Ski sticks: how to choose? How to choose the right ski sticks.

Ski sticks: how to choose? How to choose the right ski sticks.

From this article, you will learn how to make a beginner skier to find cross-country skiing and height sticks, as well as how to choose the size of the ski boots. Below will be the tables of the selection of skiing and the size of the boot.

Selection of cross-country skiing and sticks

To choose correctly running ski length, it is necessary to determine what style you are going to ride - classic (by skiing) or Konkov:

  • For classic stroke, add to your growth 20-25 cm
  • For the skate stroke, add to your growth 10-15 cm

There are two types:

  • With notch (STEP): The notch is the ribbed sliding surface of the skis in the fasteners zone. The notch allows skiing not slipping and not to use masi holding. Great for walking riding with a classic ski track.

  • With a smooth sliding surface (WAX): These are skiing without a system of notches, the sliding surface is smooth, the use of mages of keeping is required. Unlike a ski with a notch, such skis fit for any riding style and better suitable for riding with combined and skate strokes, as well as for sports riding.

When selecting ski stick lengthorienbly also on riding style:

  • Sticks for classic stroke should be about 25 cm less than your growth. In this case, when you stand on skis in shoes, the sticks will go along the paw in the snow, and the stick sticks will be taken to the armpits. It is such a length of ski sticks that is optimal for riding by the classics.
  • For skating, ski sticks should be greater length - approximately 15 cm less than your growth.

Table of selection of cross-country skiing and height sticks:

Skate style Height Classic style
skiing sticks cm skiing sticks
200 175 195 210 165
200 175 190 205 165
200 170 185 205 160
195 165 180 200-205 155
190 160 175 195-200 150
185 155 170 190-195 145
180 150 165 185-190 140
175 145 160 180-185 135
170 140 155 180 130
165 135 150 170 125
160 130 145 170 120
155 125 140 160 115
150 120 135 160 110
145 115 130 150 105
140 110 125 150 100
135 105 120 140 95
130 100 115 140 90
120 95 110 130 85
120 90 105 130 80
110 90 100 120 80

Selection of cross-country skiing

The most popular types are:

  • 75 mm (NN75)- Classic steel fasteners (three pins system), familiar with everyone from Soviet times, are very popular thanks to its simplicity, reliability and low cost. Such attachments are perfect for walking riding.
  • NNN and SNS. - Modern systems of fasteners, differing from each other guide protrusions for shoes along the mounts. Such attachments are better like more active and sports riding.

Selection of ski boots

Everybody is made of modern frost-resistant synthetic materials, less often - from genuine leather.

All ski boots are insulated, which allows you to choose the boots of your size without a stock and wear them without a woolen sock. We recommend using thermocons.

Ski boot sole suits a specific mounting system: 75 mm, NNN or SNS:

  • 75 mm fastening shoes are produced in standard Russian sizes. The size of the boot can be chosen completely in accordance with your foot size.
  • NNN / SNS fastening shoes are available in euros of sizes that are approximately 1.5-2 sizes less than Russian, i.e. If you wear 39 Russian size, then you should take the size boots 41.

The easiest way to choose the size of the boot - this is measured by a ruler length of insoles shoeswhich you wear.If there is no possibility to get an insole from shoes, then it is necessary to measure the length of the foot. How to do it right - see below the table below.

Ski boot selection table according to length insoles:

Sleep length, see Size Russia Euro size
19 - 30
19,5 - 31
20 30 -
20,5 31 32
21,5 32 33
22 33 34
22,5 34 35
23 35 36
24 36 37
24,5 37 38
25 - 39
25,5 38 40
26 39 41
26,5 40 -
27 41 42
27,5 - 43
28 42 44
28,5 43 -
29 44 45
29,5 - 46
30 45 47
30,5 46 -
31 47 -

How to measure the foot length:

Stand on a sheet of paper so that the heels only slightly concerned Behind the wall (doors, sidewalls of the cabinet, etc.). If you grab the heel to the wall strongly, measurement will be wrong.

