Was Gogol a clinical death. Nikolay Gogol

Was Gogol a clinical death. Nikolay Gogol
Was Gogol a clinical death. Nikolay Gogol

The mystery of Gogol's death still does not give resting both a huge number of scientists and researchers and simple people, among which are even those who are far from the world of literature. Probably, it is such a general interest and an ubiquitous discussion with many of a wide variety of assumptions and served that there are so many legends around the death of the writer.

Several facts from Gogol biography

Nikolai Vasilyevich lived short life. He was born in 1809 in Poltava province. Gogol's death fell on February 21, 1852. He was buried in Moscow, at the cemetery, located on the territory of Danilov Monastery.

He studied in a prestigious gymnasium (non-residential), but there, as he considered him with his friends, the disciples received not enough knowledge. therefore future writer Carefully engaged in self-education. At the same time, Nikolai Vasilyevich has already tried himself in writing activityTrue, it worked mainly in poetic form. Gogol showed interest in the theater, especially the comic works were attracted: already in school years He possessed unsurpassed

Death Gogol

According to experts, contrary to the established opinion, Gogol did not have schizophrenia. However, he suffered from the illness, this showed itself in different ways, but her strongest manifestation was that Gogol was panicly afraid that he was buried alive. He did not even go to bed: nights and day hours spent in chairs. This fact is obros huge number Commands, which is why there was an opinion in the heads of many that everything happened: the writer, they say, fell asleep and buried him. But it is not at all. The official version for a long time is that the death of Gogol had a place to be before his burial.

In 1931, it was decided to spread the grave in order to refute the rumors spread then. However, false information popped up on the surface again. They said that Gogol's body was in an unnatural position, and the inner cover of the coffin was made by nails. The same who is capable of evenly analyzing the situation, of course, will doubt it. The fact is that for 80 years, the coffin, together with the body, if not fully decomposed in the ground, would certainly have not retained any traces and scratches.

The mystery is the immediate death of Gogol. The writer felt very bad for the last few weeks of life. No doctor then could not explain what cause is rapid fading. Due to excessive religiosity, especially the exacerbated in the last years of life, in 1852 Gogol began post 10 days before the deadline. At the same time, he reduced the consumption of food and water to an absolute minimum, thus bringing to complete exhaustion. They did not affect Gogol, even the persuasion of friends who have disappeared to return to a normal lifestyle.

Even after so many years Gogol, whose death for many has become a real shock, remains one of the most readable writers Not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world.

For a long time, disputes are underway whether Gogol was buried alive.
Indeed, the writer pursued the fear of being buried during his lifetime. In 1827, Gogol wrote to a friend Vysotsky: " How hard to be buried together with the creations of low uncertainty in silence dead».

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852)

His collection "Selected Correspondence Places with Friends" Gogol begins with the will: " Being in the full presence of memory and sound sensitory, I set out my last will. Will the Body Will, do not get buried until it seems explicit signs decomposition ... I refer to this because, already during the disease, I found a minute of life numbness, heart and pulse stopped fighting...».

Photo - Gogol and artists in Rome

Andrei Voznesensky dedicated to Gogol poems (1972), describing the eerie version of his death:

You have been living in the country.
Gogol was B. lethargic sleep.
Gogol thought to the coffin on his back:

"Frak was stolen from under the trick.
Blowing in the gap, but it does not sleep.
What is the flour of the Lord
before you wake up in the coffin. "

Open the coffin and sprinkle in the snow.
Gogol, Fight, lies on the side.
Ingrown nail lining broke through boogo.

Enlarged photo of Gogol (1845), writer 36 years

According to the memories of Gogol contemporaries in last year Life pursued fear of death.

Ekaterina Khomyakova

There is an assumption that the prophecy of his death Gogol predicted in the "Starlavetsky landowners", describing the death of Athanasius Ivanovich: & laquo ; He wounded his spiritual conviction that Ivanovna's pulper is calling him: he brought the will of the obedient child, he drove, coughed, melted, like a candle, and finally, UGAS, as she, when nothing remains, so that it could support Poor her flames».
It was assumed that the death of Catherine Khomyakova had a similar indulged influence on the writer.

Friends remembered that Gogol "melted in front of her eyes," he weakened - but he refused food, he was sick - but rejected advice of physicians.
"It was difficult to take something with a person who rejects any treatment"" He said his attending physician.

Gogol in the grain

Gogol foresaw the fast finale of life.
On February 7, he confessed and met. At night, on February 12, he burned the second volume Dead souls».

The next day, the writer regretted the deed. Gogol said A. P. Tolstoy: " Imagine how strong the evil spirit! I wanted to burn paper, for a long time already certain, and burned the head of the "dead souls", which i wanted to leave friends for memory after my death ».

According to another version, Gogol's word sounded like this:
"Now everything disappeared! - said Gogol to the wideline, showing the caring paper.
He said and cried.
"That's what I did! I wanted to burn some things specially cooked for this, and I burned everything. How the crap Silen - so he moved to me! And I was a lot of sensible there I was understanding and outlined."

After 9 days (February 21), Gogol died aged 42 years. Its last phrase sounded: " How to die sweetly ...».
The writer was known for life, all Moscow came to say goodbye to Gahol.

Portrait of F. Mollar (1841), Gogol 32

In June 1931, the writer was reburied from the cemetery of the Holy Danilov Monastery on Novodevichi cemetery.
Then there was a legend that Gogol was buried alive.

