The story of Andrei Platonova "Return". Literature lesson A.Platonov "Return" Analysis of the last episode in the story Return

The story of Andrei Platonova "Return". Literature lesson A.Platonov "Return" Analysis of the last episode in the story Return

"Return" was printed in the magazine New World "in No. 10 - 11 in 1946, called" Ivanov family ". The story criticized the slander, which the writer allegedly agreed into Soviet people, on warriors returning from the war to the Soviet family. Already after the death of Platonov, the charges were removed. The story in a substantially changed by the Platonic form itself was printed in the collection of stories for 1962 after the author's death.

Literary direction and genre

The story "Return" refers to the literary direction of realism. The Winner Winner, the disgusting from the family, returns home and finds out that his wife also lived in disadvantage, so she didn't even wait for him true, as it goes in the song K. Simonov. Critics therefore fell on Platonov that his heroes behavior did not fit into the framework of "socialist realism."

Psychological story about one family, about the connections of the father and mother on the side, about their dumps from each other, the Father from Children. Fabul takes just a few days, but the events that occurred during the war are detected in the dialogues.

Topic, main idea, problematic

The story of the post-war family meeting, every member of which is trying to enter the row of peaceful life. The main idea is that the war not only kills physically, she destroys families, making relatives of others, and inquiry every life separately. To return to the origins, the victim is necessary for family love.

The stories are traditional for Platonov. The problem of the influence of war on the fate and personality of people, the transformation of men in frivolous teenagers, and children in small old men; The problem of distanceing native time and distance; The problem of loyalty and treason, responsibility and forgiveness; The problem of love, which heroes consider a response to a mountain and loneliness.

Plot and composition

Demobilized Alexei Ivanov returned to the train home and in no hurry, because the depths from home, like his casual fellow traveler Masha - a daughter of a strife. Two days spent Alexey with her, coming out at the station in her hometown and without saying that his family waiting for him at home.

The wife and children were waiting for Ivanov, every day leaving trains. For the sixth day, Alexei met the 11-year-old son Peter, and both were unhappy with each other: Petya is upset by the impracticality of the Father, and Alexey is the pragmaticity of his son. Native House Ivanov is strange and incomprehensible: the wife is shy to him as the bride, a 5-year-old younger daughter Nastya, who did not remember his father, accustomed to heavy home work, Parsley performs the duties of a grilling owner, and not learning and plays, as it should be for children.

Nastya inadvertently opens his father that Semyon Essaich walks to them and sits with children, because his whole family was killed and his lonely. In a night conversation with his wife, any Alexey finds out that she changed him with the instructor of the Russian trade union, who was gentle with her.

The next morning, Alexey decided to leave for Masha, leaving his family, but the children ran to the moving to return the Father. Ivanov, who survived at this moment, forgiveness and love for the family, descended from trains to the track, on which his children fled.

The story has a tiny plug-in Novella - the story of Parsley about Uncle Harriton, who. Returning from the war and learning that his wife, Anuta, has changed him with an eyeless disabled, he first quit her, and then told her that he also changed with many women. And they began to live satisfied with each other. Yes, only Hariton came up with treason, a woven with his wife. Alexey is not capable of such an act and about his treason (perhaps not the only one) does not tell his wife.


Alexey Ivanov - almost the most common combination of name and patronymic. For Platonov, the hero is just a man, what many, a man of ordinary fate. He believes in the conflict right itself, and the blames of others, and lives only for himself, without regard to loved ones. His mimolement with Masha is justified by boredom, cold, desire to "entertain her heart." He does not think that Masha will remain alone, he does not think about her heart at all.

According to his wife Alexei Lyuba, she was looking for the only one for the whole war with a man of consolation, her soul reached him to him, because she was dying. Alexey is vulnerable: "I am also a person, not a toy." Resentment covers his mind. He believes that he has experienced a lot more than his wife: "I walked the whole war, I saw death closer than you." He behaves like a little, going to complain to the teenage son on granting his wife.

Peter adult and father, and mother, he pacifies parents: "We have a deal, you need to live, and you swear as stupid." Alexey calls him a good peasant, grandfather. Petya is really very small. He is concerned about the only problem - survive. From this scolds Nastya, which paints the thick peel from potatoes, father, in the excitement of the crushing glass of the kerosene lamp. Petya cares not only about the warm coat for the mother and is going to go to work in a saucer to the bath to buy it, but also teaches Nastya her home work, reading. Even on Semyon Evseić, it's everyday life notices the Father that Evseich Starey (that is, the father is not an opponent) and benefits.

Little Petuth has no children's desire. Stress caused by the departure of the Father revives in him the child in need of the father and calling it. The inner confusion of the boy is transmitted to the bright detail: he puts himself on one foot of the boots, and to another - Kalos. Here, from Peter, he turns into a parsley whose image and makes his father get away from the train.

At the same time, the main character is reborn: in his chest it became hot, "as if the heart ... made his way to freedom." Now the protagonist concerned his life with a naked heart, in which the barrier of "pride and its own interest" collapsed.

Images of the rest of men are the character of the main character, their features contrast with his personality. Semen Evseich, unlike Alexey, survived the real mountain, losing his wife and children killed in Mogilev. His attachment to other people's children and his wife is also an attempt to survive. This and the desire to benefit others (after all, the children were sitting among the darkness of the dark), and the need to attach to something their exterpant soul. Alexey until his rebirth can not understand and regret its imaginary opponent. But even more evil he sees in an unnamed evacuated, with whom the wife only wanted to feel like a woman, but could not, Lovy Alexei.

Female stories piercing images. In wartime, in the patriarchal deposit of families, everything changes in places. The boy turns into a peasant-an old man, a man-warrior - in a capricious child, living, according to Petit, on ready-made harches, and a woman in the head of the family, a man. Lyuba learned to make men's work at the factory, correct electric ovens for the neighbors for potatoes and repair shoes to children and children. One she could not - take responsibility: "I don't know anything."
It would seem that the position of Masha, the daughter of a space, more profitable. It is open to the world, free from obligations, not promised to anyone. But her spacious heart does not know how to forget people who have become close to her. At the beginning of the story of Ivanov, he does not realize that his wife, like Masha, can love and regret many. At the end of the story of Ivanov understands that even physical relationship may not be treason that everything is in the soul.

Stylistic features

Platonov's work has no analogues in the literature. Its language is strange and unusual, but pierced, as if the words go from the heart itself. The writer understands and regrets each of his hero, justifying his actions.

