The story of Madame Tussao: from the posthumous masks of killers and those killed to the world famous museum. Photo excursion in Madame Tussao Museum What is in Madame Tussao Museum

The story of Madame Tussao: from the posthumous masks of killers and those killed to the world famous museum. Photo excursion in Madame Tussao Museum What is in Madame Tussao Museum
The story of Madame Tussao: from the posthumous masks of killers and those killed to the world famous museum. Photo excursion in Madame Tussao Museum What is in Madame Tussao Museum

Madame Tussao Museum named its founder, Maria Tussao. However, her interest in sculpture arose in his childhood, when she was walked by the name Anna Maria Grosholz. It was she who stood at the origins of the creation of wax figures. And her case still lives and enjoys great popularity worldwide.

History of extraordinary sculptor

Mary Mary served in the house of Dr. Philippe Kurtius, who, in addition to healing, was fond of anatomy and was engaged in creating anatomical uniforms, and soon began to create various sculptures from wax to order. Little Maria often ran to him into the workshop and watched his work - then Kurtius began to teach her skill to create wax figures.

At the age of seventeen, Maria created its first sculpture - and it was the sculpture of Voltaire himself. The great philosopher died a few months after the modeling session, so his wax bust, exposed on the shop window of the Kurtius shop, greatly attracted buyers and helped the family to establish a business.

Maria became the assistant of Kurtius - he led him, helped with the organization of exhibitions and continued to make sculptures. He appreciated and help, and the talent of the girls to sculptural art, and therefore later he visited her all his works.

Maria Grosholz became famous for his wax figures of famous personalities so that one day it was invited to simulate the sculptures of the members of the royal family themselves. During the arrival of the French revolution, Maria was sentenced to execution, but her chance was to be saved by the creation of posthumous masks from the killed royal people and the removal of blinds from revolutionary leaders, such as Robespierre, Marat and others.

A few years later, Maria married Francois Tussao, a French engineer, and gave birth to two sons, Joseph and Francois. She continued to engage in sculpture and create wax figures of famous people. But one day, throwing her husband who hit drunkenness, she went on a journey through Britain's Islands and continued to create sculptures of famous historical persons and British politicians.

Thus, the first Madame Tussao Madame Madame, which was then represented by a mobile exhibition - Maria took her during his travels.

Soon she finally moved to the British capital. So in 1835, the Madame Tussao Madame Madame appeared in London, and he was originally located on the famous street called Baker Street.

Fifteen years after the opening of the museum in London, Madame Tussao went out of life, but her business did not disappear thanks to sons and grandchildren. Soon the Museum moved to a more prestigious area of \u200b\u200bthe capital, to Marylebon Road. And even though half a century after moving Madame Tussao, Madame Tussao lost most of the sculptures because of the fire, they managed to restore them thanks to the preserved uniforms.

The most famous museum of wax figures Madame Tussao, which basically mean, is still in London. The exposition of the museum usually consists of about four hundred wax figures.

The popularity of this place is so great that every time the entrance is gathering a lot of more than those who wish to see the creations of the Tussao dynasty. Many sculptures posted in the museum were still made by Mary's hands. By the way, Madame Tussao wax figure is the very first sculpture that meets the audience, which are included in the museum building. Its author is Madame Tussao herself, who decided to create his own self-portrait during his lifetime.

All collections are divided by thematic chairs. "World Arena" is the so-called the largest of these halls, which accommodates the wax figures of famous personalities from the field of history, culture and policies of different centuries.

Visitors will see there and the figures of the Royal Family, including Prince William, his wife Kate Middleton, Brother Harry and others. The politicians of the 20th century and the XXI century are also collected here: visitors will see and Indica Gandhi, and Barack Obama, and many other political figures.

Separate halls are dedicated to the stars of sports, musical world, Hollywood and even Indian Bollywood. Visitors simply disagree from such a number of star twins: from Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendricks to Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera, from Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger to Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston.

A separate hall is devoted to the most terrible historical events: famous maniacs, serial killers and their victims, torture, and other thematic exhibits are placed, torture and other thematic exhibits are made from wax. Unstable psyche, pregnancy and age up to twelve years - restrictions for visiting this fear room.

