Cherry Garden Description Garden Quotes. Beginning of a new era in the play "Cherry Garden

Cherry Garden Description Garden Quotes. Beginning of a new era in the play
Cherry Garden Description Garden Quotes. Beginning of a new era in the play "Cherry Garden

The image of a cherry garden in the consciousness of the heroes of the play L. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"

The cherry garden combines all the heroes of the play around him. Writer connects characters of different ages and social groupsAnd they will have to somehow solve the fate of the garden, and therefore, and their destiny.

The owners of the manor are Russian landowners Gaev and Ranevskaya. Both brother and sister - educated, clever, sensitive people. They know how to appreciate beauty, thinly feel it, but due to inertness can not do anything for her salvation. Gaev and Ranevskaya are deprived of the feelings of reality, practicality and responsibility, and therefore is not able to take care of either about himself about loved ones. They cannot follow the advice of a blades and pass the land for rent, despite the fact that it would bring them a solid income: "Dachas and dacms - it went so, forgive." To go to this measure, they prevent their special feelings that bind them to the estate. They belong to the garden as a living person with whom they have a lot of ties. The cherry garden for them is the personification of the past from the life of youth. Looking out the window on (garden, Ranevskaya exclaims "About my childhood, my purity! In this nursery I slept, I looked from here to the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then he was exactly the same, nothing has changed." Returning to Native estate, she again felt young and happy.

The feelings of Gaeva and Ranevskaya does not share the leopard. Their behavior seems to him as strange and illogical. He is surprised why they do not act so obvious for him the arguments of a prudent exit from the difficult situation. Lopakhin knows how to appreciate the beauty: he admired the garden, "which is nothing more beautiful." But he is an active and practical person. He sincerely tries to help Gaevu and Ranevskaya, constantly convincing them: "And the cherry garden, and the land must be leased under the cottages, to do it now, as soon as possible, the auction is on the nose! Understand! " But they do not want to listen to him. Gaev is capable only on empty oaths: "My honor, than you want to swear, the estate will not be sold! .."

but the auction took placeAnd Lopahin bought the estate. For him, this event has a special meaning: "I bought the estate, where the grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen. I sleep, it only seems to me, it only seems ... "Thus, for a shovel, the purchase of estates becomes a kind of symbol

his success, reward for perennial labor. For a shovel, the cherry garden is just the land that can be sold, lay or buy. In his joy, he does not even consider it necessary to show an elementary sense of tact in relation to the former owners of the manor. He begins to cut down the garden, not even waiting for their departure. In something, he is akin to the soulless Lackey Yasha, in which there are no such feelings as kindness, love for the mother, attachment to the place where was born and grew. In this, he is the direct opposite of the Fours, with these qualities are extremely developed. Firs - most an old man in the House. He is many years faithfully serves as his gentlemen, sincerely loves them and will be ready to defend them from all the troubles. Perhaps Firs is the only character of the play, endowed with this quality - devotion. Firs - Very mineral nature, and this integrity is fully manifested in its attitude towards the garden. The garden for old lacquer is a generic nest, which he seeks to protect the same way as his Lord.

Petya Trofimov is a representative of a new minion. He does not care about the fate of the Cherry Garden. "We are above love," he declares, this is the easiest of the inability to a serious feeling. Petya looks at everything too superficially: not knowing genuine life, he is trying to rebuild it on the basis of contrived ideas. Externally Petya and Anya happy. They want to go to a new life, resolutely breaking with the past. The garden for them is "all of Russia", and not just this cherry garden. But is it possible, not like a native home, love the whole world? Both heroes rushed to new horizons, but losing their roots. Understanding between Ranevskaya and Trofimov is impossible. If there is no past and memories for Petta, then Ranevskaya is deeply grieving: "After all, I was born here, my father and mother lived here, I love this house, I do not understand my life without a cherry garden ..."

Cherry garden - symbol of beauty. But who will save beauty if people who are able to appreciate it, do not fight for it, and people are energetic and actors look at it only as a source of benefits and profit?

The cherry garden is a symbol of good, and therefore such expressions, how to "pick up the roots", "trample a flower" or "hit the tree with an ax", sounds blasphemy and inhuman.

