The "new girl" Tarasova reacted for the first time on comparison with Buzova. Footballer Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend Anastasia Kostenko decided to tell the truth about their relationship from which it all began

The "new girl" Tarasova reacted for the first time on comparison with Buzova. Footballer Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend Anastasia Kostenko decided to tell the truth about their relationship from which it all began

As it became known, "KP", the scandalous pair will support colleagues and acquaintances

Goshev Igor

Rumors about the novel of Anastasia and Dmitry have been going for several months. Photo: Venegurin Vladimir, Kudryavov Boris.

It seems that very soon fans of the pair # Tarabusiki - ex-spouses of TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasova, learn the whole truth about their break. And also on what actually attributes an athlete with Vice-Miss Russia from Salsk 22-year-old Anastasia Kostenko. The latter was invited to transfer one of the federal channels. Shooting will be held on Friday, March 24.

As the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda-Rostov told the director of the School of Model Agency "Image-elite" Elena Stephara, they called the producers of the Program and invited to Ether, after reading the publication in Komsomolskaya. They said that as invited - the football player himself and his new girlfriend. It is possible that it is here that they will tell the truth about their relationship.

On the air, the Rostov leaders of the IMIJ-Center modeling agency will remember how they remembered their pupils, which she came to them and what a ticket to life was given to her. The transmission will also be the "Rostov Beauty-2012" of the year Anna Sorokina, who came out with Kostenko for one stage and divided the victory in the beauty contest from which, actually, and began the bright start of Anastasia.

Anastasia entered the top 20 most beautiful girls in the world. Photo: Vladimir Velengurin

In addition, the Donstka will be supported and their other colleagues on the stage with which she was familiar with a model school.

By the way, in one of the interviews "KP", Anastasia Kostenko admitted that she really likes the vocational training and activities of Andrei Malakhov. And reported that it would be nice to try himself as a TV presenter. In addition, she would not refuse from the role of the copping Ivan Urgant, as she loves jokes. But on the program so far she will have to answer questions.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzov lived several years. Photo: Evgenia Guseva

It is not known whether the ex-wife of Football player Olga Buzova will be on the transfer. Judging by her page in Instgram, she is in Vienna. Perhaps the abandoned spouse will take part in the program using video links. Or maybe still come personally.

It is known that the release of the program will be shown only next week.


Advice to other girls how to be beautiful

The most valuable advice is to replenish your spiritual locker with everything necessary while young, because it is better absorbed - he answered the journalist "KP" Anastasia Kostenko. - Read more, listen to music. Still, a Russian girl should know all the classics, not only literature, but also ballet, everything that our rich country is famous. Reliable nature and be beautiful from the inside. Monitor yourself for your nutrition. In no case can be amenable to standards, be unique. And before doing something, ask himself: "Isn't I shame to tell me then to tell my relatives?". In my case - mom and my younger brothers and sisters, whom I have three of them! And then everything will turn out!

The happy once marriage Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova still broke up - this is evidenced by numerous telecasts and articles on the Internet. Happy couple, giving fans with permanent radiant smiles divorced with a loud divorce in the fall of 2016. Spouses lived together for 4 years. During this time, they have formed a shared accurate property, from whom Olga did not have anything left. This does not refute himself Dmitry Tarasov, claiming that the house, apartment and expensive car football player acquired on his own money - this confirms the previous consent of Olga for the design of real estate on the relatives of its then the current husband.

But not property charges entail fans to information about the divorce of famous personalities. It is much more interesting to find out with whom the former spouses are now. And if there were no rumors about Olga yet, then Dmitry is now in a new relationship - this happens for a long time. The new girl Dmitry Tarasov was wondering for a long time - immediately, as information about the treason of a legitimate spouse appeared. But who is she? Earlier was Anastasia Kostenko - it was on her who fell a flurry of the indignation of the fans of Buzova, it was her who was considered a happy pair of a happy passion. But with whom is Dmitry now?

What started?

