Description of the painting of Isaac Levitan Autumn day Sokolniki. History and description of the painting "Autumn day

Description of the painting of Isaac Levitan Autumn day Sokolniki. History and description of the painting "Autumn day

Description of the painting of Levitan "Autumn day. Sokolniki "

It is impossible not to recall the famous canvas Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Autumn day. Sokolniki. "
He wrote EGGs in 1879 to this day it is at an honorable place in the Tretyakov Gallery.
The famous and exclusive this picture make two aspects, the fact that this is the only landscape in which the artist portrayed a person's figure, and the fact that this single lady walking in the park did not paint the author himself, and his friend, brother of the famous writer, Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov .
Picture writing time was very heavy for our author.
After the decree on the ban on the stay of Jew in Moscow, Levitan was forced to move to Saltykovka.
All his landscapes of that period sad and nostalgic.

In the picture we see dark high pines.
They seek some kind of longing and experiences.
Little trees grow along the path.
Yellow leaves, barely kept on small branches through a raging wind.
The same wind painted the shock of the leaves to the edges of the path, as if freeing the passage of the mysterious lady.
And what is this woman? Maybe it's just a random passing, walking in the park on the autumn day.
And perhaps this is a non-random woman.
Maybe she meant something for the author.

Looking at the picture, you can understand the mood of the author.
These dull colors, tightened the sky, fluttering from the strong wind trees and a dark figure of a woman, talk about his longing.
And the fact that a woman is drawn not the most artist gives her even more mystery and mysteriousness.

Probably a great achievement was for Levitan recognition of his paintings and its place in the Tretyakov Gallery.
And although many more works of the author found their refuge there, but it is the dark figure of a woman will always be the first.
All his landscapes are called musical, lyrical, poetic.
So the picture "Autumn day.
Sokolniki "became inspiration for many poets and musicians.

In the picture "Sokolniki" there is undoubtedly a brush of Isaac Levitan. The sky, which could only write it, is distinguished by a special depth, the wet air is felt by the whole body, it seems, the desk from the sky will fall the first heavy raindrops. Huge gigantic pines, wall-standing on both sides of the alleys, seem to be guarding forest rest. Standing behind the pines, young marshes drop their foliage - it decorates the park walkway with blond stains. Alley itself leads far, far away in almost the sky. The fallen foliage highlights it with a light strip among the green, not yet dried herbs, which also distinguishes light stains of fallen foliage.

This heartfelt work was evaluating the assimilation of the Levitan poetic traditions and the achievements of the Russian and European landscape and the originality of his lyrical gift. In the fact that the alleys are filled with autumn leaves in the creativity, and Pavel Bryullov, and the "revival" of the park landscape with a lonely female figure at Levitan, apparently, was connected with the impressions of the Pinenova "Babushkin Garden" with the impressions from 1879 And the "overgrown pond", work is characterized by organicity. It is pure and completely sound more specifically, Levitan intonations and achieved, perhaps, unprecedented for domestic painting a measure of the unity of etude directness and the "picture" poetic content of the landscape.

The latitude of the soul of the artist is felt in every smear. Clearly designated artist trunks, foliage, trees crowns. At the same time, researchers of the landscape, the damp of the autumn is transmitted through a bit blurred paint. Everything cannon is literally saturated with loneliness, sadness and some special Russian longing.

In the painting of Levitan "Sokolniki" there is one non-characteristic barcode for the artist - this is the figure of a woman who comes towards the viewer. This figure was addressed to another artist - Nikolai Chekhov, brother of the famous writer. Apparently, unmistakably guessing the mood of his comrade, he decided to strengthen the impression of the picture, including the lonely dark human image into it.

It has been preserved and completely small, but the stench-precious etude to this picture is "autumn leaves". With the concentration of reverent attack, gentle and quiet touch of the brush, the beauty of the fallen leaves is transferred in it, overflow their golden, opal, almost purple and lemon yellow paints. Picture "Autumn day. Sokolniki "was noticed by the audience and received the highest possible assessment at that time - was acquired by Pavel Tretyakov, a sensitive fan of landscape painting, above all the not" beauty "in it, but the soul, unity of poetry and truth. This picture became the first bought by Tretyakov for its legendary collection, from this picture and began the Tretyakov Gallery.

Year of writing a picture: 1879.

Picture sizes: 63 x 50 cm.

Material: canvas.

Writing technique: oil.

Genre: Landscape.

Style: Realism.

