Symbol of fascist Italy. Why the fascists made a swastika with their own symbol

Symbol of fascist Italy. Why the fascists made a swastika with their own symbol
Symbol of fascist Italy. Why the fascists made a swastika with their own symbol

As we can see, there is no guidance on the use of swastory symbols, so why the law enforcement authorities sign it under this law. All this happens on elementary ignorance of its own history and its own language.

Let's deal with terminology gradually.

To begin with, consider the term Nazism:
National Socialism (Him. NationalSozialismus, Abbreviated Nazism) is the official political ideology of the Third Reich.

Transferring the essence of the name: Conduct socially directed changes for development, (although not always) within one nation. Or abbreviated a change in the nation - Nazism. This system existed in Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Unfortunately, our politicians did not teach the story at all, otherwise they would know that from 1917 and 1980, the socialist system was officially adopted in our country, which was called international socialism. What is translated: holding socially directed changes for development, (although not always) within the same multinational people. Or abbreviated international change in the nation - internationalism.

For convenience, the comparison will also give the Latin form of recording of two these modes NationalSozialismus and InternationalSozialismus

In other words, we are, ladies and gentlemen, were exactly the same Nazis as the inhabitants of Germany.

Accordingly, all the symbols of the former USSR and modern Russia fall under this law.

And besides, I will give not big statistics. During World War II, more than 20 million people died in Russia. This bright reason negatively belong to the political regime of Germany of the 30s. During the revolution of 1918 in Russia (during repression), more than 60 million people died. In my opinion, the reason for a negative attitude towards Soviet power is 3 times more.

But at the same time, the symbol of the swastika, which was used by the Nazis, in the Russian Federation under the ban, and the symbols of the Bolsheviks "Red Star" and "Sickle and Hammer" are symbols national Property. In my opinion, the face is bright injustice.

I intentionally not using the term fascism in relation to Nazi GermanyFor this is another, very important error. Fascism in Germany has never been and could not be. He flourished in Italy, France, Belgium, Poland, the United Kingdom, but not in Germany.

Fascism (ITAL. Fascismo from Fascio "Bunda, a bunch, association") - as a politicalological term, is a generalizing name of the specific extreme right political movements, their ideologies, as well as those headed by their dictatorial political regimes.

In a narrower historical sense, fascism is a massive political movement that existed in Italy in the 1920s - early 1940s under the leadership of B. Mussolini.

It is possible that fascism implies a cohesive association of the church and statehood into one body or a collegium, and in nationalist Germany the church from the state was separated and struggled in every way.

By the way, the symbol of fascism is not a swastika, but 8 arrows tied with a ribbon (Phashine - beam).

In general, with the terminology more or less figured out, now we will go to the very symbol of the swastika.

Consider thetyology of the word swastika, but based on the original source of the language, and not as everyone is used to the roots of Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, the translation is also very favorable, but we will look for the essence, and not customize a convenient truth.

The swastika consists of two words and bundles: SPE (Sun, Promotional Energy of the Universe, Inglia), C-Preposition of Connection and Tick (Fast Movement or Circular Movement). That is, su with tick this is the swastika, the sun with rotation or movement. Sunflower!

This ancient symbol is used slavic culture Since its origin, and has several hundred different variations. Also, this ancient symbol is used by many other religions, including Buddhism. Only for some reason when this symbol is depicted on the statues of the Buddha, no one ranks Buddhists to the fascists or the Nazis.

Why there are Buddhism, in the tradition of the Russian patterns and ornaments of the swastika are found at every step. And even on Soviet money, a symbol of the swastika was depicted, and one in one as in nationalist Germany, except that not black.

So why are we, or rather ours (not ours) authorities, try to blacken this symbol and bring it out of use. Is that afraid of his true strength, which is able to open his eyes to all their atrocities.

The form of the swastika has absolutely all the galaxies that exist in our space, so the prohibition of this symbol is simply absurd of pure water.

Well, enough reasoning about negative, let's consider the swastika themselves a little closer.
Symbols of the swastik have two main roots of the direction:
Right-sorted Solute - rays directed to the left, create the effect of rotation to the right. This is a symbol of creative solar energy, a symbol of birth and development.

Left-sided sun - rays are directed to the right, create the effect of rotation on the left side. This is a symbol of energy "destruction". The word is intentionally taken in quotes, because there is no pure destruction in the universe. To born new solar systemFirst, one of the suns should explode, that is, destructurated and clears from the old program. Then there is a new creation. Accordingly, the left-sided swastika is a symbol of cleansing, recovery, and updates. And wearing or using this symbol does not destroy, but cleans.

Therefore, it is important to carefully select this symbol based on the changes you want to receive.

Slavic swastika is one of the most powerful characters ever existed in the universe. He is stronger than the heads, for it is understood in any galaxy and any universe. This is a universal symbol of being. Treat this symbol with respect and do not count it to one by the people only. And even more so, one is extremely small on the scale of the universe event.

What is a swastika? Many, without thinking, will answer - the swastika symbol used fascists. Someone will say - this is the Old Slavic chaff, and both will be right and not right at the same time. How many legends and myths around this sign? It is said that on the shield that the prophetic Oleg nodded to the doors of Tsargrad was depicted with a swastika.

What is a swastika?

The swastika is an ancient symbol that appeared before our era and having a rich history. Many peoples dispute the right to her invention. The images of the swastika were found in China, India. This is a very significant symbol. What denotes the swastika - creation, sun, well-being. Translation of the word "swastika" from Sanskrit means - the wish of good and good luck.

Swastika - the origin of the symbol

The swastika symbol is a sunny, solar sign. The main meaning is movement. The Earth moves around the Sun, four times of the year constantly replace each other - it is not difficult to see that the main meaning of the symbol is not just a movement, but the eternal movement of the universe. Some researchers declare a swastika by mapping the perpetual rotation of the galaxy. The swastika is the symbol of the sun, the mention of it is in all the ancient peoples: on the excavations of the settlements of the Incas found fabrics with the image of the swastika, it is on the ancient Greek coins, even on the stonestores of Easter Island there are welded signs.

Initial drawing of the Sun - a circle. Then, noticing a four-part picture of being, people began to paint a cross with four rays to a circle. However, the picture came out static - and the universe is forever in the dynamics, and then the races bent the ends - the cross turned out to be moving. These rays symbolize four more significant for our ancestors per year - the days of summer / winter solstice, spring and autumn equinox. These days determine the astronomical shift of the seasons and served as signs when engaged in agriculture when construction and other matters are important.

Swastika left-sided and right-sided

We see how much the connection this sign. It is very difficult to explain one thing - which means the swastika. It is multifaceted and multigid, it is a sign of the primary base of being with all its manifestations, and among other things, the swastika is dynamic. It can rotate and right, and left. Many confuse and consider the direction of rotation to the direction where the ends of the rays are watching. It is not right. The side of rotation is determined by the angles of bending. Compare with the foot of a person - the movement is directed to where the bent knee is directed, and not the heel at all.

Left-sided swastust

There is a theory that says that rotation clockwise is the correct swastika, and against the bad, dark, swastika on the contrary. However, it would be too trite - right and left, black and white. In nature, everything is justified - the day is replaced at night, summer - in winter, there is no separation for good and bad - everything that exists is necessary for something. So with a swastika - no good or bad, there is a left-sided and right-hand.

Left-sided swastika rotates counterclockwise. This is the value of purification, recovery. Sometimes it is called the sign of destruction - to build something bright, you need to destroy the old and dark. The swastika could wear left rotation, she was called the "Heavenly Cross" and was a symbol of generic unity, imparting to the one who wears the help of all the ancestors of the kind and protection of heavenly forces. The left-sided swastika was considered a sign of the autumn sun - collective.

Right-sided swastust

Right-sided swastika rotates clockwise and denotes the beginning of all the existing - birth, development. This symbol of the Spring Sun is creative energy. He was also called - a logbook or a sunny cross. He symbolized the strength of the sun and the prosperity of the genus. Sun sign and swastika in this case are equal. It was believed that he gives the greatest strength to the priests. The prophetic Oleg, who was spoken at the beginning, had the right to wear this sign on his shield, because I knew, that is, I knew an ancient wisdom. From these beliefs and went theories, proving the Vine Slavic origin of the swastika.

Slavic Swastastics

Left-sided and right-sided swastika Slavs are called - and the embonodent. The swastika Kolovrat fills the light, protects against darkness, the embonodies gives hard work and spiritual resistance, the sign serves as a reminder that a person is designed for development. These names are only two of the large group of Slavic swasting signs. They had a cross with bent rays. The rays could be six, and eight, they hurt and right, and left, each sign had its own name and was responsible for a certain security function. The main swastical symbols of Slavs 144. In addition to the above-mentioned, the Slavs were:

  • Solntty;
  • Inglia;
  • Welmer;
  • Wedding;
  • Perunov light;
  • Heavenly Wear and many more types of variations based on solar elements of the swastika.

