The most famous and richest people of the Russian Empire. The main merchant dynasties of the Russian Empire Famous Russian merchants

The most famous and richest people of the Russian Empire. The main merchant dynasties of the Russian Empire Famous Russian merchants
The most famous and richest people of the Russian Empire. The main merchant dynasties of the Russian Empire Famous Russian merchants

Mercury is a trade estate. There is in Russia from ancient times. In the notes of Byzantine Imp. Constantine Bagryanorogennoe tells about the activities of Russian merchants in the 1st floor. X in. According to him, from November of the month, as soon as the road was frozen and a sledaway was installed, Russian merchants left the city and went deep into the country. All the winter they bought the goods to grant the goods, and also collected from the residents of tribute to pay for the protection that the city gave them. In the spring, the merchants returned to Kiev on the Dnieper with a hollow water and on the courts prepared by the time they went to Tsargrad. It was difficult and dangerous was this way. And only a big guard saved the caravan of Smolensk, Lishech, Chernihiv, Novgorod, Zhegorkinskie merchants from numerous robbers. Blowing the Dnieper, went out into the sea, holding the shore, because at any time, the quilts could die from the steep wave.
In Tsargrad, Russian merchants traded six months. According to the contract, they could not remain for the winter. They placed them not in the city itself, but at the Saint Mom (Monastery of St. Mamanta). During his stay in Tsargrad, Russian merchants used various benefits provided by the Greek emperor. In particular, they sold their goods and bought Greek, without paying duty; In addition, they were allocated free food and allowed to use the bath. At the end of the bargain, the Greek authorities provided our merchants edible goods and ship tackles. Returned home not earlier than October, and there was no longer the November again, and it was necessary to go deep into the country, to the grades, selling what was brought from Byzantium, and buy goods for foreign trade for the next year. Such entrepreneurial activity was carried out by Russia not one century. The cycle of trading life played a huge role in the development and association of Russian lands. An increasingly greater number of people became involved in this economic activity, becoming blood interested in its results.
However, Russian merchants led the trade not only with the Tsargrad, from where the silk fabrics were exported, gold, lace, wine, soap, sponges, various delicacies. Bolshaya Trade was carried out with Varyags, which bought bronze and iron products (especially swords and axes), Tin and lead, as well as with Arabs - from where the beads came to the country, precious stones, carpets, safyan, sabers, spices.
The fact that the trade was carried out very large, testifies the nature of the treasures of the time that is still in abundance are near the old towns, on the shores of large rivers, on wolf, near the former polls. In these treasures are not uncommon Arab, Byzantine, Roman and Western European coins, including even minted in the VIII century.
There were many shopping and commercial settlements around Russian cities. It was converged here for trading, or, as they called, "Guests", merchants, Bobrovniki, Bortnikov, Hormols, Smolokur, Lykoders and other then "industrialists". These places received the name of the mistakes (from the word "Guest"). Later, after the adoption of Christianity, in these places, as the most visited, the churches were built and cemeteries were placed. Transactions were made here, contracts were concluded, the tradition of fair trade was made from here. The churches in the basements were kept necessary for trade inventory (scales, measures), the goods were consumed, and trading contracts were stored. For this clergy charged a special duty from merchants.
The first Russian audience of Russian law was permeated by the spirit of merchants. When you read his articles, you are convinced that he could arise in society, where trade was the most important occupation, and the interests of the inhabitants are closely related to the result of trading operations.
True, "the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky writes, - strictly distinguishes the return of property for storage -" fuck "from the" loan ", a simple loan, a favor of friendship from the return of money in growth from a certain agreed percentage, the percentage loan is short-term - from Long-term and finally, the loan is from the Trade Commission and the contribution to the trade company enterprise from an indefinite lady or dividend. True, it is further given a certain procedure for collecting debts from an untenabolic debtor when eliminating his affairs, knows how to distinguish the inconsistency of maliciousness from the unfortunate. What is a trade loan and the operation on credit - well known to the Russian truth. Guests, non-resident or foreign merchants, "launched the goods" for merchants of the native, that is, they sold them in debt. The merchant gave a guest, a merchant fellow countryman who traded with other cities or lands, "Kuna in Buy", to the commission for the purchase of goods on the side; The capitalist entrusted to the merchant "Kuna in Guest", for turnover from the Barysh. "
City entrepreneurs, rightly notes Klyuchevsky, were that employees, the rivals of the Prince of Power, which reflected their large role in society. The legislation of Russian cherished the life of the merchant, the penalty was abandoned by his head twice as long as the head of a simple person (12 hryvnia and 5-6 hryvnia).

