X, Y, Z: As the theory of generations and the history of modern culture are connected. Generation theory Differences of generations: Recipes interaction Theory of generations X Y Z

X, Y, Z: As the theory of generations and the history of modern culture are connected. Generation theory Differences of generations: Recipes interaction Theory of generations X Y Z
X, Y, Z: As the theory of generations and the history of modern culture are connected. Generation theory Differences of generations: Recipes interaction Theory of generations X Y Z

Hello everybody! There is an interesting theory of similar values \u200b\u200band features of the behavior of generations, that is, groups of people who are born at a certain period of time and are raised under the influence of any large-scale events. These groups of people call the generation of X Y and Z, and today I want to tell about each of them in more detail.

The origin of the theory

In 1991, William Strauss and Neil Khow nominated this idea about the similarities of certain groups of people who have fallen under the influence of economic and political events, or due to actively developing technologies. It initially began to apply to increase sales levels, in order to consider the features of a certain age of a person, to have an idea how to offer him a product to be bought to them.

In general, to this day, it finds use in business, among teams, prachics and managers. And also helps in a relationship when misunderstanding between different age groups arises. When you understand about the living and development conditions, for example, grandmothers, then more acceptable to its style of behavior, habits, values, and even ultimatums. After all, she grew at all in another situation, and this is not her personal behavioral feature, but an entire generation.

Generations are only 4, and they replace each other about 80 years. Scientists managed to track the connection of the time only over the past 500 years, but if continuing research, it is likely that the similarity of characteristics and people who lived millennium will be attended. So, there is generation of baby boomers, x, y and z.

I will talk about the conditions for the formation of the value system and the nature of people in Russia. Because in each country there are historically events, political and economic situation that left their mark on the life of the population. We are closer, the conditions in which our relatives lived and live are more acquainted and more familiar.

Baby boomers

The strong generation of people who were born in the interval of 1943-1963. During this period, a victory in the Great Patriotic War, achievements in the conquest of Space, and the accommodation of Khrushchev "thaw". Named so due to the fact that at that time a huge burst of fertility was recorded due to the restoration of the balance after the war. They are distinguished by their patriotism, because they had to restore their country into which they believed and considered superpowers.

Value represent awards, diplomas, medals and all sorts of certificates. They are active, and even now, who are still alive, try to maintain their health with the help of minimal at least, but physical exertion. They work perfectly in a team, the community is very important for them. Active, do not stop in their development, as they have a huge interest in knowing something new. The whole of their life was devoted to the work, to which they started at an early age, seeking independence.


It is just that generation that charged the water through the TV when the Chumak became popular in the 90s, or was encoded from alcoholism thanks to the speeches of Kashpirovsky. Birthday has emerged in 1964 - 1984. At this time, it began to increase the number of divorces and the number of single mothers who worked on the factories to educate children their own, as a result of which fertility fell. Drugs and AIDS appeared. War in Afghanistan also affected the quality of life and the value system.

Ikers are distinguished by hyperships, so the first place is taken care of others, sometimes even sacrificing our own interests. Due to the fact that their parents lived in a difficult time, many of whom were children of war, they did not learn to take care and give love. Therefore, Ikers, having lost her affiliation and attention in childhood, seek them already in a partner. Love and family wanted so much that many women were ready to endure her husband's beating, or his addiction to alcohol.

The difference with their predecessors is that they were not ready to work for public benefit, preferring to be engaged in self-education and knowledge of themselves. It is believed that this generation is more susceptible to the emergence of depression. Since mostly in life experienced anxiety, anxiety and feeling of internal conflict, emotional instability. Apparently due to the fact that they ignored their own desires and needs, preferring to satisfy others.


Called the generation of zero or Millennium (1984 - 2003). The formation of their values \u200b\u200bwas influenced by the collapse of the USSR, the emergence of new technologies, terrorist attacks and military conflicts. Newspapers and books prefer the Internet, where any knowledge can get and learn about the news in the world. These people are distinguished by their naivety, due to the fact that the information is available, they do not have the need to look for a forbidden literature, while ICs have no publicity at all, and they accounted for suspicion to study any materials.

Cherereta appreciate their freedom, they are optimistic and fun. The generation of baby booms, which has reached the goal that has risening the whole country does not understand at all the needarer, ready to obey and adjust, and especially for their failure to disappoint other people. Millenniums differ from the rest of the fact that for family life they seek to choose an equal partner who will inspire to achieve any goals that can support.

