Anakin of the clone war. Darth Vader Star Wars - Darth Vader Star Wars

Anakin of the clone war. Darth Vader Star Wars - Darth Vader Star Wars
Anakin of the clone war. Darth Vader Star Wars - Darth Vader Star Wars
"Long ago, in a distant-distant galaxy ..."

So begins every film of the legendary fantastic epic of George Lucas "Star Wars". The center of the Space Opera Events, where the light forces join the fight against dark, nominated Knight-Jedi Luke Skywalker. The young man was destined to one of the main roles in the victory of the uprising and revival of the Jedi Order.

History of creation

The Space Opera, which, as a result, in eight films, the American director was conceived in the mid-1970s. Inspiration for literary work served as a picture of Akira Kurosava "Hidden Fortress". The Japanese film became the basis for the creation of plot lines, as well as the concepts of the chief characters of the "Star Wars". According to Lucas, in his work, he was repelled from the "dune" Frank Herbert.

The story of "New Hope", shown through the adventures of the whole place of the heroes, turned into a phenomenon of mass culture: fiction lovers, except for the main artistic performances, received animated TV series and cartoons, book publications, including comic journals. Gamers bought video games, and children - toys in the form of characters fucked by Lucas.

The original trilogy of "Star Wars" includes:

  • "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope "(1977)
  • "Star Wars. The Empire shall cause a response "(1980)
  • "Star Wars. Jedi's Return "(1983)

At the end of the Millennium, the light saw the trilogy of the beds:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: Hidden Threat "(1999)
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack "(2002)
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of Sith "(2005)
  • "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015)
  • "Star Wars. Episode VIII: the last Jedi "(the premiere is scheduled at the end of 2017)
  • "Star Wars: Episode IX" (expected in 2019)

The ribbons already released on the screens unites one feature - all nominated for the Oscar Award, but so far the cherished statuette has only the first two films.


At the heart of the plot of "Star Wars" there are events in a distant galaxy, inhabited by a variety of creatures, where everything is subordinate to the confrontation of light and dark forces. The inhabitants of the fictional universe serve droid robots that help in everyday affairs. Traveling in space between the planets for residents of the Galaxy is in the order of things.

The detail of spiritual and mystical character is the so-called force - the energy field, which is created by living beings and permeates everything around, communicating into a single whole.

But a strong connection with force from birth is not all. The same who was lucky, possess unusual abilities, for example, own telecision, can control the mind, predict the future. Such lucky people are divided into two groups: Jedi (stand on the light side of the strength) and Sith (antagonists).

One of the main positive heroes of the Fantasy George Lucas Luke Skywalker jokes to the ranks of the Jedi, playing a key role in the Galactic Civil War, victory over the Galactic Empire and overthrow Sitchov.

Biography Luca Skywoker

Luke was born together with his twin lei sister in the medical center asteroid asset time during, when the old Republic disappeared and the empire was formed, and the Jedi was destroyed. Mother died immediately after childbirth. Luke Skywalker Anakin, known as Lord Sitchov, shortly before the events switched to Stront Evil. Friends of the Jedi Yoda family and Obi-Wang Kenobi decided to divide the children and hide from enemies.

Luke rose under the guardianship of the uncle and aunt on the desert planet Tatooin, since childhood dreaming to leave their native fenats to get behind the wheel of the spacecraft. The boy until time did not guessed his origin and destination.

Life cool changed when two R2-D2 and C-3PO droids were found in the hands of the uncle with the drawings of the Empire's secret weapon called "Stars of Death". Imperial attack aircraft in the search for documents fell to Tatuene and killed the relatives of the young man. Luke went to the dangerous path to the rebels to give them a super-arrangement drawings.

In this dangerous journey, the young Skywalker under the leadership of Kenobi and Master Yoda learned the azam use of force, met with members of the uprising and his native sister of the princess ledy organ. And Obi-Wang Kenobi contributed to the fact that the young man joined the ranks of the rebels.

Once a member of the insurgent alliance, the hero, together with Lei and Solo, fought against the despotic regime, participated in several battles with the forces of the Empire, who headed Darth Vader. Lord Sith has long hunted Skywalker. As a result, the son fell into the trap, arranged in a cloud city, where a duel was held between Luke and Vader. During the battle on the light swords, Darth left his son without a hand and opened him a mystery of birth.

The fatal battle happened when Vader brought the hatch to the emperor Palpatin. Together they tried to convince the young Jedi to go to the dark side of power. However, Skywalle managed to defeat his father and even awaken bright feelings. In the fight, the young man refused to fulfill the order of the emperor to kill Vader. The Dark Knight dropped the Lord of the Empire into the mine and he died from a deadly wound, but before accepted the redemption and again became Anakin Skywalker again.

After the victory of the uprising, Luke built a new temple and the Jedi Academy, was going to revive the harp of those who stand on the bright side of power. But after the betrayal of the nephew and the student Ben Solo, who preferred the camp of the dark side and destroyed the entire academy, the hero went to unauthorized expulsion.

In the next episodes, Luke Skywalker will again be released on the forefront. According to preliminary comments of the creators of paintings, the character of the character will strengthen and become more hard.

Luke fell in love with a member of the opposing side of Mar Jade, who later became a companion, and then the wife of Skywalker and gave him the son of Ben. After the marriage marriage, Mara devoted the life to the new Order of the Jedi.

