Congratulations on the birth of the Virgin Mary. Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prose. Short greetings Merry Christmas Blessed Virgin

Congratulations on the birth of the Virgin Mary. Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prose. Short greetings Merry Christmas Blessed Virgin

"Let the soul of your happiness be filled"

On Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary
All sadness and grief will go away.
Let your happiness be filled with
And prayers to the sky will reach.

Let our heavenly intercession
In beginnings will help you.
The life will be similar to fairy tale,
As if the paradise occurred on Earth.

"Blessed heaven"

Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Virgin

Christmas Mary, Albrecht Altdorfer, Alte Pinakotek, Munich. September, is the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday was celebrated in the church at least from the 8th century. In the calendar of the Church, the birthdays of only two saints are celebrated: St. John the Baptist and Mary, Mother of Jesus.

SMS Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Virgin

Mary's birth was wonderful. She was conceived without sin as a special grace, because God chose her to become the mother of his son. In Scripture, nothing contains about the birth of Mary or her origin, although the pedigree Joseph is given in the first chapter of the Gospel from Matthew.

Blessed skies
And give people wonders!
After all, the Earth spreads the news -
Maria Virgo was born!

I wish you to open my heart
In them, happiness should be inserted to let
And let miracles come into life
And good luck will you bring!


Merry Christmas, cute,
My dear girlfriend!
In this holiday, you be happy
And let their friends be near.

According to one tradition, the house in which Maria was born in Nazareth, is the same in which the Annunciation occurred. On another tradition, the Annunciation of the Plot is under the Church of the Crusaders of St. Anne in Jerusalem under the speakers of the 3rd century, known as "Mary's Gate."

We find the observation of the father of John Korapi. This is a great opportunity for each of us to do something to show our love and appreciation for God's Mother And our spiritual mother. Of all the way, God in his endless wisdom ruled that Maria would be the mother of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. She was with Jesus in all important moments Throughout his life from embodiment, before his death on the cross. Before our Savior died, he gave his mother to each of us, giving it her beloved student, St.

Christmas - it means everything will work out!
The Mother of God will help
You pray - and the desire will come true
Only the Lord will not betray you!

"The Great Holiday is coming to you."

Joy of heart filled
The holiday goes great to you.
All the prophecies fulfill
Enlightenment of the heart and face.

Virgin Mary -
Most truly beautiful!
Let him come blessing
You have nice happiness!

Offer a rosary in Thanksgiving God for the gift of your mother as our mother. Tell your mother that you love her, and most of all follow her anger of holiness, humility and perfect loyalty to Jesus and his teaching. Happy Birthday, Mother, from all your children who are still trying to fight with good wrestling and run on the finish. We love you and ask you to apply for each of us with Jesus, your son. Keep us safe in the closed garden of your immaculate heart. Protect us from the trick of the devil.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We behave safely home to heaven to be with you, the Holy Trinity, and all the angels and saints. Pray for us, sinners, cute mother, now in an hour of our death.

Story about the tradition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The presentation of Mary was marked in Jerusalem in the sixth century. There was a church in honor of this mystery. The East Church was more interested in this holiday, but it appears in the West in the 11th century.

I congratulate you on Merry Christmas
And in the feast of the Virgin saint,
My friend, let your home be filled
Good luck, joy and warmth!

Let me not leave the kindness,
Always smile will be on the mouth,
Good dream come true,
Let happiness bloom in front of her eyes!

"The Blessed Virgin Mary Christmas"

Most Holy Virgin Christmas -
A reason for joy and joy!
Let a bright celebration come to you,
Take the same wishes!

As at the birth of Mary, we read about the representation of Mary in the temple only in the apocryphal literature. It was supposed to fulfill the promise this God.When Anna remained childless. Although it cannot be proved historically, the presentation of Mary has an important theological appointment. He continues the impact of holidays Immaculate conception And the birth of Mary. It emphasizes that holiness dedicated to Mary from the very beginning of her life on Earth continued in her early childhood And beyond.

Modern Western people are sometimes difficult to assess such a holiday. However, the Eastern Church was completely open for this holiday and even a few insisted on her celebration. Despite the fact that the holiday has no foundations in history, he emphasizes the important truth about Mary: from the very beginning of his life she was dedicated to God. She herself became a big temple than any hand made. God came to her in amazement and consecrated her for her unique role in the saving work of God. At the same time, the magnificence of Mary enriches her children.

Let the Virgin Mary in the fate of your
Will certainly come with happiness!
Let this day be the best of days,
And change everything overnight!

"I congratulate you"

I congratulate you
With wonderful christmas!
Mother of God Saint
Let the holiday enters the house!

"Only joy! Only good! "

Merry Christmas Virgin I
From the heart I congratulate you!
Let her bring you that
That the soul is looking forward to!

They are - also the temples of God and consecrated so that we can enjoy and share God's saving work. The origin of this loyalty is very old. Initially, this devotion began with Verbena in the Sanctuary Garden. This is a symbolic number to present the number of stars printed on the guadalupe image mantle. Devotion is preserved to this day; Like each meeting of faith, this is a practice, a pleasant to God, and thanks to this a lot of mercies are achieved.

