The most legendary focuses of the world (video). The most unusual focus of the world

The most legendary focuses of the world (video). The most unusual focus of the world

We all want to believe that magic really exists. After all, without faith in miracles, our life will be to the impossibility of gray and boring.

We love fantastic books and films, we love what is often not amenable to logic, nor even sometimes our understanding. People always wanted to learn something new, disclose the riddles and secrets of the inexplicable.

And there are those people who can open the veins before us, which separates the ordinary from magic. And the name of them is the magicians, illusionists. Looking at their performances, sometimes you will involuntarily think - and isn't it real magic?

Especially when fantastic tricks are made by real professionals.
Immerse yourself in the world of impossible - we present the top 10 of the greatest and famous "wizards" of all time!

It is listed among the most successful magicians with the time of Houdini himself. The young illusionist is a rather comprehensively developed personality - in addition to focus, he is a cascadener, he is fond of yoga, hypnosis, directed and music. Child many talents!

Slava brought him levitation and his ability to walk on the water. All his life, Chris Angel dedicated magic. But in 2006, he issued a great book, which opened the secrets of all his focus and tricks.

Today, Chris has a chain of stores and even a restaurant.

9. Ning - "Magic Baby"

The only one who managed to get the Prize "The First Professional Woman Magic of All Asia".

Young Ning, being at a five-year-old age, inspired Copperfield show. The girl did not like that always in the magic show of illusionists (which were predominantly men), women had only passive parties, they were some kind of "requisite" in the program, which gave Ning Motivation to the development of their own skills and talents.

Now it is located in a tour of Asia with a very famous magician from Singapore - J C SUM.

Ning managed to make truly impossible things. For example, over a minute and a half she could free themselves from various chains, locks or handcuffs, at the same time being chained to the cell, on the ceiling of which there was a bed with huge spikes, which inevitably had to pierce it.

Twenty-seventh of September was born a thousand eight hundred eighty fifth year. Blackstone was one of the most popular fockers of his generation. It was he who created the famous designs that they divided the person into two parts, and forced the cells to disappear.

At the peak of his popularity, Blackstone often showed the number "Garden of Flowers" who loved. He cleverly filled the stage, where he acted, countless colors that appear, as it seemed right from the air!

Also, his popular number is the "floating lamp", consisted in the fact that at the moment the lamp was lit, Harry Blackstone could pass over the heads of the audience, from one the angle of the theater, to the other. His ideas have always especially liked children.

Dante was born a thousand eight hundred eighty-third and became the fact that other illusionists noticed a considerable talent, and they invited a very young young one to work. After his death, many people regret said that this is the "real end of the Golden Epoch of Magic."

Real name - Harry Augustus Jensen. And it is he who belongs to the famous phrase "Sim Sala Bim" phrase. Dante the first began to use them on his shows to enhance the secret and awaken fantasy and interest in fans. And later this phrase "copied" by very many magicians, also becoming used in their ideas.

Dante traveled almost the whole world, touring with his troupe. In those days, everyone knew him as "Magician Dante".

The famous illusionist of mysterious death in California in nineteen fifty-fifth year died.

The beginning of a focus career was the contribution of this guy from the officer school, for the fact that he fell asleep. At the end of the sixties of the last century, the fame of Uri was separated throughout the planet. Many scientists investigated its paranormal abilities, checked in laboratories, and all experiments confirmed that the ability of the magician is not an illusion and hypnosis, but real psychophysical phenomena. A series of speeches with a clock, flexion of metal spoons and scissors, reading human thoughts, a change in weight of cargo on the scales The magician himself declared as an expedient miracle, because even famous Big Ben obeyed the will of Geller! Uri was constantly accused of fraud, but it did not prevent him from building his star career.

The real name of the illusionist is Girshfeld. He was born in Moscow, thousands of eight hundred ninety-fourth year.

Emil Teodorovich found the status of the ancestor of the whole focus dynasty. But at first, young Emilly Manili Theater and Cinema. At the age of twenty-six, Kio becomes an actor theater miniature. But over time, the Circus broke into the life.

Which open vacancies he did not try until finally got into the arena with his tricks.

The alias of Emil originated due to the "fallen" letter N in the word cinema. Also, the magician himself offered to decipher the alias as the "Kiev famous deceiver".

And nowadays, that a number of tricks that was invented by KIO, very popular with the magicians. In the nine hundred and sixtieth year, Emil Kio recognized the best magician worldwide.

Present his name is David Seat Cotkin. Born in America, a thousand nine hundred and fifty-sixth year.

David began to surprise her focuss for seven years, he demonstrated them for the parishioners of the local synagogue. Becoming at twelve years by a professional magician, young Copperfield came to the American community of Mages, being the most young participant. And at the age of sixteen, the young talent began to teach other arts "Magic" at the University of New York.

Speaking in nineteen seventy-eighth year in the program "The Magic of ABC", and playing several secondary roles in the following years, Copperfield thought about the grand illusions. And he began with the disappearance of the aircraft. They followed the focus with the "Loans" of the Statue of Freedom (in front of thousands of people).

