Signals about the funeral. What if you met the funeral procession

Signals about the funeral. What if you met the funeral procession
Signals about the funeral. What if you met the funeral procession

With the funeral, every person faces the funeral, so there are many superstitions and customs concerning this event. According to signs, relatives should not bear the coffin with the dead man. The crap closes the eyes and bind arms and legs. In the house where the grief occurred, the mirrors and all reflective surfaces are stacked. The coffin falling during the funeral is considered a bad omen, as well as the collapsed grave.

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    Signs and superstitions associated with the deceased person

    When a man dies, a lot of outsters comes to his house, who knew the deceased, and not all of them are kindly tuned towards the family of the deceased.

    If someone puts someone in the coffin to the dead man, his photo or biomaterial, a person can seriously get sick in the near future and go to the world after the dead man.

    According to superstitions, native sit at night with the dead man to close their eyes if they suddenly open. They should be closed from the moment of stopping the heart. It is believed that a person who will see the dead man in a coffin with open eyes and look at them, die soon. If the deceased eyes are not closed, soft hands and body did not frost - another death will happen in the house.

    If a person seems to smile in the coffin and he has a happy expression of the face, he looks joyful - it is believed that man wanted death and feels great relief, so you don't need to cry and kill in connection with the tragedy that happened. If the deceased mouth open should not be attempted to close it - you can try to suspend the jaw with a bandage, and if the body has already seen, you need to leave everything as it is.

    The clergymen explain to accept that one cannot leave the dead one in the house,the fact that the newly promoted need to read prayers all the time (especially at night) so that the soul can go to go on and go to the kingdom of heaven 40 days after death. For the same reason, it is impossible to sleep near the coffin to alleviate the fate of the new-promoted.

    Relatives after death

    After stopping the heart of the deceased, you need to wash it immediately and move into fresh clothes so that he will appear before the Lord clean. Unmarried girls usually dress in a wedding dress. Be sure to put the cross on the deceased. The body can only beware of women who have become widows.

    After the death of a person, the windows and doors in the house open, including the gate so that the wishes could go and say goodbye to the deceased, as well as to facilitate the care of the soul of the deceased .

    Immediately after that, the house should stop the clock and take mirror surfaces. In such a state, they must be located for 40 days. In the room where the deceased is, you need not to greet the words, but just nodding the head of the person. You can bypass the coffin with the dead man in his headboard, bowing at the same time. Familiar bring a bouquet with an even number of colors to wish prosperity on the light.

    On the threshold of the house, relatives must put a few spruce branches so that people who come to say goodbye to the dead man did not take trouble to their home.

    You can not let homemade pets in the room, where the coffin is with the departed, so as not to scare his soul.Households do not have to register cleaning, carry garbage, wash the floor or sweep, even if someone from relatives scratched something or shed by negligence until the body is departed outside the house.

    While the corpse is in the room, a glass should be standing on the windowsill with clean water: it is believed that in this way the soul of the man is cleared.

    Why do the hands and feet of the deceased bind?

    According to folk signs, the dead man tie hands and legs a few hours after death, to "tie" the soul to the soulless body and that she does not wander in the image of the ghost on this light. Before the burial, the way should be unleashed to free the soul of the deceased.

    There is a logical explanation of the tie of the legs and the hands of the dead man: the body after death cools, there comes a body stuffing, and the muscles can compress, so the limbs are sacrificed in unnatural poses, which does not correspond to the correct position of the body of the deceased during the funeral procession.

    By tradition, the hands of the deceased must be folded on the chest. The wax candle is inserted into them.Feet should be elongated and pressed together.

    How to endure a coffin from home?

    It is forbidden to endure the coffin to noon and after sunset.

    It is important to know: to endure the coffin with the departed follows the legs, so that the dead man did not find the way back home. Do it through the back door, and if only one output is in the house, you should hit the coffin about the threshold three times to enable the deceased to say goodbye to your housing. While the corpse is near the house, you need to lock the door and say: "Won out of the house, the dead man, go away and do not come back!"

