How to determine your psychotype? Psychotypes of people: classification and principles of definition. Such different human psychotypes

How to determine your psychotype? Psychotypes of people: classification and principles of definition. Such different human psychotypes
How to determine your psychotype? Psychotypes of people: classification and principles of definition. Such different human psychotypes

The psychotype of the personality is called a totality of character traits from the point of view of psychology. The correct definition of the psychotype will help not only better understand the person himself, but also find the necessary approach to it.

Basic theory

There is no unified system of criteria and assessments, with which one can withdraw one current classification of psychochips. The theory of Jung's theory of Charles Jung is considered the most popular, which is based on the functions of psyche and installations. First of all, he allocated an introversion scale and extroversion.

The energy of introverts is directed inside. An active communication with the outside world such a person will prefer to develop itself and spend time with himself. The introvert is active and with pleasure "crumbling" its own energy on the people around him.

K. Jung also used in his works the concept of "Personality Function". To them, he believed the feeling and thinking, intuition and feeling.

Depending on the predominance of one or another function, their combination and psychological installation, he allocated 8 psychotypes of the person. They are needed not only for research and ordering a huge variety of psychological features, but also is an excellent help for a psychologist practitioner.

Extra-based Types

Based on introversion

Personal accentuation

Psychologists share several types of personality or types of accentuation. Personality type is a combination of character traits that determine not only the behavior of an individual, but his lifestyle and behavior in society.In practical psychology and psychotherapy, the types of character accentuation are used, which brought and systematized Andrei Persoid. In its pure form, each type is rare enough, but in the presence of the necessary skills you can determine the leading type of accentuation in humans.

type of personalityDescription
Hypertension typeSuch people have increased activity, are easy-to-see, differ in cheerfulness. They are active, lead a sufficiently successful and diverse lifestyle, it is easy to converge with people and take on the role of the leader. Their unauthorized thirst for activity, kipache energy attracts others and makes such people a soul of the company.

However, they often throw the work started and quickly lose interest. Often, their actions are dictated by not principles or morality, but the momentary desires and the thirst for new impressions. They are not able to relate to their duties seriously, and are not adapted to long monotonous work.

Cycloid TypeSuch people are often susceptible to mood drops. Phase of fun and vigor after a short time (1-2 weeks) is replaced by lethargy and passive behavior. During the lifting period, they are easy to adopt for a hypertension type of personality, during the decay of the mood appear features of a distortic type of accentuation.
Distimical typeSuch people are called pessimists. They are serious, closed, are more often in the depressed mood, are few. People of the Distimic type prefer to avoid noisy companies, do not conflict. Their circle is small, they differ in stable morality and are guided by their principles.

Professions that require activity and kipping activities are not suitable. People of the distortic type appreciate a calm, measured life and choose the same work.

Epileptoid typePeople of this type of accentuation are emotion. They are poorly controlled by their own gusts, inclined to fall into rage, impulsive, are not kept. In conflict situations, they feel like a fish in the water, often they themselves cover the slots and scandals.

It is bad to converge with other people, the team is not able to maintain a healthy working atmosphere. Subconsciously destroy all relationships, often oppress and suppress weaker individuals.

Stuck typeThe individuals of this type in the literal sense "stuck" in their own thoughts, experiences, situations. They are quite difficult to switch, they badly forget the resentment and acutely feel injustice towards themselves. Avenine, vintage, prone to protracted conflicts.

At the same time, such people love to dominate, clearly define friends and enemies for themselves. In their character, a selfish affect prevails, which all his actions are subordinate.

