Comic room for congratulations on February 23. Scenarios Holiday Defender of the Fatherland For Adults

Comic room for congratulations on February 23. Scenarios Holiday Defender of the Fatherland For Adults
Comic room for congratulations on February 23. Scenarios Holiday Defender of the Fatherland For Adults

When a person is arranged to work, he begins to spend most of his time on it. And therefore all holidays already meet at work, in the company of their friendly team. And on February 23, this is a holiday that must be mentioned. That is why we wrote the script on February 23 at work to help all workers. This scenario will allow you to save time to prepare for the holiday and spend this evening bright and memorable.

Lead 1: Dear friends, comrades and colleagues!
Lead 2: We are pleased to congratulate you on the holiday on February 23. And especially we congratulate our men, whom we have enough.
Lead 1: Let's find our smart, beautiful and courageous defenders together.

Everyone is very applauding, screaming, congratulations, and so on. You can also open flapper.

Lead 2: We all work with you in one team. And our team has a boss. And therefore, the right to first thank congratulations we give him.

Lead 1: And after such beautiful and wonderful words, I suggest raising glasses and drink for congratulations and for men!

All raise glasses and drink men.

Lead 2: And you know that men would not be without us, without women. Therefore, while still kept in the hands of glasses, I propose to raise them again, but only already for women.

All raise glasses again, and drink for women.

Lead 1: So we drank for everyone who is present with us today.

Lead 2: And so imperceptibly for men we, women, again made themselves the main ones even in a male day.

Lead 1: And do not want to play? Remember childhood? And men?

Lead 2: Then I invite two men who have driver licenses. Come.

Two men come out and they are given in the hands of the remote control from the machine to the control panel. And they must compete in the route of the track. The track can be made from chairs. Arrange chairs in a row, and go around them. Or you can do something at your discretion. Who will feed the whole distance, he won.

Lead 1: Now it is clear who passed on the rights of himself, and who bought them.

Lead 2: Let's continue. And now I will hold a competition for the best actor. And who are our best actors?

Lead 1: Naturally, men. Only they can come home in the morning drunk and tell such a story about the head, about the workload at work, that they will believe and even sympathize.

Lead 2: Therefore, those who invented stories go to us.

Men come out, and they are invited to tell the famous verse. For example, about Tanya, which is loudly planted, because the ball dropped into the river. At first they are told with the expression, as it should be. And then they are invited to tell him with other intonations. For example, you need to tell it as if you are a guest worker and arrived at earnings. That is, with an accent. It is also possible to propose a Chinese focus. You can also suggest it to tell me how you are very offended by someone offended or you are very fun and funny. There are many options, so you can come up with a lot of options.

Lead 1: Yes, real actors. I really believed to them all.

Lead 2: Yes, actors! Will our men be able to beat me in one dispute?

Lead 1: Oh, intrigue! And what?

Lead 2: I want to argue with men that they can not step over through a pencil, which I put on the floor. Who agrees to such a dispute?

Men agree. You can argue for something, for example, on a bottle of champagne. And win the dispute is very simple. It is necessary to put a pencil on the floor to the wall, so it was not where to step up, because there is a wall. And your dispute and champagne.

Lead 1: Great, this is really a good dispute. Therefore, I propose to raise the glasses for the female smelter.

All raise glasses and drink.

Lead 2: And now, our dear women, I want to ask you how well you know our men. Many after all work here for a long time.

Women answer. And check all this can be as follows. We must prepare the photos of men from childhood in advance. It is also necessary to take a picture of all men at present. But not completely, but for example, the right cheek, forehead, back, naked knee and so on. And women in turn goes to the lead and those offer them to say whose photo. The first woman give pictures of childhood. The second woman is photos of the right cheek of all men and so on. Who can guess more men and their photos, she wins.

Lead 1: It turns out, not so well we know our men. Therefore, I propose to raise the glasses for so to speak a new acquaintance and dance.

All raise glasses for acquaintance and dance.

Lead 2: Well, danced? Let's play a little. I suggest to arrange a contest between women and men.

Lead 1: Excellent. And what is this contest?

Lead 2: So let's split into two teams: men and women.

Everyone is divided into two teams: teams of men and a team of women. And since men are a strong floor, and women are weak, then they will be competed in the fact that for a woman it is clear. Each team is given on one shirt without buttons, one needle and thread. At the command of the leading first participants in the teams dress threads in needle, the second sewing the first button, the third second buttons, and so on. Which team served all buttons, she won.

Lead 1: Great, so we learned who is still stronger in our team. And now I invite everyone to a festive table to continue the evening.

All pass and sit at the table. At the table can be played in contests, dance and hit karaoke.

