How to draw a girl in an anime style dress. How to draw a girl in a fluffy dress How to draw outfits for girls

How to draw a girl in an anime style dress. How to draw a girl in a fluffy dress How to draw outfits for girls

We will draw a girl in a luxurious blue dress. Our lesson will consist of 9 step-by-step tips, with the help of which it will not be difficult to draw a girl in a ball gown dress.

So, let's start drawing:

Stage 1: First, we need to define the boundaries along which we will draw the dress and the girl. To do this, draw several auxiliary curves like this:

Stage 2. We proceed to drawing the girl herself. We begin to draw the outlines of her face, in the picture below we have increased the drawing area to facilitate our task. We draw the contours of the face with neat, smoothly curved lines.

Stage 3. Now we draw the face of our girl. Everything that needs to be drawn at this stage is highlighted in blue. We need to draw the expressive eyes of the girl, her small nose and lips.

Stage 4. Then we draw the hands of our princess, one of her hands is gracefully raised up, the other hand is lowered. We sketch the hands in the same way as they are shown in the picture below.

Stage 6. Now we draw a fluffy skirt of the dress, without going beyond the boundaries of the auxiliary frame, which is drawn in the figure below in red

Stage 7. Draw some small decorative elements on the skirt of our girl's dress as follows:

Stage 8. Something is clearly missing our girl ... Of course the hair Draw them as shown in the picture below. If it turns out not quite as in the picture, it's okay, you can draw the hair in your own way (longer or shorter)

Stage 9. The drawing of the girl in the ball gown is ready. We color our drawing in bright colors, and see what we got:

Similar drawing lessons:

Pencil drawing of a girl, parts of her body.

The human body is unique in itself and very beautiful, especially the female one. And this is not surprising, which is why many professional artists try to draw precisely female curves.

There are a huge number of methods for depicting the human body on paper. In our material, we will tell you how to correctly draw a girl with a pencil, her arms and legs in the simplest ways and in different poses.

How beautiful to draw the figure of a man, a girl in full-length clothes, step by step with a pencil for beginners and children?

In the first lesson, we will try with you to depict a girl in full-length clothes. To do the job without mistakes, you need to get acquainted with human anatomy, learn basic skills first. Drawing a female body is not easy. Oddly enough, many experienced artists do not always succeed.

Thanks to our lesson, you will study what the human body consists of and try to depict it on paper yourself using an ordinary pencil. You must have all the necessary tools:

  • Thick paper - 1 piece
  • A simple pencil - several pieces of different softness
  • Eraser

Drawing process:

  • Draw a simple sketch of a girl to begin with. She should not be standing straight with you, but be natural and relaxed.
  • Draw the head in the figure a little tilted, the right leg left to the side, so that the weight of the body is directed to the left leg.
  • Draw points for the bends of the joints.
  • As for the spine, it should be flexible, so you shouldn't draw it straight.
  • Then mark the feet of your model.
  • If you want to depict her on heels, then draw her on socks. Draw the head in the form of an oval, slightly pointed at the bottom.
  • Now with the help of smooth lines outline the silhouette of the model. Be aware also of the muscle mass under the skin.
  • Draw the muscles on the calves in the form of small ovals.
  • Place the largest muscles in the hips.
  • Draw one hand and hide the other behind the body.
  • Add rounded knees.
  • If you want the girl's figure to be more natural, sketch her skeleton schematically.
  • Mark the hair with a contour so that it falls freely over the left shoulder.
  • Remove any extra stripes carefully. If you were able to build the girl's body correctly, then it will look proportional. Draw the breasts on the girl's body.
  • Now dress up your beauty. Remember that you still need to "build" the face.
  • First, divide the face horizontally into two equal parts. The resulting line will be the tip of the nose.
  • Then divide the lower part into two equal parts again and mark the lower lip. Draw the entire face.
  • At the next stage, you can wear your model in any clothes, in our case it will be a summer T-shirt with a skirt and sandals. Draw thick strands of hair for the girl.
  • Now go into details and volumes. Plus add decor and embellishments to your clothes. Focus on a dark patterned T-shirt. Using light shading, mark the folds of the skirt, sketch more densely the shadow areas at the bottom and near the waist. Use a sharp, hard pencil to draw the pattern. Then draw the decoration.

