Somerset Maem - biography, facts, quotes - the burden of human passions. Somerset Maem and his secret life Moem Bibliography

Somerset Maem - biography, facts, quotes - the burden of human passions. Somerset Maem and his secret life Moem Bibliography
Somerset Maem - biography, facts, quotes - the burden of human passions. Somerset Maem and his secret life Moem Bibliography

William Somerset Maugham (Eng. William Somerset Maugham, was born on January 25, 1874, Paris - December 16, 1965, Nice) - British writer, one of the most prosperous prosaikov of the 1930s, author 78 books, Agent of British intelligence.

Somerset Moem was born on January 25, 1874 in Paris, in the family of a lawyer of the British Embassy in France.

Parents specially prepared childbirth on the territory of the embassy so that the child would legitimate grounds for saying that he was born in the UK: the adoption of the law was expected to automatically become French citizens and, thus, to achieve the majority were to be sent to Front in the event of war.

His grandfather, Robert Moem, was in his time a famous lawyer, one of the coordinarians of the English Legal Society. And grandfather, and Father William Maem predicted her fate of a lawyer. And although William Moem himself did not become a lawyer, his elder brother Frederick, subsequently Viscount Moem, was pleased with the legal career and served as Lord Chancellor (1938-1939).

In childhood, Moem spoke only in French, English mastered only after at 10 years he was orphaned (his mother died from Chakhotka in February 1882, Father (Robert Ormond Moem) died of a stomach cancer in June 1884) and was sent to relatives in English city of Whitstebell in County Count, in six miles from Canterbury.

Upon arrival in England, Moem began to stutter - it was preserved for life.

"I was slightly tall; hardy, but not physically strong; I stutter, I was shy and weak health. I did not have a tendency to sport, which occupies such an important place in the life of the British; And - if one of these reasons, or from birth, I instinctively avoided people, which prevented me to converge with them, "he told.

Since William was brought up in the family of Henry Maem, Vicaria in Witsteple, he began studying at the Royal School in Canterbury. Then he studied literature and philosophy in Heidelberg University - in Heidelberg Moem wrote his first essay - the biography of Maeerbera composer (when it was rejected by the publisher, Moem burned a manuscript).

Then he entered the medical school (1892) at the hospital of St. Thomas in London - this experience is reflected in the first novel of Moem "Lisa from Lambta" (1897). The first success in the field of literature Moem brought a play "Lady Frederick" (1907).

During the First World War, collaborated with Mi-5, as an agent of British intelligence was sent to Russia in order to not let her get out of the war. He arrived there on a ship from the United States, Vladivostok. He was in Petrograd from August to November 1917, repeatedly met with Alexander Kerensky, Boris Savinkov and other politicians. He left Russia due to the failure of his mission (October Revolution) through Sweden.

The work of the intelligence was reflected in the collection from the 14-Nov Eschenden, or the British agent (1928, Russian translations - 1929 and 1992).

After the war, Moem continued his successful player of the player, writing the "Circle" play (1921), "Sheppi" (1933). The novels of Moem - "the burden of human passions" (19159) were successful (19159) - almost autobiographical novel, "Moon and Gross", "Pies and beer" (1930), "Theater" (1937), "Razor's Trees" (1944).

In July 1919, Moem in pursuit of new impressions goes to China, and later to Malaysia, which gave him material for two collections of stories.

The villa in Cap Ferra on the French Riviera was bought by Moem in 1928 and became one of the great literary and social salons and the Writer's home for the rest of his life. Writer sometimes seen Winston Churchill, occasionally there were Soviet writers. His creativity continued to be replenished with plays, stories, novels, essays and travel books.

By 1940, Somerset Moem has already become one of the most famous and rich writers of English fiction. Moem did not hide the fact that he writes "not for the sake of money, but in order to get rid of his imagination of ideas, characters, types, but, at the same time, it does not mind if creativity provides him, among other things, also the opportunity to write What he wants, and be the owner itself. "

In 1944, Roman Moem "Trees of the razor" comes out. Most of the Second World War, Moem, who was already in sixty, was in the USA - first in Hollywood, where a lot worked on scenarios, bringing amendments to them, and later - in the south.

In 1947, the writer approved the "Prize of Somerset Moem", which was awarded to the best English writers under the age of thirty-five.

Moem refused to travel when he felt that they could no longer give him anymore. "It was nowhere to change continue to change. The surge culture flew from me. I took the world as it is. I learned tolerance. I wanted freedom for myself and was ready to provide it with another. " After 1948, Moem left dramaturgy and artistic prose, wrote an essay, most advantage, on literary topics.

The last lifetime publication of Moem creativity, the autobiographical notes "Look in the past", was printed in the fall of 1962 on the pages of London Sandy Express.

Somerset Moem died on December 15, 1965 at the 92nd year of life in the French town of Saint-Jean-Cap Ferra, near Nice, from pneumonia. According to the French laws of patients who died in the hospital, it was assumed to be attacked, but the writer was taken home, and on December 16 officially reported that he died at home, in his villa, which became his last refuge. There is no grave as such as a writer, since his dust was dispelled under the Wall of the Moem Library, at the Royal School in Canterbury.