A successful increase in merchant activities in ancient Russia was confirmed by the development of credit relations. Novgorod Fombing (Clement), who lived in K. XII - N. XIII century, combined his wide trading activities with the provision of loans (return of money in growth). The cloyt was a member of the "merchant hundred" (the union of Novgorod entrepreneurs), it was mainly affordably afforded fisheries and cattle breeding. By the end of his life, he belonged to four villages with gardens. Before his death, he was the spiritual, which listed over a dozen different kinds of people associated with entrepreneurial activities. From the list of debtors, cities shows that he also issued "Pravish Silver", for which percentages were charged in the form of an approach. The activity of the cloyt was such that he not only provided loans, but also took them. So, he bequeathed in the payment of debt to his creditors Danil and the warrior two villages. All its state of the cloyt tested the Novgorod Yuryev Monastery - typical of that time case.
One of the most characteristic merchant cities was Novgorod the Great. Trade there lived a majority of the population here, and the merchant was considered the main figure, which fairy tales and legends were about. A typical example - Novgorod epics about the merchant Sadko.
Novgorod merchants led their trade and commercial activity by artels, or companies that made themselves well armed detachments. Merchant artels in Novgorod numbered dozens, depending on the goods they produced, or the terrain where they went to trade. There were, for example, Pomeranov merchants who were trading in the Baltic or White Seas, the lower merchants who had cases in the Suzdal region, etc.
The most solid Novgorod merchants were united in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Association", then "Ivanovo Hundred", which had its own center near the church of St. John the Forerunner in Opera. A public seating courtyard was located here, where merchants folded their products, and also "Gridnitsa" (Big Chamber), a kind of hall for business meetings. At the General Meeting of "Ivanovo a hundred", merchants chose an older who led the affairs of this "Association", watched the public cash register and the design of business documents.
Near the church passed a bargaining, there were special scales under which elected jury were observed for the correct weight and trade. For weighing, as well as the sale of goods, a special duty was charged. In addition to high weights near the church, small, which served for weighing precious metals, whose ingots replaced coins.
The contradictions that arose between merchants and buyers were solved in a special trading court, whose chairman was thousands of.
The merchants who were entering "Ivanovo Hundred" possessed great privileges. In case of financial difficulties, they provided a loan or even quoted care. With dangerous trading operations from Ivanovo Hundred, you could get an armed detachment for protection.
However, only a very wealthy merchant could join Ivanovo. To do this, at the Association Cassus, it was necessary to make a big contribution - in 50 hryvnia - and, moreover, donate to the Church of St. John in Okoka is almost 30 hryvnias (for this money you could buy a flock of 80 oxen). But, joining Ivanovo, the merchant and his children (participation was hereditary) immediately occupied the honorary position in the city and received all the privileges associated with this.
Large mutually beneficial trade of Novgorod merchants led to the Hanseatic Union. Novgorod merchants bought across Russia and sold linen fabrics, isolated leather, resin, and high quality wax, hops, stroke forest, honey, fur, bread. From Hanseans, Novgorod merchants received wine, metals, salt, saffyan, gloves, painted yarn and different luxury items.
A highly developed system of merchant entrepreneurship with people's self-government was the main conditions for the economic prosperity of ancient Novgorod, which was repeatedly noted by foreign merchants and travelers.
In addition to "Ivanovo a hundred" in Russian cities, there were other professional associations of merchants. In the XIV-XVI centuries. Trade entrepreneurs who had shops at the city trade ("Rows") united in self-governed organizations whose members were called "rowers".
The rankings were ordered by the territory allotted under the bench, had their elected elder, had special rights to sell their goods. Most often, their center was the patronal church (the goods were kept in the basements), they often provided even judicial functions. The property position of the merchants was unequal. The most rich was the "guests-Surozen" - merchants who were trading with the Souther and other cities of the Black Sea region. The merchants of the Sukonny series were wealthy - "Swincniki" who traded bridally from the west cloth. In Moscow, the Church of John Zlatoust was the patronized temple of "guests-Surezhan". Belonging to the Moscow guests corporation was apparent about the same rules as in the Novgorod "Ivanovo Service". The situation in this corporation was also hereditary. Guests headed the merchant caravans sent to the Crimea.
Already in the XV century. Russian merchants lead trading with Persia and India. Tverskaya merchant Athanasius Nikitin at 1469 visits India and, in fact, opens it to Russia.
In the era of Ivan the Groznyy symbol of Russian merchants, the vigorous activity of the merchants Ya.I. and G. I. Stroganov, the efforts of which begin to actively master the Russians of the Urals and Siberia. A kilburger, who visited Moscow to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich in the Swedish Embassy, \u200b\u200bnoted that all Muscovites "from the most notable to the most famous merchants, which is the reason for the fact that more shopping shops are placed in Moscow than in Amsterdam or at least another Prince. "
Some cities in appearance resembled motley trade fairs. The widespread development of trade was noted in earlier times. Foreigners who have visited Moscow XV century, pay special attention to the abundance of edible commodity products, which indicated the widespread development of commodity relations among the peasantry, and by no means about the dominance of natural economy.
According to the description of Venetian Josafat Barbaro, "there are such many bulls, pigs and other animals in Moscow, completely already encouraged and frozen, which at a time you can buy up to two hundred pieces ... abundance in bread and meat so here is great that the beef is selling Not on the weight, but by the chaperation. " Another Venetian, Ambrose Contarini, also suggests that Moscow "abounds of all kinds of bread" and "life supplies in it are cheap." Contarini tells that every year at the end of October, when r. Moscow is covered with strong ice, the merchants put on this ice "shops their own with different goods and, arranged the whole market in this way, stop their almost completely trading in the city." To the market, located on the Moscow River, merchants and peasants "daily, in the continuation of the whole winter bring bread, meat, pigs, firewood, hay and other necessary supplies." At the end of November, "all the surrounding residents kill their cows and pigs and take them into the city for sale ... Look at this is a huge number of frozen cattle, completely already encouraged and standing on ice on the hind legs."
Handicrafts traded in shops, in the markets and in workshops. Already in deep antiquity, a number of cheap mass products manufactured by urban artisans (beads, glass bracelets, cross, straight degrees) were distributed by merchants-kontairniki throughout the country.
Russian merchants led large trading with other countries. Their trips to Lithuania, Persia, Khiva, Bukhara, Crimea, Cafa, Azov, and others are known. The subject of trade was not only raw materials and products of mining crafts, exported from Russia (Forest, Forest, Wax), but also products of Russian artisans (YUFTI, Single-rod, fur coats, canvas, saddles, arrows, sahadaks, knives, dishes, etc.). In 1493, Mengly Garya asks Ivan III to send him 20 thousand arrows. Crimean Tsarevichi and Princes appealed to Moscow asking for the sending of shells and other armor. Later, in the XVII century, a huge trade of Russian goods was going through Arkhangelsk - in 1653 the amount of export through the port of the city abroad was St. 17 million rubles. Gold (at N. XX century).
The scale of Russian trade amazed foreigners who visited our country. "Russia, he wrote at the very beginning of the XVII century. The Frenchman is larger, - a very rich country, as it does not take out money at all, but they are imported every year in large quantities, since all calculations they produce goods that have in many, it is: a variety of furs, waxes, bass, cow and horsepower. Other skin painted in red, flax, hemp, every kind of rope, Kaviar, that is, caviar of salt fish, they are in large quantities to be exported to Italy, then salty salns, many fish fat and other goods. As for bread, then, although it is very much, they do not risk to take it out of the country towards Livonia. Moreover, they have a lot of potash, linen seed, yarn and other goods that they exchange or sell without buying alien to cash, and even the emperor ... orders to pay bread or wax. "
In the XVII century In Moscow, the merchant, a merchant estate from the category of heavy people stands out to a special group of urban, or landing people, which, in turn, was divided into guests, living room and cloudy hundreds and Slobods. The highest and honorable place belonged to guests (they were in the XV century. There were no more than 30 people).
The title of guest was obtained the largest entrepreneurs, with trade turnover at least 20 thousand per year - the amount is huge at that time. All of them were close to the king, free from the payment of duties made by merchants rank downwards, occupied the highest financial positions, and also had the right to buy in their own gains.
Members of the living room and the cloudy hundred (in the XVII century there was approx. 400) used the great privileges, they held a prominent place in the financial hierarchy, but inferior to guests in "honor". The living rooms and the juice hundreds had self-government, their shared affairs peak away the elected heads and elders.
The lowest discharge of merchants was represented by the inhabitants of black hundreds and Slobod. These were predominantly handicraft self-governing organizations that produced goods that were selling themselves. This discharge, relatively speaking, non-professional merchants amounted to strong competition to the merchandise professionals of higher discharges, since Black hundreds, trading its own products, could sell it cheaper.
In major cities, Poshesky people who have the right to trade, shared on the best, medium and young. Sphere of activity of Russian merchants XVII century. Was wide, reflected the entire geography of the economic development of Russia. From Moscow, six main trade routes began - Belomorsky (Vologda), Novgorod, Volga, Siberian, Smolensk and Ukrainian.
Belomorsky (Vologda) path went through Vologda in Sukhon and Northern Dvina to Arkhangelsk (earlier to the Kholmogo) and on the White Sea, and from there to overseas countries. The famous centers of Russian entrepreneurship for this way are: Great Ustyug, Totma, Solchevydsk, Yarensk, Ust-Sysolsk, who granted thousands of people.
All R. XVI in. Russian entrepreneurs received the right of duty-free trade with England (she walked Belomorsk), had several buildings in London for their needs. Russians were carried to England Fur, Len, Hey, Beef Salo, Yuft, Vorvan, Resin, Delet, and got fabrics, sugar, paper, luxury items.
The most important transshipment center on this path was Vologda, where the goods from Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and other cities, were overlooked the whole winter, and then they were heading to Arkhangelsk, from where, in turn, it came from the autumn to send goods to Moscow.
Novgorod (Baltic) Trade Way came from Moscow to Tver, Torzhok, Vyshny Volochek, Valdai, Pskov, then to the Baltic Sea. This way in Germany went Russian flax, hemp, fat, leather and red yuff. The Volga Path took place in Moscow-River, Oka and Volga, and then through the Caspian Sea to Persia, Khiva and Bukhara.
The main entrepreneurial center on this path was N. Novgorod with a Makarev Fair located next to him. The path from N. Novgorod to Astrakhan overcomed by Russian merchants for about a month. They walked caravans out of 500 and more vessels with great security. And even on such caravans from time to time, robbery attacks. The merchants sailed and stayed in local business centers - Cheboksary, Sviyazsk, Kazan, Samara, Saratov.
Trading with Khiva and Bukharoy was held in the Karagan Railway, where merchant vessels came from Astrakhan, and local merchants came to the meeting with them. Trade was given OK. month. After that, a part of the Russian courts returned to Astrakhan, and the other went to Derbent and Baku, from where the merchants had already traveled to Shemakh and traded with Persians.
The Siberian Way was watered from Moscow to N. Novgorod to Solikamsk. From Solikamsk, merchants engaged to Verkhoturia, where there was a large bargaining with Vogulas, and then again with water to Tobolsk, through Turinsk and Tyumen. Then the road went to the Yeniseisk past Surgut, Naryma. In Yeniseisk, a large seating courtyard was arranged.
From Yeniseisk, the path flew towards Ilimsk Ostrog on Tungusk and Ilim. Part of the merchants followed further, reaching Yakutsk and Okhotsk, penetrating even on Cupid.
The main entrepreneurial center of Russia trade with China was Nerchinsk, where a special seating courtyard was built. The main goods that bought or have been updated on this path were fur and animal skins, from central Russia to Siberia was brought iron, weapons, fabrics.
Smolensk (Lithuanian) The path was made from Moscow through Smolensk to Poland, but because of the permanent wars, this path for broad trade was used relatively little. Moreover, in Moscow, I was very reluctant to have taken the Polish and Jewish merchants who had a bad reputation, and Russian merchants avoided relations with merchants of the town of Poland.
The Steppe Little Russian (Crimean) path ran through Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh Territory, went to the Don steppes, and from there in the Crimea. The main entrepreneurial centers, which took place to this path, were Lebedyan, Putivl, Elets, Kozlov, Shortyak, Ostrogozhsk, Belgorod, Valuyki.
A wide range of basic tract and business activities was clearly indicated about the gigantic efforts embedded in the economic development of the vast territory of Russia. In ancient Russia, this activity has been connected with waybirth. By selling those or other goods, Russian merchants often took part in organizing their production, especially the production of wax, bass, resin, tar, salt, yufts, leather, and the production and smelting of metals and producing various products from them.
Russian merchant from Poshesky People Yaroslavl Grigory Leontievich Niknikov led large trade in European Russia, Siberia, Central Asia and Iran. But the basis of his wealth was the trade of the Siberian Furser. He built the rooks and vessels, transporting different goods, bread and salt. In 1614 he gets a guest title. From 1632 Nihnikov invests capital in the excreated industry. In to. 1630s in the Solikamsk district, Niktnikov belonged to 30 varnarits, on which, in addition to dependent people, St. 600 employees. Niktnikov holds a whole range for selling salts in different cities, located for the flow of the Volga and Oaks and related rivers: in Vologda, Yaroslavl, Kazan, N. Novgorod, Kolomna, Moscow and Astrakhan.
For a long time, the Center for the Trade Activities of Nikitnikova was his native city of Yaroslavl with an extensive courtyard belonging to His ancestors. According to old descriptions, the estate of the merchant Nikitnikov turns into a real Shopping Center of Yaroslavl, becomes a nodal trading point in which the Volga and Eastern goods came from Astrakhan, with Western goods, which brought from Arkhangelsk and Vologda. Here, Niknikov was built in the 1613 wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Not far from the estate stood the famous Spassky monastery, next to which was the market. Closer to r. SOTRY was placed salt and fish barns of nicnic. In 1622, Niktnikov over the orders of the king moves to Moscow, its shopping center is also moved. In China, Niktnikov builds rich chambers and the beautiful Church of the Trinity in Nicnics (it has been preserved so far). On the Red Square of Nihnikov will acquire his own shops in Sukonnogo, Souroog, cap and silver rows. Niktnikov builds large warehouses for maintaining wholesale. His house becomes a place to meet the rich merchants and conclusion of transactions. The names of major Moscow guests of the XVII century are inscribed in the synodics of the Church of the Trinity., Who were in personal and related relationships with the owner.
A merchant Niktnikov became famous not only by entrepreneurship, but also by his social and patriotic activities. In n. XVII century He is a young Zemsky Older, a signature stands in the lists of participants of the first and second Zemstvo militia created in Yaroslavl to combat Polish and Swedish invaders. Niktnikov constantly participated in the undersecution of state elected services, assists in the Zemstvo Cathedrals, participated in the compilation of petition king from guests and merchants, who were looking for protection of the interests of Russian trade and limit the privileges of foreign merchants. He was bold and confident in herself, leaning and careful in payments, did not like to drop, but did not like to give a debt, although he had to give a lot often, even the most king herself, who kicked him in the award of silver buckets and dear stone. The life researcher Grigory Nikitnikova testifies to him as "about a man of business and practical, deep insightful mind, hard memory and will, with a steep decisive character and great life experience. Through all his instructions, the requirement for the preservation of family and economic order is invariably, as he was with him. The same business tone sounds in the punishment of maintaining adventure in the churches built by him and at the disposal about the accurate contributions of duties in the treasury for Salt Varnitz. "
All his capital of Niktnikov bequeathed not to crush, but he handed over to the joint and inseparable possession of the two grandchildren: "... and the grandson of my Boris, and the grandson of my Gregory to live in the Council and to industrial together, and the Buda who will live Neist and Money and Other The belongings will be the relatives to hand out and sidelines, one without the advice of his brother, and he is the blessing of my and the order is devoid, to the house of Miere and there is no reason to the belonging. " Dying (in 1651), a merchant of Niktnikov testifies: "... And the church of God to decorate with all sorts of lepts, and incense, and candles, and the church's wine, and the priest and other clerk to give together the Church of God without singing and not for What did not happen, as was with me, Georgia. In addition to its Moscow church, he asked to take care of the temples built in salt Kama and Yaroslavl.
One of the characteristic entrepreneurs of the XVII century. There was a merchant Gavril Romanovich Nikitin, by origin from the black peasants of the Russian Pomerania. Nikitin began its trade activities as a clerk of the guest O. I. Flyseva. In 1679, he became a member of the living room of Hundreds of Moscow, and in 1681 he received the title of a guest. After the death of the Brothers, Nikitin focuses in his hands a big trade, works with Siberia and China, its capital in 1697 was a huge amount of the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Like other merchants, Nikitin is building his church.
In the XVII century In Moscow, the church is built, which has become the holy merchants of all Russia. This is Nikola Big Cross, erected in 1680 Arkhangelsk guests Fuery. The church was one of the most beautiful in Moscow, and in all of Russia. It was blown up in the 1930s.
Russian merchants who traded with foreign countries offered them not only raw materials, but also products high at the time of technology, in particular metal devices. Thus, in the inventory of one of the Czech monasteries under 1394, "Three Iron Castle, in the surroundings called Russians, were documented. In Bohemia, it was, of course, a lot and their famous masters in the metal from the richest ore mountains and suddants. But, obviously, the products of the Russian industry were no worse if they enjoyed fame and success so far abroad. This is the news of the XIV century. confirmed by later sources. So, from "Memory, how to sell Russian goods in the Germans", known in the text of the "Trading Book" 1570-1610, it can be seen that the sale of Russian "Uklade" and other metal products "in the Germans" was common and in the XVI-XVII centuries . Traded and weapons. For example, in 1646 it was removed in Holland 600 guns.
Talking about the famous Russian merchants of the XVII century., It is impossible not to mention the bare bosses, as well as the guests of Hopeing Svetshnikov and Gurev. Bosov led trading with Arkhangelsk and Yaroslavl, bought goods and in the local markets of Primorye, they also bought villages on obtaining a large amount of bread for sale, engaged in usury, but the basis of their enterprise was Siberian trade. Bosov sent to the Siberia of an overview of 50-70 horses, loaded with both foreign goods and a Russian semidial cloth, canvas, iron products. They exported from Siberia Pushnin. So, in 1649-50 169 fortings and 7 pcs were exported. Sobly (6,767 skins); Purchased in large numbers and other fur. In the service of Bosova had 25 cores. They are OR-Ganked in Siberia their own Vatagi, i.e., industrial expeditions in places rich in Sobolem, and also acquired them from local residents and serve people who were charged in Siberia Yasak. High profits also produced for sale in Siberia ingenic and Russian products.
The richest merchants carried the government service on finance as guests, which gave them a number of advantages and provided ample opportunities for further enrichment. The nature of the "initial accumulation" also had methods for creating enterprises. Hopeing Svetshnikov and Gurieva. The rates came out of Yaroslavl Posad people. The merits in front of the new Romanov dynasty brought him award to visit. He led large commerce operations on the Ferry, owned villages with peasants, but also put his funds to the salcity. His wealth was estimated in Ser. XVII century 35.5 thousand rubles. (i.e. approx. 500 thousand rubles. for gold money N. XX century). This is an example of major trading capital and develop it into industrial. Land awards were essential for the enrichment of Svetshnikov and the development of its enterprises. In 1631, he was given huge land ownership of both the banks of the Volga and R. Usa to later Stavropol. Here the rates put 10 Varnits. By 1660, in the hope of Usolye there were 112 peasant yards. Along with hired people, he applied the work of serfs. Retaves built a fortress for protection from nomads, started a brick factory.
From the rich top of the Yaroslavl Posad, Guryev also came out. In 1640, they started fisheries in the mouth of the r. Yaika, put a wooden stort here, then replaced his stone fortress (Guriev).
The development of entrepreneurship in Russia was largely successful. The study of merchant births of Uppervolzhya, conducted by A. Demkin, showed that 43% of all merchant surnames were merchant activities from 100 to 200 years, and almost a quarter to 200 or more years. Three quarters of merchant births numbered less than 100 years old have arisen in Ser. - 2nd floor. XVIII century And they acted until the end of the century. All these surnames moved to the XIX century.
In 1785, Russian merchants receive from Catherine II, a special complained letter, which strongly elevated their position. According to this diploma, all merchants were divided into three guilds.
The first guild includes merchants who owned capital at least 10 thousand rubles. They received the right of wholesale trade in Russia and abroad, as well as the right to start factories and plants. The second guild belonged merchants with capital from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. They received the right of wholesale and retailers in Russia. Third guild was merchants with capital from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. This category of merchants had the right only to retail. The merchants of all the guilds were liberated from the pillow of Podachi (instead they paid 1% from the announced capital), as well as from personal recruitment service.

In addition to merchants of different guilds, the concept of "famous citizens" was introduced. According to the status, they were higher than the merchant of the first guild, for they had to have capital at least 100 thousand rubles. Eminate citizens received the right to have country cottages, gardens, factories and factories.
A significant part of the Russian intelligentsia of the XVIII-XIX centuries. He did not love Russian merchants, despised him, bent them. She represented merchants in short swings and fraudsters, unclean on her hand, wolf-wolf. With her light hand in society, a myth of dirty and dirty "titts" is created, nothing in common with reality. "If the trade rate and in the former Muscovy, and in recent Russia," said P. A. Buryshkin, - it would be actually a collection of swindles and fraudsters who do not have any honor or conscience, then how to explain those huge successes that accompanied the development of Russian national economy and raising the country's productive forces. The Russian industry was created not by official efforts and, with rare exceptions, not by the hands of the noble class. Russian factories were built and equipped with Russian merchants. Industry in Russia has come out of trade. It is impossible to build a healthy business on unhealthy foundation. And if the results speak for themselves, the trade estate was in their mass healthy, and not so vicious. "
"In the Moscow Unwritten Merchant Hierarchy," wrote V. I. Ryabushinsky, "the industry-manufacturer stood at the top of respect, then a merchant merchant was walking, and the man was standing at the bottom, who gave money to growth, took into account the bill, forced capital to work. He was not very respected, no matter how cheap his money was and, as it were, he himself was. Percentage. "
The attitude to this category of the two first was extremely negative, as a rule, they were not allowed on the threshold and, if possible, tried to punish in every way. Most of the Third Group of Deltsov came from the Western and South provinces of Russia.
Before the revolution, the rank of a merchant was acquired by the payment for the guild evidence. Up to 1898, the guild evidence was necessarily for the right of trade. Later - it is not necessary and existed only for persons wishing to use some advantages assigned to merchant title, or participate in the estate control. Advantages: Liberation from corporal punishment (for the traders of the peasant class is very important), right under certain conditions for honorary and hereditary honorary citizenship (giving the benefits of merchant title without the choice and guild certificate), the ability to get the title of commerce adviser (rank with the title of Excellency), some Rights of the formation of children, the right to participate in urban self-government (regardless of the possession of real estate), participation in the estate self-government. The estate merchant self-government was headed by merchant charitable institutions, in the layout of some fees, in the institution with merchant capital, banks, cash registers, in the choice of officials (merchant elders, merchant elders, merchant councils, members of the orphan court from merchants).

