Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians. Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians What is Ukrainian folklore

Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians. Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians What is Ukrainian folklore
Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians. Artistic creativity and folklore of Ukrainians What is Ukrainian folklore

Throughout the history of Ukraine, the masses have created many deep ideological and highly artistic songs, fairy tales, dooms, chastushk and kolomyk, proverbs and sayings, mysteries, legends and legends, jokes and stories. The Ukrainian folklore is rightly considered an outstanding phenomenon of not only Slavic, but also of world culture.

"People's Poetry of Ukraine - apotheosis of beauty." "I can't break away from games Cobzares, Bandurists, Lirnikov - This Pearl of Folk Creativity "1, said A. M. Gorky. He was at a meeting with the Ukrainian Soviet writers said: "Your folk songs and duma, your fairy tales and proverbs are real pearls, how many souls, wisdom, beauty in them. The people are a big artist, very large "2.

Ancient types of Ukrainian folk poetry

People's poetry of Ukraine used and developed the folk legacy of the ancient Russian nation. The emergence and development of Ukrainian folklore is associated with the formation of Ukrainian nationalities, which occurred in conditions of developed feudalism. This explains the class content of Ukrainian folklore, its anti-refortional, anti-refresh motifs.

In the Ukrainian folk poetry of the XV-XVI and the subsequent centuries, as in Russian and Belarusian, there are many early species of people's poetic creativity - labor songs, ancient calendar, funeral and wedding ritual poetry, conspiracies, fairy tales about animals and heroic-fiction (in the latter Images of the epic richy of the era of the Kiev Rus) are reflected. Ukrainian folklore is associated with the work of the people; It contains elements of the spontaneous and materialistic thinking of the people.

Labor Ukrainian folk song "Pledge" (song when scoring piles, record the end of the XIX century.) Related by the Russian "Dubinushka"; A peculiar labor songs were kosyari songs (cosasmt), reapers (zhnvit), rowers (rowing), pololling (political), performed both in the process of work and during rest. Overtakes of labor processes are found in all kinds of Ukrainian calendar and ritual poetry, in which the richest and colorful songs and game acts of the Spring-Summer Group - Wesniki (on the right bank) and soldiers (Guy - Grove, a small forest in the western regions of Ukraine), the Russal and Caucan (Tsarin-Sleeping at the Slaka Occolic), Kupali, Petrovsky (Petrivachast), lit, stubborn and horseradish (Zagin, Zhnibi, Fair).

The winter group of folk calendar and ritual poetry was represented by New Year's carols and generous1e, duunnyh (casman), the games of the ones ("goat", "Melanka").

The main motives for all these songs of the spring and winter group and game entertainment (for example, "Mi millet,", "Mac"), in addition to love and comic, are associated with the appeal of spring, meetings and wires, with the wishes of a happy life, good summer and abundant harvest, the image of hard work.

Ancient conspiracy (spoke, Zam placious, a swirl) was also partially adjacent to calendar and ritual poetry (plots "on the crop", "on the cattle", "on the beast", etc.), and partly to the ritual family ( Conspiracy "Vüchchi" - from the evil eye, "on Choulusha", love, etc.). In the future, especially in the XIX-XX centuries, conspiracies and associated beliefs and signs began to die and almost completely disappeared into Soviet times.

Family and ritual poetry - songs and ritual gaming actions - wedding (weighing), in the christening and funeral (the fourtetest gone, crying) - in early periods of the history of Ukraine, was very developed. Like a calendar and ritual poetry, she * pursued the goal to influence hostile to man-worker's phenomenon of nature and ensure well-being in economic and personal life. Ukrainian wedding songs and gaming acts, as well as Russian and Belarusian, are a single high-eethical artistic integer; They represent a popular drama that develops according to the main components of the wedding.

Ancient genres of Ukrainian folk poetry are riddles (riddles), proverbs (sat down, npunoeidnu.) and sayings (cruise). The class character of proverbs and sayings, the social ideals and aspirations of the workers were particularly bright in those of them who were directed against the feudal spirits, churches and religions, tsarism and king, landowners, capitalists and fists.

An extremely rich in Ukrainian fabulous epic, which includes both a fairy tale (about animals - Zvirnini Epos, Bajcz, fantastic-heroic, novnelistic), and various types of legends, legends, jokes and non-pieces. The main actors fairy tales, their clothes, tools, the way of life give a lot of cognitive material about the Ukrainian society of the era of feudalism and capitalism. The heroes of fantastic fairy tales - Bogatyri ("1wan - Men Sin", "Chabanets", "Kitello Kozhemyaka", Kochijoroshko, etc.) - successfully fight against the terrible monsters, destroying people and the results of their labor, using often friendship of animals and Birds, sympathy and assistance of nature ("Plusy water", etc.), as well as wonderful items ("Chobcy-speed", "Letter Ship", etc.). Separate fairy tales (for example, "Kirilo Kozhemyaka", "1LL Murin" - the development of the plot of the ancient Russian epics about Ilya Muromster), folk legends, stories and legends about the origin of the names of rivers, settlements contain information that have historical, cognitive importance.

Folk heroic epic - Duma.Development of folklore to the Great October Revolution

In the conditions of the heroic struggle of the widespread masses of Ukraine in the XV-XVI centuries. against the feudal-fastened oppression, against the Turkish, Tatar and Polish-shlish invaders, finally formed a genre of large poetic epic and epic-lyrical folk products (the first entry was produced in 1684), telling about the courage, freedom and diligence of the Ukrainian people, his Non-friendly friendship with the great Russian people.

Duma belong to the best samples of the Ukrainian folk heroic epic, they are devoted to the brightest pages of the genuine historical reality of Ukraine of the XV-XX centuries. Most of all created a doom about the events of the XVI-XVII centuries. Duma draw images of courageous chairs and Cossacks, guarding the borders of their native land, patriots suffering in captivity or straightening with Ukrainian and foreign pans ("Kozak of Holota", "Otaman Matyash Staria", "1Adovchenko-Konovchenko", "Schock" and etc.). A special place is occupied in the thinking events of the period of the Liberation War 1648-1654. ("Khmelnitsky Ta Barabash", "Rezand against the Polish Pasha", etc.). Epic and historical heroes of the Duma of the XV-XVII centuries, as well as Russian heroic-posts, are endowed with a heroic force, great mind, smelting, resourcefulness. They defeat enemies in the fights ("Kozak of Golota"), solely oppose the numerous enemy-invaders, win them or captured ("Otaman Mantic Staria", etc.); In the minds, a deeply popular thought is expressed that the disregard of the people's masses, their experience and advice, inevitably leads the "hero" to the shameful death ("Vowa C1pcchikha - 1Vanich", etc.). Many Duma ("Kozatski Zhittya", "Kozak Netagha Fesco Ganzha Andiber", "Sister Suar Brother", "Byshna Widow I Three Blue", etc.) talk about the difficult life of the masses, their scant food, bad clothes, a wretched dwelling, Draw acute social conflicts. Duma dramatically condemn robbery and oppression, cruelty, compassion, borestip. The beautiful image of the native land - Ukraine, created by the people in the Things, is the best proof of high humanism and deep patriotism inherent in this appearance of the epic.

Throughout the epic is characterized by strong lyrical coloring, the story is usually carried out in them with passionate emotion. Complete Duma with a solo song speech (singing declamation), with a mandatory accompaniment of the popular musical instrument - Kobza (Bandura) or Lyra. The verse and stanza (coupler) of the DUM differ in high freedom of size (verse from 5-6 to 19-20 syllables, stanza from 2-3 to 9-12 poems), which creates opportunities for further improvision and variation. Composition of the DUM SUCHNA (spoil - the narration - the ending); For the narrative characteristic of deceleration and lyrical deviations. The constant structure replaces the free tirade (ledge), with free, mainly verb rhymes; After the end of the tirady is completed, a musical refrain follows. Duma - works of improvisational nature; No people's singer - Kobzar or Lirnik - does not repeat and does not seek to repeat the canonically text and tangling this work, but refers to them creatively, constantly changing, complementing or reducing them. A lot of cobzare-improvisers are known, among which there were virtuosos such as Ivan Streach (first half of the XIX century), Ostap Veresa, Andrei Jester (middle and second half of the XIX century), Ivan Kravchenko (Kryukovsky), Fedor Gritsenko (Cold) (The second half of the XIX century), Mikhailo Kravchenko, Genat Goncharenko, Tereshko Parkhomenko et al. (End XIX - early XX century).

Workers of Ukraine in the XV-XVII centuries. Also created historical songs of epico-heroic and lyre-epic, historical heroic legends, legends and stories. They were a kind of response to the most important events. These are the songs about the Turkish-Tatar raids, Polon and the captivity, about the courage of the folk fighters against foreign yoke (for example, "in Tsarigrad1 on Rynochka" -Obaide, etc.), historical stories and legends about the atrocities of the Turkish-Tatar and Polish invaders in Ukraine , about courage and resourcefulness of the Ukrainian population and especially Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, songs about the massacre of the Cossack Golitties with bugs, trying to mock the Cossacks ("Chorna Khmara came, becoming a doomer IRA", etc.). Especially many such works created about events of the eve and the period of the People's Liberation War 1648-1654. (for example, about the national heroes of this time Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Maksima Krivonos, Danile Nechase, Ivan Bogun, etc.) *

Patriotic rise of the people in the middle of the XVII century, reunification

Of Ukraine, Ukraine has imposed a large imprint on many types of folk poetry. By the same time, the widespread dissemination of the People's Theater - Doll and theater of Living Actors, as well as short lyrical, mainly satirical and humorous, songs, and kolomyk, in which the enslavers of the Ukrainian people were raised and the images of Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks were drawn - bold and Brave fighters against the oppression and violence.

The joint struggle of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples against the autocably-fastener building during the folk movements of Stepan Razin, Kondrai Bulavin, and later Emelyan Pugacheva, reflected in an extensive anti-refortional, anti-refrete poetry. Songs and legends about the son of Stepan Razin were composed in Ukraine ("Kamen's dithine sedine sedine", "Kozak Gerasim"). Throughout the XVII-XVIII centuries. Songs and legends were created about the courageous heroes of the joint struggle of Russian and Ukrainians against the Turkish Tatar aggression (about Ivan Sirko, the Palley Seven), about the fight against the Swedish invasion and the movement of Mazepa, about the capture of Azov, about the victories over the Turkish invaders in the first half of XVIII in., On the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov, etc., on strengthening with Russian autocracy in the XVIII century. The feudal-serfs of the Ukrainian people responded with numerous peasant uprisings, which were accompanied by the rise of anti-refortion folk creativity - new songs, stories and legends about the heroes of this struggle - Gaidamaks (for example, "about Sava's Savoy I Goths", etc.), sparides (about Olekse Dovboshe; relatives of them Slovak songs about Janoshik, Bulgarian and Moldovan about the guards), about the heroes of the coliivshina - Maxim Zaliznyaka, Nikita Rocket and others, about the uprising in p. Turbai 1789-1793 ("Conceeded Basily", etc.).

During this period, anti-refortion songs about the fortress capture and frostal arbitrariness, songs are recruited and soldier, Chumatskiy, Burlats (Batrack), many of whom are lyrol-epic, historical or households; Balanceful songs are created on historical plots ("about Bondar1VNU"), folk satirical poems, directed against representatives of the dominant class - Panov, judges, Popov, etc. In the narrative folklore, the leading place is beginning to occupy realistic social and domestic new fairy tales, jokes, legends and stories. , brightly illuminating the antagonistic class relations of the feudal society (a favorite hero - a serf or "free" peasant-poor, a homeless burglak breaker, a wise soldier).

Especially a lot was created during this period of social and domestic and family-consumer, sad, lyrical songs (choral and solo), as well as songs about family life - Rhodipop, about love - about Kohanne. The big group makes the songs of comic (, frishing alley (), humorous and satirical. Since the XVIII century. Ukrainian lyrical songs are particularly widely distributed among the Russian people, and Russians among Ukrainian, which contributed to the mutual enrichment of the cultures of two fraternal peoples and their rapprochement. Later wide distribution in The folk repertoire receives songs of Russian and Ukrainian poets; the poetic form of the literary song is increasingly affecting the form of a folk lyrical song (song-romances).

In the first half of the XIX century. The Ukrainian people reflected the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 in their folklore works (songs about M. I. Kutuzov, M. I. Platov, etc.), the fight against the fastener oppression and heroes of this struggle (numerous songs, legends and stories about the leader of the peasant The uprisings on Podolia Ustim Karanyuk and the West Ukrainian Oprishki Mirone Steplet, about the outstanding revolutionary figure of Bukovina Lukyan Kobylitz, etc.). The first samples of the Songs of the workers are becoming known ("Maidatshchiki - Okrashchiki, yes ripka.your share "); The genre of short songs and koltushki and the kolomyk of the most different content is blooming.

The appearance on the historical arena of the working class led to the development and new type of folk poetry - working folklore. Already in the 70s and 80s of the XIX century. * Working songs and crews, reflecting capitalist operation, protest and early forms of working class (song "Oh Chi Will, Chi Celery", "Jac in Karl1V Creek\u003e, well-known legends about Shubin - the "owner" of mines, etc.). Among the workers are widespread folk dramatic ideas about the struggle against despotism (Ukrainian options for folk drama "Boat", "Tsar Maximshan", etc.).

In the proletarian period of liberation movement by leading motifs of the Ukrainian working folklore, which was distributed in Ukrainian, Russian and partly Polish languages \u200b\u200band thus acquired an international character, the revolutionary calls for the overthrow of the autocracy and power of capital, the challenges of the socialist ideal, the proletarian internationalism ("International", Russian , Ukrainian and Polish editors "Warshavianki", "Really, Tirana" and its Ukrainian original - "Shalshte, Shalshte, will say Kati", Russian, Ukrainian and Polish text "Red Banner").

At the beginning of the XX century. Ukrainian revolutionary songs are being created ("Zhemey Mi U Paul\u003e," Well, Callers, Mistanmo "," One Khmara I3 village, and the other s M1sta, "etc.), bright stories and songs about the events of the First People's Revolution in Russia 1905-1907, about the faithful sons of the people - the Bolsheviks, about the First World War ("Carpathi, Carpathi Large Gorge"), about the overthrow of autocracy in 1917

So, the folk art that had a pronounced revolutionary nature was generated by the events of the country's socio-political life and invariably accompanied the class performances of workers.

Ukrainian Soviet folklore

The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution made fundamental changes in the nature of Ukrainian folk poetry, caused the rise of the socialist in the content of the poetic creativity of the millionth masses of the Ukrainian people, which develops on the basis of the Soviet ideology. In the Ukrainian folk poetry of the post-Bety, the most important events of Soviet reality were reflected - from the victory of the Great October to the events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. and the period of the deployed construction of communism. The people challenges the Great Communist Party, V. I. Lenin, Labor Heroism, the struggle for peace all over the world, Seven-year plan 1959-1965, the friendship of peoples, proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism.

Indigenous changes occurred in traditional genres and species of Ukrainian folk poetry; Almost completely died out the old ritual poetry. At the same time, new songs, dooms, fairy tales, tales, stories, as well as folk poems on the topics of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Civil War and Fighting Foreign Interventory are widely created (for example, Lenshka True fairy tale, songs and legends about Lenin, heroes civil war - Chapaev, Shchors, Kotovsky, about partisans, heroes of the Great Patriotic War and others, onoeidi., performance often from one person and having elements of memories). Along with the heroic works, jokes, satirical and humorous short stories, ridicuing various enemies of the Soviet state (White Guard generals, Petlyuru, Interventory, Pilshwood, Japanese samurai, Hitler, etc.), the remnants of capitalism and religious prejudices, carriers of negative household phenomena ( Shoulders, Lodiyrai, negligent, drunkards).

Special flowering of Soviet Ukrainian folk poetry is observed in the field of songs, chastushk and kolomyk, proverbs and sayings, reflecting the main events and phenomena of the daily life of the country of the Soviets (songs: about the events of October and the Civil War - "Arriving Zozles", "3.i.6 pABShchors Zhogsh, "; about Lenin; About the construction of socialism - "Oh, Chervonp KVGGKI", "Rubber BCI.creek "; On the release of Westow Ukrainian lands and reuniting them with Soviet Ukraine - "I added Public Public", "Roskvghai Bukovina" and others; about the Great Patriotic War - "I got up for the will of the region", "Our Lanka Frontova" and others; On the post-war period, the construction of communism, the struggle for peace - "SD 3 opi.Komuki Yassen, "Mi wanto Mira" and others).

Large changes underwent in Soviet times the genre of the Dum, which now have a lot of new in poetic form (song of the song, epic forms and type of poetic tale); The character of their edges has changed (they have become more generalizing), almost disappeared slowdowns in the story, etc. Soviet Kobzari (Ivan Zaporozhchenko, Petro Ancolenko, Fyodor Kush- Nekhric, Yegor Movchan, Vladimir Pevutyuk et al.) Created a number of doom on modern stories (For example, the Duma about V. I. Lenin - "HTO of that SOKSH, CESCHERSH?").

The Ukrainian people put forward a lot of talented poets, composers and singers from their environment (for example, Paul Dmitriev-Kabanov from Donetsk, Olga Podkova from Zhytomyr region, Christine Litvinenko from the Poltava region, Frosina Karpenko from the Dnepropetrovsk region, etc.)\u003e demonstrating their own Art on numerous district, urban, regional and republican reviews of amateur amateur activities, which, like holidays of songs and dances, have become a household tradition. Many factory, collective farm choirs, choir-links, Agitcultbrigada, amateur ensembles created texts and music of some songs, chastushk and colisions.

Both Soviet and Dooktyabrskaya Poetry was widely used and used by Ukrainian and Russian writers, composers, artists. Many images and motives of the Dooktyabrsky Ukrainian folklore are used in the work of a number of outstanding writers, especially N. V. Gogol, T. G. Shevchenko, I. Ya. Franco, M. M. Kotsyubinsky, P. A. Grabovsky, Lesia Ukrainka, composers - N. V. Lysenko, N. D. Leontovich, artists - V. A. Tropinin, I. E. Repin,

S. I. Vasilkovsky, N. S. Samokish, A. G. Slotion and many others. The brightest examples today is the work of Soviet Ukrainian writers M. Rylsky, P. Tychin, A. Malyshko, M. Stelmach, composers K. Dankevich, A. Plegor, S. Lyudkevich, P. Mayboroda, Artists I. Igekevich, M. Deregus, etc.

Ukrainian folk poetry has absorbed a lot from the Russian and Belarusian folk poetry, and many of its motives and works entered the work of fraternal - Russian and Belarusian-peoples. She was and is in close relationships both with the work of these peoples and the work of Polish, Slovak, Moldavian and other peoples. All this indicates that the Ukrainian folk poetry had and is of great importance in mutual understanding and rapprochement of the working people on the basis of socialist patriotism and internationalism.

Robot Wine:ZENTSOVA Ірина Вікторівна, student's 9-d class Zagaliosvіtno and Sereduño Skoli № 292

Science Kerіvnik:Dєvitka Natalіya Mykolaїvna, V. Ukraїna, Movy, Ta L_teuri Vizhio Catigorії

ZMІST Robota

І. Hitch The characteristic of the Ukrainian folklore is folted.
1. Usa People Creative.
2. Basic Means Folklore.
3. Structure, genre warehouse Ukrainian folklore.

ІІ. Basic part. Tipi artistic wondering works.
1. Folklore Pets.
a) rituals pіsnі:
Holy Kaliti,
Vesnyanі Saint,
Great Saint,
Green VIR "I;
b) Means of the Archaichnosti Vezhnokanok І HOMEVOK:
St. Jurai's Day
Zeleni Saint;
c) Russalnі ta kupalskі pіsnі;
d) zhnivі pіsnі;
e) Сімейной-rituals Пісні;
e) non-drying pіsnі.
2. Proven folklore.

ІІІ. Visunok. Punifying і і folklore jets at our time.

Tse People, Istorіya, alive,
Yaskrava, Spoven Barv, Istini,
Istorіya, Yak Roskrivaє
All ghosts people.


At the center of Svіtі Mi - єdinі. Єdinі, Boy Universal, self-visual in the form of a Vtivennya, Etnіny Svitoglyad, his own complex and the Originary type of the National Svitobachnaya. Mi ukraїntsі, virobili in folding Minds etnіchnogo rozchlenuvannya i bagatovіkovogo ponevolennya ratsіonalnu company profile seredovischa zhittєdіyalnostі th zabezpechennya spirituality zapitіv Lyudin, vitvorili Especially zvichaїv system vіruvan, svіtorozumіnnya moral rights etnіchnih i estetichnih forms SSMSC skladalisya uprodovzh іstorichnogo rozvitku lyudskoї spіlnostі on the Way to the formuvannya Українськи Націна и и иціониї ї ї ї и і и иціний.
Mi - Powered people. І Vіd Usi to serve, I can wear our Misіya in the dumpups of the new spiritual tsіnniki Svіtovo, our new spiritualities. That without gliboko і systematic pіnannune of the People's Surgery and Material and Punchivo Bulkuri is unlikely to formulat Novi Tsіnnostі Orієntatsії in Umovs of the Holding Non-Logoshnosti.
Jacquesky Great Spirituals І Moral and Timeli Points of Ukraine Bagatyuri, Yaka Bagatyushki EnergUnitzka Substantaniya National Basic Basic Tsіnniki, Yaki Velichesnі Mozhvyosti Krieving here for the creative of the NetworksInji Form Modernizatsії Kulturi, Mehhanіv Reaguvannya on the spiritualization of the monthly young people.
ZMіцненнення Українськое Midsell Nemislim without Formulavna the Spiritual Surplus of Suspilia, and the spiritually inequishment is abroad, which is new to the new Systems of Komunіkatsiyi, Mehhanіzvіv's operational translatsіn new cultural culpes of the international cultural SPIVITINGIA.
Mi, Ukrainian, Volodієmo with the spirituality of І moral potentity, Jacquard Zosenzheno in Ukrainian Traditzіinіy culture. Our grumbling hoof "Lubricants - Tytii Tsyu potentity at the Power Hungary, at the formistanni National Self-Summovosti Vuddyan New Ukraine.

Academik Mikola Zhulinsky

I. The characteristic of the Ukrainian folklore is riveted.
1. Usa People Creative

Usina People's Creativeness, and Bo Folklore (Folklore Vіd Anglia Words Folklore - People's Wisdom, Creative) - Welcome artistic culture people, I wondered. Vivchens їїry to be used by special philologist disciplіn - folklore. Watercuts for your zm_stom and the character of the sewn of that funk_onuvannya sucked by the People's Creativeness Tіsno Pov "Yasan with the Rіznimi Dilitzami, є Warehouse People's Traditzіin-nearby Bodybui, and tan, to get down to the commemorate Sfera Etnographer.

Ukeyoye suit artist's word Prshopochatkіv, w. Vikonnynynynya Movy. Воно вінисло в в и і і і вот казольной из из зазовла заростанненненняя паманамной ї жидині ї ї і іруван объянольной ї ївание. For your contact with VoNo Taja Ladnє, Yak І Primіtnі Naskelnі Malyanka Primately People Chi Substantities Pick up with rіznanіnny ornamental gluits.

Regular recording Creative Usno People's Wistriteness by Lishe in the XVIII-XIX century. So, Proszum_lovo, Bagato, Archaschni, folklorno traditions are ground. Alla Mother's Sbermen, Pisnіsh, Bagati Snistech, Bagati, Formations of Globoko Domanini. In rіznih genres ukrajins'koho folklore, Especially ritual, kazkovogo, doslіdniki prostezhuyut vіdgomіn pobutovo-zvichaєvih vіdnosin generic fret realіy way of Zhittya, suspіlnogo arrange, іstorichnih podіy chasіv Knyazhnoї Rusі, Tatar-mongolskogo liholіttya, pіznogo serednovіchchya, Epoch litovsko-polskogo ponevolennya Ukraine, Kozachchini , Bagatovіkovo-ї bornbi Ukrainian people to travel alone Svarmlennnya for freedom і ineptly. Nabіlshuy Miroi Creative Folklore to the most importantly, characteristic of the aspects, the appearance of the suspili-politician І socialial boatty, will try to people, yogo experienced, setting up, SPOVYANNY SEAM SHOE, KOLI CI CIATED, was recorded, they were recorded from the live people.

2. Basic Means Folklore

For the folklore of the power of the Uspen, the shape of the sewn І transmission of mіzh by people in the wayless Comunion. I whale funk_onuvannya, Zvichi, Lesiki, Dozvillyam, Zvitsy, Viorav, VIRS, SERVICE SERVICE ON THE NETWORK. IN THE TSUME PROMODS V_DBUVYE І Vlasna Creative Folklor A minimal. Tіlki in the acts of vipads Peopia Legendi Chi Pisani Jerela Zhebegli Pripzviki Author of the factory Pіsen, a threshold, Dіvchini-Kozachka Marus Churai (XVII Art.) І Kozak Klimovsky (XVIII Art.), Ikakov Introducing the Watery Shirokovoдомдомї ї іsnі "їkhav Kozak for Danube."

At the new hour, the Creative Creative, Scho became folklores, Zafіxovano Bіlsh. Alla Schob іndivіdualniy TVіr becoming folklore, Vіn, Pepperm, is responsible to Bethi Claims in the Dusi People's Traditzії, Popularity of the IP of Singer, and Torzozhenno Zvіfuvanna's Troops, Troyfuvna Trucking, Trucks. Not є Vinyatkom I Create Vіdomih Written, Shahous to transition from Visigaydі pіsen, cruise, sending "їv, opovіdan on the o'Di of People's People ііg і often sall at the Czema Pom_nikh zmіn. Zreshto authorship is weakly referring to" Yasan z, the people of the People's Thai creativity.

Otizh, one of the characteristics of the folklore є yogo Anonіmnіmst, Tobto the authorship post in the process of Pulkuvanny, Scho Vodochas є і the process of a collateral creative creature - dodaled "to someone else's beautiful old edge" (wheels F. Українська УЗна словост. Lviv, 1938, p.23) .

I will massem the collateral of the creativeness of the folklore, to reach the text to the text є in the extent of Risnovidіv's chi of the first creativity. Zibyshi folklore is recorded in the rizniy m_stess Numerical Vіanti widely popular i-Mensh, Pissen, pomp, legends, Perekazіv, sending "їv Tushcho. Varіatnіst Folkloreniki Creative Quea is good at the sacrificing, и и и и и и и и исна с и и инаксь , Anіzh, "At Supiliy Seli", Chi Nezayt on another cout of the village. Vіannіst, Yak One of the heads of folklore, stacking the SIM YOGO ROVIV І VIRV - Vіrshovich - Perki-Posovich - Opovo.

Bagatovar_annіst Folklores Creative Creative Homovilena І Specific Rico National Creative Cotture Yak іmprovіztsіsti, Tobto Speedomisti in the process of Viconney. Spevayuchi Chi Rospovіdayuchi Folklorenia TVіr, Vozavets not just repeat the finished text, Petico Forma, and Northidko Présto-ї ї ї Сіsіb, doda ї іbrovіzu. Iprovіztsіinіsti the lulvation of UsIm's forms of people's wonders, especially characteristic of the vivacity of the І short pivine shapes - Introduction to Tantsіv, Piskhenniy Dialogiv, Kray Vikonavets Schwidko Sreaguvati І Torotno Vіdpovіsti on that chi Інсу пісенна страза, stroke, cruise.

Sneony Spefitally Specific Folklore є Yoy UsNesta - Uspen Form of the creative, Pulkuvannya, Synchronna І Dіakhronna Transmission, Tobto Sewing Creative Folklore in the singing hour of the third Riznochasov Transmission of Vіd Poolnnya. I will be prominently role at the Tsomoy Vіdіdigam Pam "Yat. SAME in PAM" Yatі Nosіv Folklore, YoHO Іndivіdalnyi І colothy Viconavtsіv fіksuzu all bagatoplasia compelling folklorno іnformazії, їїna plotty, texts, the form of that stereoti. Zoomy Visituє і visnachal funkіonalnna named PAM "Yati in the infringement of Spadkovosti traditions of the TRADITSIY USOZO NO WORATE WORLDNOSTIY. NEARMA TO NAUTSІ ISNUє DUMKA, SHO FOLKLOR є MUSTVTVE PAM" Yati.

Tolznayvtiii specialist species of asnovnyyu obligs ї ід ід додрізный ї ї ї ід ільшина инанок ї ї ід ільной икона ї іда ї ідідненеї замесь сперисть сперинаї ї сновості ка калітеретутуту посста посста і tvorchostі and otzhe, th neviznachenіst іndivіdualnogo attribution - anonіmnіst; Stand "yazanіst pobutuvannya i rozvitku of Pevnyi folk traditsіyami, ustalenimi stereotypes estetichnimi norms, forms, kriterіyami - tobto, traditsіynіst in poєdnannі of popovnennyam in protsesі vikonannya dodatkovimi Components - іmprovіzatsіynіstyu, cpm, In my figure, it is zoomovyulyu і taka specifically of rice yak rіznanіtnіtte text_v, melodiy bіlshostі folkloreniy creativity - ї ї Vіannіst. In our dnі Perelіchenі Means of Folklornosti singe the singing zmіn. Speakimo, the sewn, the folklores of the creativity can be not lishe in Usnі, and I donviyi formі, and Torjo for the complement of the short-sorthern chapels of Komunіkatsії - Presses, Radio, television. Completely fіksuyu authorship, Oskilki Creator Mozda Mozhet Tvirr, I am kind in writing Visigandi Skruplyuє in Folklorenia Obg. John Urіdko walk on the irati L_teral Parking, especially authors, shho creature in Dusі Folkloreno. At the Central Procession of the Novytny Folklorennya, Mozhe Bіlsh Chi Mensen can be blamedly sprinkled by SPIVIMIMESHENIE І RESOMOZALEZHNIBO Індивідульной І collateral, traditional and new one. Inspectorate of the mind, the intelligence in the folklore (folklorizatsakії) є Yoju Bulkuvnya for the laws of settlement. Folklore funchіonuє in a wide middleware with the active people of the people. Vnodoches at the Central Procession of Vinyatovo, the role of Okhanі OSBISTOSІ - WOLKOVAKI SOVERY SPIRIKI, MODDE DOTEPNIY PERSONS, YAKІ ZERIKUY DOTEPNIY PEA "Yati Vintage Repertoire of People's Pissen, Kazok, Perekazіv, Legends, Sentіv" їv, riddles, joke Namіyut Mapleno to convey Γx to the audit. І Syudvnі Northidko Squarely, Shaho, in the opinion of the Schoomy, people, Scho Vmіyut Vaspіvati Tsіkave, Dotepn, Dother Volodyyut by People's Word.

