Bandera: the history of Ukrainian nationalists. About Bandera and Bandera

Bandera: the history of Ukrainian nationalists. About Bandera and Bandera

I think there is no need to talk about what is happening in Ukraine now. I just want to note that this is a civil war. It was conceived by Ukrainian traitors in 1941 with the support of Nazi Germany and money, and continued today - with the support of the West and the United States with money and information (I think that the supply of weapons from the United States will not rust).

Can we fight now with weapons in hand? I'm afraid not; do we have money in an amount that rivals the American one? No, definitely not.

But we have a field of war, the victory on which depends entirely on us. This is an informational field.

The Nazism that is now rising in Ukraine has Bandera roots, uses its rhetoric, uses its methods. And we, knowing their history, their tricks, can resist them. Everyone who stands on the information barricades to help.


Myth # 1 Bandera did not fight from the very beginning with Russia and, moreover, Russians, as they are credited with.

From the very beginning of their appearance, the Bandera members waged a fierce war against the Poles (who were occupiers) and Russians (who were also considered "Muscovite" occupiers). And they were preparing for this war much ahead of time.

"Lahuzen gave me an order for familiarization ... The order stated that in order to inflict a lightning strike on the Soviet Union, Abwehr-2, when carrying out subversive work against the USSR, must use his agents to incite national enmity between the peoples of the Soviet Union. In particular, I personally was instructions were given to the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, German agents Melnik (nickname "Consul-1") and Bandera, to organize provocative demonstrations in Ukraine immediately after Germany's attack on the Soviet Union in order to undermine the nearest rear of the Soviet troops, as well as to convince the international community that that the decomposition of the Soviet rear is apparently taking place. "

E. Stolze: ".. At the end of the war with Poland, Germany was intensively preparing for a war against the Soviet Union, and therefore the Abwehr took measures to intensify subversive activities, because the measures that were carried out through Melnik and other agents seemed insufficient.

For this purpose, the well-known Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera was recruited, who was freed by the Germans from prison during the war, where he was imprisoned by the Polish authorities for participating in a terrorist act against the leaders of the Polish government. "

(source - materials of the Nuremberg trial. Book of the Nuremberg trial ,. M.)

As Petro Poltava, the "historian" of the Banderaites, writes about this:

Bandera's members have recently been a widely used, popular name for all participants in the insurrectionary and underground liberation struggle, which began against the Nazis during the Nazi occupation, and since 1944 (sic!) Continues against the Bolshevik invaders.

Myth No. 2 Bandera never considered the Russian people an enemy, as well as no other people, like Poles, Germans or Jews.

There are so many facts that a small fraction is enough to clearly see their position on this issue.

Testimony of General E. Lahusen, one of the leaders of the Abwehr, at the meeting of the International Military Tribunal on November 30 in 1945

"... Canaris was instructed to create an insurrectionary movement in Ukrainian Galicia, the goal of which would be the extermination of Jews and Poles ... it is necessary to stage an uprising or insurrectionary movement in such a way that all the courtyards of the Poles were engulfed in fire and that all Jews were killed."

Fascist troops occupy Lviv. Together with them, the famous battalion of the Abwehr "Nachtigall" (translated from German - "Nightingale"), consisting of Bandera and led by Roman Shukhevych, Bandera's closest associate, entered the city.

On the same day, the whole city was sealed with the addresses of Stepan Bandera: "People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Madyars, Jews are your enemies. Poor people! Lyakhiv, Jews, Communities know without mercy! .."

In 1941 Y. Stetsko laughed: “Moscow and Jewishness are the biggest enemies of Ukraine. I think the main and decisive enemy is Moscow, which imperiously held Ukraine in captivity. And, nevertheless, I appreciate the hostile and sabotage will of the Jews, who helped Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of exterminating the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of exterminating Judaism, excluding their assimilation. "

(Sources: Berkhoff K.C., Carynnyk M. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Dyukov A. About the participation of the OUN - UPA in the Holocaust: "Moscow and Judaism are the main enemies of Ukraine" // IA "REGNUM", 14.10.2007)

I cannot but quote the words of one of Bandera's supporters about how they were guided during the war by the "three principles of Bandera":

"- brotherly attitude towards those of them who support the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their state and interests; - tolerant attitude towards those of them who simply live in Ukraine; - hostile attitude towards those who are hostile to Ukraine, its independence, the state and language. "

This paragraph is from the category of those when it is so sad that it is already funny.

Myth number 3 Bandera ideology is not fascist or Nazi

One of the theorists of the OUN wrote: A. Andrievsky: "Our newest nationalism is not a consequence of the efforts of the Ukrainian mind, but a product of Italian fascism and German national socialism. Dontsov prepared the basis for this enthusiasm."

(Source: "Stepan Bandera. Prospects for the Ukrainian revolution." - Drogobich, 1998. - S. 5-8; S. Gordusevich Stepan Bandera. Lyudina and myth. - K., 2000. - S. 43-44)

Myth No. 4 Bandera did not cooperate with the German occupation regime before the war, but met them as liberators

After the end of the 1st World War and the Civil War, the "little strikers" who found themselves in emigration and other similar publics co-organized in the Ukrainian Vyskovo Organization, which was later transformed into the OUN. And back in the 1930s, the "fighters for freedom" gently adhered to Hitler , financial streams began to flow, which immediately invigorated the hearts of the OUN members. They even adjusted the ideology, a kind of second-rate fascism emerged. But with claims: “Blow the rows, make up the rows and bathe in the blood, ward off in the fire. Fire and shelter, life is that will, for death to plow at their breasts ... Chuєsh cry - Zig hail! Heil! Zig heil! " (Y. Lipa "Ukrainian Doba", Lviv, 1934r.).

Already in 1938. In Germany, several training centers were created where OUN saboteurs were trained. Although there were different views in the leadership of the Reich about their viability, but the chief of the Abwehr V. Canaris said: "There is no waste, there is only cadres."

Myth number 5 Stepan Bandera himself fought against Hitler, so he was back in 1941. sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp (a similar myth - Bandera stopped cooperating with the German occupation regime after 1941)

Two weeks after the capture of Lvov, the "Nachtigall" battalion, formed under the leadership of Bandera, turned the German rear into a field for their showdown with the Poles, which caused extreme discontent with Hitler. And not that they felt sorry for some "Untermensch". The task of the general staff of any belligerent country is to wreak havoc in the enemy's rear and vice versa, to ensure order in its own rear. In addition, the Germans believed that the population of the occupied countries should work with enthusiasm (or not) for the good of the Reich, and not lie with their throats cut in a ditch.

In addition, in an unknown direction (to the accounts of Swiss banks), a large amount of money, allocated by the German intelligence service to finance the OUN, flowed away.

So, according to Lazarek: "S. Bandera received 2.5 million marks from the Germans, that is, as much as Melnik receives," the source - materials of the Nuremberg trial) and transferred to a personal account in a Swiss bank.

(Historical portraits: Makhno, Petlyura, Bandera. - K., 1990. - P. 24)

But that was not all - without a demand from the Germans, the Act on the Proclamation of the Ukrainian State was adopted. The OUN hoped that the Germans would put up with this. An attempt to unauthorized proclamation of a state in the territory already occupied by German troops, where the latter had already suffered losses, while the OUN could not or did not want to organize a large-scale uprising in the rear of the Red Army in Western Ukraine, ended sadly for the Banderaites.

July 5, 1941 at the meeting, Adolf Hitler said: “Parteigenosse Himmler, machen Sie Ordnung mit diesen Bande! ”(Partaigenosse Himmler, clean up this gang!). Almost immediately, the Gestapo arrested S. Bandera, Y. Stetsko, as well as about 300 members of the OUN. "Nachtigall" was urgently reorganized into a police battalion and transferred to Belarus to fight the partisans, and Bandera was taken under house arrest in Krakow, and then transferred to Sachsenhausen, in a kind of hotel, where high-ranking Nazi accomplices, temporarily withdrawn to the reserve, were sitting.

Bandera's people were very worried:

"The Nazis threw hundreds of Ukrainian patriots into concentration camps and prisons. Mass terror began. In the Auschwitz concentration camp, Stepan Bandera's brothers, Oleks and Vasyl, were brutally tortured."

And no matter how Bandera's people insist, the story does not end there.

In the 44th, Hitler removed Bandera from the reserve and included in the Ukrainian National Committee, whose task was to organize the fight against the advancing Red Army.

“At the beginning of April 1945, Bandera had instructions from the Main Directorate of Imperial Security to gather all Ukrainian nationalists in the Berlin area and to defend the city from the advancing units of the Red Army. Bandera created detachments of Ukrainian nationalists who acted as part of the Volkssturm, while he himself fled. He left the dacha of the 4-D department and fled to Weimar. Burlai told me that Bandera agreed with Danyliv on a joint transition to the side of the Americans. "

And now let's give the floor to Bandera, we want to know the opinion of both sides:

“Feeling the strength of the UPA on their own skin, the Germans began to look for an ally against Moscow in the OUN-UPA. In December 1944, Bandera and several other members of the revolutionary OUN were released. They were offered negotiations on possible cooperation. Ukrainian Statehood and the creation of the Ukrainian army as separate independent from the German armed forces of an independent state. The Nazis did not agree to recognize the independence of Ukraine and sought to create a pro-German puppet government and Ukrainian military formations as part of the German army. Bandera resolutely rejected these proposals. "

(Source - article by Stepan Bandera. Life and work.
The Bandera brothers died in Auschwitz in 1942 - they were beaten to death by Polish prisoners. Eye for an eye.

Myth No. 7 Bandera's people with the same dedication waged a desperate struggle both against Hitler's fascism and against the Stalinist reactionary-repressive regime.

I will first cite the text of the comrade, who very clearly and logically juxtaposed several facts, and then I will present several facts for justification. I will repeat myself here and there.

"The current followers of Bandera sharply reject the cooperation of Bandera with the Germans and insist on their confrontation. Even the figure of 800 Nazis killed in battles with the" UPA warriors "(in fact, the average Soviet partisan detachment had more accounts) is even flickering. veterans answer that they have no information about those killed at the hands of Bandera, as well as about these battles themselves. Some kind of theater of the absurd! It turns out that the Germans with manic idiots supply their enemies with money, equipment, weapons: more than 700 mortars, about 10 thousand easel and light machine guns, 100 thousand hand grenades, 12 million cartridges, etc. Moreover, they train foremen for the UPA at the training center in Neuhammer and others, assigning them German military ranks.

