Lottery history - from ancient times to modern mega draws. Russian lotto.

Lottery history - from ancient times to modern mega draws. Russian lotto.

In the section on the question of who and when came up with such a game like a loto? Posted by the author Osoly The best answer is Lotto
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Card German lotto.
Lotto (FR. Loto, from Ital. Lotto) - a game on special maps with rows of numbers printed on them. It is that the players are closed on the maps of the rooms marked on special chips (more often wooden or plastic barrels). The numbers call one of the participants of the game, which he reads on the kegs delivered from the "dummy" bag. The player wins the player who earlier will close all the numbers on his card. At the same time, intermediate winnings can be assigned to the players in which one who closes one and more horizontal rows on their card.
For the first time, Lotto appeared in Genoa (Italy) in the XVI century. In 1521, the Senate in Venice banned the lotto as a gaming game.
In Russia, the loto is known since the XIX century. The most popular in the Russian Federation is now television lottery Russian Lotto and the Golden Key.

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Lotto? (FR. Loto, from Ital. Lotto) - a gambling game on special maps with rows of numbers printed on them. On the map in three row and nine columns there are 15 random numbers of 5 in the row; The discharge of tens of numbers corresponds to the speaker number on the left, counting from zero; 90 is placed in the last column. The game is that the players are closed on the cards of the room, from 1 to 90, designated on special chips (more often than wooden or plastic barrels). One of the participants of the game (usually in turn in each circle) calls the numbers that he reads on the "luminous" chips in the bag. The player wins, who earlier will close all the numbers either (by agreement) one and more horizontal rows on their card. In the latter case, the winnings, depending on the closed row, can be only half of the Kona or there is no absent, only completing the current circle and starting the following: with the transfer of the right to "launch" the next player and the need to do everything (possibly except won) new bets on con . Rates are usually made "from each card" with the possibility of playing a few maps.

Lotto - famous for many gambling. Its name comes from the French word "LOT", which is translated as "part", and as "fate." The word "lot" in the first sense, we hear whenever it comes to auctions. So called things that are exhibited for sale, one, or groups. Remember the description of the auction at Ilf and Petrov: "Ten chairs from the palace"?

This game appeared in the 16th century in the Italian city of Genoa. The game was inexpensive, her rules were simple. By virtue of this, the lotto has become so massive game that after a few years, morals have decided that she strongly confuses the people. And the lotto forbidden like a gaming game. What, however, did not reduce its popularity.

From Italy, the game came to Russia not directly, but through France, Germany and Poland. The usual way for which everything new came to native asins. But played in lotto in rich houses. In the 19th century, the lotto became a widespread game of citizens throughout Russia, and in the 20th century, after numerous perturbations, this game began to listed family and developing. Although they usually played on it for money, on a penny-two per digit. However, you can play chess for money.

Lotto rules, as already mentioned, simple and understandable to all, and adults, and children. Players randomly distributed cards. Usually each player took herself three different cards. On each card there were three lines of 9 cells each. In five cells on each line, numbers from 1 to 90 were randomly placed.

Next, one of the players began to play the role of the lead. The belonging to the Russian version of the lotto is the same barrels with numbers on them from 1 to 90. Barrels fold in a canvas bag, and the presenter pulls them on one, each time an knowledge of the number that is written on the keg. Each of the players, finding the named number on its card, closed it with a special chip. Gradually, the chips closed more and more numbers. That of the players who closed all the numbers on their card won. Simply? Sure. Rules are understandable even to a child. So it's not surprising that the game in the lotto has become a family.

To give the announcement of the numbers some special charm, some rooms called certain nicknames specifically for them. Who and when these nicknames came up with, it is unknown, but everyone knew them and they were uniform. Although the dictionary is special.

So the unit was called "Count", Two - "Goose". (Clear why: for the deployed, like a goose, neck. Accordingly, 22 were called "Gus-Swans"). It is not surprising that 21 called "Point". But "26" somewhat mysteriously magicia "Commissioners". Why? Because the Baku Commissioners were 26. Well, at least that 28 was not called "Panfilovtsy"! 55 were called "gloves", although of course, they are more like mittens with one finger. 66 were "boots". Looks like to look at. 77 were "Toporists". But the name of the number 69 ("there and here") many young players caused obvious mixtures. Not only do you want the name, you don't want to have sex. "There and here back, you and I am pleased." This supposedly children's mystery allegedly knew everything from the magazine "Merry Pictures". But especially savvy youths and girls knew that there was still a posture for mutual oral caress, which is called precisely 69.

Yes, the number 90 was called the "grandfather". Type, the oldest one. And the "grandmother" called number 80. Although it probably should be called on the contrary, considering that women tend to live longer men.

Although the names of the numbers, as already mentioned, are unchanged, but the progress will not stop. Relatively recently I had to find out that the number 85 is already called "restructuring". Just thirty years passed, and already cast in granite!

Moreover, over the past years, the tradition of a joint family pastime has almost disappeared. Old and small fought in their interests. Grandpa-grandmothers - TV or (the mighty of the century!) Tablet computers. Children - computer games or discos with hazelnuts and ruffons. The middle generation is also their entertainment. And the old box with a beloved once the game lotto dust in the closet. Waiting for his o'clock, or the final emission on the garbage.