To begin with, briefly should be brought to talk about how the scandal in the Tarabusik family began. So, at first, the fans simply suspected the wrong in the family, considering the photo in Instagram itself Olga Buzova. If earlier Olga was constantly pleased with joint photos, now they were not. He herself began to appear in secular parties alone - this has long been explained by the employment of a football player, although the spouses themselves did not comment on the situation. The "last straw" for subscribers and the public as a whole has become Olga's hospitalization - at the time while the famous TV presenter lay in the clinic, her beloved and whoever, her husband had fun at the club. That's it all started.

After some time, the spouses who did not comment on the situation, began to open each other with mud, without hiding their hatred. Dmitry tried to blame the spouse in obscene behavior, alcohol abuse and in other troubles. Olga just said that this man did not meet her expectations. But on the Internet spicial information surfaced - Dmitry changed Olga! Yes, not just changed, but began to meet with a girl! After some time, the information was confirmed by Olga itself - she was aware of the love of love of her husband, and it was not one more, but with one girl.

New girl Dmitry Tarasova

2017 began for Dmitry Tarasova with new love - what the football player is infinitely happy. His new girl, according to Dmitry himself, now lives in a Moscow apartment, in which a football player lived with Olga. Surprisingly, the new girl Dmitry Tarasova does not advertise his novel and a new residence. The free and former husband of Buzova praasted that he lived with a new girl for a long time.

There was a new information about the cohabitation in the video "I am building kotelniki", for the filming of which blogger Amiran Sandarov and co-host Valery visited the famous football player. On frames was captured by a slim beauty-brunette in the kitchen, peacefully cooking lunch. However, the audience and subscribers became incomprehensible why the football player did not introduce a new girl to those who came to guests. Surprisingly, even in a common table all, except beautiful in cute and short shorts.

The audiences considered that the Ananstassium Kostenko lives with Dmitry - in any case, the girl from the video is very similar to her. Heself, Anastasia does not comment on the changes that have happened in her life - only its own photos in its instagram. At the same Tarasov, you can see photos with friends with football players and with daughter.

Rumors and other gossip

Not so long ago, the network has information about the new girl Dmitry Tarasova - it became Anna Ushakov, with whom a free football player even held a New Year holidays in Maldives. New Passasy appeared after his own investigation by fans of Olga Buzova. The role of a new girl is the winner of the beauty contest "Moscow Beauty-2016". It should be noted that Anastasia Kostenko is the winner of the Miss Russia - 2014 contest. Both girls burning brunettes with long hair - the opposite of Olga. With Anna Ushakova Dmitry was seen in the restaurant, but none of them commented on the situation.

The second rumor - Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant from Tarasova. This is clearly a pleasant news for every woman who is just the birth of a child is happiness. But still none of the figures comments on what is happening. The evalctants only noticed that if Dmitry does not want to represent his new girl, who lives now to his guests, then does not consider the relationship serious.

And indeed Dmitry Tarasov - windy small. Previously, he was "enjoyed" from the family of Olga Buzova, now I suffered and Olga myself - but who became that the ruiner is still unknown. Be that as it may, Dmitry Tarasov and his new girl deserve tranquility, so one should not be inhabit. What if the truth is Anastasia is pregnant? And pregnant women can not be worried.

Published 09/11/16 23:47

Buzova is divorced with Tarasova 2016: the new girl Dmitry Tarasova was the model Anastasia Kostenko.

Buzova and Tarasov are bred 2016: it became known to whom Tarasov exchanged Buzov

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All public attention and Russian show business is chained to divorce Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasova. As noted, they unsubscribed from the pages of each other in social networks, removed the wedding rings, and, if you believe rumors, they even dispersed.

Anastasia Kostenko. PHOTO

Also it became known that the football player has already changed his spouse with an Anastasia Kostenko with his wife for the past few months. Eyewitnesses of this novel intCBEE They assure that the girl like two drops looks like Angelina Jolie.

According to some data, Buzova learned about the treasures of the spouse gathered things and now lives on a removable apartment. Moreover, now its instagram is filled with sad lyrical poems.

