Lesha Gigauri shows tricks. New stars: Alexey Gigauri

Lesha Gigauri shows tricks. New stars: Alexey Gigauri
Lesha Gigauri shows tricks. New stars: Alexey Gigauri


Theater for me is the source of pleasure, the world immersing me in his atmosphere with his head.
Our theater is a place where I take what I have.
I read the announcement, studying even in elementary school. Interested, I decided to go, I went to classes for a while, and oddly enough, I received a microscopic role with one word, in which I managed to say it not on time.)) That's how my acting career began !!!)))
I walked for a while, and then the theater from the club located next to my house moved, and at the age reasons I could not ride far.
Thus, I left the theater, but all the next five years visited his performances. So far, once the play "Kukaryamba" suddenly did not show at my school. I am so glad that overcame the problems associated with the distance and entered the theater again! As soon as I entered there - inside everything warped and soul dug. Everyone surrounded me by positive and from the first classes received the charge of happiness, which I continue to receive.)
Before the beginning of my debut in this theater (not counting the ruined role with one word), a panic covered me. So, I remember this performance as a solid heartbeat associated with a huge emission of adrenaline. Theater, of course, changed me. I became more positive in me, I believed in my senses. I feel that the theater makes me deeper and thinner.
My director for me is a romantic poet that creates its poem on the grazers.
I really appreciate the sense of humor, talent, patience, hardworking. Differs from other depth person.
My favorite performance "Metal children."
5 more performances, without which I can not imagine the repertoire of our theater: "Lecker inevitable", "Dogs", "New Year in the submarine", "Verochka", "Mozart and Salieri".
The role about which dream - Murzik ("Metal Children")
Favorite role - Sergey Gennko ("Verochka"), this role is characteristic, there is something to play. Moreover, my image and the image of this hero converge.
In other theater - Quartet "and" - "Conversations of middle-aged men", "faster than rabbits", "Radio Day."


I can characterize myself with the following words:
A bit crazy)))
not hardworking
Not urgent
Not assembled

At first glance, I am very superficial, but no one knows what I'm inside ..... and there I am unreal deep!))
I can love a person if he has at least one quality described in my self-portrait to "but!"))
And I am able to find a person, if he has at least one quality described after "but!"
I do not respect myself and I am ashamed for it!
I will become a creative person, possibly producer or director.

My definitions of concepts:

friendship - Once, when my favorite animal died, I was very worried, and several of my classmates, having learned about it on the same day came to me and helped me bury him - this is called friendship!
Love is a sweet sense of human attachment to man.


Lesson - View dreams))
Saying - better do something and mistaken than not to do
Quote - Surprise ..... If you can
Historical person - Charlie Chaplin
Modern personality - my computer science teacher
City on Earth - Tbilisi, Helsinki
Place in the city - Rustaveli Square
Actors - Tom Henks, Sergey Bezrukov, Alexander Lazarev ML., Robert Downey Ml., Will Smitht, Ashton Kutcher, Jim Carrey, Joni Depp, Nonna Grishaeva
Films - Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Green Mile, Forest Gump
Writers - Jerome D. Selinger, Pavel Sanaev
Books - "Above the Gone in rye", "Burry me for the plinth", "Seagull named Jonathan Livingston"
Poet - Pushkin
Poems - all of the performance "I am going barefoot in the glass world"
Piez - K. Korolev "Verochka"
Composer - Pavel Kashin
Artist - Michael Jackson
TV channel - MTV, Discovery
Radio station - maximum

Vladimir Posner Alexei focused on a focus with maps, and Renat Litvinov - guessing his name conceived by her, and the fact that, photographed the actress on a mobile phone, he turned this frame to the "live" photo.

Sputnik Georgia met with Alexei Gigauri, and found out that the illusionist not only from Georgia, but not so long ago tried his forces on the Georgian show of the talent of Nichieri.

About how Alexey came to the world of illusions, which is actually a secret of focus, and that the magician wants to prove with its activities, Gigauri told the Sputnik Columnist Georgia Anastasia Schreiber.