Reflecting on the characters and actions of the heroes of the play, we think about the fate of Russia, which is for us thereby "cherry garden."

"Cherry Garden" - the top of the Russian playwright of the early 20th century, lyrical comedy, play, marking the beginning new era The development of the Russian theater.

The main topic of the fleet of autobiographical is the bankrupt family of the nobles sells his generic estate from the auction. The author, as a person who has passed through this life situation, with a subtle psychologist describes independent state People forced to leave their home soon. An innovation of the play is the lack of dividing heroes on positive and negative, on top and minor. All of them are divided into three categories:

  • people of the past are noble aristocrats (Ranevskaya, Gaev and their Firs Laki);
  • present people - their bright representative merchant entrepreneur lopahin;
  • people of the future are the progressive youth of that time (Peter Trofimov and Anya).

History of creation

Chekhov began work on the play in 1901. In connection with serious health problems, the writing process was rather difficult, but nevertheless, in 1903 the work was completed. First theatrical performance The plays took place in a year on the Moscow scene art Theater., Becoming the top of Czech's creativity as a playwright and the texture of theatrical repertoire.

Analysis of the play

Description of the work

The action takes place in the childbirth estate of Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya, who returned from France with her young daughter Anha. In the railway station, they are met by Gaev (Brother Ranevskaya) and cooking (her receptional daughter).

The financial situation of the Ranevsky family is nearing full collapse. Entrepreneur Lopahin offers its version of solving the problem - break the land plot on the PAI and give them to the use of dachensons for a specific fee. The lady is in this proposal, because for this you will have to say goodbye to her beloved cherry garden, with a lot of warm memories of youth. Adds tragism the fact that her beloved son Grisha was killed in this garden. Gaev, imbued with the experiences of the sister, encourages her promise that their generic estate will not be put up for sale.

The action of the second part occurs on the street, in the yard of the estate. Lopakhin, with his characteristic pragmaticity, continues to insist on its plan to save the estate, but no one pays attention to him. Everyone switches to Peter Trofimova's Teacher who appeared. He utters an agitated speech dedicated to the fate of Russia, its future and affects the topic of happiness in the philosophical context. Materialist Lopakhin skeptically perceives the young teacher, and it turns out that only one Anya can penetrate him with sublime ideas.

The third action begins the fact that Ranevskaya for the last money invites the orchestra and suits the dance evening. Gaev and Lopakhin are absent - they left for the city for trading, where the Ranevian estate should go from the hammer. After a vast expectation, the love of Andreevna learns that her estate was bought at the bidding with a blades, which does not hide joy from his acquisition. The Ranevskaya family comes into despair.

The final is devoted to the departure of the Ranevskaya family from their home home. The parting scene is shown with all the inherent in Chekhov deep psychologism. The play ends with a surprisingly deep in the content of the monologue of the company, which the owners in the hurry forgot in the estate. Final Accord Sounds a knock of the ax. Chop the cherry garden.

main characters

Sentimental features, the owner of the estate. Having lived several years abroad, she got used to a luxurious life and inertia continues to allow much that with the deplorable state of its finance according to the logic of common sense should be inaccessible to her. Being a frivolous special, very helpless in everyday matters, Ranevskaya does not want to change anything in themselves, while she completely gives itself a report in their weaknesses and disadvantages.

A succeeding merchant, many of the Ranevskaya family. Its image is ambiguous - it combines hardworking, calcality, enterprise, and rudeness, "Menietic" beginning. In the final of the play, Lopahin does not share the feelings of Ranevskaya, he is happy that despite the peasant origin, he was able to allow buying the owners of his late father.

Like its sister, very sensitive and sentimental. Being an idealist and romantic, for the consolation of Ranevskaya, inventy fantastic plans to save the generic estate. It is emotional, verbally, but at the same time completely lackless.

Peter Trofimov

Eternal student, nihilist, an eloquent representative of the Russian intelligentsia, taking advantage of Russia's development only in words. In the pursuit of "Higher True", he denies love, considering it a small and ghostly feeling than immensely upset his daughter's daughter Ranevskaya Anya.