Industry Website
Russian lotto.
Genre lottery
Production OJSC "Concern" Milan "(1994-2003)
JSC "Milan Group of Companies (2003-2010)
JSC "Russian Lotto" (2010-2011)
LLC "Trading House" Gosloto "(2011-2012)
JSC "Trading House" Stoloto "(2012 - to the present)
Number of releases 1267 Circulation (s)
(at 25.01.)
TV channel (s) RTR / Russia (1994-2006)
Sports (2006)
NTV (2006-present)
Image format 4: 3 (from October 16, 1994 to April 14, 2013)
16: 9 (from April 21, 2013)
Translation period October 16, 1994 - Present
Similar programs Housing lottery

Russian lotto. - All-Russian State Crash Lottery, which is a commercial version of the Lotto Folk Game.

The organizer of the Lottery "Russian Lotto" is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. The operator is the joint stock company "Public Sports Lotteries", the distributor of the Lottery Lotto Lottery under the Stoloto Brand is JSC "TK" Center ".

The All-Russian State Lottery "Russian Lotto" is held on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2012 No. 687-p. The terms of the lottery are determined by the order of August 19, 2016 No. 982.

History [ | ]

From October 16, 1994 to March 18, 2006, the transfer was broadcast on the RTR television channel (now - Russia TV channel). Initially, only residents of Moscow could take part in the lottery, since 1996 "Russian Lotto" becomes the All-Russian lottery.

From December 3, 2006 to the present, the transfer comes out on the NTV television channel.

From July 7, 2013, the Russian Lotto Plus program was published, in which the "State Housing Lottery" circulation was broadcast except for the circulation of Russian Lotto. Since September 6, 2015, the "Golden Horseshoe Golden Lottery" trades also began to be broadcast.

In November 2016, Russian Lotto, along with other television lotteries ("Housing lottery", "", "") began to broadcast in the TV program "Happy Morning". Transmission broadcast took place on Sundays at 8:20 on the NTV television channel.

From October 22, 2017, the release time has changed - now the program is broadcast at 14:00, as well as its name - "We won!" .

Lottery rules [ | ]

The prototype of the lottery "Russian Lotto" is the popular game Lotto. In the "Russian Lotto" ticket there are two game fields containing numbers from 1 to 90. The participant needs to choose a ticket with an already formed combination and wait for the draw.

The draw is held in several rounds. During each tour, the host one takes out a barrel of barrels from the bag, and the participants should mark the numbers in their tickets that coincided with the number of barrels. The winners are those who earlier than others coincide the number of numbers needed for a certain tour.

  • The 1st tour - win the tickets in which 5 numbers in any horizontal line of any playing field of the ticket (top or bottom) coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.
  • The 2nd tour - benefits in which 15 numbers of one of the playing fields of the ticket (upper or lower) earlier than others coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.
  • The 3rd and subsequent tours - win the tickets in which the 30 numbers of the two playing fields of the ticket previously will coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.

If on the 15th way all 15 numbers of one of the ticket fields (upper or lower) coincide with the barrel numbers extracted from the bag, the participant wins the jackpot. At the same time, it may increase its size from the circulation to the tyriaz, until it is played, either the circulation is not carried out with the forced distribution of the jackpot. In addition to cash prizes, cars, apartments and country houses are played in Russian Lotto.

The Lottery Prize Foundation takes 50% of the cost of each ticket sold.

Leading [ | ]

Since 1994, Mikhail Borisov has been a permanent leading and artistic director of the Russian Lotto.

In the role of Mikhail Borisov, Irid Husainov and Inna Voronina are acting as coppish.

Notes [ | ]

  1. The winners of the Russian lotteries were offered to free from the payment of tax on winning - Meduza (Rus.), Meduza.. Checked October 4, 2017.
  2. Good luck with instant deduction // Kommersant newspaper. - 2015-10-11. - p. 1.
  3. JSC "Technology Company" Center ", Spark.
  4. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.05.2012 N 687-R (Neopr.) . Checked October 4, 2017.
  5. Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 19.08.2016 N 982 (Neopr.) . Checked October 4, 2017.
  6. Russian Lotto is preparing for the holiday (Rus.). Checked October 4, 2017.

On the RTR channel. In the first editions, only residents of Moscow could take part.

The authors of the project were spouses Margarita Klinkevich and Alexander Yanovsky. On April 9, 1995, the 26th edition took place, in which the astronauts Vladimir Dezhurov participated, Gennady Strekalov and Norman Tagard, who are at that moment in orbit. From the side of the spacecraft, live broadcast was conducted. From 1995 to 1996, cars were first played in Russian Lotto - "Zhiguli".

Since 2006, the program comes out on the NTV channel only in the full version on Sundays at 8:15.

