Merry science show of the crazy professor Nicolas. Scientific show of the mad professor Nicolas

Merry science show of the crazy professor Nicolas. Scientific show of the mad professor Nicolas
Merry science show of the crazy professor Nicolas. Scientific show of the mad professor Nicolas

The licensed "show of Professor Nicolas" has been collecting, entertaining and gives excellent mood to children and adults throughout Russia and in many countries of the world. The presentation is based on simple and spectacular experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional leading - showmen turn them into unforgettable show. Programs are designed for the viewer from 5 years, absolutely safe, all equipment has all the necessary certificates of quality and licenses.

Dear compatriots! This summer, an interactive scientific "show of Professor Nicolas" begins its activities in Europe and the first country of stay has become Montenegro !!!

We are pleased to offer our services, on the organization and conduct of children's holidays, such as a children's birthday, children's Show on tickets, concert programs For children, show outdoors. As well as adult programs - wedding shows, celebration of anniversaries, interactive-program programs in restaurants, etc. The show works throughout Montenegro with departure to the customer. The licensed "Professor Nicolas" show has been gathering, entertaining and gives the wonderful mood to children and adults throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, and even the UAE. The presentation is based on simple and spectacular experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional leading - showmen turn them into an unforgettable show. The programs are designed for the viewer from 5 years, absolutely safe, all the equipment has the necessary certificates of quality and license .. the birthday of the birthday with the "Professor Nicolas show" is always interactively, exclusively and safely.

The main rule - everyone takes part in experiments! And the guys will take a scientific gift with them, for example, super-mucus or handgam and continue to experiment at home!

Scientific Show You can order anywhere: home, in a cafe, school and even in kindergarten, because especially for the guys, we have developed a show "for the smallest"!

Scientific show for children

1. 4 Elements (7-12 years)

Fire, water, earth, air - many experiments!
Fire, water, earth, air - how many interesting things around us!

This rich program includes many experiments, each of which is associated with one or another elements.

So the guys will see a real volcano, the ball of the ball filled with hydrogen will appreciate the super-blower's air pressure - only more than a dozen experiments, but at the end of young researchers will prepare polymeric worms and take care of them home as a scientific gift!

2. Super laboratory (7-12 years)

Scientific show with many experiments - a real "super-laboratory"!
As you can go balloon So, to get a kebab?

Is it possible to draw with heat heat or leave a bloody print on a piece of paper? How do inertia beads will pop up from banks?

How can the ball be made from the nipple, and is it possible to hypnotize the whole class entirely? The answers to these and many other questions guys will find in the show "Super Laboratory". And the preparation of each participant of polymer worms will be a worthy completion of the program.

3. All inclusive (5-18 years)

The most festive scientific program, where the most interesting experiments are selected.
Specifically for children's birthdays in scientific style The program "All Inclusive" has been prepared.

Here are interesting experiments with dry ice, and excellent experiments with sound, polymers. Each of the participants will see a rainbow with special glasses, prepare a polymer worm.

And the culmination of childish scientific holiday Sweet cotton wool will become, and each of the young researchers will prepare it alone!

4. Summer show (5-18 years)

Summer is a great time to experiment!
Summer! The sun! Beauty!!!

Especially for you we have prepared summer Show - scientific program, all experiments in which you just need to be carried out on fresh air - In the children's camp or on the lawn near the house.

10 meter shots of corks changing their color under the influence of ultraviolet beads, rocket takes off per hundred meters, giant lather, a reactive bottle and a car from a soda, and of course a five-meter fountain of soda - there is no one else! Hurry to see, because in the fresh air you can experiment with a scope!

5. For the smallest (3-6 years)

This scientific show is perfect for the most young researchers!
The show includes the safest, but interesting experiments, allowing young researchers to start learning the world!

Interesting experiences With dry ice, as well as artificial snow, whirl in a bottle, fuel pipes, bird-nevashiki and many other experiments, all this "show for the smallest"

Why it's great

- informative and fun
Often for our parents, our show is no less interesting than children. Leading available explains the laws of physics and chemistry and demonstrate them in practice.

- Experiments are absolutely safe
We use only the highest quality props and reagents for holding a show from our American partner. There are all certificates.