Gallery: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see many beautiful and talented paintings. Each has its own history of creating, movement and presence in the largest Russian art gallery. One of these mysterious, but no less beautiful paintings is the work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan. "Autumn day. Sokolniki. ". To go past her, without noticing, you will not be able to do not succeed and the Tretyakov collector himself.

The painting of Levitan is dominated by yellow and green tones. They do not differ in their brightness and darkness, opposite are dim and dark. This fact sets the mood with the whole picture.

In the foreground The artist depicted a walkway in the park, rushing into the distance along with green firs. The road is located among the green and, seems to be wet grass, which gives your last juice. Along the road with a blur and her yellow foliage, small trees similar to Oak or Kleon. Toving the viewer moves female figure. She is dressed in black outfit, and her face sadly looks under his feet.

In the background, gray and massive sky is depicted, which only in rare places has blue glimpses. It smoothly goes for the efficiency of dark-green firs, among which the yellowed trees can be seen.

The picture is filled with sadness, longing and loneliness, which is reflected in the autumn colors, rainy weather and a lonely figure, except for which there is no one in Sokolniki Park. The image of human figures is not peculiar to I.I. Levitan, he loved to portray only landscapes, where his mood reflected in nature and in this picture the figure of a woman portrayed his friend, Brother of the famous writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who was no less talented in visual art.

Looking at this image, a person can experience sadness, but at the same time a peaceful, which, apparently, experiences a woman walking around the park. When I first saw the "autumn day", I remembered our autumn park, which is very similar to the image of Isaac Levitan. It was for these reasons that Pavel Tretyakov could not pass past this wonderful creation, and bought it for his gallery. This case gave the opportunity to Jew Isaac Levitan to continue to live and create in Moscow, as well as fame for long century. "Autumn day. Sokolniki. " - This is a real heritage of Russian visual arts, which our generation should appreciate and protect.

Picture description 2.

Russian painter Isaac Ilyich Levitan was born in a Jewish family. His father wanted to give children a good education, so they move the whole family to Moscow. Isaac Levitan enters the Moscow School of Painting. His parents died early. Brothers and sisters experienced extreme need. A teacher's friend noticed the works of Levitan and took him to his landscape class.

Work on the painting "Autumn day. Sokolniki "The artist began in his most difficult period of life. After the attempt on the king, a decree was released on the ban on the findings of Jews in Moscow. The nineteen-year-old Levitan was evicted in the near Moscow region - Saltykovka. On nostalgic memories, he writes a sad landscape. The name of the picture transmits the mood of the wizard and the place of events. A small canvas is written by oil, dates from 1879.

The composition of the painting is tied to a desert autumnal alley. The plot of the paintings expresses the truthfulness. Before us, the track leaving in the distance. Right and on the left, small maples are planted. Their subtle trunks look defenseless. Foliage on maples yellow, not yet all opal. Majestic pines are getting dark. Loaded, the gloomy sky presses its mass.

The walkway, the janitor cleared the broom, leaving the traces. Lying on the edges of the leaves, rustle from the wind. The grass is green, in autumn coupling. A quick step towards us is approaching a slender girl in a black long dress. One hand she keeps the hem, to go easier. Another hand holds hair fluttering in the wind.

To the right of the girl a wooden shop, slightly leaned from time. Desert alley. The wind plays trees tops. The girl goes confident. It seems that she will soon want to go through this place, hide from gray longing.

The picture looks like interconnected integer. The observer stands on the alley on the left, as if skipping a girl. It is known that the girl in the picture appeared later. Her levitan appeared.

Canvas is filled equilibrium, symmetrically. High pines are opposed to a small girl figurine. The product transmits the dynamics, movement. Low horizon makes pines more powerful. Sky, track and pines are connected at one point. An elegant woman complements the picture, giving it a touch of joy.

Food paints, dark stains of the trees, the artist expressed his mood. From the picture blows longing and despondency. The flavor of nature is similar to Minor in music.

The picture produces a strong emotional impact. No wonder of Levitan is called a landscape mood master.

3 option

Picture "Autumn day. Sokolniki "is largely unique in the work of Isaac Levitan. This canvas created by a very young, nineteen-year-old artist, immediately received a high assessment of the experts and was acquired by Pavel Tretyakov for his meeting, besides, this is the only levitan web, which shows a person. At the same time, we are very characteristic of the artist's very characteristic of the artist, in which the feeling passed on the canvas, the mood is more important than the details of the object plan.