No, the Germans certainly had some clashes with Bandera. It happened that the Germans were the owners and they punished them in a disciplinary manner: they put them in camps, even shot them. What do you want? The same "Volyn massacre", when Bandera in the summer of 1943. they cut out all the Polish villages of Volyn and thus disrupted the planned supply of food for the German army - a headache for the German quartermasters! The German neatmen looked askance at the bad habit of Bandera's people to fill wells with drinking water with corpses, etc. "

"OUN supporters, by order of Bandera, served in the German police, punitive battalions ... For example, the same Roman Shukhevych, who was one of the ministers of the Bandera government dispersed by the Germans, continued to serve the Germans in the Nachtigall battalion, then became one of the commanders of the punitive battalion SS. Until December 1942, he earned two crosses and the rank of SS captain for successfully suppressing the partisan movement in Belarus. "

"The Germans handed over to the OUN-UPA 100 thousand rifles and machine guns, 10 thousand machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition. Former Nazi leaders of the Abwehr Lahusen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial."

(Source - materials of the Nuremberg court bogus process)

Myth number 8 Bandera did not commit atrocities that they are prescribed

This is such an absurd myth that it is enough just to give some of the names: Lviv Jewish pogrom, Volyn massacre, Babi Yar. And one more example, not so well known, but painful in that it is "everyday", "ordinary".

Written testimony by Hermann Grebe, read by the American prosecutor Stari.

"On the night of July 13, 1942, all the inhabitants of the ghetto in the city of Rovno ... were liquidated ... Soon after 22.00, the ghetto was surrounded by a large detachment of the SS and about three times the large detachment of the Ukrainian police. Groups of SS men and police broke into houses. People living there were driven out into the street in the form in which they were caught.

People were driven out of their homes with such haste that in some cases small children were left in their beds. All night long, persecuted, beaten and wounded people moved along the lighted streets. The women carried their dead children in their arms. Some children dragged their dead parents to the train by the arms and legs ...

Soon, the Ukrainian police broke into house 5 on Bangofstrasse, pulled out 7 Jews and dragged them into the ghetto, not a collection point ... "

"Two features are striking in this document: firstly, the ratio of the SS and Ukrainian policemen - the bulk of the murderers were not Germans, namely," fighters for Ukraine "; secondly, the main opponents of these" fighters "were children - the witness says about them constantly."

(Source - Nuremberg trials. Collection of documents, - Vol. 2, p. 500)

Myth No. 9 The atrocities that are prescribed to Bandera were committed by NKDVs disguised as Bandera to discredit the insurrectionary movement and deprive them of popular support.

How serious the situation with the spread of this lie is is evidenced by the fact that the myth of "disguised NKVEDshniks" is enshrined in the so-called. "Professional conclusion (fakhovom vysnovok) of the working group of historians to study the activities of the OUN-UPA", published in Ukraine in a massive circulation of 120,000 copies, and centrally distributed to all libraries, secondary and higher educational institutions. On October 14, 2005, at a meeting of the Government Commission, this "Vysnovok" was approved as an official assessment of the activities of the OUN-UPA. Here in the argumentation, you can go in two ways - direct and indirect.

Direct - to understand all the intricacies of the information war. All this is analyzed in the book The Great Slandered War-2 in the article by Oleg Rossov "The myth of the disguised NKVDeshniks. Special groups of the NKVD in the fight against bandit formations in Western Ukraine." Or use the materials of the article.

Indirect - Bandera fought against the Soviet Union - a fact. They received money and weapons from the Germans - a fact. And they were not playing with toys with these weapons. They staged massacres - a fact. In order for all this to be done by the NKVD, it is necessary that the UPA did not exist at all. And there was one thing, the NKVD, which ran everything. The situation in which the disguised UPA on their part organize the massacre of the population with impunity, and the UPA, who see all this, suffer a lot and do nothing at the same time (or, better, follow them and ask not to kill anyone) is just an outrageous drug addict delirium.

Myth No. 10 UPA was not condemned by the Nyurgber Tribunal, which is proof of their innocence in the massacres and indicates their fight against Hitlerism.

The OUN is mentioned several times in the documents, but the activities of this organization simply did not fall under the charter of the tribunal in Nuremberg. Japanese war criminals, for example, were also not tried in Nuremberg. And Croatian Ustasha.

However, it does not follow from this that they did not commit crimes (and they did not write the book "The Devil's Kitchen"). But the Banderaites continue to strenuously stand on this, as if this justifies everything. Probably because there is no statute of limitations for these crimes. The time of the Japanese has come (Japanese war criminals were tried later in 1946 by the Tokyo military tribunal. The charter of the Tokyo tribunal incorporated the most important provisions of the charter of the Nuremberg tribunal), and they are not far off.

Myth number 11 Final. They (Banedrovites) fought for the independence of Ukraine and the liberation of the Ukrainian people.

The Banderaites were an extremely small (permanent composition of 6.5 thousand), a well-organized, armed, trained and motivated group of militants. Who, during the occupation of Poland, could not do anything (Bandera himself, up to the capture of Poland by the Germans, was in a Polish prison for an attempt. By the way, the Germans also released him). They were able to speak seriously only when they found themselves the strongest ally in the person of Nazi Germany. They lived on their money, fired at civilians with their weapons.

The Germans handed over to the OUN-UPA 100 thousand rifles and machine guns, 10 thousand machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition, former Nazi leaders of the Abwehr Lahusen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial.

They recruited people into their ranks by threats and lies.

To ensure a massive influx of volunteers in the UPA in 1942. Shukhevych declared official war on both the Bolsheviks and the Germans. This was confusing, and many people, wanting to fight the Germans, poured into Shukhevych's detachments, the number of which reached 100 thousand people, and in fact it turned out that despite calls to fight both against the Bolsheviks and against the Germans, the leadership of the OUN-UPA directs his main efforts to fight the red partisans and the peaceful Polish population of Volyn.

(Source - the film War Line. Shukhevych R.I. - the head of the OUN)

After a general appeal, in order to avoid massive outflows of people who joined the ranks of the OUN, who realized that they had been deceived, the OUN members set one condition for the Germans - to keep the fact of cooperation between them a secret.

Here is how the minister of the Bandera "government" "Gerasimovsky" (I. Grinyokh) wrote about this to the German command:

"The delivery of weapons and sabotage assets from the German side across the front line for the UPA units should be carried out according to the rules of conspiracy, so as not to give the Bolsheviks any evidence regarding the Ukrainians - allies of the Germans who remained behind the front line. Therefore, the OUN asks that negotiations, an agreement go on from the center and that the partners from the side of the Germans should be, if possible, the security police, since they are familiar with the rules of conspiracy. "

(Source - the book "Without the right to rehabilitation", chapter R. Shukhevych, the author of the chapter Poddubny L.A.)

Those who tried to resist were beaten and killed. Those who performed their duties with insufficient zeal were killed, along with the whole family.

In 1943, an order was given to "liquidate" the deserters from the UPA and beat draft evaders with ramrods.

This is the struggle of a group of terrorists for power, not for the independence of Ukraine. These are attempts to force civilians to recognize their influence by threats, weapons and massacres. They were remembered as the murderers of their own countrymen.

Bandera, of course, chose other words to justify:

"The OUN, with a number of about 20 thousand members, had a great influence on the Ukrainian population" (with arms in hand and with the support of the Nazis - author's note).

(Source article "STEPAN BANDERA",

The number of those killed on the territory of Ukraine during the Second World War by the Nazis (including Bandera):

In Crimea, civilians were loaded onto barges, taken out to sea and sunk. In this way, over 144,000 people were killed.

At Babi Yar, near Kiev, they shot over 100,000 men, women, children and the elderly. In this city in January 1942, after an explosion at the German headquarters on Dzerzhinskaya Street, the Germans arrested 1,250 elderly people, minors, women with babies as hostages. In Kiev, they killed over 195,000 people ..

In Rivne and in the Rivne region, they killed and tortured over 100,000 civilians.

In Dnepropetrovsk, near the Transport Institute, they shot and threw 11,000 women, old people and children alive into a huge ravine.

In the Kamyanets-Podolsk region, 31,000 Jews were killed and exterminated, including 13,000 brought from Hungary.

In the Odessa region, at least 200,000 Soviet citizens were killed.

In Kharkov, about 195,000 people were tortured, shot or strangled in gas chambers.

In Gomel, the Germans gathered local residents into a prison, tortured them, and then brought them to the city center and publicly shot them.

(Source - materials of the Nuremberg trial)

Aren't there too many "dissenters" and those "whom they had a great influence on" killed? ...

And good. We decided to suddenly forget that Bandera's people were killing their fellow countrymen. If they were fighting for the idea, would they not team up with everyone who supports this idea? But no - as early as 1940, the OUN split into two organizations, OUN-B (Bandera) and OUN-m (Melnikovites).

But Bandera's supporters, of course, formulate it differently: “The organization had internal conflicts: between young inexperienced, impatient and more experienced and sensible, who had gone through the war and revolution, between the leadership of the OUN, living in comfortable conditions of emigration, and the bulk of the members OUN, working under the conditions of underground and police persecution. "


Bandera "tried their hand" on the OUN-Melnikovites. Then, in a few months of 1940, the security service eliminated about 400 of its political opponents.

Then they will hunt for the whole war and knock on each other in the Gestapo.

Disagreements between the participants? Come on. Are 400 corpses just a disagreement? Think about it - this is not a loss for the entire period of the Second World War. These are the results of the work of several (!) Months during the time when the war had not yet begun. This is how they treated "like-minded people." Or maybe it was something else, maybe it was a struggle for power and political influence? For who will manage the German money? Maybe this is inevitable when you deceive people by saying that you are fighting for freedom and independence, but in reality everything turned out not quite so? This is pure politics. Otherwise, they would not have arranged a showdown among themselves, as they do with political competitors. This is done when they are striving for power, and not when they are saving the people. But that's not all. In relations between the Bandera themselves, not everything was smooth either.

In 1943, the edge wire assigned the following tasks to the Security Council:

"liquidate" deserters from the UPA and beat draft evaders with ramrods;

Continue to "control" the loyalty of the OUN members themselves.

In the summer of 1945, Bandera issued his famous three times secret decree, which, in particular, spoke of the need to "immediately and most secretly ... the aforementioned elements of the OUN and UPA (those who may surrender to the authorities) to liquidate in two ways: a) direct large and insignificant UPA detachments to fight the Bolsheviks and create situations so that they would be destroyed by the Soviets at posts and "ambushes" ("The Land Accuses", p. 150). The rest had to be dealt with by the security service.

Now let's put these facts together.

They kill their compatriots and call it the liberation of the people.

They kill their like-minded people who have chosen a different leader, and they call it the struggle for the country's independence.

They kill and betray each other and this is called unity and brotherhood.

I can tell you what it's called. All this is called in one word - betrayal.

Betrayal of the People.

Betrayal of the Motherland.

Betrayal of the Idea.

A TRAITOR is worse than an ENEMY. The enemy has principles. The traitor does not have them. The enemy has values, the traitor has only value - his own skin.

The historian Boris Yulin wrote about this very lucidly. Further quote:

“What is the act of betrayal? It consists in the fact that the citizen of the country deliberately goes to the service of the enemies of the country. Usually this is a transition to the side of the enemy in the course of hostilities.