    The dead man does not allow a house - you need to sprinkle with water to the floor, and after carrying out the body, clean the floor with clean water thoroughly. The chairs or the table on which the coffin stood should be flipped with legs up and leave in that position for the whole day.

    The coffin with the body is entered into the temple for the funeral to the legs forward and put face to the altar (head to the West, legs to the east).

    What are the dates you can not hold the funeral?

    It is impossible to hold a funeral on the baptism of the Lord, in the Christmas of Christ. It is not recommended to arrange the rite of burial on December 31, so that next year did not start with the new tragedy.

    FROMyeviriya says that the funeral spent on Sunday will entail three deaths that will occur in the next seven days.

    It is impossible to postpone the burial rite for too long: the deceased can take another person with him. Do not hold a funeral at sunset: you should bury the dead day in the afternoon.

    Signals at the funeral

    Bad signs associated with the funeral:

    • If the tied grave does not correspond to the size of the coffinAccording to folk signs, the Earth does not accept the dead man.
    • If the dead man lies in a coffin, which is more than the deceased, in the family, where the tragedy happened, death will lead again.
    • If the grave fails during the funeral - This is a bad sign, which is one of the death, which will occur in the coming days.

    What can not be done during your stay in the cemetery, as well as after the rite of burial:

    • Move the road of the funeral procession (otherwise the trouble will happen).
    • To go ahead of the coffin with the dead man - otherwise it will entail death.
    • Having a pillow or any things late from the coffin. Otherwise, a person who took the subject becomes an incurable disease.
    • The first to look in the mirror after the funeral (first you need to bring a cat to the mirror surface).
    • Wrap after the end of the funeral, leaving the cemetery.

    The coff cover does not enter the house, otherwise another tragedy in the family will occur. Relatives can not be made by the coffin so that they are not allowed the same fate. According to the signs, people who have not consisted of him in relation to the deceased, but they treated him with respect and benevolence. It is necessary to tie to everyone on the sleeve embroidered towel. It is believed that in this way the deceased last time thanks for the service provided to him.

    If you had a chance to stumble or fall during the funeral procession, the sign of promoting a person negative and even death. Lock the coffin - a bad sign. Everyone who witnessed this incident will soon face the tragedy in their family. To avoid sad fate, you need to pray for the soul of the deceased and put a candle in the temple.

    It is impossible to leave after the funeral of the things that in any way were in contact with the dead: the ridge, the measurements for the coffin, the junctions, which they bind their hands and legs, a candle and an icon, which was in the hands of the dead man. They should be buried together with those whoathe in one coffin so that evil people could not use objects to guide the damage and terrible diseases on the relatives of the deceased.

    The coffin also put a new nasal handkerchief so that the mustache was than to wash the sweat from the forehead during God's court.In the grave of relatives, the ax usually put an ax to wrap the connection of the deceased with this world.

    If someone has become bad when funeral, according to folk signs, this person is obsessed with demons. If the candle went out during the funeral - in the near future with a person there will be a big tragedy, which can end with death.

    During the burial, each present at the funeral should throw a handful of land on the coffin.

    At the funeral you can not attend pregnant women. It is believed that the dead take the child's energy in the womb, and he can be born dead.

    Actions after funeral

    Relatives should not visit anyone after the end of the mourning procession, so as not to bring misfortune into someone else's house.

    Having come home, the wax candle should be lit and warm up the hands near her to drive off the evil spirits.Everyone who was in the cemetery should carefully wipe the legs, and better - wash the shoes and pour dirty water for the threshold to take trouble from your home.

    How to behave on the commemoration?

    Relatives should call all people present at the funeral procession on a memorial lunch, while no one has the right to refuse to sound.

    Lunch usually begins with wheat porridge (kuti). During the compensation, you need to pour vodka in a glass and cover the black bread. This glass should stand 40 days in the house where a person died. Patties, pancakes, borsch and sweets put on the table. Each of those present at the end of the memorial lunch takes a handful of candies and cookies to cast the deceased home.

