How to learn the most steep but simple focus. How to learn to do focuses with a coin professionally

How to learn the most steep but simple focus. How to learn to do focuses with a coin professionally
How to learn the most steep but simple focus. How to learn to do focuses with a coin professionally

From time to time, people embraced amazing things appear on the TV screens. In their hands, an ordinary wooden wand passes through thick glass, and multicolored tennis balls appear from nowhere and as suddenly disappear. The deck of cards in skillful hands turns into an endless series of exciting puzzles that do not have time to solve - so rapidly one focus is replaced by another. Attempting to solve secrets does not leave the other way except to learn how to focus. But remember that this exciting occupation is not so simple, as it appears at first glance.

Focuses with cards

The spread of popularity is explained, first of all, the availability of the requisite necessary for display. To learn is easy - a playful deck is purchased, and the most interesting thing begins.

Props: deck of cards.

External effect. One viewers hangs the cards and makes sure that the deck does not contain secrets. Dividing the deck of cards into 4 parts, offer three viewers to choose and remember on one map of three parts of the deck. Keep the fourth part in your hands. The deck is going again, and an arbitrarily selected viewer gives cards one by 3 equal stacks, according to the number of migrated cards. The number of folded cards is selected arbitrarily, but their number in each bunch should be the same. The cards chosen by the viewers are put on top of each handchp. Then the deck is connected. Suggestions to the audience to remove a deck several times, the magician makes a circular layout and calls the cards chosen by viewers.

Secret focus In the fourth pile, remaining in the hands of the artist during the choice of cards by 3 participants. Remember the first card from the part of the deck that remained in your hands. Collecting a deck, put a part with the card known to you. With further layout, it will be below. Then, when folding the deck, after the viewers for each stack to put their cards, it will settle over the first one. Renting cards in a circle, expect your appearance. The following card, and each fourth after it will be those who chose the audience.

Focuses with coins

Before learning how to show tricks, determine the audience that you are going to amaze. For domestic shows, tricks are suitable using the usual items.

Props: Coin and match boxes.

External effect.Show empty matchboxes, open it, close, shock confirming what it is empty. Re-open and gently get a metal coin from the inner compartment. Pass the coin and boxes to viewers for inspection.

Secret focus It is that the coin is hidden in advance between the moving part and the upper lid. Having put forward an inspection for inspection, imperceptibly hold the coin and press the box to the upper stationary part. Closing the boxes, let go of the coin and it falls inside. After that, open the boxes and demonstrate the appearance of a metal coin that appears there.

Desktop Focuses

Create an uncomplicated illusion is easy, you just need to know how. Learn the focuss help the simplest tricks, on the example of which the novice magician comprehends the basics of working with a grain props.

Props: Bowl with water and talc.

External effect. In a bowl with water, illusionist pours water from under the tap. Ask to make this procedure by any of the audience - thus the public will not have doubts that water and bowl do not contain secrets. Ask the audience if it is possible to immerse your hand into the liquid and do not dock it. The answer is obvious, and anyone can try to do it. But the magician lowers his hand into the water, and it remains absolutely dry.

Secret Trick It consists in a colorless talc powder, which is processed by hand. No drop of water will delay on the hand of the magician, immersed in the liquid. It seems that the illusionist in the literal sense of the word managed to leave dry out of the water. Instead of talc, if you wish, try using stearin zinc. It has increased water repellent properties.

Tricks with ropes

After you managed to overcome the first steps in the art of illusion and learn how to make a special props independently.

Props:rope with a secret.

External effect. The magician demonstrates the audience a thick rope and is interested, whether it is possible to make it take a vertical position. For the experiment, the viewer is invited, which checks the rope and tries to perform the task. Then the magician is taken for business. He ties at one end of the knot and stretches the rope vertically. Releases the upper edge (with a node), and the cord remains hard to stand on the hand in the vertical position. Easy shock in the center of the rope, - it falls and again becomes soft.

