Drawing grandmother and girl inverted face. Pictures-reversals

Drawing grandmother and girl inverted face. Pictures-reversals
Drawing grandmother and girl inverted face. Pictures-reversals

We continue the most interesting topic about the abilities of our brain and talented artists who knew and used these abilities, drawing unusual paintings. Today it will be about the works of another kind - funny pictures of flippers. To see in them the second image is more complicated than in the pictures of surrealists about which was told in and in.

In the flipper, the second image is visible only when you turn the picture, but not all people have the same abilities for mental image rotation. Considering such paintings-floppers, in this way, we train our brain and buy new useful skills.

Some pictures we imagine you in two versions, and some are only in one - you will try to bring them in your mind on our own (all the lower pictures are clickable, clay on them).

Pictures-transverse, rotate the image

Wonderful illustration of a famous bass

Turning the picture, we saw the fox with cheese on the same tree! How did the artist succeed?!

Here we see duck hunt. The picture is called. But turning the landscape, we see a completely different story!

Valentina Dubinina, among many others, has a picture that I especially like. In it, the new year is depicted on it. Indeed, if you think about the meaning of this holiday, you can come to the conclusion that the year from the year we are old, and this, in turn, brings to death. Maybe it's not too late, it is worth thinking about the meaning of life? Take a look.

The following illustration shows Napoleon and his mother. The author of this turning Ivan Terebenev. In fact, it is engraving and was created in 1813.

Here this picture will be able to flip in the mind? What did you do?

But such pictures could be seen in the past on match boxes of 1860-1870 in Spain. Boxes, thus, became interesting entertainment. First you see the image of the hussar, and then, turning the boxes, his horse. Or vice versa…

And, these are, quite complicated paintings in the 16th century wrote the artist Giuseppe Archimboldo. He was a master of still lifes, so he could depict such mysterious still lifes, with a change in the position of which, fruit-vegetables turned into a portrait of a person. Take a look as charm!

English artist Rex Whistler (Rex Whistler) also left a number of amazing drawings. From under his feather, heroes-flippers, who, depending on the position of the picture, changed not only the expression of the face, but also. Here, for example, depicted a policeman and soldiers

And at the end of several other paintings - puzzle pictures. You are also, as well as those that you can use in games on friendly meetings, weddings and other fun events.

And in this picture, in addition to the portrait of the grandfather, what else do you see? Can you find a couple in love?

What two animals do you see here?

Missed this wonderful fluffy pussy. And only when approaching a tooth mouse is visible.

You can see more interesting, mysterious, surreal paintings in our articles of the brain attractions from 1 to 5 in the menu tab.

Enjoy your holiday. We will be glad to your comments. Your optimus life team.

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Remember how we studied optical illusions?
If someone has not yet seen this lesson in our "Fixikov School",

There is another kind of "deceptions of sight" - the pictures are reversed. When we look at them, it is immediately clear what is depicted there. But it is worth turning the picture upside down - and we will see a completely different drawing!

Here is the famous picture about the unfortunate fisherman. See what big fish came across - almost overthrew his boat?

And now invert the drawing - and everything will be even worse! It turns out that our fisherman holds a huge bird in the beak! And it seems, going to swallow it!

And how did this artist manage to draw a picture? Is he all the time spit sheet back and forth?

On the one hand - still life of fruits or vegetables. And turn it up - and you will see a portrait of a gardener or merchant with these vegetables!

Such paintings are invented and drawn quite a lot, and among them there are very interesting. Let's see?

These drawings could be found on matchboxes that were sold in Spain in 1860-1870:

Hussar and Horse (El Husar Su Caballo)

Dragun and Elephant (El Drgon - El Elefante)

Cossack and Donkey (El Cosaco - EL Burro)

And this transverse was created in Russia in 1813 - his author Ivan Terebenev. On the engraving depicted Napoleon. But when you turn the picture, the French emperor turns into an old woman in Karosphere: this is the mother of Bonaparte, who survived the Son for 15 years.

English artist Rex Whistler (Rex Whistler) also left a number of amazing drawings. From under his pen, heroes-sleeves, who, depending on the position of the picture, changed not only the expression of the person, but also the genus of classes.