Romantic 17-year-old young lady, which fell under the influence of populist Peter Trofimov. Refreshly believes B. best life After the sale of the parental estate, Anya is ready for any difficulties for the sake of joint happiness next to the beloved.

87-year-old old man, lacquer in the Ranevsky's house. The type of servant of the old time surrounds the deceing care of their owners. It remained to serve his gentlemen even after the cancellation of serfdom.

Young lacquer, with contempt relating to Russia, dreaming of going abroad. Cynical I. cruel person, Hamit the old Fours, does not even apply to the native mother.

Structure of the work

The structure of the play is pretty simple - 4 actions without division into separate scenes. Time actions - a few months, from the end of the spring through the middle of the autumn. In the first action there is an exposition and the tie, in the second - the increase in the voltage, in the third - the climax (selling of the estate), in the fourth - the omission. Characteristic feature Pieces are the lack of genuine external conflict, dynamism, unpredictable turns scene line. Author's remarks, monologues, pauses and some innovation give the play in a unique atmosphere of exquisite Lorism. Artistic realism The plays are achieved by alternating dramatic and comic scenes.

(Scene from modern production)

The play is dominated by the development of an emotional and psychological plan, the main engine of the action is the internal experiences of the heroes. The author expands artistic space Works using input large number Characters that will not appear on the stage. Also, the effect of expanding spatial boundaries gives a symmetrical emerging the theme of France, which gives the archer form of the play.

Final output

The last play of Chekhov, can be said - his "swan song". The novelty of her dramatic language is a direct expression of a special Chekhov life concept, which is characterized by extraordinary attention to small, at first glance, minor details, focusing on the internal experiences of heroes.

In the play "Cherry Garden" the author captured the state of the critical disunity of the Russian society of its time, this sad factor is often present in the scenes, where the characters hear only themselves, creating only the visibility of interaction.

The end of the life of Chekhov fell at the beginning of the new century, a new era, new sentiment, aspirations and ideas. This is an inexorable law of life: the fact that once was young and full of strength, becomes an old and stray, giving way to a new one - young and strong life ... For death and dying should be the birth of a new one, the disappointment in life is replaced by hopes, waiting for change . The play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" reflects precisely such a turning point - the time when the old one has already died, and the new one has not yet been arranged, and now life has stopped for some moment, calmed down ... who knows, perhaps, it is calm before the storm ? No one knows the answer, but everyone is waiting for something ... In the same way, I waited, peering into the unknown, and Chekhov, the presentation of our life, was waiting for everything russian Societysuffering from uncertainty and resided in confusion.

One thing was clear: old life I looked irretrievably, a clear one for shifts ... What will she be, this new life? The characters of the play belong to two generations. With poetry sad memories O Waoye brilliant Life, Forever Ishind, ends the kingdom of cherry gardens. Soon the era of action and change will begin. All the heroes of the play will prejudice the offensive of a new life, but some are waiting for her with caution and uncertainty, and others with faith and hope. Chekhov's heroes do not live in real; The meaning of their lives is concluded for them either in idealized by their past, or in just as idealized by the bright future.

What is happening here and now, they seem to do not care, and the tragedy of their provisions is that everyone sees the goal of his life out of life, outside the "Cherry Garden", which personifies life itself. The cherry garden is an eternal real, which binds the past and the future in the eternal movement of life. The ancestors of Ranenevsky, whose faces are discouraged on Petya and Anya "from each leaf, with each branch in the garden" in this garden.

The garden is what always existed, even before the birth of Firs, Lopakhina, Ranevskaya, is embodied by the highest truth of life, which can not find Chekhov heroes. In the spring garden blooms, fruits brings the autumn; Furious branches give new fresh sprouts, the garden is filled with the smells of herbs and flowers, birds singing, life boils here! On the contrary, the life of its owners is on the spot, nothing happens to them. There is no action in the play, and the characters are just doing that they spend the precious time of their lives in conversations that do not change anything in it ... "Eternal Student" Petya Trofimov ruthlessly falls on human vice - idleness, laziness, passivity - and calls for activity, to work, preaching "Higher True".

