Russian warriors historical facts. Epic warriors

Russian warriors historical facts. Epic warriors
Russian warriors historical facts. Epic warriors

The Russian folk folklore is very rich and diversified by its history, culture and traditions, which were reflected in the songs, epics and legends. The epics, aligned with the simple people, were distinguished by the beauty and plausibility of their narration, with the presence of a small artistic fiction, which attached to them even greater identity inherent in the ancient Russian era. In the center of the epic, there is always a positive character - the bogatyr, which embodied in itself the invincible strength and unlimited love for Mother-Russia, a folk upright. Of course, the image of the hero is collective. The people created the image of the hero, putting his hopes and aspirations on him to show the next generations and raise the ideology of the invincibility of Russia before enemy force.

The main qualities of the Russian warriors were - military prowess and efforts to protect their native land. The advantages of the warns are tested in the battle, in unequal battle, with which the composition of the epics, colorfully saturated with exaggerations.

Who were these demigods endowed with inhuman power?

The most popular in ancient Russia is the character of Ilya Muromets. This character has absorbed all the features inherent in mythological heroes - wonderful healing and the acquisition of inhuman power. Ilya is a leaving from a simple peasant family, from childhood chained to bed, until the calibium move and miraculously healed it. From this episode, the Bogatyan life of Ilya Muromsz, the exploits of which found an artistic reflection in the eponymies and legends.

Another, no less important hero is Dobryny Nikitich, who lived in one era with Ilya Muromers. The angry of the turbulent forces and the courage of the Russian hero starts with the fight with the snake of Gorynych. In the narrative about Dobryna Nikitich, not only fantastic stories are present, he also appears as a wise and brave warrior, performing all the instructions of Ilya Muromet. Dobrynya became the benchmark of the warrior of the era of Kiev Rus.

The third well-known boat is - Alyosha Popovich, who is often represented by the young, brave, smelter and cunning warrior.

One of the most mysterious images of Russian epics is Svyatogor, which is superior to the great heroes of ancient Russia. The character of the Siberian Republic was taken from ancient mythology, which imagined the ideas about the great mountain giants that embodied the greatness and imperturbability of the mountains. The epics about Svyatogore are tragic stories about how a mighty giant dies not in battle for the right thing, but in a dispute with some unknown, irresistible force.

No less mysterious rich in the Russian epic is the ox of Allwilavich, who was born of a fantastic snake. The will is considered a sorcerer and priest of the pagan gods. The will is the hero of the word about the regiment of Igor. Despite its fame, the character of Wolf was not a historical face, but only the fruit of the fiction of the people.

Unlike Wolf, Danube Ivanovich is a character with a real-historical basis. The narration of Duna begins with a fight with a good one Nikitich. Danube is part of the Kiev hero.

Just fascinating the narration of the Danube and the hero of Nastasya. At his own wedding, due to the insane dispute, the Danube kills Nastasya, missed when shooting from Luke. Without making burning loss, Danube kills himself.

Russian warriors play a huge role in Russian history. The eponymists tell about those glorious her husbands who became Russia, protected and defended the Russian people from the invasion of force by enemy. Russian warriors in the eponym embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reunification of the Slavs, the invincibility and the irrevocability of the ancient Russian state in front of the external enemies, being a model of imitation in patriotism and courage to future generations.

Bogatyri - epic defenders of Russian land, "superheroes" of the Russian people over the centuries. Recall the main.

Oldest (Dovlaudimirov)


MegaBogatyar. But the hero of the "old world". The Giant, the Senior Bogatyr magnitude with the mountain, whom even the Earth does not hold, lies on the grief in idleness. The epics tell about his meeting with the terrestrial and death in the magic grave. Many features of the biblical hero of Samson were later postponed to the saint. It is difficult to determine exactly its ancient origin. In the legends of the people, the Bogatyr-Veteran transmits its strength to Ilya Muromets, whose image dates back to the Gothic times V c. (Ilya Russian TiDrek-Sagi, etc.).

Mikula Selyaninovich. Bogatyr-Pakharist

Mikula Selyaninovich - Bogatyr Agrarius. It is found in two epons: about Svyatogore and Volga Svyatoslavich. Mikula is the first representative of the agricultural life, the mighty peasant-plower. He is strong and hardy, but the household. All his strength he invests in agriculture and family. Three his daughters are a sample of women in Russia.

Volga Svyatoslavovich. Bogatyr-ox

Supporters of the "Historical School" in the study of the epic believe that the prototype of the epic Wolga was a certain ancient tribal leader who went hiking for women and cattle. He unconsciously correlated with the Old Russian princes Oleg Probe (X century) and Alslav Polotsky (XI century). Wolga is not an easy warrior, he has the ability to turn overround, knows how to understand the language of animals and birds.

Sukhman Odikmantevich. Offended bogatyr

In the epics of Kiev cycle, Sukhman goes to get a prince Vladimir Swan White (there is already the archaic of the plot, connecting Sukhman with the priest, who could not "bed" hands and hurt the sacrificial animal), but on the road joins a fight with Tatar Hagic, putting Kalinovi bridges on the river Never. Sukhman wins the Tatars, but in battle gets wounds that sticks with leaves. Returning to Kiev without white swans, he tells the prince about the Boy, but the prince does not believe him and sharpen Sukhman to the dungeon until the clarification. Dobrynya leaves for nepreme and learns that Suhman was not lied. But it's' too late. Sukhman feels disgraced, dug leaves and expires blood. From his blood, the Sukhman River begins. According to many researchers, the binding to Vladimir this hero is late.

Vladimirovo Time

Ilya Muromets. Saint Bogatyr

Ilya Muromets canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian warmer. Nevertheless, this is the only hero, which, in absolutely pagan tradition, hit Golden Makov's churches and sold them in the Kabaska. Ilya Muromets is the main character not only by Russian epic, but also, for example, the German epic poems of the XIII century. In them, he is also called Ilyoy, he is also a hero, thanks in his homeland. Ilya Muromets meets in the Scandinavian sagas, in them, he, no, is not enough, the blood brother of Prince Vladimir.

Nikitich. Bogatyr with connections

Dobryna Nikitich is often correlated with the chronicle of the kind, Uncle Prince Vladimir (on another version of the nephew). His name emphasizes the essence of the Gogatyr Software. Dobrynya has a nickname "Young", with a huge physical strength "Muhi will not be offended," he is defender "widows and orphans, unfortunate wives." Dobrynya also "Artist in the Soul: Master singing and playing on the hurs."

Alyosha Popovich. Junior

"The younger of the younger" heroes, and therefore, the set of qualities does not have such "Supermansky." He is not even alien by vice: cunning, egoism, korestolubie. That is, on the one hand, it is distinguished by courage, but on the other - proud, swelling, baking, dorien and rude.

Duke Stepanovich. Rich and notable

Duke Stepanovich comes to Kiev from the conditional India, behind which, according to folklorists, in this case, the Galico-Volynsky land is hidden, or the Baltic Pomoria arranges the Marathon Marathon, passes the test from the prince, and continues to brag. As a result, Vladimir learns that Duke is really very rich and offers him citizenship. But Duke refuses, because "if you sell Kiev and Chernihiv and buy paper for inventory of wealth, it's not enough paper."

Danube Ivanovich. Tragic Bogatyr

According to the Ones of the Danube, it was from the blood of the hero that began a river with the same name. Danube - Bogatyr tragic. He loses his wife - Polyanitsa (probably, Sarmatian origin) Nastasya (Mikula's daughter) in the competition for shooting from Luke, accidentally falls into her while trying to recoup, learns that Nastasya was pregnant and rushes his breast on his own on his sword (or a spear).

Mikhailo Pyotk. Faithful husband

Folklorists disagree in opinions, with whom it is necessary to correlate Mikhailo dock (or stream). The similarity with its image is found in the Bulgarian heroic epic, and in Western European fairy tales, and even in the Mongolian epic "GESER". According to one of the epic, the flow with his wife Marya Swan White gives a jam on the fact that any of them died first, the second is buried next to the grave alive. When Avdota dies, the streams are buried next to the full armament and on horseback, he fats with the dragon and revives his wife's blood. When he himself dies, Marry bury with him.

Hoten Bluudovich. Bogatyr-Groom

Bogatyr Hoten Bluudovich for the sake of a wedding with enviable bride tea must first breaks the nine brothers, then a whole army hired by the future. As a result, the bogatyr receives a rich dowry and acts in the eponym as a bogatyr "who married well."