"Autumn draws magic paints ... Singing of birds. The smell of the fire ... The heart sometimes hesitates so much. I'm tired of all this game ... All the present only from God. All the present only inside. Everyone in life has their own way. Alien , do not dare, never judge!
And under any circumstances listen
Only yourself. Only the heart is your own. Do not sell your soul to anyone.
From False, take care of her ... in the world and so too masks a lot. To nausea. To salty tears ... All the present only from God. All the lightweight wind is hidden ... ", - such a lyrical verse accompanied her photo.

Note that former beloved do not give any comments and pretend that nothing special happens.

"Life will put everything in places
She will punish and judge,
For not then, not there,
We were the will of the Fate.
Not with those, did not come together,
And in the direction of the wrong thing they watched
Not so much evaluated life
Not that they said that they wanted ...
I was looking for something for the mile,
Without seeing what is with us near
Do not hear the words that our name is
Not so perceiving glances.
Not the plane met
And waited not on the platform,
The berth was looking for us not
Route We did not know the number.
Although the strict is sometimes fate,
We will not lose smiles
Life will put everything in place
Signing, perhaps, for errors! ", These lines of Buzova published quite sick.

Dmitry Tarasov himself recently published a photo in his blog, where his whole family poses, including Buzov, which is reflected in the bottle of "Martini". Many decided that she was recent, and a couple just blows the people that they would have a divorce.

In fact, five years ago a football player father died five years ago. And this snapshot was made in his life.

"Family Dinner # Family # Mom # Pope # Ktnotettpoymet # 5 years," says signature in the photo.

As a result, the fans of Buzova began to condemn the football player for communication with the model, but many wish Dmitry happiness and success in sports.

"And your new girl is very beautiful,)) We hope that it is smart, and for her more important than selfie round-the-clock and junk, and you will not be with her to water mud as it was with Buzova", "Tarasov hold on her fans Mentally unhealthy people, they want to make you get back and love back buzzing))) Yes, the mental hospital is crying for fans. Love your Anastasia and do not worry, "Tarasov fans write.

24-year-old Anastasia Kostenko is "Vice-Miss Russia - 2014". She also ranked second at the Miss World 2014 contest. They also write that Nastya is studying on the philka.

New Passion player refuses to comment on personal life. The brunette simply commented on his novel like this: "Personal, and there is a personal."

    As everyone knows, Olga Buzova warned Tarasova in advance that if he changed her, she immediately divorced him with him and would not go to her husband to her face.

    Then in Instagram Buzova stopped appearing photographs with the spouse. Immediately, they suspected that Tarasova has a new girl. Her photos are of course no. Since it is only a duck.

    The guy along with the guys goes to the club, and in the Buzovaya Sea there is unfriendly and envious, so she wrote a signature below to one of the photos. Thus, forcing Olga, what really he has someone. This is an ordinary PR.

    There were rumors about the soon divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov after Olga Buzov, in connection with the overwork, hit the hospital, and her husband was hanging out at the club at this time and did not even visited his wife.

    There are no confirmations about the divorce about the divorce, and in the photo it with a former wife:

    Full of rumors on this account. But opinions were divided. One things believe that this is true, and Tarasov fond of another girl, others admit that all this PR and himax will be injected intentionally in the example of a pair of borodin-lobs.

    Batch version of the fact that all this is more prioritized.

    In general, I personally have it personally, that all of us, that is, the viewers and readers of the news once again fool. In general, I do not believe in these liters, but it is only my opinion.

    october 2016.

    Everything converges to the fact that Dmitry Tarasova Roman with Anastasia Kostenko, who wore the title Miss Russia.

    Joint photos they do not publish, but also do not comment on rumors about their novel.

    In the meantime, rumors attributed Kostenko not only pregnancy, but also the birth of a child.

    This is what Anastasia looks like. It seems that the child hints. From Tarasova?

    Now on the Internet is very actively discussing the fact that Tarasov changed Buzovoy and they are on the fine edge of the divorce. Here this is very detailed.

    But not everyone believe that this is true, they already hurt they were a loving and perfect pair. Although Olga recent days will not post the pictures with her husband, there she is constantly alone or with friends, and not so long ago she was completely bad, she even became another on the air.

    Some kind of sad and not bright. In microblog writes sad messages. Some believe that this is such a PR, as was the Borodina or Jew.

