Forgotten reality. Sumerian civilization

Forgotten reality. Sumerian civilization
Forgotten reality. Sumerian civilization


History of civilization: discoveries

Architecture Sumerov


Practical work: Sumerians and Nature



Civilization is a way of surviving a person in the world by changing the world. She originates from creating tools and hunting, with the conquest of power over fire and taming animals. This radical leap from the animal to the person changed the world in principle: new entities appeared in the world, which a person developed, gradually more and more adapting the world towards himself and its needs. Physical objects and phenomena changed their meaning, or rather, they were acquired.

It has already been proven that Sumerian civilization is the most ancient on Earth, which appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. Their first civilization arose at least 445 thousand years ago. Many scientists beat and be fighting over the resolution of the mystery of the oldest people of the planet, but there are still a lot of riddles. Slightly over a hundred years ago, nothing was known about the Sumeres and their civilization.

Sumer as a country and Sumerians as a people left no noticeable traces in the literature, which was available to enthusiasts and scientists who began excavations in the past century in Mesopotamia in search of the palaces of the Assyrian and Babylonian kings mentioned in the Bible.

History of civilization

Sumer was the first of the three great civilizations of antiquity. He arose on the plain between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates in 3800 BC. e.

Sumerians invented the wheel, the first began to build schools and created a two-chamber parliament. It was here that the first historians appeared. Here received the first money - silver shekels in the form of ingots, cosmogony and cosmology arose, for the first time taxes began to introduce, medicine and a number of institutes that "lived" were introduced to this day. Various disciplines were taught in Sumerian hotels, and the legislative system of this state was similar to our. There were laws that defended working and unemployed, weak and helpless, existed a system of judges and jury.

In the area discovered in 1850, 30,000 clay plates containing a lot of information were found in the territory of Mesopotamia, a significant part of which remains not decrypted to this day. Meanwhile, clay signs with recordings were found before the library discovery, and then, and in many of them, in particular, in Akkadian texts, it is indicated that they are copied from earlier Sumerian originals.

In Sumer, the construction case was well established, and the first kiln for burning bricks also created here. The same furnaces were used to smell metals from ore - this process became necessary already in the early stages, as soon as the reserve of natural native copper was exhausted. The researchers of the ancient metallurgy extremely surprised how rapidly Sumerians were learned by the methods of ore enrichment, melting of metal and casting. They mastered these technologies in just a few centuries after the occurrence of civilization.

It looks even more striking that the Sumerians mastered the methods of producing alloys. They were the first to learn to produce bronze - solid, but well-teeted alloy, which changed the entire course of human history. The ability to fuse copper with the tin was the greatest achievement. First, because it was necessary to choose their exact ratio, and the Sumerians found the optimal: 85% copper by 15% tin. Secondly, there was no tin in Mesopotamia, in general, rarely occurring in nature, he should have been found somewhere and bring. And thirdly, the extraction of tin from ore - tin stone is a rather complicated process that could not open by chance.

Unlike scientists of later centuries, Sumerians knew that the Earth revolves around the Sun, the planet moves, and the stars were still. They knew all the planets of the solar system, and after all, uranium, for example, was opened only in 1781. Moreover, in clay signs, a catastrophe that happened to the Planet Tiamat, which in the scientific and science fiction literature today it is customary to call the banner, and the existence of which indirectly confirmed American spacecraft "Pioneer" and "Voyager" in 1980, aimed at borders Solar system.

All the knowledge of the Sumeris relative to the movement of the Sun and the Earth was united in the calendar first created in the world. This sunny lunar calendar entered into force in 3760 BC. e. In the city of Nippure. And was the most accurate and difficult of all subsequent. A sixteen number system created by the Sumerum made it possible to calculate the fractions and multiply the numbers to millions, extract the roots and raise into a degree.

The division of an hour for 60 minutes, and the minutes for 60 seconds was based on a six-month system. Echoes of the Sumerian number system are preserved and in dividing the day for 24 hours, for 12 months, a feet is 12 inches and in the existence of a dozen as a measure of quantity

This civilization existed only 2 thousand years, but how much discoveries were made!

That can not be! And yet, this impossible Sumer existed and enriched humanity by such a number of knowledge that did not give him any other civilization. Moreover, the civilization of the Sumer, which was mysterious, mysteriously in the way of a year ago and mysteriously disappeared. At this expense, orthodox scientists have several versions. But the causes of the death of the Sumerian kingdom called them are also unconvincing, as well as the versions that they try to explain its occurrence and truly fantastic, nothing is comparable.

Sumerian civilization died as a result of invasion from the west of warlike semitic nomadic tribes. In the 24th century BC, Tsar Akkad Sargon Ancient defeated the King Lugalzaggisi, the ruler of Sumer, uniting the Northern Mesopotamia in his authority. Babylon-Assyrian civilization was born on the shoulders of Sumer.

sumerians Civilization Klinox Mythology

Architecture Sumerov

The most clearly traced the development of the architectural thought of the Sumerians on how the appearance of the temples changes. In the Sumerian language, the word "house" and "temple" sounds the same, so the ancient Suchmers did not share the concepts of "build a house" and "build a temple". God is the owner of all the riches of the city, his owner, the deaths only unworthy of his servants. The temple is the dwelling of God, he should be evidence of his power, forces, military valor. In the center of the city on a high platform, a monumental and majestic building was erected - the house, the dwelling of the gods - the temple, the stairs or ramps were held on both sides.

Unfortunately, only ruins have been preserved from the temples of the most ancient buildings for which it is almost impossible to restore the internal device and the decoration of cult facilities. The reason for this is wet, raw climate of two-frequencies and the absence of any long-term construction material except clay.