  • Until 2001, Mikhail Borisov led the game one. Barrels from the bag got the audience from the studio, but this possibility was soon devoid.
  • In 2001, Mikhail Borisov did not led the TV game since Mikhail Boris, because in Norilsk there was an imputent weather in Norilsk, where Mikhail Borisov went with an exit circulation, but it was not able to fly back to the tear. Mikhail Borisov replaced his passion - Anna Warder (Markova) and the idea of \u200b\u200bpairing of circulation came to Borisov (however for several years since 2001, 2003, Borisov led the game one).
  • At the beginning of the existence of the game, the main draw lasted up to 77 stroke 1st circulation of 16.10.94. The maximum number of remaining barrels in the bag - 16 was in the 2nd teary of 10/23/1994. In other circulations (for example, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 18, 20. 45 and 54), the draw has lasted up to 76 strokes. To attract popularity to the lottery, the moves were added, and now in the usual game the game goes up to 86 stroke, and in a gambling up to 87 stroke. In one of the circulation translating in May 2010, in honor of the Victory Day, where the jack-sweat was forced in the bag, 2 barrel remained. The players have a mandatory jackpot draw, when after the last move, the bonus barrel or the amount of winnings is added among the participants of the 4th, 5th and subsequent tours (jackpot more than 10 million rubles), or the jackpot is added to the Lottery Prize Foundation (Jackpot less 10 million rubles).

From July 7, 2013, the Russian Lotto Plus program was published, in which at the same time together with the circulation of the Russian Lotto, the "State Housing Lottery" circulation was carried out. Now "State Housing Lottery" became referring to the "Housing Lottery Plus" and comes out together with the lottery 6 of 36.

From September 6, 2015, at the same time, together with the circulation of "Russian Lotto", the "Golden Horseshoe" lottery is carried out.

Ether time

  • From October 16, 1994 to March 18, 2006, the transfer went out on the RTR channel (later - TV channel "Russia").
    • From October 16, 1994 to August 30, 1998, the transfer came out on Sundays at 11: 15/11: 20/11: 25.
    • From September 6, 1998 to September 17, 2000, the transfer came out on Sundays at 12:00.
    • From September 24 to December 31, 2000, the transfer came out on Sundays at 11:45.
    • From January 7, 2001 to August 25, 2002, the transfer came out on Sundays at 8: 35/8: 45/8: 50/8: 55/9: 00.
    • From September 1, 2002 to July 27, 2003, the transfer came out on Sundays at 8: 10/8: 15/8: 20.
    • From August 2, 2003 to August 7, 2004, the transfer went on Saturdays at 8:05.
    • From August 14, 2004 to March 18, 2006, the transfer went on Saturdays at 8:20.
  • From March 26 to November 26, 2006, the transfer came out again on Sundays simultaneously on TV channels "Russia" and "Sport" at 11:00.
  • From December 3, 2006 to the present, the transfer goes to NTV on Sundays at 8:55/8: 20.

Leading and Lottery Speakers Russian Lotto Plus


  • Mikhail Borisov (since 1994; permanent lead)
  • Inna Voronina (since 2009; speaker)
  • Irida Husainova (since 2009; advertises the following circulations of the Russian Lotto and "Gzhl", co-support / spare speaker).
  • Yulia Ostrovskaya (from 2014; co-host)


  • Inga Manevich (from 2006 - in 2009; Speaker)

Computer group (speakers) (until 2007):

  • Galina Afanasyev (1994-2001).
  • Tatyana Ionina (1997-2007).
  • Galina Solova (2001-07).
  • Diana Fadeeva (2001-07).

Impact group (until 2001):

Financial and Natural Indicators


Russian lotto.

Current rules

  • 1st round - We won the tickets in which all 5 numbers of any horizontal string before others coincide with the number of barrels pulled out of the bag.
  • 2nd round - We wake tickets in which all 15 numbers in one of the cards before others will coincide with the number of barrels pulled out of the bag.
  • 3rd and subsequent tours - We won the tickets in which the 30 numbers used to coincide with the barrel numbers pulled out of the bag.
  • "Jackpot" - We win tickets in which all fifteen numbers will be in the ticket on the 15th move. If it is not played, its prize fund is increasing to the next circulation.

The rules are abolished

  • Breaks between tours - In the breaks between the 2nd and 3rd tours, 5 barrels were pulled out, which determined the lucky ones - participants in the studio, which will pull the barrels behind the playing table. This rule was valid until 2007.

Abolished prizes

Because of the low popularity in Russian Lotto, the following prizes were abolished:

  • "Tychcha" - We won tickets if all the numbers coincided with the latest numbers of three rounds, and the last four moves.
  • "Cubia" - We won tickets, if all the mischievous numbers turned out to be in one of the ticket cards. The abolition due to the fact that the Kubashka was played in every circulation and the meaning in the further mini jack-sweat was not. In 2016, the prize returned to the draw, but not always played.
  • "Tour for good luck" - We won the tickets if three barrels turned out to be among the unseered numbers, the numbers of which are indicated at the bottom of the right side of the ticket (the prize was played twice - in the 1990s of the 20th century and the 2000s of the 21st century).


Prior to the abolition of the game "Lotto with spectators in the studio", there were numbers in the barrel:

  • 11 - drum sticks (valuable prize);
  • 45 - the former address of the Russian Lotto Directorate (Leninsky Prospekt, 45) is a valuable prize;
  • Ball of the circulation (two last numbers) - valuable prize;
  • 21 - semi-annual subscription to the "Labor" newspaper;
  • Some rooms - Surprises.

