The image of Russian land and the Russian people in the work. The best stories for children about the Motherland

The image of Russian land and the Russian people in the work. The best stories for children about the Motherland
The image of Russian land and the Russian people in the work. The best stories for children about the Motherland

"Why is the Motherland begins?" There was such a song in the old Soviet film about the war, which Mark Bernes alusively sang an unusually sang.

Indeed, every person has a sense of homeland associated with something with its own, special, individual.

For someone, it is associated with the song - a separate, simultaneously removed and sad. For someone, this is the impression of an uncooked Russian expanser, who boring the impulse of the will and a feeling of obscure longing. For someone, it is deeply hearty sense of tenderness and care associated with the small patch of the extensive Russian land, with which the threads of kinship are connected: here you were born, here you walk here "by years, as in the footsteps."

In the list presented, each of the books "will lose" you have a wide variety of notes of this richest score called "My Motherland".

Different edges, different corners of Russia, different fates will be held in front of you, giving birth to the very "chio-Gekovsky" feeling that "it is necessary to honestly live, work a lot and tight this land", our common homeland.

1. Motherland: Historical Scientific and Popular Journal

2017. - № 12. 12+

"Motherland" is a monthly Russian, since 1989, the Soviet and since 1992 the Russian historical illustrated magazine. Established by the Presidential Administration of Russia and the Government of Russia, with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

The modern magazine "Motherland" positions itself by the successor of the tradition of the same name magazine, founded in 1879 in the capital of the Russian Empire of St. Petersburg. Published until 1917. Then the publication resumed in 1989. Coming every month from January 1989 in Moscow.

The main theme of the December number: what the word "homeland" became in the history of our fatherland. It came to us from the depths of the centuries, but from frequent use did not sweat and not crushed. Read on the pages of the journal about the Motherland's aircraft, the village of "Motherland", about the Tank "Motherland", the fishing collective farm "For the Motherland", about the mine "Motherland" in the Donbas ...

Of great interest among readers will cause a selection of materials about those who have lost our fatherland in the years of revolutionary outcome, and who became famous in the emigration over the ocean: Vladimir Zvorykin became the father of American television; Vasily Leontyev is an outstanding economist, Igor Sikorsky showed himself in the aircraft industry, Alexander understood the VCRs ... The magazine will also tell who was the prototype of the legendary Anquie-gunners in the film "Chapaev".

Motherland is alone!

2. Our Fatherland: Stories and Tale

Publisher: Drop Plus, 2008. 12+

In the big school readstatology included interesting, educational stories and the story of Soviet and modern writers, reflecting almost all periods of domestic history - from the formation of our fatherland and the reign of the first Russian princes to the Great Patriotic War.

The book recreates a solid and live picture of the heroic past of Russia - significant battles, the glorious victories of Russian commander, the reform of statesmen, the exploits of ordinary Russian people, the opening of the first land roots.

3. Female land: stories, excerpts from the ages, novels

Publisher: Children's literature, 1985. 12+

In the title of the book, in the words "Outtian Earth", two starts of all things were connected - fathers and maternal. Earth-Matushka, we say, Mother's Kormilitsa, Mother - Cheese Earth. We present at the same time not something distracted, but it is the land that we walk on which there are houses in which we live on which bread grows.

Collection of stories of Russian Soviet writers about native land, about love for her, about the work of the peasant - about everything that is called the birthplace. To raise this love in itself, the desire to be a useful Fatherland - these are the thoughts and feelings that are expressed in the works of Astafeva, Shukshina, Troypolsky, Abramov, Privina and other writers.

4. Sladkov N. from north to south

Publisher: Detgiz, 2013. 6+

In the book "From north to south", a huge world is revealed with its endless forests and fields, sultry deserts, high mountains, green taiga and cold northern tundra. And the younger brothers of man live everywhere - beasts and birds, big and very tiny, and they all need his careful attention and protection.

"Our country is huge. Everyone is enough space. And we and the beast. " These are the words of Svyatoslav Sugarnov, Writer-Naturian.

Motherland - we have one!

5. Where is the homeland begins: poems of Russian poets

Publisher: Rosman, 2008. 6+

The native side, the Motherland, the depreciation ... When you say these words - the light of love and heat flashes in the heart. After all, so we call what we are especially expensive: the region, where they were born, and where our childhood passed, the parent house, the country in which we live. And in mind the memories of the memories that we store all our lives are: warm maternal hands, taste of grandmother's cake, forest behind the river, chamomile at the porch. That is why in the soul of every person his own, only his close understanding of what is homeland.

After reading the wonderful poems collected in this book, you will find what they wrote about the feelings for the debris, as they expressed their love for her, anxiety for her fate the best poets of Russia: M. Lermontov, A. Fet, E. Baratynsky, V. Zhukovsky , N. Rubtsov, K. Simonov and many others.

6. What is the birthplace: verses of Soviet poets

Publisher: Drop Plus, 2008. 6+

Love to the homeland is born in the heart in different ways. But it is impossible without a careful and careful attitude towards her history and culture. This book is a look at the Soviet era through the prism of heroic romanticism.

Poems and songs of famous poets and magnificent illustrations are fine and accurately convey the spirit of the era, in which there were wars and deprivation, optimism of youth and the joy of friendly labor, idealism and faith in a bright future.

The book included poems of the Soviet poets M. Matusovsky, A. Tvardovsky, M. Isakovsky, V. Lebedeva-Kumacha, and others. And they all challenge the human strength, the joy of friendly labor and a sense of pride for their fatherland.

7. Silent my homeland: poems of domestic poets of the twentieth century

Publisher: Astrel, AST, 2004. 12+

The poets Ivan Bunin and Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blunov and Valery Bryusov, Alexander Blokin and Andrei White, Maximilian Voloshin and Velibechniy Khlebnikov, Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva and many others were carried through his life.

The bright lyrical poems of the poets of the Silver Age were organically merged with the sad poems of the poets of the Enesensky circle and with works that appeared during the Great Patriotic War.

From these immortal poems, the penetrated anthem of our homeland was created.

8. Heat, K. N. Traveling through the Urals: Stories

Publisher: Stone belt, 2017. 12+

In the Publishing House "Stone belt" of the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals, the book of travel essays Konstantin Teplovikov "Travels in the Urals" was published.

In the collection of three essays: "According to the Chusovaya River", "in the Northern Urals" (Kushva, Verkhoturia, alloy along the rivers Lozva and Visher, Cherdyn), "In the Marmara Plant". They are full of invaluable observations that will be useful and modern lovers of travel and alloys in these forests and rivers are written by an excellent literary language (the author fully withstands the comparison with such traveler writers as Ivan Goncharov with his "Pallada frigate" or Vladimir Arsenyev with " DERSA UZAL "). Many wonderful observations on the life and the nrules of the Urals of the Urals (including the life of the indigenous people of the Northern Urals - Wheels) and a special heat-headed humor that helps to overcome all the difficulties of a difficult and unsafe sometimes travel: "... an infinite swamp, such a black that swamp" Baskerville dog "Sh. Holmes - a paradise place ..."

"Traveling through the Urals" is already the fourth book of Konstantin Tepharov, who saw the light in the XXI century (the three previous - "Chelyabinsk Chronicles", "Memoirs: 1899-1934" and "Konstantin Teplukhov. The amazing life-in-law of an excise official and a person in his memoirs, stories and Photos. 1897-1924 ") And, I want to hope, not the last one. The current publication was implemented by the decision of the Methodological Council of the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals.

9. East of S. Ryabinov Sun

Publisher: Scooter, 2013. 0+

Our mysterious land. As it is neither tough, and yet somewhere near Moscow, some village will remain. And everything in it is: houses with gardens, apple trees in the garden, stoves with pipes, wells with buckets. And different oddities, and quiet wonders, without which there is no one in the village. And all this is homeland, our homeland.

The collection of stories "Ryabinovoy Sun" continues the best traditions of domestic prose for children. The lyric stories of Stanislav East and the illustration of Maria Vorontsova are filled with love for nature and to people, which is the component of the Motherland.

10. Popov V. All we are not handsome

Publisher: Scooter, 2012. 12+

Valery Popov talks about his hero (schoolboy, then a student and, finally, a young engineer) fun, but the care of this hero is the real: relationship with classmates, the first love, searching for the calling. And all over the background of streets, prospectuses and alleys, squares and boulevards, courtyards and houses of the native city of Leningrad (Peter).