Video: Girl: pencil drawing in stages

How to draw the body of a girl in clothes with a pencil?

We will draw the next girl with you with dumbbells and in a sports style. To draw it, perform the following manipulations:

  • Stand the model's skeleton and pose. At this stage, build all the proportions of the body correctly. First, draw the head in the form of an oval, then draw the guiding lines, the face with the ears.
  • After that, draw with straight lines the rest of the girl's body (neck, spine, arms with legs, hands and feet). Now use ordinary shapes to show the joints.

  • Remove the sketched lines so that they are only slightly noticeable and you can proceed to the image of the face. First comes the drawing of the nose, then the eyes and eyebrows.

Draw the eyes and nose.
  • Draw the outlines of the face, the shape of the lips and eyes. At the end, draw the strands of hair. If you still cannot draw certain parts of the face, then practice it in advance.

  • Once the face is ready, sketch out the T-shirt, hands with fingers, the model's pants, athletic shoes, and leggings. Draw shadows in the picture.

How to draw the hands of a girl in clothes with a pencil?

Very often, many people, especially children, draw parts of a person, for example, legs, in a simplified way. We want to teach you how to draw, taking into account the anatomical point of view. Take a simple pencil, eraser, album sheet and you can start learning.

  • Draw the wireframe lines of the human hands.
  • To get started, learn how to draw hands, starting from the elbow and ending with the fingers, or rather their tips. Draw a straight line. Mark a point at the top. Draw 5 segments from it.
  • From these segments, take 5 more segments, which connect at an angle. On this basis, you will paint with a brush.

Hand in pencil
  • Draw the elbow line along the main line, then the forearm line.
  • Draw the forearm from the elbow wide, then increase it further in width and draw a brush.
  • After that, draw the fingers: the little finger, then the ring finger, and so on.

  • And further. You need to depict skin irregularities, all depressions and bumps, as well as folds of the skin on your fingers and palms.
  • Erase the guide lines, leaving only the outline of the hand. Color your hand. To do this, use flesh tones. You can depict here light places and darker ones that are in the shade.
  • Now let's draw the girl's palm separately. Draw wireframe lines to start.
  • Select a point on the paper. From this point, draw 3 lines on opposite sides.
  • Draw a dot at the end of the 3rd line. From a point, draw the lines that you need to connect.
  • Outline the palm itself, use smooth lines. You should have your palm bent downward. Then draw the thumb.
  • Show the thick part, then the phalanges of the finger, plus the lines where the thumb meets the index. Draw the index finger, middle. Draw lines.

  • Draw the ring finger and little finger. In the picture, depict wrinkles in the skin, bumps, bulging places and unevenness of the palm.
  • Delete the auxiliary lines, leave only the most necessary ones. Color in the palm, shade some places.

  • You can now draw a hand, but now you have to hide it in your pocket. In the picture it will look like this.

Video: Draw a brush, hand

How to draw the legs of a girl in clothes with a pencil?

So, now we will try to tell you in detail how to draw a person's legs correctly. In fact, they are easy to draw, but this is only if the drawing itself is simple. If you want to depict legs in a beautiful and more real picture, then you will have to put in a little effort.

In order to learn how to draw legs correctly, you need to remember the main rule - legs are never straight... Think for yourself, they will not look natural, without any bends. The picture will turn out beautiful if you convey the shape of the legs, taking into account every detail.