One of the participants of the reburial Professor of the Literary Institute V.G. Lidin described another inexplicable case. The skull of the writer was absent in the coffin.
«... Gogol's grave opened almost all day. She was at a much greater depth than ordinary burials. Having started to dig it, they came across the brick crypt unusual strength, but the closed hole did not find in it; Then they began to dig in the transverse direction with such a calculation so that the excavation would fall into the east, and only in the evening was discovered by the side of the sclep, through which in the main crypt and was in due time the coffin was in one time. The work on the opening of the crypt was delayed.

Twilight began already when the grave was finally opened. The top boards of the coffin were rotten, but the side with the surviving foil, metal corners and handles and partially survived bluish-lilac poles were intact. That was the dust of Gogol: there was no skull in the coffin, and the remains of Gogol began with the cervical vertebrae: the entire skeletal cable was enclosed in a well-preserved tobacco sutum; Even underwear with bone buttons survived under the surpetuk; There were shoes on the legs ... shoes were at very high heels, approximately 4-5 centimeters, it gives an unconditional reason to assume that Gogol was low growth.

When and under what circumstances, Gogol's skull disappeared, remains a mystery. At the beginning of opening the grave at a low depth, significantly above the crypt with a closed coffin, a skull was discovered, but the archaeologists recognized it belonging to young man... The remains of Gogol, unfortunately, I could not remove (take a picture), as you were already twilight, and the next morning they were transported to the cemetery of the Novodevichy Monastery, where they are devoted to the earth ... ".

Famous film adaptation of the story "Viy" with Natalia Varla

Comrades Pompolita did not bother to grab grave things for memory:
« So, Vsevolod Ivanov took the edge of Gogol, Malyshkin - Foil from the coffin, and director of the cemetery Komsomolets Arakcheev even assigned to himself the shoes of the Great Writer. What blasphemy! But also the historian Bantice-Kamensky, who opened in the era of Nicholas, the grave of Prince Menshikov, the companion of Peter I, in Berezov and holding his hat "for memory" his hat, was accused of looting and blasphemy. Soviet morality was somewhat different!»

The above-mentioned version of the buried writer Lidin commented:
« Apparently, due to the foil of the coffin of Gogol and the displacement of his remains in the coffin due to the natural seeding of the Earth and there was a terrible legend about the buried writer alive!».

Where could Gogol's head, Lidin suggested:
« In 1909, when, when installing a monument to Gogol at Prechistensky Boulevard in Moscow (in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of a great writer), the grave of Gogol was restored, one of the most famous collectors of Moscow and Russia Bakhrushin, he also found the founder of the theater museum, which would probably be monks Holy Danilova Monastery to get a skull of Gogol for him, and what is really in Bakhrushinsky theater Museum In Moscow, there are three unknown to someone who belongs to the skull: one of them, by assumption, - the skull of the artist Shchepkin, the other - Gogol, about the third - nothing is known».

According to the legend, Yanovsky is the grand-nephew of the writer, managed to pick up the ancestor skull at Bakhrushina. He threatened the dasch to the dasch with a violence - "Here are two cartridges. One in the trunk. Another in the drum. The one that is in the trunk-for you, if you refuse to give me Skull Nikolai Vasilyevich. The one that is in the drum - for me" ...
Yanovsky, Lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Fleet, took a casket with a skull in Sevastopol, where he served. In 1910, Italian ships came to Sevastopol. Yanovsky conveyed to Skull Captain Borghese with a request to bury the skull in Italy, which Gogol considered the second home. But the captain failed to fulfill the request.
In the letter Yanovsky with apologies Borghese writes a strange phrase "The fate of a person does not break down with his life". Looking into swimming, the captain passed the skull for storing the younger brother.
Borghese junior told how it collided with an unidentified phenomenon. July 14, 1911, having held the train from Rome, he capturing a casket with him. The traveler suddenly felt anxiety and decided to jump off the train. Then he saw a white cloud in which the train disappeared. So Gogol skull was on the ghost train.

If you believe legend, the ash of the writer was reburied without a skull.

Card with a portrait of Gogol

According to the memories of the contemporary of Gogol, the writer was very loved in his native edge, I was waiting for him to return, refusing to believe the words about his death:
« Strange thing. Neighboring farmers, as I made sure at that time, really, maybe, in view of the frequent and long stay of Gogol abroad, have long been convinced that he did not die, but was in foreign edges. Some of them, obliged to him in life, even walked on it, putting an empty polingene pot over the night and spider seasy in it. The mother of Gogol was handed about it, whom everyone neighbors knew and loved. On the local belief, if the spider breaks out at night from a pot with convex slippery walls, then the person who is guessing, alive and returns. Spider, on which the farmers were entrusted to decide whether Olya Panko was alive, at night, Tatkal Coblin's side and got out of it; But Gogol, to the chagrin of those who gadal, did not return»

Gogol (E. Rishko) and Smirnova-Rosset (A. Zavorotnyuk)
Movie "Gogol. Nearest"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol died on March 3, 1852. On March 6, 1852, he was devoted to the land at the cemetery at Danilov Monastery. According to the will, the monument was not put on him - Golgotha \u200b\u200brose over the grave.

But after 79 years of the ash, the writer was removed from the grave: the monastery was transformed by the Soviet government to the colony for young criminals, and the necropolis was subject to liquidation. Only a few burials were decided to transfer to the old cemetery of the Novodevichi Monastery. Among these "lucky ones", along with Language, Aksakov and Homyakov, Gogol was ...

On the reburial, the entire color of the Soviet intelligentsia was present. Among them was the writer V. Lidin. It was him Gogol obliged to emerge numerous legends about himself. One of the myths concerned the lethargic sleep writer. According to Lydin, when the coffin was removed from under the ground and opened, then those present enhapting. In the coffin lay a skeleton with a skull's turned the skull. No one found explanations to this.