The artist invites the viewer to go through the Alley of the Park in Sokolniki. The track, slightly bending, goes away. On both its parties are subtle young maples. Their foliage is completely desirable, and the wind breaks up their golden outfit. Some of the trees are already bare and retain on their thin black branches only rare golden brown leaves. In the depths of the park there will be mighty old pines. Gloomy, harsh walls, they seem to limit the picturesque space. Their dark green crowns contrast with bright yellow leaves and green grass in the foreground. According to the gloomy sky, the wind carries ribbon cosmas of gray clouds. He is noise foliage and rocks the tops of the trees. Under the gusts of the wind, the motley leaves are creepy and bears lying on the track.

Loneliness, carelessness, sore blows from the canvas.

The figure of the girl in black on this deserted alley only enhances these feelings. Slender stranger, speeding up a step, moves right towards the viewer. Where in a hurry girl along the autumn park alley? Why is she alone? Perhaps her black outfit is mourning, and she has recently survived a heavy loss? Maybe this walk she is trying to drown out of her mental pain, but the rain and cold wind make her return? The viewer, looking at the picture, involuntarily asks for himself these questions.

Levitan was not vain called the painter of sentiment. And in the painting "Autumn day. Sokolniki "This property of his talent manifested itself clearly and brightly. The viewer can not not feel the piercing, tomging feeling of abdominal, longing, mental pain, which managed to transfer Levitan.

Throughout life, the artist will write even a lot of cloths, looking at which the audience will experience the joy of the arrival of spring, admire the charm of the golden autumn, the slowness and the majestic of the river the river. But the most important thing - these pictures will not leave anyone indifferent, they will definitely touch everyone's heart. This and attractive for all connoisseurs of painting Creativity Isaac Levitan.


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Picture of Isaac Levitan "Autumn day. Sokolniki "was written in 1879 by the young artist and became his business card, having received the highest assessment of Pavel Tretyakov, who acquired it at the exhibition for his personal collection. This paper reflects the heavy experiences of the author during the persecution of the Jews (Levitan was forced to leave Moscow by order of the police)
This is the only landscape of Levitan, where there is a person.
It is known that the woman is inscribed in the landscape with another Levitan - the native brother Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Nikolai. She seems defenseless in this desert park and causes a sad feeling of anxiety.
The female figure looks sad under pressure of cloudy clouds, towering to the sky of pines, yellowed autumn leaves of other trees ...
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Levitan knew how to write in such a way that there is even an air imposing charm in his paintings.
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Favorable offer from online store BigArtShop: buy a picture of the autumn day. Sokolniki artist Isaac Levitan on a natural canvas in high resolution, decorated in a stylish baguette frame, at an attractive price.

Picture of Isaac Levitan Autumn day. Sokolniki: Description, artist's biography, customer reviews, other works of the author. Large catalog of St. Isaac Levitan on the website of the online store BigArtShop.

Online store BigArtShop presents a large catalog of paintings by Artist Isaac Levitan. You can choose and buy your favorite paintings of the paintings of Isaac Levitan on a natural canvas.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan was born in an intelligent Jewish family. His grandfather was rabbi. Father also graduated from the Rabbian school, but later became a teacher of foreign languages, worked as a translator, as well as a cashier and controller at railway stations. His children, and besides Isaac in the family, there were three more, he trained himself, and in the late 1860s, despite his poverty, managed to transport the family to Moscow to enable children to receive a decent education.

In 1873, at the 13th age, interested in the art of Isaac, followed by his elder brother Avele, entered the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture.

In 1875, the mother died in the Levitan family, after her two years later, the Father died, and the children had to lead almost a nurse. But the love of Russian landscape, outstanding abilities, sincerity and poetry of nature helped overcome all difficulties. Big influence on the formation of Levitan as an artist was provided by Vasily Grigorievich Perov, "Maja Motiva" a talented young man transferred Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov.

After graduating from the school in 1885, Levitan remained living in Moscow. He worked in various places in the Moscow and Tver regions, in the Crimea, on the Volga, in the 1890s - in Italy, France, Switzerland and Finland.

From 1898 he led the landscaped class of the Moscow School of Painting, Basania and Architecture, showed himself as a wonderful teacher.

Canvas texture, high-quality paints and widescreen prints allow our Reproductions of Isaac Levitan to not yield to the original. Canvas will be stretched to a special subframe, after which the picture can be messed up in the chosen baguette.

