Semyon Alt: biography. Semen Teodorovich Altov Biography with Schifrin, you have as touching relationships

Semyon Alt: biography. Semen Teodorovich Altov Biography with Schifrin, you have as touching relationships
Semyon Alt: biography. Semen Teodorovich Altov Biography with Schifrin, you have as touching relationships

He speaks of his fame with humor: "The top of my popularity - when he saw himself in the newspaper near Sophie Loren. These were small portraits without signature - in the scanword. The compilers were sure that we would learn with her and so! "

"Fatal Gift"

The future humorist was born on January 17, 1945, five months before the capitulation of fascist Germany. Semyon Altov was born in Sverdlovsk, where at that time his parents love Naumovna and Theodore Semenovich lived in evacuation. And then young parents and their son returned to Leningrad, there I experienced all the delights of life in a communal service: "I remember my neighbors perfectly, although many are no longer alive. Next to us lived two aunt shurs - absolutely Fellinievsky forms. Thanks to these forms, my type of woman has developed in my head. I remember how in a communal kitchen on holidays baked cake with the creepy name "Drilling", all blue from poppy. I will never forget as a husband of one of the aunts of Shur - Uncle Kolya - bought a TV with a large lens. On television, then there was only one program - from six to nine evenings. And as soon as the uncle Kolya, an avid Cavaneshchy, sat down in front of the lenses, right there silently, without asking him permission, the remaining 29 tenants came in with their chairs. Seeded. And after 21.00, silently diverged. And Uncle Kolya and Aunt Shura, sighing lightweight, could start their family life. "

Father Seeds taught in the shipbuilding Institute for electrical engineering, Mom worked as an architect. And Altov himself at all and did not think in childhood to be a writer - he dreamed of becoming a chemist! "In those distant times there was no such choice of toys, as today, - recalls Semyon Teodorovich. - Girls somehow got out without Barbie - Mastery dolls themselves, why they were closer. And for eight years I was given a set of "Young Chemist". It was a fatal gift that changed my life. "

Parents themselves were horrified, seeing that their son was constantly underway with reactors. At first they were afraid that all these experiments will be tragically. Then, learning that Semen after school was going to enter the Leningrad Institute of Technology, were also not delighted. "Now I do not remember that the parents think about my future profession, but they didn't want to make it a chemist. But I still insisted on my own, "says Altov. - This, by the way, was almost the only case in life when I did not listen to my mother and dad. Probably in vain. "

"I was not aggressive bouncer"

The future writer graduated from the institute and even worked for three years in the specialty. He does not consider at all the time thrown away from life: "I remember, somehow at the institute was repairs, and a schedule hung on the board who and where he was engaged. We made some changes there, bringing several streams in one audience at once, and thereby broke out classes. Delight was crazy! "

After parting with chemistry, Alto managed to work the head of the creative department, the night guard and the bouncer: "It was the top of my career in the power structures," Semyodorovich smiles. - By the way, I was not an aggressive bouncer, but I always did the result. My responsibilities included to free the restaurant from visitors to midnight. When the time was nearing, I approached the table, said: "Comrades, it would be necessary to turn around, the restaurant is closed soon!" I was answered: "Sit down!" We drank, and in 12 all together, holding hands, with the songs went outside. True, several times I still had to join martial arts. Because of Mikhail Boyarsky. He was not yet a star, but he was good unusually. So I was dissolved by girls who fought because of him. "

But the writer Alto realized himself when he received the first translation from the "literary newspaper." There was a rubric "Aphorisms", where nine phrases invented by Semen were printed immediately. Soon he received a translation to 36 rubles - one phrase cost 4 rubles: "We immediately crashed with my wife, how many phrases I should write a month to bring ends with the ends," says Altov. - Since then, "literary" we opened some time as a lottery table. Watched, is there my surname and how many phrases. Alas, the winnings were infrequently, they printed me extremely irregularly. "