At least the main museum Madame Tussao is located in London, like a workshop where every figure is created, nineteen branches of the museum have been created in nineteen cities of the world. The most famous and interesting branches of the Tussaco Museum opened in Berlin, New York and Amsterdam. In each of them there are unique sculptures, but celebrities can be repeated.

Madame Tussao Museum gives celebrities immortality in the form of wax figures, but some of them even experience a kind of regeneration. If the celebrity does a tattoo or change the hairstyle, then the masters can add or change in an already existing sculpture, bringing new elements there, but most often celebrity wax figure is completely created.

This is due to the fact that, in contrast to wax sculptures, live people to change over time or due to plastic surgery. For example, the figure of the singers Kylie Minogue changed four times, and Michael Jackson wax figure, for known reasons - thirteen times.

How to create figures from wax

All visitors who come to Madame Tussyo's wax figures museum is striking the similarity of sculptures with celebrities. In particularly successful cases, the celebrity in the photo cannot be distinguished from twin from wax. But not everyone knows what is behind the creation of wax figures in the museum.

  • The manufacture of each wax sculpture is a huge amount of time, about three to four months, since the masters carefully work out even the slightest details. About two hundred such figures are produced annually.
  • First, measurements are taken from the face and the human body, according to which they want to make a wax figure. Celebrities have to spend in the workshop of the mass of time so that the sculptor collected all the necessary information: what model is the skin color and eye, hairstyle, color and shape of the hair, whether she has moles, scars, tattoos, etc. and in the case when The person did not remain alive, modeling masters have to be guided only by photos.

  • After the measurements are removed, you need to consolidate the posture of future sculpture. For this, a metal frame is used: the lower part of the figure is formed from the rigid metal, and the upper one is made of soft.
  • Based on measurements, a clay model layout is drawn up - it must accurately comply with its real appearance. Then these clay casts are drawn up frame.

  • After that, the time of bee wax occurs - they pour wet clay and wait for the shape of the figure, which takes about 170 hours. After that, the sculpture is grinning, if necessary, and minor imperfections are removed.

  • Madame Tussao Museum is realistic to all the details, so the shapes from wax do not wear wigs - natural hair is attached to the "skin" of the sculpture head, strands behind the strands. After that, hairstyle is formed. Hair work can take more than a month.

  • There comes a turn of teeth and eyes: acrylic rubber is used for their manufacture.

  • Skin color and Makeup sculptures are created using oil paints.

  • His own clothing and accessories of the wax figure are usually given celebrities themselves.

The safety of each figure is very closely monitored: sculptures are tested before each exhibition day and after it. At the same time, visitors, for example, are not forbidden to hug a wax twin to make a photo.

If you wanted to see how one of the most unusual Museums of the world looks like - Madame Madame Tussao Museum in London, then watch the next plot in which you can stroll through the museum's halls along with the author of the video:

Madame Tussao Museum is the most popular and most huge museum of wax figures in the world. It puts more than 1000 exhibits so different from each other epochs. The main building is located in the area of \u200b\u200bLondon - Marylebone, and his branches "scattered" in light.

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The history of this amazing place began almost 2 centuries ago on Baker Street (1835). However, like any story, and he had his own exciting background, which took the beginning of Dr. Curtis's workshop.

  • Born in Strasbourg in 1761.
  • Childhood passed in France in the house of Dr. Philip Kurtis (Tussao's mother helped him to lead the economy)
  • Dr. Curtis initially engaged in anatomical models from wax, and then figures; The girl became his apprentice
  • The first wax figure created at 16 (Voltaire)
  • Also famous works of Tussao: Franklin, Rousseau, royal posthumous masks
  • Corresponding, Philip Curtis, left his works Mary

History of the museum

From France Tussao moved to London in 1802. In the first years of existence, the wax exhibition was mobile and wheel in Irish and British lands. Subsequently (1835) Sons managed to persuade the mother to settle on Baker Street. Londoners with delight perceived the museum.

A huge role in the acquisition of the Museum of Glory was played by the "Horror Cabinet", which saw the light in 1845 and continuing his existence. The office was exhibited for review: the figures of the recognizable criminals and gentlemen of the time, as well as a collection of posthumous masks of those who died from the Parisian guillotine.