Somerset Moem's personal life:

Without pusing his bisexuality, in May 1917, Maumm married the decorator of Siri Velkom, with which they had a daughter Mary Elizabeth Maum.

Marriage was not successful, in 1929 a couple divorced. In old age, Somerset admitted: "My biggest mistake was that I was imagined by three quarters normal and only a quarter homosexual, whereas in reality everything was the opposite."

Interesting facts about Somerset Moem:

Moem always put a desk opposite the deaf wall so that nothing distract from work. He worked three or four hours in the morning, performing the norm on 1000-1500 words appointed himself.

Dying, said: "Dying - boring and irreparable business. My advice to you - never do it. "

"Before writing a new novel, I always reread" Candida "so that it is unconsciously equal to the clarity, grace and wit".

Moem about the book "The burden of human passions": "My book is not autobiography, and an autobiographical novel, where the facts are firmly mixed with fiction; Feelings, in it described, I survived myself, but not all episodes took place as they are talking about them, and they are not taken part of them from my life, but from the life of people, well to me. "

"I would not go to watch my plays at all, or in the evening the premiere, or at what another evening, if I didn't consider it necessary to check their action to the public in order to learn how to write them."

Novels of Somerset Moem:

LIZA from Lambeth (Liza of Lambeth)
"Creation of Saint" (The Making Of A Saint)
"Hero" (The Hero)
Mrs. Craddock (MRS Craddock)
"Carousel" (The Merry-Go-Round)
"The Bishop's Apron"
"The Explorer Conqueror"
"Magician" (The Magician)
"The burden of human passions" (of Human Bondage)
"Moon and Sixpence"
"Patterpotion" (The Painted Veil)
"Pies and beer, or a skeleton in the closet" / "solid charms" (Cakes and Ale: OR, The Skeleton in The Cupboard)
"Small Corner" (The Narrow Corner)
"Theater" (Theater)
"Christmas holidays", (Christmas Holiday)
"Villa on the Hill" (Up at the Villa)
"An hour before dawn" The Hour Before Dawn)
"Razor's Trees" (The Razor's EDGE)
"Then now. Roman about Nikcolo Makiavelli "(Then and now)
Catalina (Catalina, 1948; Rus. Per. 1988 - A. Athenogenova)


William Somerset Maugham (English William Somerset Maugham [Sʌməsɪt Mɔːm]; January 25, 1874, Paris - December 16, 1965, Nice) -Britan writer, one of the most prosperous prosaikov of the 1930s, author 78 books, Agent of British intelligence.

William Somerset Moem was born on 01/20/1874 in Paris in a lawyer's family. The father served in the British embassy, \u200b\u200band the emergence of a little Somerset on the territory of the embassy, \u200b\u200baccording to the parents, should have given him liberation from calling to the French army, and in the case of war - and sending to the front.

In the Ten-year-old, the boy moves to live in England in the city of Whitstebl Count Count to relatives due to huge losses. As a result of heavy diseases, mother first dies, then father. It is not surprising that on arrival in the UK, Little William begins to stutter, and it will remain with him until the end of life. Nevertheless, in the Vicaria family, Henry Moem paid proper attention to the upbringing and education of the child. First study at the Royal School in Canterbury, then entering the University of Heidelberg to study philosophy and literature.

Here was the first sample of the pen - the biography of the composer Meyerbera. The essay did not fit the publisher, and upset William burned him.

In 1892, William entered medical school to study Medica at the Hospital of St. Thomas in London. Five years later, in her first novel, "Lisa from Lambeta" he will tell about it. But the first real literary success brought the writer's play "Lady Frederick" in 1907.

During World War I, Moem served in British intelligence, as the agent of which was sent to Russia, where he was right until the October Revolution. In Petrograd, he repeatedly met with Kerensky, Savinkov and others. The scout mission failed due to the revolution, but was reflected in themelles. After the war, William Somerset Moem a lot and fruitfully worries on the literary field, they enter the light of the plays, novels, novels. Visit to China and Malaysia brought inspiration to writing two collections of stories.

Another of the most interesting facts in the biography of Moem - buying them a villa in Cap Ferra on the French Riviera. It was one of the most magnificent literary and secular salons, where there were celebrities such as Winston Churchill and Herbert Wells. Soviet writers sometimes came there. Most of the time the writer is engaged exclusively by creativity, which brings him worldwide glory and money. They were approved by the "Somerset Maem Prize". It was given to young English writers.

The second interesting fact: Moem put his desk opposite the deaf wall. He believed that so nothing distract from work. And it worked always in one mode: at least 1000-1500 words in the morning.

William Somerset Moem died 15.12. 1965 at the age of 91 near the nines from pneumonia.