Judge and King

Police and soldiers

But most of all, you will probably like the drawings of the artist-cartoonist and Animator Valentina Dubinin. He came up with and painted quite a lot of twisted - and they are all completely wonderful!

Here are the heroes of the famous Basni "Voron and Lizis"

King and Palach

Friends of Robinson

On the Valentine Dubinin website you can see many other wonderful twisers. There they are in the animated version: Press the hourglass next to the picture - and it will turn over!

And there is another genre similar to the flipper - but here they turn out no more pictures, but in special way written words. You look at the leaflet on one side - you see one inscription, and you will turn over - you will read completely different!

Look - what name is written on the plate?

And if we look at her when she is upside down?

The poet German Lukomnikov came up with a beautiful and funny name for these inscriptions - "Listaiter". But the drawings with inverted inscriptions appeared much earlier.

They have a scientific name - ambigram (from Latin AMBI "Double" and Greek Gramma "Letter")

The most ancient inscriptions-flourished steel, probably numbers. About Arabic numbers 9 and 6 know everything, but many probably noticed that the Roman number nine, which is written by IX, can be turned over and turned into eleven - xi.

In 1893, the American artist and writer Peter Newvell (Peter Newell) put this picture at the end of his book:

Having turned the book, the reader with amazement saw the inscription The End (End) turned into the word Puzzle (Riddle, Puzzle).

The famous master, the creator of many complex and unusual leasting, was the poet Dmitry Avaliani. They say he could write 64 times - every time in a new way! - The word butterfly. Yes, so that every four "butterflies" when turning turned into a poem!

Look at this text carefully - wait until the inscription will turn out ... Yes, it is not very clear what was to settle here! Maybe there are special spies that hunt for forget-me-not and bumblebees?

Other leaflements drawn by Avaliani,

If you are looking for optical illusions. You will help you to get acquainted with one of the options to help you: Magic pictures for children and their parents will become a truly entertaining spectacle.

Maybe the entire object will be swapped: for example, you can observe the transformation of the frog into the horse. And it is possible that only the facial expression will be switched, and the object itself will remain unchanged.

Optical illusions love both adults and children. The first category is very popular, which are extreme coloring. Children more like to consider funny pictures.

If you think about such pictures, various examples can come to mind, where we could meet them. And this is not necessarily the work of the visual art, something resembling comics.

It is possible that you meet with such pictures more often than you think. For example, images on playing cards are peculiar milling. If you turn them over, you still see an image that has a certain meaning.

True, on the playing cards when turning them up and down, you see the same image. When turning out no dynamics and changes is observed.

Agree that it is much more difficult to work out the image in such a way that when turning it out, it retains the meaning, but the essence of the picture has changed. It remains to be amazed by the creative abilities of artists who are able to think simultaneously in two angles.

There are angles, which in one way or another possess abstract features. For example, a frog or horse can guess the features of these animals, nevertheless the image looks not entirely realistic.

It is much more interesting when real proportions are met when creating drawings, allowing each of the options for such a double image as a full-fledged artwork.

Calls for children

Adults love both adults and children. Among them there is a huge number of fun drawings that are perceived as comics.

Some images of this kind are very easy to read. The essence of the picture and its meaning is perceived immediately and without much difficulty. Instant metamorphoses simply affect the imagination.

However, some similar works of art require some thoughts of thought, attentiveness and concentration. And only in this case you can identify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist among combinations of various lines.

An example of such an image The frog becomes the horse. Not all viewers manage to immediately understand what is shown on each of the two versions of this picture.

Thus, it can be said that the viewing of such pictures is intended not only for entertainment, but also for developing purposes.

Children may consider such drawings in order to achieve the following goals:

  • develop attention;
  • promote visual concentration;
  • raise yourself mood.

The viewing of the transverse turns in this way to the type of leisure, which is at the same time interesting and useful.

Magic pictures

What are interesting drawings transforming their image depending on the position? There are a huge variety of different options here.

