Strange death director of the Ural Pelmeni. Why Sergey Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"? Sergey Netyyevsky: Biography, Creativity Sergey Alex Ndrovich Netyevsky

Strange death director of the Ural Pelmeni. Why Sergey Netyevsky left
Strange death director of the Ural Pelmeni. Why Sergey Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"? Sergey Netyyevsky: Biography, Creativity Sergey Alex Ndrovich Netyevsky
Sergey Aleksandrovich Netyevsky - Russian Showman and Producer, former director of the Creative Association "Ural Pelmeni", in 2015, who has gone from the team because of the scandal.

Childhood and Youth Years

Sergey was born and grew up in the small Uralskaya village Basyanovsky, lost among the dense taiga. As all the boys of that time, in childhood he played with his friends in the courtyard, drove on a bike, went fishing, was engaged in sports.

After graduation, he went to Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) and entered the Machine-Building Faculty of the local Polytechnic Institute. In the university, Netyyevsky recorded in the student team of the KVN "Ural Pelmeni", which became the starting platform for his future career. Together with his comrades, he invented the jokes, went on stage and worked in the "Dream" construction team.


After graduating from the institute in 1993, the young man managed to get a job as a director to the economic shop, but soon made the final choice in favor of KVN and completely devoted himself to his beloved business.

The popularity of the team grew rapidly, and soon the guys were in the Higher League. In 2000, "Pelmeni" became champions, and after two years - owners of the Summer Cup of the Higher League. By this time, Sergey headed the team and perfectly coped with his duties. Under his leadership, "Pelmeni" became the winners of the festival "Voting Kiwin" and played a draw in an international tournament between Asia and Europe.

In 2007, Netievsky moved to Moscow, where there were completely different prospects before him. Channel TNT launched a new entertainment project "Show News" and offered Sergey to head it. Having plunged on his head into new activities, Sergey realized that both "dumplings" need to go to television.

The success of Sergei Svetlakova, who, who left the team, quickly "unwound" on TNT, only confirmed his right point. In 2009, the first release of the new CTC Show "Ural Pelmeni" was broadcast, which immediately caused great interest in the audience. Already in 2013, the Urals became owners of the Teffi award and were noted on the Forbes pages on the list of the most successful Russian celebrities.

In parallel, Nehtievsky was engaged in several more projects: produced the show "Unreal Stories" and performed a leading role in it, he was a member of the jury and the ideological inspiration of the talent show "Myasorrchak" and participated in writing the scenario for the sensational comedy "Freaks".

He even graduated from the directorial courses to remove a full-length film about the "dumplings" to twenty years. But these plans were not destined to come true.

Why did Northyevsky left the "Ural Pelmeni"?

In 2015, Netyevsky was in the epicenter of the scandal. Comrades on the team accused him that he for three years (from 2012 to 2015) hid from them a part of the income from the sale of the show television. Allegedly, the producer convinced the "Pelmeni" that they work exclusively for the fees, and satisfied the part of the money and allowed them to the needs of their produce center FIRST Hand Media.

Interview of Sergei Netievsky

In this regard, the remaining members of the team filed a lawsuit against Nethevsky and removed him from office. Sergey Isaev became the new team leader. For Netievsky, it became a complete surprise. He filed an appeal, after which the court recognized the illegality of his suspension.

Litigation lasted for several years; In January 2018, one of the participants of the Ural Pelmeni, Andrei Rozhkov, announced the filing of a new claim against Nehteyevsky - in the amount of 28 million rubles.

In turn, Sergey demanded from the court to recover from UE 107 million: these are loans that the Fix Media idea ("daughter" owned by Sergey Nehtya "Ferst Hand Media") issued 4 legal entities, including Ural Pelmeni LLC , as well as

At the end of October, the Ural Pelmeni held a meeting on which the Shaw participants decided to decide on. The decision can be called collegial - according to the constituent documents, all members of the team have the right to vote, in one degree or another, which owns the shares in the company "Creative Association" Ural Pelmeni ".

The sudden resignation of his director in the team was explained by the fact that Sergey Netyevsky is busy (he is the producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media), rarely appears in Yekaterinburg and, therefore, can no longer effectively fulfill its duties. The team says that all changes are already fixed legally.

From now on, the director of the group is Sergey Isaev. We met with the new leader of the "Ural Pelmeni" and asked what he would do better than Netyevsky.