- more than 4000 shows for 5 years
We will organize smart holidays for 5 years. During this time, there were more than 4,000 shows for 15,000 children.

- Let's leave for your site
Our scientific laboratory can come anywhere: to your home, to school, kindergarten, restaurant or shopping center. All we need to work - the table, socket and hot water.

Cognitive holidays with chemical experiments and scientific experiments will be remembered for a long time and children and parents !!!

Today my friend is famous Professor Nicolas. marks 26 years. If you do not know, he spends stunning scientific shows for children, where every child takes part in interesting experiments and thus recognizes something from physics and chemistry. I recently removed one of his ideas, about it in today's report.

Somehow Nikolai spied the idea from one Canadian company and decided to create the first scientific show for children in Russia. At first there was one small show with dry ice, but over time he began to add everything large quantity experiments. Now in the program 14 scientific shows and more than 70 experiments. By the way, now Nicholas can be seen on the boxes of children's scientific sets.

Most chief assistant And the Assistant of Professor is the wife of Dasha. He constantly mocks her, joking and swears. Dasha is a very patient woman.

Of course, the most spectacular experiments with dry ice.

Never seen such joyful children.

What are the very interesting placesWhere did you have to perform?
- Children's colony for juvenile criminals. The children were pretty adults, 16 - 18 years old, and during the performance there was a case. I invited one of the adolescents to help in holding a classic experiment on how to drive an egg inside the flask. I give the flask volunteer, and at the same second aunt appears - a policeman and takes the flask from him. As a result, the whole experiment had to do it myself, and the guy just stood nearby.

In the trolleybus, which was driving on the boulevard ring. Of course, all this was not just like that, I showed experiments within the framework of the green trolleybus environmental promotion, told the audience about what carbon dioxide was.

Room with rainbow.

Freeze a rose in liquid nitrogen ...

And smash!


Part of the experiments of the ethnis themselves. In the cups they prepared super-mucus, then did worms.

Nikolai, by the way, often performs for free, takes part in charity events. Several times pleased with the children who are treated in RDKB, the university children's clinical hospital of the first MGMU. Sechenova, Center medical care Children with defects in the development of the cranial-facial region and congenital diseases of the nervous system.

The cost of the show for class is about 10,000 rubles, it all depends on the program.

Kohl, thanks for the show! It was very interesting. Sorry that so few photos were difficult to tear away from the presentation!

Official post of congratulations -

Then I realized that it was time to go to new level. "The show of Professor Nicolas" by that time began to bring stable incomeAnd it was difficult for me to cope with a large flow of orders. I hired two assistants-leading, taught them and removed the office. Now, four years after the start, in the Moscow team 23 people, of which are 12 leading.

We have in season (September, January and May) for 200 shows per month. Leaders spend 15-17 programs per day. In the usual months, there is a decline. I seriously come to choosing the leading: 97% of those who came on the casting. We arrange real acting samples once or twice a year. 100 people came to the last casting, everyone had to be interested to show the proposed experiment and get out of complex situation. As a result, five copied with the task, and only three were able to work. We immediately decided that we would not take professional animators, because they had to be retracted.


The starting capital was 100,000 rubles, which I took four years ago. I spent this money for the purchase of chemical reagents and making apparatus sweet WatiAnd then told "no" loans. Until now, I adhere to such a policy: I will invest money from free.

Our services are not seeing: in Moscow, the price per speech varies from 8,000 to 60,000 rubles depending on the length of the show. IN small cities The price, as a rule, does not exceed 8,000 rubles.

Very proud of our Nicolas-Mobile brand Peugeoton which leading driven. For Moscow, we purchased three cars - new machines maintain more profitable than repairing used and pay taxi drivers. Branded cars benefit: new customers often call after seeing bright cars of Professor Nicolas in traffic jams. We spend on contextual advertising most of all, about 100,000 rubles per month - it brings 30% of orders. I do not save on the development of the brand - these are my long-term investments. The result suits me: compared with last year, the revenue increased by 50% and is about 25 million rubles. Franchising gives about 25% turnover, the rest - Revenues from the show, sales of sets for home experiments A la "Young Chemist" and channel monetization on YouTube by advertising.