Key tags:

At your company is planned corporate dedicated to February 23, and you want to congratulate male colleagues with humor?

Make a hall where holiday will be held, balloons and garlands, use various military attributes: helmets, gas masks, field bags, canned food - any inventory related to this topic. You can draw posters with the image of the warriors, the military, where to stick the pictures of your employees as people.

Think out the script of male congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, which will include funny poems, alteration songs, games and contests. It is desirable that the rooms that enter the program will not be too tightened and official.

Scenario Congratulations to men from February 23 with humor

The celebration of February 23, 2019 at work can be started with the performances of the leading:
- set aside handles and tablets,
Take time a bit.
From February 23, men!
Syll wishes to you bag:
Avangard let yours do not fade away
Will be reliable rear,
Nobody encroaches on peace
When you look at night!
Will be in your pocket and on account
So much to waste could not!
Let him be lucky in his career and in hunting
You for us, men, - kings!

- Congratulations, dear,
From February 23,
Let beauty every day
Fall like stacks!
Let it be cold beer
And the whole day goes football,
Let his favorite will cover
You have a luxurious table.

Gaming contests for men at the celebration on February 23

The holiday for men at work on February 23 in 2019 will continue the game and contests in which your colleagues will have the opportunity to visit the center of universal attention and show their best qualities.

The participants of the contest "This Colonel" are divided into teams. Each of them must list as many qualities characterizing this colonel. For example, nobility, courage, courage, honor and so on. The team comes to the team that will offer more options.

For the contest "Stirlitz" you will need a tray on which 10-15 small items lay out (lighters, match boxes, notebooks, handles, coins, etc.). Competition participants must remember as many things as possible. Then the tray is carried out and add or removed several items. The most attentive participant becomes the winner. The task can be complicated, removing and adding several items at once.

For the tender "Trenches" you will need cardboard boxes filled with finely chopped paper or confetti, as well as spoons or scales. At the signal of the leading participants will start laying out the paper from the box using a table appliance. The one who will disappear "the trench" faster.

The participants of the "Outfit Outside" contest will have to sew a button as quickly as possible, score a nail and clean the potatoes. The one who fastest and better fulfill the tasks will win.

Participants of the contest "Plisters" give slices of tissue of a certain size (spheres) and a pair of boots. By teammate, each participant starts to wind up the ports. Who will quickly cope with this task, and then puts on boots and will confidently pass several meters in them, will be recognized as the winner.

Then the competition will begin to "pass along the ladder". A rope is put on the floor, according to which men need to go blindfined and not stupid.

In the competition "Shooting" ladies and holders form a couple. Paper napkins are put on the shoulders of men, and the couples begin to dance under slow music. The couple wins, where the "epaulets" on the shoulders of the man lasted longer.

Next, at the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland at work, men who won in contests will be presented with prizes, and then poems will be performed:
- twenty-third of February today we celebrate
We congratulate men from the heart!
Defenders of the Fatherland, we know exactly:
You have a lot of reasons for the holiday.

- You are bold, brave, you are kind and cute,
Good of your qualities do not all count all ..
Sometimes slightly tired, and sometimes lazy,
But still we love you - such as you are.

How are men at work to hand gifts for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Then, according to the scenario of the celebration on February 23, men will congratulate and present gifts. Presenters Read poems:

All men are an admiration facility.
Their girls congratulate rushing
At this festive moment!

- once a year, at the end of February,
All men cause us
Gamut feelings and of course fire!
And our hearts are slowly mowed.

- We must congratulate you now,
Reveal the arms rather
You have gifts to hand we must
On the workshop colleagues brothers!

You can present your employees of a T-shirt with a photo of the whole female part of the team, registered mugs with personal photos of men and their favorite spokes, lighters in the form of a garnet, pistols, bullets or tanks, the piggy banks of the original shape, for example, in the form of safes or gold bars.

Always dissatisfied and often complained about the surrounding employees can be handed pink glasses, allowing to see the world in the best light. Colleagues who have to make decisions in difficult situations, you can give coins with "yes" and "no" on different sides.

Poems will be performed:
- Men loved ones congratulations
We are from February 23,
And on this day you wish you
Always be in life at the helm!
Solve brilliantly all tasks
And in a situation of any
Do not miss your luck
And live in harmony with you!

The scenario of comic congratulations to men at work from February 23, 2019 may include alteration songs. For example, women can perform a song on a melody of the song "Girlfriends married for a long time, and I dream about the prince":
- wine foams in glasses
And we congratulate you dream!
We have men, like in the movies,
And we sincerely wish:

To grow your income
Was in the Swiss bank account!
To wait in the kitchen pilaf,
Fishing waited for catch!
To go on vacation to Bahamas!
To love you,
And at the same time, so that you have
Young dust in the soul is not Gus!