Further, David Copperfield managed to fly through a large canyon, pass through the great Chinese wall and ran away from the proven and reliable at that time prison - Alcatraza. The great magician also went on a trip to the Bermuda Triangle, made a jump from Niagara Falls, was able to survive in the present firefire ... These, and many more incredible tricks brought Copperfield world famous fame and popularity.

The brightest and young representative of talented illusionists. While still, David felt a wizard. Card tricks that showed him Mom gave the start of his dizzying career. His breathtaking tricks with cards Blaine shows on the streets with a huge cluster of the people. He really virtuoso draws a deck, his focuses just fascinated people when he was still a teenager. Becoming older David, expanded the "program" tricks with search for the types of things hidden among the audience, "revival" dove, death, which was recorded by medical devices. Well, and then more ... Tricks, with your own burial for a whole week, then he decided to freeze himself in Iceberg, brought Blaine to a deafening glory.

Demonstrating the limits of human capabilities, David lives on one adrenaline. He began to constantly appear the Guinness Book of Records, and "fell" huge money.

Blaine has its TV show, which almost always takes the top lines in the ratings. In his show, David demonstrates new stunning tricks. And the hot gypsy blood helps the wizard move forward, without turning around, and, not paying attention to competitors.

The name of the magician at birth - David Frederick Vingipheld Werner, was born a thousand eight hundred ninety-fourth year in the capital of Canada. The alias of David arose due to a normal error when the name of the illusionist was incorrectly written in the newspaper. It is one of the most influential magicians of the twentieth century.
Other illusionists nicknamed his "professor" and "a man who foolel Hudini." The fact is that Maestro Focuses self-confidently stated that he could repeat absolutely any focus to repeat, just to view it three times. However, after an eight-time repetition by Vernon Card Focus "The Ambitious Card" Gudini never could unravel it.

Dai Vernon improved several focus, came up with many of his own, he was considered to be one of the greatest contributors to the art of illusionists. With all this, the contemporaries noted that the person gave was incredibly modest and very charming.

Professor died in ninety-eight years in Hollywood, in nine hundred and ninety second year.

The famous illusionist was born in the capital of Hungary, one thousand eight hundred seventy-fourth year. Present name of the magician - Eric Weiss. He took the pseudonym later, in one thousand eight hundred and ninety second year, in honor of the illusionist from France Robert Guide.

During his life, Eric Weiss became famous for exposing the charlatans and performed incredible tricks with shoots and liberations.

Gudini's public speeches began at the age of ten years, showing card tricks in bars. At the early stage of his career, he preferred spectacular tricks that were always visible to a huge crowd.

Houdini managed to conquer the whole world - such cities like London, Moscow, Washington and other major centers unanimously recognized the skill of the illusionist. In the best of their years, Harry Hudini earned great money. They said that the compassion of the magician is twice as much as the President of America.

The circumstances of the death of the magician is quite mysterious. Without visible to the causes and serious health problems, Harry Hudini dies on the eve of a symbolic holiday - Halloween, i.e. Thirty-first October one thousand nine hundred and twenty-sixth year.

In the modern world, the various phenomena is so intertwined that sometimes it is impossible to divide the virtual and real, illusion and present. The art of mystical impact on consciousness in different epochs was understood and interpreted in their own way. In paganism, it was considered magic, in the Middle Ages called witchcraft and burned on fires, in the era of educating the nature of illusions, they tried to interpret scientifically and use the power of focus when treating certain diseases. Today, the "craftsmen" stepped at the face of the impossible.

So, one of the first magicians was the French physicist Nicolas-Philippe Ledry (1731-1807), speaking under the pseudonym Komy. Considering your demonstrations of a kind of art, took the modified name of the Greek god festivals and feasts of Koma.

It became famous for light and sound illusions, magnetic and electrical effects. Already at that time, the public was demonstrated by a robot woman with an alien face that took the color of pupils looking at her man. She knew how to perform simple teams, the artificial hand could write thoughts. This miracle robot simultaneously led to delight and horror Royal Yard Louis XVI.
The magician made a lot of useful for science, enriching it with a new system for maritime cards and the possibility of curing epilepsy by electricity.
The next illusionist illusionist Alessandro Caliosonro (1743-1795). His real name is Joseph Balsamo. Early having lost his parents, in childhood he was addicted to fraud. His aunt for Mother Vincenza Caliostro was brought up, and after her death, the young man had assigned an interesting name, and at the same time the county title. He began his way to the tops of optical deception, from the sale of fake cards with treasures and various miraculous potions, saving practically from all troubles.