Swastavast Slavs and Fascists - Differences

Unlike the fascist, the Slavs did not have strict canons in the image of this sign. The rays could be as much as you like, they could be broken at different angles, could be rounded. The symbol of the Swasthana in Slavs is a greeting, the wish of good luck, whereas at the congress of the Nazis in 1923, Hitler convinced supporters that the swastika denotes the fight against Jews and the Communists for the purity of blood and the superiority of the Aryan race. The swastika fascist has its own strict requirements. This is only this image - German swastika:

  1. The ends of the cross should be broken down on the right side;
  2. All lines intersect strictly at an angle of 90 °;
  3. The cross must necessarily be in a white circle on a red background.
  4. Correctly talk not "swastika", and hakkenkreyz

Swastika in christianity

In early Christianity, they often resorted to the image of a swastika. She was called "Hammated Cross" due to similarity with the Gamna Gamma. The swastika masked the cross in the times of persecution of Christians - Catacomb Christianity. The swastika or gammadion was the main emblem of Christ up to the end of the Middle Ages. Some experts spend a straight parallel between Christian and Swasting crosses, calling the last "circling cross."

The swastika in Orthodoxy was actively used before the revolution: as part of the ornament of priesthood, in icon painting, in the frescoes, which the walls of churches are painted. However, there is a direct opposite opinion - Gammadion is a broken cross, pagan symbol, to Orthodoxy has nothing to do.

Swastika in Buddhism

With a swastika, you can face everywhere where there are traces of Buddhist culture, she is the trail of the Buddha foot. Buddhist Swastika, or "Manji" denotes the multilateralness of the world order. The vertical feature is opposed horizontal, as the ratio of the sky / land to the relationship between male and female. The turn of the rays in one direction emphasizes the desire for kindness, softness, in the opposite - to hardness, strength. This provides an understanding of the impossibility of the existence of force without compassion, and compassion without power, denial of all one-sidedness, as violations of world harmony.

Indian Swastube

The swastika in India is no less common. There are left-hand and right-sided swastika. Rotation clockwise symbolizes the men's energy "Yin", against the women's "Yan". Sometimes this sign denotes all the gods and goddesses in Hinduism, then the "Ohm" sign add on the line intersection of the rays - a symbol of what all the gods have a common start.

  1. Right rotation: Indicates the sun, its movement from the east to the West - the development of the universe.
  2. Left rotation personifies the goddess of Cali, magic, night - folding the universe.

Is swastika forbidden?

The swastika sign was banned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Ignorance gave rise to a mass of myths, for example, the fact that the swastika denotes four connected letters "g" - Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Goebbels. However, this version turned out to be completely untenable. Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Goebbels - No surname starts on this letter. There are cases when the most valuable specimens are seized from museums, containing images of the swastika in embroidery, on the decorations, the Vine Slavic and early Christian charms.

In many european countries There are laws that prohibit fascist symbolism, but the principle of freedom of speech is practically indisputable. Each case of the use of symbols of Nazism or swastika has the appearance of a separate trial.

  1. In 2015, Roskkomnazus allowed the use of the Wastika's images without propaganda purposes.
  2. In Germany, strict legislation regulating the image of the swastika. There are several solutions of vessels prohibiting or allowing images.
  3. In France, a law adopted prohibiting the public demonstration of Nazi characters.

After World War I, Europe was in a state of economic and cultural crisis. Hundreds of thousands of young people went to war, naively dreaming of heroic exploits on the field of Brani for honor and glory, and returned to disabled people in all respects. From the spirit of optimism, which was noted the first years of the XX century, there were some memories.

It was during these years that a new political movement was published on the political arena. Fascists B. different countriesah Europe united the fact that they were all ultranationalists. In the fascist parties, organized according to a strictly hierarchical principle, people have entered into various social classes that have eased active actions. They all argued that their own country or the ethnic group was in danger, and believed themselves to be the only political alternative, which could withstand this threat. Dangerous declared, for example, democracy, foreign capitalism, communism, or, as it was in Germany, Romania and Bulgaria, other nations and races. The purpose of creating such an imaginary threat was the organization of a mass movement capable of combining the country and violently to crush competing ideas and external forces, allegedly sought to destroy the nation. The state was to fully take control of each member of society, and the industry should have been organized so as to achieve maximum productivity.

In common framework for such a strategy, there were different options for ideologies - depending on the historical, cultural and political prerequisites of each country. In countries with the strong Catholic Church, fascism was often combined with elements of Catholicism. In some European countries, the fascist movement degenerated into small marginal groups. In other, the fascists managed to come to power, and then the development was distinguished by the cult of the fascist leader, neglecting human rights, control over the press, militarism and the suppression of the labor movement.

Italy and "Bunch of Rogue", or "Bunch of Twig

The word "fascism" was originally used to designate the ideology of the Partito Nazionale Fascista party in Italy. The leader of the Italian fascists was the former journalist Benito Mussolini. For many years, Mussolini was fond of socialist movement, but during the First World War he became a nationalist.

After World War I, the economy of Italy was destroyed, unemployment has reached a record high level, and democratic traditions decline. The war was worth the life of more than 600 thousand Italians, and although Italy belonged to the winning party, the country was in crisis. Many believed that, as a result of the Versailles world, Italy lost.

On May 23, 1919, the first fascist group Fasci Di Combattimenti was formed. Skill using social fermentation in the country, Mussolini turned his grouping into a mass organization. When in the fall of 1921, it was transformed into a political party, it included 300 thousand people. After another six months, the movement united 700 thousand members. In the 1921 elections, the fascist party received 6.5% of the vote and entered parliament.

However, Partito Nazionale Fascista (Partito Nazionale Fascista) was not an ordinary political party. The fascist movement attracted, above all, young men. Many of them were war veterans, able to obey discipline and handle the weapons. A combat groups appeared in motion, where the right of strong, and gradually violence became an important part of the entire party ideology. Its bloody attacks on the Communists and other representatives of the working movement, the fascists took the side of employers during strikes, and the government of conservatives used them to suppress the socialist opposition.

In 1922, the fascists took power in Italy. Mussolini threatened that he would turn with his militants to Rome. After this threat on October 31, he was invited to the audience to King Viktor Emmanuili III, who proposed Mussolini the post of Prime Minister in the Conservative Coalition Government. It was a peaceful taking of power, but in the mythology of fascism, the event was called "marching to Rome" and was described as a revolution.

Mussolini was in power 22 years, until July 25, 1943, when allies' troops joined Italy, and the king displaced the dictator. Mussolini was arrested, but he was liberated by a German parachute landing, giving him the opportunity to flee to Northern Italy, where September 23, the deadly "Republic of Salo" proclaimed the infamous "republic" - the German Protectorate. The Republic of Salo existed until April 25, 1945, when allies troops occupied this last bastion of Italian fascism. On April 28, 1945, Benito Mussolini was captured to the partisans and was executed.

Totalitarian state

Mussolini, like many of his colleagues, during the First World War fell to the front with a soldier. Life in the trenches seemed to him by an ideal society in miniature, where everything, regardless of age or social originworked in the name common goal: Defense countries from an external enemy. Having come to power, Mussolini conceived to change Italy to the ground, to create a country where all society would be involved in a giant production machine and where the fascists would have total control. The expression "totalitarian state" originated in the first years of the fascist regime in the ranks of its political opponents to describe exactly such a method of government. Then Mussolini began to use this term to describe its own ambitious plans. In October 1925, he formulated the slogan: "Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

All political power in society was supposed to come personally from Mussolini, who was called "Duchu", that is, the "leader" or "leader". To motivate this concentration of power in the hands of one person, the Italian press began to praise Mussolini. It was described as the personification of the ideal of a man, such myths and such a cult of his personality were created around him, which in the eyes modern man It seems ridiculous. For example, it was described as "superholesale", which is capable of working 24 hours a day, has a fantastic physical force and once allegedly stopped the show the eruption of the ethna volcano.

The heirs of the Roman powers

The Italian state was relatively young and socially and even linguistically inhomogeneous. However, before the arrival of the fascists, the nationalists sought to unite citizens around a single historical heritage - the history of ancient Rome. Ancient Roman history was an important part of school learning from the end of the XIX century. Even before the beginning of the First World War, historical films colossa were created.

Naturally, in this atmosphere, Mussolini tried to put fascists with the heirs of the Romans, performing the historical task predetermined by fate - the return of the past power and gloss of the collapsed empire. During the reign, the deadly focus was on the period of the emergence of the Roman Empire, its military superiority, and the public device of that time was portrayed similar to the fact that Mussolini sought to build. It is from Roman history that many characters used by the fascists are borrowed.

"Bunch of Rodvorost" - "Fascia"

The word "fascism" itself has a common root with a party symbol of Mussolini and its minions. Fascio Littorio, Licoria Fascia
- So called a bunch of twigs or ropted with a bronze hatcher in the center. Such "ligaments", or "sheaves", carried Roman liktors - serving low rank, calculating them in the crowd. Let for important people.

In ancient Rome, such a "bunch of twigs" was a symbol of the right to hit, beat and punish generally. Later she became a symbol of political power at all. In the XVIII century, in the Epoch of Enlightenment Fasciation personified republican Board In contrast to the monarchy. In the XIX century, it began to mean strength through unity, since the rods associated together are much stronger than each twig or weak. In the second half of the century, the words "File", "Fascia", the "bundle" began to mean small levat groups in politics. And after in the mid-1980s, there were several strikes in the mid-1890s in Sicily, this term acquired a shade of radicalism.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the word "fascists" was quite common. Thus called radical Italian political groups, both right and left. However, with the distribution of the Fasci Di Combattimenti party throughout the country, Mussolini monopolized this term. Gradually, the word "fascia" became associated with the ideology of Italian fascists, and not at all with political authority, as before.

