If there is no color differentiation of pants in society. Color Differentiation of Pants (System Analysis)

If there is no color differentiation of pants in society. Color Differentiation of Pants (System Analysis)

In 1123, at the Board of Heinrich I, as Geoffroa de Breul writes, an air ship appeared over London, and threw anchor in the center of the English capital. People descended on the rope ladder. Londoners, having counted them by the messengers of the devil, drowned the aliens in Thames. The remaining on the ship chopped the rope and flew away. http://www.fandom.ru/about_fan/vilinbah ov_1.htm a_TOL. : "Londoners, having counted them by the Messengers of the devil, drowned the aliens in Thames." Awesome welcome reception ... It looks like shove your hand in a bucket with scorpions safer than descending into this world. "The number of such messages is innumerable." !!! They gave the opportunity to Jonatan Swift to ride on the "Plate", and in the way they told some details. Surprises one thing - if the information was, then why do people forget about her? Are they all so lazy and moved into the category of consumers? dmitrijan. : Why did you forget? Just what is she? Is that once again hesitate about what they can, but we are not? The attachment never loves for their kind to humiliate the dignity of others. a_TOL. : Unquestless fate of a knowledgeable person in this society ... Picture to the article "Ivana and Maryami" dmitrijan. : Here you have a new bike or there is a scooter, or there is a calculator, and there are no others. What will happen? "Give a ride!" (c) "Uuuuu, Zhardde!" (c) And their majority. Will be reduced to what is taken away and will break at best. And after will disperse, de not their business. People grow up, but the motivation of actions does not change. Won, if you see, everyone is waiting that a brilliant inventor will appear, which will be distributed to all free technologists, which will be made and will be presented for those who are silent. Himself to do? Fu! What is the survivability of Tesla syndrome? In the greed of people, crawling to freebies that they were promised for free. They were just promised. And they are already marked. And not for free, but just to distribute to distant corners. Or the same mask - he promised freebie. Chara, Mmm - Thirst for Halyava. Believers that are praying gods? FREEBIE! People dream of freebies. And create on this basis a lot of beliefs, that somewhere all for free, be it paradise or heavenly gave. Type Light Won meditate on free, that de as the briginal body will be thrown off, so they immediately have a freebie and come. Disintegration of the USSR? Mass of people eager for many grained sausages and freebies. After all, there are many money, and sausages in stores are small. Now sausages are a lot, but there is little money. The same in Ukraine is now. The mass of people is still eager for freebies. De neighbor rich (rf) should share, freebies. And in order to share it better, then let him feel guilty, he still offended. a_TOL. : Sad it is strange. Actually, in Ukraine the same trouble - people just want freebies. That mud water and kill the sake of freebies can, but work and create - no. After all, the hedgehog is clear that only labor can be improved its life. And Halyava wildly corrupts: you will get it without effort - then everything should be all like the land of the collective farm. dmitrijan. : Live freebies easier, like waiting. Immediately and visually - went to the store and got the desired toy. It is necessary only to shout out money. And doing something tedious, long and not the fact that I wanted. Yes, and the question of who pays usually goes somewhere. In the youth, parents, then the same employer. You need to shout more salary and will be "happiness." A lot of office spears their wishes are reduced to this, quite a simple formula - why are you paying more? Aaaaa, there are pets! a_TOL. : Those who work themselves - keep idiots. When you left the company, most twisted with their fingers at the temple. Although there were such that they were given, they say "yes, to work for ourselves is cool, so I will earn myself on the starting capital - too." And even one after these 11 years left. And already all loaded, broke out, "boiled". Does not pull people free life, where you yourself are responsible for your actions - a narrow stall and spurs in the BOKE levels a warm feeder. dmitrijan. : Well, naturally, most of the way will say why, in fact. It was easier to worked home, rejoiled, groaned about how the villains were paying a little, and the oligarchs were absurd. And if himself? What is it for that? Only on yourself. Yes, and again, Won how many chambers go to the forest fields on the fresh meadows, live from nature and not see anyone, including cities. So what do they not go to the forest fields, de Place chtol little? There are always 33 excuses, there is no light there, gas, the roads did not let down and do not build at home. What to do what they do there, it's not to leave for a picnic. The people even sometimes confident that happiness in Multi-Chubs, here is the alphabet for 33 letters, it means to inhibit and zombie, and it would be 42 letters, then Freedom would come. Some even try to write, but it comes out. Or what is the reason, for example, the evil eye, damage, won the dehtura is removed and removed. De removed the connection or there the hoop under the type hypnosis and happiness and freedom comes. And immediately everything is formed. On the other hand, in the thirst for free, people are quite full of themselves, well earn. Won gypsy offered to remove damage, give bad gold. Fi! Gypsy hypnosis. And at the same dehtura to pay for sessions To remove the connections, clean the karma and so on? Tse not hypnosis! Tse freedom of will, voluntary transfer deck for exemption from the nest. Those. While one is ready to pay for the waiting of the freebies, whether it is waiting for the arrival of the gods, the arrival of aliens, and anyone, if only they arrived and distributed free ice cream in favorites. Others, unobtrusively, will sell related products, such as binoculars to see better arrive. Program programs, conduct seminars, how best to wait for enlightenment and so on. This built a huge bunch of religions and faith. On the other hand, people want to believe that this is what happens? a_TOL. : Sea of \u200b\u200bfreezers and among them freezers who earn on the promises of the freebies. On the scale of the picture looks very depressing. Is it really possible to see something valuable in this swamp? dmitrijan. : Why not sell expected under one or another sauce? Have you been disappointed in Gypsies? Here you have a scientific explanation that we have a declamation and damage will be better removed, let's save your savings. Did you get tired of waiting for the gods? Here you have a stop where an aliens await! Tired of waiting at the bus stop? So you have a connection with the highest worlds by phone, where you will tell you how exclusively you are and how you love you there and what is about you will be taken to yourself. The essence of faith in Halyava does not change this well. The desire to get the ratio, and even in line from the Favorites, what could be attractive? You will sell a place in the queue closer to the doors, which are about to open and take a cart with freebies. What is local coins compared to the Khalyava's local? And when will the Universal Baramber? Then the money will not need anyone, so give them faster for the "3 steps to the space freebie" technique. The people are afraid of death, afraid of a "terrible court", is afraid that all the secret divids will get out, and then the promise that will be canceled, and they will also be awarded. How didn't you buy a bileet of your own exclusivity? At the same time, it is not so difficult to notice that the sellers of the methods play on the holy faith of those who suffer into their own exclusivity, that they are so unique, and the other pah, dirt at their feet. And such an exceptional even thought does not come that they are spoken by all, de You are exceptional, etc. Only they, only the great and lords of the universes, and only the curve floor prevents them from commanding the universe. You just need to remove and immediately they will become great. Here they are the techniques about the "3 step of removal of the way", or there are connections, or enlightenment. Yes, anything. Proper candles from the dark forces, a secret prayer from the evil goat. "Do not hide your money, on banks and corners" (c), but on the other hand, in such a mass, those who understand that this is all the bustles and a riot of microbes in a cup of Petri. Then either they are prescribed themselves even more exclusive, or still be accepted for business and work on themselves. Actually for the latter, all this fuss is supported. Of course, I want to believe that they are alone or no one hears them there. But rather, they do not hear anyone than them. Those. That's all in the mannet. Big such a playpen, go, enlighten, pray that they are taken from it. It is believed that their crying no one hears, although they regularly wipe the ass and noses, change the pampers and the contents of the nipples that they consider freebies. But there are among this heap and those who still gradually grow up, gets up to their feet and gets out of the playman, at the beginning raising her head over the level. Well, the rest? Continue to moan about what nobody takes them, selling each other methods how to escape from the playman, fight on plastic bows and rattles. a_TOL. : No matter how sad, but the "you best" method works. It is funny to say, but even a master at school, where we were engaged in, allowed themselves to shake down those who were not present. As a result, people began to believe