With the help of an illusion, he turned a small diamond into a weighty stone, could carry chips and cracks, let's keep a common rusty nail and make a coarse satin silk material. Count Caliostro argued that he knew the secret of the philosophical stone, and managed to inspire the public that he was 300 years old. I visited Caliostro and in Russia and supposedly the gold reserves of Potemkin. The graph conducted magic sessions, inventing the elixir of immortality. Scandals associated with his experiments reached Catherine. Dissatisfied Empress was ordered to send Caliostro from the country. However, a graph in the documentation was a mystical way on four different brunetners. But in other countries there was no calmness. His mysterious activity was associated with various political adventures. He graduated from his life in Italy, imprisoned on charges of charlatania.
The Italian Giuseppe Pynetti (1750-1800) possessed the gift of inspirement. His speeches had a huge success. With closed eyes, he could "see" objects, unmistakably calling them. Thanks to the sensitivity and developed "third eye", his glory reached George III, and he was invited to Windsor Castle.

To represent the highest monarch, a complex show with exotic animals and mirrors was prepared. In general, Pynetti loved to be cloudy, doing the complex focuses-transformations, when one item extracted from the other became suddenly the copyright token of Pynetti. The secret of his manipulations tried to solve many, which was extremely annoyed by the illusionist. He founded his focuses on scientific phenomena: physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics and medicine gave him a reason for "miracles." The most famous of them is a focus with a swallow. From Pynetti's cage, I got a bird, and she "dyed" in his hands. Having gave the viewer's "hopeless" to the Taurus and asking for rising above him, he did a miracle of revival. The secret of the focus is simple: the illusionist imperceptibly pressed the shuttlecock to the carotid artery and temporarily deprived the bird of consciousness.
Having reached fame and fame, Pynetti became very capricious and spoiled. He could afford to be late for the courtyard of the emperor Paul and in incomprehensible way to change the time on the clock. Visited the magician and in Russia. It was here that he died at the age of 50.
No less excited by the legends, the activities of the Italian Giovanni Bartolomeo Bosco (1793-1863). His "revival" of the killed birds struck the imagination of the crowd and weakened the vigilance of people. Cutting the head of the head of white and black blue, he seemed to be deliberately rearranged them and, noticing a mistake, fixed it. Birds came toval. This was regarded as a real miracle and witchcraft. The viewers attracted the tricks of Bosco with coins, playing cards, scarves and balls.

Comparing himself with Mephistophele, he imitated him appearance and manner to dress. The virtuoso of illusions was looking for an adventure and adventure. During the Napoleonic campaign to Russia, being accidentally in the French army, continued to entertain the soldiers, imperceptibly devastating their pockets. Copying, he did not despair in the harsh conditions of Siberian frosts, and, on the contrary, only improved his focuses, thereby sowing to conquer Russian hearts. Returning to Italy, Bosco became a regulance of rich salons, where he was invited to surprise the public. The heir of the Illusionist continued the case of his father and was no less popular.
The mystery permeates the whole life of a talented and unpredictable Harry Hudini (1874-1926). The real name - Eric Weiss, was born in the poor family and since childhood I knew the street "professions." Stray circuschi and magicians fascinated child. So he became interested in the illusion. At 18, he turned into a Gudini, having changed the name of the famous Focussary Gudina, and the name borrowed from Kellar Harry.

World fond came to him thanks to the numbers that demonstrated the ability to free themselves from different ways. So, chained to a 30-kilogram ball and abandoned in Thames, Harry not only could not drowned, but, to universal surprise, quickly emerged absolutely free. Also known and such a trick, which today repeats many illusionists, for example, the Safron's brothers. A strained shirt-tied down on his head on a hook, a focker has managed to quickly get out of imprisonment, demonstrating the wonders of incredible flexibility. Of course, it would not be possible to achieve such guttaperships without numerous workouts, which the great illusionist bent from childhood. The release tricks were major in his program, and wherever he toured, gathered huge halls. He was also fond of the art of cinema and aviation. The first flew through Australia. Helped the experts to expose Charlatans. Maestro died randomly from peritonitis, provoked by a blow to the abdominal cavity.
The follower of Gudini was David Werner (1894-1992). He demonstrated its first tricks in the 7th age. Subsequently, so honed his skills, which surrounded his predecessor, who failed to solve the secret of his focus. He worked under the pseudonym Dai Vernon, who acquired as a result of banal typo in the newspaper. He opened my first micromagism. Modest and charming by nature, he knew how to arrange people to him, many taught the art of illusion.

Soviet Illusionists KIO are already a whole dynasty. She was Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld Renard (1894-1965).

For the art of the magician, he came through acting skills. At the beginning, the career worked at the Moscow Theater Miniature, subsequently became interested in the circus. Who he was not only - both Beritor, and the administrator, and even uniformist. And, watching the dexterity of the hands of circus, finally decided to go out with his focuss in the arena. What only jokes around his last name did not go. The artist even suggested to decipher it with humor. There are known versions such as the word "cinema" one letter fell out, Kio - "Kiev famous deceiver", "how interesting to deceive", "sorcerer from Ossetia". The manner of the focus was mild, relaxed, everything appealed as it were for an uncomfortable joke. He even issued a "manual" "Focuses and Focifurses."
Heirs Emil Emilievich and Igor Emilevich continued the case of the Father. Moreover, Emil (1938 G.) debuted in a preschool age, hiding from his comrades in the concert box and rolling out of it at the time of the presentation on the flooded fires arena to surprise not only viewers, but also parents.