Pay attention to the level of quality of your life, wanting to enjoy and satisfaction. Therefore, they are more important for their career than the creation of the family. Do not rush with the birth of children, and do not seek to plan their future. Because the economic crisis, "broken" many people, showed zero, which should be taken care of the present and live here and now, due to the fact that the future is changeable and unreliable. They are flexible and know how to adapt to the new conditions.

Do not appreciate knowledge, believing that success can be achieved thanks to their resources, acquaintances and the ability to "spin." Such a depreciation was due to the fact that they were observed as parents who had higher education, scientists and doctors of science were forced to go to trade on the market because of restructuring in the country to survive.


Now these are children, our near future, which was born or will be born in the period 2003-2023. They do not know what a holodomor is, the care and love of parents, who seek to provide them with high-quality life. It can be assumed that the favorable conditions for their "cultivation" will contribute to the development of a healthy value system, the ability to build relationships that do not destroy the personality, and help her to reveal their capabilities.

Zate, unlike ICES, will understand that, above all, they need training and gaining knowledge. And that they will be able to rely on them. And they already differ even from zero what they grab new information very quickly. And the development of technology does not at all represent any difficulty for them. A child born during this period will learn to handle the phone or tablet very early, sometimes, without knowing how to talk.

Sometimes they surprise their age and style, because with the development of the fashion industry, in free access is a huge number of beautiful clothes, and the kids have already come up with the importance of being fashionable and beautiful. They are very freedom-loving and from the Small years try to defend their opinion, demanding it to take into account. A huge number of opportunities around besides what develops, but also affects the style of behavior.

Zate tend to hysterics and whims, they simply require what they wanted. Experts believe that this generation will not be able to find compromises, and even more so make efforts to achieve their goals. In addition, faced with failure, these children will give up in the future, instead of looking for solutions. And this will contribute to the development of self-satisfaction, they will not risk to succeed.


That's all, dear reader! Regardless of how many years you or your loved ones, and what type they include, it should be remembered that this characteristic is general, which does not exclude individuality in manifestations, perception and properties of character. Just the conditions in which the veins we and our relatives are very different, and if you understand this, then you can take another as it is, without trying to impose your vision.

For the completeness of the study, I started with my homework and analyzed who shared people for generations and what principle.

The American researchers Nile How and William Strauss have laid the beginning, which in 1991 presented the so-called theory of generations in his book "Generations" (Generations). According to her, representatives of each generation exist certain signs caused by the environment in which they were brought up and adults.

Psychologists argue that the formation of values \u200b\u200bin humans occurs until 10-12 years. It is logical that during this period the School of Learning and Literature, Friends, Society, the level of its technologicalness and, of course, has the greatest impact on the future personality.

Here are generations with which I was familiar with life:

  • Majestic generation (1900 -1923)
  • Silent generation (1923 -1943)
  • Babi-Boomer Generation (1943 - 1963)
  • Generation X ("X") (1963 - 1983)
  • Generation Y ("Igarek") (1983 - 2003)
  • Generation Z "Zet" (C 2003)

But all the attention in this article I dedicated the last 4 generations. So, let's begin.

Generation Baby Boomers: Young Heart and Soul

The generation was named due to the outbreak of fertility after World War II. Today, this generation is presented on the Internet less than others: 37.7% of them use the worldwide network according to TNS MMI 2/2017 research data, GEMIUS 01-07 / 2017, MediaANalyzer (FACTUM Group) 07/2017. Many marketers ignore this category, considering it too agreed to pay attention. At the same time, you can see many studies about the younger generation Z, while its representatives do not even have their own financial resource.

When was born:according to Strauss and Howom "Boomers" were born from 1943 to 1963, today they are from 55 to 75 years.

Communications with other generations: "Baby Boomers" is the parents of late "Iks", as well as grandparents of Millenialov. Consequently, it is the "boomers" formed the foundation for the development of X.

Values: The "Bommerov" has a period of growing up the periodification of the USSR victory in the Great Patriotic War, the flights to space and the Soviet "thaw". "Baby Boomers" believe in the state and power. Their future has always been clear, so it is important for them to maintain this state of certainty.

As they buy: Most of the Babi-Boomers visit markets or small shopping stores.

