Works of Russian classical literature. Tass news agency

Works of Russian classical literature.  Tass news agency
Works of Russian classical literature. Tass news agency

The collection of classical literature at different times was replenished by the outstanding geniuses of their peoples and their era. We love them for the opportunity to plunge into the world of the distant past, so classical literature remains popular at all times.

Classical literature: general characteristics

It happens that a certain mood makes us pay attention to classic books, because the most famous works are often the best. Not in vain, because it was these best works that inspired other famous authors - representatives of subsequent popular generations in literature. The golden classics, an eternal series of books, will be a salvation for those who are not attracted by modern literary works, because it was the authors from this list of classics who were genre pioneers long before the postmodern era began, and the literary world flashed with all genre diversity, which was difficult even imagine in the conditional XIX century. Nevertheless, all this became possible precisely thanks to the classics, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

World classics books: list

As you know, classical works are not just books, but also markers of the era, which are considered exemplary examples of how the best writers saw their literary heritage. In addition, most often the problems of classical works have something in common with the attitude of a whole generation, which makes the general reader love these books with all his heart. This is also the reason that these books are often included in the school curriculum of different countries, because such works help to understand what a whole section of society was thinking and breathing about in a specific time frame.

This list contains just a few of the best examples of classic literature. But if you are wondering what to read from the literature included in the golden fund of world culture, then here you will definitely find something for yourself.

Are exemplary works of Russian writers that have become symbols of Russian culture.


These are books that every person should know who respects, appreciates and honors Russian culture, its dignity, depth, as well as the beauty and greatness of the Russian language.

The best novels of Russian classical literature

"Eugene Onegin" A. Pushkin (1825)

A novel in verse, which is one of the most significant works of Russian literature, about Tatyana's unrequited feelings for Onegin. A literary work that does not lose its relevance, because people at the time of the great classic Alexander Sergeevich, and now make the same mistakes in love.

"A Hero of Our Time" Mikhail Lermontov (1840)

The pinnacle of Russian prose of the first half of the 19th century. Underestimated by Lermontov's contemporaries, this deep romance with a peculiar chronology of events about Grigory Pechorin, a young officer disillusioned with life.

"Dead Souls" N. Gogol (1842)

An immortal work about human cunning and weakness, in which Gogol brightly and colorfully showed human souls: after all, "dead souls" are not only those that the protagonist Chichikov bought, but also the souls of living people buried under their petty interests.

"Fathers and Sons" I. Turgenev (1862)

The novel, which became significant for its time, in which the ideological struggle of two generations was reflected, and the image of the protagonist Yevgeny Bazarov was perceived by the youth as an example to follow.

"War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy (1869)

Recognized by critics around the world as the greatest epic work of new European literature, the novel is striking in its scale, unparalleled in the world. This is a story that describes Russian society in the era of the wars against Napoleon in the most varied and unexpected manifestations and in several storylines.

"Idiot" F. Dostoevsky (1869)

A mysterious novel in which the creative principles of Dostoevsky are fully embodied, and the amazing mastery of the plot reaches its true heyday. The main character of the book is Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin, whom the author himself called a "positively beautiful" person, the embodiment of Christian goodness and virtue. Having spent most of his life in isolation, Prince Myshkin decided to go out, but he did not know with what cruelty, hypocrisy, greed he would have to face: for disinterestedness, honesty, philanthropy and kindness the prince was contemptuously nicknamed "idiot" ...

"Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy (1878)

The world famous tragic love story of a married Anna Karenina for a handsome officer Vronsky. This is a complex, deep and psychologically sophisticated novel that captivates with absolute artistic authenticity and dramatic narrative, forcing the reader to watch closely how the relationship between the characters will develop.

"The Brothers Karamazov" F. Dostoevsky (1880)

Dostoevsky's most complex and controversial novel, which critics have dubbed an "intellectual detective", is considered by some to be the best work about the mysterious Russian soul. The writer himself defined his work as "a novel about blasphemy and its refutation." This is one of the deepest philosophical works of world literature about sin, mercy, the eternal struggle that takes place in the human soul.

