Sergey cords will help to establish relationships. Talk Show "About Love" with the leading Sergey Shnurov starts on the first channel about Love Channel Channel Comments

Sergey cords will help to establish relationships. Talk Show "About Love" with the leading Sergey Shnurov starts on the first channel about Love Channel Channel Comments

A new daily talk show on the first channel is called Emko and simply: "About love." Here will help to establish relationships to everyone who acutely needs who is experiencing a crisis: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Quietly and friendly, politely and thoughtfully, attracting the best specialists and professionals.

Leading talk shows "About love" - \u200b\u200bTV journalist, granddaughter of the second president of Georgia Sofiko Shevardnadzeand rock musician Sergei Shnurov.

Sophico - sentimental and emotional, sincerely believes that everything in our life revolves around love.

"The world holds to love, and nothing without love there is nothing! - Convinced TV presenter. - Love can not not interest, it affects everyone. The meaning of life is in love, without it - unreal! "

According to his own confession, Sophico always dreamed of conducting a psychological talk show about love: "It's so historically developed that I am a political journalist, simply because I understand the politics well. And I wanted to just sit on a bench all my life on a bench and talk for life. It really seems to me that there is nothing more steeper and more interesting, there can be nothing, no summits. "

Leading Show "About Love" Sophico Shevardnadze

Sergey - the scandalous leader of the Leningrad group, rude and hooligan, prone to the shock, is confident that love is just a convenient concept.

"On love in modern society, it is customary to write down everything," says cords. - Love is such a comfortable concept. This is a category, a concept built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. No matter how cool, teenagers, and adults, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. This is an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach. "

Leading talk show "About love" Sergey Shnurov

Despite the fundamental differences in matters of love, Shevardnadze and cords, everyone is trying to help people confused in love relationships. Sophico does it in female emotionally, Sergey often heers and Hochmit.

Each release of the program "About Love" requires considerable effort, fine editorial work, integrity of the team of psychologists. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin to work with heroes, identifying problems, outstanding possible options for solving them. In addition, the heroes after filming are not thrown, specialists continue to work with them.

Approximately six months plan return programs in which journalists "about love" will again come to visit former participants to find out how things are going on, managed to cope with the crisis, to establish relationships, return love to the family or had to part more Do not hurt each other ...

The leading talk show on the first channel, Sergey Cers, explains his consent to the first channel: "I have always been tended to change the activity for a while. Apparently, the next such period has come. I think my appearance on the first channel I give a signal that the impossible becomes possible. Well, again: I have not registered the text, while writing the program, I speak the fullest discharge - all this and determined my positive answer. "

Talk show "About love"

The first channel announced what will be the new daily talk show "About Love", which will be the leader of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov (on the air from September 5, at 16.00). The cord program will help the cord program, the granddaughter of the second president of Georgia Sophico Shevardnadze.

In the show "About love", according to his name, will help to establish life to everyone who is experiencing a crisis in relations: husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren, friends. Promise that they will be calmly and friendly, politely and thoughtfully, attracting the best specialists.

By recognizing Sophico, which on the channel of Russia Today led news, the program "Interview" and Sophieco and worked on the "Echo of Moscow", she always dreamed of conducting a psychological talk show about love: "It's so historically developed that I am a political journalist just because I am a political journalist that I understand well in my politics. And I wanted to just sit on a bench all my life. "I really think that there is nothing steeper and more interesting. We can not be able to understand our problems, talk to each other. With a friend. Unfortunately, we have a little, it is accepted to insult, beat in the face. And our program is a great opportunity to show that there is another way to solve a complex problem. "

Sophician Shevardnadze speaks so: "The cords are very good, a good man, he has a great sense of humor. Sometimes he fantastically saves the situation when you understand that now you need a joke, so that the hero does not die in our hands from grief. Therefore, sellers are ideal for Such a program. He is very sensitive, feeling. He knows a lot about life, but knows on the other hand than me. "

The cords itself believes that love is just a convenient concept: "It is customary with everything in love in modern society." Love is such a comfortable concept. This is a category, a concept built in modern society mainly on Hollywood films. Whatever we Neither twisted, adolescents, and adults, learn about what love is from Hollywood films. This is an imposed concept, that's all. Such a cynical approach. "

Despite the fundamental disagreements, Shevardnadze and cords, everyone is trying to help people confused in love relationships. Sophico does it in female emotionally, Sergey Ernichs. "The general main problem in the world is a violation of communication ties, none hears each other," says cords. "Everyone are writers, but no one reader. This is the main problem and, by and large, all conflicts are due to this: very few listeners. "

Each release of the program "About Love" is carefully prepared. A week before the recording of the program, psychologists begin to work with heroes. In addition, work with them does not stop after filming. Approximately six months later, return programs are planned in which journalists "about love" will again come to visit ex-participants to evaluate changes.