Image, strength and ability

The low young man (Luke Doros is just up to 172 cm) from early childhood was distinguished by irrepressible dreamence and twist in the clouds. Over the years, this has been supplied with recklessness, impatience and impulsivity. The young man did not know how to lie at all. Over time learned to patience and restraint, wisdom came. The environment noted that he is not a gentle by age. Skywalker responded to any request for help, even if it shifts his trouble on him.

The character easily learned the skill of fighting on light swords. Sword Luke Skywalker, who got from his father, had a blue color - the shade was associated with jedy guards. Together with hand, losing weapons, Luke collected a new sword, only with a green blade. Usually such swords belonged to scientists, diplomats and speakers.

Skywalker - owner of a strong connection with force. Kenobi learned the young team to manage it and obtain information about the world around. Luke began to feel the approach of his father, independently revealed the secrets of telekinez and began to use the opened opportunities, later I have learned the secrets of influence on the minds of enemies. With the help of power, even made an incredible - destroyed the "star of death".

Actors and roles

In the cinema, the image of Knight-Jedi brilliantly embodied. The same actor will delight the audience with its presence in the expected tapes 2017 and 2019. Khan Solo played, and lei organ.

The character of Luke Obi-Wang Kenobi handed over Alec Guinness. A doll, which made a master of iodine, presented the voice of Frank Oz, he also managed the design. The role of the main anthonist Darth Vader was departed by David Abusive.

  • The total part of the "Star Wars" managed to collect $ 7.5 billion. Such dizzying commercial success was ascended by the Sagu in the third place in the list of the most cash "multi-metering" films in the history of cinema.
  • "Star Wars" may have come to the screen under a different name. Film company "20th Century Fox" did not like the name of the future tape, and among the members of the film crew announced a competition. However, no one dared to go against the idea of \u200b\u200bthe screenwriter and director.

Actors of saga about "star wars"
  • The image of Luca Skywalker did not give rest to the author. At first, George Lucas was going to create a girl-Jedi. Then he thought that it would be nice to make the main character of the gnome, and later visited the idea to turn the character in the elderly General. The name of the Jedi received and at all in the midst of the filming - in the scenario, the hatch was treated as Starkiller.
  • A funny episode is associated with the shooting of the cosmic opera. Planet Tatinun, where the hatch grew, is called the city of the same name in Tunisia. In the same country, a large-scale film was filmed. One day, a conflict of an international scale once happened: the Government of Libya was concerned about the abundance of military equipment at the border and was even going to declare universal mobilization. The authorities of Tunisia appealed to the creators of the picture to move to the center of the state, so as not to embarrass their neighbors.


Cult Saga is rich in life advice. Especially distinguished iodine - his phrases are filled with wisdom. But the quotes of other heroes fans of star saga remember for life.

"There is always a fish anymore."
"Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear gives rise to anger; Anger gives rise to hatred; Hate - the pledge of suffering. "
"When you reach 900 years old, also not young you will look like you."
"Good luck is a chance supported by knowledge."
"Your weakness is in self-confidence.
- And your weakness is faith in friends. "
"Slices of my life scattered storm before I received a chance to collect them together. And every missing piece, which I find, completely changes the picture. "

In this article you will learn:

Anakin Skywalker (Anakin Skywalker)- Jedi of the human race. Original History of Anakin, perhaps the most complete, as it appears in most films and cartoons about "star wars".

Christensen as Enakin

Birth and childhood

The mother of the hero was Shmi Skywalker with the planet Tatooin. He did not know his father, but it was rumored that they were, Sith that could manage myidihylorans. Since it is not confirmed, it is believed that the boy is conceived artificially.

He was born in 42 db On the desert planet Tatooin, but Enakin himself assumed that he only grew up on a dry planet, where arrived at the age of about three years.

Eni grew up blue-eyed, a kind, hardworking boy who dreams someday becoming a star pilot. But his dreams were not destined to come true, as Skywokes were owned, slaves Gardulla Hatta.

After a few years of work at Gardulla, he lost his family on the races of Toydarian, spare parts trader named Watto and Skywokers found a new owner.

At eight years, Anakin first learned about the sines. About the great wars of the past, he told him the old Republican pilot, who believed that in those wars not all Sith killed and one managed to survive.

The hero was a very gifted child. He was very successful in mathematics and technology. In such a young age, Eni could collect anything. So he collected his own car and robot , having finished the work somewhere to nine years.

Hidden threat

In the 1999 film "Hidden threat" we first get acquainted with the boy which played actor Jake Lloyd.

At 32 DBY, when the hero was only 10 years old, his life changed dramatically. Knowledge of technology and good nature allowed Eni to get acquainted with space travelers: Jedi, Guggane, R2-D2 and the girl - he accepted for an "Angel".

Anakin invited new friends in his home to wait for the sandy storm, where he learned their true goal of arrival at Tatooin - escape from the Trade Federation to the Senate on Coruscant, to stop the invasion of Nabu. Hyperdrive travelers was broken and Eni volunteered to help, revealing the desire to participate in the racing of the BunTa Classic, to win enough money to buy it. Mother could not refuse his son, in his desire to help.

Anakin, Semi and Amidala

Qui-Gon Ginn saw the potential of Skywalker, his lightning reaction, and checked, surprised, learning that his level of myidihylain was more than that. Anakin in turn, very much to become a Jedi, to help everyone, who picked up Kwi-Gon to the thought of freeing the boy.

Before the race, Ginn concluded with the owner of Skyuokers bet. But, subject to the victory of Anakina, Watdo agreed to let go of only the boy, leaving his mother with him.