Now let's move on to the first stage:

  • Start drawing the legs from the top, gradually going downward. It's easier and easier.
  • Now pay attention to the knees. They must be correctly depicted on paper. There is nothing complicated and special here. However, if you make at least one small mistake or draw something wrong, then the whole drawing will not be beautiful.

  • When drawing the legs, remember that the knees are considered the main connection point. If you do not draw this point correctly, you ruin the whole picture.
  • Try to draw the legs carefully, as there are subtle but important details.
  • The next stage is the drawing of muscle tissue. Think at once what muscles you want to draw the girl.
  • Then pay special attention to how to draw the curves of the legs correctly.
  • Do everything here very carefully, while paying attention to every detail.
  • And at the very end, draw the girl's feet, with them each toe and heel.

  • Highlight every moment of your feet to make them look natural.

Video: How to draw legs?

How easy is it to draw a man-girl in full-length clothes in the cells?

Not everyone can paint beautifully. And those who have no drawing ability at all can only dream about it. If you also cannot draw or you have difficulty doing it, then you can try to draw pictures in cells. Yes, exactly in the cells! Such drawings are practically in no way inferior to ordinary pencil paintings. They look pretty and natural enough.

By counting the required number of cells, and then painting them in one color or another, you will be able to depict on paper not only a portrait, but also a full-length girl. You only have to be patient and attentive.

If you want to paint large pictures, it is better to take graph paper for this. However, you can also use regular checkered sheets. Just glue them together to make one large sheet. You just have to find a special scheme and draw as the cells are indicated on it.

Video: Drawing for children: a girl in the cells

How to draw a man-girl in clothes sideways with a pencil?

We suggest you draw a girl in a 19th century outfit. Dresses that had a lot of ruffles, flounces, lace and satin ribbons were very fashionable at the time. Currently, such an outfit leaves no one indifferent, since you can look at it for a long time and admire the beauty of the dress itself.

  • Draw the outlines of the female figure and outfit on paper. Keep in mind that the correct proportion of a full-length figure should contain 8 heads.
  • Now mark the folds and flounces on the skirt. Then draw the upper part of the dress, the chic sleeves of the outfit, which should end with beautiful lanterns. Then draw a hat on the girl's head - in this case we will have a hat, and do not forget for the strands of hair. Then sketch out the outline of the face.
  • Yes, it is quite difficult to portray a 19th century outfit in a painting. The dress is usually decorated with ruffles, pleats, lace. All these elements you must properly point, that is, draw. Therefore, you need to be patient.
  • In order to add volume to the side, work well on each shadow. Decide where the light source will come from. Draw immediately the shadows that are obtained from the folds.
  • Draw the darkest spots under each fold and shuttlecock. Add some good light to the flounces, every fold should be visible on them.
  • The dress has no buttons, but there is a lot of lace. Therefore, make them texture so that they are clearly visible.
  • Take a soft, simple pencil. Give them the main lines, give the picture contrast and expressiveness.
  • Draw your girlfriend's face, headdress and hair well.
  • Draw the hands that hold the fan.

Video: Drawing a girl with a pencil

How to draw a man, a girl in clothes in motion with a pencil?

A human body in motion is not an easy job. But we will help you to avoid difficulties if you just follow our recommendations correctly.

  • Stock up on all the necessary drawing supplies. Use a pencil and invisible lines to outline the silhouette of the girl. Draw the head in the shape of an oval, then draw the line of the ridge, the outlines of the hips, legs and arms.
  • Mark the points where the joints will connect. Be sure to mark them so that you can see the places where the arms and legs are bent. Draw the head slightly raised, the chin slightly in front.
  • Your girlfriend should be standing at her fingertips with her entire body stretched out. Draw the toe of the second leg so that the leg is pulled back.
  • Draw carefully the figure of the girl, take into account every little thing and all the proportions, you can study the anatomical proportions of the human body in advance. Remember the main thing, the length of a human foot should be approximately equal to the middle of the thighs. Sketch the knees and leg muscles. Draw a ribbon curling as you move.
  • At this stage, delete the additional lines that you used in the construction. Draw the profile of the model and her hair.
  • Draw the clothes for the girl. Paint in shadows, highlight every detail so that they are clearly visible.