We wish you bright dreams
And the extraction dates!
And understanding without words
And the fulfillment of desires!


Hand in colleagues of the diplomas in different nominations: "The Fighter of the Invisible Front", "punctuality is the rule of kings", "Mr. Kindness" and others. These funny presents will define a cheerful tone of the holiday and will surely be stored for a long time about this party.

Merry certificates can be an original addition to gifts. For example, a certificate for the right is constantly late to go to work, go home before the last time, sleep during a lunch break, do not attend long meetings, etc.

And will complete a holiday arranged for men at work in honor of February 23 Reading poems:
- Congratulations to you friends,
From February 23!
And wish you health
Only boysk
From all women - admiration,
From the boss - honor,
From children - love and inspiration!
Smaller household problems.
Good luck! Light change!

1 presenter.

Hello! We are glad to welcome you at our evening dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!

The February wind has twisted the pages, in the calendar, putting order

Long ago was a holiday installed ...

What to say, tradition is strong

Boys Congratulations again - we wish them peace and good.

2 presenter. The history of the appearance of this holiday with its roots leaves the distant past. For the first time, he manifested itself in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army and personally had a victory under Narva and Pskov over German conquerors. Since then, every year on February 23, he was celebrated as the Day of the Red Army. Since 1946, he began to be called the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. In New Russia, the Day of Military Glory has been preserved, but already under the new name - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

1 presenter. Congratulations to all men, domestic defenders on February 23. This is a tribute to all generations of Russian warriors, from ancient times to today, courageously defended their native land from the invaders. In this very "male" day, male representatives, from boys to the older men, take congratulations and gifts, and servicemen deserve the most sincere congratulations - after all, they have a very important and honorary profession - to protect their homeland.

Song "Cadets"

2 presenter. And now, to warm up a little, we will spend the erudite quiz.

1 presenter. Take an active part, boldly answer the questions set.

1. Hercules committed them 12. (Feats)

2. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot.)

3. Red fabric. (Kumach.)

5. The song that is listening to standing. (Anthem.)

6. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade.)

7. Military position D.A. Medvedev. (Commander.)

8. They call it in it and shatter from her. (Army.)

9. This revolution despite the name occurred in March. (February Revolution.)

10. And the order, and the man. (Cavalier.)

11. Graduate student in the pursuit. (Cadet.)

12. Morning team. (Climb.)

15. Headdress of this general. (Dad.)

16. Chief Cossack. (Ataman.)

17. On the shoulders of the military. (Epaulets.)

18. Soldier's house. (Barracks.)

19. Three platforms. (Company.)

20. Door tank. (Luke.)

21. Main on the ship. (Captain.)

22. Sea cook. (Cook.)

23. Garage for aircraft. (Hangar.)

24. Airplane staircase. (Ladder.)

25. Banzai in Russian. (Hooray.)

26. Petkin girlfriend. (Anka.)

Dance "Katyusha"

B1 - a man is a word that stands next to one-sided husband and courageous and it's not by chance!

B2 - A man is the one who is brave to whom in all situations are characteristic of the presence of the power of the Spirit.

Scene "Hobbies"

1 presenter. In a beautiful name man
The courage and become
Decrease to think and dream
To be inspired.
Be able to love, be able to give.
That go, then return.
So unstable to be
Such a support seem.

2 presenter. Being his fate
From lies, betrayal, deception,
And the favorable be always
Give life full, without flawed.
And let the words are woker,
About the only, loved one,
Whom nature called
Beautiful name - Mossey

Sergeant №1 - Take it, mightily equal to the middle.

- (Suitable for the second ordinary) Surname

Private No. 2 - Vasya Batarheykin

Sergeant №2 - Smart Yes, and well 10 pushups!

Sergeant №1 - Jump it better, you were born to make a fairy tale

Sergeant №1 - Well, the generation went not taught not to the discipline not to the service

Sergeant №2 - Well, you know how to sing

Private (all) - yes

Sergeant №1 - I do not hear

Private (all) - yes (Och loud)

Sergeant №1 - Equality for the right with a song bypassing the Hall of March.

Ordinary (all sing)

song "Cap - Cap -Kap" A. Zatsepin - L. Derbenev

Green spring

Under the old pine

With love, Vanyusha says goodbye.

Kolchug he rings

And gently says:

"HE Crying, do not cry, Marusya-Beauty!"

Marusya is silent and tears pours,

From the sadness soul hurts her.

Drip tears on a spear.

