Falconi eye (Marvel Comics). Falcine Eye (Marvel Comics) Bow Falcine Eyes from Avengers

Falconi eye (Marvel Comics). Falcine Eye (Marvel Comics) Bow Falcine Eyes from Avengers
Falconi eye (Marvel Comics). Falcine Eye (Marvel Comics) Bow Falcine Eyes from Avengers
Characteristics of character Position Good Full name Clinton Francis Barton Alter ego Falconary Eye, Clint, Goliath, Golden Sagittarius, Street, Ronin, Big Onions, Arrows, Robin Hood, Legolas Height 179 cm Weight 95 kg Family status Was married to renider Occupation Superhero, government agent, former circus artist Teams and organizations Avengers, Thunders, Defenders, Sch.I.T., New Avengers, Secret Avengers, New Avengers Allies Moving, Captain America, Iron Man, Allay Witch, Ant Man, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Phil Kolson Enemies Triukach, Middle Mare, Cross Fire, Phantom Horseman, Laundered, Norma Ozborn, Altron, Skrull, Lords Evil, Loki Special forces
    • Excellent physical training
    • Master Owning Luc
    • Experienced and tagged shooter
    • Unsurpassed and practically unmistakable accuracy
    • Owns acrobatic data
    • Excellent pilot

Like a falconian eye:

    • Special high-tech bows, rapid crossbows, arrows with various properties and a huge arsenal of various weapons

Like Ronin:

    • Katana, Nunchaki, Syricen

As Goliath:

    • Pima particles capsules
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History of publications

Falconary eye first appeared in the release Tales of Suspense # 57 in September 1964, as a character who was forced to cooperate with the villains. He appeared in this capacity in two releases Tales of Suspense # 60 and # 64 (December 1964 and April 1965). Falconary eye joined the ranks of the Avengers in the release of Avengers Vol.1 # 16 in May 1965, and became a long-term member of the team, repeatedly appeared in all four volumes of the series Vol.1. (1963-1996), Vol.2. (1997), Vol.3. (1999-2004), Vol.4. (2010 current), including special edition and yearbooks, as well as Ultimates. and Secret Wars. #1-12 (1984-1985).

Falconary eye was one of the main characters limited series West Coast Avengers. # 1-4 (September-December 1984), and later appeared in the current series in 102 releases, including 8 yearbooks from October 1985 to December 1994. The series changed the name on Avengers West Coast. Starting with # 46 in August 1989. Falconary eye also appeared in almost every series Solo Avengers.which consisted of 40 issues and was produced from December 1987 to January 1991 (in August 1989 with numbers # 21 series was renamed to Avengers Sphotlight.).

From 1998 to 2002, a falcon eye often appeared in the series Thunderbolts. # 20-75 and in the yearbook # 2000. The series was written in Kurt Bizek and illustrated by the Faban Niscea.

In 2005, the character appeared in THE HOUSE OF M - MARVEL COMICS crossover. Later, in 2007-2010, he appeared already as Ronin in New Avengers. # 26-64 as well as in New Avengers Annual # 2 (2008) and Annual. # 3 (2010). Continuing to perform under the pseudonym Ronin, he played an important role in the crossover Secret Invasion. # 1-8 (2008), and within the crossover-series Dark Reign. appeared again as a falcony eye as one of the main characters, New Avengers: The Reunion #1-4 (2009), Dark Reign: The List - New Avengers # 1 (2009), in 2010 appeared in the crossover Siege #1-4 (2010).

In addition to appearances in the general series, a falcony eye appeared in solo comic series over the years. He appeared in his own series Hawkeye Vol.1. # 1-4 (1983) Under the authorship of Mark Greenwald (in this series, he first met with a crossroads and vulnerable cross-fire). Later came out the second volume of the series Hawkeye Vol.2. # 1-4 (1994), as well as Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman # 1 (1998). The third volume included eight issues Hawkeye Vol.3. # 1-8 and soon the series was canceled. Writer Jim McCann and the artist David Lopez engaged in creating a series Hawkeye & Mockingbird. In 2010, 6 issued issues of which were not very successful. However, the series included two additional mini-series Widowmaker # 1-4 (2010-2011) and Hawkeye: BlindSpot. #1-4 (2011).