Secret focus lies in a specially prepared rope. From any thick cord, internal synthetic threads are removed, which serve as a filler. The released place is filled with wooden cylinders, dressed on a strong thread or fishing line. The size of the cylinders corresponds to the inner diameter of the rope. The length is 25-30 mm. For a thin curtain cord, cylinders are suitable made of a round pencil with a pre-extracted chiffel. The number of cylinders depends on the length of the rope, which they fill. On the one hand, the fishing line with the cylinders is fixed to the edge of the rope, and on the other hand the circle is attached, protecting cylinders from slipping. The length of the fishing and cylinders is slightly less than the length of the rope. Due to this, in a free state, the cord retains softness and elasticity.

The knot knot on the side with the attached fishing line, illusionist the other hand through the soft braid of the cord causes the cylinders inside the rope to move close to each other. On this basis, the external braid of the rope will take a hard vertical position. Having hitting the cord and relaxing the fingers, the magician lets the inner cylinders, and the rope falls freely.

Focuses with scarves

Learning the foci in household working conditions is not - the repertoire of the focusing-amateur includes tricks for which large boxes or complex mechanisms are not required.

Props: Nasal handkerchief and matches.

External effect. The magician demonstrates the handkerchief. Spectators see that it is empty and does not charge any secrets. The handkerchief is spread on the table and the center put a match that the audience is previewing. The magician folds the handkerchief in such a way as to hide the match. Then he transmits the collapse rolled to the viewer, asks to spike and break it in several places. Takes a scarf, puts on the table and turns out. In the center of the audience see the match, which remained intact.

Secret focus lies in the second match, pre-placed in the side seam of the handkerchief. When demonstrating props, the magician holds the fabric for the angle in which the second match is hidden. Folding the handkerchief and hiding a real match, the illusionist on the middle of the fabric places the angle of the handker in which "tab". It is her viewer who proves through the cloth and breaks. Naturally, when turning a handkerchief in it, a whole and intact match is found.

Sophisticated focuses using special details

For the first illusion session, you will have to make simple devices that will help show exciting tricks. The beginning of the performer will have to not only learn how to learn focus - get ready to become a designer of some of them.

Props. With a secret, notepad, pencil.

External effect. The performer demonstrates a small black board in a wooden frame and says that this magic board can count. After that, wraps it in the newspaper, sticks with a scotch and passes to storage to the viewer. Then takes a notepad and pencil and asks 4 viewers to write in a column one five digit number. Sheets from the notepard sheet with numbers and offers another viewer to calculate and write down the sum of numbers below. He takes off the half of the sheet with the result and leaves it at the audience. Cuts tape with the newspaper and demonstrates the board on which the number written in chalk appeared. Spectators check the answer - the amount on a piece of paper and on the board coincide.

Secret focus lies in two details.

  1. The styling board consists of two parts. The board itself in the frame and the liner, which is fitted on the inner size of the frame and closes the main part of the board. The outer part of the liner and the board is scented with the same black color. The second side of the liner is painted in the tone of the tablecloth of the table, on which the magician adds props.
  2. Notepad must have a cover without pattern and easy to open on any side.

On the first page of the notepad, the focker writes 4 numbers in advance, counts their sum and records with chalk on a stylist board. From above, the answer is closed by the liner and outwardly the board looks clean. Demonstrating the board to the audience, the magician turns her face with the audience, puts on the table and wraps in the newspaper. At this point, he drops the liner on the table and wraps the board without showing the audience the front side with the written number. For the reliability of the newspaper is fixed with scotch, and props are transmitted to the audience.

The magician asks 4 different viewers to record numbers in a column with a clean side of the notepad. Turning to the fifth viewer to count the amount, turns over the notebook, pulls off the sheet with the numbers written in advance, the sum of which offers to calculate the viewer. In order for the deception did not open, the Contractor takes off the part of the sheet with the amount and leaves it at the viewer. The second half, with the numbers prepared in advance, puts in his pocket. After that, he takes the board from the audience, removes the tape with the newspaper and demonstrates the number written on the board. Naturally, it coincides with the counting summary.

Applause! Surprise! Mistrust! Delight! And endless questions about how to learn how to focus at home will be guaranteed to accompany the novice illusionist after such a spectacular final trick.

It is important not only to understand how to learn focus. Follow the rules that will help build a program and benefit from being prepared by the participants of the audience.