Until the 977th of the circulation, during the fall out of some rooms, the participants received tickets of the following circulation "Russian Lotto" and "Gillestheri".

Among the purchased tickets

Lottery cars were played by ticket numbers:

  • 1994-1997 - The game was carried out with the VAZ-2107 car (game with brake). The wheel was spinning with numbers from 0 to 9, a member of stalling on the brake, and the figure was stopped ... and so until the winner is determined.
  • 1997-2008 - The game was carried out with the help of a mini-barrel with numbers from 0 to 9. Alternately, one after another barrel of barrel before the winner is determined.
  • from August 25, 2002 - a special draw for residents of the Ural Federal District. 5 camiants were held, the last - October 6, 2002. The draw was held at the initiative of the General Director of the Ural District Lottery Company LLC Moskviceva V.I. and Director of Lotur Shiryaeva LLC
  • Since 2008 Cars are played in the main game (after the 2nd and 3rd rounds).

Apartments in the lottery played by the numbers of bought tickets according to the rules of the 2nd car draw since 2008 (with pulling out barrels).

  • Now Apartments are played in the main game (after the 2nd and 3rd rounds).
Among the audience in the studio
  • In 1994-95, after the "Stop Game" team, the player who pulled out a happy number was allowed to choose a single prize from the catalog - from the tape recorder to the TV.
  • Until the end of the 1990s, the 20th century after the speaker's team about the winning situation of the 2nd and 3rd round, leading Mikhail Borisov began with players at the table "Guessing" - yes, or not. Yes, I meant the team - stop-game, no - the continuation of the draw. The player at the table was necessary to guess when the "Stop Game" team sounds. If the player said "yes", and the teams did not have a stop-game, then the participant left the table with a comforting prize, if the player said "Yes" and at that moment "stop-game" sounded, the player received a valuable prize. If the player said the word "no" and the team "Stop Game" was not, then he remained in the draw, but if the player said "no" and sounded "stop-game", then he leaves the consolation prize and the tour ended. Once in the mid-1990s, such a case occurred in the mid-1990s - for the first time the 3rd tour was pulled up to 69 stroke. At first, the players said "no", and when the move exceeded 60, the players at the table began to say "yes" and all one after another left the game table, leaving Michael Borisov alone, and then Borisov decided - the last number of the 3rd round will be happy for Any player in the studio. The player with the number received a valuable prize.
  • Until the beginning of the 2000s, among the participants of the 3rd round, which pulled out the last barrel was played by stuffing prizes with the help of two kegs. In one there is a white note - "Prize", in another - nothing.

Golden horseshoe

Held from September 6, 2015. Organizer: Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. Thiems pass on Sundays as part of the transfer of the Russian Lotto Plus. Leading - Mikhail Borisov, Inna Voronina, Irida Husainova, Yulia Ostrovaya. Mainly played cash prizes, but since September 2016 began playing at home and cars.

Lottery rules

Ticket price is 100 rubles.

The draw is a lototron in several tours. Balls, numbered from 1 to 90, fall out of the lototron, and participants find and mark the corresponding numbers in their tickets. At the end of each draw in the lototron, 3 balls remain.

  • 1st round - We win tickets in which the 5 numbers in any horizontal line of any playing field of the ticket (upper or lower) coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.
  • 2nd round - We win tickets in which 15 numbers of one of the playing fields of the ticket (upper or lower) earlier than others coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.
  • 3rd and subsequent tours - We won the tickets in which the 30 numbers of the two player playing fields earlier will coincide with the numbers dropped in the process.

The super prize is played if all five numbers of any horizontal string coincided with the first five numbers that fell in the rubage.

Russian Lotto - Blitz game

It was conducted from 2001 to 2002. At first, the lottery came out late at night on Wednesdays at 2:45 on the TV channel "RTR", and then in the main lottery on Sundays in the morning. Because of the low popularity, the lottery was abolished in less than a year after changing the concept of the lottery.

Rules of 2001.

  • The ticket had 15 numbers.
  • In the first round, the tickets won the 5 numbers in one card.
  • In the second round there were tickets that have coincided with 10 numbers in two cards.
  • The third rounds won the tickets that all 15 numbers in the ticket coincided.
  • In the fourth and subsequent tours won tickets for which all 15 ticket numbers coincided. The game was carried out until a full exhaustion of the prize fund, while the amount of winnings with each new move was zigzags - then more, less. The game went to 25 stroke (5 barrels remained)

Rules of 2002.

In 2002, Russian Lotto - Blitz game changed the concept, now the new season's motto has become a "short game for big money," where large winnings were played. The rules of the game are sharply tightened, because the game began to go to 18 stroke (12 barrels remained).