Show with Shevardnadze is not the first television experience of Leningrad leader. Previously, he led the program on the NTV ("cord around the world" and "Equal Life"), "Fifth Channel" and STS. Last year, he became the leading program "Cold Tour" on the "Match TV" and even called to work dismissed with the scandal of the sports commentator Vasily Utkin. Your consent to become a leading talk show on the first channel, Sergei Shnurov explains this way: "I was always tended to change the deal of activity for a while. Apparently, I found another period. I think my appearance on the first channel I give a signal that the impossible becomes possible . Well, even: I have not registered the text, while writing the program, I speak the complete deferment - all this and determined my positive answer. "

Recall that on the first channel some time ago the show "They and we", which Alexander Gordon and Ekaterina Strizhenova. The show was also built on a different approach leading to topics that worry men and women. Zinic Gordon and moral Strizhenova. The project ratings were quite good. Later, together with Julia, Baranovskaya, Alexander Gordon began to lead the program "Male / Women's", which also affects the topic of relationships. Ratings last season were also "at the height." So now on the first will have two programs about relationships.

Ira and Nicholas have a difficult position. Two weeks, they have a wedding, but the relationship of the couple leaves much to be desired: constant scandals, clarification, who in the family chief and who decides, and mutual reluctance to look for compromises. As a result, they come to the talk show "About love", and invited experts - specialists in psychology, as well as Professional Swach (leads the program "Let's get married") and leading Sergey and are helped by the accumulative problems.

The name of the show "About love", whose show has begun this week on the first channel, clearly does not correspond to its content.

It has too broad meaning and, probably, it would be more likely to transmit a Xiabitite, and the selected program format is too similar to "let them say" (for 15 years now it is successful in the evening air first) or long-closed "windows". Both of these projects, by the way, were inspired by the American "show Jerry Springer", which first came out in 1991, and love in all these programs, of course, is present, but the meaning of the show is not at all searching for love (by which residents are usually dealing with Russian television "Houses-2").

Sergey Shnurov and Sophico Shevardnadze

Channel press service

In principle, the daily show of this sense usually do not cause interest: they are not in prime-time ("about love" are shown at 16.00 in Moscow) and are designed for a completely defined audience (like day TV shows, for example). But in this case everything was different, and the reason for this was Sergey Cords, invited as one of the leading.

The leader of the Leningrad grouping and the daily talk show for housewives - it was difficult to think more strange combination.

The reaction to the master cord looked as if he was going in the afternoon of the first channel of Russian television continuously, drinking vodka straight out of her throat and is uncomplicated to extinguish the straws about the scenery. Actually, the same dissonance caused and written by the cord for a new children's transfer (the same first) song - although there, of course, it could not be possible by definition.

The details of the project, as usual, was not long, and the cords itself in his blog limited himself literally a couple of words, which provoked a lot of speculation on the topic, in which the next trip to the television of the union mothers and the scandalist turns into television, the second video of which causes a rapid discussion, and Sometimes attracts attention.

For distinguishes about the possible behavior of the leader of Leningrad, everyone somehow forgot about another leading - granddaughter of the second president of Georgia Sophico Shevardnadze.

Sergei Shnurov

Channel press service

The debut of the program caused regular negative reviews - everything passed too calmly and nothing supernatural in the first issue, of course, did not happen. Unlike the same "windows", in "Love" no one rushed to beat the opponent or call him bad words. The cords also kept himself in his hands, and only the costume was reminded of his stage image - a ridiculous, but okay sitting.

In general, the presenters were equal - none of them dragged the blanket for themselves, they participated in a conversation at the same level, trying to talk their heroes and still solve their problem. She was solved - in the final of the release of Ira and Nikolay got married that, perhaps, reminds the finale of fairy tales. But, in principle, "about love" - \u200b\u200bthis is a fairy tale, in which the main characters at first live little that is not in hell, they are all bad, and at some point there is a kind wizard who makes everyone with one wave of a magic wand . The approach is perhaps the best among similar shows - and let in the first releases the wand looks broken and hidden from prying eyes, like Hagrida. If the creators of the program are able to strengthen the magic component, without saying the spells of an ineffective patter, then "about love" will find its viewer: faith in a miracle in humanity is indestructible. Well, if not, the cords will continue to raise the public in the usual genre of musical creativity.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe psychological talk show "About Love" belongs to Sophico Shevardnadze - granddaughter of the second president of Georgia, Mr. and Beauty, all his life engaged in political journalism. She came up with the name.

"The world holds to love, there is nothing without it," Sophico is convinced. - So it happened that I am engaged in politics. And I want to just sit on a bench and talk for life.

Shevardnadze was not familiar with the leader of the group "Leningrad", but he wished to see only him. .

"He came to record a pilot release and said:" My pilots never pass anywhere, "recalls Sophico. - I replied: "This will pass!"

When the program was really approved, the cords "included the rear transmission", and Shevardnadze had to persuade the odious musician to sign an agreement for a very long time.

"I also doubt," says Sergey. - Although I have always been typically changing the activity for a while. Apparently, such a period has come. The most important thing is that I have not registered the text. I speak squeezing, it determined my positive answer.