"Bunch of the twigs", or "bundle of rink", were not only a symbol of perception by the fascists themselves as the heirs of Rome. The symbolism also meant the spiritual and physical "revival" of the Italian people, the basis of which were authority and discipline. The branches associated with one bundle became the personification of the combined Italy under the leadership of the shuttless. In his manifesto "Doctrine of Fascism" (Dottrina del Fascismo, 1932), Mussolini wrote: "[Fascism] wishes to transform not only the external forms of human life, but also its maintenance, person, characteristics, faith. This requires discipline and authority, which impresses the soul and completely conquers them. Therefore, the licorous fascia, the symbol of unity, strength and justice comes to them.

After the arrival of Mussolini, the daily life of Italians flooded the fascia. They met on coins, banners, official documents, sewer lid lids and postage stamps. They were used private associations, organizations and clubs. Two huge sizes of "snop" stood on the sides of Mussolini, when he pronounced speech to the people in Rome.

Since 1926, the members of the fascist party were required to wear this sign - the party emblem - and on civilian clothes. In December of the same year, decree was issued about making a symbol state importance. Three months later, "Sheaf" was included in the image of the state coat of arms of Italy, taking place to the left of the emblem of the Italian royal house. In April 1929, fascia replaced two lions on the shield of the royal dynasty. So the state and the fascist party merged together. And the fascia has become a visible symbol of "new order.

Fascist "Style"

Mussolini not only wanted to change society, but he sought and transform in accordance with the fascist ideal Italian people. The dead started with the members of the party, who were the first to dress and behave in accordance with the fascist model, which then began to associate with the rightExtremist movement worldwide. For fascists, the word "style" was not only a matter of taste in choosing clothes. It was about the proximity to the fascist ideal in everything: in habit, behavior, action and attitude to life.

Fascism was the ideology of war, and his supporters dressed like soldiers. They marched, sang songs of the struggle, gave funerals of loyalty, brignished and wore a uniform. The form included boots, pants, a special headdress and a black shirt.

Initially, black shirts were members of combat fascist groups who fought on the streets with communists and other political opponents. They looked like the elite troops of the time of the First World War and were called "Arditi". When Mussolini came to power in 1922, he dissolved militants and organized the national police instead. But black shirts remained and eventually acquired such status as a person who had put it in an inappropriate time could be arrested and given to the trial.

In 1925, Mussolini said at the party congress: "A black shirt is not clothes for every day and not a uniform. This is a combat uniform that can wear only people, pure soul and heart. "

In the "Ten Commandments" of fascism, which were formulated in October 1931, said: "He who is not ready without the slightest oscillations to sacrifice her body and soul for Italy and to the Mussolini service, he is not worthwhile to wear a black shirt - a symbol of fascism" . After coming to power, black shirts began to wear civil servants of all departments. In 1931, all professors, and a few years later - and teachers at all levels obliged to wear black shirts at the solemn ceremonies. From 1932 to 1934, detailed rules of carrying shirts were developed (wearing starch collars were "absolutely prohibited") in combination with accessories - boots, belt and tie.

Roman greeting

In the fascist style of behavior, it was also the so-called Roman salute. Greeting elongated right hand palm down with the second halves XVIII The century was associated with ancient Rome. It is not known whether it is actually used, but there are images on which similar gestures are captured.

The French artist Jacques-Louis David depicted an oath or oath of Horatiyev on the side of 1784, where twins, three brothers, stretching his hands, swear to sacrifice their lives for the Roman Republic. After the Great French Revolution, David wrote another picture, where the new, revolutionary, the government swares to the loyalty of the new constitution by the same gesture, throwing forward and up right hands. Inspired by the cloth David, artists still a century depicted a similar greeting in the paintings on the ancient Roman themes.

In the middle of the XIX century, the elongated right hand has increasingly took the character of a military greeting, common among different political groups and at the level of the whole country. In the United States, for example, since the 90s of the XIX century, schoolchildren salted with their right hand at the time of raising the American flag. This continued until 1942, when America entered war against Italy and Germany and use the same gesture to greet that the fascists became politically impossible.

Italian fascists considered this welcome gesture with a symbol of the heritage of ancient Rome, and propaganda described it as a salute of masculinity, unlike the usual handshake, which began to be considered a weak, feminine and bourgeois greeting.

Export style

The Italian fascists were considered to be the style of the style, which adopted all other groups of such an ideological direction in Europe of the 20s and 30s. Among the fascists there was a habit of marching in the shirts of dark tones.

Italians, members of the British Union of Fascists (British Union of Fascists), the Netherlands Mussertpartiet and the Bulgarian National National National Saddle of the Fascist are "blackcades" were blindly copied. Spanish phalange in 1934 refused to introduce black shirts to differ from the Italian fascists, and switched to a blue shape. Portuguese national syndicalists, Swedish supporters of Lindholm, Irish in Army Comrades Association and several French groups: Faisceau, Solidarité Française and Le Francisme. In Germany, members of the Nationalist Socialist Party's assault groups (NSDAP) wore brown shirts. Green shirts wore members of the Hungarian "batch of crossed arrows" (Nilaskeresztes Part) - "Nilashists", Croatian Thairs and the Romanian "Iron Guard". Gray shirts wore members of the Swiss National Front and Icelandic National Socialists. In the United States there was a small group called "silver shirts".

Roman greeting with a thickest hand was used by different nationalist groups of Europe even before the arrival of Mussolini to power in Italy. With the victorious procession of Italian fascists, this gesture began to spread all wider. The fascia symbol admiralized and other fascist associations inspired by the successes of Mussolini - for example, the British Union of Fascists, Bulgarian National Natives of the Fascist, Swiss Fascismus and Swedish Svenska Fascistiska Kampförbundet.

In the nature of fascism, it is laid, however, praising its own culture. Therefore, most groups in other countries, instead of the Licatory Fascia, began to use local national symbols or signs that better reflect the local version of the fascist ideology.

Fascist groupings and symbols in other countries


In the period between world wars in Belgium there were two parallel movements of the fascist direction. The first of them for the most part attracted Wallows, Francophone Belgians. The leader of the movement was the lawyer Leon Degrell, the chief editor of the Catholic and Conservative Journal Christus Rex. The organization created by him became the basis of the RexistPartiet party formed in 1930. Rexism, as they began to call the ideology of this party, combined theses of Catholicism with purely fascist elements, such as corporateism and cancellation of democracy. Gradually, Reckers got together with the German national socialism, which led to the loss of the party to support the Church, and with her - and many supporters. During World War II, the Requesters supported the German occupation of Belgium, and Dehrell went to the SS volunteer.

In the emblem of the Request Party, the letters "REX" were combined with a cross and crown as the symbols of Christ the kingdom on Earth.

The second noticeable fascist movement in Belgium found supporters in the Flemish part of the population. Already in the 20s, the groups of Flemish nationalists were intensified in the country, and in October 1933, a significant part of them united into the VLAAMSCH National Verbond (VNV) batch under the leadership of Staff de Clerk. This party took many ideas of Italian fascists. De Clerk was called "Den Leiter", "Leader". In 1940, his party collaborated with the occupation regime. Immediately after the war, she was banned.

The colors of the VNV party emblem are borrowed from the emblem of the National Netherlands Hero of Wilhelm Orange. Triangle - Christian Trinity Symbol. In the symbolism of Christianity, a triangle can also represent equality and unity. The circle in the emblem is also a Christian symbol of unity.


In Finland, fascism spread wider than in the rest of Northern Europe. Nationalist trends were strong during the two world wars. The country has received independence from Russia in 1917. After the civil war of 1918, when white was broken by the Reds, which Soviet Russia supported, the fear of the communist revolution was strong. In 1932, the ISänmaallinen Kansanliike (IKL) party was formed, which became a continuation of the anti-communist nationalist Lapua of the 20s.

IKL was a purely fascist party with the addition of its own extremely nationalistic dream of the ethnically homogeneous Great Finland, in which the territories of today's Russia and Estonia should have been included, as well as the requirements of the Company's corporate structure. All this was filed against the background of the ideology of the "superman", in which the Finns were presented by biologically superior to neighboring peoples. The party existed until 1944. She managed to put their candidacies in three elections and received a little more than 8% of the votes in the 1936 elections, and three years later, the number of votes submitted for it decreased to 7%.

Members of the IKL party worn a uniform: a black shirt and a blue tie. The party banner was also blue with the emblem: inside the circle - a man with a baton sitting on a bear.


After the elections of 1936, Greece was in a difficult situation. Fearing the growing trade union movement, the king appointed Prime Minister of Minister of Defense of John Metaxas. Metaxas took advantage of a series of strikes to declare a state of emergency and immediately cancel the democratic institutions of the country. On August 4, 1936, he proclaimed the regime called "regime of August 4," and began to create an authoritarian dictatorship with elements of fascism, taking a sample of the National Union that was in power in Portugal. In Greece, the troops were repeatedly introduced, and in 1941 the government, loyal Hitler, came to power. The regime collapsed when Greece, despite the proper sympathies of metaxes, stood on the side of the Allies in World War II.

As a symbol, the "mode of August 4th" of Metax chose a stylized double-edged ax, since he considered it an ancient symbol of Hellenic civilization. Indeed, double axes, real and in images, in Greek culture for thousands of years, they are often found among archaeological finds of a period of a mined civilization in Crete.