Main trading paths

Platonov Oleg Anatolyevich

Russian Old Believers [Tradition, History, Culture] Uruzhev Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Chapter 55. Russian merchants

Chapter 55. Russian merchants

In the Russian Empire, the merchant estate was not only people engaged in buying and selling, but also industrialists, and bankers. The prosperity and well-being of the country depended on them.

The largest entrepreneurs were Old Believers. The main wealth of Russia focused in their hands. At the beginning of the 20th century, their names were widely known: the owners of the porcelain production of Kuznetsov, textile manufacturers of frost, industrialists and bankers Ryabushinsky.

For accessories to the merchant class, it was necessary to sign up in one of the three guilds. The merchants who had capital from 8 thousand rubles were attributed to the Third Guild. From 20 thousand rubles to the second guild. Over 50 thousand rubles - to the first guild.

Frequently depended entire industries and trade: the production of fabric, the manufacture of dishes, and the sale of bread and forest.

Railways, shipping on the Volga, oil peppers in the Caspian Sea - all this belonged to the annel. Without their participation, no large fair was held, no industrial exhibition.

Old Believer industrialists never had technical innovations. In their factories, they used modern machines. In 1904, Stover Dmitry Pavlovich Ryabushinsky (1882-1962) founded the world's first institute of aircraft construction. And in 1916, the family of Ryabushinsky began construction of the Moscow Society Plant (AMO).

The merchants of the Old Believers always remembered the words of Christ: "Do not collect a treasure on earth, where the worm and the waves exterminate and where the thieves are dug and steal. Collect the treasures in the sky, where neither the worm, nor the word exterminate and where the thieves do not dug and do not steal.

For where your treasure is, there will be your heart. "

Even rich, merchants remained loyal than the districts of the angle of the arrear church. Wealth was not for them in itself. They willingly spent money for charity - on the alignment, hospitals, maternity hospitals, orphanagers and educational institutions.

For example, the Moscow merchant of the first guild goat Terentyevich Soldatenkov (1818-1901) was not only a diligent parishioner of the churches of the Rogozhsky cemetery, but also the patron saint of the arts, a disinterested book puberty, generous benefactor.

He not only collected the paintings of Russian artists and ancient icons, but also built the hospital and alone in Moscow. Soldatenkovskaya free hospital for the poor has been preserved until now. Now it is called Botkinskaya.

In the homeflow, the merchants retained the pious customs of the ancestors. The Book of Ivan Sergeyevich Shmelev "Summer Lord" is remarkable about the old-fashioned life of the Moscow merchant family.

The great-grandmother of the writer, Kupchikh Ustigna Vasilyevna Shmeleva was the driving, but during the time of the persecution of Nikolai I passed into a synodal church. However, a lot of strict old-supplied life remained in the family.

The pages of the Bumblebee lovingly resurrect the image of the great-grandmother. Ustinya Vasilyevna Forty years did not bother meat, day and night prayed with a leather flattering on the holy book in front of the reddish icon of the crucifixion, very old ...

Those merchants that did not reject the true faith, were a reliable stronghold of Orthodoxy. They contained old-supplied temples, monasteries and schools. Almost at every merchant house had a chapel, at which the priestly lived secretly.

Description of the Petrovich Boutikova (1800-1874) was preserved in the 19th merchant (1800-1874). She was arranged in the attic and had all the accessories approved by the temple.

It often served as Liturgy Archbishop Anthony. And served not for one merchant family, but for all the old workers. The entrance to the house church in the service in it was unhindered for everyone.

There were three windows on the western wall of the prayer. Eastern wall decorated icons. Returning a few from the wall, a hiking church was set - a pink tank tent with a cross above, with royal gates and a northern diacono door of gilded brocade with pink flowers.

Bryansk merchant Nikola Afanasyevich Promotsed with his wife. Photo 1901

On the sides of the royal gates on hooks, several small icons were hung. On the right and left side of the tent stood Horugwi. In the midst of the tent stood the throne, covered with a pink talker.

However, merchants, as it were, they were, they could not have the opportunity to openly maintain old supplies. In matters of spiritual life, the rich were also diverse, as well as their simple brothers on faith, devoid of many freedoms.

The police and officials could at any time burn into the merchant house, break into the prayer, ruin and desecrate it, grab the clergy and send to the dungeon.

For example, that's what happened on Sundays on September 5, 1865 in the house of Pastavikov's checkpoints in Cheremshan.

Liturgy was held in the house temple. It was already read the gospel, as suddenly suddenly there was a terrible crackle of the broken shine and windows. Through a broken window in a prayer waller Vinogradov with five police officers.

The official was drunk. Dirty brand he stopped lunch. The priest begged to afford to graduate from Liturgy, but Vinogradov entered the altar, grabbed the bowl of wine for the communion, drank and began to eat prosforas.

Ieria and believers came terrified from such blasphemy and did not know what to do. Meanwhile, Vinogradov sat on the throne and, continuing to squander, litter a cigarette from church candles.

The official ordered to grab the priest and praying and be in prison. The hyreus was not allowed to remove the liturgical vestment, so in Rizakh and sent to the caasemate. Pointed pallic was ruined by the police.

The only way to avoid blasphemy and shame was a bribe - forced, but inevitable evil.

It is known, for example, that it was a bribe at the end of the 18th century, Moscow Fedoseevts saved the transfiguration cemetery from ruin. They brought the head of the metropolitan police Pie with a filling of 10 thousand gold rubles.

However, the bribes did not always help. Do not buy everything for money! For any millions of oldaries could not buy liberty to make divine services in the Donikonovsky books, to build temples, call the bells, publish newspapers and magazines, legally open schools.

The desired freedom of the Old Believers found only after the 1905 revolution.

About salvation in the world

(from the letter of Sacred Arts, the priest Stefan Labzin)

Honest Ierie Stefan Fedorovich!

Your letter is a question for Anna Dmitrievna - I received only now, July 13th. You asked for an answer to the 11th, but the numbers did not mean when they sent. I now remain in doubt that my answer did not sleep at the time and, perhaps, it will be already unnecessary. But still answer just in case.

If Anna Dmitrievna was announced by such a sermon that in the world to anyone, let it, let's say, can not be saved, then I am a announcement, who would be said, and in no matter how written, I can not recognize for pious ...

If, on the contrary, they will say that in the world you will not avoid temptations, I will answer in: you will not avoid you and in the desert. If there, perhaps, they will meet them and less, but they are painful. But still the struggle with the temptations both in the world and in the desert to our death should be relentless. And if they set anyone there or Syam into what is the Omut, then, when you hope for the mercy of God, there is a reliable sword of repentance to get out of here.

So, in my opinion, it is impossible to deny salvation for every person in any place. Adam was in paradise and sinned before God. And the lot in Sodom, sinful before God, remained righteous. Although it is impossible to seek a more lull place, but cannot be denying salvation and at any place of the dominacy of the Lord.

And if Anna Dmitrievna is just because it made any vow to go to Tomsk, which recognized that she could not be saved here, then this vow is reckless. And if she pleases with this to agree and wishes again to stay in the previous resident again, then read the prayer for her reckless vow and appoints to any time for several pockets of the Virgin. And God does not contribute from her anything.

But if she wants to find a more comfortable life for his salvation, then let it remain in her arrangement. And you do not hesitate to make a lot of her freedom, despite how it is useful for you. If you are worthy, then, maybe God will take line and another servant, not worse ...

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book Moscow and Muscovites Author

From the book Caucasian Rus [where the blood is shed, there and the Russian land] Author Prozorov Lev Rudolfovich

Chapter 1 Museum Rusa at the customs of Ibn Khordadbaga inquisitive customs officer. Rus and Slavs are a strange "separation". Russian swords in the edge of bouquet blades. Who traded on the Volga way? Baltic - the luxury of Slavs and the poverty of Scandinavia. Specify camels and "elephants".

From the book of the Russian history course (lectures I-XXXII) Author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

A merchant class of real merchants was called merchants. They already stood closer to the city common, weakly separated from the mass of urban black people. They worked with the help of boyar capital, or lending at the boyars or serving them by commissions in trade turnover.

From the book Russian roots. We keep the sky [three best-selling one volume] Author Prozorov Lev Rudolfovich

Chapter 1 Museum Rusa at the customs of Ibn Khordadbaga inquisitive customs officer. Rus and Slavs are a strange "separation". Russian swords in the edge of bouquet blades. Who traded on the Volga way? Baltic - the luxury of Slavs and the poverty of Scandinavia. Specify camels and "elephants".

From the book History of Crusades Author Monusov Ekaterina

The Venetian merchants of the second after the Pope of the most powerful driving force of the conceived hike was Venice, and more precisely, the ruler of this main trading state of Europe, and Enrico Dandolo. At the time of his entry into the throne, it was already a husband of advanced years. But him

From the book our prince and khan by Veller Mikhail

The merchant is not wonderful after all, the Nomat Surozhann went with Ivan Veljaminov to Tver Great Prince. And no wonder there was a group of boyars and merchants of Moscow. And no wonder the money was crying to Tokhtamysh in the barn, so that the label transfer to Mikhail Tver, which happened. And the money is

From the book all about Moscow (Collection) Author Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

The merchants in all landscaped cities of sidewalks go along both sides of the street, and sometimes, on particularly crowded places, across the bridges for the convenience of pedestrians were made from the tumor, then from the asphalt transitions. But on the big dmitrovka, a cobblestone bridge crossed

From the book another story of the Middle Ages. From antiquity to rebirth Author Kalyuzhny Dmitry Vitalevich

Blacksmiths and merchants Prometheus of the planet The first weapon of people were hands, nails and teeth, stones, as well as forest trees, wreckage and bunches ... The strength of iron was then open. But the use of copper speeds than iron, learned. Tit Lucretia car. "On the nature of things" the first substance,

From the book Unknown War of Emperor Nicholas I Author Shigin Vladimir Vilenovich

CHAPTER THREE. Admirals-merchants and merchants-admirals on the surname Herbe of Greigov faced the motto: "hit the metro station". And Greag hit! Unfortunately, not only one, but all his surroundings. The king, as you know, makes his retinue. In the case with Admiral Gray

From the book Bible and Sword. England and Palestine from the Bronze Century to Balfura Author Tamman Barbara

Chapter VI Advanced merchants in Levante in the era of great geographical discoveries, when Europe, in all directions, moved its borders, Elizavtian navigators and merchants were in the forefront. These "confusion of the seas and pioneers in distant frequent lights - the author boasts

From the book History of the Far East. Eastern and Southeast Asia author Krofts Alfred.

The merchants and their merchant trade may accounted for 3% of the population. These include Omi and Toyama Provincial Street Traders, as well as grain brokers and bankers. The latter formed associations to some extent on the sample structure of political feudalism. Mitsui.

From the book ancient Moscow. XII-XV centuries. Author Tikhomirov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Moscow merchants The accumulation of capital in the hands of Moscow merchants was closely connected with the Black Sea Trade. Therefore, the leading merchant group and received a penetment-suralan guest in Moscow. They said that they were "... Skhodnici the essence of the earth to land and sign all, and in

From the book Moscow and Muscovites Author Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

The merchants in all landscaped cities of sidewalks go along both sides of the street, and sometimes, on particularly crowded places, across the bridges for the convenience of pedestrians were made from the tumor, then from the asphalt transitions. But on the big dmitrovka, a cobblestone bridge crossed

Anica Stroganov during the reign of Ivan Grozny was the most influential Russian entrepreneur. He controlled the northern trade with England, mastered the Earth, traded the fur, developed the salt industry and was one of the organizers of the Ermak Expedition.

2. Akinfiy Demidov (1678-1745)

The Akinfius of Demidov was the most successful industrialist of his time, the patrons, the founder of the mining industry in the Urals and Siberia. By the end of the life of Akinfius Nikitich had 25 factories, on which 23755 male shower was employed (on average 1000 people per 1 plant). The Nizhny Tagilsky plant, the main brainchild of Demidov, works today.

3. Savva Yakovlev (1712-1784)

Savva Yakovlev, the nee Dog, was the son of Misdenin, but he achieved his business of the nobility. He began with the sale of veal from the summer garden, where he was noticed by Elizabeth Petrovna. As a result, he became a supplier of the courtyard, and the welfare of the Empress discovered him the way to business. Already in Catherine, from 1766 to 1779 Yakovlev buys 16 and builds 6 factories in the Urals. Its enrichment in the pace and methods did not have analogues in Russian history.