Nikolay Ganaylyuk, a man with a disheveled hair, an insane look, in a white coat and a bright green tie, pours water into one glass, the white powder pours into the other, and asks: "Who wants to try?" Two dozen children who are sitting in front of Ganayluk, before that, I havenotnively who have followed each of it, at once they raise hands and scream: "I, I!" Ganaylyuk calls one, suggests him to mix water powder, to take up to three and pour the contents on his head. A boy in indecision freezes.

Ganaylyuk goes down on one knee: "I'm going on my head then." The boy submoldly mixes, believes, turns the glass of ... and nothing has been poured out of it. "That's focus!" - An enthusiastically shouts some girl. "It's not a focus, but a scientific experiment," Ganaylyuk straightens and patiently explains why the powder is a superabsorbent - so well absorbs moisture. In his company "Show crazy professor Nicolas "Ganaylyuk has long introduced taboo on the word" focus ". After all, what the company is engaged in, is a real science, albeit like magic.

With decay Soviet Union and reduction in financing russian sciencehave ceased to go out "horizons for children", "in the world of science" (the publication resumed since 2003), "home laboratory" and "quantum" (the publication is resumed in in electronic format). The circulation of popular science literature has decreased to 20 million copies in 1991 and up to 8 million in 1999. All-Union contests "Young physicist" and mugs "Young Chemist" have ceased (in 1970, 140 thousand people participated in them), and the eponymous set, the former in the house seems to have each soviet schoolchild, lost in competition with LEGO and transformers.

A new life in the science, cable and satellite television, the number of subscribers of which, according to "national cable networks", has increased seven times from 2004 to 2011. According to TNS Russia, the top 15 of non-ester TV channels include five scientific and popular: Discovery Channel. (15 million viewers Monthly), Animal Planet (14 million viewers), "My Planet" (10 million) and others. But media projects are not the only opportunity to make interest in the screenshot.

Crazy science

In 2006, Valery Mityakin, the owner of a small firm for the production of rubber coatings, leafed by a franchise catalog and suddenly stumbled upon the offer of the Canadian company Mad Science. Since 1986, she has satisfied scientific show for children - with all sorts of chemical "focus", which is quite scientific explanation. Mityakin inspired and bought a franchise. She cost "tens of thousands of dollars plus royalties," remembers Mityakin. He scored the team of managers and began to organize performances in entertainment centers And in children's holidays.

Two years later, Mityakin brought the company to payback. Today, its turnover is, according to SF, more than 30 million rubles. in year. In 2008, the leading show 24-year-old Nikolai Ganaylyuk came to Russian Mad Science - a graduate of the Moscow Physics and Technology consulting company For the sake of dreams to become an actor. Ganayluk came up with a pseudonym a crazy professor of Nicolas and quickly won the recognition of the audience.

Crazy Professor Nicolas

In 2009, Ganaylyuk demanded an increase in salary. Holidays for the client cost an average of 10 thousand rubles, but the presenter received only the tenth of this money. In the "crazy science" he was denied, Ganaylyuk quit and opened his own company - "The Show of the Crazy Professor Nicolas". To buy a franchise from his former employer Ganaylyuk refused. For this, Mityakin still pays offense at him (even refused to be photographed with a competitor for this article). However, Mityakin himself stopped paying for the Canadian franchise Mad Science, renaming his company to "crazy science."

"I had customers who went with me, they recommended me to friends and farther on the srangian radio," says Ganaylyuk, artistically swinging his hands. "After a year, I realized that I could not cope with orders alone. I had to hire a person, then another. One, and more. " Now the company employs nine leading (in white coats, with green ties and bright hairstyles), accountant, administrator, three driver, storekeeper and director - Ganaylyuk himself. TOTAL 16 people. Revenue "The Show of the Crazy Professor Nicolas" for 2011 amounted to, according to the SF, 15 million rubles, that is, two times less than that of "crazy science." True, Ganayluk promises Mityakina in 2013 to catch up. Prices for the hour program for both competitors range from 10-15 thousand rubles.