Many tricks from unpleasant he did thanks to the study of the laws of physics feasible. For example, the focus with the rope by which the gymnast is coming. Soft and flexible when throwing up, it became solid, it was only necessary to calculate the load correctly and correctly select the material for the manufacture of the main attribute of the focus.
Igor Kio (1944-2006) has always performed by the assistant of his father. For the first time came into the arena at the age of 15, when Emil Teodorovich fell ill.

In his productions, he tried to imitate the father's manner, giving speeches the character of a whole performance. Distributing television dancers create a relaxed atmosphere. The girl is cut down by the girl, and the woman who fell into the cage turns under the circus dome in a formidable predator, the king of the beasts, the lion, the mannequins instantly change the outfits on the lazes from the shocked viewers, etc. He did a lot for the circus, and for pop, and For television. He is rightly called the "mystery of the twentieth century", "King of Wizards".
A human legend, an extreme-class illusionist, consider Uri Geller (1946 p.). Having identified himself with the Mesnet of the Higher Mind, he began with ordinary tricks: bending a spoon, read pictures in a closed book or sealed envelope. Then complicate the tricks. Supernatural breaks up in the clock management.

A real wizard, a man who has overcome the space of David Copperfield (1956 of the r.). The first tricks demonstrated in childhood, since the age of 12 began to professionally speak with them. Copperfield - a brilliant generator of ideas, embodying them. Its focuses on the "abduction" of the statues of freedom, the ability to fly and the release tricks from fire and straightening shirt, rapid falls from the Niagara Falls and passing through the walls.

The most young today is the illusionist is David Blaine (1973 p.). He became famous for the wonderful "revival" birds, card focus and created his own show.

Truly, enjoyable release trips from the kingdom of the dead (burial alive in a plastic container), freezing in ice, imprisonment in a box for a month and a half without food demonstrated supernatural possibilities. Blaine can stand at the top of the 22-meter column of 35 hours, for 17 minutes to delay breathing under water. True, such victims for the sake of a spectacular number are healthy. He is losing weight, and is experiencing clinical supercooling, but he is a short record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. Blaine is ready to continue to endure colossal loads, risks himself, to create the limit of opportunities and invents new tricks. In 2012, the Americans were shocked by the "Electricated" program: for 3 days, he stood in New York on an electric post, attracting lightning. Spectators were allowed to adjust the voltage in transformers using the computer installed near the column. Lightning current strength could be observed from London, Beijing, Tokyo and Sydney.

In the modern world, the magicians and illusionists are particularly popular. They arrange the grand shows, often flashed on television, surprising the audience with their skill. But once things were quite different. In the times of paganism, the magical properties were attributed to such people, with the onset of the era of the Middle Ages they were made by sorcerers and executed, and fiercely burned on a fire. Since then, the century has passed, the time of enlightenment began when the nature of illusions began to interpret with the help of scientific methods. In the article, we will tell about the most famous illusionists of the world, whose performances looked around the minds of the public.

The real name of Houdini is Eric Weiss. He was born on March 24, 1874 in Budapest (Hungary), although the Focussian himself argued that he was born in Wisconsin (USA). The desire to master the skill of the illusionist appeared in orphanage. Already at 10 years old, Eric entertained the audience, demonstrating tricks with maps. In the young years, he decides to take the pseudonym the tricks of the best illusionist of the world simply stunned the audience attending his speeches:

  • In a matter of minutes, he was released from the shackles and managed to get out of the water-filled tank.
  • His trick with the disappearance of the elephant shocked the public of London.
  • In front of the audience, Harry was suspended in a bag on the skyscraper cornice. Applying incredible flexibility, easily freed from Path.
  • He passed through the walls, leading to the public in bewilderment.
  • In a few minutes, Harry Gudini could emerge from the bottom of the River Thames, although before that he was dropped into it with a load weight of 30 kg.
  • Another no less amazing trick was released from the suicide cameras in the Butyrsa prison.

One of the most popular illusionists of the world died aged 52 years from peritonitis caused by the gap of appendix. Accident occurred in Montreal. Three Guadini talent admirers entered his dressing room. One of them asked whether the illusionist was able to withstand strong blows in the stomach. What Harry responded by an affirmative nod. He did not expect a guy immediately strike. After this incident, he had pain, but the illusionist did not pay attention to them, which led to the rupture of appendix. Since antibiotics were open only three years after the death of Harry Hudini, he died due to the inability to overcome the infection.

Di Vernon

One of the greatest illusionists of the world is considered to be Vernon (real name David Werner). He was born in Canada, June 11, 1894. His tricks with maps are so amazing and mysterious that Harry Hudini himself could not find an answer, as let me perform the "ambitious cards" trick. The illusionist made a great contribution to the development of this genre. Vernon became a teacher for many fockers, and he honed his skills to the end of his life. Until his age anniversary, Dai Vernon did not live for only 2 years. He died in 1992 in California (USA).