that they are much better and promising their comrades. And everyone began to look at each other from high, which did not favor the improvement of relations in the group and the emergence of the feeling of the shoulder support. There were those who considered themselves above and better than others - a sort of handful of the elected. dmitrijan. : In essence, what is reincarnation? Delivered from the playpen, changed the pelleys, drank diameters, washed away from the pierced poop, smeared with cream, were separated and back to the playpen. What is this for the residents of the playpen? Wi whom he left us! At the same time, get out of the playman, putting each other's shoulder and knocking on the organized groups there is nothing easier. Yes, it is difficult to walk beyond it, but you can. You can crawl. But here to climb without the support of others, this is a matter of collective cohesion. And when everyone considers itself exceptional, no one will get out. But on the other hand, it creates a stimulus for carrying out production. Alya Sochinsievnote, where the incentive is not a payment or reward, but a promise, or even faith in a potential reward of its own exclusivity. Well, to paint the idea of \u200b\u200bpink colors can easily. Next, believe that this is about to happen and forward for pink elephants, postpone the tribesmen until death fails this impulse. And then again in a circle. http://masterkosta.com/photo/sekretnye_ foto_pravitelstva / codex_seraphinianus / 00 67_png_2 / 10-0-772
a_TOL. : Uau! Perfectly accurate pictures. Riding on the bumps in a circle and a column for a stronger whipping head, a swimming pool for "drown", hillocks for a more sore strike after the next "height conquest" on the familiar ladder. Its wall, its own iron door, several entertainers, and ... Scary animal. Oil painting. http://masterkosta.com/photo/sekretnye_ foto_pravitelstva / codex_seraphinianus / 00 66_png_2 / 10-0-771
dmitrijan. : Actually Codex Seraphinianus is very detailed, and that it is important to clearly describe our reality. http://masterkosta.com/photo/sekretnye_ foto_pravitelstva / codex_seraphinianus / 00 65_png_2 / 10-0-770
Here are those who dilute their cockroaches in their exclusivity, feeding them into the same fear. http://masterkosta.com/photo/sekretnye_ foto_pravitelstva / codex_seraphinianus / 00 63_png_2 / 10-0-768
But the life of exclusive, delicacies with an exquisite taste. After all, we yourself weigh the ducks on the liver or pigs on the fat, refilling them exclusively with the right products. a_TOL. : The path from childhood to your pool. For checkboxes do not go out! He lived in a manuska, climbed onto the tree and - in the dyat. You can say cynical, but extremely frankly. If this has such a mass nature, it means that there was a goal of creating a local zoo. Did you really endure jewels from this handcle of manure? Or is it a technological process of obtaining diamonds from coal? High temperature, great pressure ... Although there is no pressure. Just or grow, or rotten - complete freedom of choice. dmitrijan. : This is the same process as other. Well, for example, to grow a handful of professors and academics that move the science forward, you need to shift the hundreds of students, give them the opportunity to show themselves. Those. A large field of seeds are seeded, the conditions are given to them, as a result of which only a few grains are obtained with the desired properties that are already asked for future crops. The same Lomonosov identified the path of science and even society for many centuries. Of course in the wild forest, but most likely they will eat them earlier than they will give at least some escape. On the other hand, creating ideal conditions there is no guarantee that the lack of difficulties will allow the sprout to plant the necessary properties. Those. Frost resistance to instill in the absence of frost is unlikely to succeed. Then these properties are transmitted to the following generations and are already the descendants of even those who are not associated with the relative bonds of the same people, capable of possessing the desired properties. For example, you can compare visual people to the Warm of the same USSR and after. The breed clearly changed. But that she changed, they needed special conditions. elektromExanik : It means that it was not for nothing that the pedigree was tracked. This is essentially banal selection work. dmitrijan. : But it lost the clean essence, as the removal of tribal trotters in exceptional stalls, already in the first Russian. When everything was mixed. Those. It is easily like accumulating properties in some data banks, where all the desired patterns and subroutines are already drawn. The fact that once seemed by the lotion of exceptional or individual people, gradually becomes the skills of everyone. The principle of the 100th monkey. And so to get such a feature, you need to "flip" the mountains of the breed. Those. Selection as it is. Well, the center of "data" esoterics is usually called Eurgoregrom. elektromExanik : You can compare with the developments of code fragments that will be used by the next generation of programmers. dmitrijan. : In essence, the USSR was a big experiment, when the caste was canceled and all became all that showed a consistency when there is no point in caste, and when everything does not wash each other. Yes, the part died, but the other survived, gave germs and after the loss of external control from the "breeders", the collapse of the USSR, this type of product did not extend itself and did not degrade, and formed some unity, on the basis of which the Russian project was launched. elektromExanik : Now it is clear why there were works like "Steel hardened." Ideas should be voiced. dmitrijan. : Next, this project is trite to survive in this "Forest". Those. either survive or not. To give the speakers periodically introduces different additives, in order to check for stress and other stability. elektromExanik : Well, yes, if you grow in a pot in greenhouse conditions, it is definitely not a tenant. Even indoor plants recommend periodically "hardening" exposing on drafts. dmitrijan. : Naturally software ideas should be in the minds of people like a paradigm, therefore many books were produced with one or another filling that lay down and gradually digesively. Now all the same, only with the help of the same Ineta. But the essence did not change. All distribute masses of code options, which is somehow digested, processed, and its result is already as a clean code forms a certain template that falls into a common base, from where it is available for download, unless of course "processor" allows. elektromExanik : Typical technological process. dmitrijan. : Because, in fact, children, using the developments of previous generations, is not particularly thinking where they got these skills so easily. The fact that their parents have been gained by years, they can master for "several" clicks, without disturbing the parties, although they still have to sit down to push the skills of possession. elektromExanik : CSO, the same principle of the rise of the snowball, first the increase is immeasured and then increases sharply. a_TOL. : What every man lives every person, shaking for your carcass. And what kind of art to drive everyone into a bunch and instill new values. Each "World" has its own curator, withdrawing the product of the right quality? After all, everyone has his own eye view and the final result? And by the way, your book, who got Peter I in my hands, was lost or did you still find my reader? Those. A person is not an individual structure, but part of the system, only on the physical level alternatively. dmitrijan. : Naturally found, then on the chain. In essence, this is a portion of technology entry at that time, no more. The curator is difficult to call it, rather some, no matter how we say "consciousness", stupidly tracking a lot of parameters, although in our understanding it is a very "intellectual" work. This is rather automatics of the incubator. People are not separately walking. In essence, there are no. It is like a finger or a cage, or even hairs on a huge structure. a_TOL. : Unified Data Bank, from where the skills and principles of behavior are drawn. Those. Working with several individuals gives the result for the whole lot. It is only necessary to find those who have this exchange better? dmitrijan. : Natural there are those who have better sharing and the channel function not only for consumption. It is logical to use work through such. a_TOL. : Actually, already now, absorbed slowly in the principles of 4D, it can be assumed that everything is extremely interconnected. dmitrijan. : Otherwise it can not be. Initially, learn to keep your head, then crawl, then crawl fast, etc. elektromExanik : However, the process of making children itself is very complicated as it is transmitted not only the energy but also the information component. dmitrijan. : Information. Energy everywhere is full. There are no problems with sockets, there are voltage problems in them, because you can not insert and blown there. 12 volts light bulb can consider himself worthy to work in the networks of 110 volts and receive as much goodness as Voi those chosen. And even simplify still insert into an outlet at 110 volts. AND? PHF. And tungsten "brains" glass on the flask. Actually, what we observe in the environment of people. At the beginning, shout as they shine brightly, then Wai-Wai our threads are not maintained, then the Wah - tend this distorted string, then the ppco and ops. But the problem of just something, just that gradually voltage and frequency in their rosette rises. And where the following light bulbs feel comfortable, the lamps of the former generation are about to overcome.