40 magazines and eight dozen TV channels "plunge" today scientific and popular topics. Resumed the growth of grants of cognitive literature resumed

In this business, much is built on Harizme, so leading Ganaylyuk selects among the actors, and not teachers. Conducts real theatrical castings: candidates give props and ask to show experiences. When there are no experiments (what happens almost always, because the actors are usually not too pitched in terms of chemistry), the presenter must twist: Ganaylyuk believes that the most important is the ability to improvise, and it shakes his head offended when I call him employees " Animators. " "These are not pirates that jump with the ropes around the children, it is the leading. And they have a salary of them," says Ganayluk. Now he pays his lead more than "crazy science," - from 20% to 25% of the order amount.

Ganaylyuk has no competitors, except for "crazy science", but there are six franchise partners - in Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and Chelyabinsk. Mityakin Unlike Professor Nicolas Franchise does not sell - he himself was as a franchisee, he knows. That's former partner Ganaylyuka from Yekaterinburg, who bought the Franchise first, broke the contract with the "professor" a year ago and opened his show "Opener".

Competitors are distinguished not only by attitudes towards franchise, but also sales channels. If the "crazy science" focuses on children's holidays, then the "show of the crazy professor Nicolas" prefers to perform in schools, as a rule, instead of chemistry lessons. Leading distributing leaflets to students and then often receive invitations from parents.

The status of the "crazy professor" Ganaylyuk was pleased: in the end, he fully implemented his children's dream.

Traction for experiments

In the Museum of Interesting Sciences "Experimentanium", which is designed to tell children and remind adults, as the world around the world from the point of view of physics, chemistry and biology, almost everything can be touched. A huge eye, which has to keep two hands, and plastic embryos, demonstrating the development of the child at different times of pregnancy, is an anatomical part of the museum. And if you approach the table enlarged several times and chairs, it immediately becomes clear how a three-year-old child feels in an adult world. Nearby you can play a piano with a glass front wall and at the same time see what is happening inside the tool, wander around the glass labyrinth, studying optical illusionsAnd also to watch the Tornado is born: American setting worth $ 10 thousand. Models this process in miniature.

For the co-founder of the Museum of Natalia Potapova and its three university friends, the creation of the Museum of Entertaining Sciences is the main experiment in life. As a child, they were all engaged in the Moscow Palaces of Pioneers, read out with the magazine " Young technician"And" entertaining physics "Yakov Perelmann. And when they have grown up, it turned out that there were too few places in Moscow, where you can have fun and with benefit to spend time with the whole family. During travel abroad, partners noticed: Western museums are much interactive than Russian. "If something is not, it means that you need to do it yourself," Potapov decided and its partners and the autumn of 2010 removed the room 2 thousand square meters. M on the territory of the former plant on Butyrskaya Street in Moscow.

For the year they made overhaul, partially bought abroad, and partly collected 250 exhibits for the museum on their own scientific and production base. Starting investments ( own funds Founders) amounted to several million dollars. According to Spark-Interfax, the co-owners of the company are Same Potapov, which in the past was engaged in real estate management in Interros and VTB, and three top manager of the LIFE banking group - Yaroslav Alekseev, Konstantin Sulieev and Philip Samaret.

All profits, assures Natalia Potapov, co-owners reinvest in museum collection. In January, they purchased ten more expensive exhibits that will be placed on additional 500 square meters. m second floor. Children's ticket costs 250 rubles. on a weekday and 350 rubles. on the weekend, adult - 350-450 rubles. At weekday, the museum attends about 300 people - mostly school excursions.

Interesting weekdays "Experimentanimum"

On the weekend audience "Experimentanima" - parents with children, their number can reach up to 500. The Museum co-owners are actively developing other areas - master classes and lectures on "entertaining sciences" and even experimental cinema. Due to this, partners are trying to attract the Museum and the youth audience for which they arranged, for example, a student party for Tatiana's Day. In addition, the museum has a store where puzzles and thematic books are sold, including the famous "entertaining physics" Perelman. According to the calculations of the SF, the "Experimental" revenue may be about 50 million rubles. in year.

In December, partners opened a branch of the museum in Saratov, solving rip out the reduced model "Experimentanium" (its area of \u200b\u200b600 square meters. M) in one of the typical million-square cities. If the experiment succeeds, partners will open branches in other Russian and Ukrainian cities, because the project becomes cost-effective, counts Potapov, you need to create at least five museums.