Nikita Kozheyaka. Smeaker.

Nikita Kozhemyaka in Russian fairy tales is one of the main heroes-Smeaker. Before entering the fight with the snake, it bursts 12 skins, thereby proving its legendary power. Kamiemyaka not only wins the snake, but also harnesses it in the hustle and adheres the land from Kiev to the Black Sea. Various trees near Kiev received their name (Zmiev) just because of the acts of Nikita Kozhemyaki.

Bova Koruvich. Lubric Bogatyr

Bova Korolovich for a long time was the most popular in the people. The cheating fairy tales about the "stubborn bogatyr" went out of hundreds of publications from the XVIII to the XX century. Pushkin wrote a "fairy tale about Tsar Saltan," partially borrowing the plot and the names of the heroes of the fairy tales about the fighting of the Koriushe, who he was reading nanny. Moreover, even made sketches of the poem "Bova", but death will prevent him from finish the work. The prototype of this Vityaz was the French knight Bovo de Anton from the famous Chronicle poem Reali Di Francia, written in the XIV century. In this regard, Bova is a completely unique bogatyr - climb.

Vasily Buslaev. Ryanny Bogatyr

The most removed hero of the Novgorod epic cycle. His unbridled temper leads to a conflict in Novgorod and he desperately, beyond, beats about the mortgage, which will beat all the men of the Novgorodsky on the Volkhov bridge and almost performs the promised - while his mother does not stop. In another eponym, he is already mature, goes to Jerusalem to pour sins. But Buslaev will regain - he is again taken for the old and ridiculous dying, proving his youth.

Anika Warrior. Bogatyr in words

Anike Warrior today is called a person who loves to boast by their strength away from danger. Unusual for the Russian epic hero, the name of the hero is likely to be taken from the Byzantine legend of the hero of Digeneis, who is mentioned there with the permanent epithet of Anikitos. Anica Warrior is in the verse boasts by force and offends the weak, his death is instrument, Anika challenges her challenge and dies.

Epic. Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets and nightingale-robber

Ilya from Murom went round early, and I wanted to get into the solar Kiev-hail. His frisky horse rows a little lower than the clouds of walking, higher than the forest of standing. And soon he drove the bogatyr to the city of Chernigov. And under Chernihiv stands the enemy the power is unmept. There is no walking aisle, no equestrian passage. The enemies of the hordes are selected to the fortress walls, the Chernihiv is climbing-ruinous.

Raised Ilya to the unpretentious rati and began to beat the rapist-invaders like the grass to mow. And the sword, and a spear, and a heavy palette4, and the horse is the hero of the enemies. And nausea nailed, he tried the power of the enemy, the Great.

The gates in the fortress wall were distraught, Chernihiv went out, Bogatyr was lowered and called him a governor into Chernigov-hail.

"For the honor of you, men-Chernigov, thanks, yes, not with my hands to sit in Chernigov," Ilya Muromets answered. - I hurry into the solar Kiev-hail. Specify me the road straight apart!

"The deliverant you are ours, a glorious Russian Bogatyr, thicket, a straightened road to Kiev-hail. Okolny, now go hiking and drive equestrian. Near the black mud, the Robber Robber settled, Odikmantev son settled at the Smorodinka River. Sits a robber on twelve oaks. Sweets the villain in a nightingale, shouting in the animal, and from the nightingale dance yes from the cry of the animal grass-Murawa, the whole, looser flowers are tremendous, dark forests are clone to Earth, and people lie to the ground! Do not drive that expensive, nice bogatyr!

I was not listened by Ilya Chernigov, went dear to the way. He drives up to the smorodinka river yes to the dirt black.

He noticed his nightingale-robber and began to whistle in a nightingale, shouted in the animal, sought the villain in a snake. The grass was silent, the flowers sat down, the trees were baptized, the horse began to stumble under Ilyoy.

It was angry with a bogatyr, swung on the horse of Ruttle Shelkova.

- What are you, Wolf Fly, herbal bag, stumble? I did not hear, it can be seen, saying the nightingale, spitched snake and cries the animal?

Himself grabbed the tight onions discreet and shot in the nightingale-robber, poured the right eye with his hand right monsters, and the villain fell to Earth. He gentle the bogatyr of the robber to the saddle bows and the tall of the nightingale along the pure field past the Logova Solovney. They saw the sons and her daughter, as the father carry, tied to the saddle bow, grabbed the swords and Rhotina, ran the nightingale-robber to help out. And Ilya stood them, scattered and, not a bag, began to continue his way.

Ilya came to the solar Kiev-hail, on the wide yard princely. And the nice prince Vladimir Krasno Sunny with the princes of the pneaks, "with the boyars honorable and with the heroes can just sat down for the dining table.

Ilya put his horse in the middle of the courtyard, he himself entered the table of the dining room. He put the cross in writhing, bowed to the four sides of the scientist, and the most princess is a great one.

Prince Vladimir to ask:

"You're from, kind well done, what is your name name, are important for patronymic?"

"I am from the city of Muroma, from the suburban village of Karachair, Ilya Muromets."

- How long have you good done, did you leave Murom?

- Early in the morning I left Murom, "Ilya answered," I wanted to dinner to sleep in Kiev-hail, and on the road, the way was dressed. And I was driving the road directly past the city of Chernigov, past the river currants and black mud.

The prince went out, frowned, looked unclell:

Passionate - arrogant, subordinate.

- You, a man, a village, mock our eyes! Under Chernihiv there is an enemy of Raint - the power is unmept, and neither walking, no equestrian there is no passage or there is no passage. And from Chernigov to Kiev, a straight road has long overlooked, Izyushel. Near the river currants and black mud sits on twelve oaks the robber of the nightingale, Odikmantev son, and does not miss any hiking, nor equestrian. There and the bird-falcon does not fly!

Replies to those words Ilya Muromets:

- Under the Chernihiv enemy's army, everything besides it, and the nightingale-robber in your yard wounded, recently cooked to the saddle.

Because of the table, the prince Vladimir jumped out, threw a fur coat on one shoulder, a hat sabol on one ear and ran into the red porch.

I saw the nightingale-robber, to the saddle bowward:

- Make-up, nightingale, salt, shine, shouting, dog, is the animal, hanging, robber, in a snake!

- Not you, prince, Polonil, won. I won, Ilya Muromets broke me. And I do not obey anyone, except for him.

"Orders, Ilya Muromets," says Prince Vladimir, "to witness, scream, sink a nightingale!"

Ilya Muromets ordered:

- Sevecrees, nightingales, in the half of the nightingale, shrill in the Polkrica of the beser, hanging in half the snake!

- From the wound bloody, - Solovy says, - My mouth is dry. You kept pouring me to the tea of \u200b\u200bgreen wine, not a small charger - one and a half buckets, and then I fell to Prince Vladimir.

Brought the saltworker to the Wine to the Robber Wine. He took the villain to Char with one hand, drank the charger for a single spirit.

After he saw in a full whistle in a nightingale, shouted in a full cry of the animal, hurt in full spike in a snake.

There are stuffs on the teremes, and the slopes in the Teremes crumbled, all the people who were in the yard are in the courtyard. Vladimir-Prince Standard-Kyun Kunya fur coat is hidden and pouring crawl.

Ilya Muromets became angry. He sat down at the good horse, took out the nightingale-robber in a purely field:

- You are full, the villain, people to root! "And cut off the nightingale buyne's head."

So much a straw-robber and in the world lived. On that tale about him and ended.

Ilya Muromets and Idolische Pogan

I was left somehow Ilya Muromets far from Kiev in a clean field, in a wide part of it. Shot there geese, swans and gray clarops. He met him in the way the elder Ivanishche - Kalika disturbing. Asks Ilya:

- Have you long from Kiev?

- Recently I was in Kiev. The prince of Vladimir with Apraxia is bad there. Bogatyrey in the city did not happen, and came Idolische Pogano. Growth as a hay shock, glazes as a cup, in shoulders oblique sage. Sits in the princely chambers, treats, the prince with the princess smokes: "That feed yes it will bring!" And to defend them some.

- Oh, you, early Ivanishche, "says Ilya Murometh," because you are expensive and stronger me, only the courage and there is no breath! You take off the dress Caratia, we will change for a while we take.

Ilya dressed in the dress Caratia, came to Kiev on the Princely Courtyard and cried with a loud voice:

- Give, prince, gracious calica overlooking!

- Why Gorlopani, Nishchylina?! Go to the dining room. I will get hunting with you! - shouted in the idolish window Pogano.