David Copperfield

David Copperfield is considered one of the most famous illusionists of the world (real name David Seth Kotkin). He was born on September 16, 1956 in New Jersey (USA).

His fascination with him appeared in early childhood thanks to his grandfather, who taught David to several tricks with cards. His illusionist career began in 12 years. David adopt the American society of the magicians in which he was the youngest participant. Until 1974, the magician performed under the pseudonym Davino, then he changed him to David Copperfield. This name was inspired by the works of Charles Dickens.

At the age of 22, he became popular thanks to the Magicof ABC show, in which he performed as a lead.

To date, a whole arsenal of tricks and foci, which amazed imagination. The most famous of them:

  • Escape from Alcatraz.
  • Trick with disappearance of overall objects: aircraft, statues of freedom in New York, Eiffel Tower in Paris. The audience of the audience numbered more than 1000 people. The shows were broadcast live on several popular TV channels.
  • Passage through the famous Chinese wall and other tricks.

Uri Geller

The illusionist Uri Geller known for the whole world was born in Tel Aviv, in 1946. His tricks are full of mysticism and seem something supernatural. He can easily bend spoons without effort. He remembered as a person who can stop time. It is said that the famous "Big Ben" once stopped thanks to Uri Geller, but this fact was not filmed on video, therefore it does not have a documentary confirmation. Some illusionists call their colleague fraud, as they do not believe that he could carry out the above-described trick with a clock stop.

Nevertheless, the audience is admired by his paranormal abilities, although the illusionist himself is somewhat tired of such glory and would like to become an ordinary pop focker.

David Blaine

The list of famous illusionists of the world includes American David Blaine White. He was born in Brooklyn on April 4, 1973. Since 1997, the street performances have satisfied, showing passersby fascinating tricks. His show, broadcast on the ABC channel, received high ratings and became very popular among the audience. Since 1999, David Blaine has demonstrated grand tricks:

  • It is buried alive in a plastic container.
  • Illusionist frozen in ice.
  • For 35 hours, Blaine still stands on a 22-meter column.
  • He spent 44 days absolutely without food, being sharpened in a drawer suspended over the Thame.
  • In 2008, he demonstrated breathing delay for 17 minutes and 4 seconds.

Chris Angel

The most successful illusionist in the world, after Harry Gudini, Chris Angene is considered rightly. He showed the wonders of Levitation, surprised the audience to walk around the water. But the focuses and illusion are not all that Chris has become famous. Being a versatile personality, he is engaged in yoga, music and directed, honables the skills of the Cascaderal and practices hypnosis. Chris Angel owns a bar-restaurant and several shops. In 2006, the Illusionist issued a book in which he shared the secrets of his focus.

Lance Barton

Lance Barton is one of the popular illusionists of the world, who performed in front of such influential people as US President Ronald Reagan and Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II. The American magician was born in the city of Louisville (Kentucky) on March 10, 1960. Interest in the world of illusion in Lance manifested itself at an early age. As a five-year-old child, he fell to the show Gary Colnes and became a voluntary assistant of the illusionist when performing one of the focus. Since then, Barton became interested in this skill. The boy showed a huge interest in focus, so Colinse took to train Lance, discontinuing him the basics of professional craft.

Today, Barton demonstrates its abilities in Las Vegas. Theater was built for his show. According to the audience, the best focus of Lance - when he pulls out various objects and pigeons from nowhere.

Emil Kio

Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld, many known as KIO, was born on April 11, 1894. The first stage pseudonym was the name of Renard. This illusionist became the attorney of the famous circus focus dynasty. When Emily Kio turned 26, he fell into the acting of the Moscow Theater Miniature "Odeon". Over time, the crossing of the circus was over. Until 1921, he managed to work as an administrator, uniformist and border. The first focuses he began to show on the stage of the Ermita and Akarium pop theaters. KIO has developed many tricks that are used by illusionists to this day.

Focifes 18th century

In the XVIII century, illusionism became one of the most popular entertainment. Focifurses used various tricks, hand dexterity and even special devices in order to create an illusion that surprised the audience. The most famous in this form of executive art were:

  • Nicolas-Philip Ledry (Komu). He was not only illusionist. Thanks to great knowledge in physics, Komu demonstrated various scientific experiments. He often opposed the representatives of the royal authority and the aristocratic society. The best numbers were considered: "Siren", which answered questions of the audience; "Women-Robot" delivered at the request of those present; "Face with eyes", whose pupils changed their color; "Artificial hand", which fixes the thoughts of the public on paper.
  • Bartalameo Bosco. The childhood of the famous magician passed in poverty, but thanks to his talent, he was able to get out of poverty. Bosco demonstrated an incredible skill of illusion. He could be delayed with pigeons and change his heads, but after all this birds remained alive.