  1. Carefully rehearse each focus in front of the mirror. Get the accuracy of gestures, confident with the requisite, prepare for possible surprises that lie down during the presentation before the public.
  2. Do not tell in advance about what you are going to do. Knowing in advance what kind of task you set themselves, the audience will take care of you carefully, and it will be difficult at the right moment to distract their attention.
  3. Do not shown twice the same focus in one speech. When re-viewing, the audience is aware of the final result of the focus. We will definitely try to reveal your secret.
  4. Do not give in to persuasion and do not disclose the secrets of the tricks you demonstrate. Focus, the mystery of which is exposed, ceases to be amazing and mysterious, loses the aura of incomprehensible magic.

Guess the magic number. This is a simple trick in which the magician asks for a person to do simple mathematical calculations, which leads it to almost the same answer every time. That's what you should tell the viewer:

  • "Come up with any number from 2 to 10".
  • "Multiply it to 9."
  • "Fold the first digit of this number from the second."
  • "From the result, deduct 4."
  • "Remember the new number - this is your secret number!"
  • "Now commend the letter according to the alphabet, corresponding to this figure. That is, if you succeeded 1, then this is a letter A; 2 - Letter B and so on. "
  • "Think about the European country that begins on this letter."
  • "For 3 letters of this country, make a large animal."
    • When the viewer fulfill all your instructions, just tell me: "I know what you think ... This is the number 5 and rhino in Denmark!" It should work every time.
  • Guess the magic vegetable. This simple trick works almost always. All you need is sheets of paper, handles and several gullible viewers. First, put one sheet of paper with the inscription "Cucumber" into the left pocket, and the second, with the inscription "Tomato", in the right pocket. Remember where you put each of the leaves. You are ready to start focus:

    • To begin with, distribute paper and handles to all the wishing to the audience.
    • Ask them to do several simple mathematical calculations, for example, multiply 2 to 2, divide 10 to 5, fold 3 and 3 and so on. You can say that this is a preparatory stage before reading thoughts.
    • Then tell me: "Quickly write the name of the vegetable!" Make sure that people do it as quickly as possible; Do not let anyone think for a long time.
    • Call the random viewer and ask to call the recorded name of the vegetable.
    • If he calls "Cucumber", pull out the paper with the inscription "Cucumber" from the left pocket. If he calls "Tomato", pull out the paper with the inscription "Tomato" from the right pocket. Tell the audience that you have so developed the ability to read thoughts that you were able to predict that they would write before the focus itself began.
    • People in Russia choose one of these vegetables in most cases. If a person does not call one of these two vegetables, in this case you will have to quickly go to another focus! If you live in another country with other common vegetables, you will have to search your own "magic vegetable."
  • Guess the name of the famous person. It is a rather simple focus, but it can take a little time. All you need is a hat, about 10 spectators, a handle, something you can write your prediction and so many sheets of paper, how much will be present. Here you should do:

    • Ask one of the audience to name the name of the celebrity.
    • Write the first name on a piece of paper and throw it into a hat.
    • Ask the rest to call the names of celebrities.
    • Do look that you write down each name, while in reality you will record only the first name again and again. This is what practice needs.
    • When the hat is filled, ask someone from the audience to help you.
    • Tell me that you can predict what name it pulls out of the hat. Of course, you will predict the first name. Write it on a skid to everyone can see.
    • Ask the viewer to get any sheet of paper out of the hat. All viewers will see that the first name is written there and, about a miracle, you made the right prediction!
  • To demonstrate to those who surround miracles, master the art of magic, to be a magician - everyone dreamed about it. And not only because it will allocate you from the crowd, make a highlight to everyday life or make it popular. However, because the magician is in itself a special power, he knows how to endure people. How to learn the tricks to do? It is only necessary to train and show a little artistism!

    How to learn how to make simple tricks?

    Everyone, as a rule, can learn to simply focus, even a child. To do this, you need to find out the secret of the focus, carefully rehearse it and show others. Professionals often use complex details, manufactured for them for them by individual order. However, for conventional focuses, you can take what's at hand: pins, matches, handkerchiefs or coins.

