Character character. Dead souls Characteristic Plushkin Plushkin Stepan What Plushkin is engaged in the poem dead souls

Character character. Dead souls Characteristic Plushkin Plushkin Stepan What Plushkin is engaged in the poem dead souls
Character character. Dead souls Characteristic Plushkin Plushkin Stepan What Plushkin is engaged in the poem dead souls

The answer was left the guest

Plushkin stands in a row of heroes-buy in world literature: Sheilok V. Shakespeare, Gobsek O. Balzak, a stingy knight A. Pushkin. The buyer-waste is the essence of the character of Plushkin.

Plushkin occupies a special place in the system of characters "Dead Souls". "Hero .. with development."

The history of life is only in Plushkin, all the rest of the landowners Gogol depicts static. These heroes have no past, which would have different from the present and explained something in it. (Nozdrev "at the thirty-five years was exactly what was eighty and twenty ...") If there is no past - there is no future. The two heroes of the "Dead Souls" Gogol assumed to resurrect in the following Tomakh Chichikov and Plushkin. And they are in the poem - the heroes "with development". The character of Plushkin is much more complicated by the characters of other landowners presented in the "Dead Souls".

The features of maniacal stupidity are combined in a plush with painful suspicion and distrust to people. Saving an old sole, a clay shard, carnations or horseshoe, he draws all his wealth to dust and dust: the bread rotes thousands of pounds, a lot of canvas, sukon, sheepskin, wood, dishes. Taking care of insignificant trifles, showing the paper scarce, he loses hundreds and thousands, put his condition in the wind, ruining the family and the house, the generic estate.

Fully corresponds to the image of a plush picture of its estate, which appears in front of the reader. The same disintegration and decomposition, the absolute loss of the human appearance: the owner of the noble manor looks like an old Baba key.

"But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner!" During this period of its history, he, as it were, combines the most characteristic features of other landowners: he studied to worry, like a companion, he was an exemplary family man, like manifers, troubles, like a box. However, already at this stage of the life of Plushkin compared with the spider: "... everywhere, everything was part of a temper view of the owner and, as a hardworking spider, ran .. At all ends of his economic cobweb." Converent in the networks of "economic cobwebs", Plushkin thus forgets about his soul and someone else's. No wonder the supervisory chisters in a conversation with him hurries to replace the words "virtue" and the "rare properties of the soul" on "savings" and "order".

Plushhina's moral degradation occurs not so much due to biographical reasons (the death of his wife, the flight of the eldest daughter with the headquarters of the god of the Kavalrysky regiment, "the tenderness of his son, despite the will of the father who went to the regiment, finally the death of the last daughter), how much because" Human feelings, which ... There were no deep in it, Mellya every minute, and every day something was lost in this worn ruin. "

Gogol sees the cause of the spiritual devastation of Plushkina in indifference to his own soul. The author's argument on the gradual cooling, an outlook of the human soul, which he opens up the chapter about Plushkin. For the first time in the poem, the author after the description of Plushkin directly appeals to the reader with a warning: "Take the same way to the path, leaving my soft youthful years in the harsh foulting courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later!"

The image of Plushkina completes the gallery of the provincial landowners. He, as it, be the last degree of moral fall. Why not Manilov, not a companion, not a box named the terrible Gogol word "to break in humanity", namely Plushkin? On the one hand, Gogol considers Plushkin as a phenomenon is a unique, exceptional in Russian life ("... This phenomenon is rarely falling across Russia, where everything likes to turn around rather than cringe"). On the other hand, he is relative to the heroes of the poem, the lack of deep feelings and sublime thoughts, the lack of deep feelings and sublime thoughts. In a number of "dead inhabitants, terrible cold-cold souls and emptiness of the heart," Plushkin takes a worthy place as a logical completion of the process of human removal.