But this altov did not embarrass, he continued to work, and after a couple of years he began and advocated the listeners with concerts: "We came to the Leningrad theater of the stage to see how artists act to get a bet in Lenconcert," says Semyon Teodorovich. - And suddenly I scream: "Quickly on stage!" And I was glad to go to the scene in jeans before the commission. And asked for someone behind the scenes costume. Pants were two sizes more than I could afford. During the speech, I thought only about how the pants would not fall with me, - held their elbow, which is why all the purses. As a result, I gave a bet on nine fifty - instead of six rubles. "For acting skills!" - said. "

I did not dream about the fame of the writer Altov - I just did what he best turns out: "Ambitions are a kick in the future. Of course, they charge as doping. But I am an exception. I have never sought anything and nothing to do for this. My life went under the road sign "Block thirty degrees" - just not down, and up. I never woke up in the morning, becoming a star after night. But always slept calmly. "

Nevertheless, the works of Altov performed such well-known pop artists as Gennady Khazanov, Efim Schifrin, Clara Novikov and others. Semyon Teodorovich never came up with anything to order. An exception was the case when King Satira Arkady Raykin asked Altov to write a play for him. "I worked in the Leningrad House of the actor," recalls Semyon Teodorovich. - They celebrated the anniversary of Arkady Rykin. The director asked to write a congratulation. I read it in the presence of Leningrad theatrical elite. Everyone laughed and applauded. After that, Arkady Isaakovich asked to go home to him. So the work on the performance of the "world of your house" began. "

However, about those times and outstanding people with whom I had to meet, I remember Altov very little: "I have a complete lack of memory from childhood, that's why I was not afraid of age sclerosis - I was born with him. Monsterly! It so happened that when I worked with Arkady Raikin, we walked a lot at the request of doctors - we went around in circles in the district of Tverskaya Street. I walked around, supporting Arkady Isaakovich, and he told something all the time. Raykin was a wonderful storyteller! But I do not remember anything! Therefore, it will not reach the memoirs. Here I put the fool. All that Raikin managed to tell me, went nowhere. "

"To my wife does not have a relationship!"

Because of the poor memory of Alt, managed to get acquainted several times with his future wife. In the first one - invited her for some concert, in a year I repeated an attempt to meet, and when I was going to go to the third approach, heard: "Maybe enough already to meet?" The fourth did not need. They began to meet, and then it turned out that the seeds of the house had the first four volumes of the composition of the writings of Bunin, and his beloved girl Larisa was the fifth. So I realized that this was fate - and got married.

"My wife in youth was considered one of the first beauties of Leningrad," says Altov. - And then I did not shine with beauty. Now I at least a person is more or less known, and then - who knew me! When the parents of Larisa saw me for the first time next to her beautiful daughter - they were shaken and had lost the gift of speech for some time. But then, when years passed, they treated me with great warmth - said Larisa with her difficult character: "How lucky you and Seine!" Whenever I woke up in the morning and saw a beautiful woman next, and then it turned out that this is my wife, and every time it was nice. Since then, we live, anything happened, but I have never been going to divorce. This is a life sentence. "

It happened that just after the wedding of Altov and began to write humorous things: "Such a strange relationship that still will not end in any way. And before exploring my wife, I wrote completely monstrous poems, which later burned. I am then to stay an anonymous in case of failure, printing on one sheet Quarters, then Quatridge Bruce and Quatrain Block - all without referring to authors - and gave girls to read and choose what they would like, and almost always they said that my . I did not go home, but flew on the wings. Well, you imagine: Block behind, Bruces behind, and I'm ahead - this is happiness. "

There was a period when Larissa asked her husband before reading about women from the stage, to do remark: "It doesn't have a relation to my wife!" Now she is no longer talking about it, but she tries to help him in work, gives all sorts of handles and notebooks, buys costumes for speeches - alto because of those who will never allow themselves to come out in front of the audience in a sweater or jeans. As for the gastronomic tastes, here the writer, unlike many men, is not additive. "If a free evening is issued, we usually go to the Japanese restaurant," says Larisa. - And so the spouse, I like everything I am preparing, especially soups and salads. Semyon often helps me in the kitchen: washes the dishes, the potatoes cleans. Culinary talents from him, however, no. The top of the skill is the scrambled eggs. But it is not so bad. "