    Bread and other baking can not cut with a knife, should be broken with hands.Chips from the commemorative table can not be thrown out - they are collected and belong to the next morning on the grave.

    You can only talk about the mustache, and if you have nothing to remember, you should keep silent. It is impossible to cry on the commemoration so that the soul of the deceased does not torment. For the same reason, the commemoration arrange to the 40th day after death (to restore the soul in the afterlime world).

    If someone starts to laugh or peel songs during the commemoration, it means that this person will slow down a lot of tears in the near future, and his tragic fate will suffer.

    Other signs

    If someone stayed should die, you should pay the debt to the relatives of the deceased, so that no one died in the family of the debtor.

    It is impossible to in the house, by which a mourning procession passes, anyone slept, so that the dead man takes off his sleeping. Look through the window on the funeral - Protract yourself to tragic death.

    If it rains during the burial, according to folk signs, heaven mourge the deceased. He was a good man, and even nature sadness about him. Thunder thunder and sparkles lightning - there will soon take another mourning procession.

    The next morning, after the burial, relatives should attribute the breakfast to the dead man on the grave. The things of the deceased can not be handed out within 40 days after death, and when the specified period is held, you need to give clothes and other items left after the deceased, close people and in need. Bed and bed linen, on which man died, burn away from home.

    If the tag of the recently buried man rose nettle or thistle, folk signs to say that he got into hell. It is believed that lilies or roses usually grow on the graves of the righteous.


The moment when a man's soul parted with the body, according to the ideas of the people, demanded the strictest observance of special rituals. Otherwise, the soul could not find peace and was doomed to eternal wanderings. Mandatory elements of the funeral rite was farewell to the dying with relatives, confession, burning candles. The most terrible punishment for a person was considered death without a candle and without repentance. In this case, the dead man could turn into a gloa.

When they were collected on the last path, it was sewed forward with a needle, i.e. So that the tip of the needle looked in the opposite side of the sewing. The womb and dressed dead man laid on the bench feet to the door. At the same time, the man had to lie on the right of the door along the floor boards, and the woman was on the left and across the boards.

The time of stay of the deceased in the house, as well as the period until the fortieth day, i.e. Before the final resettlement of the soul into the world of others, was considered very dangerous. At this time, the doors were opened in the otherworldly world, and the dead man could look at someone from loved ones with him. So that he could not do this, his eyes were closed with five. In addition, the dead man tied up so that he did not get out of the grave and did not go to search for his home. Until now, there is a custom to wander the mirror with a black cloth in the house where the dead man lies. This is done so that the deceased could not see anyone and not pick up with them, as well as that the living did not see the reflection of the coffin and were not afraid of him.

In the coffin, the body was kept only before removal from the house. In antiquity, he was considered the last housing of the deceased and manufactured from a solid tree trunk with a small window. Later, the coffin began to flip using for this. Under the head of the dead, put a pillow, pillowed with chips left after the manufacture of a coffin.

The dead man endured through the back door or even through the window so that he could not find the way back and return to the house. I carried the dead feet forward so that he did not see the road back. At the same time, the coffin did not have to bear relatives so that the family did not happen in the family. If the dead man still endured through the entrance door, then hit the threshold three times so that the dead man would say goodbye to his home and did not return to it anymore. Following the funeral procession, a woman was walking, who chalk Paul bath broom, splashing water to wash off the dead man. Paul after the end of the dead man was with a key water.

The coffin was carried on hand or towels. If the cemetery was far from home, then the coffin was carried at Sanya at all times. The funeral rite was necessary to complete until the sunset to avoid the interference of the unclean strength. The grave threw money so that the dead man could redeem his place, clothes, grain that the coffin was sprinkled during removal from the house. At the grave were acknowledged. Violation of the traditions of the funeral rite threatened the return of the dead or death to the house.

Tip 2: What is dangerous house built on the site of the former cemetery

Despite the fact that in large cities, they seek to build up every block of land, the construction of the cemetery is still not necessary, because it may not end in both workers and for future residents of the house built, as well as their families.