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In the poem Gogol "Dead Souls" all characters have traits of collecting and typical. Each of the landowners who attend chikhikov with their strange request for the sale of "dead souls", personifies one of the characteristic images of the landowners of Gogol modernity. Gogol's poem in terms of describing the characteristics of landowners is interesting primarily by the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich was a foreigner towards Russian people, he was closer to Ukrainian society, so Gogol was able to notice the specific features of the character and manner of the behavior of certain types of people.

Age and appearance of plush

One of the landowners who attend chikchiki is Plushkin. Until the personal acquaintance of Chichiki, something already knew about this landowner - basically it was information for his misfortune. Chichikov knew that thanks to this feature, the fortress plush "Mrut, like flies", and those who do not die, run away from him.

We offer to familiarize yourself with in which the topic of patriotism and love is revealed to the Motherland.

In the eyes of Chichikova Plushkin became an important candidate - he had the opportunity to bother a lot of "dead souls".

However, to see the estate of Plushin and to meet him personally, the Chichikov was not ready - the picture that opened in front of him wriggled him into bewilderment, Plushkin himself also did not stand out from the common background.

To his horror, Chikchikov realized that the person he accepted for Klobunitsa is not really a key, but the landowner Plushkin himself. It was possible to accept Plushin for anyone, but only not for the richest landlord of the county: he was exorbitantly skinny, his face was a little elongated shape and the same terribly skinny, like the body. His eyes were small and unusually alive for the old man. The chin was very long. The appearance of it complemented a toothless mouth.

In the work of N. V. Gogol, the theme of a small person is revealed. We offer to familiarize yourself with his summary.

Plushkin's clothes were absolutely not similar to clothes, it could even be called it. Plushkin absolutely did not pay attention to his costume - he was applied to such an extent that his clothes became similar to rags. Plushin was quite possible to take for the vagabond.

Natural senile processes were added to this appearance - at the time of the narrative Plushkin was about 60 years.

Name problem and importance

The name of Plushkin is never found in the text, it is likely that it is made intentionally. In this way, Gogol emphasizes the detachment of plush, the involvement of its character and the lack of humanistic start in the landowner.

In the text, however, there is a moment that can help detect the name of Plushkin. The landowner from time to time calls her daughter by patronymic - Stepanovna, this fact gives the right to say that Plushkin called Stepan.

It is unlikely that the name of this character is chosen as a specific symbol. Translated from Walnk Stepan denotes the "crown of the diadem" and indicates the permanent attribute of the goddess of the gera. It is unlikely that this information was decisive when choosing a name, which cannot be said about the surname of the hero.

In Russian, the word Plushkin is used for the nomination of a person of distinguished misfortune and mania to accumulate the raw material and material base without any purpose.

Plushkin marital status

At the time of the narration, Plushkin is a lonely man leading a ascetic lifestyle. For a long time he is wondering. Once the life of Plushkin was different - his wife brought the meaning of life into the being of Plushkin, she stimulated the emergence of positive qualities in it, contributed to the emergence of humanistic qualities. They were born three children in marriage - two girls and a boy.

At that time, Plushkin was not at all like a petty shine. He gladly took the guests, was a sociable and open person.

Plushkin has never been a transzhira, but his stupidity had its reasonable framework. The clothes did not differ in the novelty - usually he walked in a suntuk, he was noticeably renewed, but he looked very decently, there was not even a single patchwork.

Causes of character changes

After the death of his wife Plushkin completely succumbed to his grief and apathy. Most likely, he did not have a predisposition to communicate with the children, he was not interested in a little and fascinated the process of education, so the motivation to live and revive for the sake of children did not work for him.

In the future, he begins to develop a conflict with older children - as a result, they are tired of constant grinding and deprivation, leave the father's house without its permission. The daughter marries without a blessing of Plushin, and the son starts at military service. Such liberty was the cause of Plushkin's anger - he curses his children. The son was in relation to the Father categorical - he completely interrupted with him contact. The daughter still did not refuse his father, despite such an attitude towards her relatives, it from time to time visits the old man and brings his children to him. Plushkin does not like to mess around with grandchildren and perceives their meetings extremely cool.