This is the loyalty of Marian, who used large quantity Preferences in folk piety and was recommended by the Church. It consists in meditation for twenty episodes or mysteries of the life, passion and death of Christ, associated with Santa Maria, engaged in every secret of our father and ten birds of Marias. Rosary, in addition to the improvement, orientation and education of our faith in Christ, helps us deepen the transcendence of the fact of Guadelupan and allows us to feel the loving presence of our mother for her Mexicans.

So that dreams were performed soon
And yet - so that there lived fun!
So that success gives fate,
Only joy! Only good!

"You congratulate you today"

You congratulate you today
I wish the best!
Mother of God Saint
Let success promise!

"Christmas is unusual today"

Christmas today is unusual -
The feast of the Virgin Saint!
Let your luck be personal,
Joy does not bypass side.

The rosary transfers us mystically next to Maria, dedicated to the human growth of Christ in the house of Nazareth. † Sign of the Holy Cross of our enemies, give us the Lord, our God. † In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, who in my love wanted to be born in the manger and die on the cross, how big is my disloyalty! You, Lord, showing mercy to me, show God, for in your endless creature there is an endless kindness. Remember, about the merciful Virgin Mary, that they never said that none of those who came to your defense did not ask you to help and not demanded your help, left.

Let prayers be all heard,
Let love fill the heart suddenly!
Believe in a miracle, believe in the strength of the highest!
And in the heat of saints of magic hands!

"I congratulate you today"

I congratulate you today
Merry Christmas to the Blessed Virgin,
And I wish, let in life from now on
Happiness is happy forever.

Let your delicate in the soul
Faith in a miracle lives to the end,
If you believe, with Divine
Miracles always occur!

Our father, who is in heaven will heat up, your name, your kingdom will come to us, your will will be done on Earth as in heaven. Give us today our bread pressing, forgive our insults, since we forgive those who insult us. Do not enter us in temptation and get rid of us from evil.

God, save you, Mary, full of grace, Lord with you, blessed you among women, and blessed the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Slava Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was at the beginning, now and forever, forever. My heart in love for you forever cares.

Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin: SMS

And my tongue, praising you, my Mother from Guadeloupe. San Juan Diego, Favorite Maria. Hear my prayer and you will be my defender and conductor. The embodiment of the Son of God. Visit to the Blessed Virgin to her cousin Saint Elizabeth. Birth of the Son of God in Bethlehem.

"On the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin"

On the Day of the Nativity of the Virgin
The miracle will happen.
Heart let happiness be filled,
Will in your soul of your paradise.

Let neither illness nor sorrow
You will never find.
Will be good news
Joy only years carry.

"In a miracle, most importantly, believe me"

The Mother of God Saint
Christmas has come,
And I wish this day
I am a lot of miracles!

Presentation of the child of Jesus in the temple. Child Jesus lost and found in the temple. Prayer in the garden of olive trees. Ascension of the Lord to Heaven. The assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven. Coronation of the Virgin Mary as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. The baptism of Jesus in Jordan.

Survey of Jesus at the wedding in Kana. Jesus declares the kingdom of God and invites us to handle. Evcharist establishment as a sacramental expression of Easter secrets. Our mother, we ask you that in the bitter hours of life, when pain and grief cause us pain, we can hear in the depths of your comforting voice, like a happy Juan Diego in the chaamier. Provide those who contemplates with faith your blessed image of Guadeloupe, enjoying the happiness in advance, which is waiting for us in the house of the Father, in exchange for which we accept the hardness that God will send us.

In a miracle, most importantly, believe
And it will happen!
Do not know losses!
To the best strive!

"The Nativity of the Virgin Most Holy"

Christmas of the Virgin Most Holy -
This holiday is the most important for Christians!
May the peace reigns today -
This holiday for joy is only given.

Let today will help in everything she -
Our Lady, Holy Saints!
Let all life be happily subordinated
And pray, pray for small things!

Mother of God and our mother, we ask you to, like in the Tepoyea, you deigned to meet with Juan Diego, fearful and timid, who dug away from you, you can help us with your maternal presence in the mortal trance and console us in agony . From your precious request, we expect the joy of contemplating God as it is for all eternity.

Mother of all people, we ask you that just as you comforted Juan Diego, affected by the disease that has undermined the health and strength of your uncle, you come to our help as often as we turn away from virtue and try to love. The Holy Mother, which sounds in our ears, where are you going, my son? What you told Juan Diego, and that when we hear it, we leave the way of lies, deception, irresponsibility and again begin to serve God Amen.

"Merry Christmas of the Virgin-Virgin"

Merry Christmas Virgin Virgin
Today's day is insane.
Festive messages
Life is beautiful as sweet sleep.

Let it be better grace
Each moment will be filled,
To be happier to all of you,
Many joys know unearthly!

"Holiday comes - Christmas"

Holiday comes - christmas
The Virgin Mary, Most Holy!
So you note this celebration,
To be happy with you.

Mexicans mother, we ask you to as soon as fresh and fragrant roses sprout in a dry championship, and your divine image was printed on Tilma Juan Diego, you love that love flourish in our soul so that you can depict yourself in them, very clean Mother, and we can with unshakable faith to wait for a happy transition from this life to the eternal.