Over the years, a falcony eye appeared as a guest in many MARVEL publishing houses, the most noticeable of which are Daredevil Vol.1. #99 (1973), Incredible Hulk Vol.1. #166 (1973), Marvel Team-Up #22 (1974), Ghost Rider #27 (1977), Marvel Team-Up #92 (1980), Marvel Fanfare. #3 (1982), Captain America. #317 (1986), Contest of Champions II # 3-5 (1999), Fallen Son: The Death Of Captain America #3 (2008), War Machine Vol.2. #8-10 (2009), Young Avengers Presents. # 6 (2008) and Captain America: Reborn #3-6 (2009-2010).


Cover release Hawkeye Vol. 3., # 5 (April 2004), artist Carlos Pacheco.
Publisher Marvel Comics.
Format Limited Series
Periodicity Monthly
Dates of publications Volume 1:
September 1983-December 1983
Volume 2:
january 1994 April 1994
Volume 3: December 2003- August 2004
Number of releases Volume 1: 4
Volume 2: 4
Volume 3: 8
Characters Hawkeye
Scriptures Volume 1:
Mark Greenwold
Volume 2:
Chuck Dickson
Volume 3:
Fabian Nisceza
Artists Volume 1:
Mark Greenwold
Volume 2:
Scott Collins
Volume 3:
Stefano Rafael
Joe Bennet.
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Early life

Clinton Barton was born in Wavely, Iowa. Osapoteev at an early age, Clinton, together with his brother Bernard, was sent to the orphanage, where he spent 6 years. After him, he joined the group of a stray circus, where he was trained with fencing art and worked as an assistant fencer. Trick Shot took the boy in the disciples to train him also skill in Luk. Seeing once an iron man's costume in action, Barton began to try to imitate him, putting on catching costumes and using his archery skills to fight crime. However, during one of his first missions, he was adopted by the police for the thief, as a result of which he had to fight a real iron man.

Falconary eyes returned to the avengers shortly before the battle with Natios, where it would seem, died with other heroes. Nevertheless, Franklin Richards managed to move them to the pocket universe, where superheroes healed another life. In the end, they found out the truth and returned to the real world. Hearing a falconian eye was also restored, since Franklin Richards recreated heroes in the new universe on how he remembered them.


Falconary eye accompanied the avengers in their numerous adventures. He helped to train justice and a fiery star to defeat Tasquemaster and Albino. Later, a falconian left the avengers to lead the first generation of the thumbs up with the influence of Baron Helmunt Zemo. Barton trained his wards in the style of his former teammate, Captain America, transforming the thumbs in a single combat unit. He had romantic relations with Munstone, to which he had a positive effect. Later a falconian eye and thumbs up to hell to save the soul of the moc. They defeated Mephisto, but the clint did not manage to find the dead wife. To get a pardon for thumbs up, Barton allowed himself to arrest himself. The past crimes of the rulers of the authorities promised to be reduced, in the case of the resign of the team participants, for which those reluctantly agreed. When a falconian eye came out of prison, team members reunited again to defeat Graviton. Some time later, a falconian gave the leadership of a citizen in (whose consciousness was under the control of Baron Zemo) and left the team.


Alaty witch goes crazy and causes the ship's ship currens that arrive on Earth. During the battle, the falconce was seriously injured and deciding to catch before death to help the avengers, goes to one of the spacecraft ships, and brings himself sacrificing to save the teammates.

When an allay witch accidentally change the reality during the events of the day M, Barton is resurrected and does not remember anything about the events. When a young mutant Leila Miller helps him and some other superheroes remember what happened, Barton is horrified by the actions of the scarlet witches and shoot her back from Luke.

Return and new avengers

When reality was restored, Barton was risen, although the new Avengers knew nothing about it. He found Dr. Struj, who offered him asylum until he would not get better with normal life. Contrary to the advice of Dr. Barton went to Vandor, where he found a witch, who lost his memory of the past and, apparently without mutant abilities, lived ordinary life. They became close friends, but then Clint left her. Returning to the United States, a falconian eye learned about the death of Captain America. He confronted the iron man who then suggested that he to take the personality of Captain America, his shield and costume to preserve his heritage. Barton, inspired by the words Kate Bishop, which he recently met, rejected the proposal of Stark.

Subsequently, the new Avengers offered him to join the team. Barton agreed and went with them to Japan, to the mission to save Echo. Leaving behind the identity of the falconce eyes, Clint Barton took the name of Ronin. Echo, which was the original Ronin, allowed him to use his old name. Clint then again met Kate Bishop and revealed her true personality, to the great surprise of Kate. The Kate's impressed by skill in handling onions and arrows, Ronin gave her his agreement to use the name of a falconian eye.