In 1932, Army Comrades Association (ACA) was formed in Ireland, originally created for the protection of meetings of the nationalist party Cumann Nan Gaedhael. Soon under the guidance of the former general and police chief Owen O'Daffi ACA became independent and changed the name to the National Guard.

Inspired by the Italian Fascists, members of the organization since April 1933 began to wear "party" shirts of heavenly blue, for which they were nicknamed "blue shirts". They also adopted the Roman greeting and threatened to hold a march to Dublin in imitating Marsh Mussolini to Rome. In the same 1933, the party was banned and O'Daffi weakened the fascist rhetoric. Later, he was among the creators of the nationalist party of the Fine Gal.

The banner of the ACA organization, then the flag of the National Guard, was the version of the Irish Order of St. Patrick, introduced in 1783: Red Andreevsky Cross on a white background. Heavenly blue color goes back to the legend of how white Cross There was a heaven in honor of St. Andrew (this motive exists on the flag of Scotland).


Vidkun Kvisling created the nationalist party "National Consent" (Nasjonal Samling) in 1933. Soon the party took the orientation on fascism and Nazism. Before the beginning of World War II, "National Consent" was the most rapidly growing party in Norway, and after the occupation of the country, Germany, Kvisling became the country's Minister. By 1943, the party numbered about 44 thousand members. On May 8, 1945, the party was dissolved, and the name of the quisling became the synonymal of the traitor to the Motherland.

Party "National Consent" used the Scandinavian traditional flag as a symbol, that is, a yellow cross on a red background. Local branches of the party denoted themselves to the "Cross of Olaf" - the "Solt Sport" option. This sign is a symbol of Norway since the country's Christianization of the Holy Olaf in the XI century.


After World War II, Portugal lay in ruins. After the military coup in 1926, the National Union was formally created in 1930. In 1932, the Guild of the party took into his hands the former Finance Minister Antonio Salazar, who soon became the Prime Minister. Salazar, who was in power in Portugal until his death in 1970, introduced a complete dictatorship and the ultra -actional political system, some elements of which can be regarded as fascist. The party remained in power until 1974, when the regime was overthrown and democracy was introduced in the country.

The National Union used the so-called Mantuan Cross in his symbolism. This cross, like the Iron Cross of Fascists, is a black and white Cross Patté, but with narrower crossbars. It was used, among others, and the fascists in France.

Fascist B. pure form There was another grouping in Portugal of the 30s. It was formed in 1932 and was called "National Syndicalist Movement" (MNS). The leader of the movement was Roland Preto, who at the beginning of the 20s admired Mussolini and saw the similarity between his fascism and his nation-syndicalism. Inspired by the Italians, members of the movement wore blue shirts, for which they were nicknamed with "synerubashniki".

MNS was more radical than the National Union standing in power, and criticized the Salazarovsky regime for an excessive timidity in the transformation of Portuguese society. In 1934, MNS on the orders of Salazar was dissolved, but continued its activities underground until her leaders were sent from the country after an unsuccessful coup attempt in 1935. Preto settled in Spain, where he took part in civil War On the side of Franco.

MNS movement was under the strong influence of Catholicism. Therefore, the cross of the Portuguese Church of the Knights-Crusaders of the XIV century was elected as his symbol.


After World War I, Romania, as well as the rest of European countries, overtook depression. And just like in Germany and Italy, economic problems and fear of the communist revolution led to the emergence of extreme nationalist movements. In 1927, the charismatic leader Cornelio Codryan created "Legion Mikhail Arkhangel", or the Iron Guard. "Iron Guard" combined religious mysticism with animal anti-Semitism in his ideology. Members of the "Guard" were acquired most often among students. The purpose of Code was the "Christian and racial cleansing" of the nation. Soon from the tiny sect "Legion Mikhail Archangel" turned into a party, which in the parliamentary elections of 1937 received 15.5% of the votes, thus becoming the third largest part of the country.

The Iron Guard was perceived as a threat to the King of Korol II. When the king introduced a dictatorship in 1938, Codryan was arrested, and then killed allegedly when he was trying to escape. As a result, Codryan received the fame of the "Martyr of Fascism", and it still honors modern Nazis worldwide.

During World War II, the members of the Iron Guard, which were called "legion meters", collaborated with German occupying troops and became famous for their cruelty.

The legionarians welcomed each other with Roman or salute and wore green shirts, so they were called "Zelenoryabashechiki" (green should symbolize the update).

The symbol of the organization was the stylized version of the three parts of the twisted Christian cross, resembling a prison lattice. This sign was designed to symbolize martyrdom. The symbol sometimes was called the "Cross of Mikhail Archangel" - the Guardian Angel "Iron Guard".


In the 20s in Switzerland, in the example of neighboring Italy, small fascist groups began to be created. In 1933, two such groups were united in a batch called the National Front. This party was under the strong influence of German Nazis; According to them, she founded youth and female organizations, and in the mid-30s - and their own armed militia, which was called Harst or Auszug.

In the 1933 elections to local authorities, the Swiss National Front received support for the voters on the wave of nationalism, inspired by the coming to the authorities of the Nazis in Germany. Maximum number - more than 9 thousand members - the party reached in 1935, receiving 1.6% of the vote and one place in the Swiss parliament. Headed by the party Ernst Biderman, Rolf Helya and Robert Tobler. In 1940, the front was banned by the government, but continued its activities until 1943

The National Front created its own version of the Italian fascist style - with gray shirts. Members of the Organization also adopted a Roman greeting. The symbol of the front was the version of the Swiss flag, in which the White Cross reached the borders of the Red Background.


Spanish phalanx was created in 1933. First, like the Italian fascists and the German Nazis, the phalanxists tried to come to power through elections, but they did not manage to replace the sufficient number of voters who voted for conservative parties, which enjoyed the support of the Catholic Church.

The next chance appeared after the victory in the 1936 elections of the Socialist Party Popular Front. The Spanish military under the leadership of General Francisco Franco refused to recognize the election results and began an armed uprising, which resulted in the civil war of 1936-1939. Initially, Franco, however, he allowed the phalange, the number of members of which after the election increased significantly, to become the most important part of the political apparatus, and accepted the political program of the party. With the help of Italy and Germany, Franco and phalange won in the civil war. However, despite the support, during World War II, the phalanxists did not accept the side of Hitler, and thanks to this they managed to maintain power and subsequently.

After the war, Spain, like the neighboring Portugal, became an authoritarian dictature. Franco regime lasted until 1975. The phalanx was formally dissolved in 1977.

The Symbol of the phalanxi is borrowed from the coat of arms of the time of the King of Ferdinand and Queen Isabella - Disrovers of Spain XV century. In 1931, the yoke and arrows were taken symbols of the "Juntas deissicalistic offensive" party (Juntas deissiVa Nacional Sindicalista), which later united with the phalange. The yoke since sincerprove symbolized the work for the common goal, and the arrows are power. Red and black background - Colors of Spanish Syndicalists.

Great Britain

The British Union of Fascists (BUF) was established in 1932 by the former deputy of the parliament from conservatives and the minister in the Labor Government Sir Oswald Mosley. Mosley built his organization in the image and likeness of the Italian fascists and introduced a black uniform, for which the members of the Union were called "black-workers." The number of BUF reached 50 thousand people. In the mid-30s, due to the fact that its members were involved in numerous incidents with violence, the participation of the party fell. In 1940, the organization was banned, and most of the Second World War Mosley spent in prison.

Oswald Mosley believed that the British Colonial Empire is a modern heiress of the Roman Empire, and therefore at first used the option of Roman fascia as a party symbol. In 1936, the party accepted new symbol: Lightning inside the circle.

Colors were borrowed from the British flag. Circle - an ancient Christian symbol of unity. Lightning is a symbol of action, activity. In the post-war time, the same symbolism was used by the American Fascist Grouping Party national Revival. It occurs among the right extremists so far - for example, the British terrorist organization Combat 18, used the zipper and a circle in the Logo of The Order newspaper in the early 90s of the XX century.


In Sweden, the Swedish fascist organization of struggle was created in Sweden (Sveriges Fascistiska Kamporganization, SFKO). The symbol of the "Bunch of Rogop" was used as a party sign, and as the name of its main organ Spöknippet.

After the leader of the party Konrad Halgren and Sven Olaf Lindholm visited Germany, the party came close to National Socialism and in the fall of 1929, the name of the Swedish National Socialist People's Party was changed.

In 1930, she united with other Nazi parties: the National-Socialist Peasant-Workers Association of Birger Folubord and Novoshven Party. The new organization was first called the Novoshven National Socialist Party, and soon became the Swedish National Socialist Party (SNSP). In the 1932 elections, the party in the second chamber of Rixdag puts his candidates for nine electoral districts and scored 15188 votes.

Over time, ideological disagreements between Furubord and Lindholm aggravated to such an extent that on January 13, 1933, Lindholm and his supporters were excluded from the party. The next day, Lindholm formed the National Socialist Workers Party (NSAP). Parties were called "Lindholm" and "Fur Common".

In October 1938, NSAP again changed the name to the Swedish Socialist Association (SSS). Lindholm explained the lack of success in the recruitment of new members by the fact that the party was too close to the German national socialism and used a German swastik as a symbol. His party called her ideology of "folk socialism" (Folksocialism), and instead of the swastika, he took as a party symbol of "Vasakärven) Dynasty.