Easy, without bore and morality, Popov shows how important it is to be a person, feel and love life, without looking around others - simple uncomplicated truths are skillfully crowded into the narration and seasoned by the St. Petersburg flavor. We all do not handsome, it's true, but it is even more interesting to live. Can you imagine if all the circle were perfect? Skobet, and only. The book turned out very thin and adult. After all, we were once kids and all became adults.

The topic of the Motherland is traditional for Russian literature, every artist addresses her in his work. But, of course, the interpretation of this topic every time is different. It is also due to the identity of the author, his poetic, and the era, which always imposes his stamp on the work of the artist.

Especially acutely sounds in turning, critical for the country of times. The dramatic history of ancient Russia aroused such performed patriotism of the work as "the word about the regiment of Igor", "the word about the killed Russian land", "about the ruin of Ryazan Batym", "Zone" and many others. Decided by centuries, all of them are devoted to the tragic events of ancient Russian history, full of grief and at the same time pride for their land, for the courageous defenders. The poetics of these works are universally. To a large extent, it is determined by the influence of the folklore, in many respects the author's pagan globalism. Hence the abundance of poetic images of nature, a close relationship with which is felt, for example, in the "Word about the regiment of Igor", bright metaphors, epithets, hyperboles, parallelism. As a means of artistic expressiveness, all this will be understood in the literature later, but as long as it can be said that for an unknown author of the Great Monument - this is a natural way of narration, not aware of them as a literary reception.

The same can be noticed in the "Tale of Ryazan Batym", written already in the thirteenth century, in which the influence of folk songs, epic, testes. Having admired the courage of the warriors, protecting the land of Russian from "Pogan", the author writes: "These are the people of the winged, they do not know death ... Driving around the horses, beating - one with a thousand, and two - with ten thousand."

An enlightened eighteenth century creates new literature. The idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening Russian statehood, presenting and takes over poets. The topic of the Motherland in the work of V. K. Trediakovsky, M. V. Lomonosov sounds majestically, proudly.

"In vain to Russia through the country's country," Trediakovsky famous her high nobility, faith of pious, abundance and strength. His fatherland for him is the "treasure of everyone". These "poems, commendable Russia" are replete with Slavoms:

Your all people are Orthodox

And courage everywhere Slavs;

Chad is worthy of such Mati,

Everywhere are ready for you.

And suddenly: "Vivat Russia! Vivat is different! " This Latinism is the trend of a new, Petrovskaya era.

In the gifts of Lomonosov, the topic of the Motherland acquires additional angle. Slavs Russia, "shining in the world", the poet draws the image of the country in its real geographic outlines:

Reviews on the mountains.

Review your wide in the field,

Where is the Volga, Dnipro, where other flows ...

Russia, Lomonosov, "the length of the power", covered with "always snow" and deep forests, inspires poets, gives rise to "own and rapidly intelligence of non-nearby".

A. S. Pushkin, in general, in his work, he departed from classicism, in this theme close to the same holding look at Russia. In the "memories in the royal village" the image of a mighty country is born, which "walked Glovy" "under the Scepter of the Great Wife." Idea proximity to Lomonosov is supported here and in the language level. The poet organically uses Slavicians, who give the poem of an elevated character:

Comforted, mother of Garda Russia,

Review to the death of the severity.

I gave the day to their arrogant.

Dandscape is a blowing creator.

But at the same time, Pushkin brings the topic of the Motherland and a lyrical beginning, not inherent to classicism. In his poetry, the birthplace is also the "corner of the Earth" - Mikhailovskoye, and the holdings of the grandfather - Petrovskoye and the Dubrava of the Tsarist village.

The lyric start is clearly felt in verses about M. Yu. Lermontov Motherland. The nature of the Russian village, "immersing the thought in some troubled dream," dispels spiritual alarms of the lyrical hero.

Then the souls of my alarm then disperse wrinkles on the brow, and happiness I can comprehend on Earth, and in heaven I see God! ..

Lyubov Lermontov to the homeland is irrational, it is "strange love", as the poet itself is recognized ("Motherland"). It can not be explained by reason.

But I love - for which I do not know myself?

Her steppes cold silence.

Her forests of vast bars.

The spills of the rivers similar seas ...

Later about the feeling for the post office, "Aphorist will say F. I. Tyutchev:

I do not understand Russia with mind

Arshin is generally not measured ...

But there is in Lermontovo attitude to homeland and other paints: the love of her bourgeous forests and bedroom hard drives is combined in him with hatred of the country of slaves, the country of the Lord ("Farewell, Non-Those Russia").

This motive of love-hatred will be developed in the work of N. A. Nekrasov:

Who lives without sadness and anger

He does not like her fraud.

But, of course, this statement does not exhaust the feeling of the poet to Russia. It is much multifaceted: in him and the love of her non-belligent dala, to her a simpler, which he calls his doctor.

All rye around, like a steppe alive.

Neither castles, no seas, no mountains ...

Thank you, the side is native,

For your doctor!

In the feeling of Nekrasov, the pain was concluded from the consciousness of her poverty and at the same time deep hope and faith in her future. So, in the poem "Who in Russia live is good" there are lines:

You and wretched,

You and abundant,

You and Mighty,

You and powerless, Mother's Rus!

And there are also such:

Per minute of sadness, about mother-mother-mother!

I'm thought forward to fly away.

Still destined to suffer a lot

But you will not die, I know.

The similar sense of love, bordering hate, detects A. A. Block in verses dedicated to Russia:

My Russia, my life, together to be told?

Tsar, yes Siberia, yes Ermak, yes prison!

Eh, it's not time to live, repent ...

Free heart what your darkness

In another poem, he exclaims: "Oh my wife, my wife!" Such inconsistency is characteristic not only for the block. It was clearly expressed by the splitness of the consciousness of the Russian intellectual, thinker and poet of the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the work of such poets as Yesenin, the familiar motives of the nineteenth century poetry sound, meaningful, of course, in another historical context and other poetics. But also sincerely and deeply their feeling towards the homeland suffering from proud, unhappy and great.

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on literature on the topic:

The image of the motherland in the works of Russian classics

Fulfilled the student 11 e class

Bisikeshov R.R.

Teacher Kiseleva ON

Astrakhan 2005.

  • Introduction 3
  • 4
    • 1.1 M.Yu. Lermontov 4
    • 1.2 N.A. Nekrasov 7
    • 1.3 F.I. Tyutchev 8
    • 1.4 A.A. Akhmatova 9
    • 1.5 A.A. Block 12
    • 1.6 V.A. Mayakovsky 14
    • 1.7 S.E. Yesenin 15
  • Conclusion 19
  • Bibliography 20


Motherland ... native places ... they possess some inexplicable force. In the difficult days of our lives, when a difficult choice is to be done or to summarize the life of the life path, we return to the place where our childhood and youth, where the first steps were made in an adult independent life.

Love for the Motherland, to her people, traditions, stories, the desire to make their country is still more beautiful there is a source of valiant labor, the amazing discoveries of scientist, wonderful works of the composer, artist, poet. So it was always. And therefore the topic of the Motherland sounds in many works of Russian classics, passes the red line through all their creativity.

Motherland. Report. The edge of the native Fatherland. Native land. Motherland. Mother Land. Native side. All these sincere words are by no means exhaust the full range of the feelings that we invest in this holy concept for each person. It is difficult to call a writer or poet who would not devoted the most sincere sincere row from the soul. This is one of the eternal topics in the domestic and world literature. A huge literary material associated with the theme of the Motherland can not, of course, to accommodate in this abstract, so I will be able to touch the creativity of only some Russian classics.

1. The image of the Motherland in the works of Russian classics

1.1 M.Yu. Lermontov

M.Yu. Lermontov loved his homeland with high love. He loved her people, her nature, wanted happiness with her country. According to Lermontov, love his homeland - it means to fight for her freedom, hate those who hold their native country in slavery chains. Love for the Motherland is the topic of these poems of Lermontov, as "Complaints of Turku", "Borodin", "Borodino", "Two Gliten". But with a special force and fullness, this topic is revealed in the poem "Motherland" created by the poet a few months before his death.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in the poem "Motherland" speaks of an unknown force calling to native places:

But I love - for what, I do not know myself, -

Her steppes cold silence,

Her forests of bourgear bars,

Spills of her rivers similar to the seas.