elektromExanik : The first thing I had a long time on the soup, and the second is still more interesting. a_TOL. : Such a large territory fell off from Russia. Sorry people. But probably so necessary.

We are from the Soviet Union, profits on cultural exchange. Our know where we are. Looking for. [MP3]

Well, gravelitsappa is that without which the pepelats can only be so [horizontally] to fly. And with gravel, - anywhere in the Universe - Few! - five seconds. [MP3]

How are you without gravitzappa, the pepelats roll out of the garage? This is disorder ... [MP3]

No, it is impossible ... you need to know!
- Yes, you can ... [MP3]

What do you see? BUT?
- Sand ...
- So it worked this hrenovina ... [MP3]

So so ... the sun in the West ... So, Ashgabat is there! [MP3]

Hello! We are our tourists, behind the group. Throw us to the city, and there we somehow already ... [MP3]

Fair boys does not deceive, it is ugly, native! [MP3]

Patsak! What kind of balders do I have smuggling kz, with witnesses, when for him - a lifelong Ezier with nails? Do you have brains or ku in your head?! [MP3]

Who are you?! I ask who are you? BUT?!
- Alien foreman.
- Not. You are boys. And who are you?
- I am Georgian.
- Does not, you are also a boat. You are the boys, you are the boys and he is a boat. And I am Chatlanin, and they are Chatlane! So you are the Tsak putten and in the pepelacy sit, clear?! [MP3]

Pluk - a chatlane planet, so we, boys, should wear Tsaki ... [MP3]

Vladimir Nikolaevich, you have a wife at home, the son-dye, for a cooperative apartment is not paid, and you are here ... the brains are powder ... it's bad, the native ... [MP3]

Sorry, and Chatlan and Patsaki is a nationality?
- Not.
- Biological factor?
- Not.
- Persons from other planets?
- Not.
- And what do they differ from each other?
- What are you, Daltonik, violinist, - can not be distinguished from orange? Tourist ... [MP3]

Well, what about the new one on the pluy? [MP3]

Block Kz, get gravelitsappu. [MP3]

Actually, I am not a specialist ... According to these gravitspass ... [MP3]

Is there food?
- porridge ...
- What?
- Plastic ... [MP3]

I am a representative of a civilized planet, and demanding that you would track for your lexicon! [MP3]

I talked to him once that I need to fly to the center. And he ... greedy, like all Chatlane: "For two chatla cheaper! .." Kyu ... [MP3]

Is this your back word?
- The rear does not happen! [MP3]

Where on the sea buck? Of these, a long time ago, Lutz did. [MP3]

The violinist, instead of thinking all the time, that you are the first Georgian cosmonaut, and that the Nobel Prize will give you, Vernelize the spoon, which you have stolen the artists. [MP3]

Heaven ... The sky did not see such a shameful pike as you, violinist! .. [MP3]

Well, here you have, on earth, how do you determine who in front of whom how much should sit down?
- Well, at the eye ...
- Dicks! [MP3]

If I have a little kz there, I have the right to wear yellow pants, and in front of me the pintsy should not be alone, but twice to squat. If I have a lot of CC, I have the right to wear raspberry pants, and in front of me and the boys should quit twilight, and Chatlanin "Ku" do, and Ezilopp me has the right to beat at night ... Never! .. [MP3]

Well, you, native items ...
- It is worse. He just kyu. [MP3]

What a fool on a plitch is the truth thinks? .. Absurd ... [MP3]

That's because you say what you do not think and think what you do not think, here in cells and sit. And in general, the whole bitter cataclysm, which I am watching here ... and Vladimir Nikolaevich too ... [MP3]

Look for another ensemble, uncle! [MP3]

I will tell everyone how I brought the planet this phonologist PZH! Patsaki Chatlans on the head of the head! KYU !!! [MP3]

You excuse me, violinist, but it is elementary ku! [MP3]

Uncle Vova. The Tsap must be twisted, Caxp.
- On the! Do you do!
- I can not, I'm a Chatlanin.
- Get away from here !!! How to advise, so all Chatlane, how to work, so ... [MP3]

Dishonest game! You specifically thought my moves! [MP3]

WEF, have you ever seen such a little boys to such mercantile ku?! [MP3]

This is not a airship, a ballad! This is the last exhalation of Mr. PZh. [MP3]

Fudge the sky! PZh is alive - and I am happy.
- And I'm even more happy!