Davitin the role of І significantly such people Buli Nabagato Bіlshim. Woni lived in Skin Seli, ї ї Zіnualvali, claws, Voni Buli was a junction in Skin Gurti, visible funkії zaspivuvachiv, L_derіv of the young communities, the cubs, the risks of the Holyovikov Chinіv: Vyadniki Rudelovikh Chinіv: Weligne Starost, Senior Swax, Friendship. SAY Talanitі Osshistosti, Zokrema Peopoli Spevtsi, Kobzarі, Lіrniki, Kuzkari, often vibrate Ik Nab_ls Active Spevitvi Volklore. Narrin, Vos. Vikonavtsі Ukrainian people of the Duma, Istori Pisen - Kobzarі - Hallows, Yak respected Dellіdniki, Buli Γh are mainly creators.

3. Structure, genre warehouse Ukrainian folklore

Uspen People's Word of Sovpilly Svіdomosti, undermines of the village of Dosvіda, the violation of the collective Svitoglyad of the Sustician, to Dіisnosti. In folklorі znayshli vіdobrazhennya rіznі Show zhittєdіyalnostі Lyudin, її materіalnі th duhovnі require іstorichne Butt, sotsіalnі vіdnosini, harakternі realії sіmeynogo i Gromadska pobutu, fіlosofіya, vіruvannya, relіgіynі, moral and etichnі, zvichaєvo-pravovі nastanovi, estetichnі іdeali, lyudskі experiences i nastroї .

Salid Vіd RosemäїTTHA ZM_TSti І formal bagatogranny І Bagatoplanian national folklorenia mumsol clasifіkuzuz і-type, childbirth and species. Ukrainian folklore wake up with the Two of the Great Pіdrozdilіv: Faucetic (Viskova), Shahko Niaskravіshi u pіsennosti; Provinition, Shaho about "єdnuє Rіznі OpovoDnіiiii artistic creature: praises, legends, junction, Usnі Opovdandy, anecdoti.

You can Viriznii in Ukraine Folklores Tretei Type of artwork, Scho Vistupі-Yak in Formi Okhareich Dialogiv, P "єС І Scenes for the People's Theater, Igor, Verteu, so і Алиогіва ірушовай і і і и польхих и и и вірушки.

II. Tipi artistic wondering works.
1. Folklore Pets

Tired folklore. Characteristic Meaning of the Central Risnovide of Ukraine Folklore є Vіrshovana shape. Vіn warehouses with rіzniy vidimih group. Tse, Pesni, Peopoli Pіsnі. Wings publikovі in the numerical zbіrki Ukrainian people Pisen. Ale in Drukniy Viddanians are visited by the Lishe Part of the Z_BERNY Urisniy Hour Pisen, the records of pleasant zimgayuzhuyu at the first privali archivakh. The Menasha Qia is part of Spevvydyshevnі s living, real, the state of the undoubted bagathology of the people's pissennosti.

a) rituals pіsnі

For mutual, zm_stom, the hour of funkіoniality "зазкой сей сей" і і ізноманійнійний исенний маталіал, in my own figure, to go to the low group і і икилів. Until Nibilsho, to put them rituals Пісні, Tobto Pіsnі, Vicannya pov s calendar і і_meynimi. Obdavova Pisennіst to get to find a foundation of the folklur zoom, Zokrema, Zokrema. Vona good to use to our hour; In his zmіsti, the melody of formal signs of the bagato Elentiva Archaika, the Zdavna pushed Pіd Okhorunu, began to get him nearly the Tsіlіsnіst, yak wrapped in the people of tradition.

Kalendarni rituals of Pisnі Tіsno Pov "Yasan's Labor Dyalnіstyu People, by the Georce Seasons, Calendar Cycles of Nature, Schyatnya, Scho in Davinno Mali on the Meti Trevilvannya of the Deities, the Forces of the Otrody, Zehіvli Springs at Rіlnitztvі, Godvli Khobobi, Bjіlnittvі Tu I ' The izum of the Calendar of the Calendar of Pisnih, Chlivibobski Motivi, Pismen. NAIVAIFORSHE VIEW in Ukraine Folklore Calendarnі Pisnі Zimovo-Novorichnye cycle - Koldki і Shchedrivski, Freedomy - Vezhniki, Pori-Lіti-Russalnі, Littі - Kupaluski, Petrіvochen, Zhnivarcі. On POLІSSI VIZHIZNYE Сикол Осінніх Пісень, Vicannynya is timed to Rіzniki Vijv Retail: Kolya "take cardboard", "T_Payut Lion" І T.N. (Pavlyuk S.P., Gorin G., Kirchiv R.F. Ukrainian Clastiveness. Lviv. Visital Center "Fenіks", 1994, p.35)

Koldki і Shchedrivski - Velikalnі Пісні, Які обольни карины Syagyut the globroji in front of Christian Kuzdnini. Vony Buli is confused to one s saint of our Ponkiv - Day of Winter Songsaesmann, Satzvitu, Yak in їh Recovers marked the turn "on the spring" (Grushevsky M. Istorіya Ukrainian Lіteraturi. In 4 tons. K., 1923 -1925.t. І., p. 15.); Perezhu Zhistictєdaine Sili Sitzia, Svіtla I Lyttya over the winter marrow І zemervinnya at nature. Bagata URONIFIIST, rituals І Toving "Yasanі zzim Saint Zvichya і Vіruvannya in the Christian hour of Buli knowing aware of Miroi in Rіzdviani Saint, Novy Rіk, Already before the Epiphany (Jordanski Saint). To the Cycle Cycle of Christian Svytyaniy Davinka Zvychniki Zvynya Volyannya Repertoire - carols of І generaries.

Language є the name of the "Kolyada", Yaka Weekodi і dåku, in our people, Jak Vernachenian Ristering Holy. The word "carol", Yak respected by scientists, є Miscellaneous Vіd Naimanuvanna New Rail at the ancient Romans Chi Visantіjv. The name of the name of the people of the words "Yanskiki. Will with Dwarnian Jerelah in Dudanoruskiy Jerelah, Zokrem.

The name "Shchedrivka" Vіdoma Tilki in Ukraine Folklore. Vasnalі DelivіDniki Ukrainian Colladok і Shchedrivok (O. Pothebnya, V. Gnatyuk, f-wheels) did not bone out of the names of the names, and the Synonymchnimi went, and the generail - confused in Ukraine: "Shchedriy, Dobri (Chi Svyatia ) Evening. " Alla Plischali Torzayt Scho Tsi Nedi Filight Singer Until the ritual repertoor VІDPOVYDUDE TO HOME VIKANNYY: Koldki - on Rіzdvyani Sainry, and Shchedrivski - at the generous chiefs, PiD Novy Rіk Abo, Yak on Zahіdukraїnsky lands, from other Svyzniy). "Snіstovi forms of Populas Solvdoki І Schochevok Pivyavi Member of the Gliboko Domanini. They have nothing to accompany the first personnel of people, Yasichniykі Vіvuvannya, Zhodnikhavnyh Svityl, the forces of the Otrite І T.In. (Mitzik V. Kasha on Yaril. Ukrainian Culture No. 5, 1993, p. 14). The axis, threshing, Yak is to enable in Starovinniy LEMKIVSKIY KOLASI COPOTS STITU:

If not Bulo gut the svіta,
Togdy did not bulley sky, nі earth,
And on Lem Bulo Sinos Sea,
And the seas of the seas of the villages of Javіr,
Three pisoms on the fans,
Three pigeonies Radonka to delight
Ralonka to delight, Yak Svіt again.

Z Davong-Davan Zebegli Koldki і Shchedrivski His Magic and Magnifier Snidist, the magnificent pathos. They have the Bazhani of the State Commemoracials of the Uchіkhi, Dobrobut, Zlagoda І SIMEYN Schestrics were served by Yak Realnіst. Gerson "Seek Sobi in Noviy Svitlitzі", "Gold SІєє", Rakhuє "Stadov Neveloping", at my own "Will all Polovії", "Plows are all gold", "courtyard all cedar", "Svi Koni Voronії", at the table - Bazhani GOSTE, and on the half -

Fuck Copy, Yako Zvіdoyki,
Further staples, Yako Gorochka.

Zvichuєm of the People's Oblovoyvnya ї ї ї Okremі Koldki was addressed by Persurevі, Mr., Caltalі, Dіvchini, Malim Ditama Ta'yu Ukrainian people to protect the Tatar-Turkish attacks і Polcano-shlekhettsky Imparenenna Tusko. The Christian hour of the acts of the Yazishnitski Elementics of the Peoples of the Solishniki і Shchedrivok was taller than the singing zmіn, there is a direct line of timeline to Saint Rister of Christ. Z "Cutters і і Shchedrivski, Yakі ґLotted on bіblіinny plots. They have a young people about people, Livty, flour і death, Rassenna Christ I reported to our hour Pritamnі їM. ARCHINIY ZMІST I will form. For visitors of scientists, essentials in Ukraine Naikratsya І Nipovnіsh Zherіzhsya Tsei View of people's futsal.

People's Combins І Schistricovka did not sit in the church shinds of the authorship, the bookpot, Yaki Now I will evoke at Rіzdzino-Novorіchni Saint. Woni Voni Ki XVI - XVII Art. І Through the church, the school was shocked by Mіzh Narod, Nabuli Veliko, popular. "The Church of the Comb (" GOD OF STATE "," NOVA RADIAT "," GOD SA BEGNE "THAT BAGATO EXTERNAL) Wook І Vіdriznoye for the SMIST II Formo Vіd Publicists, Ale Majut i Chimalo Spex Zemii, Doping Public Stopping and Pisential Repertoire Ris Novorial cycle "(Mitzik V. Kolodіyi. Ukrainian Culture № 3, 1992, p.11).

Holy Kaliti

Oh, Kalita, Kalita,
Is there a top of the vilita?
People's Pisnya.

Come from a viscot clear son
Sick at the table with clear darling.

Osіda Sonza in the sky. All the left over the earth to custom. Svitlo Day Menshaє. Temin at night dootocheu. That do not fall into rospach people. At Tsei Perigod Nibіlshogo Zgasannya Vyony Voni, Spovnenі Zhistict Optimіzmu, exalted the soul, to have a strength of Cottali, to settle the strength of the Cottage, Usa Svіtlo th well, Shaho Vikatilii і's gloomy. In Tsei, the hour of Vonii їhythou on the "Vognim Koni" to Sotzia і to the whole of Bіliy Svіt opovіtnyuyut: "ду, їut Kalita Kuatsati! Ду, їut Kalitu Kuatsati!" (Mitzik V. Krasnoye Xiaviva Kaliti. Rіdna School No. 11, 1993, p. 23).

Tset Sv_tlonosna Holy on the Tereni Right Bank Ukraine Shchoraku VіdDannoye PiD Hour Transition Ossenі for the winter - З 13 at 14 pods. Behind the old style of Wono fell on the remaining day of Ossenі. I want Holy Kaliti did not swear such a veleful rivue, Yak Kolyada, a grande, Kupaylo, Ale, for artistic zm_stom, figuratively, structurally strictly in Rivzinn. Ї і і і ініний, Які відбужанивать на ракнінці руки.

I want People Rosumіli І who had a holy sly essentially, in the sciences of L_teuri Lishe, in the 20th of the 19ths of our table of our table, the prison is infrred by a doomk about Nazhniysti Saint Kaliti to the sonachacan cycle. Mr. Vadim Shcherbakіvsky putting yo in one row of the Svitoglyadnovnikovnikh Holyness of the Ukrainian people. Doslagyuychi Pianki, Vіn Pіdnіs ї ї to Attribut's Sonya, Togo Zho Zherіzhya at Kaliti, Kolodі, Greaterodni, Kupailі.

Visove IZ Naturally Okuravlennosti Saint Soyanaya Cycle in the Ukrainian People, Domelіdnik Umanishchini Boris Burnaglinskiy Pissing: "SOVEVATED, SOKHO DOISTORICHNIY PEOPLE, YAKI ARE INTRODUCED TO RAKE SONTSYA SOTSIA) TA KALITY (SPACE ON NEW" NUCH SITILI "), Without a fuss of the science joint, Chuttyam, Mizyatsі Nibіlshchoy, the Niemensh Sonya Yenergі's Sleeman "(Metsik V. Krasnoye Xiaviva Kaliti. Rіdna School No. 12, 1993, p. 18). Vіdomo, Scho Lipen Maє Nab_lshe in Rozzi Svitlovich Godin - 307.6, and niemenshem - 43.7.

Osіda Sonse at Heavenly Beach. All the left over the earth to custom. Zgasa yogo power of thermal.

It is difficult for the Khati Bіlostinnіy at the holy prechist. Retotypes Wono in the villages of our edge of IZ Vipіkannya Kaliti - Tsієї NivelichnіShoe means of the Holy Celebration.

Stove with the visers of a thin jerk of the Visigands. ("Rіk ht", - Kommert people). For the form of Tsei Krugil and Plescatii Pershokhlibi at Davnina Pіksya to the honor of the sonacious Deity of Korsha Abbo Horsa. In the fundamental basis, lie down the King "Cor", the same, Scho in the word "cow". Oz, Kalitu Treka Vitoriti, and the bus of Bula, Mov Sonza Krasnoye. Adjev is the way of the image of the V_chnytil, the symbol of th about CIA PORY ROK. Navkolo Nei Sun DII DIY Whether to wager.

Dіvchata s Mr. Tіsto Misya, Dododyu to nic eggs, honey, poppy, abbar of Kalita sauming Bula. ONDI Tіsto cycling, Іnshi Uzori - springs - Promіniki, Vertuuti virgin. Kalitu, Yaku bussyimut, robin one. Chim B_SHERSHIKOPLY people at Svyati, Tim Zubvіv on Niy to breed Ryasnіsh, Shchob Bulo Shaho Kusati. In the rank of Sail Umanishchini (Grasha, Tomashivka), pay the gavita to the table. Torkyan Kalino, Won Xiatyme on the table, the whole evening, Yak symbol of Holy, Yak isolate Sonzia. Forewing the root of the root, Yak Axis in the Kobrovsky, Zalikom. Їh Potimm Dіvchat Vіzmutu, I Dodoma, for a sign of Togo, Scho Syannі - Gene Yak is holy! Yakschko Kalitu robin s stintu (s. Pavlіvka friend), Todі korzh to smell the boiled vares by Thamat Maka with honey Abo Tsukrom I scribble in one cortex. According to nyom, Todii V. V. V. Sorisi: Kolas, a rocking chair, spikes - і all the price of Visigandi Sonechka. Buwaє, Scho Kalitu watering Buryakov Kvaas (s. Gulyajay, Kobrov), Із Zucom. Sintered, Chervonoi Buda, Mov Sonza when gathering.

Firewood in the furnace is rooted by Hrest-Navochrest. Treba's Treka, a ladies and a leaky tilki tilki so lying so. Forgetsimibo, Shahko, Navskiy housingly in the People's Mustetsvі є symbol Sonzia I Vogney. It is also familiar to Mizyatsi on the calendar іz land of pollast IV IV Art.

The most important ritual Dia - Rospevanynnya firewood. Adjev Vogon Zdіysnyuє Sacred Molding Act - Vipіkuє Kalitu. Oh wow to yogo taking:

"Gori, Vogd, Clearly, we hurned to Kalita Krasnu! Schedules їїї Kusali did not know!"

If Pіch Vogene was pressed І attacked, it's time to Kalitu Sjaati. In front of the CIM, the road for non-affluent water. Fighting ІЗ D_VCHAT KERE KROPILE I, TRAINTING POWER, ORDER:

Vizia, Studenitz, Okropy Kalitі road to the furnace of the Vіd threshold, and Vіd furnace to Steli, the lobs of Buli Garnі Tu Veseli.

If we possess the korzh at Pіch, D_VCHA in one-to-Miszі ONNIA WATER YOUR HRIRES, and Todi in one rushnik і to push ї ї to the sign of the countertopy to spinily. Water th trench here ї їДНют.
Tsієu zhwerma of Mr. Vamiva Skin Divchina Ta Knog Primimal)

Abi vi Buli Krasnі-beautiful, Yak Our Kalita! The bus is so nicely speckled, Yak Vi worked out!

Immediately in the furnace to boil the first Pshovana porridge. Before nothing, I doda Maku for Smaka.

POWER KALITA HOUSE, DIVACHATSY IT ON THE DIVER "I SIMATI KONOPLAN SIM" I. Que symbolna Sіvba є Movby Person Crock on a hat to the SIM "SIM" ї "." Sonza before entering, and cannabis to come to a similarity, "Trychi told Divachast, blessed, І Introduce Sіyati Tu Spevati:

Kalito Radia,
Conducts I am Xia
Pіdtichka wolf,
Bo Zipiz want.
Give, share, nobody
With Kim Life Mati.

Ranish, Buvalo, Kolochi іz people, Yaki, to julice, to overcome Tsyu Sіvbu, to mubati: "Divacha, Ringing Boroni", "Harbor at Vіvsi, re-send Zipizh VSI. SIM "I, Yak Sostayne, Dіvchata Pogynі throw over the sinus, a jack on that Rіk Viyti Zyti.

Tim hour Kalita has already speckled. Mr., Identified by the meaning of DII, VIYMAє ї ї region - round, sprout, promіnts, svitami-laddowns in Pozhana. Krasoyu і warmly closed on all Svitlitzia. Shelling. Hands in the hands of Hand kicked Vona Divchini to Divchini at Vіqno, those who are at Skіd Sonzia. Denne Svіtlo ligel on the spasies, and now Kalita Xiayatim I in Osili, and in souls.

URORIs on Korzhі-Kalitі Torzhnoye about їїtotlonosna. I about the spiritual and greatness of artist Witver. Kalita in Vishnopoli to Palachkolt Vitisny's Sonechki, Promіntsi in Niya Navorzhnosti. Kalita Із Zhіskiy Zhosimіm Інша: Vigraє teeth, Mov Promіntsi. Є ока okat, bo on іїluі є Yamki - Ochі, in Yaki inserted Yatni. At the edges of the Korzi є SAI ZHA, and the All-Russia Dyrki Nemäє, ї, Chisyuyut for "Vukho". Vynochki-Sonechiki is discharged to Kalitu at the villages of Onoprіїvtsi, Pavlіvtsі-2, Legnedzini, Merry Kuti, Sokolіvocha.

Rosemiates Korzhіv Slap Kobrinіvskі chl_bivory. Tse, by Suti, Clauschni Caliti's Zrachchui Caliti Vіtatsii. HERE, SHO is not Kalita, Yak Kazhnu at the village, then Mov Nova Zorya, Yuskrava Artist Vladіdnіst. Kalita is not just a korzh, but the palaces cat Sonza. On Detabrüzh, Niy Plishchinі - Vikhnostі Ruhu, Vіchnostі Zhittya, and Dovіr Posillanі RPPRTORYє Сотировеньки в и и и котиритає, comuterian.

One kalitis of the princess, friends - MOV of Yasakrava Ruju, and the third - Smya octo. Tsay symbol є The main artist of the Elentant of the Miji in the genres of People's Mystetva. The axis is a great korzh. Yoy postіino rosekruchu seven sparkling Dong Song. HANDARE ZHOVYU є Y Rostov Kalita. For the form of 15-principle Sonza. In the skin teeth, Promenia - on Yagіdtsi Kalini. Vіd Center Retrail to visit Visіm Coloschkіv: Woni commemorate, DOGREY, HOUSE, WIND І ZOBRYMA. Pomizhi - the trickular teeth of the yard by Kalinovy \u200b\u200bberries. Taki w Kalinova Kalita! Usi artistis isoismannna rebuilding here the main examples of the Ukrainian Mustetva symbol - Eightipromenev zory. Adnt to Taku, Yak Sonza on Hutsulskiy Passy, \u200b\u200bScho Sch_ditki about Spіlnіst an imaging to go to the sonar cycle. Vistina, Yak at Pіsnі Spev)

"I Sonz Nalitі, І zhta spovitі."

Yakscho at the names of the Witners, it seems to be visible to the dance, then in the actors of the characters who are interested in the tse. At the edges, the korzh roses on the Rіvnoveliki particle, the skin of the third zone to the middle of the middle, and the braces of the rocking glasses of Tist. I am confused by Kolo, Yaki All-Communication, reheat the courtyard rocking schools.

Horst є post_inimi-free Elenthene from Mustetstvi, Chernyhivsko, Davanka, Chernyakіvski, and Toposhnos, and Torh, in the Glasses of the Ukrainian People's Mystetva.

Suco Vіdriznyyuyuznznzzzvnya Kaliti at Zvenigorodsky district. In the villages of Popvtsi, the stern, Chlipnіvtsі її Vipіkayutzzi. Before RUCH, in the stern grades, Koverez, Shaho, I mean Ridgemouvan, Methikuvannya. Same in Rosuminnі Dumki writing about the word І. KOTALLYEVSKY IN "ENEYDI":

About Milky Your Dacy
Driving Koverness by Mizku ...

Scho, show by Sviy Rose, the soul of Zvagu, the company І Kalita Vitvori, I hang up to NAO Tuqii. Sayagay to Svіtla Rumum that soul!

The rocking chair of the Tist on Kovers, Movitelo - Dotsea Viddrechuyu, and Z Chotiroch Bokіv Vіd Nyogo Gusochka at Svіt to Sat, Yak Provinceniki Svіtla І heat. Friend - Krutіya Ruhu knows SPIRALL, and the Vertuuti - the twisters of Navroi Kovers - pіdsilyutly post_inist wrap. Gusochka - Element Velіlnia. They are filled with cows, їx vipіkayut for Daruvannya. Vertuuti - Poveno Colladnitka. Ї ї Head t_lki on a wheelchair for observanna, HTO to bring the evening: Colladnikіv, Pos_vatar_v. At Svyati Kaliti Vertuuti Matnista Vіdpovіdyutn yogo suti. Alege there is a motivation of the eyelid, Yaki to sound in the burning of symbolized Diya-Pragnennas, Okrahimih Dysiah, s conventions of the clear-red Sonzia. Mustache is necessary for Lyudsky's Life-boat.

Garno Iszo Poland І Kalita, Abo, Yak there we can see, "colitis" s hlipnіki. Won about "єnna, with the great pіdkovopod_bnimnoy" ho ", Shchov Bulo for Scho Pіdv" Jowli. Zutyuvatі ridges on Niy shrugat, Izz Rombami - Vonya in the People's Mustesstvi symbolize Rodychіst. Alt, de є Svіtlo, there must give birth. There is the beauty of the I Lyubya.

So: Kalita in the skin delica, in the skin of the village, with Svіtlіm Vіknі!

Until the addition of analogue traditional traditional chlіbyev_yvіvі zіkanki at fatty villages of the village. Tse and Motina Yakimenko (s. Vishnopіl), I. Yakilina Townushnyak (s. Kobrinov), І Oleon Bagriy (p. Pavlіvka friend) Ta Insі.

- Mr. Ours, chi ready porridge?
- Ready, Divacha, is ready. Yak Bachita, І Kalita Skilled, І porridge called. Buda Chim Holy Kalito Zun_chaty.

And then the cotton on Porig.
- Doodle Evening! W Kalito Be healthy!
- Calito Gold, since the preservative holy!
- Thank you, be a healthy!
- Kolya Usi zіbrilyzya, Todі pivot,
- Kat, gentlemen, і on Chervonіy Strachtsі Nesa їїni vhoro.
Zazstrich yomu - Mr. Z Hill Kashi on Vichitim Torn:
- Our Kalita, Oce Tobі Kasha, and we give us a beautiful Silence, the cures in Svіti lived nicely.
- Oce so Kalita! Slavna Ta Krasnova, on Uveta, Svit is beautiful.

Klotton I donate pіdchpiti їїry to the bastard. І Axis Vzha vo hovering to Chervonіy Strachtsi, Yak on heavenly promenia. Lovely Lyubadyuchi їїї, Dіvchata wain Suspivuvati-Knutwati і to them to come to themselves, HTO є in Khati:

Oh Kalita, Kalita,
ІЗ whogie vibrat!
- oh i'm zhit goose
Oh, I'm sleeping nanita,
For red shit
According to Bіlom Svitu.

Melodiya Tsієї pіsnі z Vishnopol, Yaku, brought to our Dnіv Schetsenko, twisted with the Naspіvi Village Pisen І Kolladok. Tse, Vlasna, Visitvaє іz himself Scholya himself, in Jacob Vogan, the hearts of the heart of ї їki mriyami about the essay, I am angry with Vogen Sonyachnaya, with Mriyami about Svitle, the Card of Life.

It is most important to the saint dynamism - Kushanna Kaliti.

Kalton Vzhzh Kolo Pechi was in context: Saži Dobuli і Roswelli її in a miner. Quikuchi riot. I became on Cole Kaliti. Ї у улогонці є Represents of the Cherry, Wise, Svіtnoye, I will lead DII. Kolya Hto Dance is not Vitanzayu, when Kushannі Kaliti, on good, the word is not if the word is not valid for the pіddasnu on the peresikhi, that in the sage - Chorni Slidcom Vogney to get acquainted. Fucking is quenched, de at Tsa that Kіn, Shah's gone near Vogd. Gentlemen to blame Vydi - Vognyanі Rukhi - Rogachі і Kotskih yh coasting to ї ї horst-hooked, so, the cure of the center of the Bula willopy. T. Kotsyubu is Tu Rogachi, and I have a spade, nikoli do not throw nikoli, but Tilki put. Wings are clouded Kolo Pechi, Kolo Vognich. Vogdan's Skannoye Skanna himself, the IP of the Holy Attributes, and the priests were reckoned with the priests.

- Dzvolt Meni,
- Zongochozhu Yunak.
- Todі Vitansui Konya Sobi - Foruse Pharmal І treasury in the Rogachi Kotzuba.


- Can I "Conducting"?
- NI, for the fan of Tіlki "Bunny Chebereychik"

Oh Moshosh,
Sit down bunny
Vіn Nіzhkov Chebereyє,
Yakby SAI nіki small
Then I would chebarel,
Yak that bunny.

For milf speech about life, about buckwheat. Yunak for Peter Sherch. Throm rows of Pisnі crossing through Kotzubi Rogachi, and for the Troyoma rows, it is a dance, we move the horst-nahrest to the civo-Vognayanі rchi.

- Garno Vitansyuvav.
- Sidlai now horse.

Fast dance digesters right. Kotton "S_dlaє" Kotsyubu, Mov Konya, І "їде" to Kaliti:
- їду, їut Kalita Kuatsati! - Spov_no-Vіn about Svіy Namir.
- And I will be the sage of writings, - In the tone of yomor.
- Pisnis Chi NI, and I on Bіlom Koni і Kalita Meni, - Jazh Yunak і, pіntributing, Kusaє Kalitu.

Y with. Rigavtsi Umansky District Take the following:
- їду, їut Kalita Kuatsati!
- And I will be in Pizza stena.
- And I bite!
- And I will write.

Svachna Kalita, tasted so, already soul Sonota died. Divina Bere Kotzuba і to Kaliti:
- Dіdu, Dіdu, Kalitu Kusati їut.
- Studies?
- s Kalitvia.
- Whive you want?
- Kaliti.
- And not a cloth Chorni?
- I'm not afraid.
- Todi Sriya.

Without thinking, there is a question. Kalita - Ford, and Dіvchina - downstairs, the right to Kushanne is neat. Її to apaint in the sage.
- Oce Tobі for those, Shah without Pisen, I dance to Kaliti.

D_VCHAT KHOTCІ ZNOVA SPIRYUTING "Bunny Chebereychik". Yunak danceє І Nіyak not Cappool in Takt, Zacplyuє That Rogachi, then Kotzubu. Pisar іz sage to the leaf is already here:
- TA Vіn Danceu, Yak Vedmіda at Molti.
- Bach, Scho t a dance is not zusting. It is not prepared to holy, "Kazaz Pisar і is familiar to Yoy.
- YDI in CLUTA is such a dance.
- I ask for me "Conduct" set
- Tsa Vzhzh із ізл Колонів to ask, І melodіya pіsnі z riлільной просто сто просторає, I send it:

Stranger zіninki codkels take
My cheporukha is not thought.
Through the crack to change.
Vona Duma, Shah, mine
Vona Duma, I'm gady,
His share of the curse.
Oh, tobі, share
That Boday Tobі, share
Scho tі mene norodila
On Nessenn Mountain.
On great flour
Shah, taking Chepurukha,
Chepuruha taking -
Nakіki missing.

Vesnyanі Saint

Peopoli Zvichíi і Obrydi, Pov "Yazanіzzzni Spring Outbounds of the Nodi, Poshivoja Spex, Ig Horovodi, Scho Majut in Ukraine, Zagalna name - Freesniki. Galichinі ї ї на на на гаївка (гагільки") . Green Vіr "I. Ukrainian Culture № 3, 1993, p.9).

Traditzіyno Sweezniki Spearvaya (Grace) Stroit Spring, Posturechi Vіd Saint Blagovischennya (7 sq. .13).


Sustained Spring Iz winter. Spring in Chovnik, Winter - on Sanchasa. І Solar Livtєva, the waters of the warmth of the warmth, the Temaki і Svіtla. Lutuє Winter frosts Notevi, and Spring Wheel Usmіx Sailing. People in the Vіdzimoviy Zonopte, the order:
- Trites, do not TRIVE - VZHED STARTED.

Yak B Temin did not stand, but Svitlya day zb_lshuchuyu. Before that long than the famous knowledge:
- Svitle Xiaє in the dark, І ї ya is not too pleasant!

I'm there, in Sinikhe Heaven, insensnially, Zmagannya: Some of the compete, but a friend is based on. Chumatiky Lane Milun Vognyana Kolіsnitsya. Vіdіrvalos of OD NOKI WHERE IS Estimation, Stoy ...
Winter spirit soaring Vіdtupati. Heat. Loading water. Homon had fun rolled out. Spearvali Dіvchata in the donkeys of the Bіlostynny:

Verboveє Wheel, Wheel
Popid Tini was rummed, rumped.
It was harvested for her German:
- Kudi їdesh, Germany, Germany?
- on the fairs, Miy Pan, Miy Pan ...

On the Tіm Fair of the Glories Divchat Schoyn on the Vdatnosti. Although on the other Kolo to enter the verbse the wheel, at the velave trade showing the Laroderi.
Kolo Dіє - Winter Vіdtupa. Z_balisya Falcon Dіvchat at the events. Circle picked up. D_VCHAT I wain Vessenka і zooming ІMEN, HTO to whom to hurt.

Wheel, wheel
Sonechko is angina іde.
Listen, Іwan,
De Gulm.