For all, the resignation of Sergei Nehievsky, who served the position of Director for the last 17 years became a big surprise. There were many rumors, including - that the cause of resignation was the financial conflict. What happened?
- Everything is simple enough. Sergey became closely in Yekaterinburg and, no matter how sounded, he traded our city to Moscow. Sergey himself repeatedly spoke in an interview, which became a Muscovite that he was much more comfortable in the capital, that he feels like a fish in the water. In other words, Sergey stopped being a "dumplings in a saucepan" and became "fish in water."

All this affected his work in the "Ural dumplings." You can not write something, to be in close contact with the team, to be at the charges, while remaining in Moscow. We ourselves move to Moscow ourselves. We have long decided that the rehearsal base will be where our parents and children live.

As for rumors about political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on it. If you comment on something, it means that you begin to treat it somehow, reason, analyze, justify ... We do not want to justify anyone. We are honest in front of each other. We do not have backstage games, kitchen secrets. We are ridiculous to read this in the media.

- Netievsky will remain in the team?
- Nobody is mounted, no one is fired. Now Sergey will be engaged in its projects in Moscow, and we wish him in this success. I think the time will show. If Sergey Netyyevsky wants to continue working in a team, then we will sit with him and discuss everything.

It is normal that someone goes into a separate swimming. Over time, Sergey Svetlakov left, but no one arranged on this tragedy. If Svetlakov wants to take part in the concert, will come and say: "Guys, I have time to appear. Can?" - We will reply: "Gray, yes no questions!" We do not have a ban on communication with one or another person.

Next year, the anniversary of KVN, after him, the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. I think that the "Ural Pelmeni" show will take part in it. We already have a preliminary invitation. We are happy to call and Sergey Svetlakov, and Sergey Netyevsky.

- Sergey Netyevsky worked on the New Year's show, and if so, in what capacity?
- He did not work on the last two shows either as the author, nor as director, nor as manager.

- You and other team members managed to keep friendly relations with him?
- Sure. I think this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. We are important normal, friendly relationships, because it is easier to live. I will not say that we are clean, like white snow. We now have white snow will not meet (laughs - approx. site). Of course, everyone has its own character, their material values, each has its own energy, each of us has its own faith. But the main value is a decency and good attitude towards each other, which we will always keep in the team.

In many ways, thanks to Sergey Netyevsky, several years ago, an agreement was concluded with the CTC television company about the broadcast of the "Ural Pelmeni" show. It helped the team to enter the federal level. How would you raise the work of Nethevsky?
"I will not undertake what Sergey did." He really brought a ready-made project on the CTC television channel to our good friend Vyacheslav Murugov (Advisor to the Director General of the Media Media Media Holding, - approx. Site)with which we are familiar yet by KVN. Vyacheslav gave us the opportunity to seem on the CTC and entrenched on the TV channel. But today we are an independent project. We all do ourselves: from writing jokes before shooting, installing and entering the ether. We are not dependent on production, from the manager, from the mood of people on the channel. We are an interesting, competitive program. This became possible thanks to each of the team members. What we see on the STS is the work of all the guys.

- Why did you become a new director?
- the position itself is appointed. Guys trust me, so unanimously voted for me to take it.

- The appointment for you was unexpected?
- It was not some surprise, rather, I was nice. The team entrusted me the steering wheel! You can go to the right, you can go left, give gas or just stand up, warm the motor. It is important not to lock the mechanism that turned out to be in your hands. Therefore, I try to treat him with a thrill: warm up, I fill, I do something, I clean, if necessary, I change something, I improve.

In fact, this is a permanent job, 24 hours a day. I have to solve questions that I can't postpone tomorrow. You need to answer here and now. Sometimes it happens that the question requires a collegial discussion, but consult with everyone just no time, then I take responsibility for myself and make a decision for the entire team. This is perhaps the most difficult thing. But to this you need to be ready. If I do not have time, then the guys help.

What is the first managerial decision you accepted in a new position? Will you drastically change the system that Sergey Netheyevsky built?
- We are planned a few changes that we discussed the whole team. My task in this case was gently conveying those tasks that we have to solve. There will be changes in the posters, in our name, brand. Our work with partners will change, with services that are constantly working behind the scenes of the show. Few people think about it, but 130 people work at the Ural Pelmeni concert. These are makeupers, costumes, decorators, details, food service, transport service, people who are engaged in the selection of actors ... My task in this case is to make the team rose to the step above, reached a new level.

- What is the next level for the "Ural Pelmeni"?
- Now we are faced with the task of maintaining popularity and continue to develop in the family show format, do not go into commercial humor, which is no time no, there is no. I want us to remain the "Ural dumplings" from Yekaterinburg, which now everyone knows. Also in plans to appear new projects. Many in the team are interested in shooting Sitcoma, make a full meter, sports show ...