Modern cities are rapidly growing, the number of their population increases and, as a result of this, new residential buildings are erected at the territories that are not yet occupied by the buildings. Now it is no longer a rarity that some time ago it could seem unthinkable - this is a residential building built on the site of the former cemetery.

Why don't build a house where there was a cemetery

The graveyard is the place of resting the deceased, which in life were respected people and whose relatives and loved ones. At least to unethically erect any structure - the more residential house - on human bones. Even if the developer is far from mysticism and does not believe that he is able to disturb the spirit of those who have long been in the world of the dead, yet it would be more correct to honor the memory of these people and not to try something so large-scale where their remains rest . In fact, construction on the place where your ancestors sleep eternal sleep, there is nothing more than vandalism and disrespect for their physical body.

If on the site of the old cemetery, despite all the warnings, it was still decided to build residential arrays, the people settled in them or those who for one or another to visit them will be inevitably exposed to the influence of negative energy. In principle, not even being, anyone in different periods of his life can feel the aggravation of his intuition and notice some signs. It is possible that if at such a moment the discovery of the "third eye" it will be in the house built on the site of an abandoned cemetery, he can hear or see something inexplicable from the point of view of materialism. There are statistical reports, in accordance with which residents of such houses are much more frequent than those who live in buildings without such a dark story, become patients of psychiatric hospitals; Who knows what exactly became a catalyst for perpleting the mind of each of them.

How much lives in the house built on the place of the cemetery

Anyone who has extrasensory abilities, almost immediately reads the energy of the other world, while in one of these houses. Will-unilus worried about those who rested on the cemetery, at which the foundation of such a house was subsequently laid, will have a strong influence on people living in it. There can be an impact in different ways, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, the lives of those who moved to an apartment in such a house is not changing for the better.

Resisting in the house built on the site of burial, people often ill, and this can be both chronic sluggish diseases and rapidly developed, for example, oncology; In addition, among them there are many people with diseases are not a body, but the Spirit. In such houses, animals feel very bad, they behave strangely and clearly constantly feel fear. Finally, according to statistics, among the inhabitants of these houses there are a lot of those who become an alcoholic, addict or suddenly ends with suicide.

A lot of oddities occurs at the stage of building a house on the site of former disease. Often, workers get injuries or even die under strange circumstances.


  • Memory field

Folk beliefs explain in different ways the smile of the dead in the coffin. Some people say that it foreshadows trouble, others, on the contrary, consider a smile on the face of a deceased person a good sign. In any case, this phenomenon is quite rare and unusual.

Why smiles

Pathologist doctors do not see anything supernatural in the smile. It is believed that some people are pinned with facial nerves and suicide cramps frozen on the face, close to the smile. The grimers are sometimes very difficult to give the dead as a peaceful appearance, so sometimes the expression of the face of the deceased can inspire a truly mystical horror.

By the way, enterprising employees of funeral agencies are already offering such a service called: "Creating a smile on the face of the deceased." For an extra fee, a smiling relative will lie down, making calmness in the soul of a loyal relative type: "Everything is normal for me, I feel good there." When creating a smile, the pathologist will use 33 muscles on the face of the deceased. Smile recreates literally in detail. For this purpose, the lifetime photos of the deceased are used. Make-uprocens use Botox, suspenders, auger and muscle lining. Apparently, relatives feel calmer, seeing in a smiling loved one.

True, sometimes specialist services are not required - everything happens by itself. And the ominous ruined of some dead man scares all those present people at the farewell ceremony.

Why the dead man smiles in the coffin: mystical version

There is a popular belief that says that if the dead man smiles in the coffin, it foreshadows six more deaths in the family. Why precisely six is \u200b\u200bnot clear. However, it is worth noting that before the family in Russia were large. Women gave birth to 10-15. Children's mortality was high, and from ordinary cold it is possible to die easily. In short, the life expectancy and level of medicine those times left much to be desired. If six people die in a modern family, then, most likely, no one will not be left.

I can say as a very close relative of a man lying in the coffin with a half jelly: no one died after these funerals. Five years have passed and all alive, so you should not take similar signs to the heart and wait for an imminent death.

