Do I need to take Ukrainian literature in the heat? How is a trial external independent assessment (OIE)

Do I need to take Ukrainian literature in the heat?  How is a trial external independent assessment (OIE)
Do I need to take Ukrainian literature in the heat? How is a trial external independent assessment (OIE)
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    Those who have registered for the trial ZNO will be able to fully experience all the delights of summer testing on April 2 and 9 this year. And the participants of ZNO-2011 who decided not to undergo trial testing, or for some other reason do not take part in trial ZNO, will be able to familiarize themselves with the testing procedure in this article.

    So, in order to pass the trial testing, you must go to your personal page on the website of the regional center for assessing the quality of education and print an invitation to the tests from there.

    The invitation will indicate the venue trial testing(maybe two different places- different for each date).

    Do not be lazy - go to the specified address in advance. This will allow you to avoid one big problem- being late for the test due to incorrect timing. Go to the building where the testing is supposed to take place and ask again if it will be carried out here. It is better to do so than to bite your elbows in front of closed doors on the day of testing later, being late for some 3-5 minutes.

    To undergo the trial testing, you will need to take your passport (or birth certificate), an invitation to the ZNO (if you have two, do not mix up) and a receipt for payment of the trial ZNO (if there are two of them, make sure that the number on the receipt matches the number on the invitation). Be sure to take a ballpoint or gel pen(and preferably two) with black ink.

    Your invitation letterheads may say "arrive by 10.45". Try to arrive by half past ten. Then you will have time to breathe calmly.

    Arriving at the testing point - look before the entrance for the "Alphabetical list of participants in trial testing", which should be posted by the duty officers at the point. If it is (according to the rules it should be) - find yourself in the list and look at the number of the audience in which you will take the trial testing.

    If you are not on the list, this may be due to the fact that there are two testing points in the building and the list with your name is located in a different place.

    At the entrance to the testing point, the person on duty will check your documents, and also ask if you know your audience number.

    A list of test participants with a seat number should be hanging near the audience. All tables in classrooms should be numbered.

    Turn off mobile phone, take out everything you need, put everything else (jacket, bag) on ​​a special table (usually near the entrance to the classroom).

    At 11.00, the instructor in your classroom will read out your rights and obligations, and the applicant number 3 (or the next one after him, if there is no third one) signs in the protocol on the intactness of the package with test tasks.

    After that, you will be given answer forms (one or two (A or A and B, depending on the test).

    Next, the instructor should stick a barcode on your form. The applicant number 1 must have a barcode number 1. If there are 2 forms (A and B), then one barcode is glued on form A, and two more (on both sides) on form B.

    Then you will be given test books. You don't need to open them yet. It is better to see if the number of the notebook matches the number of your workplace (the numbers must match: the workplace, the barcode on the answer form and the notebook). If the numbers match, write on the back of Form A that you are familiar with the rights and obligations, the numbers match.

    If the numbers do not match, write that the number of the seat is such and such, the number of the form is such and such, and the number of the notebook is such and such.

    Mark the notebook number on the answer sheet with a cross with a black pen in the appropriate field. After that, the instructor should come up to you and see if you wrote this "x" there, and whether you wrote it at all.

    Then you check the notebook for all pages (Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, chemistry, history of Ukraine, geography - 16 pages, foreign languages ​​- 12, biology - 15, physics - 20). (The number of pages in the test book in Russian is not yet known - author)

    After that, the instructor writes on the blackboard the start time of the test and the end time of this test (Ukrainian language and literature, as well as physics - 180 minutes; mathematics, history of Ukraine, geography, Russian language, chemistry - 150 minutes; foreign languages ​​and biology - 120 minutes ).

    Cheating is not worth it and there is no need to be nervous either. If you misbehave or cheat, you will be kicked out of the audience.

    Instructors during the test are not allowed to use telephones, computers, etc., answer your questions about the content of the test, or distract you from working on the test without good reason.

    15 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the test, the instructor must warn you that the time is running out.

    After the end of the test, you will be told that you will calculate the results yourself and will be given a leaflet for this "How are the results of cancer in the subject determined".

    You should also be given the "keys" to Form A and, if you have one, to Form B. You also take your test books with you. You must sign the protocol for the "keys" and the information sheet.

    If you are late, or arrived without all the documents, or you were kicked out of the classroom, then after the end of the test, you have the right to take your papers (test book, answer forms, "key" to answers and memo).

    In the 11th grade, Anton Kushnir went on a hike to the Crimea

    We will meet with Anton Kushnir near the buildings of Taras Shevchenko University. In 2013, he successfully passed the ZNO in mathematics, Ukrainian language and literature, English - and entered the budgetary form of education at the most rated university in Ukraine, at a prestigious faculty. I ask how he did it.

    When did you decide on your future specialty?
    Then I studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum. I decided to choose a profession related to mathematics and programming. I liked mathematics, I knew and understood it well. I was also interested in economics, but becoming an economist is much easier, and learning to be a good programmer is a serious challenge. This gives the best prospects, you can work in world-class companies. I knew that the Faculty of Cybernetics at Shevchenko University prepares qualified programmers. I decided to do it.

    When he chose cybernetics, what did he do next?
    In addition to mathematics and Ukrainian, I had to pass English or physics. The lyceum had good training in mathematics, and not bad in Ukrainian. These activities were enough for me. Prepared for ZNO, additionally and for a fee. Not complete preparation, rather auxiliary activities. And here foreign language, I understood, you need to tighten. I had to turn to a tutor to "train" the sighting to ZNO.

    How did you pass the ZNO as a result?
    Mathematics - 196 points, English - 192, Ukrainian - 194.