Since there is always a moral monster who will consider such an act reasonable, then always and in all countries a punishment for betrayal has been provided. And this is correct, because we are talking about the survival of the country and the people. Destruction of traitors is like amputation with gangrene or removal of worms. There is no time for humanism.

The act of betrayal is associated precisely with the conscientiousness of the action. That is, a person understands what he is doing.

A small nuance - there is no excuse for betrayal. Only the same freaks as the traitor himself are trying to find him. For example, the traitor is credited with fighting the regime. "

For us, betrayal is also an act that is not forgiven. There is no statute of limitations for him, and we will remember this when we go to the information barricades.

And we will remember if we happen to meet at the real ones.

A fourteen-year-old girl cannot calmly look at the meat. When they are going to fry cutlets in her presence, she turns pale and trembles like an aspen leaf.

A few months ago, on a sparrow night, armed men came to a peasant hut, not far from the town of Sarny, and stabbed the owners with knives. The girl looked at the agony of her parents with wide eyes in horror.

One of the bandits put the edge of a knife to the child's throat, but at the last minute a new "idea" was born in his brain.

- Live for the glory of Stepan Bandera! And so that something good does not die of hunger, we will leave you food. Well guys, chop her pork! ..

The "lads" liked this offer. They pulled plates and bowls from the shelves, and a few minutes later a mountain of meat rose from the bleeding bodies of her father and mother in front of the girl, numb with despair ...

In January 1940, a "split" occurred in the OUN: Bandera broke away from Melnik, the Gestapo twins parted. This was demanded by the interests of the twins ... The roles were distributed as follows: Miller had to remain an obvious unconditional lackey of Berlin, Bandera something like Azef. ...

(In August 1939, at the II Great Assembly of the OUN in Italy, he was proclaimed the successor of the leader of the organization, Yevgeny Konovalets, who was killed in Rotterdam. Some of the congress delegates spoke out against the election to the highest post of Melnik, preferring Stepan Bandera. Melnik, on the contrary, believed that the stake should be placed on Nazi Germany.The OUN split into two factions - OUN (b) (Bandera) and OUN (m) (Melnikov) .In April 1941, Bandera's supporters convened their own II-nd Great Gathering of Ukrainian Nationalists In the spring of 1941, the OUN (b) received 2.5 million marks from the Abwehr to conduct a subversive struggle against the USSR. - B. I.)

6/13/1941, on the second day after the Germans invaded Lvov, Bandera created his own "government" for Ukraine (after the Nazis, the battalion "Nachtigall" headed by Roman Shukhevych entered Lviv. - BI). Twenty-four hours after this comedy, another one happened: the Gestapo arrests Bandera and his "prime minister" Stetska. "Arrests" and ... at the same time gives him full opportunity to continue to lead his gang ...

(On July 1, 1941, the Bandera "people's" militia of Lvov came under the control of the SS).

Bandera is sent to a Berlin prison, then transferred to the Sachsenhausen camp, where they are well kept. They imprisoned them because of patriotism, according to the official version of the Banderaites. In fact, after the massacre in Lvov, Andrei Melnyk, bypassed by a younger rival, took offense and immediately wrote a letter to Hitler and Governor-General Frank that "the Banderaites are behaving unworthily and have created their own government without the Fuehrer's knowledge." Then Hitler ordered the arrest of Stepan Bandera and his "government".

In the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Stepan Bandera, Yaroslav Stetsko and another 300 Bandera members were kept separately in the "Cellenbau" bunker, where they were kept in good conditions. The Banderaites were allowed to meet with each other; they also received food and money from relatives and the OUN-B. Often they left the camp in order to make contacts with the "conspiratorial" OUN-UPA, as well as with the Friedental castle (200 meters from the "Zelenbau" bunker), which housed the school of OUN agents and sabotage cadres.

(The instructor at this school was a recent officer of the special battalion "Nachtigall" Yuri Lopatinsky, through whom Stepan Bandera made contact with the OUN-UPA. - B. I.)

Since the fall of 1941, Bandera's OUN has gradually gone into the "underground": and the underground, by the way, is quite skillfully arranged by the Gestapo directors. The invaders had to break the unity of the Ukrainian people at any cost, paralyze the growing partisan movement. And the invaders relied on the OUN group of Bandera. She was given the task of directing the anti-German sentiments of the masses along a different channel, to prevent the fierce hatred of the Ukrainian people for the German invaders from spilling over into an armed struggle for the liberation of Ukraine.

And Bandera's people are starting to act. In a German printing house in Lutsk, they print ... anti-German leaflets; they are equipping their so-called UPA with the latest German machine guns. But neither their leaflets nor their machine guns do the Germans much harm. No one has died from the leaflet itself, and the Bandera's bullets get the peculiarity that they fly not towards the German punitive detachments, but into the chest of Ukrainian and Polish peasants, their wives, mothers and children and into the backs of partisans - avengers for the insults of the Ukrainian and Polish peoples.

(From the program documents it follows that the leadership of the UPA "refrains" from fighting Germany. On August 7, 1941, the Regional Center (Ukrainian Provid) of the OUN-R in Western Ukrainian lands issued a declaration, which, in particular, indicated that the organization should " adapt to the existing conditions and must meet the future needs of Ukraine. Ukrainian nationalists will take an active part in public work in all areas of national life. "

Even when the final defeat of Germany became a matter of the near future, the Ukrainian agents of Berlin remained true to themselves, showed themselves to be the most devoted lackey pack among all Hitler's minions in Europe.

True, these professional traitors even today, between one and the other of their atrocities, declare about "independent" and "conciliar", while calling themselves "an independent political factor." But the facts speak about this "independence" of the OUN bandits. The facts are irrefutable, supported by the testimony of the real and only inspirers of Ukrainian nationalists - gentlemen from the Gestapo.

Let's give the floor to documents. Let them enter with an aspen stake into the grave of what for many years was called by the stinking term "Ukrainian nationalism."

In the spring of 1944, the Red Army crossed the Zbruch River in its liberation campaign. At about the same time, the Bandera "delegates" came to the German security police and the SD of the district (district. military sector of the OUN "to discuss with the Gestapo the possibility of close cooperation against" Bolshevism "in the new conditions.

The Gestapo did not force itself to ask: on March 5, Gerasimovsky met in Ternopil with a representative of the security police and SD, criminal commissar Pappé. As you can see, the Gestapo was able to properly assess their Bandera counterparties, sending a specialist in criminal cases to talk with Gerasimovsky ...

During this meeting, Gerasimovsky made a statement in which, by the way, he said (from the transcript of Mr. Pappé's secretary):

"... The Ukrainian people and the Bandera groups clearly understood that they can achieve their independence only with the help of the greatest nation in Europe" ... Realizing this, the Ukrainian people (read Ukrainian nationalists. - Ya. G.) were already on the side of the Germans in the first World War II, later sought and found support in Germany, studied for German purposes and, finally, both in the Polish-German and in the German-Soviet war, made a contribution to Germany. "

Gerasimovsky continued:

“We must put an end to the mistake that the Bandera groups consider Germany their adversary. The Bandera group says that the Ukrainians (Ukrainian nationalists - Ya. G.) would be satisfied with a state form modeled on the protectorate, but this step towards independence of Ukrainians was not taken by Germany: therefore, the Bandera group, bound by the idea ... is forced for its political goal work illegally. But nevertheless, in illegal work, it is strictly provided not to act against Germany, but to prepare for a decisive struggle against the Russians. This was convincingly proved by the fact that the Bandera group began to create, arm and train their combat units only in February 1943, that is, at a time when, as a result of events on the Eastern Front, it had to be stated that the Germans would not be able to defeat Russia, as it seemed at the beginning of the war. ...

If in some places there were acts of anti-German sabotage, it was never on the orders of the Bandera group, but was done arbitrarily by the Ukrainians for criminal motives ... "

At the end of his speech, Gerasimovsky made the following proposals:

“A) the Bandera group fully and unconditionally strengthens ... solidarity with all German interests, such as supply, German construction in the East and the necessary demands in the rear military areas;

b) OUN - the Bandera group gives the German contractual side the intelligence material collected by its intelligence against the Poles, Communists and Bolsheviks in order to use it for punitive operations. ...

A few days later, a representative of the security police and the SD of the Galicia district addressed the Oberführer and Police Colonel of the Governor-General Birkamif with an attitude filled with undisguised irony towards Bandera's "contractual side":

“I ask you to urgently inform about the decision of the RCGA, as it is necessary to take into account that the representative of the OUN, the prospective future minister of foreign affairs of the Ukrainian state, will soon come to me.”

The second meeting of the Gestapo with Gerasimovsky took place on March 23. In his new statement, the OUN spokesman was no less generous than the last time:

“... The OUN will transmit military messages to the Germans from areas behind the Soviet front line. The OUN will keep its combat units behind the line of the Soviet front and will harm the Soviet supply, supply bases, weapons centers, warehouses - by active sabotage ...

The transports with weapons and materials for sabotage must be delivered from the Germans across the front line to the OUPA units in accordance with all the rules of conspiracy in order not to give the Bolshevik regime the trump card that the Ukrainians (read Ukrainian nationalists. - Ya. G.), who remained behind the front line, are German allies and agents. "

On March 28, the same Gerasimovsky had a meeting with the commander of the security police and SD of the Galicia district, SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Vitiska. When Vitisk asked what would be the attitude of the Banderaites to the mobilization of the Ukrainian population by the Germans, the nationalist bastard cynically replied:

“The OUN will not obstruct; besides, the Ukrainian people have so much manpower (!) that the German occupation authorities can mobilize, and there will still be enough forces left to be recruited into the UPA, and both partners will not interfere with each other. " ...

On April 19, 1944, a meeting of the leaders of the German Abwehr command-101, -202, -305 of the "South" military group was held. Lieutenant Colonel Lindgart (Abwehr team-101) in his speech expressed a significant compliment to the OUN members. Just listen:

"Out of connection with the OUN, my agent activity is generally impossible."

Lieutenant Colonel Zeliger (Abwehrkommando-202) was even more talkative at this meeting:

“.... I have to practically cover the members of the UPA on the territory of Galicia and, after training and arming, transfer them by aircraft to the Soviet side, or let a large group pass through the front-line breakthroughs. For a long time I have been in contact with the UPA through the intermediary of Shukhevych and have already received several people for training. "

But while the Gestapo consulted, the Red Army fought its way forward, approaching the western borders of Ukraine. ... On June 15, a representative of the security police in an official letter addressed to the main department of the NRU SS - Sturmbannführer and adviser Pommering wrote the following:

"...5. Vi. 44 years old, the N-sky referent had a regular meeting with Gerasimovsky, at which the issue of transferring C- and F-agents across the front line to the Soviet side, as well as the abandonment of F-agents, in case the Germans evacuated part of Galicia in connection with the military actions. These negotiations also serve the interests of the Zeppelin Sonderkommando stationed here.

