The best examples of male friendship in literature. Abstract on children's literature on "Death, love, freedom, friendship and growing up in the books of J.K. Rowling" Harry Potter "

The best examples of male friendship in literature. Abstract on children's literature on "Death, love, freedom, friendship and growing up in the books of J.K. Rowling" Harry Potter "

Regional state budget educational institution

middle vocational education

Ulyanovsk teacher training college №4


In the discipline "Children's literature"

Death, love, freedom and friendship in J.K. Kathleen Rowling's Harry Potter books.


Group student 23

Narynskaya Olga Alekseevna


Lyudmila Anatolyevna Tolstykh.

Ulyanovsk, 2014

Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 3 p.

I. The theme of death in the books of J.K. Rowling about Harry Potter …………… ..... 4 p.

II. The theme of love in the books of J.K. Rowling about Harry Potter ……………… 5 p.

III. The theme of freedom in the books of JK Rowling about Harry Potter …………… .6 p.

IV. The theme of friendship in the books of J.K. Rowling about Harry Potter …………… 7 p.

Conclusion ………………… ... ……………………………. …………… ...... 8 p.

References ………………… ... …………. …………… ...................... 9 p.

Appendix ………………………………………. ……………………… ... 10 p.


The topic of my essay is death, love, freedom and friendship in the books of JK Rowling "Harry Potter".

The Harry Potter books are an example of very good and useful youth literature, because these books pose real, not made-up problems, and they also solve them in a Christian spirit. The whole “magic”, magic component, which takes up a lot of space, serves as an interesting plot for the author in order to present eternal themes in an unusual way.

The leading themes of all the books are death, love, freedom and friendship, in that order. They are inextricably linked. Rowling takes each of them seriously and does not provide simple comforting answers to difficult questions, does not underestimate their importance, which is a great advantage of the books.

I. Death theme in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.

Death, as you know, is not a childish topic. Why in battle or just in a dream, according to fatal accident or as a result of a convoluted design - friends and foes of Harry Potter perish in all seven volumes? Let's see what author J.K. Rowling herself has to say about this. : “My books are mostly about death. They start with the death of Harry's parents. Or take Voldemort's relentless desire to conquer death. Immortality at any cost is the goal of everyone who has touched magic. I understand why he wants to conquer death - we are all afraid of it. "

In the Harry Potter books, not only negative ones die, but also many positive, innocent characters. And this is a pretty serious deviation from the canons. fairy tales where the light forces always win over the dark ones, the bad heroes perish, and the good ones live happily forever. But the author does not kill the heroes with the aim of spicing storyline... Every death has a certain symbolic meaning.

Sirius's death deprives Harry of a mentor.

Buckley's death symbolizes the end of Harry's childhood.

Dumbledore's death proves that the death of a great leader cannot stop the war.

Dobby's death is that even a small creature can die like a hero.

Snape's death suggests that you can always change your path.

Fred's death very clearly demonstrates that you can never come to terms with someone else's death. And that's okay.

Death is a theme that runs through the entire work as a continuous thread.

Here, perhaps, main question, which Rowling asks in his book and to which he gives two alternative answers. If this is an absolute evil, then it must be fought against by any means, including killing other people. The one who survived won. The one who died has lost. This philosophy is professed by the main villain of the saga, Lord Wolande - Mort and his supporters.

Harry Potter, his friends and mentors "through dim glass" come to a different answer: death is a terrible reality, causing a lot of grief to all living, but not eliminated by their own efforts, especially by causing harm to others. Moreover, one can and should accept death oneself, if this is the only condition for the salvation of other people. And it is precisely this answer that triumphs in the book and turns out to be the path to another, eternal life.

II. The theme of love in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.

Love in the book is a mysterious gift that in an unknown way creates the personality of a loved one and which cannot be replaced by anything. Its highest manifestation is parental love to children, disinterested and sacrificial. When reading books, one circumstance surprises: two boys grew up as orphans, in other people's homes on the rights of poor relatives, but for some reason from one of them eventually turned out to be a wonderful boy Harry Potter, and from the other - the notorious villain Voldemort.

But it's all about love: Harry lived at least the first year of his life with his parents, who loved him infinitely, and the last thing his mother did, she sacrificed herself for him.

Voldemort's father abandoned him before birth, and his mother did not find the strength to live for her son. Perhaps these circumstances gave both heroes opposite directions in life, although, of course, did not predetermine them completely.