I really love PG!
- And I am even more ku! [MP3]

Yellow pants! Two times "ku"! [MP3]

There was a crystal view! Where is the crystal representation, eh? !!
- violinist! Put it on it's place!..
- I thought so lies ... Steklushko ... [MP3]

Astronauts! Which is there TsAPPA?
- There ... Rusty nut, native.
- You all have a rust ...
- And this most rusty. [MP3]

Oh-Yui-Yue, mom-mom, luska with manokhin moved ... it is necessary ... [MP3]

What are you staring? What are you staring?! Right now, as I inform you to the authorities that you knew and inactive, you are trancated fucking! Clear?!
- I did not inactive. I immediately pressed on the capupus. Violinist witness! All posts! Gadyushnik with wheels here, ku! [MP3]

Both lifelong Ezih without nails. Before paying. Payment - 500 Chatles, 250 per piece.

Violinist: comrade, there a man says that he is an alien, you need to do something.
Uncle Vova: Call at 03.
Scribes: I'll call, only he is almost barefoot.

Uncle Vova: What do you see? BUT?
Scripper: Sand ...
Uncle Vova: So it worked this hrenovina ... And this goat with holes there was there anything left? Quiet, calmly only ... There is a sun, there is sand, there is an attraction. Where are we? We are on earth.

Violinist: not, alien. Professor Rogozin. He got a chef concert, and then they forgot to put the violin to put the violin.
Uncle Vova: banquet?
Violinist: no, lunch ...

Uncle Vova: Hello! We are our tourists behind the group. Throw us to the city, and there we somehow already ... Translate.
Violinist: Du Spek Inglish?
UEF: Kuu?

Uncle Vova: Not a single letter, none "Made in" ...

Violinist: Vladimir Nikolaevich, maybe we still ...
Uncle Vova: Yes, typical Marciana.

Bi: Lysenka, native, infection, these pasta surrendered to you.
Uncle Vova: Ta-Ak. So, the Russian language know. Why did it take to hide?
Bi: And we do not hide. It is very difficult to penetrate into the tongue when you think right in two languages.
UEF: And this guy all the time speaks in languages, the continuation of which does not know. Why stared, Maimuna believed?
Violinist: they and Georgian know ...
Uncle Vova: What did he say?
Scribes: Monkey Son Donkey.

Bi: Vladimir Nikolaevich! You said, if we take you, then you will give everything. And you yourself stole a match! Fair boys do not deceive, it is ugly, native ...

Uncle Vova: You do not tune! Show your gravity. Brand thing - take.
UEF: Patsak! What kind of baldes do I have smuggled CCs here with witnesses, when for him a lifetime Ezier with nails? Do you have brains or ku in your head?

UEF: Stop! Stop, I say! Who are you? I ask who are you?
Uncle Vova: Alien Programmer.
UEF: No. You are boys. And who are you?
Scripper: I am Georgians.
UEF: Does not, you are also a boo. You are the boys, you are the boys and he is a boat. And I'm a Chatlanin, and they are Chatlane! So you are the Tsak putten and in the pepelacy sit, clear?

Bi: Vladimir Nikolaevich, you have a wife at home, the son of a two-way, for a cooperative apartment is not paid, and you are on the brains here. Bad will end, native.

Violinist: Sorry, and Chatlan and Patsaki is a nationality?
UEF: No.
Violinist: biological factor?
UEF: No.
Violinist: Persons from other planets?
UEF: No.
Violinist: what do they differ from each other?
WEF: What are you, Daltonik, violinist - can not be distinguished from orange? Tourist…

UEF: Yes Simple game. I have sex Chatla, you are on earth - three matches. On, spit here.
Scribes: Thank you, I do not want.
UEF: Well, you are good for me one match, I have three Chatle, yellow pants and this is such a chade. Come on!
Violinist: no ...
UEF: Blue pants ...
Violinist: Mr. UEF, I will not under any circumstances.
WEF: Rear word? So you are then the brains to me, Maimuna believed!
Scripper: Mr. UEF! I am a representative of a civilized planet, and require you to follow for your lexicon! In!

UEF: violinist, instead of thinking all the time that you are the first Georgian cosmonaut, and that you will give the Nobel Prize, you will be given a spoon that you have stolen the artists.
Violinist: I did not think anything ... I wanted her to take it to the Institute of Non-ferrous metals, suddenly something new ...
Bi: Sky! The sky did not see such a shameful booty, like you, violinist. I am very deeply mourn.

Bi: Well, here you have, on Earth, how do you determine who in front of one should sit down?
Uncle Vova: Well, it's on the eyes.
UEF: Dicks!

UEF: I have such a sentence, native. You will give us a match now, and then we will bring yellow pants to you, goes?
Uncle Vova: Thank you, I already have, maybe you need a violinist? Violinist! There are aliens, the pants fits ... Yellow. Need to you?
Bi: And there is no violinist, native ...
Uncle Vova: how not?
UEF: I katapulted it.
Bi: And you do not worry, Vladimir Nikolaevich, we have another catapult. New. This still spoiled.
Uncle Vova: I did not understand ...

Uncle Vova: Sleep?
Violinist: no.
Uncle Vova: Do not be sad, violinist. If there is a gravitspa on this bunch, so get it. Didn't get it ...

Scribes: Yes, I sneezed on your Elecel!
Uncle Vova: Calm, violinist, do not annoy the lady ...

Scribes: That's because you say what you do not think, and think what you do not think, here in the cells and sit. And in general, the whole bitter cataclysm, which I watch here, and Vladimir Nikolaevich too ...