The collection of exhibits grew. There was a need for a larger area. Ultimately, in 1884, the museum replaced his location to Marylebon-Road. He stayed there.

Big Fire

In 1925, a large-scale fire occurred in the structure. Most of the exhibits were destroyed. However, the owners of the museum are very lucky: the forms remained unharmed, thanks to which they managed to restore lost specimens.

Invaluable contribution of the Tussao brothers

After Madame Tussao, in 1850, the museum inherited her sons. The contribution of the brothers to continued the case of the mother is invaluable. Previously, the shelf life of exhibits was only a few years. The heirs put tremendous efforts to find a way to extend the "life" of figures. And found. The technology was patented, and is applied practically unchanged to this day.

Museum today

In our age, when creating wax exhibits into the course, modern technologies are followed by: skin cover, similar to a real, special plastic for the formation of nails and eyes of figures.

Moreover, this time for the recreation of the atmosphere of expositions apply:

  • Voice imitation with computer technology
  • Adding additional sound effects
  • Animated paintings in the background of models
  • Some exhibits are even capable of movement and reaction to visitors.

Waxing Jennifer Lopez even poured by a blush from indiscreet views of visitors.

The relevance of exhibits

Currently, the museum fills not only figures of historical personalities, but also scientists, artists, politicians and other recognizable personalities and characters. Madame Tussao Museum Models are always interesting and relevant. The emergence of new exhibits passes solemnly, noisy, with many guests and even with the presence of the press. And the figures disappear, as soon as the original prototypes lose the relevance - modestly and unnoticed.

With wax figures, you can take a picture even in an embrace or kissing a cheek. Administration, despite the loss of particular actual models, nothing against.

Pride of the museum and innovation

"Spirit of London" is perhaps the most interesting exposition of the museum. It demonstrates scenes from London's life belonging to different epochs. Starting from the board of Elizabeth English and ending with modernity.

A few years ago, a 4D show with superhero marvela appeared in the museum - children are delighted with this innovation. This is a 10-minute film with the participation of famous characters comic. 4D technology is adding to the usual 3D special effects to usually: moving chairs, wind, splashes.

In addition, thematic movie recorders are demonstrated on very large screens, allowing to plunge into the atmosphere of different historical eras of London: from a large fire of 1666 to the 20th century.

It would seem that children's entertainment, but most travelers consider Madame Tussy Museum an integral part of the London tourist program.

Ticket price, address and work time

The information is indicative, the price tag is taken on weekdays day from the official website of Madame Tussao Madame. Prices are in pounds.

On the rates for the scheduled day of the visit (including on weekends) and what entertainment program is included in the cost of standard and premium tickets, you can clarify on the official website of Madame Tussao Madame.

Address: Marylebone Road, London, London NW15LR

Opening hours in November:

  • Pn. - Fr.: 9: 30-17: 30
  • Sat., Sun: 9: 00-18: 00
  • November 28 Change in schedule: 9: 00-17: 30

Address: United Kingdom, London, Marylebon district, ul. Marylebon Road.
Foundation date: 1835 year
Coordinates: 51 ° 31 "22.3" N 0 ° 09 "18.8" W

Which of us at least once in life I dreamed of meeting with the celebrity? Ask an autograph at the singer's favorite group or take pictures with a popular actor? Interest in people who achieved great success in creativity, sports or politics, lives in each of us.

Museum view from University of Westminster

Beautiful and great admire and attracts. However, just like a terrible and disgusting ... But in real life, few people are lucky to take a picture in an embrace with Hollywood's beauties, shake hands to the president or fearlessly to look into the eyes of the most cruel and terrible maniacs. Exception - Lucky, who visited Madame Tussao Museum in London! Or his branch in another city, although any branch far to the Main Museum. Madame Tussao Museum (FR. Madame Tussauds) - The world's most famous museum of wax figures based on the sculptor Maria Tussao and located in Marylebone, the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bLondon.