Drawing a person is the most difficult part of the visual activity of preschoolers in the older group. The child sees people everywhere, understands how beautifully and complex they are arranged and is afraid that he will not be able to convey this on paper. The task of the educator is to overcome these childhood fears, turning drawing a person into pleasant entertainment. Next, we will tell you how to properly prepare a synopsis and conduct a lesson in drawing a girl in an elegant dress.

The specifics of drawing a person in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

In each kindergarten group, preschoolers learn certain visual and technical skills. The main task of the teacher is to teach children to draw a person, based on their age capabilities and individual characteristics.

So, in the younger group, the kids do not yet draw a person as such, the teacher only brings them to this, offering round shapes with anthropomorphic features for the image (sun, bun, tumbler).

In the middle link, the process of preparing for the creation of a human image continues - the guys draw toys - a doll, a tumbler, a bear. These objects have the same body parts as a person, however, the correct transfer of proportions is not so important here. In addition, children draw a nesting doll or paint its silhouette - this kind of work exercises them in drawing facial features. The most difficult lesson on this topic in the middle group is the image of the Snow Maiden in a beautiful fur coat.

The pupils of the older group already have sufficient knowledge, they have a good command of the hand. Now a person is depicted in more detail, the main attention is paid to maintaining the proportions of body parts.

At first, it is advisable to teach children to draw according to the scheme. So, the head is indicated by a circle, the neck by a short vertical line. For the shoulders, draw a horizontal line that should be wider than the head. We denote the torso with a long vertical line, marking its waist line in the middle. At the end, draw the arms and legs.

In addition, a person is also drawn with ovals of different sizes and arcs (long and short, with different directions).

Another way is to draw with geometric shapes. The teacher explains to preschoolers that if you fold the quadrangles in a certain order, you can get an image of a person.

An easy way to draw a human figure

The teacher lays out the figures on a magnetic board, and the children on their desks. The finished composition can be outlined with a pencil and colored - you get a wonderful drawing.

In the older group, the teacher pays special attention to the portrait. Children should understand that a person has eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, lips, ears. In addition, many guys forget in the process of drawing that after the head comes the neck, and only then the shoulders.

When drawing a girl in a smart dress, the main principle is clarity. At first, preschoolers should carefully consider a child or a doll in beautiful clothes. The shape of the head, arms, legs, their location and size is being specified.

The teacher also pays attention to the proportions of the face: ideally, it should be oval and conditionally divided into three parts: forehead, eyes and nose, lips and chin.

To stimulate preschoolers to draw facial features, the teacher resorts to an interesting motivation - he offers to "revive" the girl.

The teacher shows on the blackboard how the eyes are drawn, notes that the distance between them should not be too great - equal to the length of one eye. It is emphasized that a person's nose has the same color as the face, therefore, it can be designated in the figure with a short dash or only the nostrils can be depicted.

To draw the lips correctly, the teacher invites the children to look at each other: the upper lip has two waves, and the lower one only.

Drawing ears and hair is usually straightforward for preschoolers.

As for the girl's dress, it is more convenient and easiest for children to depict it in the form of a cone (by the way, the Snow Maiden's fur coat is drawn in the same way). If a child wants to depict sleeves, then the teacher tells him possible ways: "flashlight", narrow or wide flared to the bottom.

To make the dress of a painted girl or doll look elegant, the teacher reminds preschoolers of various decoration options. To do this, you can use various Dymkovo toys with their picturesque multi-colored patterns. They are very laconic and expressive - it is easy for the guys to draw them. In this case, the drawings are always different.

