Drawing on the pavement with children: ideas for a cool summer photo shoot. About the last school bell and ... At the graduation ceremony on the asphalt drawing

Drawing on the pavement with children: ideas for a cool summer photo shoot.  About the last school bell and ... At the graduation ceremony on the asphalt drawing
Drawing on the pavement with children: ideas for a cool summer photo shoot. About the last school bell and ... At the graduation ceremony on the asphalt drawing

So the last school bells rang. This bell sounded in my family too. My daughter finishes school and all sorts of "amenities" associated with the attributes of this event, I know from the inside ...

I will show you a graduate doll, which I sewed last year to participate in the interregional doll exhibition "After all, dolls have fate too ...". The doll has everything for real. Brown uniform dress (made from rare crimplen), lace apron (used sewing), white lace cuffs and collar. Over the shoulder - the ribbon of the graduate, on the chest - a tiny bell with a bow.

Soon, soon, this girl will fly away from her home into adulthood like a bird that she still holds in her hand. And she will go to university on a toy train. True, grown-up children fly from our Sakhalin island on airplanes. Many of their daughter's classmates have already bought air tickets ...

... "Childhood Day" at school. This is when eleventh graders on one of the last days of May come to school in children's clothes, with toys and nipples. Have survived. There was a favorite dress, a loveable bear cub, a pacifier on a clothespin and a children's backpack.

Drawing on the asphalt under the school windows. This is already a tradition; there are many drawings by graduates of past years on the school asphalt. Several sketches were drawn, one was chosen by voting in the class, but at the last moment they changed (they decided not to use paint from cans).

Here's the picture. The whole class took part, who did the markings on the asphalt, who swept and cleaned the asphalt, who interfered with the paints, who painted. They were painted and could not stop and there were handprints under the drawing, as if they had left autographs. In the picture, there is a little train again, our children are leaving childhood for adulthood. A day later, they added a written declaration of love to the class teacher, the inscription was placed around the perimeter of the drawing and the drawing of the heart was added (the heart was not approved, but it happened!) ... There is no photo of the finished work, you have to go to school with a camera.

Last call. I am surprised repeatedly ... well, who could have thought of dressing the graduates of today in a school uniform, which they know nothing about, did not wear it for a minute! Yes, it's beautiful! Yes, associations arise ... but mothers with experience, to which I refer myself))))

Okay, we figured out the "sort of" school dress, bought in advance a black ready-made and modern style. We assume that it will be in demand in the future, it will be worn during student days ... But the apron! As a schoolgirl, the last three years I sewed these aprons myself. Sheela and black casual and white smart. I climbed into photo albums and found myself a tenth-grade graduate ...

Your last school fI sewed an artyk specially for the exams, so that it was fresh and new. And my mother has the remains of that fabric. She also suggested to her daughter: "Come on, Katya, we will sew!" The daughter was a little stubborn, because all classmates have aprons bought in stores and salons, only she will have a self-made one, but then she agreed. We sewed an apron from German guipure, which had been carefully stored for many years, we ourselves wrapped snow-white bows (from 8 meters of satin ribbons of different widths), as always, handicraft experience came in handy.

The whole family went to the last school bell. I looked at the class, at the smart graduates and was glad for the local producers. I came to the conclusion that the community of needlewomen will not be replenished with daughter classmates in the near future. Not only were the aprons bought, so they were also worn to shorten them in the atelier (((... And the Chinese brothers did not stay idle, bows for ponytails-pigtails are completely purchased. This photo shows an apron, my daughter is in the center. According to the scenario of the event there are congratulations to teachers with poems, songs, flowers.

But the school years was a subject that is called "Technology" in modern terms. And they sewed aprons there. But he was not loved by many, with all the ensuing consequences ...

And in this photo are my grown children. Behind them is a photo collage, with small photo stories about each graduate. After reviewing all the photographs taken, I found only this, where the apron and bows are more visible. Photographed in the school hall, in the crowd and commotion. Ninth graders were preparing for the last call, you see them with blue graduation ribbons.

I wish all, all graduates to successfully pass the exams, choose the right profession, learn it and find a job, be sure to create happy families and let children's laughter sound there ... And all this requires intelligence, patience and common sense. Luck and luck won't hurt either. And I also wish them to preserve their school friendship, it costs a lot!

And I also want to show off a little. We meet our class 35 times this June. And neither other cities, nor different countries, nor the past years could separate us! What I wish for Katya's 11 "A" class!

Best regards to the blog readers, Nina.
  1. Star. Golden ratio (part 1) ().
  2. Hypothesis IDES (Icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth). Polyhedra (part 2) ().
  3. Places of power. Lei lines. Part 3 of the Star. Golden Section series ().
  4. The Way of Saint James. Santiago de Compostela - "Spanish Mecca". "Star. Golden section. 4 part" ().
  5. A new look at an old project. Jim Alison's lines. "Star. Golden ratio. Part 5" ().
  6. Five points of the Star. Hypotheses, in continuation of the articles "Star. Golden Section" ().