In ancient Mesopotamia, all structures were erected from bricks, which was formed from raw clay with an admixture of reed. Such buildings demanded an annual restoration and repair and were extremely short-lived. Only from the ancient Sumerian texts we learn that in the temples of the early construction, the sanctuary was shifted to the edge of the platform, on which the temple was erected. The center of the sanctuary, his sacred place where the sacraments and rites were committed, was the throne of God. He demanded special care and care. The statue of the Divine, in honor of which the temple erected, was in the depths of the sanctuary. It also required to care carefully. Probably, the inner premises of the temple were covered with paintings, but they destroyed the wet climate of the two frequencies. At the beginning of the III century BC. In the sanctuary and his open courtyard stopped let the uninitiated. At the end of the III, ton of our era, another type of temple building appears in ancient Sumere - zigkurat.

It is a multistage tower, the "floors" of which have the form of the pressering pyramids or parallelepiped, the number could reach the seven. At the site of the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered the temple complex, built by the king of Ur-Namma from the III Dynasty of Hurray. This is the most preserved zikkurat Sumerov, which has come down to this day.

It is a monumental three-storey structure of bricks, more than 20m high.

Sumerians built temples carefully and thoughtful, but residential buildings for people did not differ in special architectural research. These were mainly rectangular buildings all of the same raw bricks. The houses were erected without windows, the only source of light was a doorway. But in most buildings there were sewage. There were no planning of the attacks, there was no reason at home, therefore, often the narrow curves of the streets ended with dead end. Each residential building was usually surrounded by a global wall. The same wall, but much more thickness, was erected around the settlement. According to the very first settlement, surrounded by the wall, thereby assigned to themselves the status of the "city", was an ancient Urupet. The ancient city forever remained in the Akkada epic "Uruko Fengled".


By the time of formation of the first Sumerian cities-states, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe anthropomorphic divine was formed.

Divities - the patrons of the community were primarily the personification of creative and producing the forces of nature, with which the ideas about the power of the military leader of the community tribe combined with the functions of the supreme priest.

Of the first written sources, the names (or symbols) of the gods of Inanany, Enlil and others are known, and since the T. N. The period of Abu-Salayabiha (settlements near Nippura) and headlights (screw) of 27-26 centuries. - Theofor names and the most ancient list of gods. The earliest actually mythological literary texts are the hymns of the gods, the lists of proverbs, the presentation of some myths also take place by the headlight period and originate from the side of the headlight and Abu Salaabiha. But the main mass of the Sumerian texts of mythological content refers to the end of the 3rd - the beginning of the 2nd millennium, to the so-called Starovalon period - the time when Sumerian language has already died out, but the Babylonian tradition has also retained the teaching system on it.

Thus, by the time of appearance of writing in two-range (Kon. 4th thousand to n. E.) A certain system of mythological representations was recorded here. But in every city of the state, their deities and heroes, the cycles of the myths and their own priest tradition remained.

Until the end of the 3rd thousand to n. e. There was no single systematized Pantheon, although there were several generalumery deities: Enlil, "Lord of the Air", "King of Gods and People", the God of the city of Nippur, the Center for the Ancient Sumerian Tribal Union; Enki, Lord of Underground Freshwater and World Ocean (later and the Deity of Wisdom), the head of the city of Eredu, the Ancient Cultural Center of Sumer; An, God Keba, and Inanna, the goddess of war and carnal love, the deities of the city of Uruk, who took the time at the end of the 4th - early 3rd thousand to n. e.; Naina, Lunar God, revered in ure; God-Warrier Ningirsh, who has faded in Lagash (this God later identified with Lagasy Ninurta), etc. The oldest list of gods from headlights (approx. 26 V. BC. E.) Highlights the Six Supreme Gods of the Ranneshumer Pantheon: Enlil, An, Innana , Enki, Nanna and Sunny God Utu.

Practical work: Sumerians and Nature

The problems of modern civilization, which threaten the existence of humanity and life on the planet - the danger of the nuclear war, the environmental disaster, the exhaustion of non-renewable resources, drug addiction and much more, are the result of the long-term evolution of society, changes in its place and role in the history of our planet. They are generated by the active activities of mankind and the features of the person who has formed over millions of years, which also requires the consideration of civilization in the framework of global or universal evolutionism.

In other words, penetration into the nature of civilization, the search for its grounds, reflections on the future of civilization, about the possible prospects for the existence of the human race require support to a certain general vision of the world, and such a "picture of the world" should include in the principle of evolution and person himself.

This means that the past, the history of man and its civilization should be covered from the standpoint of universal evolutionism, when the Earth life arises during cosmic evolution, when biological evolution leads to the emergence of a person and civilization.

If you view the mythology and architecture of the Civilization of the Sumerians, some facts can be allocated:

There are few trees and stone in the interfluve, so the first building material was raw bricks from clay, sand and straw mixture

Divities - The patrons of the community were primarily the personification of creative and producing nature forces

Priests also played a paramount role in the formation of Sumerian states

Schumer civilization was highly developed

From the above facts, we can conclude that the impact of the Civilization of Sumerians on nature was clearly controlled and actually not global, if we consider that the deities and priests played an unimportant role in the formation of this civilization.


Modern science cannot give answers to all the questions that arise when studying the history of the Sumerians. Too few sources and monuments of that period have survived to this day. However, the Civilization of the Sumer is one of the most mysterious, significant and developed in the history of the ancient world. And, perhaps, the key to understanding the entire history of antiquity lies in understanding and evaluating the value of the Sumero-Accident civilization.


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1.1. First researchers.

1.3. Opening of the Sumerian language.

Chapter 2. Number of Sumerian Civilization

2.1. Population of two frequencies to Sumerov.

2.2. Appearance of Sumerians.

2.3. Questions unanswered.

Chapter 3. Ancient culture of the era of Sumer.

3.1. The first cities.

3.2. Uruk at 2900 BC.

3.3. The period of the jamet-noor. Bronze Age.

Chapter 4. Historical and cultural monuments of Sumerians.

4.1. Legend of the World Flood.

4.2. Poem "Gilgamesh and Aka"

4.3. The mystery of the "royal list"

Chapter 5. Fall of Sumer.