  • Alessandro Caliostro. In ornament, he produced the sale of drugs and fake treasure cards, engaged in fraud. After the death of his aunt Vincenza, Caliosostro Alessandro takes her surname and the title of Count. Demonstrating their abilities, he struck the public to significantly increase the diamond in size and even eliminate the crack from the gemstone. Caliostro claimed that I found the elixir of immortality and postgrad the secret of the philosophical stone. The life of the graph was so exciting that his image began to use in various movies and novels.

Illusions are enchanting adults and lead to indescribable delight of children. Immediately I want to get a cylinder somewhere, white rabbit, and all the nearest free evening make the eared animal disappear. True, the compassion for the brothers to our smaller almost immediately destroys this gust. But the desire to look at the tricks and each time naively try to solve them.

Soaring Swirl Proud Ivanova

On Russia, the illusion as art came from Byzantium, and the Greek "Skommarkhos" (sweetechnik) continued for the artists of this genre for a long time. Crochetons entertained and kings in palaces, and simple people in squares. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the art of illusion successfully demonstrated the talented city of Ivanov. The plastic trick "The game with the Swirl" was in the magic "parity" of the swirl, which was subordinate to the movement of the hands of the magician, while the performer did not touch the tool. The incredible plastic of the hands and ... The finest horse hair was helped by proudly, but the viewers created a magical illusion of "soaring swirls". By the way, the Gordea Ivanov was first not afraid to point out his Russian name on the bills. Before him, all Russian performers were chosen exclusively ingenic pseudonyms: Flolov called himself Frolov, and Larionov was not called Leoni anywhere.

Magic Ball Nina Protan

It is believed that such a focus was the first to demonstrate the Japanese Okito. However, it is not. The life of this room was presented by one of the first Russian illusionists Nina Zuben, speaking in St. Petersburg in the Men's Herold Herold Costume (hence her alias "Gerold"). A big shiny ball was bandaged on the rope, which the performer stretched in her hands. At a certain point she turned the rope vertically, but the ball did not go down, but remained in the center. Only the replicas of the public "went!" And "Stop!" They led a crystal ball in motion. The focus secret is simple: the tunnel was constructed in the ball, with a strong tension, the rope was tightly fixed in this tunnel, but it was worth only to loosen the tension, and the ball began to move.

Frantic Alexander

At the beginning of the XIX century, the public was applauded by Alexander Hermann, who dissolved a glass brought to her lips, and then removed him from the pocket of one of the audience. At the same time, the glass was filled. In the middle of the room, one of the audience threw out in amazement and some confusion, because the ring with a mysterious way disappeared. In the hands of the magician, the silver coin became golden. At the same time, the illusionist almost continuously juggled, imitated the voices of birds and animals. Agility of hands and no fraud, you will say, and you will be absolutely right! The fingers of the illusionist possess exceptional agility and mobility, and were also so strong that the abandoned cards easily caught the audience even on the farthest rows. He loved Alexander Hermann "Together" and outside of work, for example, breakfast in the restaurant. Embling down from the plates and appearing from the tie of one of the guests of the Eggs of the Eggs Skump, turning into a shoe covering a bottle of champagne ... while the magician put his shoes on his running leg, and because of the sneakers I took a glass with champagne. In general, everything was having fun, except for waiters.

"WATCH" fingers of Alexander Agel

The nail of the Alexander Program Begotie became the focus, sorry for the pun, "Piercing the finger of a nail". By itself, the focus is quite simple: first the public shows one nail, who wishes can even make sure that the nail is real, and the fingers are punctured completely different, specially made for focus. The skill of the magician was in a unique ability to confirm the audience. So, on one of the speeches, the Parisian public was overwhelmed by the illusionist from all sides, without leaving him the personal space, which is necessary to fulfill a trick, but that brilliantly performed the number. True, the brazen was somewhat offended that he was constantly asked to fulfill the number with a nail. How else can you explain that on one of the ideas in response to another request, is it really punctured his finger with a real nail? True, as a real professional, tried to turn everything into a joke.

Alexander Vadimov. Focus-inventor

The famous trick with a singeling of a steel needle was improved by the famous illusionist Alexander Vadimov, who worked under the ally-Wad pseudonym. In his performance, a man, "protested" needle with a ribbon, went with this tape itself. Vadimov was not only the performer, but also invented many new numbers and tricks, and also wrote a lot of useful books for novice focus lovers. So, he designed "Tamburin": a wide, but thin hexagon on the legs, hide behind which is simply impossible. Tambourine was covered with paper from two sides, which the illusionist ruined, then pulled out from there with a tape, and two girls jumped out of Tamburin. By the way, for a long time in this room, Vadimov was assisted by twin sisters, which later lured to their long-time competitor Alexander Alekseevich in their program - Emil Kio.