After a tasty dinner for Altov, working time comes, and it traditionally goes to his office. "When the husband works above the story, he does not run around the house and does not call Muse," says Larisa Vasilyevna. "But I always knock if I want to go to him into the office." Suddenly the inspiration? It sometimes seems to me that Semyon constantly works: he never breaks up with his notebook, which writes interesting events or funny phrases from conversations. "

There was a moment when Alto tried to attach to the work and his children. Son even fascinated by cinema activities: "Drove with him on the shooting of the film" Tempel ". Our Faraday, Migitsko and many other wonderful actors were filmed there, "the writer remembers. - Pasha came, looked as they searched and created an image. It is very exciting. And he fell ill with cinema activities. And it still likes it. But he is engaged in a serious business to which I immediately say, I have no relationship. "

"Warmets in hotels around the world"

Alto himself calls a very lazy man: it is almost impossible to stretch it away to rest. An exception is a fishing that the writer was carried away back in the distant 1969: "I just started writing, and suddenly I was told that you could go with the performances in Bratsk and earn 500 rubles. At the time, there are huge money. And here is the company of young, novice artists flew to Bratsk. And it turned out that no one is waiting for us there. We did not have money for return tickets. At first, everything was confused and crossed, seeking to blame. But then they still gathered, threw out the last rubles and hired a small heatman. Swang over the hangar, performed in small villages, collecting money literally with a hat. As I remember, two pioneers came up and they said: "Uncle, we have no 50 kopecks, there are only 20!" And I, shutting a tear, of course, let them go. Beautiful company, Golden autumn, beautiful river ... It was the best days in my life! "

Fishing was then the main occupation: "We caught with our inspection of the perishes on the camp eye. Thread, hook - and go ahead! We have the whole deck was covered with fish in three layers - we are only her and ate. I will never forget this fishing. Somehow friends invited me to Astrakhan, and I could not go. But every day I called them, I was interested in catching. And they asked me tired and alarmed voices: "You do not know what you need to put on the hook, so that it stops to peck?!" I even began to sleep from the disorder! And then they came and admitted that the fish were not at all. And I immediately became easier. "

There is an altov and his homely unusual collection: "I was embarrassing, that all something is collected, and I do not. And began to collect signs that hang in hotels on the door: "I ask to remove", "I ask do not disturb." I will fight them in hotels around the world. These are my acquaintances. A gift is not worth it, but I am important a mark of attention. At home already three hundred pieces. If there is an idiot that has the same hobby, - we can share. "

In the company from Altov, everyone is waiting for jokes, but he always came to visit, he sat down, like others, at the table, then calmly leaving. "And then the people outraged:" Well, what for Ham: Eats, drinks and silent! " - says the writer. - But over time, people are accustomed to my "commonplace." In addition, when I feel calm and relaxed, I can really tell something funny. Change me in yourself late. In addition, I was lonely all my life. My job is a table, paper, pen and me. "

Lina Lisitsyn prepared
based on

Semen Alto was born in Sverdlovsk. It was in this city in the Urals were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War of his parents. In the same place Semyon, the real name of which Altshuler spent the first six months of life before the end of the war.

After the end of the war, parents, love Naumovna and Theodore Semenovich, returned to Leningrad with little seed. In the post-war Leningrad, the father of the future Satiri writer read the course of electrical engineering at the Institute of Shipbuilding, and the mother worked on the field of architecture.


On the day of his eight years, Semyon received a set of "Young Chemist" as a gift. According to saticar, this gift was "fatal" and largely influenced the choice of profession.

Semen Alto graduated from the Chemical Technical School, in 1968 - the Leningrad Institute of Technology. Lensovet in a specialty chemist-lacker. After the end of the Institute, Semyon Teodorovich worked in a specialty at the State Institute of Mineral Pigments and the factory. Shaumyan.