Details, which usually talk about the inner state of heroes, as already mentioned felt boots and calosa on the legs of parsley, or tears of Luba, mixed with her cake dough, or Semenian's glasses, who Nastya puts on to dare Matters, or crushed glass kerosene lamp.
Smells have great importance for Platonov. Alexey recognizes the house with his at the moment when he feels that his smell has not changed in four years. Masha hair smells with palm leaves (ordinary motive in Platonov's work). This smell is opposed to the smell of the house, symbolizes the "anxious life again."

The speech of the heroes is full of everyday imagery, especially Petina. Fire in the furnace he persuades not to burn in a shaggy, but even, the Nastya does not make the stall meat from potatoes so that the nutrition disappears. " Enclosures in the children's speech of the office exhibit the tragedy of the country where the guys become old men.

Another characteristic feature of the stylistry of Andrei Platonova is a description not so much of the heroes that are everyday wise, as the argument of love Alexey, how many feelings, the movements of the "naked heart".

The story of A. Platonova "Return".
Goal :

Reveal ideological content, see the evolution of the main character;

Develop the skills of working with text, the ability to reveal the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer;

During the classes
1. The word teacher .
In 1946, the story of A. Platonova "Family Ivanova" is published on the pages of the New World magazine. And the wave of tough criticism fell on the writer. On January 4, 1947, a crushing article appeared on the pages of the "Literary Gazeta", under the name "Platonov's slanderous story", in which V. Yermilov described the work as "Gnusless slander on Soviet people, on the Soviet family."

The main character of Platonova is a soldier returning from the war, but this is not a winner hero, but an ordinary man with a broken war with a soul, with a stale heart, a person is ambitious and vain. A. Platonov speaks a new way about the tragedy of the war: he turned to the turnover side of the victory, chaging the reader's attention not to joy, to the non-healing soul wounds of the people inflicted.

2. Questions to identify the features of ideological content of the story

What do we learn about the main Hero story? (Alexey Ivanov, Guard captain, served the whole war, returns home. "In appearance he was about thirty-five years old, his skin on his face, whipped by the winds and tanned in the sun, had brown, gray eyes ...").

Why, having met on the platform with the "Masha-daughter of the Square", Ivanov pushes a meeting with relatives? (He is afraid to come back home, "he postponed a joyful and anxious hour of dating family").

What united Masha and Ivanov? (They both return home after the war, "The only thing that could comfort and entertain the heart of a person was the heart of another person," both feel "orphaned without the army").

How do children and wife Ivanov live in anticipation of his return? ("Love Vasilyevna three days in a row went to all trains, asked me from work, did not fulfill the rules and at night did not sleep from joy, for the fourth day I sent the children to the train station so that they met the Father, if he arrives during the day, and she Again came out myself ").

Who meets Ivanov? What is the feature of the meeting? (Meets his Petrusha, whom the father calls Peter Alekseevich, the father of his son did not immediately recognize, the dialogue between them is not close people, Petrusha takes the father's bag and carries it, and his father follows).

- What Do we see the children of Ivanov?

Petrusha. He was already 12 years old, this is a serious teenager, "his little brown eyes looked at the White Light of Grasmaya and displeased," he is in the house owner, gives the mother and sister's instructions. Petrusha is economical, all the work is performed by the man's house itself. Melting Nastya every day to do, write wands. It tries to eat less than everyone, "it is afraid that if it starts to be a little, then Nastya, too, looking at him, there will be a lot, and he is sorry," he wants to "go more" more ", gives instructions to the father to go" to a rosiset and military registration and enlistment office To get the card rather to it, it takes care of everyone.

Nastya. . She is 5 years old. Little Nastya does not remember his father and pushes him from Mother upon returning Ivanov home as someone else's. Nastya is unquestioned by brother, who was all these 4 years behind the Father. "She had a living focusing face of a child who was doing everything in his life and seriously, and a good heart, because she did not take offense on Parsley." When the mother cries, Nastya "wrapped his mother's leg with his hands, pressed her face to her skirt and looked at her father," she says: "And my mother is crying, and I will". The girl carefully leaves a piece of cake for uncle seeds, wraps his napkin and puts under the pillow.

Why is Petrusha such an adult? (Early growing Petrushi explains his life without his father, who was in war. The boy had no childhood, he puts all the severity of worries on his shoulders. Petrusha is like a small old man. And in front of him his father is robet. For him, prudence is characterized. Affairs, "Needs" of the house, family. He points to the sister, mother, father and even fire in the oven. So it should not be. Petrusha took the place of his father. This indicates the fact that Ivanov appeals to him: " Hello, Peter Alekseevich", further - " Peter" And mother - " Petrusha»).

Night conversation Ivanov and Lyubov Vasilyevna. Whose eyes we see him? (Family drama Ivanova appears before us in the perception of Petrushi. For Platonov, artist, thinker, philosopher, a children's point of view was important for what is happening. In the bitter confession of a woman who is trying to explain to a sinful husband's motives of his treason, the depth of the human tragedy is expressed in which the war is to blame who was the cause of the terrible alienation of people, their abundance from the usual movement of life. Speech Lyuba is indecisive, dimming. Early it in illogicality, inconsistency, listening to her confusion, is not at all difficult. Especially if you listen to anyone alienated heart. Intuitively, the heart understands that Nobody, besides the son, the witness of her last life and her torment, will not correctly understand. But it is impossible not to feel the right thing of Luba, so needing in the years of his four-year-old solarms in warm, support, without which death would come to her, and therefore the death of children ).
3. Reading text on roles.

According to "Alylesha, you are not a noise, the children will awaken ..." before the words "... And I am also a person, not a toy."

What can not forgive Ivanov's wife? Why? What kind of way he sees? (Listening to the story of Lyuba about Semen Essayevich, warming up their focus next to the children, about her flour of loneliness and minute weakness, Ivanov behaves like a person thinking only about himself. Author of masterfully draws a secession of the hero with his "I". ("I am bored Lyuba, with you, and I still want to live. "" I did the whole war, I saw the death closer than you ") Not wanting to go behind the heart, Ivanov sousefully judges anyone (" Bitch you, and nothing more "). Of course , it's hard to learn about treason after bloody front tests. Ivanov is a little in the soul of pride and a false feeling of insulted vague, false because the sinner himself and is afraid to admit it. He perceives all the things that happened to his wife's heart, blind. The sincere truth of a loving wife seems to him Little, and human kindness seems to be naked ("nothing without calculation does not happen"). Forced growing of children seems unnatural, strange. The soul was covered with a thick jealousness and self-esteem, aggravated jealousy. Exit Ivanov She seems one to leave the house. This path for him is the only one, because to understand another person is the work of the soul. Having met with her family, he is an orobul. He is scared, although he is not recognized in this).

