Lenin: Why do everyone want to watch a movie that does not exist? Leonardo Di Caprio will play Lenin.

 Lenin: Why do everyone want to watch a movie that does not exist? Leonardo Di Caprio will play Lenin.
Lenin: Why do everyone want to watch a movie that does not exist? Leonardo Di Caprio will play Lenin.

For several weeks now, the poster of the mysterious film Stephen Spielberg is discussed, a closed show of which was to take place in one of the cinemas of Moscow (which, however, existed during the October Revolution).

The similarity of Leonardo with Vladimir Ilyich is simply incredible.
So where did Lenin film come from, does he really exist and to whom it all needs it?
History is pretty mystical.

And slogan-"dawn of millions in the hands of one."

Mysterious producers allegedly announced the fast release of the film, first in American, and then in Russian Facebook an event with a date, time and address, where anyone could get.
Everything you needed to do is to click on the action "I will go" and wait for the cherished date of the Special Events.

It turned out that other Hollywood stars took part in the picture in the picture: Daniel Radcliffe was playing the role of Lion Trotsky, Robert Downey Jr. - Yakova Sverdlova, Francois Arno reincarnated in Joseph Stalin, Scarlett Johansson - Hope Krupskaya, and Salma Hayek - in Iness Armand.

Description of the painting, too, turned out to be convincing:

"The film Stephen Spielberg Lenin is the tragic story of Lenin's love Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin and Inesse Armand, the daughter of the French opera singer Theodore D'Erbenville, who lasted almost to her very death.

According to some data, the leader of the October Socialist Revolution did not lose losses and died in 4 years.

In the new Kinolent Spielberg, according to critics, the role of Lenin's wife, hopes of Krupskaya, in his formation as a revolutionary, is intention.

Also extremely attention is paid to their family relationships.
Many compare this work of the famous director with the screens-known film by the famous film Alexey Teacher Matilda.

The only thing that pointed to the draw (which was really managed, many were ignored by many), - the date of the premiere: November 7, 1917, the date of the October Revolution.


Where did the mysterious poster come from, it is still unknown, although film critics recognized that the work was performed on a truly high level - which is only rare pictures of stars, as if made recently.

But in one doubt it is not necessary - the cash collections of the film about Lenin with DiCaprio in the lead role will accurately exceed all the expectations, so Hollywood producers should think.

He fascinated the public from the first roles on the big screen. This lubricant guy especially remembered in his role in the Titanic Movie-catastrophe. Then they went the role no less colorful. One name Leo di Caprio in the credits foreshadowed in advance the success of any film project. And after all, there are really cult films, and not just a cash register - "Aviator", "Cursed Island", "Romeo and Juliet", "Wolf with Wall Street" ... Total in the filmography of the actor 156 films - and not a single unsuccessful!

Russian roots

This was known for a long time, and the actor did not hide his origin, calling himself half the Russian. Nevertheless, this information shook absolutely everyone. It turns out that the news is not quickly distributed. Five years ago, in an interview with the journalist "Komsomolskaya Pravda", the actor admitted that he was attracted by the role of great personalities, leaders. Then he said that Stalin would play with pleasure. Why?

I am very interested in the topic of Russian history, - replied Da Pario. "My grandmother, Mother's mother," Russian emigrant, Elena Stepanovna Smirnova. " Her family emigrated to Germany after the October Revolution, and in 1955 the grandmother with my grandfather, Wilhelm Indnabirken, moved to America. She told me a lot about the tests that dropped out the country and its people during the Second World War and after it, about the concentration camps, repression and much more. And the image of Stalin I would be interested to embody. But no one offers such a scenario!

In the same interview, the Actor gladly agreed that everyone tells him about the similarity with the leader of the world proletariat in his youth. About this role can also be only dreaming. There are no suggestions yet. What a journalist reminded: you yourself producer yourself, you can move my ideas yourself. Leo thought. And he was a little bit, silent that such a scenario in the depths of Russian cinema is brewing, and it is even called samples.

About Putin, Leo and Tigrah

In the same year, the idol of millions of viewers met with Vladimir Putin on the forum on the protection of the Amur Tiger. The press then reported loudly that the star sacrifices to the salvation of Tiger a million dollars. It is known that Di Caprio created its charity fund for the protection of wildlife. And in the summer of this year, he listed $ 15 million to environmental organizations. In 2014, this particular actor became the UN Messenger on Climate.

Many people remember, with what adventure was made by Leonardo di Caprio to St. Petersburg. With a plane on the way there was an abnormal situation, the pilots were forced to turn on the fire extinguishing system, and for this I had to turn off all the engines. So the plane was in the free fall mode for some time. He had to make an emergency landing in Helsinki. Di Caprio did not fly back, but flew to Russia to another flight. Vladimir Putin, with obvious pleasure, told this story to the Forum to the participants of the forum, while the Cressing pilots and, naturally, the courage of Leonardo di Caprio, who did not just arrive, and literally broke through to St. Petersburg, showing that he was "a true man"!

In the conversation, Putin asked the actor, whether he owns Russian. What he answered that in Russian would love to talk to his grandmother, which he dreamed of bringing to his homeland, in St. Petersburg, but, alas, she left life in 2008.