- All this on the STS?
- We do not plan to leave the canal, everything suits us. We hear each other, we see the audience. We recently talked with the General Directors of the CTC. They gave to understand that they were interested in our new projects, and offered us before the new year more television time. We have very big plans for which I can not talk about. In order for everything to go, we made a replacement in the manager. I hope that new people who have extensive experience in the launch of different projects will help us show themselves from the new side.

Nehtyevsky Sergey Alexandrovich (born in 1971), head and producer of KVN team "Ural Pelmeni", TV presenter, actor, showman.
Netievsky Sergey Alexandrovich was born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky Sverdlovsk Region. The local school number 12 finished the local school. In 1993 he graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Engineering Technology.

In the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni" since 1994. After graduating from the Institute, she worked for some time by the director of the economic store in Yekaterinburg, but in 1998, when the choice between work and KVN, Sergey chose the latter and headed the "Ural Pelmeni" team. In many ways, it is due to his efforts a few years ago a contract was concluded with the CTC television company about the broadcast of the "Ural Pelmeni" show, which helped the team to enter the federal level. Sergei Netievsky's awards - High League Champion KVN 2000, Big Kiwin in Gold 2002, Summer Cup KVN 2002.

Sergey Isaev became the new director of the show "Ural Pelmeni". A few days ago a meeting was held on which the participants in the famous Ural team decided to resign Sergei Nehtyevsky. The decision can be called collegial (according to constituent documents, all members of the team have the right to vote.

The fact that it was the reason for the resignation is not yet known. "Only participants of the show can know about it. But they say that the guys expressed distrust to their previous director, "our sources converge. The decision on whether Sergey Netyevsky will remain in the team and, if so, in what capacity is not yet taken. It is possible that the cause of the disadvantage was the financial conflict.
We have not been able to reach Netheyevsky yet. He does not answer calls.

The founder of the show "Ural Pelmeni" Dmitry Sokolov, who is now resting in Abkhazia, to the question of the journalist of the portal about what caused the decision to change the director, said literally the following: "I won't tell you anything, I will not tell you anything yet I will not say". The new director of Shaw Sergei Isaev said that it is not yet ready to comment on the situation and does not advise you to do this to other participants of the show. Soon "Ural Pelmeni" promises to release a press release, which will formulate the official position of the team.

Recall that thanks to the agreement with the CTC television company about the broadcast of the SHOW "Ural Pelmeni", which at one time helped the team to go out and entrenched at the federal level. Today's touring schedule is directly related to this contract (the number of the show is determined by the Schedule schedule for the STS). Of course, it would be unfair to say that this is only the merit of Netievsky, it would be unfair to other participants of the show. The team is also obliged to the head of the author (Sergey Ershov) and acting groups (Andrei Rozhkov).

Sergey Netyevsky himself, unlike other team members, constantly lives in Moscow (his apartment is located in LCD "Scarlet Sails"). He is the owner of the production studio IDEA FIX MEDIA, in the area of \u200b\u200binterests of which is not only the production of Ural Pelmeni programs for STS, but also producing serials.

The fans of the humorous show team from Yekaterinburg are interested in why Sergey Netyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni. This person has invested many of his forces in the development of the show, the conclusion of the KVN team to the federal level, became producer and director, it was thanks to him "Ural dumplings" concluded a long-term contract with the CTC TV channel and became popular. Today we will tell about the cause of the care, resulting from such parting, and where Sergey Netyevsky is now from the Ural Pelmeni and what he does. Of the same articles, the fans of "Pelmeche" will be able to learn all about the personal life, the beginning of the creative path and career of Nehtyevsky. We offer to start from the very beginning.

Sergey Netyevsky from "Ural Pelmeni": biography

Sergei Aleksandrovich is a very talented person, he is an actor, screenwriter, TV presenter, former head and member of the Ural Delmeni team, the general producer IDEA Fix Media. In addition to career achievements, he has successes in his personal life: he has a favorite and loving spouse, charming guys. What else is needed for life? Sincere and loyal friends who could not become "colleagues in the workshop", because it lies the answer to the question about why Sergei Netyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni. But about this later, now we offer to get acquainted with the childhood of the ex-director of the team.

Sergei Aleksandrovich was born in 1971, the actor in the Sverdlovsk region was born and grew up, his native land is the village of Basyanovsky, which is in Verkhneldinsky district. Here, Netievsky spent his golden children's and youth years, received secondary education in a regular school at number 12.