How did the story of Petrushi about Harriton affected Ivanov? (From the mouth of the child sounds moral ukore to the jealous father: "We have a deal. It is necessary to live, and you swear as stupid." Petrusha tells the Father about Harriton from the disabled cooperation, which justified the actions of his wife's wife, what was invented by the mass of front-line love Adventures. This story is perceived as a wise life of the parable, calling sinners to humility. She was a push to the genuine, and not imaginary return of Ivanov from a distorted front space in the row of natural human life. This parable forced the father to ask her secret thoughts about Masha A random acquaintance ("Ivanov listened to the story with surprise, that Petrusha told him and thought: he will tell about Masha now").

Final story. The most dramatic and climax of the story.
3. Reading teacher.

« Ivanov closed his eyes, not wanting to see and feel pain of fallen, disgraced children, and he himself felt hot in his chest, as if the heart, imprisoned and thickened in him, washed long and in vain all his life, and only now it made his way to Freedom, filling out all its creature with warmth and shudders. He suddenly found out everything that he knew before, much more accurate and valid. Before, he felt another life through the barrier of prude and his own interest, and now suddenly touched it with a naked heart ... Ivanov threw a douse bag from the car to Earth, and then descended on the lower step of the car and came down from the train on that sandy path, which was fled He is in his children».

4. Comments of students.

Who helped Ivanov return? (The children rescued the family, returned his spiritual sight to the father, see the main thing for their own "I," forced him to go behind the heart).

5. Conclusions.

What is the ideological content of the story? (For the sake of preservation of families, adults should be able to forgive, love and understand each other, be higher than their own passions: jealousy, egoism, cruelty; In any conditions, a person must remain a person and not give to his heart)

The meaning of the title story? (Returning home from the war, return to the family and children, returning to himself, good and loving).

Initially, the story was called the "Ivanov family", later the name was changed to the "Return". What is the name, in your opinion, is suitable for the story?

The person's name carries the imprint of his life. Knowing the interpretation of the names of heroes, is it possible to say that the names of the names reflected their fate and character? ( Alexei - Dr. Greek. 'defender'; Maria - Dr.-Heb. 'Bitter', 'favorite', 'stubborn'; Love - St.-Slav. 'The stack, discusses, is distinguished by beauty and kindness'; Peter - Dr. Greek. 'Rock', 'cliff', 'stone boulder'; Nastya. - Dr. Greek. 'Resurrection', 'Return to Life').
6. Language writer.

1. "They spent their feelings already more abbreviated." 2. "The only thing that could console and entertain the heart of a person was the heart of another person." 3. "live civilian life." 4. "I published laughs above it and it happens happy instead of it." 5. "Mood swinging." 6. "He benefits us. Let him live". 7. "I have the whole soul of Odratroggy." 8. "Her heart tormented." 9. "Feel the life of a naked heart." 10. "We have a case, you need to live."
7. Summing up the lesson.
Development of the Russian language lesson in grade 9
A.A. Musiralieva

(School-Lyceum № 23, Shymkent, Kazakhstan)

Subject : Complex proposals with interpretation unions.
Objectives lesson :

Consolidate knowledge of basic groups of complex proposals,

Become acquainted with SSP with interpretation unions; To form the ability to find such designs and determine their structure, establish the semantic relationship between the simple proposals in the composition of the complex, to correctly install and explain the punctuation marks;

Help students to realize their reality surrounding them, express their attitude towards peace and to life.

Visuality : Support schemes, table, distribution material.
During the classes

I.. Organizing time.
Psychological warm-up.
"What tasks I love to perform in the lessons of the Russian language". Students are invited to choose a favorite section "Stylistics", "Syntax", "Ordography". After that, the class is conditionally divided into three groups, and during the lesson each group performs its tasks.

II.. Checking homework.

Exercise 29. Students read suggestions, explaining the spells and paragraph.

Right ... Winter. There was an end of October and in the autumn howled coldly ... the wind. The leaves from the trees have already crumbled and the garden was all transparent .... The snow was not yet but felt ... smiling the breath of winter. In the morning the fog went to the field. And during the day he was scattered and disappeared.

III. Actualization of reference knowledge.

Work on the card.

Finish thought:

- Simple sentences can be connected to complex with ...(unions and intonation).

- Parts of the complex proposal can be connected using alliances ...(connecting, opposing and dividing).

- Connecting unions - this ...(List them).

- Primary alliances - this ... .

- Separate alliances - this ....

2. In parallel - perform test tasks on cards (individually).


but) In autumn passed, winter came for her.


from) The day leaves, and the coolness refreshes and burst.

d) I'll call the gate a little, the girl comes out.

2. Complex offer.

but) Stars sparkled cold, but the sky in the east has become brightened.

in) He jumped to his feet, but immediately sat down from pain.

from) The day was cloudy, but warm.

d) The golden rays of the sun shine in the sky and ran along the ground.

3. Complex offer.

but) The sun looked into the windows and the dew washed glass.

in) Bird flies far away, but the old nest does not forget.

from) The oak forest is located, and glitters, and alets in the sun.

d) It was already nine in the evening for hours, and the full moon was shining above the garden.

4. Complex offer.

but) Do not be proud of the title, and be proud of knowledge.

in) Bread must be protected like a shrine.

from) The forest in which I entered was very often and deaf.

d) The sun rose highly, but there was fresh and damp in the air.

5. Writing alliances are divided into groups

a) 4 c) 3 c) 2 d) 5

IV. Mastering new knowledge. Work on the lesson.

1. Wordwork.

Primary unions, opposition.

2. Record Proposals for Observation.


Write proposals, allocate the grammatical foundation, to determine the semantic relationship between simple as part of a complex.

Screaming in anger funny but terrible silent in anger(Abai.).

The word is silver, and silence is gold.

V.. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic.

Exercise 32 (independently followed by mutual test).

1. Spring was late and frost did not stick ... sm.2. East slightly spawned, but the stars sparkled ... brightly.3. At noon, the sun strained ... But in the evening it became colder.4. The evening was cloudy and the night is likely to be bright.5. Thunderstorm passed ... However, the sun was not shown.6. There was a late hour however, the window was shining ... sm.

VI. Lexic lesson module.

Working with the text "Holy Forest".

Thislegend I once told the Englishman traveler.

Once a steamerzanocheval due to the fogs near Samoa. Crowdmerry Sailors gone ashore. Entered the forest, they began to breed a fire. Cut borties, cut down and dumpedcoconut wood. Suddenly they heard in the dark quiet moans and fucking. All night sailors did not sleep and fed to the fire.

When dawned, they saw that blood was sought from the stump of a fledged palm! The torn lianas wriggle on Earth, and scarlet droplets were dripped from chopped bruises. It was a sacred forest. On Samoa isplants who have a soul, blood runs in the fibers. In such a forest, the natives do not allow themselves to break or leave a leaf.