Cap-Cap - from Clear Eyes Marusi

Bitter dripped, dripped - the cap-cap is skipped right on the spear.

Commander: Comrades Soldiers, boots need to be cleaned from the evening so that in the morning they should be put on a fresh head. Clear?

Soldiers: so exactly.

Commander: Today we will remove the scene to be placed. From the fence to lunch.

Soldier: Comrade Commander, and what to do with puddles?

Commander: Puddles will post the officers to be performed by artists. Disadvantaged to perform.

1 presenter. No day men still in the world
Ah poor men these!
Men's half all
Lives without a festive day!
Paul light, gentle and beautiful,
Hurrying to congratulate men not in vain,
Smiles, happiness, joy to them giving

1 presenter.
At least twenty-third of February!
After all, the first lady was born,
As remember from the edge of Adam,
That is why the beautiful half,
Exclaim you want:
Long live men!

Scene "In captivity of the Amazons"

The drum fraction sounds. Four girls run in suits with elements of soldiers' clothing (helmets, camouflage nets, belts), high boots, dark glasses, with brightly painted lips and instruct any butaforsky (child) weapons on men (Fig. 6). All stay in our places! You are arrested!

Second. And you are in captivity of the women of the planet Amazonia!

Third. Answer why you please?

Fourth. You have the right to invite

a lawyer and keep silence before the decision of the Higher Court.

It is said that Amazons are all as alone. You do not believe - these gossip provokes the moon. Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-Ma!

We are smart, eloquent, noble and gentle. All were born from the test tube, so the dad is not needed. Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-Ma!

We live, care is not knowing, training every day, the arrows are aptly send from Luka yes to the target! Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-Ma!

Long angles and beautiful, for yourself we will stand up and the planet our alive from men we will protect! Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-Ma!

First. We are captured by the creature of the highest order. Judging by the form - the inhabitants of the planet Earth. Leader. Perfectly! We have no tigers today. Amazon 1. And if they are poisonous? Leader. Need to check! Connect to the Planet Earth's computer system and take all the data to the smallest details. Second. Up to the smallest? Leader. Yes! And so that no detail slipped away! Everything. There is!

Four Amazons take the hand of the nearest man, sit on his knees, hug by shoulders.

Leader. Contact! Amazon. There is a contact! Leader. To issue information!

First. Biological individual with speech and consciousness.

Second. Physical data correspond to the following parameters: Two legs, two hands.

Third. Head with two screens, with the help of which they perceive the world around the world, and sounding adaptations. Fourth. Breast flat. Distrophy is observed.

Leader. And it's all? Amazon. Everything!

Leader. Yes, there is no benefit from them! I propose to destroy. Who agrees?

Half of the Amazons raises hands. Who is against?

The second half of the Amazons raises hands. Your arguments?

Amazon from the detachment begin to express their opinions.

Amazon 1. They have great abilities to physical work: saw firewood, clog nails, drill holes everywhere. Amazon 2. Normal habitat: Sofa - Slippers - TV! Amazon 3. But they are smart, they have intelligence and ability to organize large financial transactions. Amazon 4. Every evening they are going to group on three and more people with the songs-dance and the solution of the philosophical question "Do you respect me?"

Amazon 5. But they know how to make money.

Amazon 6. The number of money earned does not meet the female needs and requests.

Amazon 7. And the second part of the day they spend in the society of female individuals, which they like it very much!

Amazon 8. And very often change the object of their adoration.

Amazon 9. Men say affectionate words and sometimes give gifts!

Amazon 10. Their vocabulary consists of universal words: "Dai", "Now", "do not bother." Leader. All is decided! (Holds a pause.) Men are extremely necessary for us. After all, we are weak women and can't do without you ... first. Smart! Second. Best! Third. Loving! Fourth. Thoughtful! Leader. And as well, that there is a real male holiday when you can say:

Everything. "Congratulations! Our dear! "


1 Leading .. We congratulate you again! And the holiday is continuing together

We all invite everyone to the scene.

Without progress to show all the youth courage,

Although they do not wear a sword.

2 presenter. You will be all bolder, stronger

Small, more beautiful and friendly!

Everyone wants victories here!

You can not feed you honey

Only give them a delete to show!

1 presenter. At first you show power

And, if you can, surprise.

An ordinary ball need to burst,

But only after all, not just clap

And between his legs heal it

And with the ball struggle Start!

Competition "Lopni Ball". The balloon must be held between the legs (it is possible between the knees), and thus it must be burst - without the help of hands. This is a rather complicated task that seems simple only at first glance.

2 Host:

Well ... strongholds gathered here!

You maybe you want to eat?