He claims that it will certainly find for himself and indicate another "way, how to walk" to it, to this high truth. But in life, he does not go further words and in fact it turns out to be "inappropriate", which cannot finish the course and on which everyone is ferew due to its diffusion. Anya, the soul of which was sincerely opened by the free aspirations of Petit, enthusiastically exclaims: "We will put new sad, luxurious this. " She easily refuses the past and with joy leaves native homeFor it is ahead - "Light-Bewish".

But this new life, which Petya and Anya is so waiting for this, and they, not conscious, pay for her an expensive price! Full of vague and unclear hope and Ranevskaya.

She cries at the sight of children, says pompous monologues about their love for their homeland, but nevertheless sells the garden and leaves for Paris to a person who, according to her, robbed and threw it. The garden is of course the roads to her, but only as a symbol of her fading youth and beauty. She, like all the other heroes of the play, cannot understand that no myth who man creates for himself to overcome the fear of emptiness and chaos, - no myth fill life with a true meaning. Garden sale is only a visible solution to the problems, and there is no doubt that Ranevskaya's soul will not find calm in Paris, and the dreams of Petit and Ani will not work. "All Russia is" our garden, "says Petya Trofimov, but if he with such ease refuses that he links him with the past, if he is not able to see beauty and meaning in the present and does not carry out his bright dream here and now, In this garden, then, in the future, he can hardly find meaning and happiness. Dreams of the end of the "awkward unfortunate life" and Lo-Pakhin, who lives according to the laws of practicalism and benefits.

The way out of the position he sees in the purchase of the garden, but by purchasing it, he appreciates in it "Only the fact that he is big" and is going to cut him out to build cottages in this place. The cherry garden is a semantic and spiritual center of the play, this is the only steady and unchanged, loyal living organism in which everything is subordinate strict order Nature, life. Cutting the garden, the ax collapsed on the most holy, which remained in Chekhov's heroes, on their only support, on what tied them with each other. For Chekhov, the most terrible in life was to lose this relationship - the connection with the ancestors and descendants, with humanity, with the truth.

Who knows, perhaps, the type of the Cherry Garden served as a paradise garden, who also refused a person who had a deceptive promises and dreams? Studying the work of Chekhov "Cherry Garden", I would like to note one feature of his heroes: all of them - ordinary peopleAnd none of them cannot be called the hero of his time, although almost each of them is a symbol of time. The symbol of the past can be called the Ranevskaya and her brother Gaeva, Simeonov-Moody and Firsa. They agitate the heritage of serfdom, in which they rose and were brought up, these are types of leaving Russia. They do not think their other life, like Firs who does not imagine life without Lord. FirsA considers the liberation of the peasants in misfortune - "Men with the Lord, gentlemen in men, and now all the battle, you will not understand anything."

The symbol of the present is associated with a shovel image, in which two starts are fighting. On the one hand, he is a person action, his ideal is to make land rich and happy. On the other hand, there is no spiritual beginning in it and in the end, the thirst for profit takes the top. The symbol of the future was Anya - daughter Ranevskaya and Eternal Student Trofimov. They are young, and for them the future. They are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreative labor and liberation from slavery.

Petya calls to throw everything and be free as the wind. So why the future? For Petya?

For anne? Behind the blades? This question could be rhetorical if the story had not provided Russia to the second attempt to solve it.

The end of the play is very symbolic - the old owners are leaving and forgetting a dying firs. So, the legitarious finals: the lackless consumers in the social sense, the servant - a holler who served them all their lives, and the cherry garden - all this is irrevocably goes into the past, which is no expense.

It is impossible to return the story. I wanted to note as chief symbol In the play cherry garden. In the monologue of Trofimov, the symbolism of the garden in the play is revealed: "All Russia is our garden. The earth is beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it. Think, Anya: Your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serfs who owned alive souls, and really have human creatures from each trunk, with every garbage, do not hear the votes ... own Alive souls, because it reborn all of you who lived earlier, and now living, so your mother, you, uncle no longer notice that you live in debt to someone else's account, on the expense of those people you don't let go further .. . "The characteristics of the heroes are displayed around the garden around the garden, the characters of their fate are displayed on his problems.