Writing activity Seeds Altov

The author began to do his samples in a fairly mature age - 25-26 years. Although in several interviews, Semyon Teodorovich mentions that before starting to write satirical and humorous works, composed poems.

In the print of Alto began in 1971, in the small genre - "phrases". The first publication occurred in the literary newspaper, in the section "Club 12 Chairs", in which there was a rubric "phrases". For the composition of Aphorisms Satir and received its first fee - "38 rubles 00 kopecks."

Now Semyon Altov is the author of the 4th books: "Chance", "Doggy's joy", "dial height", "224 selected pages." Peru satigi is owned by many monologues, which were performed and executed on the stage such well-known artists as: Efim Shifrin, Clara Novikova, Gennady Khazanov and others.

S. Altov-Tram

In addition, the Alto became a screenwriter for a variety of television and pop humorous programs, performances, films. In 1987, on the stage of the Moscow theater, the premiere of the last stage work of Arkady Raykin, the play of the "World of Home", was held at the Bersenevskaya Embankment, and the author of the intermedi in which there was seeds of Alt.


Two years later, after the first publication, in 1973, Alto received a bet in Lenconcert. According to the expression of the very seeds of Theodorovich, "sprawled on the stage, where and the sticking" still.

The distinctive performing manner of Altov's seeds on stage is monotonous reading of monologues from a sheet low, a little bit in the nose and with a vigilant, voice. This characterity has become so recognizable that Alto not once became the hero of parodies. The author himself speaks about this his manner, of course, with humor: "My voice is soothing, and women excites women. Well, that's not the other way around. " Spectators argue that such a style is reminded by how criminal chronicles are read.


In the eighties, Semyon Altov became one of the creators, authors and performers of the SHOW-01 pop-up program, which actively concealed throughout the Soviet Union and became the point of reference to popularity for many artists of the original genre. Coauthor and performers in "Show-01", together with Semen Altov, there were such famous people like Victor Bilelevich, Jan Arlazorov, Valery Nikolenko, Mikhail Gorodinsky, Vyacheslav Polunin, Leonid Yakubovich, "Lyedie" theater. The program included a huge number of draws, the involvement of viewers to participate in the presentation, many hints and subtexts on Soviet power, whose misses, felt quite boldly, paid attention to satirics in their own show.

Semen Altov - bribe


Semyon Alto initiated the creation and became the author of the humorous television series "Nearby", which came out on the NTV channel in 1997. What is interesting to the creation of the series as a director also worked the son of humorist - Pavel Semenovich. "Noteply" - small comedy of the provisions performed in the theater manner of the game, almost without words. In total, 24 release of the series came out.

Personal life Seeds Altov

Altov, joking, referring to the bad memory, reports that I got acquainted with my wife Larisa Vasilyevina three times. After the third dating, they decided to get married and are married for more than three decades. There is a son Paul, director, businessman and producer of her father. Altov's seeds have already three grandchildren: Katya, Varya and Vasya. Career Seeds Altov in the cinema and on television

Alto has repeatedly participated in the shooting of telecast, shows and films as a screenwriter, artist and invited guest,.

In 1984, Semyon Alto wrote dialogues to a music film based on the opera-buff Officon Offenbach - "Pericola".

In 1997, he starred in the comedy "Do not Valya Fool" (director Valery Chikov). Altov played the role of a member of the expedition. In addition, the artist participated in such television programs as: "Curve of the Mirror", "Gentleman Show", "Evening Quarter", "Laugh Room", "Jurmala", and many others.

Awards, the title of Seeds Altov

At the International Festival of Yumor and Satira "Golden Ostap" in 1994, Semyon Alto became a laureate. He was awarded a gold-plated statuette of the festival after Sergey Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky. In 2005, the writer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, Alto is an honorary professor of the St. Petersburg Technological Institute, an honorary chemist.

Semen Altov, the real name - Semen Teodorovich Altshulller. Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian Satir writer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2003).

