The essay is a small person in the story of Gogol Sinel. The topic of compassion in the work of "Shinel" (N.V.

The essay is a small person in the story of Gogol Sinel. The topic of compassion in the work of "Shinel" (N.V.

Analysis of the story N. Gogol "Shinel: The image of a" little man "

The topic of the story "Shinel" Gogol is a story about the fate of a "little man", that is, insignificant in the society of personality. The main hero of the story "Shinel", the official Bashmachkin, looks a meager person, because he has neither power, no money, nor fame. But the "little person" in reality is not a nonentity - this is the same person as everyone. He is able to feel, suffer, and his feelings, troubles and joy are no less important than that of some brave hero, intellectual or aristocrat.

Hero of the story of Gogol "Shinel" is an official of the lower rank - Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkin. He lives in in St. Petersburg, in poverty. After all, his meager rank and salary do not allow him anything in life. He has no family, because it simply will not be able to keep it, does not know the fun and entertainment. However, Bashmachkin is satisfied with such a simple, modest, limited from all sides by existence, because he does not know the other.

The characteristic of Akakia Akakiyevich in the "Sineli" would be incomplete if we did not notice these features like inexpressiveness and timidity. He is not used to thinking and arguing about anything. Therefore, it is not capable of any other service, except to rewrite paper.

The role of Sineli in the story of Gogol is symbolic, because the acquisition of a new sheer has become for Bashmachkina as if a step to a new life. Shinel is a symbol of the joy of life and human dignity.

When the purchase of a new sheel became a necessary goal for her hero, for her, he exposes himself ascetic: saves on the wash of clothes, it does not allow himself tea, does not light the candles, even walks on tiptoe, so as not to erased the boots. And when the new chinel is ready, the hero seems to wake up and begins to feel self-esteem. When she steal, it causes Akakievich poor Akakiya such a protest, such a shock, as if the world turns over. For the first time, the pileous and intimidated Akaki Akakievich allows himself a rebel.

"Little Man" with his grief turned out to be no one needed. Haste and rich personalities do not want to help him when he rizes their thresholds, asks to find thieves. When Bashmachkin dies, no one notices his death, and another minor official comes to his place.

The problematics of the Turn "Shinel" of Gogol is to formulate the problem of the human dignity of a "little man." The hero of "Sineli", as he can, enters into the fight and is trying to defend its dignity and the right to the best life.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGogol "Sineli" is that the writer showed the injustice and cruelty of society regarding "small", but honest and conscientious people. He reminds that all people are worthy of respect, despite their social status.

The problem of a "little man" in Russian literature sounds in the works of A. S. Pushkin "Stationander" and "Copper Horseman". Following this, N. V. Gogol wrote his work "Shinel", in which this topic is very brightly disclosed. He had a great influence on the further movement of Russian literature. "We all went out of Sineli Gogol," Dostoevsky wrote. The author is dissatisfied with the inequality of noble, rich and simple, poor people. Stronger offend and mock weak and do not bear any punishment. He considers it wrong and expresses his indignation in the story.

Let's first figure it out, which means the expression "Little Man". As a rule, so in the literature is usually called poor, disadvantaged and more thangiving person, leading modest image and life and persistent insults from strong.

In the story "Shinel" is such a protagonist - Bashmachkin Akaki Akakievich.

He is a timid man and oppressed by his social status, "a scored, short-sized creature, who is dumbfounded by the colleagues," as the author says. Works Bashmachkin in the Department is engaged in rewriting documents. Nobody respects him at work and does not pay attention, neither the boss, no collaboration, nor even the guard. "They not only did not get up from the places when he passed, but they didn't even look at him, as if the simple flies flew through the reception," due to this phrase N. V. Gogol, the attitude towards Akaky Akakiyevich immediately becomes clear. Hero's life is very boring. The only joy in it is the clarification of the papers. He likes to withdraw the letters and completely immersed in the work, forgetting resentment and need. Even at home he thinks only about that "that God will send to rewrite tomorrow." Akaki Akakievich wants nothing to change in his life, even it seems that he does not understand why he lives.

The meaning becomes a new chinel. To sew a thing you need to collect the desired amount of money. The hero of half a year refuses himself in everything. Finally the funds are assembled. Shinel is a real holiday for Bashmachkina. But her theft turns around the tragedy, the "little person" no longer wants to live and nothing remains to do, how to die, since his misfortune no one even tried to understand.

Through the ending of the story, we understand that even "little people" cannot be offended, they can still stand up for themselves, as a last resort, after death, as in this work. But justice after all, it came when the attachment pulled the coat with the shoulders of the general. After that it calmed down.

The tale of "Shinel" is relevant and now, because in our time there is a problem of a "little man." She teaches us to think about their actions, because people often do not think that they do and say, and because of this, others suffer. It is necessary to help those who need this and not be heartless.

