When the theory of relativity is created. General theory of relativity

When the theory of relativity is created. General theory of relativity
When the theory of relativity is created. General theory of relativity

One hundred, TOE - under these abbreviations hides a familiar to almost all the term "theory of relativity". Simple language can be explained by everything, even the statement of genius, so do not despair, if you do not remember the school course of physics, because in fact everything is much easier than it seems.

Number of theory

So, let's start the course "Theory of Relativity for Doodles". Albert Einstein published his work in 1905, and she aroused resonance among scientists. This theory almost completely overlapped many gaps and inconsistencies in the physics of the last century, but also to all of the time, turned the idea of \u200b\u200bspace and time. In many statements, Einstein, contemporaries were difficult to believe, but experiments and research only confirmed the words of the Great Scientist.

The theory of Einstein's relativity by a simple language explained what people beat the centuries. It can be called the basis of all modern physics. However, before continuing the conversation about the theory of relativity, the question of terms should be explained. Surely many, reading scientific and popular articles, came across two abbreviations: STR and OTO. In fact, they imply a few different concepts. The first is a special theory of relativity, and the second is decrypted as a "general theory of relativity".

Just about the difficult

A hundred is an older theory, which later became part of the OTO. It can only consider physical processes for objects moving at uniform speed. The general theory can describe what happens with accelerating objects, as well as explain why there are particles of gravitons and gravity.

If you need to describe the movement and as well as the relationship of space and time when approaching the speed of light, it will be able to make a special theory of relativity. Similar words can be explained as follows: For example, friends from the future gave you a cosmolet that can fly at high speed. On the nose of the spacecraft there is a gun capable of shooting by photons, everything falls ahead.

When a shot is performed, then these particles are flying relative to the ship at the speed of light, but, according to logic, the fixed observer should see the sum of two speeds (the photons themselves and the ship themselves). But nothing like that. The observer will see photons moving at a speed of 300,000 m / s, as if the vehicle speed was zero.

The thing is that, no matter how quickly the object moved, the speed of light for it is unchanged value.

This statement is the main striking logical conclusions like slowdown and distortion of time depending on the mass and speed of the object. This is based on the plots of many scientific fiction films and serials.

General theory of relativity

Simple language can be explained and more voluminous. First you should take into account the fact that our space is four-dimensional. Time and space are combined in such a "subject" as a "spatial-temporal continuum". In our space there are four axes of coordinates: x, y, z and t.

But people cannot perceive directly four dimensions, just as a hypothetical flat person living in a two-dimensional world, is unable to look up. In essence, our world is only a projection of four-dimensional space in three-dimensional.

An interesting fact is that, according to the general theory of relativity, the bodies do not change when driving. The objects of the four-dimensional world are actually always unchanged, and when moving only their projections change, that we perceive as a distortion of time, cut or increase the size and other.

Experiment with elevator

About the theory of relativity by a simple language can be told using a small mental experiment. Imagine that you are in the elevator. The cabin came into motion, and you were in a state of weightlessness. What happened? The reasons may be two: either the elevator is in space, or resides in a free fall under the action of the gravity of the planet. The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to find out the cause of weightlessness if it is not possible to look out of the elevator cabin, that is, both processes look equally.

Perhaps speaking a similar mental experiment, Albert Einstein came to the conclusion that if these two situations are indistinguishable from each other, it means, in fact, the body under the influence of gravity is not accelerated, it is a uniform movement that is being twisted under the influence of a massive body (in this case, the planet ). Thus, the accelerated movement is only a projection of a uniform movement into three-dimensional space.

Visual example

Another good example on the theory of relativity for dummies. He is not entirely correct, but very simple and visually. If you put any object on a stretched tissue, it forms a "deflection", "funnel" under it. All the smaller bodies are forced to distort their trajectory according to the new bending of space, and if the body has a little energy, it may not overcome this funnel at all. However, from the point of view of the most moving object, the trajectory remains straight, they will not feel the bend of space.

Gravity "lowered in rank"

With the advent of the general theory of relativity, gravity ceased to be strength and is now content with the position of the simple effect of the curvature of time and space. From may seem fantastic, however, it is a working version and confirmed by experiments.

Many, it would seem incredible things in our world can explain the theory of relativity. Simply, such things are called the consequences of from. For example, the rays of the light flying close to the massive bodies are curved. Moreover, many objects from a distant cosmos are hidden each other, but due to the fact that the rays of light are enveloped by other bodies, our eyes (more precisely, the telescope) are available, seemingly invisible objects. It's like looking through the walls.

The more gravity, the slower the time flows on the surface of the object. This applies not only to massive bodies like neutron stars or black holes. The deceleration effect can be observed even on Earth. For example, devices for satellite navigation are equipped with an accurate atomic clock. They are in the orbit of our planet, and the time there ticks a little faster. The hundredths of a second in a day will be chosen in the figure, which will give up to 10 km of the error in the calculations of the route on Earth. Calculate this error allows precise the theory of relativity.