Somerset Moem - list of all books

All genres Roman Prose Realism Classical Prose Biography

Year Name Rating
2012 7.97 (
1915 7.83 (77)
1937 7.81 (69)
1925 7.66 (35)
1921 7.64 (
1921 7.59 (
1944 7.46 (18)
7.42 (
1925 7.42 (
1943 7.42 (
1937 7.39 (
1908 7.38 (
2011 7.38 (
1898 7.38 (
1902 7.32 (
1939 7.31 (
1948 7.31 (
1921 7.31 (
1925 7.31 (
1948 7.19 (
1904 7.19 (
1930 7.15 (
1947 6.98 (
2013 6.92 (51)
1922 6.64 (
1901 6.63 (
1921 6.61 (
0.00 (
0.00 (

Roman (35.71%)

Prose (21.43%)

Realism (21.43%)

Classical prose (14.29%)

Biography (7.14%)

For you there is no difference between the truth and fiction. You always play. This habit is your second nature. You play when you take guests. You play in front of the servants, in front of the Father, in front of me. Before me you play the role of a gentle, indulgent, famous mother. You do not exist. You are only countless roles that you performed. I often ask myself: Whether you ever had themselves or from the very beginning only a means of incarnation in the life of all those characters that you portrayed. When you go into an empty room, I sometimes want to suddenly swallow the door there, but I have never decided on it - I am afraid that I will not find anyone.

The irony is the gift of the gods, the most subtle of the ways of verbal expression of thoughts. It's both armor and weapons; and philosophy and constant entertainment; Food for hungry mind and drink, quenching thirst for fun. As far as exquisitively to kill the enemy, injections of his spike of irony, rather than discharge his head with an ax of sarcasm or to break off the baton. The wizard of the irony enjoys it only when the true meaning of the statements is known for him to one, and jumps into the sleeve, looking like the surrounding stuffy chains, perceive his words absolutely seriously. In the harsh world, irony - the only defense for careless. For the writer, this is a projectile to whom he can shoot to the reader, in order to refute the vile heresy that it is not creating books for itself, but for subscribers of the Muddy library. Do not get misleading, a cute reader: there is no dear to the author before you.

From the book "Mrs. Craddock" -

I do not hide, from time to time I allowed myself to praise. The man can not do without it. Women, they are arranged differently.

From the book "Toys of Fate" -

It seems to me that the world in which we live can look without disgust only because there is a beauty that a person from time to time creates from chaos. Pictures, music, books that he writes, the life that he manage to live. And most of the beauty is imprisoned in a beautifully lived life. This is the highest work of art.

From the book "Corrid Cover" -

Life does not make sense at all. On Earth - the satellite shining, carrying in infinity, all living things arose under the influence of certain conditions in which this planet developed; In the same way as life began on it, it may end up under the influence of other conditions; A person is just one of the diverse species of this life, he is by no means the crown of the universe, but the product of the medium. Philip remembered the story about one Eastern Lord, who wanted to learn the whole history of mankind; The sage brought him five hundred volumes; busy by state affairs, the king sent him, her commandments to state all this in a more compressed form; In twenty years, the sage returned - the history of mankind now occupied only fifty volumes, but the king was already too old to overcome so many thick books, and again sent the sage again; Twenty for another twenty years, and the sage trickled by Seedyn, the sage brought the Lord's one, which contained all the wisdom of the world, which he eager to know; But the king was lying on her deathbed and he had no time to read even one of this book. Then the sage outlined him the history of mankind in one line, and she said: a person is born, suffering and dying. Life does not make any sense, and the existence of a person is aimless. But what then the difference, a man was born or not, he lives or died? Life, like death, lost all the meaning. Philip deliried as once in his youth, - then he was glad that he threw faith with the soul in God: it seemed to him that he now got rid of all the burden of responsibility and for the first time became completely free. His insignificant became his strength, and he suddenly felt that he could fight with cruel fate, which he was pursued: for, if life is meaningless, the world no longer seems so cruel. It doesn't matter whether one or another person committed something or could not commit anything. Failure does not change anything, and success is zero. Man is only the smallest sand in a huge human whirlpool, inserted on a short MiG earth surface; But he becomes omnipotent, as soon as he overshadows the secret as Chaos is nothing. Thoughts were crowded in the inflamed brain of Philip, he chuckled from joyful excitement. He wanted to sing and dance. For many months, he was not so happy. "Oh life," he exclaimed in the soul, "about life, where is your sting?" The same game of imagination, which proved to him, as twice two - four, that life does not make sense, he pushed him to a new discovery: it seems he finally understood why the crumb presented him with the Persian carpet. Weaver weave pattern on the carpet not for some purpose, but simply to satisfy its aesthetic need, here and a person can live his life in the same way; If he believes that he is not free in his actions, let him look at his life as a ready-made pattern, to change which he is unable. Nobody forces man to weave the pattern of his life, there is no urgent need - he does it only for his own pleasure. From the diverse events of life, from affairs, feelings and thoughts, he can weigh the pattern - the drawing will come out strict, intricate, complex or beautiful, and let it only illusion that the choice of drawing depends on himself, let it be just a fantasy, pursuit of ghosts when The deceptive light of the Moon is not a matter of that; Once it seems so, therefore, it really is for him. Knowing that there is no meaning and nothing matters, a person can still get satisfaction, choosing various threads, which he woves into an endless tissue of life: After all, this is a river that does not have the source and infinitely currently current, not falling into any seas . There is one pattern - the easiest, perfect and beautiful: a person is born, thirsty, marries, takes into the light of children, works for the sake of a piece of bread and dying; But there are other, more intricate and amazing patterns, where there is no place for happiness or desire for success, - in them is hidden, perhaps, some kind of worrying beauty. Some lives - among them and the life of Heiuord - turned around the will of the blind case, when the pattern was still far from completed; It remained to console itself because it does not matter; Other lives, like, for example, the life of the Krombow, make up such a confusing pattern that it is difficult to figure it out in it, "you need to change the angle of view, to abandon our usual views to understand how much such life justifies itself. Philip believed that, abandoning the chase for happiness, he would say goodbye to the last illusion. His life seemed terrible until Meril was happiness, but now, when he decided that it could be approaching her with another measure, he was gaining strength. Happiness was as little matter as the grief. Both together with other small events of his life were woven into its pattern. For a moment, he as if he had risen over the accuracy of his existence and felt that neither happiness nor grief would never be able to influence him as before. Everything that happens next to him will only complete a new thread into a complex pattern of his life, and when the end comes, he will rejoice at the fact that the drawing is close to completion. It will be a work of art, and it will not be less beautiful because he one knows about his existence, and with his death it will disappear. Philip was happy.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the name of Somerset Moem was known in all circles of the European Society. A talented prose writer, ingenious playwright, politician and a British intelligence officer ... How did all this combined in one person? Who is he - Moem Somerset?

