Icon of the Virgin Seven Stracean meaning in what. Prayer of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts

Icon of the Virgin Seven Stracean meaning in what. Prayer of the Mother of God
Icon of the Virgin Seven Stracean meaning in what. Prayer of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts

The Mother of God is one of the key figures of Orthodox faith. It is considered a common spiritual mother of all Christians, the intercessory of each praying for help. There are different images of the Virgin. They are created to pay for a different nature. Therefore, it is so important to know the meaning of the icon, which turns out to be in your home.

Seven-weeks eat almost every believer. It depicts God's Mother, whose chest is directed 7 swords. Most often - three on the left side and four - right. There is a similar icon called "Softening Evil Hearts". On it, six arrows are depicted on the left and right, another one - below. Symbolism, the value of shrines is almost identical. They are even celebrated in the same days.

Before the seven-story icon of the Mother of God, they pray for help in getting rid of sinful feelings, reconciliation with enemies, protection against ill-wishers and fraudsters, help in complex life situations. Also in front of the way they utter plea for the defenders of the Motherland.

Symbolism icons

God works in mysterious ways. No one knows what tests the next moment of life is preparing for us. Some difficulties seem insurmountable, laid in the heart of doubt over their own, and sometimes even about faith in the Most High. At such moments it is very important to pray and ask for you to help not get away from the true spiritual path.

For his life, the Virgin Many tests took place. She, like any mother, was brightly experienced all the persecution, the whole pain of her son. She knew anger, and fear, and despair. It can be said that she, together with the Savior, hid the sins of all mankind withdrawal.

Symbolism icons of seministral multifaceted. The image can be extended at least three ways.

"And the soul itself will go to the weapons itself, - and many hearts will open." - a place in the gospel associated with the betrayal of Christ Juda and his crucifixion. The phrase "will open the thoughts of many hearts" it is extinct literally - it will be known who is a traitor, and who is faithful who loves who does not hate themselves, their own intimate thoughts will be understood. Therefore, they say that seven-weeks can help see in any person his sins, evil thoughts. Seven swords in this case - like seven sinful passions: envy, despair, adultery, anger, curd, pride, greed. One of the meanings of the icon is the message of the Mother of God to humanity, the sign that she is next to us.

The image of arrows (swords) is also extinguished literally. This weapon, from which Virgo Maria protects us. Therefore, many hang a seven-week icon opposite the entrance doors - to protect the dwelling from criminals, soften their hearts at the entrance to the house. Many pray in front of a seven-year image about protecting warriors on the battlefield.

Finally, swords are a symbol of suffering. The fact that their seven is not accidental. This number for the Orthodox faith means completeness, wealth. The value of a seven-week icon is a reminder of the difficulties through which the Mother of God had to go with humility, love and compassion.

The value of the shrine for a believer

For the believer, the shrine is a symbol of suffering for the humanity of human, compassion for near and readiness to give everything that is for their faith. Pierced by Archers of the Virgin - a symbol of humility, love, mercy and patience. It recalls the fact that a real Christian should be guided in life, about making complex decisions.

"Mitigating evil hearts" will pray when sinful thoughts arise, the desire to take revenge on ill-wishers. This icon reminds us how many misfortunes had to survive the Mother of God - her son drove, beat, did not take and eventually killed. But she accepted all this with humility and faith in God, the understanding of the fact that everything that has allowed the Almighty is necessary. So the Christian must pacify his anger towards others.

Not only the humility of the soul will help the seven-weeks Virgin Mary. The holy face depicted on the icon is able to soften the hearts of those who are illegally pierced into your home envy you or trying to do evil.