1879. Canvas, oil. 63.5 x 50. Tretyakovskaya Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

This heartfelt work was evaluating the assimilation of the Levitan poetic traditions and the achievements of the Russian and European landscape and the originality of his lyrical gift. With the fact that similar images of a narrow alley, filled with autumn leaves, meet and, and the revitalization of the park landscape with a lonely female figure at Levitan, apparently, was connected with the impression of the "Babushkin Garden" painted at the exhibition in 1879 and "Ingrown Pond" Work is distinguished by self-sufficiency and organicity. It is clean and completely sounded already specifically and achieved, perhaps unprecedented for the domestic painting measure of the unity of the sketch of the viability and the "picture" poetic content of the landscape.
Picture "Autumn day. Sokolniki "was noticed by the audience and received the highest of the estimates possible at that time - acquired by Pavel Tretyakov, the founder of the famous State Tretyakov Gallery, a sensitive lover of landscape painting, above all the" beauty of nature ", but the soul, unity of poetry and truth. Subsequently, Tretyakov no longer released Levitan from the field of his vision, and the rare year did not acquire new works for his meeting.
Alexander Pushkin.
The days of late autumn are born usually
But she is her Mila, the reader is dear,
Krasoye quietly brilliant humbly.
So unloved child in the family of native
To myself entails me. Tell you frankly
From annual times I'm glad only to her one,
There is a lot of good; Lover not vain,
I found something in her softening.

How to explain it? I like her,
How is probably a consumers' virgin
Sometimes I like it. Death is convicted,
The poor thing is cloning without ropot, without anger.
Smile on the mouths faded visible;
The gravestone is not heard of the grave;
Playing on the face still crimson color.
She is alive today, tomorrow is not.

Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
In 1879, the police evicted Levitan from Moscow to the countryside Saltkovka. The royal decree was released, prohibiting the Jews to live in the "original Russian capital". Levitan was at the time eighteen years.
Summer in Saltykovka Levitan remembered later as the most difficult in life. Stood heavy heat. Almost every day the sky was laid out thunderstorms, Ground Thunder, noisy from the wind dry bunuan under the windows, but did not fall a drop of rain.
Twilight were especially volatile. On the balcony of the neighboring cottage lit the light. Night butterfly clouds beat about lamp glasses. Balls knocked on the crocket site. Gymnasists and girls foolished and quarreled, winning a party, and then, late in the evening, a female voice sang in the garden. Sad romance:
My voice for you and affectionate and languid ...
Summer ended. Stranger's voice was heard less and less. Somehow, at twilight, Levitan met a young woman at the wicket of his house. Her skinny hands Belelie from under black lace. Laces were cut off the sleeves of the dress. Soft cloud closed the sky. Walked rain rain. Gorky smelled flowers in the parisades. On railway arrows lit lanterns.
The stranger stood at the wicket and tried to reveal a small umbrella, but he did not reveal. Finally he revealed, and the rain rustled on his silk top. The stranger slowly went to the station. Levitan did not see her face - it was closed as an umbrella. She also did not see the face of Levitan, she noticed only his bare dirty legs and raised an umbrella to not hook levitan. In the wrong light, he saw a pale face. It seemed to him familiar and beautiful.
Levitan returned to his camork and lay down. Chadil candle, buzzed rain, drunk drunk at the station. The longing of the maternal, nursing, female love has entered the heart and did not leave Levitan until the last days of his life.
The same fall. It was his first picture, where gray and golden autumn, sad, as the then Russian life, as the life of Levitan himself, breathed from the canvas careful warmth and silence in the audience the heart.
On the path of the Sokolnika Park, a young woman in black was inherent in black - that stranger, whose voice Levitan could not forget. "My voice for you and affectionate and languid ..." She was one among the autumn grove, and this loneliness surrounded by her feeling of sadness and thoughtfulness.
"Autumn day in Sokolniki" is the only landscape of Levitan, where a person is present, and Nikolai Chekhov wrote him. After that, people never appeared on his canvas. They were replaced by forests and suggestions, foggy spills and beggars of Russia, fragravy and lonely, as was at that time shellyless and lonely man.
Konstantin Powesty. Isaac Levitan

Alexander Pushkin.
My voice for you and affectionate and languid
Dark night disturbance disturbance.
Near my little candle
Burning; My poems, merging and jurry,
Teach, streams of love, flow, full to you.
In the darkness of your eyes shine before me,
I smile, and I hear sounds:
My friend, my gentle friend ... I love ... Your ... Your! ..