This race hero won. Now he was free. In front of Anakin there was a choice: to live on a tatoo with a mother or go with Ginnom and become a Jedi. Skywalker left Tatooin, promising that he would return to free his mother.

Jake Lloyd in the role of Little Enakina

So Anakin went to his first journey.

With Qui-Gon and Queen Amidala (the girl was presented to his own maid), to which Eni was very attached, he arrived at Coruscant, where she appeared before the Higher Council. The Council refused to train the boy, although Qui-Gon was convinced that Anakin was elected (the one that would bring equilibrium by virtue).

The boys awaited emotions, the remaining slave, so masters considered that he would not be able to achieve the state of rest, which is necessary to True Jedi.

Qui-Gon, Enakin, Obi-Van and R2-D2

Fear is the path on the dark side. Fear generates anger; Anger gives rise to hatred; Hate - pledge suffering. I feel strong fear in you.

Not knowing where he now go now, Anakin went to the Ginno, with whom flew to Nabu, with the mission to free the planet from the occupation of the trading federation.

By chance, Anakin took direct participation in the battle for Nabu in space. His alone managed to destroy an entire orbital station, which managed the shocks on the planet, putting the end of the invasion.

Although Skywalker came out the winner, he was waiting for a sad news on Earth. In battle, Kavai-Gon died. Dying Ginn took Kenobi with Obi-Vana, his student, promise to train a boy And the Council has come to accept the fact that Anakin will study strength.

After the victory for Nabu, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic himself - promised to follow Skywalker's successes.

Student Obi-Vana

Congenital abilities instantly put Eni above the peers, which began to feed his pride. He often drawn, opposed the opinions of the elders and did not show any special respect for Obi-Vanu, on which he looked somewhat down.

Obi-Van became for Anakin not just a teacher, he was for him as a father. In secret Skywalker believed that his strength is many times superior to the power of the teacher and Kenobi holds him down. This fact did their relationship confusing and contradictory.

When Anakina was not laid from Kenobi, he walked to his "friend" Palpatin, who keshyl is a pride of Jedi praise.

In 28 DBY, Anakin created his first light sword in Iluma caves.

Attack clones

"Attack of clones" - the second film in which we see Anakin. His events occur after 10 years since the end of the plot of the first part. In this film, Hayden Christensen actor plays the mature enakin.

Skywalker and Kenobi.

In 22 DBY, at Padme Amidal, which was now a senator from the Chommell sector, an attempt was committed. Anakin, who had not seen Padme for ten years, was appointed her personal defender. For ten years, Skywalker did not stop thinking about Amidale and now, when he was with her next to his attraction turned into love.

On Nabu, where Padme was hidden with his defender, she responded to him, for the first time kissing. Amidala was more prudent than Skywalker as he thought about the consequences. Anakin was focused on the feelings, violating the tradition of the Order, to be only tied to strength.

For a long time, Anakin suffered from nightmares, which saw his mother. A new nightmare, which he saw on Nabu, forced him to break the order to defend Amidal, taking her with him to Tatooin to find seam. On Tatooin, the hero found out that the mother freed the Fermer of the Fligger Lars who married her. On the farm of Lars, Eni they said that she was kidnapped by Tusken raiders, so the hero immediately rushed to her searches.

Skinaoker painting

Using your flair, Anakin found Smey, the truth was already late. Mother died on his hands. This death caused such anger, from which the Jedi cut out all the raid tribes, including women and children. The pain and anger Skayupler felt even iodine.

With the death of Mother, Jedi had a terrible desire to get such power with which you can save people from death.

Padme: « There are things that can not be corrected, you are not implicated, Anakin.»

Enakin: « And should be! Once I will .. I will become the most powerful Jedi! I promise you. I will learn to do so that people do not die!»

Arriving on Tatooin, Anakin found out that his teacher was captured by the Confederation on Geonosis. The aim of Skywalker was the defense of Amidala, but she persuaded Jedi to go to the salvation of Kenobi. Eni left Tatuene taking with her C-3PO with him.

Arriving on Geonosis a couple was captured and exhibited, along with the previously captive Obi-Van, in the arena of gladiators. Before the threat of death, Anakin and Padme admitted to each other in love. From the faithful death of the trio saved during the arrivals of the Jedi and the army of clones.

Leaving Amidal, Eni and his teacher, began to persecute - the head of the Confederation and the former Jedi (note: Teachers of Kwai-Gonangen). In the battle with him Skywalker lost his hand And barely died, if iodine did not come to the rescue.

Duku cuts out an Anakin's hand

Anakin was implanted by a mechanical hand and until he was in the temple on treatment, iodine and Kenobi tried to convince Amidal to stop relationships with him. Padme Lalgala I. soon she and Skywalker got married. The secret wedding ceremony went to Varikino on Nabu. The only witnesses were C-3PO and R2-D2 droids.

War clone

This war made Anakina legend. He began to be famous as the best pilot of the fighter, earning the rare title of Tana.

In war, Skywalker did not worry his own life, as the health of his teacher, Palpatine, soldiers who acted under his leadership and even astrodroid r2-d2 was worried. More and more rules violated the Jedi. More and more he feared for the life of Padme.

Anakin vs Ventress

In the mission on the planet Nabu Skywalker met Aszhzh Ventress - Dark Jedica, which became a loud enemy and Anakina and Kenobi.

During the war, Obi-Wan took on training Padavana Halagheden Venitar, with whom Anakin was very sfed.