In addition, children can paint an elegant dress of a girl with floral or berry motifs, geometric ornaments. Everything here depends only on the child's imagination. Additionally, you can decorate the outfit with ruffles, flounces, and the girl or doll herself can draw a beautiful bow in her hair.

Photo gallery: templates for drawing elegant dresses

Original drawing Completed individual details Decorated dress

To make the composition more interesting, you can additionally draw a handbag, as well as supplement the drawing with details: grass, flowers, sun.

Materials used and base

In the older group, preschoolers are already working with a wider range of materials: gouache and watercolors, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, charcoal pencil, sanguine.

Often the combination of different materials in one drawing adds expressiveness to the image. Since the image of a girl in an elegant dress implies a detailed drawing, then after painting the contour with pencils or paints, you can circle it with a black felt-tip pen or gel pen. You can also use these tools to more accurately paint facial features or small patterns on the dress.

The basis for drawing a girl in an elegant dress is a sheet of paper of the usual format. If it is supposed to work with paints, then the teacher or the children themselves, under his supervision, tint the base in pastel colors in advance.

For drawing on this topic, you can also use a template. Such work will not be too easy, since the child will need to independently designate the girl's face, draw all the features, as well as depict the details of the dress and decorate it.

Drawing techniques and techniques to use when drawing a girl in an elegant dress in the older group

Drawing such a complex object as a person, of course, requires a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided so that the finished drawing is not sloppy.

When coloring a pencil sketch, the pupil of the senior group works out the skills acquired earlier. If he works with colored pencils, then the movements should be unidirectional, ugly gaps should be avoided. When using paints, large parts are painted over with a pile, and small parts - with the tip of a brush. In addition, when drawing wide lines, the brush is drawn under slopes to the paper, when denoting thin lines - almost vertically.

When depicting a person, the ability of preschoolers to mix paints to obtain the desired color is especially relevant. So, for example, in the watercolor palette there is no ready-made shade to convey the color of the girl's skin or her blush: for this, the child must combine white and pink paint in a certain proportion (or white and a little brown - to get a dark skin tone).

Additional types of visual activities used, the relevance of an individual approach

The image of a girl in an elegant dress is largely associated with decorative painting. In this regard, it is appropriate to include additional types of visual activity in such work. So, to decorate a dress, you can use applicative and plasticine details (by the way, you can make beads-earrings for a drawn girl from plasticine), as well as attract waste material (confetti, cotton wool, foam balls, etc.). To decorate the dress with a beautiful bottom, the teacher can even offer the children a narrow lace braid.

You can even more connect your imagination and form the lower part of the dress from real yellow leaves - you get the so-called "Autumn Girl".

Girl's skirt is decorated with natural material - autumn leaves

All these interesting ways can be useful for implementing an individual approach to drawing lessons (they will be of interest to gifted children). Weaker pupils, for whom independent drawing of a person still presents difficulties, can be offered a template for a girl or a doll, on which the child will draw a face, arrange a hairstyle and figure out how to decorate a dress.

Specific composition options within a theme

Traditionally, drawing of a girl in an elegant dress is offered to pupils of the senior group in the first half of the year (October). Note that before that, in the middle group, the guys drew the Snow Maiden in a beautiful fur coat, and also practiced decorating a dress - these activities contributed to the preparation for drawing a person.

Note that this theme can be interpreted as drawing a doll in an elegant dress. At the same time, for clarity, the teacher must choose a doll with proportions and facial features close to the child's figure.

The toy with facial features and figure looks like a preschool girl

Note that drawing a doll can also be thematically designated as "My favorite doll".

Possible options for a motivating start to the lesson: considering a person, toys, conversation on questions, a fairy tale, a poem, etc.

Since drawing a person is a rather difficult task, the teacher must carry it out in a playful way so that the children are interested and fun.

As always, toys are used as motivation. For example, the doll Katya comes to visit the guys. Preschoolers examine it, name parts of the body, and then show them on themselves.