Englishman born in Paris

On January 25, 1874, the future famous writer Somerset Moem was published on the territory of the British Embassy in Paris. His father, originating from the lawyer dynasty, planned in advance so unusual childbirth. All boys born in those years in France, reaching majority, had to go to the army and participate in hostilities against England. Robert Moem could not allow his son to fight against the homeland of his ancestors. A little Somerset born in the British embassy automatically became a citizen of UK.

Child trauma

Father and grandfather Somerset Maem were confident that the boy would go to their footsteps and would become a lawyer. But fate went to the desires of relatives. William lost her parents early. His mother died in 1882 from Chakhotka, and in two years oncology took the life of the father. The boy took on the upbringing of English relatives from Whitstable, a small town located near Canterbury.

Up to 10 years, the boy spoke only in French, and to master his native, in fact, he was hard for him. Uncle's family did not become for William native. Henry Moem, who served as a vicar, and his wife was cold and dryly treated a new relative. did not add mutual understanding. Transferred stress from the early loss of parents and moving to another country turned around with a stutter, which remained from the writer for life.


In the UK, William Moem studied at the Royal School. Because of its fragile build, a small growth and a strong accent, the boy was subjected to mockery from the side of the classmates and was avoided by people. Therefore, admission to Heidelberg University in Germany he accepted with relief. In addition, the young man took up a favorite thing - the study of literature and philosophy. Another passion of Moem has become medicine. In those years, every self-respecting European man was supposed to have a serious profession. Therefore, in 1892, Moem entered the London Medical School and became a graduate surgeon and therapist.

In the years of the First World War

The beginning of the First World War. Proseca met the service in the British Red Cross. Then was recruited by British intelligence Mi-5. During the year, Moem performed intelligence tasks in Switzerland. In 1917, under the guise of an American correspondent, he arrived with a secret task in Russian Petrograd. The task of Somerset was to prevent Russia from the war. Despite the fact that the mission failed, Moem was pleased with the trip to Petrograd. He fell in love with the streets of this city, discovered the work of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov. For the sake of reading their works began to learn Russian.

Between wars

Since 1919, in search of acute sensations, Moem began to travel through the countries of Asia and the Middle East. Visited China, Malaysia, Tahiti. From the travels, Proster screams inspiration, which led to fruitful work. For two decades, many novels, plays, novel, essays, essay were written. As a new direction - a number of socio-psychological dramas. On his villa, bought in 1928 in the French Riviera, famous writers were often gathered. Her Herbert Wells and Winston Churchill visited her. In those years, Moem was the most successful English writer.

During the Second World War

The beginning of this war the writer met in France. There he had to track the mood of the French and writing thematic articles that the country would not pass his military position. After France's defeat, Somerset Moem was forced to leave in the USA. There he lived all the years World War II, working on writing scenarios for Hollywood. Returning home after the war, the playwright unfortunately observed the picture of the ruin and ruin, but continued to write further.

After the war

In 1947, the Somerset Maem Prize was approved. She was handed over the best English writers under the age of 35. In 1952, Moem was assigned a doctoral degree in the field of literature. He no longer traveled and devoted a lot of time writing an essay, preferring their drama and artistic prose.

About personal life

Moem did not hide his bisexuality. He tried to create a traditional family, married in 1917 to Siri Velk. She was a decorator of interiors. They had a daughter of Mary Elizabeth. Because of frequent travels in the company of its secretary and Lover, Gerold Hekston Somerset could not keep marriage. Spouses divorced in 1927. In all life, the writer had novels and women, and men. But after the death of Hekston in 1944, the playwright did not experience such warm feelings.

Care from life

William Somerset Moem left life aged 91 years (12/15/1965). The cause of death was pneumonia. Prosaika dust dispelled in the walls of the Moem Library, located in the Canterbury Royal School.