Merry sailors did not died. They have grown on the deck, but the rest of life has never smiled anymore.

Our life is the same sacred forest. Everything lives around everything, everything feels deep and strong. And it is necessary to enter into life not a cheerful walking, but with a reverent thrill, as in the sacred forest, full of life and secrets.(According to V. Veresayev)

Tasks for text .
1. For the "Stylistics" group: Read expressively text. Determine what style it refers. In which paragraph is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? How do you understand these words? Write words, the meanings of which are not clear to you, seek interpretation to the dictionary.

2. For the syntax group: To write out of the text of the SSP with the opponent unions, and then simple sentences with homogeneous faithful. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks.

3. For the spelling group: Explain the spells in the dedicated words. Choose examples from the text on this orthogram and make entries in the form of an algorithm.

What spells are you known? Make a card on them.

VII. Exercises for the design of complex proposals.

Level 1 :

From these proposals to descriptive with alliances but, but, but. Create schemes of complex proposals.

The sun hidden behind the horizon. The steppe was light.

December came. Snow was not yet.

Rides went in the valley. Snow fell in the mountains.

Purga raged in the mountains. The valley was warm and quiet.

2 level :

Finish proposals to get complex with the opponent unions. Create diagrams.

On the street raincoat and overcast, but ...

The sun rose, but ...

The sun was shining in the glade, and ...

In the city we littered from the heat, ...

VIII.. Summing up the lesson.
- What semantic relationships are expressed in complex proposals with opponent unions?

Name the opposition alliances.

IX.. Homework:
Level 1 : Exercise 35.
2 level : Exercise 34.
Development of classes in the Russian language

(for students of the 1st year of the specialty « Geodesy and cartography»)

F.Zh. Muhamedyarova

(ENU them. L.N. Gumileva, Astana, Kazakhstan)

Theme lesson:

R.T. . : Abstract as a scientific style genre.

Gr . : Complete proposal with apparent causes and goals.

L.T. . : My speciality.
Form of holding: practical lesson (with the elements of the laboratory work of a research nature)
Type of classes: combined (Studying theoretical material, practical application of knowledge gained, generalization and systematization), using active learning methods.
Purpose of classes: fromto form a system of knowledge of language forms of information in the genre of scientific style - annotations, study its content, structure, training methods and techniques, to develop the skills of structural and semantic analysis, compression of educational and scientific text in the specialty, improve language and communicative competence.
Tasks for classes:

Educational tasks :

Teach students to understand, analyze, summarize the information contained in scientific texts in the specialty; argue its point of view;

Familiarize yourself with the structural and semantic organization annotation; teach to determine the main and more information of the text, interpret it to use in the secondary text (annotations); to educate annotation;

Teach students practical mastering Russian language, consolidate the knowledge gained on SPP, enrich the lexical stock by a special vocabulary;

Form the skills of linguistic competence of the language of the specialty, dialogic and monologue speech; automate trial reading skills;
Developing tasks :

Develop the skills and ability to read scientific literature in the specialty for the formation of professional competence; allocate general and essential signs, make generalizing conclusions, analyze and compression of educational and scientific text;

Develop the ability to build oral and written statement; speak with oral message; Correctly conduct a training dialogue; contribute to the development of the logic of thinking based on scientific texts; develop research skills; Increase the level of general humanitarian culture.
Educational tasks :

Bring up a positive attitude to the study of the Russian language and knowledge at all; interpersonal competence, tolerant and respectful attitude to the opinion of other people, the ability to work in a group and independently;

Help in mastering the culture of communication in speech situations;

Rail-up hard work, respect for science.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, distribution material (samples of annotations for textbooks, texts of scientific articles, books in the specialty).
Discipline Learning Results:

Students should : 1) understand the structural and semantic organization of the scientific text in the specialty; 2) be able to perform various operations with the text: to describe, summarize information, argument, draw conclusions; carry out analysis and compression of the text in the specialty; 3) be able to apply a system of language and professional knowledge; 4) navigate in the stream of scientific information.

Plan and occupation

(Sequence of academic actions indicating thematic blocks

and parts of the lesson required to implement each part)
1. Formulation of the concept "annotation ", Conversation about appointment, shape and abstract structure.

The search for a continuously growing volume of scientific and scientific and technical information on primary sources requires too much time and labor, but does not provide the necessary completeness, so the search is carried out on the arrays of secondary documents, which are traditionally attributed to annotation .

The secondary document is the result of coagulation of information of the primary document. Under coagulation It is customary to understand compression, or compression, the text of the primary document when it is recycled to the text of the secondary document.

The entity of annotation is to maximize the scope of the source of information while maintaining its main content. Abstract only lists questionswhich are illuminated in the original source without revealing the content itself These questions. Abstract answers the question: " What is said in the primary text? ". Thus, the main difference annotation is that abstract gives an idea only about The main thing theme and list of questions affected in the text of the original source.

Abstract, due to its limit brevity, it does not allow citation, it does not use semantic pieces of the original as such. Annotation volume - 500 printed signs. Reference (descriptive) Annotations should not exceed 800-1000 printed signs.

Annotation does not use key fragments of the original, as well as the formulation of the author Annotation. The abstract vocabulary is distinguished by the predominance of names over the verbs, abstract nouns over specific, relative closure, homogeneity of the lexical composition.

The logicality of the presentation of the material in the abstract text is the widespread use of passive structures, impersonal proposals with infinitive and predicative adverbs on - about, with impersonal verbs or with personal in the meaning of impersonal.

The choice of lexical agents and syntactic structures should contribute to the achievement of a high degree of conciseness, generalization, accuracy and logic of the supply of material in the text of the annotation.

Abstract includes the characteristic of the main topic, the objectives of the work and contains an indication that this work is borne in itself in comparison with others on the same subject. Annotations may contain messages about changes, corrections, additions when reproducing this issue.

In this way, annotation - This is a summary of the content of the primary text, which gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe topic, its appointment and differences from other works of similar subjects.

Slide 1.. Definition of the concept "annotation ».

Slide 2.. Views of annotations.

1. In content and intended purpose Annotations are divided into:

- reference they are also called descriptive or informational (characterize the subjects of the text, report any information about it, but do not give it a critical assessment);

- rethimative (characterize the original source, give an assessment of its suitability for a specific category of consumers, taking into account the level of training, age and other consumer features).

2. Full of content coverage Annotation of the macrotex and reading an annoyance is divided into:

- about beggie (characterize the macrotekt of the document as a whole and are designed for a wide range of users);

- specialized (describing the document only in certain aspects, are designed for a narrow circle of specialists, and they are mainly reference).