Semyon Altshuller, who became widely known as Semen Alto, was born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg).

Father - Theodore Semenovich Altshuller, originally from Nezhin, teacher of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute.

Mother - love Naumovna Zalesska, originally from Kremenchug, by profession an architect, but after the birth of children was a housewife.

Semen was born in evacuation. After the war, the family returned to his native Leningrad, but there were no houses - the Germans bombed. Settled in a communal service where 29 people lived.

He graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet.

Writing began in 26 years.

The works of Altov performed, in addition, the author performs their works. Altov stands out among other protruding humor writers a kind of performing manner. He reads his monologues with impenetrable and even a gloomy expression of a person, a one-eyed low voice with a peculiar accent. Altov's pronunciation manner is parodyted with many pop artists (Ponomarenko brothers, Christenko, etc.).

Altov participated in the creation of the comedy series "Nearby".

Altov participated in the TV shows "Room of laughter", "Curve Mirror", "without intermission", "Izmailovsky Park", "Gentleman-show", "Jurmala", "Evening Quarter", etc.

In 1994, Semyon Alto became the laureate of the International Festival of Satira and the humor "Golden Ostap", having received a gilded statuette after Sergey Dovlatovy and.

In 2001, he became a laureate of the Arcadia Rykin Cup at the international festival "More Smeha" (Riga). In 2003, he was awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2008, the artist became the laureate of the Tsarsko Selo Art Prize.

Semyon Altov. Best monologues

The growth of Semen Altov: 165 centimeters

Personal life Semen Altova:

Wife - Larisa Vasilyevna Altov, in the specialty Conductor-Khorovik.

With his wife, according to the story of the artist, he got acquainted three times: "For the first time - in DC Lensovet. The girl was sitting in a face of amazing beauty. I had a ticket to the" oral magazine ", which I also led. Asked:" Do not want Go? ". She went, but no longer saw her. In a year later I went to the" Technology "(Technology Institute named after Lensovet), in the Komsomol Committee. For Piano, a girl was sitting with a face of amazing beauty and playing Griega. asked:" Do not want Go to a concert of piano music? ". She wanted, but it is worth saying that I didn't see her anymore. In an unfamiliar company, a girl with the face of amazing beauty sang with an exciting breast voice under the guitar. I thought where to invite her. And here Larisa said: "Do not remember: we get acquainted the third time!". The fourth did not wait and soon got married. "

A couple born the son Pavel Semenovich Alto - Father's producer (known as the director of the series "Neshotpey" on NTV), married to Anna Altova. Paul gave the artist three grandchildren: Barbaru, Catherine and Vasily.

Semen Altova filmography:

1984 - Pericola Author of dialogues
1986 - BDT thirty years later (film play)
1987 - World of Your Home "(Telesplex) - author Reprise and Intermedia
1992 - Good luck to you, gentlemen
1992 - Who is there?
1993 - Chance - Writer
1994 - Altshows - director and screenwriter
1996 - Noteply "(short) - screenwriter
1997 - Do not Valya Fool

Bibliography Semen Altov:

"Dog joy"
"Dial height"
"224 Selected Pages"

Semen Teodorovich Altov was born on January 17, 1945 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet.

The fame of Semyon Altov received thanks to works that were hardly all the humorists of the domestic pop, including Gennady Khazanov, Clara Novikova, Efim Shifrin. Writer Semyon Altovbyl by the author of the last play Arkady Raikina "Peace House of Your House", furnished at the Moscow Theater "Satirikon". Parushenen Altova belongs to several books ("chance", "doggy joy", "dial height", "224 Selected Pages"), he also participated in the creation of the comedy series "Nepontpey". Speeches are held with great success, on which the writer - a humorist performs his own works. At the same time, he still has time to produce a printed humorous magazine. In 1994, Semyon Alto became the laureate of the International Festival of Satira and Humor "Golden Ostap", having received a gilded statuette after Sergey Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

And why do they suffer flour? What do they need? And you need to all one: family, sockets, the shoulder of a strong one. So drink for their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

Altov Semen Teodorovich

Writing Semyon Alt began on 26 years old, (and truly professionally, a humorist is recognized, he can only write and speak with pop). He fell on stage due to financial interest. But quickly realized that his genuinely low voice in combination with themes of stories create the necessary comic effect. Someone compared his manner performances with reading criminal chronicles. Women sometimes say that the voice of Altov's seed erotic. The writer about this is joking: "If the brains will occur over the years, I can no longer write, then, thanks to this voice, I will go to the service" Sex by phone ".