As for leaving the F- and S-agents to send them behind the front line, Gerasimovsky said that the UPA maintains the same connection with the army, which it maintains with the OUN-Bandera group.

“For a long time there has been an agreement between the German army and the UPA that the UPA from its ranks will place F- and S-agents at the disposal of the army. Therefore, it remains only to acquaint the security police with these members of the UPA "..." (Yaroslav Galan. “What has no name.” Yaroslav Galan was brutally killed by Bandera in 1949).

In 1944, Soviet troops cleared Western Ukraine of the Nazis. Many members of the OUN-UPA fled with the German troops. The hatred of local residents towards the OUN-UPA in Volyn and Galicia was so high that they themselves betrayed them and killed them. To activate the OUN members and support their spirit, the Nazis decide to release Bandera and 300 of his supporters from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, incl. J. Stetsko and Melnik. This happened on September 25, 1944.

The German press has published numerous articles about the success of the UPA in the fight against the Bolsheviks, calling the members of the UPA "Ukrainian freedom fighters." Bandera stayed in Berlin, at the Abwehr's dacha. A large stream of messages, explanations, dispatches, "declarations" and "memorandums" were sent to Hitler, Ribbentrop, Rosenberg and other Fuhrer of Nazi Germany. Constantly making excuses in his letters and asking for assistance and support, Bandera proved his loyalty to the Fuhrer and the German army and tried to convince of the urgent need for the OUN-B for Germany. According to the head of the Abwehr-2 secret unit Erwin Stolze, Bandera was recruited by the Abwehr and later appeared in the Abwehr's file cabinet under the nickname Gray.

After leaving the camp, Stepan Bandera immediately joined the work as part of the 202nd Abwehr team in Krakow and began to train the OUN-UPA sabotage detachments.

The testimony of a former employee of the Gestapo and the Abwehr, Lieutenant Siegfried Müller, given during the investigation on September 19, 1945, serves as irrefutable proof of this.

“On December 27, 1944, I prepared a group of saboteurs for transferring it to the rear of the Red Army with special assignments. Stepan Bandera, in my presence, personally instructed these agents and transmitted through them to the UPA headquarters an order to intensify subversive work in the rear of the Red Army and to establish regular radio communications with Abwehrkommando-202 "(Central State Archives of Public Associations of Ukraine f.57. Op.4. D .338. L.268-279).

With the fall of the Third Reich, the OUN (b) quickly found common interests with the intelligence services of England and the United States. After Churchill's March 1946 speech, which proclaimed the beginning of the Cold War, the OUN, like other anti-Soviet formations in Eastern Europe, became especially interesting to the intelligence services of Great Britain, the United States and, to some extent, France. Supporters of the OUN (b) were especially active in these contacts.

In January-February 1946, the OUN ZTs held a conference of the leaders of the organization, at which it was announced the creation of foreign units of the OUN (ZC OUN). At the same time, in the camps of refugees and displaced persons on the territory of the Western allies, there was an active struggle between the OUN (b) and the OUN (m) for new members and influence over the camp administration, as before, the initiative remained in the hands of the OUN (b).

After the collapse of the USSR, Western special services organized the introduction of the OUN (b) into the political life of Ukraine. In 1992, on the initiative of Yaroslava Stetsko, the political party "Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists" (KUN) was created on the basis of the OUN (b). Along with the KUN, the public wing of the OUN (b) was retained - the OUN-revolutionary (OUN (r). At first it was subordinate to the KUN, but later it got out of its control. KUHN unchanged.

Under the guidance of NATO instructors, Bandera combat units were formed and trained. With the full connivance of Yanukovych. Considerable funds were transferred to support the Bandera gangs. It was these gangs that spurred on, and, in the end, then saddled the Kiev Maidan-2014.

Ramil Gizatullin:

“In front of my wife’s grandmother, a 19-year-old guerrilla liaison, Bandera rioters flayed her two one-year-old twin children! The name of the tortured woman is Anna Petrovna Prots (her maiden name is Kozak), besides her and the partisans, her husband Ivan Stepanovich Prots was also tortured and died, on his chest, before finishing off, Bandera's men cut out a star. Now her eldest daughter, Yaroslava Ivanovna Markohai (maiden name Prots), is still alive. In 1949, as the daughter of a partisan, together with her family, she was transported to the village. Maple Artyomovskiy district, Donetsk region Then many families of co-workers were resettled from Western Ukraine to Donbass because of the threat to their lives. Four months ago, I helped to take my mother-in-law with her daughter and grandson out of Nikiforovka, as well as my wife's relatives from Slavyansk (Cherevkovka district) and from Artyomovsk. In 1943, Nizhniye Ustriki was part of Ukraine, after the Second World War, they were returned to Poland. Many Ukrainians still live there ”.

From the list of "135 tortures and atrocities used by the OUN-UPA terrorists against the civilian population":

“Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head. Ripping the hair off the scalp (scalping). Carving an "eagle" on the forehead, knocking out the eyes, nose, ears, breaking the jaw. Penetration with a sharpened thick wire from ear to ear, cutting lips, tongue. Cutting the throat and pulling the tongue out through the opening. Cutting the throat and inserting a piece into the hole. Tearing the mouth from ear to ear, cutting the neck with a knife or sickle.

Folding the head back, crushing the head, putting in a vice and tightening the screw, cutting off the head with a sickle. Cutting and tightening narrow strips of skin from the back, breaking the bones of the ribs of the chest. Cutting off women's breasts and sprinkling wounds with salt. Sawing the torso in half with a carpenter's saw ... "

At the Donetsk airport, DPR fighters found the bodies of three killed tankers who were tortured by Ukrainian fascists. As it became known, the men served in a separate battalion when they were caught by the Bandera. The fighters of Novorossiya had their teeth pulled out, in addition, the soldiers tied their legs with wire, tied them to a tank and dragged them along the ground on the ground in front of the airport for several hours.

Prepared for print


I think there is no need to talk about what is happening in Ukraine now. I just want to note that this is a civil war. It was conceived by Ukrainian traitors in 1941 with the support of Nazi Germany and money, and continued today - with the support of the West and the United States with money and information (I think that the supply of weapons from the United States will not rust).

Can we fight now with weapons in hand? I'm afraid not; do we have money in an amount that rivals the American one? No, definitely not.

But we have a field of war, the victory on which depends entirely on us. This is an informational field.

The Nazism that is now rising in Ukraine has Bandera roots, uses its rhetoric, uses its methods. And we, knowing their history, their tricks, can resist them. Everyone who stands on the information barricades to help.


Myth # 1 Bandera did not fight from the very beginning with Russia and, moreover, Russians, as they are credited with.

From the very beginning of their appearance, the Bandera members waged a fierce war against the Poles (who were occupiers) and Russians (who were also considered "Muscovite" occupiers). And they were preparing for this war much ahead of time.

"Lahuzen gave me an order for familiarization ... The order stated that in order to inflict a lightning strike on the Soviet Union, Abwehr-2, when carrying out subversive work against the USSR, must use his agents to incite national enmity between the peoples of the Soviet Union. In particular, I personally was instructions were given to the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, German agents Melnik (nickname "Consul-1") and Bandera, to organize provocative demonstrations in Ukraine immediately after Germany's attack on the Soviet Union in order to undermine the nearest rear of the Soviet troops, as well as to convince the international community that that the decomposition of the Soviet rear is apparently taking place. "

E. Stolze: ".. At the end of the war with Poland, Germany was intensively preparing for a war against the Soviet Union, and therefore the Abwehr took measures to intensify subversive activities, because the measures that were carried out through Melnik and other agents seemed insufficient.

For this purpose, the well-known Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera was recruited, who was freed by the Germans from prison during the war, where he was imprisoned by the Polish authorities for participating in a terrorist act against the leaders of the Polish government. "

(source - materials of the Nuremberg trial. Book of the Nuremberg trial ,. M.)

As Petro Poltava, the "historian" of the Banderaites, writes about this:

Bandera's members have recently been a widely used, popular name for all participants in the insurrectionary and underground liberation struggle, which began against the Nazis during the Nazi occupation, and since 1944 (sic!) Continues against the Bolshevik invaders.

Myth No. 2 Bandera never considered the Russian people an enemy, as well as no other people, like Poles, Germans or Jews.

There are so many facts that a small fraction is enough to clearly see their position on this issue.

Testimony of General E. Lahusen, one of the leaders of the Abwehr, at the meeting of the International Military Tribunal on November 30 in 1945

"... Canaris was instructed to create an insurrectionary movement in Ukrainian Galicia, the goal of which would be the extermination of Jews and Poles ... it is necessary to stage an uprising or insurrectionary movement in such a way that all the courtyards of the Poles were engulfed in fire and that all Jews were killed."

Fascist troops occupy Lviv. Together with them, the famous battalion of the Abwehr "Nachtigall" (translated from German - "Nightingale"), consisting of Bandera and led by Roman Shukhevych, Bandera's closest associate, entered the city.

On the same day, the whole city was sealed with the addresses of Stepan Bandera: "People! Know! Moscow, Poland, Madyars, Jews are your enemies. Poor people! Lyakhiv, Jews, Communities know without mercy! .."

In 1941 Y. Stetsko laughed: “Moscow and Jewishness are the biggest enemies of Ukraine. I think the main and decisive enemy is Moscow, which imperiously held Ukraine in captivity. And, nevertheless, I appreciate the hostile and sabotage will of the Jews, who helped Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the position of exterminating the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of exterminating Judaism, excluding their assimilation. "

(Sources: Berkhoff K.C., Carynnyk M. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Dyukov A. About the participation of the OUN - UPA in the Holocaust: "Moscow and Judaism are the main enemies of Ukraine" // IA "REGNUM", 14.10.2007)

I cannot but quote the words of one of Bandera's supporters about how they were guided during the war by the "three principles of Bandera":

"- brotherly attitude towards those of them who support the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their state and interests; - tolerant attitude towards those of them who simply live in Ukraine; - hostile attitude towards those who are hostile to Ukraine, its independence, the state and language. "

This paragraph is from the category of those when it is so sad that it is already funny.

Myth number 3 Bandera ideology is not fascist or Nazi

One of the theorists of the OUN wrote: A. Andrievsky: "Our newest nationalism is not a consequence of the efforts of the Ukrainian mind, but a product of Italian fascism and German national socialism. Dontsov prepared the basis for this enthusiasm."

(Source: "Stepan Bandera. Prospects for the Ukrainian revolution." - Drogobich, 1998. - S. 5-8; S. Gordusevich Stepan Bandera. Lyudina and myth. - K., 2000. - S. 43-44)

Myth No. 4 Bandera did not cooperate with the German occupation regime before the war, but met them as liberators

After the end of the 1st World War and the Civil War, the "little strikers" who found themselves in emigration and other similar publics co-organized in the Ukrainian Vyskovo Organization, which was later transformed into the OUN. And back in the 1930s, the "fighters for freedom" gently adhered to Hitler , financial streams began to flow, which immediately invigorated the hearts of the OUN members. They even adjusted the ideology, a kind of second-rate fascism emerged. But with claims: “Blow the rows, make up the rows and bathe in the blood, ward off in the fire. Fire and shelter, life is that will, for death to plow at their breasts ... Chuєsh cry - Zig hail! Heil! Zig heil! " (Y. Lipa "Ukrainian Doba", Lviv, 1934r.).