Publi listen. Kolya p_snya valley to the souls of the Divoco, the dove flies to the blue. Bere Ditina, I have been rejected by Khstina і Sickieє ї ї Kolo Seryzya Mita - "Chіplea". The climbing hustica of young Seryzia, see "Jowls. Pyornna, Sonseyina Pyanka Svmіkhaєzhezzz Spring. Kolya Pischny Pokhli to Lububovnya Ski Cholecіv І D_VCHAT, Vіdtodі, Evening, Evening.
Roskv_tali Dіvchata from Spevі Vesnokanok. Vіd that soulful Viconney, the building, in the winter. To forgiven, it is not at all about it. ЇLi dumplings with sires, this is at the Maslі biting.
І on the soul of good, і on the lips of Molo. Yak Tіlki set the axis of Tsyu Pіsenka, then the Bow sign: it's time to regret.

On the block of ішла -
Looked around.
On Kolodzi Bula -
And z pads ішла -

Із. Yoy Vіdded on the transition of the winter to the spring, Shezhanovichi Sonza, Yak about Tsii Porі pіdnmіzhuz everything wrecked і. Qia Natural Zmіna Bula Vtіlelen in mіpha, rituals, piscants.

Mr. Vadim Shcherbakіvsky, Dzherkuychi Pysnoki, Vіdnіs їx to Atributiv Sonya-Toman - Togo Scho Zabigsya at Kaliti, Kolodі, Kolodіj, Greaterodni, Kupailі.

Pershi Three Saints, Yak Bachimo, Mayut Spіlniya Porkorn.

Vishopolі є th Sozenka:

Oh Boula I am on Kolodzi,
Blinking on the cotton:
- Guy, Calton, Gai,
Garnі Brivoni Mai.
Garnі Brivoni Mai,
I will be a cotton man ...

Song-Wheel Cotilot Dali Heavenly Sewish. Yoy pіdhopluvav Vahannny Kіn. Vonya dogged Kolísnitzia. The wheel stood up to its OSI. Dali in Kolіsnitzui was injected by Kіn І Vіz її in Heavenly Dali Taisa.

Tsii Vіdgomіn Davong words "Yanskiki Vіruvan to gain in the bumps of ritual dysoche, the yaki" Yatyutyu in a colodular. Here the Yak Narodini, Bo "Boring Kolodіi", holely. Potimm Vіn descending to Earth. Kotrasya ІЗ Zhіnkov reversed at the vowed Kozak І in Bіlom Svitі "їhyala on the coni".

And in spring, and shine red,
ІЗ ply water drop.
Young nose
Mandrіvka smell.
Pomandrovav Kozachenko
At the pure field,
Behind him, Dіvchynonka:
- Return, Falc!

For the pisner of the Armed Forces, Vigkouquied: "Kolodіi їda!" Zhіkinka looked up to Pribulzya, felt:

I'm on you, kolodіu,
May all Naughty
And without you, Kolodіu,
Nikogo not in the city.

Words "Jarski Gods, Kotrі VtivaVali Sonyachnu's strength Yenegіyu, Z" was in the uk bіlom і on Bіlom Koni, Adzh Svіt ours - Bіliy. SAME KIN, for the estimates of the Ponziv, having engaged in the sky. І losі in the people of ceremonial _Rashkhah (rush, yak axis in whistles із roller_v in Umanishchinі) kіnovyuyuyu із із ісенки комочки по дочки. Obviously, the price about ny-coated at "Vlas-book", foundavnіshi words "Yanskiy Pam" Yattsі writing: "Breakly glory suction (Sonyachnu - V. Mitzik). І Tom Komogo Salary, Shahko

PID HOUR HOURS, DE donated dumplings with sires, sour cream, milk (Korii, Korovy, killed in Tsei, Kozi), Zhіanka chatted, Yaki Pysanka ripped. SAME Z Tsієї Pori finished ~ Rosmalovvati to send them Sonz-Kolo. SERID PERSONIV NIPERSHA tramp "Ryzh Half", "Kosicast's". In the Romanvtsi Central Committee, Sonzia symbols are called "Zorma". Alsas Buli Studying Pysanka Z "Trilisnik", "Landmark Jest". Immediately, Zhіkinki was obmіynuyuva in the pysnics, they gave їx, the Great Vtіchyu for the pleasant Tset, a sign of Togo, Scho Nebrovi Nastan Spring.

Oh Mala I Pidanka, the Ta Nem.
That I sold my writank
That I sold my writank
On Musiki, the grommers called.

The writings ripped all the spring by holy as much as Zelenia Nіlі. Pisl Hotels Zhіnki Behind the suites were prevented by the Spring Bood, Yaki Vonia vonia. Plogsti, chezelosti, Lyttєradi Spevanka, passing Ever.

Oh thank you, kolodіya,
Scho Zіbrav before buy.
Already merged Guby.

If the Son Sonza Pіdnmet is so Husoco, Shah, Nisby Zastigne, then all the dreams of grasphem і Zalenіє.

Krobyє Wheel, Wheel
Walked Tina stood, stood.
The fortune of Tina stood, stood,
Many Diva Bachilo, Bachilo.
Chi Bachilo Wheel, Wheel,
Kudi Miliya Piakhiv, please?
Kudi Miliya Boikhv, please
Behind him Grass Green, Zelen
Y dіbrovlyka cheerful, cheerful.

People live Nadiyu on Garna Spring - warmth. Qiu Zmіnu in the nature of the challenge of osp_vyuti і erect. Spirituala Podnesnna Novovzі Vtivyu in Pratsya, Cotture, Abbi Earth Bulya Krasoy I and Support.

Great Saint

Holy Holy Arched is holy. Vosavtsi Vezhnokanok І Highkeeper Skrіz in Ukraїnі Buli Vusually Dіvchata і Young Zhіkanka. For the hour of Totalіtarism, і и иности звичеї і і и и продовілі і і і і водина полева, Vesniki, Yak i Inshі ritualovі pіsnі, Spevali zextan in the middle of the senior zhіnok. SAME WONI IN FAVORY OF REGIONES WHO WIRED WIRED TO THE MOLOGY TRADITSIY.

Green Vіr "I

Kolo Viriaya. Brother's brother-in-law - Vilshni flesh flew to the land of Ptashchi. Polinowing і і іранене сіддья равья віра гор "Yang. Vіdіbrav" Yangochok, the daughters of the calls, I taught Woni People Denmark, Shcho Dobrich Treka brotherly Izzno Z "Evivoy Sonzia-Yaril. That Bula Vіra - Words Viriay, and People informed їїn:

VIR "Yane, Vіr" Yanochka,
Vіr "Janova daughter.
Rowed ranes
Foresting bіlesnyko.

Kolya Vіr "Yanochk-Springchki removed the Earth into the greens, to the skin yard the depth of the heavens of the VIR" I. Radysty Downake Dovkillyl.

Zhellіlo Lock "I -
She has added green.

Zinali Todі Vіr "Yanochki Kht-Vіnochki y kijeli ї і Гілля, and samі nadіli leafi. Zradіlі People so much to cheat the cylinder Gіllam Hati, Chlivi Popd Dakhmi, Svitlitz's greenery, the greenery in Viria. Grable Mova, Shaho Valinal IZ of the Sky Sky, was greatly passed to the mouth of mouth. That Bula Bezozh Mova - Povіr "I.

Tsієї Pori Spring transferred Litu Sviy Dar of Genuons. Santed by Divchat at Vynochki, Mov Knyagini in the kingdoms of Zelenii. Pіsnі-prayer Dovkіl і to the leap was sat: Zvivistі Dіvoche Merezeki passed by the Melinnya:

Oh meady moa all green
Oh a variety of pole, if green becoming?
- oh ізros, I am a dribbie,
And I am green becoming a redney show ...

The gene is there, at Dolini Vіkiv, if Planet Bula Temple for our Ponziv, І Bere Svii, Svyodstli Svyatokvіtloїsto - Zelen Naile. A number of archaeologіv (V. Danilenko, S. B_BKOV, B. Ribakov) Vwajaє: Tsei day Svyazhkuli Khl_Bobobi Chair Trypіlskoi Buliyuri Ponad P "Yat Tishych Rockіv Tom." Our ancestors SCHO worshiped the green nature, lovingly stuck the wood by Kitaites, Dubi-Majeti "We were sought by the Vichitima Pews. The very Zelen's texthele had a noodles of the Ponoc_v Spoon" (Weax M. Zelenі Saint. Ukrainian Culture No. 7, 1995, p.10).

Christian church timed to the Central People's People's Saint Trіitzu I pіddavala Zamnnia. One IZ JSC Ideologіv Christians - Kiroilo Tourvsky - Highly writing about the price: "Bіsіvskі Pіsnі, Dance, Bubni, Pisli, Gusli, Piskaci Glyli Zhahlivі Rusali."

Svyati Spevzhili Obzzvi Nazvi, Alle Christian attributes did not digest. Pіsnі, Scho ї ї Spіvali in this day, so і zoomed: "Russall". Since Davong Daven, people can't be saintly greenery, Abo Clellino, not.

Motherland at Klelna Sanato Tsvet DBAєє about the beauty of Hati. Mati is closed by їїn with kingniks, to put the lubber on Vіknakh - Abbyton loved. Batko sins of Gіlki Yavor, Lipi, Bester, Maplea stuck hut, p_dadashya chliv. Schipravda, now Tse River R_Desh, Ale over the door of the curtains of Hati Kilchannya, the oblast "Yazkovo.

Stіl ADVIDE Che GEBREE І Squeeze the tablecloth. Tsim svіt sucking the І Lavi, the dol_yvku - the head did not bite the head. Yoy smell Normalizuє Gloor "Yaniy Tisk, Vtyshaє Summary Soul. On Lavi, Vіkna Torch Torzor Torch. Pіsl Tsoy Dolіvku Embeding the Pakhiviy Zillyam - Lepheyu, Jacu, for the Mermaid's Mermaid.

On the Lvіvshchini Materi, they were punished by the Ditaam Krybvіtchasti Vіnkami Sudobu on the passas.

Mother Mom Boudila
І I asked me
Khudobi on Vіnet.
- І bi-stoy Vili,
Sudobu Namni.
Yak Buda cheerless
I will be healthy.

Z Navannam Lit came Russian time. Peremberі, not consecrated by the spirits of the cosmic forces - heaven, Svitl, water, earthy - souls lived in Rіchki, lakes, and Estroche was played in the lives, boiled on the willbah.
Yak І Skin Svyna Nikh in Ukraїna, Qia, on the green of the shints, is welcome to the char. Especially with any bullet vone for mermaids. Пісня З Кейвстиронти about the price of Rospeovіda.

Oh Visigan, Sernibny Mizyatsu,
Boynya Viyti іz
Ripped out in the blood of іz svіt,
My Mila
And Sudrog Moon Viyti
Bo green no.

Sylin smells of mermaids. The stumps of the woni did not take to Hati, on Vіknakh put M "Yatu, Pauline, a private lubble. At the dnі ї ї и са за за има.

Yakby Meni not a private one
Not polnea that cold m "yat,
Then there is Bula Tobі Hat.

Oti Magicnі furnished his Dukhmyyanki Spring Spring Lyudskom's healthy "Yu. Spek Pokhuchu Vіdv_tіv Oslah - th in the shower of Zlagimno, Radіsno.

On all the Ukrainian people in Majvі Zeleni, the people in Majvі. Vlazhovali hotels. Walked, Spіvali, have come. In Cyom, Yak I cherries, showed young. D_VCHATS TREBA BOOLO KVITCHIKOV OBO "Yazkovo. Vynochok from a leaf in the skin - then the green crown in the kingdoms of the closure. Barwie wobbies, the redness of Namisto Visterіchvaliva love to the edge of the soul.

Dіvchata went Selo І Vіddali Schau Allblagim I Serving Jeresels Livty. Pisnya Bula Mov prayer on nature, and all the difference sounded Yak Sacrednu LіTurgіya.

The nature of Tsієї Pori is not t_lki in Roskvіti. Skin leaflets, skin gіlochka is riveted with a strength. I am a good Kvitchannyy Robilo "on the leadership, on the stakes." And in Tsei, the hour was established by Lyudska Krevnіst. Dіvchata Yashley Ridnibly in Lіs, Sadok. Chimpled Vynochok on the cherry. Yakschko did not go, they walked the colts of Kolo-Koloishi, stuck with the Namyshta, straightforwards I immediately "cumorized" - they were obmіynivoyed by Namist, dukachas, horstics, grades. Ї і Рідниль пісня:

Oh, Kumok
І doves,
Mi at l_s _dem,
Mi squeeze ydem.
І Pokumimos
Th poleubirosy.

Introduced by the courage of the Misa Youth, Adzh Kumіv called Tіlki on "V". For people, it is not possible to buoy not those who are barking, and a diopal word Γ.

Kumaytya, that is not Light,
Lion, Lion, Ta not Light.
Kumaytnyy Namistmi,
Namistami, ducchas,
Dukachas that hrieses.

On Umanishchini, Zvenigorodshchinі Kolo Krinitz urged Rodvіtchan verbichenka, turning water:

Become, Verbice, on the streets,
De Chelyantka Zible
De root-mint kichery
De Chrushti Barvynchok,
De Vessel Vasilechka.

In the Poltavshchini in the green, there was a topol. Deliven the Green, s pіdniyi over the head of the Ukvіtchang Strachki, Namyshta - Hands, at Vichitіy Sorochtsi Divine-Popol was assessed by Roskvіtlu Krasu Earth. Shana Sonzu was found, Azhe Popoli-Merya was apparent to the slying tree, and the firewood z washers were whistled for the stump of Vognich-Weshirichiv. Vіd yard to the court went to the court, the topolars, І Pіsnya Rysina Radіst Saint:

Standing poplar
The edge of the pure field.
Stiy, Topoleko,
Stiy, do not talk,
Brown Vіtonku
Do not pize.
On Tіy Topolі -
Chotiri juice.
Stiy, Topoleko,
Stiy ...

And Vikh is holy! Barwami Lita, Won, Zdavalosha, said the sky itself. Pereyaslavsky villages її, thin, such a temple, put, and the impudations of the di, put on the steamed Idans. For Cbyton, squeezed in Lіsі Dovka Titch. Nizhnіy Kіnets, її refilled in the wheel. A rivet river, Gilleaki, Kitaites І OBO "зазалия замение коленина. Wheel was applied to the Wheel, I was inserted to Sonza, and the Todі lip was inserted. Often, TsE robils at night, Abi-Svіtannі Vіha Zustіl Sonza His Krasoyu, and people - Zradіli її Bagatobar "Yu.

Stovbbar has been visiting on Vіtrі, I called "Vich". Alsa davankoshai "Oak", "Intrusts Oak" (Oak - Tset Boo Lesvyzhennishzheh Tree from our pre-velvet. So now I have a well-underwent people, Shchob Bun healthy Yak Oak). Pereyaslov was put on the prisoner, the standings of the Rіznobarvniy snip-bouquet called "Shabli".

The circle of Vikhu plunged by such a grass, Yak I in Hati. Dovkoli looked around Pіsnі-LіTorgії. Melodiya leaned into the spacious, the land of the earth is the sky, the Lyuness - Cosmos.

On Chernigіvshchini, I will stand the risk of Verbov Giltsie. Divacha's cotton Divchat Tsіiliy Day Spevali, rolled niche, and Potimi had lost to the ladies, who had a daughter at Viddani. Pises, the best words of Batkіv, їhnia Ditina, Bazhali. Through those thickens of Buli in the fatty donkeys.

Pradavnіh's zrazdovnіyi doninі in the village of Svaritsevichi at Rіvnenschin. I began to report on the Catherine of the 1970s Rockiv Etnographer Svitlan Kitova.

Dіvchin Звовітчивають селеним Іллым І sheets ryakno-rally, a nikto shoff not.

Vi Buli at the whole Lіsi,
Dressed the bush with green chill ...

Speed \u200b\u200bsuch Pisen Dіvchat і with faults in it is failed, to obdominate, boat, Zhihtya is in sufficient:

Bush іz bush,
And life is rising.
Cure you live a childhood
Comori is a fruit.

SPIV DIVCHAT - then the voice of Samo. Vіd Zelenyi Nіlі Vіn Roshlovyvav Tweaintly Liberal-Greaterly Time. And on the center of Ponaillock, Zhіkinki Choloviki was called over the water: on the shores of the r_ch, Koloch Krinice, the valleys. So Bulo on dye, Cherkashini. People vіdtvatali Rusali Abo w "COLLECTED KALATELS". Їh baked twice with wovers, two were taken by the mermaids for the zourshi. Agasha Pampushki, Korzhі, Church, Tsibul, Radky і All pіsne. Zіbravshiya, the hips Rosage the events:
- Ours beside, and Mi - your one, Tychochimo Chasturance.
- Blessing Mios, the jungle of the mermaids did not come to us. Zustrochimo їh Kalachi, Pampushki, Pogs, Kiobi, Schoni on us in Obіdі did not Buli, and they are hilariously fun to be fun.
- Lovely with Praznik! Schobi Tsay Vіdguliyi A forpened in Healthy "ї Deli.
- Thank you. Vіd edge to the edge of the century, Basy Bazha.
- Good, Schoi Dialy Kalachikiv. Jaclisy to us on that RІK ї Susunty.
- Be healthy! Mii Rusali copened, and Ditty Shchob did not sink. And TI, Scho there, Nuthey Rusual Sobi on Vtihu.

Young gave a dashed:

- Spokonvіki MI coped Rusali. Schob І vi їh did not hurt that Schorakuyvali, did not have Zauli bought bakes.

Dobril the word I remembered the quiet, hto thin. I want to be thought of їx at the earth, the spirit of їknіyi sovetling in the water.
Set aside:
- Do not cry, people are good! Meriammosi's edge, then mermaids honor us і to come on the boat.

Velosnyoshi dusted Pisnya Dіvocha - Already Valley Hello Vіd Togo Spevo-Channe:

Wyidi, Mermaid,
To the shore of the villages
Nadіn your punching
I. Chornії Cherevichnye,
Garni Vynochok i oxamiki.
More did not deserve
Then wiyi to us
Wike ruslock.

Yakschko HTO in the near, Shaho Mermaid Wyishal, then I will normally go in the middle of the Kola І grinding. Yak Tіlki Mizyats Zaya for Khmaru, Mermaid Fucked in water, Boi can be on Sushi Tіlki Todi, if it is clear. On the wound on the mіstsi strengthened Dіvchini Zavvіtn Lіlіya.

Dіvchata at Vіnochki, Strachki, Dwarf, djordly, Mov mermaids. Since the honests went, Spevyov Ponad Rychko. Hodititis himself is not restless. Batki in Tsey day nіzashko did not put the D_Ti from the field. Opіvnocha Divchat conducted mermaids, said goodbye to them, I pisnuyu - Ti Nizhratsya Rosevili Spіv.

I will spend the mermaid to Boru,
I myself will come back Dodoma!
Oh column mi mermaids spent
They often did not go to us
Yes, our village is not Lamali,
Bo our love in a spike
And our Divochochka at Vynchochka.

Zarіvna carack. Zelenі dnі lies smelled stiglisy. We have vipovy the Mustess Golden Souls.

b) Means of Archaichnostei Vesnyanok І HOMEVOK

Veshinki of the Freesniki І Highcuts of a distant pre-historical hour, if our ancestors of the Great Tremis Sustaines Sustaine Sustaines. After once, with rizni rites, burning, Magicnimi Diyi Voni Pocletiki Buli Wrongs Springnane Ovenigna Narodi, Raughty Winter, take the goodness of the onaccation leading and robet people. An important role of Vіdіdіngravalo is exalted by spring Yak Pori Kohanne, the cigarette of the Maybutnikh girlfriend. A long-term Magicna FunConіonalіst Vesryanoki was turned on in the "Hukati" Chi "Clikati" from the "Gukati" sick "Klikati"

Bless, Mati,
Spring Skill!
Sprinky spring
Winter to hold.

Vereniki TA HORIVYY MISTENIAN DOWNIY HOROVA TA ІGROVIA. The wines were evolving at once with igrai, I was attended by Hori, Yaki was relieved by MІZHO; Often, Pisnі choru crossed the proves of Dualogs, the pugatoy mimіkoy, the gestures. This is China's verbal text, Grid, Melodії, Tankovich Ruhiv, Mimіki, Dramatic Diї (Tobto Syncretism) - Torzor is characterized by the ARCHICOSTI SPEEZHENAKI II HOME.

With an hour of Vesseniki І Highness, Intrunked your ritual-magicnu funki. Alla Radyaki Voni Vonya was listened to the Lovels of Spring Igrami Young. І SUND, "SPIVAYUKH SPRESN", GROSUKH "VARTOR", "KOSHBODKA", "BІLODANCHER", "MICO", "MAK", "REPETERS", "MOST", "King" Tusko, Lishe Dehto knows a healthy Striker is a cult of Sonzia, the "funeral" of the winter, the magician closure is a good time ago, Schchang Kohannya І T.In.

Ukrainian Vesnі rianian rianian rianian rianian rianian rianian rias to the Zadrіvniy, - "Rindzіvki" (on Javorivshchini), "Ryutnovanny" (on Lexkivshchini); "Tsarinnі Pіsnі", Scho spinning a pіd hour of the spring bypass by Paulіv; Shepherd pіsnі pіd hour twigs Krybobi on Pasha, "Shepherd Ladkanki" (on Boykіvshchini); Yurіївскі Пісні (to Saint Saint Yurai - 6 herbal); Troyzki Pіsnі (holy to greenery). Usi Voni becoming Vinyakovo Bagati і Riznannife in Ukraine Folklore Complex rivants of the Sungi Pisen.

St. Juriy Day (23 kwards (6 travea) for the Orthodox calendar in Ukraine (Georgy) -Pobidnik. Diet Tishychі Rockіv Tsya Calendar Point Vіdpovіdala Incusion Sonzia in Suir "I am Tіltsya. MIFOLOGICIONAL ACTIVE (Cholovіch) Energia Cosmos is awesk the image of the Sacred Beach (Tіltsya , Tura).

Our Ponkivsky Tse Bouv Zolotorogi Tour. On Tіi Porі Vіn respected by the sacred creature. The word "tour" ("tour") acts of Skidnimi Mova (VAND. Іnd., Pers., Kurdsk.) Mean: SUP, SWIDE, ACTIVE, Yari. Waterproof the word Yari in the Ukrainian Movi Vistupaє Z is meant: SPRING, MORAL, RUN, PRESSION, Palaiuchi, Zagang - Activities. I am periguous at the bottom of the SUZI in SUZIR "I am Tіltsya ancestors-Jazychniki Uzochitsky Vіddovali Yak Holy Peopling Yaril - Divine, Shcho Vt_lyuє fruit Verchayia Veshyanny Sonzia. Tie, Sonza-Yarilo - Tse Traz-Tіletsi (Beach, Tour). Playing a Tour's horns. Tours of Rig Riton (Audine for Pittya) from our pre-velno bv obo "ulcery will administer the ulcer of the ritual of that Benketіv. With the archaeological rogues of the Roggy Rogi, Pozblenі Krabovy, the gilding. RІG is one of the heads of the head attribute of Yazychnitsky God. Vіn welcoming the waters of the joosti abo the guns "Yam Pealі. In Dnі Saint, the Beak was removed by Strachki svіti, drove in the village. Seni Scholynya for Zvichya Maє Soditi Sacrednu Varyin - Datius Sacrificed. Dobrim is familiar to the duty, the Yakschko Tour Stamchne (Bezne) will donate. Tse, for the pink "I, Nada Lyudynі" I am so fruitful. In the traditions of the Ukrainian villages of Syannі Zerigyuz, Zvika ritobovy Vigor Kryobyu on Pasovyka on the day of St. Jurai. For the tradition of the tradition of Saint Yurіya. For the tradition of Sacred, Merda Mait, Take the Glyanka Verbya (Persoderevo Svitu) І Cattle Already before Vigor.

SUZIR "I am a Tіltsya Tour to come together with the sacred in the people of the people of Svitu. Zgіdimy Bakhattsi Mіfіchny Perekazіv, Tіletsi at the Galaxy Systems - TsEOVYA ASTROPOLYARNYY CENTER, SHO SKERAUєSUє ALL RUCH ZІR І Planets, Zovnoshnyh Yak Internal So і Zovnіshno. І Tsim Binal Global Catastrophe. Figurative - T_letsi his own heavenly shepherd. І NAAME SAME SAAME JURIY Знакий замень на га настая Pisl Saint Kupala voon is not coming enough, but to root and ruinu. Pіd Tsyu, for Zvichuєm, the rivant is hungry Jaril.

In the Christian kiasi Miscea of \u200b\u200bthe Yasichnitsky Tura-Yaril Hotel Pesimaє Sviappi Yurai-Pridnik. The phonetic spores_dnenіst імен Юрій (walke of Georgy) І Yarilo є with a law of law, and not by Vipadkovim. For the transfer of the Great Martyr Georgey (Yurai) alive in the IV table in Kappaddії. Vіn Buv Slyhamnyj family, visiting the Vіiskovy Vallest, Vіdvaguyy, to see Svanna Tsysytsy. Communion Georgiy Spov_vavav Virh Christ. І Kolya Todіshniy Tsar Dіokletіan Ulashtuvavov Nerudskiy Court over Christians, Vіn Vіdkrito Vestouching, Zvinvivati \u200b\u200bKing in Zhorstkosti Vikivaychi yogo wicked. Dіokletіan, having twisted GNIV, trying to shhili Georgy to Vіdrechennya Vіd Christ. Ta, Pobyashchi, Shcho Vіr Yogo is unacade, punishing HO "Journal of Zhorsstko Katuvati. I pisl, Yak Nіyaki Nastrykh_tvіshki, not in the middle of the shimmer of the Holy Martyr to Vіdrechennya, threw a head. The power of St. Georgy Buli Putkini on the Batkіvshchinі Yoy Materia, Zgіvіvіvtiu.

Noted by Vіd Mіszia Handshed, the opposition to Gori, visiting Lake Lyuti Zmіj-Lyudoor. Zmіya became unbelievable in the village of Vіddavati Vіd Skinny Rodin on one ditigi. Cherga Dysisla to єdino Damsky Tsar. Tu Koli Zmіy Viyshov WiShov, Rapto Zoi "Waving a Yunak on Bіlom Koni і Titches Snіya at Vіdkrita's father. That Bouv Georgiy (Jurai) -Pobidnik. So, being a king of the earth, Vіn, who is a gathering of the King of Heaven. І in People's Svіdomostі Vіn Liv Yak Zmієєєєєєєєє зєєєєєSEBCHA Resperate th RomanOndiysky god Breaking thunder Індра, Kotriya His "Vajroy" (Іmovіrno, Trezubets Aboy Dukhova Palitsya) TRAINING THE WILL DEMONE-ZMIA VRITRU, SHO WATCH WATCH WITH THE WATH THE WEEP.

In IRRISKIY MIFologiy God the sky respect Agur Mazda. At the day of St. Jurai "I know" People, Viganyuyu Sudobu on Pasoviskao, Vigo-Axis Taku Zama Vovkvіv: "Communication Journey (Juriy) -Pobіdonosetsian їkhav at Osiyanskіy Giі, on the Cherevon Koni Zvіr-VKVVіv Zibaji, Shchobi didn't yashley

Volodar of the sky, the Zgіdimy MIFOfoytichnye is delicate, є Vodoches І Volodar of the first waters. On the ground, the Rosa is married to the ground. Rosa on the day of St. Jurai - Sacrednun: "Jur_yva Rosa Koroltie Vіves". In Ukrainian Mіfopoytitsi, Sviappi Yuriy Nemobi Peremimaє Yustafetu of the Heavenly Gorotki Vіd Vaschnitsky Rate: Yaril, Tura, Uranus, Turan. Vіn - God's keysticker, Scho Vіdmikaє Sky Vipusє Rosu - God's beauty.

"For the poverty" yam at the day of Yurai, all nature is diverted by the fruit force. For Zvichoy, they are shining on the greenery of the gifts, take the butcheas of the Kiriv I Konya, Bero, Absorcely, sprout by the Rosyu, spook the Lyttєdnyh forces. And on the Maidatriacs, such ookolitsy cholovіki mіryuvea for strength, athleticism, spritt_tu absorption at Strelbі. Tyozhnaya Day, I also have a member of the birth of Rodainіv і, especially Variav "(Weax M. Day of St. Jurag. Ukrainian Culture № 3, 1995, p.16).

Randers right on the day of St. Jurai wade the wheat Kalachi of the Vococe, the form of the pies. Kalachi symbolizing the fruit of that actively, and pies - Cholovіchi Potugu strength.

Zeleny Saint

The ritship І rituals Пісенність новених стяних (TRITICSI, KILLYNY, NIRLI, RUSSIA) Completely) to complete the spring cycle І Watercuts to dump the turn to Lіtnoye.

Usi Mermaids, Yak spiritually not Vtіlenі (uncooked), the Golimi is the ridge of hairstyles. At the piscants of the challenges to ask for the Divchant, Namіkti Abbo shirts.

Sidіl Mermaid on Bilіy Berezi,
She asked Mermaid in Zhіnochok Namiktka:
- Zhynoko-sisters, give Meni Namiktka,
Want not to thin, Abi Bіlenyko.

Zelena Nazylya is so called the name:

On Broat Nіlі, on the groa, nіlі,
Mermaids Sidіli, the shirts asked
The shirts asked: "Ta give, Divochki,
Young youth, give a shirt. "

Words "Broat", "Break", "Fun" in Ukrainian Movi Vistuyat z meant in front of the singer Schi Schi Zmіn in Zhistictі: "Nasreshti" "," "squeezed"; Svidkoy Ruhu: "Ridge Four Horses", "Switchy Loan, Taja Dodoma"; Prudeishnostі, Majibuttya: "Nova Republіka, ridges!", "The coming bed", "on the sleep coming".

The name "Broan", the silence of the day of Zelenya N.Lіlі, tidy on the redepal hour of Abo Svitka, Vtivnіkhnіkhnіkhnіkhnіkhnіh і zovnіshnіх Mean Measure the Division of Natural Dovkillyl, Zokrema Roslinnosti, in the Rіchny Kologigiv Earth. For the people of Perekaz, in the Tsey day, God, the land of the Earth І Sorrowing її Green.

At the hour of Zelenii, Nіlі Sovo Odnorіchnі Trevi, the tree of th Іnschі Roslini to complete Stadian Poskoschchennya (Rughamnah). For the people's suites, the tree of Pisl Zelenii, Nіlі Lazh Bіlsh, not Viganya, Novich Pagonіv. With the qim of the appearance of th pov "Yasanі Obrydi:" bush "," Verba "," Poplar ", Shaho igniced in the actors of Ukraine. Yak Rule, the rite is carried out on the other day of Saint Troitsky. Tobto in Pononlock. Divacha Zi Him Hurt Named. Won, Talnient Vіd Mіstesey - Kush, Poplar Abo Verba. Naschaena Pain in Greenery G_liki (Digested by Tych Tych, Scho ї ї to take for Klekhannya - Maple, Lipa, in "Yaz), to them to go sovkov grass, lovers, convae, m "Yatu, Nagidka Tusko. Zhіloki trees ride a vynok. Pick up a bush (poplar, willow) in the Gai, Poli Abo in the Luzi. And Potim Gurta is a member of the docks to the settlement.