Attention! Annotation text is not standardized, in contrast to the bibliographic description.

Abstract reflects: 1) Type and purpose of annotable document (monograph, dissertation, collection) and the tasks assigned by the author; 2) the method used by the author (experiment, comparative analysis, compilation of other sources); 3) the author's affiliation to a specific scientific school or direction; 4) structure, subject and subject of annotable work, basic provisions and conclusions of the author; 5) Characteristics of auxiliary and illustrative materials, additions, applications, reference apparatus, including pointers and bibliography.

A characteristic feature of annotation is that it should be closely related to the information included in the bibliographic description.

Abstract usually placed on the back of the title page of the book.

2. Analysis of the abstract structure.

Slide 3.. Annotation structure.

1. Elements of the output data, which indicate the name, patronymic (initials) and the name of the author (authors) of the book, place, publishing house, year and volume (total number of pages) of publication in nominative form.

The basis of the work is

In the book (article) considering

In the book (article) considering (it is affected, summarizes…), say (about what?), evaluation, analysis, generalization (What?), presented point of view (for what?), affect the question (about what?), overview is given (What?), questions are analyzed (What about?) And so on.

3. Composition, primary text structure (optional part annotation).

The book consists of Chapter (parts) ...

In the book stand out Chapter.

The manual consists of Sections.

4. Appointment of text.

The manual is intended for… .

The book is designed… .

The book is of interest… .

For bachelors, undergraduates… .

5. Illustrative material shown in the original source.

The manual contains extensive illustrative material in the text and in applications

Slide 4.. Sample annotation.

(reading annotation, allocation of structural semantic parts)

Salageev V.G. Student scientific works. Academic rhetoric: Tutorial. - Almaty: Rariet, 2004. - 200 p.

In the book with rhetorical positions describe the Genres of coagulation - the deployment of information in educational and research purposes: the formulation of the topic, theses, abstract, abstract, science plan, bibliographic description, abstract. There is an attempt to systematically present learning and creative student genres.

The process of writing creative scientific works is highlighted: the choice and consolidation of the topic, work planning, bibliographic search, the study of literature, collecting and systematizing the actual material. All elements of the scientific essay composition, its editing and protection of the results of the study are considered.

The manual contains extensive illustrative material, advisory bibliographic list, glossary, tests, tasks for independent classes and exercises. Designed for undergraduate students, magistracy, teachers of the course "Fundamentals of scientific research".

For the formation of skills and abilities in the area of \u200b\u200bannotation, preparatory speech exercises are necessary.

Slide 5..

Exercise 1. From the issues submitted ( what? what? for what? between what? about what? on what? what?) Pick up the right version of the question to the samples of clishaned annotations.

In the book is investigated (what?) …

A great place in the work occupies consideration

In the book (article) the characteristic is given … .

In the book (article) dan analysis … .

In the book (article) analyzed … .

The main attention is paid … .

Clear difference is carried out … .

The main provisions are revealed … .

Describes some methods … .

Special attention is paid to issues … .

In work (book, article) overview is given … .

Lights theories … .

Found a reflection development of problems, questions … .

Few developed problems are investigated … .

Characterized subject, place and tasks … .

The value is considered … .

In the book (article) lED details … .

The problem is considered… .

The article based on analysis shows… .

The article covers some aspects… .

The factors contributing to

Open the essence… .

Slide 6..

Task 2.. Lexical and grammatical rephlazing of proposals.

With the help of geodesic calculations, buildings and structures are drawn up with millimeter accuracy - geodesic calculations contribute to the preparation of error-free, extremely accurate construction projects - buildings and structures.

Currently, in the market of geodesic equipment, there are geodesic devices of a new generation, allowing you to quickly solve the tasks of geodesy and cartography, in an automated mode, with a completely new principle of the collection of spatial information about the locality - the existence of geodesic devices of the new generation makes it possible to reduce the timing of the problems of geodesy and cartography and Refresh the quality of work with the information field of the area.
Slide 7..

Task 3.. Based on two independent simple proposals, make one complex reasanced causes using alliances because, since, because, due to the fact that, because because and etc.

1. The work of the geodesist in the field of construction is particularly laborious. It is a geodesist involved in the formation of the theoretical basis of ways to measure the territory, calculating the coordinates of the area and the preparation of topographic plans.

2. The cartography is extremely important in the defense case. Maps are used in the development of strategic plans and conducting military operations.

Students record proposals in the grammar note, conduct syntactic and punctuation analysis of proposals according to the scheme.

Slide 8..

Task 4.. Answer the question " For what purpose are annotation? ", Using a complex proposal with an additive goal.
Slide 9.. Drawing up an annotation to a scientific article in the specialty.

Step number 1.. Reading text (scientific article in the specialty), understanding and identification of basic content. Slide 10..

Step number 2.. Determination of the main structural-semantic parts of the text. Reading paragraphs containing specific information: 1) on the topic of the article, its relevance, formulation of the problem (the first paragraph-zinch, Introduction); 2) on the work method, solving the problem (main paragraph); 3) on the conclusions and application of the results in a specific field of science (paragraph-conclusion). Slide 11..

Step number 3.. Allocation of proposals that carry the basic semantic load of paragraph. Finding keywords in the paragraph to transfer the main information. Slide 12..

Step number 4.. Using lexical and grammatical rephrasing, representation of a proposal in the form of a header to paragraph. Slide 13..

Step number 5.. Summation of information (titles) paragraphs, entry in the form of theses.

Step number 6.. Drawing up text annotations. Slide 14..

Acquaintance with the table "Basic components annotations." Drawing up the text of the annotation according to the scheme using reference expressions and linguistic agents. Abstract includes the main sections: relevance, formulation of the problem, ways to solve it, results and conclusions. Each of the sections are given one and two suggestions.

Slide 15..

Basic components annotation

(on the example of a scientific article in the specialty "Geodesy and Cartography")

Semantic component annotation


Language means of expressions that make up annotation (the semantic parts of the annotation are issued with the help of language stereotypes)


a variant of summable information

Relevance of the topic.

Description: From the very beginning it is necessary to show the importance of the research problem presented in the article.

Devices of a new generation in the market of geodesic equipment.

Currently, the study deserves special attention ( what?) ... The article covers current issues ...

Currently, the existence of new generation devices in the geodetic equipment market deserves special attention.

Statement of the problem and purpose of the author of the article.

Description: After revealing relevance, it is necessary to designate the existing problem, the solution of which is the purpose of the author and is presented in the primary text.

The introduction of new techniques, the latest principles for collecting spatial information about the terrain and operational, in automated mode, solving problems in the geodesy and cartography area.