Already in 1938. In Germany, several training centers were created where OUN saboteurs were trained. Although there were different views in the leadership of the Reich about their viability, but the chief of the Abwehr V. Canaris said: "There is no waste, there is only cadres."

Myth number 5 Stepan Bandera himself fought against Hitler, so he was back in 1941. sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp (a similar myth - Bandera stopped cooperating with the German occupation regime after 1941)

Two weeks after the capture of Lvov, the "Nachtigall" battalion, formed under the leadership of Bandera, turned the German rear into a field for their showdown with the Poles, which caused extreme discontent with Hitler. And not that they felt sorry for some "Untermensch". The task of the general staff of any belligerent country is to wreak havoc in the enemy's rear and vice versa, to ensure order in its own rear. In addition, the Germans believed that the population of the occupied countries should work with enthusiasm (or not) for the good of the Reich, and not lie with their throats cut in a ditch.

In addition, in an unknown direction (to the accounts of Swiss banks), a large amount of money, allocated by the German intelligence service to finance the OUN, flowed away.

So, according to Lazarek: "S. Bandera received 2.5 million marks from the Germans, that is, as much as Melnik receives," the source - materials of the Nuremberg trial) and transferred to a personal account in a Swiss bank.

(Historical portraits: Makhno, Petlyura, Bandera. - K., 1990. - P. 24)

But that was not all - without a demand from the Germans, the Act on the Proclamation of the Ukrainian State was adopted. The OUN hoped that the Germans would put up with this. An attempt to unauthorized proclamation of a state in the territory already occupied by German troops, where the latter had already suffered losses, while the OUN could not or did not want to organize a large-scale uprising in the rear of the Red Army in Western Ukraine, ended sadly for the Banderaites.

July 5, 1941 at the meeting, Adolf Hitler said: “Parteigenosse Himmler, machen Sie Ordnung mit diesen Bande! ”(Partaigenosse Himmler, clean up this gang!). Almost immediately, the Gestapo arrested S. Bandera, Y. Stetsko, as well as about 300 members of the OUN. "Nachtigall" was urgently reorganized into a police battalion and transferred to Belarus to fight the partisans, and Bandera was taken under house arrest in Krakow, and then transferred to Sachsenhausen, in a kind of hotel, where high-ranking Nazi accomplices, temporarily withdrawn to the reserve, were sitting.

Bandera's people were very worried:

"The Nazis threw hundreds of Ukrainian patriots into concentration camps and prisons. Mass terror began. In the Auschwitz concentration camp, Stepan Bandera's brothers, Oleks and Vasyl, were brutally tortured."

And no matter how Bandera's people insist, the story does not end there.

In the 44th, Hitler removed Bandera from the reserve and included in the Ukrainian National Committee, whose task was to organize the fight against the advancing Red Army.

“At the beginning of April 1945, Bandera had instructions from the Main Directorate of Imperial Security to gather all Ukrainian nationalists in the Berlin area and to defend the city from the advancing units of the Red Army. Bandera created detachments of Ukrainian nationalists who acted as part of the Volkssturm, while he himself fled. He left the dacha of the 4-D department and fled to Weimar. Burlai told me that Bandera agreed with Danyliv on a joint transition to the side of the Americans. "

And now let's give the floor to Bandera, we want to know the opinion of both sides:

“Feeling the strength of the UPA on their own skin, the Germans began to look for an ally against Moscow in the OUN-UPA. In December 1944, Bandera and several other members of the revolutionary OUN were released. They were offered negotiations on possible cooperation. Ukrainian Statehood and the creation of the Ukrainian army as separate independent from the German armed forces of an independent state. The Nazis did not agree to recognize the independence of Ukraine and sought to create a pro-German puppet government and Ukrainian military formations as part of the German army. Bandera resolutely rejected these proposals. "

(Source - article by Stepan Bandera. Life and work.
The Bandera brothers died in Auschwitz in 1942 - they were beaten to death by Polish prisoners. Eye for an eye.

Myth No. 7 Bandera's people with the same dedication waged a desperate struggle both against Hitler's fascism and against the Stalinist reactionary-repressive regime.

I will first cite the text of the comrade, who very clearly and logically juxtaposed several facts, and then I will present several facts for justification. I will repeat myself here and there.

"The current followers of Bandera sharply reject the cooperation of Bandera with the Germans and insist on their confrontation. Even the figure of 800 Nazis killed in battles with the" UPA warriors "(in fact, the average Soviet partisan detachment had more accounts) is even flickering. veterans answer that they have no information about those killed at the hands of Bandera, as well as about these battles themselves. Some kind of theater of the absurd! It turns out that the Germans with manic idiots supply their enemies with money, equipment, weapons: more than 700 mortars, about 10 thousand easel and light machine guns, 100 thousand hand grenades, 12 million cartridges, etc. Moreover, they train foremen for the UPA at the training center in Neuhammer and others, assigning them German military ranks.

No, the Germans certainly had some clashes with Bandera. It happened that the Germans were the owners and they punished them in a disciplinary manner: they put them in camps, even shot them. What do you want? The same "Volyn massacre", when Bandera in the summer of 1943. they cut out all the Polish villages of Volyn and thus disrupted the planned supply of food for the German army - a headache for the German quartermasters! The German neatmen looked askance at the bad habit of Bandera's people to fill wells with drinking water with corpses, etc. "

"OUN supporters, by order of Bandera, served in the German police, punitive battalions ... For example, the same Roman Shukhevych, who was one of the ministers of the Bandera government dispersed by the Germans, continued to serve the Germans in the Nachtigall battalion, then became one of the commanders of the punitive battalion SS. Until December 1942, he earned two crosses and the rank of SS captain for successfully suppressing the partisan movement in Belarus. "

"The Germans handed over to the OUN-UPA 100 thousand rifles and machine guns, 10 thousand machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition. Former Nazi leaders of the Abwehr Lahusen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial."

(Source - materials of the Nuremberg court bogus process)

Myth number 8 Bandera did not commit atrocities that they are prescribed

This is such an absurd myth that it is enough just to give some of the names: Lviv Jewish pogrom, Volyn massacre, Babi Yar. And one more example, not so well known, but painful in that it is "everyday", "ordinary".

Written testimony by Hermann Grebe, read by the American prosecutor Stari.

"On the night of July 13, 1942, all the inhabitants of the ghetto in the city of Rovno ... were liquidated ... Soon after 22.00, the ghetto was surrounded by a large detachment of the SS and about three times the large detachment of the Ukrainian police. Groups of SS men and police broke into houses. People living there were driven out into the street in the form in which they were caught.

People were driven out of their homes with such haste that in some cases small children were left in their beds. All night long, persecuted, beaten and wounded people moved along the lighted streets. The women carried their dead children in their arms. Some children dragged their dead parents to the train by the arms and legs ...

Soon, the Ukrainian police broke into house 5 on Bangofstrasse, pulled out 7 Jews and dragged them into the ghetto, not a collection point ... "

"Two features are striking in this document: firstly, the ratio of the SS and Ukrainian policemen - the bulk of the murderers were not Germans, namely," fighters for Ukraine "; secondly, the main opponents of these" fighters "were children - the witness says about them constantly."

(Source - Nuremberg trials. Collection of documents, - Vol. 2, p. 500)

Myth No. 9 The atrocities that are prescribed to Bandera were committed by NKDVs disguised as Bandera to discredit the insurrectionary movement and deprive them of popular support.

How serious the situation with the spread of this lie is is evidenced by the fact that the myth of "disguised NKVEDshniks" is enshrined in the so-called. "Professional conclusion (fakhovom vysnovok) of the working group of historians to study the activities of the OUN-UPA", published in Ukraine in a massive circulation of 120,000 copies, and centrally distributed to all libraries, secondary and higher educational institutions. On October 14, 2005, at a meeting of the Government Commission, this "Vysnovok" was approved as an official assessment of the activities of the OUN-UPA. Here in the argumentation, you can go in two ways - direct and indirect.

Direct - to understand all the intricacies of the information war. All this is analyzed in the book The Great Slandered War-2 in the article by Oleg Rossov "The myth of the disguised NKVDeshniks. Special groups of the NKVD in the fight against bandit formations in Western Ukraine." Or use the materials of the article.

Indirect - Bandera fought against the Soviet Union - a fact. They received money and weapons from the Germans - a fact. And they were not playing with toys with these weapons. They staged massacres - a fact. In order for all this to be done by the NKVD, it is necessary that the UPA did not exist at all. And there was one thing, the NKVD, which ran everything. The situation in which the disguised UPA on their part organize the massacre of the population with impunity, and the UPA, who see all this, suffer a lot and do nothing at the same time (or, better, follow them and ask not to kill anyone) is just an outrageous drug addict delirium.

Myth No. 10 UPA was not condemned by the Nyurgber Tribunal, which is proof of their innocence in the massacres and indicates their fight against Hitlerism.

The OUN is mentioned several times in the documents, but the activities of this organization simply did not fall under the charter of the tribunal in Nuremberg. Japanese war criminals, for example, were also not tried in Nuremberg. And Croatian Ustasha.

However, it does not follow from this that they did not commit crimes (and they did not write the book "The Devil's Kitchen"). But the Banderaites continue to strenuously stand on this, as if this justifies everything. Probably because there is no statute of limitations for these crimes. The time of the Japanese has come (Japanese war criminals were tried later in 1946 by the Tokyo military tribunal. The charter of the Tokyo tribunal incorporated the most important provisions of the charter of the Nuremberg tribunal), and they are not far off.

Myth number 11 Final. They (Banedrovites) fought for the independence of Ukraine and the liberation of the Ukrainian people.

The Banderaites were an extremely small (permanent composition of 6.5 thousand), a well-organized, armed, trained and motivated group of militants. Who, during the occupation of Poland, could not do anything (Bandera himself, up to the capture of Poland by the Germans, was in a Polish prison for an attempt. By the way, the Germans also released him). They were able to speak seriously only when they found themselves the strongest ally in the person of Nazi Germany. They lived on their money, fired at civilians with their weapons.

The Germans handed over to the OUN-UPA 100 thousand rifles and machine guns, 10 thousand machine guns, 700 mortars, a lot of ammunition, former Nazi leaders of the Abwehr Lahusen, Stolze, Lazarek, Paulus testified at the trial.

They recruited people into their ranks by threats and lies.