5.1. Political distribution.

5.2. The death of the Sumerian civilization.




What happened on Earth called the Greek Mesopotamia, which meant between two rivers (Tiger and Ether), can be called a turning point in the history of mankind: civilization originated here. The descendants of the landowners of the stone century, timidly settled on the shores of the swamps - people known to us like Sumerians - managed to turn all the seeming disadvantages of their native land into huge advantages that influenced the development of all mankind.

The sun burns the Earth, killing scarce vegetation, who gave rise after rare spring rains. Hot wind, born to the south of the desert, raises dust storms, walking along the sad plain. There is no hill on the horizon. Hardly in these parts you can find a tree so that in its shade to hide from the heat. The monotony of the landscape is disturbed only by two rivers. Water goes to life. Above the swamp, where the rivers leave the shores from the banks, the birds are circling, shoals of fish are going to shallow water. On the shores of the swamps in simple huts from clay and people live. Picking up the land, they process small areas of the Earth. Such was the valley lying between the rivers Tiger and Ether 9 thousand years ago. The lands seemed completely unrecognized. But, nevertheless, about 3,000 years before the new era, a different picture would have appeared. On all over the valley, magnificent cities rose. And around the fields inhabited by grain crops spread around. The wind walked in the groves of the phenomena. Temples rose everywhere. Stone palaces, mansions and streets built up with spacious houses, hundreds of workshops with a variety of products from pottery to precious jewelry.

Who were the first Sumerians, from where they appeared in the Valley of the Tiger and Euphrates - these questions were destined to remain unanswered. The birthplace of these dark-haired and celebrush people should be considered the East or North-West Mesopotamia, their language is very similar to the language of the peoples of the coast of the Caspian Sea. Probably, the Sumerians settled in the valley of about 3500 to the new era - approximately at a time when primitive agricultural settlements were founded. In any case, the first Sumers were assieved in the south of the valley, building their huts along the shores of the swamps who had crumpled Kamysh, who were many in the delta, where Tiger and Ether fell into the Persian Bay.

The history of the opening and life of Sumerians is still a mystery for historians and is compared in difficulty with the opening of space.

Chapter 1. Mystery of the opening of the Sumerians.

1.1. First researchers


esopotamia for centuries attracted travelers and researchers. This country is mentioned in the Bible, antique geographers and historians are narrated about it. The history of Mesopotamia was not very famous for the reason that Islam reigned here later, so it was difficult to get here. Interest in the past, the desire to know what was before us was always the main factors that prompted people to action, often risky and dangerous.

The very first studies of Mesopotamia were written in 1178 and printed in 1543 in Hebrew, and after 30 years in Latin - with a detailed report in which there was a speech about monuments of ancient Mesopotamia.

The first researcher of Mesopotamia was rabbi from Tudela (Kingdom of Navarre) Veniamin, the son of ions, which in 1160 went to Mesopotamia and 30 years old was in the east. The hills with the ruins spoken from the sands buried in them, made a strongest impression on him and awakened passionate interest in the past of the ancient people.

The assumptions of the first European travelers were not always plausible, but always fascinating. They excited and awakened the hope of finding Ninevia - the city, which the Prophet Naum said: "Ninevia is ruined! Who will regret it? ". Nineve, in 612 BC e. The destroyed and devoted fire by the Midi-Russian troops, defeated in the bloody battles of the hated Assyrian kings, damned and forgotten, became the embodiment of the legend for Europeans. The search for Nineveh contributed to the opening of Sumer. None of the travelers did not even assume that the history of Mesopotamia is rooted in such distortion times. The Neapolitan merchant Pietro della Valle, going to the east on a trip to the east. We are obliged to him about the Mukayar bricks found on the hill, covered with some amazing signs. Valle suggests that it is writing, and they should be read from left to right. It seemed to him that the bricks were dried in the sun. As a result of excavations, Valle found that the base of the construction was made of bricks burned in the furnaces, but in the magnitude of those not differ from the dried in the sun. It for the first time he delivered clion-shaped letters to scientists, thereby putting the beginning of a two hundred years of their reading.

The second traveler who came across the traces of the Sumerians was Dane Karsten Nibur, which is January 7, 1761. went to the east. He dreamed of gathering and explored as much wedge-like texts as possible, the mystery of which was worried about linguists and historians of that time. The fate of the Danish expedition was tragic: all of its participants died. Alive only Nikur. His "Description of traveling to Arabia and neighboring countries", published in 1778 it became something like the encyclopedia of knowledge about Mesopotamia. She read out not only lovers of exotic, but also scientists. The main thing in this work was carefully performed copies of Persepolian inscriptions. Nikur first determined that the inscriptions consisting of three clearly distinctive speakers are three kinds of clinopy. He called them 1, 2 and 3 classes. Although it was not possible to read the inscriptions to Niburu, his reasoning turned out to be unusually valuable and mostly properly correct. He, for example, argued that 1st class is an old-sized writing, consisting of 42 characters. In addition, the descendants should be grateful for the hypothesis that each of the writing classes represents a different language.

1.2. Decoding mysterious signs.


oPII, made by this traveler and the opener, as well as its argued assumptions were using grothendend when deciphering the clinopy. These materials turned out to be a key to solving the lidget of the existence of Sumer. On the threshold of the 19th century, the scientific world has already had a sufficient number of clinp texts to move from the first, timid attempts to the final decoding of a mysterious writing. So the Danish scientist Friedrich Christians Munter suggested that the 1st class (on Niburu) is alphabetical writing, grade 2 - syllables and 3 class - ideographic signs. He expressed the hypothesis that three variea-diversified, percussioned writing letters from Persepole contain identical texts. These observations and hypotheses were correct, but to read and decipher the indicated inscriptions, it was not enough - to read the Persepolian inscriptions did not manage to the Munter nor Tikhsen. Only Grothend, the teacher of the Greek and Latin language lyceum in Gottingen, achieved that it turned out to be impossible to its predecessors. This story has a rather spicy start. They say that the Grothend, a passionate amateur Sharad and Remusov, in the tavern shifted on the mortgage, which will decide the "Persepole puzzle", which allegedly caused laughter and mockery. Who could suggest that the most difficult problem for which the well-known scientists in Europe have brewed, will be solved by a modest teacher? Getting Started, Grothende uses not so much with his experience of the rebel, although this experience undoubtedly helped him how many achievements of their predecessors.