Labile typePeople of this type are subject to frequent change of mood, they are sharply reacting to the outside of the surrounding. Because of its high sensitivity, they are often emotionally distinguished from their loved ones as a result of any injury.
Astheno-neurotic typeA vivid example of this type of personality are hypochondriac. They are quickly tired, irritable, prone to emotional breakdowns. In a professional plan, they try to carefully fulfill their work and are very zealous to their duties.
Sensitive typeThe individuals of this type are sensitive and very impressionable. They often suffer from the complexity and sense of their own inferiority, often become an object of mockery. With the right relationship with society, they show kindness and try to help close.
PsychoShenic typeSuch people are prone to self-digging and excessive reflection. It is difficult for them to make decisions, they have long weigh all the options. Their distinctive feature is the high level of self-criticism and reliability, they are not prone to frequent change of mood.
Schizoide typeSuch people are distinguished by closedness and absolute inability to find a common language with other people. They are inherent emotional stupidity and almost complete absence of intuition. Schizoid type people are stable, have a rich inner world.
Exteroid typeSuch people love to be the center of attention, are quite selfish, but at the same time are not sure of themselves. They poorly carry strikes on their own pride, prone to demonstrative behavior.
Unstable typeThe main feature of the nature of such people is laziness and reluctance to lead care activities. It is difficult for them to concentrate, the ability to self-educate almost zero. People of an unstable type of personality are prone to empty entertainment for the fun. They strive for the lack of control over themselves and rarely recognize other people's authorities.
Conformal typeThe main feature is the desire not to stand out. These people love to be in the crowd and obey her laws. Commormism and blind faith in public opinion makes them ideal performers and members of society.

Why do people commit certain actions? What are they guided when they say not always understandable phrases or committing strange actions? Each person is individual, but any refers to a certain psychotica.

According to the most vivid features of the character inherent in the first view of various people, psychologists unite them in several groups called. The classifications of psychotic sets, because every psychologist who studies them is their own criteria. Therefore, they are all pretty conditional and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, the German psychiatrist Carl Leongard allocated the following psychotypes:

1. Hypertile

Here he carried people to energetic, initiative, word, optimistic, which do not tolerate monotonous and loneliness. These are people actions. On the one hand, they are a find for the employer and soul of any company. But on the other hand, it's not easy to deal with such people, because they are authoritarial, more than all put your own opinion, do not recognize other people's rules, which is why they often enter into those who do not agree with them or trying to put them in the framework.

2. Distitute

People of this type - the opposites of the previous one. They are few, closed, slow and passive. Large and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in the choice of friends, so their circle of communication is quite small, but it includes people who are trusted and with which they feel comfortable.

People of the distant psychotype prefer to be led, but they do not go blindly for everyone who claims to be. They obey only to those who are experiencing sympathy and trust.

Distimnists avoid conflicts and are not so they are their initiator. They can be entrusted with painstaking work, requiring impairment and attentiveness - the work that the people of hypeutive psychotype will not suffer.

3. Cycloida

As follows from the name, the behavior of these people is cyclically and depends on them. If it is bad, they are silent and closed as people of a distant psychotype. If good, are word and sociable, as hypersive.

4. excitable

The one who lives in the neighborhood works or is a relative of a person belonging to the excitable psychotica, do not envy. At the time when he was calm, you can communicate with him, but this is his condition briefly. He easily comes to excitement - and then beware! He is annoyed by other people's children, animals, views, orders. It seems to him that he is ignored, do not respect. And then he gives the will irritation and anger, grieved, enters conflicts, so it is possible to avoid it if possible.

5. Barring

Suspicious, touchy, vertigany, vain and incredible. Thanks to these qualities, people of this type are often initiated by conflicts.


Bureaucrats are about the people of this psychotype. They love order and accuracy in everything and sometimes they simply damage them with their requirements. Employers relate to them favorably, but the rest face them, considering boring and annoying, preferring people brighter and interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks for itself: these people are timid, and misintermetative. In difficult situations, when making decisions, they need support and support. They are characterized by minor, oppressive mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. The decline of the spirit, despondency - the condition familiar to them. In the team, they are often choosing extreme - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word Emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, soft-hearted, compassionate and responsive. The main place in their life is occupied by feelings and experiences. They are executive and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People demonstrative psychotype adore in the center of attention and consider themselves the reference behavior. They are communicable, but at the same time love intrigues and gossip. Still would! After all, intriguing and encountering surrounding foreheads, they themselves catch the fish in muddy water: achieve the desired. Namely - leadership and power. Active activity they simulate more than they are actually developed.

10. Exalted

These are people with bright and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events cause them unrestrained delight, a stormy emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, ability and opportunities and the same qualities from other people.

But enthusiasm and lively they are easily replaced by despair, longing and despondency, if something goes wrong, as they would like. The fact that other people perceive as a light disappointment, for people of an exalted psychotype becomes a disaster.

A sharply changing mood - from a rapid delight to sudden oppression - the main sign of the exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of a good taste, of which outstanding artists are obtained, designers, etc.

They are in love, attractive, compassionate and word. Due to impassableness prone to panicity.