However, it is also worth noting that there is an alternative interpretation that is no less common in the people. It is believed if the dead man smiles into the coffin, he already managed to fulfill everything that he was intended in earthly life and goes to God with a clean conscience and an open heart. In favor of such a interpretation, there is an incredible case that occurred on July 1, 2009, when Father Joseph Watopedsky died - one of the most famous elders of modernity, the author of many spiritual books.

It happened just an incredible event - after an hour and a half after the death, he smiled. The most amazing thing that the old man experienced heart problems and died with a serious expression of the face, and after a half hour, the monks were surprised to be awe at his face a reveree smile, which is not similar to the involuntary muscle contraction.

Nobody solved this phenomenon yet. In some cases, the stories about the contraction of the muscles on the face can not withstand any criticism. In addition, many relatives noticed such a phenomenon that is really impossible to explain. While the dead man lies in the coffin, then on his face there can be a smile or a smirk, which disappears without a trace at the moment when the lid is going to close.

Do you need to be afraid

It all depends on what feelings were experienced relatives and close people during the funeral when they looked at the smiling dead man. I, for example, she caused joy. I looked at the peaceful face of a native man and sincerely believed that all the torment was already behind, and he gained the long-awaited peace.

If someone was frightened by a dead man's smile, and then he began to be worn out or often in a dream, then you need to go to church and talk with my spiritual mentor.

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In order for the night rest to benefit, it is important to correctly pick up all its attributes: bed linen, pillows, mattresses, blankets and, of course,

Sleep is favorable. See the dead man - expect change in fate.

For an unmarried girl to see the Male Deader - to the Eightly Wedding.

If the dead man was old, then the groom would be much older than her.

If young - will find a peer.

The dead man was dressed poorly - the groom will be not good.

If you saw the dead man in a good roadside costume or rich Savane - your future husband will be consistent.

If the dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have a ridicker, which, however, will be held at a distance. Over time, romantic passion can turn into good friendship. Rich or poor will be this fan - depends on how the dead man is dressed.

If the dead man dreamed of a man, it means that a friend will help him accept a fateful decision.

See the late in a dream - to a long and happy life. Kissing the end of the forehead - to recovery from a protracted disease.

To see the coffin with the dead man, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - to the entertainment in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that the coffin with the deadman is carried in the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and fascinating journey in which you will gain many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting above the dead man, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant edges.

To wash the dead man - to deserved pleasures.

Clear the dead man for the burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the dead man is your familiar or relative, the meaning of sleep belongs to the person you saw the dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you have seen several dead people lying nearby - with friends make a dizzying career or take a great inheritance.

Close the coffin with the dead man - you will be able to put a decent state in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you put flowers into the coffin to the dead man.

The dead man dressed in a luxurious expensive costume from Couture or wrapped in a richly decorated savan. At least luxurious and coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

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Dream Interpretation - Deaders Fathers

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, you need to remember them;

Mother deception - strong disease, grief;

The dead man - will be sick, Utin will overcome, to Necod, the rain, snow), a quarrel, to the change of housing, bad news, to death (patient);

Deader to meet - to good, luck // Disease, death;

Man - success; Woman - obstacles

Dead came to life - obstacles in affairs, loss;

With dead to be - to have enemies;

Dead to see alive - long summer // big trouble, illness;

The patient to see the dead - recovers;

Hug dead man - illness;

Kiss - longevity;

Give him that - loss, loss;

Move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness;

Congratulations - good;

Talk - curious news // Illness;

Calling with me - death.

Interpretation of dreams

Below you will find signs that you need to know people who buried a loved one - when you can open the mirror after the funeral, make cleaning and repair, watch TV. There are many restrictions and prohibitions that were invented by our ancestors, for the most part, even in pre-Christian times.

When to open the mirror

Famous fact - after the death of a person, it is supposed to close all reflective surfaces. This is not only mirrors, but also televisions, computer monitors and other things in which you can see your reflection. This is done so that the reflection of the deceased is not left in the house, and his ghost was not alive.