We will certainly feed you

And try to instantly

Weathered to fit

And apple treat!

After all, for courtesy men

Every vitamin is useful.

1 presenter.

And who will achieve them faster

The strongest and health will be.

But! A small complication

Here it is necessary to apply reduction,

So that this apple gets

And they can be saved!

The contest "Who will eat the apple faster". The difficulty lies in the fact that the apple floats in a basin with water, and it cannot be torn with his hands. You can even tie your hands behind your back at your back. Each player has its own basin with water and an apple.

2 presenter. Yes, the reputation of the podmokla ...

The crowd from the laughter of a smalch.

And everyone wants to find out now,

Who is the graceful of all of you?!

To be strong is always honorable

(Although the reputation of podmokla!),

But gracefulness show

With a light assuck, twist,

Perhaps the audience now

Even stronger will love you!

Competition "Feed a pencil to a bottle." To the pants, from behind, where the loops for the belt are tied to the pencil on the rope. On the floor put a bottle. The task of the participant is to, without the help of hands, get a pencil into a bottle. Very funny and interesting competition! The participant comes to the first to cope with the task.

1 presenter. The crisis is not afraid, we, of course,

Congratulations knights slowly

They are supporting us, protection,

And from the villain, from the bandit

We are always protected by men,

And talk about that epics

How well done the wall got up,

How their families defended ...

2 presenter.

So wish you boys

(Although it is still waiting for studies, books),

So that you behave adequately

Chasing the jerks of robbery

Protect your girls

And you do not throw my homeland.

On you - hopefully we hope

Wonderful wonderful!

Dance "Tango"

B1 - We welcome everyone again.

B2 - and first of all of you.

B1 - our expensive


B1 - Strong.


B1 - generous.

B2 - wise.

B1 - beautiful.

B2 - in one word

Together - real men.

Young soldier.

1. - become! Take yourself! Namri!

Private Korkin, why I have not finished the team yet, and you already perform it?
- I do everything as you taught, Comrade Envigator: I will execute the team with a half-sleep!

And why are you afraid of building, ordinary Kutsenko?

Because everyone built up before I came.

2.- You know, I saw an excellent sleep.


I dreamed that I could not pay for accommodation in the barracks, I was evicted from her, and I returned home ...

3.- Welcome, guys, in our friendly army family, - he welcomed us. - Here you can feel at home. And always remember that you are one family, and the commander is your father.

(Immediately after these words, one of us took the cigarette from the pocket and lit.)

What are you doing? - asked the foreman.

I feel like at home, "replied Novobine. - When dad spoke, I always lit.

That's great! - Praised the foreman. How to smoke, go to the rotary toilet and wash everything to the brilliance there.

4. - What I will inform you will please and upset at the same time. First joyful news. Today, the pace will set the raw mouthpieces on the rotation to the march.

We joyfully looked up: the mouthpieces - a fat man and runs extremely awkward.

And now, guys, a little chagrin. The rate of the rod of ordinary crossings will be set on my motorcycle. Is everything clear to you?

Song "Brother"

5. - I need two volunteers to perform hard work. What? Not a single volunteer in the whole platoon?

Not one, comrade ensign.

Well, youth, you, apparently, do not know the army orders yet: if there are no volunteers - they are prescribed. Private ...... .., fail!

6.- Comrade Senior Lieutenant, from such firing results I am ready to shoot!

Shoot, say? - asked the commander. - I wonder how many times will you get to yourself?

7. ... Private stomach, what happened?

Nothing special, comrade senior lieutenant, fell belt.

And why was such a crackling?

So the belt is tied to the belt!

Private Gordeev, where do you start cleaning the machine?

First thing I will check the number of the machine.

Why is it?

To make sure this is my automatic, and not someone else. "

8 ... - Comrade Senior Lieutenant, where is justice? .. The order says that I received the recovery of "for a rusty automatic", and I only had a rusty! I think that it is necessary to reduce and recovery accordingly!

nine-. ... - whose cigarettes? - he asks strictly.

Drawings, Boyko reports one of us. - If you want, you can take and document!

10 Who sings well?

Caruso, - Jold one of the soldiers.

Caruso, Sink! - ordered foreman

Song "Youth in Boots"

B2 - how proudly sounds the word "men"! What is she talking about?

B1 - a man is courage

D1 - Wola.

D2 - generosity.

D3 - and nobility.

D4 - courage.

B2 - and power.

B1 - as well as - politics.

D1 - business.

D2 - army.

D3 - Football.

D4 - woman.

B2 - and TV.

B1 - But at a difficult moment, our men are always there, ready to protect and support.

B2 - I am absolutely agreed that today a man is a strongly occupied people and arrange a holiday to them - an extra reason to draw attention to themselves.