The younger daughter Plushkin died, being a child.

Thus, Plushkin remained lonely in his big estate.

Plushkin estate

Plushkin was considered the richest landowner in a county, but Chichikov, who came to his estate, it seemed that it was a joke - the Plushkin's estate was in a wind state - repairs in the house did not make many years. On the wooden elements of the house it was possible to see moss, the windows in the house were skipped - it seemed that in fact no one lives here.

Plushkin's house was huge, now he was empty - in the whole house Plushkin lived alone. Because of his desolation, the house resembled an ancient castle.

Inside the house there was little differed from the appearance. Since most windows in the house were clogged, then the house was incredibly dark, and it was difficult to see anything. The only place where sunlight penetrated is Plushkin's personal rooms.

In the room Plushina reigned an incredible mess. It seems that it has never been cleaned here - everything was in a web and dust. Everywhere broken things were lying around, which Plushkin did not dare to throw out, as I thought that they could still need him.

The garbage was also not thrown anywhere, but it was immediately in the room. Plushkin's written desk was not an exception - important papers and documents here were in front of the garbage.

At home Plushkin grows a huge garden. Like everything in the manor it is in running. Behind the trees have long been no longer cared, the garden of poros of weeds and small bushes, who Opal Hop, but even in this garden is beautiful, it is dramatically distinguished against the background of launched houses and dilapidated buildings.

Features of the relationship of Plushin with serfs

Plushkin is far from the ideal of the landowner, he with his serfs behaves rudely and cruel. Sobekevich, telling about his attitude to serf, argues that Plushkin will make his subjects with hunger than significantly increases mortality among serfs. The appearance of the fortress plush becomes a confirmation of these words - they are too thin, immensely skinny.

It is not surprising that many serfs run away from Plushin - life in the run more attractive.

Sometimes Plushkin pretends to take care of his fortress - he enters the kitchen and checks, whether they eat well. However, he does it for no accident - while controlling the quality of nutrition, Plushkin has time from the soul to nourish. Of course, this trick did not disappear from the peasants and became a reason for discussions.

Plushkin all the time accuses his fortresses with theft and fraud - he believes that the peasants always try to rob him. But the situation looks completely different - Plushkin stood so much of his peasants, that they are afraid to take at least something without the knowledge of the landowner.

The tragedy of the situation is also created by the fact that the storage room of Plushkina is frozen from food, almost all this comes in disrepair and then throws out. Of course, Plushkin could give surplus to her serfs, thereby improving the vital conditions and raising his authority in their eyes, but greed takes the top - it is easier for him to throw unsuitable things than to make a good deed.

Characteristics of personal qualities

In the old age Plushkin became an unpleasant type due to its squabble character. People began to tear him, neighbors and friends began to travel more and less often, and then they stopped communicating with him at all.

After the death of his wife Plushkin preferred a secluded way of life. He believed that guests always harm - instead of doing something really useful, you have to spend time in empty conversations.

By the way, such a position of Plushkin did not bring the desired results - his estate confidently came to the launch, until the type of abandoned village was finally found.

In the life of the old man-plush, there are only two joys - scandals and accumulation of finance and raw materials. Sincerely speaking, he is alone, and another is given to the soul.

Plushkin surprisingly possesses the talent to notice any little things and even the most insignificant flaws. In other words, he is overly picky to people. He was not able to express his comments in force - mostly he screams and sabs his servants.

Plushkin is not able to do something good. He is a worn and cruel man. He is indifferent to him the fate of his children - he lost his son, his daughter periodically tries to go to reconciliation, but the old man stops these attempts. He believes that they have a mercenary goal - a daughter with the son-in-law want to frozen at his expense.

Thus, Plushkin is a terrible landowner who lives a certain goal. In general, it is endowed with negative features of character. The landowner himself does not recognize the true results of his actions - he seriously thinks that he is a caring landowner. In fact, he is tyrant, the fading and destroying of the fate of people.