Here Lermontov opposes his patriotism to the official, officials patriotism. He declares his blood connection with Russian, his native nature, with the Russian people, the sorrows and the joys of his life. His love for the Motherland of Lermontov calls "strange," because he loves the people in his country, nature, but hates the "country of the Lord", autocably-serpent, official Russia.

One of the best samples of patriotic lyrics Lermontov is the poem "Motherland". His topic is determined by the name itself: "Motherland". This is no longer Russia of "blue uniforms", and the country of the Russian people, depreciation of the poet. The poet calls his love "strange":

I love me out, but strange love!

This love is not similar to the executed patriotism of the ruling classes. She is composed of the hot love of the poet to the Russian people and love for their native nature. The poem recreates the magnificent paintings of nature: the cold silence of steppes, "forests of vast silent", "similar seas" spills rivers. The native nature of the majestic.

Further, the thought of the poet appeals to the people: "I love to jump in the cart by the cargo." The "country road" leads us to the village, and there is a picture of the life of Russian people, touching, sad image of the Russian village:

And, with a slow piercing night shadow,

Meet on the sorts of overnightness,

Trembling lights sealbvillages.

The life of a simple people is close to the poet, all that is associated with the life of the Russian peasant:

With the Otradi many unfamiliar

I see a full gum,

Wit, coated straw,

With carved shutters window.

Before the sight of the lyrical hero, the people appear on weekdays and the holiday:

And on the holiday, in the evening Rosista,

Watch until midnight ready

On a dance with top-and-whistle

Under the spell of drunken peasants.

The vocabulary of the poem, at the beginning of the literary and book ("reason", "glory purchased by blood"), in the last part, is replaced by a simple spoken speech ("jumping in the cart", "smoke hill", "Speak drunken men"). Russian nature, first presented in its harsh magnitude, then reveals in the touching image of the "four birches". Six- and five-stranded yams replaced in a poem four-stranded. Diluted and rhymes are alternating, covering and steaming rhyme.

The poem "Motherland" speaks of the turn of Lermontov's creativity towards revolutionary democratic poetry.

Patriotic lyrics occupies an important place in Lermontov's poetry.

In 1830, the poet writes the "Borodin field", on the same topic as the later "Borodino". This poem is the first embodiment of thoughts and feelings living in the soul of the Patriot. Created in 1837 by Lermontov, which reached political maturity, Borodino became one of the favorite poems poems. The poem is written in the form of a conversation of a young soldier with a veteran - a member of the war of 1812. Essentially, "Borodino" is a story of a ordinary soldier about the Borodino battle, only the first 7 lines belong to his young interlocutor. True patriotism of Russian people, without posture, without boasting, is reflected in this poem. The mood of Russian soldiers before the battle is shown in four expressive lines:

Grumbled old men:

"What are we? For winter apartments?

Do not dare that commanders.

Aliens to exist uniforms

About Russian bayonets? "

A halo of high heroism is surrounded by a colonel image.

The words that Soviet soldiers repeated so many times were invested in 1941:

"Guys! not Moscow?

Let's sweep in Moscow

How our brothers died! "

Poets always with pain responded to the dramatic events of the political life of Russia. People loyal people cannot live calmly in the country where all the best is progressive. "Where good, there is already on guard Il Enlightenment, Ile Tyrant." Lermontov with despair calls Russia "the country of slaves, the country of the Lord."

The theme of the heroic attack in the fight against the enemies of the Motherland also sounds in the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", dedicated to one of the glorious pages of the historical past of our country.

1.2 N.A. Nekrasov

The feeling of flame love to the homeland permeates all the work of Nekrasov:

Do not heaven someone else's debris -

I gung home songs! -

he stated the poet in the poem "Silence". The poet loved his homeland deep and tender sons of love, and this image passes through all his work. "Motherland! I am sneaking with my soul, a loved heart returned to you "; "Motherland! According to your plains, I did not have a sense of such "; "You and the wretched, you and abundant, you and the mighty, you and powerless, Mother-Russia!" - with such words addressed the poet to his homeland throughout the work. In the work of Nekrasov, the Plum "Love for Motherland" was constantly connected with the words "Anger" and "Hate".

Who lives without sadness and anger, he does not like her fragile, "he wrote. Loving his homeland, Nekrasov never tired hating the Story of Tsarist Russia, its dominant classes. He loved, hate, and this love-hatred expresses the peculiarity of patriotism of Nekrasov - the faithful son of his debris, the great popular poet-fighter.

Amazing landscapes stand in front of us when we read the poems of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov:

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer

The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;

Ice faster on the river student,

As if like a melting sugar, lies.

Noting the hardworking and talent of the people, poets show his hard life, the tests that fall on his shoulders. They with hatred and indignation respond to the power of those who are indifferent to the needs of people. So, many works of Nekrasov are devoted to the severe proportion of peasants. In the poem "Reflections from a parade entrance" with pain and despair, the poet exclaims:

... Native land!

Call me such an abode

I did not see this corner,

Where would your sower and keeper

Where would a Russian man moan?

1.3 F.I. Tyutchev

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a great singer of the beauty of the Russian region. In his poems, nature is alive, spiritualized, capable of feeling and worry:

Shines the sun, water shine,

For all smile, life in everything,

Trees happily tremble

Bathing in the sky blue.

Sing trees, blossom water,

Love air is dissolved.

And peace, blooming world of nature,

Absubbieving skots.

Tyutchev, as a talented artist, has opened that it is not capable of seeing a simple observer. He hears "Tomny's crumbry leaves, light noise" and sees how "Heavenly Laugging azure."

1.4 A.A. Akhmatova

Usually, the most acute the theme of the Motherland is in the literature during the period of wars, revolutions, that is, when a person needs to make a moral choice. In Russian literature, this problem has become the most relevant at the beginning of the 20th century. The new ideology that the revolution brought with him was unacceptable for many people of both the old and a new generation of Russian intelligentsia.

A. A. Akhmatova, from the very beginning, did not accept the revolution and never changed her attitude towards her.

It is quite natural that the problem of emigration arises in her work. Many poets, writers, artists and musicians, close to Akhmatova, left abroad, leaving their homeland forever.

Not with those I who threw the land

On the enemies is touched.

I do not get them rude,

I will not give my songs.

But eternally no pity for me an exile,

As a prisoner as a patient.

Dark Your Road, Wanderer,

I smell like bread strangers ...


Ahmatova does not condemn those who left, but clearly defines their choice: for it, emigration is impossible.

I was a voice. He knew consistently

He said: "Come here,

Leave your edge deaf and sinful,

Leave Russia forever "...

... but indifferent and calm

I closed my arms with my hands,

So that this speech is unworthy

The sorrowful spirit did not defile.


Motherland in the verses of Akhmatova is the royal village, Blindnevo, St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad, the city with which her fate was so closely connected. In the poem "Petrograd, 1919" she writes:

And we forgot forever,

Enclosed in the capital of wild,

Lakes, steppes, cities

And the zori is the Motherland of the Great.

In a circle bloody day and night

Dry cruel source ...

Nobody wanted to help us

For the fact that we stayed at home

For the fact that the city is loved by

And not a winged freedom,

We have saved for yourself

His palaces, fire and water ...

For Akhmatova Petersburg is a completely real city. But in some poems, he may be a symbol of Russia at a particular point in time when the fate of a whole country is shown on the example of one city:

It's time to come true

So the wind of death is the heart of the Studit,

But we are holy hail

Peter the involuntary monument will be.

Akhmatova not only considers events in Russia as political, but also gives them universal importance. And if the block in the poem "twelve" revolution is a rampant elements, universal forces, then Akhmatova is a car of God. Recall the poem "Lotov's wife":

And the righteous went for the messenger of God,

Huge and bright, in black grief.

But loudly wife said anxiety:

No late, you can still see

On the red towers of their native sodom,

On the square, where she sang on the courtyard where

On the windows empty high house,

Where is a cute husband of children gave birth ...