4. Grigory Potemkin (1739-1791)

Grigory Potemkin was not just a favorite of Catherine the second, but also her secret husband. At the same time, Potemkin cannot be called Alfons. He successfully commanded the Russian army during the war with Turkey 1787 - 1791, carried out joining Russia and the development of the Crimea, founded several cities there and actually created the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The Empress complained Potemkin with tremendous land possessions in Novorossia, which made him richer man of Russia.

5. Grigory Orlov (1737-1808)

The participant of the State Purchase for the overthrow of Peter III, Grigory Orlov immediately after the top of the Empress Catherine II received a generous award - rich estates, money, county title. He was called the first of the "Orlov" of Catherine, but by 1771 he stopped being the first. In the same year, he was sent to the Epidemic of the Plague and Bunlet in Moscow and did well with the organization of measures to resolve the situation.

6. Vasily Perlov (1784 - 1869)

Pearlov - "Tea Kings" of Russia. The most successful of them, Vasilia, managed to conquer not only the Russian tea market, but also to conquer Europe. He was one of the first who began to face the varietal tea, and the delivery of him from China to carry out the land way, which is why the quality of the product has always been at the height.
In 1860, Vasily Alekseevich opened a firm under his name - Tea Trade Association "Vasily Person with sons". The company's teaspore shops in Vienna, Berlin, Paris and Warsaw were opened.

7. Samuel Polesov (1837-1888)

Industrialist and patron, Poles, made a state during the distribution of railway concessions. According to Sergei Witte, Samuel Solomonovich Polyakov was the "most famous from the railway tows." He actively built railways, opened the college and generously sacrificed to the development of education. The state of the Polyakov brothers for 1913 was estimated at 49.5 million gold rubles ($ 544 million at the course of 2000).

8. Pavel Tretyakov (1832-1889)

Patron, entrepreneur and collector of painting Pavel Tretyakov carried out his dream - drawn up a collection of works of Russian school, so that "the society acquired from society would also return to society (people) in ... useful institutions." His picture gallery, open to all citizens "without distinction of the genus and the title", became one of the largest museums of Europe. The state of Tretyakova, by the time of his death, was estimated at 3.8 million rubles.

9. Lion Button (1821-1894)

In Russia of the XIX century there was a surcharge "where the church, there and pop, where the factory is there and the button." It appeared not from scratch - the founder of the trading house "L. The button "was a shareholder of more than 100 enterprises. "Cotton King", as the Lion Knop called, according to contemporaries, achieved great success in part "Thanks to his stomach and ability to drink, keeping the full clarity of the head." The state of the KNOP in 1913 was estimated at 15-120 million rubles ($ 187 million at the course 2000).

10. Peter Smirnov (1831-1898)

Peter Arsenievich Smirnov, who founded his factory in 1862, was a real "vodka king" of Russia. The tax that came to the treasury from his enterprise was half the pre-war budget of the Russian army. The cost of production produced during the year reached 17-20 million rubles. The state of the very vodka magnate was estimated at 8.7 million rubles ($ 95.7 million at the course 2000).

11. Goat of Soldiers (1818-1901)

Old Shorts, the manufacturer and the entrepreneur of the goat of soldierenkov was one of the brightest and extraordinary people of his time. For a rich and generous patronage of art, he received the nickname "Kozma Medici". His condition in 1901 was equal to 8 million rubles ($ 88 at the course 2000).

12. Gabril Solodovnikovnikov (1826-1901)

Moscow merchant and home owner, the owner of the Supermarket "Passage" on Kuznetsky Bridge, Gabril Gavrilovich Solodovnikov more than 95% of his multi-million dollar inheritance was given to public needs. I didn't really know how to write, he generously sacrificed on art. At the ceremony of bookmarking the Moscow Conservatory with a cry "Let there be music!" Solodovnikov threw 200 silver rubles in concrete. His state in 1901 was estimated at 21 million rubles ($ 231 million at the course 2000).

13. Alexey Alchevsky (1835-1901)

Over the 40 years of work, Alexey Kirillovich Alchevsky has created the largest mining enterprises in the Donbas and several banks, for example, one of the first society in the country of mutual loan, and in 1871 - the first Russian joint-stock mortgage bank. In the crisis of 1901, having received a refusal of a loan from the government, Alchevsky rushed under the train (according to one of the versions, he was killed). His condition at that time was estimated at 12-30 million rubles ($ 187 million at the course 2000).

14. Savva Morozov (1862-1905)

Savva Morozova was called a "merchant governor", but he became known thanks to the patrons. Morozov built theaters, supported artists, writers, students and workers. Only by Mkat, he donated about half a million rubles. Savva Morozov died on May 26, 1905. According to the official version, the cause of death is suicide: frosts committed suicide into the chest. The state of the Morozovsky dynasty in 1914 was estimated at 40 million rubles ($ 440 million at the course 2000).

15. Horace Ginzburg (1833-1909)

Thanks to the relationship with the largest financiers of Europe (Ginzburg has merged with the Rothschilds themselves), their bank for the 1860s became one of the largest in Russia. His head of Horats Ginzburg has invested in the insurance business, golden primers, railways, shipping company, sugar factories. After 1892, Horats Ginzburg began to engage in gold mining. He headed, and then set control over the richest Lensky gold mining partnership. The state of Ginzburg in 1914 was estimated at 25 million rubles ($ 275 million at the course 2000).

16. Alexander Mantashev (1842-1911)

Tiflis Armenian Alexander Mantashev was one of the "oil kings" of the Transcaucasus, a major shareholder of leading oil companies. In 1897-1909, he financed the construction of the world's longest 835-kilometer oil pipeline in Baku Batum. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the state of Mantsheva was recorded at 10 million rubles ($ 110 million at the course 2000).

17. Illarion Vorontsov Dashkov (1837-1916)

Personal friend Alexander III, the creator of the secret monarchical organization "Sacred Druzhina", Hero of Wars, Adjutant-General Vorontsov-Dashkov was one of the largest Russian landowners (about 485,000 decishes of the Earth) and a successful industrialist. Among other things, he was engaged in oil. His condition at the beginning of the twentieth century was estimated at 15 million rubles ($ 165 million at the course 2000).

18. Semen Abamilek-Lazarev (1857-1916)

Prince, industrialist, archaeologist, major landfall, mining supplier, Semen Abamilek-Lazarev was a very versatile man, and one of the richest people in Russia of the beginning of the twentieth century. He owned several villas in Italy and mansion in St. Petersburg. The state of magnate in 1914 was estimated at 50 million rubles (550 million at the course 2000).

19. Savva Mamontov (1841-1918)

The story of Savva Mamontov is indicative, high and tragic. The heir to a great condition, Savva Mammoths with entrepreneurship was interested in little - it was more attracted art. After failures with the leading of the "Railway Business" Savva Mamontov found himself in a Taganskaya prison. His property was sold out almost completely. The ill-starring railway left for a stateless state ownership, some of the shares got other entrepreneurs, including Sergei Witte relatives.

20. Nicholas (1866-1918)

The state of Irkutyanin Nicholas of the second in 1914 was 60 million rubles ($ 650 million at the course 2000). He was called "Siberian American" and "Russian Morgan". He scooped banks and built plants. They were founded by the first chemical dyes factory in Russia, the Elektrostal plant, the Moscow Association of the AMO automotive plant (together with Ryabushinsky, now ZIL). In the war, the plants of the second worked for "Defense". In May 1918, Nicholas of the second was killed with unexplained circumstances. In his Moscow mansion, they made the residence of the American ambassador ("Savazo House").

21. Pavel Ryabushinsky (1871-1924)

The representative of the famous dynasty Ryabushinsky, Pavel Pavlovich was engaged in entrepreneurship and banking activities, built the factory and actively participated in the political life of Russia. In 1920, he emigrated to France. In 1914, the state of Ryabushin was estimated at 25-35 million rubles ($ 330 million at the course 2000).

22. Nikolay Balashov (1840-1931)

By the beginning of the 20th century, Nikolai Petrovich Balashov, Member of the State Council, Nikolai Petrovich Balashov, with the sons of Peter and Igor possessed one of the largest land owned land - 526,000 tents of the Earth. They might live without well, without doing anything, but they still had dozens of enterprises across the country. Their state at the beginning of the twentieth century was estimated at 15 million rubles ($ 165 million at the course 2000).

23. Boris Kamenka (1855-1942)

Bancake Boris Kamenka since 1910 headed the Azov-Don Bank, which with him became the fourth in the ranking of commercial banks of the Russian Empire. Also Kamenka actively participated in the activities of the Jewish colonization society created to organize the relocation of Jews in America. In 1914, the banker's condition was estimated at 40 million rubles ($ 440 million at the course 2000).

24. Stepan Lianozov (1872-1949)

Armenian Stepan Lianozov was a Russian industrialist, a patron and a politician, as well as the largest oil magnut of Russia of the 20th century. In 1912, Stepan Lianozov in London was created by the Russian General Oil Corporation ("Russian General Oil Corporation", abbreviated "Oil") with fixed capital of 2.5 million pound sterling. Thanks to the actions of Lianozov, the oil sector Baku became attractive for foreigners. In 1915, the state of magnate was estimated at 10 million rubles ($ 110 million at the course 2000).

25. Felix Yusupov (1887-1967)

Felix Yusupov was one of the richest people in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1900, the cost of estates, cottages and homes of Yusupov was 21.7 million rubles, an anthracite mine - 970,000 rubles, a sugar plant - 1.6 million rubles, a cardboard and paper factories - 986 thousand rubles. By 1914, Yusupov had 3.2 million rubles of securities. However, Felix Yusupov remained in history not as a rich, but as a killer Rasputin.

The genealogy of the Moscow merchants of the XVIII century. (From the history of the formation of Russian bourgeois) Aksenov Alexander Ivanovich

New merchant surnames among the famous citizens of Moscow

In terms of its origin, the overwhelming majority of "profitable" eminent citizens in Moscow was immigrants from provincial merchant surnames. Kotelnikov and Zhigarevi lead their own from the Kadovskaya merchants, Shapkins - from Vologda, Makarov - from Dmitrovsky, Orlov - from Rzhevsky, Guy - from Orlovskiy, Kiryakov - from Serpukhovsky, debt - from Kaluga, Nonons - from Pereyaslav-Zalessky, Meschaninov - from Kolomna. Only in two families, the ancestors were peasants. Alexander Yakovlevich Uvarov signed up in 1756 from the stained palace settlement of Serpukhov County to the wallet settlement of 163 *. Ivan Grigorievich Khryashchev was ranked until 1747 in the same Sloboda "on the trading industry" from the peasants of the near Moscow Palace village of Dedinov 164 *.

By the time of joining Moscow merchants, besides Uvarova and Khryashchev, it is still possible to attribute to Moscow Old-timers. In the fairy tales of 1747 were translated after the 1st revision in Cadashevskaya Slobod, Stepan and Grigory Mikhailovichi Nononica 165 *, and in the wallet settlement - Timofey Ivanov 166 *, who received the nicknames of 167 *. In 1744, Ivanovich Debt with Brother Athanasiya 168 * was translated into the Pankratye Slobod of Luca.

All others attributed to Moscow merchants much later: Gavril Yakovlevich Zhigarev with brother Vasily - in 1763. 169 *, Mikhail Pavlovich Gubin and Andrey Avramovich Kiryakov with Brother Grigory - in 1770 170 *, Ivan Alekseevich Shapkin - in 1780 171 *, Ivan Alekseevich Makarov - in 1789 172 * and Ivan Dmitrievich Orlov - no later than 1788 173 *

Different arrival deadlines in Moscow were primarily affected by the state of family connections. Naturally, those of the merchants who recorded in the Moscow merchant society earlier had more opportunities to establish related relations among themselves. It is not by chance that therefore, in a close property, kotelnikovs, cartilage and Uvarov were located in a close property (see scheme 9). Close relationships also have also formed by Kotelnikov with their countrymen Zhigarev, who arrived a little later. The degree of kinship cannot be installed here. A deaf indication of the property 174 * may indicate only that it is rooted in a kat. Isn't that Kotelnikov who accepted so interested in the fate of the newcomers of Vasily and Gavrilles Zhigarev? The last immediately after moving to Moscow lived in the house of Timothy Kotelnikov "in Sidelts" 175 *, and later there were bargaining from him in the sings of 176 *.

Of course, not for all who have already become old-timers in Moscow, it was a rule. For example, among the nationwiches of the pump, we no longer meet a single future citizen. This is explained, apparently, the fact that Stepan and Grigory arrived in Moscow with the already established families, whereas for the members named above, their arrival coincided with the time of the conclusion of marriage unions.

These considerations on the nature of the formation of matrimonial relations can be attributed to the famous citizens, which entered into the Moscow merchants in the 70s and 190s. Not all of them have formed related relations with each other. And the point here is not only that they did not have time to do this in time. Makarov, Orlov, Shapkins arrived in Moscow with already established family relationships. On the contrary, Mikhail Gubin and Grigory Kiryanov, who created their families after moving to Moscow, consisted in a close property (see scheme 10).

Scheme 9.

Scheme 10.

