Why gone "While all at home. Get away from the first

Why gone "While all at home. Get away from the first

Entertaining Sundayprogram, watering within 25 years on the first channel. The creators of the transmission initially defined its genre as "People's Entertainment and Soul-Soothing Show".

Ether time: on Sundays at 10:30.

Transmission While all at home"He was invented because in Sunday morning the air was the" window "where it was necessary to put the program, as the task was then formulated -" an analogue of the "morning mail". At the same time, it should have been focused on a family view.

During the existence of the Timur Kizyakov program, along with the film crew "While all at home" visited more than 800 families.

Permanent leading program While all at home"From November 8, 1992 to June 4, 2017, Timur Kizyakov was. Leading heading " You will have a child"The program appeared on the air from September 3, 2006 was the wife of Timur Elena Kizyakov. In addition, from the moment of entering the ether of the program and on December 26, 2010, there was a heading " crazy hands"Who led the" Honored Crazyman "(or" People's Village ") Andrei Bakhmetyev.

In a programme " While all at home"The presenter never asked the heroes provocative questions and did not report fried facts from their biographies. Spectators, together with the lead, were guests in the houses of Russian cinema stars, show business and sports and became witting the spiritual conversation of Timur Kizyakov with the heroes of the show.

About transfer while all at home

Since 1992, Timur Kizyakov, as part of the program "While all at home" came to the houses to the stars and talked with them about life and work, but first of all, of course, about the family. After all, "while all the houses" always positioned as a family transfer, therefore there was no place for pompous statements, slogans, disputes and conflicts - only good home communication, comfort and joy.

The whole family of the Heroes of the program was going to the tea table: Children, Parents, Grandparents; Heroes dating history, funny cases from life, which necessarily complemented someone from those present, specifying or refuting. Timur allowed the conversation to be carried out unpretentiously, without interrupting the heroes, only directing the conversation, not giving him to sink, and the audience - to bother.

"While all at home" is the most unlocked, the most kind transmission on the first channel; It is impossible to come to someone else's house and behave in Hamski. And most importantly, there is no need, "said Timur Kizyakov.

In "While all at home" there were several columns, each of which is its own topic. In the heading " Beast My»Translations" While all at home "described, as follows from the name, about the domestic pets of the transmission heroes. " For all articles"- the legal page of the transfer" While all at home "in which Taras Naumenko helped recognize fraudsters and protect against them. Pets of domestic craftsmen Andrei Bakhmetyev In the heading " Crazy hands"She told and showed how to make useful things and fixtures from any homely.

In September 2006, another heading appeared in the program "While all at home" - sad, but complete hopes " You will have a child" In the heading, led Elena KizyakovaWe were talking about the small inhabitants of orphanages - the kids who are waiting for their receptions. From 2011 to 2017, the program remained only a rubric "You will have a child."

In 1996 and 2006, the program "While all at home" was awarded the TEFI premium in the nomination "Best Cognitive Program". In 2015, the creators of the program received the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of media for the implementation of the Child Video project.

It is worth noting that the show in the program "While all at home" has repeatedly increased the chances of children (some of which suffer from serious illness) to be seen and adopted in the family. Information and search engine for adoptive parents - video mobility. This is a 40-minute thematic video about every child. At one time, more than one and a half thousand video communications were made. The site on which they were laid out, visited about 600 thousand people. The video mobility allowed to get acquainted with the child in absentia, it would not be injured in any way, and to take a unanimous decision: so that everyone was "for" in the family. Thousands of children were arranged in the video milking in families.

Interesting facts about the transfer while all at home

Timur Kizyakov, leading transmission "While all at home", has always come to visit with his slippers.

The program action occurred necessarily at the table. For the table does not "vicked", it was removed from it all the brilliant: bottles and glasses. Only once on the table "lit up" a bottle of wine: Visiting Valentina Talyzin. As it happened, no one can say for sure.

In the transfer "While all at home" was a rule: the table should be modest, because the program is the morning. But the shooting was often held in a deep evening, and the owners, waiting for Kizyakov, were preparing snacks.