"Quiet Don" M. Sholokhov (1940)

The epic novel "Quiet Flows the Don" in four volumes is one of the most ambitious works of Russian literature, which brought world fame to Mikhail Sholokhov. Moreover, in 1965 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a crucial time for Russia." This is a grandiose novel about the fate of the Don Cossacks, a fascinating saga about love, devotion, betrayal and hatred.

"Doctor Zhivago" B. Pasternak (1957)

This novel is the pinnacle of Pasternak's work as a prose writer. The writer created his novel over ten years from 1945 to 1955. This is a sincere and poignant love story against the backdrop of the chaos of the Civil War, which is accompanied by poems of the protagonist. Boris Pasternak received the Nobel Prize for Doctor Zhivago on October 23, 1958.

"The Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov (1966)

One of the best novels of the century, which had been waiting for publication for almost thirty years to become a real world literary masterpiece. The novel is considered multi-layered and contains genre-independent lines, so "The Master and Margarita" has everything: cheerful mischief and nagging sorrow, romantic love and witchcraft, magical mystery and reckless play with evil spirits.

"The Gulag Archipelago" A. Solzhenitsyn (1973)

A fictional and historical work based on real events and the author's experience, about the repressions in the Soviet years. This is a book about suffering, tears, blood. But at the same time, it shows that a person can always, under the most difficult circumstances, remain a person.

  • The mystery of the "Master and Margarita", women's social network

If you decide to engage in self-education and fill your gaps in the literature, then you should turn to reading the masterpieces of world classical literature. What is considered a masterpiece and what is not? Everyone will answer this question himself. Many people get lost in a huge number of books and do not know how to choose something really worthwhile. They come to the library or bookstore with the question: what to read interesting from the classics? We will facilitate your choice and in this article we will present a list of recognized works that have stood the test of time and won the love of readers around the world. In the list you will see the names of both domestic and foreign writers. Read these books, and the magical world of literature will open before you.

You can start reading in chronological order, that is, starting with ancient literature, mythology, works of ancient authors. But keep in mind that this literature is quite difficult to understand, and without some preparation it is rather difficult to read and understand it. Therefore, you can start with later works that are closer to our time and are easier for the modern reader to understand. The list includes both poetry and prose. Works of various genres: tragedies, comedies, historical, philosophical, love stories, etc. In a word, there are works for the most demanding taste.

  • Mythological poems and epics: The Elder and Younger Edda, Beowulf, The Tale of Igor's Host, Kalevala, the Song of the Nibelungs, the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Ancient literature: Homer Odysseus and Iliad, Esphilus Agamemnon, Sophocles Epis myth, Euripides Medea, Aristophanes the Birds, Aristotle Poetics, Herodotus of History
  • Bible
  • Tales of the peoples of the world:, Russian folk tales, Tales of a thousand and one nights, etc.
  • Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy
  • Giovanni Boccaccio: Decameron
  • William Shakespeare: Sonnets, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Richard III
  • Thomas More: Utopia
  • Nicolo Machiavelli: Sovereign
  • Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist
  • Jean Baptiste Moliere: Reluctant Healer, Misanthrope, Tartuffe, Don Juan
  • Victor Hugo: Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary
  • Johann Goethe: Faust
  • Miguel Cervantes: Don Quixote
  • Honore de Balzac: Shagreen Skin, The Human Comedy
  • Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Eugene Onegin, Tales, Poems
  • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
  • Arthur Conan Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov: Hero of our time, Mtsyri, poems
  • Mark Twain: The Adventures of Haecklebury Finn
  • Margaret Mitchell: Gone With The Wind
  • Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: Anna Karenina, War and Peace
  • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: Dead Souls, Inspector General
  • Oscar Wilde: Portrait of Dorian Gray
  • Mikhail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery: The Little Prince
  • Erich M. Remarque: Three Comrades
  • Garcia Márquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude
  • Alexander Green: Scarlet Sails
  • Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
  • Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe

Here's a rough list of what to read from the classics. Of course, many more wonderful works and talented authors were not included in this short list, but nevertheless, you can start your enlightenment today by choosing a work you like from the list. Enjoy your reading!