Tree in a taking place by the people of the people to learn the yak image of the human nature: Kornnya - ancestors, Stovbar - Batki, and G_kili - Diti.

Know: the tree is coming to rockets, and the rіd multiply by Ditki. In the rituals of the rivals of the rival cycle, shade, the Yasani zusta, Topoli Chi Verby, sounded the Motivi Kohanneu.

Yak Rugged ritual tree Vіd Kornnya. So it turns around to multiply the Lord, Scho generously punishing the participant of the region.

By Zakіnchennyna, the tree, the ritual of the tree back to the city:

We will spend the bush pіd guy green,
urinous us yes kozak young,
Mill us yes road naughty,
And mi, young, did not mind appusy.

"For the phew" yam mermaids to poke the wanno-ї spring, Yak Tіlki zelenіyuyut the fields Luke і rose Vorby. Ale, at that time, there are no wounds of misfortune for people. In the periguous of greenery, Kolya, M. Zejni, M. Zeene, Pivynaya Zhelensk, Pisli, Pisli, Pislchi, Scho in the people of Zeleni, Tyvalchini. Battle in the rіcchki і lakes - "Lake Mermaids did not cut out." Oberego Vіd Mermaid to go to Polinh that lovers. TsI TRAV, for Vіvuvannam, SLIID WERE WITH SOCIAT WORLD, MRIAL GENERALIHES SHOULD FOR JOINS, MRIMALS WATCH WITH LOCK CHLIB de go Korii. And I'm just nervous than the sky of the Rіznі strokes I often often often. Young Vlašovuє for them is a ritual to be a risky.

I will spend the mermaid to Boru,
And he will return to the commor.
Early, early!
Іdіt, ruslong, ідіte,
That our village is not Lamіte.
Early, early!

Stained the day of the Wire of Mermaid - Ponaillock, SHO Z Nyochnaya Petrіv Piste. Tsey is called Rosigras. Sorry, spell on the lives of Abo with the closest of the life of the Niv. Life, Yak Vіdomo, in his district of the city, th above Nivoya Pіdіimyuyovo, Bіli Tumanets. There - the souls of Children, Scho ї ї God of Vіdpuska in Tsei Hour to the will.

Christian zmіst Saint Tritzia Torzozhka Torzuє in the appearance of his condensed strength - Povoudnanya in one of the Ipostasi of God Otzia, Sinah Spirit of St. Yak єdino, Suti. Wike the name "Triatzia" itself, obviously, did not Bula, alone in our ancestors-to-apartments.

Completing the green of the saints on the first day of Petroki Rosigram. Tsogo Day, Obrim "Wire of Mermaids", is carried out by the Cimalo of the first rituals Іgor, the fun: Yak Sermid young, so the Serous of the people of senior Viku.


RUSSIAL RAYSIVE CYCLE POW "Jewelry from the people of Vіranuvnyami at the mermaids - mіfіchnyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhd_ (

Kupaluski Pіsnі Buli PovoDannі z rituals, configurations to Lіtniy Totzia, Roskvіtu Nodi, Buyannya Zelenі. Since the long-standing hours of Wony passed the soul of the people of the Krasoi and the Great Vyodny, ospіvuvali їїv, the strength of the I was full of all alive, the cult of Almighty Sonzia ("Sonyko's" sled to Ivan "). At Kupaleskiy Pisnya, I go about Rospevanynnya ritual Vogniki І Povropribovnya through nyochnaya, Splitanna Vіck_v І Puskannya їx on the water, Palennya І Foennna Kupalya Tshaii Chi Mіfіchi Marenochki, Molivіzhnі Ігри. That bіlshіst zh is embedded by OSPVUvaynya Lyubov, Motatani I am wrapped. Cimalo Serieda - Іgrovich, cheerful, Zholtіvlivich Pissen.

Kapaluschi to Grup Lіtnіh Pisen to carry Petrіvochnі, Abo Petrіvchanі, Scho spared in Rospeal Lita (the name of the name of Saint Peter and Paul - 12 Lipnya), Kosariski Ta Kremitsykі, turn "Yasanі s-space, dried, zgrіbani Torozhe Domіnychimi enjoy the Motiv Motivosti, Kohanne, Ale's fits of the Dumoka Ta Cleaning Peremnotniya Stadiya Dumin Young, Vodіkuvannya Acknowledged Zaruchin і Wevіl, forgiven with odnumnamant Dvumovnyem ("Already our Pisenka Minє, half of the Litechka Nemє", "already Petrivochka mined, Zozulok Kuvati forget" ). Include from the ZMIST Pisen I Budydnі Motiv Intrious, finding in Rozzi of the working day, if:

Small nikochka petrivochka,
Our Divochka did not choose.

It will face Lіtnіh pіsen becoming a znizhni. Vony Buli Sewing on Blue UKRAYNI Yak Petupin Supovіd Completely Eatup Khliborobsko's Pratsi - Zoorage is laughing. In them, Yak і in Karoskiy Ta Great Pisni, the Miscean Miscean Posіda, the topic of the important Pratsy, Yaka is the focus of a spectal Litno-day Vimoresє Women's in Nivi. Vododoches digesion in them and the rituals of the Motivi: Toving "Yasanі zlainki - praised the ones pressing Snopu, the kind of" Water-building ", and Torzozhi Iz Zazivannya" Borodi "- Skivyzhya, Pryovina "Joined Strachkoy; Splitannya of the adhesive Vіka Abo capsuinea of \u200b\u200bthe female snop і in the preman of ї ї ї ї ї

The ritual Magic and Primyal Smysle is familiar with the famine for Znisnya Motivoy OSPIVUVANNY GOLDY NIVI, Scho "One hundred kіp zhit", the workmannikіv- "Zhenyivіv", Shcho "Vija Life in Nivі", Glerg of State , Dobrimi і generous for your "Zhenychivіv" - Rado fit the first to commemorate Γ.



In the acts of MІseksov, Ukraine Zafіxovan, Pisin's Pisin, Povnya - Pologovi, Krestinnі, Khrinnі. They have a wiser to be wolfged, they will be built by the most important character. Aktіv Peopling і Khrechennya Yak: grandmother, Kumi.

Traditzine Folklore, Scho stacking Seredi, the funeral of the І pominok people, presented in digesting the voice (Creek, Plachy, Joikan). Tseju Davong Type of People's Pogue, Scho, to like Vіd Vіruvan about the turns of people in the midst of Svіt, about Mozhvysti, I will need to take a mock-one who has been fucked in that Svіti, send ід и и и и и и и и оливины. Tsim zoomovilovsed the trival of the traditional region "Yazkovostі Visіin. Gallowed by Zhіnki, Bliszki to the souls of Association of Naimani Poskalnitzі, Visitnitzі. Snіstі Visіin Obov" Yazkovy Buli Motiv Motivi Cickling Deroble, Sorry Sorry for Him, Purchawnnya. The text of the voice was trapged by the Rіzni Petchichni, caressing, Laskówі, Pestvant Words. For їh, the power of the power of Vіlna is spectative for the form - Spoluca Nіvoskladovich Visrshіv і, Naitash, Dіkslіvna Rome. Vincannya Visіin Maє character SPIVANOY SECLAMATSIA - Recycling. The axis of the fragment of one ІЗ zrazkiv crying the mother for her daughter:

Potikha my onemaid,
Zozoleko my pishnet
Dustchko my SRIBNENKA!
Ty Meni Hutcu merged,
Ty Meni Lock "JacHko decorated ...

The homeland-rituals of Piazіїn Nibіlsh is a rivotine і baguato є Velіlna Piskennіst. The shorthings of the weight of the rite of suprojuverate rіznimi piscories. Ala Traditzіin Ukrainian People's People of Wellel included Yak Obov "Yazkov yo-woven specialty rituals Spev. Nibils Pisenni Buli Oktii Vіnkopletin, liver cow -" Cowing cycle ", blessing of the Moltie, forgiving young people of the і-girlfriend, forgiven the young woman. On knows Parts of Ukraine Karpat і Karpattya rituals Webіlnі pіsnі d dі zhіlіguthut his long name - "Ladkanki", and in Hutsulshchini Puttttі - "Barvynkovі".

In the weight of the piscanthime, the act of an applied on the incomplete, Cimalo Momenty Vіdlunyuє Zhamnim Magnichnaya Zamnyniy, good, good, healthy "I, SIMEYNY ZOGODI, and the benefits of the heavenly of the cosmichny forces, and in the Christian hour - God and Saint Saint-Goga, Spring SIM "ї

Weighing pins of the authorities of his own melody, brokenness, glibory l_rizism. Watercuts a lot of sir of them І fun, Zholtіvliviy Pissen, addressing Starosti, friendship, friendships, Muzikov, cooks. VikonApsia Webly Fish Ratovikovih Pisen Buli Zezitskoy Zhіninki-Swhahi, Friendship І, Tіlki in Okhareih Vipadkov, - Choloviki.

Not rituals pіsnі

Before the ritual folklore, to put the Torozіinі soldier, the Formuli, Pilitzіinі, Prosovi, Proszіinі, Prosovі Ale is basically a bugtism to become Pisnі, Ukrainian rituals folklore Zherig Chimalo Vinykovo Tsіnniyi І Rіdkіsenniy, and then y нокальный и овом молі моль "Яторая отовов"

Not rituals pіsnі - a friend of a great group of foil folklore. Before them, to put the People's Duma, Istorichnі Pіsnі, Baladi, Social and Pistems, Lіrichnі Пісні с и и і і и и життя, жетівилі и товокі Пісні, тикискові ититачі, льькані, Лірницкі пісні.

Dumi - Printing Tіlki Ukraine Folklorei View of People's Republic of Piazia. Woni is visited by a cleaner form, the powerful for voice, not a rivoskladoviyi Vіrsha, Vіdstnіsti Strakhni І Opovіdnimnaya (Epіchny) in the way of Viklad. The Duma was joying on the territory of Nib_lshoye Kozatvіt, Nabli Kozhvіt, Nabuli in the XVI-XVII Art., Ale's kinnia, Sagyuti, the traditions of Kyivskoї Rus.

I found an idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming the duma, Shahly to pieces of Bourcakіv with Tatars and the Turks, about the scary of Turkish will ("Plach Nipplevіv", "Moruska Bogusvka", "Usting Trioch Bribіv із Azaz"), about the face of the death of Kozak ("Ivan Konovchenko", "Fedіr Rule, "Samamarski Briahi"), degraded with Neskoi, Vіyskoviy Plijd ("Samіylok Kіshka", "Oleksіy Popovich") that IN.

The lowest people are embedded by the bogwn Ukrainian people in Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

In the Thiemotism of the Heroїmism and Patrіotism in Borunbі Proti Tyranії th orenynenna, apprugrate Іdeali freedom, justosti, Chestі, Lyudsko Gіdnosti, Skadznikov, Scho "Zaraffy Dresses of the Nechass" Speakuyuyu Holy people І Vіry. According to the Hero-Hotel Motibs, the principles of peaceful, fair SPIVIVANUVANYNY MІZH people ("Lyudska Krovlya not leading, not suitable, are not suitable for shedding"), the authority of the Batka, Mater, family, people of the elders.

Creators І Vikonaans Dom Buli Zeqіlsh Samі zh Kozaki, Zokrema Talanitі Spіvtsі, Kobzarі, Yaki took fate at the campaigns, Buli's challenged on the sophisticated sobrums. І Zgodam Peopoli Kobzarі was tried by the main nose, the Viconaans of the Dum - Cyozhnaya folding form of People's Republic of Towning, Yaky Vimaguє Speedi and Ukraine, Vmіnnya Supuroditi Schіwn Yokha at Kobzi Chi Banduri.

Bliszki for the ZMIST to DUM Іstorichnі pіsnі, in perspective singers іstoryichnі affair, the characteristic of the specifically, is fed. Providoy in Ukrainian Іstorichnіy Пісенності є є-зашина истрой і і комонтрой boulards Ukrainian people are paranegromy. Particularly large in the smoke of the Istorichnі pіsnі about Zahisht Ryady, the land of the land of Ordinsky Tatar-Turkish attack, Polcano-shchettsky and Muscovsky orelynenna. Tsyu Drees People's Pisenna did the Word of Cille Gallery Yaskvychi, the example of Kozatsky Geroiv (Bida, Morozhendek, Sulima, Pavlyuk, Sagaidachnia, Necha Ta In.). Mascifications have been found in the people of Іstorichniy, Korotamachchini, Borunbatya Karpat і Kurtarpattia, Karpat and National Denolenna, Socanvanya Krіpatva, Likholіttya Pershio and Officon Svіtovichi. Naining about the referee of the Ukrainian Іstorichnyi pіsen becoming Straightskі Ta Distanokі Pіsnі, Yaki Viknikli on the ґrunti of the deigns of Zmagan Ukrainian people in the twentieth century

People's Dumi Istorichnі Pіsnі - Tse will firmly a lot of people Litopis Ukrainian people.

Pіsnі-Baladi is visited by Tim, Shah in them rose-free about the subsidiary of the Social Social and Shadovoye character. Miscean Posіdaє in Baladnaya Pisni The theme of nonsense of the SIMEYNY ROSMIN: MATY WATCH DOCUMENTS NERLYUBU NISTORKO І BUTUUє with Czema Sina; Cholovіk killing Zhіnku through Nagovir Motherі chi zhodi kohkhanka; sister cut off her brother for namo Kohanzia; Mandrіvnі Klotton-Moltodі We blow up Dіvchin І bunker Aboyuyutu її, Pri "Yasana" to Sosni Koshi "; Pan is killed by Selianskiy Falcon, Pokyu Pokі.

Northidko in the plots Balada KydіDigunt Analyz the role of fantastic Elenthent, non-shivenі stretching (non-shivenі stretching -metamorfosi); Running the mother-in-law is sworn in the topol; Matіr's curses "Yu Sin Stєє Yavoroma; Unreaccylessly visited his daughter Ptashko Prilіtuє to Materi; Dіvchina Charas is twisted with a cute; Diti-Syroti rose-to-therd of Matіr" Yu T.In.

Bakhatka Baladowki plunks І Motiv of Baladnaya Pisen transmitting one of the people to O., Tobo Majut Mandrіvniy Character (thoughts, pіsnі about Rosbіinikіv). Vododoches at the Baddannі Baladniy Pisen is an important role of the Vlasign of the National Material Master, in the number of Іstoriy. So, on the basis of the Іstorical boat of the Ukrainian people, Baladi stated about the Tatatsky Chi Turkish Polon, Kozatka Death in the pure half, the bilism of the name of Divchini, Yaka does not conquer Yomu (about Bondarіvna), Pіsnі about OSRISHKIV TA IIN.

Peopoli Pisnі-Baladi is often a whisker writing with your own creatures. Woni served as the foundation, Zokrema, for Balad Taras Shevchenka "Poplar", "Drown", for P "єSy Mikhail Staritsky" oh do not go, Gritzu, Taja at the events ", Drums Ivan Frank" Stolen Schasty "that burning ones.

Lіrichnі Пісні - Це ступойтичні и и и и вачальна ваприватля ваприватля ин итітульники, ї їни і і і setting, zoomovilius, complain of socially owls. In the zm_sti, motifs, the images of L_richny, Pisen, picked up the rіznі aspects і show the Yak Suspiliyl, and the first private lodge. So Thoni will go to DVI Great Grup: Suspilo-Pobetovo Tom Motherland.

Person GROUP OKHUNUє Kozatsykі Pіsnі - about Zvitaaga, the features of the first death of the Humanist Zakhisnik Vіtchizni, Tugu behind them ї ї іdnyy, kochany; Chumataykі - Pro trivialі і's not esteem Mandrіvka Chumakіv at Krimi Chumi to Don for Stille I Ribyoy, Tragіchni Spear in Stepa, fell by the death of Chumak; Recrurtski, Soldatskі - Nasilna Zasilannya Military Falcony of the Soldati, ї ї Rіyskynnya, Kalіzzvo І death for foreign Інтесеси; Nymitskі, Burlaciki, in Pryakiyvyuyu) Nimitіv І Tih, Scho Zmushevі Shukati Roboti, Zamatkіv Pose Ridy Domіvko; Remіsnitziki, in the vіdographenі Emboding Remіsnikіv (Shevtsіv, Koviv, Kravtsіv, Bondarіv, Motsіv Ta In.) І Putting to them Sellian; EMІGRANTSKI - PISNI TIKH І PRO TIX, SHO Zmushevі Buli through the landlock, Zlidnі, Rezovduvannya Polysati RІDINY KOLYA, RODIAN І SHUKATI KRAKHOBOY DOLI TO THE FAMILY; Robіtnići, I spoke to the formulas of the robіntal claus І yogo bourgeing for your social rights.

GOOD THE MOUNTAIN-ROOM WORLD WORLD Numerian Pіsnі about Kohanny, Yaki, weighing a wide range of TA SERVICE; Vіd Svіtloї Radyti Kohannya to Girkoti Rogin, Neiznosti, Rozluki; about SIMEYN LOVY, SERED PIMI VIZNIZNYE PISNI PRIMINE DO Zіnoche Nesterpneu Butety Zіzhnoї zіkinki zholube cholovіkom, cholovіkom - p "Yanitzia, an aggravation of mother-in-law, in the Umovs of the unfair put to the nonsense in Khatі Cholovіka І T.In. to Tsієї Grupheli, Pisnі about novoli D_tei-Sirіt, bimda widow, Self-shy Matni, Yaka Groundila dіtey. Rodin-pobutovі lіrichnі pisni vіdznachayutsya Glibin pochuttya i drama. Zhartіvlivі th gumoristichnі pisni skladayut digit Chastain narodnopіsennogo repertoire. Pong nalezhat to rіznih group folk pіsen have to chislі minutes before the ritual. Ale Especially nasichenі zhartіvlivo-gumoristichnim Elements, molodecheyu bezzhurnіstyu i veselіstyu Korottі one of the same і dvostrofovі Пісенки пивівавки, Šoe nerіdko bother Yak Fitting to Dance. Nab_lshchyvі zhumi - Kolomiyki, Kozachka, Shumkov, Poly), Skimavius \u200b\u200bTank Rhythm.

"Pisennia Folklore Viditzіin Pіklumannya people about D_Tytsya, ї і иманника. Wono to have in the numerical colisses of the pisnih і tolens, Yaki evoke for D_tyi Doroslimi, and Pisnya і і'viki, Scho ї ї Spevayut Samі Diti" (Matvієnko N. Koliskova - Pisnya Motherі. Pigwear School No. 1, 1994, p.8). Here we carry і rіznі Іgrі dityachі pіsnі ta Vіrshі (shallows, briefings, l_chilki, proboms that іn.).

The axis of the acts of shapes:

Sonechko, Sonechko,
Visiting Viskonechko,
Ditka walk,
You see luck

Dough, dust
Zvari Meni Breaking
And I am Tobі Kaski,
P_Dem to Melashka.

Wyidi, Wyde, Sonechko,
On Dіovna Polakko,
On Babin Zillyachko,
On our pass, "Yachko.

(Keep pіsl Kapanne).

Water, cold water,
Stacks z me
Nagaria Mene.
And who is not a stepping,
That Sonse Sech.

Goosebumps, goose
Garden bash
Give Meni Kvaska,
And I am Tobі - Medsk.

Shukalyuchi mushrooms, dіti rinse:

Pomagat, Gaychku
Give the mushroom butterfly,
Crying box
Krasnogoltsya h Floon.

The axis of acts of l_chilki:

Once, two - wood!
Three, Chotiri - Wiseli Zvіrі!
P "Yat, Sh't - Fa Leaf!
SIM, VІSIM - Ptahi in Lіsi!
Virgins "yat, ten - he is seeding
Pіdweli Chervoni Lychka!

Diti, Ditty, Dipitora,
SUI beat the yard.
HTO without stamping
Scream "Hurray!"

Їхала Катат, Dzvon to djwonit.
Wiilya Panі.
Lucky Koni:
Once, two, three, Wyidi.


Through the garden Girb TKIr Yamku.

Sky Zoryan Karetu
It is not a coni to raki.
Careeti on Clarinet
Girly Mіsytsi at Kashkeke.

Women's woman, a naked woman.
On a marriage - Cherevichki
І Cap Chorna,
І ladle Chervonenka.

Pilyav Pilip Polіna ІЗ Lip,
Using the pylip of Polіna ІЗ lip.

(Tsyosa A.V. Rukhlivі Ігри Ta Zaby. Given Onuka number 7, 1996, p.5).

The repertoire of the Mandrіvny people SPIVTSIV - Lіrnikіv І Kobzarіv - Boulo Bagato Pisen Picky ZMTSti, the base for the B_Blіinі Opovіdanna about the іsus of Christ, God, Matir, Saint, Rіzni Miracle, to the Barisnikіv І T.In. Chimalo of such L_richnitsky pisen І Psalmіv was embedded with moral and tickening topics, which would be a matter of moonlm, Batkіv І D_Techo. Nijashtіsh ї ї warehouses SPIVTSI, the written people, Ale, Much ї ї і і in the People's Mudovische, was folklorn.

2. Problem folklore

MShtnyi Creative Geniy \u200b\u200bpeople Yaskravo Viraeniya II in the Rіzniki Posniki genres of agriculturally.

Propy folklore. Tsa Velika, Velmi, etc. WORKS OF PEOPLE CREATING. OKRIMA OF OWN YOUTETICS, RESTABLE FOOD FOODSIKI, VIN serve the i-singing iznamalnaya that I am informative chinnik, the role of the kind in a passenger Bula for people especially absolutely. "Prozovo Genrey Folklore infringement of the Humanіstichni principle of Zhittya, Lyudski Chesni" (Antonyuk V. Willowing Moї Pealі ... Ukrainian Culture № 7, 1994, p.14).

Nosyov і Rospovsyjujuvachi Creative Folklorna Prosi Buli Mandrіvnі Veseluni-Ruisvazhlniki і Skomorochi, Yaki Zeewwi in Davaoruskiy Jerelah, and Talaniti Dotepnі Opovіdachі, Yezhiki Domі Sunіchaєmo in National Headovishi. Togo, singing the repertoire of the creative of folklorna provods to the Koli-SIM "ї, in the Bіlshoma Chi Meh Menshoma. They were amused by D_Ti, the young at the eve of the first dositki, Vіn Pulkuvavov and the Sad senior people.

ONDIOHY WP Folklore Prosi є pomposas. Woni Syagyut Davita Miphologic Svіdomosti Languy, Cebo, Viood, Kolya, Naturni, Natural People, and Naturally, disguised, fantastic Svіtli. OpovoDannya, Yaki Nazivaimo Kazkovami, was interpreted by our distant ancestors, Yak ї ї Syudvnі Sprinky Diti, - Realnіsty. Zenom Voni want іrth, for people, His pizyadvalna Snіnіst, Ale, everyone was zabezned by Yak Zakhoplyuchi artistic opovіdі. "The focus of the table of the caskovi of the plots was passed to the people to the people, Nabuvayuchi at the specific National ґruntie zmіn. On the National Material Materiali, the II Originalni Kazaki was created (Pabat V.V. Charіvnia Svіt Kazaki. Pigsu School № 11, 1994, p.18 ). People's Patches are available for three Grup: Airls about the creature, in the head of the heads of the Wandarini. Woney myster, rose-free і often nadіlenі odemist (allegoric - carrying) by ZM_STOM, SHO VіDir- Deli, character i Charіvnі, Hero-Fantastic Kazaki Pro Suzviyarnі SPI, Items of the phrases of people, Velvyv, Silochіv (Vernigora, Virie Oak, Zagalov ODA), ї ї ірідідна покотажная, поготов, різні деверенняна (at Zvіrіv, Ptakhiv, Rib, Camin, Rib), Krilatich ZMІIV, Babu Yagu, the Muskoy Tsar, I live alone the dead water here; Plotovі Kazaki, embedded by the Rizimniyi of the birthplace of the І foolishness. The mains of Nepolos are rolled onto the Zavizhnі, Vyritti of the negatives of Javischia Zhitty, unjustly by the socially owner of the Machukhu, Bіdnu Sister і Bagati Brother, Lukava Zhіnku і Cholovik, Lodarіv, Dunnіv, Vitviki Mandrіvnya Soldier, Tsigan, cherished baguach ta іn.) .

Legends і Perekazi Become a friend Great Folklore Prose Party. Legends for the schistas of fantastic pomp; They have a header of the role of the Vіdіnga Charіvnia, Fantastic Hement. Ale pli legends B_lshe, Nіzh Kazkovі, Zor_ydovani on the foundation of the zogogovoyan. Bagato legends ґruntyuyu on the Bіbleli plots (about the fold of Svitu, Persian People, Paradise, Peklo, Ishus Christ, God Matіr, Apostles, the Prophet, Saint), the plot of the plot of the legend is known to Pavdnіh Mіphologici Vіruvan and the Death (about the migrant of the Shower of People in Tarin, Cuttering people on a tree, poultry, isolate chloride, chumi in the art of scary jininki chi villaini). Already in the Davaorusian Litopisov Zafіksovanov, the legends, see "Yasanі zstoriyiyi afraid of our people (about the obscured Kiєwa Triotom brothers - Kiєm, cheek І KHORIV OM - that sister Lib_dyu, Slavni is like the prince of Іgori, Kyivskі GOLD GATTY TA IF.). Pets Bunleb of our Ponkiv Zi Stepovy Kochovikov, Tatar-Mongolschiy Hordes, the feats of the cozattva TA ISSI Momagti of the Ukrainian people. Chimalo legends "Privo" Jasano "to the name of the Rіzniki Mіstsevosti (Misst, Sil, Gir, Rik, Lakes, Drugs), Yaki Mistyat People's Tlumachenniya io non-crude popularity.

Perekazi - Tset Peopoli SPOVIdandy about Іstorichnі subscription (Khmelnitsky, Pam "I, Mazepu, Zariznyaka, Dovbush). Voni Voni Vonovnya Tim, Shah, in them, the role of Vіdіgrіє fiction І Opovo Maitskiy Real_stichny character, opera on the Estory Partial Perekazіv I will explain the Mishtsevi Name.

To the legends of the Bliszki numerical fantastic Peopoli Opovydannya, shaved at Davong Viruvannyi at the "Non-Woman", Rіzniki Dukhiv, demonov, (Domovikіv, Lіsovikіv, Waternikіv, mermaids, Mavel, Chortіv, Upiryv), people from the word power (Charіvnikіv, Vіdom, Churchnikіv Tosko), the non-shivered Merzіv, Shah, to go to the sort of death of people, the rejection of charms on VKVіv (WKVLAK), that now. Tsa so zvan's demonologian OpovoDannya.

With the disputes of the SpioDneni SPOV_DIDYNY - Korotki Opovіdі Zezіvіlshoy, the Formi Opovіdi, Society of Opovіdach, we will spick about the unrovest prudence, Zustorіch, ISStore.

Yak І People's Pisennosti, Folklornіy Prosі's meaning Miscea is picked by Gumoristichnі - Rіznі Schіovinki, Veseli OpovoDannya, Frying I, Nibіlshoy Miru, Anecdoti. In the jokes, the Bagati is painful to Ukrainian People's Schiohovo culture, an uncomplicated gumor. Woney is promptly visited on the press, the needs of Buttya, Yak Suspilla, and the І suffer. In the center, it is easy to overcast in order to go on the butt of Syudvnnya, the Rіzni Javashchika is kind of negative Vіdguk in the anecdotes. Pong is not tіlki gumoristichno traktuyut, vismіyuyut Ti Chi INSHI Show dіysnostі, predstavnikіv rіznih verstv suspіlstva and second times їdko, satirical vikrivayut іstotnі vices zasudzhuyut demagogіv, byurokratіv, brehunіv n "Janica, ledarіv. Not obminayut anecdote navіt visokopostavlenih Reigning dіyachіv, Pol_tikіv Thuscho.

Promіzhna Mіstsi Mіzh Petchichnaya і Proposim Folklore Take a short Peopolis in Rande, Zruchniy, Yatovoyannya (often Visuovіyi Chi Naatvvіrshovіyi) Formi Transfer Glibokі th tsіkavі for the snisty ta yaskravі at the sounds of the duma. Clamps, riddles, progls, formulas to-sewn, Privitannya І T.In.

Deliva "I am Cold - STISLI CRIRLI COLLOVY, CENTERED WASTOVYY MODERSIF І FILOSOPIA MATERIA." SELECT MOVAY BAGAPY SELECTIVE "I І Claims fucking Usi Storoni Livty People, їїry, Svitya, Suspіlnі Javashchiki, Gromadni Tom Mother "(Pepa V. Gorokhova Screene. Kyiv." Messel ", 1993, p.4). Bagatovіkoviy Lordovsky Divіd People ("Posієsh hike, Zberchess - Lіto without chlіba"; "Lіto Hto Guinuє, that winter hunger"; "Yak wants Bagatsiko Zhatho, then Treka Little -Adnivovoi Vikhovnі entofitting, vathannya ("Cholovіka's work", and Lin Marnuє ";" Chlіb-Sil жж, and the truth of Rіzh ";" not saving to the brody, not lying in the water ";" Lynnie friend, Scho Nail'p. Skarb ";"; Zhіcka і Licho Cholovіka to send ";" Hto Matіr ZaBuvaє, Togo Karaє "), Slap Lyudski Wadi (" Sly Cholovik, Yak secret dog, whitewash ";" Likhiy Cholovіk Utar, Scho VKO , that very much to ruin ") that now.

Conduct Chіtku between Mіzh Verivіv "Yam І I am important in order. There is a special order of the order, Scho, Zvitchy Daughty to the saying said Yak Aphoristichna Ilastsyviya. Natomstiva sentiv" I am singing to weary. Frequently, the crate to the filming of the "pit. Firm, sick" I "in someone else's OTSI І poseshishka Pleakuє, and in his bitch's bitch notobacked" Yak Co., to gain a friend of a friend. In the zakіdny regions of Ukraine, I sent a "I І Clap about" to be able to do in one of the bottom - "soldiers".