It is symbolic and the fact that the ax listed over the garden caused a conflict between heroes and in the souls of most heroes conflict is not allowed, as the problem is not solved after the cutting of the garden. On the scene "Cherry Garden" goes around three hours. Characters live during this time for five months. And the action of the play covers a more significant period of time, which includes the past, present and future of Russia.

A.P.hehkhova as a Russian writer and the Russian intellectual worried the fate of the birthplace on the eve of a social change in society. The shape of the "Cherry Garden" play reflects the writer's opinion on the past, present and future of Russia.

Figure System "Cherry Garden" - Author's features

It is, in particular, the fact that in his works is almost impossible to single out one main character. Important to understand the issues that raises the playwright in the play.

So, images of heroes in the "Cherry Garden" represent

  • on the one hand, Social Layers of Russia on the eve of the fracture (nobility, merchants, the discharge intelligentsia, partly the peasantry),
  • on the other hand, these groups peculiarly reflect the past, present and future of the country.

Russia itself is presented big GardenTo which all heroes are with delicate love.

Images of the heroes of the past

The personnel of the past are the heroes of Ranevskaya and Gaeva. This is the past of noble nests from the historic arena. In Gayev and Ranevskaya, there is no mercenary calculation: so completely alien to them to sell the cherry garden under the land of dachensons. They delicately feel the beauty of nature

("To the right, on the turn of the arbor, the white tree bent, similar to a woman" ...).

It is characteristic of some childhood of perception: Ranevskaya in childish refers to money, does not consider them. But this is not only childhood, but the habit of living, not believing with expenses. And Gaev and Ranevskaya kind. Lopahin remembers how in ancient times Ranevskaya regretted him. Ranevskaya and Petya Trofimova, with his unsettless, and Any, who remained without the bold, and passerby.

But the time of Gig and Ranevskaya passed. Their intelligence, inability to live, carefit is turned around to worry and egoism.

Ranevskaya squabbles the state, leaving her daughter in care reception daughter Warm, leaving to Paris with a lover, having received money from the Yaroslavl grandmother, intended for Ani, she decides to return to Paris to a person who practically absorbed her, while she does not think how the life of Ani will be on. It takes care of a sick fours, asking whether it was sent to the hospital, but she could not check this and does not want to check this (Ranevskaya - a man of words, but not affairs) - Firsa remains in the encircling house.

The result of the life of the nobility is a consequence of life in debt, life based on the oppression of others.

Images of the future

New Russia is Ermolai Lopakhin, merchant. In it, the author emphasizes an active start: he gets up at five o'clock in the morning and works until the evening, labor brings him not capital, but also joy. Yermolai Lopakhin - a man who made himself (his grandfather was serf, father - a benchmark). In the activities of the blades, a practical calculation is visible: squeezed the fields of the poppy seeds - and the benefit, and beautifully. Lopahin offers a way to save a cherry garden, which should benefit. Lopahin appreciates and remembers good, such right attitude to Ranenevskaya. He has a "thin, tender soul", according to Petit Trofimova. But the fineness of feelings is combined with his advantage of the owner. I could not resist the lopahin and bought a cherry garden at auction. He rushes before Ranevskaya comfort, and immediately declares:

"There is a new owner of the Cherry Garden!".

But in the blades there is some obscure, otherwise, where to take a melancholy on another life. At the end of the play he says:

"I would rather have changed ... Our awkward, unhappy life!"

Images of the future - Petya Trofimov and Anya. Petya Trofimov -Exted student, he is full of optimism, in his speeches there are conviction that he, it is he who knows how to make life beautiful

(Humanity goes to higher truth, To the highest happiness, which is possible on Earth, and I am in the forefront! ").

It is he says ane:

"All Russia is our garden!"

But his image is ambiguous. Petya Trofimov in the play rather, too, a person's word, and not affairs. IN practical life He is the inequer, like the rest of the heroes of the play. The image of Ani is perhaps the only image of the play, in which there is a lot of feeling of light. Anya is similar to Turgenev girls who are ready to go in new life And give it all of themselves without a balance, so there is no regret in the loss of the cherry garden.