The doll is sad because she does not have a beautiful dress - the teacher dresses her up. Katya whispers in her ear that she is bored alone and wants to have girlfriends. Children happily agree to help - draw girlfriends for the doll - as beautiful as she is.

Another option for motivation is that the teacher first talks with the children about friendship, and then invites the children to draw a friend for themselves - a girl in an elegant dress.

On the eve of this lesson, it is good to offer preschoolers the didactic game "Dress up a doll", where a paper figure can be dressed up in a variety of dresses. In this way, children fix the structure of the human figure and the methods of cut and pattern of dresses.

Didactic game for preschoolers

Fairy motivation is always of interest. As an example, we can cite the modern fairy tale "How Masha bought a dress." Her heroine is the girl Masha, who was a great fashionista and loved to try on new clothes. Once Masha woke up and realized that she wanted to buy a new dress, as she was tired of the old ones. And then she went to the store. There were so many beautiful outfits that my eyes dashed. Masha drew attention to a pink dress in a cage - this was what her friend Katya had, all the boys fell in love with her because of this. Then she noticed a long blue dress - similar to that of Mama's Machine, in it she looked like an actress from a movie. Then Masha's eyes were riveted by a short black dress - the girl put it to her and became like a famous TV presenter. By the way, in my mother's magazine it was written that every woman should have a black dress. The saleswoman saw it all. She went up to the girl and handed her a wonderful green dress - it so fit Masha's hair and her green eyes. She bought it, and since then she no longer tried to be like someone, but dressed what suited her and liked.

This instructive tale teaches preschoolers to express their individuality, not to seek to imitate anyone. After getting acquainted with the work, the guys will be happy to draw its heroine Masha in a beautiful green dress (or in some other one at the request of the children).

N. Ryabova.

Doll Katya in a new dress,

I sewed it myself.

I pored over him for half a day,

Brought to mind.

Only in the evening it got horrible

From my mommy to me,

I spent on a dress

Lots of new sheets.

Before the productive activities of children, a physical minute is carried out, one way or another related to the topic of the lesson. For example, "Curious Barbarian":

Physical education "Dress"

Finger game "Doll"

Finger game "Friendship"

Abstract of a drawing lesson of a girl in an elegant dress for the older group

Name of the author Abstract title
Fetisova L.A. "Girl in a smart dress"

Educational tasks: to teach how to draw a girl's figure, to convey the shape of a dress and its parts, to correlate them in size, to position the image large, on the whole sheet, to practice painting techniques.
Developmental tasks: consolidate knowledge of clothing items, parts of the human body, develop the ability to compare your drawing with the depicted object.
Educational tasks: cultivate attentiveness, perseverance.
Integration of educational areas: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Handout: sheets of paper according to the number of children, watercolors, si-cans, brushes, brush stands, napkins, pencils.
Course of the lesson:
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks which of the girls came in a dress today. One of the girls is invited (Masha). The teacher pays attention to how beautiful she herself and her dress.
The shape, length and color of the dress, as well as the position of the child's head, arms and legs, are discussed. Attention is also paid to the girl's hairstyle.
The teacher informs the children that today they will draw Masha or some other girl - their friend. She must be in a smart dress. It is discussed what pattern can be used to decorate the dress (polka dots, a flower, or just a bright beautiful color).
On the board, the teacher schematically shows the sequence of the image: first, the growth of the girl is outlined, then an oval is drawn - the head, two triangles - the torso and the skirt. The arms and legs are marked with different sized sausages, and the feet are marked with triangles. The teacher reminds the children that there is a neck between the head and the body.
The next step is to round off all sharp corners. Then the features of the girl's face are drawn. After that, you need to come up with a hairstyle for her.
Independent activity of preschoolers.
Analysis of children's work. The guys tell what kind of girl they portrayed, who she is to them.