This is not just a biblical parable. Akhmatova compares the fate of his homeland with Sodom, as later with Paris in the poem "in the fortieth year" ("when they bother the era ..."). This is not the death of St. Petersburg or Russia, this is the death of the era; And Russia is not the only state that has suffered such a fate. Everything is natural: everything has its own end and its beginning. After all, any new era begins necessarily with the crash of the old. Perhaps, therefore, in verses of Akhmatova there are light notes that foreshadow the birth of new time.

... but with curiosity of foreign

Captured each novelty,

I looked like sledges rushing,

And listened to the native language.

And wild freshness and strength

I had a happiness in my face,

As if a dear from the century

It boomed with me on the porch.


In the Poem "Requiem" Akhmatova re-embeds his experiences in the context of the era. The poem begins:

No, and not under the strangers,

And not under the protection of alien wings -

I was then with my people,

Where my people, unfortunately, was.


That was its final choice.

1.5 A.A. Block

The image of the Motherland at the block is extremely complicated, multifaceted and contradictory. The poet himself said that this topic devotes his whole life. Drunk, manty, naughty looking from under the female handkerchief, the beggar is such a block. And it is the way she's way to him:

Yes, and so, my Russia,

You all the edges are more expensive to me -

it is recognized as the poet in the poem "sin shameless, without ...".

The poet passionately loved his country, joined her fate with his: "My Russia, my life, together to get to us? ..". In many of his verses, female images flashes: "No, not an old face and not leaning under the Moscow handkerchief of color ..." ("New America"), "... patterned circulation boots ...", ".. .Manned granted from under the handkerchief ... ".

The symbol of Russia in many poems of the block is reduced to the image of a simple Russian woman. Having identified these two images, the poet as if an impaired concept of "Russia", bringing the so-called patriotic lyrics with love. In the poem "Autumn Day" he calls Russia to his wife:

ABOUT, my country is

What do you mean for heart?

Oh, poor my wife,

What are you bitterly crying about?

Of all Russian poets, only the block sounds such a interpretation of the subject of love for the debris. Fear, pain, longing and love before madness - in each word, in every line.

Sometimes the notes of "supernatural" are joined in this complex gamzer. So, the mystery, the complex interweaving of reality and mystics is shifted in the lines of the wonderful, in my opinion, poem block about the Motherland ("Rus"):

Rus, Oboyesana Rivers

And the devil is surrounded

With swamps and cranes

And with a muddy eyes of a sorcerer ...

... where are the bad

Choking cereals on the pole,

BUT witches do hello

In road snow poles.

Russia block is unshakable, unchanged. But she needs change, which is stated in the poem "Korshun" 1916:

There are centuries, the war is noise,

Rises the rebellion, the villages are burning,

BUT you are all that, my country,

In the glory of the cry and ancient--

Does Mother Turning?

Decocate Korshun to circle?

"KORUSHUNA FROW" remained not long. A year after writing a poem, a revolution began. What awaits unhappy Russia after her, what ways of roads will open in front of it? This block did not know exactly (although much foresaw due to its ingenious intuition). Therefore, in his poem "Twelve", glorifying the spontaneous revolutionary storm, which is overlapping both the poet, her heroes, patrol from twelve people, do not see where:

AND blizzard dust in the eyes

Days and Nights

Nut ...

The old world to which the block belonged was destroyed. What will be the new world, the poet could not imagine. The future turned out to be a hidden watering of darkness and bloody haze. Poetry - the Great, True - nowhere now is needed, the poems are not heard because of the knocks of the steps of the pavement, due to frequent shots and revolutionary songs.

1.6 V.A. Mayakovsky

In the lyrical compilations of Mayakovsky there is not a single poem that would glorify pre-revolutionary Russia. He himself and his whole poetry asked for the future. Modern Russia (more precisely, the Soviet Union) he loved overly. At that time, it was difficult in the country, there were hunger and devastation, and Mayakovsky suffered, along with his country and their people, all the tights and deprivation:


where air,

how sweet Morse, throw

and rush, death,-- but land,

from which

together Merz, forever

it is impossible to believe ... I

earth this

i love.



where and when the beasts raised and zaoban, but land,

with which

along the hungry - it is impossible



The poet visited abroad, saw an overseas full and gorgeous life, but his native land is more expensive:

I would like to live

and die in Paris if it were not

such land-- Moscow.

Mayakovsky was incredibly proud that he lives in the only majestity of the socialist country. In his verses, he literally shouted: "Read, envy, I am a citizen of the Soviet Union!".

And let some of this "twist the mouth burn," let the young Soviet country had many more enemies, Mayakovsky holy and sincerely believed that all difficulties would be overcome, the devastation will disappear forever, hunger, war, and the bright communist future will come. This faith, genuine optimism is imbued with all his poems about the Motherland. The poet's dreams were not destined to come true, but still, his work is not less interesting for studying and reading.

In the lyrical works, Russia appears as expensive and all before pain, the depreciation, a non-permanent, boiling, sobbing through a sleeve laugh, all directed to the future and ready to forget about the serious past at any time, everything that explains everything.

1.7 S.E. Yesenin

"The topic of the Motherland, Russia, is the main thing in all my verses ..." - often mentioned Yesenin. Yes, it is the hot love of Russia that is the corner of the globe, where he was born was by force that inspired him to new works.

Face to face

Persons not see.

Large seemed to distance ...

- So it is possible to characterize the words of the poet himself, addressed to Russia from the "beautiful far away". Creating a cycle "Persian motives", Yesenin, not being in Persia, gives an excellent image of the Motherland. Even being in the fertile edge, he can't forget that

The moon there is a hundred times

No matter how beautiful Shiraza,

He is not better than Ryazan discount,

Because I'm from the north, or what?

Sharing along with Russia tragic turns of her fate, he often appeals to her, as a near person, looking for sympathy and response to bitter unresolved questions.

Ah, Motherland!

What I became funny.

Dry blush flies on the cheeks.

Language fellow citizens I became like

In my country, I like a foreigner.

So he perceives revolutionary events, so he sees himself in new Russia. During the revolution, he was entirely on the side of October, but he took everything in his own way, "with the peasant bias." The mouth of the peasants expresses its attitude to Yesenin to the actions of new owners of Russia:

Yesterday the icons were thrown off the shelves,

At the church, the Commissioner removed the cross ...

But, sorry about the "Russia of the outgoing", Yesenin does not want to lag behind and from the "Rus coming":

But I'm happy.

In the village of Storms

Unique I made an impression.

Whirlwind dressed my fate

In gold bloom.

For all the love for Patriarchal Russia, Yesenin offends her backwardness and mildness, he exclaims in the hearts:

Field Russia! Pretty

Thug down in the fields!

Your poverty is sick

And birch and poplars.

But whatever adversity would torment Russia, her beauty still remained unchanged, due to the wondrous nature. The charming simplicity of Yesenin paintings cannot but conquer readers. Already for one "blue fog. Snow-rated, thin lemon moonlight "You can fall in love with a poet in Russia. Each leaflet, each Tresting lives and breathes in the poems of Yesenin, and behind them - the breath of his native land. Yesenin aligns nature, even Maple is like a man:

And like a drunken watchman going on the road

Drowned in a snowdrift, liked the leg.

For the seeming simplicity of images - great skill, and it was the word of the master who passes the reader a feeling of deep love and loyalty to his native land.

But Rus is unthinkable without a feeling of respect and understanding the difficult nature of the Russian people. Sergey Yesenin, having experienced a deep sense of love for his homeland, could not not be adopted before his people, his strength, power and endurance, the people who managed to survive and hunger, and ruin.

Ah, my fields, the furrows are cute,

You are good in your sadness!

I love these huts chilly

With a slimming of gray mothers.

Flip to the barsman's lapto

Peace to you, rake, braid and saha!

Describing his lyrics, Yesenin said: "My Lyrics is alive by one big love, love of the Motherland. The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work. "

And indeed, each line of poems Yesenin is imbued with hot love of the Motherland, and the Motherland is inseparable for him from Russian nature and villages. In this alloy, the Motherland, Russian landscape, village and personal destiny of the poet consists of an originality of lyrics S. Yesenin.


The topic of the Motherland is undoubtedly leading in the work of Russian poets-classics. What they would say, the image of the Motherland is invisibly present in many of their works. We feel alarming and excitement for the fate of Russia, admiration for her beauty, sincere desire to see the country of great and free.

Hot love for his homeland, we feel pride for her beauty in the works of classics. It is impossible to love his homeland, not understanding and not loving his people, his traditions, without experiencing his joy and adversity with him.