The very first program "While all at home" was filmed from Oleg Tabakov. Gathering to visit, presenter, operators and director rushed at the cakes.

Already in the second program cake bought the owner himself Sergey Prokhanov. This Timur Kizyakov cake recalls for a long time, because he did not get any crumbs: he asked questions until everyone was treated with an appetite. After this case, the cakes were decided not to cut.

The participants of the program "While all at home" were people who are accustomed to the camera, and sometimes they asked to shoot them not in the kitchen. So, Stas Sadalsky wanted to be filmed in a marble bath, Yevgeny Osin - standing on the pigeon, and Natalia Sturm - Sitting on a horse. But these were exclusion from the rules.

Scandal with the closure of the program while all at home

The scandal around the popular program "While all at home" broke out after at the end of 2016, the media published information that the creators of the television show allegedly make money on the production of video edoms for orphans.

As TASS reported, Kizyakov created the video mobility of orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, while one video essay was estimated at 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. Timur Kizyakov filed claims to court against charity organizations that did the same video edom of children from other children's homes, but on their own and with the involvement of volunteers.

The first channel took up the inspection of the information during which it turned out that Timur Kizyakov LLC "House", which made the program since 2016, received money for this heading of three sources: from a broadcaster channel (for the production of an outsource program), states (for Production of video editions) and from sponsors (manufacturer of ceramic tiles).

In August 2017, it was information that in May "First Channel", a contract with the manufacturer of the program. The cause of termination was the confirmation of the fact of financial fraud by the leading programs of Timur and Elena Kyzyakov.

Despite the refutations from Timur Kizyakov, the first channel closed the program "While all at home", giving the official explanation of RIA Novosti: "The transfer has fallen several years, while manufacturers did not want to change anything. The point in this question put the scandal with the so-called video edom of orphans for the heading "You will have a child." After that, the confidence of the audience fell to the transfer. "

The leading program "While all at home" Timur Kizyakov said RBC that the creators of the program themselves terminated the contract with the "first channel". Kizyakov said that the working methods of the leadership of the steel channel for the project "unacceptable" project

Timur Kizyakov (photo: Sergey Kuznetsov / RIA Novosti)
The leading "While all at home" Timur Kizyakov said RBC that the television company "House", which was engaged in the production of the program, decided to terminate cooperation with the "first channel".
According to him, the official letter to terminate the cooperation of the TV company "House" sent the "first channel" on May 28. "[Letter] official. It in our outgoing papers, with the outgoing number is registered when it is taken by the "first channel", it clarified.
"The summary of the letter can be formulated as follows: the methods that the" First Channel "leadership began to adhere to us, so we stop cooperation," said Kizyakov in conversation with RBC.
He also added that the decision no longer remove the program for the "First Channel" program was made due to the fact that it became unbearable to work. " "We have taken such a decision, this is not my personal, the team supports," said Kizyakov.
Earlier, RBC reported that the "Channel One" decided to stop the show of the program "While all at home", which since 1992, from 1992, because of the scandal with the financing of video shooting on orphans, which was involved in the house "House", as well as her Owners of Timur and Elena Kizyakov. "The main reason is the spoiled reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some actions from the "First Channel", - said the source RBC.
At the same time, Timur Kizyakov during the preparation of the material earlier, RBC declared today that it is not known anything about the termination of cooperation with the "first channel". "I do not have such information, I'm departing," he said during the first conversation with RBC.
Later, in a conversation with RBC, Kizyakov said that "in a different way" treats the "story" that the channel accepted "on the basis of some scandals".

"I am a different tract. Channel Now you need to save your face at any cost and find the reasons for the reason to be in them, "the TV host said.