Start of a creative path

The first work of Somerset Moem was writing the biography of the opera composer Gacomo Meyerbera. She was written in university years. The essay was not properly applied by the publisher, and the young writer in the hearts burned him. But on the joy of future readers the first failure did not stop the young man.

The first serious work of Somerset Moem was the novel "Lisa from Lambta". He was written after the author's work at the Hospital of St. Thomas and is well met with critics and readers. It made the writer believe in his talent and try himself as a playwright by writing a play "Man of Honor". The premiere that took place did not produce Furrora. Despite this, Moem continued to write and after several years began to be successful in drama. Special love of the public earned the comedy "Lady Frederick", put in the "Cort-Tieter" in 1908.

Creative dawn

After the noisy success, "Lady Frederick" became one after another born the best works of Somerset Moem:

  • fantastic novel "Magic", published in 1908;
  • "Catalina" (1948) - a mystical novel about a girl who miraculously got rid of terrible illness, but never became happy;
  • "Theater" (1937) is the ironically described history of the elderly actress, which is trying to forget about his age in the arms of the young Uhager;
  • roman "Patterno Pokrov" (1925) - a beautiful and tragic love story, shielded three times;
  • Mrs. Craddock (1900) is another life story about the relationship between a man and a woman;
  • "The Conqueror of Africa" \u200b\u200b(1907) - a plenty novel about love while traveling;
  • "Summing up" (1938) - the biography of the author in the form of notes about his work;
  • "On the Chinese Shirma" (1922) - History, complete impressions of Moem from a visit to the Chinese river Yangtze;
  • "Letter" (1937) - Dramatic Piece;
  • "Sacred Flame" (1928) - a detective drama with a philosophical and psychological meaning;
  • "The faithful wife" (1926) is a witty comedy about the inequality of floors;
  • "SHPPI" (1933) - Social drama about a small man in the world of big politics;
  • "For the services rendered" (1932) - a play on the state of society before the threat of fascism and the Second World War;
  • "Villa on the hill" (1941) - a romantic story about the life of a young widow in anticipation of happiness;
  • "Then now" (1946) - a historical novel about the Italy of the beginning of the sixteenth century;
  • "Close angle" (1932) - a criminal romance containing reflections on Buddhism;
  • collections of stories "On the outskirts of the Empire", "Open opportunity", "Leaf Trepping", "Six Stories written from the first person", "Eschenden, or the British agent", "And King", "All the same mixture", "Kazuarina "," Fate toys ";
  • collections of Essay "Scattered Thoughts", "changeable mood", "great writers and their novels."

Along with large works, Somerset Maem's popularity and stories were popular:

  • "Uncompressed";
  • "Something Human";
  • "Fall Edward Barvard";
  • "Man with a scar";
  • "Bag with books."

Somerset Maugham. Best writings

Somerset Moem "burden of human passions" deserves special attention. It was written in 1915 and is considered autobiographical. The main character of the work passes a lot of life tests, but, in spite of everything, finds its place in life. He early remained orphan, and the chromoty did not add happiness. But it did not prevent the hero to desperately look for the meaning of life. As a result, he finds happiness in simple human life without unnecessary passions. In the 60s, the author removed the essential number of scenes from the novel, presenting the new creation of Somerset Moem "the burden of passions" by the Literary World. The work was shielded three times.

The next earned reader's love became a novel "Pies and beer, or a skeleton in the closet", written in 1930. It is noteworthy that the name of Roman Somerset Moem borrowed from the "Twelfth Night" Shakespeare. Roman is full of sarcasm in relation to the British literary environment and describes the life of a young talented writer. At the same time, the plot is marked by all manifestations of life - relations between people, misunderstandings of youth, the influence of gossip and prejudice on human destiny. One of the heroines of the novel is a prototype of a real woman with which Moem had a romantic relationship. "Pies and beer" has become a favorite product of the author. In the 70s, the book was released the series.

Moon and Grosh Somerset Maem - a novel who deserved world fame. He is the biography of the French painter Ezhen Henri Field Gajen. For the sake of painting, the main character of the novel changes his life at the age of 40. He leaves a family, a house, a permanent job, despite the diseases, depression and poverty, fully given to creativity. "Moon and Ground" makes think about whether everyone will dare to change its familiar lifestyle for the achievement of a high target.

Another bestseller from the British novelist is a work "on the edge of the razor." Roman was published in 1944. It describes the lives of different layers of society between the first and second world wars. The author covers a large period of time, makes his heroes make a choice, look for the meaning of life, climb and fall. And of course, love. "On the edge of the razor" is the only work of Moem, in which the writer affects deep philosophical topics.

This is how one of the most ambiguous English writers appears in front of readers and critics. Some crazy, in some things skeptical, somewhere satir, in something philosopher. But in general, the brilliant, inimitable and one of the most readable authors of world literature - Somerset Moem, who presented with its fans more than 70 works and 30 pieces, on many of which were made excellent adaptation.