Semen Teodorovich Altov - Photo

Semen Teodorovich Altov - Quotes

And why do they suffer flour? What do they need? And you need to all one: family, sockets, the shoulder of a strong one. So drink for their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

And who will still have to listen to us, why we did not become anyone who could, but were who they were to blame, and they are listening to all this black-eyed garbage, with one hand washing our shirts, the second grappling potatoes, the third raising our fundamentar children.

Boxing gloves, police batons and much more in the "Finishing Materials" store.

Semen Teodorovich Altshuller was born on January 17, 1945 in the city of Sverdlovsk, where, during the Great Patriotic War, his parents were evacuated. After the cessation of hostilities, the family returned to Leningrad. The boy's father taught in the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, and the mother of the profession was an architect.

An eight-year-old seed for a birthday as a gift was presented with a set of "Young Chemist". In the future, this gift had a significant impact on the choice of its future field of activity.

Semyon Altov, after graduating at first a chemical technician, and then the Institute with a specialty chemist-lacker, worked at the State Institute of Middip and the factory. Shaumyan.

Only in 25-26, he began to try himself as a writer of satirical and humorous works. Although before that, according to Altov, poems composed. Printing in the genre of "phrases" The writer began in 1971. For the first time, he was published by the editorial board of the literary newspaper in the section "Club 12 Chairs", where there was a rubric "phrases". Then, the first fee in the amount of 38 rubles was obtained for the aphorisms phorisms.

A few years later, Alto began to work in a concert organization in Leningrad, which allowed him to "boil onto the stage, where he sticks out" to this day.

Its manner of performing monologues is quite specific and recognizable. When Semyon Alto reads from the leaf, his voice sounds monotonously and a little in the nose. Thanks to peculiar sound, satiric often becomes the object of parodies. Spectators such a style resembles the reading of the criminal chronicle. At the same time, the author himself says with humor: "... my voice of men soothes, and women excites women. Well, that's not the opposite ... "

In the eighties, Semyon Altov and a number of other authors and performers created the estate-humoristic program "Show-01". The participants of the program gave concerts throughout the USSR and for many who spoke in the original genres, it became a kind of point of reference to their popularity. Here were the draws, the involvement of the audience to participate, specific subtext on the topic of Soviet power. In addition, Semyon Altov became the author of the television series "Nearby", which appeared in 1997 on the NTV channel. The project was a set of short funny stories. Director entrusted his son - Paul. The light came out 24 series. The transmission in popularity was always in the top 10 rating.

To date, four books came out from under the pen, "chance", "doggy joy", "dial height", "224 selected pages." He is the author of a variety of monologues who are happy to be fulfilled by popular pop artists. Writes scenarios for television and pop humorous programs, performances and films. For the premiere of the last play, Arkady Rykin, which took place in 1978 at the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada, also wrote Semyon Alto. The artist not only performs on the stage, but also as a screenwriter, actor and the invited guest takes an active part in the filming of all sorts of television programs, shows and films.

In 1997, Satirik was filmed in the comedy "Do not Valya Fool" in the role of one of the members of the expedition. He took part in popular television transmissions "Curve Mirror", "Gentleman Show", "Room of laughter" and others. In 1994, they received the title of laureate of the International Festival "Golden Ostap", on which he was awarded the Golden Statuette. In 2005 he became a well-deserved worker of the arts of Russia. In addition, Satir's writer Honorary Professor SPBSTTI, Honorary Chemist.