The comments to these articles turned out to be no less interesting. And one of these comments (6) was especially memorable for some reason.

For a start, also from life, like Julia's))

On the day this article appeared on the site, in the morning I went to the site, I had about 5 minutes, I just went to see what was new, I saw this article, but there was no time to read it, it was time to go to work. I got dressed, went to work, my path lies through a new microdistrict under construction, new buildings, some already live, a lot of young families, many small children, young mothers with strollers, new asphalt paths, new sidewalks. So I'm walking along such a new asphalt path next to a new high-rise building and suddenly next to my foot I see a star in a circle drawn in chalk on the asphalt, with a child's pen. Immediately, it became pleasant, and I also tried to remember when the last time I saw a child's drawing on the asphalt was a “five-pointed star in a circle”, but I could not recall such images, perhaps I saw it a long time ago .... Just a five-pointed star children often draw on the asphalt, a couple of weeks ago I saw such stars, but I don’t remember a star in a circle. Out of the corner of my eye, did I notice? that there is another star in a circle nearby and another one nearby. After walking about five meters, I nevertheless decided to look around to see, so to speak, the whole picture.

The children drew five five-pointed stars on the asphalt, each of which was in a circle. The location itself was quite interesting, one was located, as it were, in the center of the entire drawing, on either side of it - four other stars in the circle somewhat resembled an oblique cross, only the distances were not kept, but one must understand that this is a child's drawing on the asphalt, the children depicted what they wanted to portray without understanding any schematics.

Four days have already passed, and the children's drawing still remains in its place, we have no rain, so nature has not washed it away yet, but I am just pleased to pass by this children's drawing)). (Igor)

Today, during my lunch break, I was walking in the park, which is located not far from the place of work. And following a familiar path, he approached one of the benches in a distant part of the park. And now, having settled down on this bench, he turned his gaze to the paving slabs, and there was drawn a children's drawing (STARS, CRESCENT, WOOD and CLASSICS).

Of course, I immediately shared this news with my friends. As I returned to my workplace, the commentary that was given above floated up in Consciousness. I quickly found the original of Igor's comment on the site and what was the surprise of my Consciousness when I counted the stars and there were exactly 5 of them, as in the story described by the author of the comment.

Well, a little about what the STAR above the CRESCENT actually means. Information from the AllatRa book.

“Rigden: By the way, about symbols ... There were different symbols based on the interpretation of the AllatRa sign. Some of them denoted additional explanations that were understood by people initiated into this Knowledge, other symbols were variations from people who tried to strengthen the already strong or additionally focus on some significant points. Examples of such symbols based on the AllatRa sign are a crescent moon with horns upward, above which stands either a circle with a cross depicted inside it, or a star, or a symbolic image of a face, and so on.

Examples of AllatRa symbols:

  1. a symbol from Persian culture (VI century BC);
  2. a symbol from the Sumerian culture (III millennium BC);
  3. Assyrian attribute of the Sun god Ashur and the Sumerian-Akkadian deity of the Moon - Sina.

People who do not have a true idea of ​​the meaning of these symbols, associated them with the Sun or the Moon, viewed them simply as an attribute of a particular deity. And for people with Knowledge, these symbols were like a hint, an open message from the past from those who applied this symbolism. For example, take the crescent symbol with horns up, above which a small circle is inscribed in a large one, and in a small circle there is a cross with an empty center-circle. This was a symbolic image of the spiritual Doctrine brought into this world by a Being from the spiritual world (the symbol of the latter is the AllatRa sign). A small circle, enclosed in a large one, symbolizes people united by this Teaching (circle of followers). An equilateral cross is a symbol of a person, but the empty circle in the center of the cross in this case (in combination with a common symbol) indicates not just a Person. This testifies to a Person who, thanks to this Teaching, achieved spiritual liberation (merging of the Personality with the Soul), but remained to help other people walking the spiritual path.

Anastasia: Yes, this is really a real spiritual feat - to achieve spiritual liberation, but to have the courage to stay here, in this rough material world, in order to serve as the Guide of the forces of Allat ... There is one more interesting moment connected with the indicated symbols. The AllatRa symbol was an attribute, as a rule, of female goddesses. Of the most famous, for example, the sign of the goddess Al-Lat ("Mother of the Gods"), revered by the ancient Arabs in pre-Islamic times. Then, over her symbolic image, a crescent moon was placed with horns upward, denoting a connection with the spiritual world, and a circle (which people interpreted as a lunar symbol). It happened that the crescent itself was painted with sunbeams as a symbol of dynamics, movement in a spiritual direction.