11. Extraverted

People relating to, combines sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talking, but they themselves know how to listen carefully. Avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. Executive, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under someone else's influence.

12. Inteverted

Closed, restrained, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. Principled and stubborn, insist on their own even when they know that it is wrong. They are attributed to emotional coldness and lack of attachment to someone.

After reading each psychotype, you can define your own and adjust some features of your character who interfere with the work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly some kind of "clean" psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another curious separation of people to psychotypes was offered American psychologist Susan Dellingher. Psychogometry - so called her theory. What does geometry here? According to the theory of Sugene Dellingher, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, there is also no "pure" psychotype, but there is mixed, in which one main type prevails. So, these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.


These are people who are called the soul of the company: they are merry, sociable and. Not a single event, be it corporate, someone's birthday or ordinary party, does not pass without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they trust them, they come to "cry", to get support and a good advice. They have little "living" communication, so they are regulars of social networks, where they have many friends with whom actively conduct a correspondence.

People-Circles adore the living nature: they are at home pets that become hardly not full family members, coloring flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and even more expand their range of dating.

The shortcomings of people-circles include dislike for order and some dependence on someone else's opinion, as a result of which they often fall under an extraneous influence.

People triangles

It is the people-triangles most often occupy guidelines in business, politics and other areas of life, because they are quick and not afraid to take responsibility. They grab new information on the fly, they can operate it and can simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. Their orders are impossible not to obey: they give them quickly, clearly and with knowledge of the case.

It is not surprising that people-triangles prefer expensive things, emphasizing the status of their host, be it clothing, car, smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people will not suffer objections, they are somewhat despotic and vain.

Square people

These are accumators and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be slightly in anything: their things are not shouting about the status, they can be unmodest and inexpensive, but always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: everything always lies here in their places. When buying a car or other necessary things, people-squares primarily proceed from the considerations of practicality.

Of these, good administrators are obtained, accountants, business executives, officials. Figures, documents, orders, instructions - what is bored in others, their elements where they feel like fish in water. They are executive, reliable, calm and are not prone to open manifestation of emotions.

People rectangles

These are people with an unstable psyche. When they all develop as they would like, they would be filled with joy and love: "Life succeeded!". But the white band is replaced by black, and their mood changes radically. They do not know how to resist troubles and failures. They are lowered by their hands, and they are instantly transformed into gloomy pessimists and whiskers. Also quickly changes them: it takes off rapidly, then it is also rapidly falling. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: it is the perfect order on it, then the blatant mess.

They are somewhat infantile, immature and do not have their own solid beliefs. Their opinion fluctuates, like a fluger in the wind, depending on. They tend to copy not only someone else's opinion, but also behavior, habits, preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. Similarly, they copy someone else's style in clothes, manners, because due to not able to determine their own.

According to Susan Dellingker, all psychogeometric types in stress become similar to rectangle people.

Sigzag people

Inventive, emotional, incendiary - so you can characterize the people of this psychotype. Their behavior is distinguished by non-standard, it is impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the manner to speak, dress, decorate your home. Jigsaw people tend to choose their creative professions. They like to be not like everyone else, and attract universal attention to themselves. These people are in their most windy and are inconstant.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellingker also offers two joking dough.

In accordance with first You need to choose from five above-mentioned geometric figures and draw three. The first one, which shows a person and will determine his main psycho. The two of the following figures drawn to them will show additional traits of character, because, as you know, people are not "clean" psychotypes, but mixed, with a predominance of some one.

In second The test is invited to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, determine your psychogeometric type. So, we go to the bus and:

  1. quickly occupy free places for yourself and your companion, after which we continue to have a fun conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose the place better, then deepen into your thoughts and do not notice anyone stubbornly until you reach your stop;
  3. we are looking for free space. If we find, - sit down, if there is no one, calmly rushing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because I would prefer a taxi;
  5. starting near the driver without a desire to go into the middle of the bus. We willingly come into talk both with him and with the rest of passengers.

In the first case, a man-circle was taken to the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - zigzag.

Test: find out your psychotype for 4 steps

I propose to go through test workshops and determine which brain hemisphere your lead. So what kind of people do you feel or maybe a left leaf? With all the simplicity of the dough, in practice, this is a very accurate way to determine your character.

Test on a psychotype.
Workshop on determining the lead hemisphere.