Emil Kio. Lightning Man

The family was shocked when Emil Kio began working in a circus - none of the relatives had no relation to this kind of art. In the famous circus of the legendary chiniselle kio, everything was forced to manage all: to sell tickets, help train horses, fly under the dome, conduct interviews with hired artists. Illusions in the life of KIO appeared when he bought his first "magic box" - a damn cunning device developed by an unknown genius German. Such boxes could be burned together with a person, picked peaks, in general, to releasing with their contents a lot of curious manipulations, as a result of which this most content easily popped out from the box as if nothing had happened. One of the first illusions of Kio "rejuvenation" today may look a little naive, but in the XIX century the audience chose from delight. The shallow old woman, carefully laid in the box, pierced with swords from all sides, and at the end for loyalty also added a peak. Then the piercing items were removed, the cover was leaning and ... a fashionable beauty with a dog in his arms appeared before the amazed public. Another famous kio trick in the style of Houdini - "Lightning Man". KIO with the help of the public tied hands and legs, he climbed into the bag, which was tied and sealed. The bag was stuffed in the chest, the chest was pinned with nails and twisted with ropes. The assistant uttered: "Three!", And Kio popked out of the audience, and two charming women appeared before the public from the opened chest and unleashed bag. Igor and Emil Kio successfully continued the case of the Father.

Aryutun Hakobyan. Great manipulator

The focus of focus came to Aryutun Akopian during study at the Moscow Institute of Land Management. On one of the pop concerts, he sees the artist-focker and begins to devote all his free time to focus. Already being a famous artist with the knowledge of numerous focal secrets, he decides to free his hands from the excess details. It becomes possible thanks to many years and hard workout. Its program included focuses, almost not intended the participation of props and built on one hand dexterity. He becomes a magician manipulator. Even with a careful repeated viewing of the room, to keep track of the movements of his hands was impossible. He ripped the poster by a million klochekov, komkal scraps, then folded, and the poster turned out to be the whole. It is clear that at some point the magician just replaced the poster. But what? He rehearsed 18 hours a day, threw out the bed among the night to record a new focus, kept the visual hall in voltage without a bright props and seductive beauties for half an hour. He was an outstanding, great manipulator! His son Amaik Hakobyan also became a famous illusionist. By the way, the words "Alahai Malayhai", who loved to pronounce during their rooms Aãoak, not an empty set of sounds, but a slightly distorted ancient Assiro-Babylonian magic spell.

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Illusionists of the world

Families and names of famous illusionists (magicians)

Focuscript (illusionist) - This is a person who, with the help of agility of hands, tricks or special equipment, creates the illusion of violations of their usual properties.

The art of possession of the illusion goes from ancient times when with it could be managed by the people (shamans, priests) and entertain people (fakirs). Professional artists of the illusionary genre appeared in the Middle Ages, when the players and magicians could see at the fairs using various mechanisms and showing tricks with cards.

Each era had their famous magicians. Today, illusionists work on the stage, in the circus, there are special courses, allowing to master this skill, there are many literature on this topic.

Illusionists Constantly improve their technical arsenal, and people go to the representations of illusionists to be deceived.

Families and names of famous illusionists (magicians)

Harry Hudini

This famous illusionist was born in Budapest on March 24, 1874. The real name of the artist - Eric Weiss.

The world glory of Gudini brought his ability to release from the shackles, handcuffs and a strait shirt, thanks to the incredible flexibility, which was developed by exhausting training since childhood.

Uri Geller

Born in Israel on December 20, 1946. In the 70s, Geller show became popular in Europe and the United States thanks to a simple and old focus with bending spoons, borrowed from illusionist David Berghas. It is known for a series of rooms with stopping and starting hours, flexing a large number of spoons, guessing the drawing in the sealed envelope. Gellor's greatest fame brought a trick with a clock stop at London Big Ben.

David Copperfield

Copperfield has become famous for its grand focus, during which the plane disappeared, the statue of freedom, he demonstrated the ability to fly, pass through the Great Wall of China, Escape from Alcatrace Prison, from an exploding building, fall from Niagara Falls, disappearance from the Vagon East Express, Exemption from the strait shirt Survival in a fire post. The magician gives more than 500 concerts per year annually traveling around the world.

David Blaine

Born in New York in 1973. Its well-known rooms have become: burial alive in a plastic container (1999), freezing in ice (2000), 35-hour standing on top of 22 meter columns (2002), imprisonment without food for 44 days in a box above the Thames surface. The possibilities of the body of this person are so great that Blaine broke the world record on the breathing delay under water, having spent 17 minutes there.

Nicolas-Philip Ice

(1731-1807), known under the name Komy. The pseudonym Komu is taken by the name of the Greek God feasts and festivals coma. The magician entertained the royal courtyard, aristocrats and a simple audience with its tricks.

Emil Kio

Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld-Renard (1894-1965) - the height of the Dynasty of the Illusionist Dynasty. It has developed a series of foci, which today is used by many illusionists. Not by chance in 1960, he received in England the title of the best magician in the world. The Book of Emil Theodorovich "Focuses and Focis" has become a useful benefit for artists of such a genre.

Sons of Kio, Emil and Igor, eventually began to perform along with his father and continued the dynasty.