Sumer is the first urban civilization in the historical area of \u200b\u200bSouth Mesopotamia (southern part of modern Iraq) during the Halkolite period and early bronze. Scientists believe that it was the first civilization in the world.

Today you will learn a brief information about Sumerians and their unique civilization. Lovers this text will be especially interesting.

Ancient Sumer.

When most of humanity still lived in the caves, Sumerians have already created the first civilization in the south of Mesopotamia - in the rivers of the Tiger and Euphrates rivers (Sovr. Iraq). As this people appeared here, it is still not known for sure.

Perhaps the Sumerians came from the Caspian regions and in Mesopotamia were approached. 5500 BC e. Over the next 3000 years, they built the first cities, installed the monarchy and invented writing.

Civilization Sumerov

Sumerian state flourished due to irrigation agriculture. The inhabitants of this region were built reservoirs and channels, turning dry lands with them to fertile.

Statue of the 24th century BC. e. Praying Sumerian Man (Modern Eastern Syria)

An increase in yield contributed to the emergence of other innovations: Plow, trolleys on wheels and a sailing boat. All this invented Sumerians.

The abundance of food led to an increase in the population, the growth of cities and the appearance of people with the opportunity to change rural classes for urban.

Among the Sumerians began to highlight merchants, the exchange of local agricultural products on metal, wood and other resources began. There are many skillful artisans.

At first, Sumerian cities managed the advice of elders. When conflicts between cities were frequent, the councils began to appoint military leaders - Lugáli (in Shumerskaya - "Big Man"). This position was temporary, and then became hereditary. Subsequently, the word "Lugal" received the meaning of the "king".

In Sumer, there were twelve independent states-states, each of which consisted of one or more urban centers surrounded by villages and rural areas, and was managed by his king.

In the middle of the city there was a temple of the patron god. Over time, these temples were transformed into huge stepped structures - zigkurats - a height of up to 50 m.

Sumerians were good mathematicians. They used not only a decimal, but also a six-month number system, it was from there a circle division by 360 °, an hour out of 60 minutes and a minute of 60 seconds.

But the greatest achievement of the Sumerian civilization was the creation of writing, which allowed to fix anything, from trading transactions to laws and interstate treaties.

Sumerian goddess

About 2350 BC e. Sumer captured the Semitic tribes, which appeared from the north.

By 1950 BC e. Sumerians have lost political power, but their writing, laws and religion have been preserved in the civilizations of Babylon and Assyria who came to replace them.

  • Rich Sumerians put their own images in the gods of the gods - small clay figures with prayer-folded hands.
  • The first settlements of the Sumerians were near the coast of the Persian Gulf (south of modern Iraq). Over time, their influence has spread throughout the Mesopotamia.

Great zigarat in ure is the most preserved temple complex of ancient interfluve.

Sumerian writing

Suchumerical writing starts from a primitive system of calculations: merchants and collectors of the filters applied icons and pictures (pictograms), which denoted the number and genus of objects, for crude clay.

Over time, a system of stylized signs has developed; They were applied to the sharpened end of a cane stem. Signs had the shape of Kliniev, which is why they got the name "Flip".

In early clinopy, there were no grammatical elements, only after 2500 BC. e. With the help of signs began to show, in what order read written. Finally invented signs that transmitted speech sounds.

Standard of war and peace from Hurray - inlaid by the mother of pearl and lapis-azure panels, which were probably wore in solemn processes. At one of them, the scenes of the military campaign are represented, which the powerful city-state ur was led by about 2500 BC. e. The fragment is depicted from the defeated enemies of cattle, which is carried out in front of the pouring rulers.

Standard of war and world - a pair of inlaid decorative panels found by the L. Velloli expedition during the excavations of the Sumerian city of the UR.

The main dates of Sumerian civilization

Studying the development and unique civilization of the Sumerians, it should be understood that all the dates have relative accuracy. Naturally, all this happened to our era.

Years before our era


5400 In Mesopotamia, progressive methods of agriculture appear for the first time, including irrigation (artificial watering land).
3500 The emergence of the first Sumerian cities. The invention of primitive writing.
3400 Uruk (OK. 200 hectares area and the population of OK. 50,000 people) becomes the largest city of Sumer.
3300 Sumerians invent a pottery circle and plow.
3000 In the Sumer in the place of pictographic writing comes early clinows.
2900 Some Mesopotamia is broken by a strong flood; It is believed that it was it that was the basis of the legend of the World Flood, set out in the Old Testament of the Bible.
2750 The ruler of Uruk becomes Gilgamesh, who was entering the legend of the hero of the "Epos about Gilgamesh", the oldest of the literary works that came to us.
2600 The rulers hurray are buried in tombs along with their approximate sacrifices.
2500 Writing applies to the world, thanks to the development of trade relations.
2350 Sargon Akkadsky, the ruler of the Semitic tribe, inhabited in the north of Mesopotamia, conquers Sumerian cities. Subsequently, Sargon unites the country, founding the first empire, which history knows about.
2100 Ur-Namma, the ruler, his cheer, restores the glory of the Sumerian Power, establishes the schools of scribes, proclaims the first set of laws, conducts the reform of the calendar and encourages foreign trade.
1950 After the capture of the Uraz who came from Western Iran by Elamina, the role of the Sumerian state in politics is forever comes.

Well, now you know about the ancient Sumer, everything that the average educated person should know.