Your prayers of this icon of the Mother of God should be paid in the following cases:

  • When a quarrel happens in the family, misunderstanding between spouses. The Mother of God will help preserve the family hearth, find love and confidence in the soul and confidence in the near person who are the basis of harmony and mutual understanding.
  • With a quarrel with the surrounding people, you should ask the Virgin about help to cope with anger, hatred. You can also ask her that she revealed love, tolerance and humility in those who are negatively configured.
  • With serious injuries. The wonderful gain of this icon occurred several hundred years ago on the territory of the modern Vologda region. The Holy Lick appeared in a dream chrome and forever to a person and ordered to find an icon in the local chapel. After completing this assignment, he was cured from his chromotype.

Where to place an image?

Many do not know where to hang a seven-weeks. This is an important icon, but the order of its placement in the dwelling is not different from the canons adopted for other images. Shrine should stand apart - away from household appliances, photographs, secular literature, etc. Usually, the angle in the eastern part of the room is distinguished.

When placing images on home iconostasis, a hierarchy should be followed:

  • Lady Mother is one of the most revered figures. It is put in the center, on the right side of the icon of Christ the Savior.
  • The remaining images are located below or on the same level with the specified shrines.
  • Above the Virgin Mary and Savior, you can install only the images of the Holy Trinity or Crucifixion.
  • Well, if the iconostasis is decorated with alive colors embroidered with a cloth.
  • It is allowed to hang icons on the wall, but it is better to build shelves under them.

Often, seven-stalls hang over the entrance door or opposite it. It is believed that so it will save from intruders, envious, everyone who comes into a dwelling with bad thoughts.

Two most famous miracles of seven-weeks

The first famous miracle seven-storm committed in its acquisition. She cured chrome from his illness, after he found an icon in the temple. The image has long layered there, serving one of the steps leading to the bell tower. No one knew about his existence, as it was covered with dust and mud.

The second great miracle occurred at the beginning of the XIX century. The plague epidemic began in the Vologda region. Priests organized a congestion in local cities so that everyone could pray an icon about salvation. Upon completion of the procession, the plague retreated. To this day, seven-weeks pray for the cure of heavy diseases that modern medicine cannot cope with.

One of the most revered and strong icons is the icon of the Mother of God, the Mother of the Mother of the Mother, which should be in every Orthodox family to protect against troubles and misfortunes. It is associated with a lot of miracles. According to legend, the history of its acquisition is also associated with a miracle.

History icons

One peasant discovered the primestream icon on the church bell tower under Vologda, where she lay down the face down, and everyone took her for the board and went through it. Before that, he had a vision in a dream that he will cure from his numerous twigs thanks to prayer before this icon. So everything happened.

All his miraculous power, the seven-week icon of God's Mother of God shifted in 1830, when the cholera epidemic broke out on the Vologda region. The lists of the miraculous icon quickly divided into temples and more than once were examples of how the prayer in front of it helps sincerely believers.

The value of a seven-styled icon

The image on the Icon of the Virgin "Seven Straightened" is very similar to the icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts", the importance of them is also similar and is based on the Gospel Legend of the Presentation of the Lord, which happened on the 40th day after the Nativity of Christ.

When the Most Holy Maiden Maria brought the Biggrowets to the Jerusalem Temple, Simeon Gogopria was met there, who was predicted that he would not die until the Messiah sees. Simeon was already over 300 years old, and according to his revelation of God, he was predicted to God, what kind of fate it is waiting for her son, and she is that the soul will be held by the very weapon itself, and many hearts will be discovered. " Therefore, the icon of "softening evil hearts" is also called "Simeonovo to cut" (prophecy).

According to one version, seven arrows (swords), drove into the body of Our Lady, symbolize her flour during the crucifixion of Jesus; According to another version, seven sinful passions who break through the human souls.

This is the importance of the Icons Seven Straightened : She shows how deeply the Mother of God is experiencing for the human genus, how much our sins hurt her soul.

But it is also important: the icon "Seven-Stracean Virgin" means that the Queen of the Heavenly Wonder all that is going on in the human heart, all his bright and sinful thoughts.