    The focus, about which we now tell you, is called "match and a pin". Its essence is that the viewers show a pin, to the sharp part of which perpendicularly risen the match. Then the illusionist pretends that he tries to twist the match around the pin, but she, of course, rests on the other side of the pin and cannot pass. The surroundings are convinced that there are no cuts on the match, and it is impossible to turn it. At the same time, the illusionist holds a lightning movement and still scrolls the match through the pin.

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    The secret of this focus is very simple. When you roll the match, you need to twist well there, so that the hole was separated, and the match was fluent in free. When you demonstrate a focus, you need to sharply rotate the match. It, naturally, will not pass through the pin, but scrolls in the other direction. From the side, no one will notice - the effect will be such as the match passed through the pin.

    Interesting fact:

    Georg Agel, a famous magician, spoke in Paris with his program. He showed the focus that created the illusion of piercing the nail of the finger. The secret of this focus is in the art to be fascinated by others so that no one notice the substitution. The public during the performance was a very dense ring overwhelmed the magician, the heater could not decide to show this trick. And others wanted to see it. As a result, the magician had to truly break through the nail finger - at the same time, without looking at the pain, he smiled and made the view that it was just an illusion. That's what a magician is ready to go, ate was betrayed!

    There are many interesting and, at the same time, simple tricks with coins and playing cards. You will learn about them just below.

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    Non-lucky, eternal classics is a focus with a guessing of the card. The viewer chooses any card. Then he cadets her in the middle of the deck, and shifted. The task of the illusionist is to find this card. It's easy enough to do it. It is only necessary to remember the neighboring card - then, a card that will follow her, and will be mounted.

    Transformation of the card. There is nothing complicated in this focus, but it is necessary to carry out training that develops the dexterity of the fingers. So, you need to take a deck and show the viewer to the map. Then turn the deck so that it was a shirt up, and throw the desired card on the table. On the table will be a map of another value and another suit.

    The secret of such a transformation is that the penultimate card should be thrown out of the deck, and not the one at the very end. For this, imperceptibly impose under two cards index finger. At the same time, hold the card with a thumb, which the audience saw. The medium, Unnamed and the little finger should let go, so that the card could easily fly out of the deck. At the end, the index finger is imperceptibly and quickly pull out another card from the deck.

    Initially, try learning a focus with one coin. Put the coin on the palm, and do the second hand so that you have taken a coin into it. At this point, the main thing as possible is realistic to portray the moment of shifting. For this, slightly bend your fingers, so that the viewer did not notice that the coin remained in the same hand. Imaginary capture make it easy, only touching the palm fingers without strongly pronounced grabbing or tweezing movements. So, it seems to everyone that the coin is now in the other hand, open it and show the viewer that there is empty, that is, the coin disappeared. Now you will get it from any other place, for example, because of your shoulder or because of the ear of the comrade. If you have a hand, you can see what kind of enthusiasm enthusiasm will give this focus, because such an effect is created, as if the coin appears from the air.

    Naturally, if you master such a trick, you will easily manage to cope with several coins. Focus with 3 coins, like the rest, looks like a real magic, although very simple. Viewer Show one coin that will be clamped between two fingers, it should be shown from all sorts of angles so that everyone can make sure it is alone. Then the illusionist should throw it on the table, but 3 coins will be on the table.

    As in the past trick, in this focus all 3 coins must be properly taken and do not interfere with the demonstration. Two of them hold down in parallel between large and index fingers, and one is perpendicular. The perpendicular coin will cover the rest that should not be overlooked due to index and thumbs. They can only be seen under one perspective, which during the demonstration should be avoided. So, the audiences see only an extreme coin, and all 3 throw out on the table.


    The perfect execution of the trick is possible, only after carefully developed rehearsals and training. If you show the "raw" focus - 90% for the fact that you are lying. In addition, never disclose the secret of the trick and do not talk about what will happen next - you should not report on provocations. Otherwise, interest in the number will be lost.

    Observe these uncomplicated rules and remember that it is important for all illusionists - this is artistry. Invent special special effects on the similarity of magic spells or magic gestures, play with the public, and also trust a little about what you are doing. Then you will surely believe the audience.

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    In any company there is always a person who can cheer and raise the mood. Often this is a good narrator, an amateur of jokes or a born massacre. You do not have such talents, but also not to be in the spotlight?