    High scores. Did you get it on the budget right away?
    No, what is there. I got in with the last wave of recruitment, the first were applicants with exorbitant ZNO scores. Competition for prestigious specialties is very high.

    Are there solid lyceum students among these geniuses or are there graduates of ordinary schools?
    Yes, and it was quite difficult for them to prepare. Outside of school, I had to work hard, with textbooks and tutors. Online courses and webinars were not common at the time.

    How do you rate own strategy preparation - would you prepare the same way now?
    In general, I think that I did everything right. But I passed mathematics at 196, and I wanted to at 200, and this was disappointing. Failed. I had to solve problems increased complexity, do more.

    It took a lot of effort to prepare, did not have enough free time? Probably, the parents were released from household duties?
    No, they weren't released, - laughs Anton. - In fact, it was not very difficult. At first I quit tennis, but then I realized that I can do everything. I got carried away with the guitar. Communicated with friends, went on a hike in the Crimea.

    • The guitar did not interfere with the preparation for the ZNO

    How did you manage it? Usually graduates complain about stress, sleepless nights and lack of time for everything except study.
    Usually these are the ones who postpone to the last. You need to think ahead about how you will prepare and assess your level of knowledge. Decide on additional classes, look for courses. Calm down and not strive to learn everything at the last moment.
    I made the most of my schooling. Everything that needed to be clarified and memorized in mathematics and Ukrainian - I found out and taught at school, at home I only consolidated. Although, - he thinks, - maybe I was too relaxed, that's why I didn't get 200 in mathematics.

    Did your parents help, insure? Intervened in the preparation?
    We consulted on some issues, but I made the decisions myself. Mom worried more than me. And I knew that I would do, and calmed me down.
    I got nervous once - at the first ZNO in Ukrainian. Suddenly I realized that the cost of a mistake is very high. But I passed it without any problems. I was already calmly studying mathematics and English. I knew my level of training and understood that there was no point in sitting at night with textbooks. I got enough sleep - I passed it - I went home.

    What is the difference between training in mathematics?
    Practice. The main thing is to solve problems. In online tests, books, in the classroom. All of them are of the same type, and they will be the same on ZNO, only with different numbers. In Ukrainian, you need to learn the rules and a lot of exceptions (which are often caught in ZNO tests).

    Did your online test results match what you got at the ZNO?
    In general, yes. Online tests give an idea of ​​the level of knowledge, they are effective in preparation.

    Are you studying anything outside of university now?
    No, but I would like to resume my English classes. I feel that the level was higher before. We also have popular internship programs in America, in Google or Microsoft. I do not plan to leave Ukraine, but I would like to get an internship in such companies. I am also interested in management. Such courses would definitely not hurt, but later. So far I have focused on cybernetics.

    And became a tutor?
    Yes, two years ago they offered to prepare a student for admission to a lyceum, which I myself graduated from. Now I teach children in grades 5-6, but I would like to study with high school students.

    What is your advice to current graduates?
    I advise you to focus, plan your preparation and identify your weak points. Find the right courses and study systematically. It is worth "resting" on Last year learning - and getting an education that brings real benefits. Select prestigious university and specialty. Study what you love and what you understand. It's worth the effort.

    The guarantee of admission to the university is given by high scores entrance tests external independent assessment (Ukrainian - ZNO). The maximum total of all points is 800: an excellent GPA in the school certificate and three ZNO tests for 200 points. With such data, you can go to the budget in any university.

    Masha Kovalchuk

    13:15 3.11.2015

    It is clear that few succeed in passing the ZNO for 200 points, hence the confidence that it is unrealistic. However, today there is a solution on the market, thanks to which every student of Ukraine, regardless of place of residence, has the opportunity to prepare for the ZNO tests in such a way that all other competitors for a budget place will be left far behind.

    What myths prevent a graduate from coping with ZNO perfectly?

    The first myth. Learn all school curriculum in all subjects for the year is impossible.

    Reality. In all subjects, it is not worth tightening knowledge - you need to immediately decide what to take on tests of external independent assessment, some of which this year, by the way, are taken during school exams, and focus on these three subjects. To cope with a large volume of tasks, you need to take a good navigator on the road - for example, online courses.

    Systematic preparation for external independent testing from ProZNO on the platform allows:

    1) identify weak points and missed topics,

    2) give strong knowledge that is simple and understandable language the authors of the textbooks explain in video lessons and best teachers country,

    3) evenly distribute the load: a 20-minute video every day, tests and exercises on each topic, a teacher's consultation,

    4) the system of various tests during the entire course allows you to "fill your hand" in the very process of passing them, relieve stress before this type of exam, making it habitual,

    5) in online classes, ask the teacher the most complex issue and get an answer right away.

    The second myth. ZNO for 200 points is unrealistic.

    Reality. Consistent systematic preparation for OZO allows you to prepare for passing the tests without overstraining, all the possibilities are in the hands of the applicant himself - all that remains is to start studying, following the advice of experienced teachers - leading the course, and methodologists of ProZNO.

    The third myth. Only excellent students can pass ZNO for 200 points.

    Reality... Of course, excellent students have more experience in working with complex material, which is why they receive such high marks. During the testing itself, no one will look at the graduate's certificate, the main thing is a sheet with test tasks in front of it, and these sheets are the same for everyone. All you need is to concentrate on the assignments and have time to enter all the correct answers. And here an excellent student who has no experience in working with test assignments may even lose to anyone who has completed ProZNO courses. Because the ability to take tests is a skill that has been taught in Ukraine quite recently, and only now - online.

    The benefits of online education will be appreciated by both the new generation, who grew up on digital technologies and in the era of gadgets, and their parents who are interested in systematic and regular preparation for external independent assessment.

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