One of the famous curiosities is a picture-invertes about the unfortunate fisherman. In the literal position it seems that he got a good catch - a big whale, who almost overturned his small boat.

but if turn over This image, we will see that the fisherman holds a huge bird in his beak. And it becomes even scary for his fate. Very interesting and unusual metamorphosis.

In another picture, we see how the heads on the head turning into the beard, and the hairy man turns into a bald. At the same time, at any time you can return the man of the hair cover on his crown, just turning the picture in the opposite direction.

In fact, such interesting images are not an exceptionally modern invention. It can be said that such a technique developed in parallel with the main history of the visual art.

So, in the 16th century an artistic image with fruits and a person appeared, which is equally well perceived regardless of whether you keep this picture in the direct or reverse position.

There is a whole series of similar artistic works, on each of which we see various fruits, but the essence of their transformation into man remains unchanged.

In Spain in 1860-1870, drawings were made on match boxes, in which funny metamorphoses occurred:

  • gusar turned into a horse;
  • dragun in an elephant;
  • cossack in the donkey.

Rex Whistler - an English artist who was the author of a whole series of work. Completed in this style. On his funny drawings, the king turns into a judge, and a policeman in a soldier.

In our country, there are also rich traditions of creativity in a similar style. 1813 The famous work of Ivan Terebenev is dating. On his engraving, the French emperor Napoleon, who losted in the war of 1812, turns into an old woman in a cavario, in which the image of his mother, forced to survive a short-term exaltation and the rapid drop in his son.

Currently, there are also many professional artists using inverted images in their work. And there are even those who specialize in this direction of art among them.

One of the famous masters working in this genre is Vladimir Dubinin. By request "Perevils" you will easily find his personal site.

On this Internet resource, a huge amount of copyright works of this artist was collected. All of them are very interesting and fun to consider, no matter how you hold a picture in front of yourself: in direct or reverse position.

The most interesting and famous images:

  • A Crow and a fox;
  • King and executioner;
  • Friends of Robinson.

However, the above mentiones are far from being limited to the work of this artist. With the rest you can read at any time convenient for you on the artist's website.

From grandmother in a girl

Consider an example of such a picture. Do you believe that literally before our eyes, the old grandmother can turn into a beautiful and young girl again?

What such secret elixir youth must be applied to rotate the time to reverse?

In fact, we will absolutely do not need any magic tools. It will be enough to simply turn the picture in such a way that its upper part has become lower.

Instantly the features of the old woman with a sad expression of the face will turn into the features of the girl who looks over you with a title view. Isn't it miracles?

If you wish, you can return the picture in the original position. And then repeat this experiment, and in this case the number of attempts to conduct such magic transformations will be completely unlimited.

Collections of flippers are collected not only in the gallery of images on special sites, but also within various video reviews. Considering them, you can watch and carefully examine the basic options for similar images.

Opportunities are expanding our ideas about the world. With their help, you can start thinking about similar features such objects that at first glance do not have anything completely different.

Poems and pictures-inverted in children

In our world a lot of interesting and amazing. For the comprehensive development of children efficiently use pictures and poems and poems. Preschoolers are just beginning to know the world, and unusual classes in the game form develop and train memory, attention, thinking, creative abilities, in other words, contribute to the formation of a person.

What are pictures-flipper

Optical illusions are the most diverse, one of their groups includes pictures of flippers. Other their name is leafing. These funny pictures are famous from the fact that the nature of the perceived image depends on the direction of the view. As a rule, 1 drawing contains a couple of images, and each of those who consider can see otherwise. Looking from a certain angle to the picture, a person perceives a concrete image, but if you turn the image, you can see a completely different, inverted drawing. Usually, the leaflet rotate 180 °, rarely - 90 °. In the old days, similar pictures were very popular, they were placed on coins and match boxes.

Some of the most famous transporters are a young nurse and an old woman, a horse and a frog, but there are many others. The so-called illusion area does not allow many to immediately perceive all images concentrated in the picture. These pictures also include nonsense when it is awarely impossible situation, for example, wolves on the mare, lions in the car. For children in the pre-school period, it is very funny because they understand that it does not happen.