Riddles (riddles of the word "Gadati" - Duffe, Rosemkowvati) - Davong i ppipesuzhniyiy the view of People's Creativeness. Tset Stysale Vistmіv Visrum Abo Rhythmizova I am aware of the signature, vіdpovіd on yak m_stayy in figurative treads on ny: "Shaho іda forward і not to blame?", "Shaho squeeze without a half" I? " , "Scho at Svіtі hibagatіsh?" (Earth), "HTO SPIVAє, FISHI THAT, DO N'KHTO NOT BACK?" (VITER). Ale is not partially connected to a fourth, but a rose-free speech: "Without an ax, without drank , and I will be a bridge "(Frost);" Chorna L_ZE in Vіkno "(Nich);" "Move, and a hundred Dunniv to anticipate" (book); "Wrongs to їst, and Nikoli Sita is not BUDAє" (PICH); "Chotiri Chotirnichki , P "Yati Makharchik" (Piltsi). "Sgaduvannya І Vіdgaduvannya Mysfunds of the Booo ONDIA SO Forms of Public Ruisage, Trenutnaya Rosuma, PAM" Yati Kimtivostі in D_Ti, was moving to the Musdrotsky Dotepnosti. "(Tkachenko O.E., Staroselman S.P. Love Ditin Zum. Pigs School № 8, 1994, C3).

The formulas of the Rіznі wondered in the formulas, a blessing, requesting, Plischna, a blessing, requested, Plischna, Buli, Zvichiv і ritual, Vіdvyni, Vіdbali, I Dvyzn Svadnosti.

Such a rank, to Navivaiyi Liegling of the Ukrainian Folklorian Folklur, Zoru Zoroi Most Points of the genre of the major principles, Sitzha, in a trade idle gear, the Bagate and the Riznankomnoye є Ukraїnskaya People.

III. Pulkuvannya і folklore dilkets at our time

Vіd Dovnini to the shorthosses of Ukraine Folklore Prouishov Freedings Bagatovіkoviy Scholly. "Gentible to the Estoric and the Suspali's specialists of the Supiliychnyh procession, the folklore, ZMIV, Zmbaіv, were tested, zbagachyovy Novi, plots, reasons, the images of the ABOUT WITH ZHYUTKA І SHIPS . "(Grushevsky M. Istorіya Ukrainian Lіteraturi. In 4 t. K., 1923-1925. T. 4, p.16) Ale of People's Pam" Yatyko Zhebegla Nab_ls Tsіnnі Naiban Folklore, all those, Shah Bulo "Yazan іz Boudin Zhittya, ceremonial i zvichaєvimi traditsіyami scho not ceased potіshati i zadovolnyati estetichnі require ukrajins'koho people." Express Yourself usnoї narodnoї tvorchostі transmitted od pokolіnnya to pokolіnnya, poshiryuvalisya on vsіy etnіchnіy teritorії i were one іz vazhlivih faktorіv єdnostі that etnіchnoї osoblivostі th samobutnostі People. "(Gritsai M.S., Baiko V.G., Dunaєvska L.F. Ukraїnskaya Peopleotichna Creative. Kyiv, 1985, p.4).

In the rіzniy mіstesey, eterno-ї ї їн ї їнїний и и и и мирі и и і и и и и и и и и и и и и и ольклура. So on the Zati-Roshkänsky lands of the rivants of Baladnі Peopolі pіsnі, in the Karpathians І Zakarpattі - Kazaki І legends. On Naddnіpryanshinі, the nastrashcheke Іstorichna, especially Kozatka, Pіsnі, and on the Livob Bank Ukrainian - Duma. Karpati і Karparttya - the mains of the region of the creative of the І sewn of kolomiyok. Here Viknikali і suffered Torozhkіvskі Pіsnі, legends, journey.

ONEK, UNSVAZHAYUKHE AT SHEVNI REGIONALNIY SPECIAL PLAYSIKOVA POLITYICHNY ROCHNEVENNAYA WINDOWS WINDOWN ACCESSORY TAGORS Zdavna Basvala Zagalnonacіonalniy Balni. Head Czynniki Tsієї Spіlnostі є Mova І Zagal-Cultural TNNіst Ukrainian people of the National National Mentalnіst. "Spіlnіst folklornoї traditsії, zhivy obmіn її dosyagnennyami mіzh rіznimi regіonami in sistemі organіchnogo zagalnonatsіonalnogo cultural obmіnu posilyuєtsya in protsesі formuvannya ukraїnskoї natsії, konsolіdatsії ukrajins'koho people. Tse good prostezhuєtsya in novіtnyu Dobou, if Krashchi folklornі Express Yourself vіlno dolayut mezhі regіonіv Svoge viniknennya that pervіsnogo pobutuvannya i Become a supbania of uzoy people. " (Weax M. Hto in P "Yanticia Zakchu - TUNE I NIMLY CLOCH. Українська CULTURE № 4, 1994, C.20).

Alla, our shorthily contributed to the folklore process in the folklore process. Zagalne Sewing Pisesshinnosti, Pivotnia Svornya Rivnya Dzhlennnya, Press, Radio, Television, Kino, Distribution of artistic Self-Fishernostі, Masovo Popular Bodybuilding also used to the Spetіtsi Pulkuvanna and Futsіonuvanna Folklore, so і on yogo creatored.

Vinjnito negatively stolen at the folklorn Siturati in Ukraine for the remained 70-R_chchya despotic half of the Bіlshovitsky Total_tarism. Forcibly ruynatsіya ustalenih standards Zhittya, traditsіy sіmeynogo i Gromadska pobutu, masovі represії heading for rusifіkatsіyu, vikorіnennya old i nasadzhuvannya PIECE sotsіalіstichnih zvichaїv i obryadіv, pereslіduvannya nosіїv narodnopoetichnih Nagybanya i kultivuvannya zruchnih for regime pseudo folklore novotvorіv destructive vplivali on OAO All dіlyanki pobutuvannya, prinizhuvali її The role of I Prestige, the deformations І releasing the natural process of the process of Pottitzuvanny Folklorno.

І All g folklore is not pressed. In the area, in the unopename-eyed vipads, Taporto, pіdpilly, Schi was rissed by Rіznі creating with the traditional folk repertoire, and I was created by Novi, Scho, they had a vigorous Patin Nizhtya, the Peopling, Duma, Settlement. The serm of them І chimalo such, scho critically, satirically interpreted the socialіlіstichnі stretching in the m_stі і ілі. Tse, zokrema, numerical frequency, kolomiyki, anecdoti, cruise type "NІ Corowa, NІ Svinі - Tіlki Stalin on Stіnі", for the sewn of the Just Vlad Suvoro Karala.

In Umov, the ukimnia pincers are defined in the nations to the nations, Pisni Revolutionary Pіdpille. People's Music on Lakhwitty Cornbi with Nіmezky-fascist boils were actively visited. About Tіi Porі Narodillan Bagato Pisen, Peoples Perekazіv, OpovoDan, Shaho Taurouned, Vikarvali Zlocheni Zagarbnikіv, they glorified the NEO NEO, Heroїmatic Music Music, Schisniki, Shah's fighting in front of the fronts, in the guerrice pans і in Pіdpilі. In that І in pіznіshі pіslyavoєnnі Rocky Viknikali і, we were creating about Zakarpatska Ukraine, Bourgeing Ukraine, Rastandski-Fascistskikh, Mosmysky, Polish, Rumunsky Okupanіv. Woni had pіdpilly, the Zerty-Lyuboye on the Zati region, the і dos, the yak rose b, not Zіibranі.

"People is a terrible word of ourselves on everything, Shahko in our Zhittі, DEEє SHEYNKU SERIM, YAVIKAMS IS Persons - Northdko Vіdminna Vіd ї їkіціный протавання." (Weax M. Snui Pіch that Lava, she, manifest. Ukrainian Culture № 8, p.12). Tse Splazerigєmo і in our dnі, by the miracle ipulsa of the National Song, the Great Mine of the Ukrainian National People, the Great Miro of the Інтенсифікуволось І YOGO FOLKLORNE Zhittya. Tse I won your Vtivennya at Tornzhennі, Onovlennі Folkhochocho Creativity of the traditional folklore, the zokrema of the ritual і to the "Jasic zoomonally-attendant Bournote of the Ukrainian people, so і in the creative Novyih pіsen, Opovіdan, Anecdotіv Taji Vijdan Anekdotіv, Ninі ONNIA Peopolіy Creative, the topic has become the topic of uncomfortable Ukrainian tovasi, since the Nisokrovnіšі's SPODIVANNY І MRIE people about the affirmative of Lyattі good, freedom, Lyudyanosti and Fair. Otizh, Spadoєmnіst Traditzіji TRIVAє.


  1. Antonyuk V. Willowing the city ... Ukrainian Culture № 7-8, 1994.
  2. Volinets L. rituals. Rushniki. Українська Culture № 7-8, 1994.
  3. Gritsay M.S., Baiko V.G., Dunaєvska L.F. Українська People's Torture Creation. Kyiv, 1985.
  4. Grushevsky M. Istorіya Ukrainian Lіterac. In 4 tons. K., 1923-1925. T. 1, 4.
  5. Wheels F. Ukrainian USA Wheel. Lviv, 1938.
  6. Matvієnko N. Koliskova - Pisnya Materi. Pigwear School number 1, 1994.
  7. Misik V. Kolodіi. Українська Culture № 3, 1992.
  8. Mitzik V. Green Vіr "I. Ukrainian Culture № 3-4, 1993.
  9. Mitzik V. Kasha on Yaril. Українська Culture № 5-6, 1993.
  10. Mitzik V. Krasnoy Xiavivo Kaliti. RDNA School No. 11-12, 1993.
  11. Pabat V.V. Charіvnia Svіt pomp. Pigwear School No. 11, 1994.
  12. Pavlyuk S.P., Gorin Gy. Kirchiv R.F. Українська Claiming. Lviv. Visital center "Fenіks", 1994.
  13. Pepa V. Gorokhova Screeney. Kyiv. "Wester", 1993.
  14. Tkach M. Hto in P "Yunitsy Skach - That U I fell. Ukrainian Culture No. 4-6, 1994.
  15. Tkach M. Snuy Pіch Ta Lava, she, manifest. Українська Culture № 7-8, 1994.
  16. M. Saint Yuriy Day. Українська Culture № 3, 1995.
  17. Weaver M. Zelenі Saint. Українська Culture № 7-8, 1995.
  18. Tkachenko O.E., Strainets S.P. Love dithine s rose. Pigwear School number 8, 1994.
  19. Tsyosa A.V. Rukhlivі ігри Tu Zava. Given Onuka number 7, 1996.

Ukrainian folklore

Ukrainian folklore

Oral folk poetry

People's literature in Ukraine has long been prevailed over writing, book literature and in the artistic word "National Pride" of the Ukrainian intelligentsia XIX-XX centuries. It was based on folklore, with wealth, a variety, whose artistic value of which would be difficult to compare the work of the Ukrainian poets of the new time. Especially famous outside Ukraine Ukrainian songs. A number of enthusiastic reviews about them coming from the beginning of the XIX century. from representatives of different nationalities and different public groups. In Russian literature XIX century. The artistic influence of Ukrainian songs, according to his own confession, Tried Pushkin and widespread them in his work. Gogol pathetically wrote that "Songs for Malororsia are all - both poetry, and history, and father's grave." The same universal meaning of a song for the Ukrainian people later emphasized Shevchenko Dobrolyubs in his article about "Kobzare": "It is known that all the past fate, the entire real character of Ukraine poured in the song; The song and the Duma make up the folk shrine, the best taste of Ukrainian life. The whole range of life urgent interests is covered in a song, merged with her, and life itself is impossible without it. "

The passion for Ukrainian songs and its influence was definitely affected in the Polish literature of the XIX century., Especially in the era of romanticism (Malchevsky, Goschinsky, Bogdan Zalessky) and "Cosacophonds". The Ukrainian song acquired a high reputation and Western European poets and scientists from the researchers. Even in 1845, the translator of Russian poets and folk Ukrainian songs Bodenstedt found that "in no other country, the tree of a folk song did not give such wonderful fruits, nowhere to the spirit of the people so live and light in the songs, like Ukrainians." With the collection and study of songs, new Ukrainian literature begins: "Ethnographism", the appeal to folk material and its use for a long time remained its characteristic feature.

First period (about 40-50s. XIX century)

It takes place under the sign of the noble romance, differing the same features of the approach to collecting and studying the folklore, as in other countries. Preferential attention is drawn at this time to the song. Song creativity Romantically tuned by noble gathers were interpreted as "Starina" - "the dying echo of harmony, once heard on the banks of Dneprovsky," according to the preface to the "experience of the collection of old Malorosiysk songs" - their first collector KN. N. A. Tverseva. Dreams of opening new "Iliad" or new Ossian is uncomfortable: only "ruins" are preserved from the beautiful past, but they can satisfy, on the one hand, "curiosity about the past", and on the other - a romantic pull to "non-community poetry" . Cerevian collection - a love product; Collections of his nearest successor, M. Maksimovich, who has friendly connections with representatives of the Russian "official nationality" combined with local Ukrainian patriotism, reveal the history of Ukrainian folklores as science - of course, with the reservations necessary due to the time. According to a variety of content and striving for the accuracy of texts, Maximovich's collections belong to the first place in a number of similar editions of the first half of the XIX century. (I. "Szreznevsky", Zaporizhia Starina, h. I-III, 1833-1838; P. "Lukashevich", Maloruskiy and Chervonorusky People's Duma and songs, SPb, 1836; A. Metlinsky, People's South Russian Songs, 1854).

The ideas about the nature of the folklore and its history did not go beyond the limits of typical and romantic fantasies about the impersonal "folk creativity." Only one Maksimovich had a right of the future "historical" method of studying folklore. In general, the folklore remained so far that the subject of aesthetic admissions, antiquarian collecting, romantic rehabits about the outgoing "old" - about the decomposing patriarchal gelad. In Russian literature 20-30s. The Ukrainian folklore, as the exotic, was installed on the exoticism necessary for Romanticism, was established, a durable fashion was established ("here ... It is all the MalorosiSky," he wrote Gogol in 1829 from St. Petersburg); This fashion was satisfied between other fantastic stories based on the Ukrainian folklore, OR. Somov, Ukrainian ballads N. Markevich ("Ukrainian melodies", 1831) and especially "the evenings on the farm near Dikanka" Gogol. Next to this, the Ukrainian song folklore was used by Russian writers who developed historical Ukrainian stories (Ryleev, Nasten, A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Hogol, E.V. Maladin et al.). It is clear that it is sometimes quite difficult to separate that the authors are sometimes very difficult from all this lit-re-authors.

Second period

Other devils were distinguished by the "second" period of Ukrainian folklinistics, the bourgeois trends were already felt in the rum. It begins with the 40s. XIX century and presented the activities of Panteleimon Kulisha ("Notes on South Rus", t. I-II, 1856-1857), O. Bognossky, N. Kostomarova (the thesis "On the historical meaning of Russian Poetry", 1843), Y. Golovakovsky (" People's songs of Galitsky and Ugric Rus ", 1863-1865), I. Rudchenka (" People's South Russian Fairy Tales ", 1869) and others. Romantic raids remained on folkloretics of this pore, but more closely began, more thoroughly picking up and edition of texts. In the "Notes on South Rus", Kulish was no longer limited to one gathering, he tried to introduce the reader to the very situation, the monuments of folk poetry were also applied and distributed, to collect and inform information about its carriers, about the medium that was its main consumer. For the riding folklore - also the outgoing "old man", but care, from his point of view, the phenomenon is legal; The reason for him is the spread of "civilization", the transition of the "people" in the ranks of the intelligentsia. "We and the people," wrote Kulish, "the same thing, but only he, with his hersal poetry, represents the first period of education in spiritual life, and we are the beginning of the new senior."

Third period

The characteristic features of the third period of study of the folklore are, first of all, the transition to collective-organized work in the field of folklore collection; Secondly, the use of Western Europe's methods. (and Russian) science to study his monuments - "comparative historical" and "historical"; Thirdly, the deepening and development of nationalist tendencies that have been manifested in the second period. The most significant fact of the third period was the publication of the assembly of ethnographic materials: "Proceedings of an ethnographic-statistical expedition to the West-Russian region, equipped with Russian geographical society (South-West Department); Materials and research collected by the village of ChL. P. P. Chubinsky "(1872-1878, 7 tt., In general, about 300 printed sheets). The publication, carried out mainly by the exceptional energy of the Chubinsky itself, revealed huge folklore wealth (see the review of the Al-Draz Veselovsky in the report on the award of the Uvarov Prizes, 1880), ranging from superstitions, take, mysteries, proverbs, etc. (t. I ), continuing with fairy tales (t. II - 296 titles), a national calendar and related ritual poetry (t. III), the ritual of extracendant, wedding, funeral, etc. and correspondingly songs (t. IV), songs of family and Loves (t. V - 1209 p.), People's legal customs (T. VI) and ethnographic information on national minorities of the South-West Territory (Ch. Kyiv. Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk province).

Before this mass of the material completely pale the previous reports, like "life of the Russian people" A.V. Tereshchenko, where the Ukrainian material was only alone. "Proceedings" were, among other things, still work related to the activities of the Kiev Fillia - the "South-Western Department" of the Geographical Society, K-paradium from 1873 united the most prominent Ukrainian scientists: His members were V. Antonovich and M. Dragomanov, We released in 1874-1875 the first scientific publication of Ukrainian epic songs, the DUM ("Historical Songs of the Malorussian People", 2 volumes - the edition of the unfinished), P. Zhtetsky, F. Volkov (Hvedir Vovk), P. Chubinsky, M. Listenko, etc. In a short time, Fillia correspondents gathered a huge amount of material, and only a collection of "Malorossiysk national traditions and stories", edited by the same M. Dragomanov, managed to publish Filia. Something from the rest was published in foreign publications M. Dragomanov; Something used later by B. Grinka ("Ethnographic materials", 3 TT., 1895-1899, "From the Usnost", 1900), but most of the closure of Kiev Fillia in 1876 disappeared. Government prohibition of the issue of books in the "Malvorossky language" transferred Ukrainian folkloristic within b. Russian Empire for a semi-legal position. Its figures in the 80-90s. XIX century It was mostly representatives of the petty-bourgeois democracy - small land servants, statistics, folk teachers - epigions of populism, which carried out the theory of "small affairs", careful enlightenment, "Kaganutanyu on the village". Ukrainian folklore near political self-education has become an inevitable subject of occupation of illegal Ukrainian student circles - "Gromatic". From the 80s. The only print authorities, where materials and research on them were published, were the Kiev Starina magazine, founded by F. Lebonesev (from 1882 to 1906), published in Russian Yaz., And the works of "archival commissions", "Statistical Committees" Messages, scientists at universities [eg. Kharkiv collection of a historical and philological society, in the 2nd volume of the Knogo printed a collection of fairy tales and other materials recorded in Kharkov and Ekaterinoslav lips. I. Manjuru (1890), in the 10th - Miloradovich Lublenchinsky Song Assembly (1897), in the 17th - work P. Ivanov "Life and beliefs of peasants of the Kojan County, Kharkiv Lip." (1907) and a number of other valuable materials]. In such editions and beyond that in the "Ethnographic Review", the "Russian philological messenger" found a place and a few relatively research of folklore - A. A. Pothebni, N. F. Sumytsova, A. V. Verukhova, P. Ivanova, H. Yaschurzhinsky and others. Nevertheless, interest in folklore styras captured all the wider circles; These countries have evolved outside of Tsarist Russia until 1906. The first political emigrator first in Switzerland, then in Bulgaria, M. Dragomanov, next to journalistic activities and in close connection with her, the publication and study of folklore continued: in 1881 they were printed in Geneva " NOVIY UKRAINSKI PІSNI PROGRAM APPLY 1764-1830 ", and then in the same place" Pol_tichnі (Tobto Istorichnі) Pіsnі Ukrainian people XVIII-XIX table. " (1883-1885, 2 t.). As a researcher of Dragomanov stood at the point of view of the "theory of migration" (borrowing), rejecting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe perfect identity of Ukrainian folk creativity, especially in the field of narrative folklore; It did not prevent him from eg. On the basis of a song material to make subjective conclusions about the "state ideals" of the Ukrainian folk mass (a collection of its research on folklore is published in 4 tt. in Lviv, 1899-1907). The main focus of Ukrainian folklores from the 90s. The Lviv "Naukov Comrade Imen Shevchenka" was the Lviv, where in 1898 a special ethnographic commission was founded, taking into account the edition of the "Etnographer Zbіrnik" (40 TT.), and in 1899, who had reinforced it with a separate publication "Mantili to Ukrainian Etnologii (22 tons. ). A well-known writer and scientist Ivan Franko took the closest participation in the publications of "Comrade" (they published the greatest collection of proverbs and printed a number of valuable work on the song research), Volodymyr Gnatyuk, Z. Kuzelli, І. Schuncitsky, F. Wheels, etc. A major contribution to the assembly of materials was made from the 70s. Also by Polish ethnographers. In Poland, interest in Ukrainian folklore, as mentioned above, is from 20-30 years. XIX century; this interest in the 30s in the 30s caused the appearance A number of collections of ch. song of a song material (Vaclav Zalestsky, Zhert Pauli, K. Voykitsky, later, in 1857, A. Novoselsky-Marzinkovsky et al.). From 1842, the fruitful activity of the largest Polish-Ukrainian ethnographers of Oscar Kolberg began. From 1842. 189. 0), Freamence of "Poching" ("Pokhety" - the domestic name of the area between the Carpathians and the Dniester in Galicia) is the experience of a comprehensive and thorough ethnographic examination of one particular area, with rich folklore materials. By the type of this work, Kolberg, Ukrainian ethnographer V. Shukhevich later presented the same description of the life and creativity of Hutsulov ("Hutsulschinsky" in "Materillah to Ukraine", 5 tt. , 1899, 1901, 1902, 1904 and 1908). On the other hand, the works of Kolberg (previously preceded by "poke") were taken for a sample by the employees of the Big, undertaken in 1877 Krakow Academy of Sciences, ed. "Collection of information on edge anthropologi" (Zbír Wiadomości Do Antropologii Krajowej Wydawany Staraniem Komisyi Akademii Umiejetności W Krakowie, 1877-1894) - Yu. Moshinskaya, Z. Rokossovskaya, E. Rulikovsky, A. Podbestsky, Ts. Neumanan and MN. Dr., published by a large folklore material from various locations of Galicia and the Russian Pridneprovskaya Ukraine. "Proceedings" of the Chubinsky, "Etnographer Zbіrnik" of the Lviv "Comrade" and this publication of the Krakow Academy still remains the most important part of the heritage left by us by the bourgeois period of Ukrainian folklores.

There is no need to calculate the names of all of its individual representatives and abroad, and within b. Tsarist Russia, where since 1906 will not long ago was the possibility of legal gathering and studying the Ukrainian folklore, which completely ceased during the years of the imperialist war, the most adversely affected and the collected Lviv scientific society, but not yet published ethnographic materials. Published in 1930 a pointer of printed materials according to Ukrainian folklore until 1917 (Oleksandra Andrієvsky) represents a huge volume of eight hundred and excess pages of one list of books and articles (about 1800). It seems that the words of one of the visible bourgeois folklorists, ox. Gnatyuk, that the Ukrainian ethnography, compared with others, "not only did not stay behind, but in many directions they advanced and outdated other nations", as if they were not an exaggeration and boobs ...


"Dypin" A. N., History of Russian ethnography, t. III - Ethnography Malorusskaya, St. Petersburg, 1891; "Heads" N. F., modern Malorussian ethnography (in journal. "Kievan Starina", 1892-1893, 1895-1896 and separately - 2, Kiev, 1893-1897); "His", Malyki zhttya Ukrainian National Word, Harkiv, 1910; GRINCHENKO B., Literature of Ukrainian Folklore (1777-1900), Chernigov, 1901; "Andrієєvskikh" O., Bіblіogram L_Teaturi from Ukraine Falklore, t. I, Kiev (1930), ed. All-night. AK. Sciences Periodical edition of the Institute of Folklinistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Ukrainian Folklore" and others.

Types and genres of Ukrainian oral folk poetry in its historical development

At the current stage of study, the history of Ukrainian folklore can only be built hypothetically. Undoubtedly, we must include a variety of works of a magical nature, including conspiracies and "ritual poetry". At the end of the XVI century. Ukrainian ritual poetry has already stopped in its development, in force in those forms, in which it was caught by the assemblies of the XIX century. The famous church publicist of this time, Ivan Vyshesky, in one of his messages, recommending the struggle with the remnants of paganism, advises to drive out of the cities and villages "in Baloto" - "strides, a generous evening", "Wolf-resurrection", "on George Martyr Holiday Devilsky, "" Kupala to the Baptist ", etc., listed so. arr. Almost all the main holidays of an ancient agrarian calendar, the truth, already amalgamed with a church calendar as a result of compromises between the new Christian cult and beliefs of the era of paganism. "Kolyada" - the holiday of the winter sun, timed to the Christian "shints"; "Magnical" (magic - magnificent songs and rites) - Spring holiday, spell of a future harvest that has become a continuation of the church "Easter"; Holiday "On George" - April, Spring Action per day of St. George - Yuri, Patron God's Stud, Head of Spring; "Kapoon" - the feast of the summer "solstice", dedicated to June 24 of Art. Art. ("Christmas of John the Baptist" - Ivan, Kupala) and the next celebration of the Wires of the Sun, the funeral of the Sunny God, who attached to the first Sunday after Petrіvok (June 29, Art.) - Here are the most important agricultural festivals, talking about to-ryy Vyshesky and which existed in Ukraine almost up to the imperialist war and revolution. The agricultural calendar is similar to all northern hemispheres; In Russian folklore, we will find almost the same names of the holidays, and here it is enough to list the genres of Ukrainian ritual poetry with their peculiar terminology. The concept of Ukrainian ritual poetry includes:
* "Carols" and "Shchedrivski" - magnificent songs on the eve of Christmas and New Year (the new meeting was given by V. Gnatyuk in the "Etnographer. Zbіrnik", TT. 35-36, 1914) - those who were sometimes accompanied by specialiques (walking with " Goat ");
* "Spring" songs, in turn, divided: on
** High ("Guy" - Forest) - Horovodnyy songs on the edge of the forest, with games ("Mobody", "Vorotin", "Mak", etc.; Assembly of Homes, V. Gnatyuk, "Motherly to Ukr. Rusko etnologіі, t. 12, 1909);
** Tsarinnі Pіsnі ("Tsarin" - Skolitsa sat down, followed by a plowed field);
** Songs of the Russal and Troytski (Russian "Semish" - Ukrainian "Russian" or "Mavsky Great"; Baska is the same as a mermaid, from the old "ka" - the dead; Russal - from the Greco Roman Rosary - rites are dedicated Initially, the honorable ancestors are then timed to the "greenery of the Schyn" - the Trinity of the Day);
** Songs "Kupaal" (the most complete assembly of them Dala Y. Moshinsk, Zbír Wiadom, vol. 5, 1881) - Songs related to the festivals in honor of the Klapala and connecting the motives of Elegic crying about the deceased and drowned "Marrene" with mockery-satirical Switching with bubbles. And this cycle is adjusted and so called this cycle. "Forex" or "Zazniki" songs (songs accompanying ... Songs, the least painted by the cult motives and the most clearly opening the basis of the "ritual" poetry - a labor, "working song". There are special collections of working songs: "Miloradovich" V. Working songs of the Lubensky., Poltavsk. Lips, "Kievan Starina", 1895, Book 10. The rhythmic side is still understood, and in the content there are marks of a later era - work on the panns or a rich-owner-fist. The discharge of "ritual poetry" includes a non-oscillander order of songs associated with the customs of "Krestin", "Wellel" (weddings) and "funeral" (the richest material throughout this comprehension gives the 4th volume of the "Labor" of Chubinsky). Special development in Ukraine received "Wedding Renovation" ("Velіlla"), a long time to attract the attention of ethnographers was published (already in 1777 I received a book in St. Petersburg. Kalinovsky "Description of wedding Ukrainian common rites") and more than others studied ("heads" N., wedding rites, mainly Russians, Kharkov, 1881; "Volkov" F. K., Rites et Usages NUPTIAUX EN UKRAïne, in journal. "L'Antropologie" 1891-1892, h. II-III, and its "ethnographic features of Ukrainian The people "in collective labor" Ukrainian people in his past and present ", 1916, vol. II, 621-639; Also Shchushurzhinsky H.," Lyrical Malorussian songs, mainly wedding ", Warsaw, 1880, and his own," Malorussian Wedding like religious household drama "," Kievan Starina ", 1896, II, and separate). Ukrainian wedding rite is significant and its lyrical parties, and its dramatic-theatrical side. From the last point of view, it can be divided into three acts:
# Watching
# Charucins (engagement)
# Wellel (Wedding itself) of which everyone in turn disintegrates into a number of scenes, three times repeated from action, everything with great development and complication; The scenes of the abduction of the bride, unsubsioning from its relatives, reconciliation of the struggling parties, the repurchase of the bride at her relatives, symbolic rites. The verbal part of the drama consists of a prosaic dialogue, which varies around times forever given those lyrical monologues of the bride, joyful and sad (but not moving in terms of crying and tags of the Great Russian wedding) and parties of the choir, commenting effects, then solemnly magnificent, then buoy Songs. Both the content of songs and the nature of the actions are highly conditional: this is a presentation, the essence of which is that concluded between single-sided or good acquaintances, with mutual consent, marriage is depicted as a violent abduction: "Endogamic" (intra-combed) marriage seems " Exogamic "(out-between) and only under the condition of this drawing is considered" correct "and durable. Wedding drama so. arr. He draws the picture of the marriage of prehistoric, tribal pore, and at the same time, according to the names of the acting persons, according to Butaphoria, not so much real as the alleged songs of the choir, on the actions themselves - it reflected the features of the prince's wedding of the epoch of early feudalism. Feudal flavor is obviously secondary; The wedding rite developed in the masses in the prehistoric era was assimilated by the dominant class, the features characteristic of the princely-blessing life, and from these traits was no longer released. With these features, acquired a symbolic magic value, the "weighty" rituit persisted in Ukraine almost up to the present day. "Funeral ritual" turned out to be less durable, information about the swarm go from ancient times (funeral Ukrainian crying lead Polish writers Yang Menetsky, 1551, Poet Sevastian Klenovich, 1602); The Russian "Visitna" (texts and comments on them in the "Entograph. Zb.", Tt. 31-32, І. Schuncitsky and V. Gnatyuk; In addition, research V. Danilov in Kievan Starne, 1905, and "Ukraine", 1907), accompanied by Podolia and in some places Parcarpathia special "funeral fun", "Cryshki at MERCI" (for the Games of the Deadicle) - peculiar religious mises, stageing the debate of God with Chort ("Trennen God") , and sometimes turn into comedy household scenes.

