Valery Oslavsky: "I am very afraid of beautiful women. Leading "I am shy of my body" Catherine Bravened: photo, personal life The birth of the future medical shine

Valery Oslavsky:
Valery Oslavsky: "I am very afraid of beautiful women. Leading "I am shy of my body" Catherine Bravened: photo, personal life The birth of the future medical shine
I shifted my body
I will sink with my Tіl
Genre Realistic Show About Health
Production Channel Stb.
Leading (E) Lyudmila Shupenyuk,
Valery Oslavsky,
Ekaterina Bravezhenko
Country of Origin
Language Ukrainian Russian
Number of seasons 5
Number of releases 84
Producer (s) Anna Cherepukhina
Duration 160 min.
TV channel (s)
Image format 16:9
Sound format Stereo
Translation period March 6, 2014 - Present
Similar programs Embarrassing Bodies.
Official site

From the fifth season, the leading projects speak only in Ukrainian.

About television program

Famous doctors of Ukraine are trying to help people whose lives are destroyed by the disease, save them from uncomfortable, sometimes even shameful diseases or significantly improve their condition.

Project format

According to the concept of the project, five main characters are involved in each program - real people with severe diseases. Qualified doctors help them cope with the ailment. First, the participants inspect in the Kiev clinic, listen to complaints and conduct diagnostics. Further - send to other hospitals, where patients will make operations and treat their diseases. In addition, in different cities of Ukraine will consult themselves for everyone. Three leading shows - experienced physicians - look at patients, and then advise them what to do and who to contact.


Lyudmila Shupenyuk

In the specialty obstetrician gynecologist. It works in the female consultation by the Central District Polyclinic of the Dnieper District of the city of Kiev.

Family Lyudmila is the doctors dynasty. In addition to her doctors work and mother and dad, and sister. The project "I am shy of my body", according to Lyudmila, attracted it with its uniqueness:

The project is completely not template. He shows the audience that there are doctors who are willing to talk to patients and listen to them. He will give to understand people that you can talk to a doctor about everything and get qualified help.

Lyudmila Shupinyuk is convinced that the specifics of medical work lies in the ability to not put out of uncomfortable painful questions in order not to wander the patient once again. Only here the specifics of television just the same in the opposite, because otherwise the viewer will not make you think:

The value of the project is that this is perhaps the only program where diseases are considered in all planes. Starting from the cause and formulation of diagnosis, and for treatment options and prevention. Moreover, I am sure that the product is so necessary and complex in the feed must be interesting, where shocking, but still intelligent and vitality.

Ekaterina Bravezhenko

By specialty dermatovenerologist. Works in the Clinic Clinic "Institute of Clinical Medicine", Skin-Venered Dispensary No. 3 of the Svyatoshinsky District of the city of Kiev.

Catherine grew up in a medical family, so the medical philosophy is close to her and understandable since childhood. According to Catherine, the project is attributed to its ability to explore rare diseases, expand their knowledge in related specialties and unlimited methods of examination and treatment:

I really hope that this project will increase the level of confidence in domestic medicine. After all, in our country there are excellent specialists and an individual approach to each patient.

According to the girl, the main reason that people launch their illnesses are too lazy and dislike for themselves and their body. She also marks a high level of distrust of doctors and medical illiteracy:

I highly recommend everyone to see the project "I am shy of my body", because: first, this is the first program in Ukraine in which the viewer has the opportunity to see the therapeutic process from the inside, because everything in the project is absolutely real. Secondly, in the project a lot of useful information about the health and prevention of diseases, which is set out in an affordable visual form. And, thirdly, this is an absolutely social project, which, despite some frankness, calls to empathize, love and take care of yourself and near.

Valery Oslavsky

Specialty surgeon traumatologist. Works in the city clinical hospital number 11, the first traumatology department of the city of Odessa.

To participate in the project "I am shy of my body" pushed the lack of material restrictions in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient, as well as the ability to show that in Ukraine health workers are not worse than foreign. Valery believes that the most common cause of the fact that people launch their diseases are the lack of a healthy lifestyle culture:

In simple language, patients do not appreciate health when it is, and silently suffer when it is no longer. Motivations are all different: from what no money is that another is more important. This is the remainder of vicious thinking from the Soviet era, when medicine cost nothing. People must learn to understand that the disease is easier and cheaper to prevent than to eliminate its consequences.

Valery believes that after viewing the project, the audience will learn carefully to themselves and to the early manifesters of the body, will understand where and how to diagnose, to which doctor to contact in a particular case.

