretly from his father, who wanted to see the son of a banker and satisfied fierce scandals when he found her son with a violin in his hands. However, with the help of Mother, Johann Jr. continued to cultivate in music in secret. The father soon gave the Johann junior to the Higher Commercial School, and the evenings made it work as a bill. In 1844, Johann Jr. finished his musical education among famous teachers who gave him brilliant recommendations (to obtain a license for a profession). When he still decided and appealed to the magistrate for the right license to conduct an orchestra, the mother, fearing that the Johann-Sr. would prevent the issuance of a license, filed for a divorce due to many years of change of her husband. Strauss-Sr. in response deprived children from Anna inheritance, after writing all his condition to children of their mistress Emilia Trump. Shortly after registration of the divorce, he married Emilia officially, they had already seven children by this time.

Get rid of fans is also difficult, how to wipe the dust on the piano - immediately accumulates again!

Strauss Johann (Son)

Soon the Strauss managed to score a small one orchestra, and he successfully performs in the Vienna Casino of DomMayer. The repertoire of the orchestra largely consisted of its own works. At first, the envy of an influential father was greatly prevented, which he listed into the black list, those institutions where the son was advocated, did not allow him to the court balls and to other prestigious activities that he considered his victim. But, contrary to all the efforts of the Father, and thanks to the admirers of the Talent of Johann Junior, he was appointed a chapel of the military orchestra of the second regiment of the civil police (his father was the head of the first shelf orchestra).

Even more deepened father's conflict with the son of the revolution of 1848. Strauss Sr. supported the monarchy and wrote a loyal "Marsh Radetsky". Strauss-Jr. in the days of the revolution played "Marcelesu" and he himself wrote a number of revolutionary marches and waltz. After the revolution is suppressed, it was attracted to the court, but in the end we justified.

1849: Strauss Sr. died of scarlet. Johann on the grave of his father played the "Requiem" of Mozart, dedicated to the memory of the father of Waltz "Ealar Harp" and issued a full collection of father's work. The father's orchestra decided to join the musicians of the Son, and the combined orchestra goes on tour in Austria, Poland, Germany. Everywhere he had a huge success.

To establish relationships with the new emperor Franz Joseph I, the Strauss devotes him two march. Soon he is transferred to all the father's powers at the courtes and concerts (1852). Invitations so much that he often sends one of the brothers instead of himself. Unlike his father, he did not envy anyone and joked that "the brothers is talented me, I'm just more popular."

1856: The first tours of the Strauss in Russia. He became a permanent conductor of summer concerts at the Pavlovsky railway station with a huge salary (22 thousand rubles per season). Within five years of performances in Pavlovsk, Strauss is experiencing a serious passion for the Russian girl, Olga Smirnitskaya, but Olga's parents prevented their marriage. This novel was devoted to the Soviet film "Farewell to St. Petersburg" and the book of Aigner "Johann Strauss - Olga Smirnitskaya. 100 letters about love. "

In 1862, Strauss, after the report of Olga about his wedding with a Russian officer, married Opera singer Iretti Halepetsk, who spent under the pseudonym "Treftz" ( Henrietta Treffz.). Biographers note that Iretti was externally similar to Olga Smirnitskaya. Yetty was older than Strauss for 7 years and, moreover, had seven extramarital children from different fathers. Nevertheless, the marriage turned out to be happy, Henrietta became the faithful and caring wife and the impresario of her husband.

The end of the 1860s is the beginning of the 1870s: the flourishing of Straussian genius. During this period, he creates its best waltzes: "On the beautiful Blue Duna" (1866) and the "Tales of the Vienna Forest" (1868), the best operetta.

1870: Strauss refuses the court duties (transfers their brother Eduardo) and devotes to operetta. Suddenly, at the age of 43, Brother Josef dies.

In the 1870s, the Strauss orchestra tours to the UK, France, USA. At the Boston Music Festival, the Strauss puts the world record, driving an orchestra with more than 1000 musicians. In 1871, on the advice of Offenbach, Strauss writes its first operetta \\ "indigo and forty robbers \\", well adopted by the public. Total he wrote 15 operetta.

1874: The new Operette "Bat Mouse" at first there is no big popularity, but still many years have not gone from the scene of Viennese theaters. Triumphal success comes 20 years later, after the emergence of a new edition (Gustav Malener, Hamburg).

1878: After the death of Yetti, Strauss married a young German singer Angelica Dietrich. Soon this marriage decays. In 1882, Strauss marries the third and last time, on Adelie Doych (1856-1930), the widow of the son of Banker Anton Strauss. She was a Jew and did not want to go to the Christian faith. In the Catholic Church, they would not be wenstly, therefore, for registration of divorce and a new marriage, Strauss becomes a Protestant-evangelist and takes German citizenship, becoming a subject of Duke Saxen-Koburg-Gothsky. Finally, marriage with Adele was decorated in 1887. Strauss dedicated Waltz Adele's wife. Their joint life has developed successfully. Despite three marriage, there were no finussed children.