Pass the workshop test from 4 simple experiments to determine your own psychotype depending on the preferred type of action.

When passing the test, focus on the drawing.

The results of individual tests and workshops can be combined into a common formula where P will mean the right hemisphere, L. - left.

Assign the desired letter to each of the 4 experiments and write down the results in the same order as in the test.

Question N 1.

Bind the fingers of the hands and you will notice that the same finger always turns on the top, if the left is emotional, right - the analytical warehouse of the mind prevails.

Question N 2.

Try the "aim" by choosing myself a target and looking at her through a kind of fly - a pencil or handle. Try alternately close your eyes. The lead is that eye, when closing which the picture shifts. The right leading eye speaks of a solid, persistent, more aggressive character, left - about soft and compliant.

Question N 3.

If, when weave hands on his chest, left hand turns out, then you are capable of coquette, right - prone to simplicity and simpleness.

Question N 4.

When you applaud, then one hand slaps on the other. If it is more convenient to clap with his right hand, you can talk about the decisive character, left - you often hesitate before making a decision.

Results of test workshop:

We decipher your 4th letter code, which turned out as a result of the experience from the letters of P and L and we define as a combination of work of the brain hemispheres affects the psychotype of the person.

PPPP - It is characterized by conservatism, orientation to the generally accepted opinion (on a stereotype). You do not like to conflict, argue and quarrel.

PPL - The defining trait of your character is indecision.

PLLP - It is characterized by coquetry, determination, sense of humor, artistry. When communicating with you, humor and determination are needed. Very pin type of character. This type of women meets most often.

PPll - Rare character type. Soft. There is some contradiction between indecisiveness (left applauding) and character hardness (right-wing eye).

PLPP - Type of character, combining an analytical mindset and softness. More often found in women - the type of "business woman". Slow addiction, caution, in relationships tolerance and some coldness.

Plm - Weak and the most rare type of character. Owners of this nature are defenseless, are subject to various influence. It is usually found in women.

LPPP - This combination is found very often. The main feature of the emotionality, combined with insufficient perseverance.

LLPL - It is characterized by softness, naivety. We demand a special, attentive attitude towards yourself - the type of "Little Queen".

LLPP - You are inherent in friendliness and simplicity, some scattering of interests, a tendency to self-analysis.

LLPL - In your character, the simplicity predominate, softness, credulity. Very rare character type, almost not found in men.

LLLP - You are an emotional, energetic and decisive person, but often do not make decisions that bring serious complications. Additional brake mechanism is very important. Men with such character are less emotional.

Lllle - You have an antics of character. Capable to look at the old things in a new way. Characterized emotionality, egoism, stubbornness, sometimes turning into a closedness.

LLLP - The strongest type of character. It is difficult for you to convince. You can hardly change your point of view. But at the same time you are energetic, stubbornly achieve the goals.

LPll - You are persistent in achieving your goals. Holders of this character are uncompromising people, to convince them sometimes it is impossible. They are prone to self-analysis, with difficulty find new friends.

PLLP - You have a light character. You happily know how to avoid conflicts, love to travel. Easy to find friends. However, you often change your hobbies.

Plld - You are inherent in impermanence and independence, the desire to do everything yourself. The ability to analyze helps you successfully solve complex tasks. Usually you seem soft, but becoming demanding and even cruel when it comes to business.

Psychologists have a joke that clearly shows how representatives of five psychochips in psychohythometry behave: five buses approached, in which it is necessary to disrupt the representatives of all 5 figures.
Circles - they climbed the bus fun, Balagen, prying each other, rushed in three on the seats, as a result, they got more than necessary.
Triangles - everyone tried to move away the other, and they sat down one by one, trying to take the best places at the beginning of the bus and clearly one for two seats, as a result, they were placed two times less than the places on the bus.
Squares - the disciplined entered, neatly rushed, clearly performed instructions, delivered the least hassle.
Rectangles - they had to drive into the bus, someone was afraid to enter, someone lost at the station, someone did not know how to enter and asked to clarify him, the most time was gone to their seating.
Zigzags - climbed into the bus with all ways, someone through the window, someone through the hatch in the roof, Zaveks, too, who, what many, began to give advice to the driver, how best to drive a bus, began to exchange ideas that you can improve this bus .
This joke clearly and quickly shows all five psychochips, which Susan Dellingker, an American psychologist created. She called her theory - psychoheometry, since all its psychotypes are associated with one of the main geometric figures. MirSovetov, together with you, will try to figure out psychogeometry and look at how to quickly determine the psychotype.