To ensure a massive influx of volunteers in the UPA in 1942. Shukhevych declared official war on both the Bolsheviks and the Germans. This was confusing, and many people, wanting to fight the Germans, poured into Shukhevych's detachments, the number of which reached 100 thousand people, and in fact it turned out that despite calls to fight both against the Bolsheviks and against the Germans, the leadership of the OUN-UPA directs his main efforts to fight the red partisans and the peaceful Polish population of Volyn.

(Source - the film War Line. Shukhevych R.I. - the head of the OUN)

After a general appeal, in order to avoid massive outflows of people who joined the ranks of the OUN, who realized that they had been deceived, the OUN members set one condition for the Germans - to keep the fact of cooperation between them a secret.

Here is how the minister of the Bandera "government" "Gerasimovsky" (I. Grinyokh) wrote about this to the German command:

"The delivery of weapons and sabotage assets from the German side across the front line for the UPA units should be carried out according to the rules of conspiracy, so as not to give the Bolsheviks any evidence regarding the Ukrainians - allies of the Germans who remained behind the front line. Therefore, the OUN asks that negotiations, an agreement go on from the center and that the partners from the side of the Germans should be, if possible, the security police, since they are familiar with the rules of conspiracy. "

(Source - the book "Without the right to rehabilitation", chapter R. Shukhevych, the author of the chapter Poddubny L.A.)

Those who tried to resist were beaten and killed. Those who performed their duties with insufficient zeal were killed, along with the whole family.

In 1943, an order was given to "liquidate" the deserters from the UPA and beat draft evaders with ramrods.

This is the struggle of a group of terrorists for power, not for the independence of Ukraine. These are attempts to force civilians to recognize their influence by threats, weapons and massacres. They were remembered as the murderers of their own countrymen.

Bandera, of course, chose other words to justify:

"The OUN, with a number of about 20 thousand members, had a great influence on the Ukrainian population" (with arms in hand and with the support of the Nazis - author's note).

(Source article "STEPAN BANDERA",

The number of those killed on the territory of Ukraine during the Second World War by the Nazis (including Bandera):

In Crimea, civilians were loaded onto barges, taken out to sea and sunk. In this way, over 144,000 people were killed.

At Babi Yar, near Kiev, they shot over 100,000 men, women, children and the elderly. In this city in January 1942, after an explosion at the German headquarters on Dzerzhinskaya Street, the Germans arrested 1,250 elderly people, minors, women with babies as hostages. In Kiev, they killed over 195,000 people ..

In Rivne and in the Rivne region, they killed and tortured over 100,000 civilians.

In Dnepropetrovsk, near the Transport Institute, they shot and threw 11,000 women, old people and children alive into a huge ravine.

In the Kamyanets-Podolsk region, 31,000 Jews were killed and exterminated, including 13,000 brought from Hungary.

In the Odessa region, at least 200,000 Soviet citizens were killed.

In Kharkov, about 195,000 people were tortured, shot or strangled in gas chambers.

In Gomel, the Germans gathered local residents into a prison, tortured them, and then brought them to the city center and publicly shot them.

(Source - materials of the Nuremberg trial)

Aren't there too many "dissenters" and those "whom they had a great influence on" killed? ...

And good. We decided to suddenly forget that Bandera's people were killing their fellow countrymen. If they were fighting for the idea, would they not team up with everyone who supports this idea? But no - as early as 1940, the OUN split into two organizations, OUN-B (Bandera) and OUN-m (Melnikovites).

But Bandera's supporters, of course, formulate it differently: “The organization had internal conflicts: between young inexperienced, impatient and more experienced and sensible, who had gone through the war and revolution, between the leadership of the OUN, living in comfortable conditions of emigration, and the bulk of the members OUN, working under the conditions of underground and police persecution. "


Bandera "tried their hand" on the OUN-Melnikovites. Then, in a few months of 1940, the security service eliminated about 400 of its political opponents.

Then they will hunt for the whole war and knock on each other in the Gestapo.

Disagreements between the participants? Come on. Are 400 corpses just a disagreement? Think about it - this is not a loss for the entire period of the Second World War. These are the results of the work of several (!) Months during the time when the war had not yet begun. This is how they treated "like-minded people." Or maybe it was something else, maybe it was a struggle for power and political influence? For who will manage the German money? Maybe this is inevitable when you deceive people by saying that you are fighting for freedom and independence, but in reality everything turned out not quite so? This is pure politics. Otherwise, they would not have arranged a showdown among themselves, as they do with political competitors. This is done when they are striving for power, and not when they are saving the people. But that's not all. In relations between the Bandera themselves, not everything was smooth either.

In 1943, the edge wire assigned the following tasks to the Security Council:

"liquidate" deserters from the UPA and beat draft evaders with ramrods;

Continue to "control" the loyalty of the OUN members themselves.

In the summer of 1945, Bandera issued his famous three times secret decree, which, in particular, spoke of the need to "immediately and most secretly ... the aforementioned elements of the OUN and UPA (those who may surrender to the authorities) to liquidate in two ways: a) direct large and insignificant UPA detachments to fight the Bolsheviks and create situations so that they would be destroyed by the Soviets at posts and "ambushes" ("The Land Accuses", p. 150). The rest had to be dealt with by the security service.

Now let's put these facts together.

They kill their compatriots and call it the liberation of the people.

They kill their like-minded people who have chosen a different leader, and they call it the struggle for the country's independence.

They kill and betray each other and this is called unity and brotherhood.

I can tell you what it's called. All this is called in one word - betrayal.

Betrayal of the People.

Betrayal of the Motherland.

Betrayal of the Idea.

A TRAITOR is worse than an ENEMY. The enemy has principles. The traitor does not have them. The enemy has values, the traitor has only value - his own skin.

The historian Boris Yulin wrote about this very lucidly. Further quote:

“What is the act of betrayal? It consists in the fact that the citizen of the country deliberately goes to the service of the enemies of the country. Usually this is a transition to the side of the enemy in the course of hostilities.

Since there is always a moral monster who will consider such an act reasonable, then always and in all countries a punishment for betrayal has been provided. And this is correct, because we are talking about the survival of the country and the people. Destruction of traitors is like amputation with gangrene or removal of worms. There is no time for humanism.

The act of betrayal is associated precisely with the conscientiousness of the action. That is, a person understands what he is doing.

A small nuance - there is no excuse for betrayal. Only the same freaks as the traitor himself are trying to find him. For example, the traitor is credited with fighting the regime. "

For us, betrayal is also an act that is not forgiven. There is no statute of limitations for him, and we will remember this when we go to the information barricades.

And we will remember if we happen to meet at the real ones.

“But Marichka is still looking for her son, whom she abandoned when she ran away to the Americans,” my interlocutor says. - Only I know where he is ... If she reads this article, she will understand everything.

Before me is a unique person. He personally participated in the liquidation of the remnants of the OUN underground gangs in the post-war years in Western Ukraine. Day and night I talked with the arrested leaders, trying not only to turn over, but also to understand. They still write letters to him with the words: "You are the only one who saw people in us ..." He is not afraid to draw parallels between what was then and what is happening now.

About the love and hatred of the leaders of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) underground, secret methods and special operations to combat them - an employee of the operational radio games department of the KGB of Ukraine Georgy SANNIKOV in a frank interview with the special correspondent "MK".

- Georgy Zakharovich, today the Ukrainian media write that Western Ukraine has no bloody past and that the Banderaites were not really cruel. This is true?

- The atrocities were terrible. But this phenomenon had its own explanation - hatred was whipped up from generation to generation for centuries.

- Wait for an explanation. Have you seen the atrocities with your own eyes?

- Of course. And I saw a torture machine, which was invented by the famous underground esbist Smok (aka Mykola Kozak, Vivchar). The man was suspended in such a way that all the joints were twisted. The pain is the wildest. One of the last leaders of the Ukrainian rebel army Vasyl Kuk (aka Lemish) told me in prison this way: "If I got into this machine, I would admit not only that I am an NKVD agent, but that I am an Ethiopian Negus."

Almost all the leaders of the OUN movement were cruel, just some more, some less. Dozens of sophisticated murder methods have been invented. They gouged out their eyes, cut off the breasts of women, cut out the stars on their bodies, drove bottles into the anus. The wells were filled with corpses. The head of the UPA Roman Shukhevych said: “Our policy should be terrible. Let half of the population die, but the rest will be as clean as a glass of water. " And they did all these atrocities with their own people.

- But what should be the ideology to force one Ukrainian to kill another so subtly?

Ukrainians have been under Polish oppression for many centuries. In Stanislavskaya oblast, the segregation of the Ukrainian population was monstrous. Benches for Poles, benches for Ukrainians. Separate trailers for Ukrainians working in mines, separately - for Poles. Poles treated Ukrainians like slaves, slaves. How can I forget this?

And hatred was eventually transmitted at the genetic level, resulting in the Volyn massacre ( In 1943, UPA militants during the expulsion of local Poles from Volyn killed about 100 thousand people, including women, old people and children.Auth.). What are the only "wreaths" worth - when the corpses of children were tied to a tree in a circle! Now they argue who was the first to invent - the Ukrainians or the Poles. There is a version about the appearance of such a "wreath" back in the 30s of the last century, "created" by a crazy gypsy woman from her children. This is another attempt to ward off terrible crimes.

- At what point did hatred for the Russians become the same as for the Poles?

- When that part of Western Ukraine that was under the Poles became part of the Russian Empire. Then in Galicia (three regions - Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, at that time - Stanislavskaya) a society called "Prosvita" arose, which advocated the preservation of Ukrainian culture, traditions and language. But "Prosvita" was forbidden by tsarist Russia. At one time, the Russian minister Valyuev used to say: “What other Ukrainian language is there ?! There is no such thing and will not be! "

REFERENCE "MK": The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - OUN - was founded in 1929 by Colonel Konovalets and several military personnel. During the First World War, they joined the Austro-Hungarian army, which fought against Russia.

- Did they hate Soviet power as well as tsarist one?

Everything that was connected with it, even indirectly, was subject to destruction by the OUN. And it was enough for some Ukrainian to express sympathy for the Soviets, so that the next morning his whole family was destroyed.

For joining the collective farm, they voted only in the evening with the lights off, so that it would not be visible who raised his hand first. Because such "active" ones were hanged at night by the Security Service of the OUN - SB. In every village there were her informants, who immediately reported everything to the underground. And when the nationalists came to punish, they did it like a gangster, quietly, and they took care of the patrons: they mostly strangled people. For this purpose, the OUN people always had twists - such ropes ... The OUN people affectionately called them "mutuzochki" ...

- And the Jews? Today, some in Ukraine claim that there were Jews in the Bandera underground.

- These are all fairy tales. Jews were hated as much as Russians and Poles. This was explained by the fact that they kept shops and taverns, soldered people. I know of a sad exception. One Jew, a former shopkeeper from Lvov, a certain Khaim Sygal, pretended to be a "shyry" Ukrainian, took the name Sygalenko for himself, and became a centurion in the UPA. For some time he served in the German police. It was he who became famous for the atrocious reprisals against his fellow tribesmen. He personally executed more than one hundred unfortunate people in a sophisticated way. After the war, he managed to turn into a Jew again and for many years hid in West Berlin as a victim of Nazism, revered by the entire Jewish community ...