The body weight should be moved to the measured leg.

Keep a pencil strictly vertical, do not start it under the fingers!

Mark the lines near the big and second finger, swipe along the wall. Measure the ruler maximum distance between the marks. Measure both legs, because Size may vary.

Ready ski kits

In our online store you can choose and buy, consisting of cross-country skiing, sticks, fasteners, boots and ski bonds.

We have prepared for you several options for the skiing of the Russian manufacturer of STC (Center for Sport Technology). You can choose skis with a notch or without a notch. The kit includes 75 mm or NNN / SNS mounts, corresponding ski boots, in some ski kits include additional accessories - ski case and a set of ski ointments.

Especially for the parents of schoolchildren we have 2 options inexpensive ski set schoolboy: Simple and budget set with 75 mm fasteners and a kit with NNN / SNS fasteners. Both ski kit are perfectly suitable for physical education at school, as well as just for skiing and skiing in winter.

Want to go to the mountains or spend the day in the fresh air, and have already looked at a couple of wonderful skis? What about sticks? Without properly chosen ski sticks, fantasy will remain only fantasies! How to make the optimal choice of ski sticks, not risking spoil your vacation?

General information about ski sticks

Perhaps ski sticks are one of the most important elements in the entire equipment of the skier. Choosing them, you need to take into account key parameter - length.

It does not matter whether these are lightweight sticks from modern materials, with many convenient and beneficial properties, for example, separated by handles or unique edges, the main thing is that they approach the growth of the skier. If this element of uniforms is too long or too short, the other advantages can simply not notice.

With too long sticks, the hands will have to be raised above the normal position, which means that there will be no damned bending at the elbow, and with it the necessary impulse will be lost to the correct entry in turn. Using Too short Sticks, the skier simply reduces the time required by him to enter the turn, and deprives himself supports, thereby forcing himself to lean stronger. The conclusion is simple and obvious - ski sticks need to be selected with the mind and in growth.

Mountain ski sticks

How to choose ski sticks in length?

To pick up mine skis stick Optimal length, you need to squeeze in a fist an inverted stick under its stopper (ring), press the elbow to the body. Shoulder and forearm in this position will be at right angles to each other. The lower part of the compressed fist will be located at the level of the waist or slightly above it. This fitting is done in ski boots at home or in a ski rack if the sticks are selected on the snow.

Table for selecting the length of ski sticks by growth:

Sticks are straight and curvy. If direct can be called universal, suitable for both beginners and experienced riding, then curves are needed for a sports ride. So, on high-speed descents, or in slalom-giant, they are somewhat improving aerodynamics.

Telescopic sticks We need for ski tourists, and can be used even beginners (provided that the skier agrees to collect and disassemble them every time).

Material ancilla. Aluminum gravity is easy and convenient to use, strong enough to withstand all the errors of the novice skier. A composite grazer will easily break at shock or strong load, fiberglass and carbon fiber may not even withstand even a small cut of Kahte skis.

Strap for hand On sticks is called a darkness. Used so that the stick is not lost, and to create a hand support. Well, if the loop has a buckle so that it can be adjusted by hand. With the right selection of the dwelling and the length of the stick, when driving, the hand will rely on this strap, the wrist will move in it freely, and the brush compressed in the fist will not slip.

Rings at the bottom Sticks are needed to create an additional support, hold stick at the required level (so that it does not leave deeper in the snow) and ensuring security. If ski sticks are used only for riding on a special track, you can doly and small rings, and for freeride and skating on the snow that has just dropped in the snow, the large rings are needed.

Tip - Metal (in children's ski sticks, the metal is not used) the item on the lower end of the stick, which helps to be repel when driving. N. actures for ski stick btwo types are: in the form of a reverse cone (universal shape) and in the shape of a gear is used for ice skating.

Pen stick It is selected individually, but the main thing is that it is not slippery or smooth.