Ronin was part of the new avengers who went to the wild land, receiving a message of a woman about the crash of the scrull ship. Superheroes came out of the ship, claimed that all this time they were captured at space invaders. One of them was a refreshment. Clint believed that she was real, until Mr. Fantastic activated the device to calculate the scrules. Upon completion of the secret invasion, the Clint reunited with a real refrigerant, which, as it turned out, did not die, and was captured by Skrullov.

Forces and abilities

Like Ronin and a falconian eye, Clint Barton does not have supernatural abilities. All his skills are achieved by training. The best agent Shch. I.T.A.

  • Archer skills: Barton is a magnificent shooter. It uses different types of bows, crossbows, arrows with different effects and characteristics. It is able to conduct a targeted target fire at once with several arrows in a matter of seconds, amazing even small-sized targets at distances. Being a falcon eye, he trained daily, at least two hours a day to maintain his skills.
  • Acute vision and accuracy: Barton almost unmistakably affects any target due to acute vision and honed accuracy. He was trained by Trick Shot, who taught him to throw knives, darts, balls, pains and boomerangi, because he is able to make an accurate shot of almost any weapons.
  • Skills of acrobatics and technique of skillful fighting: Clint Barton has an exceptional human strength and endurance, which he reached daily training. His reflexes are better than an ordinary person, as well as agility. In addition, he is an expert martial arts, owns the skills of acrobatics, gymnastics.
  • Qualified tactic: Barton has the skills of the strategist, tactics and a field commander, which manifested itself during his leadership by the Avengers of the West Coast.
  • Weapon Ownership Skills: In addition to the bow and crossbow, Barton can handle cold and firearms, which he uses, speaking under the pseudonym Ronin. Due to its coordination and its reflexes, he is able to master any weapon in a short time. The fencer taught him fencing during his stay in a wandering circus. Barton is one of the few in the world who can effectively use the shield of Captain America.
  • Vehicle management skills: Barton Motorcycle Master, as well as one of the most experienced Pilots of the Avengers Quinges.
  • Increase body size: Due to the irradiation of Pima particles, Barton was able to increase or decrease in size. Unlike the Hank Pima or his spouse, the clint was not exposed to particles for so long to change its growth as desired, because he stopped using particles capsules, it lost the ability to change in size.


As Ronin, Barton uses a suit that allows him to hide in the dark, as well as Nunchaki and Surikane. Previously, as a falcony eye, he used various types of onions and quiver with arrows, special arrows, also he is the only superhero that can effectively use the shield of Captain America.

Outside comics


Falconary eye appeared in the following cartoons:


  • In the movie "Tor" Kameo Clint Barton fulfilled the actor Jeremy Renner. In the film Barton - one of Snipers Sh. I.T. Phil Kolson gives Barton to the team to keep the Torah on the sight during the penetration of the Torah behind the hammer that the clint is successfully done. Instead of a sniper rifle, Barton used high-tech onions.
  • In the art film 2012 "Avengers" a falcony eye is one of the main characters, his role again performs Jeremy Renner. In the film, the clint first fought with heroes, while under hypnosis of Loki, but then the black widow returned him into consciousness and he joined the avengers. Here he wears a suit, similar to the Ultimate universe presented in comics. Onions in the film - a little modified Hoyt Buffalo.
  • Jeremy Renner returned to the role of a falcony eye in the film Avengers: Era Altron. After fighting with Altron and Gemini Maximoff in Africa, Clint provides his farm as a temporary asylum of the Avengers, where his wife Laura and two children live. During the final battle in the juice, a falconian eye was ready to sacrifice himself, saving the child from Altron, but they save them, driving himself. At the end of the film, his newborn son was shown simultaneously in honor of the Black Widow and mercury - Nathaniel Pietro Barton.
  • In March 2015, Jeremy Renner was confirmed in the role of a falconian eye in the film "First Avenger: confrontation", which was released in 2016. In this film, Clint opposes registration, and recruits to the captain of America Wanda and Scott Lang. He took part in the battle at the airport, during which the CEP team, distracting opponents, made it possible to steve and run to run. Barton was defeated by the Black Panther and, together with Sokol, the scarlet witch and a man-ant went to jail. In the final released Rogers.
  • Clint had to appear in the film "Avengers: the war of infinity," but the scene with him were cut out.
  • Jeremy Renner will return to the role of Clint Barton in the film "Avengers: Final". In the film trailer, his new suit close to the image of Ronin was shown.

Video Games


  • A + X. #3,6,8 (Avengers + X-Men #3,6,8) (2012)
  • A + X. #7 (Avengers + X-Men # 7) (2012) mentioned in a conversation

Criticism and reviews

In May 2011, a falconian took 44th place in the list of the top 100 of the best heroes of comics according to IGN.