    There is a way out: you can try to master the art of magic to strive friends with real wonders. And for this, it is not necessary to dissolve in water or cut yourself. Start with a small, but no less interesting view - learn how to make focuses with coins. So, we reveal the secrets of illusionists.

    You will need:

    Appearance inside glass

    It is necessary to prepare in advance, but to show the trick you can only once for the evening. You will need: transparent glass, coin, glue and handkerchief.

    Stick a penny to the bottom. Show the audience an empty container while holding it from the bottom, you can flip over and rub. Then pour water into it, once again demonstrating that there is nothing in the glass.

    Sketch the handkerchief and announce that now the coin will appear inside. Here it is appropriate to pronounce any abracadabra or make magic passes with your hands. Remove the scarf and call the viewers to look into the container - the coin, as you promised, lies at the bottom.

    The secret is an optical deception. When you look at the glass on the side, it seems that there is nothing in it, you can consider it only from above.

    Invisible ascent

    Put the coin on the table and offer someone to take it, not touching the table or the very penny. Naturally, no one can do this.

    The chip is that the hand must be kept at 5 cm from the coin and blow on it with a huge force. Thus, the air is able to raise the subject and throw it right into the palm. We do not promise that the focus will work from the first time, but after several workouts everyone will learn.

    Stand on the edge

    Ask at the audience a large coin. Then get face to them, stretching forward right hand palm down. Install the disk between your fingers. Then carefully remove the left hand - the penny will remain standing on the edge and will not fall.

    Essence in a conventional pin. At the moment when you install a penny on the fingers of the right hand, we push a small pin down with the help of a larger finger of the left hand, placing immediately behind it. The coin will be smoothly standing on the edge, relying on the invisible viewer to the backup.


    Prepare a few fruits and put in a plate. Invite the audience to make sure that they are the most ordinary lemons. Ask what lemon should be cut. Divide it with a knife into two parts - a coin will be inside.

    What's the catch? All elementary - the knife must be glued with a coin with a thin layer of plasticine (closer to the handle, where you cover it with your hand). When pulling out the knife, clamp the blade with two halves of lemon and ready!


    Put the coin on the palm. In another hand, take the usual brush. Invite any viewer to consider a coin from your hand. And no matter how hard he tried - it will not work. As an intrigue, you can even promise the prize to the winner. But this will not happen.

    What is the secret of focus? Just the brushes are elastic and always work in different directions - one moves it up, and others down. So here is a cunning item always remains in the center of the palm.


    Get a penny from my pocket and clamp in the fist. Then ask you want to hold your hand and control the coin to disappear. He will not succeed, because, just, only you will open the fist, the coins will not be in it.

    How to make such a trick? Get out of pocket many little things of different dignity. Select one, tell me what others you do not need and pour them back. Create a look as if clapped the coin between the big and index finger of the right hand. At the very same thing, it is not in mom, since she went to his pocket with the rest.

    All this is the simplest tricks with a coin that is easy to teach even a child. If you have a more demanding viewer, and you do not intend to stop there, read on.

    Sleight of hand

    First of all, you need to work out several manual techniques to work:

    Holding a coin in an open palm

    Put 5 kopecks in the center of the brush and very slowly start closing it. If you choose the right place, the palm will begin to shrink, securely fixing the position of the coin. Now you can crash your hand without fear that it will fall out.

    Practice on both hands. At the same time, viewers you should demonstrate only the external or side of the palm.


    There are several techniques that allow you to make the visibility of moving the object from one hand to another. We recommend to study them all, because the same way will quickly cause suspicion of attentive visa.