This heraldic symbol of the Sweden Temperator of the King of Gustav Vasi has important national importance in Sweden. The word Vase in the region is denoted by the hen of Kohliyev. In the Middle Ages, various options for such "sheaves" or "ligaments" were used in the construction of significant buildings and the roadside tab. "Sheaf", depicted on the coat of arms of the Vasa dynasty, served, in particular, to fill the pvs during the storming of fortresses. When Gustav Wasa in 1523 climbed the Swedish throne, then this symbol was on the coat of arms of the Swedish state. The slogan of the king "Varer SVENSK" (approximately "Be Sweden") was often quoted in Nazi and fascist circles.


The National Socialist Workers Party (NSDAP) of Germany was formed in 1919. In the 20s, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party turned into a massive movement, and by the time of the arrival of its ranks, there were almost 900 thousand members.

The German National Socialism largely resembled Italian fascism, but there were differences in several points. Both ideologies are noted by a pronounced cult of the leader's personality. Both of them sought to unite society into a single national movement. And national socialism, and fascism is clearly anti-democratic and both are distinguished by anti-communism. But if the fascists considered the state most important part of society, the Nazis instead spoke about the purity of the race. In the eyes of the Nazis, the total power of the state was not the goal, but to the means to achieve a different goal: good for the Aryan race and the German people. Where the fascists have interpreted the story as a constant process of struggle between different forms of the state, the Nazis seen the eternal struggle between races.

This was reflected in the symbol of the Nazis Swastika - an ancient sign, which in the XIX century was merged with the myth about the Aryan race as a crown of creation. Nazis adopted many external signs of fascism. They created their own version of the fascist "style" and introduced a Roman greeting. For more information about this, see chapters 2 and 3.


As in other European countries, fascist groups of different biases arose in Hungary in the period between world wars. Some of these groups were united in 1935 in the National Will Party. Two years later, this party was banned, but in 1939 again arose called "crossed arrows. Hungarian movement. " In May of the same year, she became the second largest part of the country and received the 31st place in parliament. With the beginning of World War II, it was again banned, but in October 1944, the German occupation authorities have set the so-called national unity government headed by the chairman of the "crossed arrows" by Ferenz Salashi. This regime lasted only a few months, until February 1945, but for a short time I sent about 80 thousand Jews to concentration camps.

Supporters of "Salashistov" (named party leader) took their name from the Christian cross with pointed ends, the symbol that was used by Hungarians in the X century. In the ideology of Salashystov, the Hungarians were the dominant nation, and the Jews were considered the main enemies. Therefore, the sign of crossed arrows is in second place after the swastika, among the most anti-Semitic symbols of fascism. Crossed arrows, as well as the custom to march in green shirts, were borrowed by them from the early fascist group of 1933 HNSALWP, subsequently entered into the batch of national will.

During the reign of the government of Salashi in Hungary, there was a flag, in the center of which on a red background there is a white circle, and in it black crossed arrows. Thus, the color gamma and the structure of the German flag with a swastika was completely repeated. The SS troops, formed from Hungarian volunteers, also used this symbol for Hungarian divisions No. 2 and No. 3. Today, this symbol in Hungary is prohibited.

In addition, "Salashists" used a red-white-striped flag from the coat of arms of the Hungarian princes of the Arpadov, which ruled in the country from the end of the IX century to 1301.


In 1933, the Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dolphus canceled the parliamentary rule and introduced a one-party system under the leadership of the Party. Domestic Front. The party combined in its program Italian fascism and elements of Catholicism, in other words, confessed clerical fascism. The domestic front was in opposition to the German National Socialism, and in 1934, during an attempt by Putch, Dolphus was killed. Clerical fascism dominated the country until 1938, when Austria was attached to Nazi Germany.

Flag of Party Domestic Front is the so-called crutch cross on a red-white background. The cross has the same ancient roots as the crosses of the crusaders, and the Christian tradition is called Cross Potent. Its use in the 30s in Austria was an attempt to compete with the Nazi swastika.

The symbols were strong weapons in the Nazi conversion of society. Neither before nor after that in history symbols did not play such an important role in political life And it was not used so consciously. The national revolution, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Nazis, not only had to be implemented - it should have been visible.

Nazis not only destroyed all those democratic public institutions laid down during the Weimara Republic, they reduced no and all external signs of democracy in the country. National Socialists swallowed the state even more than it managed to make Mussolini in Italy, and party characters became part of state symbolism. The black and red-yellow banner of the Weimar Republic replaced the Nazi Red-white-black with a swastika. The German state coat of arms was replaced by a new one, and the swastika took a central place in it.

The life of society at all levels was impregnated by Nazi symbolism. No wonder Hitler was interested in the techniques of influence on the mass consciousness. Relying on the opinion of the French sociologist Gustav Le Bon that controlling large groups of people is best with the help of propaganda aimed at feeling, and not on intelligence, he created a giant propaganda apparatus, which had to convey to the masses of the idea of \u200b\u200bnational socialism in simple, understandable I. emotional. A lot of official symbols appeared, each of which reflected a part of the Nazi ideology. The characters worked the same as the rest of the propaganda: the same type, repeatability and mass production.

The desire of the Nazis to the total authority over citizens was also evidenced by the signs of the differences that should be worn to people from various spheres. Members of political organizations or administration wore stripes from fabric, honorary signs and plugging icons with symbols that were approved by the Ministry of Propaganda Goebbels.

Differences were used to separate the "unworthy" to participate in the construction of a new Reich. Jews, for example, put a stamp in the passport with the letter J (Jude, Jew) to control their entry and departure from the country. Jews were prescribed to wear stripes on clothes - the yellow six-pointed "David Star" with the word Jude ("Jew"). Such a system was the greatest spread in concentration camps, where the prisoners were divided into categories and forced them to wear stripes that denoted them to belong to a particular group. Often the stripes were triangular like warning road signs. Different categories of prisoners corresponded to different colors of the stripes. Black worn mentally defective, alcoholics, lazy, gypsies and women sent to concentration camp for the so-called antisocial behavior: prostitution, lesbianness or for the use of contraceptives. Men-homosexuals were obliged to wear pink triangles, members of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect - purple. Red, so hated by the Nazis, the color of socialism, wore "enemies of the state": political prisoners, socialists, anarchists and masons. The stripes could be combined. For example, a Jew-homosexual was forced to wear a pink triangle on a yellow triangle. Together they created a two-color "Star David."


Swastika is the most famous symbol of German national socialism. This is one of the oldest and most common symbols in the history of humanity, which was used in many cultures at different times and in different parts of the world. His origin is controversial.

The most ancient archaeological finds with the image of the swastika are rock paintings on ceramic trekking found in Southeast Europe, their age is more than 7 thousand years. The swastika is found there as part of the "alphabet", which was used in the Indus Valley in the Bronze Age, that is, 2600-1900 BC. Such finds of the bronze and early iron century were found in the excavations in the Caucasus.

Archaeologists found a swastika not only in Europe, but also on subjects found in Africa, South and North America. Most likely, in different regions, this symbol was used completely independently.

The meaning of the swastika may be different depending on the culture. IN Ancient ChinaFor example, the swastika denotes the number 10 000 and further infinity. In Indian Jain, it denotes four levels of being. In Hinduism, the swastika, in particular, symbolized God of Fire Agni and God of the sky Diaus.

Numerous and its names. In Europe, the character was called a "four-way", or Cross Gammadion, and even just Gammadion. The word "swastika" came from Sanskrit and it can be translated as "something that brings happiness."

Swastube as an Aryan symbol

Swastika transformation OT. ancient symbol Sun and good luck to one of the most hated signs in the Western world began with the excavations of the German archaeologist Henry Schliman. In the 70s of the XIX century, Shliman began excavating the ruins of an antique three, near Hisarlyca in the north of modern Turkey. On a set of finds, the archaeologist discovered a swastika, a symbol familiar to him on ancient ceramics found during the excavations of Keningswald in Germany. Therefore, Schliman decided that he found the missing link, connecting the German ancestors, Greece of the Homer's era and mythical India, and the "Mahabharat" and "Ramayana".

Schliman advised with Emil Burnauf by Emil Burnauf, who argued that the swastika is a stylized image (top view) of the burning altar of ancient ary. Since the arias worshiped fire, the swastika was their main religious symbol, made the conclusion of the Burnauf.

The Nakhodka caused a sensation in Europe, especially in shortly before the united Germany, where the ideas of the Burnauf and Shl Shliman met a hot response. Gradually, the swastika lost its initial meaning and began to be considered exclusively an Aryan symbol. Its distribution was considered a geographical indication of where the ancient "superviffs" were in one or another historical period. More sober-sized scientists resisted such simplification and indicated in cases where the swastika was discovered outside the distribution region of Indo-European languages.

Gradually, the swastika began to give more and more anti-Semitic meaning. The Burnauf argued that the Jews did not take a swastika. Polish writer Mikael Zmigrodsky in 1889 published the book of Die Mutter Bei Den Völkern Des Arischen Stammes, which portrayed the Aryans with a clean race that did not allow mixing with Jews. In the same year, at the World Fair in Paris, Zmigrodsky arranged an exhibition of archaeological finds with a swastika. Two years later, German scientist Ernst Ludwig Krause wrote the book Tuisko-Land, Der Arischen Stämme und Götter Urheimat, in which the swastika performed as an obvious anti-Semitic symbol of national nationalism.