Some kegs lead gives their own names:

Count, Peter I.
Again two?, Served two comrades
Three, 3rd millennium Together with Russian Lotto
All four wheels
Point bottom, Button at the bottom
Kochrome, Notes (Barrel number coincides with the number of notes)
Wedding rings, Alexander Ovechkin
Point bottom, Button at the bottom, Aivazovsky - 9 shaft
Bulls-eye, Skull, Fedor Cherenkov, Chervonets
Shakespeare, 12th night, Dozen
Baker's dozen, Vakhtangang, Pavel Datsyuk
Olympiad in Sochi
Captain at fifteen, Alexander Yakushev
Circle sixteen
Where are my seventeen years, Valery Kharlamov
For the first time
Lyceum day
Goose on a plate, Swan Lake, Vladislav Tretyak
Point, Black Jack
Ducklings, Nikita Zaitsev
Two tribe, three oxo, Victor Shalimim.
Day at night - day away
Again twenty five
Commissioners (Baku)
No mind
Happy New Year!
Three tribe, two oaths
Normal temperature (the barrel number coincides with the normal temperature of man - 36.6)
Petrovka, 38, 38 Parrots
Old Testament
Ali Baba
Food fathers
Chairs, Lived in the apartment 44 cheerful readings
Leninsky Prospekt, 45 (the former address of the lottery), Baba berry again, Victory Day
Baba journey at all, silver in the Mendeleev Table silver)
Pele, Half request
Gorgeous Five and Goalkeeper
Cold summer 53rd
Gloves (Instead of the boots gloves, pulled himself on his heels)
First satellite land (In 1957, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched in orbit)
Gagarin (honeycomb on the flight Gagarin into space in 1961, the last two digits of the year coincide with the barrel number)
Valentina Tereshkova (In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova, 1st Woman Cosmonaut went into space).
Chess board (The barrel number coincides with the number of cells on a chessboard)
Felt boots
There and here
Seven Fridays
gold in Mendeleev Table (Barrel number coincides with the atomic number of gold)
Grandmother, Olympiad in Moscow
Grandma with a key
Grandmother told grandmother
Matryushki., Ants
Grandfather Neighbor


  • In bold Allocated plants that are used in the traditional desktop game
  • Consissive font Allocated plants that apply only in a circulation lottery

Write a review about the article "Russian Lotto"



  • // Elena Kiseleva, Olga Pleshanova, Kommersant newspaper No. 74 (4374) dated 27.04.2010.
  • Interview with the former general director of the Russian Lotto company ELMUROD Rasulmukhamedov. // Tatyana Zykova, Russian newspaper. Federal issue number 5127 (48) of March 10, 2010

Trailer characterizing Russian lotto

Graf danced well and knew it, but his lady did not know how much and did not want to dance well. Her huge body stood straight with lowered by powerful hands (she handed the Ridicul to the Countess); Only one strict, but her beautiful face danced. What was expressed in the whole round figure of the graph, Maryia Dmitrievna was expressed only in a more smiling face and a sinking nose. But, if the graph, more and more divergeting, captivated the audience the surprise of deft twists and light jumps of his soft feet, Mary Dmitrievna the slightest diligence when moving his shoulders or rounding hands in turns and femalities, made no less impressed by the merit that Her obesity and always severity. Dance was revived more and more. Visavi could not pay attention to themselves and did not even try about that. Everything was occupied by Count and Maryu Dmitrievna. Natasha jergal over the sleeves and the dress of all those present, which did not descend the eyes with the dancing, and demanded that they looked at Papyk. The graph in the gaps of the dance hardly translated the Spirit, waved and shouted to the musicians, so that they were playing soon. Rather, rather and rather, the graph was deployed, Lishe and Lishe, then on the tiptoe, then on heels, going around Maryia Dmitrievna and, finally, turning his lady to her place, made the last pa, holding up the back up the upstream of his soft leg Head with a smiling face and rounded the right hand among the screamer and laughter, especially Natasha. Both dancing stopped, hardly transferring breathing and wrapping with batchers.
"This is how in our time we danced, Ma Chere," said Count.
- Ah da Danil Kapor! - It is hard and long-lasting spirit and drunk sleeves, said Marya Dmitrievna.