Lermontov, Pushkin, Nekrasov want to see Russia happy, which means free. They dream of seeing the people who works for the benefit of their country. It is in the people that there is a mighty and glorious force that can break the shackles of the oppression. It was passionately believed in N. A. Nekrasov:

Rail rises - innumerable!

Strength in it will affect the uncomplicable!

The Russian classic poets see their appointment in honest ministry of the dedication, his people, surviving his trouble with him, awakening the best, bright feelings. Poets believe in the lucky future of Russia, they believe that their descendants will see the country liberated, because there are huge potential opportunities to break the foundations that have developed in centuries.

The framework of the abstract does not allow to continue overview of the work of Russian writers and poets, which devoted their most intimate lines to the Motherland.

I want to complete an essay by commemorative pits F. I. Tyutchev:

I do not understand Russia with mind

Arshin must not measure:

It has a special one -

You can only believe in Russia.


1. V. K. Doves. Mayakovsky. Life and art. M., 1976.

2. A.I. Mikhailov. Mayakovsky. Zhzl. M.: Young Guard, 1988.

3. Akhmatova A. Memories about A. Block. M., 1976.

4. A. Block. Favorites. M., 1989.

5. A. Block. Letters to his wife. M., 1978.

6. Kychov E.S. Poetry A. Akhmatova. L., 1968.

7. Zhirmunsky V.M. Creativity Anna Akhmatova. L., 1973.

8. F.I. Tyutchev. Favorite lyrics. M., 1986.

9. A. Grigoriev. Aesthetics and critics .m., 1980

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Arguments for the composition

Problems 1. Man and Motherland 2. Communication of a person with his people Approving theses 1. Love, apply and defend your depression. 2. Love to the Motherland is not manifested in loud words, but in a careful attitude to what surrounds you. 3. Each of us is a lively particle of the time river, which from the past flows into the future. Quotes 1. A person can not live without his homeland, as you can not live without a heart (K. Powetsky). 2. The offspring of mine I ask my example: to the scene to be faithful to Fatherland (A. Suvorov). 3. Every noble personality is deeply recognized by his blood relations, his blood relations with the Fatherland (V. Belinsky). Arguments Man can not without his homeland 1) A well-known writer told the history of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who after the defeat of the uprising was able to hide from police dogs and after painful wandering, finally, got out to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, away from their homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was stipulated into the shackles and sent to Katorga. 2) An outstanding Russian singer Fedor Shalyapin, forced to leave Russia, all the time he had some box with him. No one guess what is in it. Only many years later, the closest learned that Shalyapin kept the handful of his native land in this box. It is not for nothing that the native land and in the handstone of Mila. Obviously, a great singer, he had a hot schismo, it was necessary to feel the proximity and warmth of his native land. 3) Fascists, occupying France, offered to General Denikin, who fought against the Red Army during the Civil War, to cooperate with them in the fight against the Soviet Union. But the general responded with a sharp refusal, because his homeland was more expensive than political disagreements. 4) African slaves exported to America wounded about their native land. In desperation, they killed themselves, hoping that the soul, throwing the body, would be able to be a bird, carry home. 5) The worst punishment in antiquity was considered the exile of a person from a tribe, city or country. Outside of your house - Alien: Alien Earth, someone else's sky, someone else's language ... There you're quite alone, there are no one, creature without rights and without behalf. That is why to leave the homeland meant to lose everything for a person. 6) the outstanding Russian hockey player. Tretyaku was offered to move to Canada. We promised to buy him a house, pay a big salary. Tretyak showed her hand on the sky, the earth and asked: "Do you also buy it for me?". The answer of the famous athlete led everyone to confusion, and no one else returned to this proposal. 7) When in the middle of the 19th century, the English squadron was siege to Turkey's hundred Istanbul, the entire population defended his city. The townspeople destroyed their own homes if they prevented the Turkish guns to conduct aiming fire on enemy ships. 8) Once the wind decided to dump mighty oak, which grew up on the hill. But the oak just bent under wind blows. Then the wind asked at the majestic oak: "Why can't I beat you?" Oak answered that it was not the trunk. His strength is that he is in the land in the land, rooted for her. In this frequency history, the idea is expressed that love for the Motherland, deep connection with the national history, with the cultural experience of ancestors makes people invincible. 9) When the threat of a terrible and devastating war with Spain hung over England, then all the population, they have taken apart by hostile, rallied the axis around his queen. The merchants and nobles for their money have been equipped with an army, people of a simple title were recorded in the militia. Even pirates remembered their homeland and led their ships to save her from the enemy. And "invincible Armada" of the Spaniards was defeated. 10) Turks during their military campaigns captured prisoners and boys. Children were forcibly paid to Islam, turned into soldiers, who were called Janchars. Turks hoped that deprived of spiritual roots forgot their homeland brought up in fear and humility, new warriors will become a reliable stronghold of the state. But this did not happen: I have nothing to be protected, cruel and merciless in battle, they approached with serious danger, they constantly demanded a boost, refuses to serve without a generous award. All the fact that the troops of Yanychar disranged, and the inhabitants under the fear of death were forbidden to even pronounce this word. 11) Antique historians tell about a Greek Athlete, who refused to fight for Athens, explaining that he needed to be pregnant to sports competitions. When he expressed a desire to participate in the Olympic Games, citizens were told to him: "You didn't want to divide the mountains with us, it means that you are not worthy and to share joy with us." 12) The famous traveler Athanasius Nikitin during his wanders she had seen a lot of outlined and unusual. He told about it in his travel notes "Going in three seas." But the exotic of the distant countries did not go out in him by love for the debris, on the contrary, in his soul, longing to be broken down by the longing of the house. 13) Once during the First World War at one military meeting, Nikolai-2 said a phrase that began like this: "I and Russia ...". But one of the generals present at this meeting politely corrected the king: "Your Majesty, you probably wanted to say" Russia and you ... "Nikolai P recognized his mistake. 14) Lion Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" reveals the "military secret" - the reason. which helped Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 to win over the hordes of the French invaders. If in other countries, Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia, he opposed the whole people. People of different classes, different titles, different nationalities ran in the fight against the general enemy, and with such a mighty force no one can cite. 15) The Great Russian writer I. Turgenev called himself antehem, because the moral forces gave him love for the debris. 16) Napoleon, going to Russia, knew that the peasants were strongly oppressed by landowners, therefore hoped for the support of the simple people. But what was his surprise when he was reported that the men did not want to sell a fodder for solid currency. "They do not understand their benefits?!" - Emperor exclaimed in bewilderment and confusion. 17) When the outstanding Russian peak physician came up with the device to inhale the essential vapors, he turned to one tinsmith with a request to make it in drawings. The tinsmith found out that this device is intended for operating the soldiers who fought during the Crimean War, and said that he would do everything for free for the sake of the Russian people. 18) The German General Guderian remembered the case struck him. During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet artillery was captured, who alone the wolf cannon with a single shell. It turns out that this fighter fell four enemy tanks and reflected a tank attack. What a force forced the soldier devoid of support, desperately fight against enemies - this German general could not understand. It was then that he uttered a historical phrase: "It doesn't look like in a month we walked around Moscow." 20) The fighter of the Red Army Nicodemus Korzennikov is called phenomenal: it was the only deaf-member world in all the armies of the world. He went a volunteer to the front to defend his homeland. Saving a squad commander, he captured. He was brutally beaten, not guessing that he was simply not able to give any military secrets - deaf-and-and-the-meal! Nicodemus sentenced to hanging, but he managed to escape. I got a German automatic and went to my. He fought a machine gunner at the most dangerous areas of war. Where did this person come from, who could neither hear nor say, took the Force to do what nature refused him? Of course, it was sincere and self-safe love of the Motherland. 21) The famous polar star of Sedov presented somehow ballerina Anna Pavlova beautiful smart husky. Anna Pavlova loved to take this dog with him for a walk. But unexpected happened. They drove past the snow-covered Neva, the husky saw the endless expanses of the snowy field, with the lan jumped out of the sleigh and, rejoicing familiar to the landscape, quickly disappeared from sight. So did not wait for Pavlov his pet.