In shoulders oblique soap - wide shoulders.

Nishchylin is a contemptuous appeal to the thread.

Bogatyr entered the hubby, became the pendant. Prince and Princess did not recognize him.

And idolis, breaking down, sitting at the table, smiles:

- Did you see, Kalika, helya Ilyushka Murom? Does he grow up, do it? Does it remember and drinks?

- Height, Dorobism Ilya Murometh just like me. Bread eats he on the village of the day. Green wine, standing beer drinks around the Abychard a day, the way it happens.

- What is he warmed? - laughed idoliste, sorted out. - Here I am a bogatyr - just eat a roasted bull-triplet, I drank green wine on the barrel. Meeting Ilyuk, the Russian hero, on his palm I will put it, another prince, and the dirt remains from him yes water!

At that praise answers the calika disturbing:

- Our ass was also a rumor pig. I ate a lot, drank, as long as she was not broken.

They did not want those speeches Ideolzów. He threw the arched * a bouquet knife, and Ilya Muromets was dumbfounded, drank from a knife.

The knife was stuck in an endwinter, rolled up with a crash in Songy flew out. Here Ilya Muromets in the lapotopes yes in the dress Caushery grabbed idolism of Pogatan, raised him above his head and threw a boast-rapist about the brick floor.

So much idolis and lived. And the mighty Russian Bogatyr Slava sing the age of the century.

Ilya Muromets and Kalin King

The prince of Vladimir honors feast and not called Ilya Muromets. Bogatyr on Prince was offended; He went out to the street, tightly tightened, began to shoot in church making silver, in the crisses gilded and shouted by the guys Kiev:

- Collect the crosses of gilded and silver church making, carry in Crooked - in the Pety House. We will start your pic-council on all men of Kiev!

Prince Vladimir Standard-Kiev was angry, ordered to plant Ilya Muromets in a deep cellar for three years.

And Vladimir's daughter ordered to make the keys from the cellar and secretly from the prince ordered to feed, drink a glorious hero, sent him the punching pillows.

A lot of whether it was not possible to have time, rushing a messenger from King Kalina to Kiev.

He shook the door waving, without demand, drove into the princes, Terem, threw a letter to Vladimir. And in the literacy it is written: "I drove to you, Prince Vladimir, soon to clear the streets of Strevetsky and large courtyards princess, but instructing all the streets of the beer of foam, honey and green wine, so that there was something to be in Kiev in Kiev. And you will not fulfill the order - the penis on yourself. Rus I will show off the fire, Kiev-city in ruin ruin and you from the princess of death predies. I give a deadline for three days. "

I read the prince of Vladimir Dick, shown, sealing.

Walks along the hubber, roney tears combustible, flipped with a silk handkerchief:

- Oh, why I planted Ilya Muromets to the cellar deep yes, he ordered that cellar to fall asleep with yellow sand! Look, no now in the lives of our defender? And other heroes in Kiev now. And there is no one to stand for faith, for the land of Russian, no one stand for a common hail, defend me with the princess and my daughter!

"The prince's father-prince Standard-Kiev, did not execute me, allowing the word to express," Vladimir's daughter said. - Alive is our Ilya Muromets. I was secretly silent from you, I fed him, hurt. You forgive me, the daughter of unauthorized!

"The clever you are wise," Vladimir Prince's daughter praised.

She grabbed the key from the cellar and ran for Ilyona Muromers. He brought him to the chambers of Belokamenny, hugged, kissed the hero, treated with sugar dishes, I saw overseas with sweet wines, said these words:

- Do not heart, Ilya Muromets! Let it be between us, it would be better. Intigated us trouble-adversity. Calin-king's dog came to the source of Kiev, brought the hordes of indispensable. It is threatened to ruin Russia, to shoot the fire, to ruin the city, the city of all Kievans to complete, and there is no one today. Everyone on the obstacles stand yes in the drive drove. For me all the hope of me, the glorious Bogatyr Ilya Muromets!

Once Ilya Muromets is checked, to treat for the princely table. He soon went to his yard. First of all, he held his horse of things. The horse, full, smooth, well-groomed, joyfully called when he saw the owner.

Couple to your Ilya Muromets said:

- Thank you for Holly Horse, I was bothering!

And he became a horse to sit. First imposed

potnacles, and on the studders imposed felt, on the felt of the saddle Cherkasy incliny. Tightening twelve silk grooves with whine boulipes, with a buckle of gold, not for the beauty, for a meal, for the fortress of the Bogatyrs: the silk grooves stretch, do not rush, the bully is negle, it is not breaking, and the red gold buckles do not rust. Ilya himself was equipped with Bogatyrs' military armor. The cloth with him is a bouquet, the spear of a long-term, rejected by the sword of the fighting, grabbed Shaguh Zaporozhnaya and drove into a purely field. He sees the forces of Basurman under Kiev a lot of many. From the shouting of a human man, the human heart is sadden from the ringeling of the horse. Wherever you look, nowhere else of the end-edge of the strength of the enemy does not see.

Piel Ilya Muromets, rose to a high hill, looked in the direction of Eastern and saw a far-distant tent white-floor tents. He sent there, rejuvenated the horse, sentenced: "It can be seen, there are our Russian warriors there, they do not know about the misfortune."

And soon, drove up to the tents of Belopolotnik, went to the shutter of Samson Samson Selfov, his godfather. And the warriors at that time have lunch.

Ilya Muromets said:

- Bread Yes Salt, Holy Svyataruski!

Answered Samson Samoilovich:

- And then, perhaps, our glorious Bogatyr Ilya Muromets! Sing with us dine, Salt's breads to taste!

Here I got warriors on the back of the legs, with Ilya, the Murom got greet, hugged him, they kissed it three times, they were invited to the table.

- Thank you, brothers Crusades. I did not have dinner, but brought the gratitude, sad, - Ilya Muromets said. - It is worthwhile at Kiev, the power is unmept. Calin-king threatens our capital city to take yes to burn, the Kiev men rising everyone, wing, daughters to catch in half, to ruin the church, Prince Vladimir with the apraffsis-princess of evil death to betray. And I came to call you to rejuvenate!

The speeches answered the warriors:

"We will not become, Ilya Muromets, a horses to saddle, we will not go, we will beat, to ridden for Prince Vladimir, yes for Princess Apraquesia. They have a lot of close princes and boyar. The Grand Duke of Standard-Kiev will feed them and complaints them, but we have nothing from Vladimir with the Koriyevaya Apraxia. Do not persuade us, Ilya Muromets!

I don't like Ilya Muromtsu those speeches. He sat down on his good horse and drove up to Horde to the enemy. He became the power of enemies to the horse to trample, a spear to prick, swear to chop yes beat with a shelopa. Beats-striking without tired. And the horse Bogatyrsky talked by the language of human:

- Do not beat you, Ilya Muromets, the power of enemy. There is King Kalina mighty warriors and the glazers are removed, and in a clean field dug deeply. As we believe in the subpopher - from the first subpoint I will jump out and from the other subpoint and you, Ilya, I will carry out, and from the third subpoint I will jump out, but I do not take you out.

Those speeches Ilya did not hear. He picked up a silk flutter, began to beat the horse on steep thighs, sentence:

- Ah you are a dog modified, wolf meat, herbal bag! I feed, I sing you, I'm careful, and you want to destroy me!

And then she asked her horse with Ilyona to the first subcople. From there, the loyal horse jumped out, he carried the hero. And again began to bogger enemy strength to beat, like the grass to mow. And another time she asked the horse with Ilyona to a deep subtop. And from this subpay, a frisky horse issued a hero.

Beats Ilya Muromets Basurman, sentences:

- Do not go and your grandchildren to have to go to fight the great eyelids on Russia.

At that time they asked for a horse in a third deep subcoptee. His loyal horse jumped out of the subpar, and Ilya Murom did not make it possible. The enemies of the horse were scored, but did not give a loyal horse, he rode away in a clean field. Then dozens of warriors, hundreds of warriors attacked the subcutter to Ilya Muromets, tied up, told him his hands-legs and led to the tent to the king Kalina. I met his Kalin-king gently-friendly, ordered to unleash-discover the hero:

- Saddy, Ilya Muromets, with me, King Kalin, for a single table, eat, what the soul will wish, drink my drinking brewing. I will give you a precious, ladies, how easy it is, the golden treasury. Do not serve the prince of Vladimir, but serve me, King Kalina, and you will be my neighboring prince-boyar!