"Would lose a fair share of Charm. We tell all the most interesting about the selfless experimenter and the charming doctor - Valeria Oslavsky.

1. He always wanted to save people

In childhood, Valery dreamed of benefit to people - if not a thing, then at least words. Therefore, until the 9th grade suffered a choice: to become a lawyer, a journalist or a doctor. But everything decided to travel to the Odessa National Medical University. He conquered the heart of a young man with the beauty of columns, high ceilings and spacious audiences. The boy realized that the treatment of people was him. And the Czechoslovak series "Hospital on the outskirts of the city" was finally bowed to the scales in the direction of medicine, which was on TV at the time.

2. His sense of humor costs 100 thousand rubles

The spectators "I shy up my body" Valery conquered not only by professionalism, but also a wonderful sense of humor. He played in the KVN team "Rus-factor", and the treatment of people combined with the leading of the holidays. His charisma was appreciated by the leading humorous transfer of the "comic laugh", where the jokes of a young doctor brought him 100 thousand rubles. As they say, Valery has invested them in the profession and spent on advanced training.

3. The most important thing for him - work and daughter

Valery lives into two cities: in Kiev, it is waiting for work, and in Odessa - family. Most often, it can be found for consultations of patients, on the set of medical programs and for social activities. But even in such a tense chart, the doctor finds time for his daughter, with which very close: they are engaged in sports, walk by the sea and arrange a creative weekend. On his page on Facebook, Valery admits that he could not live without the support of the girl:

4. He will never refuse to help

At the expense of Valery, hundreds of rescued patients, but he took many of them outside the medical office, and sometimes in extreme conditions. Once a young doctor witnessed a major accident, when the bus drove to fences, and together with his colleagues helped the wounded. The second loud case occurred this year: Valery has reanimated a woman for 20 minutes, which has become bad at the bus stop.

In everyday life, the doctor is also attentive to requests - responds to people on the street and gives advice to which specialist should appeal, in social networks.

5. For the sake of the case, he will go to all

On the project "I am shy of my body", Valery spent dozens of insane and difficult medical experiments: he walked on heels, made a tattoo, drove and even "pregnant". But he admits to journalists that he wants the most experiment with an accident - specially split several cars to show what injuries are waiting for the driver, passengers and pedestrians. And, most importantly, how to avoid them, because every day there are hundreds of people die on the roads.

In the fall on the STB channel starts the third season of the medical current "For Live!". Spectators are waiting for a few surprises: a new format and a new project lead! To psychoanalyst Anna Kushneuk Joined the traumatologist, leading the project "I will hurt a holy Tіl"

In the spring ended the third season of the popular project "I will soften my Tіla". His lead, doctor Valery Oslavsky, forever remembered an episode with snakes. "I really do not like snakes, and thanks to the experiment with the massage of snakes, I will overwear this fear. It can be said that the project "I will hurt a holy Tіl" is called up not only to train Ukrainians how to improve the state of your health, but also fight with my phobias. I am very afraid of beautiful women, so from the first season, Luda and Katya (Lyudmila Schupenyuk and Katerina Lyudmila Schupenyuk and Katerina, the leading project), thereby helping me to overcome this phobia, "Valery jokes.

Tell us about the new season of the show "For Liv!".
The project has changed its format that suggests two leading. It is still a show Ani, and I just help her a little. The third season can be described in three words: fun, great, informative.
On the project "I will soften with Holy Til", you often conducted experiments on yourself. For example, made a tattoo. In "For Live!" Have something happened to try?
Experiments on these projects are distinguished as the program formats themselves. "Body" - reality. Here in the first place the life and health of a particular patient - the hero of the program. His disease is considered through the prism of what it can be useful to know other people. "For alive!" - This is a talk show, where there is more about the patient and illness as a whole, although each topic is accompanied by a history of a particular person. And in the talk show you can approach a number of problems with humor. People in Ukraine, both sick and healthy, tired of crying. I want a positive. Therefore, in "For Live!" There will be new funny headings, and interesting stories from the life of doctors, and much more. These are two different projects that cannot be compared.