Simple language can be expressed as follows: OTO underlies many modern technologies, and thanks to Einstein, we can easily find in an unfamiliar area of \u200b\u200bthe pizzeria and library.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the theory of relativity was formulated. What it is and who is her creator, knows every schoolboy today. She is so fascinating that even people are interested, far from science. This article has an affordable language describes the theory of relativity: what it is, what are its postulates and application.

They say that Albert Einstein, her creator, the insight came to one moment. Scientist as if drove on the tram in the Swiss Bernhouse. He looked at the street watches and suddenly realized that this clock would stop if the tram was spoiled to the speed of light. In this case, the time would not be. Time in the theory of relativity plays a very important role. One of the postulates formulated by Einstein is different observers perceive reality in different ways. This applies in particular by time and distance.

Accounting for observer position

On that day, Albert realized that, expressing the language of science, the description of any physical phenomenon or event depends on which the observer is located in which reference system. For example, if some passenger tram drops glasses, they will fall in relation to it vertically down. If you look at a pedestrian standing on the street, the trajectory of their fall will correspond to Parabola, as the tram moves and the glasses are at the same time. Thus, each reference system has its own. We offer more details consider the main postulates of relativity.

The law of distributed movement and the principle of relativity

Despite the fact that when changing the reference systems, the descriptions of the events are changed, there are also universal things that remain unchanged. In order to understand this, you need to ask the question of not falling points, but the law of nature, which causes this drop. For any observer, regardless of whether it is located in a moving or fixed coordinate system, the answer to it remains unchanged. This law is called the law of distributed movement. It acts equally both in the tram and on the street. In other words, if the description of the events always depends on whoever observes them, this does not apply to the laws of nature. They are as accepted in scientific, invariant. This is the principle of relativity.

Two theories of Einstein

This principle, like any other hypothesis, was necessary to first check it with natural phenomena operating in our reality. Einstein brought 2 theories from the principle of relativity. Although they are related, but are considered separate.

Private, or special, theory of relativity (service station) is based on the situation that for all sorts of reference systems, whose speed is constant, the laws of nature remain among the same. The general theory of relativity (OTO) This principle extends to any reference systems, including those that move with acceleration. In 1905, A. Einstein published the first theory. The second, more complex in the plan of the mathematical apparatus, completed by 1916. The creation of the theory of relativity, as a service station, so and from, has become an important stage in the development of physics. Let us dwell on each of them.

Special theory of relativity

What is it, what is her essence? Let's answer this question. It is this theory that a lot of paradoxical effects are predicted contrary to our intuitive ideas about how the world is arranged. We are talking about those effects that are observed when the speed of movement is approaching the speed of light. The most famous among them is the effect of slowing down (hours of hours). The clocks that move relative to the observer are slower for him, rather than those who are in his hands.

In the coordinate system when driving at a rate approximated to the speed of light, time is stretched relative to the observer, and the length of the objects (spatial length), on the contrary, is compressed along the axis of the direction of this movement. This effect scientists are called the reduction of Lorentz Fitzgerald. Back in 1889, George Fitzgerald, Italian physicist described him. And in 1892, Hendrik Lorenz, the Netherlands, supplemented it. This effect explains the negative result, which gives the experience of Michelson-Morley, in which the speed of movement of our planet in outer space is determined by measurement of the "essential wind". These are the main postulates of the theory of relativity (special). Einstein supplemented these mass transformations made by analogy. According to it, as the body speed approaches the speed of light, the mass of the body increases. For example, if the speed is 260 thousand km / s, that is, 87% of the speed of light, from the point of view of the observer, which is located in the restriccing reference system, the mass of the object will double.

Confirmation service

All these provisions, no matter how contradicted common sense, with the time of Einstein find direct and complete confirmation in a variety of experiments. One of them was conducted by scientists of the University of Michigan. This curious experience confirms the theory of relativity in physics. The researchers were placed on board the airliner, which regularly performed transatlantic flights, garbage each time after returning it to the airport readings of these hours was checked with control. It turned out that the clock on the plane every time lagged behind the control. Of course, it was only about minor figures, fractions of a second, but the fact itself is very indicative.

The last half a century researchers study elementary particles on accelerators - huge hardware complexes. In them, the beams of electrons or protons, that is, charged dispersed until their speeds are approaching the speed of light. After that, nuclear targets are sheer. In these experiments, it is necessary to take into account that the mass of the particles increases, otherwise the results of the experiment are not amenable to interpretation. In this regard, one hundred has long been not just a hypothetical theory. It became one of the tools that are used in applied engineering, along with Newtonian laws of mechanics. The principles of the theory of relativity found great practical application in our day.

Newton's STR and the Laws

By the way, speaking o (the portrait of this scientist is presented above), it should be said that the special theory of relativity, which seemed to them contradict, in fact reproduces the equation of Newton's laws almost exactly if it is used to describe the bodies, whose speed is much smaller Speed \u200b\u200bof light. In other words, if a special theory of relativity is applied, Newton's physics is not canceled at all. This theory, on the contrary, complements and expands it.

