Gabriel Garcia Marquez - reviews for works. Garcia Marquez Gabriel download download audiobook memories of my sad whores

Gabriel Garcia Marquez - reviews for works. Garcia Marquez Gabriel download download audiobook memories of my sad whores


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In situations, when it would seem, nothing else remains, how to surrender and entrust your life to fate, a courageous person will fight to the end and defend its right under this sun, justifying his proud name - "man." The warship during the raid enters the storm. In this terrible thunderstorm of eight sailors, waves wash off overboard. In the heat of struggle with the elements of this no one noticed. Eight different people, eight fates became a toy in the hands of the ocean, for ten days, during which their searches continued. The most important thing is that in this situation it becomes clear which of them is a real person, and who are a coward, ready for meanness to save their own life.

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Download audiobook memories of my sad whores


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Love is the main hero of this novel. She came to his owner already on the outcome of his life. He completely looked at his existence on this earth, he never opened his souls for this feeling and spent his body just for sex for sex. But let's let the love in his heart once, he finds the meaning in his existence, begins to see the usual things in another and she fills his icy body with live warmth. And now it comes to understanding how beautiful love is and at the same time merciless.
Another hero of this book is worth noting - this is old age. She gives a person an understanding that he can desire something, even when he almost does not have forces on it. At its disposal it turns out to be the last - see the charm, cruelty and inexorably running ahead of life without embellish and illusions.

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Today, one of the brightest writers of Latin American literature, the classics of the magic realism genre, the laureate of the Nobel Prize Gabriel Garcia Marquez would be 88 years old. In April last year, the life of Gabo, as his Colombian compatriots called, broke out: the body did not cope with severe illness. His texts have always been a tailed piece not only for reading lovers, but also for filmmakers, although they were considered almost non-visible filmms. "RG" remembers the most famous examples of markes prose adaptations for a wide screen.

"Mountain Widow" (1979)

One of the first widely represented shields of the Great Colombian with great success was not only in South American, but also in the Soviet rental (how true, in the USSR, the film with the film was reached six years later). We worked on the "widow" of the film chill at once from four countries - Venezuelas, Cuba, Mexico and Colombia. And the main role did not go to someone, but the real star - Geraldine Chaplin, the daughter of the genius Charlie. The actress attracted, first of all, the criticism of dictatorial regimes, very powerful and in the literary source, and in the cinematic scenario. Critics rated a bold political statement: they put forward a picture of Miguel Littin on the "Golden Bear" Berlinale.

"Time to die" (1985)

Tape Jorge Louis Triani is perhaps one of the most famous films taken on the works of Marquez. A clear and laconic picture of the joint production of Colombia and Cuba again accounted for the Soviet filmmaker. Fortunately, everything you need for spectator interest - and now with her. There is still an interesting bloodstream theme to this day (of course, with the corresponding hot blood to the flavor), and the acute social attribute, which the writer himself has been invested in its realistic stories, and in frankly fantastic nails of the most famous novels. In addition, the "time to die" is considered one of the best pictures about Colombia as such with its landscapes, life and ingredients.

"Erender" (1983)

The film adaptation of one of the brightest stakes of the Gabo is no longer just realistic, and a "magical realism" for him has become a corporate identity. The work of the famous Brazilian director Rui Gerra is an generally accepted successful attempt to transfer a specific Marquean language to a large screen. Attached hands to the film and European cinema functionar from France and Germany. The result was the nomination for the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Festival. "Erender" praised for a beautiful picture, careful attitude to the literary original, symbolism and highly artistic eroticism. The latter, by the way, did not appreciate the Soviet censors. Therefore, we did not show the ribbon.

"Nobody writes to the Colonel" (1999)

By the end of the twentieth century, Marquez's books were not less popular. Rather, on the contrary: it was at that time a Colombian entered the cohort of writers who could be called fashionable - with all the associated pros and cons. Roman about the Colonel, the Summer B-2 Rock-group, suffered a mexican Arturo Ripstein - a student of Luis Bunuel. And one of the leading roles played Salma Hayek - now the Hollywood star of the largest caliber. The screen version turned out to be practically literal (and this is a compliment). True, the focus on politics partially displaced the melodrama. But this did not prevent the "Colonel" successfully go through the box office. He fell into the banking program Kann and won praise at the prestigious "Sandens" forum.

"Love during cholera" (2007)

"Love during cholera" became the most expensive - at least today - the emission of Marquez. Shooting cost 45 million dollars. However, there is nothing surprising in this: in 2007, the texts of the Colombian classic finally did the Hollywood. And he, as you know, does not save on budgets. However, the opinions about the tape can not be called unambiguous: both Mother cinema, and the fans of the writer embarrassed excessive, not at all coloring the picture of simplicity - with an obvious sight on the American man in the street. True, a good assessment received Javier Bardem, depicted in front of the cameras of the main character - Florentino Aris. But for success - both critics and commercial - this turned out to be a little: the filming fees are "total" 31 million in the US currency.

"Remembering my sad whores" (2011)

The last of the long-filmed films based on the literary works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez can be called a kind of farewell gift of a wonderful Gabo. The picture turned out to be truly good and touching - quite in the spirit of the same name (her Marquez published in 2004 - after the delayed period of silence). One of the most pleasant moments - the return of Geraldine Chaplin to work with the texts of the Marquez for the first time after the role of the widow of Mounty (that is, thirty years later). But without it, the tape has many advantages: the history of the elderly Cynic journalist, who is on the outcome of life, is capable of real feeling, it is unlikely to leave a fan of good cinema indifferent.