The museum has branches in the 14 largest cities of the world (New York, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Vienna, Berlin, etc.). Expositions of branches are over thousands of wax sculptures of outstanding politicians, movie stars and pop, historical figures. But the most famous and interesting museum Madame Tussyo in London. In the year he is visited by more than 2.5 million people and it says a lot.

Doctor who loved to make copies of people and his student Maria

The history of Madame Tussyo Museum began with the cold December day, when in 1761 in Strasbourg (France) in the family of an officer and a simple Swiss girl was born a daughter called Maria. The girl's father died in war shortly before her birth, and soon Mary's mother with her and the rest of the children moved to another city - Bern.

Museum building in which London planetarium previously posted

There she got a job by housekeeper to Dr. Philip Wilhelm Kurtius. The Doctor had an unusual passion - he did anatomically faithful models of people from wax. As it turned out, the meeting of the Old Doctor and the Little Mary was fateful.

In 1765, Dr. Kurtius moves to Paris. Two years later, Maria, together with his mother, joins him. Mother continues to work by housekeeper, and Baby Maria begins to learn the art of creating wax sculptures. Already then, in childhood, she manifests a deep interest and talent to the reconciliation of the exact images of people from wax. Doctor, seeing a diligent student in it, willingly shared with the girl secrets of his skill.

In Paris, Kurtius decides to show his work to the general public. The first exhibition took place in 1770 and had a deafening success. Wax copies of real people, including, for example, Madame Dubarry (Favorite King Louis XV), fell to taste to Parisians.

Maria in those years also works to create its own sculptures, which will later be among the exhibits of the Madame Tussao Madame Madame in London. Among the others were wax wax figures (its first sculpture), Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Benjamin Franklin.

Museum building inscription

Meanwhile, Phillip Kurtyus continues to arrange exhibitions in Paris. Among them, it is especially worth noting the one that went in 1782 on the Boulevard du Tampl. The shocked spectators saw to the trembling the believable wax sculptures of famous killers and executed criminals. It was this exhibition that became the prototype of the horror room, which the Madame Tussao Madame Museum in London is so famous.

Meanwhile, the streets of Paris becomes restless - the revolution is nearing. In 1789, rebels with screams and broke through the streets carry wax figures of hated politicians performed by Maria. With the change of power, Maria is arrested and imprisoned, where she meets Josephine Bogarna - the future wife of Napoleon. From the guillotine, Maria saved only the fact that after the death of one of the leaders of the revolution - Robespierre, she was invited to make posthumous masks for him and his killer.

After the liberation, Maria returns to the workshop of Dr. Kurtius, who by that time he had already passed away, but he managed to make his collection of student. In 1802, Maria is married to the engineer Francois Tussao and becomes Madame Tussao. The collection of the figures of Mary itself continues to increase, grows and its popularity. But the husband begins to drink and play a state in the card, so Maria throws him and, grabbing the eldest son and his collection, moves to the UK.

Museum view with Marylebor Road

In 1835, on the famous Baker Street Street in London, the first exhibition of wax figures opened. From this point on, the history of Madame Tussyo Music in London, which has lived to 88 years old, has time to create many amazing sculptures for their lives.

Madame Madame Tussao in London and his wax "inhabitants"

Today, Madame Tussao Museum is located in one of the most wealthy and prestigious regions of London - Marylebone, on Marylebon Road Street. This is the north of Westminster, not so far from Trafalgar Square.

The museum contains more than 400 wax sculptures depicting famous people of various eras. Each sculpture is performed as accurately and carefully that at first it hardly believes that you are not real people from flesh and blood, and their copies from wax! Therefore, it is not surprising that the manufacture of only one figure takes up to 6 months, and its cost is $ 50,000.

Entering the museum, visitors see ... No, not known politician or actor. They are met by the figure of a small elderly woman. She is dressed in a black dress and a snow-white cape. Eyes on a round good-natured face look through glasses of glasses carefully and friendly. This is a wax sculpture of Madame Tussaco - a stunning woman, the hostess of this extraordinary place.

Sculpture Albert Einstein

Passing through the halls of Madame Tussao Madame in London, visitors will see almost all more or less famous people of history and modernity. Music lovers can admire the legendary Bittles group, imposingly launched on a velvet sofa, or shocking Michael Jackson. Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn quite like alive, hundreds of times more real than on the screen.