In the poem "Dead Souls" N. Gogol depicted the gallery of Russian landowners. Each of them embodies negative moral qualities. Moreover, the new hero is terrible than the previous one, and we are witnessing to what extremes can reach the cloak of the human soul. Closes a series of Plushkina. In the poem "Dead Souls", by the definition of the author, he protrudes "Spread on Humanity."

First impression

"Patched" - such a definition gives Barina one of the men, whose chichikov asked the road to Plushhina. And it is quite justified, it is only worth looking at this representative of the local nobility. Get acquainted with him closer.

Having drove through a large village, striking kidness and poverty, the Chichikov was at the Lord. This little looked like a place in which people live. The same launched was the garden, although the number and nature of the buildings indicated that there was no time a strong, prosperous economy. From such a description of the Lord's estate begins in the "Dead Souls" poem, the Plushkin characteristic.

Acquaintance with landlord

Having entered the courtyard, Chichikov noticed someone: not that man, not that Baba - swears with the Capera. The hero decided that this is a key, and asked if the owner was at home. I was surprised at the appearance of an alien person here, this "some kind of creature" held a guest to the house. Once in a bright room, Chichiki was amazed to disarm in it. It seemed the impression that garbage was demolished here from all over the county. Plushkin really collected on the street everything that came down at hand: and a bucket forgotten, and fragments of a broken shard, and not the necessary feather. Looking at the key, the hero discovered a man in her and was completely stunned by learning what it was the owner. After to the image of the landlord, the author of the work of "Dead Souls" passes.

Portrait of Plushina Gogol draws like this: he was dressed in aged wasporn and a dirty robe, which decorated some kind of rags on the neck. The eyes were constantly in motion, as if they were looking out for something. This testified to suspicion and constant alertness of the hero. In general, if Chichikov did not know that in front of him there was one of the richest landowners of the province, he would take him for a beggar. In fact, the first feeling that this person causes the reader is a pity, bordering on contempt.

The history of life

The image of Plushkin in the poem "Dead Souls" is different from others that this is the only landowner with a biography. In the old days he had a family, often received guests. It was considered a crumbling owner who had plenty of all. Then the wife died. Soon the eldest daughter ran away with the officer, and the son instead of the service entered the regiment. Plushkin both children deprived of her blessing and money and every day became all stingy. In the end, he focused on one of his wealth, and after the death of the youngest daughter, all the feelings were finally gave way to the place of greed and suspicion. In his barns, his bread was rotten, and his sick grandchildren (with time he forgave her daughter and took her away) he regretted even the usual gift. So depicts this hero in the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol. The image of Plushkin complements the bargaining scene.

Successful deal

When Chichikov began a conversation, Plushkin declared how difficult it was difficult to take guests: he had sought himself, and the stove was consumed. However, the guest immediately began the matter and found out that the landowner would have a hundred twenty shower unaccounted. He suggested to sell them and said that all costs takes over. Hearing that you can benefit from no longer existing peasants, which began to bargain Plushkin did not delve into details and asking how legally it was. Having received money, he took care of them to the Bureau and, satisfied with a successful deal, even decided to treat Chikchikova, a sukhar left from the Kulich brought by his daughter, and a layer of a liqueur. Puts in Plushkin's image in the poem "Dead Souls" Message that the owner wanted to give the Golden Watch having helped him. However, I immediately changed my mind and decided to enter them into the gift, so that Chichots after death remembered his goodwalk.


The image of Plushkin in the poem "Dead Souls" was very significant for Gogol. In his plans it was left in the third volume from all landowners of one of it, but already morally reborn. It is possible to indicate several parts. First, the living eyes of the hero: remember that they are often called the soul mirror. Secondly, Plushkin is the only one of all the landowners who thought about gratitude. The rest also took money for the deceased peasants, but they thought it was somewhat granted. It is important that when mentioning the old one comrades on the face of the landowner suddenly ran a ray. Hence the conclusion: Frequently ahead of the Hero's life is different, he would have a leaning owner, a good friend and family man. However, the death of his wife, the acts of children gradually turned the hero in the "band of mankind," which he appeared in the 6th chapter of the book "Dead Souls".