At the same time, they often buy online: 11.9% of all Internet users of this age use online shopping. But for the "baby boomers", it is important to communicate with real people - this is really not enough for a pension. The need for communication "Boomers" compensate for shopping / markets. And we are surprised where to rush grandparents in the morning.

For "Baby Boomers" does not matter packaging - it is important to them how this product will help them. But if they have already chosen some brand or the goods, then they are ready to go to the other end of the city and expose the queue. They are happy to tell relatives and friends with pleasure about all interesting findings.

It is also important to note that the category of buyers- "boomers" represents predominantly women. This is primarily due to demographic realities: women live longer men. In addition, when a woman remains alone, she continues to buy goods for themselves or their children. When one remains a man, he goes to the store only for the most necessary.

Favorite brands: The characteristic feature of the audience of this generation is dedication to goods. In the context of "boomers", it is not entirely correct to use the concept of the brand, because goods of famous brands they are simply not available. Yes, they will rather buy the goods that heard many years than to start experimenting. And if they have already become your clients, then, most likely, will remain them for life.

Characteristic: They incredibly appreciate youth. For "boomers", this is not only the happiest period of life, but also the time of driving force when you can build the future - its society. That is how they want to feel - with a young heart and soul.

Family values \u200b\u200bare incredibly important for representatives of this generation. A large full-fledged family is a sign of success. Build happiness alone, in their opinion, difficult. "Baby Boomers" seek to help younger family members - both financially and in the farm. It is also associated with the desire to experience its own significance.

Generation X: autonomous and ever-employed

They are also called the "unknown generation". "Xers" is characterized by readiness for changes, great individualism.

When was born:According to the aforementioned theory, this category includes people born from 1961 to 1981, that is, now they are from 35 to 55 years.

Communications with other generations:Despite the fact that the "Iks" fell by the children of "Babi-Boomers", there is a misunderstanding between these generations. "Boomers" accused "Ikers" in the absence of ambitions. While the representatives of the older generation are accustomed to work a lot, all planning and openly talk about it, their children have less optimism about the happy future. They are more concerned about the present and are generally not inclined to share their plans.

Values:At the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof "ICS" influenced the war in Afghanistan, the emergence of drugs and world concern about the new disease - AIDS.

As they buy:"ICES" prefer "living" shops, but actively master online shopping. They choose places where you can buy everything and immediately, saving precious time.

Buyers generation x it is important to feel their uniqueness. Brought up in conditions when everyone dressed in the same way, in adult life, they seek to stand out. Therefore, the ability to purchase a product that makes them special will always be perceived as an advantage.

But the real need for "ICS" is the possibility of choice. Born during the appearance of super- and hypermarkets, they have become picky consumers and go to shops only for their essential goods, while comparing offers of sellers. It is important for them to understand what they buy (carefully read the composition on the packaging) and how much this product is suitable for them.

Buyers generation x it is important to feel their uniqueness

How to reach "ICS": The richest people in the world, the founders of Google, Tesla, Amazon, Space X - the outcomes of this generation. And this is not just a coincidence.

"Ikers" were born before the internet appearance, and this affects their behavior and network preferences. They do not speak in the slang of Milleniala and Zetov and do not always understand the mechanics of the site. They need clear instructions, direct hyperlinks and a simple interface.

According to the study of the CityPost Mail, the "unknown generation" holds more time on social networks than Millennialy - on average 6 hours 58 minutes a week occupies with them to view Facebook. Mostly, they visit the social networks from 20.00 to 00.00 and more often use PC than smartphones.

Until recently, this age category was more presented in Odnoklassniki, today they massively come on Facebook. 58% actively attend YouTube - mainly to find useful information. Only 8% are actively using Instagram.

To attract the attention of the classic "IKSA", it is worth appealing to their nostalgia and comfort needs. It is better to avoid polls and quizzes, however it is useful to offer an interesting and informative video content. Google Joint Study, Ipsos Connect and Flamingo allocated 3 types of content, for which X go to YouTube: the one that causes nostalgia, what informs, as well as how to do the content.

To attract the attention of the classic "IKSA", it is worth appealing to their nostalgia and comfort needs.

Generation Y: act here and immediately!

They are also called Millennialy. This generation is building a present, and it is they are under the sight of all marketers of the world. Every Millennial considers himself special, but there is one "but": all other representatives of this generation also think.