Collectible editions

Salt editions of the falconian eyes were collected in collectible editions in a soft cover:

Title Enabled issues Publication date ISBN.
Hawkeye. Hawkeye. Vol.1 # 1-4 june 1988. ISBN 978-0-87135-364-1
Avengers: hawkeye. Hawkeye. Vol.1 # 1-4, Tales of Suspense #57, MARVEL SUPER ACTION #1, Avengers. #189, Marvel Team-Up #92 march 2010. ISBN 978-0-7851-3723-8
New Avengers: The Reunion New Avengers: The Reunion #1-4, Dark Reign: New Nation #1 march 2010. ISBN 978-0-7851-3855-6
Hawkeye & MockingBird: Ghosts Hawkeye & Mockingbird. #1-6, ENTER THE HEROIC AGE #1 january 2011. ISBN 978-0-7851-4418-2
Widowmaker Widowmaker #1-4 april 2011. ISBN 978-0-7851-5205-7
Hawkeye: BlindSpot. Hawkeye: BlindSpot. #1-4 july 2011. ISBN 978-0-7851-5600-0

Note: Release Dark Reign: hawkeye (May 2010) does not talk about falconry, but about lazy, who gave himself for a falcony eye during events


Real name: Catherine Elizabeth Bishop (Katherine ELIZABETH Bishop)
Nicknames: Falconary Eye (Hawkeye), Kate Bishop (Kate Bishop), Sokolitsa-Mockingbird (Hawkingbird), Weapon Woman (Weapon Woman), Western (Taskmistress)
Personality: Hidden
Floor: Female
Position: Good
Height: 165 cm (5 "5")
Weight: 55 kg (120 pounds)
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: The black
Relatives: Derek Bishop (Father), Eleanor Bishop (Mother, Dead), Susan Bishop (sister)
Belonging to groups: Young Avengers (YOUNG AVENGERS), Previously, Secret Avengers (Secret Avengers)
Place of Birth: New York (New York City), New York (New York)
Citizenship: American
Family status: Single
Universe: Earth-616 (Earth-616)
Scene: Bishop Publishing (Bishop Publishing)
Occupation: Female student, adventure surprise, rungage
Creators: Allan Heinberg (Allan Heinberg), Jim Cheung
First appearance: Young Avengers # 1 (April, 2005) - like Kate Bishop, Young Avengers # 12 (August, 2006) - like a falcon



The daughter of the Magnate Publisher Derek Bishop (Derek Bishop), Kate has bathed in luxury since childhood. However, she never felt comfortable among this wealth. Like her mother, she spent money and time on soup kitchens, shelters for women and charity. When her mother was killed, Kate became even big philanthropist. The death of the mother and the farther focus on business forced Kate from an early age to manage their lives. Some time after the death of the mother, Kate attacked during a nightlown in the central park. Although the exact nature of the attack never clearly indicated, it is understood that it was subjected to sexual violence. She did not tell anyone about what happened, except for his therapist and Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones). By sending your grief, shame and feeling of helplessness in a positive channel, Kate began to train. In its private school, Hawthorne Academy Academy and in the Elite National Music Camp (Interlochen National Music Camp), she was engaged in a shooting from Luke, fencing, fighting on swords, studied self-defense, as well as some other types of combat. She did all this to prepare themselves to such attacks in the future, and prevent this to happen to others.

Kate met Young Avengers (Young Avengers) During the wedding of her sister in the Cathedral of St. Patrick (St. Patrick "S Cathedral), when the bandits captured all those in the church to hostage. Kate tried to join the battle after young Avengers detected most of the gangsters. When she grabbed it and put a gun to the head, she used one of the patriot style stars (Patriot) to defeat his invader. "Heroism" Kate got into the news, and when Cassie Lang (Cassie Lang) noticed how she tries to find young avengers, both girls traced Their group is before the destroyed mansion of Avengers (Avengers Mansion), where the older Avengers (Avengers) tried to convince their young colleagues to disperse. After the Iron Man, when he opened the doors, Kate used his access code to free Cassie and young avengers After the avengers locked them for their security. Kate took equipment from the surrounding rooms, projectile himself with an equipper previously used Well-absorbed members of the Avengers: Mockingbird combat poles (mockingbird), the onions of a falcony eye, as well as the sword of the swordsman (Swordsman) and the Black Widow belt (Black Widow). When Kate first appeared in the mask of the sinking, the patriot jokingly called her Sokolitsa-Plashnik.