The image of a "little man" in the story of H. V. Gogol "Shinel". In his works N. V. Gogol often refers to the topic of a "little man." As you know, anyone who is confident in herself is, as a rule, is in mind. He also represents the riddles for others, be chosen by the scoundrel or, on the contrary, a noble person, since his actions openly declares himself. Another thing is the so-called "little people" who themselves recognize their insignificance, and therefore they try once again not to come across the eyes. They live quietly with their small concerns and aspirations, but the more interesting to know, and what in the soul of such a person, what he lives, and why he clogged into his sink and does not allow him to him. Probably, the same questions were asked Gogol, creating his work. He tries to figure out what causes the main character to keep such a sad existence, trying to consider in his soul any noble impulses and dreams.

Bashmushkin Akaki Akakievich from Shenels held the lowest official in one of the departments. This man was so invisible that even colleagues did not remember "when and at what time he entered the department and who defined it." Over time, he even turned into a kind of relic of this institution: "How many directors and all sorts of chiefs were changed, he saw everything in the same place, in the same position, in the same position, the same official for the letter, so Then they assured that he was visible, and was born on the light completely ready, in Vitzmundyr and with Lysina on his head. " This man was completely harmless and did not even try to defend his rights before anyone. Feeling in many ways the victim, and acting similarly, Akaki Akakievich to some extent he was to blame for himself in a particularly despotic attitude of the heads for his person, and in mockery to his address of young officials.

His defenselessness and reliability awakened in an amazing way in others, and even in the most educated and sophisticated terrible inhumanity and "fierce rudeness." The only thing that had enough poor official with especially painful jokes in his address is on the phrase: "Leave me, why do you offend me?" However, he said it with such a penetrating voice that even one of the officials later recalled the poor fellow and penetrated with sympathy and pity. The young man suddenly died his mock over Akakiya Akakievich, unexpectedly realizing that even such pitiful creatures had a soul that could be sick, like everyone else. The appearance of Bashmachkina also touched the surrounding people, if not against him, then relative to the relationship with some fraction of squeamishness and contempt: "... low growth, somewhat ripped out, somewhat reddish, somewhat even on the sight of the sight, with a small lycin on the forehead, with wrinkles on both sides The cheeks and color of the face as hemorrhoidal ... ". The official did not follow the own dress: "... Vitzmundir he had no green, and some kind of reddish-flour color", in addition, it constantly sticks something to him, then thread, then a piece of hay. It seemed that this man just attracted small trouble to himself. So, for example, he always turned out under the windows at the moment when something was thrown away from them. Of course, it attached his appearance some sloppy view.

The official did not have friends or a beloved. In the evenings, he came to his lonely apartment, eaten his soup and beef with a bow, and then rewritten the work taken to the house. If nothing was rewritten, I went to bed. This man did not have any entertainment, and they could not be, since any entertainment activities require certain funds. The salary of the official did not exceed four hundred rubles per year. Nevertheless, despite its unenviable position, this man was happy in his own way. He loved his work, one day turning the usual rewriting in a varied and pleasant world: "... Some letters he had favorites, to whom if he got, he was not his own: and I was frightened, and wink, and helped her lips, so in the face It seemed to read every letter that took his feather. " Perhaps having a similar diligence, the protagonist was capable of more, but the insecurity in all overfits very prevented Bashmachin to develop. So one of the heads decided to instruct Akakiya Akakiyevich the task more complicated, however, with whom the gymnasium could cope. An official, sweating from effort and excitement, refused. Since then, in addition to rewriting, nothing else was commissioned. Perhaps this man would have lived to deep old age, pleaseing the small, if his chinel did not come to such disrepair that there was no place to put the patchwork on it. Bashmachkin approached the tail several times, but he didn't agree to repair an old dress. Finally, the official decided to order a new sheel.

Half the amount was already already, but the second half had to take somewhere somewhere. Akaki Akakievich decided to more cut his scarce expenses. He refused evening tea, not to light in the evenings of the candles, walking down the street as much as possible to extend the life of the beams on boots, less often take things in the wash, and therefore in the evenings completely drop them and walk only in the old coat. Of course, such sacrifices made the purchase of overcoats the thing is some kind of special. Winter clothes acquired for Bashmachkina a completely different meaning: "From now as if the most existence did it somehow more, as if he got married, as if some other person was present with him, as if he was not alone, but what "It's a pleasant girlfriend of life agreed with him to go through the life road." Every week the official came to the tailor to talk about his future overcoat. This person has a goal that was able to completely change Akakia Akakievich. The expression of his face became harder and more lively, in the eyes even sometimes the fire was shown, and some bold and brave thoughts came to mind. All this said that no matter how a person was not clogged with the need and circumstances, with a strong desire he can influence his own life. By virtue of his loneliness, the officer of the worship of the official chinned not a living person, but the thing, however, it made him grow out from sleep and perform any actions, although his actions were sent no longer at the wrong position, and in addition, even more aggravating his unenviable position. Several months went to collect the desired amount. After that, Bashmachkin, together with the tailor, chose a cloth and a cat on the collar.