Martyr Martyrs, we ask you like Neofit Juan Diego, your ambassador, he so deeply showed solidarity with the needs of his fellow and reached through the mediation before the health of his grief of his distressed uncle Huang Bernardino, you can contact us grace to live this spirit of service to others like the true brothers Jesus.

I also want to wish
A day special fabulous wonders
Do not be sad forever, do not lose heart
The reason for sadness to disappear!

"From the Virgin Merry Christmas!"

From the Virgin Merry Christmas!
Let wonderful wishes
Bring to your happy home
Understanding and recognition.

Congratulations to you sincere I,
And I wish you the lot of earth
Happiness eternal and magical
Many joy every moment!

Oh sovereign sanctuary, the tabernacle of the eternal word! Scales, Virgo, from Hell, those who are praying your holy rosary. Empress, powerful, mortal consolation. Discover us, Virgo, Sky, with a happy death. Rejoice, Maria, Holy, Morning StarShining a lighthouse that leads us to the port of salvation, the divine light that illuminates the blessed. Rejoice, Maria Holy, the daughter of God's father, a virgin, the cleanest and chawed before childbirth, we trust our faith in your hands so that you enlighten her. You are full of grace, the Lord with you, you are blessed among women, and blessed the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

"All dreams will be performed!"

Merry Christmas
Glorious Virgin!
Let the day after day
All dreams will be performed!

Let everything be only so
How do you want in life!
Making fortunately the first step,
Expect more!

Congratulations on the Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let the cleanliness and light of this holiday fill your soul grace, and faith will be sincere and strong. And then real wonders will be happening in your life.

Rejoice, Maria Holy, the life of the saints, the joy of angels, hope for people, luminous cloud, the son of God came down on whose chest. Let God save you, the Most Holy Maria, the Mother of God, the Son, the cleanest virgin in childbirth, in your hands we trust our hope so that you can encourage it.

Rejoice, Maria Holy, Model of Love, Lily of Purity, Lifestyle Chastity. Rejoice, Maria, Holy Holy, the wife of the Holy Spirit's God, a clean virgin after childbirth, in your hands we trust our charity to ignite you, our needs to fix, our souls to save them.

With the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary congratulations to all Christians! Let love, happiness, good and joy descend. Let the Virgin Mary help in all endeavors, and the hearts will be filled with a clean faith.

Merry Christmas to the Blessed Virgin Mary! I wish that the prayers to God are heard to have a miracle every day, so that the Lord extends his hand to help per minute, and Angel stood at your shoulder at the moments of joy.

Let God save you, Holy Maria, the ocean of mercy, the source of mercy, the sovereign Empress of Sky and the Earth. Rejoice, Maria Holy, Temple, Trone and the Labernacles of the Holy Trinity. Virgo originated without the fault of the original sin. God, save you, Queen and mother of mercy, life and sweetness and our hope: Save you God.

We call you the expelled children of Eva; We sigh, moan and cry in this valley tears. So, our lady, our lawyer, returns to us your merciful eyes and, after that expulsion, show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. Oh, very clever! Oh, pious! About Sweet Virgin Mary!

Congratulations on the Merry Christmas to the Merry Master of Our Virgin, let all our souls fill only joy and radiance in this bright day. Let it send us all the best in family life and support those in need of patronage. Nice to the Mother, Virgo Maria!

In the heart so warm and drank
As if soft two wings
Hug, protect -
The Mother of God.

Mostly Mother of Light
Let love award
For this holiday this
Soul with happiness illuminates!

Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
Happy holiday joy you meet
Your heart is happiness let them be filled
And you start the prayer day.

Let us forgive us the Holy Deva
All sins and sinful thoughts
Let in a blessing we will help
And let our souls clean.

On this day I wish good
All Christian Mire.
And for Zeravia I put a candle
The Mother of God Virgin Mary.

The Most Holy Mother of God was born in this September day. She gave the life to the Lord, bless with this all of humanity. Peace, light, good and clean thoughts wish every Christian!

Let the mother of the Virgin Protect you,
Christmas holiday celebrate together
Stores from diseases and grief
And live in peace and peace, and honor.

Today, pray for the souls of the saints,
And let our heart cleans the light,
Many dying friends and relatives,
And the memory will be the soul Let Sogreta!

Siagan's sky lit up -
On this day, the Virgin was born!
Happy holiday congratulations
Peace, a health wish.
So we live,
We carry faith in the heart.
Our souls take care
Save us and save!

By the will of God gave birth
You have a son on the day,
Believed and everything was able to
That God is intended!

We are the Virgin Mary
With a smile of magnitude
Greatness of his giving
We read you!

You deserve all praise
And the Lord is appointed,
That he slept in your arms,
You were paid ...

My friends, so we will
In Jesus firmly believe
After all, life reality, not dreams,
And he opened the door to us!

Queen of Heaven and Earth
Maria Velika ordered.
For many you are salvation,
And give healing.

Great holiday in the yard,
Look together at the dawn.
Holy prayer full house,
Right together in it.