The purpose of the author of the article is to show, explain, summarize ( what?) ...; give analysis ( what?), rating ( what?) ...; The article aims to prove to summarize ( what?) .... The article discusses, the question is that .... The author applies to questions about ...; affects, puts, illuminates the question of ...; talks about problems ...; Stopped on the following issues: ...

The goal of the author of the article is to disclose the essence of the introduction of new techniques, consider the updated principles for collecting spatial information about the terrain and operational, in automated mode, solving problems in the area of \u200b\u200bgeodesy and cartography.

Ways to solve the problem

Description: List specific steps aimed at solving this problem: 1) in high-quality studies (if there is no description of the experiment, analysis of its results) - list the theoretical issues under study; 2) in quantitative research (if there are statistical data of the experiment) - describe the methodology for experimental work, the studied variables.

Methods for determining the term and quality of geodesic and map of terrain. Technology of updating topographic plans and cards based on the introduction of new generation geodetic devices.

The technique has been developed, studies are presented .... in an article based on analysis ( what?) ... shown ( what?) ...; revealed the essence ...; Considered questions ....

A methodology for determining the term and quality of geodesic and cartographic work on the study of terrain has been developed. The technology of updating topographic plans and cards based on the introduction of new generation geodetic devices is given.


Description: This section presents quantitative or qualitative results of the study, including in an article of illustrative material.

Digital data (...) and efficient laboratory studies.

The article contains a large number of examples and illustrative material. The author leads acts, numbers, data illustrating and confirming the main provisions of the article. The author relies on the numbers, acts, data. The article provides quotes ( from?) ...; The author quotes statements ( whom?) ...; the words ( whose?) ...; quotes ( whom?) … .

Effective laboratory definitions are given and digital data (...) are installed illustrating and confirming the basic provisions of the study.


Description: In conclusion, it is necessary to designate the scope of implementation of the results of the study, the addressing of the article, how much the work has expanded the idea of \u200b\u200bthe issue studied or submitted a new solution to this problem.

The introduction of innovative technologies as a component of the quality of specialists in the field of geodesy and cartography.

The article is addressed to specialists (non-specialists), a wide circle of readers; Calculated ( on whom?) ..., interesting ( kOM?) ...; presents new solutions to the problem ...; (may represent) interest ( for whom?) ...; interest ( whom?) ... because it expands the ideas about ....

The article presents the prospects for the introduction of innovative technologies and recommends their use of specialists in the field of geodesy and cartography.

Often, scientific and technical articles do not contain descriptions of experimental studies, so when writing an annotation, it is possible to limit the first three components: relevance, formulation of the problem and ways to solve the problem.

When writing an annotation, you should pay attention to the following questions.

Slide 16..

Limit words. Annotation should include 100-250 words (according to GOST, 850 characters, not less than 10 lines).

Timeó e Unity. Annotations to the already written articles and research is more logical to write in the past time.

Structure. When writing an annotation, it is necessary to adhere to the generally accepted structure (Table 2).

Easy in presentation. Annotation language should be a simple, understandable wide range of specialists in a specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. It is recommended to use famous generally accepted terms.

No details. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary parts, specific numbers.

Keywords. The authors are asked to allocate keywords of work. This is done for search engines, classify articles on topics. In the interest of the author, specify the number of keywords needed to increase the chances of finding an article through search engines.

Slide 17.. Analysis of information and an annotation entry on an article in the specialty.

Task for SRO :

1. Make yourself an annotation according to the following plan, pay attention to the linguable means of annotation.

- Name and theme (articles, books).

- Problems (articles, books).

- Composition (articles, books).

- Inclusion of illustrative material.

- purpose (articles, books).

- Destination (articles, books).

2. Write in the 4-3 library reference directory department to textbooks for your specialty. Highlight Language and Speech Standards in them.

Didactic materials:

Methodical literature (UMKD, Sillabus).

Internet resources.


Development of a lesson on the topic

"Clean the speech.Speak beautiful »

(School-Gymnasium No. 50. A. Baitursynova, Shymkent, Kazakhstan)

Andrei Platonovich Platonov is the famous Russian writer of the twentieth century, according to many literary criticism, one of the best. His wide fame received his work only at the end of the twentieth century, after the death of the writer. In life, he was not recognized, and the reaction of criticism on his books often had a negative. Platonov did not fit into the ideology of the socialist state, and he was alien to the principles of socialist realism and other frameworks in creativity. He was a patriot, a philosopher and a decisive artist, but never had a servant of power, did not make a reality. About the art of Platonov said that it "is to express the most extensive means through the simplest means."
The story "Rank" is an example of this attitude to art. The plot is simple, the heroes are understandable and vitality, the language is deliberately simple, and at the same time the meaning of deep. The story hero is demobilized Captain Ivanov. The most common surname in Russia, and the name-patronymic Aleksey Alekseevich. It is not known whether platonists had the meaning of this name - "Defender", but the name of his wife, love, and son, Peter (meaning stone) seem not accidentally selected.
The story is simple: Returning from the front, Captain Ivanov learns that his wife Lyuba was wrong. He wants to leave, but returns, jumping off the train, when he sees from the window of Tambour running after the children's train.
In the exhibition, it is described that on the way home Ivanov met the girl of Masha and she had two days left for two days, for some reason, laying the joyful and disturbing hour of meeting with his family. The feelings of the captain and the car to each other are infertility and natural and do not cause condemnation from the reader. Returning home, Ivanov turned out to be in the situation, which in four years of war has changed very much, "he breathed in the infant native smell of the house," hugged his wife and felt "quiet joy in the heart and calmly content." However, "strange and not quite clearly understood was Ivanov's native house." It is especially surprised by his behavior of the Son, eleventeent years of Peter. This "small-spirited sletish boy" looks skewed and displeasure, all the time grows, as a small old man, commands not only the youngest sister, but also the mother.
The topic "Children and War" is a special topic of Platonov. In one of his military stories, the writer's mouth of the hero, who watched, as children, playing, burying clay little men, says: "We must wean from the life of those who taught children to play death." So in this story: not by years, an adult and reasonable parsley causes respect and pity at the same time.
Platonov's children are creative, thin. An eleven-year-old Peter feels very well what happens between parents. Waking up at night from their disturbing voices, Parsley regrets the crying mother, which was so hard during the war. He is better than father, knows about it. The involuntary elapse of Petela explanations between parents is not accidental. When an offended father shouts: "Budge children ... I'll tell you what they have a mother! ...", son says: "What are you scaring the mother? She and so thin, the potatoes without oil eats, and Nastke gives oil. " It was Petrushka that his mother loves his father: "Mother cried you, I was waiting for you, and you came, she crys too." It was Parsushka, and not an angry father understands that they have a case, it is necessary to live. The story that the son of the father tells the father about Uncle Harrit and his wife Anyuta, surprising Ivanova: the Son seems so insightful that it is about to say about Masha. The author fully refrain from commenting to the act of his hero. The fact that Ivanov decided to go to Masha, which "hair smelled by nature", leaving anyone and children, is also not commented. However, the inner monologue of the hero that "there is no forgiveness of a person who kissed and lived with another, so that it is not so boring, not the time of war and separation from the husband," clearly comes into conflict with the words of wise and sensitive parsley. Platonov so comments on the feelings of Ivanov, who understood that the rushing towards the move and the fallen children who had fallen - his own: "Ivanov ... I felt hot with him in his chest, as if the heart, imprisoned and tried in it ... Only now made it to freedom ...". A person who has always lived with his own interests, suddenly touched his life with a renovated heart.
Love for life, overcoming, elevation over its egoistic feeling - so you can characterize the moral evolution of Platonov's hero.
A peculiar artistic method of the writer did not fit into the tough framework of socialist realism, his skills were not evaluated by contemporaries: neither critics or readers. Wide recognition of the writer's work received only in the 60s of the twentieth century when his novel "Chevengur" and the story "Kotlovan" saw the light. Published in 1960 on the pages of the magazine "New World" The story "Family Ivanova" ("Return") was no exception: the tree of criticism hit the writer. At that time, it seemed inappropriate, untimely writing about what Platonic wrote. The colossal freedom of the writer in the elements of the Russian language was perceived as oblique.
Understand Platonov prevented not only ideological prohibitions, but also their own insufficient spiritual potential read. According to the modern writer Andrei Bitova, "Platonov we just appear. He still has to be. "