(Russian) is a broad concept, and everyone puts their own meaning in it. If you ask readers what associations it evokes in them, the answers will be different. For some, this is the basis of the library fund, someone will say that the works of classical Russian literature are a kind of sample that has a high artistic merit. For schoolchildren, this is all that is learned at school. And they will all be absolutely right in their own way. So what is it - classic literature? Russian literature, today we will only talk about it. We will talk about foreign classics in another article.

Russian literature

There is a generally accepted periodization of the formation and development of Russian literature. Her history is divided into the following time periods:

What works are called classics?

Many readers are sure that classical literature (Russian) is Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - that is, the works of those writers who lived in the 19th century. It's not like that at all. The epochs of the Middle Ages and the 20th century can be classic. What canons and principles should be used to determine whether a novel or a story is a classic? First, a classic work must have a high artistic value, be an example for others. Secondly, it must have worldwide recognition, it must be included in the fund of world culture.

And you need to be able to distinguish between the concepts of classical and popular literature. A classic is something that has been tested by time, and a popular piece can be quickly forgotten. If its relevance persists for more than a dozen years, it is possible that over time it will also become a classic.

The origins of Russian classical literature

At the end of the 18th century, the only established nobility of Russia split into two opposing camps: conservatives and reformers. Such a split was due to a different attitude towards the changes that were taking place in life: Peter's reforms, understanding of the tasks of the Enlightenment, the sore peasant question, attitude to power. This struggle of extremes led to the rise of spirituality and self-awareness, which gave birth to the Russian classics. We can say that it was forged in the course of the dramatic processes in the country.

Classical literature (Russian), born in the complex and contradictory 18th century, was finally formed in the 19th century. Its main features: national identity, maturity, self-awareness.

Russian classical literature of the 19th century

The growth of national consciousness played an important role in the development of the culture of that time. More and more educational institutions are opening, the social significance of literature is increasing, and writers are beginning to pay much attention to their native language. even more made me think about what is happening in the country.

Influence of Karamzin on the development of 19th century literature

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, a prominent Russian historian, writer and journalist, was the most influential figure in Russian culture in the 18th-19th centuries. His historical stories and the monumental History of the Russian State had a tremendous impact on the work of subsequent writers and poets: Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Griboyedov. He is one of the great reformers of the Russian language. Karamzin introduced into use a large number of new words, without which we cannot imagine modern speech today.

Russian classical literature: a list of the best works

Selecting and compiling a list of the best literary works is a difficult task, since each reader has his own preferences and tastes. A novel that will be a masterpiece for one person will seem boring and uninteresting to another. How can you compile a list of classic Russian literature that would satisfy the majority of readers? One way is to conduct surveys. On their basis, one can draw conclusions about which work the readers themselves consider the best of the proposed options. Such methods of collecting information are carried out regularly, although the data may change slightly over time.

The list of the best creations of Russian classics, according to versions of literary magazines and Internet portals, looks like this:

In no case should this list be considered a reference. In some ratings and polls, the first place may not be Bulgakov, but Leo Tolstoy or Alexander Pushkin, and some of the listed writers may not be at all. Ratings are extremely subjective. It is better to compile for yourself a list of your favorite classics and focus on it.

The value of Russian classical literature

The creators of Russian classics have always had great social responsibility. They never acted as moralizers, did not give ready-made answers in their works. Writers posed a difficult problem to the reader and made him think about its solution. They raised in their works serious social and social problems, which are still of great importance to us. Therefore, the Russian classics remain as relevant today.