Nikolay Ganaylyuk is looking for no chemists for his show, but actors. But it is refused by their animators to refuse them, removes almost in the rank of scientists. Of particular talented salary reaches 100 thousand rubles. per month

Boiling mysterious fluids in flasks and triggers, mixing various substances in test tubes - a spectacle capable of confirming not only adult, but also a children's audience! A person who conducts chemical experiments seems to be a kind of sorcerer or a medieval alchemist, for whose actions is very interested in watching ... This is how our looks like Chemical show Crazy professor, which we are pleased to present to your attention!

The enchanting show program will be interested in both schoolchildren of high schools, acquainting chemistry and junior schoolchildren, and even come back! Fascinating from science opens the curtain of their secrets - chemical experiments with outbreaks, smoke and soap bubbles are impressive with their entertainment and are completely safe for kids!

What is included in the program of such chemical Show? The most magical and unusual! The crazy professor will demonstrate real miracles - how to create inks that may disappear, tells how to make baby champagne with a firing stopper and answer the question if the ice can boil. Our professor simply risen in his science! However, this does not prevent him in at all intelligibly to tell him and show the children, how to make artificial snow, as the rope turns into a rod, as leases and smoke for the disco are manufactured. Chemical experiments conducted for children interactive - our professor needs loyal assistants! The guys will take part in the experience of "soap porridge", where the porridge can be boiled by dry ice, swim under the shower from soap bubbles, inside which smoke will help to make a "ball-unpansy" and polymer multicolored worms, which will then be able to pick up with them!

A crazy professor will be happy to spend his chemical experiences at the office in the office, school, children's gardenYes, and just at home! If a children's holiday It takes at home, you just need to invite a crazy professor with his show program! After all, in the arsenal of this scientist there are a lot of experiments that can and should be carried out at home! For example, household chemical experiments, like cultivation of crystals or focus with the water raising by the power of thought, children can master and spend at home on their own!

Chemical show will like not only young fidget, bright and original sight entertaining bored adult guests on a banquet or corporate! Adults will discover chemistry anew: Bright experiments of our scientist are rooted different from boring school program! Adult viewers with pleasure take part in the show program!

Chemical show - the last word In the entertainment industry! Magnificparty offers its customers only the most spectacular and original Show Programs, one of which is the chemical show of the crazy professor!

Invite a crazy professor with his program on an anniversary or banquet - and a cascade unforgettable impressions Your guests are guaranteed!

The composition of the program "Chemical Show with a Crazy Professor":

  • souls from large soap bubbles inside which smoke
  • experiment "Soap porridge" (imitation of cooking porridge with dry ice)
  • manufacture of children's champagne with cork shot
  • experiments with dry ice
  • creating a lively chemical mouse and catching it
  • checking the magic ink (sprayed on children, are output with gas)
  • eXPERIMENT "Snake Gorynych" (growing from the head tablets Snake Gorynych)
  • creature artificial snow, distribution of snow as a gift to children
  • creating a ball-continuity
  • creating lysunov, hand-gum (add. 500 rubles for all participants)
  • Bonus: Disco with a crazy professor in artificial smoke (super fog), riddles

Duration of the program :

The composition of the program "Fascinating Chemistry and Physics":

  • Creation of artificial snow.
  • Experiment with hot ice: the participant pours a liquid on the surface from which the mountain of crystals is formed.
  • Jin from the flask - the appearance of smoke from the flask.
  • Shackles from the balls: Sticking the balls on the needles
  • Experiment "Magic Flower". From the pulverizer is applied to the flower absolutely pure water And it is painted in bright pink color. The flower blows - and it is again white.
  • Experiment with meteorite sand. It is lowered several times into the water, but the sand remains absolutely dry.
  • Experiment "Volcano". When combining certain components, a bright flash with spraying ashes occurs.
  • Experiment "Magic Light Bulb". The usual light bulb right in the hands.
  • "Space" phone - phone without wires.
  • Experiment "Handheld boiler" - liquid boils from heat heat.
  • Experiment "Whirlpool" - Tornado in the bottle
  • Experiment "Invisible balls". The balls are placed in a bowl with water and they disappear in front of the audience.
  • Experiment "Giant Pipe": Participants on one breath inflated a two-meter bright sausage! There is a funny contest in "Salt".

Duration of the program : 40 min, 1 hour, 1.5 hours (with 30 minutes of animation + 1500r)