Compassion, love in neighbor

Arguments for the composition

A.I. Solzhenitsyn Matrynin Dvor In the story "Matrinin Yvor" of the Russian writer, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature A.I. Solzhenitsyn amazes the image of Matriol's peasantry, her humanity, selflessness, compassion and love to everyone, even to strangers. Matrius "helped someone else's for free", and herself "did not chase after the leaving": did not start "good," did not try to get a tenant. Especially her mercy is manifested in the situation with the hillside. She allowed us to disassemble his house (where he lived his whole life) on the logs for the sake of pupils of Kira, who has nowhere to live. The heroine sacrifices all for the sake of others: countries, neighbors, relatives. And after her quiet death, a description of the cruel behavior of her relatives, who simply wants greed. Thanks to his mental quality, Matrena, made this world better and kinder, sacrificing her life. Boris Vasiliev "fly my horses ..." In the work "We fly my horses ..." Boris Vasiliev tells the story of a wonderful person - Dr. Yanesen. From the sense of compassion the doctor, the price of his life, saved the children who have failed in the sewering pit! L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Getting captured, Pierre Duhov met there a simple soldier Platon Karataev. Plato, despite his suffering, lovingly lived with everyone: with the French, with comrades. It was he who his mercy helped Pierre to find faith and taught him to appreciate his life. M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man The story tells about the tragic fate of the soldier, who lost all relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a man for power for life. FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Raskolnikov from a sense of compassion gives the last money for the funeral of Marmaladov.


Arguments for the composition

V. Bestov "Sotnikov" In the story of "Centulties" V. Babyova, tells about two partisans who are captured to the Germans during World War II. One of the partisans betray his homeland and agrees to cooperate with the Germans. The second partisan, the centuries, refuses to betray their homeland and chooses death. In this story, the centuries are shown by a real patriot who could not betray his native country, even under the fear of death. L.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace" One of the central problems of the novel is true and false patriotism. Favorite Heroes Tolstoy do not speak high words about love for their homeland, they are committed in the name of her actions: Natasha Rostov, without hesitation, persuades the mother to give the supply to the wounded under Borodino, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky gets fatal injury on the Borodino field. But genuine patriotism, according to Tolstoy, in ordinary Russian people, soldiers who do without rice, without high phrases perform their duty, at a minute of mortal danger giving life to their homeland. If in other countries, Napoleon fought against the armies, then in Russia, he opposed the whole people. People of different classes, different titles, different nationalities ran in the fight against the general enemy, and with such a mighty force no one can cite. Tolstoy even writes that under the Borodin, the French army suffered a moral defeat - our army won this battle thanks to spirit and patriotism. An example of true patriotism serves Pierre Duhov, who for their own money, it is equipped with a militia to a thousand people, he himself participates in the Borodino battle, remains in Moscow to kill Napoleon. L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol Stories" (This example can still go to the topic "Attitude to your case") Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - an outstanding Russian surgeon, during the Crimean War first applied anesthesia, facilitating the suffering of the wounded. He entered into the fight against casnocraders, demanded medicines, clothing, gear. Pies operated in places of combat battles, in the center of shelling. The great doctor was so glorified by the soldiers that they were greeted about him legends. One of them was reproduced by L.N. Tolstov in the "Sevastopolsky stories", when soldiers on a stretcher delivered to the "body without head" into the tent, saying that the magician chooses her. Pirogov considered the meaning of life to the ministry of Russia and never desperate, did not condemn the flaws of the Motherland, but worked for the benefit of her prosperity.

Memory mapping soldier

Arguments for the composition

K. Simonov In the years of war, Konstantin Simonov, who during the war, worked as a correspondent of the newspaper "Red Star" and was constantly in the current army, writes: "Do not forget about the soldiers who beat from the last strength, in the bandages moaning in Medicalbat and so hoped for the world!" I am sure that none of those soldiers who wrote Simonov will never be forgotten, and their feat will forever remain in the memory of descendants.

Love to motherland

Arguments for the composition

Yu. G. Oksman "The capture of Lieutenant Sukhinova". The famous writer told the history of the Decembrist Sukhinov, who after the defeat of the uprising was able to hide from police societies and after painful wandering, finally, got out to the border. Another minute - and he will find freedom. But the fugitive looked at the field, the forest, the sky and realized that he could not live in a foreign land, away from their homeland. He surrendered to the police, he was stipulated into the shackles and sent to Katorga. A.S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev". In a friendly message "To Chaaadaev", a fantasy appeal to the poet to dedicate the "souls of beautiful gusts". "The word about the regiment of Igor." Brightly expressed the author's love to his native Russian land. He was worried about the future. He proudly told us about the defender of the Motherland. Beautifully described nature. Solar eclipse. It was the Russian land that became the main character of his work. Esenin poems, block, Lermontov.