Ryzhova E. "My favorite doll"
The teacher collects children on the carpet and recites a poem about parts of the human body, at the same time the children show them on themselves:
  • There are nails on our fingers
    On the hands - wrists, elbows.
    Crown, neck, shoulders, chest
    And don't forget your tummy.
    Hips, heels, two feet,
    Shin and ankle.
    There are knees and a back
    But she's only one.
    On our heads
    Two ears and two lobes
    Eyebrows, cheekbones, and whiskey
    And the eyes that are so close
    Cheeks, nose and two nostrils,
    Lips, teeth - look!
    The chin is under the lip.
    That's what you and I know!
    To find out what they will draw today, preschoolers must solve a riddle:
    She looks like an actress
    In a beautiful silver dress,
    I'll tell her a story -
    She will close her eyes
    Let's play - we'll sleep
    I'll put her to bed.
    What a cute toy:
    Daughter in the morning, girlfriend in the afternoon?

Surprise moment - the doll Tanya appears. The guys carefully examine her, point out the parts of the body. The teacher dresses Tanya in a beautiful dress and at the same time notices that she is sad: the doll is bored alone, she really wants to have girlfriends, in the same beautiful dresses. Of course, the guys agree to help her with this.
The teacher invites preschoolers to draw a doll using geometric shapes.
Physical training is carried out:

  • We are tired, we stayed too long
    We wanted to warm up.
    Then they looked at the wall,
    Then they looked out the window.
    Right, left turn,
    And then vice versa.
    We start squats,
    Bend the legs to the end.
    Up and down, up and down
    Do not rush to squat!
    And sat down for the last time
    And now they sat down in place.

Independent work of children.
Analysis of works. The guys, if they wish, talk about their dolls and come up with names for them.

Site "Study materials" "Your favorite doll in kindergarten"
The teacher informs the children that they have a new toy in their group. And to find out what it is, you need to guess the riddle:
  • What does all this mean?
    Daughter, not crying;
    You will lay down to sleep -
    Will sleep
    Day, and two, and even five.

A new doll is on display. Children come up with a name for her, call her affectionately.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that the doll is smartly dressed - in a fluffy pink dress. She is wearing pretty shoes, and her hair is neatly gathered in ponytails. It discusses what can be done with a new toy: play with it, draw it, sculpt it out of plasticine.
The teacher tells the children that one composer - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - composed music about a doll. Children listen to the play "New Doll" from the composer's children's album. Then the teacher asks what the preschoolers imagined during the audition.
The teacher invites children to draw their favorite doll using pencils and felt-tip pens.
A physical training session "Curious Barbarian" is being held.
Independent productive activity. At the end of the lesson, the children talk about their dolls.

Drawings of pupils with comments on the performance of the work

The drawing "Girl in a princess outfit" looks bright and catchy. Probably, any girl would like to come in such a dress to a matinee in kindergarten. The outfit is made attractive by a combination of geometric and abstract patterns, the upper part of the outfit is drawn with felt-tip pens, and everything else with colored pencils. A chunky blue bow accents the waist. The young artist did not forget about the details: he depicted a miniature crown on the girl's blond hair, earrings, necklaces and rings. It can be seen that the author of the drawing is a girl.

Another wonderful work - "Girl in a smart dress". The tones here are softer and more restrained. Note the girl's beautiful hairstyle, a handbag in her hands and flounces along the bottom of the dress.

A smart dress does not necessarily imply intricate patterns. It can simply have a bright and unusual color, which we observe in the composition "Girl in a lilac dress".

Very interesting fantasy work - "Angel Girl": the girl in the picture, dressed in modern clothes (short skirt and top), has wings behind her back and a halo above her head.

Noteworthy are the compositions on the theme of the doll. At the photo exhibition "My Favorite Doll" children drew their favorite toys. All dolls are dressed in fancy dresses decorated with various patterns. Let's also note the different hairstyles. At the photo exhibition "Chuvash doll", the dresses of the dolls are decorated with an ethnic pattern, there is also the national Chuvash footwear and headdresses. All dolls have a long braid and a smile adorns their face.