After two weeks, the sinel was ready and came just fit. The official immediately put her in the department: "He felt every moment of minutes that his new chinel was on his shoulders, and he even grinned from internal pleasure several times." The new thing seems to transform Akakia Akakievich, and this noticed all colleagues. They poured into the Swiss and began to praise the new clothes, completely embarrassed by this happy owner.

At the same time, the shrinkage was nice. He himself suddenly felt a little different and even agreed to the invitation, and then allowed himself a drink of several glasses of champagne. Returning from the guests, he even began to think about women, which was not observed before him. At first he looked at a picture with a beautiful girl, then "even ran up it was suddenly, it is unknown why, for some kind of Lammo, who, as Lightning passed by ...". Akaki Akakievich was in the finest mood, one can say on the top of happiness, when two robbers took the chinel.

The official was in full confusion, because he lost more than the chinel at night. He lost his girlfriend, his brainchild, stoned and expected for long month. The desire to return the sinel was so strong that Bashmachkin first showed his character, breaking through at the reception to a private, significant person.

Intruting the indifference and lecture of a significant person about the rosy against the heads and the highest, Akaki Akakievich could not bear it. Something coming home, he fell ill and died. Certainly, Akaki Akakievich is largely to blame for all that is happening. He allowed the usual thing to master all his feelings and desires that her loss led to the death of the hero. On the other hand, the author with a certain fraction of sympathy refers to his hero, since a considerable role in the tragedy played and the environment in which Bashmachina had to survive, and the surrounding people, with a fairing share of contempt relating to the problems of a "little man".

Perhaps this is why the ghost of the main character appeared in the story, disrupting Sineli and who studied the most significant face once.

1. Appeal to the topic of a "little man".
2. The cherished dream of Akakia Akakievich.
3. Tragedy in the Hero's Life.

In his works N. V. Gogol often refers to the topic of a "little man." As you know, anyone who is confident in herself is, as a rule, is in mind. He does not represent riddles for others, be the reserved scoundrel or, on the contrary, a noble person, since his actions openly declares himself. Another thing is the so-called "little people" who themselves recognize their insignificance, and therefore they try once again not to come across the eyes. They live quietly with their small concerns and aspirations, but the more interesting to know, and what in the soul of such a person, what he lives, and why he clogged into his sink and does not allow him to him. Probably, the same questions were asked Gogol, creating his work. He tries to figure out what causes the main character to keep such a sad existence, trying to consider in his soul any noble impulses and dreams.

Bashmushkin Akaki Akakievich from Shenels held the lowest official in one of the departments. This man was so invisible that even colleagues did not remember "when and at what time he entered the department and who defined it." Over time, he even turned into a kind of relic of this institution: "How many directors and all sorts of chiefs were changed, he saw everything in the same place, in the same position, in the same position, the same official for the letter, so Then they assured that he was visible, and was born on the light completely ready, in Vitzmundyr and with Lysina on his head. " This man was completely harmless and did not even try to defend his rights before anyone. Feeling in many ways the victim, and acting similarly, Akaki Akakievich to some extent he was to blame for himself in a particularly despotic attitude of the heads for his person, and in mockery to his address of young officials.

His defenselessness and reliability awakened in an amazing way in others, and even in the most educated and sophisticated terrible inhumanity and "fierce rudeness." The only thing that had enough poor official with especially painful jokes in his address is on the phrase: "Leave me, why do you offend me?" However, he said it with such a penetrating voice that even one of the officials later recalled the poor fellow and penetrated with sympathy and pity. The young man suddenly died his mock over Akakiya Akakievich, unexpectedly realizing that even such pitiful creatures had a soul that could be sick, like everyone else. The appearance of Bashmachkina also touched the surrounding people, if not against him, then relative to the relationship with some shares of squeaming and contempt: "... low growth, somewhat ripping, somewhat reddish, somewhat even in the view, with a small lycin on the forehead, with wrinkles by Both sides of the cheek and the color of the face as hemorrhoidal ... ". The official did not follow the own dress: "... Vitzmundir he had no green, and some kind of reddish-flour color", in addition, it constantly sticks something to him, then thread, then a piece of hay. It seemed that this man just attracted small trouble to himself. So, for example, he always turned out under the windows at the moment when something was thrown away from them. Of course, it attached his appearance some sloppy view. The official did not have friends or a beloved. In the evenings, he came to his lonely apartment, eaten his soup and beef with a bow, and then rewritten the work taken to the house. If nothing was rewritten, I went to bed. This man did not have any entertainment, and they could not be, since any entertainment activities require certain funds. The salary of the official did not exceed four hundred rubles per year. Nevertheless, despite its unenviable position, this man was happy in his own way. He loved his work, one day turning the usual rewriting in a varied and pleasant world: "... Some letters he had favorites, to which if he got, he was not his own: and he was frightened, and wink, and helped her lips, so In his face, it seemed to read every letter that took his feather. " Perhaps having a similar diligence, the protagonist was capable of more, but the insecurity in all overfits very prevented Bashmachin to develop. So one of the heads decided to instruct Akakiya Akakiyevich the task more complicated, however, with whom the gymnasium could cope. An official, sweating from effort and excitement, refused. Since then, in addition to rewriting, nothing else was commissioned. Perhaps this man would have lived to deep old age, pleaseing the small, if his chinel did not come to such disrepair that there was no place to put the patchwork on it. Bashmachkin approached the tail several times, but he didn't agree to repair an old dress. Finally, the official decided to order a new sheel.