    So far, there is no comments from the couples, but there are many messages on the network about treason Tarasov. Of course there are no photos.

    It is rumored that the cause of the gap between the spouses was treason Dmitry Tarasova. The surroundings of the famous TV presenter told that Dmitry Tarasov began to avoid spouse's society, visiting noisy parties, often he did not spend the night at home, Olga failed to forgive betrayal and left her husband. The identity of the direction is still unknown, they say that the football player was seen with the pischnogruda blonde girl, the blondes his favorite type, it can be seen on the example of his wife.

    Now there are rumors on the Internet that the football player Dmitry Tarasov is divorced with TV presenter Olga Buzova and has already found her replacement. New passion is called Anastasia Kostenko. It works in the model and it is Miss Russia Although the joint photo of the new pair is not yet. Nastya and Dima still do not comment on their relationship, but the couple has already been seen several times together in expensive clubs and restaurants.

    On the Internet there are a lot of rumors about the divorce of Oli Buzova and Tarasova, but I still do not believe in these chips the same show business, it's all the setup. The main rumors that are rich in the Internet is the fact that Dmitry Tarasov changed his wife with his sister Buzova Anna, and the fact that his new girl is the second Vice Miss Russia-2014 - Anastasia Kostenko, who is younger than Buzova for 5 years, more about this girl and their novel can be read Here on this site.

    Dmitry Tarasova noticed with some girl, and it was clearly not his wife, Olga Buzova. Recently, rumors have been rumored that Tarasova and Buzova will not be laid a family life, Dmitry has repeatedly seen in pleasure places without a wife.

    It is not yet known that the girl was seen next to Tarasov.

    Dmitry Tarasov with anyone does not meet all this another divorce of the yellow press, that's all. All that was written on the Internet is after Dmitry Tarasov did not come to Olga Buzova when she was in the hospital, but it's all done to attract these tricks already done Ksenia Borodin and Omar Kurbanov, as well as Katya Zhuzh did something like that for the sake Attracting attention to his person, the more Olyga has a huge army of fans and subscribers in all social networks. Here in more detail you can see on this site.

Dmitry Tarasov, a young successful footballer, midfielder of the Moscow Locomotive and a member of the Russian national team, became the hero of secular chronicles thanks to marriage with the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova. At that time, while the couple was together, there was a feeling that Olga is the only woman of the famous athlete. But Dmitry had another personal life. And before and after.

Female athlete, excellent man and just beautiful

The first time Dmitry married early enough - at 21 years old. His first wife Oksana Ponomarenko was born in Moscow in 1986. She is an athlete, engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and reached certain heights in this sport. She was the winning championship of Russia and received the title Master of Sports.

Since competition in rhythmic gymnastics is extremely high, Oksana decided to leave a career at a certain stage and began studying. Having received a dedicator's diploma, she did not work in the specialty. Today Oksana works by a male master in the beauty salon.

Dmitry and Oksana got acquainted by chance. The girl caught a taxi, and Dmitry turned her. The spectacular fellow traveler liked the athlete, and he pretended to have lost his phone somewhere. He asked the girl to gain his number, so he got her contacts. Young people began to meet, after they got married.

In this marriage in 2009, Angelina's daughter was born in this marriage. The marriage existed for 2 years, after that the couple broke up.

There is a version that their marriage destroyed Olga BuzovaBut first time and athlete, and Teediva denied his novel. Already after the divorce, they innocently declared secular reporters: "We are just friends."

However, Oksana declared that the treason took place, and the main reason for the break was the photo in Instagram, where Tarasov and Buzova kiss in karaoke. Dmitry even justified, explaining the incident to the fact that the kiss was losing in the dispute.

For a long time, the couple hid a relationship, however, Buzova paid a chic banquet in honor of the birthday. She paid a penalty for violating the Tarasov sports regime.

Anyway, Oksana and Dmitry divorced. Ponomarenko initially demanded 20 million apartments, claimed real estate and expensive car. By the court decision, she received 1 million 800,000 thousand at the same time and 50,000 alimony monthly.