Light speed - universal constant

Using the principle of relativity, it can be understood why in this model of the structure of the world it is a very important role that the speed of light plays, and not something else. This question is asked by those who are just starting familiarizing with physics. The speed of light is a universal constant due to the fact that it is defined as such naturally scientific law (it is possible to learn more about this by studying the Maxwell equations). The speed of light in vacuum, due to the action of the principle of relativity, in any reference system is the same. You might think that this is contrary to common sense. It turns out that the observer simultaneously comes to light both from a fixed source and from moving (no matter how speed it is moving). However, it is not. The speed of light, thanks to its particular role, the central place is given not only in a special, but also in OTO. Tell me about her.

General theory of relativity

It is used as we have already spoken, for all reference systems, not necessarily those whose speed of which relative to each other is constant. Mathematically, this theory looks much more difficult than special. This explains the fact that 11 years have passed between their publications. OTO includes a special case as a special case. Consequently, Newton's laws are also included in it. However, it goes much further than its predecessors. For example, gravity is explained in it in a new way.

Fourth dimension

Thanks to the world, the world becomes four-dimensional: time is added to three spatial dimensions. All of them are inseparable, therefore, it is necessary to say no about the spatial distance that exists in the three-dimensional world between two objects. We are now talking about the prostatic and time intervals between different events that combine both spatial and temporary remoteness of them from each other. In other words, time and space in the theory of relativity are considered as a four-dimensional continuum. It can be defined as space-time. In this continuine, those observers who move relative to each other will have different opinions even about whether two events occurred at the same time, or one of them was preceded by another. However, causal relationships are not violated. In other words, the existence of such a coordinate system, where two events occur in different sequences and not at the same time, does not allow even from.

From the world of global

According to the World Act, Open Newton, the strength of mutual attraction exists in the universe between any two bodies. Earth with this position rotates around the Sun, as there are forces of mutual attraction between them. However, OTO makes look at the other side of this phenomenon. Gravity, according to this theory, is a consequence of the "curvature" (deformation) of space-time, which is observed under the influence of mass. The body is harder (in our example, the sun), the more "begging" space-time under it. Accordingly, its gravitational field is the stronger.

In order to better understand the essence of the theory of relativity, turn to comparison. The Earth, according to from, rotates around the Sun, like a small ball, which rolls around the cone of the funnel, created as a result of the "journaling" of the sun space-time. And the fact that we are accustomed to consider the power of gravity is in fact the external manifestation of this curvature, and not by force, in the understanding of Newton. The best explanation of the phenomenon of gravity than the offered in OTO, today not found.

Methods of checking OTO

Note that it is not easy to test, since its results in laboratory conditions are almost consistent with the world's law. However, scientists still conducted a number of important experiments. Their results make it possible to conclude that Einstein's theory is confirmed. OTO, in addition, helps to explain the various phenomena observed in space. This, for example, small deviations of Mercury from its stationary orbit. From the point of view of Newtonian classical mechanics, they cannot be explained. It is also why the electromagnetic radiation emanating from distant stars is twisted when it passes near the sun.

The results predicted by the OTO are actually different from those that give Newton's laws (its portrait is presented above), only when there are super-violent gravitational fields. Consequently, for a full check, there are either very accurate measurements of huge masses, or black holes, since our usual performances in relation to them are not applicable. Therefore, the development of experimental methods of verification of this theory is one of the main tasks of modern experimental physics.

The minds of many scientists, and far from the science of people occupies the theory of relativity created by Einstein. What it is, we briefly told. This theory turns our usual ideas about the world, so interest in it still does not fade.

material from the book Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinova "The shortest history of time"


The fundamental postulate of Einstein, referred to as the principle of relativity, it says that all the laws of physics should be the same for all freely moving observers regardless of their speed. If the speed of light is a constant value, then any freely moving observer must record the same value regardless of the speed with which it approaches the light source or is removed from it.

The requirement so that all observers come together in the speed estimate forcing the concept of time. According to the theory of relativity, the observer traveling on the train, and the one that stands on the platform will differ in the estimate of the distance traveled by the light. And since the speed is the distance divided by the time, the only way for observers to come to an agreement relative to the speed of light is also to disperse in the time evaluation. In other words, the theory of relativity put an end to the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute time! It turned out that each observer should have his own measure of time and that identical hours of different observers will not necessarily show the same time.

Saying that the space has three dimensions, we mean that the position of the point in it can be transferred with the help of three numbers - coordinates. If we introduce the time in our description, we get four-dimensional space-time.

Another known consequence of the theory of relativity is the equivalence of mass and energy, expressed by the famous Einstein E \u003d MC 2 equation (where E-energy, M - body weight, C - the speed of light). Due to the equivalence of energy and mass, the kinetic energy that the material object has due to its movement increases its mass. In other words, the object becomes harder to accelerate.

This effect is essential only for bodies that move at a speed close to the speed of light. For example, at a speed of 10% of the light speed, the body weight will be only 0.5% more than at rest, but at a speed that makes up 90% of the speed of light, the mass is already more than twice as long as normal. As the light approaches light, the mass of the body increases faster, so that more energy is required to accelerate it. According to the theory of relativity, the object will never be able to achieve the speed of light, since in this case its mass would have become infinite, and by virtue of the equivalence of mass and energy for this would require endless energy. That is why the theory of relativity forever carries any ordinary body to move at a speed of less light speed. Only light or other waves that do not have their own masses are capable of moving at the speed of light.

