Shift. Shift is a feast of snakes. Zodiac sign, holidays, folk signs, traditions, events, Orthodox calendar, Birthdays, were born and died on this day

Shift. Shift is a feast of snakes. Zodiac sign, holidays, folk signs, traditions, events, Orthodox calendar, Birthdays, were born and died on this day
Shift. Shift is a feast of snakes. Zodiac sign, holidays, folk signs, traditions, events, Orthodox calendar, Birthdays, were born and died on this day

The full name of the holiday, which believers in 2017 will celebrate on September 27, is called the upstream of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord. On this day, Christians remember the eternal struggle of good and evil, about the movement, which is the life itself of everything that is on earth.

The Holiday of the Cross of the Lord is remembered by two main events: acquired in 326 in Jerusalem Cross and his return from the Persian captivity in the VII century Greek emperor Irakly. These events united what both times the cross was erected (raised) before the people, addressing it to all the parties of the world, so that everyone could walked to worship and divide the joy of finding the shrine to each other.

Kutnau Kush and Cugur Kushta and Kuguins are an example of Japanese architectural aesthetics. The domination of the city is carried out by such a hosted holy gate as not far from Hayian's sanctuary. And although it was forbidden to build Buddhist temples in Kyute after the transformation of the nation in hundreds of centuries, today you will find them throughout the city. When we mentioned a note, it is impossible to recommend this city to the visitor. In the Temple of Tudadzi there is a fifteen meter statue of a sitting Buddha, a copy of the gilded 100-year-old. Rarely, they are also afraid in the park.

Information in Japan You can stay in classic hotels and hostels, but you can also use Japanese-style jacuzzi, which is a hotel with a luggage. There is a dense network railways, Issued by their own accuracy and reliability, and coaches. You do not have to pay for stay in three months. In Japan, prices fall and prices for us in big cities. Tourist agency It offers the most ten-day strikes in Central Japan, with longer two-week schemes that allow visitors to Hiroshima, for example.

In the old days, this day was called the "Stall". Believers gathered and walked procession Around villages and cities, in order to protect them from troubles, enemies and diseases. Residents of villages, wanting to get a rich harvest on next year, We went around the procession of the field. By the way, it was for the holiday of an exaltation from the fields, the last sheaf was taken. It was a kind of sign on the completion of the harvest and the beginning of the preparation for the winter.

Our southern neighbors built a dense network of cycling tracks various complexity and length. The most modern routes are located in Salzburg, Salzburg, Tyrol and Forarlberg. Good choice For a cyclist on the basis of sports, an enons can be a less well-known bicycle route, which takes place in three federal lands: Salzburg, Styria and Upper Austria. It is surrounded by impressive mountains, romantic valleys, shady wild streams, picturesque villages and historical cities. Here begins GEES National Park, where the wild wild flower produces a wild canal.

For the holiday, the Exaltation was forbidden to go to the forest, so as not to interfere with forest residents to prepare for the occurrence of winters. There was a belief that on this day, snakes are characterized by snakes that climb into the wintering in one hole. And on this day, those who went to the forest could disturb any evil, which also said goodbye to each other and went to sleep. The liberals of their peace and kimikors could harm, tighten into the forest, send a curse and damage.

Between the dream, the old business city of Steir and the oldest city of Austria Raxom Ence, there is a river that is still calm and wide, the border between the upper and lower Austria. In Anne, you can connect to the Danube path and continue in the vandna or in Bratislava. Unlike Wild Ann, the trail follows the Danube bed, on the western side of Passau. It is ideal for everyone age categories, Families with children to pensioners. The surface is asphalt, but with the exception or limitation of motor vehicles.

The family is also expensive around Lake Neusidler. It is located approximately 70 km south-east of the deceit and is located partially in the federal country Burgenland and in the west of Maastricht. FROM west Bank Lakes We find the last excursions of the Alps, East Coast, on the other hand, is the last peak of the Pannon Genther, which has a steppe. The edges of the lake are moving to moll and lined with thick drops.

What you can not do

In addition, it was impossible to go to the forest for the holiday of the Exaltation, so as not to disturb his inhabitants, on this day there were no important affairs, because they thought that there was the very resting nature that gave the goods to people and a rich harvest, an insult was applied. According to others, believers, all that you started doing on this day was just useless and did not bring anyone.

Fans of cyclists do not need to run a cycling path across the Moore River. It begins in the mountain area Lungau, where the river is a small, sharp pot. You can order bicycle holidays in Austria both in Czech and in the Austrian offices.