Essential time: long-lived transmission on Russian television
According to Kizyakov himself, he and his colleagues in December 2016 became the victim of the "colossal chamber" that they were making themselves on the set of videos about children who need adoption.
He noted that at that time "Channel One" simply moved to the side and pretended to do not know them, and only now I found a way to "save my face."
The fact that the company "Video Communication of the Child", LLC "Video Comfort-Tula" and the Charitable Foundation "Video Comfort", which belong to the creators of the program "While all at home", received funding in the amount of 110 million rubles. To create videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, at the end of December 2016 reported the newspaper "Vedomosti".
Videos that received the name of the video militant were demonstrated in the heading "You will have a child" program "While all at home" and posted on the "First Channel" website. Rubric told about those in need of adoption of children from orphanages.
For documents of procurement studied by "Vedomosti", the production of one such video edition costs 100 thousand rubles. "Vedomosti" also found out that the creators of "while all at home" have been sued with other charitable organizations that tried to use the term video mobility and receive state contracts for their production.
The representative of the "First Channel" Larisa Krymova then stated that the TV channel did not know that the company - the manufacturer of the program removes the video milking for money received from the state. Crimea also added that the TV channel intends to deal with the fact that this is violating the terms of the contract.
In June 2017, "House" LLC concluded a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science by 10 million rubles. For production of at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. The contract provides that at least 100 rollers with a duration of 30 minutes should be posted on the Internet site, "dedicated to the family device of children left without parental care, with an average monthly attendance of at least 15 thousand unique users. More "at least six" videos, each with a timing of at least six minutes, should be shown "on the federal television channel".

Who else wanted to produce videos?

In the competition, in addition to LLC "House" participated in 2015 Studio Morning LLC, the owner of which is Marina Vladimirovna Romance. In addition, it is a co-owner of Novaya Kompaniya Master LLC, Novaya Company TV Plus LLC and New Company IMJ company LLC. The new company's television group is part of the transcontinental media company Alexander Mitrishenkova. The site of the Foundation "Academy of Russian Television" said that Marina Vladimirovna Romantov was working in the new company's television company and participated in the creation on the TV channel "Russia 1" program "Saturday", the plot of which reminds the plot "While all at home": the presenters come to visit To the star and breakfast talk about life. Studio Morning LLC is engaged in the production of the transfer "Business Morning" about the global economy, family budget and exchange rate on the NTV channel. In March 2017, VTB Bank concluded a contract for the placement of sponsorship advertising in the Business Morning program with 130 million rubles from Studio Morning LLC.
On the Question to the RBC about where 100 new video studies on orphans will now broadcast, the production of which is provided for by this contract, Kizyakov explained that only a small part of the plots extends to the ether. "According to the contract, we are not 100 passports should show, but should show a much smaller number of essentially to make a version. Under the Agreement, the Ministry of Education pays for the production of video militants, we take on the information support of the video ebysports, which includes the esters, but not necessarily in the program "While all at home", the main thing is that it goes to the Grand Spectator. And we guarantee it. We will definitely show [the video provided by the contract], they will be on the ether, "explained Kizyakov. On the question of what channel plots will be broadcast, I could not answer Kizyakov. "We will think now," he said.

"While all at home"

The program "While all at home" is broader from November 1992. Within the framework of the program, its author and leading Timur Kizyakov comes to visit the families of famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, there were several permanent headings in the program. The heading "Crazy handles" went out in 1992-2010, but was closed due to the departure of the leading Andrei Bakhmetyev. In the heading "Beasts of My" tells about the domestic animals of the heroes.
Since September 2006, the rubric "I will have a child will be on the air, which told about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. Her wife led the head of the leading program Elena Kizyakov.
In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the Creators of Translation "While all at home" from 2011 received in tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities about 110 million rubles. on the creation of videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told "Vedomosti" that since 2006, together with his wife and film crew "While all at home", they created about 3 thousand such videos.
The manufacturer of the transmission - the structures of the transcontinental media company Alexander Mitrishenkova, the company "House", registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL), 49.50% of LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share of its long-time business partner Alexander Mitrishenkova, another 1% - at the head of Nina Podcolzina.
The program is three times the laureate of Tefi television award. In July 2017, several times came to the MEDIASCOPE rating of the 100 most popular gears among Russians over four years old, ranked 39-56 in it.

The TV program "While all at home" will no longer go out on the "First Channel", recognized RBC. Channel Rodorg A contract with the company - the manufacturer "While all at home" after the scandal with the financing of filming of videos about orphans

"Channel One" is a corner with a company that was engaged in the production of the program "While all at home". The RBC reported this source familiar with the process of working a television channel with third-party content manufacturers. Since the program of the TV channel does not belong and was created by the manufacturer, go to the ether of the "Channel One" "While all at home" will no longer.