Rigden: It is not surprising that female goddesses were associated with the AllatRa symbol. The fact is that in the entire history of mankind, so far only women have become such spiritual Guides, perhaps because they have a maternal instinct in the sense of spiritual care and Love for people. Although both women and men can become Guides. It's just that men, as soon as they achieved spiritual liberation and the higher spheres were opened for them, very quickly left this material world, as they say, without delay and empathy about the fate of the people who remained here ...

Anastasia: ... Often the crescent moon, as you mentioned, was drawn with a star instead of a circle. But the star could be five-pointed, and seven-pointed, and eight-pointed, which was depicted either as a geometric figure with pointed projections, or simply as rays emanating from the center.

Rigden: In fact, the star above the crescent is the strengthening of the strong - Allat in Allat. However, such designations are also used as additional indications of one of the forces of Allat. Since ancient times, stars of different rays have their own peculiarities in the interpretation of their symbolism. The seven-pointed star is the symbol of the seventh dimension. The eight-pointed star is a symbol of the same rhombus (a cube placed on one of the corners, as a symbol of the transformation of a person into a spiritual being, exit to the spiritual world). But the five-pointed star is a working sign associated with the forces of Allat (manifested at the level of the fifth dimension), and belongs to the group of positively working signs. But only people who work with signs in the invisible world understand such subtleties.

The sign of the five-pointed star activates in a person (on a subconscious level) a sense of justice, hope for the future, and also contributes to uniting people. But, unfortunately, these unique qualities of this sign were often used, and continue to be used for their own purposes by people serving the Animal mind. This, of course, is a weak force in comparison with the AllatRa sign, but nevertheless, with its massive use, it gives its own result associated with a certain influence on people and changes in events in the three-dimensional world. In the case of a five-pointed star, no matter how you turn it, even with its top up, even with the top down, it will still be a sign of one of the creative forces of Allat. The only question is what is spent on, more precisely, where is this additional power redirected by people who received it ... (AllatRa book, page 485)

In the photo, the attentive reader will also notice that one of the crescents is inscribed in a square.

Prepared by: Zachary

Both children and adults love to draw with chalk on the asphalt. Why not combine drawing with a cool summer photo shoot ?! We share ideas in our selection.


Drawing with crayons, and not yet on paper, but on the asphalt, is happiness for a little artist. Parents can only catch smiles and photograph the result of children's street art. In order for the family photo archive to be replenished with not just plain-air sketches, but really memorable shots, the plots of asphalt paintings need to be thought out in advance. Perhaps, for a photo session, additional props are required, maybe you need to think more carefully about the clothes of a small model.


The young captain set off on a long voyage. Neither storm, nor wind, nor cold currents, nor bloodthirsty sharks are afraid of him. Through a telescope, he looks out for unexplored islands and distant distances. And my mother takes pictures at this time ...


This young Schumacher clearly likes everything related to technique and speed. Today he's driving Daddy's tough Harley.


Someone wants to learn to fly, while someone just takes it and flies!

We will capture the achievements of our children in a bright and unusual frame. Firework! Victory is in our hands!


These funny photos can be used as greeting cards. Great and not hackneyed idea!


A wonderful summer postcard in just a couple of minutes! The phone is always at hand, and we put the colored crayons in our pockets in advance.


Want to thank someone right now? Crayons in your hands!


Why not confess your love to someone who is far away now? For example, dear granny?


What are you dreaming about? Draw it on the pavement with chalk and your dreams will come true!



Every girl is a little fairy. And you don't have to grow wings behind your back and wait for the godmother to give you a magic wand - you can draw all this right now.



On a hot summer day, we dream of cool rain and rainbows in the sky. Voila! Here they are!

Mom asked to look after your little brother? Everything's under control!


3D drawings on the asphalt will help you create simply masterpiece shots. Inspiration can be found anywhere: favorite cartoons, familiar fairy tales.


For such realistic drawings on the asphalt, of course, it will take a lot of time and effort, but it will be worth it. If only it wouldn't rain.




Something interesting seems to be going on here ...


Want to go fishing? And here is a matching puddle.


Do your kids still believe the stork brought them? So can he even wear them to school?

Adult girls also like to draw with chalk and have some fun.



This is what happens to those who do not follow the rules of the road.


We play golf. We draw a path on the asphalt with crayons and use a stick to drive a puck or a pebble into a "hole", the role of which can be played by the mouth of a hungry lion or whatever a violent child's imagination prompts. Mom, of course, takes aiming photographs, you have to capture such a funny duel as a keepsake.

Dear Readers! We are waiting for your ideas and drawings on the asphalt. May this world become brighter and the children happier.