Small test

How can one or another person belong to what type of psychoheometry? Give him a sheet of paper and handle and ask for three geometric shapes of five main (square, triangle, circle, zigzag, rectangle). The first drawn figure is the main psychotype of a person, the other two are extra. According to psychologists, people are rarely a pronounced one psychotic, most often, these are mixed types, with a predominance of one basic type. For example, the leader is a triangle, and inside is a conservative square. Or a soft circle, and the second figure of this person is a creative zigzag.
A similar test can be held with loved ones or friends, and the colleagues can be tested. It is suitable for interview when receiving a job. But what if you need to quickly determine the psychotype of the interlocutor, for example, a client or buyer to know how to communicate with him, interact, offer certain services or goods? In this case, ask to draw figures on paper will not work. Then it is necessary to know the main features of five psychotypes, each of which corresponds to its geometric shape.


These are leaders in all spheres of life, business, politicians. As a rule, many managers have the main figure in psychogeometry is the triangle. How to determine them? They are expensive and tastefully dressed, love pathetic and status things, prestigious cars. They have the latest computer equipment and mobile phones. They like elite alcohol, cigars. Workplace - expensive furnished, with status accessories. Quality value in everything. Their speech is powerful, with elements of orders, fast and clear. They do not like when they object. They believe that they are better than others in many indicators and better understand others. Quickly make decisions, are able to take responsibility for these decisions. It is important for them to be very informed. Catch information on the fly, you know how to deal with it. Often do several things at once. Their weakness is in unnecessary despotism and vanity.


Conservative and neat pedants. They can often be found among accountants, officials, administrators, business workers. They are always neat and purely dressed, shave, combed, shoes are studied. The clothes are not always fashionable and stylish, but practical and comfortable. The workplace is clean, bruised, everything lies in its place. When choosing a car is guided by maximum practicality and efficiency. Obedient, respectfully refer to representatives of the authorities, clearly follow the rules, standards, orders, instructions. Could work with various documents and numbers. Attentive to the smallest detail. Executive and reliable. If they are committed to any case, they will fulfill it on time, even if they have to donate their personal time. Speech is calm, without emotional bursts, it happens a bit tedious. Their weak place is psychological relationships and various intrigues.

A circle

Communicable, cheerful, sociable. If you have at work "Soul of the Company", then this is exactly a circle in psychogeometry. Communication for them is the highest vitality. They love to engage in public work, collect money on birthdays and other events, organize various events, corporate parties, parties. They can be "crying into a vest," they will always understand and listen, and will also give advice. Circles - congenital psychologists who are well understood in the subtleties of human relationships. Optimistic and emotionally stable. They are the most active visitors to social networks. Workplace - often the mess, in which they are looking for something for a long time, because the material world is not so important for them. On the table - photos of families or friends, many souvenirs. Clothes prefer a soft and comfortable, for example, warm knitted sweaters, gentle blouses, etc. It is at the circles that are most often pets with which they willingly happen. Cars are small, bright colors, inside are decorated with various little animals, pillows. Speech is emotional, with many shades and nuances, adore humor, jokes, booms. Their weakness is that they can quickly get under someone else's effect and sometimes dependent on the opinions of others.


This is the most creative psychotype. Original and creative, literally fountaining new and interesting ideas. These are inventors and creative personalities for which the most important vital value is creative self-realization. They are non-standard in all, ranging from the manner to dress and ending the workplace. On the desktop - they still have one kavardak, but at the same time, they manage to understand it perfectly in it, always quickly looking for the necessary paper or the item. Speech - fast, incendiary, they rush to say a lot, while they care about whether they understood them at all. Sometimes, if they interrupt them, they will even be surprised why they stopped their fiery speech. Clothing - either strange, untidy, because they do not want to spend the precious time of their life on such nonsense as clothes. Either the second option is emphasized the theatrical, cleaning, non-standard. In the world of fashion, show business, movies - many zigzags. They are the legislators of the new fashion. They like to pay attention to something unusual. Their vulnerability is that they are too changeable and inconsistent.