Information on termination of the contract with the manufacturers of one of the oldest programs of the "First Channel" confirmed another source of RBC. "It is a fact. And the decision to terminate the contract with the company ["House", which has produced the program "While all at home"] was adopted today, and about a month ago, "the RBC told the source at the" First Channel ", close to the leadership.

According to the source, the termination of the contract with LLC "House" happened according to the results of the internal audit organized by the TV channel after the media appeared reports that the leading "While all at home" Timur and Elena Kizyakov immediately from several sources took money on Production of the so-called video edom of orphans, which were demonstrated in the heading "You will have a child."

Category "You will have a child" told about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. "The channel check began as soon as the first publications appeared in the media. As a result, information about the fraud was confirmed, and it was decided to close the program, "the source of RBC explained. "The main reason is the spoiled reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some actions from the "First Channel", - added the interlocutor.

According to the source of RBC, it turned out that the company received money for this heading from the TV channel (for the production of the program on outsource), the state (for the production of so-called children's video communications) and from sponsors (for example, from the manufacturer of Kerama Marazzi ceramic tiles).

According to the source of RBC on the "First Channel", the production of the program "While all at home" was engaged in the "House", registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL), 49.5% of LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share of his long-standing business partner Alexander Mitrishenkova, another 1% - at the head of the company Nina Podcolzina.

The press service of the "First Channel" has not yet commented on RBC information about termination of the contract with the manufacturer of the program "While all at home". RBC sent an official request to the "Channel One".

TV preset program "While all at home" Timur Kizyakov informed RBC that he was unknown to terminate the contract. "I don't have such information, I'm departing," he said in a conversation with RBC.

The co-owner of the company "House" Alexander Mitrushenkov said RBC that nothing could comment, since he has no information. " "I first hear about it from you," Mitroshenkov added, responding to RBC to the question of termination by the "first channel" of the contract with the company "House" for the production of the program "While all at home".

Funding filming of video militants

The fact that companies that belong to the creators of the program "While all at home" received funding in the amount of 110 million rubles. To create videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, at the end of December 2016 reported the newspaper "Vedomosti". According to the procurement documents studied by "Vedomosti", the production of one such video milking costs 100 thousand rubles.

According to RBC, in June 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science concluded a contract for 10 million rubles from LLC "House". For the development of at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. According to the contract, the roller timing should be 30 minutes, including eight minutes with the participation of the child himself. The contract also provides for the production and publication on the federal television channel at least six videos, each with a timing of at least 6 minutes. This part of the contract must be executed until October 3, 2017.

The representative of the "Channel One" Larisa Krymova then reported publishing that the TV channel was not aware that the company - the manufacturer of the program removes the video milk for money received from the state. She also reported that the TV channel intends to understand whether this is violating the terms of the contract.

According to the newspaper, for one release of the transfer "While all at home", the "first channel" pays about 1.5 million rubles. The heading "You will have a child" also have a separate sponsor - the manufacturer of KERAMA Marazzi tiles, some of these money also receive transmission creators.

Over the heading "You will have a child" Alexander Mitrushenkov, Timur Kizyakov and Elena Kizyakov in 2015 received a prize of the Russian government in the field of media.

According to MediaScope, "While all at home" is among the 100 most popular programs among Russians over the age of four.

In addition to LLC "House", according to Spark-Interfax, Timur Kizyakov, together with Elena Kizyakova and Alexander Mitroshenkov, is the founder of the Video Communication Charitable Foundation, "Video Communication Child" LLC, and Video Comfort-Tula LLC. In addition, along with Alexander Mitroshenkov, he is co-owner LLC "While all at home."

It is these companies, as previously wrote "Vedomosti", in 2011-2014 won state tenders for the creation of video communications about orphans and received state contracts for their production. At the same time with charitable organizations who tried to use the term "video-communicate", the creators of "while all at home" were sued. "Vedomosti" for December 2016 managed to detect two such claims - one is recalled, and on the second owner of the trademark received compensation of 20 thousand rubles.