William Somerset Maugham (William Somerset Maugham) was born on January 25, 1874 in the British Embassy in Paris. Such an appearance of a child to the light was more planned rather than random. Since in that period of time in France, the law was written, the essence of which was that all young men born in the territory of France had to be necessarily called into the army to achieve the majority. Naturally, the very idea that their son, in the veins of which the English blood flows, will soon be in the ranks of the army, which will fight against England, frightened parents and demanded decisive actions. It was possible to avoid this kind of situation only in one way - riding the child in the territory of the English embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich, according to existing laws, was equated by birth in England. In the family William was the fourth child. And from the earliest childhood he was predicted by the lawyer, because And his father, and grandfather were prominent lawyers, two brothers later became lawyers, and the most successful was considered the second brother Frederick Herbert, who later became a Lord Chancellor and Pyr England. But, as the time has shown, the plans were not destined to come true.

Birth in Paris could not do not affect the child. So, for example, a boy until eleven years spoke only in French. And the reason that prompted the child to start learning English was the sudden death of his mother Edith from Chakhotka, when he was eight, and the father dies two years later. As a result, the boy is on the care of his native uncle Henry Moem, who lived in the city of Whitstable in England, in County Count. Uncle was a parish priest.

This period of life was not happy for little Moem. Uncle and his wife were very worn, boring and sufficiently missed people. Also in front of the boy acutely faced the problem of communication with their guardians. Not knowing English, he could not establish relations with new relatives. And in the end, the result of such peripetias in the life of the young man was the fact that he began to stutter and this disease, Moem will remain for life.

Willia Moem's learning to learn to the Royal School, which was in Canterbury - an ancient town located in the south-east of London. And here the little William had more reasons for concern and experiences than for happiness. For its natural lowness and stuttering it constantly teased peers. English with a characteristic French accent was also the causeridicule.

Therefore, moving to Germany in 1890 for study inHeidelberg University was indescribable, indescribable happiness. Here, he finally begins to study literature and philosophy, trying to get rid of the emphasis inherent in him. Here he will write his first job - the biography of Maerber composer. True, this essay will not cause "stormy ovations" the publisher and Moem will burn it, but it will be his first informed pen test.

In 1892, Moem moves to London and comes to study in a medical school. Such a decision was not caused by a traction and discontinuities to medicine, and it was accepted only because the young man from a decent family had to get some more or less decent profession, also had an influence and pressure of the uncle in this matter. Subsequently, he will receive a diploma of the therapist and surgeon (October 1897), and even some time will work in the Hospital of St. Thomas, which was in one of the poorest London quarters. But the most important thing in this period is the literature for him. He is already clearly understanding that this is what is his calling and at night begins to write his first creations. On the weekend, the theaters and musical halls "Tivoli" visits, where he will revise all ideas from the very rear places, which only you could look.

The period of life associated with his medical career we will later see in his novel "Lisa from Lambta", which PublisherFisher An Wine will be released in 1897. The novel was accepted by both professionals and general public. The first circulations were separated in a matter of weeks, which gave Maul confidence in the correctness of its choice towards the literature, and not medicine.

1898 reveals Villama Maem Somerset as a playwright, he writes his first play "Man of Honor", the premiere of which will take place on the stage of the modest theater only five years later. Furora Piez did not cause him, only two evenings played, the reviews of critics were, to put it mildly, terrible. In fairness, it is worth noting that later, a year later, Moem will redo this play, in the root changing the final. And already in the commercial theater The "Avenue Tieter" of the play will be shown for more than twenty times.

Despite the relatively unsuccessful first experience in dramaturgy, it will not be held ten years old, as William Somerset Moem will become a widely known and recognized playwright.

The comedy "Lady Frederick" was specially successful, which was delivered in 1908 on the Cort-Tieter scene.

A number of plays were also written, raising issues of inequality in society, hypocrisy, sales of representatives of different levels of government. These plays society and critics took different ways - some sharply criticized, others were praised for wit and scene. Nevertheless, despite the ambiguity of reviews, it should be noted that on the eve of the First World War, Moem Somerset became a recognized playwright, performances, on the works of which were successful both in England and beyond.

At the beginning of the war, the writer served as part of the "British Red Cross". In the future, employees of the well-known British intelligence Mi-5 recruit him into their ranks. So the writer becomes a scout and departs first for a year in Switzerland, and then to Russia to fulfill the secret task, the purpose of which was to prevent Russia from the war. He met with such famous political players of the time as Kerensky A.F., Savinkov B.V. etc.

Later S. Moem will write that this idea was doomed in advance to failure and the agent out of it turned out. The first positive moment of this mission was the opening of Moem for himself Russian literature. In particular, he discovered Dostoevsky F.M., and especially was struck by the works of Chekhov A.P., even began to learn Russian, in order to read Anton Pavlovich in the original; The second moment - was the writing of the Made of the Collection of Stories "Eschenden or the British Agent" (the original name "Ashenden or British Agent"), dedicated to spy subjects.

In the period between the two world wars, the writer writes a lot, and often travels, which gives him the ground for writing new and new works. Now it is not only novels or plays, but a number of new novels, essays, essays were also written.

A special place in the work of the writer is the autobiographical novel "The burden of human passions" (1915). Such writers of the time asThomas Wolfe, Theodore Diver recognized Roman ingenious.