The most unstable figure of psychoheometry. They are almost all children, as well as other figures when they are in stress. Although some people are so infantile and dependent on someone else's opinion, which remains rectangles for many years. This is a figure of growth, a certain stage in a person's life. Rectangles do not know much more or do not understand, they are more often asked questions, they are curious and much interesting them. They willingly listen to various explanations, go on excursions, read opinions and comments from other people. They often have no one's own opinion, they will be happy to adopt the opinions of other people. In clothing - change styles in clothes, constantly copying someone. Workplace - may change, in the morning - order, in the evening - the mess on the table. Cars - they buy, clearly following the principle of "what the rest goes." Often they overestimate or underestimate their own forces. When the remaining figures in psychoheometry flow into the stressful state, they become unstable rectangles: uncertain, fluctuating. For example, strong and powerful triangles begin to drink, the squares become chaotic and inaccurate, the circles will get closed in themselves and silent, and the zigzags are sitting on the chair and look into the ceiling or window, and do not want to do anything.
So, Mirovetov considered five figures in psychogeometry with their main and distinctive features. Now you can quickly determine among your friends, loved ones and colleagues, which of them to which psychotic appearance applies.

According to the most vivid features of the character inherent in the first view of various people, psychologists unite them in several groups, which are called psychotypes. The classifications of psychotic sets, because every psychologist who studies them is their own criteria. Therefore, they are all pretty conditional and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, the German psychiatrist Carl Leongard allocated the following psychotypes:

1. Hypertile

Here he made people of energetic, initiative, communicable, word, optimistic, which do not tolerate monotony and loneliness. These are people actions. On the one hand, they are a find for the employer and soul of any company. But on the other hand, it is not easy to deal with such people, because they are authoritarian, more than all put their own opinion, do not recognize other people's rules, because of which it is often to conflict with those who do not agree with them or trying to put them in the framework .

2. Distitute

People of this type - the opposites of the previous one. They are few, closed, slow and passive. Large and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in the choice of friends, so their circle of communication is quite small, but it includes people who are trusted and with which they feel comfortable.

People of the Distimony Psychotip prefer to be led, but they do not go blindly for everyone who claims to lead the leader. They obey only to those who are experiencing sympathy and trust.

Distimnists avoid conflicts and are not so they are their initiator. They can be entrusted with painstaking work, requiring impairment and attentiveness - the work that the people of hypeutive psychotype will not suffer.

3. Cycloida

As follows from the name, the behavior of these people is cyclically and depends on their mood. If it is bad, they are silent and closed as people of a distant psychotype. If good, are word and sociable, as hypersive.

4. excitable

The one who lives in the neighborhood works or is a relative of a person belonging to the excitable psychotica, do not envy. At the time when he was calm, you can communicate with him, but this is his condition briefly. He easily comes to excitement - and then beware!

He is annoyed by other people's children, animals, views, orders. It seems to him that he is ignored, offended, do not respect. And then he gives the will irritation and anger, grieved, enters conflicts, so it is possible to avoid it if possible.

5. Barring

Suspicious, touchy, vertigany, vain and incredible bore. Thanks to these qualities, people of this type are often initiated by conflicts.


Bureaucrats are about the people of this psychotype. They love order and accuracy in everything and sometimes they simply damage them with their requirements. Employers relate to them favorably, but the rest face them, considering boring and annoying, preferring people brighter and interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks by itself: these people are timid, indecisive and misintermetative. In difficult situations, when making decisions, they need support and support. They are characterized by minor, oppressive mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. The decline of the spirit, depression, is despicable - the condition is familiar to them. In the team, they are often choosing extreme - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word Emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, soft-hearted, compassionate and responsive. The main place in their life is occupied by feelings and experiences. They are executive and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People demonstrative psychotype adore in the center of attention and consider themselves the reference behavior. They are communicable, but at the same time love intrigues and gossip. Still would! After all, intriguing and encountering surrounding foreheads, they themselves catch the fish in muddy water: achieve the desired. Namely - leadership and power. Active activity they simulate more than they are actually developed.

10. Exalted

These are people with bright and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events cause them unrestrained delight, a stormy emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, ability and opportunities and the same qualities from other people.

But enthusiasm and lively they are easily replaced by despair, longing and despondency, if something goes wrong, as they would like. The fact that other people perceive as a light disappointment, for people of an exalted psychotype becomes a disaster.