Sumerian woman had almost equal rights with a man. It turns out that not our contemporaries managed to prove their right to voice and equal social position. In times, when people believed that the gods live near, hate and love, like people, women were on the same position as today. This in the Middle Ages, the female representative, apparently, was concerned and sally prefer the embroidery and balls to participate in public life.

Equality of Sumerian women with men of historians explain the equality of the gods and goddesses. People lived on their likeness, and what was good for the gods, and for people. True, the legends of the gods also create people, therefore, most likely equal rights to Earth still appeared earlier than equality in Pantheon.

The woman had the right to express his opinion, could be divorced if her husband did not suit her, however, she was still preferred to issue her daughters on marriage contracts, and her husband was picked up their parents themselves, sometimes in early childhood, while the kids were small. In rare cases, the woman chose her husband herself, relying on the advice of her ancestors. Every woman could defend their rights to court herself, and with him always wore his own small print.

She could have their own enterprise. A woman led the raising of children, and had a dominant opinion in solving controversial issues relating to the child. She owned her property. She did not apply to the debts of her husband made to them before marriage. She could have their own slaves who did not obey their spouse. In the absence of a husband and in the presence of minor children, the wife managed to all property. If there was an adult son, the responsibility shifted on him. Wife, if such an item did not specify in a marriage contract, a husband in case of large loans, could sell into slavery for three years - to work out debt. Or sell forever. After the death of her husband, his wife, as he now, received his share of his property. True, if the widow was married once again, then her part of the inheritance was given to the children of the deceased ...

At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the archaeologists found items that caused a sensational assumption that humanity is capable of traveling in time.

The lands of the ancient Mesopotamia are located mostly in the territory of Iraq, numerous excavations of the ancient cities continue to be conducted there. In one of these archaeological expeditions, scientists discovered unique crystal lenses. The time of their appearance dates back to five thousand years ago.

John Olrim - an archaeologist who worked in that expedition, found four crystal lenses. However, it was officially announced only about three. Why did the scientist do this? He perfectly realized that the finds would be immediately classified and sent to secret laboratories. Accordingly, all scientific discoveries will be kept secret. It is assumed that the place where the lenses are the Chemical Laboratory of NASA. John Olrim continues for several years to carefully study the lenses found. And finally, after long, painstaking years spent on research, the scientist spoke with a sensational report. Scientists of many countries could not find a rational explanation outlined arguments, namely:

  1. After atomic carbon analysis, it was found that the crystal lens was polished with the most modern method - the carbon compound of radium. This method is designed by scientists just ten years ago. The technology itself is very complex and requires colossal attention, as well as the most modern technical equipment.
  2. Conducting joint studies with the Japanese chemist of Yoka, small notches on the thin sidewall lenses were found. Deciphering the adhesum is not amenable, but the chemist claims that it is nothing more than a sri-code.
  3. During the entire period of research, scientists have noticed a unique property of lenses - self-purification. In the modern scientific world, this is possible only in nanotechnology materials.

In his report, John Olrima suggested that the ancient Sumerians could well have knowledge of contact lenses used today in ophthalmology.
A scientist was asked the question of which is interested in humanity throughout the centuries: "Could the Sumerians move in time in this way?". According to the materials found, it was uniquely accurate answered. But John Olrim believes that such is likely to be based on the knowledge and capabilities of the Sumerians. The disappearance of the civilization of the wise people led to the irrevocable loss of many scientific data ...

There is a hypothesis about the relationship between Egypt and Sumerian civilizations. And the one, and the other appeared with the difference in several centuries, or at the same time - modern science does not give the exact date of the appearance of these nations or any other. In addition to singularity, civilization is associated with some common moments in culture and customs. Similarities can be explained by several theories. The first - Annunaki was bothering to settle with their bioreobot not only Mesopotamia. The second - Sumerians during the heyday were assimilated with many races, mastered new territories, sought to expand their borders, established trade contacts. Perhaps some of them simply migrated to the territory of modern Egypt, and this should be a very enlightened part, which owns the most diverse knowledge in various spheres of human activity. And the third option - the similarity of the environmental conditions spawned a lot of identical crafts, although it explains the similarity of religions, worldview and other things is incomprehensible.

In favor of the first theory, the appearance of Maya civilization in another part of the world is about the same period of time. We note that all three peoples have been developed for construction, there were general features in religions, astronomy was developed, and all three civilizations were constantly engaged in the construction of leaving trapezoidal buildings. True, the pyramids were characteristic of Egypt, and for the same Sumerians - zigkurats. As an option, some kind of nationality, leaving its places (residents of Atlantis Lee, or the other, in general, unknown to our time), for example, because of the global natural disaster like a flood, dispersed all over the world. It would explain the emergence of civilization in such obviously deaf places like the Jungle Amazon ...

Time erased memory sumera From annals history. They do not say anything about Egypt's papyrus the times of the ancient kingdom, whose age has more than four thousand years. And even more so there is nothing in the chronicles of ancient Greece and Rome, whose culture is much younger. The Bible mentions the ancient city of ure, but not a word about the mysterious Sumerian people. Speaking about the focus of civilization, which arose in the valleys of rivers Tiger and Euphrates, scientists meant, above all, the Babylon-Assyrian cultural community of people. And only in the mid-19th century, the sensational excavations of scientists have proven that there were more ancient states in the territory of the two-region, whose age consists of about six thousand years. So for the first time it became known about the great Civilization of Sumerians. It is from them that Babylon and Assyria inherited their wisdom. Judge for yourself…

Nineve, as part of Mesopotamia, has always attracted historians and travelers. But over the centuries, Islam ruled here, and it was impossible to get into this area for the excavation. Therefore, curiosity had to be moved away, and be content with those crumbles of knowledge that researchers were provided by the Greeks and Romans. By the way, if you could get into Mesopotamia about 500 years ago, I would be much more well before. The coordinates of the ancient cities were described in the works of Arab researchers who were kept in local libraries, and which were used in their time ancient European scientists and writers.