Uncle Vova: Well, what? All whole?
Violinist: cologne stole.
Uncle Vova: Woman ...

Galina Borisovna: You are an adult man, Gedevan Alexandrovich. You studied one semester and disappeared for years! Appeared! With some pebble, with some kind of Caucasian ceramics and a bell from the Donkey! And you are applying for ... well, and besides, if you are able to be musicizing, then why didn't you take part in our exchange rate amateur? You excuse me, violinist, but it is elementary ku!

Bi: Mat! And spoke "second category".
UEF: he is boasts!
Violinist: a dishonest game, you benefit from my brains.
UEF: If you had brains, you would now go to MGIMO, and not here the mood of Pudryl.

UEF: Uncle Vova, the Tsap must be twisted, the Tsaku.
Uncle Vova: on! Do you do!
UEF: I can not, I'm a Chatlanin.
Uncle Vova: Get away from here! How to advise, so all Chatlane, how to work, so ...

Bi: WEF, have you ever seen such a little boys to such mercantile ku?
UEF: Never. I said - the violinist is not needed, here's the result.

Violinist: if the sea was here, why there are no shells?
UEF: Do you still have seas on earth?
The violinist: and the sea is, and there are rivers, and decent people are, Mr. Uef.
WEF: Dicks, I want to cry.

Uncle Vova: It's a pity, the authorities do not see me now. Salary would increase.
Scribes: Quiet, Uncle Vova, look at us ...
Uncle Vova: ku!

UEF: This is not a airship, a ballad! This is the last exhalation of Mr. PZh.
Violinist: nonsense! How could one person in front of death so much air to put on? Absurd.
Bi: Fudge the sky! PZh alive! And I am happy!
UEF: And I'm even more happy.

Uncle Vova: Astronauts! Which is there?
UEF: There, rusty nut, native.
Uncle Vova: You have everything rust here!
UEF: And this same rusty.

Violinist: "... Earthman, hello! I am sure you will ever arrive at this planet. Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashkov welcomed you, the builder from Moscow, and Gedevan Alexidze from Batumi, who first stepped on these vile sands on the backyards of the Universe ... "

Scripper: A! Who needs it all?! Tsaki-Taraki, all this rubbish! And we…
Uncle Vova: Where did you take it? BUT?
Violinist: in the planetarium on the shelf was lying ...
Uncle Vova: violinist! Kleptomanchik you are mine! You whistled gravitzpa! ..

Eleception: boys! Why not in muzzles? Turn! Order of Mr. PZh - to put on Muzzles to all pikes ... and rejoice. So, well, this is me, but it's you ... And this is to you. Why are you not happy?

UEF: And here a long time ago, no one lives. We are pluncloud transgluded, while we were on tour.
Violinist: what?
UEF: For the fact that we did not have time.
Violinist: And you for what?
UEF: So that you did not leave over your head.
Violinist: And all died?
UEF: Of course.

UEF: They will crawl on all fours, and we do not care about them.
Violinist: why?
UEF: Pleasure getting!
Violinist: what kind of pleasure?
UEF: Young More ...

UEF: Gedean Niko, Schilo, you say. I can, I am my own. I have a mother - Georgian. Was.
Violinist: Sadaul.
UEF: Alkhauri.
Scripper: Says, Mom is a local Georgian. Was.

Uncle Vova: Well, how much can be Taldich about the same thing. Flew. If we fly ...
UEF: I'll be sitting in a pot because of you forever. And you once again reach the mouth of the laziness?
Uncle Vova: Brothers! Cute, good, my relatives, or flew, or at least close the door. I can no longer see you, and so sick.

Dekont: It does not matter. Be kind, put on the breathing apparatus.
Violinist: why? You have good air.
Dekont: That is why.

Violinist: girl, are you smarter here? Does anyone tell you you, or did you decide?

Uncle Vova: And give this way: one to the ground, and the other in the past.
Violinist: Vladimir Nikolaevich, I am not a mesting to the plunk.
Uncle Vova: Listen, uncle, lump for a while.

Uncle Vova: then it will not be. Let's fly only to the Earth.
Bi: Forever?
Uncle Vova: Forever.
UEF: I'm on the planet, where you do not know who must be satent to whom? Nonsense. Let's gravitzpa and do what you want.
Violinist: Uncle WEF, Uncle Bi, you will meet there ...
Bi: No, Genatvale! When society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no purpose, and when there is no purpose ...

Scripper: Comrade ...
Uncle Vova: eh?
Violinist: how to go to the old Arbat?
Uncle Vova: That's right, right.
Violinist: thanks.
Uncle Vova: ku!
Violinist: ku!
Uncle Vova: violinist?
Violinist: Uncle Vova?

Brief Chatlano-Patsaki Dictionary:

KC - Matchka
CAC - nose bell
Ezih - Box for Prisoners
Ezilop - a representative of the authorities
Pepelats - Inter-Village Ship
Gravitzappa - Detail from the Motor of the Pepelats
Kyu - a permissible in society
Ku - all other words

Some facts about the film:

The film is removed on the DS color film (35 mm width, length 3693.4 m). Although the high-quality "Kodak" film was originally highlighted for the film, but the director of the city of Dannelia and the film operator P. Lebeshev decided that the image should be rigid - without halftone and good study of the shadows. In this regard, the whole film "Kodak" was given to another shooting group, and the film "Kin-Dza-Dza!" Removed on the less high-quality Soviet film "DS" (daylight light.

The song "Mom, Mom, what we will do" sounds at the beginning and at the end of the film from the TV in the apartment of Uncle Vova, according to which the scene is demonstrated from the Cottovsky feature film 1942. In this scene, the White Guard officers during the civil war are sitting in the restaurant busy by Odessa and watch the incendiary speech of the singer, performing pop-up journeys about the fun and enchanted life of Odessa ("Odessa - here it is what, / Odessa - Forky, Live! / Odessa dance and sings , / Kisses distributes / those who live fun! "). As a dress for these purchases, a male choir several times performs an excerpt from the folklore song of the homelords ("Mom, Mom, what are we going to do, / when the winter winter will come? / You don't have a warm handkerchief, I have no winter hard!") . The composer of the film "Cottovsky", according to titers, was Sergey Prokofiev. During the film, Uncle Vova plays a violin to another, simpler melody, presumably taken from the "lullaby" composer I. Philippa (published in the "School of Games on the Piano" edited by A. Nikolaev).