Crossing ski sticks

To calculate length of the ski stick For the skate stroke, from the growth of an adult, you need to take about 20 cm. It is believed that the result of this will be a suitable height of sticks. If the hands at the skier are strong, it can use and longer sticks, but their upper point should be not higher than the ear of the ear and no lower shoulder. For kids The length of the stick is selected by a similar scheme.

For the classic stroke, ski sticks are needed by 30 cm long lower than the growth of the riding, the same size of the sticks is needed for milling riding.

Table for selection of cross-country skiing length:

Hound ski sticks are selected from any materials: Crawlestics, aluminum and so on. Since the risks to break or bend a stick with such a skating are reduced, there is no need to focus on skier's skier. However, it is better to take aluminum ski sticks for incntulatures. If you are not a professional athlete, choose exclusively straight sticks, the curves will not affect the skier's performance.

Temory (hand strap) For such ski sticks can be made of both leather and from a synthetic strap, however, the skin is preferable: this material is softer and will not rub the hand with long-lasting skating.

Rings for sticks Must be large: cross-country skis involve riding in virgin and outside the tracks, which means that the large diameter of the rings is simply necessary that the stick does not leave deeper into the thickness of the snow. For rigid snow and a rolled track, rings with a diameter of up to 5 cm are suitable, up to 8 cm - rings for the snow of medium hardness, and the rings with a diameter of up to 12 cm are used for riding in virulent.

A pen For cross-country skiing, it also should not be smooth or slippery, and the optimal option will be a corrugated handle made of soft rubber with finger notes and a ledge below.

Top 5 best stick manufacturers

  • Head is an American company that has become famous for the whole world with its sports equipment (skiing and sticks). It is considered the first in the world by convenience and popularity.
  • Rossignol is a French company that is engaged in the production of skis, snowboards and equipment for winter sports. Ski sticks produces in the middle price category for men, women and children, mainly from aluminum alloy and carbon.
  • Atomic - Austrian sports equipment manufacturer in the price category "above average." Looks sticks with aluminum alloy stalls, carbon.
  • Fisher is a company whose skiing and sticks are often flashed at various competitions. Their SWIX division is another popular brand among athletes. So, using sticks
  • SWIX and Ski Fisher, Fiyon Maya became European Biathlon Champion in 2013.
  • Choose sticks, considering your growth - too long and too short sticks will only interfere. The second factor to pay attention is the style of riding. In the end, you need to focus on convenience - all recommendations are universal, which means that they are not always suitable for those or other people.
  • For beginners it is desirable to choose the easiest sticks, but avoid fragile carbon fiber and carbon - in the evening even the easiest sticks will seem to be tired newcomer incredibly heavy wear.
  • After riding a stick, it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth, and then wipe dry. But wash them under running water or try to dry from heat sources is not needed.

Production of Ski Sticks - Video

And now we suggest you see how high-quality ski sticks are manufactured.

And what sticks for skating do you use? Tell us about how you choose them! This information will be useful for those who are still learning to ride and choose their first skis sticks.

Ski length selection nuances for children and adults. Tables and recommendations.

Winter - amazing season. In addition to the beauty of shimmering from snow landscapes, we enjoy active rest in the fresh air.

Fortunately, lessons for a similar purpose are invented. One of them is skiing.

For distant from serious sports, there are sometimes a simple task of choosing a ski. However, this issue has a number of significant moments that are mandatory for attention. Especially for children's models.

Let us dwell on the nuances of the correct selection of skis and ski sticks in more detail.

How to choose skis and ski sticks for the growth and weight of the child and adult: Table

Types of skiing and scheme of their proper selection for men, women and children

Before you start the selection of a ski to a child or think about it - whether you can do regularly. Perhaps enough will stop at a single pleasure and take them on the rental where you plan to ride.