Nineveh in 612 BC, the troops destroyed the troops of the King Midda, who hated the Assyrian civilization and everything that was connected with it. In an effort to destroy even the memory of Assyria, the mussel troops destroyed all the little, which remained by the time from Sumerian civilization. Scientists of the Middle Ages, seeking to know the past, even in dreams seen a fairy-tale ninevia, buried under the layers of sand and clay. True, the search most often led in the wrong direction, and only some guessed that it was necessary to dig near Mosul. And they helped them almost an unknown Italian merchant from Naples Pietro Valle's business. In 1616, he to drown out flour from the loss of the bride, which was married to another, went to the east. For three years he traveled in Persia, and all this time described all his discoveries and finds in a three-volume. It was he who gave information about the ruins, for which they subsequently identify Babylon and Persepol. And it was he who first sketched incomprehensible signs found by him on bricks. With an amazing mistake for a simple merchant, he suggested that it was not drawings, as many openers believed before him, and not traces from the Demon claws, as Arabs argued, but writing. Where to read from left to right. It was his sketches from the journey for two hundred years that European scientists were investigated, trying to decipher wedge-shaped letters. And only two hundred years later, the clinp was decrypted, and at the same time began excavations in Northern Mesopotamia.

In 1843, Paul Emil Bott came closely engaged in the study of the town called Dir Cherryukin, which in the modern world it was called Horsarbad, and the find began to be accomplished alone by one another, hitting the cultural world with new information about the most ancient settlements.

Following the French in Mesopotamia, British researchers, who also wanted to get at least part of the oldest wealth and testimonies of incomprehensible culture in their museums and treasures. Sir Austin Henry Layard in 1847 was chosen for excavations a place just ten kilometers downstream the Tiger River from the French camp. It was he who was lucky to dig a legendary Nineveau.

For several centuries, starting from about 800 to our era, it was the Assyrian capital, in which such famous history of the kings, like Ashurbanipal and Sennakhirib ruled. Many people remember that it was Ashurbanipal who organized the famous Kuyundzhik library, where more than three hundred thousand clinies were kept ...

Proving the existence of a language, third-party to other language groups, it was not only difficult, but also practically impossible. However, fortunately for descendants, linguists coped with this task and opened the existence of Sumerian civilization to the world.

More than two hundred years, scientists have begged over the label decoding on the table, made in three languages. At the end of the eighteenth century, mysterious clinies were for the convenience of broken into three classes. To the first, the signs denoted by the alphabet, to the second - syllables and the third - ideographic signs. Such a division came up with the Danish explorer of the clinopy friedrich Christians Munter. However, such a classification still did not help him read mysterious letters. Persepolic signs managed to decipher the Latin and Greek teacher GTRTefore. Funny prehistory associated with this stunning discovery for the entire scientist world. What was beyond the scrupulous researchers was easily desired to win a dispute. It was the excitement that allegedly made the Grothende bend on the mortgage that in the shortest possible time would solve the most difficult problem for the whole scientist. A modest teacher, a lover of Rus and Sharad, making the discovery, reasoned like this: class 1 column is an alphabet of 40 letters. The whole course of his logical reasoning is unlikely even the teacher himself could reproduce. But what happened in the end. It turned out that predecessors were mistaken, translating one of the phrases as "king of kings." The phrase was much easier and denoted just the "king", and before that word was the name of the ruler.

Happened: Xerxes, King Great, King Kings, Daria, Tsar, Son, Aheminid....

First stage. Approximately 4000-3500 year BC - the arrival of Schmers to Mesopotamia. It was still not clear whether there was already a highly developed civilization at that time, or Sumerians brought all knowledge with them, but it was from this moment that the reference point begins for research on all modern scientists. The construction of pyramids, temples, zikkurats begins, science develops, the first mathematical, physical, chemical and other discoveries are made.

Second phase. 3500 - 3000 years BC. At this time there are growing cities, the country expands its borders, trade is developing, it is invented by cliff, Sumerians tend to some world, for which there is a mutually beneficial trade and political alliance between cities. Schmers settlements appear in Iran, Northern Mesopotamia, Syria, perhaps in Egypt. By the way, surprisingly, the Sumerians traded with such countries to which, as previously thought, was not available at that time, there was nothing to get on the lack of compass and alternative means to identify the parties to the Light. Meanwhile, Sumerians traded with some countries of Africa, Asia and Europe, from where, for example, cedar brought.

Third stage. 3000-2300 year BC. Completion of expansion, because of which the Sumer returns to the same borders. Contacts are being established between the Northern and South Sumer. As in any civilization, the strengthening of the power of religious institutions begins. It is at this time that the first religious dogmas and literary texts are recorded. At the same time, attempts to form the religious power, as a separate structure, occur. Akkadian begins to displace the original Sumerian adverb. At about this period, the Babylonian tower is built, maybe it happened that the disappearance of not only the language, but also the builders themselves, accidentally coincided. Due to the arrival of Akkadov ...

Stone Age, Fourth Millennium BC, People Wire Stone Instruments, have the most primitive skills, almost zero skills and the most barbaric knowledge of the world around. Live either right in the open sky, or in dwellings like earthlings. Neither onions, nor swords, nor vessels, nor jewelry, no pyramids, no kings, no furniture - there was nothing of this sketching at that time, and it could not arise, given the stage of human evolution.

So it seemed a scientist for a long time until a civilization of the Sumerians was opened, which was its existence of a real existence among scientists of the minds. A large-scale shock was so much great that few people wanted to believe in the reality of the Sumerians until the facts were too much. What was so struck and continues to strike the most enlightened minds of humanity?

Judging by the finds found in the cities of the Sumerians, they were inventors almost all that we use to this day. In principle, historians and literary publishers have long time to rewrite the story, because much, which was attributed to other peoples, was invented by the mysterious superimile. Sumerians came, and from nowhere in the way there were whole cities with huge pyramids, zikcrats, real smooth roads covered with a substance, similar in composition with modern asphalt.