A sharply changing mood - from a rapid delight to sudden oppression - the main sign of the exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of a good taste, of which outstanding artists are obtained, designers, etc.

They are in love, attractive, compassionate and word. Due to impassableness prone to panicity.

11. Extraverted

People belonging to this psychotica combine sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talking, but they themselves know how to listen carefully. Avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. Executive, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under someone else's influence.

12. Inteverted

These people are closed, restrained, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. Principled and stubborn, insist on their own even when they know that it is wrong. They are attributed to emotional coldness and lack of attachment to someone.

After reading each psychotype, you can define your own and adjust some features of your character who interfere with the work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly some kind of "clean" psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another curious separation of people to psychotypes was offered American psychologist Susan Dellingher. Psychogometry - so called her theory. What does geometry here? According to the theory of Sugene Dellingher, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, there is also no "pure" psychotype, but there is mixed, in which one main type prevails. So, these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.


These are people who are called the soul of the company: they are cheerful, sociable and optimistic. Not a single event, be it corporate, someone's birthday or ordinary party, does not pass without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they trust them, they come to "cry", to get support and a good advice. They have little "living" communication, so they are regulars of social networks, where they have many friends with whom actively conduct a correspondence.

People-Circles adore the living nature: they are at home pets that become hardly not full family members, coloring flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and even more expand their range of dating.

The shortcomings of people-circles include dislike for order and some dependence on someone else's opinion, as a result of which they often fall under an extraneous influence.

People triangles

It is the people-triangles most often occupy guidelines in business, politics and other areas of life, because they quickly make decisions and are not afraid to take responsibility. They grab new information on the fly, they can operate it and can simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. Their orders are impossible not to obey: they give them quickly, clearly and with knowledge of the case.

It is not surprising that people-triangles prefer expensive things, emphasizing the status of their host, be it clothing, car, smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people will not suffer objections, they are somewhat despotic and vain.

Square people

These are accumators and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be slightly in anything: their things are not shouting about the status, they can be unmodest and inexpensive, but always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: everything always lies here in their places. When buying a car or other necessary things, people-squares primarily proceed from the considerations of practicality.

Of these, good administrators are obtained, accountants, business executives, officials. Figures, documents, orders, instructions - what is bored in others, their elements where they feel like fish in water. They are executive, reliable, calm and are not prone to open manifestation of emotions.

People rectangles

These are people with an unstable psyche. When they all develop as they would like, they would be filled with joy and love: "Life succeeded!". But the white band is replaced by black, and their mood changes radically. They do not know how to resist troubles and failures.

They are lowered by their hands, and they are instantly transformed into gloomy pessimists and whiskers. Also quickly change their self-esteem: it takes off rapidly, it is also rapidly falling. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: it is the perfect order on it, then the blatant mess.

They are somewhat infantile, immature and do not have their own solid beliefs. Their opinion fluctuates, like a flue in the wind, depending on the opinions of others. They tend to copy not only someone else's opinion, but also behavior, habits, preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. Similarly, they copy someone else's style in clothes, manners, because due to uncertainty in themselves is not able to determine their own.

According to Susan Dellingker, all psychogeometric types in stress become similar to rectangle people.

Sigzag people

Inventive, creative, emotional, incendiary - so you can characterize the people of this psychotype. Their behavior is distinguished by non-standard, it is impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the manner to speak, dress, decorate your home. Jigsaw people tend to choose their creative professions. They like to be not like everyone else, and attract universal attention to themselves. These people are in their most windy and are inconstant.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellingker also offers two joking dough.

In accordance with first You need to choose from five above-mentioned geometric figures and draw three. The first one, which shows a person and will determine his main psycho. The two of the following figures drawn to them will show additional traits of character, because, as you know, people are not "clean" psychotypes, but mixed, with a predominance of some one.

In second The test is invited to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, determine your psychogeometric type.

So, we go to the bus and:

  1. quickly occupy free places for yourself and your companion, after which we continue to have a fun conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose the place better, then deepen into your thoughts and do not notice anyone stubbornly until you reach your stop;
  3. we are looking for free space. If we find, - sit down, if there is no one, calmly rushing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because I would prefer a taxi;
  5. starting near the driver without a desire to go into the middle of the bus. We willingly come into talk both with him and with the rest of passengers.

In the first case, a man-circle was taken to the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - zigzag.