How to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil step by step Step one. Now we need to shape the face. To do this, use a circle and draw the chin line. It's best to use the right side line (to your right, not the girl's). You need to start from the circle, smoothly moving down and make an indent for the jaw. We also draw cross-shaped guide lines. Use these lines to draw eyes, nose, smile. The eyes should be placed on a vertical line. How to draw a smile, and how to draw a nose correctly with a pencil, we know from past lessons. Create circles for the irises. Draw the corners of your smile from the bottom of the front of the head, connect them with lines. Make a small "bump" in your mouth, which will later become your tongue. Draw a small curve under the bottom line to show the bottom lip. Now let's move on to how to draw hair with a pencil. Draw a line for the hair around the oval of the head. In the upper part of it we will draw a bang and the shape of her hair near it. There should be a slight bend over the tip of the bangs and bulge out to show the other side of the bangs, which is out of sight. Now you can remove the head line that the hair is covering and the guide lines. They are no longer needed. You don't have to draw the neckline as we will hide it. We complement the hairstyle with falling curls of hair, you can add a brooch or hairpin, or any other elements (for example, bunny ears). Let's move on to the main question, how to draw a dress with a pencil. We will start drawing the dress from the circles that we made in order to depict the shoulders. After they finish, draw the puffs of the sleeves, because cute anime girls always wear just such dresses. The line of the dress should start above the ends of the sleeves. When we get to the waist, check out the lesson about the ballerina, she has a cool waist! Before moving on we must finish the entire upper body. Draw at the bottom of the hair that hides behind the sleeves. Draw two cuffs - small, curved rectangles at the bottom of the sleeve. Based on the location of the head and hair, draw a visible neck line. Also, do not forget about the neckline. Do not draw it big, children do not wear them. To simplify our task we will draw our hands hidden behind our backs. This will give the girl's drawing innocence and she will look like an angel only without wings. Before we get started on the bottom of the dress, there are a few things you need to know about how the pleats are depicted. They must not disconnect, the line must be continuous. Before we finish with the bottom of the garment, we need to place the legs and feet. follow the construction line you drew. If you're having trouble, try thinking about dolls like their legs. Now you can draw the back of the dress accordingly. This gives your dress depth and shows that it is not just a flat design, but something more voluminous. You can finish off the drawing by adding rounded shapes close to a rectangle to show the line of the shoes, eyebrows, and even a swirl on the head. Sorry, but in this case I have no drawings. Now you can proudly say that you know how to draw a girl in a dress! Thank you for your attention, wait for the next lessons and post your feedback, pictures in the comments.

Drawing a human figure is one of the main branches of the visual arts. Already creating the first drawings, any kid tries to portray a person, for example, his mother, his dad, brother or grandmother. Of course, children do not immediately succeed in portraying people. As a rule, the first human drawings made by kids are primitive, schematic and monotonous. Experts explain this by the fact that young children have not yet accumulated a sufficient number of life observations of the movements and proportions of the human figure.
In general, a person is the most difficult object to draw. Therefore, you should not expect from a child that he will immediately draw a masterpiece. Parents should help the kid, and then he will probably get carried away with drawing and learn to more or less realistically depict a human figure.
So, to draw a person you will need:
1). Colour pencils;
2). Gel pen (black is better);
3). Pencil;
5). Eraser;
6). Paper that has a reasonably smooth surface.

If everything is ready, you can get to work:
1. First draw a small oval;
2. Draw a straight line to the oval;
3. Just below the head, draw a bell representing a dress;
4. Under the bell, sketch out both legs;
5. Draw hands with thin lines;
6. Draw the hands;
7. Draw a handkerchief on the girl's head;
8. Draw the bangs. Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth;
9. Draw the girl's outfit in more detail, and also depict the flowers that she collects;
10. Circle all the contours with a pen;