They remembered the stories that Gogol was afraid to be buried alive in a state of lethargic sleep and seven years before the death took place: "My bodies are not buried until the explicit signs of decomposition appear. I mention this because, already during the disease, I found a minute of life numbness, the heart and pulse stopped fighting. " Seen plunged present in shock. Is Gogol really had to go through the horror of such death?

It is worth noting that in the future this story was subject to criticism. Sculptor N. Ramazanov, shot posthumous mask Gogol, recalled: "I did not suddenly decided to remove the mask, but the cooked coffin was ... Finally, the crowd of those who wanted to say goodbye to the expensive dead day made me and my old man, who referred to the traces of destruction, hurry ..." There was an explanation and turn of the skull: the first to have fallen from The coffin side boards, the lid under the weight of the soil lowers, presses on the head of the dead man, and she turns the side on the so-called "Atlantov" vertebra.

However, this episode, the violent fantasy Lydin was not limited. Followed more scary story - It turns out that at the opening of the coffin, the skeleton did not have a skull at all. Where could he go? This new fiction of Lydin spawned new hypotheses. They remembered that in 1908, when installed on the grave of heavy stone, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation to build a brick crypt over the coffin. They suggested that it was then that the writer's skull could be kidney. An guess was expressed that he was stolen at the request of the Fanatas of the Russian Theater, the merchant Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushina. They rummed that he had already a skull of the great Russian actor Shchepkin.

In Gogol's life there were many circumstances that are not even right now and even impossible to explain. He led a strange way of life, wrote strange, but the brilliant works could not be called healthy personBut doctors could not classify his illness.

Gogol was ... clay! Hence, his striking phrase in a letter to Zhukovsky about the new very country - USA: "What is United States? CARRION. The man in them wipe himself up to the point that the exhausted eggs should not be. "

Realizing that "dewned" is full and in " native Fatherland", Gogol thought, and for whom he wrote on January 1 (according to Art.) 1852, the continuation of the" dead souls "?

Hoggle covered by Gogol "the abyss of the fall of human shower" in the Nikolaevskrussian Empire inevitably led to the idea that almost the entire population of the country is "direct move" in ... hell.

And the emergency question for thinking writer: "What to do?"

Even after death, his body did not find a rest (a skull was made of a mysterious manner) ...

Gogol from childhood did not differ in good health and adjacent, was "unusually thin and weak," with an elongated face and a big nose. The leadership of the lyceum in 1824 repeatedly punished him for "untidiness, junning, stubbornness and disobedience."

Gogol himself recognized the paradoxicality of his character and believed that it was laid "a terrible mixture of contradictions, stubbornness, a muster arrogance and humiliated humility".

As for health, he also had a strange disease. Gogol had a special look at his body and believed that it was arranged quite differently than other people. He believed that his stomach was turned over and constantly complained about pain. He constantly spoke of the stomach, believing that this topic is interesting to everyone. As Princess Written, V.N. Repin: "We constantly lived in his stomach" ...

The next "attack" of him is strange seizures: he fell into a somnambulic state, when his pulse almost sacing him, but all this was accompanied by excitement, fear, numbness. Gogol was very afraid that he was buried alive when they would consider it dead. After the next attack, he wrote a will, in which he demanded "not to sink the body to the first signs of decomposition."

But the feeling of severe illness did not leave Gogol. Starting from 1836, the performance began to fall. Creative lifts were rare, and he was deeply immersed in the Puchin of Depression and Hypochondria. The faith became a frantic, fulfilled his mystical ideas that he encouraged him to go on religious "feats."

On the night of March 8-19, 1852, Gogol had heard the voices that spoke to him that he would soon die. He tried to pay paper with the manuscript of the second volume of the dead souls gr. A.P. Tolstoy, but he did not take her so as not to strengthen Gogol in the thoughts of early death. Then Gogol burned a manuscript! After February 12, Gogol's condition deteriorated sharply. February 21, during the next severe attack, Gogol died.

Gogol was buried on the cemetery of the Danilovsky Monastery in Moscow. But immediately after his death in the city crawled terrible rumors that he was buried alive.

Sopor, medical error Or suicide? Mystery of the death of Gogol

Mystery of death the greatest classic Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's literature has not been reached by scientists, historians, researchers for more than a century and a half. How did the writer actually died?

The main versions of what happened.


The most common version. Rumor about Jacob terrible death The writer buried alive, turned out to be so living that so far many consider it a completely proven fact.

Partly, rumors about their burial created alive, without knowing ... Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The fact is that the writer was subject to displaced and somnambulic states. Therefore, the classic was very afraid, no matter how from the seizures, he was not taken for the dead and did not bury.

This fact almost unanimously deny modern historians.

"During the exhumation, which was held in a certain secrecy, only about 20 people gathered at the grave of Gogol ... - writes in his article by the" Mystery of Gogol's Death "Associate Professor of Perm Medical District Mikhail David. - Writer V. Lidin became essentially the only source of information about the exhumation of Gogol. Initially, he told about the reburial of students of the literary institute and his acquaintances, later left written memories. Lidin's stories were untold and contradictory. It was he who argued that the oak coffin of the writer was well preserved, the upholstery of the coffin from the inside was exorganate and skeleton, the skeleton lay in the coffin, unnaturally twisted, with the skull's turned the skull. So S. light hands Inexhaustible on the fiction of Lydin and went to walk in Moscow a terrible legend that the writer was buried alive.