The clone war was a terrible event in Jedi's life. During the battles on the planet Jabim, Skywalker received a message about the alleged death of the teacher. It made the hero more reckless. He rushed into the very thick of events on a row with clones, padavans and jadyami. When Palpatine wished to evacuate Anakin from the planet, he agreed, soon learning that everyone with whom he fought died.

For heroic actions in the war, Anakin was declared a knight-jedi. Sliced \u200b\u200bSpit Padavana, Skywalker sent his wife in love.

Arriving at Coruscant, Anakin wanted to meet with his wife, but hit the Askage Ventress trap. Dark Jedi promised to kill Amidal, which again plunged Skywalker to rage. In this duel, the hero got his famous scar over the right eye. He came out the winner, but Ventress managed to survive.

Enakin continued to participate in the battles for the republic. Fighting the planet Christophis, his first student was attached to Jedi. After the victory in Christophis, Anakin, though not although he accepted Padawan.

Enakin and Asoka

Together with Askuka, Eni performed not few missions. Together, they saved the son of Jabb, participated in the mission to liberate the planet Kyros, saved the master Jedi Pole Kuna,

Although Anakin and Asoka began his way, Tano was leaving the Jedi.

In the battle for Coruscant, when the Confederation invaded there, the Republic managed to win, but Chancellor Palpatine was captured.

Revenge Sith

Save the Kanleriere went - Skywalker and Kenobi. Finding Palpatine, the Jedi entered into battle with the crust of the Duku. The count was still strong, so Kenobi quickly cut off, crossed swords with Anakin. Skywalker hardened in war, suddenly won, bangs both hands of Sith.

After the order of Palpatina, kill the Duku, Jedi flawed him, making one more step towards darkness. On the Chancellor's persuasion to throw Kenobi, Anakin responded with refusal.

Returning to Coruscant, the hero learned the news that his wife is pregnant. After that, Enakina increasingly began to torment the visions where he saw the death of Amidala. Because of them, Jedi wanted access to the forbidden holocuroes of the masters of the past. Palpatine contributed to this, who appointed Skywalker to his presented in the Council of Jedi. This meant that Eni had to become a master, but he did not increase the rank.

The final point in the distrust of the Council was the fact that the Jedi asked Enakina to follow his friend - Palpatin.

Jedi asked for help to iodine. He spoke about his prophetic visions, in which a person close to him, but did not reveal his personality. Iodine advised him to learn how to let everything is afraid of losing. Skywalker was not satisfied with this answer.

Despite the preistence of the Council, Anakin continued to spend time with Palpatin, which began to land in it in it. Chancellor told the story of Darth Phagas (his teacher) who had power over death. This story made Anakina think that the Dark Party is able to save the life of Padme.

When Palpatine opened his identity - Darth Sidius, the Lord of Sitchov, offering Skywalle the path of the dark side, to save his beloved, Anakin refused, who had been reporting everything.

Windu, together with Agen Kolar, Sasie Tiin and Kita Fisto should have arrested Sitha, when Anakin was supposed to stay in the temple. But he naturally did not obey. Trying thoughts about the death of Amidala, Skywalker followed Jedi. Arriving to the Chancellor, the hero discovered Windows, which was about to kill Palpatine. The fear of the loss of Padme rearranged Anakin when he compartment to the master of his hand and allowed Palpatin to win.

It was already late to repent, there was no way back. Palpatine explained it as the purpose of Jedi and suggested joining the dark side. Vladyka Sitchov promised to discover the secret of the authorities over death, so Skywalker agreed to become a student of Darth Sidius, to save the life of Amidala.

So, "died" Anakin Skywalker, becoming legendary.

« Now stand up ... Darth Vader! "

If you missed or forgotten the first 6 parts of the cinema, read Banderolkin overview of the main characters and relations between them.

Click on the picture to see it in greater resolution.

Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker (Dart Vader / Anakin Skywalker)

The main character, which, perhaps, knows anyone who is purely theoretically, can read this article - Darth Vader, Lord Sith and the chain of the Supreme Village of the Empire.

Its enormous significance in the world of Star Wars is defined primarily by the fact that he played a key role in both the first episodes of the cellopopeship and subsequent. In childhood and adolescence, before the transition to the dark side, his name was Anakin Skywalker, and huge hopes were entrusted to him: the boy was considered chosen, able to restore the balance of power and destroy Sitchov. Despite its low origin, Anakin managed to become one of the strongest Jedies and achieve great influence both in the Order and in politics.

However, the Dark Vladyka Sitchov, Chancellor Palpatine, managed to play his feelings for his beloved, and deceived forced to go to the dark side. Where Anakin, and, more precisely, Vader has already achieved more - became the commander-in-chief of troops and the second person in the empire after the emperor himself.

Darth Skywalker took part in the basic battles of the cellopopic. He fought twice with his teacher - the Jedi Obi Van Kenobi, with the Lord of Sith Count Duku and with his own son Skywalker. It was he who played a key role in the formation of the empire, and then he destroyed it.

Selected quotation: "I'm your father!"

Master iodine (yoda)

Seemingly tiny green creature, and in fact the Grand Master of the Order of the Jedi. Iodine trained the strongest knights of the saga, including Luca Skywalker, Duchu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, China Fisto and Mais Windu. And he himself was the strongest and the wisest Jedi of his time. He fought with the count of Duku - his last student and with Darth Sidius - Dark Lord Sith. Without wisdom, Iodine the empire would not be defeated.

And also, without him, they would not have learned to say, we are funny than words in the proposal.