Some particularly significant historical figures are given increased attention. Napoleon Bonaparte, with his wife, who was familiar to Madame Tussao, were distinguished by two two halls. There, besides the figure of the greatest conqueror, you can see his personal belongings, such as a hiking bed of the commander.

A separate exposition of Madame Tussao Madame in London is dedicated to the royal family of Great Britain. Here and Elizabeth II, and Princess Cambridge Kate Middleton, and Princes of the British Crown William and Harry. Of course, the workshop performed the figure of the princess Diana is present.

Sculpture of Michael Jackson

Do not forgotten cultural figures and people of science. Albert Einstein learn from published, according to his famous hairstyle. You can also "get acquainted closer" with Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde. An interesting opportunity for visitors is the passage of interactive tests: on IQ with Einstein or Creativity with Picasso!

With all exhibits you can freely photograph (hugging and touching the figures is not prohibited!). This is a great opportunity to become the owner of a common photo with famous politicians (Barack Obama, George Bush, Vladimir Putin), Stars of pop and cinema (Madonna, Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise), or outstanding athletes (David Beckham , Eli Manning). And maybe someone would prefer the photo with supermodel and actress Kate Moss, or the scandalous-famous Slek lioness Paris Hilton.

Horror Room - ominous "Basins" Museum Madame Tussao

Special part of the Madame Tussao Museum in London, his creepy "Ducts", this is a horror room. That is the most, prototype and source of ideas for which the Horror Cabinet of Dr. Kurtius - Madame Tussao teacher.

The horror room completely justifies its name and can make a very strong impression. Therefore, cores, pregnant women and small children are not allowed there. And then you never know what ...

Sculpture Freddie Mercury

The same brave, who will decide to visit the alarming dull light room of horror, will see the grim out of English history. Here are collected wax figures of the most famous English thieves, killers and traitors. Glazing soul thrill causes Jack Ripper - a serial killer, wrapped on the streets of London in the XIX century. And the remaining not caught.

Disgusting and at the same time the scenes of medieval torture and executions are attracting. Their plausibility involuntarily fascinates frightened visitors. There are horrors and a pair of guillotine. These guillotines used in their direct appointment during the Great French Revolution.

Pover's a gloomy picture of atmospheric sound background: cries of trying people, plenty of help, crunch grinding on the dabbones. Add costumed views of the applied actors suddenly popping out from behind the corner, and you will surely agree that it's really not worth the children and people with a weak heart!

Sculpture Winston Churchill

And although you understand the mind that the horror room is the usual, albeit the most terrible exhibition when you are in it, it is difficult to get rid of the impression that you follow someone's evil and ruthless look. In the end, surprisingly, but the fact - when a fire happened in Madame Tussao museum (in 1925), in which almost all wax figures died, the fire for some reason did not affect the horror room ...

Madame Tussao Museum in London and modern trends

Madame Tussao Museum in London continues to actively develop. A collection of wax figures is continuously replenished with realistic copies of famous personalities. The administration necessarity ensures that the Madame Tussao Museum is presented with wax twins of all the most popular (or scandalous) currently of politicians, actors, singers, athletes, showmen and musicians.

However, the exhibitions of the Madame Tussao Museum are not limited to the sculptures of real people. Teenagers (yes, sin to hone, many adults too!) Will be delighted with the face to face with the heroes of American comic books "Marvel" and filmed by their motives: Hulk, Wolverine, Spider Man, Captain America, Batman, Women Cats And many others. The characters of modern cinema and animation are not forgotten. Jack Sparrow is at least charming than in the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, and Schrek seems even more green and funny than in the cartoon of the same name.

Attractions, the Madame Tussaco museum in London should be made on the list of attractions of the most famous and inconsistencies. There is a little in the world of people who would never have heard about the amazing collection of wax figures. Well, and those people who had the opportunity to visit the capital of Great Britain probably did not forget about this famous attractions of London and visited there.