To understand the inconsistency of the version of lethargic sleep, it is enough to think about the next fact: the exhumation was produced in 79 years after the burial! It is known that the decomposition of the body in the grave happens incredibly quickly, and after only a few years it remains only bone tissue, and the discovered bones no longer have close connections with each other. It is not clear how they could install some kind of "twisting of the body" after eight decades ... and what remains of the wooden coffin and the upholstery material after 79 years of stay in the ground? They change so much (rot, fragmented) that it is absolutely impossible to establish the fact of "scratching" of the inner upholstery. "

And according to the memoirs of the sculptor Ramazanov, who shot the writer's posthumous mask, posthumous changes and the beginning of the process decomposition process were clearly visible on the face of the deceased.

However, the version of the lethargic sleep Gogol is still alive.

On May 31, 1931, the grave of Gogol gathered twenty - thirty people, among whom were: the historian M. Baranovskaya, Writers of the Sun. Ivanov, V. Lugovskaya, Yu. Olesha, M. Svetlov, V. Lidin, and others. It was Lidin who became hardly the only source of information about the reburial of Gogol. With his light hand began to walk in Moscow terrible legends about Gogol.

"The coffin did not immediately immediately," he told students of the literary institute, "he turned out to be for some reason not where they dug, but somewhat gone, aside." And when it was removed from under the ground - filled with lime, seemingly strong, from oak boards - and opened, then at the heart trepidation there were still perplexed. In Fobile lay a skeleton with a rotated skull side. No one found explanations to this. Someone superstitious, probably, then thought: "That's why Mytar is not alive in life, and after death is not dead," this strange great man. "

Lidinsky stories stirred old rumors that Gogol was afraid to be buried alive in a state of lethargic sleep and seven years before the death took place: "My bodies are not buried until the explicit signs of decomposition appear. I mention this because, already during the disease, I found a minute of life numbness, the heart and pulse stopped fighting. " The fact that the exhumators saw in 1931, as if indicated that Gogol's covenant was not fulfilled that he was buried in a lethargic state, he woke up in a coffin and survived the nightmare minutes of a new dying ...

Justice to say that the Lidinsk version did not cause confidence. Sculptor N. Ramazanov, who shot a posthumous mask of Gogol, recalled: "I did not suddenly decided to remove the mask, but the cooked coffin ... Finally, the crowded crowd of those who wanted to say goodbye to the expensive dead person forced me and my old man who referred to the traces of destruction, hurry .. . "There was a explanation and turn of the skull: the side boards were first fed at the tomb, the cover under the severity of the soil lowers, presses on the head of the dead man, and she turns the side on the so-called" Atlantov vertebra. "

Then Lidin launched new version. In his written memories of exhumation he told new story, even more terrible and mysterious than his oral stories. "This is what He was Gogol's dust," he wrote, "the skull did not turn to the coffin, and the remains of Gogol began with the cervical vertebrae; The entire skeletal cable was enclosed in a well-preserved tobacco-colored coat. ... when and under what circumstances the skull of Gogol disappeared, remains a mystery. At the beginning of opening the grave at a low depth of significantly above, a skull was discovered with a stamped coffin, but the archaeologists recognized it to be belonging to a young man. "

This new fiction of Lydin demanded new hypotheses. When could you disappear from the coffin of Gogol skull? Who could he need? And what is generally raised around the remains of the Great Writer?

They remembered that in 1908, when installed on the grave of heavy stone, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation to build a brick crypt over the coffin. Then then mysterious attackers and could kidnap the Skull of the Writer. As for stakeholders, it is not necessary, it seems, we walked in Moscow rumors that unique collection A. A. Bakhrushina, Passionate collector of theater relics, secretly kept Shchepkin and Gogol skull ...

And inexhaustible on fiction lidin hit the audience new sensational details: Saying when the dust of the writer was brought from Danilov Monastery to the Novodevichy, some of those present on the reburial could not resist and grabbed some relics to themselves. It would be said as if he pulled the edge of Gogol, the other - the beam bone, the third - boot. Lidin himself even showed guests Tom lifting publication Gogol essays, in whose binding he made a piece of fabric, torn off from the surpuca lying in the coffin of Gogol.

In 1931, the remains were exhumaged to transfer the body of the writer at Novodevichi cemetery. But here those present at the exhumation was waiting for a surprise - there was no skull in the coffin! The monastery of the monastery was told at the interrogation that on the eve of the century from the birth of Gogol in 1909, the cemetery was restored by the grave of the Great Classic. During restoration works, Moscow collector and Millionaire Alexey Bakhrushin appeared on the cemetery - the extravagant personality of those times. Presumably, it was he who decided to confusion, paying the gravers for theft of skull. Bakhrushin himself died in 1929 and permanently charged the secret of the current location of the skull in the grave.

The head of the writer, the merchant crowned with a silver wreath and placed in a special rosader leg with a glass window. However, "Recognition of Relics" did not bring a collector of happiness - Bakhrushin began trouble in business and in the family. Moscow ordinary people associated these events with a "blasphemous violation of a peace of mystic writer."

Bakhrushin and himself was not happy with his "exhibit". But where was it to give him? Throw away? Sacrilege! Give to someone - it means publicly
to admit to the desecration of the grave, to bring a shame, prison! Burn back? It is difficult because the crypt was kindly laid by a brick on the order of Bakhrushin.

Unfortunate merchant reversed the case ... Rumors about Gogol's skull reached the nephew Nikolai Vasilyevich - Lieutenant navy Yanovsky. The latter decided to "restore justice": to get in any way the skull of the famous relative and to betray it, as required orthodox faith. Thereby, the remains of Gogol will be "reassured".