It is important to note at the same time that these links do not create the impressions of random. The choice of relatives here looks so unmistakable that does not leave the place to be like a similar representation. This is confirmed by the business nature of the kindred relations. We have already given an example with Zhigarev and Kotelnikov. Gregory Kiryanov and Mikhail Gubin also conducted a joint trade with abroad. In 1772, they had in the bridge in the St. Petersburg port of foreign goods for a fairly large amount, at 27 367 rubles.177 *

The fact that most of those who attributed to the Moscow merchants of people, future famous citizens, arrived at Moscow not earlier than the middle of the XVIII century, determined not only the conditions for the formation of family-related bonds, but also the peculiarities of the formation and development of these surnames.

We have already seen that in the old Moscow births to the highest step of a merchant class went through the activities of the preceding generations. In not Moscow on family origins, from the moment when it seems to be explored, that is, after the rank, another picture is observed. In most cases, the arrivals themselves and became famous citizens. Completely, therefore, questions arise: on what basis or how did the promotion of these faces come to the top of the merchant career? Is it a promotion of merchants or their parents in those provincial cities from trade and industrial classes in those provincial cities, or was it solely the result of operations that these people unfold in Moscow?

According to the experience of previous researchers, it is known that the transition of peasants in Posad was the usual thing in the XVIII century. They moved to different social layers, from the messenger to the first-histnation merchants, with the motives for the number of peasants to this society were the most vast 178 *. In this regard, the merchants considered here were only a part in the tremendous mass of moving people. But it is this piece at the end of the XVIII century. It took the dominant situation among Moscow merchants. Therefore, it is so important to find out what caused them to succeed.

Let's turn first to leave the peasants. A. Ya. Uvarov a year after the correspondence to the Moscow merchants on the salary of 1757 paid 2 rubles. 40 cop. - The usual amount for the merchants of the 2nd Guild. Only in 1766 he was "laid" on the 1st Guild with a salary of 12 rubles. It is noteworthy that by this time he already had a bargaining in the pety cellars 179 *.

I. G. Khryashchev was ranked from the peasants "on trading fishery" into the 2nd revision and up to the 3rd revision consisted of a 7-hrying salary at the "former housing". We have no data on his salary and position at this time, but probably by 1764, when he filed a fairy tale to the 3rd revision, it was already strong enough, since the cartilage family lived in his own home 180 *. And from 1782 I. G. Khryashchev, already as a merchant of the 1st Guild 181 *.

Of the merchants, only three immediately after arrival were enrolled in the 1st Guild. Luke and Athanasius debt moved to Moscow after the death of their father, the famous Kaluga merchant, apparently receiving a solid legacy from him. By the rank book of 1748, they paid $ 15 rubles. And they had bargaining in the living room of 182 *. Their exaltation is associated with foreign trade. Already in 1748-1749. They led trading cases with foreign merchants 183 *. In the 70s, hemp 184 * is exporting "for the sea". Simultaneously in Russia, they trade in foreign goods. During 1772-1775 In the St. Petersburg port of Luko, the debt was purchased by the imported goods by 285,652 rubles. And Afanasiy - by 282,474 rubles.185 * Their turnover among Moscow merchants was one of the highest, and in some years it was not surpassed.

Demid Demidovich Promedaninov arrived in Moscow by the first-head merchant and immediately he was elected a gradic head for a period from 1782 to 1786.186 * The nephew of a famous Kolomna merchant and the manufacturer Ivan Meschaninov, he took the most active part in the uncle affairs, being his main assistant. They are obliged to be protein. In the 40s and early 50s, Ivan Matthevanov, together with Kozma Matveyev, contained a particular distillery plant in a Kolomna district, which produced a very significant amount of wine. Only in 1748 they put on a contract 2000 buckets at the Moscow Pety Courtyard, 1000 buckets - in the village of Bronnitskoy, 1500 buckets - in the village Novospasskoe 187 *.

After the decree of 1754, the destruction of merchant distillery plants 188 * Ivan Meschaninov took part in the company on the maintenance of food fees in St. Petersburg. In 1757, he sent for this case instead of his nephew, whom "authorized by power of attorney" 189 *. This caused unsuccessful opposition to the company M. Gusyatnikov, who tried to transfer the Meshanin part of the fees to Ivan Chirkin 190 *. Already much later, when Demid of Meshninov was a Moscow merchant, his son Markel contained a part of the Moscow Peetful Spoupe in 1787-1791.191 *

In 1777, Demid of Meschanins acts as a subtator of the closed factory factories of his late uncle, headed back in 1754 in Kolomna, in Kolomna and Zarasky counties 192 *. "When sending craftsmen" there were 490 people purchased and assigned peasants. The cloth made almost entirely were supplied for the needs of the army in the CRIGS-Commissioner.

The possession of these factories was probably conditional for some time, because by inheritance they belonged to the daughter of Ivan Timofeevich Mothaninov, the college counselor Tatiana Tetyusheva, who were finally bought by Demidom in 1787 for a large amount of 60,973 rubles. In addition, in 1780, he bought auction bargain for 2904 rubles. Sukonny Factory of the Moscow merchant Alexei Eremeev, located in Cadashevskaya Sloboda.

By 1797, 608 men and 624 women 193 were in villages at the villages of D. Meschaninov. Of these, only 11 are assigned, the rest are purchased. Annually for the supply to the army by decree of 1791, from each soul was required from 52.5 to 105 Arshin Sukna. Part of the fabric produced by peasants was delivered to Moscow to the Cadashev Factory, where they were stringly, crowded and painted. Most of the Sukon was separated by the peasants themselves, and they all went to the Krigs-Commissioner, since "free sale" from the milling factories did not exist 194 *.

After Demid, the owner of the factory was his son Markel. In 1809-1810. His factories were the largest among the "required" silk enterprises and one of the major among the "free". They produced from 30 to 40 thousand Arshin Sukna for the supply of the Krigs Commissioner. Still behind Marquel Moisaninov, "Magnifier Semi" 608 purchased and assigned. In addition, he had two small "free" factories in the Ryazan and Comstrom provinces, on which 69 "landlord fortress" peasants 195 *.

The third of the non-resident merchants, immediately after arriving in Moscow, which held the 1st Guild, was Ivan Dmitrievich Orlov 196 *. He did not do any trading or industrial activities. But his fate is notable. By decree of August 4, 1797, he was erected to the nobility "in respect of merit" of his grandfather and father, who were burgomistraces in Rzhev. Grandfather Ivan Dmitrievich in 1703 received from Peter I "The Sign of Difference" for the "increment of customs income" 197 *.

All other "profitable" famous citizens after enrolling them into Moscow merchants more or less a long period of time (mostly within 10 years) were a merchants of the 2nd Guild, without standing out among others. And this means that, although they came to Moscow not with empty hands, they had to make a lot of effort to take the place subsequently.

Each of them in this movement went forward by its way, but these paths were similar in something. Most of them began with petty trading in rows or shops. I. A. Makarov had in his house "bargaining leather" 198 *, the pumps were traded in moskal and needle ranks 199 *, T. I. Kotelnikov and G. Ya-Zhigarev - in the Surovsky 200 *, A. A. Kiryakov - in Silk 201 *. Many have passed through state-owned services, and through such positions that income could bring. M. P. Gubin, for example, was in 1780 in the Kazny Chamber on the Stone Bridge of Larachnaya 202 *, I. G. Khryachev in 1770 - Burgomistrome of the Moscow Magistrate 203 *, A. A. Kiryakov since 1779, and I. S. Nosonica from 1781 - Larchny at the Moscow Salt Sale of 204 * V. Ya. Zhigarev - Kupchino in the Siberian order since 1778. 205 *, etc.

The further rise of them was connected mainly with two areas of entrepreneurial activity - foreign trade and industry. V. Ya. Zhigarev, G. A. Kiryakov, M. P. Gubin, debt. Factory started pumping, G. A. Kiryakov, M. P. Gubin.

It is significant that industrial investments were made to the most promising industry of the textile industry of the end of the XVIII - beginning of XIX V.-Cotton - and coincided with its rapid rise in 1803-1809. 206 * Nononic bought 5 Sitz and Mitkale factors in 1796-1799. One sieve factory was acquired by them together with G. A. Kiryakov. At the same time, the owners in 1800 were allowed to buy 300 peasants to buy it, in which they were stripped from the princes of Gagarin 80 souls 207 *. M. P. Gubin started in 1796 in the village of Uspensky Moscow province at a powder factory and a paper factory, "Delivered" by him in 1793 from Majorshi E. E. Neshof, the Sith Factory 208 *. In the same village, he contained the production of a Mitkal, which was used to pack the stems and chips 209 *.

All these enterprises used government support and received government sedsions 210 *. Therefore, soon after the establishment, they stood in one row with the largest cotton factories of Rrachevoy, cornuchov and others. In 1799, the pump had 74 Mitkalevy, 59 stockings and 45 sortscal mills, on which 70,500 Arshin Mitetka, 3000 pieces of scarves were manufactured, 1350 pairs of stockings, 2750 pairs of gloves, 47,000 Arshin sieves and halfsitians, as well as chalee and finished dresses totaling 152,875 rub. The factories worked at this time 268 free-walled masters 211 *.

In M. P. Gybina, the production of sither and sitse products reached at the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. 200 thousand ARSHIN in the amount of up to 150 thousand rubles. 212 * The number of craftsmen has steadily increased: if in 1796 there were 45 purchased and 75 voltnone-free 213 *, then in 1812 a total of 517 people 214 *.

The following names are found among manufacturers and in 1810, however, their situation has changed significantly. Gubin was still the largest stente manufacturer. Only on the newly acquired factory in the Kaluga province there were 640 mills, in which 1078 assignment and purchased and 501 wolne-free masters were listed, which made 449,406 ARSHOV tissues 215 *. The production of pumps has noticeably decreased, which was probably probably with the section of the brothers. Ivan Stepanovich, who announced in 1800 to the category of famous citizens capital of 51 thousand rubles. 216 * and nursed to death (in 1813) with a first-statted merchant 217 *, departed from industrial activities. His younger brother Dmitry Stepanovich could no longer be able to deal with the same scope, although his position was still quite strong. In 1810, he in the factory had 45 mills, 24 assignious and bought and 94 voltnone-free, whose labor was made by 113,900 Arshin tissues 218 *.

If you contact the fate of the "profitable" Moscow eminent citizens and their children, then two groups can be distinguished among the studied genera. The first includes those names, whose representatives were able to either keep the conquered position, or achieve even greater success. Their number is relatively small. On the outlet in the nobleman with a certainty can only be said in one case, bearing in mind I. D. Orlova, who received a diploma for noble dignity. Three more received the ranks that gave the right to receive the nobility. J1. I. Debologi "For Works" during the plague of 1771 by decree of 1775, the titular adviser in the rank of the land captain 219 * was granted. D. D. Mottaninov and his son Markel had the ranks of the 8th and 7th grades, respectively, the college assessor and the survival adviser.

We have no data on whether the official approval of them in the noble rank followed the award of these officials. However, it is quite obvious that the very fact of the rewards of the reward was of great importance for the fate of their children, and above all daughters. Representatives of small or even ancient, but impoverished nobles are eagerly married. Of the ten daughters, Luke Dolgov Six married the nobles. The connection with the circle of creative intelligentsia is characteristic. Agraphena, for example, was married to an outstanding Russian architect Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenovyov, Maria - for the architect E. S. Nazarov, Praskovya - for Professor S. G. Zabelin 220 *. One of the daughters, Irina, was the wife of Prince Ivan Pavlovich Gorchakov 221 *.

D. D. D. Meschaninov married also for the nobles, although their marriages were modest. Elizabeth was issued per second-major I. V. Nonintseva, Anna - for Captain I rank P. N. Khomutov 222 *.

In addition to these surnames, it should be noted the ruins that kept solid positions in the medium of a merchant top and by the middle of the XIX century. Released in nobles. Mikhail Pavlovich's sons who died in the rank of commerce advisor and the first-histnation merchant in 1818, Paul and Konstantin, after the death of the father were erected into hereditary honorary citizenship, and in 1854, the Chin of the Secret Counselor received a secret adviser for charitable activities in favor of Elizabeth School Paul, Giving an offacarious nobility of 223 *.

The second, most numerous group of famous citizens - immigrants from provincial merchant and peasant families are representatives of impoverished or outstanding surnames. In turn, they can be divided into two parts. Some of them came out of the leadership merchants to, while others - after 1812, such a division puts first of all the question of the influence of the events of this time on the state of merchants, in this case - its tops. It is known that the war had a destructive effect on the merchants of the feudal type 224 *. The ruin of Moscow was especially destructive for Moscow merchants. And here it is important to find out the degree of its impact in the general process of destruction of the old merchants, at least on the example of Moscow eminent citizens.

At least two of them degraded in business and economically, in the first decade of the XIX century. In 1804, the adviser Andrei Ivanovich Shapkin 225 * was retired in the profit of commerce. In 1809, the same fate suffered the 1st guild of the merchant, the former famous citizen of Peter Ivanovich Khryashchev with sons Ivan and Alexander 226 *.

The beginning of the fall of famous citizens in the first decade of the XIX century. Observed on the example of kitelnikov and macaro. After the death of Alexei Timofeevich Kotelnikov in 1801, two of his sons, Vasily and Nikolai were dismissed in 1806 "In another family of life," and the younger, Timofey, and Mother consisted in 1811 in the 3rd Guild of 227 *. His cases finally deteriorated by 1814, when he had to go to the Meshchansky estate 228 *. Ivan Alekseevich Makarov, who declared capital as an eminent citizen in 1800, by 1811 consisted in the 2nd Guild of 229 *. In the same situation, we will find it in 1815. 230 *, but his son Alexey soon after the death of his father in 1818 leaves 231 * in the corn.