The lesson of extracurricular reading by story

Andrei Platonovich Platonova


Moral problems of the story.

purpose : deepen knowledge of students about personal and creative biography A.P. Platonova; reveal the moral meaning of the story, bring someone else's closerfate to everyone, make empathize; Improve skillsanalysis of artistic text.

During the classes

1. Word about writer

2. Analysis of the story.

    What is the topic of the story? (Family destruction as one of the consequenceswar)

    Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work (in all conditions, with anycircumstances a person must remain a person and not giveoutline the soul to make your heart; You need to be higherdestructive passions, jealousy of egoism, cruelty, revenge; Adultsit is necessary to find moral forces and save the family,stand in the sake of children; Children are also responsible for the fate of adults; bythe opinion of Platonov, it is they who suddenly constituted, in no wayinvincibles carried the truth of life, only they knew the price of the family andseen in the world of undistressed light.)

    What is the meaning of the title? (Return from the war to the world, home in the family to his wife and children, to himself still, kind and humane)

    Which of the names "family of Ivanov" or "Return" is the mostsuccessful? (The name "Ivanov family" emphasized the typicalsituations, "Return" focuses on the moral sideworks)

    Who is the hero of the story?

    What attracted Ivanov to Masha? Why did he talk to her?(The train that Mama and Ivanov should be taken home, wasit is unknown where in the gray space. The only thing that couldconsole, entertain the heart of a person, was the heart of another person.Masha was pretty, easy soul, good).

    What is the state of nature at this moment? (Cold has come alreadyautumn night, in the surrounding nature, it was sad and sad in thishour). Platonov describes nature, a hostile person. By this, B.particularly explains the mutual attraction of Ivanov and Masha.

    Another reason for their convergence was that "both felt likenow orphaned without army. " People got used to the institutionorder, to army weekdays and inertia, though they sought tocivil life, home, could not restrain on the way of peacefullife.

    Why captain Ivanov is not in a hurry home? (He himself did not know whyso did it - maybe because I wanted to take a walk on the will).

    Do you think someone from the heroes is guilty? (Guilty in thisthere are no situations. In war, people often lived alone, this habitlong persisted and after. Masha is not to blame: she "did not knowthe family position of Ivanov and the girl's shyness is not

asked him about him. " Actually, it was not important for her familyposition - Masha did not require anything. Not to blame and luba, wifeIvanova, who worked the whole war day and night, raised children,waiting for her husband, starval.)

At the station Alexey met his son Petrusha. Describe a portraitboy.

Reading the first conversation of the Son with Father

    How does this conversation characterize Petrush?

    How was Ivanov with a wife of love Vasilyevna pushed? (Ivanov approached his wife, hugged her and there stood with her, without dividingfeeling forgotten and familiar warmth of a loved one).

    What had to do anyone when Alexey was in war? (Workedon a brick factory, raised children).

    How did children care about the mother?

    Ivanov could not understand clearly, "Why Petrosh had suchcharacter. " How to explain it? (Ivanov did not know exactly the life,which lived without him).

Reading the scene "Frank night conversation" by roles.

    How do Lyuba and Alexey behave during this scene?

    Private family conflict Platonova manages to a degreebroadly generalization, the drama of two loving people to reveal ashuman tragedy. For the family of Ivanov (typical Russiansurname) There is a war, which created so much burning millions of familiesRussia. For the drama of Alexey and Luba, the difficulties are revealedreturning to a new post-war life, which cannot be so cloudless, what a hero appeared. Afteri need to courageously meet the consequences of warthe first years of the new life. Ivanov is not ready for them, and because he is so hard he perceives the first tests of post-war life.Ivanov Orobel; He expected that everything would be easier and easier, more pleasant tohis. Through the bark of myself, resentment, jealousy does not reach himholy recognition of his wife, his light tears do not touch him. He is scary although he is in this and not admits to take on the main work,build your life and loved ones. He leaves the family. And exposedlast test.Find an excerpt that is the culmination of the story.

The climax of the story carries the liberating force andenlightening the souls cooled during the war years.

Ivanov sees their children who, stumbling, falling and hurting,run by train, taking him to another, as he hopes, carefreelife. "Ivanov closed his eyes, not wanting to see and feel pain of fallen adhesive children, and he himself felt hot with himit became in the chest, as if the heart, concluded and tried in it, washedlong and in vain all his life, and only now it passed intofreedom, filling out all its creature with warmth and shudders. He found outsuddenly, everything that knew before, much more accurate and more valid. Beforehe felt another life through a barrier of pride and his own interest, and now suddenly touched it with a naked heart. "

It is hardly the best lines in all the prose of Platonov. Oh walkedfor many years: In Ivanov, I also woke up, I woke up "intimateman "and through all the obstacles came to the world and people.

Experiencing moral shock, the hero comes to moralcleansing, insight.

    Which of the heroes did you especially like? Why? (Briefcharacteristics of heroes).

The outcome of the lesson.