Yanovsky without an invitation came to Bakhrushin, put a revolver on the table and said: "There are two cartridges. One in the trunk for you, if you do not give me Skull Nikolai Vasilyevich, the other in the drum - for me if I have to kill you. Share! ".

Bakhrushin was not frightened. On the contrary, I gladly gave the Exhibat. But I was not able to implement my intention Yanovsky for a number of reasons. Gogol's skull, for the same version, got into Italy in the spring of 1911, where Borghese's Navy in the House of Captain of the Navy was stored. And in the summer of the same year, the skull-relic was abducted. And now it is not known what happened to him ... so this or not - a story is silent. Officially confirmed only the absence of a skull - this is stated in the documents of the NKVD.

According to rumors, at one time a secret group was formed, the purpose of which was the search for Gogol skull. But nothing is known about the results of its activity - all documents on this topic were destroyed.

According to the belief, the one who owns Gogol's skull can directly communicate with the dark forces, to fulfill any desire and command the world. They say today it is kept in the personal collection of the famous oligarch included in the top five "Forbes". But even if it is true, it will probably never be announced publicly ..

Above the new grave by order of Stalin was put up the main bust. The mystery of the death of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is not solved so far.

When Gogol's dust in 1931 was transferred to Novodevich the Cemetery and the sculptor Tomsky made Gogol bust with a golden inscription "from the Soviet government", a stone-symbol with a cross was not needed ... On the grave of the writer only left the tombstone from black marble with epitaph of the prophet Jeremiah: "My bitter word will laugh." And "Golgotha", together with the Whiteramor Bust of Gogol on the column, were thrown into the pit.

This multi-torch stone, at the request of the widow of Bulgakov, was hardly removed from the boards to the grave of the creator of mystical creation "Masters and Margarita", putting down the top ... So Gogol "lost" his Godgakov's congestion.

By the way, in 1931, when opening the coffin Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Soviet writers appeared their "dead souls": we reroached the dead man, taking off the "for the memory" of the shreds from the great writer "Dresszavanza", from his boot ... they didn't see even some bones ... Soon these "creators of the new soviet literature"Fully experienced the fact that the merchant-fetishist Bakhrushin ...


IN recent months Gogol experienced his life was the hardest mental crisis. The writer shook the death of his close acquaintance, Catherine Mikhailovna Khomyakovathat suddenly died of a rapidly developed illness in 35 years. The classic threw writing, most Time spent behind prayers and fastened fastened. Gogol mastered the fear of death, a familiar writer reported that he heard the voices that spoke to him that he would soon die.

It was in that fevering period that the writer was in half-breed, he burned the manuscript of the second volume "dead souls". It is believed that he did it in many respects under pressure from his confessor, Archpriest Matthew Konstantinovsky, that was the only personwho read it is not a published work and advised to destroy the records.

The depressive state of the writer intensified. He weakened, slept very little and almost did not eat anything. In fact, the writer voluntarily survived himself with the light.

According to the testimony of the doctor Tarasenkovawho observed Nikolai Vasilyevich, in last period His life for the month of "Vramit" aged. By February 10, the forces had already left Gogol so much that he could no longer leave the house. On February 20, the writer fell into a hot state, did not recognize anyone and whispered some kind of prayer all the time. Having gathered at the bed of a patient, the Consilium doctors prescribe him "forced treatment." For example, bloodletting with leeches. Despite all efforts, at 8 am on February 21, he did not.

However, the version that the writer deliberately "wrapped himself with hunger," that is, essentially committed suicide, most researchers do not support. Yes, and for a fatal outcome, an adult man needs not for days 40. Gogol refused food for about three weeks, and even then periodically allowed himself to eat several spoons of oat soup and drink lime tea.
Contacts with angels

There is a version that the psyche disorder could not happen due to illness, but "on religious grounds". As they would say today - he was involved in the sect. The writer, being an atheist, began to believe in God, reflect on religion and wait for the end of the world.

It is known: Having joined the "Martyrs of hell" sect, Gogol spent almost all his time in an improvised church, where in the company of the parishioners tried to "establish contact" with angels, prayers and starvations bringing himself to such a state that he began hallucinations during which He saw the devils, babies with wings and women resembling the clues of the Virgin.

All his money savings Gogol spent on the fact that along with his mentor and the group are the same as the sectarians go to Jerusalem to the coffin of the Lord and on the Holy Land to meet the end of times.

The organization of the trip passes in the situation of the strictest secrecy, the native and close writer reports that it goes to be treated, only a few learn that he was going to stand at the origins of new humanity. Lean, he asks for everyone who knew for forgiveness and reports that he will never see them again with them.

The trip took place in February 1848, but the miracle did not happen - the Apocalypse did not happen. Some historians argue that the pilgrimage organizer planned to supply sectors alcoholic beverage With poison, so that they all went to the world, but alcohol dissolved poison, and he did not affect.

The victims of Fiasco, he allegedly fled, throwing followers who, in turn, returned home, hardly scraping money on the way back. However, there is no documentary evidence.

Gogol returned home. His trip did not bring sincere relief, on the contrary, she only aggravated the situation. It becomes closed, strange in communicating, capricious and untidy in clothing.
How then recalled Granovsky, to the grave, into which the coffin was already lowered, the black cat suddenly approached.

Where he came from at the cemetery - no one knew, and the employees of the church reported that he had never seen him in the temple or in the adjacent territory.

"Involuntarily believe in mysticism," the professor will write later. "Women bought, believing that the soul of the writer united in a cat."

When the burial was completed, the cat disappeared as unexpectedly, as appeared, no one saw his care.