It is absolutely definitely about the extinction of the genus after 1812, we can talk about zigarev and pump. Vasily Gavrilovich Zhigarev, the only heir to the eminent citizen and the survival adviser to Vasily Yakovlevich, who died in 1802, in 1811, was listed by the leader Zhilda merchant 232 *, and in 1814 it was forced to become a movement of 233 *. The position of the Family Ivan Stepanovich Nononova soon after the Patriotic War did not look so hopeless. True, he himself died in 1813, but his juvenal son, who was 13 years in 1815, was listed for some time among the leadership of the leadership of the merchants together with his mother and sisters 234 *. However, he could not resist this level, and in 1834 we find it consisting on the 3rd Guild 235 *. Faster after 1812 was the fall in the pump along Dmitry Stepanovich, the last owner of the Citse factory. In 1815, he is a merchant of the 2nd Guild of 236 *, and in 1832 it was released in the Promena 237 *.

Thus, most of the eminent citizens, the fate of which are noted inevitable extinction, start or finally sore in the first decade of the XIX century. Rising at the end of the XVIII century. Due to its own enterprising or successful circumstances on the upper step of a merchant length, they did not provide this success with a solid base. It is characteristic that none of them started the factory.

On the contrary, those from famous citizens who are at the end of the XVIII century. Invested capital in industrial enterprises, were among the leading Moscow merchants. Their fall was caused to a greater degree of external proceedings. It is not by chance that the statements on the state of factories and factories for 1815. 238 * is not found any Moscow famous citizen. The exception was only those whose factories were in the territories that were not subjected to military action. Such is, for example, the Klyshinsky Factory of Gusatnikov.

Summing up, it should be noted first to note the fact that there were no names among Moscow eminent citizens, whose representatives could use the legislative privilege on the right to go to the nobility in the 3rd generation. Few of those who received the nobility achieved this by the other ways: using wealth and social activities (goose, entering into marriage unions with nobles, using the merits of fathers and grandfathers. All others, without realizing their own position, they paid out the fall of their descendants down the estate staircase.

In this regard, it is legitimate, firstly, to say that one of the main legislative privileges, data in eminent citizenship in 1785 was only a fiction. The other side of the medal was determined by the waste of the second generation of eminent citizens from merchant classes. The difference between representatives of the ancient and "profitable" names was only that in Staromoshkovskiy births, the very families themselves ended their professional activities, and in Novomoskovsky their children.

But they were united in one thing - entrepreneurial failure. For this reason, some preferred a noble lifestyle, while others were forced to turn into a mesh. Psychologically, it is quite clear that cultivating in the conditions of well-being, withdrawn by the works of fathers, sons could lose their parents inherent with their parents. However, those defining, of course, there were changes in the economic atmosphere of the country, which had them before the problems, to which they were not ready to resolve.

1 * PSZ-1. T. XXII. № 16188. Art. 132.

2 * Klokman Yu. R. Socio-economic history of the Russian city, the second half of the XVIII century. M., 1967. P. 118- 119.

3 * PSZ-1. T. XXIX. № 22 418. P. 978.

4 * Eminent citizens could start factories, plants, marine and river vessels, they were exempted from corporal punishment, they were allowed to ride in the city in a carriage four. See: PSZ-1. T. XXII. № 16 188. Art. 133-135.

5 * ibid. Art. 137.

6 * Materials ... M., 1886. T. 4. P. 439.

7 * Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 162. L. 3.

8 * Materials ... M., 1887. T. 4. 1. P. 1.

9 * Ogloblin N. N. Review of columns and books of the Siberian order (1592-1768). Part fourth. Documents of the central control // Reading in the UAI. 1902. KN. 1, h. 3. P. 83.

10 * Materials ... M., 1891. T. 1. Admission 3. P. 18.

11 * ibid. P. 26.

12 * Zvyagintsev E. A. Moscow Komepeskov- Kompanik Mikhail Gushetnikov and his genus // Moscow region in his past: essays on the social and economic history of the XVI-XIX centuries. / Under. ed. S. V. Bakhrushina. M., 1928. P. 61-74.

13 * ibid. P. 62.

14 * Pavlenko N. I. On some sides of the initial accumulation in Russia // East. Zap. 1954. T. 54. P. 407.

15 * Tsagad. F. 19. D. 212. L. 2B, -3.

16 * ibid. L. 31, 36.

17 * ibid. L. 12.

18 * ibid. L. 13.

19 * Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 66.

20 * Goosenikov bought shops and later. Only in 1752-1756. Mikhail acquired 15 shops on "The amount of 5980 rubles. (Zvyagintsev E. A. Declaration. Op. P. 67.).

21 * Spump in Moscow was given to the company for 10 years, and the case about their "abuses" was drawn to 1741.

22 * Peter Sergeevich Gusatnikov in the rank of "the company" was still alive in 1740 (Tsagad. F. 273. ON. 1. Ch. 7. D. 29508), but in the future his name is not found.

23 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 1760. L. 1. E. A. Zvyagintsev (Decree. Op. P. 64) calls even a large amount - 40 thousand rubles, nothing, however, not confirmed.

24 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 1760. L. 5.

25 * Ibid. L. 10.

26 * Ibid. D. 292. L. 1 OB.; F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/30. L. 5B.-6.

27 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/1. L. 25.

28 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 1822. L. 3.

29 * Ibid. L. 3 about.

30 * The turnover of P. and A. Batashev, which reached 80 thousand rubles, was approaching Goosenikov. (Ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 445/28. L. 3).

31 * ibid. L. 2B.

32 * ibid. F. 273. ON. 1. Part 8. D. 32805. P. 40.

33 * Ibid. P. 237.

34 * M. P. Gusyatnikov died on October 22, 1776. See: GLM. F. N. P. Chulkov. Folder 11. Notebook No. 17. P. 161a.

35 * Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 21. L. 3.

36 * Ibid. D. 29. L. 2-2B.

37 * Materials ... M., 1885. T. 3. P. 5.

After the death of A. S. Popova Elizabeth consisted of a civil marriage with the Graph F. G. Orlov. The two sons from the second marriage are known for the fact that one of them, Mikhail, was a prominent Decembrist, and the second, Alexey, as the commander of the Connogvardeysky regiment, suppressed the uprising on December 14th. Subsequently, A. F. Orlov - Head of the III of the Department. See: Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 72-73.

38 * Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. one.

39 * GLM. F. N. P. Chulkov. Folder 11. Notebook No. 17. P. 162.

40 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 3.

41 * ibid. M., 1883. T. 1, Part 2. P. 2.

42 * Junior, Vasily, died in 1784 four years old. See: ibid. T. 4. P. 2.

43 * ibid.

44 * Capital books ... 1795-1797. M., 1913. P. 1, 93, 298; Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 162. J1. 1b.

45 * According to the "next book" of 1801, the famous citizen N. M. Guszyatnikov "dropped in noble dignity" (materials ... T. 4. Admission 1. P. 1). However, in the fairy tale A. M. Gusyatnikov, filed to the 6th revision, N. M. Gussetnikov is listed in the burgher from 1808. Together with Brother Alexander (ibid. M., 1887. T. 5. P. 1) . It is not excluded therefore that the news of the disposal of the nobility was filed before it was approved in this rank. He became a nobleman later when Bile was produced in the hussar officers and "adopted in the best houses" (Zvyaginsev E. A. Declaration. Op. S. 71).

46 * Materials ... T. 5. S. 1

47 * Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 69.

48 * Materials ... T. 4. P. 2.

49 * Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 69.

50 * Capital books ... 1795-1797. Pp. 298.

51 * Materials ... T. 4. 1. P. 1; T. 5. P. 1.

52 * Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 69.

53 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 192. L. 1-6.

54 * Zabelin I. E. Materials for history, archeology and statistics of the city of Moscow. M., 1891. Part 2. P. 1463- 1622.

55 * GLM. F. N. P. Chulkov. Folder 11. Notebook No. 17. P. 162.

56 * Public "sentences ... M., 1892. T. 2. P. 56.

57 * ibid. M., 1896. T. 3. P. 82.

58 * Zvyaginsev E. A. Decree. op. P. 70.

59 * GLM. F. N. P. Chulkov. Folder 11. Notebook No. 17. P. 162.

60 * Materials ... M., 1883. T. 1, Part 1. P. 107.

61 * ibid. P. 226.

62 * ibid. T. 1, part 2. P. 106.

63 * Tsagad. F. 19. D. 212. L. 3.

64 * ibid. L. 13 OB.-14.

65 * ibid. F. 248. KN. 833. L. 69-79, 119-120, 144, 146, 148, etc.

66 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/4. P. 5.

67 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 642. L. 1.

68 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/4. P. 1.

69 * ibid. P. 5.

70 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 642. L. -1 about.

71 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/30. L. 45 One of the villages bought by A. Babushkin in 1750 was the village of Dudino Mikhailovsky County. It consisted of 30 yards with 173 male souls. See: Baburin DM. Essays on the history of the Manufacture of the College. M., 1939. P. 237.

72 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 642. L. 93-93 OB.

73 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/30. L. 46.

74 * Ibid. D. 5276/4. P. 6.

75 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 642. L. 95-95.

76 * ibid. D. 924. L. 96 OB. -97 OB.; D. 727. L. 2.

77 * ibid. D. 727. L. 1.

78 * ibid. D. 642. L. 2, 94.

79 * ibid. D. 727. L. 12.

80 * ibid. L. 15 OB. -1 16

81 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 193.

82 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 727. L. 11 OB. -7 about.

83 * Only for the first half of 1769 goods were sold at 2882 rubles., Or 93.2% (ibid. L. 1)

84 * Materials ... M., 1884. T. 1. Ap. 1, part 2. P. 8; T- 2. adj. P. 52.

85 * Sons Andrei Babushkin, Ivan, Semen and Peter, in the 4th revision served separate fairy tales, but Semyon and Peter silk factory, after the death of the father, contained together (Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 773).

86 * Suffice to say that the residue of non-sold goods from the silk factories of spikes was much smaller. In 1773, for example, they sold 95.1% of products, in 1776 - 84.9, in 1778. - 87.6% (ibid. D. 762. L. 1, 3 vol., 14 and etc.).

87 * ibid. D. 924. L. 6.

88 * ibid. D. 170. L. 6.

89 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/1. L. 22.

90 * ibid. D. 5276/30. L. 5 about.

91 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 924. L. 6.

92 * Baburin DM. Decree. op. Pp. 144.

93 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 924. L. 95.

94 * ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/1. L. 27 about.; F. 277. OP. 2. D. 170. L. 2 OB, - 4 OB.

95 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 924. L. 100 OB, -101.

96 * ibid. L. 102 about.

97 * Ivan died in 1795 at the age of 55. See: Materials ... T. 4. P. 439.

98 * ibid ... T. 3. P. 193.

99 * ibid. T. 2, part 1. P. 81.

100 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 367, 484, 532; F. 397. ON. 1. D. 445/28. L. 4 OBB.-5; Arch. Loia. F. 36. ON. 1. D. 556. L. 403-403; D. 570. L. 109 about. 123 OB, -124, 141.

101 * Materials ... T. 4. 1. P. 4.

102 * ibid. T. 5. P. 222.

103 * ibid. T. 4. Appendix 1. P. 8.

104 * ibid. T. 5. P. 222; M., 1887. T. 6. P. 144.

105 * ibid. M., 1888. T. 7. P. 152.

106 * ibid. M., 1889. T. 8. P. 176.

107 * ibid. T. 3. P. 7-8, 193.

108 * ibid. T. 1. Admission 1, Part 2. P. 2.

109 * ibid. T. 4. P. 4-5.

110 * ibid. P. 439.

111 * The eldest son of Peter, Paul, while father's life, in 1778, dropped out in military service (there. T. 3. P. 193), and in the future information about him is not found.

112 * Capital books ... 1795-1797. P. 1.

113 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 624. L. 2 OB.-3.

114 * Ibid. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/4. P. 17.

115 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10.

116 * Tsagad. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/4; Pp. 19; F. 291. ON. 1. Part 1. D. 4399.

117 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 661. L. 2.

118 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10. L. 299 OB, -300.

119 * ibid. L. 43 OBB. -4.

120 * According to Vedomosti on the state of the factory of Pankrat Kolosov, in 1766, 1768. Products were produced about 55 thousand rubles. Every year (Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 661. L. 8-12).

121 * CGIA USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10. L. 44.

122 * Tsagad. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/4. L. 68D; F. 277. OP. 2. D. 624. L. 1117.

123 * ibid. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 860. L. 2.

124 * GPB. Hermitage assembly.

№ 288. L. 20.

125 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 624. L. 111 OB. -12.

126 * ibid. D. 860. L. 1.

127 * GPB. Hermitage assembly.

№ 288. L. 20.

128 * Materials ... T. 4. S. 782.

129 * Capital books ... 1788-1791. M., 1912. P. 1, 237; Capital books ... 1792-1794. M., 1913. P. 1, 133.

130 * Ivan Pankratyevich Kolosov-Big was married to Peter's sister and Sergey Gusatnikov Alexander.

See: Materials ... T. 3. P. 404.

131 * Arch. Loia. F. 36. ON. 1. D. 560. L. 118, 150, 163 OB. and etc.

132 * Capital books ... 1795-1797. P. 1, 93.