Did you remember some unusual experiment on "For Live!"?
We shot the episode on how to choose animals. There was the 16th shooting hour, and with our anne, there was a hysterical laughter. I can not say why (laughs). But each phrase, which sounded from experts or from us with an Anya, caused an even greater attack of laughter. We then overwriting this category, but I will never forget it.
Have you learned something on the project?
Resistance (smiles). I learned to stand stand on my legs 16 hours! From medical aspects on traumatology, I did not open anything for myself, but every time I am surprised at the ingenuity of Oxford scientists who please us with new discoveries. And the ingenuity of our population, which can be capable of imparting and adapt to unspoken. Maybe everything depends on our mentality - we are inventors from birth. Ukrainians themselves create difficulties, and then successfully overcome them.

Do you adhere to the recommendations of doctors?
Naturally, everything we are talking about, we are trying to implement as far as possible. But I somehow hard to sleep for 8 hours a day with my schedule and life, to go on time, eat on the clock and right. Because it is not always in the way on the road Odessa - Kiev is a useful carrot or an apple if he did not put a caring wife (smiles).
And how to relax and relax for the two cities?
I have a wonderful daughter. We often walk with her, we communicate, read, draw, go to the movies. This is the best anti-stress and relaxation.
Daughter criticizes your work? Gives advices?
Sure. It can say that this shirt does not go to me or in this release I had little smiles. Stylists I do not give advice, of course, but I try to wear one shirt anymore.


12:36 2016

In the fall on the STB channel starts the third season of the medical current "For Live!". Spectators are waiting for a few surprises: a new format and a new project lead! To psychoanalyst Anna Kushneuk Joined the traumatologist, leading the project "I will hurt a holy Tіl"

In the spring ended the third season of the popular project "I will soften my Tіla". His lead, doctor Valery Oslavsky, forever remembered an episode with snakes. "I really do not like snakes, and thanks to the experiment with the massage of snakes, I will overwear this fear. It can be said that the project "I will hurt a holy Tіl" is called up not only to train Ukrainians how to improve the state of your health, but also fight with my phobias. I am very afraid of beautiful women, so from the first season I work with Luda and Katya (Lyudmila Schupenyuk and Katerina Bravezhenko - leading projects). Thereby, helping me to overcome this phobia, "Valery jokes.

Tell us about the new season of the show "For Liv!".
The project has changed its format that suggests two leading. It is still a show Ani, and I just help her a little. The third season can be described in three words: fun, great, informative.
On the project "I will soften with Holy Til", you often conducted experiments on yourself. For example, made a tattoo. In "For Live!" Have something happened to try?
Experiments on these projects are distinguished as the program formats themselves. "Body" - reality. Here in the first place the life and health of a particular patient - the hero of the program. His disease is considered through the prism of what it can be useful to know other people. "For alive!" - This is a talk show, where there is more about the patient and illness as a whole, at least each topic is accompanied by the history of a particular person. And in the talk show you can approach a number of problems with humor. People in Ukraine, both sick and healthy, tired of crying. I want a positive. Therefore, in "For Live!" There will be new funny headings, and interesting stories from the life of doctors, and much more. These are two different projects that cannot be compared.

Did you remember some unusual experiment on "For Live!"?
We shot the episode on how to choose animals. There was the 16th shooting hour, and with our anne, there was a hysterical laughter. I can not say why (laughs). But each phrase, which sounded from experts or from us with an Anya, caused an even greater attack of laughter. We then overwriting this category, but I will never forget it.
Have you learned something on the project?
Resistance (smiles). I learned to stand stand on my legs 16 hours! From medical aspects on traumatology, I did not open anything for myself, but every time I am surprised at the ingenuity of Oxford scientists who please us with new discoveries. And the ingenuity of our population, which can be capable of imparting and adapt to unspoken. Maybe everything depends on our mentality - we are inventors from birth. Ukrainians themselves create difficulties, and then successfully overcome them.

Do you adhere to the recommendations of doctors?
Naturally, everything we are talking about, we are trying to implement as far as possible. But I somehow hard to sleep for 8 hours a day with my schedule and life, to go on time, eat on the clock and right. Because it is not always on the way on the road Odessa - Kiev is a useful carrot or an apple if he did not put a caring wife (smiles).
And how to relax and relax for the two cities?
I have a wonderful daughter. We often walk with her, we communicate, read, draw, go to the movies. This is the best anti-stress and relaxation.
Daughter criticizes your work? Gives advices?
Sure. It can say that this shirt does not go to me or in this release I had little smile. Stylists I do not give advice, of course, but I try to wear one shirt anymore.