Looking the Ilya Muromets on the king of Kalina, grinned unfinished and said:

"I will not sit with you for a single table, I will not eat your Kushanyev, I will not drink your drinking dogs, I don't need to ask the precious, not needed and the bridal golden treasury. I will not serve you - the dog King Kalina! And he will continue to be faithful to the truth, to defend the Great Rus, stand for solar Kiev-hail, for his people, yes for Prince Vladimir. And I also say you: you are stupid, dog Kalin-Tsar, if you mnich in Russia find dedicator trains!

Wrapped the door-curtain carpet Yes, away from the tent jumped out. And there are the guards, the guards of the royal clouds fell on Ilya Muromets: who with the jackets, who with the rods are treated to tie unarmed.

Yes, it was not here! Mighty bogatyr was drunk, fitted: Raskidal-stated Basurman and slipped through the enemy strength-tore in a clean field, into a wide part of it.

I whistled by the Bogatyrsky Bind, and, where neither take, came running to his faithful horse with armor, with equipment.

Ilya Muromets left for a high hill, pulled onion tight and sent Calen Arrow, sentenced himself: "You fly, Calen Arrow, in Bel Tent, Paddy, arrow, on the white chest to my shaggy, slipping and make a small scratch. He will understand: it can be loud in battle. " I got an arrow in Samsonov Tent. Samson-Bogatyr awakened, jumped up his legs and shouted with a loud voice:

- Get up, warriors mighty Russian! I flew from Calen Arrow's gadget - the message is sad: it took him a sideboard in battle with Sarcins. He would not have sent an arrow. You saddle, not a bag, good horses, and we will go to fight not for the sake of Prince Vladimir, but for the sake of the Russian people, to the revenue of Nice Ilya Muromtsu!

Soon, twelve heroes came to the profog, and Ilya Muromets with them in the thirteenth. They fell on the hordes of the enemy, knubled, tritted horses all the irrelevant power, the King of the King of Kalina was taken to full, brought to the chambers of Prince Vladimir. And the KALIN-KING counted:

"I don't execute me, Prince Vladimir Stolly-Kiev, I will give you a tribute to pay and I will order my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren eternal on Russia with a sword not walk, but with you to live in the world. In that we will sign a diploma.

There is older-epic and ended.


Dobrynya and Snake

Dobrynya grew up to full age. It was awakened in it a fighter of the Bogatyr. The Dobrynya Nikitich was at a good horse in a purely field to travel yes snakes with a rolling horse to pull off.

Roda Matushka, honest widow of Afima Alexandrovna, spoke him:

- My Dietatko, Dobrynyushka, do not swim in the hour-river. Angry-river angry, angry she, sweep. The first in the river jet, like fire, sees, from another jet of the sparks roll up, and from the third jet, the smoke pilot will be. And you are not needed to go to the far mountain Sorochinskaya yes walk there in the snake-cave snakes.

Young Dobrynya Nikitich his mother did not obey. He went out of the chambers of white-named on a wide one, to a spacious courtyard, came to the stable at the stall, took the horse of the Bogatyrsky yes began to sit down: first put the aircraft, and the felt was imposed on the port, and Sedyushko Cherkasy, silk felt, decorated with twelve silk lips. The buckles at the rods are a clean of gold, and the spikes at the buckles are bellows, not for the sake of the sake of the sake, but for the sake of the fortress: as soon as shelk does not break, the Bulat will not be angry, the red gold is not rusting, the boat on horse is sitting, does not grow old.

Then he adjusted to the saddle of the Quiver with arrows, took a tight the Bogatyr onions, took a heavy flock and a spell's spear. A couple clicked a cupboard, told him in the marched to be.

It was seen how it was sitting on the horse, and it is not visible how the yard went out, only the dusty smoke fused the pillar in the womb.

Dobrynya went with a coupler in the pole. Neither geous, nor swans, nor gray bruises met.

Here he drove the boys to the poch-river. The horse was underwent under the good one, and he himself was signed under the trump. I wanted good young people swimming. He tears from the horse, removed the roadside, told the pork of the horse to know how to feed with silk grass-game, and he sang in one thin linen shirt from the shore.

Floats and completely forgot that Matushkaya acquainted ... And at that time, just from the east side, the trouble rolled out from the east side: shelling the snake-buttery about three heads, about twelve trunks, the sun was eclipsed by the sun. I coal in the unarmed river, rushed down, crumbled:

"You're now, Dobrynya, in my hands." I want - I will want to fire with fire, I will want to take it into full, I will take you to the mountains of Sorochinsky, in the deep holes in the serpent!

Sports sparkle, the fire of the palette, is getting laid by the truncations of good well to grasp.

And Dobrynya is promundable, dying, talked from the tricks of snakes, duggy dived, but emerged from the shore itself. Rose into the yellow sand, and the snakes behind him flies. Looking for a well done Armor Bogatyrs, than him with a snake, a monster to rejuvenate, and did not find a couple or a horse, nor martial gear. A pair-side of the snake-grinder was frightened, the horse himself was convinced and his armor hung away.

He sees Dobrynya: the case is wrong, and there is no time to think so to guess ... I noticed the hat with the Earth of the Earth Greek on the sand, soon I quickly stuffed the hat with yellow sand and threw the three-way cap in the opposite. Fell snakes on the crude land. Jumped the hero of the snake on the white chest, wants to sow it. Here is the frowning monster of the chemolya:

- Young Dobrynyushka Nikitich! You are not Bay, do not execute me, let go of the living, unharmed. We will write with you records. Another of themselves: not fighting eternal, do not rid. I will not fly on Russia, ruin the villages with crops, I will not take people into full of people. And you, my older brother, do not go to the Mountains of Sorochinsky, do not hook with a frisky horse of small snakes.

Young Dobrynya, he was gullible: Lying speeches obeyed, let the snake on Voloye-free, on everything on four sides, he himself soon found a cupboard with his horse, with equipment. After it was rare home and my mother lowered low:

- Mother's sovereign! Bless me in the root service of the Bogatyr.

His mother blessed, and drove Dobrynya to the Solar Kiev-Grad. He came to the princely courtyard, tied the horse to the post to the exact one, whether the rings were gilded, he himself entered the chamber of white-named, the cross put it in writing, and the bows of led acrust: all four sides were low, and the prince with the princess in the disservice . Friendly Prince Vladimir Guest met yes asked:

- You're sculpture, doomed good well done, whose childbirth, from what cities? And how are you called, Major on isotchin?

"I am from the glorious city of Ryazan, the son of Nikita Romanovich and Afimia Aleksandrovna - Dobrynya, Son Nikitich. I came to you, the prince, in the service of rational.

And at that time, Prince Vladimir the tables were fascinated, the princes, the boyars and Russian mighty warriors were singing. Vladimir Prince Dobryna Nikitich, at the desk at the honorable place between Ilya, Muromers, and Danube Ivanovich, brought him to Stew Zelen wine, not a small charger - one and a half buckets. He took the Dobrynya Chara with one hand, drank the charger for a single spirit.

And Prince Vladimir Meanwhile on the dining room, Hornyeza grew, the sovereign displaced:

- Oh, you are Goy Esi, Russian mighty warriors, I don't live in joy now, in sorrow. Lost my favorite niece, young fun Putyathic. She walked with mothers, with nannies in the Green Garden, and at that time he flew the snake-Goryunischi over Kiev, he grasped the fun with Putyathic, mounted above the forest of standing and hollow on the mountains of Sorochinsky, in the cave deep snakes. There would be some of you guys: you, princes of popliteal, you, boyars near, and you, Russian mighty warriors, who would go to the Mountains Sorochinsky, helped me from Polon Snake, rescued the wonderful fun Putyathic, and would you comfort me and the princess aprakcia would comfort? !

All princes yes boyars are silent.

The greater is buried for the average, medium for smaller, and there is no response from the smaller and the answer.

Here and fell on the mind of the Dobryn Nikitich: "But I broke the serpent commandment: it's not to fly to Russia, it's not to take people into full-time people - if he broke the fun." He left behind the table, bowed to Vladimir's prince and said these words:

- Sun of Vladimir-Prince Standard-Kiev, you throw this Mother on me. After all, the serpent of Gorynych my brother acknowledged me and a century didn't swear to the land of Russian and in full did not take it, but he broke the oath of the commandment. I and go to the Mountains of Sorochinsky, cut off the fun Putyath.

Prince listened to the prince and walked:

- You comforted us, good well done!