History of creation

The founder of the museum was born in the family of the military through the name of Grossoll. Family lived in the city of Strasbourg, but after the death of the head of the family, which happened even before birth in the younger daughter of Mary (in 1761), a widowed mother with children moved to Bern. There, a woman entered the post of housekeeper to the house to Dr. Curtis. At that time, the doctor decided to finish his medical practice to deal with his favorite business - the creation of naturalistic figures, cast from wax.

In 1767, Dr. Curtis and the Mary family moved to the capital of France. Already from the most young age, the girl begins to comprehend the difficult art of creating figures from wax, as the doctor is extremely kind to Mary and does not regret the time for her training.

At that time, creating figures from wax was a matter of profitable, because there were still no cinema, so the only opportunity for many people see how the celebrity looks like, there was visits to exhibitions of wax figures.

Maria Grorsolts after a while received from the sister King Elizabeth invitation to arrive at Versailles, there the girl spent 9 years. She was able to complete the education and get useful work skills by creating wax copies of the king's relatives.

During the "revolutionary" cleansing, which began in 1789, Maria, as a person close to the royal family, is in prison. There she met Madame de Godarna, who later became the wife of the emperor Bonaparte. Maria miraculously avoided execution, since the new authorities needed to create a wax copy of the killed Robespierre, and the best wizard to fulfill this work was not found.

After the arrival of the Napoleon, Mary is getting together. Her mentor Dr. Curtis died by that time, and she independently and completely successfully behaves. After a while, Maria is married and gets the surname of her husband, becoming Madame Tussao. True, the marriage was not too successful, and Maria, along with two sons, leaves her husband in London. There, the family organizes a mobile exhibition, showing celebrities figures made from wax in different cities.

When Maria turned 74 years old, a stationary exhibition was opened. The first museum building in London was located on Baker Street Street. After the death of Mary, who lived almost to 90 years, the case of the creation of wax copies of famous people continued her sons and grandchildren. In 1884, the exhibition was transported to a new building, located on Marylebon Road Street, there the Museum is located in our time. Although today they are managed by a museum no descendants of Mary.

It must be said that in the history of the museum there were quite a few tragic stans. So in 1925 there was a strongest fire, which destroyed most of the collection. But according to the preserved forms, the exposure was restored. Another serious incident happened during the aircraft fascist on London. The aviation bomb fell into the building, destroying a significant part of the exhibits, which then had to repair hard.

Modern weekdays

And nowadays, the Madame Tussao Madame Madame Museum in London is one of the most visited museums in the world. Every year he takes about 2.5 million visitors. Visiting the museum is not easy visual impressions, visitors will recognize interesting facts of their biographies, the figures are allowed to touch and photograph with them.

Daily before the opening of the museum, eight specialists inspect the exhibition. Each specialist performs a certain part of the service of exhibits. One is responsible for the hairstyle of the figures exhibited, the other corrects as the need for the makeup, the third is responsible for suits, etc.

The manufacture of one figure, modern masters are engaged in about six months, the cost of each of the exhibits is about 50 thousand dollars. For the year it creates about two dozen new figures. To achieve perfect similarities with now living people, there are several dozen facial and bodies in different projections.

Modern exposition consists of 400 sculptures depicting well-known historical personalities and modern celebrities. But the first figure that visitors see is an elderly lady in a snow-white sepper, this is the image of the founder of the museum, that is, Madame Tussyo.

Then, passing through the halls, you can see copies of famous personalities. Even in the photo of the exhibits it can be seen that images are frighteningly realistic. When viewed by the "live" impressions even stronger.

You can see in the exposition you can have a variety of celebrities. There are also famous musicians, actors, and political figures. Some characters paid special attention. For example, Napoleon and his spouse were allocated two halls, in which, in addition to the figures of historical personalities, some personal belonging to the emperor family are presented.

In a separate room, an exposition dedicated to the royal family is presented. There are figures of the current Queen Elizabeth and young princes - William with a charming wife Kate and Harry.

The cultural and science figures are not ignored. Moreover, visitors are offered to "compete" with celebrities. For example, you can pass an interactive test to compare your IQ indicator with an indicator of IQ Albert Einstein or find out who has more creative thinking - at a visitor or Picasso.