So, six thousand years ago, the incomprehensible civilization, whether herself could not be, the fact that at that time could not yet be either took advantage of more ancient inventions, and, it means, all our ideas about this stage of development of our planet are not correct. That's the little that they knew how and what the Sumerians used: ...

But where is this mystical island? It is only known that they appeared already as a fully established community, with their tongue, culture, writing. Schumer language is unique. It does not have annals, common roots with any of the ancient and modern languages. Attempts to scholars to choose them "Rodney" have not yet been crowned with success. "Chernogolovaya" - called themselves the Sumerians, emphasizing the difference from the root inhabitants of Mesopotamia lands.

The oldest tribes that inhabited these lands were mainly in cattle breeding. Earth treatment was difficult to be hot and dry climates, stormy and absolutely unpredictable spills of rivers. Therefore, farming was in the infancy. And only the arrival of Sumerov gives him a powerful push. They begin to irrigate the Earth and build irrigation facilities. The lands of Mesopotamia are completely devoid of forests, stone, minerals, and Sumerians effectively use what is in abundance - clay and brick. They build houses from clay bricks, covering them with reeds, temples and public structures are erected. From clay, they make dishes and other utensils; Numerous clay plates used for writing and image application. Sumerians created the form of writing - Floine. With the arrival of Sumerov, lively trade begins. Severe and sea trading paths appear. It is the Sumerians that attribute the construction of the first ships.

The word dinigir consists of three parts. The first part is di, translated from Tatar means "say". The second part is NIG, translates as "essence", "base". The third part is IR is a "husband." All together sounds "talking male start" or "talking the essence of her husband." Whatever religion we did not appear, the moments are described everywhere when the deity refers to a chosen person. At the same time, the person is not given to see God, he can only hear that God says to him.

The divine pantheon of Sumerov was not limited to one deity. The narratives set forth on clay signs describe God Dimuzi. God who is mortal. Every year he dies, and then born again. Ancient Suchmers associated natural cycles of the awakening of nature precisely with this deity ...

Where could the first civilization be born? Some consider the land of Sennar (Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia), which is located in the valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates. In antiquity and called this land "House of two rivers" - Bit-Nakhrein, Greeks - Mesopotamia, other peoples - Mezhdrachy or Twire. The Tiger River originates in the Armenian Mountains, south of the Van Lake, the origins of Euphrates lie east of Erzemum, at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. Tiger and Euphrates tied Mesopotamia with Urartua (Armenia), Iran, Malaya Asia, Syria. Residents of Southern Mesopotamia called themselves the "people of Sumer". It was found that the Sumer was located in the south of the twoness (south of today's Baghdad), Akkad occupied the middle part of the country. The border between Sumer and Akkad took place just above the city of Nippura.

According to the climatic conditions of Akkad closer to Assyria. The climate was more severe. Suchmers appeared in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates - around the IV Millennium BC. e. Who they were so and from where they came, despite the many years of stubborn searches, it is difficult to say exactly. "A place of the appearance of mankind, Sumerians considered the country Dilmun, corresponding to our time of Bahrain's Islands in the Persian Gulf, writes I.Kanaeva. - Archaeological data make it possible to trace the connection of the Sumerians with the territory of the ancient Elama, as well as with the cultures of the northern two-frequencies. "

Antique authors often talked about Egypt, but about Sumer, Sumera and Sumerian civilization there are no information. Sumerian language is peculiar and completely unlike the Semitic languages, which during his appearance was not at all. He is far from developed Indo-European languages. Sumerians are not seven. Their writing and language (the name of writing in 1700 gave Professor Oxford University T.Khaid) is not related to the seven-Khamita ethno-speaking group. After the decryption of the Sumerian language at the end of the XIX century, the Scumer's country traditionally began to bind the name in the Bible the name of this country - SIN, AR.

To this day it is unclear what the reason for the appearance in those areas of the Sumerians is a global flood or anything else ... Science recognizes that Sumerians are most likely not the first settlers of the central and southern two-frequencies. On the territory of the southern two-frequencies, the Sumerians appeared not later than the IV millennium BC. e. However, from where they appeared here, unknown. There are a number of hypotheses regarding places from where they could appear. Some believe that it could be the Iranian Highlands, distant mountains of Central Asia () or India. Others see the Caucasian people in Sumera (S. Fisten). Third believe that they are the original residents of the two frequencies (Prankfort). Fourth talked about two waves of the migration of Sumerians from Central Asia or from the Middle East through Central Asia.

Sumerians were developed the very first writing - cylinder. For a very short period of time, she received in their people to such an extent widespread that almost the entire population was competent. Over time, subsequent civilizations used this writing. In the chronicles, Sumerian civilization describes what happened on Earth 400-500 thousand years ago.

Sumerians - were skillful builders. Their architects invented the arch. The material was covered from other countries - the cedar were delivered from Aman, stones for statues from Arabia. They created their letter, an agrotechnical calendar, the world's first fishing, first forest plantation, library catalog, first medical recipes. There are those who believe that their ancient treatises were used by the Bible compilers when writing texts.

Patriarch of modern "world history" V. Maknil believed that the Sumerian written tradition is consistent with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the founders of this civilization came from the south of the sea. They were conquered by the indigenous population, "Chernogolovye people", who were previously lived in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates. They learned how to dry out the swamp and irrigate the earth, because the words of L. TVly are hardly accurate that the two-frequenses used to live in the setting of the Golden Age: "It was a blessed mounted earth. She called, and many responded on her call. "

Although how the legend says here once was Eden. The Book of Genesis indicates its location. Some of the scientists assure that the Gardens of Eden could be in Egypt. In Mesopotam's literature, there is no indication of the traces of the earthly paradise. Others saw him at the origin of the four rivers (Tiger and Euphrates, Fison and Geon). Anti-accesses believed that Paradise is somewhere in the east, maybe somewhere where the Earth converges with heaven. According to Efrem Sirin, Paradise was supposed to be on the island - in the ocean. The ancient Greeks represented the finding "paradise", that is, the posthumous monastery of the righteous, on the islands in the ocean (the so-called islands of blissful).