Arguments for the composition

Problems 1. Moral qualities of this man 2. The fate of man 3. Humane attitude towards a person 4. Mercy and compassion Approving theses 1. Carry the world light and good! 2. Love a person is the main principle of humanism. 3. We are responsible for someone else's life. 4. Help, mercy, support - and the world will become a bit kinder. Quotes 1. The world itself is either evil, neither benefit, it is a compatibility and the other, depending on the fact that you yourself turned it (M.Monten, French philosopher-humanist). 2. If life is your life, your life will not be, in the eternal change of being, the world will forget you (I.GET, German writer). 3. The only commandment: "Gori" (M. Voloshin, Russian Poet). 4. Light other, burn (Van Tulp, Dutch Medic). 5. While young, strong, vigorous, do not talk to do good (A. Chekhov, Russian writer). Arguments Self-sacrifice. Love for neighbor. 1) The American writer D. London in one of his works spoke about how a man and his wife were lost in the endless snow-covered steppe. Food stocks ended, and the woman every day weaker more and more. When she fell without power, her husband found a cracker in her pockets. It turns out that a woman, realizing that food for two is not enough, shouted to give the opportunity to be a beloved to escape. 2) An outstanding Russian writer B. Vasilyev told about Dr. Jansen. He died, saving children failing to sewer. The man who and during his lifetime was read as Saint, Bang the whole city. 3) In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the former blockade recalls that he dying a teenager, during a terrible hunger saved the life of a residential neighbor, who brought the jar of stews sent by the son from the front. "I'm old, and you are young, you still live yes live," said this man. He soon died, and the boy saved by him for his whole life retained a grateful memory about him. 4) The tragedy occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. In a home for the elderly, where sick old men lived, who could not even walk, a fire began. Nurse Lydia Pashenzheva rushed to help disabled people. The woman pulled out several patients out of the fire, but he could not get out. 5) Pinagora fish laying off caviar at the border of the popular. If the past water exposes a bunch of caviar, then you can see a touching spectacle: the caviar of the caviar of the male from time to time watering her mouth so that it does not dry. Probably care for neighbor is the property of all living things. 6) In 1928, he suffered an accident airship of the famous Italian traveler Nobile. The victims were on ice, they sent a disaster signal by radio. Barely came the message, the Norwegian traveler R. Amundsen shrugged a seaplane and risking life, went in search of Nobile and his comrades. Soon the connection with the plane was interrupted, only after a few months it was found about breaking. The famous polar star died, saving people. 7) During the Crimean War, the famous peyratic doctor, having learned about the plight of the garrison, defeated Sevastopol, began to ask for war. He was denied, but he was persistent because he didn't think of peaceful life for himself, knowing that many wounded needed the help of an experienced surgeon. 8) In the legends of the ancient Aztecs, the axis said that the world was completely destroyed four times. After the fourth cataclysm went out the sun. Then gods gathered and began to think how to create a new shine. They laid down a big bonfire, and his light dispersed the darkness. But that the light from the fire is not Gus, one of the gods had to voluntarily bring himself sacrificing fire. And then one young God rushed into a flaming flame. So the sun appeared, which illuminates our land. In this legend, the idea is expressed that dedication is the light of our life. 9) Famous film director S. Rostotsky said that she took the film "And the dawns here are quiet ..." How to grate to a woman in a woman who pulled him from the battlefield during the Great Patriotic War. 10) Naturalist Evgeny Mare, three years lived among the bavians in Africa, once hesitaryly peeped as a leopard traveled around the trail, which was in a hurry to the saving caves, the fallen herd of bavians: males, females, kids in a word, loyal mining. Two male separated from the herd, slowly climbed onto the rock over the leopard and once jumped down. One clung to the throat of a leopard, the other in the back. The rear paw leopard spells Belubo, the first and front paws broke the bone to the second. But for some fractions of a second to death, the fangs of the first Pavian closed on the Vienna Leopard, and the whole troika went to that light. Of course, both Pavian could not not feel a deadly danger. But the flock they saved. Compassion and mercy. Suitless 1) M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It tells about the tragic fate of the soldier who lost all the relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a person to life for life, forces in order to confront fate. 2) V. Hugo in the novel "Molders" tells the history of the thief. Having spent over the bishop in the house, in the morning this thief stole a silver dishes from him. But after an hour, the police detained the criminal and delivered it to the house where he was given overnight. The priest said that this man did not stole anything that he took all things with the permission of the owner. The thief, struck by heard, survived genuine rebirth in one minutes, and after that he became an honest person. 3) One of the medical scientists insisted that the laboratory staff worked in the clinic: they had to see how patients suffer. It forced young researchers to work with tripled energy, since concrete human life depended on their efforts. 4) In the ancient Babylon, the patient was put on the square, and each passerby could give him advice, how to heal, or simply say a sympathetic word. This fact shows that already in ancient times, people understood that there is no foreign misfortune, there is no alien suffering. 5) During the filming of the film "Cold Summer 53 ...", which were held in a deaf Karelian village, all the surrounding inhabitants gathered, especially children to see the "Wolf Grandfather" - Anatoly Papanova. The director wanted to drive the inhabitants that they would not interfere with the shooting process, but Papanov gathered all the children, talked to them, wrote to everyone something in a notedra. And the children, the brightness of happiness with their eyes, looked at the Great Actor. In their memory there was forever a meeting with this man, which for the sake of them interrupted expensive shooting. 6) Ancient historians told that Pythagoras bought fish from fishermen and threw it back to the sea. People laughed at the eccentric, and he said that, saving fish from networks, he tries to protect people from a terrible share - to be in slavery at the conquerors. Indeed, all living things are not visible, but durable threads of causality: each of our act, as if the dead echo is rolled through the space of the universe, causing certain consequences. 7) An encouraging word, a caring look, a tender smile help a person to succeed, strengthen his faith in their strength. Psychologists held a curious experiment, which clearly proves the justice of this statement. They scored random people and asked them for some time to make benches for kindergarten. Employees of the first group were constantly praised, and the other - they swore for inability and negligence. What is the result? In the first group made benches twice as much as in the second. So, a kind word really helps a person. 8) Each person needs understanding, sympathy, spiritual heat. Once an outstanding Russian commander, A. Suvorov saw a young soldier who, frightened the upcoming battle, ran into the forest. When the enemy was broken, Suvorov awarded the heroes, the Order went to the one who was unwellly served in the bushes. Poor soldier almost fell away from shame. In the evening he returned the award and confessed to the commander in his cowardice. Suvorov said: "I take your order for storage, because I believe in your bravery!". In the next battle, the soldiers struck everyone with his fearless and courage and deservedly received the Order. 9) One of the legends talks about how one day he was going on the land of Saint Kasyan and Nikola. They saw a man who tried to pull the cart from the mud. Kasyan, in a hurrying on an important thing and not wanting to get a paradise dress, went on, and Nikola helped the man. When the Lord found out about this, he decided to give Nikola two holidays a year, and Kasyan one at four years - February 29. 10) In the early Middle Ages you are progressive, the devout owner considered his duty to shelter under the blood of his house of the beggar. It was believed that the prayers of the disadvantage would rather reach God. The owners asked the unfortunate vagabol to pray for them in the temple, for it they gave him a coin. Of course, these were not deprived of a certain quiet, nevertheless, even then, in the minds of people, moral laws were born, which demanded not to offend the disadvantaged, regret them. 11) Famous coach in figure skating Stanislav Zhuk drew attention to the girl, whom everyone considered unpromising. The coach liked that she, not possessing special talent, worked, without regretting himself. The beetle believed in her, began to deal with her, from this girl he grown the most titled figure skater of the twentieth century Irina Rodnin. 12) Numerous studies of psychologists who study the problems of school education, prove how important to inspire the child faith in his strength. When the teacher places high hopes for students, waits for high results from them, it is already sufficient to increase the level of intelligence by 25 points. 13) Almost an incredible case was told in one of the television gear. The girl wrote a fairy tale about her girlfriend, which since childhood because of severe illness could not walk. The fairy tale said about the magic healing of the patient. The girlfriend read the fairy tale and, as she herself admitted, decided that he could now recover. She simply dropped the crutches and went. This magic is turned around sincere kindness. 14) The compassion is inherent not only to a person. It is also characteristic of an animal, and this is evidence of the natural nature of this feeling. Scientists have done such an experience: near the experimental chamber was placed a cage with a rat, which received a blow to the current each time, when one of her tribesmen took the bread ball from the shelf. Some rats continued to run and absorb food, not paying attention to the suffering creature. Others quickly have enough food, ran into another corner of the camera, and then eaten it, turning away from the cell with a tied sumor. But most animals, having heard the squeak of pain and finding her reason, immediately refused food and did not run to the shelf with bread. Dear and soulless attitude towards man 1) In January 2006, a terrible fire occurred in Vladivostok. Sberbank was caught up, which was on the eighth floor of the "High Tips". The head demanded that employees first hid all documents in the safe, and then evacuated. While the documents were removed, the fire covered the corridor, and many girls died. 2) During the recent war in the Caucasus, there was a case that caused fair indignation in society. The hospital was brought by a wounded soldier, but the doctors refused to accept him, sustained that their institution belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the soldier refers to the department of the Ministry of Defense. While we were looking for the necessary medical unit, wounded died. 3) In one of the Germanic, legends talks about one person who, spending many years in sin, decided to repent and start a righteous life. He went to Pope to Roman to ask him a blessing. But Dad, having heard the confession of the sinner, exclaimed that before his cane covered with leaves than he would receive a petition. The sinner realized that he would repent later, went to sin further. But the next day the Pope's cane suddenly covered with green leaves, sent the messengers for the sinner to declare for forgiveness, but they could not find him anywhere. 4) The position of the rejected always is tragic. Even if he carries new knowledge, new truths, no one listens to him. Scientists pay attention to what the phenomenon occurs among the animals. A monkey, who in his herd occupied a low position, taught us with complex manipulations to extract bananas. Sorodii simply took these bananas, not even trying to understand how they were mined. When such receptions taught the leader of the flocks, then all the relatives watched his manipulations with interest and tried to imitate him. 5) the word can be saved by a person, and you can destroy it. The tragedy happened the day before the operation. The English surgeon drew his heart to the well-known Russian actor and explained that he had only one from four valves, and only 10 percent. "You will die in any case," the doctor said, "you will do an operation or not." The meaning of his words was that it was necessary to take a chance, agreeing to the operation, because we are all mortals, we all sooner or later die. The great actor instantly introduced himself what the doctor spoke. And the heart stopped. 6) Napoleon was aware of his youth, almost hungry, mother wrote him desperate letters, calling for help, because she had nothing to feed a huge family. Napoleon piled up various instances, asking for some kind of alms, was ready to serve anyone, just to earn scarce funds. It is not then, faced with a chumulus arrogance and silent, he began to cherish dreams of power over the world to take revenge on humanity for tested flour.

Moral choice

Arguments for the composition

Kabardino Balkar Republic

District Methodical Seminar

on this topic:

"New approaches to literary reading lessons

in elementary school on the textbook V.A. Lazareva "

Primary school teacher

Tsepa Natalia Mikhailovna

Subject: The image of the Russian Earth and the Russian people in the work

Yu. I. Koval "Clean Dor" (excerpt from the work)

"Water closed eyes"


  • continue observation of the work about the homeland;

  • identification of ways to create an art epic;

  • work on the way homeland in prose Yu. I. Koval;

  • develop thinking, attention, creativity and oral speech students.
Equipment: Textbook V.A. Lazareva "Literary reading grade 4";

illustrations for the work; Exhibition of children's drawings; working notebooks; colour pencils.

Lesson plan.

I.. Organizing time:

- The sun shines over Russia,

And rains are noisy over it.

In the whole world, in general

No country of her relatives!
Teacher - Why in general there is no relative to the country?

students(Russia is our homeland, the country in which we live. This is our home that is impossible not to love).