Therefore, Millennialys often suffer - expectations do not coincide with reality. Millenialas have to live in a competitive environment: they observe the success stories like "he earned a million in 22 years, and what did you get?". Stormy combination of overestimated self-esteem, unreal expectations and vulnerabilities require a special relationship.

Communications with other generations: Millennialy - children of "Iks" and the grandchildren of "Baby Boomers". Their parents tried to give them freedom of choice, carefully followed them, and also inspired faith in the fact that they were special.

As they buy: The purchasing power of "Igarekov" is huge. They no longer go to the shops and are increasingly loved online shopping. However, hypermarkets and supermarkets are still favorite offline shopping and entertainment places.

According to research of the analytical agency Markswebb Rank & Report, 53% of all online purchases are carried out by Millenialy. Most often, they do it with the help of smartphones - 73% of generation representatives enter the online store using mobile (Internet Marketing Inc. for 2017).

Before you purchase a product on the Internet, representatives of the generation read reviews, watch photos, visit the pages of companies in social networks, compare prices and are looking for discounts.

Millennaya purchases are carried out on the go, while listening to music at the same time, communicating with friends and moving in transport. Therefore, it is important for the site interface to be comfortable and simple.

53% of all online purchases are carried out by millenia

Favorite brands: When choosing the brands of "Igarekov", the experience of those who have already used the company's products are mostly worried. The exceptions they do for the luxury brands - their prestige and status do not give reasons for doubt. Only imperfect service can take.

Among your favorite brands of Millennalev Nike, Adidas, Apple, Samsung, Viktoria "S Secret, Dior, Tesla and others.

Values: "Ipeki" is a generation that goes beyond the dream, instead of a prestigious and highly paid profession, chooses a pleasure occupation. Stability and career is little disturbing Millenialov - they prefer horizontal movement over the career ladder. However, it is extremely important for them to receive instant remuneration.

Millennialys do not argue the categories of the future, they simply do not take to predict what will happen to them for some 10 years. This can be explained: their predecessors did not change anything to decades, while at the time of growing up of Millenialyans, significant events occurred almost every year.

As for family values, "ignorax", contrary to stereotypes, raise them to a new level. However, Millenialov has their own special attitude to marriage - it is not necessary to hurry with him. In addition, representatives of this generation openly recognize and often support same-sex relationships.

Another characteristic feature is a desire to be fashionable. They choose the matter of their lives, because it is fashionable. They are engaged in fashionable sports, not useful. They become vegetarians, because it is a trend that has begun their predecessors of ICES.

Generation Z: Technological and Peer

Born with a telephone in the hands, these children can give odds to all their predecessors in the speed of perception of information. But to keep the attention of the classic "Zeta" is a big challenge for marketers, because only something unique and impressive deserves their attention.

When was born: Google writes to the "Zetas" of everyone who was born after 1993. Jeremy Finch and Tessa Zhuggert, believe that the generation Z is people born between 1998 and 2008. William Strauss and Neil Hove begin to count the generation Z since the 2000s. According to Sarah Dzhib, Z is all those who were born in the second half of the 90s.

Communications with other generations: Traditionally, Z is the children born by the X generation. Everything for X was the technologies of the future for Zetov already reality. Millennialys are often "zetas" by older brothers or sisters, but the difference in the perception of information between them is large enough.

As they buy: According to the joint study of Google and Ipsos, Zetas are mobile buyers. 2 of 3 adolescents make online shopping, most of them use a smartphone. Online they buy video games, ordinary products, clothing and accessories. Interestingly, the representatives of the generation adore shoes and precisely they consider it a sign of "steepness". Ukrainian adolescents are actively supporting the domestic manufacturer.

Sharing Economy is another distinguishing feature of "Zetov": for example, it is much more economical to use the same things with other family members. However, representatives of the generation are not averse to pay extra for comfort and authenticity. And, of course, the steepness.

Favorite brands: Brand for typical Zeta is not a product and its quality. These are the features that it provides: to be stylish, bright, modern, cool. "Zetas" are less inclined to give preference to classic brands. The famous name is nothing, because there are young companies that offer goods and services of the modern level.

In 2016, Google conducted a study in which he found favorite brands Z:

  1. YouTube.
  2. Netflix.
  3. Google
  4. Xbox
  5. Oreo.
  6. Gopro.
  7. Playstation.
  8. Doritos.
  9. Nike
  10. Chrome.