If this option is not for you and you want to introduce your child to winter types of useful entertainment, please note a number of parameters:

  • Type of terrain for riding. For hills, mountain models are needed, for plains - running or classic.
  • Weight of children. If it is above 40 kg, focus on the selection of skis, as for an adult,
  • Growth and age of the child.
  • Skills of skiing.
  • Rigidity skis. The "soft" models are ideal for the level of the novice athlete. What it is lower, the cheaper and easier to use the ski.
  • Material. Wooden skis do badly go to thaw, and plastic is very slippery and without enough anti-slip notches unacceptable for buying a child.

Ski sticks for baby preschool children are not needed at all, since the task of the latter is to learn how to stay skiing. If the child is older, take sticks in height reaching his armpits, maximum shoulders.

Be sure to consider:

  • the presence of belts on the handle for fixing hands
  • the absence of a sharp tip below so that the kid does not hurt during riding

When choosing ski and ski sticks for adults, consider the following points:

  • Ski length - depends on your growth. On average, it should exceed it by 20-25 cm.
  • Type of ski - depends on the terrain, conditions on it and your skills of riding. If you wish to enjoy the landscape in the light pace, your choice is a classic. And if you drive and master the maneuvers of sharp turns - only sports models.
  • Stick length. Again when selecting a landmark your height. Boldly buy sticks that are 25-30 cm below.

Below the table to assist in this matter:

Ski selection table for adults and children depending on weight and growth, example 1

Ski selection scheme for child and adult depending on weight and growth, example 2

Recommendations and Table Selection of Ski Sticks

Ski selection table and ski sticks depending on weight and growth, example 3

How to choose the right length of skis and cross-country ski sticks for children and adults?

The child rides on properly selected cross-country skiing
  • Age. The more young kid will develop snow spaces, the easier it is to ski. For example, if there are no skills yet, short soft skis will be suitable, they are also called "fitted". They do not develop a greater speed, but will help the child to push the skills of entering turns and developing the right position of the knees.
  • Weight. The reference point is 40 kg. If your crumble has not yet achieved it, choose children's models if I stepped up - adults.
  • Skills of skiing. The higher their level, the more differences in the choice. In general, skis are 3 species: for beginners, middle-level and for advanced athletes. This gradation is preserved for adult models.
  • Ski length. As a basis, take the table data from the previous section. The general rule - skiing in a vertical position should be chin or nasal for a novice skier, and tower over the head for 20 cm. The second option is acceptable from the mid-level. If the child rides perfectly, boldly stop your skiing exceeding its growth by 15-20 cm.

Ski sticks are needed from the age of a schoolchild. Before that, the baby pulls out his skill of skiing without them. For cross-country skis, the ideal length of sticks - to the shoulders.

Selection of cross-country skiing and ski sticks to them for adults and children, table

How to choose the right skis length and ski sticks for children and adults?

A group of adults ride at rovnotes on ski skiing

Those who perfectly mastered the technique of sliding on classical skiing, boldly can buy their skate. This applies to both adults and children.

As for the length of the ski ski, then take them centimeters by 10 more growth. And sticks, on the contrary, - shorter by 10-15 cm. In other words, the latter will slide a bit above the shoulders.

For clarity, add a table:

Selection of ski ski for children and adults in growth, table

How to choose the right length of skis and ski sticks of a classic stroke for children and adults?

Mom and kid skiing classic stroke without ski sticks on a ski resort

For classic skiing and kids, and adults will be more convenient if:

  • the length of the sticks is less than 25-30 cm and they rest on the skier in the armpit
  • ski length exceeds an increase of 20-30 cm

Below for orientation add a table:

Ski selection table and skiing sticks for skiing by classic stroke for adult and teenager

Ski selection table and ski sticks for riding with a classic course for adult and child

So, we considered the features of choosing skis and ski sticks for children and adults for a different level of experience and skills of skiing. And also added a number of tables for orientation in this issue.

If you are buying a kid or yourself for the first time, listen to the recommendations of the consultant in a specialized store. And remember that the purchase of skis and sticks to children is an opinion - a bad idea and just discarded money.

Enjoy your holiday and skiing!