Alessandro Caliostro

(1743-1795) was a famous adventurer of his time, his real name - Joseph Balsamo. Since childhood, he has shown a tendency to fraud. Career of the future graph began with the sale of fake miraculous drugs and treasure cards. After the death of the aunt, Vincenza Caliosostro, Joseph took her last name and rewarded himself with the title of the graph. It was worthwhile to increase the size of the diamond or to remove the crack from the diamond, turn the burlap in the silk, and make the iron nail to make gold. Caliostro urged that he knows the secret of the philosophical stone, and he himself more than three hundred years. Constantly traveling, the count got to Russia, where he spent magical sessions and told about the ownership of the elixir of immortality. However, the thirst for luxurious life and doubtfulness of focus, which served as the basis for Nazi Caliostro, constantly chased him from place to place. Moreover, the Count actively participated in the political life of Europe. As a result, he was captured in Italy and accused of fraud and filmmakers, after graduating his days in conclusion. The history of this illusionist and an adventurerist is so rich in adventures, which was reflected, both in the literature and in cinema: Roman Duma "Joseph Balsamo" and the film "Formula of Love".

Bartoloma Bosco.

Born in Turin in 1793. Emergency gifts quickly led this stray magician to the salons of the rich.

David Verner

dai Vernon, I was born in Canada in 1894. It is believed that this particular magician has established the classical rules for this profession and was able to deceive the Houdini himself. The fact is that Harry Gudini boasted, which is not more than three times to see the focus to understand how it is performed. In 1919, Vernon took a challenge, showing Houdini eight times in a row "The Ambitious Card", but Harry did not understand the execution secret. Many famous modern magicians studied Vernon.


(1750-1800) - famous Italian magician. The representations of the illusionist were distinguished by pomp and sophisticated entourage. Pynetti demonstrated the opportunities of the Third Eyes, reading closed books and recognizing items in boxes. His speeches had such a great success that the magician was invited to the court of George III in Windsor Castle. There shows a showing success, dozens of assistants, exotic animals, complex mechanisms and mirrors participated in it. The popularity of the artist allowed him to tour in Portugal, Germany and Russia. The magician could in front of the crowd to break a fresh bunch and find a gold coin there, which immediately turned into a token with the initials of the wizard. It is believed that it was Pynetti who laid the features of the modern image of a magician - awareness, courage, artistry and a small pompous. In their experiments, the illusionist used knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics and medicine.

Ciss Enege

Born in 1967. His parents of the Greeks by origin. Cryss has many professions: magician, illusionist, cascade, hypnotist, yogi, musician. Angene makes such tricks like: Levitation surrounded by a dozen man walking on water with closed eyes, etc.

Jean Eugene Robert Rotan

(1805-1871), French Illusionist, called the Father of Modern Magic. Before Robert-Upan, illusionists always performed in cheap zucchini and fairs. But Robert-Udan raised illusionism to the professional level, brought it into the light.

Qing Ling Fu

(1854-1922), was one of the first Asian magicians who received international recognition for his skill. Fu was born not far from Beijing, he simply hit the thousands of audience, breathing and exhausted by smoke and bright fire, making the disappearance of objects.

Harry Blexstone-senior

(1885-1965), the famous magician-illusionist, deserved the title of one of the best illusionists in America.

Lance Barton

(1960), American illusionist. Speakers at the night show at Monte Carlo Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.

Protul Chandra Sark.

(1913-1971). The famous Indian magician, illusionist. Thanks to the talent, I washed the whole world, demonstrating the number "sawing in half a woman." His son Protul Chandra Sark-Jr. continued his father's case.

Jeff McBride

(Born in 1959). American. It performs unique rooms that combine magic with pantomime, elements of the eastern martial arts and the Japanese Kabuki Theater. Speakers worldwide.


(1903-1963) Kalanag - This scenic name of Helmunt Schreiber was borrowed from the "Jungle Book" R. Kipling (Cala Nag - Black Snake). The nail of his program was "hanging" in the air of his wife Gloria, and it seemed to everyone that she had a ferry in the air. Also showed tricks with cards.

Wheel de Colt

(1847-1903), french magician. Replaced the clothes of the Catholic priest on the mage cloak. Most of his focuss were its own inventions, and therefore completely unique. Many of his tricks ("Fingering Lady", "Flying Bird Cage") fulfill now. In the history of illusion art, there is not a single master who would invent such a number of new effects and various technical devices, how to be de Colt.

Harutyun Amaikovich Hakobyan

(1918-2005), Soviet and Russian pop artist, magic manipulator. People's Artist of the USSR. Becoming the illusionist and learning the secrets of many focus, Hakobyan wanted to free his numbers from the extra requisite. The lack of props could fill out only the brilliant technique of hands. Through years of persistent training of hands, a constant simulator and warm-up of fingers, Hakobyan became a magician-manipulator and was able to draw up programs of performances from focus, which almost did not require props. The name of Arutyun Akopian was widely known outside the Soviet Union.

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