Selected quotation: "Ready, then? What do you know about? Eight hundred years of Jedi taught. I will decide who will take someone in learning. "

Palpatine / Dart Sidius (Palpatine / Darth Sidious)

The most cunning character of Star Wars Saga is the Dark Lord of Sitchov. He was a senator for a long time, he was friends with the main characters and successfully pretended to be a friend of the republic that he did not prevent him from wearing sublightened intrigues against his « friends » . It was he who managed to translate Enakin Skywalker on the dark side, it was he who managed to destroy the republic, and it was he who became a victim of his own atrocities. Killed (?) With his student - Darth Vader.

Selected quotation: "We are standing on the threshold of a new world. For safety and stability, the republic will be transformed into the first galactic empire, society of security and reliability, which will exist ten thousand years. The empire, which will be managed by this majestic meeting and the holding ruler, elected life. "

Amidala Padme (Padme Amidala)

Queen of Planet Nabu, Senator of the Galactic Senate, Wife Anakin Skywalker, Mother Luke and Princess Lei. Despite the seemingly a secondary role, she influenced many film events. Do not save the Jedi Queen - they would never have met an unusual slave boy from Tatina, who later became Darth Vader; Do not fall in love Anakin in Padme - he would not hit the dark side; Do not give birth to the padd of two talented children - Luke and Leu - the empire would not be defeated!

Selected quotation: "Obi-Wan ... There is still good in it ... I know. It is in it ... "

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

Teacher Anakina Skywalker and Luca Skywalker. It was Obi-Van in the first battle with Anakin chopped him both legs, hand and burned Lava. After this battle, Darth Vader was forced to put on the mask and the costume of life support. Years Obi-Vanobi in the second battle with Darth Vader, for some reason stopped fighting, raised the sword, and as a result, a former student was defeated.

Selected quotation: "You were a chosen! They predicted that you will destroy Sitchov, and you will not get down to them! Restore the balance of strength, and you will not plunge her in the dark! "

Luke Skywalker

Son Anakina Skywalker and Padme. Key character of war with the empire, student of iodine and Obi-Vana Kenobi. With the help of nobility and kindness, he managed to convince his father, Darth Vader, again go to the bright side and become a Jedi. Equally well owned by a sword and the word, so it became famous as a talented warrior, a good speaker and a faithful friend.

Selected quotation: "I'm a Jedi, like my father."

Han Solo (Han Solo)

Korellyan of high origin, which, because of his internal qualities, was unable to serve the empire and became smuggling. An adventure, brazen, but unconditionally loyal to friends - he helped the hatch throughout the war and played an important role in the victory over the empire.

The most charismatic character of Sagi, Luke Skywalker's sisters - Princesses Lei. The best friend of Chubakki, whom he saved from slavery. Pilot and owner « ]]\u003e Millennial Falcon]]\u003e » .

Selected quotation: "I like me, because I scoundrel."

Princess Leia (Leia Organa Solo)

Enakin's daughter and Padme. The youngest senator in the Galactic Council. She secretly supported the rebels fighting against the empire, for which she became her enemy and captured. In the course of the development of the plot, she, Khan Solo and Luc Skywalker, had a love triangle. While Luke is her twin brother. However, then they did not know about it yet. In the end, Leia married Khan Solo.

Selected quotation: "Maybe the death of Wader and was heroic, but ten minutes of repentance cannot smooth the years of atrocities."

Chubacca (ChewBacca)

Vuki, best friend Khan Solo. A talented mechanic and pilot, during the war with the empire helped Luchka Skywalle and his friends.

Selected quotation: "UA-UAAAA !!"

It was a selection of the most significant characters of Sagi. In other guest reviews, you can read about how or find out what kind of movie epopsychia can be bought in American online stores.

Darth Vader is one of the most canonical villains in the history of cinema. Its image is easily recognizable, and the phrase "hatch, I am your father" firmly entered our life, becoming a meme and a reason for numerous parodies and jokes. Now the next film came out of the "Star Wars" series - "Izgoy-one" and in it we will see Darth Vader again. Here are 15 interesting and little-known facts about the Dark Lord of Sitchov for anyone who loves this Sagu. And may the strength and you will be with you!

15. He had military rank

Everyone knows that Darth Vader is the right hand of Emperor Palpatine, but not everything is aware that it was especially for him to create the title of "Emissar Emperor". It gave him huge military powers. That is why he had the right to accept the command of the Military Station "Star of Death", despite the fact that she was already the commander - Wilhoff Tarkin. As a student of the emperor and his messenger, Vader, in fact, became the second commander-in-chief in the empire, with titles like the Dark Lord of Sitchov and the commander. And later, after taking control of the "executioner" - the largest imperial warship, he, apparently, officially became the Supreme Commander.

14. Imperial propaganda argues that Anakin Skywalker died in the Jedi Temple

In the science fiction book of James Luseno "Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader" it says that after the events of the episode 3 ("Revenge of Sitchov"), everyone in the galaxy was confident that the Jedi Anakin Skywalker - elected - heroically died in Coruscant in The battle time in the Jedi Temple. Imperial propaganda also supported this official version, and Vader spent the next twenty years, trying to forget about the past and erase his previous person.

Most of the Galaxy residents, which the new Galactic Empire ruled, are also convinced that the Order of the Jedia not only raised the uprising against the Palpatine adviser, forcing him to apply decisive measures and destroy the Jedi, but also put his hand to the unleashing of clone wars. The truth is that Anakin switched to the dark side and betrayed his comrades in the temple, almost no one knows (only surviving like Obi-Vana Kenobi and iodine). This is how the situation looks like the beginning of the original trilogy.