Hitler and swastika flag

The National Socialist Party of Germany (NSDAP) formally accepted the swastika as a party symbol in 1920. Hitler then was not yet chairman of the party, but answered in it for propaganda questions. He understood that the party would need something that would distinguish her from competing groups and at the same time attracted the masses.

Having made several sketches of the banner, Hitler opted his choice on the following: Black swastika in a white circle on a red background. The colors were borrowed from the old imperial banner, but they expressed the dogmas of National Socialism. In his autobiography "Main Campf", Hitler then explained: "Red color is a social thought in motion, White personifies nationalism, and the swastika is a symbol of the struggle of the Aryans and their victory, which is thus the victory of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreative labor, which in itself It was always an anti-Semitic and always will be anti-Semitic. "

Swastika as a national symbol

In May 1933, just a few months after the arrival of Hitler to power, a law was published on the protection of "National Symbols". According to this law, the Swastube should not be depicted on foreign subjects and the commercial use of the sign was also prohibited.

In July 1935, the German merchant ship "Bremen" entered the port of New York. The Nazi flag with a swastika waved next to the state flag of Germany. Hundreds of members of trade unions and an American Communist Party gathered on the Pier for an anti-Nazi rally. The demonstration turned into riots, the excited workers climbed onto the Bremen's board, the flag with a swastika and it was thrown into the water. The incident led to the fact that four days later, a German ambassador in Washington demanded that the American government of official apologies. Americans refused to apologize, referring to the fact that disrespect was manifested not to the state flag, but only to the flag of the Nazi party.

The Nazis managed to use this incident in their own interests. Hitler called him "humiliation of the German people." And so that the future does not happen to, the status of a swastika was raised to the level of the national symbol.

On September 15, 1935, the first of the so-called Nuremberg laws came into force. It was legalized by the colors of the German state: red, white and black, and the flag with the swastika became the state flag of Germany. In November of the same year, this banner was introduced in the army. During World War II, it spread to all the countries occupied by the Nazis.

Cult Schastika

However, in the third Reich, the swastika was not a symbol of state power, but, above all, the expression of the worldview of National Socialism. During his reign, the Nazis created a cult of swastika, which rather reminded religion than the usual political use of characters. The grand mass gatherings organized by the Nazis were like religious ceremonies, where Hitler was assigned the role of the Supreme Priest. During party days in Nuremberg, for example, Hitler from the scene exclaimed "Hail!" - And hundreds of thousands of Nazis responded to the choir: "High, my Führer"! Having dried, a huge mass watched, huge banners with a swastika slowly unfolded under a solemn drum.

This cult included a special reverence of the banner preserved since the "beer coup" in Munich 1923, when several Nazis were shot by the police. The legend argued that several drops of blood fell on the cloth. Ten years later, after coming to power, Hitler ordered to deliver this flag from the archive of the Bavarian Police. And since then, every new Army Standard or the flag with a swastika passed a special ceremony, during which a new cloth has touched this sprinkled banner with the relics of the Nazis

The cult of swastika as the symbol of the Aryan race was to replace Christianity over time. Since the Nazi ideology represented the world a struggle between races and nations, Christianity with his Jewish roots was in their eyes by another proof that previously the Aryan regions were "conquered" by Jews. By the end of World War II, the Nazis developed far-reaching plans for the transformation of the German church to "National". All Christian characters should have been replaced by Nazi. The ideologist of the party Alfred Rosenberg wrote that all the crosses, the Bible and the images of the saints should be seized from the churches. Instead of the Bible, the Altar should lie "Main Campf", and to the left of the altar - the sword. Crosses in all churches should be replaced by the "only invincible symbol - a swastika."


After World War II, the swastika in the Western world was to such an extent related to the cruelings and crimes of Nazism, that this completely slowed down all other interpretations. Today in the West, the swastika is associated primarily with Nazism and right extremism. In Asia, the swastika sign is still considered positive, although, some Buddhist temples from the middle of the 20th century began to decorate only the left-handed swastika, although the signs of both directions were previously used.

National symbols

In the same way, as the Italian fascists represented themselves with modern heirs of the Roman Empire, the Nazis sought to prove their relationship with ancient German history. Hitler was no wonder called the state-conceived state by the third Reich. The first large-scale state education was the German-Roman Empire, which existed for almost a thousand years since 843 to 1806. The second attempt to create the German Empire, undertaken in 1871, when Bismarck united the North-German lands under the primacy of Prussia, suffered collapse with the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

German National Socialism, like Italian fascism, was extreme form nationalism. This was expressed in borrowing them signs and characters from early history Hermann. These include a combination of red, white and black flowers, as well as the characters that the militarist power used during the Prussian Empire.


The image of the skull is one of the most common symbols in the history of mankind. IN different cultures He had a different meaning. In the West, the skull is traditionally associated with death, over time, with the limness of life. Drawings of the skull existed in ancient times, however, they became more noticeable in the XV century: they appeared in many cemeteries and mass burials related to the plague epidemic. In Sweden, death was depicted in church paintings in the form of a skeleton.

Associations associated with a skull have always been a suitable symbol for those groupings that wanted either to scare people, or emphasize their own contempt for death. The well-known example is the pirates of West Indies of the XVII and XVIII centuries, which used black flags with a skull image, often combining it with other symbols: a sword, sandwife or bones. For the same reasons, the skull with the bones began to use to designate the danger and in other areas. For example, in chemistry and medicine, a skull with bones on a label means that the drug is poisonous and dangerous for life.

The sieves wore metal badges with turtles on headdresses. The same sign was used in the Life-hussar parts of the Prussian Guard in the days of Friedrich the Great, in 1741. In 1809, the Black Corps of Duke Braunschweigsky wore a black shape with a skull without a lower jaw.

Both of these options - skull and bones or skull without the lower jaw - existed in the German army during the First World War. In the elite parts, these symbols meant combat courage and contempt for death. When in June 1916, the sperm regiment of the first guard received the right to wear a white skull on the sleeve, the commander turned to the soldiers with the next speech: "I am convinced that this sign of the difference of a new squad will always be as a sign of contempt for death and martial spirit."

After the war, the German units who refused to recognize the Versailles world, chose a skull with their own symbol. Some of them entered the personal guard of Hitler, which later turned into the SS. In 1934, the SS leadership officially approved that version of the skull, which is still used by neo-Nazis today. The skull was also a symbol of the SS Tank Division "Dead Head". This division was originally recruited from concentration camp warders. A ring with a "dead head", that is, with a skull, was and honorary awardwhich Himmler handed distinguished and honored sieves.

And for the Prussian army, and for the soldiers of the imperial parts of the skull was a symbol of blind loyalty to the commander and the willingness to go for him to death. This value passed to the SS symbol. "We wear a skull on black caps as a warning of the enemy and as a sign of readiness to sacrifice the life for the sake of Fuhrera and his ideals," such a statement belongs to Esvesty Aloisu Rosenvinka.

Since the image of the skull was widely used in various fields, then in our time it turned out to be the least associated with the Nazi ideology symbol. The most famous modern Nazi organization that uses the skull in its symbolism is the British Combat 18.

iron Cross

Initially, the "iron cross" was called the Military Order established by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III in March 1813. Now it is called both the order and the image of the cross on it.

"Iron Cross" of different degrees handed over to soldiers and officers of four wars. First, in the war of Prussia against Napoleon 1813, then during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871, and then during the First World War. The Order symbolized not only courage and honor, but was closely connected with the German cultural tradition. For example, during the Prussian-Austrian war of 1866, the Iron Cross was not awarded, since she was considered the war of two fraternal peoples.

With the beginning of World War II, Hitler revived the Order. The center of the Cross was added, the colors of the tape are changed to black, red and white. Nevertheless, the tradition has been preserved to indicate the year of issue. Therefore, on the Nazi variants of the Iron Cross, the year 1939 was affixed. During World War II, about 3.5 million "iron crosses" were awarded. In 1957, when the Nazi symbols were forbidden in West Germany, the war veterans were given the opportunity to pass the Order and get back the same, but without a swastika.

Symbols of the Order has a long history. The Christian Cross, which began to be used in ancient Rome in the 4th century BC, initially meant the salvation of mankind through the martyrdom of Christ on the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ. When in the era of crusades in the XII and XIII centuries, Christianity was militarized, the meaning of the symbol expanded and began to cover such advantages of the Crusaders as bravery, loyalty and honor.

One of the many knightly orders arising at that time was a Teutonic Order. In 1190, during the siege of acres in Palestine, merchants from Bremen and Lübend founded a field hospital. Two years later, the Teutonic Order received a formal status from Pope of Roman, who had his symbol: a black cross on a white background, which is called Cross Patté. The cross is an equilateral, the crossbar of it is curved and expand from the center to the ends.

Over time, the Teutonic Order has grown numerically and its significance has increased. During the crusades to the eastern Europe of the XIII and XIV centuries, Teutonic knights won significant territories on the site of modern Poland and Germany. In 1525, the Order was subjected to secularization, and the land belonging to him was part of Prussian Duchy. The black and white cross of the knights existed in Heraldry Prussia until 1871, when his stylized version with straight lines of the crossbar became a symbol of the German military car.