The meaning of love for a person is shown implicitly in the book. But there is also one beautiful fragment where it is directly spoken about: “If there is something in the world that Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He could not realize that love is like this strong love that your mother felt for you leaves her mark. This is not a scar, this trace is generally invisible ... If you are loved so deeply, then even when a person who loves you dies, you still remain under his protection. Your protection lies in your skin. That is why Quirrell, full of hatred, greed and ambition, who shared his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you. Touching a person marked so strong and good feeling like love, it caused him unbearable pain. "

The sense of protection that parental love gives is limitless. And in these few words, J.K. Rowling brilliantly conveyed the magic of love.

III. The theme of freedom in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.

The significance and preciousness of freedom is shown in many situations. A prime example this is the release of the house elf Dobby from his masters.

Fraudulently, Harry Potter freed the house elf, thereby thanking him for his help.

But, of course, the most important thing is the interpretation of freedom as the right to choose what and what you believe in. Everyone chooses their own path. Someone believes in a bright future and victory over dark forces, and someone believes in the sovereignty of the Dark Lord. The world does not provide unshakable proofs of the fidelity of certain ideas, the rightness of good or evil. Material, tangible facts do not indicate the only correct path. In every situation, there is room for free choice that takes place in the heart of a person - it is both painful and precious. This is shown in the selection of the Malfoy family, who before last battle were loyal to the Dark Lord, but after they were left disarmed and defenseless, they decided not to take sides, and fled from the battlefield.

IV. The theme of friendship in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.

Friendship in the book is presented very touchingly, although in the history of friendship of the three main characters (Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger) there is nothing qualitatively new or unusual compared to others famous unions friends of world literature. But this is a source of warmth and smiles throughout all seven books, and it cannot but rejoice, because the good news is all the inhabitants magical world(and after them the readers) are by no means spoiled.

Throughout all seven books, there is an unbreakable thread of friendship that runs through all difficulties. Thus, the heroes experience magic chess together, in a dungeon; the flywheel of time, while rescuing Buckbeak and Sirius Black; Tournament of Three Wizards; fight in the Ministry of Magic; the death of the director - Albus Dumbledore, as well as the war.

One cannot but mention the strong friendship of these heroes. Even after Ron Weasley, possessed by the Horcrux, left his friends, Harry and Hermione did not stop waiting for him. After the return of the red-haired friend, it turned out that he wanted to return immediately, but could not find a way. It only speaks about inextricable link friendship that accompanies our heroes.


Harry Potter is one of the few books that fills our lives with magic. Page by page, the first book will be over. Others will gradually leave behind it.

The Harry Potter books do not have bad sides... They do not promote teenage problems, strained relationships with parents, unrequited love, drugs, alcohol, smoking. Better to say, this is a "children's fairy tale for grown-up hearts". Many argue that this is just nonsense for kids: magic, wizards, miracles. Well, what's wrong with that? After all, read scientific literature much more useful. This is deeply wrong.

Firstly, books about a young wizard teach us courage, courage, honor, valor. And also to be able to love, value friendship and your family. Each character in the book left his own page. For example, Harry taught us that we should never give up. Hermione showed us by her example that it is very good to be smart and that in our time, the mind is held in high esteem for girls. Ron revealed to us loyalty, as well as dedication and the fact that belief in something is much more important than luck. The moon led us into a world where you just have to believe. From Lily Potter's perspective, we saw that the maternal power of love is the most powerful force on earth. With Fred and George, we laughed even in dark times.

Our world is getting bigger, our fantasy is developing.

It doesn't matter at what age you read books about the young wizard Harry Potter. The main thing is how you look at everything that happens.

J.K. Rowling's book touches on the eternal, inextricable themes of being. Therefore, even after a hundred years, our generations will be reading stories about the Boy-Who-Lived.


    Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Philosophy Stone [Text] / J. Rowling. - London: 1997 .-- 399 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / J.K. Rowling. - London: 1998 .-- 473 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / J.K. Rowling. - London: 1999 .-- 511 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / J.K. Rowling. - London: 2000 .-- 667 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / J.K. Rowling. - London: 2003 .-- 826 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / J.K. Rowling. - London: 2005 .-- 672 p.

    Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows / J.K. Rowling. - London: 2007 .-- 640 p.