Pictures-translation - an affordable method of development of attention, the ability to see all the details, perceive the image holistic, think is wide, and not template. Such a visual simulator develops such properties of attention as switching, concentration, stability, as well as spatial thinking.

Poetic nonlapitsa

Illusions of another character - verbal - concluded in poetic nonlapitsa. The name of the poems, the famous children's writer K. Chukovsky came up with. Not less famous and his "confusion", where everything is turned upside down. Or "cockroaches", which with its huge sizes and mustes caught up with fear on all animals. In such rhymes, the mosquito sits on a tubishche, the cows fly, and the compote is boiled out of bream, etc.

As you know, children love to play, invent, fantasize, so they will know the world, and the illusion is needed for the game. The game in poems is a flippering allows you to move words as you please. Although at first glance it seems that such verses are deprived of meaning, in fact they are subject to a number of rules. So, the small is replaced by large, cold - hot, the inedible becomes edible, etc.

With the help of such nonlapits, the child is a genuine understanding of reality, which is possible, and what is not. The network presents many such cars, you can find ready-made, and you can compose your own. The easiest way is to take a well-known poem and replace with antonyms almost every word. It turns out a worthy alternative.

Transferred in educational process

When organizing classes in the Dow, you can safely use inverted pictures and poetic nonsense. Preschoolers will gladly respond to the offer to play with words and images. The educational process will bring positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. You can suggest the guys to come up and draw your flip over and tell me the poem. If drawing will be accompanied by fun music, children will turn on to operation faster. As a doedactic material, a photo can be used on which non-compliance or inverted images.

Callors develop a sense of humor, fantasy, spatial thinking and creativity, allow you to easier to navigate in the outside world. Making a mental plan, start acting much easier. Accordingly, the child increases self-esteem and the realization that the world can be different and not always the same as it seems at first glance.

One of the most common pictures of the "iswolf" is "a wife at work and at home", sometimes "before and after the wedding", and abroad - "before and after six mugs of beer." When turning 180 degrees (that is, "upside down") image of a young woman turns into a portrait of a ugly old woman. Invented and painted her unknown artist back in the XIX century, after which the picture was repeatedly redrawn and published.

Pope and Devil

The Museum of the Dutch city of Utrecht is stored an ancient board of 31x24x5 cm with a portrait of a Pope of Roman (photo at the top of the right). It seems that there is nothing special about that, but if the board turn over, the main Catholics profile turns into a devil's head. In the XVI century, this double image was minted even on coins (photo at the bottom), accompanying the inscription on Latin: "Mali Corvi Malum Ovum" ("Pogyan Crow Poeyan Egg"). The headdress of the Pope - Tiara - really in shape resembles an egg.

To understand the meaning and validity of the combination of Pope and the devil, it is necessary to know at least a little about the time of the appearance of the portrait: the time of the struggle, more precisely, the war between the Catholic Church and Protestant for the soul of believers. Protestants accused the Roman church in violating Christian commandments, in the compliance and forgiveness of sins for fee. The incarnation of evil was the dad himself, because the people always considered (and believes) that "the fish will drive from the head."

The vacation of sins for the fee was the main source of income of the Roman Church. Her envies delivered special papers in Europe - Papal Indulgences. Having bought them, it was possible to free themselves from any sin, lift the forgiveness of not perfect crimes, help the deceased relative to move from purgatory to heaven, to reduce the time from the moment of their own death until the number of years was taken to the paradise. Thousands of monks in the monasteries were engaged in writing indulgences, and they still lacked them. The problem was able to solve Johann Gutenberg (1394-1468) from the German city of Mainz. We know him as a inventor of typography. In fact, he came up with a means for breeding indulgences, they were the first products of its printed machine. Books began to release later.

As for the author of the painting "Dad and the Devil", his name has not been preserved. Of course, he from Protestants and, perhaps, paid his life for his creativity, as well as hundreds of thousands of his units paid to life. Protestants also shed many Catholic blood. In 1527, the German troops together with the Spaniards captured and plundered Rome. When, after seven years, the Grand Artist of the Renaissance Michelangelo Buonaroti came to the Eternal City, he saw the dismissed fresco of Raphael, at which the name of the spiritual leader of Luther Protestants was scratched.