To the same oldest era of the Ukrainian folklore, as mentioned above, we must attribute the genesis of conspiracies (Zamasovoyannya, Skunitty: the best collection of P. Efimenko, "Sat. Malorosiyskiy spells" in "Readings commonly. East. And Russian antiquities", Moscow, 1874, KN. 88; Research A. Vetukhova, 1907, and V. MANSIKKA, UEBER RUSSISCHE ZAUFERFORMELN, 1909), "Proverbs" (Collections of M. Nomiza, Ukr. Clauds, sending, St. Petersburg, 1864, and especially the collection I. Franco , Galitsko-Ruski Peopoli Sorovka, 6 tt., "Etnogr. Zb.", TT. 10, 16, 23-24, 27-28) and "mysteries" (separable Sat. A. Sementovsky, Malorussian Riddles, 1872) . It goes without saying that all these genres developed, classically differentiated and, like others, served as an instrument of class struggle. Between eg Proverbs, as "Hto stood early, God's God" or "Kozotkom family of a single translation", on the one hand, and such as "the God of the Vacific, and in the bіdny is difficult for a shelya" (penny), or "Scho Panska Holvoroba, then our healthy ", or:" Are friends with Panami, and for the sulk Kamin Kryni "- the difference of classes and the difference of the era are obvious.

From deep antiquity, he behaves its beginning and narrative folklore - "Tale" in all its varieties [Ukr. Bourgeois folklorism spread "pallows" - fantastic stories, where the wonderful is mixed with the real possible possible; "Baiki" - tales of animals; "Perekaz" - saga, stories about historical faces, places and events; "Miti" (myths) - superstitious legends; "Novella" - fairy tales without a wonderful element, domestic; Jokes or "Clamps"; Finally, "legends" - fairy tales based on Christian beliefs]. Periodization of extensive fabulous material - the task of the future. The total number of Ukrainian fabulous plots in 1914 was estimated at 2 thousand with superflines (S. V. Savchenko, Russian folk tale, ch. IV); Since then, this amount has even increased, not to mention the mass of still unpublished material. In the Ukrainian fairy tale, we will find the same plots and topics as in the fabulous folklore of other European peoples; Similarly, the formal features are similar, with the difference that the records of Ukrainian fairy tales give less samples of a fabulous speech, rhythmized, rich in stereotypical formulas than for example. Russian fairy tales; On the other hand, the Ukrainian fabulous folklore has fiction, exclusively rich in part of the demonological ideas (especially in fairy tales recorded in Galicia, see Sat. Gnatyuk V., Didobi to Ukr. demonologies, TT. 1-2, Entograph. Zbіrn., t. 15, vol. 34-35 - 1,575 stories). Also draws attention to the comparative wealth of comic motives with different shades of the Commission from stinging satire to a soft humor - especially in the novels (see the names of Chubinsky and Dragomanov, and in addition to them "Kazaki Tu Opovdandy zflla", in the records 1850-1860 PP ., Arranged M. Levchenko, 1928) and jokes (Gnaatyuk V., Galitsko-Ruski Anecdoti, Etchnogr. Zbіrn., Vol. VI), so often the new Ukrainian literature that contributed to the dissemination of a walking idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ukrainian People's Yumor. This succession will be told on.

So. arr. The main genres of the oldest era of the Ukrainian folklore can be considered a ritual poetry, conspiracies, mythological and animals fairy tales, remembering, however, that the primary forms of all these genres are unknown. We only have very vague instructions on the folklore and in written monuments of the early feudal pore (until the XVI century). It is undoubtedly however, that at this time the folklore was classically differentiated with sufficient reaches. The genres created by the labor masses were learned by a partially dominant class, which, in turn, had pressure and influence on folk creativity. This pressure and influence, however, rarely led to passive assimilation. So, probably, from very long time, the penetration of the motives of church origin in the narrative folklore of the Labor Selion began. But the popularity was acquired only those legends, which somehow answered the demands of the masses. The characters of Christian Olympus were adapted for the help and service of Khliborobu: "Sobia Petro behind a plow walk, Svobloi's will chance to chase, Most Diva to wear," says one of the Germans, as if hinting at the motives of the apocryphic apostolic "walkings." The literature of the dominant class did not attract such topics. On the other hand, monuments that did not respond to this kind of processing remain out of assimilation of the folk mass.

"During the rule of destroying in Ukraine," when the land of the Kiev and Galician-Volyn Principities were part of the Polish-Lithuanian state, the history of folklore is evaluated for us in the features of a clearer. The XVI century was a century when the struggle for liberation from the Polish yoke began. In this century, Ukrainian nationality was formed, a stubborn struggle for political approval of the Ukrainian nation began. From the XVI century There is a number of news and folklore records: in Czech grammar Yana Bleslav [Mind. 1571] The song "About Stefan Voevod" (A. Festa, Malorussian People's Song on the list of the XVI century, 1877) was found. In one Polish brochure of 1625, Franco found the song-dialogue "About the Kozak and Kulin" - on the topic of the girl who left the house with the Kozak and then abandoned by him (see Note Scientific Tov-Va Im. Shevchenka, 1902, III); In different other collections, it is completely, then in passages there are texts of songs that respond to the historical events of the turbulent era of the second half of the XVI-XVII centuries. This time marked by the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people with the Polish Panship and the Sultansky Turkey, caused a large rise of epic creativity, who cast in Ukraine to a peculiar form of "Dum". According to its form, the epic song, which is not divided into stanza, consisting of unequal lines, silobic type, poems, with rhymes - most often verbal and with characteristic parallelism, determining the entire composition of the work. At the heart of his Duma - folk creativity, although wearing specifically kozatskaya coloring, since the Cossack in the first half of the XVII century was a single, more or less organized force, headed by the movement - in particular during the liberation war of the Ukrainian people with Pansko-shine Poland 1648-1654 When a threat was made the very fact of the existence of the Ukrainian people. With the deepening of class differentiation begins to dying and creativity of the Dum, leaving the memory of this later pore in such works as the Duma about the Kozak of Golot, about Ganza Andibera and about the "Kozatzka Zhittya". They follow them (already in the XVIII century) parody ("Duma" about Michael). The best works of this poetry are escaped in the memory of the people executed by cockets, and in subsequent centuries; New historical events are not displayed, however, in the form of a DUM (except for the collection of "Antonovich" and "Dragomanov", named above, see the later edition: Ukrainian People's Duma, T. I. Texti Int. K. Grushevko, ed. Ukr. Acad. Sciences, 1927; t. II, 1931). The place of the Dum is the "historical" song that occurred, it is necessary to assume, at the same time as thought, and maybe earlier them. For the form of historical song, a stubbic membership, a smaller, relatively with the Duma, the closedness and the completeness of the plot, a greater diversity of tone - in the Things is always solemn and serious. The historical song will go, the Duma affects a melody-recipitive tale, only in places passing into singing. The historical song is made right after the event; The Duma could be folded and later. The Duma is more closely connected with Kozatska, military medium than a historic song. Being in some cases, the processing of artificial historical vibments, the historical song in the process of its development became a popular response to the events and actions of individuals. Next to the historical songs, which came from the circles close to the Kozatqsi seniine, a large number of songs treats history from the point of view of the interests of the labor nation. These songs have their own characters: by the silence of the hetmans, the songs retain the names of the peasant leaders who have made a violence with pans who have not joined the Zborov Agreement and stubbornly continued struggle. Special sympathy is surrounded by eg. The image of undechain, a song with a large number of options is preserved about the death of a swarm, and the image of the interruption (CROVONOS). In a later, in the XVIII century, when the "Duma" have already completed the cycle of its development, the people's historical song did not respond for example. On such events, as a treason of Mazepa, but but flashed with a bright flame in the era of the so-called. Kolijeva, creating images of the struggle and tragic death of Maxim Square, Svarka, Levchenko. It is known that in the Kninen Book (the list of convicts in the Code of Gaidamaks) there are several death sentences to bandulystams only because they sang under the accompaniment of Bandura in the rebel detachments. It is clear what kind of agitational value, terrible for the Polish pool, the epic and lyrol-epic songs could acquire.

The end of the XVII and XVIII century. - Time when the most fixation of the Unified Ukrainian "People's Poetry" disappeared. According to many data, it can be argued that from the same time the Selian creativity in the field of folklore has been intensified, creativity is also not homogeneous, since the village has ever more and more becoming the class struggle. While one is "Patriarchal" - part of the village continued to assimilate the religious legends implemented by the Religious legends, "Sickie" (devout) songs that performed by singers-professionals (cockets, learn, bandulystami), and next to this supported folklore antiquity (ritual poetry ), Other - advanced - part worked new forms and in the field of epic and in the area of \u200b\u200blyrics. Creativity this was proceeded in particularly unfavorable conditions characterized not only by the absence of a "peaceful" situation, but also the difficulties of resistance to the ideological onslaught of the tops, the authorities "the tradition of the dead generations". So called. "Household Songs" brightly show this power, and at the same time fighting her. Household songs in the enormous majority of records collected, you can think, made it in this era. Family life and the social position of the peasant is the two main topics of this cycle. Subsidations in it will be the songs "Lullaby" (Colish), "Children's", "love" (love of a bottle and divic, etc.), "Family" (consonant or unhappy life of spouses). The special group is the songs of "Orphans", Nymite and Burlats (Burlaki Batraki), Chumatskiy, Recruit and Soldiers. Finally, the third, particularly interesting for us, but unfortunately the timely unlocked in the whole volume or a poorly recorded group represents songs about the "Painches" and "fortress capture". Household songs were quantitatively dominated in the song folklore, nevertheless, they were still not compared with the ritual poetry. Meanwhile, in addition to its content, they are extremely interesting in shape. In the last, we find all the typical features of the song stylistics: constant epithets, repetition, positive and negative parallelism, symbolic images from the world of inorganic nature, from the world of animals and plants (the image of viburnum - women, the image of the Yavory is a symbol of sadness, etc.). All this reports to style greater conventions; And yet, this externally, the conditional style is based on its own - the style is realistic, and the typical staff. A song painting of family life and relationships is not subject to doubt. To a greater extent, it must say about the songs dedicated to the Painches, or songs, drawing a class struggle on the village (see M. Dragomanov, Novi Ukr. Pіsnі about Gromodski, a new ed. 1918, or a popular brochure S. Rclitsky, Pіsnі Our Luda is about Panshnu Vol, Crenchuk, 1917). While the noble lith-ra in the comic opera of the XVIII century, in the sentimental story of the beginning of the XIX century. He took the "singing and dancing tribe of the Salad" who live carelessly either under the cover of the father's landowner, or in fantastic isolation from serfdom - the peasant song The stage behind the stage revealed the horrors of the "enemy pinches", the national affiliation of K-Roy did not have a decisive value. There was "Chorna Khmar" - Poland, Polish Pani; For her, Siva Khmara came - Russian landowners; Endless bullying of Panov and their minions - Clausers, Economics, Osaulіv - "biting", "Lanovy". The only exit with a passive protest is a flight on the Danube or powerless curses. The protest, however, was not always passive: sometimes a real threat is heard in the curses. Bourgeois folklinists, ready to "sympathize" by this peasant grief, at the same time often silent the fact of song responses to the opposances of the XVIII-XIX centuries., It seems like the famous uprising in the village of Turbus in Poltava region, 1788, who converted the murder of landowners, cruel violence of government and guilty and innocent and destruction of the village of Turbai. In Carpathia, they acted with sickness, a kind of partisans of the class struggle of the scene with landowners, and some of them - Dovbush - became the heroes of song cycles who survived their era. Already by the XIX century. Songs and legends about Carmelyuk, another popular hero, which has become a symbol of a struggling, referred to Siberia, languishing on a pinches and looking for an exit in an unorganized rebunity of the ceremony. Song of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In general, it gives a wide and versatile characteristic of the Seliansky "Likha". It also states the fact of class bundle in the Selianism itself and calls to the fight against the rich fists or mocking these "oaks". The parallel growth of household satirical fairy tales, jokes, anti-anti-anti-copy proverbs, etc. It indicates that Selianskaya has seen its enemies enough clearly. In those who developed also from the XVIII century, the Chumatsky songs, we also find a clear contrast between the sentiments of the Chumakov-Batrakov and Chumakov-Entrepreneurs. This contrast completely destroys, by the way, the bourgeois idyll of "free plastics", more than once occurred in the Ukrainian artistic lithic XIX century.

So, the leading role in the folk creativity of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Obviously belonged to the peasantry. It did not exclude the creative activity of other groups; It is in the Ukrainian conditions of this pore that this activity was inevitably needed to increase: the book literature struck in the development was forced to resort to oral transmission, and the folklore began to smash the materials of book origin. Such, firstly, all the songs "devouts", Psalms and Kanta, who performed by the wandering bourrsacks, who spread the print editions like the "God-saying", which came to the repertoire of Cobzares and Lirnikov. Such are the following songs-Elegia, romance songs with love topics, sometimes attributed to a certain semi-lodge authors, like a "Kozak-poem" Klimovsky ("їhyave Kozak for the Danube") or Marusi Churaçu ("Oh, do not go, Gritzu", "Vіyut Vіtri "," Slept the coachs "). In its social affiliation, the authors of these songs are different: among them Burstskaya Burkem, and the office, and the people from the Kozatskaya Environment; Undoubtedly the participation of small gentry - nobility, cultivated the song-romance of sensitive style. All this work penetrated into the masses and directly, and through the medium of handwritten and printed collections - "Songniks". The abundance of sentimental-love lyrics in them is a clear evidence of the deployment of the famous part of the meshness and shallow gentry from the public struggle. However, among the songs of urban mesh, we are in the XVIII century. We find such strong things like a ballad about Bondarіvne and Pan Kanevsky, drama to-roe more than once became fascinated by the XIX centuries.

The brilliant poet of revolutionary democracy, Shevchenko, was the first to focus in his work an angry protest and vague gusts to the freedom of the peasant mass of the XVIII-XIX centuries. And they found a finished poetic form for this. No wonder many of his poems became loved by folk songs, living in the masses and soy. Other writers from the Rows of Radical and Revolutionary Democracy from I. Franco to M. Kotsyubinsky and others were also walking along the path Shevchenko.

For the era of the feudal crisis, the development of the genre of small songs, corresponding to the Russian Chastushkam, is "Kolyma", "Kozachka", "Sabadashki", "" Chabarashki "- different from each other Rhythm (from them Kolomyiki collected:" Gnatyuk "V., Etnographer. Zbіrnik, TT. 17-19, ed. Not completed). They responded ch. arr. the peasantry of Galicia to their "malice of the day"; Similar to them small songs, closer to the type of chastushki, began to occur in the XX century. And in the working and peasant environment within the Tsarist Russia. But next to the little lived, changing, and large forms. Russian-Japanese war, events 1905, imperialist war - all this has found an expression in the work of the masses, although most of these responses have become known only in Soviet times.

  • Cooking in a slow cooker


    Music is one of the characteristic features of the Ukrainian people.

    Music in Ukraine appeared during the times of Kievan Rus and in its development covers almost all types of musical art - folk and professional, academic and popular music. Today, a variety of Ukrainian music sounds in Ukraine and far beyond its limits, develops in folk and professional traditions, is the subject of scientific research.

    folk music

    Starting period of development

    Music traditions on the territory of modern Ukraine exist from prehistoric times. The musical instruments found by the Kiev archaeologists found by Kiev archaeologists - crackers from the muscier of the mammoth date the 18 millennium BC. In addition, the flutes found at the parking lot of young people in the Chernivtsi region.

    On the frescoes of Sofia Kyiv (XI century), musicians playing on different brass, drums of strings (similar to harp and lute) tools are depicted, as well as dancing chomori. These frescoes indicate the genres of the diversity of the musical culture of Kievan Rus. By the XII century include chronicle mentions of the singers of Boyan and Mitus.

    In general, primitive music had a syncretic character - a song, dance and poetry were merged and most often accompanied the rites, ceremonies, a labor process, etc. In the presentation of people, music and musical instruments played an important role of faiths during spells and prayers. In music, people saw protection from unclean strength, from bad sleep, from the evil eye. There were also special magical melodies to ensure the fertility of the soil and fertility of livestock.

    Soloists and other singers began to stand out in the primitive game. The development of primitive music and became the source from which folk musical culture arose. This music has gave rise to national musical systems and national peculiarities of the music language.

    On the practice of a folk song, which existed in the most ancient times in Ukraine, can be judged by the old ritual songs. Many of them reflect the whole worldview of the primitive man, and reveals its attitude towards nature and natural phenomena.

    The original national style is fully represented by the songs of the Central Dnieper. They are characterized by melodic ornamental, vocalization of vowels. Communications with Belarusian and Russian folklore are brightly traced in Folklore Polesia.

    Special song styles developed in Carpathians in Carpathians. They are defined as Gutsulsky and Lemkovsky dialects.

    Ukrainian folk songs are divided into many diverse genres, which are inherent in certain signs. In this sense, the most typical genres of Ukrainian songs are:

    • Calendar ritual - Westerns, Shchedriats, Hails, Carols, Kupali, France and Other
    • Family rituals and household- Wedding, comic, dance (including kolomiyki), chastushki, lullabies, funeral, bale, etc.
    • Friend life - Chumatsky, Nymite, Burlats, etc.;
    • Historical songs and duma
    • Soldier's life - Recruit, soldiers, Streletsky;
    • Lyrical songs and ballads.

    Duma and historical songs

    In the XV-XVI centuries, historical dooms and songs became one of the most vivid phenomena of Ukrainian folk music, a kind of symbol of national history and culture.

    The creators and performers of historical songs and the Duma, Psalms, Kantov called Kobzaryami. They played on cobbz or banduras, which became an element of the national heroic-patriotic epic, freedom-loving nature and purity of moral thoughts of the people.

    Huge attention in the minds addressed the struggle against the Turks and Poles. The "Tatar" cycle includes such well-known Duma as "about the cat's self-caught", "about three Azov brothers", "about a storm on the Black Sea", "about Marius Boguslavka" and others. In the "Polish" cycle, the events of the People's Liberation War are central to the central place, the folk heroes - Necha, Krivonos, Khmelnitsky occupy a special place. Later, new cycles of the Duma appeared - about the Swedchin, about the sweets and its destruction, about the work on the channels, about Gaidamatchin, about Painches and Will.

    Already in the XIV-XVII and XVIII centuries, Ukrainian musicians became famous outside Ukraine. Their names can be found in the chronicles of those times among the court musicians, including at the courtyard of Polish kings and Russian emperors. The most famous Kobzari - Timofey Belogradsky (famous butterist, XVIII century), Andrei Sudne (XIX century), Ostap Veshesy (XIX century), etc.

    Folk musicians united in the Brotherhood: songs, which had their charter and defended their interests. Especially these fraternities have evolved in the XVII-XVIII century, and existed until the very beginning of the 20th century, up to the destruction of their Soviet power.

    Tool folklore and folk instruments

    An important place in the Ukrainian musical culture is the instrumental folklore. Music instruments of Ukraine and very rich and diverse. It includes a wide range of windows, strings and percussion instruments. A significant part of Ukrainian folk musical instruments comes from the tools of times of Russia, other tools (for example, violin) began on Ukrainian soil, later, although they were the basis of new traditions and features of execution.

    The most ancient layers of the Ukrainian instrumental folklore are associated with calendar holidays and rites, which were accompanied by a march (marches for processions, congratulatory marches) and dance music (gophary, kozachka, kolomiyk, shelves, wals, doves, arcanes, etc.) and song tool music for hearing. Traditional ensembles most often consisted of Troks tools, such as violins, snacks and a tambourine. Music performance also provides for definite improvisation.

    During prayers in household conditions (in the house, on the street, near the Church), Liru, Cobzu and Bandura were often used for the accompaniment to Kantans and Psalms.

    In the times of the Zaporizhia SECHE, the troops of Zaporizhia sounded in the orchestra, the drums, Cossack antimony and pipes, and the Litales were among the Claynoks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, that is, there were among the symbols of Cossack statehood.

    Instrumental music has also become an integral part of urban culture. In addition to nationwide tools, such as violins and strokes, urban culture is represented by instruments such as table-like hussli, citra, Torban. Under their accompaniment, sang magnificent songs, urban songs and romances, religious chants.

    Ukrainian folklore

    Family and ritual poetry - songs and ritual gaming actions - wedding (weighing), in the christening and funeral (the fourtetest gone, crying) - in early periods of the history of Ukraine, was very developed. Like a calendar and ritual poetry, she * pursued the goal to influence hostile to man-worker's phenomenon of nature and ensure well-being in economic and personal life. Ukrainian wedding songs and gaming acts, as well as Russian and Belarusian, are a single high-eethical artistic integer; They represent a popular drama that develops according to the main components of the wedding.

    Ancient genres of Ukrainian folk poetry are riddles (riddles), proverbs (sat down, npunoeidnu.) and sayings (cruise). The class character of proverbs and sayings, the social ideals and aspirations of the workers were particularly bright in those of them who were directed against the feudal spirits, churches and religions, tsarism and king, landowners, capitalists and fists.

    An extremely rich in Ukrainian fabulous epic, which includes both a fairy tale (about animals - Zvirnini Epos, Bajcz, fantastic-heroic, novnelistic), and various types of legends, legends, jokes and non-pieces. The main actors fairy tales, their clothes, tools, the way of life give a lot of cognitive material about the Ukrainian society of the era of feudalism and capitalism. The heroes of fantastic fairy tales - Bogatyri ("1wan - Men Sin", "Chabanets", "Kitello Kozhemyaka", Kochijoroshko, etc.) - successfully fight against the terrible monsters, destroying people and the results of their labor, using often friendship of animals and Birds, sympathy and assistance of nature ("Plusy water", etc.), as well as wonderful items ("Chobcy-speed", "Letter Ship", etc.). Separate fairy tales (for example, "Kirilo Kozhemyaka", "1LL Murin" - the development of the plot of the ancient Russian epics about Ilya Muromster), folk legends, stories and legends about the origin of the names of rivers, settlements contain information that have historical, cognitive importance.

    Folk heroic epic - Duma.Development of folklore to the Great October Revolution

    In the conditions of the heroic struggle of the widespread masses of Ukraine in the XV-XVI centuries. against the feudal-fastened oppression, against the Turkish, Tatar and Polish-shlish invaders, finally formed a genre of large poetic epic and epic-lyrical folk products (the first entry was produced in 1684), telling about the courage, freedom and diligence of the Ukrainian people, his Non-friendly friendship with the great Russian people.

    Duma belong to the best samples of the Ukrainian folk heroic epic, they are devoted to the brightest pages of the genuine historical reality of Ukraine of the XV-XX centuries. Most of all created a doom about the events of the XVI-XVII centuries. Duma draw images of courageous chairs and Cossacks, guarding the borders of their native land, patriots suffering in captivity or straightening with Ukrainian and foreign pans ("Kozak of Holota", "Otaman Matyash Staria", "1Adovchenko-Konovchenko", "Schock" and etc.). A special place is occupied in the thinking events of the period of the Liberation War 1648-1654. ("Khmelnitsky Ta Barabash", "Rezand against the Polish Pasha", etc.). Epic and historical heroes of the Duma of the XV-XVII centuries, as well as Russian heroic-posts, are endowed with a heroic force, great mind, smelting, resourcefulness. They defeat enemies in the fights ("Kozak of Golota"), solely oppose the numerous enemy-invaders, win them or captured ("Otaman Mantic Staria", etc.); In the minds, a deeply popular thought is expressed that the disregard of the people's masses, their experience and advice, inevitably leads the "hero" to the shameful death ("Vowa C1pcchikha - 1Vanich", etc.). Many Duma ("Kozatski Zhittya", "Kozak Netagha Fesco Ganzha Andiber", "Sister Suar Brother", "Byshna Widow I Three Blue", etc.) talk about the difficult life of the masses, their scant food, bad clothes, a wretched dwelling, Draw acute social conflicts. Duma dramatically condemn robbery and oppression, cruelty, compassion, borestip. The beautiful image of the native land - Ukraine, created by the people in the Things, is the best proof of high humanism and deep patriotism inherent in this appearance of the epic.

    Throughout the epic is characterized by strong lyrical coloring, the story is usually carried out in them with passionate emotion. Complete Duma with a solo song speech (singing declamation), with a mandatory accompaniment of the popular musical instrument - Kobza (Bandura) or Lyra. The verse and stanza (coupler) of the DUM differ in high freedom of size (verse from 5-6 to 19-20 syllables, stanza from 2-3 to 9-12 poems), which creates opportunities for further improvision and variation. Composition of the DUM SUCHNA (spoil - the narration - the ending); For the narrative characteristic of deceleration and lyrical deviations. The constant structure replaces the free tirade (ledge), with free, mainly verb rhymes; After the end of the tirady is completed, a musical refrain follows. Duma - works of improvisational nature; No people's singer - Kobzar or Lirnik - does not repeat and does not seek to repeat the canonically text and tangling this work, but refers to them creatively, constantly changing, complementing or reducing them. A lot of cobzare-improvisers are known, among which there were virtuosos such as Ivan Streach (first half of the XIX century), Ostap Veresa, Andrei Jester (middle and second half of the XIX century), Ivan Kravchenko (Kryukovsky), Fedor Gritsenko (Cold) (The second half of the XIX century), Mikhailo Kravchenko, Genat Goncharenko, Tereshko Parkhomenko et al. (End XIX - early XX century).

    Workers of Ukraine in the XV-XVII centuries. Also created historical songs of epico-heroic and lyre-epic, historical heroic legends, legends and stories. They were a kind of response to the most important events. These are the songs about the Turkish-Tatar raids, Polon and the captivity, about the courage of the folk fighters against foreign yoke (for example, "in Tsarigrad1 on Rynochka" -Obaide, etc.), historical stories and legends about the atrocities of the Turkish-Tatar and Polish invaders in Ukraine , about courage and resourcefulness of the Ukrainian population and especially Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, songs about the massacre of the Cossack Golitties with bugs, trying to mock the Cossacks ("Chorna Khmara came, becoming a doomer IRA", etc.). Especially many such works created about events of the eve and the period of the People's Liberation War 1648-1654. (for example, about the national heroes of this time Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Maksima Krivonos, Danile Nechase, Ivan Bogun, etc.) *

    Patriotic rise of the people in the middle of the XVII century, reunification

    Of Ukraine, Ukraine has imposed a large imprint on many types of folk poetry. By the same time, the widespread dissemination of the People's Theater - Doll and theater of Living Actors, as well as short lyrical, mainly satirical and humorous, songs, and kolomyk, in which the enslavers of the Ukrainian people were raised and the images of Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks were drawn - bold and Brave fighters against the oppression and violence.

    The joint struggle of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples against the autocably-fastener building during the folk movements of Stepan Razin, Kondrai Bulavin, and later Emelyan Pugacheva, reflected in an extensive anti-refortional, anti-refrete poetry. Songs and legends about the son of Stepan Razin were composed in Ukraine ("Kamen's dithine sedine sedine", "Kozak Gerasim"). Throughout the XVII-XVIII centuries. Songs and legends were created about the courageous heroes of the joint struggle of Russian and Ukrainians against the Turkish Tatar aggression (about Ivan Sirko, the Palley Seven), about the fight against the Swedish invasion and the movement of Mazepa, about the capture of Azov, about the victories over the Turkish invaders in the first half of XVIII in., On the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov, etc., on strengthening with Russian autocracy in the XVIII century. The feudal-serfs of the Ukrainian people responded with numerous peasant uprisings, which were accompanied by the rise of anti-refortion folk creativity - new songs, stories and legends about the heroes of this struggle - Gaidamaks (for example, "about Sava's Savoy I Goths", etc.), sparides (about Olekse Dovboshe; relatives of them Slovak songs about Janoshik, Bulgarian and Moldovan about the guards), about the heroes of the coliivshina - Maxim Zaliznyaka, Nikita Rocket and others, about the uprising in p. Turbai 1789-1793 ("Conceeded Basily", etc.).

    During this period, anti-refortion songs about the fortress capture and frostal arbitrariness, songs are recruited and soldier, Chumatskiy, Burlats (Batrack), many of whom are lyrol-epic, historical or households; Balanceful songs are created on historical plots ("about Bondar1VNU"), folk satirical poems, directed against representatives of the dominant class - Panov, judges, Popov, etc. In the narrative folklore, the leading place is beginning to occupy realistic social and domestic new fairy tales, jokes, legends and stories. , brightly illuminating the antagonistic class relations of the feudal society (a favorite hero - a serf or "free" peasant-poor, a homeless burglak breaker, a wise soldier).

    Especially a lot was created during this period of social and domestic and family-consumer, sad, lyrical songs (choral and solo), as well as songs about family life - Rhodipop, about love - about Kohanne. The big group makes the songs of comic (, frishing alley (), humorous and satirical. Since the XVIII century. Ukrainian lyrical songs are particularly widely distributed among the Russian people, and Russians among Ukrainian, which contributed to the mutual enrichment of the cultures of two fraternal peoples and their rapprochement. Later wide distribution in The folk repertoire receives songs of Russian and Ukrainian poets; the poetic form of the literary song is increasingly affecting the form of a folk lyrical song (song-romances).

    In the first half of the XIX century. The Ukrainian people reflected the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 in their folklore works (songs about M. I. Kutuzov, M. I. Platov, etc.), the fight against the fastener oppression and heroes of this struggle (numerous songs, legends and stories about the leader of the peasant The uprisings on Podolia Ustim Karanyuk and the West Ukrainian Oprishki Mirone Steplet, about the outstanding revolutionary figure of Bukovina Lukyan Kobylitz, etc.). The first samples of the Songs of the workers are becoming known ("Maidatshchiki - Okrashchiki, yes ripka.your share "); The genre of short songs and koltushki and the kolomyk of the most different content is blooming.

    The appearance on the historical arena of the working class led to the development and new type of folk poetry - working folklore. Already in the 70s and 80s of the XIX century. * Working songs and crews, reflecting capitalist operation, protest and early forms of working class (song "Oh Chi Will, Chi Celery", "Jac in Karl1V Creek\u003e, well-known legends about Shubin - the "owner" of mines, etc.). Among the workers are widespread folk dramatic ideas about the struggle against despotism (Ukrainian options for folk drama "Boat", "Tsar Maximshan", etc.).

    In the proletarian period of liberation movement by leading motifs of the Ukrainian working folklore, which was distributed in Ukrainian, Russian and partly Polish languages \u200b\u200band thus acquired an international character, the revolutionary calls for the overthrow of the autocracy and power of capital, the challenges of the socialist ideal, the proletarian internationalism ("International", Russian , Ukrainian and Polish editors "Warshavianki", "Really, Tirana" and its Ukrainian original - "Shalshte, Shalshte, will say Kati", Russian, Ukrainian and Polish text "Red Banner").