Oksana has one interesting hobby -stast to tattoo. And this is not a cute maiden tattoo in the form of cat-butterfly cats, but full-scale canvas.

Teediva with iron business grip

At Olga Buzova Dmitry Tarasov married in 2012. The wedding was luxurious, lush and exemplary, as well as their entire family life. After registration in the Griboedovsky registry office, the celebration continued on the ship. In addition to relatives, among the guests, the TV project "Dom-2" and friends from show business were among the invited. Read more about the ratio of the star couple can be read.

All the life of Buzova and Tarasova was atponed. An amateur of endless selfie Olga daily laid out dozens of photos of their own way. It should be understood that the account in Instagram Buzova during its collaboration with Tarasov brought about 1.5 - 2 million rubles per month.

According to Olga herself, this Publicity played a dick joke And it became one of the reasons for their gap with Tarasov.

The official version of Tarasova - a couple divorced because of the unwillingness of Olga to have children. The version of Tarasova's treason with an Anastasia Kostenko is also voiced.

The divorce "Taraisikov" though was scandalous, but passed without litigation. Olga did not claim the house, which spouses acquired during a marriage, according to the law he could be considered jointly acquired property. Tarasov prudently issued a purchase on her mother, but Olga did not lose anything in the material sense.

But the wave of a raised interest number of subscribers in Instagram grew from 4 million to 9.4 million. Accordingly, the fees for advertising in its personal account increased.

In addition, "Unhappy abandoned" Olga began a musical careerAnd her simple songs about women's fate often find themselves in the top of the downloads of iTunes.

Interesting notes:

The divorce opened for Buzova not only the "world of other men", as she sings in his song, but also the world of other houses, cars and travels.

New Idyll - New Wife Tarasova

After a divorce with Olga Buzova Tarasov, for some time hid his personal life. In one of the posts in Instagram, he admitted that his mistake was that he allowed everyone to be the participants of our relationship. " Be that as it may, the public was looking for traces of a new passion in the life of Tarasov, and found.

One day, a famous video unit was visiting Tarasova's apartment, and in the background flashed a girl in pink shorts.

Then during the direct ether in Instagram, he fears that his beloved name is Nastya. Soon he stopped to hide relations with a new girl - model Anastasia Kostenko.

Anastasia was born in the Rostov region in 1994. Her parents divorced when the girl was five years old. Mom re-married and gave birth to three more children - Brother Artem and two sisters, Anyu and Olya.

Anastasia was engaged in a music school and studios of ballroom dancing. The girl did progress in modern ballroom and Latin dances, in the future she planned to professionally engage in choreography. After school, she entered the Stavropol College of Art, where he studied ballet and choreography.

At the same time Anastasia actively participated in various beauty contests. She was noticed and invited to work in China, where she became the face of the Chinese company Lan Yu.

In 2013, she won the international beauty contest in Mongolia. In 2014, the contract was expired with the Chinese company, and the beauty returned to his homeland.

Here she filed an application for participation in the Miss Russia contest. She won the title of the second vice-miss, and received the opportunity as a gift to learn in any university of the world. Anastasia stopped his choice on Rudn, and entered the faculty of journalism.

In the same year, Anastasia was invited to represent our country at the Miss World Competition, where she entered the twenty of the most beautiful girls.

Present The popularity of Anastasia Kostenko brought, oddly enough, Olga Buzova. Rumors about her novel with an ex-spouse Olga multi-mindedly made Kostenko of one of their most discussed persons. She even had to close her profiles in social networks, as well as Tarasov. Anger of fans, or rather, to say, the fan of Buzova was terrible.

Kostenko watered mud, insulted, while not forgetting to subscribe to its accounts.

The girl is constantly compared with Olga, accuse her to the portion of the star. This greatly contributes to the very original Dmitry Tarasov - he gives his beloved the same spirits (let the most expensive in the world), the same sachets of Chanel, and even the same house that Govkova.

Anastasia posted a photo in an orange neon tunic, very similar to the tunic of the Teediva. Some subscribers accused Anastasia that she stops for Olga clothes.

However, the network discusses not the appearance of the girl, but Pregnancy Kostenko.