And Dobrynya lowered to all four sides, and the prince with the princess in Sobitu, then went to the wide yard, sat on the horse and went to Ryazan-city.

There, Mother asked for the blessing to go to the Mountains Sorochinsky, to cut out from the policeman's serpentic captives.

The mother of Afimya Aleksandrovna said:

- Go, native dyatyatko, and my blessing will be with you!

Then she filed a flutter of seven silks, she served an embroidered handkerchief and spoke to his son as such:

- When you come with a snake to rided, your right hand will put out, will be pulled out, the white light in the eyes will be lost, you will drive a handkerchief, and the horse will remove all the tired, and the power of you will triple the horse, and over the snake craft Semishelkova - He will abandon crude land. Here you are Rvi-Ruby all snake trunks - all the power will deplete snake.

Lowly kept Dobrynya with his mother, honest widow Aphim Alexandrovna, then sat down at the good horse and went to the Mountains of Sorochinsky.

And the frown snake-the Gorry school learned the good one for the collapse, flew out, became fire to fool and fight-tore. They fight an hour and the other. Broke horse hijacked, stumble began, and Dobryni had a right hand smashing, in his eyes the light was died. Here and remembered the Bogatyr Maternal Ass. I myself dried with an embellished handkerchief of the whitebodynaya and horse cut. It was his faithful horse jumping three times more than the previous one. And Dobryni had all the fatigue, his strength tripled. He suffered time, waved over the snake of Semishelkova's snake, and the power of the snake was exhausted: he fell as raw land.

Rwal-chopped Dobrynya Snake trunks, and at the end he cut off all three heads from the Pogato monster, pulled the sword, hung away with all the serpents and went to the deep holes of the snakes, destroyed the constipation of strong, released a lot from Polona, \u200b\u200bled everyone to the will .

Litted Fun Putyful on the White Light, planted on the horse and brought to the solar Kiev-hail.

Knuckle led to the chambers, there the bow was written in writing: on all four sides, and the prince with the princess in a disserval, it was a scientist with a scientist:

"According to yours, the prince, I traveled to the mountains of Sorochinsky, disassembled-worn a snake lair. The most snake-grinding snakes and all small snakes shaped, released the people of darkness to the sky, and rescued your favorite niece, young fun with Putyathic.

Prince Vladimir was Rad Radyosek, he hugged the good Nikitich well, kissed him in the mouth of sugar, the honorable was in place.

At the joy, the prince of the honors of the PI-T-Taming at all princes-boyar, on all the warriors of the powerful glorified.

And everyone on Tom Peir was died, we were eaten, they glorified the heroism and the delete of the hero of Dobryni Nikitich.

Dobrynya, Ambassador of Prince Vladimir

T-shifting of the prince walks in full-pir, guests are sitting in a trip. One Prince Vladimir Standard-Kiev Sea Pelennin, Neradostin. On the dining room, he cares, the sovereign speaks: "I left the care-sadness about the beloved niece of fun with Putyathic, and now one more trouble has happened: it requires Khan Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich Tribute to the Great for twelve years, including the records between us were written. He threatens Khan War to go, Kohl Dan will not give. Here and needed the ambassadors to send Bakhtiyarovich to Bakhtiyar, take the tribute to the exits: twelve swans, twelve drafs and a guilty, and the tribute in itself. So I think who sent me to send? "

Here all guests beyond the tables of Priusalkli. Big begins for the average, the average is bursting behind smaller, and there is no response from the smaller and the answer. Then the near boyar rose:

"You let me, prince, wonder."

"Speak, boyar, we will listen," Vladimir-Prince answered him.

And boyar began to say:

- Go to the Khan land - a considerable service, and it is better to send it better as the good Nikitich da Vasilla Casimirovich, and to assistants to send Ivan Dubrovich. They led them, as in the ambassadors walk, and know how to behave with Khan.

And here, Vladimir-Prince Standard-Kiev poured three spells of green wine, not small spells - in a year and a half buckets, raised wine with honey standing.

The first to Chara brought Dobryna Nikitich, another Char - Vasil Kasimirovich, and the third charger - Ivan Dubrovich.

All three herors got up on the backs of their legs, took the Chair with one hand, drank for a single spirit, lowered the prince bowed, and all three were swallowed:

"We will define your service, the prince, we will go to the land of the Khan, give your diploma of the opposite, twelve swans as a gift, twelve and Dani-exits for twelve years of Bakhtira Bakhtiyarovich.

Served the prince Vladimir Ambassadors a guy and ordered to submit to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich twelve swans, twelve drafues, and then poured a box of pure silver, another box - red gold, the third boxed pearls: Dani Han for twelve years.

At the same time, ambassadors were sitting on good horses and went to the land of Khan. They ride the day in the Red Sun, go to the night in the bright month. Day Beyond the day, like rain rains, a week for a week, as the river runs, and the kind of well done is moving forward.

And they came to the land of Khan, on the wide yard to Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich.

Froken with good horses. The young Dobrynya Nikitich on the height of the door was praised, and they were included in the khan chambers of white. There, the cross was put in writhing, and the bows were scientist, they were low on all four sides, Hanu himself in a disserval.

Khan in good young people began to ask:

- Where are you from, doomed good well done? What kind of cities, what kind of birth and how to call you?

The answer kept good well done:

"We arrived from the city from Kiev, from Nice from Prince from Vladimir." Brought you Dani-Exits for twelve years.

Here and filed Hanu to a guy, twelve swans as a gift, twelve and darkens. Then a box of chista of silver was served, another box of red gold and the third pummagon box. After that, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich ambassadors for the oak table, Kormal-Potchev, pointed and began to question:

On the heel - the lash, wide, in full swing.

- Do you have in Holy Rus from the glorious prince from Vladimir who plays chess, in expensive tales of gilded? Does anyone play checkers play?

Speak in response Dobryny Nikitich:

"I can with you, Khan, play checkers to play, in expensive tales of golden.

They brought chess boards, and became Dobrynya with Khan from the cell to the cage to reclaim. Dobrynya stepped up and the other stepped down, and closed the third khan on the third khan.

Says Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich:

- Ay, much you are, good well done, to play checkers. Before you with whom I played, everyone beat. Under another game, I will hold a deposit: two boxes of chista of silver, two boxes of red gold and two boxed pearls.

Answered him Dobrynya Nikitich:

"My business is a road, there is no silent golden treasury with me, there is no clean silver, no red gold, there is no scant pearl. Unless I put my buys my head to the mortgage.

Here Khan stepped up - unused, the other time stepped down - crossed, and for the third time Dobryna, he closed him, he promoted Bakhtiyar's pledge: two pure silver boxes, two boxes of red gold and two pummaging boxes.

Khan's hot was warm, he put a great deposit: pay Dani-exits by Prince Vladimir for twelve years and half. And for the third time, the pledge of Dobryny won. Glad loss, Khan lost and offended. He says these words:

- Glorious heroes, ambassadors of Vladimir! Which of you is far from Luke to shoot, to skip Calen Arrow on the edge of the knob, so that in half an arrow raned, but would hit the boom in the ring silver and both hollows were weighing equal.

And the twelve dozen of the warriors brought the plain Khan onions.

The young Dobrynya Nikitich takes that tight onion bursting, became Calen an arrow to impose, the guy began to pull the tent, the actant was broken as a rotten thread, and the bow grabbed, crumbled. Speak a young Dobrynyushka:

- Ay you, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, then the rubbish Luchishko, unsuitable!

And said Ivan Dubrovich:

"You're going-ka, my crusade, on a wide yard, bring my road onions, which is the right torture rearned.

Ivan Dubrovich onions left the right from the striving and the bow in the ward of Belokamennaya. And the Gusers were attached to Luka - not for the beauty, and fun for the sake of Menotka. And now Ivanushka Bow is bothering, the goselites are playing. All the bassurmans were heard, they did not have a sofa of the eyelids ...

He takes a kind of tight onion, becomes the pin of a silver ring, and he shot the edge of the knob three times, two-boiled boot boom and got three times in a silver ring.

It was accepted here to shoot Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich. The first time he felt - neutralized, he felt the other than the same time he shot and felt the third time, but he did not hit the ring.

This Khan is not in love came, not a love. And he conceived badly: lime, to make the ambassadors of Kiev, all three heroes. And he spoke gently:

- Does any of you wish, the glorious hedgehogs, the ambassadors of Vladimirov, will compete-try to hang out with our fighters, their strength to hold?