    1. Take the coin with the index and middle fingers, holding it large. Then remove it, and attracted the coin to the palm of your palm - it will fall just at the place you have defined in the previous exercise. Now you need to work with both hands. One hides a coin, and the other seems to take it. As a result, empty palm keeps closed, and the hand with a coin should be opened and free to omit.
    2. Keep the coin between the index and nameless fingers of the right hand. Moving it to the left, at the same time put a thumb on the coin, covering it with the upper joint. Bend your finger and hide the coin in this place, holding it a little bent. With the other hand, do movement, as if money is already in it.
    3. Put the coin in the middle of the palm, and the second hand makes a realistic movement, as if you take it and hiding in a fist. Lower the first hand, keeping the revealed - a penny hides in our reliable emblek.
    4. The coin lies on the opened hand. Move the other so that the thumb goes to it, and the rest on top, and immediately close the palm. From the side it seems like you took the subject, but in fact you drop it back, sticking with your fingers.
    5. A penny is held by index, middle and thumb, the inside of the palm is directed toward the magician. The same fingers of the other hand are as if it is enough for her, meanwhile allowing you to slip into a half-bent palm.
    6. Ideal for using a big coin. Keep it index, middle and thumbs and at the moment when we put on another hand, move it to the middle phalanx. The hand remains open, and the coin is held behind the ends of the pressure of the index and maiden.

    All movements should be calm, soft and most plausible. The glance must always be directed on an empty hand, it encourages viewers also to focus on it.

    There are other ways, but to begin with it is quite enough to master the described. Do not forget that these are just a techniques, and not actually focus. You should not be limited to one justice - you can surprise the audience a couple of times with dexterity, but at the same time half open its secrets. We recommend that it is mandatory to accompany all the actions with magic spells, waving hands, it does not prevent the presence of a "magic" stick, which often helps to hide the location of money and rewrite them into a secluded place.

    And now it's time to learn more complex tricks with a coin.

    Penetration through glass

    Show an empty glass and tightly close it outdoor outdoor. Turn over the bottom, knock on it with a coin and pinches it inside - it shall be sprinkled between the walls and palm.

    To make such a trick, you need two absolutely identical pennies. One is shown to the audience, and the other is hidden in the open palm. Cover this hand the container, the first coin knock on the bottom and, with the last movement, we release the secret money inwards, and the one that was knocked, quickly and unnoticed hiding.

    Disappeared money

    Put the left elbow on the table, and start to rub the coin in the forearm. Let it fall on the table after a few seconds - it is necessary for focus.

    Which of us did not watch the performance of the illusionist in life?
    Probably, we all had a chance to become an observer of this magical action. At the same time, emotions were shrouded, and the degree of unrest rose. Because focus is not just an illusion trick. This is something mysterious and interesting, able to cause universal amazement and misunderstanding of what actually happens.
    therefore show focusing It always causes delight among the public, and many dream of being in his place. And in order to embody the dream to reality and become a wizard, you need to know the secrets of focus and carefully rehearse the number. In addition, it is necessary to clearly comply with the rules, thanks to which you can become a successful illusionist.

    How to learn to do focuses: where to start?

    So, you decided to become a magician or simply cheer friends at the upcoming party, presented to them several interesting tricks. And absolutely do not know where to start.
    For a demonstration you need to know focuses and their secrets. To do this, it is necessary to study the appropriate literature or search for information on the Internet: here you can find focuses for beginnersillusionists. It may be focuses with cards, and with money, and with coins, and others.
    To show the trick, it is also important to choose the right to choose the necessary props for focus: It can be done independently (if possible) or purchase in a specialized store or on the Internet. For example, in .
    The last and most important stage in the preparation of the trick are long and thorough rehearsals of the room: you have to get perfect even a thousandth time! After all, when demonstrating before the audience, you will interfere with the excitement (its degree depends on self-confidence, and at beginners of the fockers it sometimes raises). Therefore, bring your skills to automatism so that even a trembling in your hands has not become a hindrance for a successful show.
    Also, it is alike in your arsenal there will be somewhat sparkling jokes, in order to divert the attention of the audience in case the performance goes not on the scheduled scenario. By the way, no one has canceled improvisation yet!