  1. (48 words) True friends are always sensitive to each other. Hero eponymous novel A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, allowed himself a cruel joke in relation to his friend Lensky. He did not take into account that he could take everything to heart, and a rash act turned into a tragedy. Their relationship was not true friendship.
  2. (48 words) Unfortunately, often, under the pretext of friendship, one person uses another. Such a case occurs in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's "Matryonin Dvor". Matryona's friends, taking advantage of her kindness, constantly ask her to help with the housework - of course, for free. But they know very well that she already has a lot to do, but their own benefit is more important to them.
  3. (38 words) An example of sincere, tender friendship is the communication between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobrosyolova from F.M. Dostoevsky. Despite poverty and life difficulties, each of the heroes cares more about the well-being of the other than about his own, which is reflected in their touching letters.
  4. (59 words) "There is no use in who forgets old friends!" - so says Maxim Maksimych, one of the characters in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". He considered Pechorin a close friend and was very happy new meeting, but received only a cold handshake in return. This upset the poor old man to tears. By the way, Pechorin was punished by fate: he remained alone until the end of his life.
  5. (49 words) A somewhat unusual friendship arose between the main characters of the novel by Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs". It would seem that Ostap and Ippolit Matveyevich are not only companions in a common cause, but also rivals in the struggle for precious booty - however, they go all the way together, and only in the end the proximity of the goal destroys their friendly relationship.
  6. (46 words) True friendship implies equality. In W. Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, children left without adults quickly divided into leaders and subordinates, and only a few retained the ability to be friends. One of these characters is the boy Piggy, who does not abandon his friend Ralph, even when he turns from the leader into an outcast.
  7. (48 words) It is known that a friend is known in trouble. The hero of Mine Reed's novel "The Headless Horseman", Maurice Gerald was falsely accused of a terrible crime, but could not prove anything due to his dimmed consciousness. His comrade, the hunter Zebulon Stump, did everything possible to restore justice, and he succeeded: the real culprit was punished.
  8. (57 words) In A. de Saint-Exupery's story-tale “The Little Prince”, the words of Fox describe what friendship should be: “We will need each other. You will be the only one in the whole world for me. And I will be one for you in the whole world ... ". He also says To the little prince that when parting with a friend, bitterness is inevitable, but at the same time pleasant memories will remain forever.
  9. (41 words) The idea of ​​the importance of friendship permeates JK Rowling's fantasy novel Harry Potter. Supporting each other in sorrow and joy, the heroes are easier to cope with personal problems and overcome life difficulties. But the most important thing: only together they form a force capable of resisting evil.
  10. (41 words) The story of friendship between a man and a wolf is told by J. London in the book "White Fang". The most amazing thing that people have done White Fang much evil, but the kindness of the last owner worked a miracle with the wild beast. He did not remain in debt and became a devoted protector of the whole family.

Examples from life

  1. (51 words) Best friendship- the one that is forever. But I know of a more striking case when even death did not become the reason for its end. Two of my father's acquaintances fought together in a hot spot. One died, and the second is still (and more than twenty years have passed!) Helping his friend's elderly mother in memory of him.
  2. (53 words) Yes good parable about friendship. It is about an old man with a dog who walked for a long time and were very tired. Suddenly an oasis appeared on the way, but the animals were not allowed to go there. The old man did not abandon his friend and walked past. They soon reached the farm, and the owner let them both in. A real comrade in trouble will not leave.
  3. (33 words) In L. Hallström's film "Hachiko", a real friendship arises between the heroes, which defeated death. The professor has given shelter to a stray puppy who is used to meeting the savior from work. The faithful dog was waiting for its master even when he died.
  4. (48 words) It's no secret that the strongest friendship is born during the student period. Indeed, at this time people have already formed as individuals, therefore, connections are usually established between those who are close in spirit. It is known that Boris Yeltsin met with former classmates and did not change his tradition, even when he became president.
  5. (43 words) They say, "A friend is known in trouble." This is clearly seen in the Russian film adaptation of Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers. Yuri Ryashentsev wrote excellent songs praising the fighting brotherhood of heroes. Each of them, covering a comrade, intoned: "I will delay them, nothing!" All the power breaks through in this phrase male friendship.
  6. (48 words) There are many films dedicated to the topic of friendship. One of my favorites is Yolki-1 by Timur Bekmambetov. In it, an orphan girl named Varya unwittingly lied that her dad was the president, and would wish her a Happy New Year. So what's now? Fortunately, comes to the rescue true friend Vova, and thanks to his efforts the impossible becomes possible.
  7. (54 words) Nowadays, almost every person has several dozen, or even hundreds of friends in social networks... Does this count as friendship? I am sure that yes, if you communicate a lot with the person, and it brings you joy. Moreover, with some of the Internet acquaintances I was lucky to meet in reality, and this only strengthened our affection.
  8. (49 words) There is a common saying on the Internet: “A friend is not the one who communicates with you in free time, but the one who frees up time to communicate with you. " We can agree with this: when a person sacrifices his own affairs for the sake of another, it means that he values ​​him; and if not, it is most likely just a friendship that does not last long.
  9. (45 words) Friendship is incompatible with selfishness - this is a fact. Good example for me - my friend Anya. I know I can always count on her. Once I urgently needed someone to come and sit with younger brother while I'm away. Anya agreed without hesitation, although she lives on the other side of the city.
  10. (48 words) You can be friends not only with people. Aren't our pets really friends? My dog ​​is always waiting for me from school, and if he sees that I am upset about something, he tries to console me, for example, puts his head on his knees or calls me to play. And vice versa, when she sees that I am busy, she will not interfere.
  11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