- Alexey Good evening! Tell our readers from where you come from.

- Good evening! I was born in Tbilisi. When I was three years old, my mother took a volitional decision that I would have less prospects here. And she, too, because she did nothing, just cared for me. And it so happened that at that time our family had an apartment in Moscow. And we just moved with my mother home. So I left.

- You often came to Georgia? Do you have anyone here?

- I came to Georgia every summer, in obligatory in August, for a month or two. Here I have the second grandmother, here I found out, the brother, which I learned only after the project "Nichii".

- By Father?

- Yes, by dad. With the same last name. Born the day after me. But from another woman.

- For mom, was it too surprise?

- Yes. But she is a very wise woman and accepted it with irony. In general, it was a big joke for both of us. Then my brother and I met, wrote down the video, in which they handed out hello to Pope and said that the main magician, apparently he. Seen, in the summer of 1996, all pharmacies were closed in Tbilisi. Therefore, he decided to show such a focus.

- In one of the interviews, you mentioned that it was the father that became the starting point in your career. How did this happen?

- Well, first, the father is still far from the time I was born, in the nineties, had to do with the cards. Only he did not go to the scene, but dealt with the casino. My family was one of those who generally began this business at the time. This case began in Tbilisi my uncle. Then, when we moved to Moscow, my uncle did not, and my father took his place. But because of the big debts, he was forced to emigrate before my birth. So, maps are, apparently, genes. My father is a very gambling person.

And yet it was before your birth. But you became the illusionist, and not a cook, for example, or by the artist. Why?

- That's a very difficult question. I ask him everything on the first channel when the interview was taken for a profile, they also asked. I do not know. That's how it simply coincided, the circumstances coincided. It seems to me that this is whether destiny, or not fate. But I do not believe that something may happen to happen in this life. Why do I know at the moment that I want to do it? Because throughout my life, everything led me to it. Repeatedly. And different circumstances. And they somehow quite incredibly evolved. And this is probably the main focus of life, this is the main miracle.

- Did you have a teacher in your case?

"No, I always did everything myself." I did not even have a mentor who would guide me. I did everything myself.

- And idols?

- idols - yes. Probably, David Blaine was the main kumir at one time. And Copperfield is still a bigger scale. These boxes and big illusions are not so interesting to me. I'm more interested in hypnosis and mentalism.

- Why?

- I was inspired by one performer from England. I just looked what he was doing. His name is Deron Brown, he has been a very famous hypnotist, a magician, illusionist and mentalist in the UK for many years. And he makes very synthetic things in the aggregate. And at all, do not properly divide on the magician, illusionist, hypnotist and mentalist.

- And how to call it in one word?

- I do not know, honestly. I have not yet understood how to call it. It's just a person who goes on the stage and simply tells some story, he informs some thought. This is the same type of art as the theater and movies, and so on. And exactly the same sustainatures. It's just that artistic language, which art comes to the viewer, only specific.

"Alexey, you work with hypnosis and make people fall asleep on stage." Did you study this somewhere?

- There is a therapeutic hypnosis and there is a pop hypnosis. These are absolutely different things, they work in different ways. In my case, this is not a typical sleep that we sleep at night. This is such a trance state, hypnotic, into which a person comes in: he understands everything, he hears everything, perceives the teams. This state in which the human brain does not say no. He just takes how this, what you say to him, all your installations.

- In 2013, you became the finalist of the Georgian show of the talent "Nichii". Tell me, what gave you this project?

- He gave me a lot from the point of view of awareness of himself as a professional. There was a very good Fidbek, a lot of people wrote me pleasant. And I believed in myself. But in fact, there were so many shoals, starting on how I got there.

- And how did it happen?