After receiving the certificate, Sergey Alexandrovich went to Yekaterinburg and became a student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Training was given simply, and never had problems, teachers appreciated such a disciplined and purposeful student. In 1993, Netievsky proudly began to be called a specialist in the development of mechanical engineering.

Is there life after the institute?

The worst for each student is to leave the walls of the native university and go where the eyes look. Where is it waiting for him? Will it help in such a dangerous and complete adventure adult, independent life diploma? Nethevsky, he was not too good as such, the guy headed to work in an economic shop called the "master", which in Yekaterinburg. Of course, higher education contributed to the fact that a graduate of the institute immediately took the position of director, but still from mechanical engineering this work was different. In addition, in 1994, the "Ural Pelmeni" and Sergey Netyevsky had acquainted.

The popularity of the Kavainov team has grown all the growing tour and concerts, the owner's director had to become the choice: a shop or a club of merry and resourceful. Sergey Alexandrovich was distinguished by artistic in kind, and she suggested to him that he would have a big future in his show, success and glory, so Netievsky made a choice in favor of the team.


Sergey Netyyevsky, whose work appreciates almost every Russian, with the team in the literal sense and fire, and water, and copper pipes, before getting cherished popularity. The start for the "Ural Pelmeni" was 1995, when the team fell into the gala concert and became one of the highest KVN League on the results of the festival. What stages had to go through the Yekaterinburg guys?

  1. Loss of 1/8 in 1995.
  2. Lot in 1/4 in 1996.
  3. The season in the 1/8 finals in 1997 will be completed again.
  4. In 1998, they reached the semifinals, but the "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" turned out to be more fun and resourceful. It was this year that Sergey Netyevsky was forever closed the "master" the doors and became the team leader.
  5. In 2000, "Pelmeni" decided to overcome all the difficulties, overcome the enemy, and they succeeded. Nethevsky led his guys to the long-awaited victory, and they got the unofficial, but still the title "the last champion of the Millennium and the twentieth century."
  6. In 2001, 2002, 2003, the team fights for the Summer Cup KVN and takes it in 2002.

The personal achievement of Netievsky in this period becomes debut in the cinema as an actor. He is removed in the comedy "outside of native square meters."


In 2007, Sergey Netheyevsky was invited by the leadership of the popular TV channel for the position of leading and producer. New for TNT sketch show with the name "show news" began to be popular, and almost the entire creative team of "Pelmeni" was engaged in preparing it. It was a successful start team.

STS and "Ural dumplings"

In 2009, the first shows on the screens came to the screens called "Dust All ... Horse!". Today, such gear is shifted for more than fifty.

In 2011, there is a sketch show "Unreal Stories", the producer of whom Netievsky became, he also played the role of lazy tramp.

In 2012, a "meat grinder" (competitive project) appears. Sergey Alexandrovich was a producer, a member of the jury and a team mentor.

In 2013, the Kremlin Palace took a huge number of fans of the "Ural Pelmeni" at the anniversary concert "20 years in the test!".

In 2014, the "show from the air" starts, which will produce and leads Nehtyevsky.

In 2015, Sergey disappeared from the screens, and his team continues the path as nothing had happened, Isaev Sergey became the new leader. Why Sergei Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"? Where is he now? This will learn from the further content of this publication.

Version first

Sergey Netyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni, as he decided that his well-being is important to him than the whole team. He left the guys on the mercy of fate, they say, do what you want, and I will do without you. He decided to engage in the production of television serials and other projects on his own, so as not to waste the show, which he was no longer interesting. It was the first version that some participants of the UE was announced, but Sergey Alexandrovich did not agree with this, he told another story, and she is more believable, as it is confirmed by a biennial lawsuit.

Real version

Sergey Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni" without knowing. It happens. It turns out that the participants did not see the participants on their director for a long time, considering that he was not enough for them to pay for their works, he also spends too much time on other projects, forgetting about the UE. Because of this, the team gathered and filed a collective claim for the removal of the director from office, of course, Netyevsky himself simply was simply not warned. Sergey Alexandrovich filed an appeal, which was adopted in 2016, but the team filed a new one. Netievsky was not confused and filed a counterclaim.

After all the vessels of Sergey were restored in office, as they considered the commands illegal. Why Sergei Nethevsky left "Ural Pelmeni" after this court decision? He conveyed the right to the leadership of Isaev, as he understood that the "strong Ural friendship" could not be, and decided to quit his own desire.