Video: How to choose the right skiing a child?

With all the seemingly small value of sticks, they always existed in mountain skiing. At the very beginning of the history of the ski ski skiers, the skiers came down from the mountains with a Alpenshtok who served to control the balance and changes in the trajectory of the descent. Over time, the long pole transformed into two shorter ski sticks.

Sticks have its own functions and destination. They are needed to facilitate the execution of turns, saving and maintaining the balance during the descent. Ski sticks will help when moving on gentle plots or on maneuvering near the lift. When passing sports tracks, the sticks are used for starting overclocking, blocking the gates. They help to keep the balance and give extra confidence in difficult situations on the steep slope, the shoots, are indispensable for openrassum skating. With their help it is easier to dissemble the mounts, climb after falling, etc.

You can especially not worry about ski sticks and techniques of injections when you take sticks in the rental, but when buying your own sticks, the problem of choice. Let's try to figure out how to choose the right sticks for skiing.

Anatomy of ski stick

The ski stick consists of a handle to hold, tip to prick, rings so that the stick does not fall into soft snow, darkness and rod to merge everything into one. Although nothing fundamentally new in the design of the ski sticks does not expect, the development of design and technology in this area continues.

Sticks are available in different lengths, elasticity and strength, with various bends and different diameters of the rings.

First of all, you need to correctly choose sticks in length, it is the key to a safe driving and the right skiing technique.

Length of ski stick

The length of the stick is chosen by the growth of the skier and is usually a little less than 3/4 of their own growth. For children, the length of sticks lies in the range from 70 to 105 cm, for adults - from 110 cm to 145 cm, in a step of 5 cm.

Although the optimal length of the sticks depends also on the proportions of a particular person, from the ratio of the sizes of the body and legs, from the length of the hands.

How to choose the length of sticks in the store

For a more accurate selection of sticks, put on ski boots (or consider the height of their soles) and, standing on a flat rusting surface, turn the stick with the edge up. Stick must be rest in the floor, asking her a little forward.

Stand straight, knees slightly bent. If you take a stick with your hand under the ring (hand parallel to the floor), the angle between the shoulder and forearm should be about 90 °.

Safe ski technique allows the scatter - the length of the stick can be on three or five centimeters more or less selected value. Experienced skiers recommend to take sticks a little (5-7 centimeters) longer. Such an approach is explained by the fact that the stick during riding slightly slows down in the snow for several centimeters. Next, you can begin fitting sticks sticking them by 1-1.5 cm.

With the right length of the ski stick, the skier should not experience problems when making a stick forward for the injection, while feeling like a stick "clings" the slope and helps the body to move forward over skis. When choosing ski sticks for children, the scatter is allowed only in the most side if it is not planned to change sticks every season.

For a discount, ski tourism, ski mountaineering produce special telescopic sticks that can change the length. Telescopic sticks can also be used in some ski disciplines.

Shape of ski stick

After selecting the length, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the stick. The bending of the stick under the handle serves to advance the injection and to create an effective pitch support during steep turns on the descent. The advanced bend removes the voltage in the forearms, makes riding safer and minimizes the likelihood of injury brush. There is another option to ensure safely use of sticks: some manufacturers lay bending into the shape of the handle.

In high-speed ski disciplines, preference is given to the curved sticks. Straight sticks significantly increase air resistance. The curved form serves to remove the rings for the body and, as a result, reduces aerodynamic resistance. Some modern sticks bend immediately in two-three planes. In addition, special protection is installed in the slalom on the handle of the ski stick, which the slalomist knocks off the gate of the gate during the passage of the route.

Do not buy curved sticks if you do not engage in high speed. With arbitrary riding on the tracks, such nuances will be superfluous and will lead to discomfort when riding (and to unnecessary spending).