1880: Strauss rides to Paris spend on the last path of Offenbach.

1885: New masterpiece: Operetta "Gypsy Baron", according to the plot of the story "Suffy" Mora Yokai. Music operetta is filled with a clear Hungarian flavor. This is the most "opera" from the operetta of the Strauss.

1895: The 70th anniversary of the Strauss marks all of Europe.

Recent years, Strauss did not concert and practically did not leave the house. But on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the operetta "bat" he was persuaded to conduct an overture. He was too trimmed and on the way home was very cold. Strauss passed away in Vienna aged 73 years from pneumonia, did not have time to complete the ballet "Cinderella". Completed the work on the ballet next year Joseph Bayer. Strauss was buried on the central cemetery of Vienna.

All his state of Johann bequeathed musical society. Adeli went only the rent. She survived her husband for 31 years, completely devoting himself to creating a museum of a strauss and publishing his works. She even found and retained her husband's love letters to Olga.

After the end of the Strauss, several operettuses mounted from various works were delivered. The first of them became "Vienna Blood", the leitmotif of which serves the strauss waltz. Strauss shortly before the death gave permission to create this work, but it did not have scenic success.


For his life, Johann Strauss created 496 works: 168 Waltz, 117 poles, 73 Kadryli, 43 Marsham, 31 Mazurka, 16 operetta, comic opera and ballet. He did with dance music that later Gershvin did with jazz: raised to symphonic vertices. Creations of the Strauss admired a variety of composers, from Offenbach to Wagner, from Lehrara to Tchaikovsky.

Operettes and other theatrical productions

  • Indigo and forty robbers (Indigo und Die Vierzig Räuber, 1871)
  • Carnival in Rome (Der Karneval in Rom, 1873)
  • Bat (Die Fledermaus, 1874)
  • Caliostro in Vienna (Cagliostro in Wien, 1875)
  • Prince Methusalem (Prinz Methusalem, 1877)
  • Zhmurki (Blindekuh, 1878)
  • Queen's lace handkerchief (Das Spitzentuch Der Königin, 1880)
  • Fun War (Der Lustige Krieg, 1881)
  • Night in Venice (Eine Nacht in Venedig, 1883)
  • Gypsy Baron (Der Zigenerbaron, 1885)
  • Simplicius (Simplicius. 1887)
  • Knight Easter (Ritter Pásmán, Opera, 1892)
  • Princess Ninetta (Fürstin Ninetta, 1893)
  • Apple Holiday (Jabuka, 1894)
  • Sharnnik fragrant (Waldmeister) (1895)
  • Goddess Rough (Die Göttin der Vernunft, 1897)
  • Cinderella (Aschenbrödel, 1899, ballet, posthumously)
  • Vienna Blood (Wiener Blut, 1899, posthumously)

Famous Walsses

  • Love songs (Liebeslieder, Op. 114, 1852)
  • Farewell to Petersburg (Abschieed Von St Petersburg, Op. 210, 1858)
  • On the beautiful Blue Danube (An der Schönen Blauen Donau, Op. 314, 1867)
  • Artist's life (Künstlerleben, Op. 316, 1867)
  • Tales of the Vienna Forest (G'schichten Aus Dem Wienerwald, Op. 325, 1868)
  • Wine, Women and Songs (Wein, Weib Und Gesang, Op. 333, 1869)
  • Thousand and one night (Tausend und Eine Nacht, Op. 346, 1871)
  • Vienna Blood (Wiener Blut, Op. 354, 1873)
  • Calioster (Cagliostro-Walzer, Op. 370, 1875)
  • Beautiful May (o Schöner Mai!, Op. 375, 1877)
  • Rosen Aus Dem Süden, Op. 388, 1880)
  • Kiss (Kuss-Walzer, Op. 400, 1881)
  • Spring Voices (Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410, 1883)
  • Laguna (Lagunen-Walzer, Op. 411, 1883)
  • Viennese women (Wiener Frauen, Op. 423, 1886)
  • Imperial Waltz (Kaiser-Walzer, Op. 437, 1888)

Strauss Music in Cinema

  • The film "Viennese Walts" (English Waltzes from Vienna., 1934) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film tells about the writing of the Waltz "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" of the Austrian composer Johann Strauss Jr..
  • The popular American film "Big Waltz" is devoted to the life and melodies of Johann Strauss (1938). The plot of the film has little to do with the real life of the composer.
  • Karaianovskaya recording Valsa "On the beautiful Blue Danube" It was used by film director Wedley Kubrick in the soundtrack for the film "Space Odyssey of 2001" (Kubrick remounted on the footage to "get" to music).
  • Waltz \\ "Vienna Blood \\" (WIENER BLUT) was used in the cartoon \\ "about the mouse of Johann \\", as well as in the soundtrack to the film Gay Richie \\ "Sherlock Holmes. Game of shadows \\" (in a somewhat recycled composer with a zimmer form).
  • The film "Farewell to Petersburg" (USSR) tells about the stay of the Strauss in Russia.