11:30 07.03.2014

Medicine in Ukraine, like our life herself - a solid struggle of extremes: the patient there is nothing to put in the patient, then the beauty is doing from the monster. However, for the second extreme I voted by both hands. And with me - and the Channel of STB with his long-awaited project "I am shy of my body", the premiere of which took place yesterday.

In connection with the need to inform the speakers of the channel about the situation in the country, the start of the program scheduled at 22:25 moved at 23:00. But Miroslav Dalubovsky and the timing was offended were not - the ether was dragged far over midnight, and only the most desperate midnights reached the happy junction. Well, and me ..

To begin with, the audiences presented four heroes who assumed the role of defenders of the reputation of Ukrainian medicine. Meet:

Valery Oslavsky, 35 years old, surgeon traumatologist (10 years old); Vasily Pari, 47 years old, orthopedist traumatologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences (experience 22 years); Lyudmila Shupinyuk, 47 years old, obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category (experience of 23 years); And Catherine Bravened, 37 years old, dermatologist-venereologist, doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences (15 years old) ... They agreed to become conductors of the shye Ukrainian public to the world of health.

As I suspected, 4 doctors leading the program is a bust. Vasily Paris in the first release of the place almost did not turn out - on the screen he was present no more than 5 minutes (out of 90 more than 5 minutes). However, to meet him at the audience - another season. In the heroes, the premiere edition also did not have a deficit: the first "arched" patient whose history will continue several issues, it became Tatiana, suffering from lymphostasis, or so-called elephantism.

Despite the serious illness, Tatiana retains optimism

And although the disease is difficult, its case is not hopeless

The fate of the remaining heroes decided on the episode. Or, alas, did not dare.

Vladimir, 10 years old did not treat the tumor on the chin, got rid of the problem by surgical intervention

The operation was shown and explained in detail, so the expected effect of scaring the viewer did not happen

Is that a particularly clear from the audience turned into the most critical moments

Plastic solved the problem of another heroine show - Lydia. The woman appealed to the project with a request to reduce the chest 11 size.

This is the hard burden of the spine Lydia extended with difficulty

What is reduction mammoplasty, the viewer was also explained on the fingers and drawings

Successfully spent ...

And boasted an excellent result

But what happened to the third heroine of the pilot issue "I am shifted to my body", the viewer so completely and did not find out.

For 5 years, Lyudmila could not figure out why the constant belching is tortured. After conducting many tests, the project was also unable to figure out the cause of the problem - she did not find any explicit physiological pathologies. Doctors suggested that the reason may be stress, and prescribed by Lyudmila drugs to stabilize the emotional background. But heroin tablets helped, the episode did not explain.

Two characters of the show came across doctors on the idea of \u200b\u200bholding master classes on "weissing" Ukrainians. Inspired by Lyudmila's story, Catherine Runs in Odessa and explained to passersby, what to punch is normal and necessary, and Valery walked along the shopping center in Kiev with a female chest, trying to draw buyers' attention to the problems of early diagnosis of breast cancer.

At first, experimental shy ...

The problem of constancy also fell into the field of view of the program specialists. A woman with an imaginary tail and a girl with curves, which are quite amenable to the inoperative correction, were "thrown" to the fight against it. These heroines received from leading portion of common sense and sober recommendations. And one more patient, embarrassed to treat the erosion of the cervix, won an embarrassment ... treatment on the camera.

The procedure that has caused a doubt about the heroine for a whole year

it was successfully held in 10 minutes. Voila!

The dry residue of the project is not much different from his British progenitor, which you already know a lot. Good, but strict doctors with an excellent sense of humor fight with stupidity, ashamed and prejudices in the name of the health of the nation, and often quite successfully. Ukrainian presenters seemed very nice. And in general, the successful formula formula was observed: a few patients who applied to the clinic, and several trailer found traveling along the roads of Ukraine were successfully consulted and even cured. Two medical libeles were also both informative and funny,

and quite affordable.

It is only bad that after the premiere the patient in some CRH will experience a real cognitive dissonance - there doctors do not smile, at the registration of Hamyat, and for each step to the right or left you have to pay extra.

The main format difference is and an additional 30 minutes of the duration of the episode - these are personal history of patients. And it seems, the audience would penetrate them and without obsessive long major plans with sad faces. The severity of the problem is obvious and without too much melodrama, but it is a handwriting and STB style.

But did the Ukrainians have a desire to urgently pay attention to their health, whether the spectators did not escape after the plastic surgery close-up, and what proportion of post-primems cake grasted this Show Stb - I will tell you very soon.

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