Plushin characteristic is a reminder to readers about what consequences human life mistakes can lead to.

"Dead souls," did not even imagine, with what bright personalities would like to meet. In all the variety of characters in the work of the mansion there is a squeak and a feet of Stepan Plushkin. The rest of the rich in literary work is shown static, and this landower has its own history of life.

History of creation

The idea that the work is based on the basis of the work belongs. Once a great Russian writer told Nikolay Gogolo, the history of fraud, which heard during the Chisinau reference. In the Moldavian city of Bender, in recent years they died exclusively people of military ranks, ordinary mortals were in no hurry to the world. A strange phenomenon was explained simply - hundreds of runaway peasants from the center of Russia stretched in Bessarabia in the early 19th century, and during the investigation it turned out that the "passport details" died were assigned to the fugitives.

Gogol found the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genius and, by reflection, invented the plot, in which the main acting person was an enterprising person who has enriched at the expense of the sale of "dead souls" into the guardian council. The idea seemed to him interesting because he opened the opportunity to create an epic work, to show the characters through the paint therapy all Russia, what a writer had long dreamed of.

Work on the poem started in 1835. At that time, the most of the year Nikolai Vasilyevich conducted abroad, trying to forget the scandal that broke out after the performance of the "Auditor" performances. According to the plan, the plot was supposed to take three volumes, and in general, the work was determined as comic, humorous.

However, neither the other was not destined to come true. The poem turned out to be gloomy, exposing all the vices of the country. The manuscript of the second book is the author that I did not start the third. Of course, in Moscow, flatly refused to print literary work, but Kritic Vissarion Belinsky was helped to help the writer, it was overwhelmed before St. Petersburg censors.

The miracle happened - the poem was allowed to publish, only with the condition that the name would acquire a small addition to remove the eyes from raised serious problems: "Chichikov's adventure, or dead souls." In this form in 1842 the poem and went to the reader. The new work of Gogol was again in the epicenter of the scandal, because landlords and officials clearly saw their images in it.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGogol truncated brilliant - first showed the shortcomings of Russian life, then planned to describe the resurrection path of the "dead souls". Part of the researchers associate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poems with the "Divine Comedy": the first volume is "hell", the second - "purgatory", and the third - "paradise".

It is assumed that Plushkin should have transformed from a greedy old man in a wanderer-benefactor, who tries to help the poor in every way. But Nikolay Gogol never managed to convincingly describe the ways of rebirth of people, in which after the burning manuscript confessed himself.

Image and nature

The image of a half-handed landowner in the work is the brightest of everyone who meets on the path of Chichikov's main hero. It was Plushin that the writer gives the most complete characteristic, looking even into the past character. This is a lonely widower who cursed her daughter and losing to his son's lover.

Periodically, the daughter with grandchildren visits the old man, but no help from him does not get - one indifference. Educated and smart in youth, a man over time turned into a "worn ruin", struggling and crumbling with a bad temper, becoming a mixture even for servants.

The product contains a detailed description of the appearance of Plushkin. At home, he walked in a grained bathrobe ("... to which not only was conscientious, but even ashamed"), and he was in a worn, but quite neat surpetuka without a single patch. At the first meeting, Chichikov could not understand who in front of him, a woman or a man: the creature of an indefinite sex was moved around the house, and the buyer of the dead soul accepted him for the key.

The storage of the character is on the verge of marasm. In his possessions 800 serfs, barns are full of rotting food. But Plushkin does not allow its hungry peasants to touch the products, and with the dealers, the disassemble "as a demon", so the merchants stopped coming for the goods. In his own bedroom, a man thoughtfully folds the features and pieces of pieces, and in the corner of one of the rooms, "good", selected on the street.