In the same period of time, Moem is to a new direction for him - a socio-psychological drama. Examples of such works are "Unknown" (1920), "For merit" (1932), "Sheppi" (1933).

When the Second World War of Moem was in France. And he was not accidental there, but by order of the Ministry of Information, he had to study the mood of the French, to visit ships in Toulon. The result of such actions became articles that give the reader a complete confidence that France will beat to the end and will be in this confrontation. The same mood is permeated with his book "France in War" (1940). And only three months after the release of the book, France will give up, and Moem will need to urgently leave the country to England, because rumors have walked that the Germans brought his name blacklist. From England he rides in the US, where he arrives until the end of the war.

Return to France after the war was full of sadness - his house was plundered, there was a complete destruction in the country, but the main positive point was that the hated fascism was not just stopped, but was defeated to the ground and could be live and write further.

And it is not quite by chance that in this post-war period, Somerset Moem writes historical novels. In the books "Then now" (1946), "Catalina" (1948) the writer tells about the power and its influence on a person, about the rulers and their politics, pays attention to true patriotism. In these novels, we see a new manner of writing novels, there are a lot of tragism in them.

"The edge of the razor" (1944) is one of the latter, if not to say - the last, significant novel of the writer. The novel became the outcome in many ways. When Moema once asked: "How long he wrote this book," the answer was "all my life."

In 1947, the writer makes decisions to approve the "Prize of Somerset Moem", which the best British writers under the age of 35 should be honored.

In June 1952, in Oxford, the writer awarded the honorary degree of the doctor of literature.

In recent years, his writer is immersed in writing an essay. And the book "Great Writers and their novels", published in 1848. It is a bright confirmation. In this book, the reader meets with such heroes asTolstoy and Dostoevsky, Dickens and Emily Bronte, Fielding and Jane Osten, Standal and Balzac, Mallville and Flaubert. All these great people, accompanied Moema throughout his long life.

Later, in 1952, make it a collection of "changeable mood", consisting of six essays, where we see memories of such novelists, like the city of James, Hwells and A. Bennett, with whom he was personally familiar to Somerset Moem.

On December 15, 1965, the writer did not. It happened in Saint-Jean-Cap Ferra (city in France). The cause of death was pneumonia. As such, there is no burial site from the writer, it was decided to dispel his dust under the satellite of the Moem library, with a royal school in Canterbury.

Somerset Moem - Author 21 Roman, Novelist and playwright, critic and secular lion, rotating in the highest circles of London, New York and Paris. The writer worked in the genre of realism, focusing on the tradition of naturalism, modern and neoromantism.

Childhood and youth

William Somerset Maem was born on January 25, 1874. The son of a lawyer of the British Embassy in Paris, he spoke in French earlier than the incident English. In the family, Somerset was a younger child. Three brothers were very older, and at the time of their departure to study in England, the boy remained in the house of the parents one.

Somerset Moem with a dog

He spent a lot of time with his mother and was tied to her. Mother died from tuberculosis when the child was 8 years old. This loss became the strongest shock in Moem's life. The experiences provoked a speech defect: Somerset began to stutter. This feature remained with him for life.

Father died when the boy was 10 years old. The family broke up. The older brothers studied on lawyers in Cambridge, and Somerset sent to the custody of the uncle of the priest, in the house of which he passed his youth.

The child grew lonely and closed. Children pupil in England did not take it. Stuttering and focused French-speaking Moem ridicule. On this basis, the shyness was becoming stronger. Boy's friends did not have. Books became the only inventious for the future writer who studied at the boarding school.

At 15, Somerset persuaded Uncle to let him go to Germany to study the German language. Heidelberg became a place where he first felt free. The young man listened to philosophy lectures, studied dramaturgy and became interested in the theater. The interests of Somerset concerned creativity, Spinoza, and.

In the UK, Moem returned at 18 years. He possessed a sufficient level of education to choose a future profession. Uncle directed him to the path of the clergyman, but Somerset chose to go to London, where since 1892 he became a medical school student at the Hospital of St. Thomas.


The study of medical care and medical practice made from Somerset not only a certified doctor, but also a person who seen people through. Medicine put an imprint on the style of the writer. He rarely used metaphors and hyperboles.

The first steps in the literature were weak, since among friends Moem did not have people capable of directing it to the right path. He was engaged in the transfer of works of Ibsen to explore the technique of creating drama, wrote stories. In 1897, the first novel "Lisa from Lambetta" appeared.

Analyzing the works of Filding, Flaubert, the writer was also focused on trends, current modern times. He worked a lot and fruitfully, gradually becoming one of the most read authors. His books were sold quickly, bringing income to the writer.

Moem studied people using their fate and characters in the work. He believed that the most interesting lighted in everyday. This confirmed the novel "Lisa from Lambta", in which the influence of creativity was felt.

In the novel "Mrs. Craddock" was viewed the passion of the author prok. He first wondered about life and love. Moem's plays made him a secured person. The premiere of "Lady Frederick", which took place in 1907, approved him in the status of playwright.

Moem adhered to traditions chasing the restoration theater. Authoritatives were comedy for him. Moem's plays are divided into comic, where ideas are voiced, similar to reflections, and dramatic, reflecting social problems.