B1 - i.e. Make an original gift? And what can we give?

B2 - we will give them themselves.

D1 - your smiles

D2 - good mood.

D3 - prime laugh.

D4 - the warmth of our hearts.

B1 - and of course love.

The song "The Girls of the Army is needed"

Scene "Baba in the Army"

Dear viewers,

We sincerely want

You now congratulate you with the most

Light holiday male!

With that which certainly

Will be included soon in every home ...

It begins the military he commands:


And with smiles on faces

We speak your relatives:

Allow me to contact?

We congratulate you want!

And flowers from us,

Bright roses in bloom,

Because on protection

Happiness of our Stoite

You are on the military post!

Song "Defenders of the Fatherland"

To carry out the event you will need:

  • Presents for men.
  • A treat.
  • Requisites for games and contests.
  • Prizes.

Plan of the event

  • Congratulations, presenting gifts.
  • Banquet.
  • Comic test "Who is who".
  • Competitions of real men.
  • Competition "War of Floors".

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to men and congratulations. It is desirable that congratulations are not too tightened and official. It is better to fulfill it in a poetic or song form. Preferably, the congratulation is named for each man and say a few nice words about it.

IN defender of the Fatherland DayEach of the men is honored with the delivery of Oscar for special personal achievements! (It is necessary to prepare memorable diplomas and gift statuettes "Oscar" or any other figures containing the company's label). Nominations:

1. "The Fighter of the Invisible Front" "Oscar" is awarded for modesty, purity of thoughts, an excellent appearance and an unbearable anyone in any other perseverance!

3. The "charming simulant" "Oscar" is indisputably the one who has collected the largest number of female views of various directions for the whole year, but for some reason it is still actively assumed that he did not notice them.

4. "The awesome aura" provides for the award of Oscar for fire in the eyes, inciting hundreds of ladies bored and reflecting them to fruitful work!

5. "Robotics in the flesh" implies the presentation of "Oscar" for an extraordinary view of computer life and an empty energy stream!

6. "Punctuality - the rule of kings" is awarded for a solid attitude to the case, a magnificent serious approach to each task and the ability to solve obsolent questions.

7. "Encyclopedia nearby" awards "Oscar" for inexhaustible knowledge, anyone in the team can swam his mind and wisdom!

8. "Sunny for the whole day" "Oscar" for the ability to always give others not only warmth, but also a wonderful mood for the whole day!

9. Mr. Mr. Over the resistance and sensitivity in relation to endless raids on its office, as well as the hardness and softness of character at the same time!

After congratulations, everyone sit at the table. When making a menu for this holiday, it is advisable to take into account the tastes of men and not limited to sweet and fruit, and cook something more significant.

Comic test "Who is who"
As an entertainment at the table, you can offer men comic test. For tests on cards, various titles are written, and then each man does not look pulling one card.
Examples of inscriptions: intellectual. Kazanova. Sex giant. Ideal husband. Secret agent. The strongest. Psychic. Magician and wizard. Commander. Lord. Erudes. Most temperamental. Best fighter. Most clever. Professional in his business.
It is even more interesting not easy to make inscriptions, but cut out of magazines and stick pictures corresponding to inscriptions.
During the preparation of the cards, it is necessary to be extremely correct and ensuring that invented inscriptions do not reverse the dignity and no one offended.

Competitions of real men
Another entertainment corresponding to the theme of the holiday can be the competition between men for the title of the best. There are the following contests between those who want to compete for this title.
For a competitiveness, it is best to use the game "Darts" game - factory manufacture.
A simpler version - from a distance of 3-5 m throwing markers or markers (with an open cap) to a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. The most fertile party receives a prize point.
The marker must be designed for drawing only on paper, then random traces will easily wash off with alcohol.
Best toast
The presenter reports to participants that, no doubt, a real man should be able to drink properly. However, the task of the competition is not to drink more others, but in making it most elegant.
After that, each participant gets a glass with a strong drink. Competitors in turns pronounce toast and drink the contents of a glass. The one who fulfills the task is best of all receives a prize point.
Best compliment
Since a real man should be gallant and be able to find an approach to the female heart, in this competition participants compete in pronouncing the compliments of the beautiful floor.
He whose compliment is more different to women, gets a prize point.