Medical error

Drama in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard

The last four years of his life Gogol held in Moscow in the house at Nikitsky Boulevard.

With the owners of the house - Count Alexander Petrovich and Granderen Anna Georgiyevoy - Gogol met at the end of the 30s, acquaintance turned into a close friendship, and the count and his wife did everything to live in their home freely and conveniently. In this house on Nikitsky Boulevard and the final drama of Gogol was played.

On the night of Friday on Saturday (February 8-9), after another vision, he, exhausted, tried on the sofa and suddenly saw himself dead and heard some mysterious voices.

On Monday, February 11, Gogol Issened to such an extent that he could not walk and run into bed. Friends who came to him took reluctantly, said little, dreamed. But I also found the strength to defend the service in the house church of Count Tolstoy. At 3 o'clock in the morning, from 11 to 12 February, after the hot prayer called for seeds to himself, told him to rise to the second floor, open the oven valves and bring a portfolio from the closet. After driving a bunch of notebooks, Gogol put them in the fireplace and lit a candle. Semyon on his knees begged him not to burn a manuscript, but the writer stopped him: "Not your business! Pray! " Sitting on a chair in front of fire, he waited when everything burned down, stood, crossed himself, kissed the seed, returned to his room, lay down on the sofa and cried.

"That's what I did! - He said the next morning, - he wanted to burn some things, for a long time cooked, and burned everything. Like a crazy strong - so he moved to me! And I was there a lot of sensible understood and outlined ... I thought to send to my friends on the notebook: let them do that they wanted. Now everything is lost. "


The stunned Count has hurried to cause Gogol of the famous Moscow doctor F. Inozemtsev, who first suspected a typhal from the writer, but then refused his diagnosis and advised the patient simply searched. But the maliciousness did not calm the doctor, and he asked to come his good acquaintance of a psychopathologist A. Tarasenkov. However, Gogol did not want to accept the ongoing Wednesday of Tarasenkova who arrived on February 13. "I need to leave me," he said Count, "I know that I have to die" ...

Tarasenkov urged Gogol to start normally eat to restore forces, but the patient reacted to his advantages indifferently. At the insistence of doctors, Tolstoy asked Metropolitan Filaret to influence Gogol, strengthen his confidence in the doctors. But nothing has acted on Gogol, he quietly answered all the persuasion: "Leave me; I'm fine. " He stopped watching himself, did not wash, not happily, did not dress. Food with crumbs - bread, prosforas, casket, prunes. Saw water with red wine, lime tea.

On Monday, on February 17, he lay down in a bed in a bathrobe and boots and no longer got up. In bed, he began to the sacraments of repentance, communion and cursing, listened to all the gospels in full consciousness, holding a candle in his hands and crying. "If it is pleasing to God, so that I live, I will be alive," he said to friends who urged him to be treated. On this day, he examined the invited Tolstoy doctor A. Over. He did not give any tips, moved the next day

Dr. Kli-Menkov spoke on the scene, which struck those present by rudeness and keen. He shouted Hogol his questions, as if he had been a deaf or unmanned man, he tried to force the pulse forcibly. "Leave me!" - he told Gogol and turned away.

Klimenkov insisted on active treatment: bleeding, wrapped in wet cold sheets, etc. But Tarasenkov suggested transferring everything the next day.

February 20 Consilium was gathered: Over, Klimenkov, Sokolovsky, Tarasenkov and Moscow medical luminaire Evanius. In the presence of Tolstoy, Khomyakov and other Gogol acquaintances, Over the history of the disease set out the history of the disease, steering the patient's behavior, indicating that "his consciousness is not in a natural position." "Leave a patient without a benefit or do it with him as with a person who does not own him?" - asked Over. "Yes, it is necessary to feed it for violently," said Evenius.

After that, doctors entered the patient, began to ask him, inspect, feel. The moans and cries of the patient were heard from the room. "Do not disturb me for God!" He finally shouted. But he did not pay attention to him. It was decided to put Gogol two leeches to the nose, make the cold head pouring into warm bath. To fulfill all these procedures came to the climes, and Tarasenkov hurried to leave, "so that not to witness the torment of the sufferer."

When after three o'clock he returned back, Gogol was already removed from the bath, the nostrils had six leeches that he intensified to tear off, but the doctors were forcibly kept him. About seven pm arrived again with Klimenkov, they ordered to maintain as long as possible bleeding, put mustard pieces on the limbs, a fly on the back of the head, ice on the head and inside the blade of altetic root with laurel water. "The appeal was inexorable," said Tarasenkov, "they managed, as with a crazy, shouted in front of him, as in front of the corpse. Climens backed to him, the blows, swore, watered on his head some caustic alcohol ... "

After their departure, Tarasenkov remained until midnight. Pulse patient fell, breathing became intermittent. He could no longer turn himself, lying quietly and calmly when he was not treated. I asked to drink. By evening, I began to lose my memory, mumbled unbelievable: "Come on, come on! Well, what? " In the eleventh hour suddenly shouted loudly: "The stairs, as soon as possible, let's go!" Made an attempt to get up. He was raised from bed, put on the chair. But he was already so weak that the head did not hold out and fell like a newborn baby. After this outbreak, Gogol fell into a deep faint, about midnight, he began to cool his legs, and Tarasenkov ordered to apply jugs with hot water ...

Tarasenkov left, as he wrote, not to face the medical executioner Klimenkov, who, as they told, all night tormented by Gogol, giving him a calomewoman, looking at the body with hot bread, why Gogol moan and shrirly shone. He died not coming into consciousness at 8 am on February 21 on Thursday. When Tarasenkov arrived at the Nikitsky Boulevard in the tenth o'clock in the morning, the deceased was already lying on the table, dressed in a surpetuk, in which she usually walked.