Life goals are reduced to the accumulation of wealth - this problem often acts as an argument for writing writings on the exam. The value of the image lies in the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich tried to show how painful stupidity kills a bright and strong personality.

Multiply good - Favorite Plushkin's lesson, what is even talking about changing speech. At first, the old squeak meets Chichikova wary, specifying that "visa is not." But, having learned the purpose of the visit, the dissatisfied grumbling is replaced by undisguised joy, and the chief hero of the poem turns into a "father", "benefactor".

In the lexicon, the buyer is a whole dictionary of the swiss words and expressions, from "fools" and "robber" to "devils are sitting" and "channel". The landowner, all his life of the peasants who lived in a circle, spectacle with common words.

Plushkin's house resembles a medieval castle, but dyed with time: in the walls of the slit, part of the windows are boarded by boards, so that no one is narrowing the richness hiding in the dwelling. Gogol managed to combine character traits and the image of a hero with his home phrase:

"All this fell into the storerooms, and everything got rot and rush, and he himself turned, finally, in some kind of rushing in humanity."


The work of Gogol was set in the Russian cinema five times. Based on the story also created two cartoons: "Chichikov's adventures. Manilov "and" Chichikov's adventures. Nozdrev.

"Dead Souls" (1909)

In the era of the formation of cinema, Peter Chardynin, to capture the adventures of Chichikova. A dumb short film with a trimmed Gogol plot was filmed in the railway club. And since the experiences in the movies are still just beginning, the tape turned out unsuccessful due to incorrectly selected lighting. Theatrical actor Adolf Georgievsky performed as a miser plush.

"Dead Souls" (1960)

The film-performance on the formulation of Mkat removed the director Leonid Trauberg. A year after the premiere, the picture received a prize of criticism at the festival in Monte Carlo.

Vladimir Belokurov (Chischikov), (Nozdrev), (Box), and even (the modest role of the waiter, did not even get into the titles) in the film. And Plushkin brilliantly played Boris Petker.

"Dead Souls" (1969)

Another television play, who was conceived by the director Alexander Belinsky. According to estimates of the kinomanians, this film is the best of film stations of the unwanted work.

The tape is also involved bright actors of the Soviet Cinema: (Nozdrev), (Manilan), (Chichikov). The role of Plushkin went to Alexander Sokolov.

"Dead Souls" (1984)

The series of five episodes filmed by Mikhail Schweizer was shown on central television.

In the greedy landowner, Leonid Yarmolnik reincarnated - the actor referred to in the Plushkin picture.

  • In the meaning of the character name, the motive of self-denial is laid. Gogol created a paradoxical metaphor: a rosy bun - a symbol of wealth, satiety, joyful content - is opposed to "moldy sugar" for which the paints of life have long been fed.
  • The surname Plushkin became a nominal. This is called unnecessarily crumbling, manic greedy people. In addition, the passion for the storage of old, useless things is the typical behavior of people with a mental disorder, which in medicine the name "Plushkin Syndrome".


"After all, it knows him, maybe he is just a bragging, like all these mothers: Nourvet, Norvet, to talk yes, drink tea, and then leave!"
"The seventh dozen live!"
"Plushkin muttered something through the lips, because there was no teeth."
"If Chikhikov met him, so unfashionable, somewhere in church doors, then probably would give him a copper pen. But it was not a beggar before him, a landowner stood before him. "
"I don't even advise you to know the road to this dog! - said Sobekevich. - apologue to go to some obscene place than to it. "
"But there was a time when he was only a leaning owner! A family man was married, and a neighbor came to have lunch to him, listen and learn from his farm and wise misfortune. "

Plushkin Stepan. - The fifth, and the last, from the "series" of the landowners, to whom Chichikov addresses proposal to sell him dead souls. In a peculiar negative hierarchy of landlord types, bred in the poem, this stingy old man (to him the seventh tent) occupies at the same time the lowest, and the highest level. His image personifies the full death of the human soul, the almost complete destruction of a strong and bright personality, without the rest of the misfortunes absorbed by the passion - but that is why they can resurrect and transformed. (Below P. from the characters of the poem "Pal" only the chikhikov himself, but for him the copyright is the possibility of even more grandiose "correction".)