For example, the Labeza-Vagna-Seggerga bicycle center provides three-day trips to mountain bike trails in South Styria from May to October. Kyrgyzstan: Scotland Central Asia While the Baltic Map is green from above, the map of Kyrgyzstan passes through the dark shades of darker shades. brown color. However, the Kyrgyz Mountains are also available for travelers without the experience of climbing, and in more major cities You can hire a local guide. The country offers mountain fans breathtaking views of mountain ranges with lakes lakes and descending into valleys, covered with thick green carpets.

And on this day it was customary to observe one of the most strict postsTherefore, under the ban was the use of meat and fish and all varieties of dairy products.

In the upstream, the names of the Oriesmannik - the Guardian of the Ovina, places where the rural residents kept wheat were noted. On this day, the ovens could not be worked in Ovin. On the floor spread festive towels and laid out the treats for the house.

That is why Kyrgyzstan is sometimes called Central Asia. Trekking most often reaches the Mountain Ridge Pamrr to Tibet's border, where you can choose a route leading to a mountain, known as Lenin Peak. Highlanders pay for the best seven-family technically. In the base car you can get on the rail car, and many people believe that it is easy to get to the sevenstal car. However, because of the very strong wind, most people will not be able to escape. However, in this area there are many other campaigns, such as Aksu and Caras.

Peaks are located on the easternmost cavity in Kyrgyzstan. If you are traveling from the East Coastline to the West, you will meet salt Lake Lake Issyk-Kul, where you can also arrange nonsense Rows Shan Shan. It is also a bit from the main city of Bishkek. Alia-Aria's National Park, covered with thick forests, is only 30 miles from the hotel.

Also on this day they prepared all sorts of dishes from the original Russian product - cabbage. Not only households were treated with cabbage pie and airborne dumplings - part of the cooked dishes were delivered to the church, where they were handed out.

Holiday comments

- To the upstream who will go to the forest, he may not return.

Please note that Kyrgyzstan will blame Jesus in the July issue. They are here, the course is 100 jobs \u003d 44 kilograms. Food prices are approximately half with us. The cheapest in Kyrgyzstan is to get buses or more expensive marshmallows. Detailed maps The area can be found in Bishkek.

In both of them there are several scattered diffusers. Despite the fact that the capital of Tbilisi and Yerevan are also visiting. The fancy complex Eimiadzin with the cathedral belonging to the century is located on the western side of the Armenian capital Yerevan. This is a meeting of Catholicism, the head of the Armenian clergy. In the end national Park Dilijan you can get to the impressive agacin or state accident. Experienced trips can also try to climb the most high mountain In Arrania Aragats, volcano northeast of Yerevan.

- On this day, the snakes in the holes are hiding.

- For the exclusion, the ledge walks - who will go to the forest, will not find that way back.

- On the upstream of the Bear in Berloga, Snake in Nora, and birds south.

- Have a good mistress in the extension and cake with cabbage.

- Who will fasten to the Exaltation, then the seven sins will say.

- In the upstream of the latter, the last shock is moving.

The biblical mountain of Ararat, which lies on the territory of today's Turkey, you can only admire. However, from the same city of the army, you can go to Monastery of Chor Virap. Like the army, Georgians are very hospitable. Therefore, it is unusual that when you travel to these countries, they invite you to local residents - especially in countryside - To your homes where you are generous. Financial remuneration insults many of them. In both Transcaucasian republics, there is also a very rooted ritual of the table, which says that they must respect this toamada, a kind of "tide of friends."

- With the exaltation of autumn to winter shifts.

- In the exaltation of the birds summer by the sea is carried out.

- Who does not hold the post for the emission - on that seven sins will be erected.

- Who will see the last bird departure, can make a desire and it will surely come true.

- Song at this time transmits its rights to winter: if the north wind blows, then the summer next year will be warm; Western wind foreshadows bad weather in the summer months.

Neighboring, more than twice as large Georgia is a rich and rich city. Your first steps outside Tbilisi can take you to one of oldest cities Mtskheta. Georgian kings are buried in the center of St. Chhovel Cathedral, and there is no obligatory legend of Jvar, here in hundreds. Do not miss the two beautiful cliffs of climbers: David Gahedz south-east of Tbilisi and South West Vardzia. If you like to swim and rely on the Black Sea Plains, you will probably be disappointed.

The most beautiful coastline Located in the separatist Abkhazia, and the plains around the Adriatic resort Batumi are not covered by the Adriatic coast. Information You can independently go to Armenia and Georgia. You can go there by car, marshmallow or bus lines. In the case of large groups, he pays to rent a car with a driver for a whole day. Hostels provide hotels, but the best private.

On Wednesday, September 27, Orthodox celebrates one of the most important church holidays - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 2017 or, as it is also called the Exaltation of the Honest and Living Cross. This day is directly related to the life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin.

Also this holiday is called cross-theft. The events of this day attribute us to the distant 326, when equalizable Tsarica Elena found a cross in Jerusalem, on which Jesus Christ crucified.