While Rostic danced in the Hall of the Sixth Angle under the sounds of the fatigue of fake musicians, and the tired waiters and cooks were preparing dinner, with the column of Duzhim, the sixth shot was made. Doctors announced that there is no hope for recovery; The patient was given a deaf confession and communion; They made cooking for cobbing, and in the house there was a love and alarm of expectations, ordinary at such minutes. Outside the house, behind the gate crowded, hiding from approaching crews, artists, waiting for a rich order for the funeral of the graph. Commander-in-Chief of Moscow, which incessantly sent adjutants to learn about the situation of the graph, this evening he came to say goodbye to the famous Ekaterininskoye noble, Count Zuhim.
The magnificent reception room was full. Everyone constantly got up when the commander-in-chief, having spent around half an hour with the sick, came out from there, slightly responding to the bows and trying to pass by the views of doctors, spiritual people and relatives as soon as possible. Prince Vasily, the thinner and pale over these days, accompanied the commander-in-chief and something quietly repeated him several times.
After conducting the commander-in-chief, the prince of Vasily sat in the hall one on the chair, thumping his legs on his leg, resting the elbow to the knee and closing his eyes. After sitting so a few times, he got up and unusual hasty steps, looking around around frightened eyes, went through a long corridor on the rear half at home, to the older princess.
In a weakly illuminated room, an uneven neck spoke among themselves and silenced every time and full of question and waiting with her eyes looked at the door, which led the dying and published a weak sound when somebody came out of it or entered it.
- The human limit, - said the old man, the spiritual face, a lady, who hollowed up to him and naively listening to him, - the limit is laid, it is not prose.
- I think it's not too late to bold? - adding spiritual title, asked the lady, as if not having no opinion on this matter.
- The Sacrament, Mother, Great, - answered a spiritual person, holding a hand in Lysin, on which several strands of combed half-headed hair ran.
- Who is who? The commander-in-chief himself was? - asked in the other end of the room. - What a daily! ...
- And the seventh tenth! What, they say, the count will not know? Want to bind?
- I knew one: seven times bored.
The second princess only came out of the room of a patient with crying eyes and village of Dr. Lorrene, who was sitting under the portrait of Catherine in a graceful pose, clinging to the table.
"Tres Beau," said the doctor, answering the question about the weather, - Tres Beau, Princesse, Et Puis, A Moscou on SE Croit A La Campagne. [Beautiful weather, Princess, and then Moscow looks like a village.]
- N "EST CE PAS? [Isn't it?]" Said Princess, sighing. - So you can drink it?
Lorren wondered.
- He accepted the medicine?
- Yes.
Doctor looked at Breget.
- Take a glass of boiled water and put the UNE PINCEE (he showed it with her thin fingers, what does UNE PINCEE mean) de CremortArtari ... [pinch of the CusortarTar ...]
"I didn't drink," the German doctor said the doctor's adjutant, "Siva remained that from the third strike.
- And what a fresh man was! - said adjutant. - And who will go this wealth? - he added to the shop.
"Ochker will find," smiling, the German answered.
Everyone looked at the door again: she creaked, and the second princess, making a drink shown by Lorren, suffered his patient. The German doctor approached Laurent.
- Also, maybe it will take it until tomorrow morning? - the German asked, shouting on French.
Lorren, pursing her lips, strictly and adversely waved his finger in front of his nose.
"Today night, not later," he said quietly, with a decent smile of complacency in what is clearly able to understand and express the position of the patient, and moved.