133 * I. P. Kolosov-Big died in 1799. See: Materials ... T. 5. P. 381.

134 * Ibid. T. 4. Appendix 1. P. 70.

135 * Ibid. T. 5. P. 382.

136 * ibid. T. 6. P. 57.

137 * ibid. T. 8. P. 77.

138 * ibid. T. 5. P. 381.

139 * Ibid. T. 6. P. 56.

140 * ibid. T. 7. P. 60.

141 * CGIA USSR. F. 18. OP. 2. D. 3. L. 5.

142 * ibid. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 1. L. 3.

143 * ibid. F. 17. ON. 1. D. 44. L. 14, 19.

144 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 803. L. 11 - 15.

145 * Wed: Isaev G. S. The role of the textile industry in the genesis and development of capitalism in Russia, 1760-1860. L., 1970. P. 90-92, 95-97, etc.

146 * Materials ... T. 1. Appendix. 1, Part 2. S. 12.

147 * Tsagad. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 521. L. 5.

148 * ibid. D. 5276/30. L. 25 OB.-26.

149 * Ibid. F. 19. D. 40. L. 110.

150 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 5.

151 * Tsagad. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 5276/1. L. 1.

152 * ibid. D. 5276/16. L. 1 about.

153 * ibid. D. ^ 45/28. L. 4.

154 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 5.

155 * there. T. 2. Admission P. 94.

156 * V. V. Surovers-senior died in 1780. See: ibid. T. 3. P. 277.

157 * ibid. T. 4. P. 576.

158 * Capital books ... 1795-1797. Pp. 298; Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 162. L. 2; Materials ... T. 4. 1. P. 1.

159 * Materials ... T. 5. P. 334.

160 * ibid. T. 4. P. 2.

161 * Pancrat spikes, for example, in 1750, was chosen to Siberian order Kupovin (Tsagad. F. 291. OP. 1.4. 1. D. 4104) is a position that allowed us to extract considerable arrivals at certain trembles.

162 * Baburin DM. Decree. op. P. 141 - 149.

163 * Materials ... T. 2, Part 1. P. 147.

164 * Ibid. T. 2, part 2. P. 111.

165 * Ibid. P. 11.

166 * ibid. P. 110.

167 * ibid. T. 2, Part 1. S. 138.

168 * Tsagad. F. 291. ON. 1. Part 1. D. 479; Materials ... T. 1, Part 2. P. 23; T. 1. Admission 1, Part 2. P. 4.

169 * Materials ... T. 2, Part 1. P. 14.

170 * Tsagad. F. 291. ON. 1. Part 4.

D. 15406; Materials ... T. 3. P. 26.

171 * Tsagad. F. 291. ON. 1. Part 4.

D. 20380; Materials ... T. 3. P. 30.

172 * Materials ... T. 4. P. 733.

173 * According to the 4th revision of 1782, Orlov are not found. Their name for the first time appears in the "Capital Books ... 1788-1791" (p. 6).

174 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 287.

175 * Ibid. T. 2, Part 1. P. 14.

176 * ibid. T. 2. Admission P. 105.

177 * Arch. Loia. F. 36. ON. 1. D. 570.

178 * Kizhevetter A. A. Posad community in Russia XVIII Art. M., 1903. P. 12, 15, 40-63.

179 * Materials ... T. 2. Ap. P. 96.

180 * ibid. T. 2, Part 1. P. 143.

181 * ibid. T. 3. P. 288.

182 * ibid. T. 1. Admission 1, part 1. P. 4.

183 * Tsagad. F. 291. ON. 1. Part 1.

184 * Arch. Loia. F. 36. ON. 1. D. 450. L. 20.

185 * ibid. D. 556. L. 403; D. 570. L. 109 OB., 12ZOB "141.

186 * Materials ... T. 4. 1. P. 1.

187 * Tsagad. F. 273. ON. 1. Part 7.

D. 30599. L. 10-15.

188 * PSZ-1. T. XIV. № 10261.

189 * Tsagad. F. 273. OP. 1.4. 1. D. 2350.

190 * ibid. D. 2633.

191 * Arch. Loia. F. 36. ON. 1. D. 563. L. 118, 150 OB. -151, 163 OB. -164

192 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10. L. 210B.-211.

193 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D.546. L. 1-2B; D. 555. L. 3 OB, -4.

194 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 1. L. 1; D. 10. L. 40-41.

195 * ibid. F. 17. ON. 1. D. 44. L. 4.

7 vol., 10; F. 18. OP. 2. D. 3. L. 40 OB.-41.

196 * Materials ... T. 4. S. 556.

197 * Noble births made to the general gerbank of the All-Russian Empire / Sost. c. Alexander Bobrinsky. St. Petersburg., 1890. Part 2. P. 571-572.

198 * Materials ... T. 4. P. 733.

199 * ibid. T. 2. Admission P. 13.

200 * there. P. 94, 105.

201 * ibid. T. 4. P. 21.

202 * ibid. T. 4. Appendix 1. P. 1.

203 * Tsagad. F. 291. ON. 1. Part 4. D. 16013, 16132.

204 * Materials ... T. 4. Appendix 1. P. 1-2.

205 * ibid. P. 1.

206 * Isaev G. S. Decree. op. Pp. 153-154, 157.

207 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 16. D. 4. L. 12B-13.

208 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10. L. 298B.

209 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 318. L. 6.

210 * CGIA USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 1. L. 4, 7 about.

211 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 2. D. 316. L. 1-4, 7-7B., 9-9 about.

212 * Tsgia USSR. F. 16. ON. 1. D. 10. L. 299.

213 * Tsagad. F. 277. OP. 16. D. 4. L. 14.

214 * Ibid. Op. 2. D. 318. L. 13, 15.

215 * Tsgia USSR. F. 17. ON. 1. D. 44. L. 80.

216 * Tsgia Moscow. F. 397. ON. 1. D. 162. L. 2.

217 * Materials ... T. 5. P. 9; T. 6. P. 5.

218 * CGIA USSR. F. 17. ON. 1. D. 44. L. 78.

219 * GLM. F. N. P. Chulkov. Folder 11. Notebook No. 9. P. 50.

220 * Materials ... T. 3. P. 58.

221 * ibid. T. 4. P. 95.

222 * ibid. P. 382.

223 * ibid. T. 7. P. 173; Pavlenko N. I. History of metallurgy in Russia of the XVIII century: plants and factory supplies. M., 1962. P. 513.

224 * Rindzinsky P. G. City citizenship DoreForm Russia. M., 1958. P. 61-62.

225 * Materials ... T. 5. P. 38.

226 * ibid. P. 326.

227 * ibid. P. 282-283.

228 * ibid. T. 6. P. 81.

229 * ibid. T. 5. P. 362.

230 * ibid. T. 6. P. 117.

231 * ibid. T. 7. P. 131.

232 * ibid. T. 5. P. 283.

233 * ibid. T. 6. P. 81.

234 * ibid. P. 5.

235 * ibid. T. 7. P. 4.

236 * ibid. T. 6. P. 5.

237 * ibid. T. 7. P. 4.

238 * Tsgia USSR. F. 18. OP. 2. D. 83- 84.

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Russian merchants has always been special. The merchants and industrialists were recognized as the most secured class of the Russian Empire. These were bold, talented, generous and ingenious people, patterned arts and art connoisseurs.

1. Bakhrushina

Take place from the merchants of the city of Zaraskov Ryazan province, where their genus can be traced in brazov books until 1722. By the profession of Bakhrushina were "Prasolians": Gurt's cattle from the excimate in large cities. Cattle Sometimes Doh On the Road, skins were lying, brought to the city and sold the leather plants - the story of their own business began.

Alexey Fedorovich Bakhrushin moved to Moscow from Zaraysk in the thirties for a last century. The family moved on the carts, with all the Skarbas and the younger son Alexander, the future of the honorary citizen of the city of Moscow, carried in the lounge basket. Alexey Fedorovich - became the first Moscow merchant Bakhrushin (he was listed in the Moscow merchants since 1835).

Alexander Alekseevich Bakhrushin, the very honorary citizen of Moscow, was the father of the famous city leader Vladimir Alexandrovich, collectors of Sergei and Alexey Alexandrovichi and grandfather of Professor Sergey Vladimirovich.

By the way about collectors, this is a well-known passion for "gathering" was a distinctive feature of the genus of the boring. It is especially worth noting the Collections of Alexey Petrovich and Alexey Alexandrovich. The first collected Russian ancient and, mainly, books. According to spiritual will, he left the Library to the Rumyantsev museum, and porcelain and vintage things - historical, where there were two halls of his name. They said about him that he was scary Skup, because "she goes every Sunday to Sukharevka and trades like a Jew." But it is unlikely that it can be judged for it, because each collector knows: the most pleasant thing is to find a truly valuable thing, others did not suspect about the merits.

The second, Alexey Alexandrovich, was a big fan of the theater, for a long time chaired the theater society and was very popular in theatrical circles. Therefore, the Theater Museum became the only richest meeting of everything in the world, which had any attitude towards theater.

And in Moscow, and in Zaraska they were honorary citizens of the city, - the honor is very rare. During my stay in the city Duma there were only two honorary citizen of the city of Moscow: D. A. Bakhrushin and Prince V. M. Golitsyn, a former urban head.

Quote: "One of the largest and rich firms in Moscow is the trading house of Brothers Bakhrushina brothers. They have a leather business and cloudy. Owners - young more people, with higher education, well-known benefactors, sacrificing hundreds of thousands. The matter they behave although on new In principle - i.e., using the last words of science, but according to the old Moscow customs. They, for example, the offices and receptions make much desire. " ("New Time").

2. Mammoth

The mammoth genus leads its origin from the Zvenigorod merchant Ivan Mamontov, which is practically nothing unknown, except that the year of birth is 1730, and what he had Son Fedor Ivanovich (1760). Most likely, Ivan Mammoths was engaged in a spill fishery and was a good condition, so his sons were already rich people. It can be agreed about his charitable activities: the monument on his grave in Zvenigorod was delivered by grateful residents for the services rendered by him in 1812.

Fedor Ivanovich had three sons: Ivan, Mikhail and Nikolai. Mikhail, apparently, was not married, in any case, no offspring left. Two other brothers were the hedlemen of the two branches of the venerable and numerous Mamont family.

Quote: "Ivan's brothers and Nikolai Fedorovichi Mamontov have come to Moscow with rich people. Nikolai Fedorovich bought a large and beautiful house with an extensive garden on ragble. By this time he had a big family. " ("P. M. Tretyakov". A. Botkin).

Mammoth youth, children Ivan Fedorovich and Nikolai Fedorovich, was well educated and diverse is gifted. Especially highlighted the natural musicality of Savva Mamontov, which played a big role in his adult life.

Savva Ivanovich will put forward Shalyapin; will make a popular Mussorgsky, who has been rejected by many connoisseurs; Create in its theater a huge success of Opere Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko". It will not only be a patron, but by the advice: the artists received valuable guidelines on the makeup, gesture, costume and even singing from it.

With the name of Savva Ivanovich, one of the wonderful undities in the field of Russian folk art: the famous Abramtsevo is closely connected. In the new hands, she was revived and soon became one of the most cultural corners of Russia.

Quote: "Mammoths became famous for a wide variety of fields: both in the field of industrial, and, perhaps, in particular in the field of art. The Mammoth family was very large, and representatives of the second generation were no longer so rich as their parents, but in the third fragmentation of funds It went even further. The origin of their riches was the otkupeshitsky fishing, which brought them closer with the most discerning Kokorev. Therefore, when they appear in Moscow, they immediately entered a rich merchant medium. " ("Dark Kingdom", N. Ostrovsky).

3. Shchukina

The ancestor of this one of the oldest trade firms in Moscow was Vasily Petrovich Schukin, a native of the city of Borovsk Kaluga province. At the end of the seventies of the XVIII century, Vasily Petrovich established in Moscow by a trafficking manufactory and continued it for fifty years. His son His, Ivan Vasilyevich, founded the trading house "I. V. Schukin with sons. " Sons are Nikolai, Peter, Sergey and Dmitry Ivanovichi.

The trading house was conducted by an extensive trade: the goods were sent to all corners of Central Russia, as well as to Siberia, the Caucasus, Urals, in Central Asia and Persia. In recent years, the trading house began to sell not only sits, scarves, linen, clothing goods and paper fabrics, but also woolen, silk and linen products.

Schukin brothers are known as great connoisseurs of art. Nikolai Ivanovich was an amateur of Starina: in his meeting there were many vintage manuscripts, laces, various fabrics. For the collected items in the Small Georgian, he built an excellent building in Russian style. According to the will - his whole collection, together with the house, was reached by the historical museum.

Sergey Ivanovich Schukin occupies a special place among Russian collectors' nuggets. It can be said that all French painting of the current century: Gaugugen, Van Gogh, Matisse, part of their predecessors, Renoir, Cezanne, Mede, Degas - was in Schukin's collections.

Mocking, rejection, misunderstanding by the society of works of a master - did not have any meaning for him. Often Schukin bought paintings for the penny, not by his tame and not from the desire to oppress the artist, - just because they were not sold and even there were no prices for them.