13. Having learned about your children, he planned to betray the emperor

Although the fans know that Vader betrayed the emperor at the end of episode 6 ("Jedi's Return"), his motivation was never explained. After the battle of Javina, Vader instructed the hunter for the heads of Bob Fetto to find out all about the rebel who destroyed the star of death. It was then that he was reported that the name of this person is Luke Skywalker. Realizing that Palpatine lied to him all these years and that his children are alive, Vader comes into rage. This explains his motivation and proposal to help the hatch reset the emperor in the episode "Empire is negotiated." Vader planned this in full compliance with the Code of Cote Sith: the student will never rise above until he gets rid of his teacher.

12. He had three teachers and many secret disciples

After turning Skywalker in Darth Vader, he trained and Sitchov. So, according to the story of the video game "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" Vader, planning a conspiracy in order to overthrow Palpatine, secretly took several students. The first of them was Galen Marek with a nickname Starkiller, the descendant of the Jedi killed by Vader during the Great Cleaning. Vader trained Marek since childhood, but Marek died at the death star shortly before the rebel alliance was founded. After that, Vader created the perfect and much more powerful clone of the market, using its genetic sample. This clone is a dark student - she should have occupied the place of Marc. The next student after him was Tao, the former Padanan Jedaev (this story today is considered non-canonical). The then Vader took a few more students - Harisa, Lyumia, Flint, Rillao, Heatherir and Antsentnis Tremain.

11. He tried to learn to breathe without a protective helmet

Many remember the scene from the episode "The Empire shall cause a return kick", when at some point they show Vader in the meditation chamber - he is without a helmet and a wedged back of his head is visible. Vader often used this special camera under pressure in order to practice breathe without a protective helmet and breathing apparatus. During such sessions, he felt unbearable pain and used it to strengthen his hatred and dark power. The ultimate goal of Vader was to get such power from the dark side so that it was possible to breathe without a mask.

But he could do without it for a few minutes without it, as it was too happy to breathe on his own, and this joy was not combined with dark strength. Including so he so wanted to unite with a hatch so that their general strength helped him not only to lose the power of the emperor, but also to get rid of its iron armor.

10. Even the actors during the filming did not know that Vader is the father of Luca Skywalker

An unexpected plot turn when Darth Vader turns out to be the father of Skywalker's father, - perhaps one of the most famous in the history of cinema. During the filming of the film "Empire puts a return kick" This storyforward move was held in strict secrecy - only five people knew about him: director George Lucas, director Irwin Kershner, Writer Lawrence Kazan, Actor Mark Hamil (Luke Skywalker) and actor James Earl Jones, I voiced by Darth Vader.

All others, including Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Harrison Ford (Khan Solo), found out the truth, only by visiting the film premiere. When the recognition scene was filmed, the actor David Pizaz uttered a replica issued to him, which sounded like "Obi-Van killed your father", and the text "I am your father" was recorded on top later.

9. Darth Vader played seven actors

Actor Voice, James Earl Jones gave Darth Vader, his famous deep heal voice, but in the original trilogy "Star Wars" Waider played David Paz. British champion-weightlifter of almost two-meter growth as it is impossible to come better for this role, but it had to renovate because of a strong Bristol accent (because of which he was furious). Doubles who performed the combat trips, defeated Bob Anderson - as the interview constantly broke the light swords.

Waider without a mask in "Returning Jedi" played Sebastian Show, Young Anakina in the "Hidden Threat" - Jake Lloyd, who matured Anakina in the "Attack of Clones" and "Vesti Sitchov" - Heiden Kristensen. In the new movie "Izgoy-one" Darta Vader plays Spencer Wilding.

8. Initially, he had another name and another voice

Since Darth Vader is the central character of Star Wars, it is not surprising that, when creating a scenario, this character was prescribed first. But at first his name was Anakin Starkiller (this is the name of his secret student in the plot of the video game story "The Force Unleashed"). The script of the original trailer for the "Star Wars" in 1976 wrote the legendary director Orson Wells. It was the voice of Wells Wells George Lucas wanted to voice Darth Vader, but this idea was not approved by producers - it seemed to them that the voice would be too recognizable.

7. According to one of the theories, Palpatine and Darth Preligas created it.

Anakina Skywalker's mother, Skyuoker, says in the "hidden threat", which took place and gave birth to Anakin without his father. Qui-Gon, for obvious reasons, is puzzled by such a statement, but after checking the blood of Anakin for the presence of Midihylorans, it comes to the conviction that this is really the result of a deamy conception, exclusively under the influence of force. Then it is logical and everything else: the power of Vader, a high level of musihylorans in the blood and the status of the Favorites - the one who should bring power into equilibrium.

But one of the fan theories offers a darker and more real opportunity to appear anquin into light. In the "revenge of Sitchov", the Palpatine adviser tells Anakin about the tragedy of Darta Phagas Wise, who was able to use midi chlorians to create life. According to this theory, whether Pretagas himself, whether his student Palpatine could experiment and create Anakin in an attempt to get a powerful rule ruler.

6. A whole team worked above the suit and sound effects.

At the initial plan of Lucas, Darth Vader did not have any helmet - instead, the face was wrapped in a black scarf. The helmet was assumed only as part of the military form - after all, it is necessary to somehow move from one starship to another. As a result, it was decided that Vader will be in this helmet constantly. The creation and helmet, and the rest of the Ammunition of Vader and the Imperial Military Lucas inspired the Nazi uniforms and the helmets of Japanese military leaders. Waider's famous heavy breathing was invented by Sound Producer Ben Bulch. He placed a small microphone in the musland regulator mouthpiece and recorded the sound of his breathing.