Description icons

According to the image it becomes clear why icon is called seven-styled. In the belt image, the Mother of God are visible seven arrows (or swords), stunned into her breasts. Sometimes they are depicted three on each side and one directed directly to the heart; Sometimes - three and four, respectively, on both sides. The hands of Our Lady are folded in a prayer gesture, it is not physical, and spiritual pain and sorrow with the form of suffering, which is experiencing her son, and people mosted in sin.

What helps the seven-minute icon of God's Mother

The Mother of God deeply twists the soul of human, knows all her hidden sinful passions, so the Mother of God is praying before the seven-week icon, it is necessary with full sincerity, which is not only your requests, but also a praying for forgiveness.

That is what the seven-weeks of the Mother of God's Mother's Prayer icon is helped:

  • gives the soul to pacification, and the body is healing from diseases;
  • protects from hostility with others, whether relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc.;
  • uming cruel, angiveness, malice and irritation;
  • helps in mitigating hearts of enemies and ill-wishers;
  • helps reconciliation of harmful spouses, relatives, friends.

Where to hang a seven-week icon in the apartment

A place where a seven-stracean icon should hang in the house, can be both above the front door, and in front of her. It is believed that this will protect the dwelling from negative energy, conspiracies and the penetration of evil.

But another option is possible: this icon, together with others, can be placed in the home iconostasis, as a role of which is used separate shelves, a table or a bedside table either hang icons on the walls in the corner. They put candles or a lamp, which is lit during prayer and on Sundays.

Remember that in such a home iconostasa you can not put photos of relatives, even children who are deeply worried about. It should not be close to icons and other secular items: paintings, posters, posters, decor items so that they do not distract anything from prayer.

Prayer icon

On the long-term mother of God, the destruction of all the dskeck of the Earth, on the purity of its own and for many sufferings, to the lands transferred to the land, and we will also save us under the telescope. Inago Bo-refuge and warm-up is not the veams, but, I can't be born of a born, pumping and save with my prayers, and it is inconspicuous to achieve the kingdom of heaven, the idea with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity of the One God, now and dream and forever and ever. Amen.

More than six hundred years ago in the John-theological Church, located on the banks of the Trochni River, near Vologda, was written by the "seven-week" icon, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate for the Russian people.

It is believed that the "seven-week" the Mother of God must be in the house of every believer of Christian. It is also known that this image is honored and Catholics.

As a "seven-week" icon gained fame

Somehow, in a dream, the Kadnikovsky peasant of the Kadnikovsky county, who suffered a chromota, heard a voice calling for him to go to the theological church, to go to her bell tower, to find the icon of the Blessed Virgin and convey to her servants of the Church.

So it remained in the unknown "Seven-Stracean" icon. The meanings of the chrome peasant did not attach nobody. Only for the third time the church believers responded to an unusual request and allowed the peasant to climb the bell tower. Icons were not. The peasant, having filled the eyes, has already begun to descend down the stairs, but because of his chromoty, he stumbled about one of the steps, and so much that she turned over, and everyone saw the face of the Most Holy Mother of God imprinted on it. The icon was washed, placed in the church and held a prayer service in front of it. Home The peasant returned, forgotten about his chromotype - he was healed from an old illness!

The second sign of the miraculous icon of "seminist"

By the will of the case, many Christian shrines from theological church were transferred to Vologda. Together with them was moved and the icon of the "Virgin Sexy". The value of the icon in the healing of the chrome peasant at that time was already forgotten. Yes, and not before that - the epidemic of cholera was raging around.

The disaster was horrified on residents of the city, and someone proposed to ask for intercession among the Most Holy Mother of God. The miraculous icon came around the city. After the procession completed the march, another miracle was accomplished - Mor began to merry and stopped at all.

"Seven-Stracean" icon. Value. Photo

Before the miraculous shrine, Christians began to pray for a healing of healing from cholera, chromotypes and all sorts of attack. Pilgrimniks stretched to Vologda, in the hope that the image would help them, they realized what the icon "seven-styled" meaning.