Leading talk show "About love" Sergei Shnurov and Sophico Shevardnadze. Photo: Shot from the show

When the cords first appeared in the studio of the talk show "About love", it seemed, the audience were ready to jump out from the places and put the wave in the ranks. He is - as always, unshaven, but in a stylish blue jacket - with a slight bewilder, looked around the place of work and I said: "How do you want to fool!" The hall was silent from delight and drill. The cords of the cunning shifted: "Production of the mother on the first channel, and?!" But no. During the recording, he led himself extremely politely and correctly.

"Serega is a deeply intelligent person," says Sophico. - He is a representative of the most real St. Petersburg intelligentsia. Everyone is considered to be Hooligan and Ham, and he is an absolute opposite.

The heroes of one of the first graduates of the program - the husband and wife, who in the sixth year of living together came to the conclusion that they could no longer live in a situation of constant lack of money. A woman is sitting at home with a child and a climb: "I want new sandals! I want to go to the restaurant! " And the husband plows at the construction site and accuses his wife in exorbitant requests.

- The typical situation in Russia, - announces at the very beginning of the talk-show of the cords, "I also don't have enough money here too.

"And I'm not enough," says Sophico.

- How much would you arrange? - This is interested in Sergey in a sad heroine.

"One hundred thousand per month," she answers readily.

- And you "fairy tale about fisherman and fish" remember? - asks cords. - There, the old woman was also constantly dissatisfied and remained at the broken trough.

- Poland lives poorly and in love, and the half is poor and bad! - It's hot in spike.

Liquid applause are distributed in the hall: they say, right, not in money happiness. But cords parry:

- Where did you see people to live poorly and in love? Yes, they swear constantly!

And here the hall is struck by bully applause and loud, albeit non-stroke cries:

- It is necessary to work myself, and not at home to sit! Young after all, find a job!

- Calm, workaholics! - Interrupting the common gallege suddenly slept cords. "You all here just go, as I look."

Spectators fascinate silent.

Sergey cords in the talk show "About Love". Photo: Shot from the show

If Sophico Shevardnadze strives to see the psychological attack in everything and find the cause of the problems of heroes in their childhood, then Sergey Cornov is more quinic and is not inclined to regret the participants.

"My dad drank all my childhood," heroine sobs, "there were always alcoholics around me!

- Alcoholics are not so bad people! - Philosophically notes a musician.

"I have complexes," the tears continues to smear the ruddy round cheeks of the heroine. - I used to be sleeper, and now ...

"And I have complexes," the cord nods. - I used to be young, but now old!

After filming, the creators of the transmission are not thrown by heroes - psychologists continue to work with them. Later, journalists will meet with former participants and find out whether they managed to overcome the crisis. It is difficult to answer, why the most popular domestic musician needs all this, but so far the cord on the talk show "About love" is clearly in joke.

"I'm still not sure of my role," says Sergey about the new job. "But I think my appearance on the first channel I give some signal: impossible becomes possible!"

"About love", first, Monday-Friday, 16:00


Description: On the first channel in the fall of 2016, a new show about love starts. What will be the transfer of the most popular Russian TV channel? Naturally, about love, about the relationships of lovers, about why even loving people can seriously quarrel and how to avoid it. Or how to part so that no one cannot injure. Or, for example: if a man got involved in a woman and promised to move to her, but before that "live" did not see her. Gathered things and went on the road, but at a real meeting just in horror from her appearance, and now he does not know how to change everything? In general, something similar to the men's-women's program, but with other leading and new heroes - everything about love. And the leading programs about love will be a very colorful couple. As the first leader - the most outstanding musician musician Sergey Shnurov, in the people of the cord. As you all know, the cord has a lot of energy and a kind of idea of \u200b\u200bwhat words need to be used to ensure that the interlocutor correctly understood the well-pronounced thought. Oddly, but for the soloist of Leningrad Sergey Shordov, the role of the lead show is not a novelty, he has already participated in the program "History of Russian Show Business" together with Boris Korchevnikov on the CTC television channel, led several copyright programs. The cord around the world on the NTV television channel in 2006 and 2008. However, obscene expressions through every two words "asked the work" directories and installation of projects, some of the release issues had to rewrite repeatedly. We hope that in the transfer of about love, the cord is a little bit of his "non-music" vocabulary. Together with him there will be a charming beauty girl, she is also a famous journalist Sofiko Shevardnadze (by the way, the granddaughter of politics since the time of the USSR - Eduard Shevardnadze). Sophico worked for a long time as a leading Echo of Moscow, various interesting programs were led by Sophico and director, and a journalist. Since Sophico jumped 27 times with a parachute, it cannot be called a "kisino lady", but the joint work with the cord, probably, also not every lady withstand. And this is almost an incompatible couple ("Hooligan" and "Umnichka") on the transfer of problems with all their mights that arose problems and difficulties arising between lovers. Who will take part in the show about love, what life stories will hear the viewers of the first channel, what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe transfer - all this is still holding in the strictest secrecy. It is only known that the first releases of the program about love are scheduled for autumn 2016, and now there are shooting on the film studio of Gorky ... Look at the site all the full releases of the new entertainment project of the first channel "About love" of the 2016 season ......

Original title: About love
Country Russia
Year: 2016.
Genre: Entertainment Show
Leaders: Sergey Shnurov, Sophico Shevardnadze
Channel: First