The song "On the River, on the River, on Tom Berezhka", which WEF sings when he is taken to the Iron box on a pluy, and also when he is sent to the greenhouse on Alpha, he sounds in most of the films of Dannelia, where E. Leonov was shot starting with "thirty three"

A few years after the film's release of the film, the composer of the film of Kancheli, at the request of the famous violinist of the Kremer, wrote a joking play for a symphony orchestra based on the music "Kin-Dza-Dza" and "Tears dripping". For the first time, it was performed in Germany under the name "Ain Klein Danneliad" (Little Danneliad). The unusualness of this play lies in the fact that on the music of the orchestrants during the execution several times the word "ku" should pass. Later, a ballet was put on this music in Vienna, where the Women's Choir sings "ku".

On one of the filmmaster of Kin-Dza-Dza abroad, American directors approached Georgy Dannelia:
Americans are a wonderful film, etc. ... what kind of specialty! It is very expensive with us, and could Soviet experts do specialists for us?
Dannelia - Specialifects? Where did you see them there?
Americans - Well, how, flying pepelats!
Dellai - Pepelats? These are not efects, we have been separated from the military.

I was impatient to revise Kin-Dza-Dzu. And here, after 25 years, it came to me, about what, in fact, this film. ... It is interesting to watch these expert films. Then it was incomprehensible, perceived as satire on the USSR. Although the meaning in this case is not quite consistent, but then there was such a situation that it was possible to scatter the clean leaflets of paper - "and so everything is clear," since the bad thing, it means about the USSR.

And the film is actually prophetic (if not fixing) It turned out. The key phrase is there - the phrase of the BB: "Society where there is no color differentiation of pants, has no goal."

Uncle Vova and Gedean at that time seemed ordinary people, contemporaries, funny, poor scoops Although not deprived of nobility.
Now I understand that they are like aliens from a bright future. I can not even believe that such people are. Open and beautiful. Behave with dignity. To make them "do ku", behave outwardly as a plunger, hard and long-term suggestion is required. But internally they are so plungering and do not become, they keep themselves noble. Passion Pluca to the money Uncle Vova openly rises - but nevertheless does not throw in the misfortune Bie with UEF, who repeatedly brutally rushed earthlings, up to their likely physical destruction.

Try to tell today's young people about the student from Batumi, students for free music in Ivanovo, who has been trusted to someone else's violin at the price of 1000 rubles. (Today's price is not lower than 10,000,000 rubles)! Moreover, the twenty-year-old guy responded to the call for the help of the worn homeless and he helped the unfamiliar engineer !!

Completely devoid of nationalism in relation to each other; "Golden racism" Pluche Gedevana perturbs deeply. We behave like brothers - senior and junior, and this brotherhood and responsibility arise for each other instantly as soon as they are in trouble. Gedevan worries about the future of science - Tyching things, of course, is not good, but he is not going to drive these things on the market is going, but to transfer to UNESCO!
That is, from our today's point of view compared to the plunges, Soviet people are simply representatives of a bright future. But these are normal, real people of that time. Middle, not the best and not worst.

Bee with WEF at the same time several times, persistently - that is, it is clearly not by chance - repeat: Well, behind you the planet! Dikari! And the water is still not translated on Lutz, and there are still forests, and decent people. Dikari! And with heat explain the meaning of his life - about the differentiation of pants. It is important!
We then perceived it with a laugh, and in fact it is a completely accurate prediction of the future.

After a few years, we will begin to explain that we are dicks. The entire civilized world living in market laws knows in perfectly clear signs who need to go - it is the one who has many Chatlov. And we still define on the eye! And didn't we hear - "we have no goal, only in a market society a person has a goal"?

And we have "color differentiation of pants". Not that in the Soviet society there was no hierarchy and demands to someone "go" - it was, the hero of the film and does not deny. But then everything was completely civilized - those who should be bowed, "who has many chatles" - have become different from ordinary people of people with clothing, cars, dwellings, habitat, habits ... The society gained a goal - to acquire and multiply Chatlas.
At the same time, other signs of "dicarity" were gradually disappeared - internationalism, friendship, nobility, honor ... And the duty of society to take care of every member was replaced by charitable marathons - send SMS for 80 rubles. And feel yourself benefactor. Hello, plunk! By the way, my lord No matter how sought him , also appeared.

Now the most interesting thing is about the material and technological level of the Kin-Dza-Dza Galaxy. At that time, all this poverty was perceived as a parody of "our poverty." Entered walls, smelly wells, rusty crepure mechanisms ... But in this version, "satire on our reality" was not enough. Now I understand what.

Really civilization of Kin-Dza-Dza is not a wretk at all. This is a post-industrial, non-convictedly developed technically society. This is such a postpunk. Rusty bolts and sorter with sand - in a star pilot, capable of overcome light distances per second. Today you are a beggar artist, and tomorrow got a match - and you buy a whole planet. Moreover, the planet costs only 60 chatles, and the air to it is 90 chatles. Paradoxes of the market, like a begging with a mobile phone.

In principle, any plunitor could arrange local communism if he has some money or a bit of brains. Buy water, pour the planet oceans, grow forests, re-educate idiots, in general, create alpha 2.0. But who needs it? WEF accurately expresses the highest desire of any plungean: "They will all be bowed to us, and we will enjoy." As Mr. Same: Sit in the pool with water and pull behind the bell of his pike. It will not be boring. All the life of Plutanina is a game. Today you are in Lifetime Ezich, and tomorrow - on top. But the day after tomorrow they can transglube, so you can even enjoy the most poor joys, it will not be boring.

It is perfectly developed, utopian capitalism - it will look like this (with a good scenario, of course, if people survive at all, and if all these technologies arise!). The same, actually, and Western writers are assumed - for example, Nile Stevenson in the "diamond century" - infinite material opportunities, complete freedom, and indescribable poverty of the person.
These semoresseans can transform the whole world according to their technical capabilities, explore the universe, become immortal. But why do they need it? Their meaning of life is the struggle for chatals, for the color of the pants and the highest idea - "so that I can do everything." Their society is not "dicar", it has a goal and meaning!

Happy family concerns and studies in the music school Residents of the USSR peer in a dog and a man in women's underwear ...

And Uncle Vova and Gedevan return back, in his ordinary world, where the son-two, for a cooperative apartment is not paid, not to do in MGIMO ... in bright, it turns out - and we did not know this, but everything is known in comparison - beautiful The world that is so long remaining to exist. Ku.