The famous artist Giuseppe Archimboldo, judging by the memories of contemporaries, also drew similar pictures. Not discovered with his signature, but art historians took two works of that time, by style similar to the Manner of the Italian master, and now in the exhibition halls of museums and in publications the name of Archimboldo is indicated.

Saint Mitrofan and Peter I

The theme of one of the first Russian reversal was the events that took place in Peter I at the beginning of the XVIII century. The unbridled desire of the first emperor of Russia immediately all alter, imposing incomprehensible, alien rules of life, the refusal of the traditions of the ancestors and covenants of fathers, violent hijacking on public works and to the army met a rejection and rebuffing in various sectors of society. Icon (photo on the right), which is in question, serves that confirmation. Judging by the execution skill, she belongs to the brush of a talented artist, not self-taught, but a large master of icon painting. The signature was not made in Staroslavyansky, but in Russian: "The image of Pervago Bishop and the Wonderworker of St. Mitrofan Voronezh".

The bishop became famous for the fact that he died twice did not appear to the emperor, despite the orders and the threat of the death penalty for their failure. In Voronezh, a fleet was built for war with Turks for the fortress of Azov on the Black Sea. Palace Peter, where he settled at this time, decorated the figures of the naked ancient gods, and the bishop refused to meet until the statues were removed.

Mitrofan was not in his youth by a monk and went to the monastery after his wife's death, in 40 years. In a letter, he explained his behavior to the need for concern about the "infant in faith of the Orthodox People". Before you to acquire people to ancient Greek culture, they need to at least teach read and write. For his beliefs, Mitrofan was ready to sacrifice his life. We had to Petra Great to tighten his anger and give the order to relieve the statues.

The courage of individual personalities in communicating with the state truck, their ability to defend their opinions disinterestedly, for the good of the Fatherland, they appreciate not only descendants, but also the monarchs, if they are smart. Mitrofan was the confessor of Peter, while he lived in Voronezh, that is, the priest, to whom the emperor confessed in his sins. We do not know how frank it was Peter in confessions, but, of course,\u003e the Spiritual Father heard more repeated speeches from him than anyone else. Having learned about Mitrofan's death, Peter said: "Now I have not left such a holy elder!", I went to Voronezh and during the funeral carried a coffin with his body.

No matter how much you look at the strict face of the saint, you will not find the hidden image in it, because the artist expressed his attitude in the picture not to the saint, but to a person, the dislike for whom he could not express openly. But it is worth turning the board for 180 degrees (with icons, it was made extremely rarely), as the repellent caricature traits of a person clearly appear in front of you: in the eyes of the hitch, the mustache and the general appearance is found in it Peter.

It is safe to say that the dual portrait of Mitrofan and Peter I preserved due to the fact that no one guessed the secret. He was found only at the end of the twentieth century: the researchers did not see sin to inspect the icon during work on all sides.

Most of the vintage paintings have had satirical content. Those against whom they were directed, tried to destroy the accusatory images, so it is not surprising that only single samples reached us.

Humor inverted

The first book, entirely dedicated to the transfer, published in the late 1890s. Her author is the German artist Otto Bromberger - painted seventeen paintings, in which Mr. turns into a servant, a young lady in an old woman, an officer in a housewife, a cook in a carpider, clown in the viewer and so on. In Russia, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the postcard was released, which shows a thick gentleman in a hat. When turning the postcard, it turns into a roasted pig on the dish. An explanatory inscription on one side is the "permanent visitor", on the other - "... and his favorite dish." This work of the postal art was intended for the general public.

Factory "Werewolves"

There is another type of flipper. They are drawn in such a way that the second picture appears after the image rotation 90 degrees. A favorite plot is a landscape, in the center of which the hill with the leading dear. On the hill - the castle and several houses, near the trees in the meadow grabs, people walk. The foot of the hill goes down to the sea or lake. In general, quite real household paintings. But when you look at it\u003e Under a different angle, the hill turns the giant, the trees look his hair and beard, a castle - a nose, houses or well - eyes and so on. Similar paintings often decorated plates and dishes.