Vasily Casimirovich Yes, Ivan Dubrovich and words to crumble, as a young Dobrynychy Epancha; Removed, straightening the shoulders mighty and went to the wide yard. There I met his boat fighter. The growth of the richr is terrible, in the shoulders slanting soap, head as a beer boiler, and the warming of fighters a lot of many. They began to boost in the court, the young Dobrynyushki pushes. And the Dobrynya repelled them, he pinched yes from himself. The terrible bogger grabbed the good one for the white hands, but they fought for a long time, they measured for force - Dobrynya was silly, grasp ... I threw it, he had a hero of his land, only the rumble went, the earth drown. At first, the fighters were horrified, hurried, and then all the squash at Dobrynu were thrown, and the struggle-fun was replaced by a fight. With a scream, yes with a weapon at Dobrynya piled up.

And Dobrynynya was unarmed was, the first hundred spread, core, and for those whole thousand.

He snatched the TV axis and began to sweat enemies with that axis. Ivan Dubrovich jumped from the chambers to him, and they began to beat the enemies together. Where the warriors will be held - there is a street, and in the direction collapsed - the lane.

The fourth is adulted, do not eat.

Hand-legs at the Khan shook, as he saw it's lucky. Somehow crawled on a wide yard and prayed, began to begged:

- Nice Russian warriors! You leave my fighters, do not ruin them! And I will give the prince Vladimir to the guilty, I will order my grandchildren and great-grandchildren with Russians, do not fight, do not scold and I will be a tribute to pay the eyelids of the eternal!

He called up the Bogatyr ambassadors to the Chamber of Belokamennaya, treated there with sugar dishes and to be a meek. After that, Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich was written by Vladimir, the Monsted Time: the events of the Eternal on Russia did not walk, do not fight with Russian, do not rid and pay tribute to the events forever. Then it was pure silver, the other WHO was embanked red gold, and the third WHO was embanked by the pitched pearl, and Vladimir sent twelve swans to Vladimir, twelve and the ambassadors spent the ambassadors. He himself went to the wide yard and after the heavens lowered low.

And the Russian mighty warriors - Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Casimirovich Da Ivan Dubrovich sat down in good horses and drove off the courtyard of Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich, and after they drove three warlings with the silent treasury and with gifts prince Vladimir. Day by day, how rain will rain, a week for a week, as the river runs, and the bogatyr-ambassadors are moving forward. They go from the morning to the evening, the Red Solnyka to sunset. When the supreme horses are allocated and the good items themselves are triggered, they will be taken, they put the tents of white-traded, horses will rise, they will rest, go, go, and again the way they are kidden. Wide fields are driving, through fast rivers are transferred - and here we arrived in the solar Kiev-hail.

Coupled to the princely spacious yard and got here with good horses, then Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Kazimirovich Yes Ivanushka Dubrovich was included in the chambers of Prince, they crossed a scientist, the bows were written in writing: all four sides were low, and Prince Vladimir Princess in Sober, and said these words:

- Oh, you are Goy Esi, Prince Vladimir Stoll-Kiev! We visited the Khan Hand, your service was guilty there. Tried Khan Bakhtiir to bow to you. - And here they were printed by Vladimir Khan diploma the opposite.

Prince Vladimir on the oak bench and read that diploma. Then he jumped on the back of his legs, began to boost, Kudri blond began to stroke, the right hand began to wave and he said lightly joyful:

- Ay, glorious Russian warriors! After all, in the letter of Hanskaya asks Bakhtiyar Bakhtiyarovich Mira, in the eve of the eternal, and there is also registered there: he will pay the tribute to us in the age of century. Here's how prexial you have made my embassy there!

Here Dobrynya Nikitich, Vasily Casimirovich Yes Ivan Dubrovich filed a prince of Bakhtiyarov Dar: Twelve swans, twelve and great tribute - WHO Pure Silver, WHO Red Gold Yes WHO Pearls.

And the prince of Vladimir was started at the joys of the honors feast into the glory of Dobryni Nikitich, Vasilla Kazyzirovich Yes Ivan Dubrovich.

And at that kind, Nikitich and Slava sing.

Alyosha Popovich


In the glorious city in Rostov, the father of the father of Levonthia in the consolation and the daily parents grew by the parents of Alyoshenka's favorite son.

The guy grew, Mothers not by day, but by the clock, as if the dough was risening on his octar, the strength of the fortress was poured.

On the street he began to tackle, with the guys to play games. In all the guys rags, the ataman jacket was: brave, funny, desperate - violent, dead head!

Sometimes the neighbors complained: "I can't hold it in the stakes! Take, shoot a son! "

And the parents of the soul in the Son did not care and said in response: "I will not do anything with rigorism, but he will grow up, he indignant, and all the pranks - leprosy as a hand!"

And Ros Alyosha Popovich-Youth. And he became at the age. He rushed on the horse, learned to own a sword. And then came to the parent, his father bowed and began to ask for a farewell-blessing:

- Blessed me, Parent-Batyushka, go to the solar Kiev-hail, serve the prince of Vladimir, to stand on the heads of the Bogatyrs, to defend our Enemies.

- We did not care with the mother that you will leave us that it will be no one to conquer our old age, but on the family, it is clear that it is written: you are tightly worse. Then a good deed, and for good things to accept our blessing parent, you don't bless you on thin things!

Alyosha went to the wide yard, went into the stable at the stall, took the horse of the Bogatyrian and began to sit down. At first, he imposed the players, put the felt on the tubers, and the Cherkasskoye Sedochiko felt, tightly tightening the silk, the gold buckles were fastened, and busty bunties. Everything is not for the sake of the pains-bass, but for the sake of the fortress of the hectares: how Silk does not break, the Bulat will not be nervous, the red gold does not rust, the boys sits on the horse, does not grow old.

Lathods were put on the flaws, buttons were stuck with pearls. Moreover, put a bodger bobbin on himself, took the armor all the boys. In the fibement of the tight onion, the twelve arrows of the boiled, I also took the root of the Bogatyr and a spear, the Klasman was cocked by a sword, did not forget to take a sharp leggown. A snitch vote shouted a cupboard Evdokimushka:

- Do not fall behind, followed by me! And only saw the delete of good well done, as he sat down at the horse, but they did not see how he was gone from the courtyard. Only dusty curren rose.

How long did the path continued, much if the road lasted a lot of time, and Alyosha Popovich arrived with his couple of Evdokimushki to soil Kiev-hail. They disappeared not expensive, not a gate, but gone through the walls of the city, past the tower on a wide one on the princesses. Alosha spoiled from the good horse, he entered the chambers of Prince, the cross put it in writing, and the bows were a scientist who was lowered: all four sides were low, and Prince Vladimir Yes Princess Apraksin in Sobitu.

At that time, Prince Vladimir started the honors feast, and he ordered his departures - the servants faithful to put Alyoshu from a bash pillar.

Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin

The glorious Russian warns at the time in Kiev is not from the rays of elk. The princes with boyars came up on the feast, and everyone sit awesome, gratuled, the brown heads hung, drowned the eyes in the oak floor ...

At that time, at that time, with the noise-crash, the door on the fifask swung and entered the chamber of the table Tugarin-Dog. The growth of Tugarin is terrible, his head as a beer boiler, glazes like a cup, in shoulders - oblique soap. The images of Tugarin did not pray, with princes, he did not greet the boyars. And Prince Vladimir with Apraxisa him lowered him, took him under his arms, planted at the table in a large corner on the bench oak, spanned, expensive fluffy carpet covered. Russell, spared at the honorable place to Tugarin, sits, grins into the whole wide mouth, over the princes, the boyars mock, over Vladimir-Prince is gangways. Yandhov drinks green wine, drinks with honey standing.

Brought on the tables of geese-swans and gray baked courses, boiled, fried. On the row of bread for a cheek Tugarin Kla, on white swan poles swallowed ...

Alyosha looked because of a baked pillar on Tugarin-Nakhalin, and I said:

- My parent, Rostovsky's pop, was a rzhorista cow: for the whole Lohani sled Saw, as long as Obuhoris did not break the cow!

Tugarine, those speeches not in love came, seemed offended. He threw a sharp knocker in Alyosha. But Alyosha - he was dirty was - on the summer she grabbed a sharp knife kinzhal, and he sits himself. And asked these words:

- We will go, Tugarin, with you in a pure field, and try the forces of the Bogatyr.