Yesterday showed cartoon "Kin-Dza-Dza". What is the relationship of the film's heroes to their cartoon reincarnation? No. As, however, Deltera. The USSR went away, and with him and his skill. It turned out that, without actually implemented the concept of "man, a friend, friend, comrade and brother," attempts to his simulation in the artistic work of damage. Damage, but still subject to units - such as servant or lion thick. In their artworks, they breathed life into their dreams. We lived in it. Now it is destroyed.

And this is the aliens from the planet plunk in December 1942

The original is taken by W.

Actually, the problem of the color differentiation of pants vital worried only the characters of the film "Kin-Dza-Dza". Me is not very. And because I am not incorporated inside this problem, I can judge it objectively. As far as, of course, it is possible to talk about objectivity at all (for the author of these lines, for he is a philosopher-C as a diploma, and he "on staff" since R. Descartes is imputed to the duty in all, especially in reality and objectivity, doubt).

Let me remind you to those who have seen the essence of the problem, and for those who have not watched the film - I'll tell you a little about him. One of the film heroes (playing Evgeny Leonov) throws about such a replica: "I will not live in a society where there is no color differentiation of pants." If you say "in Russian", the phrase could be translated as follows: "It makes no sense to live in that underdeveloped and primitive society, where there are no" foundations of the mains "and" values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200b"that personify in the color differentiation of the pants." The fact is that the society of the planet, to which he belonged to the above character, had its own values \u200b\u200band goals. And I must say that these values \u200b\u200band goals are far enough from values \u200b\u200bas a socialist society (the time to which the time of creation of a film) and modern democracy and civil society. These values \u200b\u200bhave been personified in the hierarchical system of pants differentiation. Those. A certain color of the pants (let's say purple [here and then we take the color arbitrarily, because it is not quite remembering the exact differentiation in the movie]) reflected the social status of their wearing and was the subject of the desired aspiration of those whose rods were cast down by a lower social color (for example, blue).

So, we are quite a socially organized world: a custom and hierarchical system of relations. The role of the social status indicator in this world is performed by color differentiated pants.

Before we turn to the actual problem of the color differentiation of the pants, it is necessary to clarify the context of this differentiation itself, i.e. The world in which it is carried out. This world is quite an amazing world, for he is an unreal world, but the world is fictional, i.e. Designed. As a constructed world is a world of mind, i.e. Nossa and anywhere, except for this Nusa not localized. In other words, the world of the specified fantastic world is a new world, and in the Kantian meaning of this word. Let us explain the claimed. The world of "Kin-Dza-Dza" is utopia (or anti-nightopia, what is the difference?), But the utopia built by the mind of its creator. He is not unreal, although his forms - like any other in any movie - visibly presented. But their audience refers only to the meaning of reason, the givenness of our consciousness. At the same time, the world is quite sustainable for our consciousness, because it does not "scatter", again, for our consciousness. Thus, objects (if so you can allegorically be expressed about non-existent items and worlds) of this film (as well as any other film, especially fantastic) possess amazing properties - their identity in itself and for us. Their representation and skitness coincide, since both are equally unreal. In other words, their representation is their ethmantic. Those. The world that we zirm are no different from the world itself, because both the essence of the creation of the mind. The world of the film "Kin-Dza-Dza" in this respect is simultaneously phenomenal and nonemenal. Those. We have a unique opportunity to see the phenomenon, which is no different from Noamen. And in this sense, we see that the world of "Kin-Dza-Dza" is a new world that does not lose its domesticity from what becomes the subject for our vision. Recall that for I. Kant, Noumen is a "breathtaking object". By the way, as a new world, the world of color differentiation of pants cannot be the subject of possible experience and be considered by the human mind. According to the same Kant, the new world can be the subject of possible experience for other, let's say, for an angelic understanding, and the reasoning about him is the subject of Angelic patience from listening to him this reason. In other words, what we are talking about now - the problem of the color differentiation of pants - reasoning about Angelic and, it became about the divine, i.e. Theology is advantage.

Now let's return to the very problem of the colors of the pants. The title of the article "Color differentiation of pants (system analysis)" is not accidental. It will be about how to systematically consider the color differentiation of pants. At the same time, it should be - and quite weighty it is necessary - that the color differentiation itself is indisputable. The data of social and ethical plans, which we, since not Marxists, should not change, but explore. Let's say right - before us a dead end, from which the system analysis should find an output. Systemic analysis, we consider here not as sometimes accepted in a certain kind of systems, but as an analysis that gives an understanding of the interconnected whole. Even if not deadlock, then - a labyrinth (consisting of various colors of pants), and the system is this thread of Ariadnes, which will help us not only get out of the pants, but also reasonably and scientifically rank and coordinate these pants.

To begin with, we will take a given to the following shedtan differentiation: lilac (L) Color of pants - this is the color of the highest rank, the color of the rulers of the rulers; Orange (o) is a color, as they would have been told, middle class; And the blue (c) is, forgive-C - the color of the versatorship. For the convenience of further analysis, we will take only three colors, and they used to say Aristotle, enough for our analysis. We need to analyze this given and reveal certain patterns in it, which will allow us to assess the integrity of the blue (C), orange (o) and lilac (L) pants and comprehend the ethical foundations of the Society of the film "Kin-Dza-Dza". What kind of strategy to choose? That is what the question is (cyt. Hamlet's memory V. Shakespeare). It is difficult to immediately not be stronger (Tomov so at 19, at least) to immediately elect a strategy analysis that would allow us to systematically approach the problems of color differentiation of pants, so we turn to the most famous strategies and apply them to practice (pants).

Of course, if you choose a methodology that will provide a genuine and objective comprehensive comprehension (in our case, it coincides, reminding, with the namental), then it is necessary, first of all, to contact those methods that are promoted and used without success (one nuclear bomb of what Standing !!) Natural Sciences. So, the scientific methodology. Laying my pants on the table. What should be done in this case natural science? Dismested, disassemble the atoms, and describing the structure of the pants, the structure and frequency of the color wave, approach the desired solution to the problem. We do (difficult to decide if it is decided if the pants are not so much). Dismemberous pants, describe their structure, compare with other pants, etc. Well!? Never mind. Nothing, believe me, it does not work. If you do not believe, then do the dismemberment of the pants yourself and - guaranteeing - neither the feature will not understand how which color of the pants correspond to the various rows of the "Tabel" "Planet Kin-Dza-Dza". The result that can be achieved like an experimental way is the transformation of the pants in a rag for a car wiring ...