4. Ryabushinsky

From the Slobody of the Rebushin Panzuevo-Borovsky Monastery of the Kaluga province in 1802 in the Moscow merchants "arrived" Mikhail Yakovlev. He traded in a cavulum of the living room. But he was ruined during the Patriotic War of 1812, as many merchants. Rebirth as an entrepreneur contributed to the transition to "split". In 1820, the founder of the case joined the community of the Rogozhsky cemetery - the Moscow stronghold of the Old Believers of the "Popovshchinsky", to which the richest merchant names belong to the first.

Mikhail Yakovlevich takes the last name Visushinsky (that way she wrote then) in honor of his native settlement and comes into merchants. He now sells a "paper commodity", there are several weaving manufactories in Moscow and Kaluga province, and leaves children capital more than 2 million rubles. So harsh and the Istric Old Believers, who wore a common caftan and worked as a "master" on his manufactices, laid the foundation for the future prosperity of the family.

Quote: "I was always struck by one feature - perhaps the characteristic feature of the whole family is an internal family discipline. Not only in the affairs of banking, but also public, everyone was given his place on the established rank, and in the first place was the elder brother, with Coim, others were considered and in a certain sense submitted to him. " ("Memoirs", P. Buryshkin).

Ryabushinsky were well-known collectors: icons, paintings, art objects, porcelain, furniture ... It is not surprising that Nikolai Ryabushinsky, "Ablen Nikolasha" (1877-1951), chose the world of art. Extravagant amateur to live "on a wide foot" entered the history of Russian art as a editor-publisher of a luxury literary and artistic almanac "Golden Fleece", which was published in 1906-1909.

Almanacu under the flag of "pure art" managed to collect the best forces of the Russian "Silver Century": A. Blok, A. White, V. Bryusov, among the "golden rune seekers" artists M. Dobuzhinsky, P. Kuznetsov, E. Lancere and many Others. A. Benua who collaborated in the journal estimated his publisher, as "a curious figure, not mediocre, in any case special."

5. Demidov

The dedicator of the dynasty of the merchants of Demidov - Nikita Demidovich Antufyev, a better known under the name of Demidov (1656-1725) was a Tula Kuznets and advanced under Peter I, having received huge lands in the Urals for the construction of metallurgical plants. Nikita Demidovich had three sons: Akinfia, Grigory and Nikita, between which all his wealth distributed.

At the end of the XVII century, Peter I often visited Tula - after all, he was going to fight with an invincible Sweden, and weapons were made in Tula. There he began his friends with the gunsmith Nikita Demidich Antufyev, appointed him to the main metal and sent him to the Urals, where Nikita founded the Nevyansky plant in 1701. Sweden then produced almost half of the metal in Europe - and Russia for the 1720s began to produce even more. In the Urals, dozens of plants, the largest and modern in the then world rose, there were other merchants and the state, and Nikita received the nobility and the name of Demidov.

His son Akinfius was further succeeded, and the entire XVIII century Russia remained the world leader in the production of iron and, accordingly, possessed the strongest army. In the Urals workers worked fasteners, the cars worked from water wheels, the metal was exported by rivers. In the famous Altai mines, owned by their opening Akin Demidov, in 1736 the richest in the content of gold and silver ore, native silver and horn silver ore were found.

His senior son of Prokoki Akinfiyevich has not paid attention to the management of its factories, which, in addition to his intervention, brought a huge income. He lived in Moscow, and surprised the townspeople with his eccentrics and expensive experts. Prokopii Demidov spent a lot and for charity: 20,000 rubles for the establishment of a hospital at the St. Petersburg educational house for poor maternity hospitals, 20,000 rubles to Moscow University at the poorest students, 5,000 rubles to the Main People's School in Moscow.

Part of the Demidov was sent to the classic aristocracy: So, Grigory Demidov divorced the first Botanical Garden in Russia in Solikamsk, and Nikolai Demidov became an Italian Count San Donato.

What remains Russian inheritance from the dynasty? Gornozavodskaya Ural is the main industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe USSR and Russia. Rudny Altai is the main in the Russian Empire supplier of silver, "ancestor" of coal kuzbass. Nevyansk - "Capital" of the Demidov Empire. In the Nevyansk inclined tower for the first time in the world, fittings, threshing and farm roof were applied. Nizhny Tagil - all three hundred years of its history he is an industrial giant, where the Cherepanov brothers built the first Russian steam locomotive. Nikolo-Zaretka Church in Tula - the family necropolis of Demidov. Botanical Garden in Solikamsk - the first in Russia, was created in consultation by Charles Lynnei.

6. Tretyakov

This story everyone knows from the school program: a rich Moscow merchant with unhappy family fate Pavel Tretyakov collects Russian art, in those days few people who are interesting, and the collection gathered such that he built his own gallery. Well, "Tretyakovka" is perhaps the most famous Russian Museum.

In the Moscow province of the XIX century, a special breed of rich was formed: everything is both on the selection - from old merchants, and even rejected peasants; Half - Old Believers; all owned textile factories; Many - savenatted, and are not less known here by Savva Mammoths with his creative evenings in Abramtsevo, the Morozovsky dynasty, another collector of painting (though, not Russian) Sergey Schukin and others ... Most likely, the fact is that they came to the highest light straight from People.

There was from an old, but poor merchant race. Elisha Martynovich Tretyakov, Praded Sergey and Pavel Mikhailovich, arrived in Moscow in 1774 from a small-satellite seventy-year-old old man with his wife and two sons, Zakhar and Osip. In Maloyaroslavets, the merchant genus Tretyakov existed since 1646.

The history of the race of the Tretyakov is in essence comes down to the life of two brothers, Paul and Sergey Mikhailovich. During his lifetime, they were united with genuine related love and friendship. After death, they were forever remained in mind as the creators of the gallery named after the Paul's brothers and Sergei Tretyakov.

Both brothers continued their father's paternal, first commercial, then industrial. They were linsels, and Len in Russia was always revered by a native Russian product. Slavic Film Economists (like Kokorev) have always praised Len and opposed it to foreign American cotton.

This family was never considered one of the richest, although their trade and industrial affairs were always successful. On the creation of his famous gallery and collecting the collection Pavel Mikhailovich spent a huge amount of money sometimes to the detriment of the well-being of his own family.

Quote: "With a guide and card in hands, zealously and carefully, he revised almost all European museums, moving from one big capital to another, from one small Italian, Dutch and German town to another. And he became a real, deep and thin connoisseur. painting. " ("Russian Older").

7. Saltenkov

There are from the peasants of the village of Prokunino Kolomna district of the Moscow province. The ancestor of the genus Soldatenkovoye, Egor Vasilyevich, is a member of Moscow merchants since 1797, but this family has become known only in half of the XIX century, thanks to Kuzma Terentyevich.

He removed the bench in the old seating court, traded paper yarn, was engaged in a discount. Subsequently, he became a major shareholder of a number of manuffs, banks and insurance societies.

Kuzma Soldatenkova had a big library and a valuable collection of paintings, which he bequeathed by the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum. This collection is one of the earliest on time to prepare and the most wonderful on excellent and long existence.

But the main contribution of Soldatenkov to Russian culture is publishing activities. His closest employee in this area was famous in Moscow City Worker Mitrofan Shchepkin. Under the leadership of Shchepkin, many issues dedicated to the classics of economic science were published, for which special translations were made. This edition series, which was called the "Shchepkinskaya Library" name, was the most valuable benefit for students, but at the beginning of this century many books became bibliographic rarity.

8. Perlov

Why in Russian says "tea", and in English - "TI"? The British in China penetrated from the south, and the Russians from the north, and so differed at different ends of the pronunciation of the same hieroglyph. In addition to the great flue path, the Great Tea Road, which from the XVII century ran through Siberia, after the border Kyakhta coinciding with the Siberian tract. And it's not by chance that Kyakhti was called "the city of millionaires" - the trade of tea was very profitable, and despite the high cost, tea in Russia fell in love before Peter I.

On a chain rich, many merchants - such as mushrooms in Kungur. But the Moscow merchants of Perlovov brought to a completely different level: The founder of the dynasty of the Motanin Ivan Mikhailovich in 1797 entered the merchant guild, his son Alexey opened the first tea shop, and finally in the 1860s Vasily Alekseevich Perlov founded the Tea Trade Partnership , crushed into the real empire.

He had dozens of stores across the country, he built the famous tea house on meat, but most importantly - putting imports around the sea and grabbed the railways on time, he made tea available to all the population layers, including peasants.

A tea culture remained from Perlov, which became an integral part of Russian everyday life. As a result, the Russian samovar and Russian porcelain. Tea house on meat is one of the most beautiful buildings of Moscow.

9. Stroganov

Northern Ural, XVI century. Anika Fedorovich Stroganov Ryrochate for the extraction and supply of salt.

... Somehow, at the end of the 15th century, Novgorod merchant Fedor Stroganov settled on the villaget near the Great Ustyug, and his son Anika in 1515 was sitting there salty. Salt, and rather Rapy, in those days swung from wells like oil, and evaporated on huge frying pans - work black, but necessary.

By 1558, Anika succeeded so much that Ivan Grozny gave him huge landmarks on the chamber, where the first industrial giant Solikamsk had flourished in Russia. Anica became richer than the king, and when his possessions were pounded by Tatars - I decided not to ceremony: I called the most lousy thugs and the most dear ataman, armed and sent to Siberia to understand. Ataman was the name of Ermak, and when the news about his campaign reached the king, at all of the not wanting a new war, to stop the conquest of Siberia was already impossible.

Stroganov and after Anici remained the richest people of Russia, such aristocrats-from-industry, owners of crafts, living rooms, shopping trading ...

In the XVIII century they received the nobility. The hobby of the Stroganov-Barons was the search for talents among its fortresses: Andrei Voronikhin became one of these "finds, who learned in St. Petersburg and built the Kazan Cathedral there. Sergey Stroganov in 1825 opened an art school, where even peasant children took - and who now does not know "stroganov"? In the XVII century, Stroganov created their icon-painted style, and in the XVIII - architectural, in which only 6 churches were built, but they were not confused with anything.

And even the "Befsganoff" is called that it is not by chance: one of the stroganov served this dish to guests in his Odessa salon.

What remains Russian inheritance from the dynasty? All Siberia. Usolye's architectural ensembles and Ilinsky (Perm region) - "Capitals" of the Stroganov Empire. Churches in the style of "Stroganovsky Baroque" in Solvychodsk, Ustyuzhne, Nizhny Novgorod, Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra. Icons of the "Stroganovskaya school" in many temples and museums. Stroganovsky Palace and Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky Prospect. Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy. S.G. Stroganova. Beefroganov is one of the most popular dishes of Russian cuisine.


Ludwig Emmanuilovich, Robert Emmanuilovich and Alfred Emmanuilovich Nobeli - the characters are not quite "Russian": this family came to St. Petersburg from Sweden. But they changed Russia, and the whole world through her: after all, oil became the main business of Nobel. People knew about oil for a long time, mined in wells, but really did not know that with this disgusting to do and burned it in the furnaces as firewood.

The oil of the oil epoch began to gain momentum in the XIX century - in America, in the Austrian Galicia and - at the Russian Caucasus: So, in 1823, in Mozdok, the world's first oil-drone plant was built, and in 1847, the first well was drilled in Baku. Nobels, rich on the production of weapons and explosives, came to Baku in 1873 - then the Baku fishers lagged behind the Austrian and American because of their inaccessibility.

To compete with the Americans on an equal footing, nobels had to optimize the process as to optimize, and in Baku in 1877-78, the attributes of modernity were for the first time in the world (1877), oil pipeline and petroleum (1878), tank "Vandal "(1902). Kerosene Nobel Neftzavoda did so much that he became a consumer goods.

The invention of the German diesel engine for the nobels was the invention of the German diesel engine, the mass production of which they settled in St. Petersburg. "Branobel" ("Nobel's Oil Production Comrain") did not differ much from the oil companies of modernity and brought the world to a new oil - an era.

Alfred Nobel also tortured the conscience for the dynamite invented in 1868, and he bequeathed his grandiose state as a fund for the "Prize of the World", which is awarded in Stockholm every year and so on. The Nobel Prize - 12% of its capital is obliged to "Branobel".

11. Second

In 1862, the Kostroma peasant of the second arrived in the merchant Irkutsk, and almost immediately got a good capital: some people say - successfully married others - someone robbed or beat someone to the cards. For this money, he opened the store and began to supply industrial supplies from the Nizhny Novgorod Fair in Irkutsk. Nothing foreshadowed that the largest state in Tsarist Russia will grow up - about $ 660 million at the current rate at the beginning of the 1910s.

But Alexander Fedorovich the second created such an attribute of modernity as a network supermarket: under the general brand "Passage of the second" in dozens of Siberian, and then not only the Siberian cities appeared huge, equipped with the latest technology stores with a single device, assortment and prices.

The next step is to create a network of hotels "Europe", again made under the Unified Standard. Thinking a little more, the second decided to promote the business in the outback - and now the project of the store with a stood yard for villages is already ready. From the trade of the second, it was transferred to the industry, founding the plant in the suburbs with the futuristic name "Elektrostal" and buying metallurgical and chemical plants hardly in bulk.

And his son Nikolai, who founded the first business center in Russia (Business Dvor), most likely gained father's capital ... But the revolution happened. The richest man of Russia was shot by unknown in his office, and his funeral was blessed by Lenin personally as the "last meeting of the bourgeoisie."

Supermarkets, business centers and network institutions remained in the inheritance of Russia from the dynasty. Tens of "passages of the second", which in many cities are the most beautiful buildings. Business yard in China City.

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