About when you can open the mirror after the funeral, there will take a lot. By one, it can be done immediately after returning from the cemetery and commemoration. On other beliefs do it three days later, or not before the ninth day after death. But it's all - modern traditions. In the villages to this day remove the curtains from the mirrors only on the 41st dayWhen the fate of the soul of the deceased is already solved.

Signs are based on the way the deceased. So, after three days after death, the guardian angel led him to inspect heaven. For 9 days, he will appear before the Lord and will go on inspection of hell. On the 40th day, the soul is made by the final verdict about where it will stay. Since only the first three days after the death of the soul is among the living, open the mirrors after it leaves it. That is, on the fourth day. It used to be believed that all 40 days of the soul from time to time could visit relatives. Therefore, they did not open the mirrors all this period.

Sometimes the mirrors do not fall at all. For example, when a person died in the hospital, and his body is brought to the cemetery from the morgue, and not from home. It is not right. The soul of man will still return home and stay near the people close to the lifetime. Sometimes only those mirrors are closed, which are where the dead man is. Also incorrect, because the soul will wander through all rooms at home.

Some Slavic signs claim that the one who is the first to look at the mirror open after the funeral, will soon die. To prevent this, the cat is brought to the mirror first. She is not terrible to her.

Can I watch TV

For obvious reasons, ancient will not exist on this occasion, but as already mentioned above, the TVs believe to close, like the mirrors. You can open them simultaneously with mirrors. That is, or after the funeral, or after the third, ninth or fortieth day.

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The church does not prohibit watching TV, but recommends refraining from entertainment at least nine days. Watch the news, cognitive programs can be, and watching movies and talk shows better postpone. You can not turn on the TV in the house where the dead man lies. Wait for the end of the funeral. If the deceased was not close to you, the restriction on you does not apply.

These rules concern and listen to music. Exception - church chants. If there is such a desire, you can listen to classical music. By the way, a mourning orchestra is a Soviet innovation. In the old days accompanied prayers and religious chants.

Do you store the photos of the dead?

The answer is positive. The photo is the memories of an expensive person, memory for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. By destroying the photos of the deceased, you allow his descendants to never know about him.

But still the image of the dead man is connected with the world of dead. Psychics in the photo can determine, a person is alive or not. Therefore, it is not worth considering photos of the departed too often. It is also impossible to remake with their amount on the walls, shelves and tables. Do not hang near portraits of living people, separate live and dead energies. The best storage place is a photo album.

Much more negative carry photos taken during the funeral. It is best not to do them. But, if the photo is already available, it is better to destroy them. It does not matter what is depicted there - a coffin, a cemetery, the process of funeral, they are a strong source of necrotic energy.

When to get out in the apartment

While the house is located in the house, cleaning and make garbage can not. Otherwise, another person in this house may die. By referring, removing wiping or wables it from the home.

You need to clean immediately after the deposit of the coffin. Behind the deceased sweep and wash the floors at the time when defending the last path had already left the cemetery. So do to immediately reciprocate death, illness, grief.

Moreover, such a light cleaning can not be made by blood relatives of the deceased. They are better to come into contact with the emanations of death, so the dead man did not take his loved ones. Do not remove after the dead and pregnant,. Usually asked to fit together and wash the floor of someone from family friends. Only he must remain in the apartment after the deposit of the coffin. After that, the person joins the mournful on the commemoration, is not present in the cemetery.

Some things are particularly strongly impregnated by the energy of death. So, stools or the table on which the coffin stood, they put on the street for several days and leave there with legs up. This is done in order to get rid of this energy. The apartment you can use the balcony.

Be sure to carry out everything connected with a mournful rite. These are the remnants of the tissue for the upholstery of the coffin, sinters from it, as well as other ritual attributes, except portrait with a black ribbon, a glass of water and a piece of bread. Everyone brought by mournful flowers should be left on the grave - they are intended to be clever.