Prayer Tropar, Glas 4 "On Softening Evil Hearts" is read before the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary in many difficult situations. She will save from someone else's hatred and its own irritation; Helps to establish family relationships between spouses; Contributes to the establishment of contacts between parents and children.

The prayer "about softening evil hearts" is also read when an enmity covers not only a family, but also society. Protect from attacking enemies, wars and rebellies can also "seven-styled" icon. The meaning of this image of the Mother of God with arrows is to protect all believers from the hard-hearth and to send the world to our hearts.

Evangelical narration that has formed the basis of creating an icon

Icon "Seven Stracean" is a mapping of the gospel story about visiting God's mother and Joseph of the hub of the Jerusalem temple on the 40th day after the birth of the infant Jesus Christ. In the temple there was a righteous old man Simeon Bogopimets, to whom the Holy Spirit sent a vision of recognition in the Godhead of the long-awaited Savior. Saint Simeon foresaw the grief, which is to survive the Mother of God during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and said allegorical words: "Weapons will be soul to you yourself," the groves symbolizing the completeness that will be transferred to the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

Why the Most Holy Mother of God is depicted with the seven arrows

The number 7 is particularly revered in the Holy Scriptures. In this case, it symbolizes the completeness of the grief of the Most Holy Mother of God, learning about the crucifixion of the Son of Jesus Christ. To convey it again to the consciousness of believers, the Virgin Mary is depicted with the seven arrows.

The icon paints have a different arrows, or swords, in the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are images of the Mother of God, where she keeps three arrows in each hand, and one more is directed down. These are the icons of "softening evil hearts" and "Simeonovo Growing".

If in the hands of God's mothers, four arrows are depicted on one and three on the other hand, it is a "seven-week" icon.

The value of arrows is seven major human defects. The Queen of Heavenly sees them in the human heart, and they pierce her soul as well as during the vision of demons who are joining the crucible son of God.

The Russian Orthodox Church considers the icons of "Simeonovo to cut", "softening evil hearts" and "seven-styled" varieties of one image and unites their celebrations. He falls on the ninth after Easter and the first after the Trinity of Sunday.

The meaning of the icon "Sex Stracean" in the life of a modern man

Who helps "seven-styled icon"? Its value remains no less relevant today. Believers pray before her face asking for the Most Holy Theotokos to protect against the attack and soften the enemy hearts towards themselves and their children. In the current difficult time, when a person got used to a cruel eye and in fuss ceases to notice him, the prayer pronounced in front of the Mother of God with arrows in the chest, helps to gain peace of mind and heal the soul from pain for their relatives and loved ones, hesitates hope for their sincere and Basic health.

Many believers refer to the face of the "seven-weeks" icons in the hope of preventing bloodshed and wars on our planet.

Unfortunately, after 1917, the miraculous image of the "seven-stroke" icon from the John-theological Church disappeared without a trace. From 1930 to 2001, the church was closed for parishioners. Now the John theological parish gained a second life, but the icons that glorified him in the history of Christianity, there is no.

You can pray in front of similar relics in the temple of Mikhail Archangel in Moscow, where a similar icon "Sexy", in the temple of the icon "softening evil hearts" of the Mother of God with. Bachulino, Moscow region and in the temple in the name of the Holy Righteous Lazarus in Vologda.

All the icons listed above belong to one iconographic type and are endowed with equal strength in prayer practice.

They occupy a special place not only in churches and temples, but also in the house of ordinary people. The image of a seven-weeks of the Virgin for many centuries is one of the strongest images. There is an opinion that if you hang it in the house, it will save home from the misfortune and trouble. Each believer is obliged to know what when and whom the face helps.

Description of the miraculous image

On the icon depicts the Virgin. Her head is slightly tilted to the right, and near the heart in the form of a circle is located seven swords piercing the heart of the Mother of God. As a rule, three of them are on the right, and four on the left. It is clearly visible in the photo.

There is an image slightly in another location, where the seventh sword pierces the heart from below, and the remaining six - on both sides. This LIC of the Mother of God is also true.