Teacher - Today we will continue an unusual journey through the native country, in which we all live. And your knowledge will help us in this.

Motherland! This word from childhood knows everyone.

Why is it so expensive to man that he can not exchange her to other edges, where does it live better, rich, richer?

Teacher - Remember the words of poems and songs in which it is said about it.

(The student tells the poem - by heart on music).

I see a wonderful attribution,

I see the Niva and Fields -

This is a Russian expathere,

This is my homeland.

I see the mountains and valleys,

I see rivers and the sea -

These are Russian paintings,

This is my homeland.

I hear Flavor's singing

I hear trill nighting

This is a Russian side,

This is my homeland.

Teacher - About the Motherland We are talking to you every day, at every lesson.

Guys, what does the word "homeland" mean for you?

students (Motherland is fields, forests, meadows, trees, sky, clouds, etc.)
Teacher - As our wonderful writer Konstantin Poyustovsky said:

On the desk:

"A person can not live without his homeland,

cannot live without a heart "

II. Actualization of knowledge

Teacher - Let's remember which excerpt from the work we read on the past lesson?

students ("Clean Dor")

And what is "clean do"?

students (this is a village)

Teacher -What is "Dor"?

students (All around the village is ... this is a field, but only a simple field, but among the forest. Previously there was a forest, and then the trees were chosen, hemps upgraded and - turned out to be a boron)

students (Yuri Iosifovich Koval)

Teacher shows a portrait of a writer

Yuri Iosifovich Koval was born on February 9, 1938 in Moscow. He studied at the Philological Faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. During his studies, Koval seriously underwhelmed by the author's song, as well as the art of frescoes, mosaic, sculpture, drawing and painting (received a second diploma - teacher drawing. The first publications of Koval appeared in the institute newspaper.
After graduating from the Koval Institute, He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature, history, drawing in a rural school in the Tataria. He himself composed poetic texts for dictations.
Gradually, Koval begins to become increasingly professionalized as an artist and writer. In magazines "Murzilka", "Pioneer", "Change", "Spark" published his poems and stories for children. One of his favorite genres was prose miniatures, talking about animals, on the phenomena of nature and village residents; Many of them entered the book.

Teacher - Today we will continue to work on the works of Yu.I. Koval and imagine how Russia and the Russian people represent a modern writer. We will get acquainted with the new passage from the work, which is called "water with closed eyes."
The student tells the brief biography of the author

III. Perception of new material.

Teacher - Read the name of our work.

What do you think about what is said in the work without reading the text?

1. Page 134 (reads learning and reading children)

IV. Vocabulary lexical work.
Teacher - How do you understand the word phrases found in the text:
The day unfolded - (a clear sunny day began)

We moved clouds- (clouds floated in the sky)

Dry firing grive- (fir sprigs with non-splashed needles)

In the creek spawned Yazi (float fish)

V. Content in content
Teacher - What time of year appeared before your eyes?

students (fall)

students (The main thing happened in the sky. There they moved the clouds, turned on each other with sunny sides, and the light rustle was heard on Earth).

students (that he accidentally appeared among cloudy autumn)

Teacher - Why did he want to continue the day?

students (Because the cold winter approached and wanted to enjoy the last autumn sunny day).

students (ran into the glades, littered with fallen leaf, was chosen from the swamps on dry firing mane. The author understood that it was necessary to rush, but it would end everything).

Teacher - Where did he run?

students (on the edge of the forest, where flowing from - under the hill of the key stream).
Teacher - Whom he met at the stream?

students (he met Nureku)

Teacher - Who is such a nork?

Teacher - What did Nyurka do at the stream?

students (She was sitting on an unbalanced swelling, and her briefcase was lying on the grass. In the hand, Nyurka kept the old tin mug, which was always hung on a birch at the stream and saw water).

students (dialogue).

Teacher - What is a dialogue?

(dialogue - This is a conversational speech of two and more people)

Teacher - Who participates in this conversational speech?

students (Nyurka and author himself).

Fizkultminutka (to the music)

We are now all together stand up

We rest on the privala ...

Right, to the left turn!

Hands up and sideways,

And on the site jump yes IC!

And now we run scrapping.

Well done you kids!

Vi. Reading works on roles
P. 135 - Children read on roles
Teacher - Pay attention to the speech of the heroes?

studentand (it creates the image of the hero itself.)
Teacher - But why did the author named the excerpt from the work that is "water with closed eyes"?
- Did our assumptions confirmed about the name of the work?
students (Yes, because the consolation of our heroine has enjoying unusual water).
VII. Selective reading

students (sweet underwater grass and alder root, autumn wind and crumbly sand smelled of water from the stream, felt in her voice of forest lakes and swamps, long rains, summer thunderstorms)
Teacher - What words find author to convey his feelings?

students (Gladnaway once again felt the smell of a very close winter - time when the water closes his eyes).
VIII. Work with proverbs.

Teacher - Our people love their homeland. There are many proverbs and sayings about the motherland.

Teacher - Let's remember some of them.

(children offer those proverbs that know)

Teacher - Try to connect parts of the proverbs that you see on the board:
Motherland Sun more precious than gold

Motherland Mother, able to stand for her

There is no most painful homeland of our

For the Motherland, there is no strength, no life regret

Man without a homeland that nightinglets without a song.
IX. Drawing the plot.

Teacher - Guys, try using color pencils to portray your favorite plot from the work described by the author's words
X. Final word of the teacher.

Teacher - Well done boys! You not only understood the excerpt from the work, but also felt as the author expresses his attitude towards nature, to his homeland.
Xi. Homework

page 134-138 Make a plan for the work.

Main approaches to literary reading lessons

in fourth grade.
The main feature of the literary reading course in the fourth grade is that the children learned when reading the artistic text to represent pictures drawn by the author, emotionally respond to the experiences of the heroes of the work, evaluate their actions, understand the author's thought, to see the authors of the author to the image and understanding the role of speech of the hero and Internal monologues in the disclosure of its character. The guys have also learned in the text to find the author's descriptions, allocate landscapes, determining the simplest features of its functions in the work, distinguish the author from the narrator

Leading concepts that constituted the stem of the pedagogical concept of literary reading are summarized in the textbook for the 4th grade. This is: family, relatives (father, mother), baby in the family (son, daughter), people, homeland.

The moral representations of students are formed in the process of reading highly artistic works and our permanent conversations with children about love and loyalty, family and hometown, about care and responsibility, humanity and inhumanity.

In this academic year, a rapid child, essentially the youngest adolescence, on the example of the heroes of literary works, show how a person, even small, copes with emerging problems, where and who he draws strength and what faith is based on the victory of good.

In the textbook for the 4th grade, there is a chapter that speaks of war, about the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. For our current children, these times are already practically equidistant and difficult to stand, that is why we are so serious and, as it may seem, ruthlessly talking with students about the war in the language of the best artistic works, because there are less and less people who could tell grandchildren about , how it was.

This year, the knowledge acquired earlier, the knowledge of the student on the way of creating an image of the hero of the work and is generalized, and expands at the expense of understanding the role of speech of the hero and internal monologues in the disclosure of its nature. The guys learn to lay out in the text of the author's descriptions, allocate landscapes, identifying the simplest functions of its functions in the work, distinguished by the author from the narrator, etc. Work on the ways of revival, animation of nature and the objective world is completed this year by the introduction of the concept "personification". Instead of the concept of "the main thought", the concept of "idea of \u200b\u200bthe work" is introduced, and in the process of work, the children themselves are guessed about the internal connection of the name of the work with his idea. Watching the peculiarities of building the story of K. G. Powesty "Hare Paws", students without the introduction of the term receive an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements of the composition of the artistic work.

The program works of this year of study allow you to lay the foundations for the formation of the ideas of children about fiction, the philosophical parable, the limit of the author, the style of the author, which will appear the basis for the study of such literature in the future, in the middle and older school. As a result of the fourth year of study, students are seduced by the following terms: Protecting, abstract, story, idea, fiction.

There is aware of such concepts as patriotism, humanity, self-sacrifice, duty I. a responsibility, self-supply. Students understand the complex relationships of people, aware of the possibility of existence in life of grief and suffering, meanness and betrayal, think about the ways to overcome misfortunes and troubles.

Selected texts allowed to complete the work on the main directions of initial literary education.