Curved space

The general theory of the relativity of Einstein is based on a revolutionary assumption that gravity is not a common force, but a consequence of the fact that space-time is not flat, as was customary to think earlier. In the general theory of relativity, the space-time is curved or twisted with a mass and energy placed in it. Bodies, similar to the Earth, are moving at curved orbits not under the action of the force, referred to as gravity.

Since the geodesic line is the shortest line between two airports, the navigations lead aircraft on such routes. For example, you could, follow the testimony of the compass, fly 5966 kilometers from New York to Madrid almost strictly to the east along the geographic parallel. But you will have to cover only 5802 kilometers, if you fly to a large circle, first northeast, and then gradually turning to the east and further to the southeast. Type of these two routes on the map, where the earth's surface is distorted (represented by flat), deceptive. Moving "straight" to the east of one point to another on the surface of the globe, you actually move not in a straight line, more precisely, not by the shortest, geodesic line.

If the trajectory of the spacecraft, which moves in space in a straight line, is to proper on the two-dimensional surface of the Earth, it turns out that it is curved.

According to the general theory of relativity, gravitational fields must be curved light. For example, the theory predicts that near the sun rays of light should be slightly curled in its direction under the influence of the mass of the luminaries. So, the light of a distant star, it happens next to the sun, will reject a small angle, because of what the observer on the ground will see the star not entirely where it is in reality is located.

Recall that according to the basic postulation of the special theory of relativity, all physical laws are the same for all freely moving observers, regardless of their speed. Roughly speaking, the equivalence principle spreads this rule on those observers who are not free, but under the action of the gravitational field.

In sufficiently small areas of space it is impossible to judge whether you are at rest in the gravitational field or move with constant acceleration in an empty space.

Imagine that you are in the elevator in the middle of empty space. There is no gravity, no "top" and "Niza". You float freely. Then the elevator begins to move with constant acceleration. You suddenly feel weight. That is, you presses to one of the elevator walls, which is now perceived as the floor. If you take an apple and release it, it will fall on the floor. In fact, now, when you move with acceleration, inside the elevator everything will occur exactly the same way as if the lift did not move at all, but would rest in a homogeneous gravitational field. Einstein realized that, just like, being in a ride car, you can not say, it is worth it or evenly moves, and, in the elevator, you are not able to determine whether it moves with constant acceleration or is in homogeneous Gravitational field. The result of this understanding was the principle of equivalence.

The principle of equivalence and the given example of its manifestation will be fair only if the inert mass (included in Newton's second law, which determines, ka-some acceleration gives the body applied to it) and the gravitational mass (incoming Newton in conjunction, which determines the magnitude of the gravitational attraction) the essence of the same thing.

The use of einstein equivalence of inert and gravitational masses for the withdrawal of equivalence principle and, ultimately, the entire general theory of relativity is an example of a persistent and consistent development of logical conclusions in the history of human thought.

Slow time

Another prediction of the general theory of relativity is that near massive bodies, such as the Earth, should slow down the course.

Now, having acquainted with the equivalence principle, we can trace the course of the argument of Einstein, fulfilling another mental experiment, which shows why gravity affects the time. Imagine a rocket flying in space. For convenience, we assume that its body is so great that the light is required a whole second to pass along it from top to bottom. And finally, suppose that there are two observer in the rocket: one - at the top, the ceiling, the other - below, on the floor, and both are equipped with the same clocks leading the countdown of seconds.

Suppose that the upper observer, waiting for the countdown of its clock, immediately sends the lower light signal. The next time it sends the second signal. According to our conditions, one second will need each signal to reach the lower observer. Since the upper observer sends two lights with an interval in one second, the lower observer will register them with the same interval.

What will change, if in this experiment, instead of swimming freely in space, the rocket will stand on Earth, experiencing gravity? According to Newton's theory, gravity will not affect the state of affairs: if the observer will transmit signals at the top, then the observer will be at the bottom of the same interval. But the equivalence principle predicts a different development of events. What exactly, we will be able to understand if in accordance with the equivalence principle mentally replace the effect of gravity by constant acceleration. This is one of the examples of how Einstein used the equivalence principle when creating its new gravity theory.

So, suppose our rocket is accelerated. (We assume that it accelerates slowly, so that its speed is not approaching the speed of light.) Since the rocket housing moves up, the first signal will need to pass a smaller distance than before (before the acceleration), and it will arrive at the lower observer before give me a sec. If the rocket was moving at a constant speed, then the second signal would arrive exactly the same earlier, so the interval between the two signals would remain equal to one second. But at the time of the right of the second signal, due to the acceleration of the rocket, it moves faster than at the time of sending the first, so the second signal will pass a smaller distance than the first and spend even less time. The observer below, referring to his clock, will fix that the interval between signals is less than one second, and does not agree with the upper observer, which claims that he sent signals exactly across a second.