Each of the three versions of the death of the writer has its adherents and opponents. Anyway, this secret is not solved so far.

"I will tell you without exaggeration," wrote more Ivan TurgenevAksakov, - since I remember myself, nothing has made such an oppressive impression on me, like the death of Gogol ... this strange death - historical event And not immediately understood; This is a mystery, hard, formidable mystery - it must be trying to unravel ... But nothing is Otradny will find in it the one who solves her. "

"I looked for a long time for the deceased," Tarasenkov wrote, "it seemed to me that his face was expressed not suffering, and calm, clear thought was carried out in the coffin." "I am ashamed to someone who will prove to rotting perrst ..."

Gogol's dust was buried at noon on February 24, 1852 by the Parish priest Alexei Sokolov and Deacon John Pushkin. And after 79 years, he was secretly, thieves were removed from the grave: Danilov The monastery was transformed into a colony for young criminals, and therefore his necropolis was subject to liquidation. Only a few most expensive Russian sulfur heart was decided to transfer to the old cemetery of the Novodevichy Monastery. Among these lucky ones, along with Language, Aksakov and Hamyakov, Gogol was ...

In his will, Gogol was shameted those who "will be brought by any attention to the rotting perrst, which is no longer mine." But windy descendants were not ashamed, violated the Writer's will, unclean hands began to turn the "rotting end". They did not respect and his covenant did not put any monument on his grave.

Aksakov brought a stone to Moscow from the shore of the Black Sea, in shape resembling Calvar - the hill on which Jesus Christ was crucified. This stone became the basis for the cross on the grave of Gogol. Next to him on the grave, a black stone was installed in the shape of a truncated pyramid with inscriptions on the edges.

These stones and the cross the day before the opening of Gogol burial were taken away and drove into the fly. Only in the early 50s, the widow of Mikhail Bulgakov accidentally discovered Gogol Stone-Calvary in the barn of borders and managed to establish it on the grave of her husband - the creator of the "Master and Margarita".

No less mysterious and mysticial fate of Moscow monuments Gogol. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for such a monument was born in 1880 during the celebrations about the opening of the Pushkin monument on Tver Boulevard.. And after 29 years, by the century from the birth date of Nikolai Vasilyevich on April 26, 1909, a monument was opened at the Prechistensky Boulevard, created by the sculptor N. Andreev. This sculpture, depicting deeply depressed Gogol at the time of his grave thinking, caused ambiguous estimates. Some enthusiastically praised her, others fiercely cried. But everyone agreed: Andreev managed to create a work of the highest artistic advantages.

Disputes around the original author's interpretation of the image of Gogol did not continue to calm down soviet time, I didn't tolerate the spirit of decline and despondency, even among the great writers of the past. Socialist Moscow required another Gogol - clear, light, calm. Not Gogol "selected places from correspondence with friends", and Gogol "Tarasa Bulba", "Auditor", "Dead Souls".

In 1935, the All-Union Committee on Arts In the Council of Arts, the USSR Council declares a competition for a new monument to Gogol in Moscow, which began the start of development chopped by the Great Patriotic War. She slowed down, but did not stop these works, in which the largest masters of the sculpture - M. Manizer, S. Mekurov, E. Vinchech, N. Tomski.

In 1952, in a century-old anniversary of Gogol's death, a new monument was established on the site of St. Andrew's monument, created by the sculptor N. Tomsky and architect S. Golubovsky. The Andreevsky monument was postponed to the territory of the Don Monastery, where he stood until 1959, when, at the request of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, he was established before the house of Tolstoy on Nikitsky Boulevard, where Nikolai Vasilyevich lived and died. To cross the Arbat Square, the creation of Andreeva took seven years!

Disputes around Moscow monuments Gogol continue even now. Some Muscovites in the transfer of monuments tend to see the manifestation of Soviet totalitarianism and party dictates. But everything that is done is done for the better, and Moscow today has not one, but two monuments of Gogol, equally precious to Russia in minutes as a decline and enlightenment of the Spirit.

"I wanted a sword for everyone, no one sakes me completely" - N.V.Gogol

The mystery of the life and death of Gogol causes numerous disputes of literary criticism, historians, psychologists, doctors and scientists. Over time, like many of his own character, he himself became a half-infantastic figure.

Gogol stairs

Still a child little Gogol. She listened to grandmother's stories about the stairs, according to which the souls of people rose into the sky. This image was deeply deposited in the memory of the boy, Gogol carried him through his whole life. Ladders of various kinds of things are found to us on the pages of Gogol works. Yes I. recent words The writer, according to eyewitnesses, was a cry of "the stairs, as soon as possible, let's get the stairs!"

Love for sweets

G.the illicit was sweet. Could, for example, without help to help, eat in one sitting by the jar of jam, the mountain of gingerbread and drink a whole samovar tea ... "In his pockets, he always had a stock of candies and gingerbread, he chewed, not ceasing, even in classes during classes. Take "Along the corner, away from everyone, and there already went his delicacy," describes Gogol his comrade for gymnasium. This passion for sweets remained until the end of the days. In Gogol's pockets, it was always possible to find a lot of sweets: caramel, pretzelkov, crackers, inspired pies, sachara pieces ...