"While all at home"

The program "While all at home" is broader from November 1992. Within the framework of the program, its author and leading Timur Kizyakov comes to visit the families of famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, there were several permanent headings in the program. The heading "Crazy handles" went out in 1992-2010, but was closed due to the departure of the leading Andrei Bakhmetyev. In the heading "Beasts of My" tells about the domestic animals of the heroes.

Since September 2006, the rubric "I will have a child will be on the air, which told about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. Her wife led the head of the leading program Elena Kizyakov.

In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the Creators of Translation "While all at home" from 2011 received in tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities about 110 million rubles. on the creation of videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told "Vedomosti" that since 2006, together with his wife and film crew "While all at home", they created about 3 thousand such videos.

The manufacturer of the transmission - the structures of the transcontinental media company Alexander Mitrishenkova, the company "House", registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL), 49.50% of LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share of its long-time business partner Alexander Mitrishenkova, another 1% - at the head of Nina Podcolzina.

The program is three times the laureate of Tefi television award. In July 2017, several times came to the MEDIASCOPE rating of the 100 most popular gears among Russians over four years old, ranked 39-56 in it.

With participation: Philiplex Aleksenko

At the end of last year, Kizyakov told "Vedomosti" that in 10 years they, together with his wife Elena Kizyakova and the film crew "While all at home", created about 3,000 children's video communications, a "first" video, a small transformed version of the video edom. These rollers were shot at the expense of the television channel and sponsors won on the tender: "The state financed of our work was never a secret, no one hid it," but Kizyakov did nothing on it. The cost of one roller is 100,000 rubles, he said. He assured that he did not declare the real value of the roller on tenders, since 100,000 rubles. And it looks like a frightening amount: "And we will not be able to justify the estimate of unforeseen expenses, if the children we arrived to shoot, get sick." It is impossible to save on the quality of the rollers, he is sure.

Tenders for the creation of video militants about the orphans won four companies, the founders of which - Kizyakov, his wife and Mitroshenkov: LLC "Video Comfort", LLC "Video Communication of the Child", NPO "CHARBORITY FUND" CIDS "and" DOM \u200b\u200b"LLC". Most of the procurement of rollers about the orphans Regional authorities in 2011-2014. produced at the only supplier - companies associated with "while all at home." Officials justified such a purchase by the fact that the company registered the trademark "Video-Comfort" and alternative suppliers of this service search on the Internet does not discover. With charitable organizations that have tried to use this term, the creators of "while all at home" have been sued. "Vedomosti" found two such claims, one recalled, according to the second owner of a trademark received compensation at 20,000 rubles. To declare only one trademark in the tender documentation illegally - officials must indicate alternatives, says the head of the Antimonopoly Service Goltsblat Nikolai Voznesensky: "But to challenge the results of the tender will be problematic. Only a company that filed an application for participation in the tender, but was rejected. "

About the State Financing of Video Comforts became known after the meeting in the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Tatyana Vinogradov and the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent wrote, the employee of the Ministry of Ear of Evgeny Sillanov said that Kizyakov receives money from the budget to the creation of clips about orphans and suits others Charitable funds, if they are trying to use the term "video milking". The representative of the ministry yesterday did not respond to the questions of the Vedomosti.

Mitroshenkov did not answer the calls of the Vedomosti. The representative of the "Channel One" from comment refused.

Kizyakov confirmed "Vedomosti", which will no longer produce a program for the "Channel One". He insists that the manufacturer of the transfer - the "House" LLC - in early June, on his own initiative, he sent an official notice to the "first channel", which will no longer create transmission for them: "We have done this because of unacceptable methods of working the channel management." The essence of the claims of Kizyakov refused to reveal. "Nothing is known to us that the channel still allegedly decided not to work with us," he emphasizes.

Also, Kizyakov insists that the breaking of relationships with the "first" for the company "House" is not directly related to the scandal around the video militants: "Although we were extremely unpleasant that the channel did not protect us in this situation."