On this dual, "negative-positive" nature of the image P. in advance indicates the final of the 5th chapter; Having learned from Co-Bakivich, that next door lives a screed landowner, who has the peasants "mruh, like flies," Chichikov is trying to bring the road to him at the passerby peasant; He does not know any P., but guesses, about whom is a question: "A, paid!" The nickname this is humiliating, - but the author (in accordance with the through-receiving "dead souls") from satire instantly proceeds to lyrical pathos; Having admired the accuracy of the folk word, puts praise the Russian mind and, as it were, moves from the space of the moralopsychiatory novel into the space of the epic poem "Like" Iliad ".

But the closer the chichotes to the house P., the alarming the author's intonation; Suddenly - and as if neither from this - the author compares himself a child with his current, his then enthusiasm - with the current "coolness" of the gaze. "Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! " It is clear that this passage equally refers to the author - and to the "dead" hero, the meeting with which to the reader will have. And this involuntary rapprochement of the "unpleasant" character with the author displays the image of P. from that series of "literary and theater" buyers, with the loan on which it is written, distinguishes from the characters of Plutovsky Romanov, and from the greedy landowners of the Mravo-West Epos, and from Garpagon From the Moliere Comedy "Surround" (the Garpagon is the same as P., to break down the back of the back), briefly, on the contrary, with a baron from the "Supil Knight" Pushkin and Balzakovsky Gobsek.

The description of Plushinsky estate allegorically depicts the launch - and at the same time "litter" of his soul, which "is not rich in God". Entry is dilapidated - the logs are pressed as piano keys; everywhere special windiness, roofs as a sieve; Windows shut up rag. Sobeshevich, they were skipped at least in order to save, and here - solely because of the "destruction". Because of the lords are visible huge beds of a layer bread, similar to the screaming brick. As in the dark, the "lubricant" world, here everything is lifeless - even two churches that should form a semantic center of the landscape. One of them, wooden, empty; Other, stone, all cracked. A little later, the image of the empty temple will be metaphorically responded in the words of P., sorry that the priest will not say "words" against universal soberness: "Against the words of God will not hold!" (Traditional for Gogol Motive "Dead" Relationship to the Word of Life.) Lord, "This Strange Castle" is located in the middle of the cabbage. "Plushkin" space is impossible to embrace with a single eye, it seems to fall into details and fragments - then one part will open the look of Chichikov, then another; Even the house - in places in one floor, in some places in two. Symmetry, integrity, the balance began to disappear already in the description of the estate of the Sobevich; Here this "process" is stitching and deep into. In all this, the "segmentality" of the owner's consciousness, which forgot about the main thing and focused on a third suspended one. He no longer knows how much where and what is produced in its extensive and ruined farm, - but it monitors the level of old emphasis in the ramp: if anyone drank.
The desolation "went to benefit" one by only the Plushkin Garden, which, starting near the Lord's house, disappears in the field. Everything else died, dead, as in the Gothic novel, which is reminiscent of a comparison of a Plushkin house with a castle. This, as it were, the ark, within which the flood occurred (not by chance almost all the details of the description, as in the ark, have their own "pair" - there are two churches, two Belvedere, two windows, one of which, however, is stuck with a triangle of blue sugar paper ; U P. had two blonde daughters, etc.). The dilapidation of his world is akin to the windiness of the "dough" world who died from passions. And P. himself is a failed "forefather" Noah, from the maternity owner degenerated in Skopidomes and lost whatever certainty of the appearance and position.