Not only figures of real people are represented in the museum, there are special halls in which you can look at the well-known literary and cinema characters. Children, and adults it will be interesting to look at Jack-Sparrow, shake Shrek or take a picture with a spiderman.

When creating figures for exposures of the wizard, all achievements of scientific and technological progress are used. Some figures can move or join a conversation with visitors.

Attraction "Spirit of London"

An interesting and fun attraction, which enjoyed great success in visitors, allows you to fully plunge into the atmosphere of medieval London. Guests of the museum offer to stay in small cabins and carry them on the halls, in which the atmosphere of the "old" London is scrupulously recreated. Moreover, the characters that visitors have to meet are by no means static. Citizens will be welcomed by guests with hands, and servicemen are honored.

Famous horror room

Speaking about the museum, it is impossible not to mention the famous horror room. This department of the museum causes special interest of visitors, because there are figures of the highest and terrible villains from the history of mankind. To visit the horror room you need to have strong nerves, so they do not let children, pregnant women and people suffering from heart disease.

In the room you can see the scenes from medieval torture shy. And since the visit to the halls is accompanied by special audio effects imitating the cries of people during torture, the impression of the excursion will be extremely strong. The groups of feed actors who suddenly appear in the halls take part in the excursions. It must be said that all this can scare greatly, so people, not confident in the sustainability of their nervous system, it is better to abandon such an excursion.

Of course, describe all the exhibits and tell about all the attractions of the famous London Museum task is unbearable. And transfer words and photographs those impressions that are born when visiting a unique collection of celebrity figures will not be able to anyone. That is why Tussao Museum remains one of the most visited and favorite tourists places of London.

How to get?

It remains to tell where the famous museum is located. The exact address of this attraction is London, Marylebone RD, NW1 5LR. You can get to the subway station to Baker Street or by bus route 274, 74, 113, 82.

It is easy to find the right place, the photo of the building shows that it has an unusual domed roof and stands out against the background of other buildings.

On weekday, the time of operation of the exposure is from 10 am to 17-30. On weekends, the museum opens half an hour before, and on holidays closes half an hour later.

The full cost of the ticket to visit the exposure is 30 euros for an adult, and 25 for a child. But if you purchase online tickets on the museum site, you can save from 10 to 25%. On the website of the museum you can buy an integrated ticket that allows you to purchase several well-known London sights at once, such a "wholesale" purchase allows you to save a substantial amount.

Madame Tussao Museum has branches located in 14 different cities of the world, so you can see the famous wax figures not only in London.

Donald Trump did not have time to become president of the United States (the inauguration ceremony has not passed), and his figure has already been ready in London's museum in London - "Want to take pictures with Mr. President? Yes please!". You can even get acquainted and familiarly pat the Trump on the back - this is not reborn in the museum. As they say, any whim for your money.

Madame Tussauds museum - One of the most popular London museums, which occupies a place in the first twenty entertainment sites of the British capital. Even if you (suddenly!) Do not like to look at the wax copies of celebrities, visit the museum with more than 250 years of history in an old building - what is not to imbued with the atmosphere of "good old England", which otherwise want to feel all the arriving tourists?

The first Madame Tussao Museum was Baker Street (it was the street where Arthur Conan Doyle settled Sherlock Holmes), but then, after the death of the sculptor Marie Tussao in 1850, the sons of the heirs were postponed the exposition to the area near Marylebon Road, Where she is still to this day.

In this regard getting to the museum of wax figures Madame Tussao in London: You need to go out at Baker Street Metro Station, it's easy to remember. Museum is just a couple of minutes walk from the subway, there you will tell you any dog \u200b\u200bBaskerville.

In addition, you can drive by train to Marylebone Station (10 minutes walk to the museum), as well as on city buses 13, 18, 27, 30, 74, 82, 113, 139, 189, 205, 274 and 453.

The museum's work is better to specify in the calendar on its website, it varies depending on the season.

Who can be seen in the museum in London?

Naturally, the main and oldest museum in the world under the brand Madame Tussao in London holds the brand of the best. It is here that the studio is located in which a large team of specialists from different profiles manufactures figures. Creating characters from the time when Marie Tussao made her first models at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century, radically changed.