5. Actor David Podz and director George Lucas hate each other

The female between Lucas and the Ability has already become a legend among the photovascular groups of "Star Wars". First, the interview was thinking that his voice was used for the film and was terribly distressed by voice acting. During the filming of episodes, 5 and 6 PRESS sprouts all on the site, without bothering himself to pronounce those lines that they were spelled out in his role, and instead of them bold some kind of Ocolesitz. For example, it was necessary to say "asteroids don't worry me, I need this ship," and he uttered calmly: "Hemorrhoids do not worry me, I need to break."

The PRES was also distressed by the fact that he was replaced by Dubler in combat scenes, despite the fact that he was physically prepared. But he always broke the light swords. Later, Lucas accused the ability to disclose the secret information that Vader is the father of Luke. The actor also really did not like the fact that the viewers would not see his face on the screen: Waider without a mask played another actor. The stretched relationship between Lucas and the band has reached the final point when the face was held in 2010 in the Antilucas film "People against George Lucas". This overflowed the patience of the director and he struck out the face of all the future productions of "Star Wars".

4. There was an alternative ending, according to which the hatch becomes a new Vader

"Jedi's Return" ends with the fact that good guys won and all rejoice. But initially Lucas thought the smallest ending of his sci-fi saga. In accordance with this alternative ending battle between Skywalker and Vader, and the subsequent scene with Vader and the death of the emperor leads to another result. Wader also sacrifices himself to kill the emperor, and the hatch helps him to remove the helmet - and Vader dies. However, then the hatch puts on a mask and his father's helmet, says "now I - Vader" and draws on the dark side of power. He defeats the rebels and becomes a new emperor. It was this ending that would be logical, according to Lucas and his scenario of Kazdan, but in the end, Lucas decided to make a happy end, because the film was designed for a children's audience.

3. Alternative ending from comic: Jedi again and all in white

Since it was about alternative endings, then here is another - from the comic books on the Star Wars. In accordance with this version, the hatch, and ley, and the emperor orders Vader to kill Lyuy. Vader stops the hatch, they fight on light swords and as a result, Vader remains without a hand, and Luke opens him the truth that he and Leia is his children, after which he knows that she will no longer fight with Vader.

It starts the most interesting thing: Vader falls on his knees and asks for forgiveness, returning again to the bright side of power and becoming Anakin Skywalker. The emperor manages to hide, the second star of death is destroyed, but ley, Luke and Vader together have time to leave her. Later, they are on board the staff frigate Home One, and Anakin Skywalker is still dressed as Darth Vader, but all in white. The Jediokover family decides to track down and kill the emperor that they are most likely possible, because they are a gang.

2. This is the most profitable Character "Star Wars"

The creators of the "Star Wars" managed to make money perfectly on their characters, selling related products, toys and the like. The army of fans of this saga is enormous. On the Internet there is a special "Vukipedia" (Wookiepedia) - the encyclopedia of "Star Wars", with detailed articles about all and all that can edit anyone. But no matter how loved other heroes of Sagi, Darth Vader is the most popular, cult character and, of course, it is on this way that it is possible to earn most. Judging by the fact that income from merchandising, for example, in 2015 amounted to more than $ 27 billion, it can be assumed that Darth Vader is worth billions - after all, he is a significant part of this cake.

1. On one of the cathedrals there are chimers in the form of a helmet Darth Vader

Believe it or not, but one of the tower of the Washington Cathedral is decorated with a gorgoley in the form of a helmet of Darth Vader. The sculpture is very high and it is difficult to see it from the ground, but with the help of binoculars you can. In the 1980s, the National Cathedral in conjunction with the National Geographic magazine announced a children's competition for the best decorative chimer sculpture for the decoration of the North-West Tower. The boy named Christopher Raider ranked third in this competition with his drawing of Darth Vader. After all, the chimer should be evil. And I embodied this sketch into life sculptor Jay Hall Carpenter and a kerver on stone Patrick Jay Plankett.

Vehicle SID-Fighter, "Palace" Belonging Galactic Empire, Sith Actor Hayden Christensen (II, III), David Pizz (IV-VI), James Earl Jones (Voice, III-VI), Sebastian Show (VI, Face Darth Vader and Spirit)

In the original trilogy, Vader is represented as a cruel head of the army of the Galactic Empire, which rules in the whole galaxy. Wader acts as a student of Emperor Palpatine. It uses the darkness of the force to destroy the rebel alliance seeking to restore the Galactic Republic. The suitable trilogy tells about the heroic lift and the tragic fall of the original Vader's personality, Anakina Skywoker.

The name "Darth Vader" consonantly named "Dar Wind" from Roman I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" (1957).


Original trilogy

In the original trilogy Star Wars Darth Vader is the main antagonist: a dark, ruthless figure, ready to capture, torture or kill the heroes of the film to prevent the decay of the Empire. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or, as it is called otherwise, the Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars Universe. Being one of the most powerful sites, he causes sympathy in many fans of anthology and is a very charismatic character.

New Hope

Vader is instructed to return the stars of death stars stolen plans and find the secret base of the rebel alliance. He captures and tortures the princess leu author and is located nearby when the commander of the death stars Grand Muff Tarkin destroys her native planet Alderaan. Soon after that, he fights on light swords with his former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi, who arrived at the Star of Death, to save leu, and kills him (Obi-Van becomes the Spirit of Power). Then he meets Skywalker Lucaoker in the battle on the star of death, and feels in it a great ability in strength; This is confirmed later when the young man destroys the battle station. Vader was going to knock the hatch on his LED fighter (Tie Advanced X1), but an unexpected attack Millennial falconHan's Solo piloted, sends Waider far into space.