The number "Seven" for Christians means an excess and completenessAnd in this case, they transmit bitterness and endless maternal pain. In some cases, the value is interpreted as seven human sinful passionswhich icon is able to read in evil hearts. Virgo Maria asks to eradicate sinful thoughts and is ready to ask the Son to help people.

In the ancient Scriptures there is no information about the date of origin of the image. According to some, the age of the icons is 5 centuries, while others believe that much more. Story says that at first the image of the saint was found in 1830 on a regular wooden board.

Miracles "Seven Stracery" icons

According to legends, the image was written from the words of Simeon, uttered them on a fortieth day after the Nativity of Christ in the temple of Jerusalem. For a long time, the face was hidden from worldly views on the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Bogoslov. The icon had so that it was impossible to find it without a detailed search.

For the first time, the face was a sick peasant, who suffered from River. He went to the monastery, however, he was not allowed to the bell tower. Only for the third time they were mad at him, and the man immediately found the holy image of the Mother of God. After that, the icon was washed and in front of it on the same day did the service. Bolded healing. This was the first miracle committed by the "seven-week" icon.

The wonderfulness continued until the end of the face after the revolution in 1917. Special fame fell about him in 1830 during the cholera epidemic.

Icon "Seven Straightened": value what helps

Everyone who faced troubles and sorcesses, tears and heart torments, resort to the help of the Virgin. It is this icon that softens the evil hearts and takes enemy relations between their native people. It is believed that after bringing sincere prayer in front, a person feels joy and peace, as well as liberation from evil thoughts.

Before this face in the temple, people ask for help and intercession in everyday needs. Most of the Orthodox have this image in the house, since the Mother of God is considered to be a steadfast and defender of all Christianity. Those who hang an icon in the house may not be afraid of cunning, attacks of evil forces and people. She saves the inhabitants from bad and returns evil.

Often the "seven-week" icon is located in the office on the wall or desktop. Usually, these are small images that are opposite the entrance to the Cabinet. Often during wars, the miraculous image defended soldiers from dangerous situations and armed conflict.

When people are experiencing on other angry, they should be approached to the face and read prayer. Only one gaze on swords is enough for the heart to soften, the mind cleared and the person felt calm and relief.

Who helps the "seven-week" icon?

  1. Those who participate in battles. The image protects against the touches of the weapon.
  2. People who have envious and enemies, face softens hearts.
  3. Patients with people needing soon recovery. Prayer is pronounced from cholera and chromoty.

How to read prayers

A person can pronounce in his own words, and priests claim that it helps the same as the church option.

Prayer is always guided by the Mother of God with the whole soul with the most sincere thoughts. The petition for help will be heard and it will come soon. Prayer about the healing of the patient, about the occurrence of a white strip in life, about the resolution of quarrels and conflicts - this is what the image can help.

When honored the holy image

Since all the icons ("Simeonovo Growing", "Sexy", "softening evil hearts") differ, they still belong to a single iconographic type. For this reason, many centuries ago decided to combine the days of the celebration of images.

In liturgical practice, the days of the celebration are carried out:

  • August 13/26;
  • on the ninth Sunday after Easter (week of all saints);
  • on the first Sunday after the Day of the Holy Trinity.

In which temple you can find the shrine?

In the Moscow region there are two mymoid icons of the Virgin Mary "Seven Stracean":

  • in the temple of Archangel Mikhail (Moscow);
  • in the village of Bachulino.

The history of the second shrine is incredibly interesting. This image is printed, and made it on request Margarita Sparrow. However, later the owner noted that the face began to make peace. Then she handed it to church, recognizing the image of the miraculous. Now the icon is often taken by the temples of the country and abroad.

Another shrine is located in the Church of the Holy Lazarus of the Righteous in Vologda. She takes one of the main places in the temple, and is icon there since 1945. Previously, she was miraculously appeared in the church of John the Bogoslov. Nowadays, twice a year hold pilgrimages here.