    At the beginning of the XX century. Ukrainian revolutionary songs are being created ("Zhemey Mi U Paul\u003e," Well, Callers, Mistanmo "," One Khmara I3 village, and the other s M1sta, "etc.), bright stories and songs about the events of the First People's Revolution in Russia 1905-1907, about the faithful sons of the people - the Bolsheviks, about the First World War ("Carpathi, Carpathi Large Gorge"), about the overthrow of autocracy in 1917

    So, the folk art that had a pronounced revolutionary nature was generated by the events of the country's socio-political life and invariably accompanied the class performances of workers.

    Ukrainian Soviet folklore

    The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution made fundamental changes in the nature of Ukrainian folk poetry, caused the rise of the socialist in the content of the poetic creativity of the millionth masses of the Ukrainian people, which develops on the basis of the Soviet ideology. In the Ukrainian folk poetry of the post-Bety, the most important events of Soviet reality were reflected - from the victory of the Great October to the events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. and the period of the deployed construction of communism. The people challenges the Great Communist Party, V. I. Lenin, Labor Heroism, the struggle for peace all over the world, Seven-year plan 1959-1965, the friendship of peoples, proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism.

    Indigenous changes occurred in traditional genres and species of Ukrainian folk poetry; Almost completely died out the old ritual poetry. At the same time, new songs, dooms, fairy tales, tales, stories, as well as folk poems on the topics of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Civil War and Fighting Foreign Interventory are widely created (for example, Lenshka True fairy tale, songs and legends about Lenin, heroes civil war - Chapaev, Shchors, Kotovsky, about partisans, heroes of the Great Patriotic War and others, onoeidi., performance often from one person and having elements of memories). Along with the heroic works, jokes, satirical and humorous short stories, ridicuing various enemies of the Soviet state (White Guard generals, Petlyuru, Interventory, Pilshwood, Japanese samurai, Hitler, etc.), the remnants of capitalism and religious prejudices, carriers of negative household phenomena ( Shoulders, Lodiyrai, negligent, drunkards).

    Special flowering of Soviet Ukrainian folk poetry is observed in the field of songs, chastushk and kolomyk, proverbs and sayings, reflecting the main events and phenomena of the daily life of the country of the Soviets (songs: about the events of October and the Civil War - "Arriving Zozles", "3.i.6 pABShchors Zhogsh, "; about Lenin; About the construction of socialism - "Oh, Chervonp KVGGKI", "Rubber BCI.creek "; On the release of Westow Ukrainian lands and reuniting them with Soviet Ukraine - "I added Public Public", "Roskvghai Bukovina" and others; about the Great Patriotic War - "I got up for the will of the region", "Our Lanka Frontova" and others; On the post-war period, the construction of communism, the struggle for peace - "SD 3 opi.Komuki Yassen, "Mi wanto Mira" and others).

    Large changes underwent in Soviet times the genre of the Dum, which now have a lot of new in poetic form (song of the song, epic forms and type of poetic tale); The character of their edges has changed (they have become more generalizing), almost disappeared slowdowns in the story, etc. Soviet Kobzari (Ivan Zaporozhchenko, Petro Ancolenko, Fyodor Kush- Nekhric, Yegor Movchan, Vladimir Pevutyuk et al.) Created a number of doom on modern stories (For example, the Duma about V. I. Lenin - "HTO of that SOKSH, CESCHERSH?").

    The Ukrainian people put forward a lot of talented poets, composers and singers from their environment (for example, Paul Dmitriev-Kabanov from Donetsk, Olga Podkova from Zhytomyr region, Christine Litvinenko from the Poltava region, Frosina Karpenko from the Dnepropetrovsk region, etc.)\u003e demonstrating their own Art on numerous district, urban, regional and republican reviews of amateur amateur activities, which, like holidays of songs and dances, have become a household tradition. Many factory, collective farm choirs, choir-links, Agitcultbrigada, amateur ensembles created texts and music of some songs, chastushk and colisions.

    Both Soviet and Dooktyabrskaya Poetry was widely used and used by Ukrainian and Russian writers, composers, artists. Many images and motives of the Dooktyabrsky Ukrainian folklore are used in the work of a number of outstanding writers, especially N. V. Gogol, T. G. Shevchenko, I. Ya. Franco, M. M. Kotsyubinsky, P. A. Grabovsky, Lesia Ukrainka, composers - N. V. Lysenko, N. D. Leontovich, artists - V. A. Tropinin, I. E. Repin,

    S. I. Vasilkovsky, N. S. Samokish, A. G. Slotion and many others. The brightest examples today is the work of Soviet Ukrainian writers M. Rylsky, P. Tychin, A. Malyshko, M. Stelmach, composers K. Dankevich, A. Plegor, S. Lyudkevich, P. Mayboroda, Artists I. Igekevich, M. Deregus, etc.

    Ukrainian folk poetry has absorbed a lot from the Russian and Belarusian folk poetry, and many of its motives and works entered the work of fraternal - Russian and Belarusian-peoples. She was and is in close relationships both with the work of these peoples and the work of Polish, Slovak, Moldavian and other peoples. All this indicates that the Ukrainian folk poetry had and is of great importance in mutual understanding and rapprochement of the working people on the basis of socialist patriotism and internationalism.

    Separate riddles are found in the literature of the Middle Ages - in Kievan Rus in the work of Daniel Sharpener; At the philosophers of the Kiev School of Renaissance (Izpathia, Stanislav Orikhovsky, Ivan Kalimon, etc.). They acquired particular popularity in the XVII - XVIII centuries, when the literary riddles were created by Baual, Rousseau, etc. The new wave of interest in the mysteries was associated with the one hand with the development of romanticism in the literature, especially in Germany (Brentano, Gauf T.P.), And on the other, with combined with romanticism, the appeal to national roots, the beginning of the collection, fixation and publication of samples of folk art. The collection and publication of Ukrainian folk puzzles began in the first half of the XIX century: Ilkevich "Galician sayings and riddles" (Vienna, 1841), A. Semenovsky "Malorossiysk and Galician riddles"; M. Nomis "Ukrainian sayings, proverbs and so on" (1864), P. Chubinsky "Works of an ethnographic-statistical expedition ..." (1877) and others. Ivan Franco - the author of the first, unfortunately, unfinished learning about the Ukrainian riddles " The remains of primitive worldview in Russian and Polish riddles of folk "(" Zarya ", 1884). In Ukrainian folkloristic, the mystery remains not sufficiently studied genre. The riddle not only influenced the work of individual Ukrainian poets, which have written the relevant author's works (L. Glebov, Y. Fedkovich, I. Franco, S. Vasilchenko), it is the basis of poetic paths, which is confirmed by the lyrics of P. Tychin, B.I. Antonich, V. Goloborodko, I. Kalinets, Vera Vovk, M. Vorobyov, M. Grigorieva, etc.

    Proverbs and sayings


    The beginning of the Ukrainian assembly of the poetic Cossack Dumus is considered to be the XVI century. The first entry of the Ukrainian folk song can be dated from the second half of the same century (1571 in the grammar Yana Bleslav). Simultaneously with these attempts of folk poems, a new variety of folk songs arises: Duma. This is a new Cossack Epos, who fully displaced the Storoukrainsk Epos, the remains of which remained in prosaic translations or in the form of a verse. The Duma themselves are collected and recorded for the first time in the XIX century. The oldest mention of the Duma is in the chronicle ("Annals", 1587) of the Polish historian S. Sarnitsky, the most ancient Text of the Duma was found in the Krakow archive M. Wozniak in the 20s in the collections of Kondracksky (1684) "Kozak Golota". Currently, only references to the XVI century thinks are preserved in various written sources, but there is not a single full text to date. In the Annals of Sarnitsky, we can find out that Ukrainians sang the Duma already at the beginning of the XVI century., These were the Duma about the heroic death of the brothers of the strives, however, to great regret, this chronicler did not make any lines of this Duma in Annals. More successful about the data that has survived about the minds is the XVII century.

    Historical songs can be defined as a genre of small epics. Forming first spontaneously in the village of other genres of song creativity, the historical song (as well as the Duma) reaches the climax in the XVII-XVIII centuries. - In the era of the Cossacks in Ukraine. She is attentive to attentive observation of historical events, for the fate of specific heroes. The Genre "Historic Song" is known to all Slavic peoples. This is a lyrol-epic product dedicated to a certain historical event or a famous historical figure. It should be noted that this is not a chronicle of events, not a document in which facts play an important role; This is an artistic work, so it is possible in it creative symptoms. The information requirement for historical song is to correctly reflect the era, the essence of the era, its spirit, the national orientation. In terms of volume, historical songs are less than the Duma, but more than lyric songs. Epic character is manifested in a story about events that are depicted objectively, but without a clear fixation of events, the life of historical characters. There are symbolism, hyperbole songs, emotional and estimated elements. N. Gogol introduced the concept of "historical song" in the article "On Malorosiysk Songs" in Ukrainian folklore (1833). It indicates the defining trait of this genre: "They do not come off for a moment from life and ... always correspond to the real state of feelings." Among the features of historical songs should also be noted: show important social events and historical persons; A brief story about them; the presence of outdated words and expressions; Struff or bobbin construction.


    Fairy tales


    The most common genre of European medieval literature (since the 6th century), formed in Catholic writing, mainly as the life of the saint, written on his memory, or as a collection of instructive stories about the life of holy martyrs, confessors, saint, reverend, deserts, cages, called " Catema. " In Western European countries, a collection of Christian legends in 13-14 centners was specially popular. Under the name "Golden Legend" ("Legenda Aurea") translated into many languages.


    Parable - an instructive allegorical (allegory) story. Unlike the meaningfulness of the interpretation of the Basni, a certain didactic idea is concentrated in the parable. The parable is widely used in the gospel, expressing spiritual instructions in the allegorical form, as, for example, Solomon Proverbs, which, after the psaltere, were widely distributed during the Kiev Rus. The "Tale of Varlaam and Yosaf", which became the subject of the Scientific Studio I. Franco, is particularly popular. This genre had a great influence on his work, no wonder the original parables constitute the compositional basis for his collection "My Ismaragd" (1898). Affairs and modern poets (D. Pavlichko, Lina Kostenko and others) are referred to. Proverbs genre affected Ukrainian painting, in particular in the series of drawings T. Shevchenko. In the latest European literature, the parable became one of the means of expressing the moral and philosophical reflection of the writer, often opposing with generally accepted, and dominating presentations in society. Here the parable does not depict, but reports a certain idea, having laid the principle of parabola: the narrative, as it were, is distinguished from this temporary space and, moving along the curve, returns back, highlighting the phenomenon of artistic understanding in the philosophical and aesthetic aspect (B. Brecht, J. P. Sartre, A. Kama et al.) An example of this is the Kafka and its "works for the Krestomatology". In such a new capacity, there is a parable in the work of modern Ukrainian writers, in particular V. Shevchuk ("House on Mount", "on the field of humble" and others).

    Separate riddles are found in the literature of the Middle Ages - in Kievan Rus in the work of Daniel Sharpener; At the philosophers of the Kiev School of Renaissance (Izpathia, Stanislav Orikhovsky, Ivan Kalimon, etc.). They acquired particular popularity in the XVII - XVIII centuries, when the literary riddles were created by Baual, Rousseau, etc. The new wave of interest in the mysteries was associated with the one hand with the development of romanticism in the literature, especially in Germany (Brentano, Gauf T.P.), And on the other, with combined with romanticism, the appeal to national roots, the beginning of the collection, fixation and publication of samples of folk art. The collection and publication of Ukrainian folk puzzles began in the first half of the XIX century: Ilkevich "Galician sayings and riddles" (Vienna, 1841), A. Semenovsky "Malorossiysk and Galician riddles"; M. Nomis "Ukrainian sayings, proverbs and so on" (1864), P. Chubinsky "Works of the Ethnographic Statistical Expedition ..." (1877) and others. Ivan Franco - the author of the first, unfortunately, unfinished research about the Ukrainian mystery "remains of primitive worldviews in Russian and Polish mysteries of folk "(" Zarya ", 1884). In Ukrainian folkloristic, the mystery remains not sufficiently studied genre. The riddle not only influenced the work of individual Ukrainian poets, which have written the relevant author's works (L. Glebov, Y. Fedkovich, I. Franco, S. Vasilchenko), it is the basis of poetic paths, which is confirmed by the lyrics of P. Tychin, B.I. Antonich, V. Goloborodko, I. Kalinets, Vera Vovk, M. Vorobyov, M. Grigorieva, etc.


    Two brothers are sent to the water, and the pound does not seem.

    Chervon Koromiso via Rіchku hung.

    Vl_tka ADAYUd, Vimka Visigly.

    Hanging to merge, l_tka to calm down, the age of the year, Vimka grіє.

    Not vogon, but about

    Now Palice, and on Palitsi - Hachinka, and in the Tiy Hatintsi there is a lot of people.

    I am not γ-Vіves, nі Sіna, let you vipiti gasoline, sucked horses, whom it is forgotten.

    Without hands, without NІG, and the gate of Vіdchinyuє.

    Proverbs and sayings

    The invaluable jewels of Ukrainian folklore include proverbs and sayings - short taking statements. Proverbs and sayings are the generalized memory of the people, conclusions from life experience, which give the right to formulate views on ethics, morality, history and politics. In general, proverbs and sayings make up the set of rules that a person must be guided in everyday life. They rarely state a certain fact, rather recommend or warned, approve or condemn, in a word, we will pass, because they are the authority of generations of our people, whose inexhaustible talent, a high aesthetic flair and a sharp mind and now continue to increase and enrich the spiritual heritage, which accumulated over the centuries. The proverb is a small form of popular poetic creativity, which transformed into a short, rhythmized statement, carrying a generalized opinion, withdrawal, allegory with a didactic bias. In the folkloristic proverbs and sayings are denoted by the term paremia. In medieval Europe, collections of proverbs were made; About three dozen handwritten collections drawn up in the XIII early XV century came to us. For example, a collection of so-called "Proverbs of Villani" includes a number of six-storey six, each of which is represented as a peasant proverb. Everything is generally distinguished by rare rhythmic and thematic homogeneity. The compiler of this collection, a certain cleric from the genus of Philip Alsatsky in the XIII century more than once became the subject of processing or imitation. Texts of this kind are found up to the XV century, sometimes with illustrations: Then the proverb serves as a signature to the drawing.

    The saying is a genre of folk prose, a brief sustainable figurative expression-job character, having a single structure, which is often part of the proverb, but without concluding. It is used in a figurative value.

    For example: True my eyes rolling. Not our field of the berry.

    The peculiarity of the saying is that it is usually attached to the said as a aphoristic illustration. In contrast to the proverb, administered by some generalization. Often the saying is a reduction in the proverb. In the western regions of Ukraine, proverbs and sayings are combined into one concept - "SCNCCs."


    Life lets - do not go.

    Without \\ і і іль not soften.

    Ptashka is red, and Lyuba - Self-Valima.

    Head without Rosum, Yak Lіchtar without svіchka.

    HTO MOVOVYE HISE CURRENT, HAY Himself is styled.

    Little prazia crash for the greatness of the hell.

    Berezh І SHNUY HOST THE SNOWDER, And Healthy - PiD Starby.

    Good І Korchma is not zіpsu, but the evil I cannot direct.


    The beginning of the Ukrainian assembly of the poetic Cossack Dumus is considered to be the XVI century. The first entry of the Ukrainian folk song can be dated from the second half of the same century (1571 in the grammar Yana Bleslav). Simultaneously with these attempts of folk poems, a new variety of folk songs arises: Duma. This is a new Cossack Epos, who fully displaced the Storoukrainsk Epos, the remains of which remained in prosaic translations or in the form of a verse. The Duma themselves are collected and recorded for the first time in the XIX century. The oldest mention of the Duma is in the chronicle ("Annals", 1587) of the Polish historian S. Sarnitsky, the most ancient Text of the Duma was found in the Krakow archive M. Wozniak in the 20s in the collections of Kondracksky (1684) "Kozak Golota". Currently, only references to the XVI century thinks are preserved in various written sources, but there is not a single full text to date. In the Annals of Sarnitsky, we can find out that Ukrainians sang the Duma already at the beginning of the XVI century., These were the Duma about the heroic death of the brothers of the strives, however, to great regret, this chronicler did not make any lines of this Duma in Annals. More successful about the data that has survived about the minds is the XVII century.

    In particular, four samples of Ukrainian duma creativity were preserved in the handwritten compilation of Kondracksky: "Cossack Netag", "Death Koretsky" and two samples of joking parodies on the Duma. In the scientific terminology, the name of the Duma introduced M. Maksimovich, who, like M. Cerevyev, P. Lukashevich, A. Metlinsky, P. Kulish, carried out the first publications of the Dum. The first scientific assembly of the DUM with options and commentaries was issued by V.Antonovich and M. Dragomanov ("Historical Songs of the Malorussian People", 1875). Fundamental studies of the DUM left the folklist musicologist F. Wheels, who in 1908 led the special expedition to Poltava region organized by Ukrainian in 1908 with a phonograph for recording the repertoire of Cobzares ("Melodies of the Ukrainian People's Duma", "Ukrainian People's Duma"). The most thorough scientific edition of the DUM in the 20th century. Implemented Ekaterina Grushevskaya ("Ukrainian People's Duma"), but it was withdrawn from libraries, and the research researcher was repressed.


    Duma "Kozak Holota":

    Oh field kilіїmsky,

    Then the shy Bitim Gordinskikh,

    Oh there walking a naked kozak,

    Do not install NІ Fire, NІ Sword, NI third swamps.

    True, on Kozakov Shati roads -

    Three Seminasi Likhії:

    One's dislike

    And the third on the chlv is neglege.

    And so, however, on Kozakov

    Postposition v'yazi,

    And on Otchi Chinese


    Volley Shozkovі -

    Doubli Zhinootki Schremi Valovi.

    True, on Kozakovo hat-tag -

    Top Dirka,

    The grass is sewn

    Vіtr, pіdbit,

    Kudi S., T'udi Provivav,

    Kozak of young cooling.

    Then the gulya is a Kozak of Holota, pursuer,

    NІ cities, nі village not loan, -

    At the city of Kiliju plot.

    At the city of Kilia, Tatar, sit beardeds,

    According to the hill areas like,

    To Tatar, the words of Domoviluє:

    "Tatarco, Tatarco!

    Oh, chi thinks do you think?

    Oh, Chi Bachish Those, I Bach? "

    Kat: "Tatarine, Oh, Sіdiy, beardedies!

    I tіlki Bach, otchi in front of me on the hillitsy

    But I do not know, who is oli qiyusya da Ghadaєsh. "

    Khat: "Tatarko!

    I am those Bach: not an eagle of Litaє, -

    Then Kozak Golota Dobrim Horse Horse.

    I want my wife's wife

    Yes to the city of Kilij

    Well, in front of the Great Panha Basha Bashai,

    For th many Chervonihs not Lіchachi Briah,

    Then teu rubbish

    Road Platti Nadіvaє,

    Copy shirts

    Sklick Velvet on his head Nadіvuє,

    On the horse Sіdaє,

    Umbrelly behind the Kozank of Ghana's Ghana.

    Then Kozak Holota good Kozatsky Zvychi knows -

    Oh on tatar squeezing plot

    Kat: "Tatarin, Tatarina!

    On Vascho Vazhish:

    Chi on my clever zbroy

    Chi on my horse crow

    Chi on me, the kozak of the young? "


    And better on your horse of the crow,

    And it is better for you, the kozak of the young.

    I want you to be a god in the hands taken,

    In the city of Kilija

    Before Great Panha Basha Bashai

    І a lot of worms are not Lіchachi


    That Kozak Golota good Zvitch Kozatsky knows.

    Oh on the tatar of the screening shrink.

    "Oh, - Khat, - Tatarin, oh XiDii, beardedies

    Libony Ti on the rose of nonbags:

    So-ti kozak at hand without taking

    And in the yogh zrochі zooshіv.

    And the magnitude of Mіzh Kozaki is not Buvav,

    Kozatzka Kashі not їїtav

    І Kozatsky Zvichiv not knows. "

    Then those whirling,

    On the veins becoming.

    Without Miri powder pіdsipa

    Tatarina Gostinzia at the chest Posilє:

    Oh it is not a kozak,

    And Tatarin Іk Likhiy Mother's horse enthusiasm!

    Vіn yom Vіri not Donimaє,

    To yogo commuits

    Kelep Mezhi shoulder grimaє,

    Kohl wwang, as well as the yogo spirit is mute.

    Vіn Tod's good dbav,

    Chobcy Tatarscі істагав,

    At your Kozatqi's leg exhaust;

    Clothes істагав,

    At your Kozozkі's shoulder Napivav;

    Velvet Schlick ізdіimaє,

    On his Kozotka head Nadіvaє;

    Kona Tatatsky for the mistakes taking

    At the city of Sichі Podpav,

    There s_ p'є-glyaє,

    Field Kilіїmski praise-vyuvalyaє:

    "Oh field Kilіїmsk!

    Body the same L_TO winter Zelenіlo

    Ski-mee with Nesh Skali Godin Having prepared!

    Give, God, the bus Kozaki drank yes walked,

    Good Mislі Mali,

    One mea bіlsh dying

    І enemy pіd nosі trampled! "

    Glory not Norma, not a Pazagging

    OD Ning to Vika!

    Historical songs can be defined as a genre of small epics. Forming first spontaneously in the village of other genres of song creativity, the historical song (as well as the Duma) reaches the climax in the XVII-XVIII centuries. - In the era of the Cossacks in Ukraine. She is attentive to attentive observation of historical events, for the fate of specific heroes. The Genre "Historic Song" is known to all Slavic peoples. This is a lyrol-epic product dedicated to a certain historical event or a famous historical figure. It should be noted that this is not a chronicle of events, not a document in which facts play an important role; This is an artistic work, so it is possible in it creative symptoms. The information requirement for historical song is to correctly reflect the era, the essence of the era, its spirit, the national orientation. In terms of volume, historical songs are less than the Duma, but more than lyric songs. Epic character is manifested in a story about events that are depicted objectively, but without a clear fixation of events, the life of historical characters. There are symbolism, hyperbole songs, emotional and estimated elements. N. Gogol introduced the concept of "historical song" in the Ukrainian folkloristic in the article "On Malorosiysk Songs" (1833). It indicates the defining trait of this genre: "They do not come off for a moment from life and ... always correspond to the real state of feelings." Among the features of historical songs should also be noted: show important social events and historical persons; A brief story about them; the presence of outdated words and expressions; Struff or bobbin construction.


    "Oh tee, myvo, nivo"

    "Oh tee, myvo, nivo"

    Nivo Gold

    Shah for you, my nivo,

    He fought her father.

    More than once, my nivo,

    Trampled horde

    More than once, my nivo,

    Klyhal bіdit.

    More than once, bulo, over to you


    Have repeatedly teamed your t_lo

    Vovka hzhaki.

    Zіyshlo Sonza Iz-for Hamari,

    Vіtri zared

    Vіd Panxian Ovollya

    You have been added.

    Get out, my nivo,

    In greens, rizvіtai,

    І pіd sonyachny promine

    Colosum pour!


    The ballad has changed at the very beginning of its existence (12-13th century), when it was used as a love song on the dance (first introduced Pon Shapetin), common in Provence. In French poetry, the 14th century, the ballad acquired canonical signs, had permanent three stuffs, a constant chart of rhymes (AB AB BV BV), mandatory refrain and appeal to a certain person; suffered a heyday in the works of F. Wyon (1431-1463). Ballets are:

    Socio-domestic ballads:

    "Oh chis zholo, siji moss" is a socio-household ballad. The basis is the moral conflict of mother-in-law with a daughter-in-law, which was before intimidated, which turned into a poplar. The motive of the transformation of people in plants, animals, birds is very common in ballads. In social and domestic ballads, relationships between parents and children, brothers and sisters, reveal the feelings of love and hatred.

    Historical ballads:

    Historical ballads are ballads on historical topics. They describe the life of the Cossack, the death of the Cossack on the battlefield ("Yes, the miracle of the miracle"), tells about the big grief, which brings the war to people. "Scho Sech in Poli Zabіlіlo - a ballad, in which the tragic position of Ukrainians in Turkish captivity is recreated. Mother in Crimea captures his daughter, who has already been concerned, becoming the wife of Tatar. The daughter offers mothers to "rule" with her, but the mother proudly refuses. Ballad "Oh Bouv in the Sichi Staria Kozak" condemns the betrayal of Savva Challen and approves his fair punishment with the Cossacks.

    Ukrainian literary ballads

    In the Ukrainian poetry of the ballad, showing his genre relatives with the Duma and Romance, was distributed in the asset of Peter Gulak-Artyomovsky, L. Borovikovsky, Ivan Vagilevich, early Taras Shevchenko, etc., reaching the second half of the 19th century (Y. Fedkovich, B. Grinka and dr.); The tense plot in it unfolded against the background of fantastic signs.

    Ukrainian literary ballads of the 20th century

    In this form, it appears in the Ukrainian lyrics not so often ("Ballada" Y. Lipa: "There is a stitch of Mіzh Kushchi, Shaho Char-Zilleam thicket ...") and displaces historical and heroic motifs associated with the era of the liberation struggle 1917-1921 G., To which the poets of "Shot Renaissance" and emigration were addressed, in particular, the event of this genre was the "Book Balad" A. Vlyzko (1930).

    In the second half of the 20th century, the ballad acquired a social importance, but did not lose his dramatic stress, which was reflected in the work of I. Dracha, who was not illustively called one of his collections "Balladiana" (1967), constantly emphasizing conscious grounding of traditionally Balad Pafos .


    "Over the mountains, for linsami"

    Beyond the mountains

    Maryan's gusari danced. (DVICHI)

    I have been visited by Nude Father I Mats:

    Maryanno, Schwarna Panel, under Doda Spas! (DVICHI)

    I do not pіdu - id go

    Bo I will danceuvati s hussar. (DVICHI)

    And in Gusariv Chorni eyes,

    I will be a dancewati to Pivnich. (DVICHI)

    Od Pivnchi Already to the Wound

    Garianna Danceyuva ... (DVICHI)

    Fairy tales

    The fairy tale is a narrative in which fictional events or faces are mentioned. One of the main genres of folk creativity, the epic, mostly prosaic work of the magical, adventurous or domestic nature of oral origin with a fictional installation. At the heart of the fairy tale - a fascinating story about fictional events and phenomena that are perceived and experienced as real. Fairy tales are known from the oldest times in all peoples of the world. Related with other folk-epic genres - legends, sagas, legends, legends, epic songs, are not connected directly with mythological ideas, as well as historical persons and events. They are characterized by the traditional structure and composite elements (strings, junctions, etc.), a contrasting group of acting persons, the absence of detailed descriptions of nature and life. The plot of fairy tales is a multi-episode, with the dramatic development of events, focusing the actions on the hero and a happy ending.


    Tale "Kirilo Kozhemyaka"

    Coles Bouw in Kijvі I caustious Prince, Persiar, І BUV COLO KIєVA ZMІY, I SHOROKA SHOROKLI DANY: Given the Abo of the Young Bag, Abbo Divchin.

    From the Cherga shrewd to the daughter of the prince itself. Nikhoye to robin, if they gave Golodeni, Treba yuom Davati. Seashed the prince of his daughter in the tribute zmієvі. And the daughter of Bula is good, Shah, not say. That smіi її y loved. From Vona, the TAY has come to nagging.

    Chi є, - Khat, - on Svіti TKY Cholovіk, and the stake you with you?

    - є, - KATH, - TACH - KIєVI OU OF DNІPROM ... Yak Vyida at Dnіpro watches leather (Bo Vine Kozheyaka), then not one carrier, and twincing at once, IK DNIPRI, then I will voni Ichno off for them, Chi Vityagne is Vysh? And by yoma Bayduj: Yak to take ahead, then the throes are not Vityagne to the coast. From that cholovik, Tіlki Meni scary.

    Princeіvna і took such ones on the Dumku Duma, Yak Bi їi Vіstomka Dodoma Podachi і to the will before Batka, I. And with the Niy, it's not a boulo nі souls, - Tіlki one doves. Vona Zgoduvala yogo for Schacodia, it's possible at Kijvі Bula. I thought, I thought, and Dali I wrote to Otzia.

    From so and so, "like, - you, tattoo, є in Kiyvі Cholovіk, to Ymennya, Kiroilo, on Priozvishche Kozheyaka. The benefits of vichi through old people, Chi does not scratch it, іz zmієm beaten, Chi does not deign me, bіdnu, zhili! You benefit yo, crucia, І words, І gubers, shoes without adding a word in Yak invalid the word! I am for my ny for you, I will pray for God to God.

    He wrote like this, pronounced Pіd Krönztsi Golubovі Ta Ya Vipustil at Vіkno. Doves, angry pіd sky, Ta Ya arrival Dodoma, to the ditch to the prince. And Diti Same bіgali according to the ditch, the dove pushed.

    Tatosa, Tatosa! - Come on. - Chi Bachish - Doves Vіd Sestorsі arrival!

    Prince Prshe Zradіv, and Dali Thinking-thinking Ta-Zasumuvav:

    There is already curses Іrod Zezhbiv, it can be seen, my dithine!

    And Dali lining up to himself a dove, look, as well as in Krifets card. Vіn for a card. Church, already daughter piche: so I am so. From praying to yourself all the foreman.

    Chi є Taky Cholovіk, Shah Write to Kiril Kozim'yaku?

    - є, prince. Live over Dnіprom.

    Jac also started to start, the bus did not addate that donor?

    From Syak, so they were pleased with the same old people themselves. Come to the vonya to yogo Hati, got a meal of the door in fear of the same. To add, as much as the Kozheyaka Doli himself, to them back, I my hands tweezing the leather, Tilki can be seen, Yak Cumber otakho Bіloy Beard! From one z, messenger: "Kahi!"

    Kelum'yaku Zakhnovsya, and twind a skin of Tіlki Torn! Wrapped to them, and vony yom in the belt:

    From so and so: Saving to you Prince IZ request ...

    And Vіn і does not divide: Risputy, shho through them that tweets of the skin of the breakdown.

    Woni Znov Let's ask you, let's bless you. Steel tramples ... Skoda! They asked, asked the same pіshley, dreamed of her head.

    Scho here Robitimesh? Sumuє Prince, Sumuє і's whole foreman.

    Chi do not let us know the young people?

    Sent young people - Nikogo not in order. Tosh is the power, not yoom yoma. So ripped yogo for the TE leather.

    Dali Shaniavia Prince І sending to ny Malich D_Ti. The Ti Yak has added, the yak so much ashes, the Yak became tracked, that Yak was crying, then the Kozheyak himself is not WiterPiva himself, whining the same

    Well, for you, I'm in a gloom. Піashov to prince.

    Let's, - Khat, - Meni tweets a bench of Smoli і twind a bodopel!