Competition "War of Floors"
In order for not only men, but women had the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday, several competitions are held, in which teams of men and women compete with each other.
Speed \u200b\u200bspeed
Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are offered for 30 with pronounce as many words as possible. The team, whose representative utters more words, receives a prize point.
For the competition, it is necessary to assign several controllers that consider pronounced words.
Right throw
From each team is called by one representative. Their task is to quit a playing card as much as possible. It is possible to allow participants several attempts. In order not to confuse abandoned cards, you can offer one of the participants to throw red suites, and the other is black.
The team, whose representative will learn the card further (with several attempts, the best from the throws is counted), it receives a prize point.
Each team is called another representative. Their task is to fulfill the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of music is constantly changing.
The team, whose representative will fulfill the best dance, gets a prize point.
Knowledge is power
All team players are involved in this competition. The lead alternately sets questions questions. At the same time, the team of women ask men's questions, and the team of men is female.
Examples of issues for women:
Compound part of what is the carburetor? (Motor)
What can you hit "Pyre"? (On the ball)
Hood on the car is located in front or rear? (Front)
What is a bullet? (Penalty in hockey)
In which direction when working the saw is applied by force: to yourself or from ourselves? (Push)
Brothers Burea play football or hockey? (In hockey)
Where was the 2002 World Cup? (In Japan)
What kind of company has an emblem in the form of "tick"? (Nike)
Examples of issues for men:
Why are women dripped on torn tights nail polish? (So \u200b\u200bas not to go the arrow on torn pantyhose)
When inwing a thread in a needle, what should be still: needle or thread? (Needle)
What is Melting? (Coloring individual hair strands)
Why can a woman need acetone? (Wash off old varnish with nails)
What is the name of a small handbag, in which the items necessary to make makeup are stored? (Cosmetics)
Are the yeast in the sandy dough? (Not)
Do I need to wash off the paint from the hair after their staining? (Yes)
Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)
For each correct answer, the team receives a prize point.
A team that scores more points gets a prize - a cake or a bottle of champagne).

Useful advice
All competitions and contests must be carried out so that there is no dissatisfied and offended. Much better to recognize the victory immediately behind several participants and give prizes as many contestants as much as possible.

Despite the fact that on February 23 is not a day off, a holiday for men-colleagues still needs to be arranged.

The corporate scenario is designed to hold it in the office within 2-3 hours, immediately after the end of the working day.


Office decoration and preparation is desirable to spend the day before, as the beginning of the holiday, according to the scenario, coincides with the beginning of the working day.


For decorations, you need balloons of the coloring "Militari" and the same color dense paper. The sequence number is written on each sheet of paper. The number of rooms corresponds to the number of men in the collective.

Sheets with written numbers fervent so that the balls come out. They attach a thin thread or fishing line. Air and paper balls attach the threads to the ceiling.

Small presents for everyone need to be decomposed on linen bags and numbered. Bags are exhibited on a separate table / podium / Tumba and all day attract the attention of men.


Gifts are assumed to two types - general and personalized. Among the general there may be different useful things - soap, shaving machine, toothbrush, flashlight, toothbrush, paste, shoe brush and much more one for everyone.

Also, you should stock presentation for the winners of the contests. It can be funny medals, diplomas, chocolate in a funny package, which is done on their own and so on.

You still need personalized gifts for each - wallet, flash drive, USB adapter unusual species, flask and so on. Knowing preferences and hobbies of colleagues need to be selected and purchased in advance. All gifts should be approximately one price category.

Start of holiday

The female half of the team comes to work in advance, as the initial congratulations were made at the beginning of the working day. Future leaders remain at the entrance to the camera to meet and surprise men.

The meeting takes place in the first room at the entrance. In addition to the collective "Congratulations!" The man gets a cup of hot coffee and candy. Then he is photographed, and one of the unoccupied girls escorts him directly to the workplace, where he wishes a pleasant working day and his early completion, because in the evening there is a surprise.

Thus, you should meet all the men's part of the team, without excluding the boss (if this is not a woman).

During the day, it is desirable with each to carry out a brief photo session: in the workplace, in the kitchen, thoughtfully over the papers, in a dispute with colleagues. It should be done so as not to distract people too much from work.

Main part

After the end of working time, the leading and her assistants ask for men not to disperse and get together.

After that, they accompany them to the room where the celebration will be held. There should already be covered with a desk for a banquet and a fair place is cleaned for conducting active competitions and relay.

Banquet. Official greetings

The host includes music, and the helpers escape everyone to its place at the table. Traditionally, the first congratulations sound from the mouth of the manual. However, at first a slight entry from the lead. Here is an approximate text that can be changed depending on the team (field of activity, age and so on):

- Dear our men! Today's holiday - for you! You are our support and protection, without you will become completely uninteresting, difficult and bad. Today you are waiting for many interesting things - fun tasks, comic games, of course, gifts and sincere congratulations. And the first will sell his speech - Dear Ivan Ivanovich. Ask!