The list of images is located in the Venetian chapel. In Italy, he fell after the events of the Second World War. Not far from Belogoria in 1942 there was a battle of the Italian troops against the German coalition. In one of the houses destroyed by a bomb, soldiers from Italy found a fellow icon. She was transferred to the priest polycarpo. Residents of Belogorye say that earlier the LIC was considered the property of the male monastery. Italians gave the icon a new name Madonna Del Don. A year later, the Italians were broken, and the priest managed to hide in Mestre. There was a chapel in honor of the miraculous shrine.

Another of the lists is in the Kaluga province (the city of Site). In the description, this icon was called "Simeon's tender". It differs from the "softening of evil hearts" and "seven-stram" by the fact that the Mother of God is covered with the swords with one hand, and in the second he holds the baby.

Where is the icon in the house?

Before placing an image in the house, a believer is asked by the question, where and how best to do it?

The most suitable place for shrine is a special equipped corner - there are also the remaining icons that have a special meaning for family. There are no clear requirements about this, however, some recommendations should follow:

  • to attract positive energy to the face better place in the eastern part of the house;
  • you can hang out the image opposite the entrance, protecting the house from evil, negative energy and unclean;
  • the icon is hanging right above the entrance door;
  • do not put next to the shrine of the charms, talismans and other items that are not related to Christianity;
  • on the recommendation of the clergy, it is worth complementing the icon of the Rushnik;
  • the place near the icon should always be kept clean, and therefore it is regularly cleaned;
  • it is undesirable to set other images and household appliances, photos of family members or relatives.

Icon of the Virgin Seven Stracery

Where to buy a "seven-week" icon?

The image of the Mother of God "Seven Straightened" is popular worldwide. Insofar as there are no restrictions on it., everyone who wants to acquire the icon.

Of course, it is better to buy a shrine in the church, since in holy place there will be no fraud and deception. Another place where the image is sold is a church shop. Here you can find all ranging from candles, ending with icons and books with prayers.

Despite the fact that most merchants claim that the image is consecrated, you should not be lazy - take the face to the church to give.

People possessing creative abilities often create icons on their own - embroidered with a cross and beads or draw.

True believers of Christians who live in the commandments of God are not because of the fear of the karas of heaven, but at the behest of the heart, very little. People who comply with posts confessing and communizing, too few. Not everyone find time to visit the temple and pray.

But even those who have forgotten the way to the church, rushing in the routine of everyday affairs, at home for sure there are several icons. Each Orthodox wants to believe that the saints depicted on them will help protect close people from big troubles and small trouble.

Estimation of the centuries of one of the most revered in Russia miraculous icons is considered "Seven Stracean".

Wonderful appearance and disappearance of the image

The exact date of writing icons is unknown. Most scientists believe that this shrine is about 500 years. There is also the opinion that it is much more ancient.

With the advent of "seven-storm" bind one wonderful story. A simple peasant who lived in the XVII or XVIII century under Vologda, has suffered chromota for a long time. Neither doctors nor medicines helped. Once in a dream, he clearly heard the voice, taking him to go to the local temple, find the old image of the Mother of God and pray for healing.

Early in the morning, chrome hurried to the theological church and began to find a search. A very careful man searched all the walls, looked at every corner, but did not find anything. Lifting to the bell tower, he drew attention to one of the steps of the stairs. Looking around, the peasant discovered that this was the shrine he was looking so stubborn.

Due to the layer of dust covering the icon, the Lick of the Virgin almost was not visible. Clearing the image exhausted by his chromota man fell on his knees and began to pray. A miracle happened. The legs of the peasant have become absolutely healthy.

Wide fame "Seven Stracean" acquired in 1830. At the beginning of the XIX century, cholera was rampant in some regions of Russia, having losing thousands of human lives with him. When a terrible disease reached the Vologda province, the inhabitants took the Holy Image of God's Mother of God and went on with the congestion around the city. Soon the cholera retreated, and the rumor about the miraculous icon spread throughout the country.