    Catching hemp, surrounded by a kind of good, taking the makeup Taku, Shah, can, in Niy Pudiva, Town, Ta Pisa to Zmіya.

    And sniy yom y khat:

    And Shah, Kiro? Priorshi beaten Chi Mitry?

    De long to put up? Trying to you, і ідор рем ремолте!

    From І Soyat, I will beat - Already the land of Hood. Scho Rosbіzhuz Kyril's teeth, then so a piece of Smoli Virve, Scho robbing it to go to it, then so sickle Konoplel І Virve. And Vіn yogo to strengthen the healthy makeup, then it is so applied to the ground. And ZMІY, Yak Vogd, root, - so it is hot, I'll get drunk to Dnіpr, the troops will be drunk, the trohi cochorate, then the leakage is shy, then the leakage I am a mixture. Oto whirlpool З VERE Curses ідод, і и и росто по постовый пода по де leather, then Vіn Yojo Bulavoy Tіlki LUP! Scho sip, then Vіn, know, Yojo Bulavoy Tіlki LUP Ta Loup, Already Moon Ide. Begrew-beat - already smoking, although I will download it. Rosigrіv Kiroilo Zmіya is better, Yak Koval Lemisch at Gornі: Already Pirkє, Although it is angry, curses, and the land of the land of Tіlki Stogn.

    And here at Dzvoni to jab, the prayer to the rustle, and in the mountains the people of Russia, Yak Negivius, Zitvitov's hands, wait, Scho then! Although Zmіyuk - Bubuh! Already the earth shook. People, standing in the mountains, so і sparkling hands: "Slava Tobі, Lord!"

    From Kirilo, driving Zmіya, deigning the princess І Vіddav Knyazevі. The prince no longer knowing, Jak Yomi Dyakuvati. That gaze, it worship the tract in Kijvi, de Vіn alive, leatherheads.


    Legend in Folklore


    "The legend about Vogda is water"


    The most common genre of European medieval literature (since the 6th century), formed in Catholic writing, mainly as the life of the saint, written on his memory, or as a collection of instructive stories about the life of holy martyrs, confessors, saint, reverend, deserts, cages, called " Catema. " In Western European countries, a collection of Christian legends in 13-14 centners was specially popular. Under the name "Golden Legend" ("Legenda Aurea") translated into many languages.

    Legend in Ukrainian Literature

    In the Ukrainian writer of the Princely Day, one of the translations of such collections is legends "Prolog". At the same time, a collection of original legends was the "Kiev-Pechersky Cader". Later, the legends began to call various legends of religious content with a pious and instructive instruction of holy places, parables about the origin of animals and plants. Of these works, numerous collections were ordered, which were translated into different languages, their plots were transferred to verses, used in school religious performances (mysteries, miracles, morality). In Ukraine, famous Catema - Sinai, Skitsky, Afonovsky, Jerusalem, and others. Plots legends had numerous reflection in icon painting, knightly novels and the audience. They grew up such a pearl of European classics as "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery

    Legend in Folklore

    Oral folk stories about a wonderful event that are perceived as reliable. Legends are very close to translations, differ from them most of all the fact that they are based on biblical plots. Unlike fairy tales, legends do not have traditional primary and final formulas, established alternation of events. Only sometimes they have a common with fairy tales: the initial formulas - "It was a long time ago," once a long time ago "; Fantastic content, but such that is interpreted as a miracle created by unusual people.


    "Legend about SVITUT

    Stari people to ride, Shah's pitch of the pitch of them, Nivi Shar-M'yach. HOT YOHOH STOVKHNOV І VIN RIRYRAVA; Flights of the slices of the central ball in Rіznі Storoni u land, Sonza, Mizyats, Zori. From one piece of land, Scho Mi on Niy Lieby. Wheelpowders of whale, pіdmosets of a hollow tail, rode our land, and then Bula B Flights in the abyss. Tsomoy whale Cepporto Lying І POPEє Covil Tail, and the land is solar.

    "The legend about Vogda is water"

    Cover to argue Vogdz z water, hto strong? Then, Shahko Pіdnіm Vogdim, then the water thunder; de conceit Vogd, then the water is the line on ny. Vogd to fragment, Shaho not a pioneer, Ta Y Utik in Kamіn - there is no longer in the noma water. Maja in the Svіti wisdom chitrish, Yak Vogd: Vіn everything is purely abandoned. Poton Cholovіk, then at least Tіlo Vityagnesh; And yak soak zgorod, then Hіba Pieceling Zongresya in the coup, the one is - V_TER DUNE, then th spoil.

    "The legend about the coordination of the city of Gіr і Kamnnya on the earth"

    Lucky Lucavius \u200b\u200bargued with God, Shcho VIP'є all the water І, soil the pisok on the ground. Out of Piti Piti Water Ta Tori Pisok. If you have a drink, then the Piska is drunk, then I was scared by Ryatuly, I will fly to Blue: to fly that Blue. Watching the temple burn, swamps. And if I pіdpiralo Kіlkom Pіd chest, Todi Vіn fell on the ground, swinging in the earth of the worm, tiling by the hands of my legs і from there by hanging the civi vallee і glybokі prowl. So Lucavius \u200b\u200bspacudice miracle burns the ground with the mountains of those in the mountains. І и и и и калі а го и и казававававава Сатана, gave God-knowing docks, so shindly Saint Petro Tu Pavlo, Yak walked around the ground, swam on їx. From Tієї Pori Woni stopped. From my pіsl of that Lord dedicated to the land of і at the same time to limit the pisl's work.

    Separate riddles are found in the literature of the Middle Ages - in Kievan Rus in the work of Daniel Sharpener; At the philosophers of the Kiev School of Renaissance (Izpathia, Stanislav Orikhovsky, Ivan Kalimon, etc.). They acquired particular popularity in the XVII - XVIII centuries, when the literary riddles were created by Baual, Rousseau, etc. The new wave of interest in the mysteries was associated with the one hand with the development of romanticism in the literature, especially in Germany (Brentano, Gauf T.P.), And on the other, with combined with romanticism, the appeal to national roots, the beginning of the collection, fixation and publication of samples of folk art. The collection and publication of Ukrainian folk puzzles began in the first half of the XIX century: Ilkevich "Galician sayings and riddles" (Vienna, 1841), A. Semenovsky "Malorossiysk and Galician riddles"; M. Nomis "Ukrainian sayings, proverbs and so on" (1864), P. Chubinsky "Works of the Ethnographic Statistical Expedition ..." (1877) and others. Ivan Franco - the author of the first, unfortunately, unfinished research about the Ukrainian mystery "remains of primitive worldviews in Russian and Polish mysteries of folk "(" Zarya ", 1884). In Ukrainian folkloristic, the mystery remains not sufficiently studied genre. The riddle not only influenced the work of individual Ukrainian poets, which have written the relevant author's works (L. Glebov, Y. Fedkovich, I. Franco, S. Vasilchenko), it is the basis of poetic paths, which is confirmed by the lyrics of P. Tychin, B.I. Antonich, V. Goloborodko, I. Kalinets, Vera Vovk, M. Vorobyov, M. Grigorieva, etc.


    Two brothers are sent to the water, and the pound does not seem.

    Chervon Koromiso via Rіchku hung.

    Vl_tka ADAYUd, Vimka Visigly.

    Hanging to merge, l_tka to calm down, the age of the year, Vimka grіє.

    Not vogon, but about

    Now Palice, and on Palitsi - Hachinka, and in the Tiy Hatintsi there is a lot of people.

    I am not γ-Vіves, nі Sіna, let you vipiti gasoline, sucked horses, whom it is forgotten.

    Without hands, without NІG, and the gate of Vіdchinyuє.

    Proverbs and sayings

    The invaluable jewels of Ukrainian folklore include proverbs and sayings - short taking statements. Proverbs and sayings are the generalized memory of the people, conclusions from life experience, which give the right to formulate views on ethics, morality, history and politics. In general, proverbs and sayings make up the set of rules that a person must be guided in everyday life. They rarely state a certain fact, rather recommend or warned, approve or condemn, in a word, we will pass, because they are the authority of generations of our people, whose inexhaustible talent, a high aesthetic flair and a sharp mind and now continue to increase and enrich the spiritual heritage, which accumulated over the centuries. The proverb is a small form of popular poetic creativity, which transformed into a short, rhythmized statement, carrying a generalized opinion, withdrawal, allegory with a didactic bias. In the folkloristic proverbs and sayings are denoted by the term paremia. In medieval Europe, collections of proverbs were made; About three dozen handwritten collections drawn up in the XIII early XV century came to us. For example, a collection of so-called "Proverbs of Villani" includes a number of six-storey six, each of which is represented as a peasant proverb. Everything is generally distinguished by rare rhythmic and thematic homogeneity. The compiler of this collection, a certain cleric from the genus of Philip Alsatsky in the XIII century more than once became the subject of processing or imitation. Texts of this kind are found up to the XV century, sometimes with illustrations: Then the proverb serves as a signature to the drawing.

    The saying is a genre of folk prose, a brief sustainable figurative expression-job character, having a single structure, which is often part of the proverb, but without concluding. It is used in a figurative value.

    For example: True my eyes rolling. Not our field of the berry.

    The peculiarity of the saying is that it is usually attached to the said as a aphoristic illustration. In contrast to the proverb, administered by some generalization. Often the saying is a reduction in the proverb. In the western regions of Ukraine, proverbs and sayings are combined into one concept - "SCNCCs."


    Life lets - do not go.

    Without \\ і і іль not soften.

    Ptashka is red, and Lyuba - Self-Valima.

    Head without Rosum, Yak Lіchtar without svіchka.

    HTO MOVOVYE HISE CURRENT, HAY Himself is styled.

    Little prazia crash for the greatness of the hell.

    Berezh І SHNUY HOST THE SNOWDER, And Healthy - PiD Starby.

    Good І Korchma is not zіpsu, but the evil I cannot direct.


    The beginning of the Ukrainian assembly of the poetic Cossack Dumus is considered to be the XVI century. The first entry of the Ukrainian folk song can be dated from the second half of the same century (1571 in the grammar Yana Bleslav). Simultaneously with these attempts of folk poems, a new variety of folk songs arises: Duma. This is a new Cossack Epos, who fully displaced the Storoukrainsk Epos, the remains of which remained in prosaic translations or in the form of a verse. The Duma themselves are collected and recorded for the first time in the XIX century. The oldest mention of the Duma is in the chronicle ("Annals", 1587) of the Polish historian S. Sarnitsky, the most ancient Text of the Duma was found in the Krakow archive M. Wozniak in the 20s in the collections of Kondracksky (1684) "Kozak Golota". Currently, only references to the XVI century thinks are preserved in various written sources, but there is not a single full text to date. In the Annals of Sarnitsky, we can find out that Ukrainians sang the Duma already at the beginning of the XVI century., These were the Duma about the heroic death of the brothers of the strives, however, to great regret, this chronicler did not make any lines of this Duma in Annals. More successful about the data that has survived about the minds is the XVII century.

    In particular, four samples of Ukrainian duma creativity were preserved in the handwritten compilation of Kondracksky: "Cossack Netag", "Death Koretsky" and two samples of joking parodies on the Duma. In the scientific terminology, the name of the Duma introduced M. Maksimovich, who, like M. Cerevyev, P. Lukashevich, A. Metlinsky, P. Kulish, carried out the first publications of the Dum. The first scientific assembly of the DUM with options and commentaries was issued by V.Antonovich and M. Dragomanov ("Historical Songs of the Malorussian People", 1875). Fundamental studies of the DUM left the folklist musicologist F. Wheels, who in 1908 led the special expedition to Poltava region organized by Ukrainian in 1908 with a phonograph for recording the repertoire of Cobzares ("Melodies of the Ukrainian People's Duma", "Ukrainian People's Duma"). The most thorough scientific edition of the DUM in the 20th century. Implemented Ekaterina Grushevskaya ("Ukrainian People's Duma"), but it was withdrawn from libraries, and the research researcher was repressed.


    Duma "Kozak Holota":

    Oh field kilіїmsky,

    Then the shy Bitim Gordinskikh,

    Oh there walking a naked kozak,

    Do not install NІ Fire, NІ Sword, NI third swamps.

    True, on Kozakov Shati roads -

    Three Seminasi Likhії:

    One's dislike

    And the third on the chlv is neglege.

    And so, however, on Kozakov

    Postposition v'yazi,

    And on Otchi Chinese


    Volley Shozkovі -

    Doubli Zhinootki Schremi Valovi.

    True, on Kozakovo hat-tag -

    Top Dirka,

    The grass is sewn

    Vіtr, pіdbit,

    Kudi S., T'udi Provivav,

    Kozak of young cooling.

    Then the gulya is a Kozak of Holota, pursuer,

    NІ cities, nі village not loan, -

    At the city of Kiliju plot.

    At the city of Kilia, Tatar, sit beardeds,

    According to the hill areas like,

    To Tatar, the words of Domoviluє:

    "Tatarco, Tatarco!

    Oh, chi thinks do you think?

    Oh, Chi Bachish Those, I Bach? "

    Kat: "Tatarine, Oh, Sіdiy, beardedies!

    I tіlki Bach, otchi in front of me on the hillitsy

    But I do not know, who is oli qiyusya da Ghadaєsh. "

    Khat: "Tatarko!

    I am those Bach: not an eagle of Litaє, -

    Then Kozak Golota Dobrim Horse Horse.

    I want my wife's wife

    Yes to the city of Kilij

    Well, in front of the Great Panha Basha Bashai,

    For th many Chervonihs not Lіchachi Briah,

    Then teu rubbish

    Road Platti Nadіvaє,

    Copy shirts

    Sklick Velvet on his head Nadіvuє,

    On the horse Sіdaє,

    Umbrelly behind the Kozank of Ghana's Ghana.

    Then Kozak Holota good Kozatsky Zvychi knows -

    Oh on tatar squeezing plot

    Kat: "Tatarin, Tatarina!

    On Vascho Vazhish:

    Chi on my clever zbroy

    Chi on my horse crow

    Chi on me, the kozak of the young? "


    And better on your horse of the crow,

    And it is better for you, the kozak of the young.

    I want you to be a god in the hands taken,

    In the city of Kilija

    Before Great Panha Basha Bashai

    І a lot of worms are not Lіchachi


    That Kozak Golota good Zvitch Kozatsky knows.

    Oh on the tatar of the screening shrink.

    "Oh, - Khat, - Tatarin, oh XiDii, beardedies

    Libony Ti on the rose of nonbags:

    So-ti kozak at hand without taking

    And in the yogh zrochі zooshіv.

    And the magnitude of Mіzh Kozaki is not Buvav,

    Kozatzka Kashі not їїtav

    І Kozatsky Zvichiv not knows. "

    Then those whirling,

    On the veins becoming.

    Without Miri powder pіdsipa

    Tatarina Gostinzia at the chest Posilє:

    Oh it is not a kozak,

    And Tatarin Іk Likhiy Mother's horse enthusiasm!

    Vіn yom Vіri not Donimaє,

    To yogo commuits

    Kelep Mezhi shoulder grimaє,

    Kohl wwang, as well as the yogo spirit is mute.

    Vіn Tod's good dbav,

    Chobcy Tatarscі істагав,

    At your Kozatqi's leg exhaust;

    Clothes істагав,

    At your Kozozkі's shoulder Napivav;

    Velvet Schlick ізdіimaє,

    On his Kozotka head Nadіvaє;

    Kona Tatatsky for the mistakes taking

    At the city of Sichі Podpav,

    There s_ p'є-glyaє,

    Field Kilіїmski praise-vyuvalyaє:

    "Oh field Kilіїmsk!

    Body the same L_TO winter Zelenіlo

    Ski-mee with Nesh Skali Godin Having prepared!

    Give, God, the bus Kozaki drank yes walked,

    Good Mislі Mali,

    One mea bіlsh dying

    І enemy pіd nosі trampled! "

    Glory not Norma, not a Pazagging

    OD Ning to Vika!

    Historical songs can be defined as a genre of small epics. Forming first spontaneously in the village of other genres of song creativity, the historical song (as well as the Duma) reaches the climax in the XVII-XVIII centuries. - In the era of the Cossacks in Ukraine. She is attentive to attentive observation of historical events, for the fate of specific heroes. The Genre "Historic Song" is known to all Slavic peoples. This is a lyrol-epic product dedicated to a certain historical event or a famous historical figure. It should be noted that this is not a chronicle of events, not a document in which facts play an important role; This is an artistic work, so it is possible in it creative symptoms. The information requirement for historical song is to correctly reflect the era, the essence of the era, its spirit, the national orientation. In terms of volume, historical songs are less than the Duma, but more than lyric songs. Epic character is manifested in a story about events that are depicted objectively, but without a clear fixation of events, the life of historical characters. There are symbolism, hyperbole songs, emotional and estimated elements. N. Gogol introduced the concept of "historical song" in the Ukrainian folkloristic in the article "On Malorosiysk Songs" (1833). It indicates the defining trait of this genre: "They do not come off for a moment from life and ... always correspond to the real state of feelings." Among the features of historical songs should also be noted: show important social events and historical persons; A brief story about them; the presence of outdated words and expressions; Struff or bobbin construction.


    "Oh tee, myvo, nivo"

    "Oh tee, myvo, nivo"

    Nivo Gold

    Shah for you, my nivo,

    He fought her father.

    More than once, my nivo,

    Trampled horde

    More than once, my nivo,

    Klyhal bіdit.

    More than once, bulo, over to you


    Have repeatedly teamed your t_lo

    Vovka hzhaki.

    Zіyshlo Sonza Iz-for Hamari,

    Vіtri zared

    Vіd Panxian Ovollya

    You have been added.

    Get out, my nivo,

    In greens, rizvіtai,

    І pіd sonyachny promine

    Colosum pour!


    The ballad has changed at the very beginning of its existence (12-13th century), when it was used as a love song on the dance (first introduced Pon Shapetin), common in Provence. In French poetry, the 14th century, the ballad acquired canonical signs, had permanent three stuffs, a constant chart of rhymes (AB AB BV BV), mandatory refrain and appeal to a certain person; suffered a heyday in the works of F. Wyon (1431-1463). Ballets are:

    Socio-domestic ballads:

    "Oh chis zholo, siji moss" is a socio-household ballad. The basis is the moral conflict of mother-in-law with a daughter-in-law, which was before intimidated, which turned into a poplar. The motive of the transformation of people in plants, animals, birds is very common in ballads. In social and domestic ballads, relationships between parents and children, brothers and sisters, reveal the feelings of love and hatred.

    Historical ballads:

    Historical ballads are ballads on historical topics. They describe the life of the Cossack, the death of the Cossack on the battlefield ("Yes, the miracle of the miracle"), tells about the big grief, which brings the war to people. "Scho Sech in Poli Zabіlіlo - a ballad, in which the tragic position of Ukrainians in Turkish captivity is recreated. Mother in Crimea captures his daughter, who has already been concerned, becoming the wife of Tatar. The daughter offers mothers to "rule" with her, but the mother proudly refuses. Ballad "Oh Bouv in the Sichi Staria Kozak" condemns the betrayal of Savva Challen and approves his fair punishment with the Cossacks.

    Ukrainian literary ballads

    In the Ukrainian poetry of the ballad, showing his genre relatives with the Duma and Romance, was distributed in the asset of Peter Gulak-Artyomovsky, L. Borovikovsky, Ivan Vagilevich, early Taras Shevchenko, etc., reaching the second half of the 19th century (Y. Fedkovich, B. Grinka and dr.); The tense plot in it unfolded against the background of fantastic signs.

    Ukrainian literary ballads of the 20th century

    In this form, it appears in the Ukrainian lyrics not so often ("Ballada" Y. Lipa: "There is a stitch of Mіzh Kushchi, Shaho Char-Zilleam thicket ...") and displaces historical and heroic motifs associated with the era of the liberation struggle 1917-1921 G., To which the poets of "Shot Renaissance" and emigration were addressed, in particular, the event of this genre was the "Book Balad" A. Vlyzko (1930).

    In the second half of the 20th century, the ballad acquired a social importance, but did not lose his dramatic stress, which was reflected in the work of I. Dracha, who was not illustively called one of his collections "Balladiana" (1967), constantly emphasizing conscious grounding of traditionally Balad Pafos .


    "Over the mountains, for linsami"

    Beyond the mountains

    Maryan's gusari danced. (DVICHI)

    I have been visited by Nude Father I Mats:

    Maryanno, Schwarna Panel, under Doda Spas! (DVICHI)

    I do not pіdu - id go

    Bo I will danceuvati s hussar. (DVICHI)

    And in Gusariv Chorni eyes,

    I will be a dancewati to Pivnich. (DVICHI)

    Od Pivnchi Already to the Wound

    Garianna Danceyuva ... (DVICHI)

    Fairy tales

    The fairy tale is a narrative in which fictional events or faces are mentioned. One of the main genres of folk creativity, the epic, mostly prosaic work of the magical, adventurous or domestic nature of oral origin with a fictional installation. At the heart of the fairy tale - a fascinating story about fictional events and phenomena that are perceived and experienced as real. Fairy tales are known from the oldest times in all peoples of the world. Related with other folk-epic genres - legends, sagas, legends, legends, epic songs, are not connected directly with mythological ideas, as well as historical persons and events. They are characterized by the traditional structure and composite elements (strings, junctions, etc.), a contrasting group of acting persons, the absence of detailed descriptions of nature and life. The plot of fairy tales is a multi-episode, with the dramatic development of events, focusing the actions on the hero and a happy ending.


    Tale "Kirilo Kozhemyaka"

    Coles Bouw in Kijvі I caustious Prince, Persiar, І BUV COLO KIєVA ZMІY, I SHOROKA SHOROKLI DANY: Given the Abo of the Young Bag, Abbo Divchin.

    From the Cherga shrewd to the daughter of the prince itself. Nikhoye to robin, if they gave Golodeni, Treba yuom Davati. Seashed the prince of his daughter in the tribute zmієvі. And the daughter of Bula is good, Shah, not say. That smіi її y loved. From Vona, the TAY has come to nagging.

    Chi є, - Khat, - on Svіti TKY Cholovіk, and the stake you with you?

    - є, - KATH, - TACH - KIєVI OU OF DNІPROM ... Yak Vyida at Dnіpro watches leather (Bo Vine Kozheyaka), then not one carrier, and twincing at once, IK DNIPRI, then I will voni Ichno off for them, Chi Vityagne is Vysh? And by yoma Bayduj: Yak to take ahead, then the throes are not Vityagne to the coast. From that cholovik, Tіlki Meni scary.

    Princeіvna і took such ones on the Dumku Duma, Yak Bi їi Vіstomka Dodoma Podachi і to the will before Batka, I. And with the Niy, it's not a boulo nі souls, - Tіlki one doves. Vona Zgoduvala yogo for Schacodia, it's possible at Kijvі Bula. I thought, I thought, and Dali I wrote to Otzia.

    From so and so, "like, - you, tattoo, є in Kiyvі Cholovіk, to Ymennya, Kiroilo, on Priozvishche Kozheyaka. The benefits of vichi through old people, Chi does not scratch it, іz zmієm beaten, Chi does not deign me, bіdnu, zhili! You benefit yo, crucia, І words, І gubers, shoes without adding a word in Yak invalid the word! I am for my ny for you, I will pray for God to God.

    He wrote like this, pronounced Pіd Krönztsi Golubovі Ta Ya Vipustil at Vіkno. Doves, angry pіd sky, Ta Ya arrival Dodoma, to the ditch to the prince. And Diti Same bіgali according to the ditch, the dove pushed.

    Tatosa, Tatosa! - Come on. - Chi Bachish - Doves Vіd Sestorsі arrival!

    Prince Prshe Zradіv, and Dali Thinking-thinking Ta-Zasumuvav:

    There is already curses Іrod Zezhbiv, it can be seen, my dithine!

    And Dali lining up to himself a dove, look, as well as in Krifets card. Vіn for a card. Church, already daughter piche: so I am so. From praying to yourself all the foreman.

    Chi є Taky Cholovіk, Shah Write to Kiril Kozim'yaku?

    - є, prince. Live over Dnіprom.

    Jac also started to start, the bus did not addate that donor?

    From Syak, so they were pleased with the same old people themselves. Come to the vonya to yogo Hati, got a meal of the door in fear of the same. To add, as much as the Kozheyaka Doli himself, to them back, I my hands tweezing the leather, Tilki can be seen, Yak Cumber otakho Bіloy Beard! From one z, messenger: "Kahi!"

    Kelum'yaku Zakhnovsya, and twind a skin of Tіlki Torn! Wrapped to them, and vony yom in the belt:

    From so and so: Saving to you Prince IZ request ...

    And Vіn і does not divide: Risputy, shho through them that tweets of the skin of the breakdown.

    Woni Znov Let's ask you, let's bless you. Steel tramples ... Skoda! They asked, asked the same pіshley, dreamed of her head.

    Scho here Robitimesh? Sumuє Prince, Sumuє і's whole foreman.

    Chi do not let us know the young people?

    Sent young people - Nikogo not in order. Tosh is the power, not yoom yoma. So ripped yogo for the TE leather.

    Dali Shaniavia Prince І sending to ny Malich D_Ti. The Ti Yak has added, the yak so much ashes, the Yak became tracked, that Yak was crying, then the Kozheyak himself is not WiterPiva himself, whining the same

    Well, for you, I'm in a gloom. Піashov to prince.

    Let's, - Khat, - Meni tweets a bench of Smoli і twind a bodopel!

    Catching hemp, surrounded by a kind of good, taking the makeup Taku, Shah, can, in Niy Pudiva, Town, Ta Pisa to Zmіya.

    And sniy yom y khat:

    And Shah, Kiro? Priorshi beaten Chi Mitry?

    De long to put up? Trying to you, і ідор рем ремолте!

    From І Soyat, I will beat - Already the land of Hood. Scho Rosbіzhuz Kyril's teeth, then so a piece of Smoli Virve, Scho robbing it to go to it, then so sickle Konoplel І Virve. And Vіn yogo to strengthen the healthy makeup, then it is so applied to the ground. And ZMІY, Yak Vogd, root, - so it is hot, I'll get drunk to Dnіpr, the troops will be drunk, the trohi cochorate, then the leakage is shy, then the leakage I am a mixture. Oto whirlpool З VERE Curses ідод, і и и росто по постовый пода по де leather, then Vіn Yojo Bulavoy Tіlki LUP! Scho sip, then Vіn, know, Yojo Bulavoy Tіlki LUP Ta Loup, Already Moon Ide. Begrew-beat - already smoking, although I will download it. Rosigrіv Kiroilo Zmіya is better, Yak Koval Lemisch at Gornі: Already Pirkє, Although it is angry, curses, and the land of the land of Tіlki Stogn.

    And here at Dzvoni to jab, the prayer to the rustle, and in the mountains the people of Russia, Yak Negivius, Zitvitov's hands, wait, Scho then! Although Zmіyuk - Bubuh! Already the earth shook. People, standing in the mountains, so і sparkling hands: "Slava Tobі, Lord!"

    From Kirilo, driving Zmіya, deigning the princess І Vіddav Knyazevі. The prince no longer knowing, Jak Yomi Dyakuvati. That gaze, it worship the tract in Kijvi, de Vіn alive, leatherheads.


    Legend in Folklore


    "The legend about Vogda is water"


    The most common genre of European medieval literature (since the 6th century), formed in Catholic writing, mainly as the life of the saint, written on his memory, or as a collection of instructive stories about the life of holy martyrs, confessors, saint, reverend, deserts, cages, called " Catema. " In Western European countries, a collection of Christian legends in 13-14 centners was specially popular. Under the name "Golden Legend" ("Legenda Aurea") translated into many languages.

    Legend in Ukrainian Literature

    In the Ukrainian writer of the Princely Day, one of the translations of such collections is legends "Prolog". At the same time, a collection of original legends was the "Kiev-Pechersky Cader". Later, the legends began to call various legends of religious content with a pious and instructive instruction of holy places, parables about the origin of animals and plants. Of these works, numerous collections were ordered, which were translated into different languages, their plots were transferred to verses, used in school religious performances (mysteries, miracles, morality). In Ukraine, famous Catema - Sinai, Skitsky, Afonovsky, Jerusalem, and others. Plots legends had numerous reflection in icon painting, knightly novels and the audience. They grew up such a pearl of European classics as "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery

    Legend in Folklore

    Oral folk stories about a wonderful event that are perceived as reliable. Legends are very close to translations, differ from them most of all the fact that they are based on biblical plots. Unlike fairy tales, legends do not have traditional primary and final formulas, established alternation of events. Only sometimes they have a common with fairy tales: the initial formulas - "It was a long time ago," once a long time ago "; Fantastic content, but such that is interpreted as a miracle created by unusual people.


    "Legend about SVITUT

    Stari people to ride, Shah's pitch of the pitch of them, Nivi Shar-M'yach. HOT YOHOH STOVKHNOV І VIN RIRYRAVA; Flights of the slices of the central ball in Rіznі Storoni u land, Sonza, Mizyats, Zori. From one piece of land, Scho Mi on Niy Lieby. Wheelpowders of whale, pіdmosets of a hollow tail, rode our land, and then Bula B Flights in the abyss. Tsomoy whale Cepporto Lying І POPEє Covil Tail, and the land is solar.

    "The legend about Vogda is water"

    Cover to argue Vogdz z water, hto strong? Then, Shahko Pіdnіm Vogdim, then the water thunder; de conceit Vogd, then the water is the line on ny. Vogd to fragment, Shaho not a pioneer, Ta Y Utik in Kamіn - there is no longer in the noma water. Maja in the Svіti wisdom chitrish, Yak Vogd: Vіn everything is purely abandoned. Poton Cholovіk, then at least Tіlo Vityagnesh; And yak soak zgorod, then Hіba Pieceling Zongresya in the coup, the one is - V_TER DUNE, then th spoil.

    "The legend about the coordination of the city of Gіr і Kamnnya on the earth"

    Lucky Lucavius \u200b\u200bargued with God, Shcho VIP'є all the water І, soil the pisok on the ground. Out of Piti Piti Water Ta Tori Pisok. If you have a drink, then the Piska is drunk, then I was scared by Ryatuly, I will fly to Blue: to fly that Blue. Watching the temple burn, swamps. And if I pіdpiralo Kіlkom Pіd chest, Todi Vіn fell on the ground, swinging in the earth of the worm, tiling by the hands of my legs і from there by hanging the civi vallee і glybokі prowl. So Lucavius \u200b\u200bspacudice miracle burns the ground with the mountains of those in the mountains. І и и и и калі а го и и казававававава Сатана, gave God-knowing docks, so shindly Saint Petro Tu Pavlo, Yak walked around the ground, swam on їx. From Tієї Pori Woni stopped. From my pіsl of that Lord dedicated to the land of і at the same time to limit the pisl's work.