Anatomy of ski stick

Ring The ski stick prevents the falling stick deep into the snow. Rings have different diameter and selected depending on the type of slope. Big diameter rings are more suitable for skiing on skiing soft snow or virgin so that the sticks do not fall into loose snow. When riding prepared tracks, in the park or halfpipe, choose sticks with a small rings diameter, such rings will not interfere and cling to ski boots. Sports sticks have, as a rule, a cone instead of a ring (exception - sticks for special slalom). Some manufacturers are equipped with ski sticks with replaceable rings for various skiing conditions.

Tip Called the lower part of the stick, which contacts the slope. Typically, tips are made of stainless alloys of various hardness. Depending on the shape, they are cone-shaped, "gear crown" and reverse cone. Under normal conditions, the inverse cone tip is the most common and safe. For ice slope, it is preferable to choose a "gear crown". Considens are less common.

Kernel - The basis of the ski stick. Rods can be made of materials of varying degrees of strength. Most often various aluminum alloys, titanium-based alloys, carbon (carbon fiber), Fiberglass (fiberglass) are used. The most high-quality sticks are made of complex combinations of metal and composite plastics.

The strength of the rod is measured in conventional stiffness units. The higher the rigidity indicator, the higher the quality of aluminum and, accordingly, the strength of the ski stick. Sticks for amateurs have rigidity from 4 to 4.5 units. Expert ski sticks - 5-5.5 units. Sticks with the rigidity above six units use athletes.

Most ski sticks are made of aluminum of different strength. Carty sticks are more lung, but also more fragile and expensive. Athletes typically use aluminum sticks with the greatest strength of the material. Composite sticks athletes are not used due to their fragility and the small moment of inertia when blocking the vest. Some skiers prefer aluminum rigidity, while others like the ability of composite sticks to shrink the energy of the strike.

If you are still at the initial stage of riding, you can not really think about what and how sticks are made. It is enough that they were structurally strong and high-quality. In this case, the simplest straight aluminum sticks are suitable with a conventional handle and tip (sting).

Temory - Strap, attached to the stick stick. The strap is needed not to lose stick, if it slips out of the hand. Drugs have the function of adjustment along the length for fitting the loop at the fullness of the forearm. Teller adjustment should be such that the hand felt support from the bottom. This position allows you to get an additional support, which means more acceleration at the start. In addition, if you break your hand, the stick will hang on the hand in the safest position. Sports ski sticks are equipped with darkness with fit function, which increases the safety of the use of sticks on steep slopes and high speeds. So, as an alternative to Deli, Leki has developed a trigger system, which includes not only the handle and the ski stick strap, but also the skier's glove. The belt is constantly fastened on the glove through the clashes on the velcro and buttons. The system can trigger from pressing the wrapping cover. Provided and the ability to remove in automatic mode if the skier flies on an obstacle or sticks off the skier.

Handle You call the part of the stick for which it is kept when riding or walking on skis. Pens can be made from various artificial materials - plastic, rubber, plug, neoprene, polyurethane foam or ev. Each of the materials have their own level of clutch for a comfortable holding of a stick in various conditions, despite the sweat or precipitation. For the plug and neoprene it is convenient to stay even in wet state. Handles from porous materials remain "warm", which is very important in cold windy conditions.

The most optimal among experts are the handles from frost-resistant rubber, which do not slide in their hands and do not "duby" under negative temperature. Some manufacturers are laying an advanced bending in the shape. Other firms seek to make a handle as "grip", laying a leading bending into the shape of the rod. Protection Brushes can be installed on some handle models. Most sports ski sticks allow you to install plates for protection of brushes.

Remember that sticks are all the same consumables. Try, look for your perfect pair. In some cases, it is possible to wait for the sale at the end of the season and buy ski sticks with a discount. Please note, often ski sticks can be chosen in accordance with the design of specific skis, manufacturers think over the entire image completely.

Ski sticks are an important ski attribute, which is why their choice must be approached with the mind and knowledge of the case. For more comfortable riding, it is important to be able to choose type, material and shape, as well as select the correct height suitable for its own growth properly.