After what happened in 1917, the shrine revolution disappeared, her traces were lost. However, numerous lists are also considered miraculous. Some of them can be seen in the temples and churches of Moscow.

Image and meaning of shrines

At the "Semi Straightener" is depicted by the Virgin of 7 Arlas (daggers or swords). Some believe that this image is the embodiment of the grief and the sufferings of the mother, which looks at the flour of the Son. Others believe that the shrine symbolizes seven human vices and passions:

And although each of the sins committed by a person hurts a strong spiritual pain of the Blessed Virgin, she is ready to forgive anyone who sincerely shook and turn to the Lord. Calling on all people to be merciful and kinder to each other, the Virgin Mary prays about the salvation of each loud soul.

In most cases, on the "seven-week" lady's mother is captured by one. It is much less likely to meet the icons on which Jesus (in infancy or after crucifix) is depicted next to the Virgin.

If you look at the image itself or on the photo of the "Seven Stracean" icons, then you can see how three arrows are dug into the body of God's Mother on the one hand, and four more - on the other. It is this arrangement of arrows is a distinctive feature of this image.

There is an icon, very similar to "seven-stall", - "softening evil hearts." Another name is "Simeonovo Growing". The arrows on it are located three on each side, and the seventh pierces the heart of the Virgin from below.

From the point of view of iconography, these images relate to one type. Therefore, the image of the Virgin with the seven arrows can be called:

  • "Seven Street."
  • "Simeonovo Growing."

All names will be true.

Acquisition and accommodation "Seven Stracean"

You can buy a "seven-week" icon in almost any temple or church shop, and also order via the Internet. The price depends on the size, the method of execution and material from which the salary is made. For example, a small image made by screen printing (silk screen), in a silver salary, can be purchased for 300 rubles. The price of icons, decorated with gold and stones, the size of which is comparable to the album sheet, reaches 8 thousand rubles.

But to argue about the Holy Image in terms of its cost is incorrect. Even the simplest, without any kind of icon, has a miraculous force and is able to protect the believer. For the Orthodox, sincerely praying for softening his heart and the salvation of the soul, the Holy Lick of the Virgin is truly invaluable.

Where better to hang?

Everyone who thinks how to make a "seven-week" icon correctly, you need to know that the place of placement of the shrine of principle does not have. Often it is hanging opposite the entrance door so that it is in sight of anyone who will overcome the threshold of the house. If a believer has an iconostasis, then "seven-stroke" should be put to the rest of the icons.

It is not recommended next to the holy to keep various overlap or talismans that have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. In addition, it is not advisable to put an icon on one shelf with a TV, a computer, telephone and other technique, as well as next to various photos and other images.

Who helps and from which protects the icon?

It is believed that the image of the Virgin will help to avoid quarrels and the disadvantage between spouses, parents and children, protects against envious and ill-wishers, will protect them from the enemies. Christians believe that the icon "softening evil hearts" can protect the dwelling from robbery and theft, and also prevent anyone who tries to penetrate the house with unkind intentions. She helps in the reconciliation of enemies, softening their hearts.

If anger settled in the soul of a man, he became irritable, aggressive, then he should be asked for help to the icon "Semistral". Prayer may contain a request for establishing relations in the family, humility of the soul, getting rid of hardness.

You can contact the Virgin in your words, the main thing is that a person sincerely believed in her help and intercession.

God's Mother, looking at us from the Icons "Sex Strider", is able to see the secret thoughts of every person, all his actions and mistakes performed on the life path. It is impossible to hide anything from her attentive look. But she always responds to the request and gives protection to the blatant to her, again and again praying for the Lord about the forgiveness of our sins.

It does not matter how much it costs and where "seven-strokes" hangs. The person is closer to God make repentance in evil deeds, sincere prayer, the desire to be better and deep faith. And the money and the exterior situation here is completely nothing.

Icon seministry