Representatives of the generation Z adore shoes and precisely it is considered a sign of "steepness"

Values: Money for "Zetov" is the possibility, the key to freedom of action and the incarnation of ideas. But no rich man for them will be an authority. The richest, most authoritative and coolest one who has millions of follovers in Instagram. It is cool, but to be cool - what a typical representative of the generation wants.

In fact, Zetov worry more global problems. The proactive position is that they are distinguished. Interestingly, one of the main motives for this is the desire to be "in the topic" and do not encounter the condemnation of friends.

The younger generation is worried about environmental problems. For example, Google's research showed that 80% know about environmental issues in the world, and 76% of them are concerned about them. At the same time, the "Zetas" are not at all interesting policies, but they consider the news releases with a solid negative. To be aware of events, they are followed by bloggers, and important events are often recognized through popular memes (for example, Mikhail Saakashvili, who runs along the roofs or the sudden success of the Russian football team at the World Championships).

However, their preferences and values \u200b\u200bchange rather quickly.

None of generations represents threats, as it was created by the previous generation and is the result of their activities. Each marketer knows that the most difficult task is to change the behavior of its audience in making decisions, purchases, consumption. Similar to units, however, such visuals did not think that they would radically change the next generation with their new phone, fast food restaurant, footwear or video. But would they be able to create their own product if in turn did not have the influence of previous generations, public events and other facts that occurred during their growth? Sure no.

Each generation is a whole epoch from "you can do everything to the last piece" before "why the Internet does not work again" or "Why do I call, if you can write SMS." Between these words 40 years and 2 generations. Each next generation will undergo their stages of development and formation. And today we can analyze already known generations and to predict what the next. Ready to argue, it's interesting.

Baby boomers

Generation H.

Generation Y.

Generation Z.

Age Now




up to 15

Events that have formed values

The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, Space Flights and Soviet "Thaw"

War in Afghanistan, the appearance of drugs and AIDS

Decay of the USSR, Economic Crises 1998, 2007 - 2008

Ecology problems, second Maidan

How to reach the generation

Brand and packaging do not matter. It is important to create a sense of their significance.

What causes nostalgia, what informs and content how to do

Infographic, information concentrated presentations, comics

Attention deserves only unique and impressive

Favorite brands

Focused on goods, and not on brands

Sony M'CDonald's, Procter & Gamble, Gap, Luxury Brands Bottega Veneta, Tom Ford, Prada

Nike Adidasapple Sumsung Viktoria's Secret, Dior, Tesla and others

YouTube, Netflix, Google, Xbox, Oreo, Gopro, Playstation, Doritos, Nike, Chrome



Facebook, YouTube

Facebook, YouTube Instagram

Snapchat, Kwai, Instagram

Who is accepted to belong to the generation "igrek", and what is interesting these people in terms of psychology and sociology?

By generation Y, it is customary to attract people who were born in the interval from 1981 to 2003. In the CIS, however, there is another point of reference, which falls in 1983-1984 (the beginning of the restructuring).

According to Villama Strauss and Neil How, the authors of the theory of generations, the values \u200b\u200bof each generation are formed up to 12-14 years old, and therefore the youngest representatives of "Igarekov" are now in the search for themselves. However, the foundations are already laid - and, most likely, their psychological portrait will not be too different from the portrait of those who are older for 5-10 years.

Key features of generation Y. What do they have on your mind?

Credit with Millenialami is not easy and to parents, teachers, and older bosses. To understand, through which prism, they see the world, is not the task of simple, especially with the fact that in our time more than ever the cult of individuality, everyone seeks to be a person and stand out on the background of "gray mass". However, psychologists still managed to highlight the main features, which in one way or another have all people of generation Y.

1. Ambitiousness

In this regard, "Millenialam" there are no equal, however, in priority it is not at all what matters for their parents and grandparents. Unlike older people, "igreki" do not seek to build a career in the traditional understanding of this word, it does not matter career growth and a permanent race for solid positions and a higher salary.

"The main thing is to follow the call of your heart" - They say and really bring career prospects for sacrificing the ability to do what it really brings pleasure.

2. Cult individuality

We have already affected him above, but no doubt, this topic is more closely consideration. The new generation of y presents completely different requirements for work and life. And first of all, it is explained by the fact that their mature had to for the period when there was no compulsory distribution after universities, nor a tough "binding" to the place of work and study.

Freedom of choice in everything - from subculture to the possibility of opening its own business and develop it - imposed its mark.