Half the amount was already already, but the second half had to take somewhere somewhere. Akaki Akakievich decided to more cut his scarce expenses. He refused evening tea, not to light in the evenings of the candles, walking down the street as much as possible to extend the life of the beams on boots, less often take things in the wash, and therefore in the evenings completely drop them and walk only in the old coat. Of course, such sacrifices made the purchase of overcoats the thing is some kind of special. Winter clothes acquired for Bashmachkina a completely different meaning: "From now as if the most existence did it somehow more, as if he got married, as if some other person was present with him, as if he was not alone, but what "It's a pleasant girlfriend of life agreed with him to go through the life road." Every week the official came to the tailor to talk about his future overcoat. This person has a goal that was able to completely change Akakia Akakievich. The expression of his face became harder and more lively, in the eyes even sometimes the fire was shown, and some bold and brave thoughts came to mind. All this said that no matter how a person was not clogged with the need and circumstances, with a strong desire he can influence his own life. By virtue of his loneliness, the officer of the worship of the official chinned not a living person, but the thing, however, it made him grow out from sleep and perform any actions, although his actions were sent no longer at the wrong position, and in addition, even more aggravating his unenviable position. Several months went, to collect the necessary amount. After that, Bashmachkin, together with the tailor, chose a cloth and a cat on the collar.

After two weeks, the sinel was ready and came just fit. The official immediately put her in the department: "He felt every moment of minutes that his new chinel was on his shoulders, and he even grinned from internal pleasure several times." The new thing seems to transform Akakia Akakievich, and this noticed all colleagues. They poured into the Swiss and began to praise the new clothes, completely embarrassed by this happy owner.

At the same time, the shrinkage was nice. He himself suddenly felt a little different and even agreed to the invitation, and then allowed himself a drink of several glasses of champagne. Returning from the guests, he even began to think about women, which was not observed before him. At first he looked at a picture with a beautiful girl, then "even ran up it was suddenly, it is unknown why, for some kind of Lammo, who, as Lightning passed by ...". Akaki Akakievich was in the finest mood, one can say on the top of happiness, when two robbers took the chinel.

The official was in full confusion, because he lost more than the chinel at night. He lost his girlfriend, his brainchild, stoned and expected for long month. The desire to return the sinel was so strong that Bashmachkin first showed his character, breaking through at the reception to a private, significant person.

Acquiring on the indifference and lecture of a significant person about the richness against the heads and the highest, Akaki Akakievich could not bear it. Something coming home, he fell ill and died. Certainly, Akaki Akakievich is largely to blame for all that is happening. He allowed usual things so much to master all his feelings and desires that her loss led to the death of the hero. On the other hand, the author with a certain fraction of sympathy refers to his hero, since a considerable role in the tragedy played and the environment in which Bashmachina had to survive, and the surrounding people, with a fairing share of contempt relating to the problems of a "little man".

Perhaps this is why the ghost of the main character appeared in the story, disrupting Sineli and who studied the most significant face once.

What mourn and who makes Gogol in his story?

This is my commandment,

yes, love each other,

yako Az loved you.

Egoism and composure - this is perhaps the characteristic features of a modern person. Caring for yourself and criminal indifference to their loved ones, its compatriots - an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of Russia.

Such a society is historically doomed; A lot of examples can be seen in the facts of death of highly developed civilizations, whose representatives began to take care of only only the fullest satisfaction of their needs. Today, more than ever, we need to wake up from that spiritual hibernation, in which we plunged, becoming organized by consumers and users, to realize the level of the moral degradation, paralyzing society, and try to resurrect all world!

The keys to the Renaissance of Russia - in the immortal soul of each of us, in her not yet fully lost ability to believe, hope to compare, love! Today it is necessary to learn again, learn from Azov ... Learn in the Lona of the Church, the holy fathers of Orthodoxy, our Russian classics.

Creative heritage N.V. Gogol, the Russian Christian writer, must be truly in demand, read, thought out. Today, his story "Shinel" should be our desk book and teach us to compare and love your neighbor. Only fraternal love to each other will help us to survive and grow up as a nation ...