In the case of an accelerating rocket, this effect probably should not be particularly surprised. In the end, we just explained it! But remember: the equivalence principle says that the same thing happens when the rocket rests in the gravitational field. Therefore, yes, if the rocket is not accelerated, but, for example, it is standing on the starting table on the surface of the earth, the signals sent by the upper observer at the interval per second (according to its clock) will come to the lower observer with a smaller interval (by its o'clock) . That's really amazing!

Gravity changes the flow of time. Just as the special theory of relativity tells us that time is going differently for observers moving relative to each other, the general theory of relativity announces that there is a time stroke for observers located in different gravitational fields. According to the general theory of relativity, the lower observer registers a shorter interval between the signals, because the surface of the Earth the time flows slower, since gravity is stronger here. The stronger the gravitational field, the more this effect.

Our biological clocks also react to changes in time. If one of the twins lives on top of the mountain, and the other - by the sea, the first will grow faster than the second. In this case, the difference in the ages will be insignificant, but it will significantly increase, since one of the twins will go on a long journey on a spacecraft, which accelerates to speed close to the light. When the wanderer returns, he will be much younger than brother left on Earth. This case is known as a paradox of twins, but he is only a paradox for those who hold on the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute time. There is no unique absolute time in the theory of relativity - for each individual there is its own measure of time, which depends on where it is and how it moves.

With the appearance of ultra-precise navigation systems that receive signals from satellites, the difference in the course of the clock at various heights has acquired a practical value. If the instrument ignored the predictions of the general theory of relativity, the error in determining the location could reach several kilometers!

The emergence of the general theory of relativity in the root changed the situation. Space and time found the status of dynamic entities. When the bodies are moved or forces, they cause curvature of space and time, and the structure of space-time, in turn, affects the movement of the bodies and the action of forces. Space and time not only affect everything that happens in the universe, but also depend on all this.

Imagine a fearless astronaut, which remains on the surface of a collapsing star during a catastrophic compression. At some point, on his clock, let's say at 11:00, the star will be squeezed to a critical radius, behind which the gravitational field is enhanced so much that it is impossible to break out of it. Now suppose that according to the instructions, the astronaut should have to send a signal to a space ship that is in orbit at some fixed distance from the center of the star. It begins to pass the signals at 10:59:58, that is, in two seconds until 11:00. What will register the crew on board the Space Ship?

Previously, having done a mental experiment with the transfer of light signals inside the rocket, we made sure that gravity slows down time and how it is stronger, the more important effect. The astronaut on the star surface is located in a stronger gravitational field than his colleagues in orbit, so one second on his clock will last longer than a second by the clock. Since the astronaut, together with the surface, moves to the center of the star, the field acting on it becomes more and stronger on it, so the intervals between its signals adopted aboard the spacecraft are constantly lengthened. This stretching time will be very insignificant until 10:59:59, so for astronauts in orbit the interval between signals passed at 10:59:58 and at 10:59:59:59, very slurred will exceed a second. But the signal sent at 11:00, the ship will not wait.

All that will happen on the star surface between 10:59:59 and 11:00 by the clock of the astronaut, it stretches on the clock of the spacecraft to the infinite period of time. With the approach to 11:00, the intervals between the arrival of consecutive ridges and the depression emitted by the star waves emitted are increasingly longer; The same happens with intervals between astronaut signals. Since the radiation frequency is determined by the number of ridges (or depression) coming in a second, an increasingly lower frequency of the star radiation will be recorded on the spacecraft. The star light will become more and more blushing and simultaneously flicker. In the end, the star will ensure that it will be made invisible for observers on a spacecraft; Everything that remains is a black hole in space. However, the action of the star on the spacecraft will continue, and it will continue to appeal in orbit.

Big secret of Polyshinel

Alexander Grishaev, a fragment from the article " Biryulki and Fietulki World»

"The British guns are not brickly brick: let them not clean, and then, god the God of war, they shoot are not suitable ..." -N. Leskov.

8 parabolic mirrors of the complex of admissions and transmitting antennas Adu-1000 is part of the Pluto reception complex of the center of the Far Space Communications ...

In the first years of the formation of research of far space, a number of Soviet and American interplanetary stations were insisted. Even if the start passed without failures, as experts say, "in normal mode", all systems worked fine, normally passed all the predetermined orbit adjustments, the connection with the devices unexpectedly interrupted.

It reached the point that, in the next favorable "window", the same devices with the same program were launching packs, one by one after another - in the hope that at least one would be able to bring to a victorious end. But - where there! There was a certain reason that broke the connection on the pickle to the planets, which was not given to the planets.

Of course, they were lingered. The audience was reported that the station was held at a distance, say, 120 thousand kilometers from the planet. The tone of these messages was so vigorous that it was involuntarily thought: "Guys shoot! One hundred twenty thousand is not bad. Could after all and on three hundred thousand people go! Give new, more accurate launches! " No one guessed the drumming of drama - that scientists are something there did not understand.

In the end, decided to try this. The signal to which communication is maintained, may you know, has long been represented in the form of waves - radio waves. It is easiest to imagine that these waves can be represented on the "Domino effect". The communication signal is distributed in space, like a wave of falling dominous bones.

The wave propagation rate depends on the drop rate of each individual of the knuckles, and since all the knuckles are the same and fall over the equal time, then the speed of the wave is permanent. The distance between the knuckles of physics is called "wavelength".