Empire is negotiated

After destroying the base of the rebels "Echo" on the planet, the forces of the empire Darth Vader sends head hunters (English. bounty Hunters.) In search of "millennial falcon". On board his star destroyer, he executed Admiral Ozzel (who was a completely incompetent commander) and Captain NIIDU for mistakes made them. Meanwhile, Mandalorto Beob Fetta can detect "Falcon" and trace it for its progress to the Gaza Giant Bean. Having found that the hatch is not on the "falcon", Vader captures Leu, Han, Chubakka and C-3PO to lure the hatch trap. He makes a deal with the administrator of the cloud city of Lando Calrisian to convey the Henn hunter for the heads of Bob Fetta, and freezes the solo in carbonite. Luke, which at this time passes training with a bright side of force under the guidance of iodine on the planet Dagoba, feels danger to friends. The young man goes to the cane to fight with Vader, but tolerates defeat and deprives the brush of the right hand. The then Vader reveals him the truth: he is the father of Luke, and not the killer Anakina, as told young Skywaper Obi Kenobi, and proposes to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He sucks into the garbage chute and throws a cloud city to the antennas, where he saved, Chubakka, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 on the "millennial falcon".

Jedi's return

Vaderu is entrusted to follow the completion of the construction of the second star of death. He meets with Palpatin on board half a complete station to discuss the plan for the handle of the Dark side.

At this time, the hatch was almost completed by the art of Jedi and found out from the dying master of iodine that Vader is really his father. He learns about the past of his father from the Spirit Obi-Vana Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During the operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrendered to the imperial troops, and he leads to Vader. On board the star of death, Luke resists the appeal of the emperor to give the will of his anger and fear for friends (and thus move to the dark side of the power). However, Vader, using the power, penetrates the Mind of Luke, learns about the existence of Lei and threatens to turn her into the servant of the dark side of the force instead. Luke succumbed to his rage and almost kills Vader, banging his father's right hand. But at that moment, the young man sees the cyber hand of Waider, then looks at his own, understands that it is in dangerous proximity to the fate of his father, and curbs his anger.

The design of Vader's costume was influenced by a suit that wore zlinnium, the villain in the television series "Battle with dogs of the devil", and the masks of Japanese samurai, but also traced the similarity of the Vader's armor with a suit of Super Sloda of Comic Marvel, Dr. Death.

The canonical noise of Vader's breathing was created by Ben Bear Trott, which was breathing through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. Initially, he recorded many variations of respiratory noise, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. Basically, a more mechanical version was chosen, and more rattling - in the "return of Jedi", after Wader received fatal damage to the zipper of Sidius's power. Initially, Vader had to sound as an ambulance, with clicks and beeps, as long as he was in the frame. However, it turned out that it was too distracting, and all this noise was cut to one breath.

One of the changes in the canon on the costume was that to 4 PBI, the left shoulder Waider was completely artificial, and in 3 Pbia, after a collision with a hatch on the cane, he noted that the right shoulder healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not be inspired, the right shoulder Waider had to still consist of his own flesh, although earlier, on the Mamban, the right hand of Waider was amputated from the shoulder .The information may be somewhat incorrect, because during the 2nd and 3- His episodes, we see as Anakin Skywalker first lost his right hand below the elbow (in battle with a mouse (replaced by a prosthesis in the same episode 2), and then lost his left hand below the elbow, and both legs below the knees (duel with Obi-Woman), which were also replaced by the prostheses at the end of the "revenge of Sitchov", during the final transformation of Anakin in Darth Vader. Anyway, whether Vader spoke about this healing literally, sarcastically or metaphorically - unknown. Another change was that in the episode III costume Vader, absolutely new, made different from the original design, although only slightly, to give it a new one, just created. Several small changes in the length of the neck and shoulder clutches were given by Vader movements More mechanical view. Another change in the canon is that the breast Waider panel has slightly changed from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been called. In addition, on this control panel there were oldwheat characters, which, as certain fans believe, are translated as "his acts will not be forgiven, as long as he does not deserve it."

On the suit several times referred to the extended universe. For example, in the comics "Star wars: inheritance" Cade Skywalker appears in a pair of pants, very similar to part of Waider's clothing. Also in "Star Wars: Association", when Mara is trying on wedding dresses, one of them is like Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason for which Mara had rejected him - "the bride does not want to dress as the father of the groom."

Secret student

According to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, immediately after the events of the 3 episode of Darth Vader took to himself in the disciples of the son Jedi, whose potential in force was much superior to his own. Vader wanted to overthrow the emperor and seize power in the empire, and so that the student becomes stronger, Darth Vader ordered him to destroy the 66 Jedi's orders after the execution of the order. Later, a secret student, an Starkiller nicknamed, understood his mistake and switched to a light face. After that, having received the confidence of the rebels, he swore them in this battle, but they were found by Darth Vader, who captured the rebels, but Starkiller could hide. He swore to take revenge on his former teacher. Arriving on a star of death, he fought with Lord Sith, strongly kneading him, but still died on the hands of Emperor Palpatine and thereby saved the rebels.


  • Gallery "Return of Darth Vader" on the site (Rus.)
  • Genealogical tree Darth Vader on the site Moederevo


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