1. The topic of compassion and love in the story "Shinel"

1.1.Biography of the last story N.V. Gogol.

"Shinel" saw the light in 1842. The first idea of \u200b\u200bthis "wonderful story" arose in the thirties. She served as one story, similar to the anecdote, heard Gogol at one of the St. Petersburg parties.

It was about one official, all my life I dreamed of having a rifle for hunting and copying it from my scanty revenues. I finally buying the desired and having left for the first hunt at the Finnish bay, he lost his treasure: the gun was pulled into the water with a thick cane ... Returning home, he was running down and no longer got up: he was tormented by hot. Only when comrades, gathering money, bought him a new rifle, he was led to life. "Everyone laughed a joke, who had the true incident, excluding Gogol, who listened to his thoughtfully and lowered his head," he writes one of Gogol's biographers P.V.annenkov.

Gogol returned to this story a few years later, being abroad, in Italy, surviving the Vienna crisis of 1840, being on the verge of life and death. It was then that he appealed to God with a hot prayer, asking for his life at least two years to complete his work.

In the "Sineles" of 1842, we see a new Gogol, before us unknown. The author of Mirgod and the "Auditor", where he made a merciless accuser of human vices, in his new story deeply conducive to the chief hero. In this work of the Great Russian writer, there is a grief, sadness about the moral imperfection of man.

F.M.Dostoevsky felt the crying soul of his ingenious teacher in her: "He (Gogol) out of a joke about the missing Sineli had a terrible tragedy."

"Laughter of Gogol has bowed to pity," writes researcher I.P. Golden, - This last story of Gogol lies halfway from the first volume of the "dead souls" to the second and is a nodal post office on the road of Russian literature. "

1.2. The image of Bashmachkina and the motive of vulgarity in the story "Shinel".

What mourn and who makes Gogol in his story?

Official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin serves in one of the departments of St. Petersburg. The author, drawing his portrait, emphasizes him with nothing noticeable appearance: "... low growth, somewhat ripping, somewhat reddish, somewhat even on the sight of sunbathing ...". And this man of the most modest appearance occupies the most modest position: he rewrites business papers. But how copies! "I say a little, he serves zealously," no, he serves with love. " So in this rewriting, he sees some kind of diverse and pleasant world, "writes Gogol. We see that for Akakia Akakievich this activity was a source of pleasure, joy, consolation, even, can be said, inspiration; She "is for him almost the" religious "ministry and delivers hardly no spiritual consolation," says I. A. Vinogradov in the article "I am your brother ...".

Details of the hero portrait at the time of the "creative act": "... Some letters he had favorites, to which, if he got, was not his own: and laughed, and wink, and helped her lips, so in his face it seemed , it was possible to read every letter taken by his feather "

All life, all its meaning, all the strength of the soul Hero focus on his copyist's classes - the correspondence: "Akaki Akakievich, if she looked at what, then he saw his clean strings on all his pure, smooth handwriting."

"This almost religious concentration of Bashmachkina on his insignificant business seemingly from Gogol, not just a comic line of character, but he comprehended much more seriously - as a perversion of self-sufficiency inherent ability to self-suggestion," writes I. A. Vinogradov.

Gogol in the "Petersburg Hands" is interested in the problem of talent, his heyday or death in the soul of man. In "Sineli", considering the dedicated love of the hero to his official occupation, Gogol tells us about the death of the "artist" talent in Akakiyevich, but in the sense of human ability to "art", selfless service in its field of activity.

The topic of debt is key to the "Sineli" plan. "Duty is a shrine," Gogol noted in a separate sketch. "The man is happy when executes the debt." Nikolai Vasilyevich himself was bored by jealousy for the benefit of the Fatherland. He left the Nezhinsky Lyceum with these good thoughts and went to the northern capital.

After a long nuclear environment, the young man was admitted to the Department of Sale, where, since September 1829, he masters the stationery. The impressions of a careful young man from their official occupations and communicating with colleagues will serve him by those invaluable material, on the basis of which the most important conclusion on the role and importance of the activities of the civil servant will be placed.

In the article "Petersburg scene in 1835 - 36, written in 1836, speaking of heroes worthy of crushing in the Russian stage, Gogol mentions the official of the office, who, instead of performing the sacred duty imposed on him, thinks only The paper is beautifully written.

Thus, in "Shinels", as in other works of Gogol, where we are talking about the decisions and perversion of the soul, about the insignificance and the emptiness of its movements in the presence of other forces that can raise a person ", a strong chord sounds motive vulgarity. "Everywhere, where we are talking about vulgarity," Protopreswiter Vasily Zheenkovsky writes, "the author's casual sadness hears," if you are not real "tears through laughter," then the sorrowful feeling of tragicity of everything, which is actually a person's life, which is complicated. "

And therefore it is very not surprising that the Shinel, for which the Bashmachkin has long been copied, refusing to itself in the necessary and even beastly, and which after her acquisition has become a "pleasant girlfriend of life", "wife", became the sole purpose of "high" meaning , illuminated such a miserable, limited, spent Hero's life. So the most important passion in the life of Bashmachkina was born - passion for the thing, which determined the name of the story.