Example of the wave - "Domino effect"

Now we set that we have a heavenly body (let's call him Venus), labeled in this drawing with a red doodle. Suppose that if we push the initial knuckle, then each subsequent knuckle falls to the next one second. If exactly 100 knuckles are placed from us to Venus, the wave will reach it after all 100 knuckles fall, spending one second. Total, the wave will come from us to Venus for 100 seconds.

This is if Venus stands still. And if Venus does not stand still? Let's say, as long as 100 knuckles fall, our Venus has time to "crawl" at a distance equal to the distance between several knuckles (several wavelengths) What will happen then?

Academicians decided, and that if the wave displays Venus according to the same law, which are used by schoolchildren of junior classes in the tasks of type: "From the point BUT Leaves train at speeds but km / h, and from the point B. Simultaneously with it, a pedestrian with speed b. In the same direction, after what time the train will catch up with a pedestrian? ".

That's when the academics realized that it was necessary to decide that such a bad task for younger schoolchildren, then it went to the way. If it were not for this reality - not to see us outstanding achievements of interplanetary cosmonautics.

And what's here such a cunning, sleeping with her hands inexperienced in the sciences of Dunno?! And on the contrary, the sophisticated in the sciences of Zakaya will take: guard, keep the passing, this is a pellean! According to this, proper science, correctly, this task should be solved completely differently! After all, we are not dealing with some kind of low-speed parasis-listenedists, and with a signal that rushing after the Venus with the speed of light, which, as if you, or Venus, quickly fled, still catch up with you at the speed of light! Moreover, if you challenge him to meet, you will not go fast with him!

Principles of relativity

- This is how, - Dunno exclaims, - it turns out that if from the point B. I am in a star pilot in point A. They will know that they started a dangerous epidemic on board, from which I have a remedy, it is useless to unfard me to meet it, because Previously, we still do not meet if the star pilot moves to me with light speed? And that means, - I can continue my way to point with a clean conscience. C. In order to deliver the load of diapers for monkeys, which should be born exactly next month?

"That's the way," say you will answer, "if you were on a bike, you would need to go to the way it shows the gunner to the dotted line - to meet the car left you. But, if a light-timer vehicle is moving to a meeting, then you will move towards him or leave him, or remain in place, does not matter - meeting time cannot be changed.

"It's like this," Dunno will return to our dominoes, "knuckles will be fed up to fall? It will not help - it will be just a task about Achille, catching up to the turtle, no matter how fast Achille ran, it will still need some time to go through the extra distance traveled to the turtle.

No, here everything is cooler - if you caught up with a ray of light, then you, moving, stretch the space. Put the same dominoes on the rubber bandage and pull it - the red cross on it will move, but the knuckles will move, the distance between the knuckles increases, i.e. The wavelength increases, and thus between you and the point of starting the wave, there will be the same number of knuckles. In how!

I am popularly outlined the foundations of Einsteinovskaya Theories of relativity, the only correct scientific theory, according to which the passage of the subset signal should be considered, including when calculating communication modes with interplanetary probes.

Square one point: in relativistic theories (and two of them: ONE HUNDRED - Special theory of relativity and OTO - The general theory of relativity) the speed of light is absolute and cannot be exceeded in any way. And one useful term, which is denoted by the effect of increasing the distance between the knuckles, is called " Doppler effect"- The effect of increasing the wavelength, if the wave follows the moving object, and the effect of reducing the wavelength, if the object moves towards the wave.

So they considered academics according to the only right theory, only the probes "for milk" went. Meanwhile, in the 60s, the 20th century in a number of countries was produced radar venera. When radar venera, this postulate of relativistic speed addition can be checked.

American B. J. Wallace In 1969, in the article "Radar check of the relative speed of light in space" conducted an analysis of eight radar observations of Venus, published in 1961. An analysis convinced him that the speed of the radar ( contrary to the theory of relativity) Algebraically folds with the speed of rotation of the Earth. Subsequently, he had problems with the publication of materials on this topic.

We list articles dedicated to the experiments mentioned:

1. V.A. Kotelnikov et al. "Radar installation used in Venus radar in 1961" Radio engineering and electronics, 7, 11 (1962) 1851.

2. V.A. Kotelnikov and others. "Radar results of Venus in 1961" Ibid, p.1860.

3. V.A. Morozov, Z.G. Trunova "The analyzer of weak signals used in the radar of Venus in 1961" In the same place, p.1880.

conclusionsThey have been formulated in the third article are accessible to understanding even minor that has impassable in the theory of falling dominoes, which is set out here at the beginning.

In the last article in the part where they described the conditions for detecting reflected from the Venus of the signal, was the following phrase: " Under the narrowband component is understood as the component of the echo signal corresponding to the reflection from the fixed point reflector ...»

Here, the "narrowband component" is the detected component of the signal returned from the Venus, and it is detected if the Venus is considered ... fixed! Those. guys did not write rightly that doppler effect is not detected, they instead wrote that the signal is recognized by the receiver only if the motion of Venus is in passing with the signal direction, i.e. When the Doppler effect is zero according to any theory, but, once the Venus moved, then the effect of lengthening the waves did not have a place that was prescribed the theory of relativity.