When the avengers and young Avengers fought with Kang's conqueror (Kang the Conqueror), Kate was in their ranks, but after the victory she was forced to give out equipment. Captain America (Captain America) and an iron man ordered a team to disperse and refused to train them without the consent of their parents.

Not wanting to miss a chance to change something to something, Kate kept young Avengers from the collapse. She used his father's money to get a new uniform and weapon for the team after their original uniforms were confiscated by Captain America and an iron man. Kate was the main force holding the team together after the older heroes refused to help them. The team also used an empty building with which her father owned, as a base.


After the patriot was wounded during the battle between the Empires of Kriend (Kree) and Skrull (Skrull) due to Halkling (Hulkling), Captain America again tried to convince young avengers to start leading a normal life. Kate told him that if he had trained them, injured patriot could be avoided, and it would be better for him if he adopted young Avengers and help them. Jessica Jones gave Kate onions and arrows of the first falcony eye with a note from Captain America addressed to the falconry. Jessica said that the only person able to speak normally with captain America was Clint Barton (Clint Barton), and that Captain America wants Kate to take the nickname clint. Kate did it, becoming second Falcony eye.


Civil War and Consequences

Kate and the remaining young Avengers united with supporters of Captain America, after the secret Avengers released them from custody Sch.I.T.A. (S.h.i.e.l.d.) Killers of the Capekiller. During the conflict, the new falcony eye, together with the team, went to Los Angeles to help Fugitives (Runaways), and both teams combined their strengths against the threat from the Warden (Warden) and a wonderful guy (Marvel Boy). Kate was disappointed with the decision of his height girlfriend (Stature) to register after the death of Goliath, but continued to provide her friendly support, and they broke up with friends. Also, during the conflict, she, Patriot and New Vihn (Vision), were collided for the first time with Bucky, and helped him cope with the Hydra (Hydra) division. It will remember this experience for several months.

After the victory of the forces of the Iron Man in the Civil War (Civil War), a falconian eye remained with rebel superhero. She often went to patrol with a patriot. Shortly before the funeral of Captain America, a falconian eye and a patriot collided with the clint Barton, the first falcony eye (at that time, dressed in the Captain costume and with his shield). Not knowing about his present person, Kate criticized him for the usurpation of the name and costume of the captain of America, and for the fact that he is the puppet of the US government. In the process, she explained that he chose a nickname a falconian eye in honor of the clint, but she did not copy his costume, because he considered it shameful. She also stated: " If the falconian eyes were alive, I would call yourself somehow differently. " Stunned by such revelation, Barton let go of two young avengers, even calling Kate with a falcony eye before rejecting the offer of an iron man and join New Avengers (New Avengers) Luke Cage.

Kate continued to act with the team. She once again helped the patriot find tanks, and destroyed the base TION(AIM), and also helped his close height friend (Cassie Lang), after she wounded her father during a fight with a growing man (Growing Man). There was time, her relationship with Eli (patriot) developed, and, after all, they went to the central park on a date. Unfortunately, the date turned out badly, as Kate, still not confident in his feelings, rejected the offer of Eli to make their relations official. Improvised ambush and sparing session organized Ronin (Ronin) did not help the work. Accepting the offer of Ronin (who was actually a clint barton, which took a new name and image) about the meeting at the headquarters of the new Avengers, Kate was shocked by learning that he was Barton, who returned from the world, and that he called her to check, Does she wear the name of a falconian eye. Kate argued with the client that he would not be able to breed an arrow with another boom, and on his question " Oh yeah? And why not?" she answered: " Because it is impossible, you are a fool. That's why. Even the destroyers of the legends (mythbusters) could not do this, and they had five arrows against one, old man ". Kate was so confident in his victory that she put on the old onions of the clint. Clint won, using a much worst bow, emphasizing that no matter how impossible, the lives of the team members depend on this, and someone should always make a shot.

Having lighted the name and bow, Kate accepted the speed of speed (SPEED) about a date and was able to participate in the stealing of Luke at the Avengers. Meanwhile, Clint tried to stand up for young avengers in front of new avengers, wanting to become their mentor. Although Kate managed to return the bow, the theft was not left unnoticed by Barton, who saw in this the sign that Bishop is ready to defend his beliefs and will not retreat in the face of the test. Officially giving her a blessing to the use of a falconian eye and onion, as well as promising to allow her to lead her young avengers as she considers it necessary, Barton gave her an image of the avengers of times "The born quartet" (Falconary Eye, Captain America, Alaty Witch (Scarlet Witch) and mercury (Quicksilver) in their early days in the role of Avengers). Approve yourself as a falcony eye, Kate decided to meet with a patriot, and not at speed, asking him to be patient with her and give her time.