After the chief of men, the chief accountant, commercial director or heads of departments congratulates men. All this happens in the banquet process, everyone sit at the table.

The official part is completed by the performance of two girls from the team that perform an incendiary dance or a song.

Banquet. Comic Games

The leading takes the floor to declare about the upcoming competition held at the table.

For lovely ladies!

- Of course, men do not like a lot and speak beautifully, but there are situations when necessary. Let's check how today's hussars can pronounce toasts for the ladies!

For each tapering method, the lady is chosen by the draw. At the same time, it does not matter to whom the choice will fall - the chief accountant Anna Pavlovna is 57 years old or the secretary of Olenka, which is only 22 years old.

The man should behave as if this woman is his "lady", and, pronouncing toast, emphasize all its advantages. Participants can be prepared for about 2-3 minutes.

According to the results, the winner is handed a small prize, and the winner itself is chosen by female voting.

Who am I really?

Also, the banquet can be diluted with a funny and cheerful mark, which girls will appear. The plot can be taken from any "male" joke (right for this collective) and just play out before sitting at the table.

- Let's take a little rest and think about who we really are. Sometimes it is so difficult to figure it out. Dear men, today we decided to help you.

Help girls make a bag or a box in which the cardboard cards are composed with a clean side up. On the reverse side of each (by the number of men) comic "title", Suitable for defining a picture and a brief description of this title.

Here are some options that can be used:

  • real colonel;
  • superman;
  • secret agent;
  • sage;
  • ideal husband;
  • wizard;
  • marathonian.

After that, the "definition" follows a musical number that opens the active part of the holiday. At the same time, part of the employees not involved in contests can stay at the table, watching and encouraging participants in order to change them later in the game team.

Competitive program

This is the most cheerful part of the evening when sitting at the table already bored and it is necessary to dispel.


There are two options for this competition. In the first participants should minimize a blank plastic bottle with a screw lid. For the second, empty match boxes are needed. The top of the box put vertically on the table, covering the inside. This design must be completely spacked by one blow.

Lucky and resourceful

Each participant must receive five items, the names of which are written in separate cards outstanding randomly. All items can be stolen, ask, find, but in no case will not take away force.

The search time is not limited, but he wins the participant who will fulfill the task before all. You can hold a contest in turn, checking the time of passage in the stopwatch.

Examples of cards:

  • empty glass;
  • clock;
  • handkerchief;
  • something on the letter "M";
  • hairbrush.
  • red object;
  • something on the letter "K";
  • lace;
  • lighter;
  • plate.

Chained by one chain

During the competition, the song of the same name may sound. Two teams of four people are needed. Each is given a rather thin rope with a length of 5m.

The task is the following: players need a special way to "sow" each other faster than the second team will do.

After the signal, one of the participants should "ride" the other three people on the rope, passing it inside the sleeves. Then he makes the same operation with him. After that, the last and first participants should link the end of the rope, having received the "link".

Queen of my dreams

Competition for real sculptors. Participant teams are issued balloons, tape, glue, ribbons, color markers, thread coil.

Hiking 100 grams

Comic competition in which this alcohol can be used or, if not accepted in the team, replace it with an original drink.

As requisite, two tables, two bottles with a capacity of 250 ml, wineglass and 4 salted cucumbers. The task of commands is to drink the contents of the bottle before rivals. However, it is necessary to do this by a special scheme.

The first participant runs up to the table and pours a glass, after which he needs to return to the "tail" of his team. The second will have to drink poured and return. The third snacks and returns, and the fourth pours.

Then the queue of the first is again approached, which this time has to drink a glass. The second snacks, the third pours, the fourth drinks and so until the bottle is emptying.

I feel!

Props simple - hard chair or stool and several different items. Among them can be a spoon, fork, pencil, empty sleeve, cork from champagne, comb, barely inflated balloon and so on.

At the leading signal, the first participant with closed eyes is suitable for a chair that is put one of the items. Participants need to guess what they felt under them.

You can spend this contest "Cutlery": The participant drops out after the wrong item. The winner must "feel" everything and not mistaken.

Completion of the evening and gifts

Before completing the host presents each long-awaited gift. In addition to the gift, everyone will have to choose one of the paper balls and, thoring it, get a number.

With this number, the participant goes to the table with the bags prepared in advance. Returning the helper, a man receives his additional present.

At the time of delivery and receipt of gifts, cheerful music sounds.

After completing the last stage of the holiday, the host again congratulates men and presents each selection of images taken during the day by her assistants. You can print them on ordinary paper and color printer or during a break in the nearest photo-workshop.

And from the following video you will learn how to organize the original corporate party by February 23 in oriental style:

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