Five years have passed

During this time, much has changed. One of the pleasant paradoxes of the five-year plan is that global celebrities with an enviable frequency began to declare their love for Russia. And some expressed the desire to become Russians, at least get Russian citizenship. And they received - the actors Gerard Demerd, Carey Hiroshuki Tagawa, this year the Russian became boxer Roy Jones. About his love for Russia "at first sight" writes in "Instagram" another star of Hollywood tabloid - Win Diesel, who posted a photo taken in the center of Moscow. Perhaps someone considers them crazy. But they have their own sharms. It seems that Russia becomes a kind of fashionable brand for world celebrities.

And here is a new sensation: the Russian citizenship declared Leonardo Di Caprio about his desire to receive. He reported this in an interview with PLANET TODAY. He again reminded his Russian roots. There is no doubt that the conversation of five years ago with a correspondent KP was not forgotten by the actor, moreover, it can be assumed that all these years he tried and developed the same idea: to try on the images of Soviet leaders, namely Lenin and Stalin.

Will the movie?

It is still known to the actor and Lord itself. One thing we know for sure: the role of Lenin is his cherished dream, and maybe the idea of \u200b\u200bFix. However, in 2008, the media reported that there was the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a groteskom comedy "Lenin Brain" according to the scenario of Alexander Borodyansky. Discussed, of course, the question of the role of the leader. And then it was about the stunning similarity of the actor with the young chief of the proletariat. So it is possible that we will see Di Caprio as Lenin.

About when and how Leonardo Di Caprio will receive Russian citizenship until it is not reported. But who can assume that such a person will be denied the desire to get a Russian passport?

Why does Leo do not have "Oscar"?

This, of course, outraged his fans. And the Russian Oscar already has. In 2014, when the actor once again "rolled" with Oscar, in Chelyabinsk manufactured their statuette with the name "Askar" for him. This sculptural image of a bodybuilder from cast iron, weighing 1 kilogram, sent by mail parcel to America.

The nearby "phenomenon" of the Pet of the public to the Russian viewer is coming quite soon: on January 7, the film "Survivor" with Leonardo Di Caprio will be released in the Russian rental.

If you also noticed Leonardo di Caprio in your Facebook in the image of Lenin and do not understand what is happening, welcome to our club. For several weeks now, the poster of the mysterious film Stephen Spielberg is discussed, a closed show of which was to take place in one of the cinemas of Moscow (which, however, existed during the October Revolution). Surprising the incredible similarity of the Hollywood actor with the famous leader, Elle finds out where the film Lenin came from, does he really exist and who needed it all? Looking ahead, warn, the story is pretty mystical.

It was like this: once in the evening, Da Caprio appeared in our tape - it seems that the usual thing, but wait, where are these very familiar mustache? If you look closely, the profile of Leo really reminds the legendary leader, and the most real red banner is flushed behind him. The name looks awesome - Lenin, - and over it is no less promising slogan: "Dawn of millions in the hands of one."

And while the fans have discussed the new role of the actor all night, finding out if he will cope with such an important role, and at the same time trying on the images of Roosevelt and Leonardo da Vinci (he confirmed participation in these biographical paintings), famous film critics woke up. The news agitated both foreign and Russian film ecperts, and all in one voice said - the project does not exist, this is the entire next online joke, outlined, however, flawlessly.

The reaction of the mysterious "producers", which allegedly announced the speed output of the film, did not make himself wait: first in American, and then in Russian Facebook an event with the date, time and address, where anyone could get. Everything you needed to do is to click on the action "I will go" and wait for the cherished date of the Special Events.

It turned out that other Hollywood stars took part in the picture in the picture: Daniel Radcliffe was playing the role of Lion Trotsky, Robert Downey Jr. - Yakova Sverdlova, Francois Arno reincarnated in Joseph Stalin, Scarlett Johansson - Hope Krupskaya, and Salma Hayek - in Iness Armand. "Not the cast, and the present assembly of the CPSU Central Committee," the social network users wrote.

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Description of the painting, too, turned out to be convincing:

"The film Stephen Spielberg Lenin is the tragic story of Lenin's love Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin and Inesse Armand, the daughter of the French opera singer Theodore D'Erbenville, who lasted almost to her very death. According to some data, the leader of the October Socialist Revolution did not lose losses and died in 4 years. In the new Kinolent Spielberg, according to critics, the role of Lenin's wife, hopes of Krupskaya, in his formation as a revolutionary, is intention. Also extremely attention is paid to their family relationships. Many compare this work of the famous director with the scandalous film by the Screen-famous film Alexey Teacher Matilda. "

The only thing that pointed to the draw (which was really managed, many were ignored by many), - the date of the premiere: November 7, 1917, the date of the October Revolution.

Where did the mysterious poster come from, it is still unknown, although film critics recognized that the work was performed on a truly high level - which is only rare pictures of stars, as if made recently. But in one doubt it is not necessary - the cash collections of the film about Lenin with DiCaprio in the lead role will accurately exceed all the expectations, so Hollywood producers should think.