    Rules of successful focus

    If you want to demonstrate the surrounding couple of interesting tricks around or decided to seriously do the art of illusion, then you need to follow the proposed rules below, and then your speech will be doomed to success.
    1. Never expose the focus secret.
    2. Before the demonstration, the trick must be carefully rehearsed in front of the mirror: it should be obtained without a bitch and zadorinka in ten cases out of ten.
    3. In order for the public to like even the most elementary trick from the point of view of its execution, it is necessary to beat it beautifully: think over the pretentory, speech and gestures to display the focus.
    4. It is impossible to re-perform the trick, even if the viewer urges.
    5. Remember: your speech should cause surprise among the public, therefore it is not necessary to inform information in advance from which the audience may guess what they are now presented.
    6. If the sophisticated viewer is interested in the secret of your trick and guess how you did a focus, do not argue and try to avoid discussion: distract its attention to another trick, joke, anecdote or other tricks. If the failure is not included in your plans, then under no circumstances do not allow yourself to rude or tend the viewer!
    7. The hands of the Illusionist are always in the spotlight, so they should regularly care and maintain in purity, as well as use moisturizing cream or talc.
    8. The main weapon of the magician - hand dexterity: constantly train your fingers and brushes, exercise stretch marks and elasticity.
    9. The perfect outfit for the performance is a rigorous suit or vest with a lot of secret pockets.
    10. A very important stage in the formation of you as a professional magician is the course of street magic: mini submission before passersby make it possible to become more confident and will be able to see their mistakes.
    11. To reduce the degree of unrest before demonstrating the show program and prepare an audience for your performance, come up with your corona phrase.
    The implementation of these simple rules will be the key to a successful performance: will cause a lot of positive emotions among the public and will leave a positive impression of you, good wizard and a wizard.

    How to learn how to make simple tricks?

    Simple tricks, that's simple, so that their execution is subject to any newcomer and even a child.
    In fact, there are quite a lot of simple tricks. Their demonstration does not require long workouts and special skills. You only need acquired in a specialized kiosk or, for example, in the "shop focus". In addition, on our site you can, where it is described in detail, how to apply the magical "doing the magical" thing ".

    How to learn to make tricks with cards?

    Focuses with cards - The most simple section of micromagism. Explain this is very simple: tricks with this props ( playing cards) There are hundreds, and you can buy it in any souvenir kiosk.
    But are all the cards are good for card focus?
    Unfortunately no. But some tricks can be shown using the first deck on hand. For example, gaggage card: The representative of the public memorizes any card and returns to a deck. So that the trick is a success, its demonstrator should be remembered by the previous card and then it will easily find a mounted one.
    Most successful maps for focus - this is:
    ü well-moving and moderately plastic cards of poker size, but not plastic, but from high-quality embossed cardboard;
    ü Cards whose shirts have a white edging.
    The best cards for focus all over the world are recognized. The tricks and demonstrations with their use exit the most spectacular and fascinating.
    Besides Bicycle Many and special cards have been created: With their help, your "focal" features will expand at times!
    So that learn to make tricks with cards, you need to know the secret of the trick (it can be found from the thematic source). But archiving are regular and long-term workouts: your actions should be brought to automatism. And the dexterity of the hands should be at the highest level!

    How to learn to do focuses with money?

    Focuses with money Especially popular, especially among pragmatists. After all, it may be more exciting and interesting than the manipulation of this fine matter!
    The key to the successful "money" trick is the dexterity of the hands and the ability to "speak" the audience, in order to distract their attention.
    Learn to do focuses with money It is easy, you only need to know the secret of their execution and practice a little. Therefore, they are suitable for newcomers of illusory art.
    The most "favorite" tricks both performers and spectators are "" and "".
    So, focus with "Printed Machine" It practically does not require any preparation or experience: only before showing the necessary bill, preferably a large nominal value. This is the secret of focus.
    Directly at the demonstration you need to take a bill of little nominal. For consupportion, it is best to borrow it from one of the intrigued viewers. And tighten the banknote: from it "get" a solid amount of money! Usually the audience comes to indescribable delight and many even dream of such a "real wonder machine"!
    And to call the audience some disappointment and indignation can be reversed: the "large" banknote is tightened and get a "trifle". Similar manipulations are good for a funny draw.
    And in conclusion, it should be noted that in order to become a magician, you do not need to have supernatural abilities and go far: you just need to have a great desire to work wonders and delight them around them. After all, to learn focuses and their secrets You can on the Internet. In the same place to view their execution and purchase the necessary one. And you can rehearse the number in front of the mirror. And let your first spectators become your loved ones: they are their delight and surprise will give you confidence to yourself to go further dear sorcerer.
    Happy way in the world of fairy tales, magic and magic!