- I just once again flew in Tbilisi, went on the avenue Rustaveli and I see a familiar face, as it happens in Tbilisi. And I understand that this is a guy who used to participate in Nichieri - Nick Malfoy. I stopped him, said I'm a magician from Moscow. We made friends with him and he advised me to go to the casting, which, according to him, was supposed to go the day in Philharmonic. I come to the philharmonic, they say, there is no casting here. We sent me to the theater on Plekhanov, there was nothing there too. In the end, I went to Sandro Euli, in their office, did not record anywhere, just went, I showed and I was told "yes." And then was the semi-finals and the final.

- And other "shoals" can you remember?

- Another jamb was like that. By the way, I will be pleased if it is published. Three days before the final, the producer of the show "Nichii" called me on an interview to the transmission of the radio channel "AR Daidardo". I come at the appointed time, another three more participants are sitting in the reception. The ether begins, they are given them alone. And I sit, no one call me. Waiting for half an hour, an hour, one and a half hours. Already no people around. Then I approached and say: "Sorry, I'm here, you call me?" And they tell me: "And who are you?" I imagine, they run away, and then people are suitable for me and apologize that they forgot to invite me to an interview, and the program has already ended. And everyone has already left.

- Alexey, have you got used not to be upset when you do not win in projects?

- This is generally the cornerstone of all artists who pass their own difficult path. Because they usually say, and we are talking to you now, about some victories and luck, but do not talk about lesions at all. And the lesions, probably, it happens more. And they constantly occur. And I am grateful to this life for what they are given to me. And in the same project "Minute of Glory" - it was originally a complete failure for me, because I did not pass it. That is, I came to the casting, I was told that something like "we will think", then "scored me" and said that I did not pass. Already started first shooting. And then I only call and say: "You have a rehearsal tomorrow and after three days. Come!" I came and immediately got four "yes."

- Listen, so you guessed the map of Posner or not?

- Guess. Let me show you and explain.

Alexey immediately pulls the jacket of the card deck and repeats this focus to me. Requests to choose one card and remember it. I choose a peak lady. While he is having a touch card, asks me distracting questions: Is it a black card high? After he pulls out the card and says: "This is a joker, your card." I say that my card is not a joker, but a peak lady. And immediately see her in his hands. That's the whole focus. But he, according to Alexei, not everyone understands him. And Pozner did not understand.

© Sputnik / Alexander IMedashvili

- About the show "Minute Glory" Do you have any expectations?

- No. I just realized that I don't need to think about the result, about what they would say, I will like it - I will not like it, the final is not the final. This is just four people sit in front of you, you go out here and now they "destroy" them so that they just walp. This is the only task. I do not think about passing further. Because if I start thinking about it, then I will have a lot of extra thoughts in my head and a lot of experiences.

Alexey, well, one successful project, the second, the third ... How do you see your future and career next? Copperfield took off, the other got out of the closed box at the bottom of the ocean. Who do you see yourself in the future you?

- I want to have the opportunity and resources to do for the most important audience what I consider the right and talented. I want to return this genre his name, because in the countries of the post-Soviet space, people have a wrong and poor idea of \u200b\u200bpeople who are engaged in this profession. We constantly hear some stupid jokes in your address. And this is the usual kind of art in which you can do a lot of very interesting things. I want people to understand. It is my goal. What means I will do this - I do not know. Maybe it will be some new, interesting show on television or theatrical show on a large scene. But I would like it to be generally a new format, something else.

- Where do you draw ideas for your numbers?

- This is a very interesting process. How everything happens: at the beginning there is no technology, how to do it, and the thought itself is what I want to do. I choose the idea, and then I start thinking about what method is better to implement. Our head is actually encyclopedic knowledge about this genre. It is like seven notes, of which then something is built, is combined and everything turns out.

You somehow said that the secret of the focus is that the secret is not. And that everything happens in the heads of those who show the focus. This is true?

- Yes, focuses - this is the very subjective thing. You can show the focus to you and someone else, and it will be completely different things, two different worlds. A person perceives everything in different ways. And this is a very specific genre. Hands in focus is only a means, and the real miracle happens in the head.

© Sputnik / Alexander IMedashvili

- And in your practice there are spectators, to which they do not reach out that do not understand your focuses?