What place does friendship occupy in the life of every person can be considered a true friend? Is it true that a true friend can be accepted as he is: with his shortcomings and merits, with certain character and beliefs? These questions make one think about the problems of friendship and enmity. But a friend, one who will always support, but will not leave in difficult moment, the one who will give necessary advice... And only such a true friend can be forgiven for all his shortcomings. A friend will overcome all obstacles and troubles together with you. I want to prove the truth of my words with specific examples.

In the world fiction the topic of friendship is touched upon very often.

Let us turn to the work of IA Goncharov "Oblomov" Real friendship is embodied by Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolts. Oblomov is smart, kind, fair man, who in his life did no one harm, slept, lazed his whole life and spent his best years on his beloved sofa. Why did Oblomov become who he is now? The state system is to blame, when the noble children did not know how to do anything "It all began with the inability to put on stockings, ended with the inability to live" So, Stolz said. But despite all this, Andrei Ivanovich was all his life with Oblomov. He helped him in every possible way, wanted to "pull" him out of the "dark kingdom", the kingdom of laziness and apathy. Stolz makes Oblomov read, go for walks, start traveling the way they wanted, while still students. Even Oblomov experienced love thanks to Stolz.

Andrei Ivanovich, sacrificing himself, introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya. But even love could not awaken life in Oblomov, but a friend always helped him no matter what. This is an example of true friendship!

Another striking work illustrating true friendship is a series of novels about the young wizard Harry Potter. Harry Potter lived in ordinary family with uncle, aunt and cousin... His parents died when Harry was barely a year old. When he was eleven years old, Harry found out that he was a wizard and should study at the school of "Witchcraft and Wizardry" ... In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the Trinity goes through many trials and obstacles on the way to freedom and happiness for people. They are looking for the steal that holds a particle of Voldemort's soul. Without them, it is impossible to kill "You You Know Who" But they are tested together, side by side, sacrificing themselves and their friends.

Summing up everything that has been said, I want to add that true friendship is a true treasure. Even great philosopher Cicero said “Without true friendship is life nothing"

Updated: 2017-02-13

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Courage is very important quality for a person, which can be of great benefit to an individual or even to the entire society. All people have different ideas about courage, each gives its own definition of this word. For some, a brave person is a person who is not afraid of anything, for others it is a person who is afraid, but still steps over himself, over all his fears, in order to do something. Personally, I prefer the second definition, because a person who is not afraid of anything is a fearless person, but how many people, so many opinions. In this essay, I will try to answer the following question: in which life situations is courage best shown?

The author of the Harry Potter series, J. Rowling has created characters that can be called daring. The main character works - Harry Potter, Harry is a wizard who accomplished many feats, he fought against evil, helped people.

I believe that his most daring act is to go to certain death in order to defeat the dark wizard and save the lives of innocent people. He learned that this is the only chance to destroy the Dark Lord and save the world from his unforgivable actions. Harry clearly did not want to die, he is still young and has his whole life ahead of him, he was afraid of death that it would hurt, but the ghosts of his loved ones reassured him, gave him strength. Mr. Potter decided to die for the sake of other people, I think this is a very touching and courageous act.

Ray Bradbury's "All Saints' Eve" tells the story of a group of children, boys, they are still small, but are quite ready to make important decisions. All the boys lived nearby and were going to be together on the holiday, but one of the friends got sick, the guys worried about him, wanted to help him.

After incredible adventures, they had a choice: whether to give up one year of their lives to save him. Their answer was unambiguous, they gave one year without a doubt to save a friend. Everyone was happy when they found out that everything went well and their friend recovered. In my opinion, the children did the right thing, perhaps rashly, but brave and noble.

Life is a rather difficult thing, the turns of fate are sometimes impossible to calculate, people are not always ready for some moments and problems, on the solution of which someone's life may depend. Courage will always be appreciated, it is a wonderful quality that can save a life or make it better. It is not only possible, but also necessary to show courage in order to help someone out if necessary, but you should not go beyond the line of recklessness so as not to harm.

Updated: 2017-11-13

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