And when, as a result of the famous tragic case, the chinel disappears, this event becomes quite an explanatory cause of his death, because the words of the Savior are fair at all times: "Where are your treasures, your heart" (Matt. 6, 21).

In 1847, in the life of Belinsky, who saw in the form of Bashmachkina, the type of socio-oppressed "small" man, critic Apollo Grigoriev in his work "Gogol and his last book" wrote: "... In the image of Akakia Akakievich, the poet draws the last line of the crosses of God Creation to the extent that the thing and the thing is the most insignificant, it becomes a source of lawless joy for a person and destroying burning to the fact that the chinel is made by the tragic fatum in the life of the creature created in the image and the likeness of the eternal ... ".

So in the middle of the 19th century it was announced about the religious level of understanding the story, but the voice of the criticism was almost not heard. Nowadays, M.M. Dunaev in his book "Orthodoxy and Russian literature" writes that vulgarityfor Gogol there is a "concept of religious", and many of their characters, Gogol, judges, comparing their actions with the revelations of the Holy Scriptures.

Gogol Heroes violate the gospel of love of love, mercy, condescension to the neighbor. Violating the commandments, they commit greatness, as a result of which their souls are dead, and life is empty and meaningless. The man's soul becomes defenseless in front of the evil forces and can be subjected to various deplorable states: from the animal fear to a deadly despondency, unlike the soul of high and solid, which, according to the expression of St. Seraphim of the Sarov Wonderworker, " not desperate under any misfortunes».

1.3.Vangeli truths in the work of N.V. Gogol.

But does Gogol make his hero of a harsh and merciless sentence?

What is the basis of such compassion? "The key to everything," writes M. M. Dunaev, - in the famous place that too much spoke about, but the truth that concluded in it seems to be not found in it. " Gogol, taller about the atmosphere of a completely inhuman relationship of officials, colleagues to Akaky Akakiyevich, mentions one young man who, in the example of others, allowed to laugh at him, suddenly stopped, as if pierced, and since then, everything changed in front of him and seemed in another form. Some unnatural power pushed him out of his comrades with whom he met, having accepted them for decent secular people, and for a long time, among the most fun minutes, he was presented to him a low official with Lysina on his forehead, with his permeating words: "Leave me, why Do you offend me? " - And in these penetrating words, other words rang: " I'm your brother ".

I am your brother ... "The concept of fraternity", as M. M. Dunaev writes, does not make sense without the concept of paternity. We are talking about spiritual relationship: "Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin Brother each of us, since we have a single father of Heavenly. Gogol is making not the victim of social oppression, but the creation of God, who failed to show in his love the image and likeness of the father, in him, in the creation of concluded. "

I am your brother ... In these famous, keywords, it is not only a plenty of condescension to a weak, defenseless person, compassion for his grave position, but also a direct call for the help of the dying talent. Evidence of this is the attitude of the author himself to his hero not as a hopeless "idiot" and "freak", but as "may be a full-fledged and even a brilliantly gifted person."

I am your brother ... Here Gogol relies on the gospel truths: "If we love each other, then God is in us. We will love him, because he first loved us. Who says: "I love God," he hates his brother, that liar: for not a loved by his brother, whom he sees how God can love, whom he does not see? And we have such a commandment from him so that the loving God loved his brother "(1 John 4: 11-12, 19-21).

Love for the neighbor, by Christ the Savior, is the highest virtue of the Christian. "... about a man, as about your brother ... One with you faith, a single God and Father is called, sorry and condoles," said Saint Tikhon Zadonsky. It is very interesting and important to the statements of the saint on the state of the human heart, which may not be idle: "If love in the heart lives, then the fruits are kindly ... and noble, people are pleasant. If hostility is busy, it brings quarrels, crutches ... slander, condemnation, contempt, mockery, etc. .... "[13, 494].

This atmosphere of hostility towards a person reigning in the Department, and a young man was amazed. The terrible word "shuddered" (for the soul was horrified at the sight of lawlessness) Gogol puts a merciless sentence to any humiliation of a person created in the image and likeness of God.

1.4. N.V. Gogol about the meaning of compassion and love to neighbor.

Man, "Your Brother," may be in a very difficult position, get into trouble, to be on the verge of hungry death. The titular adviser to Bashmachkin, being in a fair age ("Akakiya Akakievich was climbed in fifty") in full solitude, survived the terrible moments of despair in the misfortune happened to him. But no one helped the suffering, no one extended the hand of help, and he did not hear from anyone else's simple good word, according to St. Tikhon Zadonsky, "Grieving console". And the Metropolitan of Moscow Macarius in the letter of his spiritual daughter claimed that "to love the neighbor is not a language, but the case" [14, 25]. He writes: "No matter how the ice is in human hearts, love, like the sun, will melt everything."