Meanwhile, Prince Vasily took the door to the room princed.
The room was sexually; Only two lamps were burning in front of the images, and well smelled smoky and flowers. The whole room was installed finely furnished with wardrifiers, husks, tables. Because of the Shirm, white covers were visible with a high fluff bed. Dog laying.
- Ah, are you, MON COUSIN?
She got up and recovered the hair that she always had, even now, were so unusually smoking, as if they were made of one piece with her head and covered with varnish.
- What happened something? She asked. - I was already frightened.
- nothing, all the same; I just came to talk to you, Katiut, about the case, "the prince said, tiredly sitting on the chair from which she got up. "As you heard, however," he said, "well, sit here, Causons." [Talk.]
- I thought whether it did not happen? - said Princess and with her unchanged, the strict expression of the face of the face against the prince, getting ready to listen.
- I wanted to sleep, Mon Cousin, and I can not.
- Well, what, my sweet? - said Prince Vasily, taking the hand of the princes and bending her in his habit of the book.
It was seen that it was "Well, that" belonged to a lot that, without calling, they understood both.
Princess, with his own, with his long legs, dry and straight waist, directly and impassively looked at the prince with convex gray eyes. She shook her head and, having sigh, looked at the image. Her gesture could be explained by both the expression of sadness and devotion, and as an expression of fatigue and hope for a quick vacation. Prince Vasily explained this gesture as an expression of fatigue.
"And me," he said, "do you think, easier?" JE SUIS EREINTE, COMME UN CHEVAL DE POSTE; [I am frowning as a postal horse;] And yet I need to talk to you, Katich, and very seriously.
Prince Vasily was silent, and his cheeks began to nervously twitch on one, then on the other side, giving him an unpleasant expression, which was never shown on the face of Prince Vasily, when he was in the living rooms. His eyes were also not like that, as always: they looked brazenly jokingly, they looked around frightly.
Princess, with her dry, hook hands holding a dog on his knees, carefully looked into the eyes of the prince Vasily; But it was clear that she would not interrupt silence with a question, at least she had to be silent until the morning.
"You see, my dear princess and cousin, Katerina Semenovna," Prince of Vasily continued, apparently, not without an inner struggle starting to continue his speech, "at such moments, as it should be thought about. We need to think about the future, about you ... I love you all, like your children, you know it.
Princess as dull and motionless looked at him.
- Finally, you need to think about my family, - angrily pushing a table from myself and without looking at her, continued the prince of Vasily, - you know, Katiut that you, three sisters of Mammoth, and still my wife, we are alone direct Graph. I know, I know how hard you talk and think about such things. And it is not easier for me; But, my friend, I am a sixth ten, you have to be ready. Do you know what I sent for Pierre, and that the count, straight pointing to his portrait, demanded him to himself?
Prince Vasily looked questioningly to the princess, but could not understand whether she wondered what he said to her, or just looked at him ...
- I never cease to pray to God, Mon Cousin, - she answered, - so that he pardon him and gave him a wonderful soul to calmly leave this ...
- Yes, it is so, - the prince of Vasily continued impatiently, rubbing Lysin and again with anger, putting a stunned table with an angry, - but finally ... Finally, you herself know that in the winter, the count wrote the will, for which he is all the estate , in addition to direct heirs and us, gave Pierra.
- Little he wrote his wills! - Quietly said Princess. - But Pierre he could not bequeath. Pierre illegal.
"Ma Chere" suddenly said the Prince of Vasily, pressing the table to himself, revived and starting to speak soon, "but what, if the letter written is written, and the count is asked to adopt Pierre? You understand, according to the accruitance of the graph, his request will be respected ...
Princess smiled, how do people smile who think that they know more than those who are talking to.
"I'll tell you more," Prince of Vasily continued, grabbing her hand, "the letter was written, although it was not sent, and the sovereign knew about him. The only question is whether it was destroyed, or not. If there is no, then how soon it will end, "the prince of Vasily sighed, giving it to understand that he understood everything will end," and reveal the paper of the graph, the testament with the letter will be transferred to the sovereign, and the request will probably be respected. Pierre, as a legitimate son, will get everything.
- And our part? - asked Princess, ironically smiling as if everything, but not it could happen, could happen.
- Mais, Ma Pauvre Catiche, C "Est Clair, Comme Le Jour. [But, my dear Katich, it's clear how day.] He is the rightful heir to all, and you will not get it. You should know my Cute, whether a testament and letter were written, and whether they were destroyed. And for some reason they are forgotten, then you should know where they are, and find them, because ...
- It only lacked! - interrupted his princess, sardonically smiling and without changing the expression of the eyes. - I am a woman; In your opinion we are all stupid; But I know so much that the illegal son cannot inherit ... Un Batard, [illegal,] - she added, believing this translation to finally show the prince of his unperative.
- How do you not understand, finally, roll! You're so smart: As you do not understand, - if the count wrote a letter to the sovereign, in which he asks him to recognize his son legitimate, began to be, Pierre will not be not Pierre, and Count Duchery, and then he will receive everything in the will? And if the testament with the letter was not destroyed, then you, in addition to the consolation, that you were a virtuous ET TUT CE Qui S "EN SUIT, [and everything that follows,]] Nothing will remain. That's right.
- I know that the testament is written; But I also know that it is invalid, and you seem to me, you think for the perfect fool, Mon Cousin, "said Princess with the expression with whom women say, believing that they said something witty and offensive.
"Cute you are my princess Katerina Semenovna," Prince of Vasily spoke impatiently. - I came to you not in order to reconcile with you, and so that both with my native, good, good, true native, talk about your and interest. I tell you the tenth time, which if the letter to the sovereign and the will in favor of Pierre is in the papers of the graph, then you, my ballob, and sisters, not the heiress. If you do not believe me, then believe people knowing: I have now spoke with Dmitry Onufriah (it was a lawyer at home), he said the same.
Apparently, something suddenly changed in the thoughts of Princess; The thin lips pale (the eyes remained the same), and the voice, while she spoke, broke through such risks, what she apparently did not expect himself.
"That would be good," she said. - I did not want anything and do not want.
She dropped her dog from his knees and recovered the folds of the dress.
"That's gratitude, here's appreciation to people who donated to him for him," she said. - Perfectly! Very good! I don't need anything, the prince.
"Yes, but you are not alone, you have sisters," Prince Vasily replied.
But the princess did not listen to him.
- Yes, I knew it for a long time, but I forgot that, besides the lowestness, deception, envy, intrigue, except for ungratefulness, the most black ungratefulness, I could not expect anything in this house ...
- Do you know or do not know where it is a testament? - The prince of Vasily asked with more than before, twitching the cheeks.
"Yes, I was stupid, I still believed in people and loved them and sacrificed." And only those who are influx and dutches have been doing. I know whose intrigues are.
Princess wanted to get up, but the prince kept her hand. Princess had the kind of man, suddenly disappointed in all human genus; She watched viciously on his interlocutor.
- There is still time, my friend. You remember, Katich that all this was inadvertently, per minute of anger, illness, and then forgotten. Our duty, my sweetheart, fix his mistake, facilitate his last minutes in order to prevent him from making this injustice, not to give him to die in the thoughts that he made unfortunate those people ...
"Those people who donated to him for him," Princess picked up, rummaged again, but the prince did not let her go, "which he never knew how to appreciate." No, Mon Cousin, she added with a sigh, "I will remember that in this world you can not wait for the award that there is no honor or justice in this world. On this light you have to be tricky and evil.
- Well, Voyons, [Listen,] Calm down; I know your beautiful heart.
- No, I have an evil heart.
"I know your heart," the prince repeated, "I appreciate your friendship and walked you to be about me the same opinion." Calm down and Parlons Raison, [Let's really talk,] while there is time - maybe a day, maybe an hour; Tell me everything you know about the testament, and, most importantly, where it is: you should know. Now we will take it and show the count. He, right, forgot already about him and wants to destroy it. You understand that my one desire is to fulfill His will; I only came here. I'm here only then to help him and you.
- Now I understood everything. I know whose intrigues are. I know, "said Princess.
- He is the point, my soul.
- This is your protegee, [Favorite,] Your cute princess Drubetskaya, Anna Mikhailovna, which I would not want to have a maid, this vile, naughty woman.
- Ne Perdons Point De Temps. [Let's not waste time.]
- AX, do not say! By last winter, she lasted here and such nasty, such brands talked to the count on all of us, especially Sophie, - I can't repeat - that the count became sick and two weeks did not want to see us. At this time, I know that he wrote this naughty, frustrated paper; But I thought this paper does not mean anything.
- Nous at Voila, [This is the case.] Why did you say anything before me?
- In the mosaic portfolio, which he holds under the pillow. Now I know, "said Princess, not answering. "Yes, if there is a sin for me, a lot of sin, then it is hatred for this dressing," the princess was almost shouted, completely changed. - And why is she rubbing here? But I will express everything, everything. The time will come!