Books are one of the greatest legacies of humanity. And if before the invention of printing books were available only to a select caste of people, then books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation, talented writers were born who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works have come down to us, but we read the classics less and less. Literary portal Buklya presents to your attention the 100 best books of all times and peoples, which must be read. In this list, you will find not only classics, but also modern books that have left their mark on history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. This story combines philosophy and everyday life, theology and fantasy, mysticism and realism, mysticism and lyrics. And all these components are intertwined with skillful hands into an integral and vivid story that can turn your world upside down. And yes, this is Buckley's favorite book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A book from the school curriculum that is difficult to understand in tender adolescence. The writer showed the duality of the human soul, when black is intertwined with white. The story of Raskolnikov, who is experiencing an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A short story, which contains a huge life meaning. A story that makes you look at familiar things in a different way.

4 Michael Bulgakov

A surprisingly subtle and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story is about an experiment that proved that it is possible to make a person out of an animal, but it is impossible to deduce an "animal" from a person.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

It is impossible to tell what this novel is about. The novel needs to be read, and then the understanding will come that this is not just a story, but a confession. Confession of love, friendship, pain. A story of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager who shows with his own eyes his perception of the world, a point of outlook, a renunciation of the usual principles and foundations of the morality of society, which do not fit into its individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

A lyric-psychological novel that tells about a person with a complex character. The author shows it from different angles. And the broken chronology of events makes you completely immerse yourself in the narrative.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

Legendary investigations of the great detective Sherlock, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories told by friend and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

A story about self-love, selfishness and a strong soul. A story that clearly shows what can happen to a human soul tormented by vices.

10 John Ronald Ruel Tolkien

A fantastic trilogy about people and non-humans who fell under the rule of the Ring of Omnipotence and its ruler Sauron. The story is about those who are ready to sacrifice the most precious things and even their lives for the sake of friendship and the salvation of the world.

11 Mario Puzo

A novel about one of the most powerful mafia families in America of the last century - the Corleone family. A lot of people know the movie, so it's time to get down to reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After the First World War, many emigrants ended up in France. Among them is the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the backdrop of the war he experienced.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The history of the Russian soul and stupidity. And the author's amazing style and language makes the proposals sparkle with colors and shades that fully reveal the history of our people.

14 Colin McCullough

An amazing novel that tells not only about the love of a man and a woman and difficult relationships, but also about feelings for the family, for their native places and nature.

15 Emily Brontë

A family lives in a secluded estate with a tense atmosphere in the house. Difficult relationships are deeply rooted in the past. The story of Heathcliff and Catherine will not leave indifferent any reader.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

A book about the war on behalf of a common soldier. The book is about how war breaks and maims the souls of innocent people.

17 Hermann Hesse

The book simply turns over all ideas about life. After reading it, it is no longer possible to get rid of the feeling that you have become one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King

Paul Edgecomb is a former prison officer who served on the death row. It tells the story of the life of death row men who were destined to walk the Green Mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris of the 15th century. On the one hand, it is full of greatness, and on the other, it looks like a cesspool. Against the backdrop of historical events, a love story unfolds - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo.

21 Daniel Defoe

Diary of a sailor who was wrecked and lived alone on the island for 28 years. He had to endure too many trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

A strange and mysterious story about a girl who, in pursuit of a white rabbit, finds herself in a different and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

There is war on the pages of the book, but even in a world full of pain and fear, there is a place for beauty. A wonderful feeling called love that makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love do? Martin's love for the beautiful Ruth made him fight. He overcame many obstacles to become something bigger. The story of the spiritual development and formation of the personality.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

Fantastic and captivating fairy tale in which magic is intertwined with reality.

26 We are Evgeny Zamyatin

The novel is a dystopia, which describes an ideal society where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens on schedule. But even in such a society there is a place for free-thinkers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick volunteered to go to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary section, where even the air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

The beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian Empire has already embarked on the path of revolutions. The story of the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book, raises questions of religion and touches on the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

A cautionary tale about people who betrayed their ideals. The book is about how bright and beautiful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work that draws into the story of Faust, who sold his soul to the Devil. Reading this book, you can walk the path of knowing life.