Thus, the Iron Cross, like many other characters that were used in Hitler's Germany, is not a Nazi political symbol, but by the military. Therefore, it is not prohibited in modern Germany, unlike purely fascist symbols And still used in the Bundeswehr army. However, neo-Nazis began to use it during their gathering instead of the forbidden swastika. And instead of the prohibited banner of the third Reich, the military flag of Imperial Germany is used.

The iron cross and among bikers groupings are spread. It is found in popular subcultures, for example, surficists. Iron Cross options are found in logos of various firms.

Wolf Kryuk.

In 1910, the German writer Herman Lens published a historic novel called "Vervolph" ("Werewolf"). The action in the book occurs in the German village during the thirty-year war. We are talking about the struggle of the peasant son of Garma Wolf against legionnaires, which, like insatiable wolves, terrorize the population. The hero of the novel makes the "Wolf Hook" symbol - a cross-shoe crossbar with two sharp hooks at the ends. The novel became unusually popular, especially in nationalist circles, due to the romantic image of the German peasants.

Lonz was killed in France during the First World War. However, its popularity has been preserved in the Third Reich. By order of Hitler in 1935, the remains of the writer were transferred and buried in German land. Roman "Vervolph" has repeatedly reprinted, and this sign has often been depicted on the cover, which was dominated by the state sanctioned by the state.

After the defeat in the First World War and the collapse of the Empire "Wolf Croc" became a symbol of national resistance against the policies of the winners. It was used by different nationalist groups - Jungnational Bundes and Deutschen PfadfinderBundes, and one Volunteer Case even took the name of the Roman "Vervolph".

The WolfSangel sign existed in Germany a lot of hundreds of years. The origin is not quite clear. The Nazis argue that the sign of the pagan, referring to its similarity from the Vidnavannavian manual I, but there is no evidence. The "Wolf Croc" cut out members of the medieval shop of Masonicians, who drove around Europe and built the cathedrals in the XIV century (from these artisans, and then formulated Masons or "free bricklayers"). Later, starting from the XVII century, the sign was in the heraldry of many noble families and urban coat. According to some versions, the shape of the sign resembles an instrument that was used to suspend the wolf carcass after hunting, but probably this theory is based on the name of the symbol. The Wolfsangel Word itself is first mentioned in the heraldic dictionary Wapenkunst 1714, but denotes a completely different symbol.

Different symbol variants were used by young "wolfes" from the Hitlergenda and in the military apparatus. Examples of using this symbol are most well known: the stripes with the "Wolf Hook" wore the second SES Tank Division Das Reich, the eighth Tank Regiment, the Fourth Motorized Infantry Division of the SS, the Netherlands Volunteer Grenadudian SS Division Landstorm Nederland. In Sweden, this symbol in the 30s enjoyed the youth wing of the movement of Lindholm "Youth of the North" (Nordisk Ungdom).

At the end of World War II, the Nazi regime began to create a kind of partisan groups that had to fight the enemy entered into German land. Under the influence of Lens novels, these groups also began to call "Vervolph", and in 1945 they distinctive sign Became "Wolf Hook". Some of these groups continued to fight the allied troops and after the surrender of Germany, for which today's neo-Nazis became their mythologization.

"Wolf hook" can be depicted both vertically, with episodes pointing up and down. In this case, the symbol is called donnerkeil - "Lightning".

Symbols of the working class

Before during the "Night of Long Knives", Hitler got rid of the socialist faction of the NSDAP, the party used and the symbolism of the work movement is primarily in the assault detachments of CA. In particular, as in the Italian fascist militants, the decade earlier, in the early 1930s, a revolutionary black banner was encountered in Germany. Sometimes it was completely black, sometimes combined with such symbols as swastika, "Wolf hook" or skull. Currently, black banners are found almost exclusively at anarchists.

Hammer and sword

In the Weimara Republic of the 20s there were political groups who tried to combine socialist ideas with the ideology of Fulkis. This was reflected in attempts to create symbols that combined the elements of these two ideologies. Most often among them were hammer and sword.

The hammer was drawn from the symbolism of the developed labor movement late XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century. Symbols that glorified workers were taken from a set of conventional tools. The most famous steel, naturally, the sickle and hammer, which in 1922 were adopted as the symbols of the newly educated Soviet Union.

The sword traditionally served as a symbol of struggle and power, and in many cultures were also an integral affiliation of various wives gods, for example, God of Mars in Roman mythology. In national socialism, the sword turned into a symbol of the struggle for the purity of the nation or race and existed in a variety of options.

In the symbol of the sword, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future "unity of the people" was laid, which workers and soldiers were to achieve after the revolution. For several months of 1924, the left radical, and later the Nationalist Zepp Erter published a newspaper called "Hammer and Sword", in the logo of which a symbol was used in the form of two crossed hammers intersecting with a sword.

And in NSDAP Hitler existed left movements - first of all submitted by the Brothers Gregor and Otto with Strasters. The Strasser brothers made books in the Rhine-Rur and Campf publishers. Both firms used hammer and sword as an emblem. The symbol also met in the early stages of the existence of the Hitlergenda, before in 1934, Hitler dealt with all the socialist elements in the Nazi movement.


Most of the characters used in the third Reich existed hundreds in one form or another, and sometimes thousands of years. But the gear refers to much later symbols. It began to be used only after the industrial revolution of the XVIII and XVIII centuries. The symbol indicated the technique in general, technical progress and mobility. Because of the direct connection with the industrial development of the gear has become a symbol of factory workers.

The first in Hitler's Germany began to use a gear as its symbol Technical department (Technische Nothilfe, Teno, Teno), founded back in 1919. This organization, where the letter t in the form of a hammer and letter N was placed inside the gear, carried out technical support for various law-spectrum groups. Teno was responsible for the operation and protection of such important industries as water supply and gas. Over time, Teno joined the Military Machine of Germany and began to obey Himmler directly.

After the arrival of Hitler to power in 1933, all trade unions were prohibited in the country. Instead of trade unions, workers united in German Labor Front (DAF, DAF). The same gear was elected as a symbol, but with a swastika inside, and the workers were obliged to wear these icons on clothes. Related icons, gear with an eagle, were awarded aviation maintenance workers - "Luftwaffe."

The gear itself is not a Nazi symbol. It is used by the organization of workers of different countries - both the socialist destination and not related to it. Among the movements of skinheads, ascending to the British working motion of the 1960s, it is also a common symbol.

Modern neo-Nazists use a gear when they want to emphasize their working origin and oppose themselves "cuffs", that is, cleaning the employees. In order for them not to be confused with the left, neo-Nazis combine the gear with purely fascist, right-minded symbols.

A striking example is the international organization of Hammerskins Skinheads (Hammerskins). In the center of the gear, they put the numbers 88 or 14, which are used exclusively in the circles of the Nazis.

Symbols of ancient germansev

Many symbols of the Nazis were borrowed from the occult neo-language course, which existed in the form of anti-Semitic sects before the formation of Nazi parties in Germany and Austria. In addition to the swastika, this symbolism included signs from the pre-Christian era of the history of the ancient Germanians, such as "irminsule" and "hammer of God Torah."


In the pre-Christian era, many pagans in the center of the village stood a tree or a pillar, around which religious rites were performed. In the ancient Germans such a pillar was called "Irminsul". This word consists of the name of the ancient German god Irmin and the words "Sul", denoting a pillar. In the north of Europe, the name Jörmun, consonant "Irmin", was one of the names of God Odin, and many scientists suggest that the German "Irminsul" is associated with the Turkish of the world of Igdrasil in the Vidnavannavian mythology.

In 772, Christian Karl The Great Snooked with the Earth, the cult center of the pagans in the Holy Grove Externaline on the territory of modern Saxony. In the 20s of the 20th century, with the submission of German Wilhelma Toydta, there was a theory that the most important irmins of the ancient Germans was there. As evidence, a relief was dealt with the monks of the XII century. The relief shows the irminsul, bent under the image of Saint Nikodemom and the Cross - a symbol of the victory of Christianity over the paganism.

In 1928, Tyudt founded the Society for the study of ancient Germanist, whose symbol was "straightened" irmins with relief in Externstein. After the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933, the Company fell into the sphere of the interests of Himmler, and in 1940 he became part of a German society to study the ancient German history and heritage of ancestors (Anecherbe).

Aneterbe, created by Himmler in 1935, was engaged in studying the history of the German tribes, but the results of studies that did not fit into the national-socialist doctrine of the purity of the race could not be published. An irminsul became the symbol of Anecherbe, and many employees of the institute wore small decorations of silver, reproduced a relief image. This sign is still used by neo-Nazis and neo-language.


The Nazis considered the Third Reich by the direct successor of the ancient German culture, and it was important to prove the right to be called the heirs of the Aryans. In pursuit of evidence, their attention attracted runes.

Runes are signs of letters of the pre-Christian era of the peoples who inhabited the north of Europe. Just as the letters of the Latin alphabet correspond to the sounds, each rune sign corresponded to a certain sound. Runic letters of different options are preserved, carved on the stones at different times and different regions. It is assumed that each rune, like each letter of the alphabet, had its name. However, everything that we know about runic letters is mined not from the original sources, but from later medieval records and even later gothic font, so it is not known whether this information is true.