And here sat on good horses and drove into a clean field, in a wide part of it. They beat there, drose until the evening, the sun was red to sunset, nicketer nickered wounded. Tugarin's horse on the wings was fiery. The Tugarin swayed, rose on the wilt horse under the shelter and goes on time to depone, to hit the blind on top to Alyosha-fall. Alyosha began to ask, sentence:

- Some, roll, the cloud is dark! You fly, cloud, frequent rain, pans, hiding in Tugarine horse wings fiery!

And from where neither take the damage to the dark. The cloud sheds a frequent rain, borrowed-put the wings of the fiery, and Tugarin went down on a horse from the scenery of the land.

Here Aleshyanka Popovich-Yu shouted with a snatch voice, as the pipe played:

- Looking back, bass! There, Russian mighty warriors are standing. I came to my face!

Tugarin looked around, and at that time, at that time Alylezhenka jumped to him - he was awaited and the snarling was, he swung his headed his head with his head, tugar. On the match with Tugarin and ended.

Fight with basher Reli near Kiev

He turned Alesh Horse of the thing and went to Kiev-hail. It overtakes, he catch up with a squad small - Russian cereals.

Ask warriors:

"Where are you ruining the way, an unfortunate good good one, and what is your name name, most of them?"

Replies the warmer to the warriors:

- I am Alyosha Popovich. He fought, rather in a clean field with a pulp Tugarin, reading to him the head of his head and here I'm going to the solar Kiev-hail.

Alyosha is riding with the warriors, and they see: near the city of Kiev Raint-force is a bassman.

Surrounded, laid the walls of the city from all four sides. And so much forces that incorrectly missed that from the scream of Basurmansky, from the rye konsky and from the screen from the TV, the noise should be thunder, and the human heart dishes. Near the troops along the plot of the field ride the Basurman Rider-Bogatyr, stiff voice, boasts:

- Kiev-city We are from the face of the Earth, all at home and God's churches are sleeping with fire, we will put the heads, the citizens will be rising all, Boyar Yes Prince Vladimir to complete and force us in Horde in the shepherds to walk, militants to reach!

As the Basurmanskaya's unpretentious strength was heard, they heard the boastful speeches of the rider-pulverice of Alyoshina travelers-warriors, kept robust horses, mowed, kneaded.

And Alyosha Popovich Hytich-assertive was. Where it is impossible to take power, he took back there. He shouted with a loud voice:

- You're Goy Esi, a temple of the host! There are no two deaths, but one not to power. The crash is a buoyed head in battle to be folded, than the glorious city of Kiev shame to survive! We will scold on the runet-power of the finely, we will free from the great Kiev-hail, and our merit will not be forgotten, it will pass, goes about us. Glory loud: hear about us and the old Cossack Ilya Muromets, son Ivanovich. For the bravery, it will bow to us - whether it does not honor, not glory!

Alyosha Popovich-Young with his buddy brave on the enemy hordes. They beat Basurman, as the grass coar: when a sword, when a spear, when a heavy battleclock. The most important hero of the prashilatsky took out Alyosha Popovich to the sharp sword and Rusk-ripped him in half. The horror fear attacked the directions. Did no contradict, they fought where the eyes look. And the road was cleared to soil Kiev-hail.

No, probably, such a person in Russia, who would not hear about heroes. Heroes who came to us from the ancient Russian languages \u200b\u200b- epic, have always been popular with writers, artists, cinema figures. The next round of the popularity of heroes is associated with the release of a series of animated films dedicated to them somewhat loose adventure.

At the same time, most Russians know only about the very narrow circle of heroes. In fact, the number of bogatyr epic that has come down to our time is calculated by hundreds, and the warriors themselves are divided into several categories. Highlights of the pagan and Christian era, Dotar, Tatar and Postartar ...

There is a large group of warns associated with Kiev and Prince Vladimir, but there are also those that do not have relation to the "central power" at all, remaining "regional heroes" of individual cities.

The adventures of some heroes are intertwined with each other, while others act independently.


Svyatogor is so huge that he is "above the forest of standing, below the cloud of walking." He dwells the bogatyr on the Saints Mountains, with his trip, the mother of Cheese Earth shakes, the forests pegs and rivers fall out of the banks.

The father of the bogatyr was called "dark", that is, the blind way that in East Slavic mythology was a sign of creatures from a different world.

No service Svyatogor carries, although it intersects with other heroes. So, in one of the epics, Svyatogor travels with Ilya, Muromers, and they meet the stone coffin on the way. Having decided to try it out, Svyatogor turns his prisoner and dies, having passed the part of his strength to Ilya Muromets. In another eponymous, Ily Murom seduces the wife of the Sochar. Having learned about this, Svyatogor kills the fallen woman, and with the story of Horh Ilyoy, he enters the brotherhood.

In another eponym, Svyatogor is measured by a silhole of Bogatlish with another "colleague" - Mikula Selininovich. The cunning rival throws a SUMA to the ground, in which the "whole burdard" was concluded, offering the Sagraith to raise it. This attempt ends with the death of the hero.

In the eponymies, Svyatogor dies more often than other heroes. Scientists associate this with the fact that this image personifies the primitive forces of nature, the element that does not serve a person.

Mikula Selyaninovich

Mikula Selyaninovich, as well as Svyatogor, does not consist of any service of Prince and is not a warrior. But, unlike the Slyanrovich, Mikula Selyaninovich is busy with social and useful things - he is a bogatyr-plower.

It is impossible to beat with Mikula Selyaninovich, for the Mother of Cheese Earth is behind him. That is why Mikula Selyaninovich is able to raise the Suma with the "whole burden", in contrast to the Siberian Sea, which this attempt is ruined.

Scientists find a lot in common with the Slavic God of Perun in the form of Mikuly Selinianovich. According to one of the versions, the popularity of Rusikola's wonderworker goes its roots in the reverence of Mikula Selininovich.
If you consider that the image of St. Nicholas has served the creation of history about the Christmas wizard, which in our territories is stubbornly associated with Santa Claus, then you can build a chain according to which Santa Claus is a bogatyr Mikula Selininovich in pensions.

Unlike the Siberian Sea, who has only an incorrect spouse in the eponyms, Mikula Selinianovich has daughters - Vasilisa and Nastasya. Nastasya became the wife of Dobryni Nikitich, and as for Vasilisa, she was well acquainted with lovers of Soviet cartoons - this is the same Vasilisa Mikulishna, which, having trapped the ambassador from the Golden Horde, freed his husband of Stava Godinovich.

Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets, the first in a number of so-called "younger heroes", warriors, is perhaps the most famous to the general public.

Satisfied to 33 years old at home, do not own hands and legs, he was healed by the elders and went to make feats. It is curious that Vladimir's service was thought about the service of Ilya by the Kiev prince only on parts of Russian lands - in the rest of the regions the feats of the hero were exclusively his personal matter.

The most common and classic feat of Ilya Muromets is a victory over the sololov-robber. At the same time, Muromets, perhaps, the most popular bogatyr, its exploits are devoted more than one and a half dozens of original epic. Among those who defeated Ilya, - Idolische Pogano, some snakes, Kalin King and many others.

Life from Ilya is rather stormy: there is a wife of Zallaghorca, the son of Sokolnik (in another version - daughter), he actively interacts with other Russian heroes. At the same time, if relations with good Nikitich and Alesh Popovich more often comradely, the meetings with Svyatogor are crying for the latter.

If the Selinirovich is not a real prototype in the Selinian and Mikula, then Ilya Muromets have such a few.
Most often, he is associated with Elijah, the ink of Kiev-Pechurch Lavra, who lived in the XII century. Slaya, born in Murom, wore a nickname "Chobotok". It was a nickname that he got a bogatyr for the fact that once hesitated from the enemies "Chobot", that is, boot.

According to one of the versions, the ink of the Bogatyr began after severe injured in battle. The examination of the relics of Elijah Pecherski showed that he really died against the effects of the blow to a sharp weapon in the chest. The prototype of Muromets could die in 1204 during the capture of Keeva Prince Rürik Rostislavich, when the Kiev-Pechurch Laurel was defeated by Polovtsy.


Unlike Ilya Muromsz, Dobrynya Nikitich - a person who is approached by the Kiev prince performing his orders. Dobrynya is not bent for the collection and transportation of Dani, takes on those assignments from which colleagues are refused for some reason, and has a tendency to diplomacy.

The most famous opponent of Dobryni is a snake, better known as the Zmey-Gorynych, from whose captivity, the bogatyr frees the nephew of the prince of fun Putyish.

Dobrynya is the most creative person among the warriors. He plays well in Tavlei (Old Russian checkers), sings perfectly and plays on the hurs.