For "Millenialov" in priority no longer material stability and confidence in the future, and the ability to show their talents and maximize their potential, to do something that they will envy and what others admire.

3. Infantility

Perhaps this is the real Beach of All "Igarekov". And those who are now 18-20 years old, and those who went the fourth ten, persistently do not want to say goodbye to childhood. They are not in a hurry to go from parents, marry, to start children.

Here in the game there are many different reasons: in part I do not want to repeat the mistakes of the parents who early started an independent life and were forced to hold a large part of it on the unloved job, earning a delicious penny and not having the opportunity just ... be free. In addition, in the modern economic situation, accumulate on the same apartment, earning honest hard labor, almost impossible, and nobody burns into mortgage "slavery".

4. Inner emptiness and loneliness

Despite the fact that in the center of the life of "Igrekov" - the pleasure of truly happy only a few of them. And the overwhelming majority lives with a sense of deep inner dissatisfaction, regretful about the missed opportunities and the feeling that there is not a single person in the whole world who could understand them by 100% and accept those they are. The eternal race for more expensive things and pleasures is not happy, but only further immerses a person in depression - from here and mad popularity of psychological consultants and trainings.

Motivation of generation Y. How to work with such people to the employer?

The most difficult thing to communicate with the "Games" after all those who occupy senior positions in different companies. Many generally scares the cherished "nine" in the year of birth in the summary: but not to read it is impossible, because by law the employer has no right to refuse the candidate for the post due to age.

Nevertheless, knowing the features of thinking generation Y, it is easy to find an approach to them. In work, regardless of the scope of activity, they appreciate:

· Equal and fair competition, the ability to become the best;

· Partner relations with colleagues and bosses - instead of a hard hierarchy;

· Wise leadership, not a guide;

· Information exchange, not its protection;

· The adoption of any solutions based on collective discussion or independent analysis, and not just indications from above.

The best motivation for "Millenialov" is the ability to realize your potential, reveal the talents, do something truly interesting and unusual, work in a friendly team and have fun. And if you provide them with this opportunity, you will get the most purposeful and dedicated employees who only you can imagine!

YouTube's stars displacing TV-idols, and YouTube replaces the young search on the Internet, it is said in a new study-comparison of Russian millenniums (Y) and centienia (z), conducted by the international communication agency PBN H + K together with an independent research company Magram MR. The results of the study were presented today, May 18

The study was conducted in the online survey format in 15 million cities of Russia among 1,500 young people in April-May 2017 Generation Y was represented by participants aged from 18-35 years, and Generation Z - from 14-17 years.

One of the main findings of the study - YouTube is a key platform for the search and consumption of content among the Z generation in virtually all categories. If the generation of Y information on the themes of zoom, technology, business still continues to look for in the usual Internet search, the generation of Z on these topics moved to YouTube. What is important - even the news of the centions will be recognized on YouTube (46%). Millennialys are also not lagging behind the trends: 40% of respondents prefer to receive news on YouTube, they also watch entertainment content (49%) and video on technology (45%).

If you go to individuals, all the heroes of the Z generation came from YouTube. Among the most popular Masha Wei, Katya Clap, Irina Blanc. If we talk about music, then this is Yuri Khovansky and representatives of rap music, and in the entertainment category, Max +100500 leads and Danila.

But the generation Y is watching media personalities (TVs, actors, singers). Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodin, Nastasya Samboursk are especially popular. In the category "Humor", Pavel Volya and Garik Harlamov are leading, listening to Millenniala Rock - Zemfira and Leningrad. Both generations were named among the favorites of Nikolai Sobolev, who in his welt on Youtube raises acute social problems. The only TV idols, which are popular with both generations, is Olga Buzova and the leading "eagle and ripe" Regina Todorenko and Andrey Pozhnyakov.

Basic communication with friends for both generations occurs in social networks (75%). Both generations are carried out for several hours a day (74%). At the same time, the "Hand" and "post" content is more active than the generation of generation Y (37% against 20% in generation Z). While Z is larger than Y, listening to music and plays games.

To search for information and communicate, the generation y more often enters the Internet from various devices, rather than a generation Z, and after the smartphone, it uses a laptop for this to this 59% against 41%.

In addition to YouTube, both generation news prefer to receive from social networks (83%) and Internet sites (75%), paper editions are losing popularity (18%), and the messengers still have not won this niche (12%).