In order to create the SS Galicia division in 1943, Rosenberg and Himmler argued to the Fuehrer that the inhabitants of Galicia were not Ukrainians, but Austrians. Recruitment into the division went through the church and the Ukrainian Central Committee in Krakow. The illiterate rural lads were told: "The SS Galicia division is not the SS, but the Sich riflemen!" There was no end to the volunteers. Out of 80 thousand, 14 thousand of the best were selected. The rest were recruited into police squads.

Cook, Karpo and pennies

- You mentioned Cook. How did you manage to detain him?

- They captured Cook with the help of his liaison and especially trusted militant Karpo, whom we recruited. He brought Cook to a bunker controlled by us. It happened in 1954.

- By the way, were there many bunkers in those years?

- All of Ukraine is in them. There were not even hundreds, but thousands! Bunker, cache - they were called differently. This is a shelter of various sizes under the ground, a hatch on top or other manhole exits. Nationalists began to bunker in 1944. They tried to build bunkers themselves, and if they attracted Jews or those who did not trust, then they destroyed them right on the spot. At that time, Bandera's men in the villages shot all the dogs so as not to bark and betray their appearance.

- First, it turns out, you recruited the militant Karpo. How did you manage it?

Oh, Cook asked me the same question many times afterwards. He exclaimed: "It's impossible!" And we did. Let me describe Karpo for you. Huge growth, with such eyes that terrified. He had no teeth - they were eaten by scurvy. Karpo was a terrible person. Blood to the elbows - more than a dozen people hanged with his own hands. Cook trusted him completely.

We sent our fighter to Karpo, and he led him through the whole of Western Ukraine. Our man had an order: if he felt that Karpo suspected him, without hesitation to liquidate him. This was an exception to the rule - we have always spared Bandera (I’ll explain why later), but Karpo was too dangerous, although he was very much needed. And in the right place, we grabbed Karpo and started "processing" him. We knew everything about Karpo. And what was next to the village, then the forest was nowhere to be found, I did not see the city. And that he had a dream since childhood - to try ice cream and go to the movies at least once. And so, when our man brought him to the right place and he was captured, we showed him Ukraine. When he saw Kiev, he was in a frenzied state. He had no idea what cities there are, what power! And then we brought him to Crimea. They showed him everything - factories, stadiums, theaters ... And he broke down. "Reforged" Karpo.

- And he gave you Cook?

“Karpo, who came over to our side, brought Cook and his wife to“ our ”bunker. Those from the transitions were so tired that they immediately fell asleep. He tied them up and pressed the alarm button. At the checkpoint, a warning light came on, letting us know the exact location. Cook woke up. And then something like the following dialogue took place between them (both told me later):

“Druzhe Karpo, sold for a pittance? Now "yours" will come running. Here is a jar of gold and money. (Cook had 400 grams of gold belonging to the OUN with him.) It will come in handy for you. You know I won't give you up. " - "I won't take it." - "Why?" “I’m not for pennies. I am for the idea. "

- How did you manage to recruit Cook himself? What did he buy?

- There is a category of people who are not recruited. They can provide some kind of assistance coinciding with their interests, but no more. Cook never came over to our side. Some consider him an agent of the KGB, but in fact it was not. And he made an appeal to his underground workers, because he understood: there is no point in fighting further, it is necessary to keep cadres for the future Ukraine. It was a smart, hardened enemy. A brilliant conspirator, so he held out longer than all the ringleaders.

Only the Central Committee of Ukraine and the top leadership of Moscow knew that Cook had been captured. For the species, the search continued for a long time. He and his wife were placed in an internal prison of the Kiev KGB, in a special cell.

- What was unusual about her?

- It had a residential appearance - it looked like an ordinary room, with a bed and other furniture. Its content there was so secret that the employees of the corresponding department who knew about it were specially strictly warned. Once a week, the assistant prosecutor of the republic came in the order of prosecutor's supervision. At this time, the cell was given an uninhabited look, and Cook and his wife were taken out into the city under the pretext of a walk.

Cook's cell was numbered 300. The number was conditional, there was no such number of cells in the prison. And because of the number, he passed with us under the nickname Three hundredth.

- And what happened to Cook's wife?

- She was also a Banderovka (originally from Dnepropetrovsk), quite active. And Cook sat with her.

- In one cell ?!

- Yes. There was a "wiretapping" all around, and they talked to each other, they could say something important. I began to communicate with Cook by chance. Once I came to the investigation building, where Cook was taken for interrogation. And my friend from the department had to leave. I asked Cook to stay, but not to enter into conversation with him. And I really wanted to talk to him. When my comrade returned, and even accompanied by a group of high leaders, Cook and I stood, almost clutching each other, proving each of his innocence.

And then they somehow tell him that, they say, an operative will be assigned to you, who will bring you literature, with whom you can talk on any topic, but not on your business. And he asked that it was me. The authorities arranged it. I was instructed to exert the ideological influence we need on him.

- Did you succeed?

- Unfortunately no. He had his own ideology - nationalist. It also became clear that we would not involve him in cooperation as our agent. But we still managed to use him in the events we needed, because it partially coincided with his beliefs. It was difficult to work with him, but interesting. All the time you had to be on the lookout. He was an extremely dangerous adversary with extensive knowledge of such burning issues as nationality and land. In debates and conversations, he used not only his ideological calculations, but in the right place also applied ours - Marxist-Leninist ones. And he did it masterly.

- And he himself tried to persuade you to his side?

- And how! He said: here you, Bolsheviks, came to power, because the cities supported you, and the village has always been ours, and it would never have followed you. The difficulty for me was that all our conversations with him took place under auditory control. But I sometimes forgot about it, got carried away, made some blunders (in the sense that I agreed with his position). But how else - not "singing along" to him in something, I would not be able to win him over.

- How did you "sang along"?

- I quoted Lenin to him. The same Lenin who said that it is impossible to offend the Ukrainians who were oppressed by the tsarist government. Whoever said that Ukraine wants to leave, let him leave.

- Cook said that in principle he hates Russians, that he wishes them death?

- No never. And I am sure that Cook would not have taken the slogan that is now used in Ukraine thanks to American political technologies: "Jews and Muscovites - for knives and for Gilyaks." He was much smarter than today's Kiev rulers.

- Was Cook himself afraid of death?

He was afraid to disappear without a trace. I was sure that he would be shot. Khrushchev also insisted on this. But Kiev managed to convince not to do this. Otherwise, they would have created another national hero. And so he served his six years, we got him to work in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that he was always under control. How could it be otherwise?

And when the new Ukrainian authorities offered him the title of Hero of Ukraine, he refused. Although his funeral in Kiev in 2007 was national. Wreaths from the government of Ukraine, from the Ministry of Security, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... By the way, I managed to say goodbye to him: I called him a couple of days before his death. And you know, I think that he would not support what is happening now. He was for a completely independent Ukraine, and not one that would be ruled by the West or the East. He once said during the "orange triumph": "We did not fight for this Ukraine."

The story of the most beautiful couple of nationalists

- Were there many couples among the leaders of the OUN movement, or only Cook and his wife?

- There were several notable couples. And in general, a lot was built on love. There was such Okhrimovich, one of the leaders of the OUN, a CIA agent, a paratrooper, abandoned by an American plane in 1951 together with a group of radio operators. He spent a year underground with Cook until we caught him. They exchanged machine guns. Okhrimovich had an American one. By the way, the Americans threw weapons into Western Ukraine, but not enough. American and British planes flew over the territory of Ukraine until 1954, dropping agents. I declare this with full responsibility. It's just that even many employees of our special services do not know about this fact.

- Did the Americans support Bandera?

Yes. It cannot be said that it was at the government level. But at the CIA level - definitely. And it was not massively, not intense. So, Okhrimovich flew not so much on an assignment to establish contact with the underground, as to his fiancee. He wanted to bring it from Ukraine to the West, he thought that the channels were still there (and they had already been intercepted by us almost all by that time).

When Okhrimovich learned that the bride had managed to shoot herself, he refused to cooperate and was also shot ... There were loyal couples among the OUN members. Loyal to each other and to the idea. I remember that some of these (husband and wife), when we detained her, asked to release them and immediately liquidate them, as if trying to escape. The heroes wanted to die. They all had their own romance, their own relationships. But we disagreed.

In general, people of this type dreamed of a heroic death. There was a case when one of the leaders of the OUN underground, having lost all guards in the battle, one came out with two pistols in his hands, firing at the approaching soldiers. Every self-respecting OUN member had two weapons. The revolver is reliable, but it is very hard to pull the trigger (you, for example, will not pull it), and the pistol is light, automatic, but which could fail. And everyone wore an F-1 lemon. A leather cord was tied from her to the collar. When your hands refuse - so that you can pull out the pin with your teeth. 3.5 seconds and that's it. Many tried to undermine during the capture, but we did not give. And then they themselves were glad. Because consciousness was changing.

Fortunately, our future prisoner did not catch anyone. The head of the operation gave the command to the machine gunner to hit on the legs. They broke his legs, then they cured him. He was recruited by one of our leaders, conducted the conversation as equals. As a Ukrainian with a Ukrainian, for the sake of the future of Ukraine. Two ideologies collided. Our took it. It was an honest conversation, with documentary evidence, about the use of the underground by the Western special services for their own purposes - the destruction of Slavic unity. As a result, he became one of our best assistants, and for the underground he will forever remain a hero.

- Did you use psychotropic drugs during recruitment?

- We had drugs to put to sleep for a while and immobilize. No more. Poisons have never been used. We spared the nationalists. Why? Because they are people. We wanted to re-educate them. So all the talk on their part about our cruelty is not true. When a fight, then yes, a fight is a fight, they killed. But no dog can say that we killed just like that. As they often did. Of course, we also had violations of social law, but this was not a mass phenomenon and was always punished, right up to arrest.

- And yet, about love ...

- Yes, I'm distracted. The most beautiful and brightest couple among these OUN members were Orlan (Vasyl Galasa) and Marichka (Maria Savchin). They loved each other as deeply as they loved their idea. Marichka is very energetic, feminine, attractive. I have seen her many times, but she, fortunately, never. It was tough. She would have killed any enemy in that bloody confrontation. She is the only underground woman to be awarded the OUN gold medal. He and Orlan had two children born underground. The first one stayed with relatives, we kept him as bait. She threw the second one to the newborns and walked across the rooftops.

- How did it happen?

- We had information that she was in Krakow. But where exactly, we did not know. And then they discovered her by chance, during a raid in a Carmelite monastery. She was there with the child. She was detained by the Polish bezpeka, and she deceived her. Under the pretext that the child was crying, she asked to leave the guard. There was a window, she climbed onto the roof of the second floor and ran away from there to her husband - he was still underground then. Since then, she has not seen the child and does not know what happened to him. Although I have been looking for all these years and are still looking.