According to the stories of the chief artist of the Zhostovskaya factory of art painting B. V. Grafov, in the XIX and early twentieth century, metal trays with similar pictures were made in the factory. At about the same time, among the products of the Moscow Metal Plant of the Geuzon (after the 1917 revolution, the plant "Sickle and Hammer") appeared ashtrays with a rural scenery, which turned into a shaggy head of Leshgo.

The famous Dulevsky porcelain plant, located near Moscow, at the beginning of the twentieth century belonged to the largest manufacturer of the dishes of M. S. Kuznetsov, the supplier of the imperial courtyard in St. Petersburg and the cavaller of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France. The plant produced original ashtrays with pictures. At one of them - a large splashing oak against the background of a rural landscape. Attentive eye will notice a protein hidden in foliage. But the main secret is open only after turning the ashtray 180 degrees. Then the oak branches form a bald Mr. profile with big hanging mustes. Signature reads: "Oak in Barcin?" The word "oak" and a hundred years ago had a second meaning: a stupid, limited person. Who wanted to make fun of Kuznetsov? The secret is still unexplored.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the deaf-and-dumb traders who offered to buy homemade photographs could be found in the second half of the twentieth century in trains wagons. The plots met a variety of, most often greeting or romantic, innocent-love. In the box of sellers-offena, there were angles, drawn by unrequired artist by Mi-Selfiece: Messenchak turned into an evil personality, sober in a drunken, maiden in the old woman, and the boss in the tiger.

Perevils became the life and rural residents, for example in Kursk provinces. Local potters have amused buyers with original solon. The photographs below show two figures: a cat and a dog. In fact, this is the pictures of the same saltk. Salon-cat, if tilt it, turns into a dog salt. Salt does not fall out. Today, the production of this toy has revived in the city of Jury Stepanovich Svetivtsev in the city of Juriy Stepanovich Spets.

Random pictures

Double images that arise randomly, of course, are also found. They would not cost specifically stop if they sometimes did not affect the fate of people. After the revolution, the fear of the winners for the existence of a young country and themselves spawned suspicion in all areas of life.

At one of the first Soviet brands released after the revolution, the profiles of the soldier, the worker and the peasant were depicted. Its author is the famous sculptor Ivan Ivanov, famous for the pseudonym of Shadr, taken from the name of the native city of Shadrinsk in Orenburg. In fact, the mass release of postal signs in the Soviet Union began with this brand. It was printed for more than ten years at costs 3, 5 and 10 kopecks, green and red, and even now, in 80 years, it is not considered rare. How much look out this\u003e brand, it is impossible to notice something suspicious in it. But when the goal is to search for an "enemy", you can always find it. So happened with this brand. If the image is turned over and close the one, then the remaining microscopic piece becomes visible ... Who would you think? Pope! It is almost impossible to find it without tip. Pay attention to the left lower angle of an inverted image is the pope's chin, above the lines and nose lines. The whole face is flattened, and the main part of the profile occupies a tiara headdress. Of course, the profile "appeared" by chance, and the philatelists are confident that he discovered his meticulous collector of postage stamps. Particularly exhaust observers argue that on the right, next to his head in Tiare, they see the profiles of capitalist and fist. Fortunately, judging by the biography of the artist, the story with a suspicious brand did not affect his fate.

Something similar happened with match labels. In the circuit fluttering over the globe of a red banner, a profile of an eagle clinging to the globe, after which the release of the labels stopped.

For a long time on the production of the Factory "Lighthouse", the image of a burning match was concerned, in the gear of the flame of which one day they found the profile of the enemy of Soviet power - Trotsky. The flame of the match immediately "leveled". On another label, the font of the letters "USSR" when you turn 90 degrees turned out to be similar to the salaries icons, and instead of the previous letters began to print standard - straight.