While such conversations occurred in the reception room and in the princess rooms, the carriage with Pierre (for which it was sent) and with Anna Mikhailovna (which I found it necessary to go with him) went to the courtyard of the Count of Laughty. When the wheels of the carriage gently sounded along the straw, near the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, contacting his companion with consolation words, was convinced that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke it up. Waking up, Pierre for Anna Mikhailovna came out of the carriage and then just thought about the date with a dying father, which he expected. He noticed that they arrived not to the parade, but to the rear entrance. While he went with the footsteps, two people in burghers hurriedly rolled out from the entrance to the shadow of the wall. Posted by, Pierre saw in the shade of the house on both sides, a few of the same people. But neither Anna Mikhailovna nor Laki, nor a kucher who could not see these people did not pay attention to them. Therefore, it was so necessary, I decided to Pierre himself and passed behind Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna hurried steps went up the weakly lit by a narrow stone staircase, calling up the Pierre labored behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and even less, why did he need to go on the rear stairs, but , judging by the confidence and hasty, Anna Mikhailovna, decided to himself that it was necessary. On the half of the stairs, they almost shot down them from the legs of some people with buckets, which, stued boots, ran to meet them. These people pressed against the wall to skip Pierre with Anna Mikhailovna, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.
- Here on half princed? - asked Anna Mikhailovna one of them ...
"Here," Lackey answered a bold, loud voice, as if everything was already possible, "the door to the left, Mother.

The name of the game is formed from the Italian Lotto - that is, "lottery". The first game in Lotto was held in United Isalya in 1530. Russian lotto as we know it was brought from Europe in the XVIII century. The game, as well as in European countries, immediately caused great interest to himself, but was available only to a narrow circle of aristocrats. By the 20th century, Russian Lotto became a very popular game of all the layers of the population, despite the floor, age, status and education. Nobody remembered the historical past of the famous Lotto, the Russian lotto has become a national fun and entered the list of family board games.

Russian lotto game

What is this ancient fun? Lotto rules in essence resemble the usual lottery.

Lotto contains: 90 pieces of wooden or plastic barrels, numbers on which are drawn on both sides of the end sections; 24 game cards, on one side of which the checkered field is applied, in some cells are written - from 1 to 90; Plastic or cardboard chips, in the people referred to as "closures" - their usually at least 170 pieces; The opaque bag for storing gaming barrels - so that the "screaming" could not be sprinkled, with some digger, the barrel takes, wanting to play someone.

To start the game, you need to choose a lead that will pull barrels from the bag and "scream", that is, declare numbers. The lead can and himself take part in the game.

According to the rules of Lotto, players receive their numbers and chips and "closens" chips, are reset to horse nuts, sweets or coins - if the game goes "for interest."

In the game "Russian Lotto", the rules provide for several options: a simple lotto, a short lotto, Lotto "Three Three".

In simple lotto, players get three cards and lay them out in front of them on the table. The presenter, without looking, pulls the barrel from the bag and announces its number, and the participants of the game check their cards and, finding such a number, close it with a chicken. Lead, if he has a dropped number on his card, closes it with a barrel. If the numbers are on cards more than one, they are closed with chips. The winner is the player who first will close all the numbers on one of his cards. If the player closes one line of the card, he does not feel behind other players, shouting out the word "apartment". After that, the presenter must reach the kegs from the bag only one (before that it is allowed to get 2-3).

In a short lotto, players are issued in just one card, and it is enough to close all the numbers of one line for victory.

The "three-to-three" option is considered the most gone, as the cards are redeemed for a certain fee, even if not real values. Suppose to put 1-3 nuts on the end for each card. Next, the game passes in the same order as an ordinary lotto. The rules "three to three" says: if one player closes all the numbers of the top line, then the remaining players increase the bets on the doubling. If the average line of the card is first filled, the player takes itself the third part of the overall bet on the con. And the player becomes the winner of the game, who first closes the lower line of his card. To exclude "Mukhlivania", the winner must take off the chips from the card and close all the numbers with fallen kegs. If the kegs are not enough, you can punish a deceiver. For example, to offer him to climb under the table and, to the joy of all those present, squeeze: "Ku-Ka-re-ku!"

The point, of course, is not the one who will win more. The evening spent in a family circle with jokes-additives, infectious laugh for a fun gambling, will be remembered for a long time with its warmth, comfort and charm. And this game will also help you with the purchase of an oral account skills. What another game can deliver so much benefits and pleasure!

It will be very fun if the lead will learn the special names of some barrel numbers.