Gogol, on the memoirs of comrades in the Nezhinskaya gymnasium, treated his poverty with great attention, was very worried, meeting her, he always filed alms, passing by the poor, refusing to buy a favorite delicacy.

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg at the end of 1829, he himself tested a strong need because of the metropolitan high cost and winter jellows. In letters to the mother, he grief about high prices for an apartment, on clothes; In one of the letters, the chinel was mentioned, which was necessary to remake, replace the collar. "These impressions were the everyday, everyday material, which was used by Gogol when depicting a serious material situation of his hero," I. A. Virogradov writes in the article "I am your brother."

Later, already being a famous writer and continuing to experience financial difficulties, in 1844 he allocated money taken from the sale of "writings", poor students of St. Petersburg and Moscow universities. The personal property that remained after the death of Gogol consisted of several dozen rubles with silver, books and old things, and meanwhile the foundation created by them "to auxiliary to poor young people engaged in science and art" was more than two and a half thousand rubles.

In spiritual maturity, Gogol, studying the creations of the Holy Fathers of the Church, comes to understand that one external assistance is not enough. "Love ... Tell us much more to love your neighbor and brother than we love, she tells us to have not only one real help, but also spiritual, not only to take care of his body, but also the soul ...", - writes Gogol In the "Relief of Life in the World".

Commenting on these statements, I.A. Vinogradov writes: "The problem of rendering peace of mind with a contemporary - the problem of the revival of his dead soul Gogol directly connected with the ministry of Fatherland - on a specific job place of each ..." Ultimately, the performance of official duties - in their original, Not replaced by dead paper cigarette, - would solve, from Gogol, and the problem of overcoats, the problem of material wealth. "

Representative of the revolutionary - democratic criticism, N.G. Chernyshevsky in the article "Do not be changed?", Justifying Akakia Akakievich, wrote: "... The whole trouble is attributed to the inexlessness, the rudeness of people from whom his fate depends."

But the position of Gogol, a man of deeply believer, squeezed, "going and in life, and in creativity is the most difficult, most difficult way - by purifying, restoring the images of God," does not coincide with the opinion of radical criticism. The disadvantageous social environment - allegedly the only culprit in the growth of "modern idiots" - Gogol explained not to the influence of ... malicious persons, but saw the manifestation of human nature inherent in every man inherent in every person - the dysfunctional state of the soul of each of the members of this environment. "Utopic hope for social reforms and revolutions Gogol contrasted a sober understanding of the necessary spiritual education of each member of society," makes the most important conclusions of I.A. Vinogradov, revealing the true meaning of the Turn of the Shinel to every reading and thinking contemporary. "There is no old autocracy, and self-demand is still reigning in Russia, there are still no respect for man, to human dignity, to human rights," the philosopher N.A. Berdyaev in the article "Perfume of the Russian Revolution."

How much did Russia survive revolutions and social reforms, as I saw and the great human grief and suffering, she is experiencing and now at all is not a simple time.

And today, more than ever, the problems raised by Gogol in their last story, because the "unfavorable state of the medium" does not disappear due to the state of the soul of each of us and our attitude towards their official duties. With special, violent strength sounded today, in the era of a deep moral crisis in Russia, the words N.V. Gogol: "We need to remember the person that he is a high citizen of high heavenly citizenship. As long as he will not live in the life of heavenly citizenship, until it comes in order and earthly citizenship. "

A man enlightened by the divine truth and aware of his meaning of his earthly life, values \u200b\u200bthe treasures of his soul, among whom the love of God and his neighbor and sacrificial ministry of Fatherland.

Later in the "selected places from correspondence with friends" Gogol will ask the urgent question: "But how to love brothers, how to love people? - The soul wants to love one beautiful, and poor people are so imperfect and so little beautiful in them! " . Love is a fire, this is a flame that swept the human heart, and she is born from the first spark - compassion. Commonwealth to Russia, her flies, her troubles, her crossed path. And Russia is primarily people who share her extraordinary fate with her. "Bed Bashmachina is one of the private people of the people," writes M.M. Danube and quotes the excerpt from the article N.V. Gogol "You need to love Russia": "Thank God first of all for the fact that you are Russian. For Russian now, this path opens, and this path is all Russia. If only loves Russian Russia, love and all that is neither in Russia. God is now leading to this. Without diseases and suffering, which in such a plurality accumulated inside it and whom we ourselves, would not feel from us to her compassion. And the compassion is already the beginning of love. "

Thus, the great meaning of the "Sineli" opens to us in the "selected places from the census with friends", the masterpiece of the spiritual prose of Gogol. Here, in the most important outcome of the Mature Master, they find their completion of the main directions of the writer's creativity, the beginning of which is made in all its artistic prose. The final conclusions were made here, here the soul of the artist calms down in the God of the truths open to it.