Secret invasion

During the invasion of the scrules, the falcony and young Avengers were the first superheroes, which were at the scene, and, despite all their efforts, in the end they were defeated by superior forces of scrulls. Fortunately, they were saved by Nick Fury and his secret warriors (Secret Warriors), and Kate joined the heroes on their secret underground base. During the battle in the Central Park, in which the united forces of the Super Overlook of the Earth fought with the main army of Scrullov, Kate was seriously injured by one of the super-scrullov (Super-Skrulls) and delivered to the nearest hospital. Clint Barton used her onions and arrows to continue the battle. Kate survived and fully recovered. After the battle was won, she took part in stripping operations.

During the crisis of Cascade of Chaos, Kate Bishop was turned into a stone along with Halkling, Patriot, Wickcan (Wiccan) and speed, as part of the random magical effects generated by Darkhold witchcraft (Darkhold).

Dark domination

When after defeating the army of scrulls, Norman Osborne (Norman Osborn) became the head of national security, a falcony eye and her young Avengers faced the same group, inspired by actions Dark Avengers (Dark Avengers) Norman Ozbard. The first meeting between the two teams ended with a fight, and Kate faced a seriously armed executioner (Executioner). When the melter team (MELTER) tried to get places in real young avengers, Kate and the executioner fought together against the horde of robots released M.O.L.O.T. (H.A.m.m.e.r.). Unfortunately, Kate's problems with the "Young Masters" (Young Masters) just started. The executioner used Kate's knowledge for blackmail to get a place in young avengers. Although she rejected the proposal of Wikkan about erasing to him in memory, Kate remained very concerned about the situation, feeling that the presence of young masters corrupts them and ruffles good intentions.

In order for the executioner to begin to doubt her behalf, Kate and the rest of the young Avengers staged a cast battle with a superstitus at a solemn event, where she was presented with the Ball (in civilian clothes). In the evening, in front of all news services, young Avengers burst into the reception, pursuing the Super Sloda (in fact it was Vican under the prime of the Ilyusy). Among them was a falconian eye (in fact, VIZHN, using holographic disguise), which stopped to make a compliment of Cate clothes. The next day, in a collision with an adhesive and evil executioner, Kate mumbled over him, saying that his mother was superstooth, he didn't even know about. This, as well as many other disagreements of young avengers and masters, led to the fact that the latter turned to Norman Osborne and his dark avengers for helping young avengers into the trap during their next meeting in the invisible mansion. During the past battle, the falcony eye faced his evil twin in the dark avengers - labeled (Bullseye), and even held him against him and the executioner at the same time until the executioner shot in labeled for the fact that he mentioned his mother. With the disappearance of young masters, the threat of the disclosure of the personality of Kate decreased, and the falconce continued the adventure with the team.

Siege and age of heroes

When Osborne's forces began Siege of Asgard (ASGARD), Captain America united new avengers, young avengers and secret warriors to give confusion Tirana. Kate was among many responded to the call, and joined the accounted forces of the Avengers when they came to the rescue of Torah and Assa. When the clock absorbed by the darkness (Sentry), Kate lost consciousness and turned out to be trapped under the wrecks along with a patriot. When their shelter began to collapse, they began to argue how to get out; Cate offer to use rough strength or explosives faced with a cautious patriot position. In the end, their joint efforts allowed them to escape from the grave, but not earlier than Patriot kissed her in a rustling of passion. Once safe and conceded with the rest of the team, young Avengers went further to fight Osborne and Mrack.

After the events of the siege, Kate was seen among the heroes celebrating the victory in Tower of Avengers (Avengers Tower). Clint Barton later persuaded her to leave the nickname "falconian eyes", despite the fact that he himself returned to this role. According to him, the world is currently large enough for two people with such a nickname.

Hawki. Street avenger.

In this series, Clint Barton (Clint Barton) is engaged in fighting crime on the streets that does not fall into the field of vision of the Avengers (Avengers), and not one, and together with his young protege Kate Bishop (Kate Bishop) from now loose young avengers (Young Avengers ).

Product description

Onions and an arrow of a falconian eyes - Ideally complement the image of the Hero Marvel - Falconary Eyes or Clinton Francis Barton.

Included plastic bow and arrow on the suction cup.



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A new lineup of costumes includes: Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Godzilla, Dawn Planet Monkeys, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, Thomas and his friends, Barbie and Monsters. The brand is still an adherent of creating costumes for the whole family offers consumers more than 150 exclusive licenses.