31 Dante Alighieri

The work consists of three parts. First, we go to Hell, to counter all 9 circles. Then Purgatory awaits us, after passing which you can atone for your sins. And only after reaching the top you can get to Paradise.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows the human nature. A story about how you can make an obedient and silent doll out of any person.

33 Victor Pelevin

A complex story that is difficult to understand the first time. A story about the life of a decadent poet who is looking for his own path, and Chapaev leads Peter to enlightenment.

34 William Golding

What will happen to the children if they are all alone? Children have a subtle nature, which is quite prone to vices. And lovely kind children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Camus

36 James Clavell

The story of an English sailor who, by the will of fate, ended up in Japan. An epic novel, where there are historical realities, intrigues, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of fantastic stories about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the earth, but what awaits another planet?

38 Stanislav Lem

This planet has an Ocean. He is alive and he has a mind. The challenge for researchers is to transfer knowledge to the ocean. And he will help make their dreams come true ...

39 Hermann Hesse

The book is about an internal crisis that can happen to anyone. Internal devastation can destroy a person, if one day on the way you do not meet a person who will give you just one book ...

40 Milan Kundera

Plunge into the world of sensations and feelings of the libertine Tomas, who is used to changing women, so that no one dares to take his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each of the group of friends has its own destiny. Everything goes easy and simple. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy the usual life.

42 Ian Banks

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world, which can collapse at any moment. Unexpected plot turning points give a special flavor to the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book raises the themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, betrayal and betrayal. This is the world in which we live with all the problems and shortcomings.

44 Michael Ondaatje

This book contains many topics - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotif is loneliness, which can take on a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books are our future, and what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question is given by a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Suskind

The story of a crazy genius. His whole life is in smells. He will go to great lengths to create the perfect scent.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. A world of hate, but there are people who can still resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska, late 19th century. The era of the gold rush. And among human greed lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Austen

The Bennett family has only daughters, and a distant relative is the heir. And as soon as the head of the family dies, young girls will be left with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who does not know Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures, which are associated with the search for ill-fated diamonds.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlotte Brontë

Jane became an orphan early, and life in her aunt's house was far from happy. And love for a strict and sullen man is far from a romantic story.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A small story from the life of the most ordinary person. But reading this work, you penetrate into an amazing world that is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A great romance that is filled with feelings. The beginning of the 20th century awaits on the pages of the book, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story is about life values ​​and true love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of d'Artagnan and his closest friends. The book is about friendship, honor, devotion, loyalty and love. And of course, like other works of the author, it was not without intrigue.

57 Ken Kesey

This story will be told by a patient in a psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy goes to prison, to the psychiatric ward. But some people think that he is just pretending to be sick.

59 Victor Hugo

The novel describes the life of a fugitive convict who is hiding from the authorities. After fleeing, he had to endure many hardships, but he was able to change his life. But the police inspector Javert is ready to go to great lengths to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The philosopher actor met a disfigured boy and a blind girl on his way. He takes them under his wing. Against the background of physical disabilities, the perfection and purity of souls is clearly visible. It is also a great contrast to the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

The novel draws on its unhealthy web of passions and unhealthy love. The main characters are gradually going crazy, subject to their base desires, like their whole world around them. There will definitely not be a happy ending in this book.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of the stalker Redrick Shewhart, who extracts extraterrestrial artifacts from anomalous Zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can get tired of the gray life, and the routine is boring. And then Seagull devotes his life to a dream. The seagull gives all its soul on the way to the cherished goal.

64 Bernard Werber

Michel went to the court of the archangels, where he has to go through the soul weighing procedure. After the trial, he is faced with a choice - to go to earth in a new incarnation or to become an angel. The path of an angel is not easy, like the life of mere mortals.

65 Ethel Lillian Voynich

A story about freedom, duty and honor. And also about different types of love. In the first case, it is the love of a father for his son, which has gone through many trials and will pass through generations. In the second case, it is love between a man and a woman, which looks like a fire, then it goes out, then it flares up again.