The theory of relativity, the Venus did not stretch the theory of relativity, and the "knuckles of Domino" laid significantly more by the time the signal arrived to Venus than during his start from the Earth. Venus, like the Achille Turtle, has time to spray from the steps catching it with the speed of light waves.

Obviously, American researchers came in the same way, what the case mentioned above Wallacewho was not allowed to publish an article on the interpretation of the results obtained during the scan. So the Commission on Combating Lzhenauka was regularly operated not only in the Totalitarian Soviet Union.

By the way, the elongation of the waves, as we found out, according to theory, should indicate the removal of the space object from the observer, and it is called red displacementAnd this is the greatest shift discovered by Hubble in 1929, underlies the cosmogonic theory of a large explosion.

Location Venus showed absence of this itself displacements, and since then, from the moment of successful results of the location of Venus, this theory is the theory of a large explosion - as well as the hypothesis of "black holes" and other relativistic nonsense, go into the discharge of science fiction. Fiction, for which Nobel Prizes are not in literature, but in physics !!! Wonderful things are yours, Lord!

P.S. To the 100th anniversary of the service station and the 90th anniversary of the 90th anniversary was found that neither the one nor the other theory was not experimentally confirmed! On the occasion of the anniversary, the project was launchedGRAVITY PROBE B (GP-B) "The cost of $ 760 million, which had to give at least one confirmation of these ridiculous theories, but everything ended with a large confusion. Next article just about this ...

From Einstein: "And the king is naked!"

"In June 2004, the UN General Assembly decided to proclaim 2005 by the International Year of Physics. The Assembly proposed UNESCO (United Nations education, science and culture) to organize event activities in cooperation with individuals and other interested groups around the world ... " - Message from the UN Bulletin

Still would! - next year 100 years of special theory of relativity were fulfilled ( ONE HUNDRED), 90 years old - the general theory of relativity ( OTO) - One hundred years of continuous triumph of a new physics, which has fallen from the pedestal, the archaic Newtonian physics, so officials from the UN, anticipating the next year the festival and honoring the greatest genius of all times and peoples as well as his followers.

Here are just the followers better than others know that the "brilliant" theories did not show themselves for almost a hundred years ago: it was not done on the basis of the predictions of new phenomena and did not make explanations already open, but not explained by the classic Newtonian physics. In general, nothing, never-go-s-niki!

OTO has no single experimental confirmation!

It was known only that the theory was a brilliant, that's just that with her sense - no one knew. Well, yes, she properly fed promises and breakfasts, which was released Nemeryano dough, and at the exit - fantastic novels about black holes, for which the Nobel Prize was not in literature, and in physics, colliders were built, one by one, one more than the other, All over the world, gravitational interferometers were made, in which, paraphrasing the Confucius, in the "dark matter", was looking for a black cat, which was also not there, and no one in the eyes of the "black matter" too.

Therefore, in April 2004, an ambitious project started, which was thoroughly prepared for about forty years and for the final stage of which $ 760 million was released - "GRAVITY PROBE B (GP-B)". Gravitational Sample B. It should have been on precision gyros (siren - wipes) to wind, nor less, Einstein space-time, in the amount of 6,6 angular seconds, approximately, for the year of flight - accurately to the Great Anniversary.

Immediately after the launch, they waited for victory relations, in the spirit of the "Adjutant of His Excellency" - "LIRAL" proceeded by the N-th kilometer: "The first angular second of space-time is successfully wound." But victory relations, for which believers in the most ambitious scam of the 20th century, somehow everything did not follow.

And without victorious relations, what the fucking anniversary - the crowd of enemies of the most progressive teaching with feathers and calculators are waiting for both the great teachings of Einstein. Yesterday "International Year of Physics" On the brakes - he passed quietly and unnoticed.

The victory relations did not follow and immediately after the mission is completed, in August of the anniversary year: only a message was followed, that everything would be confirmed, the brilliant theory was confirmed, Toko we are a little process, the exact answer will be accurate. The answer was not followed in a year, and after two. In the end, they promised to finally process results by March 2010.

And where is the result?! Turning the Internet, found this curious note, in LiveJournal of one blogger:

GRAVITY PROBE B (GP-B) - Flows $ 760 million. $

So - modern physics does not doubt out, it would seem why then an experiment is needed at $ 760 million, aimed at confirming the effects of from?

After all, it is nonsense - this is the same thing that it is to spend almost a billion for example on the confirmation of the Archimedes Act. Nevertheless, judging by the results of the experiment, this money was directed by no means on the experiment, money was directed to PR.

The experiment was carried out using a satellite launched on April 20, 2004 equipped with equipment for measuring the lens-tyrringe effect (as a direct consequence of OTO). Satellite GRAVITY PROBE B. The most accurate gyroscopes in the world on board the most accurate on board. The experimental scheme is well described in VicPedia.