In the work of Moem, there was a reflection of the experience of participation in the first and second world wars. The author reflected his vision in the works "for military merit", "on the edge of the razor." In the war years, Moem visited the automotive part in France, in the exploration worked in Switzerland and in Russia. In the final, he found himself in Scotland, where he was treated from tuberculosis.

The writer traveled a lot, visited different countries in Europe and Asia, in Africa and on the islands in the Pacific Ocean. It enriched his inner world and gave the impressions he used in creativity. Somerset Moem's life was saturated with events and interesting facts.

"The burden of human passions" and the autobiographical work "On human slavery" - novels in which these categories are connected. In the novel, "Moon and Ground" Moem argues about the tragedy of the artist, in the "Color Pokrov" - about the participation of the scientist, and in the "Theater" - about everyday life of the actress.

Novels and the stories of Somerset Maem are distinguished by sharp plots and psychologism. The author holds the reader in voltage and uses the reception of surprises. The presence of the author's "I" in works is their traditional trait.

Personal life

Critics and biographers discussed the ambiguity of the person of Moem. His first biographers responded about the writer as a person with a bad temper, a cynic and a woman's laminate, unable to perceive criticism. An intelligent, ironic and hardworking writer purposefully paved his way to literary heights.

He was not focused on intellectuals and aesthetes, but on those for whom his works were relevant. Moem forbade lodge personal correspondence after his death. The ban was removed in 2009. It made some nuances of his life more understandable.

There were two women in the life of the writer. He loved Eitovin Jones, famous for the name Sue Jones. Its image is used in the novel "Pies and beer". The daughter of the popular playwright, Eitovin was a successful 23-year-old actress at the time of dating Moem. She just divorced her husband and quickly surrendered under the gift of the writer's cavity.

Miss Jones was famous for an easy temper and accessibility. Moem did not consider it vicious. At first he did not plan a wedding, but soon changed the decision. On the proposal of the hand and heart, the writer received a refusal. The girl was pregnant from the other.

Somerset Moem married Siri Mogam, the daughters of the patron, famous for charitable activities. Siri managed to be married. At 22, she married Henry Welkama, who was 48 years old. The man was the owner of a pharmacological corporation.

The family quickly broke out due to the treason of his wife with the owner of the London Department Stores. Moem met a girl in 1911. The daughter of Elizabeth was born in their union. At that time, Siri was not divorced with Welkam. Communication with Moem turned out to be scandalous. The girl attempted suicide due to the claims of the former husband for divorce.

Moem entered as a gentleman and married Siri, although the feelings quickly disappeared. Soon the spouses began to live separately. In 1929 their official divorce took place. Today, no one is the secret of the bisexuality of Moem, which is not confirmed, but also do not refute his biographers.

Union with Gerald Hackston confirmed the wisdom of the writer. Somerset Moem was 40, and his companion was 22 years old. For 30 years, HEKSTON accompanied Moem as a secretary in travels. He drank, was fond of gambling and spent money Moem.

Familiar Hackston The writer used as prototypes for his works. It is known that Gerald even looked for new partners for Moem. One of these men was David Posner.

Seventeen-year-old Youth met Moem in 1943, when it was 69 years old. Hackston died of lung edema, and Alan Sirl, a fan and a new lover of a writer changed him. In 1962, Moem officially adopted his secretary, having deprived the daughter of Elizabeth right to inheritance. But the daughter managed to defend legitimate rights, and the court recognized adoption invalid.


Somerset Moem died from pneumonia for 92 years of life. This happened on December 15, 1965 in the provincial French town of Saint-Jean-Cap Ferra, not far from Nice. Contrary to the French laws of the patient who deceased in the hospital walls, did not put an autopsy, and transported home and the next day they made an official statement about death.

The relatives and friends of the writer stated that he found the last refuge on his beloved villa. The writer has no burial, since cremation was produced. The dust Moem was dispelled by the Library walls at the Royal School in Canterbury. This institution carries his name.


  • 1897 - "Lisa from Lambta"
  • 1901 - "Hero"
  • 1902 - Mrs. Craddock
  • 1904 - "Carousel"
  • 1908 - "Mag"
  • 1915 - "The burden of human passions"
  • 1919 - "Moon and Gross"
  • 1922 - "On the Chinese Shirma"
  • 1925 - "Patterpiece"
  • 1930 - "Pies and beer, or a skeleton in the closet"
  • 1931 - "Six stories written from the first person"
  • 1937 - "Theater"
  • 1939 - "Christmas Vacations"
  • 1944 - "Razor Trees"
  • 1948 - "Catalina"


Quotes, aphorisms and statements of witty Moem are relevant today. They comment on life situations, perception of people, copyright and his attitude to their own creativity.

"Before writing a new novel, I always reread" Candida "so that it is unconsciously equal to this reference with clarity, graces and wit".
"I would not go to watch my plays at all, or in the evening the premiere, or at what another evening, if I didn't consider it necessary to check their action to the public in order to learn how to write them."
"Die - terribly boring and painful occupation. My advice to you: Avoid something like that. "
"Funny in life this is what: if you refuse to take any things, except the best, then very often you get them."