66 John Fowles

He is a simple town hall servant, lonely and lost. He has a passion for collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted a girl in his collection who conquered his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The novel's narration will take readers into the distant past. During the time of Richard the Lionheart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels that everyone should read.

68 Bernhard Schlink

There are a lot of unanswered questions in the book. The book makes you think and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand

Socialists come to power and set a course for equal opportunities. The authorities believe that the talented and the wealthy should improve the welfare of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is plunging into chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of an actress who has worked in the theater all her life. And what is reality for her, playing on stage or playing in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Aldous Huxley

The novel is a dystopia. The novel is a satire. The world where Henry Ford became a god, and the beginning of time is considered the creation of the first car "Ford T". People are simply raised, and they do not know anything about feelings.

75 Albert Camus

Meursault lives a detached life. One gets the impression that his life does not belong to him at all. Everything is indifferent to him and even his actions are saturated with loneliness and renunciation of life.

76 Somerset Maugham

Philip's life story. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only searches for the meaning of life, but also for himself. And the main thing is to understand the surrounding world and people.

77 Irwin Welch

The story of friends who once discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite clever. They appreciated life and friendship, but exactly until the moment when heroin came to the fore.

78 Herman Melville

Ahab, the captain of a whaling ship, made it his life's goal to take revenge on a whale named Moby Dick. Vit kill too many lives to keep him alive. But as soon as the captain begins the hunt, mysterious and sometimes terrible events begin to take place on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books on World War II. In it, the author was able to show the senselessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state machine.

80 William Faulkner

Four characters, each of whom tells his own version of events. And in order to understand what is at stake, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will form a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

A classic of the fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle, you can find travel in space and time, wars, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Andrzej Sapkowski

One of the best fantasy series. The series includes 8 books, while the last one is "Season of Thunderstorms" is better to read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and also about the girl Ciri, who can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about the boundless and sacrificial love of a father for children. About love that has never been mutual. About the love that killed Goriot's father.

86 Gunther Grass

The story is about a boy named Oskar Macerat, who refuses to grow up in protest since the National Socialists came to power in Germany. Thus, he expresses his protest against the changes in German society.

87 Boris Vasiliev

A poignant tale of war. About true love for parents, friends, and the Motherland. This story must be read in order to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Stendhal

The story of Julien Sorel and the soul, in which there is a confrontation between two feelings: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that it is often impossible to tell the difference between them.

89 Lev Tolstoy

An epic novel that describes an entire era, delving into the historical realities and the artistic world of that time. War will be replaced by peace, and the peaceful life of the characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique characters.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized as the greatest work of world literature. Emma Bovary dreams of a beautiful social life, but her husband, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her needs. She finds lovers, but can they fulfill Madame Bovary's dream?

91 Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how scolded the work of this author, it cannot be denied that his book "Fight Club" is one of the symbols of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. A story about a man who was able to resist the system.

92 Markus Zusak

Winter Germany in 1939, when Death has too much work, and in six months the work will increase significantly. A story about Liesel, about fanatical Germans, about a Jewish brawler, about thefts and the power of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

The novel in verse tells a story about the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and selfishness. And in the center of the story is a love story without a happy ending.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world ruled by kings and dragons. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, and all for the sake of power.

95 David Mitchell

History of the past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of our entire world.

96 Stephen King

Fantastic cycle of novels of the lord of horror. In this series, genres are intertwined. Horror, western, science fiction and other genres are closely associated in the books. This is the story of the shooter Roland looking for the Dark Tower.

97 Haruki Murakami

A story about human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. The story of human loss. Memories of Tooru, which will introduce the reader to different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weir

By chance, the astronaut is left alone at the space base on Mars. He has a limited amount of resources, but he has no connection with people. But he does not give up, he believes that they will return for him.

100 Samuel Beckett

An amazing play where everyone defines Godot's mysterious personality for himself. The author makes it possible to find the answer to the question "who is he?" A specific person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

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