Some new interesting details about the new MARVEL film "Avengers: Era Altron".

1. Hulk received an excellent upgrade to his wardrobe with the addition of stretching pants, which he wears under clothing. He will not have to be in an awkward situation when he turned out to be somewhere half-rolled in a torn clothes after the transformation - pants made from high-tech microfiber, stretch with it.

2. Thanks to the engineering skills of Tony Stark, the falconian has received new weapons. Now he has a lot of arrows that serve various purposes. The purpose of some of them is explained in the film, and other arrows viewers will simply see on the screen in action. Krzchan Sokolina Eye also changed - now it is more automatic and recharging occurs much faster. It fits 9 arrows.

3. The onion of the falcony eye also received a new design, the classic black color was changed on the dark bard. From new onions improvements, infrared and sound sights can be noted.

4. Excellent improvement and captain's shield of America. Now it can be returned back after the throw on the similarity of the new costumes of the Iron man. Instead of two back mounts, the shield now has a magnetic element that is attached to the Cap's glove.

5. Thanks to Tony Stark, a black widow can now be covered with its new combat batons based on escrima sticks. But the two batons of the black widow are charged as well as her sting, so when she attacks, she not only inflicts the opponent's blow, but also beats a significant electric charge.

6. For the film, the Artist-director Charles Wood and his team built a new huge scenery of the Avengers Tower, which became the largest scenery ever created for Marvel films. A significant part of the film occurs there at different levels. A large glass wall opens a view of New York, and here you can also see hangar for Kingete. Multiple scenery are connected together, with the possibility of needing to move from one floor to another.

7. The decoration of the Tower of Avengers is designed to serve the needs of history with the most families. In the film Tower, built and developed by Tony Stark, is a gathering place for the avengers, where they can plan, conduct business, relax or learn. There is a living room, three laboratories, as well as machine room, gym, recreation area and changing room. The tower is also designed to provide Tony Stark to all necessary for its work and research.

8. New characters from comic will appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Wanda (Alaty Witch) and Pietro Maximoff (mercury), which possess the abilities previously not shown on the screen. Pietro is fast as zipper, and Wanda has the ability to telecisenesis, as well as it can remotely direct neurons into the brain of other people and as a result to manipulate their consciousness.

9. Another new character of the Avengers team will be a Vivalent, which plays Paul Betthan, who previously voiced Jarvis in the films about the Iron Man. He is a form of artificially created life with a truly unique appearance. It has incredible abilities that will be an excellent addition to the Avengers team.

10. Halkbaster is a famous part of the technology of an iron man - a super-designer created for the pacification of the Hulk. Halkbaster's armor was developed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner after studying the physical activity and the level of Hulk's strength to try to get the opportunity to pacify it and minimize the destruction caused by his rage. A low-orbit satellite always follows the banner, and on the first request of Tony Stark can send the Halkbaster armor to the place, climb and stop the Hulk on his way - in theory.

11. Changed Quinjet received a more militarized appearance, and pilots now have a wide survey around them. The design of the cabin was based on the cockpit of helicopters, with glass ahead and from the bottom, which gives the viewer the feeling of incredible speed when Kundzhet flies around the city. The interior was also adapted for more practical needs, the space was less loaded, and many decoration elements were removed.

12. A unique asset on sets in Seoul was drones and radio-controlled cars, which helped to deliver the camera to unavailable for operators and helicopters. The production team has enjoyed expert support for the Menstrua's brothers, National Champions of Korea in Flying Dronas, as well as Paka Min Que, National Champion of Korea on racing of radio-controlled cars.

13. The wardrobe of superheroes in the key scene of the party was the task of a veteran of the sphere of costume designs Alexandra Byrne. Since this is the first time when the Torah can be seen at a party, Byrne worked with Chris Hemsworth to find the desired combination of jeans, jackets and jerseys, which would emphasize his figure and would not be case or frightened. It was much easier to dress Tony Stark, especially considering that Robert Downey ML. I wanted to get a certain appearance. Subsequently, this was instructed by the famous London tailor with Savile Row. After five fittings, a rather elegant appearance for Tony Stark was obtained.

0 26 March 2015, 14:10

On the eve of the exit to the wide screens of one of the most anticipated films of this year - (Avengers: Age of Ultron) - Film Studio Disney decided to publish 10 interesting facts about the project.

Fact 1 - Hulk Wardrobe

From now on, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, turning into rage in a furry monster Hulka, will not fall into an awkward situation at the return transformation, during which he could be anywhere in nude.