Much depends on the material. Production can use various metals and alloys, but there are the most common materials of ski sticks that are sold in sports stores most often. Material for each item is taken different, so you need to consider four positions.


Ancient - the base of the ski stick. The most important selection criteria in this case will be strength and weight. Ease and wear resistance depend directly on the composition, so each of the items should be disassembled separately.

1. Carbonppost

One of the best will be precisely this option. Products in which the carbonate and hard and hard, as well as durable and comfortable, are lighter. Do not spend cold, and therefore the skier's hands will remain warmer. The model market with such a characteristic is very expensive.

2. Aluminum

Golden middle - aluminum. And all due to the fact that in products, which contains aluminum, combine both low weight and reliability. Well spend cold, why hands can freeze faster and stronger. Also, a similar type of sticks is very hard, why the elasticity is worth the question: sticks are bent, but do not break. The flexing process itself brings the stick to wear every time, but it is not necessary to worry - the shelf life of these materials is very long. It is worth remembering that this option is not cheap and can fly to a penny.

3. Carbon

It is considered the easiest among most options. The market is rarely sold from pure material, third-party impurities are most often added, the price policy of the model directly depends on. Buy sticks with a similar composition most often.

4. Composite

Half-grade from the world of ski stick. The composition has both fiberglass and carbonate. Prices differ depending on the number of one of the characteristics: the high concentration of carboniposit makes the model more expensive. Flexible, but quite quickly fail.

5. Fiberglass

The best among the worst. It has a low cost, but is a bad choice for experts and professionals. Such products critically break down and most often do not withstand falls and strikes, which happens during ski sports quite often, especially during studies at beginners.


Handle is a holder or pen, usually adapted under the arm of the skier. Prices vary depending on the convenience of the handles, their adaptability to the palm and fingers.

The handle must lie in both hands foldable, convenient. The most popular and comfortable handles consist of rubber and traffic jams. The slots in the holder are also important, in them the fingers should not strongly slide both on bare arm and the palm in the glove.


The dwelling for ski stick is a special loop to keep the stick was more comfortable and easier. The cheapest models have a practically useless accessory, and in expensive - a whole auxiliary means (drone).

The dwelling in the form of a loop is common among those who do not put the distance of the palm and handles above all. A more complex dormant - drone, is used among those who need a strong girth.

From the softness of the dwelling depends on whether the hand will be uttered during riding. Do not forget about it, since it is an important criterion, especially if you ride without gloves and mittens.

The dwelling length should be such that the skier's hand lay on it, and not on the handle. It is best to choose a tempor with adjustable length.

Support ring

As well as "snow rings" and "legs" are below all speakers. An important criterion for the reference ring is its size. Newbies often use wide paws due to their stronger stability. Professionals in this case are suitable less size, since because of it, the snow ring does not interfere during riding.

But the size of the reference ring depends not only on the professionalism of the skier, but also from the snowstock itself: large legs are used on a loose snow. They produce snow rings both plastic and leather, wooden.

Tips for ski sticks

The tip is the sharp end of the stick. Some manufacturers produce products with replaceable tips, which later can be replaced by third-party. For beginners, most often select versions without the use of metal, thanks to which it is almost impossible to hurt. Experienced skiers prefer to use carbide and metal tips.

Types and varieties of ski sticks

About what kinds of cross-country skiing exist, read in. And now let's talk about the types of sticks.


First of all, perform the function of movement.

The support ring is small, skier-oriented with experience.

Form cone-shaped, narrowed to bottom. Manufacturers try to pay attention to the balance of the skier, so the sporting variation of the sticks has an easy end, which is why the load in the end moves to the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle.


Have one thickness around the perimeter, which reduces the fragility of the product.

Large diameter reference ring, designed for loose snow.


Initially, the balance sheet function is performed for exposure to equilibrium when lifting and descent on the mountain slopes.

Such products have a telescopic shape used for slopes of different steepness.

Running (plain)

Used for movement over a snowy plain, execute the repulsion function.

The view depends on the type of running.