Military Theme is one of the most popular in the literature. Many works narrate on the flow of war, about soldiers and heroism, and some describe the post-war time. The latest type can be attributed to the work of Andrei Platonova "Return". The author reveals a special side of hostilities and shows how a person changed. The plot is based on the return of Captain Alexei Ivanov. But more precisely, it can be said, the return is not so much home as "in yourself", to what you were before.

Platonov did not describe hostilities, but showed the course of war through other factors, such as the description of nature. What was the inner state around how the world is full of sadness and sadness. The more deeper into the essence of the story, the more you understand the character of the main character, I can say that he was particularly unpleasant. After all, Ivanov, even after the war, behaved like on the front. He warns his family with the help of telegrams, and following his home, begins to go for Masha. Masha was free and lonely, she did not associate any responsibilities. Therefore, Ivanov felt free of them.

After this meeting with the Masha reader, it is possible to get acquainted with the captain's family closer. His wife, Love Vasilyevna is not sleeping, everything is waiting for him, walks for all trains, for her this meeting is anxious, and for him, on the contrary, as if entertainment. Four years of separation reflected on children, Parsley, to whom only 11 years old, already has the character of an adult, Ivanov understands that the boy lacked care, caress and attention.

The main character can not measure with those changes that occurred in his house can not understand the son who leads home affairs, and the fact that this boy has helped his mother and sister to survive all the time. It can be said that the author shows how strangers became Ivanov for his family, he could not peacefully penetrate. In his sense, hero is only he, since he fought and saw a lot of things, and the fact that all the time the family was kept as he could do not care.

At the end of the Father, due to its pride, decides to throw his family, all this is excellent by the author. Sitting on the train, Ivanov did not think about what his wife and children would be. And so, as soon as the train moved, children ran after him, and here some fatherly feelings in the soul of the main character took the top and it remained.

Analysis of the story of Platonov Return

Platonov's books are not like other literary works. His stories may seem strange and unusual, but they are saturated, as if the words go from the depths of his heart. He does not allocate any of his hero. Platonov understands, sympathizes and regrets each of his hero, forgiving his actions.

One of the most famous works of Andrei Platonova is the story "Return". From the very beginning, this story was called "Ivanov Family". Already after the publication in 1946 in the magazine "New World", the author decides to change the name and change the course of events in the work. Under its final title, the story was published in 1962.

Captain, Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, comes back from the war. The plot seemingly quite simple, but why so hard and long hero go home. Twice it fell, twice he is waiting for a train. In anticipation of the next train, the hero meets Masha, in which he feels a relative soul. The author does not explain why Masha and Ivan understood each other, he, on the contrary, gives the reader the opportunity to think and bring any arguments. Ivanov returns to the native land only for the sixth day. He wives the hero of the son (Petrusha) who was Slot, like a peasant, he does not see Alexey Father, he sees only the military in front of him. Life taught Petrush to think to think, he does not break with the arms on his native person. Seeing his wife, he approached her, hugged and stood like that without believing his happiness. Since the time, the hero understands that he is hard without war, and he cannot live peaceful and quiet life. In the evening, he is going to leave, leaving Ivanov, notices children running around the train. Looking at the children, he unexpectedly felt his heart pity. It was at that moment that he understood that his children run. He descends to the step, then on the track, on which his children run. It was at that moment that he returned and finally realized that the family means for him.

Literary Direction: realism.

Subject: The story tells about the post-war time, namely the meeting of the family after a long separation, where every member of the family tries to return to a quiet life.

The basic idea: The writer shows that the war is capable of killing not only physically, it is also able to destroy families, making native people, others for each other.

Number of story: In his story, Plato raises one of the most significant problems of that time. The author reveals the problem of love; the problem of the impact of war on the fate of people; division of families; The problem of devotion and betrayal. It also affects the problem of changing the character at the front-line, who returned home, which is necessary to get used to peaceful life again.

Essay 3.

The works of Andrei Platonova is a small life. Each story separately talks about someone's fate. Platonov - Writer of the post-war time.

The story "Rack" tells about how a simple Russian soldier is going home after the war. Initially, the work was called "Ivanov's family", but subsequently Platonic renamed it. He did this due to the fact that in the story there is not only about the life and fate of the Ivanov family, here a little different subtext. The topic of the work - the return home of the guard of Captain Alexei Ivanov. At the name of the story double meaning. This is the return of a person in his home house not only physical, but also spiritual: last, life already forgotten front weekdays. The main thought and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story - to show the reader as a war of the hollow and breaks not only fate, but also the souls of people.

The plot of the work is quite simple. At the station, the main hero of the story Alexei Ivanov meets Masha. The girl also returns home. She, like Alexey, is not in a hurry to go to the native side. Both understand that they have become strangers for this for a long time in their hometown, so they are afraid to return. Alexey is coming out with Masha in her hometown, despite the fact that the family is waiting for him at home. Ivanov spends two days with his new acquaintance, after that returns home.

The home is waiting for Alexei and come out every day to meet the train. When Ivanov, finally, returns home, he understands that the family is used to living without him. He is all here for some kind of distant and as if somewhat. The son, which is just just the twelfth year, has become an adult little peasant. A five-year-old daughter performs heavy homework. The wife blues in front of him, as at the first meeting. Subsequently, it turns out that their house is visited by Semen Evseevich, whom the whole family died. Lyuba's wife also changed Alexey with an instructor of the Russian trade union. And only the son of Petya, who overheard the night's son and mother's night, understands the act of a woman. Despite the perspective of his wife and son, Ivanov decides to leave the family. He condemns his wife, but he does not tell about his betray.

The image of the main character is ordinary and outstanding, what majority, especially in the post-war time. Platonov condemns Alexey in what he thinks only about himself. In the quarrel of Ivanov accuses everyone, but in no way himself. He explains his betrayal to what he was bored. Neither about his wife, nor about Masha, or even about their own children, Alexey is thinking. Petya is increasing his parents. He wants to reconcile them. The boy is all already understanding an adult.

The language of the story is simple and at the same time special, as well as all the work of Platonov. Through dialectisms that use Petya and Nastya in their speech, we hear and see that small children because of the adultery became too adults.

The item also plays a big role in the work. Valenki, Kalosh Petit, glass of kerosene lamp - everything speaks about the spiritual experience of the heroes.

Only the smell of the native house and pies are forced to remember Alexey about the already peaceful and cozy family happiness, the car's hair smells differently, something that is non-velo. That is, smells are also important in the development of the plot.

At the end of the story, children return their father home. They help him clear mentally, understand what is really valuable.

Family is the most important and expensive in life. Platonov, as a person who understands the true life values, through children gives her hero to rethink everything and get up on the right path.

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