Children's transfer

Writer Daniel Ivanovich Yuvachev used eight pseudonyms, the most famous among them - Daniel Harms. He has a small story about a picture-invertes, published in 1934 in the Children's magazine "Chizh". The story is written on the person of the author, who makes cleaning his own apartment and removes the portrait of a friend, Charles Ivanovich. Washed dust, hangs the portrait back, inappropriately turning it over. Next, the hero of the story reports: "Then I went out to be looking at, if he was hanging crookedly. But when I looked, then I got out of my legs, and my heads got up on my head. Instead of Charles Ivanovich ... I looked from a terrible wall, bearded Old man in a stupid hat. " Since other Kharms stories signed by the pseudonym Karl Ivanovich, it turns out that the portrait of the Daniel Yuvachev himself is shown in the picture in the children's journal? Unfortunately, on the illustrations in the children's magazines of that time, the name of the artist did not point out, and we do not know the author of a joking image.

Since there are pictures with secrets, there are people who are collecting them. In the largest meetings of the United States, Europe and Japan thousands of mysterious images are kept. Collectors of different countries are rewritten with each other, exchange news, are found at the congresses of puzzle lovers. In early 2003, by e-mail, I received a letter from a colleague on the passion of Vladimir Zhirov from the city of Shatura. The letter made a drawing of the rider with a raised sword and flying the dragon on him. Rotate 180 degrees - and I saw a knight standing on the ground with a sword with a sword opposite the defeated dragon. If you carefully consider the picture, you can detect five more dual (turning) images of animals, nonhumands and other things. Judging by the execution skill, she painted her professional, mature artist. Deciding in the habit that such a wonderful work got to us from abroad, I sent it to the connoisseurs of different countries with a request to tell who the author. All colleagues responded that the "Wonderful" (amazing) turn, but they see it for the first time.

It turned out that the author is a young Moscow artist Sergey Orlov. He completed a series of paintings with secrets to the tales of the English writer Lewis Carroll about the girl Alice. Part of the series in the form of an album was published in 1998 in the publishing house of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. And in August 2003, at the congress of puzzles fans in the American city of Chicago, the drawing of Sergei Orlov recognized the best picture-flourished last decade.

Some people are distinguished by enviable ability to tweer and fold different designs and details. They, for example, with ease collect Rubik's cube. Will they look and say: yeah, this series should be turned out there and then turn the Edak - and, quickly reaching a mental plan, begin to act. About such people they say that their spatial imagination is well developed - the ability, very important for designers, engineers and all dealing with the creation and repair of complex equipment.

There is such a genre drawing-flopper. This is when the same drawing creates two images, and each can see another. Usually two drawings. Drawing such a special talent is required, and see, too, not everyone can. It is said that in the choice of what pattern you will see first, the mental orientation of the viewer is affected, and some people do not see the second image.

When we look at them, it is immediately clear what is depicted there. But it is worth turning the picture upside down - and we will see a completely different drawing!

Here is the famous picture about the unfortunate fisherman. See what big fish came across - almost overthrew his boat?

And now invert the drawing - and everything will be even worse! It turns out that our fisherman holds a huge bird in the beak! And, it seems, going to swallow it!

And how did this artist manage to draw a picture? Is he all the time spit sheet back and forth?

But there are also much more complex pictures-flopper. See what I painted in the 16th century the artist Giuseppe Archimboldo.

On the one hand - still life of fruits or vegetables. And turn it up - and you will see a portrait of a gardener or merchant with these vegetables!

Such paintings are invented and drawn quite a lot, and among them there are very interesting. Let's see?

These drawings could be found on matchboxes that were sold in Spain in 1860-1870:

Hussar and Horse (El Husar Su Caballo)

Dragun and Elephant (El Drgon - El Elefante)

Cossack and Donkey (El Cosaco - EL Burro)

And this transverse was created in Russia in 1813 - his author Ivan Terebenev. On the engraving depicted Napoleon. But when you turn the picture, the French emperor turns into an old woman in Karosphere: this is the mother of Bonaparte, who survived the Son for 15 years.

English artist Rex Whistler (Rex Whistler) also left a number of amazing drawings. From under his pen, heroes-sleeves, who, depending on the position of the picture, changed not only the expression of the person, but also the genus of classes.