Dobryni Nikitich has extensive connections - in addition to the proximity to the prince, he is married to Nastasya Mikulich, daughters Mikula Selininovich.

According to the episodes, Dobrynya - Son of Ryazan Governor. The most likely prototype of the heroes is called Dobryna, the Voiv of Prince Vladimir Saint. Dobrynya was an extremely influential person, since he had to prince his native uncle - he was a brother of his mother Malushi. During a certain time, Dobrynya was a mentor for Prince, a senior comrade.

Alyosha Popovich
Alyosha Popovich is the most dubious character from the "classic troika" of the hero. The son of the Rostov pop, Alyosha bragged, sickly, Lucav, sometimes it allows themselves to be unacceptable jokes, for which it believes with their comrades.

So, for example, in one of the epic Alyosha, the wives of Dobryni Nastasya Mikulishna, spreading false rumors about the death of a friend.

In another eponymous, the angry brothers seduced by Elena or Alena chosen to them cut off the head. True, in a better version of Alesh, Popovich had to marry Alyonushka, in order to avoid the worst.

The main opponent of Aleshi - Tugarin, the evil boys, followed by the image of a nomad, the fight against which Russians led for a long time.

The main historical prototype of Aleshi Popovich - Rostov Boyar Olesha (Alexander) Popovich. Excellent warrior, Olesha served as a big nest prince, and then participated in the internecine wars of his sons. Subsequently, Olyosh Popovich went to the service for the prince of Mstislav older and died with him in 1223 in the battle on Kalka, who became the first meeting of Russians with Tatar-Mongols. Dobrynya Ryazan Zlata belt died in the same battle, another candidate for prototypes of the epic Dobryni Nikitich.

Bogatyri - epic defenders of Russian land, "superheroes" of the Russian people over the centuries. Recall the main.

1. Ilya Muromets. Saint Bogatyr

Ilya Muromets canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, this is the main Russian warmer. Ilya Muromets is the main character not only by Russian epic, but also, for example, the German epic poems of the XIII century. In them, he is also called Ilya, he is also a bogatyr, thanks in his homeland. Ilya Muromets meets in the Scandinavian sagas, in them, he, no, is not enough, the blood brother of Prince Vladimir.

2. Bova Koruvich. Lubric Bogatyr

Bova Korolovich for a long time was the most popular in the people. The cheating fairy tales about the "stubborn bogatyr" went out of hundreds of publications from the XVIII to the XX century. Pushkin wrote a "fairy tale about Tsar Saltan," partially borrowing the plot and the names of the heroes of the fairy tales about the fighting of the Koriushe, who he was reading nanny. Moreover, even made sketches of the poem "Bova", but death will prevent him from finish the work.

The prototype of this Vityaz was the French knight Bovo de Anton from the famous Chronicle poem Reali Di Francia, written in the XIV century. In this regard, Bova is a completely unique bogatyr - climb.

3. Alyasha Popovich. Junior

"The younger of the younger" heroes, and therefore, the set of qualities does not have such "Supermansky." He is not even alien by vice: cunning, egoism, korestolubie. That is, on the one hand, it is distinguished by courage, but on the other - proud, swelling, baking, dorien and rude.

4. Svyatogor. Megabogatyr

MegaBogatyar. But the hero of the "old world". The Giant, the Senior Bogatyr magnitude with the mountain, whom even the Earth does not hold, lies on the grief in idleness. The epics tell about his meeting with the terrestrial and death in the magic grave.

Many features of the biblical hero of Samson were transferred to the saint. It is difficult to determine exactly its ancient origin. In the legends of the people, Bogatyr-Veteran passes its strength to Ilya Murometsz, the Bogatyr of the Christian century.

5. Dobrynya Nikitich. Bogatyr with connections

Dobryna Nikitich is often correlated with the chronicle of the kind, Uncle Prince Vladimir (on another version of the nephew). His name emphasizes the essence of the Gogatyr Software. Dobrynya has a nickname "Young", with a huge physical strength "Muhi will not be offended," he is defender "widows and orphans, unfortunate wives." Dobrynya also "Artist in the Soul: Master singing and playing on the hurs."

6. Duk Stepanovich. Bogatyr-major

Duke Stepanovich arrives in Kiev from the conditional India, behind which, according to folklinists, in this case hid the Galico-Volyn Earth, and suits the marathon of boasting in Kiev, tested from the prince, and continues to brag. As a result, Vladimir learns that Duke is really very rich and offers him citizenship. But Duke refuses, because "if you sell Kiev and Chernihiv and buy paper for inventory of wealth, it's not enough paper."

7. Mikula Selyaninovich. Bogatyr-Pakharist

Mikula Selyaninovich - Bogatyr Agrarius. It is found in two epons: about Svyatogore and Volga Svyatoslavich. Mikula is the first representative of the agricultural life, the mighty peasant-plower.
He is strong and hardy, but the household. All his strength he invests in agriculture and family.

8. Volga Svyatoslavovich. Bogatyr Mag.

Supporters of the "Historical School" in the study of the epic believe that the prototype of the epic Volga was Prince Vslav Polotsky. Also, Wolga corrected with Oleg with the prophet, and his trip to India - with a trip of Oleg on the Tsargrad. Wolga is not an easy warrior, he has the ability to turn overround, knows how to understand the language of animals and birds.

9. Sukhman Odikmantevich. Offended bogatyr

According to Vsevolod Miller, the prototype of the hero was the Pskov Prince Dovmont, which was ruled from 1266 to 1299.

In the epics of Kiev cycle, Sukhman goes to get the prince Vladimir Swan White, but on the road joins the fight with the Tatar Hagic, the bridges in the River Petra. Sukhman wins the Tatars, but in battle gets wounds that sticks with leaves. Returning to Kiev without white swans, he tells the prince about the Boy, but the prince does not believe him and sharpen Sukhman to the dungeon until the clarification. Dobrynya leaves for nepreme and learns that Suhman was not lied. But it's' too late. Sukhman feels disgraced, dug leaves and expires blood. From his blood begins the Sukhman River.

10. Danube Ivanovich. Tragic Bogatyr

According to the Ones of the Danube, it was from the blood of the hero that began a river with the same name. Danube - Bogatyr tragic. He loses his wife Nastasya in archery competitions, accidentally falls into her when he attempt to recoup, learns that Nastasya was pregnant and stumbled on a saber.

11. Mikhailo Pyotk. Faithful husband

Folklorists disagree in opinions, with whom it is necessary to correlate Mikhailo dock (or stream). The roots of his images are found in the Bulgarian heroic epic, and in Western European fairy tales, and even in the Mongolian epic "GESER".
According to one of the eponym, the flow with his wife Avdotie Lebed White gives a jam that who of them do not died first, the second is buried next to the grave alive. When Avdota dies, the streams are buried next to the full armament and on horseback, he fats with the dragon and revives his wife's blood. When he himself dies, Avdota bury with him.

12. Hoten Bluudovich. Bogatyr-Groom

Bogatyr Hoten Bluudovich for the sake of a wedding with an enviable bride tea hourly beats the nine brothers, then a whole army hired by the future mother-in-law. As a result, the bogatyr receives a rich dowry and acts in the eponym as a bogatyr "who married well."

13. Vasily Buslaev. Ryanny Bogatyr

The most removed hero of the Novgorod epic cycle. His unbridled temper leads to a conflict in Novgorod and he desperately, beyond, beats about the mortgage, which will beat all the men of the Novgorodsky on the Volkhov bridge and almost performs the promised - while his mother does not stop.
In another eponym, he is already mature, goes to Jerusalem to pour sins. But Buslaev will regain - he is again taken for the old and ridiculous dying, proving his youth.

14. Anika Warrior. Bogatyr in words

Anike Warrior today is called a person who loves to boast by their strength away from danger. Unusual for the Russian epic hero, the name of the hero is likely to be taken from the Byzantine legend of the hero of Digeneis, which is mentioned with constant epithet anikitos..
Anica Warrior is in the verse boasts by force and offends the weak, his death is instrument, Anika challenges her challenge and dies.

15. Nikita Kozhemyaka. Smeaker.

Nikita Kozhemyaka in Russian fairy tales is one of the main heroes-Smeaker. Before entering the fight with the snake, it bursts 12 skins, thereby proving its legendary power. Kozhemyaka not only defeats the snake, but also harnesses it in the hust and adheres the land from Kiev to the Black Sea. Various trees near Kiev received their name (Zmiev) just because of the acts of Nikita Kozhemyaki.