- And what happened to him?

- He survived. Nobody knows where he is. We gave him up for adoption by a Polish family. That is, the people of the nation that she hated as much as the Russians. I hope she has long understood that Nazism is a dead-end path.

- Why did she break up with Orlan?

After the arrest, we continued to work with them in the prison. We wanted to recruit them and then send them to the West. It seemed we were able to win them over to our side. But it only seemed to be. He gave her orders to pretend that she had enlisted. He carefully instructed her on how to consent to the withdrawal from the cordon and, after the transfer, to contact the Americans there and tell her everything about the situation in Western Ukraine. He was not only her beloved person, but also a leader. So she agreed. And we could not control their conspiracy, and she played her part well. Female!

There is always an element of risk in our business, but we were sure that even if everything went wrong, she would return to him (he stayed with us). And she didn’t come back. Too late came the understanding that it was not her, but him that should be taken to the West. He was madly in love with her and the children, he would definitely return. Probably, she was not so attached to the family. We remembered how she watched the eldest from the bus (before being taken out to the West through Poland, they organized an unofficial meeting with her son) - she had no tears. And Orlan, who was seeing her off, sobbed inconsolably. The idea of ​​fighting for Ukraine prevailed in Marichka over everything else.

Fortunately, we had a reliable source in the West, and after a short time we learned that the Americans believed Marichka, decided to carry out counterplay and hoped for success. Even the name was given to her pretentious - "Moscow-Washington".

- Why did you send her to the West at all?

- We have created the legendary underground, led by Orlan, in order to introduce our agents into the Western special services through a controlled communication line. Of all the operational radio games, Operation Raid, as a result of Marichka's departure to the Americans, was a failure. And "Moscow-Washington" got its development, but already under our control. Together with Marichka, our agent Taras was sent to the West, whom the Americans soon "blindly", as if their already trained courier, were transferred to Western Ukraine in a specially equipped plane. But we already knew about it and controlled the situation. Suddenly, Khrushchev himself intervened in our combination and ordered the plane to be shot down. He needed material to speak at the UN. With great difficulty Kiev managed to persuade Moscow not to do this.

- And what happened to Orlan and Marichka?

- Orlan was incredibly talented. And this is with education in grade 4! As a rule, the leaders of the Bandera underground had a good education. After the withdrawal of Marichka, Orlan lived under control in our operational mansion and, together with the operative, studied at the school for working youth, where he was the only one of 160 students who applied for a gold medal. He died in Kiev in 2002. And Marichka lives in the USA, she has a second family and children.

- And yet why America supported the Bandera movement?

- American and British intelligence actively used the foreign centers of the OUN in Munich for their own purposes. There were many Ukrainians who found themselves in the West after World War II. It was among this Ukrainian diaspora that the Western special services found the people they needed to prepare and send them to the Soviet Union. The leaders of the OUN centers proved to their "masters" that an armed underground is still actively operating in Western Ukraine, with the help of which it is possible to successfully obtain intelligence information of interest to the United States and England.

- The Americans have always been convinced that our special services interfered too much in the fate of Ukraine ...

- What would have happened if we had not defeated the Bandera underground? How many more people would die? The nationalist idea is a failure. There are no pure nations, especially today. But this idea is exciting. She is like a flammable material. And it, with the clever regulation of the generously paid mass propaganda, easily penetrates the minds of people. It is done. The rest is for little: freedom of action, everything is allowed, kill as much as you want. You are promised a wonderful life in the future, without specifying when this future happiness will come ...

What's going on today? Even if we disregard three quarters of what our TV channels show, the remaining quarter does not speak about harshness? The biathlete works as a sniper, the pilot throws cluster bombs at the civilian population ... These are facts.

- But it may not be nationalism.

- What then? I've seen too much to doubt. Unfortunately, we have not monitored the situation with nationalism in Ukraine in recent years. We slept ... In 1990, the Ukrainian National Union - UNS was created in Lviv. Then many residents of Ukraine called the members of this organization Ukrainian Nazis. We were silent.

The Ukrainian National Assembly - Ukrainian People's Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO) - is openly Nazi and Russophobic. The militants of this organization openly boast of their participation in armed conflicts against Russian troops. Do you remember how its participants marched with lighted torches through the silent city several years ago? It was very reminiscent of Nazi Berlin in 1933. And after all, the torches were carried by the grandchildren and children of those who were underground, who died at the hands of the Soviet regime, who were appropriately brought up and hated everything connected with Russia. For many years they disguised themselves, became communists, members of the Komsomol ... Even Shukhevych was given the command to legalize, infiltrate the authorities. And they got in.

- It was then that the nationalist movement was stopped. How to resist him today?

- Only by convictions. Now the nationalists say: "I love my Ukraine." Who doesn't love her? Does the right to love one's homeland belong exclusively to one nation? And what about those who live in this territory and also love their Ukraine, but think and believe differently, speak a different language? So why not turn to the practice of other, frankly, more civilized countries, such as Switzerland, where there are several state languages, or at least Canada, where, by the way, there is a huge Ukrainian diaspora? Today 1.5 million Ukrainians make a living in Poland, almost 5 million in Russia. That is, they work for those whom they hated ...

Eva Merkacheva

Not all Bandera supporters were found and convicted after the war. However, those who were put on trial did not receive the longest terms of imprisonment. Even being behind bars, Bandera continued to fight and organized mass uprisings.

Against Poland

In 1921, the UVO, the Ukrainian military organization, was created in Ukraine, designed to fight for the independence of the Ukrainian people after the defeat of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which existed from 1917 to 1920, and transformed thanks to the successful offensive of the Red Army in the Ukrainian SSR.

The UVO was supported by youth nationalist organizations and the later created Union of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth. Similar organizations were created among Ukrainian emigrants in Czechoslovakia. These were the Union of Ukrainian Fascists and the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, which later united into one league.

At the same time, Ukrainians in Germany also actively united in nationalist unions and soon the first conferences of Ukrainian nationalists were held in Prague and Berlin.
In 1929, the UVO and other unions of Ukrainian nationalists merged into one large Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) (the organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation), while the UVO actually becomes a military-terrorist body of the OUN. One of the main goals of Ukrainian nationalists was the fight against Poland, a vivid manifestation of which was the famous anti-Polish "Sabotage Action" of 1930: representatives of the OUN attacked government institutions in Galicia and set fire to the houses of Polish landowners who lived there.

Conquer Europe!

In 1931, the OUN includes Stepan Bandera, a man who is destined to soon become the head of the entire Ukrainian liberation movement and a symbol of Ukrainian nationalism to this day.

Bandera studied at a German intelligence school and soon became a regional guide to Western Ukraine. The authorities have repeatedly detained him: for anti-Polish propaganda, for illegally crossing the border and for his involvement in an assassination attempt. He organized protests against the famine in Ukraine and against the purchase of Polish products by Ukrainians.

On the day of the execution of the OUN militants by Bandera, an action was organized in Lviv, during which a synchronized bell ringing was heard throughout the city. The so-called "school action" has become especially effective: Ukrainian schoolchildren who were instructed in advance refused to study with Polish teachers and threw out Polish symbols from schools.
In addition, Stepan Bandera organized a number of assassination attempts on Polish and Soviet officials. For organizing the assassination of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Bronislaw Peratsky and other crimes, Bandera was sentenced to hanging in 1935, which, however, was soon replaced by life imprisonment.

During the trial, Bandera and other organizers of the crime greeted each other with a Roman salute and shouts of “Glory to Ukraine!”, Refusing to answer the court in Polish. After this trial, which received a great public response, the structure of the OUN was disclosed by the Polish authorities, and the organization of nationalists actually ceased to exist.

In 1938, during the intensification of Hitler's political activities, the OUN was resurrected and hoped for Germany's help in creating the Ukrainian state. OUN theorist Mikhail Kolodzinsky writes about plans to conquer Europe:

“We want not only to possess Ukrainian cities, but also to trample enemy lands, capture enemy capitals, and send salute to the Ukrainian Empire on their ruins. We want to win the war - a great and cruel war that will make us the masters of Eastern Europe. "

Bandera against the Melnikovites

During the Polish campaign of the Wehrmacht, the OUN provided minor support to the German troops, and during the German offensive in 1939 Bandera was released. After that, his activities were mainly associated with resolving the differences that arose in the OUN between Bandera's supporters - Bandera's and Melnikov's - supporters of the current leader of the organization.

The political struggle turned into a military one. Since the enmity of two essentially identical organizations was unprofitable for Germany, especially since both organizations fostered the idea of ​​a national Ukrainian state, which Germany no longer suited, and was so successfully advancing to the east, mass arrests of Bandera and Melnikovites by the German authorities soon took place.

In 1941, Bandera was imprisoned and then transferred to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. In the fall of 1944, Bandera was liberated by the German authorities as a “Ukrainian freedom fighter”. Despite the fact that it was considered inappropriate to take Bandera to Ukraine, the OUN continues to fight the Soviet regime until about the mid-1950s, collaborating with Western intelligence services during the Cold War. In 1959, Stepan Bandera was killed by KGB agent Bogdan Stashinsky in Munich.


During the period of active struggle against the UPA and OUN in 1941-1949, according to the NKVD, thousands of military operations were carried out, during which tens of thousands of Ukrainian nationalists were killed. Many families of UPA members were expelled from the Ukrainian SSR, thousands of families were arrested and evicted to other regions.

One of the well-known precedents of the trial of the Banderaites is a show trial of 1941 over 59 students and pupils of Lviv, suspected of having links with the OUN and anti-Soviet activities. The youngest was 15, the oldest was 30. The investigation lasted about four months, it was found that many of the young people were ordinary members of the OUN, but the students did not plead guilty and declared that they were enemies of the Soviet regime. Initially, 42 people were sentenced to death, and 17 wanted to give a prison sentence of 10 years.

However, the Collegium of the Supreme Court ultimately mitigated the sentence, and 19 convicts were shot, while others were given sentences ranging from 4 to 10 years in prison. One of the students was deported abroad.
You can also recall the mention of Ukrainian nationalists at the famous Nuremberg trials. General Lachausen, speaking as a witness, bluntly stated that the Ukrainian nationalists collaborated with the German government: "These units were supposed to carry out acts of sabotage behind enemy lines and organize comprehensive sabotage."

However, despite the obvious evidence of the participation of Bandera and other members of the split OUN in the fight against the Soviet Union, Ukrainian nationalists were not defendants at the Nuremberg court. In the USSR, a law was not even passed condemning the OUN and UPA, but the struggle against the nationalist underground continued until the mid-1950s, and was, in fact, separate specific punitive acts.

In 1955, they were granted amnesty in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Victory. According to official documents, as of August 1, 1956, more than 20 thousand OUN members returned from exile and prisons to the western lands of the USSR, including 7 thousand to the Lviv region.