Already during the data acquisition, questions began to arise according to the experiment and accuracy of the equipment. After all, despite the huge budget, the equipment intended for measuring ultrathine effects has never been tested in space. During the collection of data, vibrations were revealed due to boiling helium in Deware, there were unforeseen horses stops, followed by spinning due to failures in electronics under the influence of energy cosmic particles; There were computer failures and loss of massifs of "science data", and the most significant problem was "POLHODE" -EFECT.

Concept "POLHODE" Roots leaves in the 18th century, when the outstanding mathematician and astronomer Leonard Euler received a system of equations of free movement of solid tel. In particular, Euler and his contemporaries (Daember, Lagrange) investigated oscillations (very small) in the notes of the latitude of the Earth, which took place, apparently, due to the oscillations of the earth relative to the axis of rotation (polar axis) ...

GP-B-gyroscopes that have fallen into the Guinness Book as the most spherical objects ever made by the hands of a person. The sphere is made of quartz glass and covered with a fine film of superconducting niobium. Quartz surfaces are polished to an atomic level.

Following the discussion of the axial precession, you are entitled to ask a direct question: why GP-B-gyros who have fallen into the Guinness Book as the most spherical objects, also demonstrate an axial precession? Indeed, in a completely spherical and homogeneous body, in which all three major inertia axes are identical, the polhode period around any of these axes would be infinitely large and for all practical purposes it would not be.

However, all the same GP-B rotors are not "perfect" spheres. The shag-likeness and homogeneity of the fused quartz substrate allow you to balance the moments of the inertia relative to the axes to one million parts - this is already enough to take into account the POLHOLDE-period of the rotor and fix the track on which the end of the rotor axis will move.

All this is expected. Before starting the satellite, the behavior of GP-B-Rotors was modeled. But still the consent dominated that, since the rotors are almost perfect and almost homogeneous, they will give a very small amplitude of the Polhode-track and so much that the POLHODE-turn of the axis would not have changed significantly throughout the experiment.

However, contrary to poor forecasts, GP-B-Rotors in real life gave the opportunity to see a substantial axial precession. Given almost a completely spherical geometry and the homogeneous composition of the rotors, there are two possibilities:

- internal expansion of energy;

- External impact with constant frequency.

It turned out that their combination works. Although the rotor is symmetrical, but, like the land described above, the gyroscope is still an elastic and repeated at the equator about 10 nm. Since the axis of rotation is drifting, drifting and bulging the body surface. Due to the small defects of the structure of the rotor and local boundary defects between the main substance of the rotor and its niobium coating, the rotational energy can be dissipated inside. This makes the drift path change without changing the complete angular pulse (such as it happens when the raw egg is spinning).

If the effects predicted by from, really manifest, then for each year GRAVITY PROBE B. In orbit, the axis of rotation of its gyroscopes must deviate by 6,6 angular seconds and 42 corner milliseconds, respectively

Two of the gyroscopes for 11 months due to this effect turned for several dozen degreesbecause They were unwound along the axis of minimal inertia.

As a result, gyroscopes calculated to measure millisecondes The angular arc was exposed to unplanned effects and errors to several tens of degrees! In fact, it was failure missionNevertheless, the results simply jammed. If the initial results of the mission was planned to declare at the end of 2007, then transferred to September 2008, and then at all for March 2010.

How Bodro reported Francis Everitt "Due to the interaction of electrical charges," frozen "in gyros and walls of their cameras THE PATCH EFFECT), and unexplored readings reading effects that are not completely excluded from the data, the accuracy of measurements at this stage is limited to 0.1 angular second, which allows you to confirm with accuracy better than 1% of the geodesic precession effect (6,606 angular second per year), but not yet It gives to highlight and check the phenomenon of hobbly in the inertial reference system (0.039 angular second per year). Intensive work is underway to calculate and extract measurement interference ... "

Then you mean how this statement commented Zzcw. : "Dozens of degrees are deducted from dozens of degrees and there are corner milliseconds, with one-percent accuracy (and then the declared accuracy will be even higher, since it would be necessary for complete communism to confirm the effect of Lense-Tyrarga) corresponding to the key effect from ..."

No wonder that NASA refused Machine further million grants Stanford on the 18-month program "Further Improvement of Data Analysis", which was planned for the period October 2008 - March 2010.

Scientists who want to get Raw. (untreated data) for independent confirmation, was surprised that instead Raw. and sourodikinikov NSSDC. They are given only "Second Level Data". "The second level" means that "the data was slightly processed ..."

As a result, the deprived financing of Standfords on February 5 published, the final report, which stars:

After Subtracting Corrections for the Solars GEODETIC EFFECT (+7 Marc-S / Yr) And The Proper Motion of the Guide Star (+28 ± 1 Marc-S / Yr), The Result IS -6,673 ± 97 MARC-S / YR, To Be Compared With The Predicted -6,606 MARC-S / Yr of General Relator

This is the opinion of the blogger unknown to me, whose opinion will be considered a voice of that boy who shouted: " And the king is naked!»

And now we will give the statements of specialists very competent, whose qualifications are difficult to challenge.

Nikolay Levashov "Theory of Relativity - False Foundation of Physics"

Nikolay Levashov "Theory of Einstein, Astrophysics, Silent Experiments"

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