The problem of alienation in the story "Shinel" and the current state of society in Russia.

The tale of the Shinel is interesting today for us another problem - the problem of alienation. The essence of the concept is set forth in the book of the priest of Andrei Gorbunov "For all and for all": "Alphabia is not a natural state of people, it contradicts the godrodal nature of man. Alienation is the internal non-recognition of the person in the other ... i.e. The internal murder of another. That is why in the Holy Scripture it is said: "Everyone, hate his brother, there is a human bike."

Non-recognition in the hero of the story of the Schinel personality, the lack of an elementary human attitude towards him from colleagues and the "official", the inability to help a person in trouble - all this consequence of alienation, which "was a consequence of the fall of people ...".

Loss of love leads to death: "... And Petersburg remained without Akakia Akakievich, as if he had never been in him." The author's comment on this event is significant and forces the reader to think deeply: "The creature disappeared and disappeared, with anyone who is not expensive to anyone or necessary for anyone." And in the subtext, approval: "Each human being must be protected, someone is expensive and interesting."

The story H in Gogol "Shinel" is a truly prophetic product of Russian classical literature, and the problem of alienation today is the most pressing our problem. With the highest level of a variety of technologies, with the dominant cult of pleasure as the meaning of life and the desire of a modern person, a catastrophic level of the fall in morality and the rupture of relations between people - related, friendly, fraternal are observed to fully satisfy all needs in the modern world.

As a result of such a state of society in modern Russia, more than half a million orphans are officially numbered, a huge number of old and sick people dying often without any care, as well as young people die of alcohol and drugs.

A terrible sin is a sin of indifference and mercifulness, as if leprosy, struck our souls. Refusing to compassion and love to each other, we risk losing our "alone" and disappear as a people.

And how saving today returning to his spiritual roots, to the invaluable literary classical heritage, a worthy place in which occupies the work of N.V.Gogol, a true patriot, and infinitely loved Russia and who joined this love to us: "It seems to me that everything is about the cotk throat And we argue, there is just a fuss, and only one love we need to care ... Oh, God will help us, and you, and me grow up this love in our hearts. "

The true revival of Russia will begin with the revival of the soul of every person, the love of God must be disgusted in the cat, then the Lord of our Jesus Christ will not leave us and no one can overcome us from God's love.

Gogol studied love in the saints who took care not only about his heavenly fatherland. "Who wears the Spirit of the Holy Spirit," the Rev. Siluan Athossky testifies, "he grieves the day and night about the whole people, and his heart regrets all the creation of God ...". The great wonderworker and the ascetic, the igumen of the Russian land, Rev. Sergius Radonezh bequeathed with all his children: "Looking at the unity of the Holy Trinity, to defeat the hated division of this world ...".

A decent student of his great teachers, Gogol, the feat of his life and creativity managed to turn Russian literature from "Aesthetics to Religion", thereby consecrating her eternal gospel truths. The story "Shinel" marked a new direction in the development of verbal art, called him on the path of education in the society of such basic Christian virtues as compassion and love for the neighbor. It was highly appreciated by F.M.Dostoevsky, when he said: "We all came out of Gogol" Sineli ".


Sacred Scripture of the Old and New Testament.

1. Annenkov P.V. N.V. Gogol in Rome in the summer of 1841. Russian literature of the 19th century. First half. M., - 1981

2. Berdyaev N.A. Spirits of the Russian Revolution. Literary studies. Second book. - 1990.

3. Vinogradov I.A. "I'm your brother." About the story N.V. Gogol "Shinel". In Sat.: Evangelical text in Russian literature 19-20 centuries. Petrozavodsk. - 2001.

4. Voropaev V.A. Mondest part of the creative heritage N.V. Gogol. In Sat.: Evangelical text in Russian literature 19-20 centuries. Petrozavodsk. - 2001.

5. Gogol N.V. Collected Works in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Moscow-Kiev-Paris.- 2002

6. Gogol N.V. You need to love Russia. St. Petersburg. - 2007.

7. Gogol N.V. From letters. "What can deliver the soul". M. - 2007.

8. Danilseva Z.M. Tale N.V. Gogol "Shinel". Literature at school. -2004 №4

9. Dunaev M.M. Orthodoxy and literature. Volume 2. M. -1996

10. Golden I.P. Gogol M. - 1984

11. Priest Andrei Gorbunov "For all and for all" M. - 2006

12. Orthodox encyclopedia, t 11 M. - 2006

13. Creation of St. Tikhon Zadonsky, Volume 1. M. - 2004

14 Metropolitan Moskovsky Macarium "Letters to the spiritual daughter", m. 2006.

Schliknova Svetlana Aleksandrovna , teacher literature school №22 (Sergiev Posad)

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