Another of the curious features was a passion for skating bread balls. The poet and translator Nikolai Berg recalled: "Gogol either went around the room, from the corner to the corner, or sat and wrote, the balls from white bread, about which spoke to friends that they help resolve the most difficult and difficult tasks. When he missed dinner, he again rolled the balls and threatened them in a kvass or soup near the sitting ... One friend gathered these balls with whole beaches and keeps a reverent ... "

What else burned Gogol

The first work that turned into ash was the poem in the spirit of the German romantic school "Hans Kühelgarten". Pseudonym V. Alov saved the name of Gogol from the collapsed criticism, but the author himself took the failure very hard: bought all the unreasonable copies of the book in the stores and burned them. The writer, until the end of his life, did not admit to anyone that Alov is his pseudonym.

On the night of February 12, 1852, an event occurred, the circumstances of which still remain a mystery for biographers. Nikolai Gogol prayed to three hours, after which he took a portfolio, extracted several papers from him, and the rest ordered to throw into the fire. Crossing, he returned to bed and uncontrollably cry. It is believed that that night he burned the second volume of the "dead souls". However, later the manuscript of the second volume was found among his books. And what was burned in the fireplace is still unclear.

Gogol - Homosexual?

A ascetic lifestyle, which led Gogol, and excessive religiousness of the writer gave a reason for the emergence of many non-decisions. The contemporaries of the writer surprised and scarecrow similar behavior. From things he had with him a couple of replacement linen and kept it in one suitcase ... Pretty unlikely, he rarely admitted a society unfamiliar womenAnd all my life lived a virgin. Such aqueurope gave rise to a rash myth about the homosexual inclinations of the writer. A similar assumption put forward the American Slavist, the historian of Russian literature, Professor Semen Karlinsky, who said in his work "Sexy Maze Nikolai Gogol" about the "oppressed homosexuality" of the writer, involving "suppressing emotional attraction to representatives of its gender" and "disgust to physical or emotional contact with women "

According to Literaryrian I.P. Golden, Gogol was not indifferent to women, including A.M. Villegorskaya, which in 1840 made a proposal, but received a refusal. Vladimir Nabokov also objected to representatives of the psychoanalytic method. In his essay "Nikolai Gogol" he wrote: "The aggravated feeling of the nose eventually resulted in the story" Nose "- a truly anthem of this body. Freudian could say that in the inside out of the world of Gogol, human beings put upside down and therefore the role of the nose is obviously performing another body, and on the contrary, "but" it's better to forget about every Freudian nonsense "and MN. Dr.

Was Gogol buried alive?

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol died on February 21, 1852. And on February 24, 1852, he was devoted to the land at the cemetery of Danilov Monastery. According to the will, the monument was not put on him - Golgotha \u200b\u200brose over the grave. But after 79 years of the ash, the writer was removed from the grave: the monastery was transformed by the Soviet government to the colony for young criminals, and the necropolis was subject to liquidation. Only a few burials were decided to transfer to the old cemetery of the Novodevichi Monastery. Among these "lucky ones", along with Language, Aksakov and Homyakov, Gogol was ... On the reburial, the whole color of the Soviet intelligentsia was present. Among them was the writer V. Lidin. It was him Gogol obliged to emerge numerous legends about himself.

One of the myths concerned the lethargic sleep writer. According to Lydin, when the coffin was removed from under the ground and opened, then those present enhapting. In the coffin lay a skeleton with a skull's turned the skull. No one found explanations to this. They remembered the stories that Gogol was afraid to be buried alive in a state of lethargic sleep and seven years before the death took place: "My bodies are not buried until the explicit signs of decomposition appear. I mention this because, already during the disease, I found a minute of life numbness, the heart and pulse stopped fighting. " Seen plunged present in shock. Is Gogol really had to go through the horror of such death?

It is worth noting that in the future this story was subject to criticism. Sculptor N. Ramazanov, who shot a posthumous mask of Gogol, recalled: "I did not suddenly decide to remove the mask, but the cooked coffin ... Finally, an indispensable crowd of those who wanted to say goodbye to the expensive dead person forced me and my old man who referred to the traces of destruction, hurry ..." The explanation and turn of the skull: the side boards were followed first by the sobility, the cover under the weight of the soil lowers, presses on the head of the dead man, and she turns the cap on the so-called "Atlantov" vertebra.

Was there a skull?

However, this episode, the violent fantasy Lydin was not limited. A more terrible story followed - it turns out that at the opening of the coffin, the skeleton did not have a skull at all. Where could he go? This new fiction of Lydin spawned new hypotheses. They remembered that in 1908, when installed on the grave of heavy stone, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation to build a brick crypt over the coffin. They suggested that it was then that the writer's skull could be kidney. An guess was expressed that he was stolen at the request of the Fanatas of the Russian Theater, the merchant Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushina. They rumored that he had already had a skull of the great Russian actor Shchepkin ...

Gogol's head and ghost train

They say that the head of Gogol was decorated with a crunchy laurel crown of silver and placed in a glazed rosework case, an inside-covered black saffian. According to the same legend, the grand-nephew of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - Yanovsky, Lieutenant of the Russian Imperial Fleet, having learned about it, threatened Bakhrushin and took his head. Allegedly, a young officer wanted to take a skull in Italy (to the country that Gogol considered his second homeland), but this mission could not fulfill himself and instructed it to one Italian captain. So the head of the writer was in Italy. But this is not the end of this incredible story. Younger brother Captain, student of the University of Rome, went with the company of friends to a fishery railway trip; Deciding to swing over your friends, opening the box with a skull in a tunnel under La Mansha. They say, at the moment when the lid was open - the train disappeared ... Legend says that the train - the ghost disappeared is not forever. Allegedly, it is sometimes seen somewhere in Italy ... That in Zaporizhia ...