- No, thank God. I used to work at events where adults, adequate people who understand everything. Another thing is that there are people who in absentia when they hear that you are a magician, you begin to hate you. Again, this is the problem of the post-Soviet space and stereotypes of society. This is a really big problem, because in Europe they look different. We have most of us underestimate the work, which in all this is invested. Why, when, for example, ingenious people dance, everyone understands that they gave life to this and worked a lot, and when you show focuses - do not understand. Perhaps because they do not see the preparation process, how difficult it is, but see only the result, as it is simple and deftly. But it is actually very difficult and requires a lot of work. It is our life. We wake up in the morning only in order to surprise people.

- Have you finally chose this path? Will you not wake up one morning and do not decide for example, go to a big movie?

Cost of speech

from 8 000 before 50 000 rubles

Stage Magic - from 15,000 rubles. (depending on the event, time and place).

The speech genre determines the cost.
Mikromaggia - from 8000 rubles / h (depending on the day of performance, place and time). The final cost is specified.
Salon magic - from 10,000 rubles. (depending on the number of guests, time and place).
Stage Magic - from 15,000 rubles. (in...


Lexo Gigauri is the illusionist of the new time, the finalist and laureate of many programs and contests of the illusion genre, such as: Surprise me show, "Minute of Glory" and many others, artist show "Gear. Mechanical heart. Excellent possession of various tricks in combination with acting talent causes the viewer to truly plunge into the world of illusion on the speeches of Lexo Gigauri.


Salon Magic
Scenic magic
Mental magic

Duration of the program

from 20 minutes before 1 hour


Solo artist


birthday, Corporate, Wedding, Party, Concert

  • At the age of 7 I lost my father. A few years after that, my mother and I got to the show of David Copperfield, and for the first time I had a father for the first time since my death. In a dream, I showed him one of the tricks seen on the show. He reacted very vividly and admired me. With the help of magic, I seem to revive your father, after which I understood that everything is possible. When I did the first steps, I hooked me so much that I began to shock all sorts of sources of information, and eventually joined the circles of professionals, and then I was already studying on personal experience.
  • Two years ago, I felt wild disappointment on the project "Surprise me," where I was dropped earlier than I assumed. But after a short depression, I took myself in my hands and decided that this failure motivates me to work on myself.
  • Magic begins with ideas. For example, you just brighten the magazine, you see the photo of the butterfly and think: "What if she will revive and crashes from the page?" The brain begins to convince you that it is impossible. And at that moment the most important thing is to believe. The brain immediately begins to work for you, creating embodiments. And when the main part is finished, I already connect psychology, hands and artistry.
  • My most dangerous focus is swallowing the blades. The most beautiful - shadow magic, when with the help of my shade I affect the shadow of other items, moving them. The most mysterious trick is from the semifinals of the Georgian "minute of glory", when I was dressed in a strait shirt, locked in a box, which immediately exploded. After a second, I appeared at the other end of the hall.
  • Why sawing beautiful women?! In addition, such things, along with pulling off rabbits, no one is not impressive from the hat.
  • Focuses and illusions are very promising, rapidly gaining momentum, causing madious interest. Part of show business. And even more! This is a whole art. I have plans for the conquest of the world, but I can only tell them about God and Sponsor!
  • I will try to surprise you right now. Just follow my instructions:
    1. Pull hands forward with palms to each other
    2. Couple palm in the castle, straining muscles as stronger as possible
    3. Pull the index fingers and arrange them as far away from each other.
    4. Now bend your hands in the elbows so that the index fingers are right before our eyes.
    5. I want to So that you presented two strong magnets on the tips of your index fingers. And you begin to feel as they attract. All stronger and stronger, and you can not do anything about it! In the end, the tension becomes so big that the fingers simply do not cope with it and climb together.
    I am not there, but I am sure it happened. What is the secret of this focus? It is not. So works our mind. I just throw it an elementary idea, and you ourselves are finalizing it and embody in the form of something unreal. Thus, the real magic does not happen in my hands, but in your head.