Having met P. on the way to home, Chichikov can not understand who in front of him is a woman or a man, the keysticker or a key, "rarely shaving beard"? Having learned that this "keystitch" is a rich landowner, the owner of 1000 souls ("Eva! And the owner of the owner is!"), Chichots twenty minutes can not get out of a stupor. Portrait of P. (long chin, which has to close the scarf, so as not to heal; small, not yet extinct eyes run from under high eyebrows, like mice; Sawdan bathrobe turned into a yuft; rag on the neck instead of a handkerchief) also indicates a complete "loss" »Hero from the image of a rich landowner. But all this is not for the sake of "exposure", but only in order to recall the norm of "wise miserness", with which P. tragically separated and to which he could still return.

Before, to the "fall", view of P., as a hardworking spider, "ran sickly, but stopped, at all ends of his economic cobweb"; Now the spider flies the pendulum of the stopped clock. Even the silver pocket watch, which P. is going to give - yes it does not give - Chikchiku in gratitude for the "deliverance" from the dead souls, and those "asked." About the past time (and not just about the tackle) resembles a toothpick that the owner, perhaps, picked up in the teeth before the invasion of the French.

It seems that, describing the circle, the story returned to the point, from which it began, - the first of the "Chikchikov" landowners, manifs, the same lives, as the last of them, P. But there is no time in the world of Manilov and never It was; He did not lose anything - he has nothing to return. P. possessed everyone. This is the only one, except for Chichikov himself, the hero of the poem who has a biography, there is a past; Without the past, the present can do, but without the past there is no way to the future. Before the death of his wife P. was an excellent, experienced landlord; The daughters and son had a French teacher and Madam; However, after that, P. developed a "complex" of the widow, he became suspicious and stingy. The next step to the side of the life road defined by him, he made after the secret escape of the eldest daughter, Alexandra Stepanovna, with the headquarters of the Rothmistrome and the unauthorized definition of the Son in military service. (He and before the "escape" considered the Military Games and Drabs, now and is hostile to military service at all.) The youngest daughter died; The son was played in the card; Soul P. Even fiercely; "Wolf hunger of misfortune" mastered them. Even the bidders refused to have a business with him - because it is "demon, and not a person.

The return of the "prodigal daughter", whose life with the headquarters-Rothmistrome turned out to be not particularly satisfying (an explicit plot parody of the final of the Pushkinsky "stationander"), reconciles P. with her, but does not eliminate deceased greed. Having played with the grandson, P. Nothing Alexander Stepanovna did not give, and Kulich donated it in the second arrival, he kept and now he is trying to treat Chichikov's cracker. (The item is also not accidental; Kulich - Easter "Trapeza"; Easter is the celebration of the Sunday; dries Kulich, P. as it were symbolically confirmed that his soul was dead; but in itself, what a piece of slices, let and moldy, always stored with him , Associatively connected with the theme of the possible "Easter" revival of his soul.)

Smart Chichiki, guessing the substitution that occurred in P., respectively, "reasons" his usual introductory speech; As in P. "Virtue" rested "savings", and the "rare properties of the soul" - "order", so they are replaced in the Chichikovsky "attack" to the theme of the dead souls. But the fact of the matter is that greed not until the last limit was able to master the heart of P. Making a bunching (Chichikov convinces the owner that she is ready to take on the right costs on the dead "for the pleasure of yours"; the list of the dead for the economic P. is ready, is unknown for What kind of need), P. reflects, who could, from his behalf, assure it in the city, and recalls that the chairman was his school comrade. And this is a memory (there is a completely repeated course of copyright reflections at the beginning of the chapter) suddenly revives the hero: "... on this wooden face<...> It was expressed<...> Pale reflection feelings. " Naturally, this is a random and instant glimmer of life.

Therefore, when chikhikov, not only purchasing 120 dead souls, but also buying fluorescent to 27 kopecks. For the soul, leaves P., the author describes the twilight landscape, in which the shadow with the light "was mixed perfectly" - as in the unfortunate soul P.