Secondary images

The minor characters of the play shall with the fate of Gayev and Ranenevskaya. Simeon-Poshibr - a landowner, ready to adapt to life than different from Ranevskaya and Gaeva. But he lives almost in debt. The image of Charlotte emphasizes the unpleasution, the practical homelessness of the Ranevskaya.

The patriarchal peasantry is represented by the paintings of the servants. This is a fours, in which the main feature of old servants is preserved - the devotion of Barina. How a small child is caught by Firs for Guaev. The fate of him is tragic and symbolic: they forget, in general, they are thrown by those who talked about love for him and did so little for him. Dunyash and Yasha - servants of the new generation. Dunyasha repeats the "fineness of feelings", exaggerating his lady. Yasha absorbed the egoism of the Lord.

Image of a cherry garden

As already mentioned, the role of the Cherry Garden in figurative system Pieces. It is around the cherry garden that is tied external conflictAll the characters of the play are expressed their attitude to the garden. Therefore, the viewer and reader of his fate also sensitly tragically:

"... and only hear how far in the garden the tree is knocking on the tree."

For Chekhov and writer, and characteristic of a sensitive listening in the beat of everyday life, the ability to find in this life the most important social problems And build your work so that these problems become the property of compatriots.

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Everything characters In the play "Cherry Garden" have great importance In the ideological and thematic context of the work. Even casually mentioned names are carried semantic load. For example, is incoming heroes (Paris lover, Yaroslavl aunt), the very fact of the existence of which is already shedding light on the character and lifestyle of the hero, symbolizing the whole era. Therefore, in order to understand the writer of the author, it is necessary to analyze the images that implement it in detail.

A. P. Chekhov loved his heroes, but no one could entrust the future of Russia, even Petya Trofimov and Ana, progressive youth of that time.

The heroes of the play, a pretty author, do not know how to defend their life rights, they suffer or silent. Ranenevskaya and Gaev suffer because they understand that they will not be able to change anything in themselves. Them social status It goes into oblivion, and they are forced to carry out a miserable existence for the last reversed funds. He suffers to the leopard, as it realizes that they cannot help them. He himself is not happy to buy a cherry garden. No matter how hard he tried, but still will not be his full-fledged owner. That is why he decides to cut out the garden and solder the earth to subsequently forget about it as scary snow. But what about Peter and Anya? Doesn't the author of them implies on them? Perhaps, but these hopes are very foggy. Trofimov, due to their nature, is not able to take any radical actions. And without this, it is impossible to change the situation. It is limited only to conversations about the beautiful future and that's it. And Anya? In this girl laid a little stronger rod than in Peter. But due to her young age and the vital uncertainty, changes from it should not be expected. Perhaps in the distant future, when she puts all the life priorities for himself, it will be possible to expect any action from it. In the meantime, it is limited to faith in the best and sincere desire Plant a new garden.

Which side of Chekhov? He supports each side, but in his own way. In Ranevskaya, he appreciates genuine female kindness and naivety, albeit flavored emptiness. The lopakhin appreciates the desire for compromise and poetic beauty, although he is not able to assess the real charm of the Cherry Garden. The cherry garden is a member of the family, but about it everyone is forgotten together, the lopahin is generally unable to understand this.

The heroes of the play shares a huge abyss. They are not able to understand each other, as they are closed in the world of their own feelings, thoughts and experiences. However, all alone, they have no friends, like-minded people, no true love. Most sails downstream without setting them any serious goals. In addition, they are all unhappy. Ranevskaya is experiencing disappointment in love, life and its social supremacy, which seemed unshakable yesterday. Gaev for which time reveals that the aristocraticity of the manner is not a guarantor of power and financial well-being. In his eyes, yesterday's serfs takes his estate, becomes the owner there and without the nobility. Anna remains without a penny for the soul, it does not have dodging for a profitable marriage. Her chosen one does not require it, but he himself has not worked yet. Trofimov understands that it is necessary to change, but does not know how, because he has no connections, no money, nor the situation to influence something. They remain only the hopes of youth, which are short-lived. Lopahin is unhappy, because it is aware of his inferiority, it dismisses his dignity, seeing that he is not even than any gentlemen, although he has more money.

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