One of the problems for Nazi research of Rounic signs was that in German itself there are not too many such stones. Studies were mainly based on the study of stones with Rounic inscriptions found in the European North, most often in Scandinavia. Scientists who were supported by the Nazis found output: they argued that the widespread graded buildings in Germany with their wooden racks and disclosures, giving the building a decorative and expressive appearance, repeat the way of writing runes. It was understood that the "architectural and construction method" the people allegedly maintained the secret of the runic inscriptions. Such a trick led to the detection of a huge amount of "runes" on the territory of Germany, the meaning of which could be interpreted with the most fantastic way. However, beams or logs in half-timbered structures, of course, cannot be "read" as text. Nazis decided this problem. Without any reason, it was announced that each individual rune had a certain hidden meaning in ancient times, "image", read and understand which could only be dedicated.

Serious researchers who explored the runes only as writing lost subsidies, since they became "renegades", apostates from the Nazi ideology. At the same time, the quasi-thorough, which adhered to authorized on top of the theory, received significant funds at their disposal. As a result, almost all research work was aimed in search of evidence of a Nazi view of history and, in particular, in search of the ritual meaning of Rounic signs. In 1942, the runes became official festive symbols of the Third Reich.

Guido background sheet

The main representative of these ideas was Austrian Gwido background leaf. Supporter of the Occultistism, he devoted half a difference to the revival of the "Aryan-German" past and was at the beginning of the 20th century by the central figure in the environment of anti-Semitic societies and associations involved in astrology, theosophy and other occult activities.

The background sheet was engaged in the fact that in the occult circles was called a "medium letter": with the help of meditation, the scraps of the ancient Germanist was "saw" in this state. Coming out of the trance, he recorded his "visions." The background sheet claimed that faith of the German tribes was a certain mystical "natural religion" - wovenism, which served as a special caste of priests, "Armanov". In his opinion, these priests enjoyed runic signs as magical symbols.

Further, the "medium" described the Christianization of Northern Europe and the expulsion of the Armanov, forced to hide their faith. However, their knowledge did not disappear, and the secrets of the ruins were maintained by the German people. With the help of their "supernatural" abilities, the background sheet could find and "read" these hidden symbols Everywhere: from the names of German settlements, coat of arms, gothic architecture and even names of different types of baking.

After an ophthalmic surgery in 1902, the background sheet for eleven months did not see anything. It was at that time that he was visited by the strongest visions, and he created his own "alphabet" or a ruffic row of 18 characters. In this series, which did not have anything with scientifically adopted, runes from different times and locations were included. But, despite his anticature, he strongly influenced the perception of the rune signs not only by the Germans in general, but also the Nazi "scientists" engaged in the study of Runes in Anecherba.

The magical meaning that the background leaf attributed to Runic writs is used by the Nazis from the time of the Third Reich to today's days.

Runa Life

"Runa of Life" is the Nazi name of the fifteenth in the Old Tartannowan row and the fourteenth run of the Runic Sign Wiking. In the ancient Scandinavians the sign was called "Mannar" and denoted a man or man.

For the Nazis, he indicated life and was always used when it was about the health, family life or the birth of children. Therefore, the "Runa of Life" became the emblem of the female branch of NSDAP and other female associations. In combination with the cross, inscribed in the circle, and the eagle this sign was the emblem of the Union of German families, and, together with the letter A, a symbol of pharmacies. This rune replaced the Christian star in newspaper ads about the birth of children and near the date of birth on the tombstones.

"Runa Life" was widely used on the stripes, which were awarded for merits in a wide variety of organizations. For example, the health girls wore this emblem in the form of oval stripes with a red rune on a white background. The same sign was issued by the members of the Hitlergenda who had passed medical training. All doctors first enjoyed the international symbol of healing: snake and bowl. However, in the desire of the Nazis to reform society until the smallest details in 1938 and this sign was replaced. "Rune of Life", but on a black background, could also receive SS.

Rune death

This Runic Sign, Sixteenth Viking Runes, became known among the Nazis as a "Rune of Death". The symbol was used to glorify the killed ESSites. He replaced christian cross In newspaper neccratogs and declarations of death. It began to portray it on grave plates instead of the cross. They put it on the places of mass burial at the fronts of the Second World War.

This sign was used by Swedish right extremists in the 30s - 40s. For example, the "Rune of Death" is printed in the announcement of the death of some Hans Linden, who fought on the side of the Nazis and was killed on the Eastern Front in 1942.

Modern neo-Nazis, naturally, follow the traditions of Hitler's Germany. In 1994, a necrologist was published in the Swedish newspaper under the name "Freedom Torch" under this rune, a necrologist was published on the death of the fascist of the pen. A year later in the Walchull and Future newspaper, which was produced by the Western School of Nazis Gothenburg, a necromologist was published under this symbol, which was an active member of the Swedish fascist party of Lindholm in the 1930s. Nazi organization of the XXI century "Salema Foundation" and now sells stripes in Stockholm with images of "Runes of Life", "Runes of Death" and Torch.

Runa Khagal

Rune, meaning the sound "x" ("H"), in the ancient Runa row and in a newer Scandinavian looked differently. Nazis used both signs. "Hagal" is the old form of the Swedish "Chaghel", which means "hail."

Runa "Halhag" was a popular symbol of Fulkish movement. Guido background leaf invested in this sign a deep symbolic meaning - the connection of a person with the eternal laws of nature. In his opinion, the sign called for a man "to arrange the universe to master them." This value was borrowed by the Third Reich, where the Hagal rune personified the absolute faith in the Nazi ideology. In addition, an anti-Semitic magazine called "Halhag" was published.

The rune was used by the Hohenshtufen Single Tank Division on Flags and Icons. In the Scandinavian form, the rune was depicted on a high award-anxious Persdnet, and also accompanied the weddings of the SSEs.

In our time, the rune was used by the Swedish party "Hembugd", the law and the "People's Socialists" a small Nazi grouping "People's Socialists".

Rune Odal

Runa Odale is the last, 24th rune of the Old Runes of the Runic Signs. Its sound corresponds to the pronunciation of the Latin letter Oh, and the form dates back to the letter "Omega" of the Greek alphabet. The name is derived from the name of the corresponding sign in the Gothic alphabet, which resembles the Valvesan Donate "Property, Earth". This is one of the most common signs in the Nazi symbolism.

The nationalistic romanticism of the XIX century idealized a simple and close to nature of the peasants, making focus on love for his native village and the Motherland as a whole. The Nazis continued this romantic line, and the Rune of Odal received special meaning In their ideology of "blood and soil".

The Nazis believed that between the people and the land, where he lives, there is a certain mystical connection. This thought was formulated and developed in two books written by a member of the SS Walter Darre.

After the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933, Darre was appointed Minister of Agriculture. Two years earlier, he was headed by subway, which in 1935 turned into public central management on race and resettlement Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt (Rusha), whose task was the practical application of the basic idea of \u200b\u200bnazism about racial purity. In particular, in this institution, they were checked for the purity of the race of the members of the SS and their future wives, they were determined here which children in the occupied territories are enough "Aryan" to kidnap them and take to Germany, they decided here who from the "Nariants" should be killed after Sexual communication with German or German. The symbol of this department was the rune of the Odale.

Odale was worn on the collars of soldiers of the SS volunteer mountain division, where as volunteers recruited, and they took the power of the "ethnic Germans" from the Balkan Peninsula and from Romania. During World War II, this division acted in Croatia.

Rune Sieg

Runa Zig Nazis considered the sign of strength and victory. The ancient Germann name Rune was SOWLIO, which means the "sun". The Anglo-Sigel Name of the Rune Sigel also means the "sun", but Guido background leaf mistakenly associated this word with the German word "victory" - Zig (SIEG). From this error, the value of the rune arose, which still exists among neo-Nazis.

Zig-Rune, as it is called is one of the most famous signs in the symbolism of Nazism. First of all, because this doubled sign was worn on the collars of the SS. In 1933, the first such stripes developed in the early 1930s by the Espersian Walter Hekcom, the Ferdinand Hoffstatters textile factory sold the parts of the SS at a price of 2.50 Reichsmarocks apiece. The honor to wear a double "zig-rune" on the collars of the uniform was the first to be awarded part of the personal guard of Adolf Hitler.

They wore a dual "zig-rune" in combination with the image of the key and in the Tank Division of the SS "Hitlergend", who recruited the youth from the Organization of the same name. The single Zig Runa was the Yungfolk organization emblem (Jungfolk), which manifested the basics of the Nazi ideology of children from 10 to 14 years.

Rune Tir

Rune Tir is another sign that was borrowed by the Nazis from the Doharistian era. A rune is pronounced as the letter T and indicates the name of God Tira.

The God of Tir was treated traditionally as the God of War, therefore, the rune symbolized the struggle, battle and win. The graduates of the officer school wore an armband with the image of this sign on his left hand. The symbol was also used by the Volunteer Tank Grenadier Division "January 30".

A special cult around this rune was created in the Hitlergende, where all activities were aimed at individual and group rivalry. Rune Tir reflected this spirit - and the meetings of the members of the Hitlergenda decorated the runes of a tire of colossal sizes. In 1937, the so-called "Adolf Hitler's Schools" were created, where the most capable students were preparing for important positions in the administration of the Third Reich. Pupils of these schools wore dual "Runa Tira" as the emblem.

In Sweden, the 1930s, this symbol was used by the "Youth of the North", a division of the Swedish Nazi NSAP (NSAP).