When he begins to write a feedback on the novel, he recalls school. Or rather a college. It was there for the first time he heard about this novel. "100 years of loneliness" entered into the school curriculum, it must be studied in the 11th grade. And he would have read it, probably, but for 1 year there are 10 and 11 classes, as headed in college, it was a growing gallop in Europe - a lot of works, and a little time.

The second time he heard about this romance from an old friend who went to work to visit. "Very interesting joke! The history of one kind, with any magic and miracles, "said the familiar then. It was surprising to hear, because while they talked earlier, he did not show interest in literature. But then Pulman prevented and many more fantasy, and "100 years" was postponed on the shelf "someday read", which, as is known, one of the three endless things, along with "someday" and "ever To do.

For the third time, he heard about the novel when he began to understand the literature, a little bit, and found out that such a "beast" is magical realism. Roman was shifted on the shelf closer to her beginning, or end, depending on which side to look, and waiting began.

And now the novel is read and appreciated. Time was spent not in vain.

He kneads his fingers, neck, looks out the window - the snow has not yet completely melted, on the street Frost, but he is in hot, full wonders and passions, Colombian summer.

There is such a town - Materno, which was founded by someone José Arkadio Buendia Disposher, in an attempt to leave with a spaced place and find the best land, and in fact, in an attempt to escape from conscience. And Magono flourished. Every year, Roma brought the wonders of science there, they told stories about the "external" world, had fun and went to return in a year and bring new wonders of science - magnets, alchemy, prophecies of Nostradamus, Ba, even a plug-in jaw! So José Arkadio and get acquainted with Roma Melkiades - the carrier of wisdom, which was dying and was resurrected. From about from this moment, the story of love and hatred begins, complete deaths, betrayals, revolutions and salvations, travel and gains, "dressed" solitude, "dressed" alone, with solitude "at the head of the table". After all, every hero of the book, Buendia he or not, alone. Everyone in his own way, and each with his way to fight him, whether cheerful pours with strangers, where the money of the river and belly is naked to refusal, or waiting for the end tied to Chestnut, the verb truth, which no one can understand the revolution for the sake of good goals, And in fact, for the sake of his vanity, or the small span of power, which will lead to death.

It has long been, in the family of Buendia, it is customary to call the sons or José Arkadio, or Aureliano. Each of José Arkadio, like the father of the family looks more like a bull - strong, dubbed, lonely. Each Aureliano is tall, sutured, sullen, lonely. Girls, when those were born, called Amarantha or Rebeca, or, in honor of the mother of the Ursula family. Each of the women of Buendia was lonely, each in its own way. The novel pulls in the bunch of Buendia's life so much that you start to get lost, about which José Arkadio you read, or which of the Aureliano did something or that. They can be distinguished, but they are too similar to each other - each in her cocoon.

Not a small share is allocated and miracles that are perceived as proper, because almost every day it rains out of flowers, death says when you die, and the ghost teaches an ancient tongue. Similar trifles play not the last role in the plot, and some of them are so beautiful that you can put in the frame and the shelf of your favorite literary moments: butterflies around Mauricio, four-year-old rain, ascension on sheets and 17 Aureliano with indelible crosses on the foreheads.

He is thinking, "I missed something." Pauses pause. Of death…

Many are dying like the Buendia themselves and people associated with their family. Delicious from love, seeing a beautiful girl, giving her a heart, and without waiting for reciprocity, die from the bullets issued in them by chance or deliberately, in themselves or other people in them, die from old age, seeing the ghosts of the ghosts for a long time, die from Awareness of truth, from loneliness. They are killed by intentionally or by chance, familiar and strangers.

An important role is played in the Roman incest. But he will definitely hesitate about him, in order not to spoil the impression, and so many told a lot.

It's time to summarize. Beautiful sample of classics and magical realism. Beautiful family epic, resembling ancient Greek mythology with a scope and weave of destinies. A wonderful way to warm up cold evenings. Beautiful and sad story in which true love, alas, leads to death.

He reread the result and remains satisfied. In some places, a little coryavo and curved, but not bad. His thoughts are still where Arabs are changing the wonder on parrots, and Tsygans tell the bikes, where love is as strong as hatred, and someone can just leave the statue with the golden treasure inside and do not return to it. What a pity that he did not read the novel before ...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Gabriel Garcia Marquez, March 6, 1928, Arachatka - April 17, 2014, Mexico City) - Proseca and publicist, laureate of the Nobel Prize, Classic Literature XX Century.

Born in the city of Arachatka in Colombia. He studied jurisprudence and journalism at the National University of Bogota and at the University of Cartagena.

In 1946 he began working as a journalist, the next ten years spent in the roads of Latin America and Europe. In 1955, he was appointed a special correspondent for the newspaper El Espector in Paris and Rome; When the newspaper was closed, moved to Mexico, where he collaborated in local newspapers and wrote in filmcenery.

About the author in EncyclopediaReviews about the author "Garcia Marquez Gabriel"

The name of the Nobel Prize laureate, Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez gold letters inscribed in the history of the XX century literature. The real collection includes the stories of Garcia Marquez "Another side of death", "the funeral of the Great Mom" \u200b\u200band others, which, along with the famous novels "One hundred years of solitude" and "Autumn Patriarch" brought the Writer world famous and love of readers.