Both generations are still watching TV daily (41%), most often it is television series (42%) and entertainment programs (54%). What is important, it is on the topic "Politics, Economics, Business" Generation Z notes for itself the importance of television as a source of information.

Youth chooses MTS more often, and Chinese smartphone manufacturers conquer confidence of teenagers

MTS is the most popular service provider of mobile services among young generations (30% y and 31% at Z). The remaining operators approximately equally own the preferences of the young audience (Tele 2 - 24%, MegaFon - 21% and Beeline - 20%).

If we talk about the brands of smartphones, the leaders among both generations are Apple and Samsung - they are chosen by 22% of Millennalev and 24% of centenal. In third place in popularity of Sony, this brand prefers 8% in the Y group Y and 3% - Z, immediately behind it is Nokia (6% of respondents in both age groups). Chinese brands such as ZTE, Huawei and Xiaomi are somewhat lagging behind, while it is interesting that in some cases the generation Z is more readily acquired by telephones from China (as the ZTE brand uses 4% of the centño and only 1% of Millenialylov). Another unexpected find - 25% of the representatives of the Z generation are not used by any messengers, among y there are only 11%.

Millennialys trust the majority, and the centions are striving to stand out from the crowd

Millennielals are more consciously suitable for shopping. Plan all in advance (37%), they also choose mass products and brands that most people trust (24%). Centheniums do not plan to buy in advance (44%) and choose unique products and brands that are not in others (40%).

On the question of which purchase gives you the greatest pleasure, and Y, and Z are preferred with clothing (51% and 50%, respectively). In second place, both generations turned out to be shoes, the troika leaders closes the electronics (Y-33%, Z-31%). For Y, cosmetics (21% vs. 17% at Z) also fall into the favorite category, but y a little more attention pays for sports goods (15% against 11% at z).

Humanity evolved, changed, developed; It was different and non-permanent. In this socio-anthropological dynamics, only a little remained unchanged, namely the presence of values \u200b\u200b- they had people, there will be. Based on the values \u200b\u200bof the owner, the managers create and develop companies, attract employees who share their ideology. Values \u200b\u200badd meaning to life, we react to them when we make a choice, we focus on them.

"Theory of Generations" is a convenient, understandable and easy to use tool in work (not only HR managers), communication, life. The theory does not need to thoroughly study - it simply summarizes the knowledge and experience that everyone receives during life.

Values \u200b\u200band characteristics of generations

Silent generation / (1923-1945 birthday)

  • Devotion
  • Compliance with rules
  • Law and order
  • Respect for post and status
  • Sacrifice
  • Subordination
  • Honor
  • Patience
  • Economy
  • Religiousness (Wed Party for Russia)

Generation Boomers / (1945-1965 birthday)

  • Idealism
  • Optimism
  • Image
  • Youth
  • Health
  • Work
  • Team orientation, personal growth
  • Personal reward and status
  • Involvement
  • Excellent characteristics
  • Professionals in the media
  • Emphasize gender attractiveness
  • Nostalgia and religiosity

Generation X / (1965-1984 birthday)

  • Change
  • Choice
  • Global awareness
  • Techno-literacy
  • Individualism
  • Survival
  • Learning throughout life
  • Informality
  • Search for emotions and fear
  • Pragmatism
  • Hope for himself
  • Unisex.
  • Equality

Generation Y / (1984-2000 birthday)

  • Change
  • Optimism
  • Sociability
  • Self confidence
  • Diversity
  • Subordination
  • Orientation on the street
  • Immediate reward
  • Civic duty
  • Morality
  • Attainment
  • Naivety
  • Profi in technology

At the head of the exercise the value approach. Since childhood, on the subconscious level, we know how to motivate representatives of different generations, how to convey information - not only know, but we do. "Theory of Generations" helps to transfer intuitive knowledge into a conscious system and apply them in communication, choosing a true method and channel of information reporting (in schemes, instructions, live communication), monitoring work done, personnel motivation.

Silent, boomers, caustic and gamerela

The theory of generations was created in the 90s of the 20th century by American scientists - historians and sociologists of Neil Hove and William Strauss. They left the traditional interpretation of differences only on the basis of age and characterized generations, based on the deplitude values. As a result, the following classification of the 20th appeared, and later the XXI century: a generation of builders (GI), a silent generation, a generation of bebi-boomers, generation X (it is also called thirteenth), y ("Millennium", or a network generation) and generation Z , whose representatives were only recently born.