The fact is that, especially for a green superhero, stretched pants were created, made from high-tech microfiber, which physicist will definitely not lose.

Mark Ruffalo, playing Hulk. Frame from the film "Avengers"

Fact 2 - Armament of falcony

Thanks to the engineering skills of Tony Stark in the new part of the "Avengers", a falcony eye will be more more advantageous, and all because its weapon has undergone a serious upgrade. Now, in the arsenal Clinton Francis Barton, there are many arrows intended for various purposes, and for which the audience will learn while watching the film.

The quiver of falcony eyes changed - it became more automated, and recharge in it is far much faster. In addition, the bow of one of the most popular heroes of MARVEL comic also modified - the classic black color was replaced with a dark burgundy. And one more of the improvements is infrared and sound sight.

Jeremy Renner in the image of a falcony eye. Frame from the film "Avengers"

FACT 3 - Captain America Shield

Transformations got to the captain of America - now after throwing his weapon, Stephen Rogers should not run behind him, it will return itself - like new costumes of the Iron man. And instead of fasteners on the back, the shield will be kept due to the magnetic element.

Chris Evans in the image of Captain America. Frame from the film "Avengers"

Fact 4 - Dubble Black Widow

And since Tony Stark began to improve the personal weapons and the wardrobe of the avengers, he could not not equip and black widow, which in the eleventh in the account in the filmmatic universe Marvel film will appear with new combat clubs created on the prototype of the escrim sticks. The undoubted plus in them - the enemy receives not only a blow, but also a strong electrical discharge.

Scarlett Johansson in the image of a black widow. Frame from the film "Avengers"

Fact 5 - the biggest scenery ever created for MARVEL films

Especially for the film "Avengers: Era Altron" by the artist-director of the project Charles Wood and his team built a new tower of Avengers - these are the greatest scenery ever created for Marvel films. It is in this tower, at different levels, a picture of the picture will occur.

The scenery was designed in such a way that the actors can move from one floor to another. There is a living room in the tower, three laboratories, as well as a car room, gym, recreation area and changing room. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bcinematographers, the building was created by Tony Starck with that intelligence so that the Avengers could gather in it and conduct their affairs.

Fact 6 - new heroes

New characters will appear in the new tape on the adventures of superheroes: Alaty Witch (Wanda) performed and mercury (Pietro Maximoff) - Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Wanda has the ability to telecisenesis and can remotely direct neurons into the brain of other people by manipulating their consciousness. Maximoff same moves like lightning.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in mercury and Elizabeth Olsen in the image of the witch scarlet. Frame from the film "Avengers"

Fact 7 - Paul Bettany will come out of "darkness"

Many probably do not know, but was part of the Marvel's filmmaker Studio since 2008 - the British actor presented his voice to the assistant Tony Stark, artificial intellect Jarvis. Now he will appear not only for the scenes, but also in it.

Bettany played Vizhen - the form of artificially created life with a unique appearance and incredible abilities.

Fact 8 - Halbaster

Halbaster is a suit designed by the Starrel to pacify the Hulk together with Bruce Banner after studying the physical activity and the level of power of a green monster.

Thanks to the satellite, which has been watching the doctor every second, Stark can send to anywhere in the world the Halkbaster armor, which is designed to prevent Banner's transformation into the beast in theory.

FACT 9 - QUINJET aircraft design

In the new picture, Avengers will have to take advantage of the miracle - Quinjet, the building of which has become more militarized, and his pilots received a wide surge survey - with glass ahead and below, which allows the viewer to feel the incredible vehicle speed.

The Quinjet interior was also improved - the space was less loaded, and many decoration elements were removed.

Fact 10 - Wardrobe Superheroes in the Key Scene

And finally, let's talk about the wardrobe of superheroes in the key scene - at a party responsible for the appearance of the main characters on which veteran in the design of the design of Alexander Byrne costumes was appointed.

It is noteworthy that the Hero - Torah - the audience will be seen for the first time at a similar event, and therefore Byrne personally met with the actor to find the right combination of jeans, jackets and jerseys, which would emphasize his figure, would not be too thematic or frightened.

Yeah, this work you will not call easy, which you will not say about the selection of the image for Tony Stark in execution - he knew exactly how he wants to look, so the suit of the costume was charged with the famous London tailor with Savile Row, which, after the fifth fitting, received an elegant appearance.

Poster for the film "Avengers: Era Altron"

Source Galactic News ONE

Photo Frames from the film "Avengers"