In February of this year, the team participants lost a lawsuit on four hundred million rubles, which was accused of Netyevsky to use their trademark. Now the team must pay Sergey fine in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles.

Where is Sergey Netyevsky now from the Ural Pelmeni?

Now the Ex-Director of the Popular Show also lives in Moscow with his family. In his possession is the production studio Idea Fix Media, which is produced by producing television serials.

Favorite Natalia's wife is always near, the couple has three wonderful Timothy and Ivan, daughter Maria.

The identity of Sergei Netievsky is interested in fans of the popular show "Ural dumplings" and today. Many cannot understand for what reason Sergey Netyyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni and where he left. Let's try to figure out just now. However, first, we propose to learn about his person as much as possible.

Sergey Netyevsky was born in the small village of Basyanovsky Verkhnevaldinsky district. There he went to the first class of the NO 12 school, and in 1993 he became a graduate of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. After graduated from the institute, he briefly worked as director of one of the economic stores in Ekaterinburg.

The creative life of Sergei Netievsky is connected with the beloved many KVN. So he is a three-time winner of the Music Festival "Voting Kiwin". Already in 2009, after the KVN game was completed, he took the position of director, the general producer, as well as the leading humorous show "Ural Pelmeni". In 2013, this show became the owner of the prestigious television champion "Tefi-Commonwealth". In 2015, he left the position of the Director of the Shaw and was now dedicated to the promotion of his own projects.

Personal life

Previously, the media reported that Sergey Nethevsky and Julia Mikhalkov are in relations, which can hardly be called only friendly. However, such rumors are not confirmed. In fact, Sergey has long been a family: Natalia's wife, two sons and daughter.

Sergey Netyevsky himself has many hobbies, including computers, cars, yoga. In addition, he gladly travels in India. His spouse does not work, and he devoted himself all his home and children.

Sergey, like many other famous people, prefers to hide their personal life. Proof of this - its social networking pages contain exclusively working photographs.

Collective relationships

The special qualities of Sergey's character in 1994 led him to a popular team of teams of fun and resourceful "Ural dumplings." After four years, he became his director. As a member of the team, he was able to become the champion of the High League of KVN in 2000. In addition, Sergey got the "Big Kiwyn in Gold" award.

In the team of cheerful and resourceful, he entered the top 50 famous people in Russia.

For many fans, the shock became the fact that Sergey Netyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni in 2015. After a while it became known what happened in fact, and why Sergey Netyevsky left the "Ural Pelmeni". It turned out that the man did not leave his favorite team, but he was removed from office. He did not want to put up with what happened in life, and therefore he filed a lawsuit that he was illegally removed from his position. The court of the Sverdlovsk region was satisfied with the claim of Sergei Nehtyevsky. Before the position of the director, according to the decision taken, Sergei Isaev appointed the staff.

In early 2018, the actors of the popular show "Ural Pelmeni" filed a lawsuit addressed to Sergey Netyevsky himself, as well as Ural Pelmeni LLC on the need to recover the amount in the amount of over twenty-eight million Russian rubles.

Where is a humorist today?

The creative life of the beloved KVNCHER continues to be interested in many contemporaries and now. Someone with longing and sadness recalls how Sergey Netyevsky pleased with his professionalism and impeccable talent in the composition of the famous not only in Russia, but beyond the band. Therefore, the question is what he is doing now, and whether his career remains relevant.

It is known that for several years in the past, the director is suiced with the team of "Ural Pelmeni". Two conflicting parties occur periodically in court and express their claims. In the meantime, it is still one of the court cases in the process of consideration, Sergey does not miss the opportunity to do a new project.

According to Netievsky, all the trials for him, to put it mildly, unpleasant, but on their mistakes it is customary to learn. At the moment, he knows how best to build your own work so that everything is really good.

A new project is still called "Funny Time" and focus on young people. At the moment, new programs are filmed and among the invited - famous young audience artists KVN. Sergey expresses the hopes that the transfer will be truly successful among the audience.

Although there was an unpleasant conflict between Sergey and the "Ural dumplings", yet the former director does not hold offense on his colleagues and even with some of them continues to communicate. According to Sergey himself, his main mistake for the position of the project manager - confidence in one person who worked as manager Evgeny Orlova.

Now working on a new brainchild, he treats people with caution, because he remembers the previous experience. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he has not yet found a reliable person who could trust many things. But these are most likely temporary difficulties, because mistakes, whatever they have been, make us wiser, stronger and patient.