The theory of How and Strauss was created in the United States, and the Americans laid out their history, generation until the creation of an American state. Interested, scientists, business practices began to check the adequacy of the hypothesis for other countries - in South Africa, Canada, Europe, Asia - and found that the theory works! With certain modifications on the most different continents of generation and their values \u200b\u200bare similar. Is it sometimes there is a delay in the appearance of the same generation (such as, for example, in South Africa).

Every four generations make up a cycle. The duration of one cycle is approximately 80-90 years. Then the repetition begins: the fifth generation has the values \u200b\u200bsimilar to the first. Accordingly, representatives of Y are similar to winners, builders. By the way, the latter actively participated in the revolution in Russia, and then launched rockets and built the first cities. Will this feel of omnipotence in the current generation as they are growing up?

How to use the "theory of generations" in HR?

Now the labor market is a generation of boomers, X, Y. What are the typical situations of their interaction?

Situation 1: It is clear that the struggle for the management positions between the boomers and the advancing or already occupied by the management positions of the ICs. What does it mean? Baby Boomers, generation of optimists, idealists, began to retire. But it is very difficult to pass your position - they are trying to stay active and "best" as long as possible. Especially since this workaholiki is difficult for them to imagine themselves, their life is out of work. And generation x with their principle "Our whole life is a struggle" is increasingly, and sometimes aggressively displays the boomers from management positions. Two bright generations - two bright clear positions.

How does the manager of managers affect employees of companies and HR?

Changing the values \u200b\u200bof the manual is the change of approach, goals and strategies. When the changes are manifested in the complex, it is important to correctly react to themselves, changing technologies and techniques, adapt, and sometimes changing the staff.

Boomers set their principles and orders in the company, and employees live in accordance with them: an abnormal working day, a gradual rise in the career ladder, emphasis on certificates and training, all emotions outside work. What is the representatives of the generation X? The emphasis is transferred to the human practical experience - this is a distinctive feature that many have already focused on. For generation x it is important to be not just the best, but also unique, special. They understand that emotions and relationships help in the case, therefore, at work continue to check the relationship, actively introduce corporate cultures.

Some changes have already taken root: if the boomers actively promoted the official style of clothing at work, then the Ikers have already received their informal Friday in appearance (Friday Casual). Will the overall roll increase towards informality?

Situation 2: The working age of the younger generation Y fell for a period of demographic decline in Russia and economically developed countries, strengthened migration and increase attention to the issues of attracting and holding talented employees.

The gamereques grew up in the era of virtual world, computers, digital technologies - their technogram of a completely different nature than in previous generations. They are focused on a quick result and are not ready to wait a long time, easily adapt. At the same time, world-famous companies, brands; They are interested in places, things that mostly reflect their values, individuality, features. The previous generation x also appreciates individuality, but for them this is a matter of principle, a kind of demonstration of all its strength and opportunities. For Irek, individuality is the norm, especially in the conditions of the widest choice. It should not be proved, it is not necessary to risk. These employees understand that often not the company choose them, and they choose, because the demand in the market exceeds the offer, and in general, "because you just want to choose yourself."

By the way, generation Y is not so greedy to money. This must be taken into account in the creation of motivation programs and the development of training mechanisms. Now they are ready to learn, consciously go to subordinate positions, and often they are often looking for a teacher, and teachers with a capital letter, a mentor, with whom they will communicate individually. Adjust Talented, but in addition to the talent, questions are important for their company responsibility for the company, for the region, for the country - moral and ethical values. Do you use this factor in your company? What do you like Eichar give the young generation y? Are they ready to stay with you? Pay attention - about the management of talented employees spoke at the height of generations X and Y. The first is now at the stage of the artist, and the second - in the transitional stage from the hero to the wanderer. Symbolically.

As a result, "generation theory" is:

  • Convenient practical guide, which is increasingly aware of its role in personnel management. As a result, everyone speaks in a convenient and understandable language. And the understanding of the pledge of partnership is largely.
  • This is a good tool for planning the company's needs in personnel and forecasting issues with which they will have to face HRM.
  • This is a reference book when choosing information from reporting information to representatives of different generations and building a communication system and motivation.
  • This is a way to form values \u200b\u200band corporate culture, taking into account the characteristics of different generations.