At least, this is a difficult study of the sociologist Ryeta Vuchene from Erasma University in Rotterdam. Due to the fact that the earth lies just below the northern vulnerable circle, it almost does not change in July. More importantly, the time is the atmosphere of solidarity for happiness of local residents.

Most of the most popular places in the tourist zone will be discovered in the southern part of the island, which speaks about continuous struggle between fire and ice, volcanoes and glaciers. Thanks to the existence of Iceland, you will find the most deserted desert deserts, volcanoes, geysers, wild glaciers and exciting waterfalls. Of course, you would not miss the so-called Icelandic gold triangle. From there, the steps of most travelers around the Chekla volcano lead to the Geothermal District of Landmannalalaura.

On the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 2017?

In the crossport, the post is better and not to combine. Post on this day is very strict out of meals you should eliminate meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegetable oil can.

Believers gathered in the temples on the festive prayer:

Troper Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
Kondak Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
The highest cultivation of the Cross of the Lord
Prayers to the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord

There is no local vegetation in the northern direction, which is not surprising that environment Especially attractive thanks to richly colored rolitic slopes with active post-taxic activity. From there you can continue the northern part of the island to Lake Matvatn or go to the most western most European Watnacekul glacier. One of the options is to go south to the Cape Drykhulay. In the vicinity of Lake Matvatn, you can admire the an active crafle volcano with crowns and lilac sculptures and spend the evening in the thermal pool.

In the upstream of the Cross of the Lord 2017, believers remember the main events that became the basis of the holiday. Tsarina Elena went to search christian shrines And found in Jerusalem - the Cross of the Lord.

During the excavation, she found three crosses and a board with the inscription "Jesus Norazhai, Tsar Jewish". It is difficult now to understand how she determined which of the crosses belongs to the Lord, because the plate lay separately. However, by giving these crosses began to apply alternately to the patient and after touching one of the crosses of the patient healed.

There are some more cascades and waterfalls on its steep slopes. You can also enjoy three ice rollers in the southwest of the Skafafella National Park, where the Waterfall Waterfall is dominated, extending to the valley above the perennial columns. Of course, you must also leave main city Reykjavik with historical memories and neighboring lagoon blue lagoon. It will pay you, especially if you want to see a virgin, but poorly affordable island with a landscape. For tourists, guidebooks recommend bus routes, whose network is especially dense on the coast.

After that, they began to celebrate the elimination of the Cross of the Lord. Emperor Konstantin ordered to build in Jerusalem the temple of the Resurrection of Christ. Construction completed in 335. Elena has not lived before this event.

Recall that on the day of the Cross) in 614 Life-giving cross It was abducted by the captured Jerusalem Persians. They returned it only after 14 years. Could this make Emperor Irakli, who in 628 won the Persians and returned the cross of Christ to Jerusalem.

Cycling is not recommended due to uncontrolled road surface. As for food, be prepared to think that it is very expensive in Iceland. Fiji: Paradise archipelago with a dark past. Fiji Archipelago is one of the last places on Earth, where you do not need to press for a walk around the mosaic ruins of constantly present tourists. From Europe and America, this is quite close to Melanesia, and more than three hundred soap and coral islands are opposed by mass tourism. In the past, the islands also did not add to the attraction the fact that people were connected here.

Signs for the holiday Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

On this day, it was customary to draw crosses on the doors of the houses.
Even in the feeders to the cattle lined up small hands
Today the Indian summer ends and the first frosts come
Locked the doors, as mice and snakes come into the house for wintering
Today you should not try any important thing.
On this day, no important thing should be started.

Loooatvnya practices Fiji in a hundred years. Currently, the risk of visitor consumption is zero, and Fiji looks just like European Canadian. On virgin plains and only in lagoon, green-blue Pacific Ocean, multicolored flowers of wild flowers fill the nostrils with nostrils, and you can try the fruit of papaya or pineapple straight from the trees. The Ribge is waiting for sweat and water, where he admires a multitude of corals and flies of colorful fish.

Arrival comes to itself, but to ask the local authorities, where and when surfing is safe and where the best waves. Most of these places are on the roads where they can calmly ride only in the air. However, ships should travel everywhere. Safe is the area near the city of Cigatok on the largest island of Viti-Lev, because he has a paved bottom, but the fact is that there is no place to stay. People Fiji grin and admire people with dance vow, singing and beating. Women on the island make the perfume behind the flower's ear and, depending on which they are put on, they know men, are they given.

Proverbs about crosses

Exaltation of caftan shifts, a fur coat will drive
On the upstream Earth from summer to winter moved
On the upstand the last shock from the field moves
Who fastens on the upstream, then seven sins forgive
At least for the Sunday day, come up up, and everything is on it - Friday environment, lean meal!