Maybe then, then, to humanitarian methodologies and we will try to find the desired method in their ranks, which will provide us with the systemic integrity of this phenomenon, especially since the color differentiation of the pants "in theory" should relate to social, ethical, political ... in short, to humanitarian spheres.

Take at random (this is for the reader at random, but for me there is no) several methodologies. First, the formation method. For it is clear that the knowledge of the color differentiation of the pants belongs not to particular, but the most common issues of human society and get this knowledge is impossible by inductive, as it would be known to Bekon, but it belongs to its essence to the sphere that is subject to Aristotelian mind, t. e. The creature of the very same thing is originated.

So we clarify on the pants. Let me remind you: about the pants with, o, L. We are clarifying, we clarify ... I can't ask anything, except for the subject (may Gusserl forgive me). How much do not rub it (Li's eyes, I mind, do not comprehend the eternal and imperishable data of the color differentiation. Does not fit ... Let's go further ... and Complete to Aristotle.

Our appeal to Aristotle (or rather to its ethics) it is not by chance, for the differentiation of pants - the problem is ethical, and Aristotle himself is a fairly wise thinker. How would he do in our place? Probably would use their developments in this area and applied that he successfully tried in his ethics, namely, which is most important to find justice, which is the driving start of any human communication. Color differentiation, it is clear, fixes and fixes existing social ties and therefore its comprehension and preservation of the case of the greatest scientific and political importance (especially it would be important for Aristotle with the Kin-Dza-Dza Planet, if such is the place to be). As the basis of order (and for Aristotle, the order is "something") the differentiation system should observe justice and avoid extremes, because justice is the middle between the two extremes. If "shift" declared on the colors of pants, it will turn out that the pants are because they are equal to the two extremes, from the pants with and pants L. can, by the way, using Aristotle to determine the topos pants, i.e. Their natural place to which they are as needed. And their natural place is the legs and cheessel, and where are these legs and grasp, in the same place migrates and natural topos pants ... Beauty? Something does not work with the pants at Aristotle. Take anything moreon.

For example, Hegel. How to be from the point of view of Gegelian dialectics with pants? Probably you need to choose the beginning (just as Hegel chooses Genesis) and "unwind the selected pants dialectically. Suppose Pants C is the beginning. They have internal contradictory, which drives them along the path of development to their other - Pants O. Pants about not only their other pants with, they deny them and retain them in their truth. So, the pants with the process of Aufhebung (removal, i.e. pants are removed) and go to Pants O. But on this it does not end, because everything goes to the highest unity, the personification of which is then pants l containing both pants with, So the pants were taken in the truth. At the same time, it should also be noted that since we have a dialectical process here, we can say the same thing that Hegel spoke about every stage of development of an absolute idea - it is an absolute idea: pants with there are pants l , just like pants oh there are pants L. Honestly, except for the removal of the pants - all the complete Belibard, so it can take someone else's system?

Well, for example, M. Heidegger. Probably, he would say in the Black Farmed House for his pants: "Pants are struggling to the rods in the lumen of the battery, which is about the oblivion of the stage." And from the thoughts said to the singer 3 Reich, we would not be at all no better and we would not push the color differentiation of pants in the compression of the colors.

Then maybe it will help us "Beach of the twentieth century" and hysterical women Z. Freud. Probably the problems of the pants would find his sympathy, because pants are so "erotic", because they are adjacent to two erogenous zones - anus and phallus. What would have appealing to the problem of color differentiation of pants in psychoanalysis, it is not so difficult to predict - everything would ultimately be reduced to Eros and Tanatos, and if a follower of Freud Jung was taken to work, then Arbay, pop-up on the surface of the unconscious. But neither to us nor the pants would not be better: the unconsciousness would be inaccessible rationality and would be transmitted to a psychiatric hospital with honor.

And the list of methodologies and systems can be continued on ...

What should we do if nothing is better for us can they give?

So, what do we have from the systematic application of any methodology to the problem of the color differentiation of the pants? Yes, in general, nothing. Nothing she did not give us anything and did not explain anything. Maybe the fact is that the human mind is weak for the affairs of the Divine, because from the very beginning we saw that we were talking about the namentality-phenomenality of the world "Kin-Dza-Dza" The case of the Razumnya Angelic?

In essence, the color differentiation of pants, such as visible manifestation, crystallization of human ties, the structure of society, nothing better and nothing worse than any other. And the inability to systemally comprehend it is, of course, presented in this text in exaggerated form, in principle demonstrates the inability to give a "exhaustive" and "final" explanation in the humanitarian sphere. Why is this happening?

Yes, for various reasons. Take only two. Mind to strive for understanding, which, by the way, does not have the properties of the statics, but acts on the equation, on the statics. Another A. Bergson pointed out that rationality is focused on non-living, and nothing "outstanding" cannot achieve in the sphere of life and development. We are to know "kill", and with alive it is not necessary to contact this ...

We point out another reason that comes against any "reason." Trying to understand the world, society, man, we strive to find something permanent, rhythmic, predictable. But such a desire is not quite adequate to the real position of things. There is the reason for which else ancient pointed. For example, Aristotle spoke in "Niccom her own ethics", which for happiness is not enough of one virtue, but you need a good luck. The reality of human existence is such that the case (luck), suddenness - this is what plays a not last role in our lives (we are born by chance and accidentally go from this world), however, it is an accident to a lesser extent to "the right of citizenship" in science, And you can regret together with Fr. Nietzsche that the oldest aristocracy of this world (His Majesty is the case) undeservedly bypass.

And there are many such reasons - a lot, very much ... But the science simply ignores them ... gets every time - "on the pants" ...

Once again: what to do?

Very simple: think, give birth to the thought ...

Think contrary to someone else's thought, for if the thought is not born in spite of, then it is simply not. The thought must kill the thought, in the same sense, as Buddhists called "Kill Buddha". And the other path seems to not.

And what about the color differentiation of the pants? And not all if ... She played her job, led us to other horizons of thought and, like Othello, should, retire.

And last. The collection is also dedicated to a joke, and I am with my own pants ... How to be? But in no way. Anecdote is that in any way. As I. Kant, humor used to say (and if a joke is not humor, then I am not me) is to turn the expectation into nothing. And in this respect, all the nonsense, which I just had the honor to present to your attention, just "insidiously" draws your expectations in nothing. And therefore, it seems to me that it is his place here. And, finally, as many times already mentioned Aristotle would say, it must be said that it is already says enough ...