Plutarchs in life writing Code described them: "They are separated from each other very narrow strait, are in 10,000 stages from the African coast." Here is a favorable climate due to the temperature and lack of sudden changes at all times of the year. Paradise was an earth covered by an evergreen garden. It was so that the image of the land promised, where people are fed and happy, fell in the shade of gardens and cool streams.

Studies of scientists gave food for new guesses and hypotheses. In the 1950s, the expedition of the Danes headed by J. Bibby found on the island of Bahrain traces of the fact that the Pranodina Sumerian civilization was immediately called. Many considered that it was here that the legendary dilmun was located. In fact, after all, such ancient sources as the poem about the adventures of the gods, rewritten in the IV millennium BC. e. With an even more ancient source, it already mentions a certain Arabian country Dilmun.

This "sacred and immaculate country", as can be seen, once was on the island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, as well as on the nearby lands of the Arabian coast. There is no doubt that it was famous for its riches, developed trade, luxury palaces. In the Sumerian poem "Enki and the Universe" also noted as well-known fact that Dilmun's ships were brought to the forest, gold and silver from Melluha (India). It is also said about the mysterious country Magan. Dilmunitsy traded copper, iron, bronze, silver and gold, ivory, pearl, etc. Truly it was a paradise for the rich. Let's say, in the second century BC. e. Greek traveler described Bahrain as a country where "doors, walls and roofs of houses were inlaid by ivory, gold, silver and precious stones." The memory of the amazing world of Arabia remained very long.

As can be seen, this circumstance was caused by the expedition of J. Bibby, who described his Odyssey in the book "In Search of Dilmuna". He found the remains of ancient buildings on the site of the Portuguese fortress. Nearby discovered the sacred well, in which there was a mysterious "throne of God". Then the memory of the sacred throne of Dilmuna passed from the people to the people and from the era to the epoch, finding a reflection in the Bible: "And the Lord gave the Lord Paradise in Eman in the East; And placed the man there, which was created. " So there was a fairy tale of this magic country, where the human expulsion was and, if it took place, of course.

Looking at the lifeless and dead space of two-frequencies, where sandy storms are raging, the bright sun is mercilessly, somehow it is difficult to relate it with a paradise that you should please the gaze of people. Indeed, as I wrote M. Nikolasky, it is not easy to find a more unwriting country (although the climate could be different). For the usual greenery of the Russian and European gaze here, there is nothing to delay the eyes - some deserts, hills, dunes and swamps. Rains are rare. In the spring and summer, the appearance of the bottom Mesopotamia is especially pecked and gloomy, because everyone is tested from the heat. As in the fall and in winter, this region is a sandy desert, but in the spring and summer it turns into a water desert. In early March, the tiger spreads, and in mid-March the Euphrates begins to break. The waters of the flooded rivers are connected, and the country is mostly turning into one solid lake. In the myths of Sumer and Babylonia, this eternal struggle of the elements was reflected.

Many believed that Sumerian culture is a culture of the derivative. Englishman L. Delly, explorer of royal burials in ure, for example, expressed such a hypothesis: "There is no doubt that the Schumerian civilization appeared from the elements of three cultures: El Obeid, Uruk and Gemadded, and finally took shape only after their merger. And from this point on, the inhabitants of the bottom Mesopotamia can be called supervision. Therefore, I think, "wrote L. Delly - that under the name" Summerians "we need to mean the people whose ancestors, each in its own way, was created by the shift, but by the beginning of the dynastic period, individual features merged into one civilization."

At least the origin of the Sumer ("Chernogolov") today remains a mystery in many ways, it is known that in the middle of the IV millennium BC. e. There were settlements - Principality Cities Eredu, Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, Eshnunna, Nineve, Babylon, Ur.

Sumerians were able to create an extensive state with the capital in ure (2112-2015 BC). The kings of the third dynasty did everything possible to lose the gods. The founder of the dynasty, urnamma, participated in the creation of the first codes of ancient two-frequencies. No wonder S. Kramer called him the first "Moses". He became famous for both a wonderful builder, erecting a number of temples and zikkurats. "In the glory of the lords of their Ningal, urnamma, a mighty husband, king Hurray, King Sumer and Akkada, erect this magnificent Gypar." The tower completed sons. In the capital there was a sacred quarter dedicated to the God of the Nanna Luna and his wife Ningal. An ancient city, of course, did not resemble modern cities.

Ur represented an incorrect oval length of just about a kilometer and a width of up to 700 meters. He was surrounded by a wall with a slope of raw bricks (something like a medieval castle), which water was observed from three sides. Inside this space, zigkurat were erected, the tower with the temple. She was called the "heavenly hill" or "the mountain of God". The height of the "Mountain of God", at the top of which there was a temple of Nanna, was 53 meters. By the way, Zikkurat in Babylon ("Babylonian Tower") - a copy of zikkurat in ure. Probably, from all such zigkurats in Iraq, the one that in ure was in the best condition. (The Babylonian tower was destroyed by warriors.) Urine zikcurate represented a temple-observatory. It took 30 million bricks on its manufacture. A little survived from the ancient cheers, the tombs and temples of Ashchura, Assyrian palaces. The fragility of structures is explained by the fact that they were created from clay (in Babylon, two buildings were built from stone).

Externally, the shortcomers differed from the Semitic peoples: there were befelling and insane, and the semites wore long curly beards and hair to the shoulders. Anthropologically, Sumerians refer to a large European divided race with elements of a small Mediterranean race. Part of them came from Scythia (on Rosilson), from the Peninsula of Industan (according to I. Dyakonov, etc.), part of the same - from the island of Dilmun, the current Bahrain, the Caucasus, etc. It is also argued that because the Sumerian legend tells about mixing Languages \u200b\u200band that "In the good old days, they were all in one people and spoke in the same language," it is possible that all nations came out of one historian (superethnos).