Do not leave in the house also the tool that the measurements for the coffin were removed, he brings death to another tenant during the year. From the coffin do not take anything. The ropes that the hands were associated by the dead man, a penny, who lay in front of - all this should remain in the coffin. Candles are taken at the cemetery, as well as the grain in which they stood. You can also store an icon that stood before the coffin. It is allowed on the river or attribute to church.

When can I get out after the funeral, if the question is in general cleaning or putting the deceased room? At any time, but after the commemoration or takeaway the coffin. If at the same time you open the mirrors, they should also be washed. If you decide to keep them closed 3, 9 or 40 days, leave it for later.

Can I do repair

Repair after the funeral can be done, but only how it will pass 40 days after death. The soul of the deceased from time to time will visit see how close people live. She would like to see the familiar setting, changes can angry the Spirit.

After 40 days, at least, you will have to replace the bed on which the deceased, as well as the bed (sofa, flooring or stairs, chair, etc.), which became the mortal one. The bed of a dead person can not use its blood drains. It can be given or sell. It is not necessary to put a new bed, use the vacant space as you consider it necessary.

The place of death will also exhibit necrotic energy. Therefore, it is supposed to replace everything that in contact with the dying, whether it is the floor covering where it fell, or furniture and bed linen. As a rule, such things are thrown out or burned. In the villages come somewhat differently - they take three to the chicken coop, so that the rooster "goes off the whole negative."

Personal things deadAs a rule, distribute poor or sell. This concerns not only clothes. Favorite Cup or Plate, ashtray, Antistress toy - Do not store it all. Although many are left in memory of the deceased.

What else can not be done after the funeral

In the house where a person died, it is impossible to do washing. This ban acts while the house has a coffin. That is, after the funeral, you can proceed to bring clothes in order.

Can I swim after the funeral? Belutors are recommended to do it at the same time when you decide to remove tissue with reflective surfaces. That is, immediately after the commemoration, three, nine or forty days. In the old days we were turned only on the 41st day after death.

Among what is impossible to do after the funeral - noisy holidays. For 40 days it is undesirable to arrange celebrations. Birthday celebration It is better to transfer or cancel at all. But it can be noted modestly, in a family circle, without loud music and noise.

Nine-day, and better a forty-day prohibition concerned and weddings, but here it all depends on the emotional state of the relatives of the deceased. In addition, the wedding is a designated event associated with high costs. If you play the wedding before, the forty days from the day of the death of a relative, during the celebration you need to mention this and give a tribute to the mind about the mustache. Wedding is allowed at any time.

Many believe that among what you can not do after the funeral of a near person, there are trips and travel. This is not true. They will help to distract, but during the trip it is worth abandoning various entertainment events. Do not forget to remember the deceased and pray for his soul during the holidays.

In addition, the relatives of the deceased during the forty days cannot be sewed and cutting. If there is a need to repair clothes, you have to do it. But tailoring, which is not urgent, must be postponed. The same concerns the haircut. Bang prevents everyday affairs? Get rid of it. But if it's about changing the image, do it through forty days.

As much time the family of the deceased cannot drink alcohol. Perhaps the prohibition is caused by the fact that the Mountain is an accomplice of alcoholism. But memorial signs forbid drinking also on commemoration. The reason is that alcoholism is a sin. Forty days relatives can pour a sinful person. If at this time they will sin, it will only complicate his afterlife.

After the funeral goes only on the commemoration, and from there - home. It is impossible to go to visit, otherwise death will come to the house. You can go to visit or on business only on the next after the funeral and the alert day. Commemoration is also the ninth and fortieth day, and after them also has this ban. It is also impossible to go to the celebrations that pass in public places - birthdays, weddings.

Do not go with the commemoration on the commemoration. If one day comes with two spirits, choose the one who is closer to you. But you can say goodbye to several dead, support relatives, express grief. During the funeral, the graves of loved ones and friends are not attended. This time you came only to one deceased, and the visit of others will be regarded as disrespect.

The opinion of the Church

There are many beliefs that it should be observed after the funeral. This will help protect against necrotic energy, diseases and other troubles. In addition, some signs are aimed at improving the afterlife of the deceased and his cleansing from sins.